hqtbells-blog · 7 years
happy birthday, mr. allen.
TAGGING: Troian Bellisario, Keegan Allen @supitskeegs
LOCATION: Keegan’s home, beach in LA, Troian’s home. Los Angeles, CA.
TIMEFRAME: July 22nd, 2017. Throughout the day.
SUMMARY: Troian + Keegan celebrate Keegan’s 30th birthday, ending it with a bang. ;) (nc-17 near the end!)
Troian twisted her key in Keegan's lock, stepping forward and shutting the door quietly. Since she had been in New York and Palm Springs for the start of the weekend, Keegan had the kids so she didn't have to worry about quieting them. The house was silent and still, so everybody appeared to still be asleep and Troian immediately got to work. It was only seven in the morning and she knew she had about an hour before they rose like clockwork. Pulling down the pans and the batter, Troian lost herself in pancake making and kept her eyes on the clock and her ears tuned to upstairs so she could make sure she didn't miss even a peep of a rustle. When everything was made and orange juice had been poured into a glass, Troian carefully carried the tray up the stairs and glanced her head in to see Sophia standing up in her crib with her blonde curls rumpled and a pacifier in her mouth. Phillip, it appeared, was already creeping out of bed to come see her. "Sh," she placed a finger over her lips and setting the tray down, picked up Sophia. It took some work but all three of them eventually made their way into Keegan's room and Troian grinned. "Go wake Daddy," she whispered to them and set the tray on the bed.
Keegan didn't know what to expect on his birthday but he did know that Troian was going to be coming over and he'd spend it with her and the kids which is all he could ever want. He wasn't big on birthdays, always preferring to give than receive but he had asked fans to donate to his favorite charity and pre-order his book since those were the only things he really wanted. He knew that Troian would be getting him a bunch of things because that's just what she always did and since turning thirty was a big deal, he was just going to accept it and appreciate it. Keegan stirred from sleep that morning when he felt the kids crawling on top of him to wake him up. "Daddy wake up, it's your birthday!" Phillip yelled in his ear and Keegan chuckled. He rolled over to see that Troian was also there which made him smile. "What's all this?" He asked, seeing the pancakes on the tray with juice and coffee. "Thank you, this is great. Are you guys going to eat with me?"
Troian Once seeing Keegan was awake, Troian pulled the tray further over to him so that he could be proportionate to it. "Happy birthday, Keegs," she grinned at him and leaned down to give his kiss a cheek. She watched as both their children clambered up onto the bed and crowded around him, eager to give their dad some attention..and probably eager for him to share in the pancakes. "They're going to help you eat," Troian replied in response to his question. "I've still got some birthday set up to do. So..don't get out of bed and peek. Philly, you're on Daddy duty. Don't let him leave until I say so." Troian narrowed her eyes playfully at Phillip and smiled as he immediately went to go sit on Keegan's feet. "Good boy. Enjoy your breakfast!" Turning around, Troian disappeared out of the bedroom and listened to Phillip and Sophia immediately fill the space she had left with their babbling. Ducking her head down and giving a warm smile at this, Troian continued on with her next mission of the day - spread the presents around Keegan's house. When she was done, and trying not to trip over all of them, she called out, "Okay, you can come out now!"
Keegan smiled when Troian kissed his cheek. "Thank you. And thank you for breakfast," he said, starting to cut up his pancakes. Phillip sat on his feet so that he couldn't get up when Troian said he wasn't allowed to leave until she said so. He chuckled and watched as his kids hounded him, waiting for him to cut all the pancakes so they could have some. He watched as they picked at his plate as he took some himself, smiling and taking a sip of juice as he waited for Troian to finish. He had no idea what she was up to but he knew it was going to be great since it always was. They had demolished the pancakes in record time which made them all laugh and shortly after, he heard Troian say that he could come out now. "Okay, let's go see what Mommy did!" He said, waiting for the kids to get off the bed first before walking out into the hallway. He was then bombarded with so many gifts sporadically around the hallway, going from one to thirty. "Did you really get me thirty presents for turning thirty?!"
Troian had littered the halls with wrapped presents and stacked them up on counters, on the couch, on chairs, on the table..carefully and methodically placing each other so that it was like a trail. If there was one thing Troian had fun with, it was definitely birthdays. She loved to go all out for the people she loved, Keegan especially. He did so much for her so for a chance to return that kindness and put her own Troian twist on it - she lived for seeing his eyes light up as he took it in. With her hands clasped together as she waited for him to come out, Troian grinned as she saw him look around and nodded her head. "I did!" She answered sweetly, a smile on her lips and she slowly backed up so that he could see everything. "Thank God you weren't turning fifty or you would've broken my bank account," she teased and then cocked her head to the side, shrugging shyly. "It's just little things, really. But I hope you like them! Philly helped me pick some stuff out too." She ruffled their son's hair affectionately and pulled him close to her, wrapping her arms around his neck. "So what do you think?" She asked Keegan, smiling at him. "Is it a good birthday so far?"
Keegan was mind blown at how many presents there were and he didn't know where to start. He figured he'd just start opening them from one and see what they were but he couldn't believe Troian had done this for him. "They're all going to be amazing, I don't even have to look at them to know that. You know me so well and this is just...amazing. You do not have to do this for me when I'm fifty," he chuckled while shaking his head. He smiled when she said Phillip had helped him, looking at the big grin on his face. "It's an incredible birthday so far and I've only been up an hour, thank you," he said. Keegan then started going through every present which took some time, getting more and more excited as he got through them all. Troian really went overboard in the best way possible and it made him fall in love with her even more. "Thank you so much. For all of this," he said before wrapping his arms around her and hugging her tightly.
Troian waved off Keegan's thanks and instead, sat down on the couch with the kids and watched as Keegan moved throughout the house and opened his presents. Most of them /were/ small. She figured the highest she had gone was to donate to his charity, and that was obviously for a worthy cause. It was mostly food and clothes, little diy stuff she had put together over the past week..a few drunk items she had ordered in Palm Springs..but she hoped Keegan liked all of them. When he was done, Troian stood up and accepted his hug gratefully. "Mm, you're welcome," she murmured into his hair and gave him an affectionate kiss on the side of his head before pulling back. "You deserve it, Keegs, really. I just want you to have the best day today so whatever the birthday boy wants, he gets." She didn't know of his plans for the day but if he wanted to hang out with her, she was going to cling to him like a koala. If he wanted to hang out with friends, she'd clear out and find him later. She /had/ promised him birthday sex, after all.
Keegan buried his face in the crook of Troian's neck, smiling as she kissed the side of his head. "It's already been the best day," he told her honestly. She had gone above and beyond and he was still speechless. "I want to spend the rest of the day with you guys. Maybe we can go to the beach or something, then my mom can watch the kids," he said while smirking. He had two gifts that were related to him getting birthday sex and he definitely wasn't going to take that lightly. He wanted it badly already but knew they'd have to behave as long as the kids were around. "So let me put all these gifts in my room and then we can get ready to go to the beach," he said while smiling. He went into his room and smiled softly to himself, still in shock that Troian had gotten him so many things. She even donated to his charity which is what he wanted most, knowing she'd pay attention to that. Putting on his bathing suit, Keegan grabbed a hat and put it on his head before going into the kids rooms so that he could help Troian get them ready too.
Troian hadn't brought a swimsuit over but if Keegan wanted to go to the beach, then they'd go to the beach. "Okay, we'll have to stop by my place too," she called out after him. While he was getting ready, Troian organized. It was a little bit like Christmas morning - she moved around the house picking up wrapping paper and bows and threw it all away before hoisting Sophia up on her hip. "Alright. C'mon, let's get dressed. We're going to the beach!" She led the two of them into their rooms and after instructing Phillip to pick out his trunks, Troian was in the middle of tugging Sophia's swimsuit over her when Keegan joined them. "If you wanna help Philly, that'd be great and then we can go," she smiled. She adjusted the material on Sophia and tied her hair into a ponytail before cupping her cheeks. "So cute," she smiled at her daughter and picked her up again to go downstairs. "We'll be by the car!" It wouldn't take long for Troian to get changed and she just needed her swimsuit and her sunblock.
Keegan nodded, knowing that Troian didn't bring a bathing suit so she'd have to get the proper things and change so that she'd be ready to go to the beach. Luckily they didn't live far from one another so that wouldn't be a problem. He helped Phillip into his bathing suit and put a tank top on him before putting his sandals on him and getting him all set. He ruffled Phillip's hair before grabbing his hand and leading the way to the car where Troian and Sophia were already waiting. He got Phillip into his car seat and then got in the driver's seat, driving to Troian's house. Once they got there, Keegan waited with the kids, talking about everything and anything while Troian changed and then made their way to the Santa Monica Pier. Keegan loved coming here and couldn't think of a better way to spend his birthday with the most important people. "I think my mom is going to meet us here too, she's out with friends right now though."
Troian was in the middle of buckling up Sophia when Phillip and Keegan joined them. Smiling, she let Keegan take the reins with their son and then got into the passenger seat so that she could sit back and relax while he drove to her house. Like she predicted, it didn't take long for her to change and Troian was tying up her bikini top and slipping a blue sundress over her figure before grabbing a beach bag and heading back out. "I've got shovels and buckets and sunblock and towels and.." She trailed off, sliding some sunglasses over her eyes. "Sunglasses. Very important." She twisted around in her seat to check on Phillip and Sophia before settling back as Keegan drove them over to the pier. It was beautiful weather out and when he said that Mama Allen was joining him, Troian was excited. "Yay!" She clapped her hands lightly. "She can help me spoil you." Grinning at Keegan, Troian turned up the radio as he continued driving them over to the parking lot.
Keegan chuckled when Troian came out of her house with so many things for the kids to play with, knowing it would keep them occupied while at the beach. "Sunglasses are definitely important," he said, gesturing to his own that he was wearing. Smiling and nodding when Troian said that his mom could spoil him too, he chuckled. "I'm definitely going to be incredibly spoiled between the two of you. You've already spoiled me enough for two birthdays," he said to Troian while smiling. Once he found a spot close to the beach, Keegan parked and got out, grabbing the stuff Troian had brought and holding out his hand for Sophia to take while Troian grabbed Phillip. They found a nice, empty spot on the beach and Keegan put a few towels down so that the kids could sit and start playing with their buckets and shovels in the sand. He took a seat and patted the spot next to him for Troian and grabbed the sun tan lotion. "Impressed I remembered?" He teased before starting to put it on the kids immediately.
Troian When they arrived at the beach, the two immediately sprung into superhero!parents action. Keegan had Sophia, Troian had Phillip, and she thought they made the worlds cutest picture of a family as they walked down to a spot on the beach. It was only mildly crowded for being a weekend, and Troian reached into her bag for the lotion but Keegan beat her to the chase. She arched a brow, amused. "So impressed," she laughed and reached over to playfully pat at his cheek. "You really /are/ growing up, Keegs." Dabbing the white cream on Phillip's shoulders and back, Troian patted his butt playfully when she was finished and watched him immediately launch into lumping piles of sand together with his shovel. Smiling, she turned to Keegan and pulled her hair into a messy bun before patting her own back and shoulders. "Lotion me, sir."
Keegan smirked when Troian patted his cheek, rolling his eyes playfully. "I guess I am, maybe all it took was turning thirty to grow up some," he teased. Once Phillip and Sophia started playing, Keegan put the sun tan lotion on Troian's back and shoulders, rubbing it in more than he had to just so that he could be touching her. Once he was finished, Keegan handed her the bottle so she could do the same to him, staring out into the ocean and watching the waves. When Troian was done, Keegan grabbed his camera and started taking some pictures of the beach, enjoying the nice family day they were having. A little while later his mom found them and he got up to hug her tightly as she wished him a happy birthday. "Thanks mom," he said, kissing her cheek before sitting back down on the blanket.
Troian smiled to herself as she felt Keegan's fingers leisurely taking their time to rub over her back. She knew what he was doing, but she didn't mind it one bit. Biting her lip when he was done, Troian turned around and silently took the bottle from him. He didn't even have to ask. Squirting a dollop of the cream into her palm, Troian rubbed it together and then began to smooth it over the broad expanse of his shoulders and back, taking the seconds she had greedily by pressing her fingers into his skin and letting her hands drift to not necessarily where he needed to be covered. Once she was done with his neck, she finished up herself by getting her arms, chest, and legs and then stretched out on the blanket with her eyes closed and listened to the sounds of her children playing, the waves crashing, and the shutter of Keegan's camera. It wasn't until she heard Joan's voice that she sat up and shaded her eyes, smiling at her honorary mother. "Hey," she greeted with a smile and reached out to hug her. Phillip ran up, and Troian went to give him more sunscreen but he immediately protested, claiming he could do it himself and Troian shook her head. "Getting waaay too independent for us," she told Keegan with an amused smile.
Keegan chuckled when Phillip insisted that he could put on the sunscreen himself, watching amusingly as he watched his son try to do that. "I see that, wow. You wanna move out soon, buddy?" He teased his son who was squirting the lotion and putting it all over his face. Of course he had three times the amount he actually needed and when he realized that he didn't want to do it anymore, he pleaded for help from his mom which she was happy to do. Chuckling and shaking his head, Keegan started playing in the sand with Sophia who also wanted to do it herself, but Keegan ignored it. "You're not going to let Daddy play with you? On his birthday?" He asked and Sophia gave in and handed him a shovel. "Thank you princess," he said before helping her with her sand castles. It was his job to get some water to put on the sand so Keegan kept going to the ocean and back, Phillip eventually joining in to help them.
Troian watched all of this go down with a smile, exchanging glances with Joan. Her elbows were propped up on the towel and she felt too content to move, happy to just watch and observe her little family in action. It was nice to be together, all of them, and Troian took out her phone to capture some moments herself. She was busy taking them in when she felt Joan sit next to her and immediately put her phone away, not wanting to be rude and wanting to give the older woman all of her attention. The two of them chatted about anything and everything, Troian filling her in on Feed and what she had done for Keegan's birthday, Joan updating her on her travels and friends, and when the conversation died to a lull, Troian stood up and padded over to where Keegan was sitting, his hands patting at the sand. "Hello children," she announced and bent down to look at the sandcastle. "10/10," she judged and gave a thumbs up. "Anyone wanna go join me in the water?"
Keegan smiled and chuckled when Troian greeted them, judging the sandcastle they had created. Keegan took a picture of Phillip and Sophia standing next to it before standing up to go in the water with Troian. The kids didn't want any part of it so Keegan figured his mom would watch them while he went down to the shore with Troian. He grabbed her hand and smiled once the water hit his feet, a little chilly at first so he stayed put and gave his body some time to get used to it. "This is nice, isn't it?" He said as he swung their arms gently as they moved a little closer towards the water. He couldn't remember the last time they truly had a family beach day and Keegan was glad that it was the perfect excuse to have one on his birthday. It had been a great day so far but he couldn't wait until later so that he could have Troian to himself. "As much as I love us spending time with the kids together, I'm pretty excited about later on when we'll be alone," he smiled.
Troian pouted a little when she got denied her entire brood down by the water, but reached for Keegan's hand anyways. It wouldn't hurt for them to spend a few minutes alone, anyways. They hadn't had a chance to all morning and Troian had yet to deliver one thing Keegan especially deserved on this day. Her fingers stroking his wrist as he guided her towards the water, Troian moved in closer so that she could wrap an arm around his waist and then leaned her head up on his chest. "So nice," she smiled up at him and was pleased to see the genuine happiness on his face. All she ever wanted was for Keegan to be happy and right now, she felt like she had succeeded. So not even caring that they were on a public beach, with his mother a few feet away, Troian leaned up on her toes to wrap her arms around Keegan's neck and gave him a birthday kiss. When she pulled back, she was beaming and she tapped his bottom lip that had previously been trapped in between hers. "Happy birthday," she told him with her eyes bright. "I'm excited too. I can't wait to be alone with you and make you feel good, Keegs. You deserve it."
Keegan felt Troian wrap her arms around his neck, leaning up to kiss him which he returned wholeheartedly while resting his hands on her hips. He continued kissing her and moaned softly against her mouth before she pulled away, slowly catching his breath once she tapped his bottom lip. "Thank you," he breathed out. "What a nice birthday kiss," he added while smirking. "If that's just a taste of what I'll get later on, I know I'll be a happy man," he said before winking at Troian. He pulled her further into the water, now up to his knees so that they could get wet while they were down here. Keegan was used to swimming in the ocean but he knew Troian wasn't, so he didn't want to push her to go in fully until she was ready. "I can't wait for that either," he said while smiling. Now that they were both in the water, Keegan started swimming around peacefully, getting his hair wet and running his hands through it afterwards. "Now I'm cool," he said while smiling, the sun pretty strong when just laying out.
Troian couldn't help the blush that spread over her cheeks at Keegan's words. It was ridiculous, really. She had known him for how long and she was how old and she still got weak in the knees when he flirted with her. Pressing her lips together to suppress a smile, Troian allowed herself to be pulled along and swayed slightly as the surf came up to her knees. It reminded her of when she was younger and would go out as deep as she felt comfortable doing, letting the waves rock her to and fro. It always left her feeling that phantom sensation of still being rocked when she went home but it was comforting when nature worked with you and not against you. She glided her hands through the water and watched as Keegan swam, content to let him do his own thing. She liked the water and everything but she hadn't surfed since their trip to Hawaii ages ago, and she wasn't as comfortable being that deep out yet. When he came back to her, she waited until his hands had left his hair before grinning and slapping the water with her hands, towards his face. "Just helping you cool down some more," she told him innocently, grinning and biting her lip.
Keegan was running his hands through his wet hair when Troian started pushing water into his face. "Hey! That's mean," he said, wiping his face as he kept his eyes shut. "Oh, thank you. So nice of you," he said while rolling his eyes playfully. "I'm good for now, we can go back to our spot and just chill with the kids and my mom," he smiled, holding her hand as they did just that. Once the kids started getting restless and bored with what they were doing, Keegan figured it was a good time to pack everything up and head home. At least once they were all home, Keegan and Troian could do whatever they wanted and spend the rest of their night together without having to worry about the kids. He wasn't sure how they'd make it work, if they went to Troian's place or somewhere else but for now Keegan was focused on getting the kids back in the car. When they got back to his place, Keegan knew the best thing to do was get them in the bath and put their pajamas on so they'd be all set with his mom for the rest of the night.
Troian just stepped back with the most sweet expression she could muster. She took his hand, jumping slightly over the waves and laughing at this made her stumble next to him. The sun was beginning to get to her - she felt sleepy and relaxed, content to just snuggle up to him and close her eyes. And that was what she did; while Keegan and his mom played and talked, Troian took a little cat nap on the beach. When she woke, she helped pack up and then the ride to Keegan's house went just as peacefully. She couldn't help the looks she tossed Keegan as he drove, smiling when he connected eyes with her and then bit her lip as she stared out the window. Joan quickly followed in after them and Troian entertained her downstairs while Keegan prepped the kids, talking and laughing about early Keegan birthday memories. Finishing up showing her the little popsicles that had fun things to do on them, Troian glanced up as Keegan carried Phillip and Sophia down. "Bye guys," she kissed their heads and smiled at Joan. "Be good for Grandma, okay? We'll see you soon." She knew her and Keegan had a wedding to fly to tomorrow, so they wouldn't see them until Monday.
Keegan got Phillip and Sophia ready so that they'd be relaxing for the rest of the night, assuming they'd watch movies and do little things with his mom. He carried them downstairs and said goodbye to them, Troian doing the same before hugging his mom goodbye too. Once they left his house, Keegan wasn't exactly sure where they would be going but he had a feeling they'd end up at Troian's place at some point so that she could give him the birthday sex she had been teasing ever since including it in two of his gifts. "So..." He trailed off before grinning up at Troian. "What's next?" He asked her. Now that it was just the two of them, Keegan was up for doing everything and anything with Troian but he didn't know where to start. "I mean we could just go back to your place and have sex all night, I wouldn't complain about that one bit..." He said, slightly teasing.
Troian waved her hand one last time to say goodbye and when the door was shut, grinned as Keegan immediately turned around and looked excited. Bless him, he was ready for his favorite present of all. "I don't have to go anywhere," she chuckled and motioned to the present that the new lingerie she had bought still tucked in. She hadn't even take the tags off yet. "Just..get comfortable, Keegs." Stepping forward, Troian pressed her lips gently against his and rested her hand on his chest. "I'm going to make myself pretty." Pulling away, she pressed her lips together and smiled at him before picking up the clothes and walking up the stairs to go into his bathroom. It didn't take her long to changed - she slipped easily into the red lace, it was just quickly straightening her hair that took the most time. Applying a coat of red lipstick over her lips, Troian was finally pleased with her reflection after a few more seconds of fussing and then leaned down to slip on her heels. She didn't want Keegan to be waiting too long - she was sure the anticipation was already killing him. "Ready, birthday boy?" She peeked her head down the stairs and grinned at him.
Troian waved her hand one last time to say goodbye, discreetly picking up the present that had her lingerie, and when the door was shut, grinned at Keegan. "Let's go back to my place," she told him. She took him by the hand and dragged him towards her car, smiling with the promise of what was to come. Luckily the ride didn't take long and when she and Keegan went through her front doors, she immediately pulled him into a kiss. She wanted this night to be special for him and she wanted to start the mood off right. Her fingers threading his still blonde hair, Troian tugged lightly and angled his face towards her so that she could kiss him deeper. "I just need to change," she breathed against his lips and her hands slid down his chest before resting at his groin. "Get comfortable." Pointing to the couch, Troian bit her lip and smiled at him before going up her stairs and disappearing into her bathroom. It didn't take her long to changed - she slipped easily into the red lace, it was just quickly straightening her hair that took the most time. Applying a coat of red lipstick over her lips, Troian was finally pleased with her reflection after a few more seconds of fussing and then leaned down to slip on her heels. She didn't want Keegan to be waiting too long - she was sure the anticipation was already killing him. "Ready, birthday boy?" She peeked her head down the stairs and grinned at him.
Keegan smiled when Troian decided they'd just go back to her place, perfectly okay with that. Once they got there, Keegan followed her to the front door only to be pulled into a kiss, one he returned immediately. He moaned as she started moving her fingers through his hair, still kissing her passionately until she pulled away to go change. "You always do this to me. Leave me breathless," he whispered before watching her go up the stairs. He got comfortable on the couch like she told him to and couldn't help but smirk as he sat down. He felt like a frat boy who was about to get some amazing sex and it made him feel giddy on the inside. It felt like Troian was taking forever even if she probably wasn't and finally he heard her ask if he was ready. "Definitely," he said, smiling up at Troian who was at the top of the stairs. He couldn't really see her in the lingerie yet but he couldn't wait for her to reveal herself, knowing she was going to look amazing.
Troian felt a stirring of butterflies in her stomach as Keegan called back out to her. Inhaling and then exhaling to calm those damn winged beasts, Troian ran her fingers through her hair and swept her bangs to the side before she descended down the stairs. She had kept it as simple as possible - they didn't really need frills or fuss. But she knew red was his favorite color ("the color of /power/, Troian") and she knew heels made her ridiculously long legs look even longer so she was hoping for a look of awe on his face. When she rounded the corner and walked towards him, Troian bit her lip as she stopped in front of him. She had set a box of cupcakes on the living room table and kneeling down, she pulled out one and stood in between Keegan's legs, nudging them apart as she dipped her finger in the frosting and licked it off. "Happy birthday, Mr. Allen," she told him softly and with frosting still on her lips, Troian leaned down to kiss him. "I hope you like unwrapping this present."
Keegan heard Troian coming down the stairs, his heart pounding in his chest. He and Troian had had sex plenty of times but for some reason this felt like they were having sex for the first time. Maybe it was just the anticipation of it all, knowing his nerves would go away once they started making out but right now Keegan was internally panicking hardcore. When she opened a box of cupcakes and took one to bring over to him, Keegan was speechless. He swallowed the lump in his throat and stared at Troian intently, giving her a look head to toe. She looked incredible, just like he knew she would, and it was mind blowing to him that this was his present. Smirking as she placed the frosting on her lips and spoke, Keegan cleared his throat. "I think I'll enjoy it very much. Thank you," he said, leaning in to kiss her and taste the frosting on her lips. "I do recall telling you that I did want you to sing to me though...that should happen first, shouldn't it?"
Troian licked the remaining bits of frosting off that Keegan hadn't been able to chase away with her tongue and she laughed, ducking her head as a soft pink flush spread across her cheeks. "Only because it's your birthday," she teased. Troian rarely sang around other people, a little self-conscious of her voice even still, but she wanted to make him happy so she'd do it. Clearing her throat and settling on his lap, Troian brushed her fingers through his hair and began to softly croon, "Happy birthday to you.." Her voice grew raspier and raspier as she reached the end of the song, her eyes never leaving his and heat surged in between her legs at the fierce look on his face when she finished. "-happy birthday to you." Leaning forward, Troian kissed him and without breaking the kiss, reached down to tug off his shirt and pull over his head. She pulled away with a slight gasp, her fingers trembling as she dipped them in the frosting again and as best she could, spread a line over his neck and collarbone so that she could kiss, lick, and suck it clean off him. Her hips grinded slightly into his and she flicked her tongue over his pulse spot, sucking at the skin lightly as her hands did double work in trailing down his chest and playing with the zipper of his pants. "Unwrap me," she whispered into his ear.
Keegan absolutely adored Troian's singing voice and even if she wasn't comfortable with it, he appreciated that she still sang for him. He voice always got so raspy when she sang and Keegan found it beyond sexy, enjoying this whole thing happening right now. When she kissed him and started taking his shirt off, Keegan moaned against her mouth and started panting heavily when she pulled away to get more frosting off the cupcake, putting it on his collarbone. "Shouldn't I be doing this to you? It's my birthday after all," he teased, swiping his finger into the frosting and placing some on her chest, licking and kissing it off. He leaned his head back in pleasure when Troian started sucking on pulsepoint, their hips moving against one another which made him moan. When she told him to unwrap her, whispering in his ear, Keegan felt a throbbing in cock at the movement and did as he was told. He moved his hands all over the lingerie, giving it a good feel before starting to take it off. He started with the bra, unclasping it slowly and tossing it to the floor before burying his face in her breasts, grazing his teeth against one nipple gently.
Troian was trying to not feel guilty about being the one to receive all the pleasure, but it felt so /good/. Her eyes fluttered closed as Keegan's mouth enclosed around her nipple and sucked it between his teeth. "Keegs," she whispered. Her hands moved from his shoulders back to his hair and she tangled her fingers in it greedily, unable to help herself from tugging at it as his lips moved wetly down her chest. Her stomach muscles clenched and unclenched at each movement he made and Troian could feel herself soaking, could bet that even Keegan felt it against his pants which were still on. He always made her impossibly wet and she couldn't find it in herself to feel ashamed by this fact. As he continued kissing down her chest, Troian moved her hand into his pants and through the flap of his boxers, wrapping her small hand around his thick cock and smiling at him. "Keep going," she instructed him and began to pump tortuously slow. She wanted to build him up to the highest form of pleasure and she knew slow and steady would win the race. Her fingers wrapped around his pulsing head and using his pre-cum, she slicked him up and pushed her hips harder into his.
Keegan realized that either way they could make an argument about who should be doing what because of his birthday. She was kissing him and licking frosting off of him to give him pleasure but Keegan also wanted to do that to Troian for his birthday to enjoy himself. Either way, he knew both would happen so he was just going to let it flow and see how things happened. He continued pressing his lips against Troian's chest, using his tongue on both of her breasts to enhance the pleasure she was getting. Keegan stopped abruptly when he felt Troian's hand in his pants, continuing once he realized she was grabbing it and moving her hand while he continued what he was doing. She was going at a slow pace but Keegan kept kissing down Troian's torso, focusing on her abs and biting playfully at her skin.
Troian realized the fatal flaw in Keegan's lips on her skin when she was trying to concentrate on something - it made her too hard to do it. He knew this was her weakness and the bastard was using it against her. Exhaling shakily, Troian moved her free hand to rest on top of his head as he nipped at her skin and when he bit, she lost it. "Fuck," she cursed with a small yelp and her body jerked against his. Her hand tightened around his cock and her eyes narrowing, Troian glared playfully at Keegan before moving to her knees and roughly pushing his legs open. She tugged the rest of his pants off and moved her hand against him, going faster now and squeezing more purposefully. With her eyes trained on him, Troian reached over and spread the last remainders of the frosting around his swollen head and then sucked him into her mouth, her fingers moving up and down in rhythm with her tongue swirling the sweetness of him. Troian moaned at the taste and she dug her nails lightly into his knee.
Keegan groaned softly when Troian squeezed her hand against his cock after he bit her, smirking at how determined she was to gain control again. He liked this back and forth game they were playing and it brought out Troian's dominant side which was always a plus. She tugged off his pants and started moving her hand against him quicker, squeezing his cock more frequently which was definitely to get a rise out of him. Not being able to focus on touching Troian in any way at this point, Keegan leaned back and watched as Troian put the frosting on his sensitive head, starting to lick it off and suck on it which made him moan. "Oh fuck," he moaned out, squeezing his eyes shut in pleasure. He bucked his hips at the feeling and arched his back, letting out another pleasurable sound.
Troian With the way Keegan was bucking his hips towards her, Troian was only encouraged to take him deeper into her throat. Her hand smoothed up his thigh and over his groin, tickling the little hairs there and then she glanced up at him before moving her free hand down to massage the one area that she had been neglecting to give attention to. She remembered how much he liked it, how sensitive they could be, and her trimmed nails lightly grazed his balls as she stroked the underside of him with her tongue moving up his cock in the same exact motion. She had licked him completely clean - only a small spot of frosting resided on the corner of her mouth and her tongue darted out to lick it off, Troian grinning at Keegan as she did so and then her tongue moved to pull him into her mouth, sucking on the sac lightly as she stared up at him with her wide brown eyes. When she finally pulled away, she leaned forward and kissed along his jawline. "You going to fuck me on the couch or in your bed, baby?" She smiled at him.
Keegan bit down on his bottom lip while jolting slightly as Troian placed her hand on his groin. "That tickles," he said, giggling softly at the motion. It was one of his very ticklish spots and Troian knew that, figuring she was using it against him. Thankfully she had made up for it by focusing on his balls, something he enjoyed very much and he leaned back in pleasure while moaning as she took good care of them, doing everything that felt amazing. "Fuck," he whispered, pursing his lips and arching his back as she continued moving her mouth along his balls. He was getting closer to his orgasm but then Troian pulled away and started kissing his jawline, causing him to hum softly. "Well it's your bed, but I'm glad you see it as mine too," he teased. "Lets go up there," he said, picking Troian up and carrying her up the stairs and to her bedroom, resting her on the bed gently and smiling before climbing on top of her. His cock was already hard but he still had the bottom half of Troian's lingerie to get off which was now his focus, starting to pull it off with his teeth.
Troian It had just been a slip of the tongue, but Troian's cheeks colored. She had meant to say 'my bed', and - Grateful that this Freudian slip didn't freak him out, Troian closed her mouth and pressed her lips together, grinning as he picked her up. "Swooning," she teased but she really was. He picked her up as effortlessly as if he were carrying a pillow up the stairs. Her arms stayed twined around his neck and her heels bobbed as he went up each step. She played with the small hairs on the back of his neck until he deposited her on the bed and stretching out, Troian smiled as he hovered over her. "Keegs," she started to say and then her words ended with a soft moan as his teeth nipped down her stomach once again to land at the area she needed his mouth the most. She spread her legs slightly, breath picking up. This was her favorite way for Keegan to undress her - with his teeth. Her fingers stayed wrapped in his hair, toying with the blonde curls as he moved further and further down and unable to help herself, pushed her hips up against his face. She could feel his breath fanning over her heat and it was such an amazing feeling, Troian nearly wanted to cry at the sheer pleasure of it all.
Keegan continued tugging at Troian's underwear with his teeth, not wanting to rip it this time even if he had done that to previous underwear in the past. These she had just gotten and they were nice and wanted her to wear them again sometime so he took his time getting them down her legs without ruining them in anyway. He felt Troian's hands in his hair while he did and once he had gotten them off, he pressed a few kisses to her inner thigh before kissing back up her body to give them what they both wanted and needed. He guided his cock towards Troian's center, seeking entrance and started to buck his hips until he was completely inside of her. Keegan then rested against Troian's body, getting comfortable as he started bucking his hips. He buried his face in the crook of her neck and started sucking on her pulsepoint, moaning each time he moved inside of Troian.
Troian As soon as he entered her, Troian cupped his cheeks and guided his mouth back against hers so that she could kiss him deeply. Her tongue found its way inside his mouth again and she bit down on his lip harshly, unable to help herself. The full weight of him against her made her feel so good, so warm, so safe and her hands smoothed themselves over his bare back so she could pull him even closer to her. The pace almost hurt, but Troian welcomed that bittersweet ache of pain. It just meant he was as desperate for her as she was for him, always was for him. Troian's eyes were squeezed tight and her lips were parted as she mewled and whimpered each time he thrust into her. As best as she could, Troian arched her neck and moved her lips to his ear where she whispered, "Be rough with me, Keegs," her brown eyes dark as she looked at him. She clutched at his waist to pull his hips tighter against hers and she tightened her legs around him.
Keegan moaned when he felt Troian whisper in his ear, telling her to be rough with him. He knew Troian had no problem with getting rough at times and if that's what she wanted this time around, he was going to give it to her. Suddenly he changed his pace, thrusting in and out of Troian harder and deeper as quickly as he could. He groaned each time he entered her, nipping at her chin before pressing his lips against hers. He slipped his tongue inside of her mouth and started tasting her as much as he could, all while keeping up his quick pace. His legs felt like they were on fire at this point but he didn't care, the sounds coming out of Troian's mouth making it all work it. "Fuck," he moaned against her mouth before pressing hot and sloppy kisses down her body, feeling a pit in the bottom of his stomach growing as he got close to his climax.
Troian muffled a moan into Keegan's neck, even though they had her place completely to themselves and she didn't need to quiet herself. With each rough thrust he gave, another whimper escaped her mouth and she only clutched tighter at Keegan. His name slipped out of her mouth, a harsh cry and she panted, "I love you so much," in his ear, unable to help herself before hoisting her leg higher around his waist. "Harder," she moaned more loudly. She didn't have to censor herself and she didn't have to hold back. She had gone months and months without Keegan, without that passion they never had been able to control, and she was going to be greedy with it. Troian found Keegan's mouth again and she whimpered openly against his lips as her fingers thread through his hair and she tugged at it roughly, jerking his head back a little as she scraped her teeth against his neck. "Yes, Keegs, oh my God-"
Keegan didn't know how much harder he could go but he was going to try and do what Troian wanted, groaning and grunting each time he thrusted into her. He was getting close to his climax and he hoped Troian was too, always preferring to wait until she came undone first before letting go himself. Keegan moaned against her mouth, moving his hands to her breasts to knead them gently while moving his thumbs against her nipples to give her more pleasure. Feeling her teeth scrape against his neck, Keegan grunted and found Troian's collarbone to return the favor. She kept moaning out his name and moaning in pleasure and Keegan's throbbing in his cock was getting unbearable, needing to release inside of Troian. "Let go, baby. Come for me," he breathed out against her skin.
Troian closed her eyes and tilted her head back. Her teeth were biting down on her lip harder, trying to hold back her screams but from the feeling of him pulsing inside of her, it was getting harder and harder to control. As he bit at her collarbone, Troian jolted against Keegan and she moved his hand across her stomach, a lazy half-smile on her lips at the warm pleasure it provided her. Nothing felt better than feeling his large hands on her, especially when he was gripping her as hard as he was now. She lifted her hips, crying out, "Keegan," as she could feel that coil in her stomach winding up and when the word "baby" fell from his lips, Troian lost it. She couldn't explain it. Every time during sex with Keegan, all he had to do was either call her baby seconds away from her orgasm or touch her clit and she let go. Her hips lifted off the bed, meshing firmly with his and Troian buried her face in Keegan's neck. With one last cry of his name and what felt like her entire body shaking, Troian came harder than she had in days with him and then fell back against the pillows. Her face was flushed, her hair damp, and a look of sated bliss rested on her dazed features.
Keegan sensed that Troian was close, thrusting harder and faster so that she could reach her breaking point. Feeling her jolt once she did, Keegan released and moaned Troian's name as the waves of pleasure took over his body. With Troian's face in her neck, Keegan gripped her hair as he moved his hips to ride out his orgasm, watching as Troian still experienced hers and came undone. Trying to catch his breath, Keegan wiped the sweat off his forehead, feeling it in other places but not focusing on that right now. That was the roughest sex he had in a while and it took a lot out of him in the best way possible. Smiling down at Troian who was laying against the pillows trying to catch her breath herself, Keegan smoothed her hair back and pressed a kiss to her forehead before staring into her eyes. "That was amazing. Best birthday sex ever," he said while grinning. "You wore me out big time," he chuckled.
Troian was still struggling to catch her breath as Keegan leaned over her and grinning back up at him, Troian's eyes fluttered sweetly as his lips brushed over her temple. "Not sorry," she shook her head and pulled her sheets further over her heated figure and snuggled back against them. She felt like she needed a shower, something to eat, and then a nap for about five hours to get all her energy back. Her body felt thoroughly used, in the best way possible. "Happy birthday again," she tapped his lips and then leaned up to peck them. Giving a tired hum, Troian raked her fingers through her hair and sat up, letting the sheets fall down. "You lay there. I'm getting us some more cake, letting you sleep, and then waking you up with a little surprise." Smirking at him, she leaned over to give him one last kiss before hopping out of the bed.
Keegan chuckled and ran a hand through his now messy and slightly sweaty hair, pulling out of Troian to lay down next to her. "Ah," he sighed, closing his eyes as he stretched out his legs. His body hurt in places he didn't think they could hurt but it was all worth it. When Troian told him to lay there while she would get them some cake and wake him up with a surprised, Keegan raised his eyebrows. "Well color me intrigued," he said, opening his eyes to smirk at her. "I think I can handle those directions," he teased, returning her kiss and staring at her naked figure as she got out of bed. "So sexy," he said, winking at her before laying back again and closing his eyes. Keegan wasn't sure how long Troian would be gone but he knew he was bound to fall asleep, feeling pure exhaustion after the amazing rough sex they had. He drifted off into a light sleep while waiting for Troian, knowing she would wake him up when he needed to be.
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