#p:unexpected date
brycecortez · 4 years
Unexpected Date | Rhodez
when: june 16th, 2020
where: a very fancy five star restaurant on the beach, away from campus (not octavia); a five star hotel located on said beach.
trigger warnings: nsfw
nb: very unlike him, bryce decides to follow through on his impulsive decision on taking amber-jade out for a lovely date. 
(ooc): this is a dash thread that was turned into a chatzy, so to make things easier to follow, I decided to just make one big post. this is an ongoing chatzy, and will be updated as we go along.
Amber-Jade really hadn’t been expecting Bryce to ask her out on a date, especially as they had already slept together and she therefore didn’t see why he might feel the need to impress her. She was even more surprised when he told her to dress up, suggesting that he had actually put some effort into this date. Although she had only recently gone on her first ever date – and had really only gone so that she wasn’t the only 21 year old who hadn’t been on a date – she still found herself agreeing to the date. Not really sure where he was taking her, she tried on several outfits before settling on a jumpsuit that showed just enough cleavage to be tempting. She also put in just the right amount of outfit with her hair and makeup so that she still looked beautiful but in an effortless kind of way, not wanting Bryce to realize just how long she had spent perfecting her look. She walked outside the beach house a few minutes before he was due to pick her up so that she was ready and waiting.
Bryce It wasn't like Bryce to ask girls out on actual dates. He knew what it meant, and he had the very bad luck of girl clinging onto him after, thinking that it was something more than just sex. In fact, the last two women he had officially taken on a date was Lola an Avery, and god knows how long ago that was. The male had typically made a rule to just simply avoid dates at all costs; and yet, here he was bending his own rules for Amber-Jade. He knew he had already impressed her, so this had simply just been him wanting to do something nice -- thinking that taking them out for a nice evening would do the two some justice. Besides the fact, he was genuinely intrigued by the red head. Dressed in a black suit with a white button down, he had decided to go all out for the date, really pulling out all the stops. He decided that he didn't want to take his shiny new pick up truck on the date, figuring that it would've been a hassle for the other to get in and out of considering he had told her to dress up. Thus, he had took it into his own liberty to rent a car for the evening. Pulling up to the beach house, he furrowed his brows when seeing that she was already outside. "I'm not late, am I?" he asked in a questionable tone, stepping out of the car to meet her...like a gentleman. He couldn't fight the sly smile that formed on his lips when taking in her appearance; she looked absolutely breathtaking, and Bryce couldn't wait to rip that jumpsuit off her. "You look...hot." he blurted out, taking her hand and bringing it up to his mouth, kissing the top of it before putting it back down. "You just keep getting sexier and sexier every time I see you. Ready to go?"
Amber smiled softly when he arrived and immediately started worrying that he was late. "You're right on time. I just didn't want to risk you knocking on the door and having Rebekah answer, she would have asked a million questions before letting us leave so I figured it was safer to wait outside", Amber explained, chuckling at the antics of her roommate. "Thanks, you look rather handsome yourself. I thought it might be a good idea not to wear a skirt or a dress, otherwise we'd likely end up having sex in your car before we even get to the date", she teased, her cheeks heating up slightly as he kissed the top of her hand. "You know that you've already got in my pants and that I'll end up sleeping you tonight, right? You break out those compliments like you're trying to charm me for the first time". Honestly, it was a little surprising to Amber -- usually guys stopped complimenting her after they knew that she was a sure thing, yet Bryce seemed to be the exception to that rule. It was yet another reason why she was so intrigued by him. "I'm ready".
Bryce laughed softly at her explanation, shrugging his shoulders as it was a pretty valid one. "Fair enough, although I'm sure she probably will still have questions after seeing how amazing you look." The smirk he had remained on his face as he spoke. "That's pretty smart, although this does not make anything better. I should be thinking about not making the conversation at dinner awkward, and yet I just keep thinking about dessert." Dropping her hand, he immediately placed his own hands on her hips, pulling her in closely and pressed a kiss on her cheek. "Well, is it working?" he asked with a chuckle, figuring that girls were typically suckers for a charmer. "But you should probably know that you're not just some sex toy to me. I actually kind of like hanging out with you...and this was a good excuse to see you dressed up." the last part of his statement came out as a joke as he pulled away from the gesture, taking her hand into his and leading her over to the car. Opening up the car door, he turned his head to look over at her once more. "After you."
"That implies that I don't look this amazing all the time, she probably just thinks that I'm going out for drinks with the girls", Amber jokingly retorted. "Do you want me to go back inside and change? Maybe put on a jumper and sweatpants so that you can't see any skin or cleavage? Would that help?" she teasingly questioned him. "Based on all of the conversations we've had so far, I really don't think you need to worry about the conversation being awkward which means that you're free to spend all your time thinking about dragging me into the bathroom and fucking me", she winked, knowing that it would just put more dirty thoughts into his head. "You charmed me the first day we met but yes, it's working", she agreed, figuring there was no harm in telling him the truth. Besides, he probably already realized that; even if she had refused to confirm that it was true. She looked at him in surprise when he told her that she wasn't just a sex toy to him. "Thank you for telling me that. For the record, I actually like hanging out with you too. I'd still see you even if you decided to stop sleeping with me", she said, taking his hand as he lead her over to the car. When he opened her door for her so that she could get into the vehicle, she leaned up and kissed him properly, wordlessly thanking him for going to this much effort in planning the date. After she pulled away from the kiss, she got into the car and then waited for him to come and join her.
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shades-of-greyson · 7 years
Unexpected Date
@ofmetropolis - Jade
Anthony had been at the bar, waiting around for Jade. While the two did hook up on a regular basis, they liked to meet up somewhere other than their apartments so that they could keep the relationship interesting and colloquial, rather than just having it be all about sex. In the time that he had been waiting for the woman it seemed that he had ended up attracting quite a bit of attention from another woman, an older woman who looked to be in her mid-forties who had no sense of personal space and smoked like a train. He turned his head to the side, rolling his eyes as the woman droned on about her now adult children and her ex husband. ‘Jade, please hurry your ass up and save me.’ AJ thought to himself, hoping that she would come and be his knight in shining armor. 
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