palimpsesto-editora · 7 months
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What does Picaro look like in Elephant?
Pícaro is an OC for AEIWAM because I do not like clowns and therefore I do not like Dondochaka and Pesche. Kukkapuro is a canon but EXTREMELY background character- he's the little dog that follows Yammy around despite the Espada's abuse.
When she first appears in the fic, Pícaro looks like this:
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But later in the fic she gets a power-up from telling an absolutely terrible joke to a Shinigami, and she looks like this:
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(Please Embiggen I put a lot of detail work into this piece and I'm proud of it)
She's based off American Roadrunners, Matadors and my first girlfriend back in college.
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fashiun-killa · 2 months
just played dnd for the first time... *bites lip* I'm such a nerd...
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docpiplup · 2 years
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narratorstragedy · 2 years
el burlador de sevilla and i have truly gone full circle… i went from despising it in high school to being disappointed that i can’t take a class this semester that’s reading it
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armatofu · 1 year
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cmatain · 1 year
Publicado el volumen «Pícaros y picarismo. Nuevos estudios en torno a la picaresca, desde sus orígenes hasta la actualidad», coordinado por Danielle Arciello y Juan Matas Caballero («Biblioteca Áurea Hispánica», 157)
Se acaba de publicar el número 157 de la colección «Biblioteca Áurea Hispánica», el volumen Pícaros y picarismo. Nuevos estudios en torno a la picaresca, desde sus orígenes hasta la actualidad, coordinado por Danielle Arciello y Juan Matas Caballero. Danielle Arciello y Juan Matas Caballero (eds.), Pícaros y picarismo. Nuevos estudios en torno a la picaresca, desde sus orígenes hasta la…
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bea214 · 2 years
Última gira del grande Chaoen antes de su retirada.
Con todo agotado en más de 3 conciertos de Madrid y en Sevilla hace un mes... fuimos hasta Toledo para decirle hola y adiós, viejo amigo.
La Sala Pícaro era incómoda y mal estructurada. Apta para un gintonic, prohibida para un acústico.
Asientos improvisados: unas escaleras, donde cada poco había que levantarse porque no pasaban los camareros. Eso sí, prácticamente en primera fila.
Nos dejaste con las ganas de "A medio pulmón" y "Tú y yo", a cambio de tu arte gaditano y cercanía.
Póngale un "Whisky con agua".
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thefulcrumfiles · 2 years
Ezra bridger amaría Danger Days de MCR y Brand New Eyes de Paramore de eso si estoy segura
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meldy22 · 1 month
ENG: We know how mischievous Yakko is when he flirts with someone random. But what about that mischief when you want to be flirtatious with your beloved boyfriend? 👀
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ESP: Sabemos lo pícaro que es Yakko cuando coquetea con alguien random. ¿Pero qué pasa con esa picardía cuando quiere ser coqueto con su amado novio? 👀
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vssmithy · 6 months
🍸 zona de bebidas.
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' ¿cual es tu trago favorito? ' pregunta escapa de sus labios con aires pícaros. ' ¡sea cual sea lo pediré y lo probaré! ' promete y suelta una risita, pretende arriesgarse y divertirse un rato. 
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familyabolisher · 9 months
Common wisdom has it that Don Quixote includes within its pages a number of different forms of prose narrative. Cervantes’ interest in collecting different forms and genres may be due to the fact that collectionism was rising throughout Europe. The aristocracy would create cabinets of curiosities, or adorn their palaces with the best works of art. This was considered a mark of distinction. Cervantes, then, uses collectionism within one text: he displays Don Quixote’s library and he also moves through a series of genres, combining and changing them. By transforming the objects displayed he comes up with something totally new. Such is Cervantes’ metamorphic ability that today, even though books of chivalry are not read, his work remains one of the greatest classics of literature, not just in the West but throughout the world. Thus, chivalric texts are constantly collected in the novel, be it as books in the knight’s library or as episodes throughout the novel. The novel serves as a parody of this genre, which many have asserted had almost disappeared by the time Cervantes penned it. This is actually not quite true – recent discoveries have shown that such novels continued to be written, albeit remaining in manuscript. Furthermore, they were used for courtly spectacles. Thus, in collecting the chivalric, Cervantes is being doubly fashionable (and not at all out of fashion as some would contend). His book appropriates both the collectionist propensity of the upper classes and the uses of chivalry as a playful mode to assert authority. By turning these into carnivalesque episodes, Cervantes’ text both asserts and questions fashions and authority.
[…] While the chivalric represents a longing for idealized chivalric-aristocratic values, thus looking at the past, the picaresque points to the present and the future. It reflects a society where traditional hierarchies are put under pressure with the rise of individualism and with the development of a bourgeoisie that did not have aristocratic privileges. As Richard Bjornson asserts: ‘The situation was rendered more complex by the fact that the nascent bourgeoisie of fifteenth-and sixteenth-century Spain was largely composed of conversos (converts to Catholicism) with Jewish ancestors. Permanently alienated from the Jewish culture which they had abjured, as well as from the Christian one in which they had to live, these conversos could hardly escape an awareness of their own compromised identity, even if they succeeded in passing as Old Christians’ (1977, 17–18). For Bjornson, the picaresque rises from this anxiety and many of its authors are conversos – and so are their protagonists. As such, the pícaro stands in contradistinction to the idealized knights of romances and even to the more impoverished but still noble hidalgos. But the picaresque, although it may have been born out of bourgeois and converso writers, also focuses on the poor and their plight. Anne J. Cruz clearly pinpoints and expands the subject of the picaresque: ‘In a country where homogeneity was desired at any price such marginalized subalterns as the poor, criminals, conversos, moriscos and prostitutes shifted easily into the position of the Other, filling the void left by the leper’ (1999, xvi). These novels, then, were written as a critique of social mores and as failed attempts at reform. They may not have been received as such: ‘The authors’ critical thrust is nevertheless thwarted when the public, in order to insulate itself against social change, converts the pícaro to the risible category of the clown . . . transformed into the liminal position of scapegoat through the symbolic unconscious of the new nation-state’ (1999, xvi). From the start, then, Cervantes creates a clash of genres: the backwards looking and aristocratic chivalric vs the forward-gazing, critical, and polemical picaresque. This clash of genres reverberates with a clash of cultures and civilizations since the pure-blood Christian knight contrasts with the tainted pícaro whose ancestors may belong to a civilization that was warring with the West, Islam.
Frederick A. de Armas, 'Pillars of Genre, Ghosts of Empire: An Introduction,' from Don Quixote Among the Saracens: A Clash of Civilisations and Literary Genres
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Siempre es una gran idea descorchar un buen tinto a tu lado...
Mientras dejamos que se airee miradas pícaras flotan en el ambiente,
nuestras manos no pueden parar quietas, nuestros labios lubricados por lenguas insaciables dan la salida a un juego frenético y pícaro...
Una pequeña pausa,
cogemos las copas,
giramos y aireamos el oscuro caldo para apreciar mejor sus cualidades.
Tras esto, me abalanzo sobre tus carnosas copas, amaso y estimulo tus senos sintiendo su peso, su textura, su calor...
La lágrima del cavernet se hace presente en la pared de su cristalino recipiente al igual que las primeras "lágrimas" brotan de forma sutil de la cúspide de mi gl@ndę ya tenso...
La visión es maravillosa,
colores rojizos en distintas gamas según la zona erógena y su acumulación de sangre fruto de la excitación...
En boca tus labios saben deliciosos, el maridaje es perfecto...
Labios mayores tiernos, sabrosos y brillantes,
labios menores húmedos y supurando gotas de dulce hidromiel.
Todo acompañado del más genuino de los jugos, los tuyos...
Prima el salado sobre el dulce pero de una forma sutil, sin ser agresivo en su paso por boca.
En nariz, el perfume que emana de tu s3xø y de tu piel es altamente embriagador,
y no por su carga alcohólica...
Aromas de frutos rojos en su época de cambio del otoño a la efervescente primavera, aromas maduros fruto de la experiencia de la enóloga de la vida en la que te has convertido...
Taninos que absorbo en cada trago y en cada gota de tu sudor que se adhieren a mi lengua al recorrer tu piel,
esa piel que recubre la más tentadora de las frutas y que devoro con frenesí llenando mi boca tu turgente carne y,
mi canosa barba de tu zumo recién adquirido por mis maniobras recolectoras...
¿Otra copa?
Ahora seré yo el que te la sirva... 🍷
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theoutcastrogue · 11 months
. "Rascals, would you live forever?" — Frederick the Great, trying with limited success to guilt-trip his soldiers to fight and kill and die for him
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A is for Assassin who makes your heart stop cold B is for the Burglar who deftly picks your lock C is for the Cutpurse who swipes your gold and runs D is for the Dodger, all mischief and street smarts
E is for Enforcer who's bursting through your door F is for the Filcher who lifts coins, jewels, and all G is for the Grifter who takes you for a ride H is for Highwayman, your money or your life
I's for Infiltrator, the spy who gains your trust J is for the Jack of All Trades, master of none K is for the Knave who lacks an honest bone L is for Lawbreaker who fought the law and won
M is for the Mountebank whose swindles are an art N is for the Ne'er-Do-Well, that trouble-seeking scamp O is for the Outlaw, that outcast robber bold P is for the Pícaro who begged, borrowed, and stole
Q is for the Quack who lies and leads you on R is for the Rogue who takes the crooked road S is for the Scoundrel who's not afraid to swing T is for the Thief who swiftly palms your ring
U is for the Urchin who on barricades stood tall V is for the Vagabond who roves, rambles, and roams W is for the Waif who's cast out like a tramp X is for the X-Con who is free but wears the brand
Y is for the Yardbird who's always in the slammer Z's for daring Zorro and all dashing swashbucklers Rascals and rapscallions all, we cheat and steal and lie, and gathered here we do avow that never shall we die
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sinfonia-relativa · 1 year
No sé librarme de ti...
Para bien o para mal sigues presente en mi vida , eres la ausencia más presente que conozco , eres como una sombra que persigue mis pasos , como un fantasma que habita en los escondites de mi mente y de mi corazón , eres ese amor que marco mi vida en todos los sentidos que puedan existir. No sé cómo librarme de ti , de tu carisma y de tu facilidad para tocar mi corazón, para bien o para mal , no sé cómo librarme de tu poder sobre mis emociones. No estás aquí , más te ando encontrando en mis pensamientos aunque lo evito , no estás aquí más sigues afectándome como si lo estuvieses. Tratar de curarme de ti , ha sido un proceso doloroso y lento , eres como un cancer que no sana , y curarme de ti se siente como arrancar a capela una parte de mi. Aún no me libro de ti y lo intento por todos los medios , no me libro de esa conexión y esa química que existía entre ambos , no logro sacar de mi memoria tu manera libre y extrovertida de ser y tampoco tu sonrisa malvada y tus ojos pícaros. No sé librarme de ti , más comprendo , que solo eres el fantasma del gran amor que yo sentía por ti , que eres la sombra de lo que soñé que seríamos juntos.
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next-life-online-rpg · 2 months
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La clase de un personaje es uno de sus rasgos más importantes ya que los define y es la fuente de la mayoría de sus aptitudes y acciones, así como sus motivaciones y lineamientos personales.
La elección de la clase no puede cambiarse una vez haya sido creado el personaje.
Las multiclases no serán permitidas, es decir, un personaje solamente podrá tener una única clase.
Hay quienes tienen su clase como trabajo, pero hay otros que las practican únicamente cuando la situación lo amerita. Bien puedes ser una poderosa hechicera, pero dedicarte a ser la matrona de un prostíbulo. Ser un paladín y dedicarte al cuidado de una granja. Ser un pícaro y explotar tus dones siendo un cazarrecompensas...
Eso dependerá únicamente de ti, jugador. ¿Estás listo para elegir tu clase?
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