#p3 club book
elle-p · 9 months
P3 Club Book Ryoji Mochizuki pages scan and transcription.
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望月綾時 Ryoji Mochiduki 2‐F教室ほか
季節外れの イケナイ転校生
• 望月綾時っていいます。分からない事、憂しく教えてくれると嬉しいな。(11月9日朝・教屋)
• ところでこの学校はカワイイ子が一杯だれ。もう何人もデートに誘っちゃったよ。(11月9日放課後・教室)
• ···しかし、なんという美しさでしょう。良ければ、今度ご一緒しませんか?3ツ星ホテルの最上階... あなたのイメージにピッ夕リの、夜景が楽しめるレストランがあるんです。(11月14日放課後・屋上)
• ···そうか、風情の演出ねー。“みんなのイメージする京都” なワクね。···で、舞妓さん、いないのかな?芸者遊びって頼める?(11月17日放課後・屋上)
• 修学旅行、面白かったね。時にあの露天風呂が··· ···っと、ゴメンゴメン。これはヒミツだったっけ。でもこうやってヒミツを共有するのも、何か楽しいよね。(11月21月放課後・教室)
• 最近ますますアイギスさんからの視線を感じるんだよね。もしかして、また何か僕にダメ出しする気なのかな···?(11月30日放課後・教室)
• 君と出会えて···嬉しかったよ。こういう気持ちが、たぶ··· “幸せ” っていうんだと思う。今まで、本当にありがとう··· (12月31日夜・主人公の部屋)
Ryoji's COMMU
→ ♡ → 風花
→ ♡ → ゆかり
主人公 ← なんとなく懐かしい気持ち?←
順平 ← 心の友 → 綾時
→ ♡ → 美鶴
→ ♡ → アイギス
← あなたはダメです ←
72 notes · View notes
ellecdc · 3 months
Come Back, Be Here (finale)
Sirius Black x fem!reader - First Wizarding War Order of the Phoenix - 5.7k
p1 // p2 // p3 // p4 // p5 // p6 // p7 // p8
CW: mentions of past abuse/torture, amnesia, hurt/comfort, fluff, use of Y/N
A/N: Holy. Friggen. Crap. WHAT A RIDE! Thank you all so much for enjoying this story with me - it has truly felt like the most niche book club and I have had so much fun chatting with you all. Feel free to send in requests for these lovely characters in the CBBH universe - I'd love to continue playing with them! xx
Lily and James Potter returned to 12 Grimmauld place on the 3rd of November – Sirius’ birthday. There were long hugs, a lot of tears and soft dinner conversation, but there would be no gifts or raucous celebrating. 
Regulus Black was arrested at Malfoy Manor as a marked Death Eater, but with the backing of James, Sirius and Dumbledore, the Ministry allowed Regulus to be placed on house arrest, confiscating his wand whilst he awaited trial. Dumbledore assured the group that because of Regulus’ defection, his support of the Order, and the memories that Dumbledore, you, and those who were present on October 31st provided the Ministry, Regulus would likely be acquitted of his charges, or at the very least receive a lighter sentence. 
Tom Riddle was quickly charged with treason, tyranny, countless charges of the use of unforgiveables, countless charges of leading or causing the death of wizards, witches, and muggles, countless charges of torture and brutality, eliciting fear and chaos, and illegal use of Dark Magic. He was sentenced to the Dementor’s Kiss and the act was carried out on the 5th of November. 
Peter Pettigrew did indeed receive a fair trial for his role in the Wizarding War. He was questioned under Veritaserum, and it was found that he was guilty of treason, using unforgiveables, contributing to the fear and chaos of a treasonous leader, the use of Dark Magic, and sexual assault and brutality. He was sentenced to life in Azkaban.
Lucius Malfoy came looking for his son and was thus arrested by the Department of Magical Law Enforcement on the charge of being a marked Death Eater. He was questioned under Veritaserum which proved Lucius was guilty of harboring dangerous criminals, using unforgiveables, contributing to the fear and chaos of a treasonous leader, and the use of Dark Magic. He was sentenced to life in Azkaban. His property and vault at Gringott’s were seized by the Ministry and, after taking what was owed for reparations, was placed into his son’s name. 
The Ministry respected Narcissa Malfoy’s dying wish and placed Draco Malfoy in the care of Sirius Black and Y/N L/N. The Ministry offered the couple access to the Malfoy vault to support Draco’s upbringing, but they opted to leave it aside for the child to choose what to do with the fortune when he was of age.
Narcissa Malfoy’s funeral took place on the 7th of November. The blustery November air accosted the patrons which mostly consisted of Order members and a few of Narcissa’s friends who were able to dodge persecution for their roles or complacency in the war. She was awarded an Order of Merlin posthumously for her role - a title she now shared with you, Sirius, James, Lily, Remus, and later Regulus along with the rest of the Order of the Phoenix. Draco left his mother a beautiful bouquet of narcissus, baby’s breath, lavender, and pink camelia’s. You and Sirius gave her a bouquet of edelweiss, fern, and gladioli. Blue hydrangeas and hyssops came from Regulus who was unable to attend due to the nature of his house arrest but were placed at Narcissa’s headstone by Lily and Harry in the family plot of Malfoy Manor. Andromeda, Ted and Nymphadora Tonks stood by you, Sirius, and Draco at the headstone during the funeral service as Dumbledore spoke of the bravery, loyalty, and dedication Narcissa showed not only to her son and her family, but to the greater wizarding world on the 31st of October. 
“There is not one witch or wizard amongst us today that does not owe Narcissa Black Malfoy a considerable debt. Without her bravery and cunningness, evil could very well have prospered, dooming us all to life of immense pain and suffering. She dreamed of a legacy - of a better future - for her own son as well as for every child of wizard kind. Narcissa was a beyond bright student during her time at Hogwarts, a strong leader in her social circle, a skilled healer during the war, and an incredibly brave soldier. Though, possibly her favourite and certainly her greatest role was that of a loving mother; for she died to ensure that her son would live to see a better tomorrow. Narcissa Black Malfoy is the type of person, friend, partner, and parent that each of us should aspire to be. May her legacy of love and loyalty live eternally.” He said as he raised his wand.
One by one, every person present raised their wand to the heavens in honour of Narcissa Malfoy and her sacrifice to the wizarding world. Draco, Harry and Nymphadora, along with the Weasley children and Neville Longbottom who did not yet have their own wands raised a narcissus flower in solidarity.
The remaining marauders, you, Lily, and Regulus did indeed stay at 12 Grimmauld place for some time. The house was unrecognizable from the time Regulus and Sirius spent growing up there; it was bright, it was colourful, it was full of children’s laughter and squealing, it was a place people liked to come to visit, and it was chock full of love. 
The problem with the new and improved Grimmauld Place? 
Your tribe quickly outgrew it. 
As time went on, your memories seemed to return to you basically in full, and the full extent of your trauma reared its ugly head. For years you became hyper-focused on knowing where each member of your family was at any given moment, and a panic attack threatened any moment you didn’t have everyone important to you within your periphery. The Third Worst Day™ of Sirius’ life (in chronological order, the first being the day he almost ruined things between you two, the next being the day you ‘died’) was the day Lily and James suggested to you, him, Remus, and Regulus that they should perhaps fix up Potter Manor and move their ever-growing family there. It was partly the worst day because of how the idea of James and Lily moving away made him feel, but it was mostly because of the mental breakdown you had at the news. 
“You can’t! You can’t do this! I just got you back, we just got each other back. You can’t do this!” You shouted as everyone tried to get you to breathe. The numerous hands approaching you placatingly was in fact not what you needed at the moment, and you fell into a manic state.
Needless to say, the suggestion was not met well by you, and ended with you being admitted to the psychiatric ward at St. Mungo’s. Sirius sat at your bedside with your hand in his, Lily and James in chairs across from him whilst Regulus and Remus stayed home and watched the children. 
“I cannot live without any of you anymore. I’m sorry, but I refuse. I can’t do it.” Sirius admitted quietly to his friends as he rubbed the back of your hand with his thumb.
You had been dosed heavily with calming draught and dreamless sleep in order to prevent any seizure activity, which you became plagued with due to the trauma of the brain from memory retention and prevention throughout the war. 
“I can’t either.” James admitted, causing Lily to turn and face him.
“I’m sorry Lil’s, I know-” he cut himself off to take a steadying breath. “I know when we got married, you probably imagined us living at the Manor or maybe in another place as independent adults. After we lost mum and dad, I’m sure you imagined us taking that over in their place, and I think I wanted that too, but now, knowing what we know, I would have done things differently. I wish we had moved in with mum and dad and been there to enjoy their last few years with them. We had our own flat at the time and Moony, Pads, and Vix had theirs and I was so lucky that I got to spend as much time with Vixen as I did, being her order partner and all, but then she was gone, and I regretted ever spending a single moment away from her. Now...now I’m afraid that every second I don’t spend with you – all of you, any of you, my family – is a second wasted and I don’t want to waste another precious second. Not anymore. Not ever again.” 
Lily looked imploringly at her husband.
“You really are a bell-end.” She muttered fondly.
“Pardon me?”
“Do you really think I imagined us living alone in that big ass manor just us and our kids? What part of that do you think appeals to me? I love you, James, but a girl needs backup to deal with the likes of you.” 
Sirius and James exchanged a bemused glance before Lily continued.
“I want to live the rest of my life with my family. That’s you, James, and our kids, but it’s also Sirius and Y/N, it’s Remus and Regulus and Draco. Hell, if Alice and Frank or Marlene and Dorcas told me they wanted to move in I’d happily help them pack the boxes.” She laughed as she looked at you and Sirius’ intertwined hands.
“I think we’re all going to be stuck with one another until the end of time.” James said as he pulled his wife into his side.
Sirius smiled greatly at them. “Until all the mischief is managed.”
After that, the friends all agreed that none of them were willing to part from the group, and if for whatever reason anyone felt the need for more privacy, they would opt to build an outbuilding on the property.
“Oi! You’ve gotta knock, Prongs! Fuckin’ wanker.” Sirius had shouted as he hastily pulled the sheets up around the two of you.
“Uhm, maybe you’ve gotta lock the door, Pads.” James muttered with a mouthful of muffin as he came in to sit on the edge of the bed, completely unperturbed by the fact that the two of you were still naked and very recently involved in unmentionable deeds. 
Nevertheless, no one ever felt the need to build their own place on the property.
And Sirius made sure James got a taste of his own medicine a time or two after that incident.
Lily Evans Potter did indeed contact Healer Grundke at the end of the war and was brought on to work under her as an intern whilst she worked toward getting her Healer license. She spent many years in general medicine before moving fulltime to labour and delivery. Sirius often teased her that between the number of days she has spent in labour & delivery as a patient and as a doctor, he was surprised any of their other friends ever saw her. 
His nose was charmed green for a week.
Regulus Black was eventually acquitted of his crimes. He was placed on a sort of life-long probation in the form of a tracking spell on his wand that would alert the Ministry of him ever practicing Dark Magic. He opted to stay with his brother and his friends though he pretended to hate every minute of it. In truth, Regulus found great joy in being an uncle to Sirius’ and James’ children and Godfather to his best friend’s daughter Luna Lovegood. He declined the opportunity to join the Wizengamot, stating that as the rightful heir to the Black name, Sirius should be the one to take the Black’s seat.
Sirius Black, in Sirius Black fashion, dramatically refuted this idea. He did not want to pick up the mantle that was laid for him by the generations of Black’s before him; he refused to sit in the nearly still warm seat that his father had left. It took Regulus, Remus, and Lily all to tell him how much good he could do by not only bringing in a younger generation’s perspective to the Wizengamot, but as a wealthy heir to a pureblood line, a war hero, and an advocate for werewolf and muggleborn rights, he could bridge the gap between the left and right-wing members of the court.
It also helped that you had told him he’d be the only one capable of making the robes look punk rock. 
James Potter opted to be a stay-at-home dad and uncle to care for the children living at Potter Manor. The Potter vaults had enough money in them to last his family multiple lifetimes without every making a dent, and with the money Lily was making as a healer, there was no need to be worried financially. Also, being a kid at heart made him the absolute best friend of any child who met him. As the children grew older, he and Mrs. Weasley worked together to homeschool the children of the Order until they were old enough to attend Hogwarts.
Remus Lupin, never one willing to ride on his friend’s coat tails, spent the first few months following the war applying to various jobs through out Wizarding London. He had hoped that between his stellar academic record, his time spent as a prefect and tutor, his Order of Merlin, and his dedication to the winning side of the Wizarding War, that he would be able to secure a job within wizarding society. Unfortunately, it seemed the wizarding world still had a long way to go with the prejudice it held for werewolves. Walking through Diagon Alley feeling sorry for himself, Remus spotted a “for lease” sign in the window of what used to be a pet store. He immediately sent an owl to the landlord and asked for a meeting. 
Though Remus tried to refuse, Sirius and James insisted on investing in Remus’ planned bookstore.
“I’m not borrowing money, Prongs.” Remus muttered defiantly.
“It’s not borrowing, Moons! It’s an investment! If anything, you’ll be making me more money.” He exclaimed excitedly.
“Moony, please,” Sirius added...well, seriously, “think of how pissed off my ancestors would be to know I’m investing their money in a half-blood werewolf’s business which happens to stock muggle literature?” 
With a mischievous smirk, the deal was settled, and the lease was signed. 
Remus wasted no time to get started at the bookstore. He walked into the small storefront and conjured a broom, deciding to start by sweeping up the hay and owl droppings.
No sooner had he started did he hear the door chime. 
“Oh! My apologies, we’re not quite open yet.” Remus offered as he made his way to the door. He stopped in his tracks when he saw you and Regulus standing in the entry.
“I should hope not. This place looks awful.” Regulus commented with a wrinkled nose.
You elbowed him hard in the ribs.
“Looks like you could use some help.” You said cheerily as you held out a stack of papers. Remus took them gently to find your CV and cover letter. Before Remus could even look up, Regulus dropped his on top of yours in Remus’ hand.
“All my references are either dead or in prison so.” He offered with a shrug.
“I’ll vouch for him.” You said.
You were smiling at him so kindly and so sweetly, Remus wanted to cry. You had always been his biggest supporter; championing him through every milestone in Remus’ life. He was certain he didn’t deserve even half of the love you gave him, but he was eternally grateful for every drop of it.
“Thank you, guys.” Remus said wetly as he pulled the two of you in for a hug. Regulus groaned the entire time but when Remus finally pulled away, he had a slight blush. 
“Yeah, yeah. Well, what is family for?” He muttered which elicited a sharp gasp from you and a bark of laugh from Remus.
“Don’t be going soft on us now, Black!” Remus said with a laugh and ruffled his hair. 
“Fuck you guys, clean this barn up on your own.” He grumbled as he turned to leave, but the two of you wouldn’t let him.
He was grateful that you didn’t. 
Sirius eventually proposed to you – though beg was likely a more appropriate definition.
“We should get married.” He had said to you late one night as he came back to the bedroom after putting Draco down. 
You lowered your book into your lap as you considered him. “I beg your pardon?”
“We should get married.” He repeated plainly.
Your lip threatened to quirk into a smirk, but you kept your face blank. “And why should we get married?”
Sirius guffawed at you. “Uhm, maybe because we’re in love? And I’m the best and would be the best husband?”
You continued to stare at him.
“Why shouldn’t we get married?” He asked, now beginning to panic.
“I never said we shouldn’t.”
“Then why won’t you marry me?” He shrilled as he moved to kneel at the end of the bed.
“You’re the first thought in my mind when I wake up in the morning and my last thought at night before I fall asleep. Fuck, you make up the majority of my dreams too. Did you know that? Did you know that I go to the Ministry and count down the minutes until I get to see you again? Did you know that when you’re at work, I spend my time thinking about what you’re doing, who you’re talking to, what they’re saying to you and you to them? And not in a stalkery way, I swear. But I just think you’re the coolest fucking person ever and I’m jealous of everyone who gets to listen to you speak when I’m stuck at home or at work. And I watch you with Draco -our sweet boy - and our Godson and the other children and I get fucking giddy thinking that I get to spend the rest of my days with a woman so lovely. So, marry me. Marry me, damnit!”
It was a battle to keep your face straight but by the absolute grace of God you did before saying “Siri, babe, you’re coming off a little desperate.”
There was a brief pause before you got a “you cheeky little minx” and 45 seconds of tickling which turned into kissing which turned into touching which turned into so much more.
You were sticky and satisfied as you both caught your breath, still intertwined with one another when you said, “I will.”
“I will.” You repeated as you leaned onto your elbow so you could look him in the eyes. “I’ll marry you. Marry me.”
Sirius stared at you in awe before pulling you down into his embrace for a searing kiss which once again turned into so much more. 
And you guys did. Marry each other, that is. It was a beautiful spring day on the grounds of Potter Manor with only your closest family and friends. It was perhaps a touch smaller than what either you or Sirius grew up picturing your wedding to be, but it was so much better than either of you could have ever imagined.
“...I thank my lucky stars every day that I get to love such a wonderful woman. There’s not one person in this world who deserves to know the likes of you, me least of all, but will do everything I can to ensure I get to keep what little light you’re willing to share with me forever. I have already loved you in sickness and in health, for rich or for poor, and in life and in death. There is not one planet in any universe, nor a timeline that exists where my love for you does not. I vow to you that you will never spend a day in this life not being loved by me. Wherever you go, I go; in this life and the next.” Sirius said through his tears. 
With a smile you began your own vows. “Sirius, I have had the absolute pleasure of getting to witness you become the man you are today. It wasn’t always easy or pretty, but I have seen you through it all; the good, the bad, the really bad, and the ugly. And I have loved you through all of it. As I laid dying, I told James that I didn’t regret a single moment of this life with you, and that is still true today. Every moment, all the blood, sweat, and tears, brought us here today - and I would still do all of it again if it meant getting to stand here today by your side. I made a vow that I would find you in our next life and I would love you there too. Well, here I am. I found you. I will always find you.”
Lily, Marlene, and Alice stood by your side, and James, Remus, and Regulus stood by Sirius’ as your magic was bound together, and you were pronounced husband and wife.
Sirius hung the framed parchment that Remus had found in the wooded area where he first met Regulus in his office. The note symbolized your dedication to him, to your friends and family, and your unyielding perseverance. The parchment was later joined by your wedding pictures, drawings that he and Harry had painted back in Grimmauld place as well as pictures Harry and Draco had given him since, and the first ever check he received for his investment in A Marauder’s Map to Books. 
You loved working at Moony’s bookstore; everyday felt like getting to hang out with your best friends even though you pretty much lived with them as well. It was nice to see Remus and Regulus in a setting outside of the parental/guardian role you’d all taken on following the war. You were surprised at first (though you supposed you should have known better) that Remus and Regulus worked really well together – Regulus’ uptight and serious façade was well balanced with Remus’ laidback and jovial personality. Regulus would handle the more difficult customers whilst Remus made sure every customer who came in felt welcome. Things often fell by the wayside or got overlooked when Remus was away due to the moons, and Regulus was quick to pick up the slack. Regulus would often get too caught up in work and forget to stay fed or hydrated, which Remus counteracted by briskly walking past Regulus and placing biscuits and cups of tea brewed exactly to Regulus’ liking before he could refuse. If you noticed Regulus’ cheeks tinge peak and a shy smile grace his lips – you didn’t mention it. 
Draco grew to be a very happy child; you and Sirius couldn’t help but feel a sense of pride every time that boy giggled or laughed. You kept your word and left the Malfoy vaults untouched save twice a year when Narcissa would purchase a gift for Draco on June 5th and December 25th. 
He was such a good son and an even better big brother. 
Draco was the most jealous of Harry when Harry became a big brother to his sister Jasmine Potter. It was hard not to chuckle at how proud the four-and-a-half-year-old was as he bragged about being the ‘bestest big brother’ and watching Draco skulk around the house. 
“I could be a big brother! Really, I could. I’d be so nice and gentle, and I would share all my toys!” He told you and Sirius solemnly as you tucked him in to bed. You assured him he would indeed be a wonderful big brother, but not to worry about it too much as you were sure Lily and James could use two big brothers for their newest addition. 
You both gave him kisses goodnight and closed the door behind you. You’d hardly made it two steps from the door before your husband had you pushed up against the wall. 
“I could be a really good daddy too, you know?” He whispered into your neck before starting to suck on your pulse point.
You couldn’t stifle the moan that escaped your lips. “Are you trying to tell me something?” 
Sirius kissed his way back up your jaw before slotting his lips against yours. “Perhaps we should give the kid what he wants.” He managed between kisses.
You chuckled.
“He gets everything he wants already, Siri.” You whispered back as you pulled his body flush with yours.
“What about me, hm?”
You pulled your head back to search his face. “Do you want another baby, Sirius?”
Sirius’ pupils seemed to blow wide at the sentiment. “I don’t so much want a baby as I want your baby, my love.” He whispered reverently.
Your restraint snapped and you launched yourself at him. He caught you as your legs wrapped around his waist and your arms around his neck, carrying you down the hall to your bedroom.  
Approximately ten months later you gave birth to your daughter Aurora Black.
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September 1st, Kings Cross Station
“Merlin’s saggy balls, how do you – for fuck sa– oh, got it!” Sirius could be heard behind you as he fought with the pram. 
“Would you watch your mouth?” Lily muttered.
“Yeah Pads, watch your fuckin’ mouth!” James loudly announced causing other parents to look over at the absolute freak show that was the Potter & Black family’s stepping onto Platform 9 ¾.
“Sorry.” You offered with a quiet smile to a particularly perturbed looking couple as they grabbed their smarmy looking child and ushered him away from the likes of you. “Wankers.” You muttered as they hobbled off.
“Who’s a wanker, mum?” Draco asked as he slid up beside you. The rotten child knew he wasn’t supposed to use such language but couldn’t pass the chance at getting to repeat your nasty comment.
“Presently, it’s you.” You commented while teasingly narrowing your eyes at him. 
“Oi, leave your poor mum alone! You’re buggering off to Hogwarts and leaving her with the likes of me for the next ten months.” Sirius said as he (finally) made his way to you with the pram in tow. The three-year-old twins seemed none the wiser that they just nearly got folded into the damned thing and thrown onto the tracks in a fit of rage. 
“My deepest condolences during this trying time.” Draco offered you severely.
Sirius scoffed and you laughed as you pulled him into an embrace. You were waiting for the day he pushed you away because hugging your mom goodbye in front of your friends was embarrassing. But today, you relished in the feeling of your first child letting you hold him tight.
“I’m so proud of you, Draco.” You murmured into his platinum hair.
“Thank you, mum.” He responded quietly. 
“Draco! Harry! Over here!” The sound of Hermione Granger interrupted your hug as Draco turned to wave at his friends. 
“Be good kid, okay? Look out for your sister?” Sirius asked as he pulled Draco into his own embrace.
“’Course, dad. I’m not new here.” He teased as he ruffled Aurora’s hair.
“Draaaccoooo...” She whined in response.
“Go see ‘Mione.” You ordered Draco with one last side hug. Harry and Draco swapped parents and siblings to give their respective goodbyes before heading off to catch up with their friends. 
“Are you ready, Rory?” Jasmine Potter asked your daughter kindly. She was a year above Aurora and was very excited to get the chance to show her younger cousin around the castle. 
Your daughter looked between her cousin and her parents before Sirius spoke up. “Jazz, do you mind giving us a minute?” He asked his Goddaughter.  
Jasmine turned to talk to James and Lily who were busy entertaining Posie and Lyra as you and Sirius bent down to talk to Aurora.
“What’s on your mind, love?” You asked your daughter gently.
Your heart welled as Aurora’s eyes turned glassy.
“I’m not ready.”
Sirius made a cooing sound as he wiped the tears from under her lash line. “What are you most worried about, my little star?”
Aurora sniffled miserably. “What if I’m sorted into the wrong house?”
You and Sirius couldn’t help but rear your head at the comment. Out of all the things you thought would be worrying your daughter on her first day of boarding school, which house she got sorted into was not it.
“Rory, that’s the exciting part baby.” You tried as you rubbed her arm consolingly.
“I get it, Ro, I was worried about which house I was going to be sorted into as well.” Sirius commented.
Aurora rubbed a fist against her eye as she turned to consider her father. “Really?”
Sirius nodded solemnly. “Really. You see, I came from a long line of proud Slytherins. I was supposed to get sorted into that house too, because I was supposed to be just like them. But I couldn’t be like them, I could only be like me. So, I was sorted in Gryffindor, even though my family didn’t like it.” 
“Did you get in trouble?”
Sirius nodded sadly. “I did.”
“But Ro, you know that no matter what house you get sorted into, me and daddy are going to be so, so, so proud of you. And we’ll be proud of you because you’re you, not because you were sorted into Ravenclaw or Gryffindor or Hufflepuff or Slytherin.” You added with a soft smile.
Aurora seemed to consider this. “Well, Harry and Jazzy are in Gryffindor, and Draco is in Slytherin. I’d like to be in one of those I think.”
You nodded at her, but it was Sirius who answered.
“That’d be pretty cool, huh? But listen, I met the most fantastic people in my house even though I knew no one in it when I first got sorted. Uncle Prongs and Uncle Moony were my dormmates for seven years and look at us now! Completely co-dependent and still living together.”
“What is co-dependent?” Aurora asked with furrowed brows.
“Not important. What I’m trying to say is, Rory, you are going to give that hat a run for its money, you know why?” Sirius asked.
Aurora shook her head.
“Because you are your mother’s daughter. And she is the the most loyal, the most cunning, the bravest and the smartest person I know. You’ve been raised by the most spectacular person, and any one of those houses will be lucky to have you. Got it?”
You watched as Rory took a deep breath and squared her shoulders before offering her dad a solid nod.
“Atta girl!” He said as he enveloped her in a hug and kissed her head. “You show that sorting hat who’s boss.” 
Aurora chuckled as she moved to hug you.
“I’m so proud of you, my love.” You said into her hair. She tightened her hold on you before letting go and stepping back.
“I think we’re ready for you, Jazzy.” You called, and the older girl came and took Aurora’s hand as they headed towards Draco and Harry to board the train.
James and Sirius wolf whistled and hollered, waving frantically as they watched the kids walk away. Hermione, Harry and Draco chuckled while Neville and Ron turned beat red at the attention.
You propped Lyra on your hip and the two of you continued to wave as the train pulled away. None of you stopped waving until you couldn’t see your babies anymore.
A sob tore its way through James, and you looked over to see Lily making alarmed eye contact with you as she awkwardly patted his arm and he and Sirius leaned into each other.
“First time?” An older woman asked as she went to walk past you.
“No” was yours and Lily’s chorused response as you peeled your husband away from his best mate and moved him toward the pram where your youngest two sat forgotten. 
“Lord, is it going to be this bad every time we send one of the kids off the first time?”
“It’ll be worse!” Sirius cried emphatically as he fell into your arms, basically crushing poor Lyra who was still sat on your hip. You looked over to Lily hoping for help only to see her in a similar predicament. 
“Sirius Black, at this rate our youngest three won’t ever want to come back to Kings Cross Station.” You muttered as you moved Lyra to your other hip so you could support your husband’s weight.
“Good! Then they’ll never leave me!” 
Your heart twinged as you patted Sirius’ back.
“Siri, look at me.” 
For a moment you thought he might refuse, but he unfolded himself slowly and stood to look at you. 
“This is what we fought for, my love.” You said as you caressed his cheek. “So that our babies could go to Hogwarts and learn and be children and be free and be safe.”
“I still hate it.”
You laughed at his petulance. “Me too, actually. Do you think Hogwarts is hiring? What if we all just move there?”
“Great idea, Vix!” James cheered from beside you, eyes rimmed and cheeks glistening. “Lily flower could work in the infirmary, Padfoot could teach astronomy, you could teach muggle studies, I could teach flying, Moony could teach defence against the dark arts and Regulus could teach potions! It’s perfect!”
Though you had to admit this plan of James’ actually sounded pretty perfect, your attention turned to little Posie falling asleep in Lily’s arms. 
“Why don’t we discuss this more once we get these kiddos down for a nap, hm?”
Sirius found you later sitting in the sunroom with a book in hand. He thought you made the prettiest picture sitting in the soft sun filtering through the leaves of the trees outside, plants surrounding you with your nose buried in a book. So, he took a picture. 
“I wasn’t ready!” You whined with a smile on your face.
“You’re always ready.” He said as he pressed a kiss to your lips. “I’m sorry I was such a mess at the train station today.” He said as he lifted your legs off the loveseat to sit down and replace them atop his lap.
“You don’t have to apologize, Siri.” You said as you tapped him with your book. 
“I’m supposed to be the one taking care of you.” He commented, his gaze seemed far away as he watched the branches dance in the September breeze.
“You can do that tomorrow.” You whispered back.
A smile graced his face before he turned to look at you. “I love you; did you know? I don’t think I say it enough, but I do; I love you.”
He punctuated his sentence with three loving squeezes of the fat of your thigh.
“Sirius. Every breath I take means ‘I love you’.” You responded and sealed it with a kiss. 
You got an owl from Draco and Aurora later that night.
Aurora was a hat stall.
She was also sorted into the same house as her mum.
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Thank you so much for reading! Can't get enough? Check out these CBBH themed one shots, or, feel free to request a one-shot from your faves in this universe!
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adachimoe · 1 month
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In Persona Club P4, it's said that the reason why this book was published is because Mitsuru found Akinari's notebook with the P3 protagonists' stuff, and had it published.
After being published, the book had good word of mouth and became popular as a result. But just like how in the story where none of the animals know who made the pond, no one knows who wrote the book either or what their story was...
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teecupangel · 24 days
So, we've had Desmond in the P5 universe. What if he landed earlier during the events of P3/FES/Reload? I think he would have a deep connection/bond to the protagonist considering both died to save the world. How would things play out in your headcanon?
The Persona 5 with Desmond idea for those curious.
I haven’t played P3R yet but I did play the OG P3, FES and Portable when it came out so we’ll be focusing on the og one for this.
Or maybe we’ll focus on the idea that P3R is a stealth ‘sequel’ and set it up first with Desmond waking up and talking a young boy with dark blue hair, asking him to sign in.
Desmond thought that he was in the afterlife and, sure, it looked like an average looking homey hotel but fine, he’d seen weirder shit in his life thanks to the Isus and the Animus so he just signed in.
He wakes up in a small apartment and a Japanese guy looking over him, telling him that he found Desmond where garbage bags were placed for the garbage truck to get them (Monday, Wednesday and Friday, Monday and Wednesday for burnable, Friday for not. He found Desmond on a Tuesday)
The man introduces himself as Edogawa and lets Desmond stay as he feels weak for some reason. By the time Desmond is strong enough to check his surrounding…
He finds out he’s in Japan, a city called Tatsumi Port Island.
It’s the year 2009.
His phone isn’t working at all. No matter how much he tried to turn it on. When he borrowed Edogawa’s computer, there is no mention of Abstergo in the internet at all.
And the email he remembered his team had and the emergency email that Erudito gave him bounced back.
It took a few days before Desmond finally agreed that he wasn’t kicked into the past.
This was another world.
A world where the Assassins and the Templars didn’t exist.
Things turned weirder because the first time Desmond stays late at night, the city transforms and he is attacked by strange creatures…
He manages to take care of them thanks to his hidden blade and the knife he still had on his bag but their battle only ‘invited’ more creatures that tried to attack Desmond.
So he runs. He turns the corner…
And finds himself in a bar mostly painted in blue velvet.
And on the counter stands a woman who calls herself “Elizabeth”.
She welcomes him as a ‘unexpected guest’ and tells her about the Dark Hour and the Shadows.
She opens her book and shows him the page of the Fool Arcana, explaining to him that he signed the contract and is now able to serve as an ‘authorized representative’. Elizabeth will serve as the host of his Velvet Room.
She requests him to defeat the Shadows and challenge the Avatar of the Fall.
… and…
To change the ending.
Unorganized Notes:
I kinda like the idea of this being FeMC instead of the og MC of P3 but you decide XD
We are going to use a lot of FeMC’s alternate scenes (mainly because I want Shinjiro to live)
He becomes the bartender in Club Escapade and meets the MC during his first visit there. He keeps an eye on the MC because the MC likes to ‘pay’ the fortune teller there to check his fortune or something.
Desmond actually appears to the SEES members during the High Priestess boss fight. He can’t believe that kids are fighting the Shadows. He recognized the MC and also Junpei who has also visited the club before.
Desmond is more or less ‘recruited’ by the Kirijo group and Desmond agreed because they’re kids, he can’t just let them do this on their own. Desmond transfers to the dorm as a… ‘caretaker’
… which he actually does. He cooks them food (thank you, Ratonhnhaké:ton’s bleed) and cleans. He also walks Koromaru whenever he does grocery. By that point, he quits his job in the club.
SEES members think of him more like an older brother. He gets roped with Fuuka’s cooking and jogs with Akihiko at times. He helps out Junpei with his English assignments. He makes Ken coffee and is even roped by Ken to teach him how to make coffee the way he does. He also more than once slips inside the school because Yukari asked him to help her with her archery for some reason. His favorite is Mitsuru though because she tells him he can borrow her motorcycle any time he wants.
Aegis is wary of him which is fair and she’s always confused to why she always feels the need to have him in her sight. It becomes a running joke how Aegis has imprinted on both Desmond and the MC.
We never talked about Desmond’s Persona, right?
That’s because he doesn’t have one.
The first Persona he summons is a Pixie and the book that Elizabeth has is already filled completely. He can summon the Personas there as long as he pays the price and he can fuse them.
But he cannot overwrite the Personas in the book.
Desmond is the Avatar of the Fool.
… specifically… he is the Avatar of the original messiah that became a door to halt the end from happening.
The young boy who asked him to sign?
That wasn’t Pharos.
It was the male main character’s child form. To be more exact, how he looked when he lost his parents. He connected with Desmond so Desmond could become his avatar and changed the ending of this ‘repeat’ (aka Reload) that Elizabeth managed to create. He appears in Desmond’s dream as a glowing figure (and the red herring is making us think he’s the Reader but he’s not). The book Elizabeth is using to support Desmond is his compendium.
So yeah…
This is actually a fix it fic idea for Persona 3.
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luminewhosthat · 2 months
I'm dumb as hell, so guys please explain why did jlb decide to put a huge club symbol on the cover of tgg book? Do u guys have any theories about it? This symbol is also related to luck. There are many calla lilies surrounding the huge club symbol. And what does C3, W4, P3 means tho ? There is a lock, and something looks akin to a wand, a blue stone necklace, a king chess piece, infinity symbol, 2 dices showing the number 5. A glass rose- I know what it is. There's also an old clock mechanism?
There are so many things on the cover it's making me feel so dizzy.
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draguta · 2 years
.bucky barnes ~ fic recs.
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keep reading for my bucky barnes fic recs
💚 indicates smut | 18+ | minors dni |
fuck you (derogatory) 💚 @bucksfucks
a ruined mission turns to you & bucky fucking it out. | bucky x fem!reader |
unfortunately yours 💚 @weepingvoidpenguin
when you and bucky successfully infiltrate a hydra auction, you're told to stay another day due to max capacity on the jet. but how are you going to survive a night alone with this insufferable super soldier? especially considering the miniscule size of the room and the obvious dilemma presented; who gets the bed? | bucky x fem!reader |
a little help 💚 @captainsimagines
bucky's been having difficulties in a certain...department. he's at a loss, completely ready to give up until he start theorizing. if you have the ability to heal people, maybe you can help him out. maybe you'll be able to fix him. | bucky x fem!reader |
fingers @buckycuddlebuddy
you couldn't take your eyes off his hands. | tattooartist!bucky x fem!reader |
a clandestine affair 💚 @bonky-n-steeb
bucky can't hold himself back when you look that gorgeous at tony's housewarming party. | bucky x fem!reader |
summer sins 💚 @wintersldr1
ever since you returned from your first year of college, you can't keep your eyes of your dad's best friend, bucky. at a family pool party, you finally give in. | dbf!bucky x fem!reader |
in corpore sano 💚 @straywords
your new personal trainer has a very...hands on approach. | personaltrainer!bucky x plussizefem!reader |
what goes around 💚 @navybrat817
bucky is your friend's dad and your dad's friend and nothing more. until he isn't. | bfd/dbf!bucky x fem!reader |
heavy tipper 💚 @metalbuckaroo
camgirl sites were nothing new to bucky, but a familiar face has him tipping heavily and requesting a private chat. | dbf!bucky x fem!reader |
recipe for disaster 💚 @seventven
your dad's best friend bucky knows you have a crush on him. your parents invite him to join your family for the annual winter vacation. | dbf!bucky x fem!reader |
riding lessons 💚 @nastybuckybarnes
you've just passed your knowledge test and you need someone to teach you how to ride. who better than your dad's best friend? | dbf!bucky x fem!reader |
these ties that bind us @sweetascanbee
when you’re sixteen years old, you get a soul mark with the letters ‘jbb’ emblazoned on your left wrist. the only problem is, soulmates pairings have basically gone extinct, and the man you’ve been paired with has been dead for seven decades. | bucky x fem!reader | complete |
a taste for older men 💚 @seventven
| P1 | P2 | P3 | P4 | P5 | P6 | P7 | P8 |
y/n is moving back in with her parents after breaking up with her college boyfriend. due to an emergency at work, y/n's dad is unable to pick her up and sends his friend bucky in his stead. to bucky's surprise, y/n is no longer the innocent girl he remembers from years back. | dbf!bucky x fem!reader | complete |
delicate edges @wkemeup
your family’s beloved flower shop was not the only thing you inherited when your parents passed. trapped under a mountain of debt to the hydra club, you bear the cost of your father’s desperate bargain. it’s only in moments when the charming bucky barnes walks into your shop that you can forget the cruelty of the biker clubs of this town. but a war is brewing. the border is crumbling. you’re trapped in the middle. and bucky will stop at nothing to keep you safe. | biker!bucky x fem!reader | complete |
astrophile @all1e23
orion rebecca barnes’s favorite thing in the whole world (besides her daddy of course) is spending hours after school in the bookstore by her house and the owner gives her any book she wants; she’s the coolest girl orion has ever met. it doesn’t take long for bucky to notice his daughter’s sudden interest in constellations and the large stack of astrology related books piling up in her room. he’s spent her entire life trying to teach her about the stars and where her name came from with little interest from his little comet and all of a sudden she’s in love. all thanks to the girl who owns the bookstore? | firefighter!bucky x fem!reader | complete |
the two of us @bucky-bucket-barnes
you and bucky go to investigate the phenomenon happening in westview, new jersey. while attempting to understand the issue, you yourselves are sucked into wanda’s world of pretend. now, you believe yourselves to be the happily married mr. and mrs. Barnes; in real life, you are most definitely not a happy pair. it is up to you and bucky to piece together what’s happening while dealing with one another inside the hex. | bucky x fem!reader | complete |
something more 💚 @tellmealovestory
after a bad breakup you ask your best friend to take your virginity. it’s just friends with benefits. what could possibly go wrong? | bucky x fem!reader | complete |
nostalgia for the new @real-jane
bucky meets you because of your exquisite taste in music, and he finds in you a solace he didn’t realize was possible. you create for bucky something he’s never found before: nostalgia for a time that hasn’t happened yet, and hope for a future where he might be loved. | bucky x fem!reader | complete |
for the love of the game 💚 @pellucid-constellations
bucky barnes was a menace. nyu’s top baseball player, he was used to girls falling at his feet and could smooth talk his way out of just about anything. you hated him. he couldn’t figure out why. so when the novelty of weekend parties and quick hookups finally wore off—and his feelings for you began to grow—he made it his mission to fix it. | collegeathlete!bucky x fem!reader | complete |
appointments 💚 @buckycuddlebuddy
bucky barnes, finally able to live freely in the 21st century, accidentally gets a fuck buddy and starts to redisover himself. the only weird thing about this situation is that you have to make an appointment to get railed by him. | tfatws!bucky x fem!reader | complete |
call me when you want 💚 @bonky-n-steeb
when you call a sex hotline with a need to be dominated you don’t expect to meet (or hear) someone as wonderful as james. but your life becomes a complicated mess as you already love your coworker, bucky barnes. however, you are unaware that they are actually the same person. | bucky x fem!reader | complete |
it started with a smile 💚 @writing-for-marvel
bridgerton au. at the start of the new social season, lady whistledown predicts this will finally be the year solitary duke james barnes finds a wife. after a chance meeting at lady danbury’s ball, can you and the duke overcome all obstacles thrown in your path by his scandalous past and your overbearing mother insistent against your match? | duke!bucky x fem!reader | on-going |
a million reasons 💚 @pellucid-constellations
bucky barnes, with all of his trust fund money and family connections, gets assigned community service. you, as someone that’s technically part of the community, now have to put up with him. every day. and he won’t stop killing your plants. | college!bucky x fem!reader | on-going |
the way we were / the way we are 💚 @pedrito-friskito
you met bucky between the bookshelves. he stole your heart beneath starry skies. it was a match made in heaven, but fate had other plans. | bucky x fem!reader | on-going |
the theory of it all 💚 @botnasty
there are theories for everything in life and bucky sure heard some interesting ones. | roommate!bucky x fem!reader | on-going |
house of atlas 💚 @traitorjoelite
at yale, there are more secrets than there’s not, including the four houses of atlas where only the best and brightest students are welcomed. when a fellow classmate disappears, you’re forced to team up with bucky barnes to find out what happened to her. what was once an academic rivalry spirals into a maze of feelings and mysteries, and you find out the hard way that even the secrets you think you know aren’t what they seem. | college!bucky x fem!reader | on-going |
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neonknightjaey · 2 days
What if Chihiro Fushimi Joined SEES (Part 2)
Had to rewatch the P3 ending to amp myself up to do this. Don’t mind the tears…or the river of em flowing through the post. That’s normal. Anyway. This part will be covering some misc stuff like School life, minor changes, and right up to the June full moon operation. With that being said. Lets get into it.
Soteria is Chihiro Fushimis persona. The goddess of safety and salvation, deliverance, and preservation from harm…funny that she will exactly USE harm to protect others from it.
While Soteria does learn spells like Tetrakarn and Makarakarn and some defensive increasing skills. That’s not all her Persona can do.
This persona is well known for its high magic stat, but more importantly…she’s the teams nuke button.
Her most upgraded move besides the Agi skill line is the Megi skill line. For those who don’t remember. Megi moves are pure almighty damage, a damage type that can’t be blocked.
Why did I decide to give the terrified nervous wreck a nuke? Cause I thought it would be funny. Don’t worry, it drains her magic fast so you can’t go spamming it. You’re gonna have to actually use her fire skills until much later on when she gets an sp cost reduction skill.
Soteria is best described appearance wise as a graceful looking woman with angelic wings yet in her hands are a giant shield and a crackling hand mixed with agi and megi effects. She’d have some unique patterns on her arms and would have her eyes covered by a flower crown.
Now enough about Chihiros Persona, lets see how this girl is with the rest of the teammates and what she does outside of battle.
Of course she’s still the student council treasurer so she’s in there with Mitsuru from time to time but really, it’s more of a “friendly business partners” relationship rather than a true genuine sisterly friendship for right now.
Now on the other end of things are her dorm-mates. Yukari is often really close with Chihiro. She talks to her quite often about her mangas and how club meetings go while Yukari just listens or at least tries to act engaged at the very least.
Yukari can be a bit protective of her but not often. Just helping at times when she gets too nervous around Akihiko. Other times though, despite Chihiros protests, she throws the girl to the wolves with one particular man to help her overcome her fears. That one man is…
Junpei….is…an interesting case with Chihiro. They both like manga and nerdy things at times so besides the male fear thing, you’d think they’d be the best of friends. Well, kinda. She’s too nervous right now to fully hang out with him and watches from a corner usually. Often wondering how he has so much time to slack on his studies when she’s seen his exam scores. She’d reprimand him if she had the courage to…
Yukari is definitely gonna help this girl slightly tolerate this man if it kills her.
Or at least have her join the “Stupei, Ace Defective” roasting club.
Both options work too.
Chihiro doesn’t have much to talk about with Akihiko. If Junpei was a bit much for her at this level, then a guy who talks about getting stronger and fighting with, to her, not much in common is gonna put her off a bit more…but then again, she seems fine with Hidetoshi so who knows? Maybe they’ll be better friends in the near future.
Insert Makoto Yukis/Door Doors social link here.
What? You thought I was gonna write something for Makoto now? It’s basically going the same as her SL. They’re friends and she likes being around him.
Okay fine, maybe I’m planning something but you’ll have to wait until later in the story. For now. They’re friends. Like…rank 4 at best.
In the overworld, Chihiro can often be seen staring at Bookworms, thinking of going in. Heck maybe even considering asking for a part time job, this girl surrounded by books would think it’s a dream job.
She can also be spotted around the mall, checking out the CD shops or wondering if maybe someday Makoto will take her into Club Escapade…but she’s gotta get her own courage in check so we’ll check in on this subplot later.
At night, there is a rare chance that you won’t be able to use the computer there because Chihiro’s on it.
She’s either gonna be studying or looking at this weird new webcomic. It’s apparently about a boy and his three friends playing a video game? You aren’t sure yet because all you see is a boy kissing his poster goodbye while his friend plays the violin. It’s weird but hey, nobody said she can’t have weird interests.
Now that the current dorm life is out of the way, lets get into the story this time.
A reason Yukari may be a bit protectivr if Chihiro is because she’s been hearing about this currently being bullied by three girls.
It’s really starting to piss her off actually. But she bites her tongue for right now.
Most of May and such plays out as normal but instead of the ghost hunting team being just you, Yukari and Junpei, this girl gets in on it too…she wishes she wasn’t because she didn’t know wether to be afraid of ghosts or Junpei in the dark, or confused by how laughable his missing girl story was.
Nevertheless she joins their investigation with some reluctance…mainly Yukari saying it’ll help her.
For once though when they decide to go to the sketchy alleys of Port Island Station at night, she’s siding with Junpei in possibly wanting to back out.
Dear lord the girl was not only not made for scared, but for seeing Junpei get headbutted by a terrifying guy while being harassed by others.
And then there’s Shinji…
Poor girl just about fainted when she saw him. He’s downright terrifying. He seems nice but the poor gi-oh…she passed out. Poor thing.
When she gets back to the dorm she’s out for the whole night, cuddling with a pillow from fear…yeah Yukari may need to apologize later to her for doing that.
Weirdly enough though, the fact she felt like she “survived” something like that feels a bit relieving in her. Like she CAN do scary stuff and will be braver…eventually. For now though. Fuukas case takes high priority.
Hearing this Fuuka girl was getting bullied by Natsuki was bad enough, learning she could be dead is slightly pissing her off…then she learns Mr. Ekoda hid this information from everyone…someone hold this girl back she’s gonna take her paper fan and jam it down his throat.
Thankfully she heard Mitsuru got to him but she’s still pissed. Who knew this sweetheart could have a tipping point that deep.
It doesn’t make her fear into a hatred thankfully, I mean…seeing Junpei get knocked down at the station made her feel scared sure but like she wanted to help and just felt powerless…maybe that’s why when he heard this girl was being bullied and her missing status was hidden was what caused her to lose her cool for a little.
Come the time to save them, she begs Makoto to please go with him to save Fuuka. She feels like she needs to meet this girl.
He doesn’t care
But she’s in the party with Aki and Junpei.
In retrospect, not a good idea for her but she’s holding back her fear to save this woman.
So with Natsuki she feels, understandably, upset that she would bully this girl and locked her up. Though she does promise she’ll help find Fuuka.
Now back in Tartar Sauce, she’s slightly relieved yet worried to be split from the all guys party. When she finds Makoto though, she’s much calmer. When they find Fuuka though…dear lord this girl is so glad she’s alive.
Then she sees Mitsuru and Yukari are down for the count and hey, she can actually do damage to them…it’s weak damage though. If only there were some persona user who could read enemies weaknesses an- oh Fuuka did it.
The rest of the story here mainly plays out as normal.
Now with Fuuka on the team, how are she and Chihiro gonna get along?
Dear lordy, these two are like sisters. Scared, timid, shy, other similar words can best describe them to a T.
Fuuka looks up to Chihiro as her Senpai while Chihiro looks up to her as someone much smarter than her.
These two have a lot of study sessions together and it’s sort of the opposite of Yukari so far.
Instead of having Chihiro try and work past things asap, she’s more into having her take her time and do things at her own speed.
They even suggest starting a manga/book club too.
Fuuka isn’t fully into Mangas? Well by golly Fuuka will try for her new friends sake
And this is where we end for this part. Sorry it’s a bit sloppy and has so much run offs, it’s unorganized and all over the place. Okay a lot more work is needed but there was a lot to go over and I set my ambitions a bit high. I’ll try and organize things a bit better next time and make things more coherent.
Special thanks to my co-author @maze-of-my-design for the relationships list for this gal and helping with ideas for this series.
Hope you enjoyed reading it y’all.
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Persona Timeline Pt. 1: Pre-Canon
Gonna add references like we're in the Tardis Wiki. If you know, you know.
Events that only took place in the Other Side will be marked with a "🟠". Events that only took place in This Side will be marked with a "⚪️".
For extra fun, you can read only the general and 🟠 events, then when you hit the Timeline Reset in the P2 Timeline, start over but this time reading only the general and ⚪️ events in order to progress to P3. The full Tatsuya experience, some might say.
- The Great Will created the Megami Tensei Multiverse (Game: Megami Tensei II). The Great Will is implied to also rule, or at least oversee, the Persona Universe.
- Nyx, a Star Eater, took damage when she collided with Earth (Book: Persona 3 Club). The debris created the Moon and, while Nyx' psyche was trapped on Earth, her body was enclosed in the Moon.
- Fragments from Nyx' body, called Plumes of Dusk, fell on Earth (Book: Persona 3 Club).
- Nyx began the long process of healing her physical body.
- In order to fight Nyx' psyche, the primitive life on Earth indirectly created the Collective Unconscious (Book: Persona 3 Club), connecting all the souls on Earth through the Sea of Souls. Nyx' psyche was sealed here.
- Humans came to be.
- The Expanse was formed to house all the gods, spirits, mythological beings, shadows, and demons created by humanity (Game: Shin Megami Tensei: if...).
- Chronos / Charon, god of death and time, came to be, born from man's collective unconscious to guide and accompany them to the afterlife (Game: Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth).
350,000 YEARS AGO
- Philemon and Nyarlathotep came to be; Philemon representing the good of humanity, and Nyarlathotep the evil (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin).
- Erebus was created as a manifestation of humanity's grief and negative emotion (Game: Persona 3 FES). He began to look for Nyx' psyche, which was still scattered across the Collective Unconscious.
BETWEEN 2,000 BC AND 1598
- Igor began his life as a doll (Game: Persona 3 FES).
- Igor was given life by Philemon and placed in charge of the newly-created Velvet Room (Game: Persona 3 FES).
BETWEEN 1467 AND 1590
- As a consequence of rumors created in 1999 Sumaru, a historical warlord named Kiyotada Sumaru conquered the land what would become Sumaru City (Game: Persona 2: Eternal Punishment). ⚪️
- A vassal of Kiyotada named Tatsunoshin Suou organized an assassination attempt against him with his lover, Princess Maihime Amano, and his retainer, Junnosuke Kuroda (Game: Persona 2: Eternal Punishment). ⚪️
- Kiyotada gored Maihime with a spear, and Tatsunoshin cut off his head. Devastated, Tatsunoshin ordered Junnosuke to flee Sumaru Castle and burn it down as he fled (Game: Persona 2: Eternal Punishment). ⚪️
- Junnosuke recovered Tatsunoshin and Maihime's remains from the burned down castle and mummified them (Game: Persona 2: Eternal Punishment). ⚪️
- Junnosuke changed his name to Fuyou and founded the Mokujinken school of martial arts (Game: Persona 2: Eternal Punishment). ⚪️
- Fuyou died of natural causes, and his spirit remained in limbo, awaiting for the day Tatsunoshin would call upon him once more. Until then, he protected Maihime's descendants (Game: Persona 2: Eternal Punishment). ⚪️
BETWEEN 1598 AND 1995
- Belladonna became a denizen of the Velvet Room.
- Nameless covered his eyes. It is possible he became a denizen of the Velvet Room around this time (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin).
January 19
- Edgar Poe was born.
May ??
- Poe published "The Mask of the Red Death: A Fantasy", which made the earliest references to a velvet room.
October 7
- Edgar Allan Poe passed away due to unclear circumstances.
July 26
- Carl Gustav Jung was born.
? ??
- The Shirogane line of detectives began (Game: Persona 4).
BETWEEN 1909 AND 1969
? ??
- The Demon Painter was born and raised in Sumaru City (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin).
? ??
- Possible date for Jung to have met Philemon, or at least began to have visions of the Velvet Room and/or Expanse.
July 28
- World War 1 began.
BETWEEN 1914 AND 1918
? ??
- With Philemon's help, Jung wrote the Red and Black Books. The Red Book was a record of the origin of Personas and Philemon's power, while the Black Book recorded everything about the Sea of Souls. The Red Book granted limitless power and free manipulation of people's consciousness and unconsciousness, while the Black Book could harvest power and take others' Personas to summon and create beings for various purposes (Manga: Persona Tsumi to Batsu).
- In order to seal the Books' ridiculous power, Philemon created special keys (Manga: Persona Tsumi to Batsu). A fraction if their power can still be used with the Books closed, though.
- Jung finished the Red and Black Books and gave them to Philemon, who introcued them to Igor (Manga: Persona Tsumi to Batsu).
- Philemon set free the Red and Black Books along with their keys from Kadath Mandala, awaiting for a human who showed the abilities the Books provided (Manga: Persona Tsumi to Batsu).
- Igor began to make an effort to get to know his guests (Manga: Persona Tsumi to Batsu).
? ??
- Kosei High School was founded (Game: Persona 5).
November 11
- World War 1 ended.
Between May and June
- Bunkichi Kitamura was born (Game: Persona 3 Reload).
BETWEEN 1929 AND 1949
? ??
- Tatzusou Sudou was born (Game: Persona 2: Eternal Punishment).
Between February and March
- Mitsuko was born (Game: Persona 3 Reload).
BETWEEN 1937 AND 1946
? ??
- Stephen was born (Game: Shin Megami Tensei).
September 1
- World War 2 began.
? ??
- Kouetsu Kirijo was born.
April 30
- Adolf Hitler escaped to Antarctica with the Last Battalion, growing his forces and waiting for the time to strike again (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin). 🟠
September 2
- World War 2 ended.
? ??
- Jyun Owada was born (Game: Persona 5 Strikers).
BETWEEN 1951 AND 1976
? ??
- Munehisa Iwai was born.
? ??
- Tatsuzou Suou was born (Game: Persona 2: Eternal Punishment).
BETWEEN 1956 AND 1976
? ??
- Sojiro Sakura and Wakaba Isshiki were born.
BETWEEN 1958 AND 1967
? ??
- Stephen began the Terminal System project and became the first human to initiate contact with the Expanse. However, a shadow crossed over and, since Stephen didn't speak their language, was crippled by it (Game: Shin Megami Tensei).
- The event with the shadow inspired Stephen to begin the creation of the Demon Summoning Program (Game: Shin Megami Tensei).
? ??
- Setsuko Sonomura was born (Game: Megami Ibunroku Persona).
June 6
- Jung passed away.
? ??
- Akinari Kashihara and Maya Okamura were born.
Between January 20 and February 18
- Junko Kurosu was born (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin).
? ??
- Steven Silverman and Kankichi Mishina were born.
? ??
- Masayoshi Shido and Takeharu Kirijo were born (Game: Persona 3 / Game: Persona 5).
BETWEEN 1963 AND 1968
? ??
- Toranosuke Yoshida was born.
? ??
- St. Hermelin High School was founded (Game: Megami Ibunroku Persona).
Between April 20 and May 20
- Ginji Sasaki was born (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin).
? ??
- The winning streak of the Special Investigations Unit began, mostly aided by forged evidence (Game: Persona 5).
June 13
- Kaoru Saga / Baofu was born (Game: Persona 2: Eternal Punishment).
? ??
- Miki Asai was born.
July 28
- Kyouji Kuzunoha was born (Game: Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner).
November 8
- Takahisa Kandori was born (Game: Megami Ibunroku Persona).
? ??
- Chizuru Ishigami was born.
BETWEEN 1968 AND 1976
October 1
- Zenkichi Hasegawa was born (Game: Persona 5 Strikers).
May 16
- Ryotaro Dojima was born (Game: Persona 4).
? ??
- Philemon and Nyarlathotep made a bet on whether humanity would destroy itself or become enlightened beings (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin).
- Nyarlathotep cursed Sumaru City so strong rumors would become reality (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin).
? ??
- Tatsuya Sudou was born with Nyarlathotep whispering in his head (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin).
- First art contest in St. Hermelin High School (Manga: Megami Ibunroku Persona).
BETWEEN 1971 AND 1974
? ??
- Saeko Takemi and Tomomi Fujimori were born (Game: Megami Ibunroku Persona).
? ??
- Eiichiro Takeba was born.
December 30
- Katsuya Suou was born (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin).
June 1
- Taro Namatame was born (Game: Persona 4).
November 30
- Ulala Serizawa was born (Game: Persona 2: Eternal Punishment).
? ??
- Misuzu Hiiragi was born.
? ??
- Shiori's older sister was born (Game: Persona 2: Eternal Punishment).
January 14
- Shiori Miyashiro was born (Game: Persona 2: Eternal Punishment).
July 4
- Maya Amano was born (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin).
April ??
- Junko began attending Seven Sisters High School (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin).
BETWEEN 1977 AND 1908
? ??
- Junko became the first Miss Sevens (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin).
- Kashihara and Okamura began to teach at Seven Sisters High School.
? ??
- Shuji Ikutsuki was born.
BETWEEN 1978 AND 1986
? ??
- Sadayo Kawakami was born (Game: Persona 5).
? ??
- Kunikazu Okumura was born.
April 9
- Yukino "Yukki" Mayuzumi was born (Game: Megami Ibunroku Persona).
June 4
- Maki Sonomura was born with an unspecified illness. She would be hospitalized various times through her childhood and early teenage years (Game: Megami Ibunroku Persona).
July 11
- Masao "Mark" Inaba was born (Game: Megami Ibunroku Persona).
August 18
- Reiji Kido was born (Game: Megami Ibunroku Persona).
September 21
- Eriko "Elly" Kirishima was born (Game: Megami Ibunroku Persona).
October 2
- Kei "Nate" Nanjo was born (Game: Megami Ibunroku Persona).
December 24
- Kazuya and Naoya Toudou (P1MC) were born (Game: Megami Ibunroku Persona).
? ??
- Shunsuke Fujii was born (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin).
- The New World Order was founded after a small company led by Tatsuzou unearthed Kiyotada's head in the soon-to-be Honmaru Park, which spoke in their heads advice to control the country (Game: Persona 2: Eternal Punishment). ⚪️
BETWEEN 1979 AND 1998
? ??
- Tatsuzou became the Minister of Foreign Affairs (Game: Persona 2: Eternal Punishment).
January 1
- Hidehiko "Brown" Uesugi was born (Game: Megami Ibunroku Persona).
March 3
- Yuka Ayase was born (Game: Megami Ibunroku Persona).
March ??
- Junko graduated from Seven Sisters High School and became a famous actress.
August 13
- Tamaki Uchida (SMT:If...MC) was born (Game: Shin Megami Tensei: if...).
? ??
- Yumi Shirakawa, Shinji "Charlie" Kuroi, Akira Miyamoto, Ideo Hazama, Akiko Yano, and Ryuichi Sakamoto were born (Game: Shin Megami Tensei: if...).
- Chisato Kasai and Yosuke Naito were born (Game: Megami Ibunroku Persona).
? ??
- Junko and Kashihara got married (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin).
May ??
- Upon realizing she was pregnant, Junko retired from stardom (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin).
July 27
- Tatsuya Suou (P2MC) was born (Game: Persona 2: Eternal Punishment).
October 25
- Miyabi Hanakouji / Kozy was born (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin).
? ??
- Reiko Akanezawa and Takuya Miyashiro were born (Game: Shin Megami Tensei: if... / Game: Persona 2: Eternal Punishment).
- Tadashi Satomi was born.
BETWEEN 1981 AND 1983
? ??
- Mitsuo Shimazaki was born.
? ??
- Shinichi Yoshizawa was born.
February 14
- Jun Kurosu / Jun Kashihara was born (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin / Game: Persona 2: Eternal Punishment).
May 4
- Lisa Silverman was born (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin).
Between October and November
- Anna Yoshizaka was born (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin).
November 15
- Eikichi "Michel" Mishina was born (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin).
? ??
- Gekkoukan High School was founded.
BETWEEN 1982 AND 1984
? ??
- Masataka Amano entrusted Mr. Bunbun to Maya while he went away as a war correspondent (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin).
- Masataka died away in a war (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin).
BETWEEN 1982 AND 1985
? ??
- Sayoko Uehara and Noriko Kashiwagi were born (Game: Persona 4).
BETWEEN 1982 AND 1999
? ??
- Junko returned to stardom (Game: Persona 2: Eternal Punishment). ⚪️
? ??
- Naoya got a cold and Kazuya, in an effort to make him feel better, went with their mother to buy him manga. On the way home, Kazuya was hit by a truck and died (Manga: Megami Ibunroku Persona).
- Naoya began to act like Kazuya to comfort his mother. Her mental breakdown made her stay at her parents' house while Naoya was taken care of by a housekeeper and the Sonomuras (Manga: Megami Ibunroku Persona).
- Hiroki Sugimoto, Mami "Sheba" Shibata, and Miho "Mee-ho" Ogishima were born.
- Mayumi Yamano was born (Game: Persona 4).
BETWEEN 1983 AND 1984
? ??
- Noriko Katayama was born.
February 1
- Tohru Adachi was born (Game: Persona 4).
April ??
- Kandori began attending St. Hermelin High School (Game: Megami Ibunroku Persona). He would become president of the student council.
? ??
- Chika "Chikarin" Ueda was born (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin).
BETWEEN 1984 AND 1997
? ??
- Sasaki became part of a one-hit wonder band (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin). After fading to obscurity, became a record producer.
April ??
- Sudou began attending Seven Sisters High School (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin).
- The rumors spread about Sudou made his mental state worsen (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin).
July 6
- Owada won his first term as a legislator.
? ??
- Akari Hoshi / Ixquic was born (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin).
BETWEEN 1986 AND 1989
April ??
- Saeko and Tomomi began attending St. Hermelin High School (Game: Megami Ibunroku Persona).
? ??
- Kumi Hirose became the first victim of the Snow Queen Curse (Game: Megami Ibunroku Persona).
BETWEEN 1986 AND 1992
? ??
- Hidehiko had a bowel movement accident that earned him the nickname of "Brown" (Game: Megami Ibunroku Persona).
- Ideo and Reiko's parents got divorced. Their father kept Ideo and their mother left with Reiko (Game: Shin Megami Tensei: if...).
March ??
- Kandori graduated from St. Hermelin High School and began studying at Oxford.
BETWEEN 1987 AND 1990
? ??
- Michiko Matsudaira became another victim of the Snow Queen Curse (Game: Megami Ibunroku Persona).
BETWEEN 1988 AND 1991
? ??
- Yuriko Yamamoto became another victim of the Snow Queen Curse (Game: Megami Ibunroku Persona).
BETWEEN 1988 AND 1993
? ??
- Shido became a metropolitan assemblyman, beginning his career in politics (Game: Persona 5).
BETWEEN 1988 AND 1995
? ??
- Kuzunoha founded the Kuzunoha Detective Agency.
? ??
- Kashihara became a substitute father for Sudou (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin). 🟠
- Kashihara, believing that the Maiyans aliens were speaking through Sudou, wrote all the messages in the book "In Lak'ech" (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin). 🟠
- Suspecting infidelity, Junko hired detective Daisuke Todoroki to follow Kashihara (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin). 🟠
- Junko began to spread vicious rumors about her husband, weakening his hold on reality (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin). 🟠
March ??
- Sudou graduated from Seven Sisters High School.
- Tatsuya, Jun, Michel, and Lisa met each other in the Alaya Shrine. They began to call themselves the Masked Circle (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin). 🟠
- Maya met and befriended the Masked Circle, becoming a surrogate older sister to them (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin). 🟠
- Maya taught the Masked Circle the Persona Game (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin). 🟠
Between March and August
- Jun gave Tatsuya an engraved Zippo lighter, while Tatsuya gave him a silver wristwatch. The two made a promise to be friends forever (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin). 🟠
- Kashihara fell in the Seven Sisters clock tower and was crushed by the gears (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin). 🟠
- Nyarlathotep took on Kashihara's appearance and replaced him (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin). 🟠
April ??
- Katsuya began attending Seven Sisters High School (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin).
August ??
- Maya, after revealing she would be moving away, was locked inside the Alaya Shrine by Michel and Lisa. Tatsuya was locked in as well (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin). 🟠
- The Alaya Shrine was set on fire by Sudou, who cut Tatsuya with a knife and made Maya develop pyrophobia. Tatsuya took Sudou's right eye off with his Persona (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin). 🟠
- Sudou killed and dismembered Takuya (Game: Persona 2: Eternal Punishment). ⚪️
- Jun, Lisa, and Michel mistakenly began to believe that Maya was killed in the fire, and hid away their masks (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin). 🟠
- The trauma made Tatsuya, Lisa, Michel, and Maya forget about the incident and about each other (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin). 🟠
- Nyarlathotep made Jun believe that Maya was killed by his friends, and began grooming him to become Joker (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin). 🟠
- Tatsuzou stopped the investigations of Tatsuya's father into Sudou, using his influence to discredit him and end up with Tatsuya's father leaving the police (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin / Game: Persona 2: Eternal Punishment).
- Tatsuzou sent Sudou to the Morimoto Sanitarium (Game: Persona 2: Eternal Punishment). ⚪️
- Maya moved away from Sumaru City with her mother (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin).
? ??
- Akira Konoe was born (Game: Persona 5 Strikers).
BETWEEN 1989 AND 1992
? ??
- Tomomi became the last victim of the Snow Queen Curse, carrying a grudge against Saeko for knowing about it and not saying anything (Game: Megami Ibunroku Persona).
- Principal Ooishi ordered the Snow Queen Mask to be put away (Game: Megami Ibunroku Persona).
March ??
- Saeko graduated from St. Hermelin High School (Game: Megami Ibunroku Persona).
February 18
- Owada won his second term as a legislator.
March 3
- Akinari Kamiki was born (Game: Persona 3).
May 8
- Mitsuru Kirijo was born (Game: Persona 3).
August 11
- Shinjiro Aragaki was born (Game: Persona 3).
Between August and September
- Mamoru Hayase was born (Game: Persona 3).
- Nozomi Suemitsu and his fraternal twin were born (Game: Persona 3).
September 22
- Akihiko Sanada was born (Game: Persona 3).
? ??
- Ulala failed a grade and had to repeat a year (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin).
- Naoya pierced his ear as personal proof that he was not Kazuya (Manga: Megami Ibunroku Persona).
- Saori Hasegawa, Ichiko Ohya, and Kayo Murakami were born (Game: Persona 3 Portable / Game: Persona 5).
- Naoya had a cold for the last time in his life (Manga: Megami Ibunroku Persona).
Between January and February
- Keisuke Hiraga was born (Game: Persona 3).
March ??
- Katsuya graduated from Seven Sisters High School and became a police officer, dropping his dream of becoming a patissier to clear his father's name (Game: Persona 2: Eternal Punishment).
April ??
- Maya returned to Sumaru City to attend high school.
Between September and October
- Andre Laurent Jean Geraux / Bebe was born (Game: Persona 3).
October 19
- Yukari Takeba was born (Game: Persona 3).
Between November and December
- Kenji Tomochika was born (Game: Persona 3).
December 22
- Fuuka Yamagishi was born (Game: Persona 3).
? ??
- Ulala met Maya.
- Minato Arisato (P3MC), Rio Iwasaki, and Natsuki Moriyama were born (Game: Persona 3).
BETWEEN 1992 AND 1994
? ??
- Shinji stole someone's bike, which earned him the nickname "Charlie" (Game: Shin Megami Tensei: if...).
BETWEEN 1992 AND 2003
? ??
- Miki Sanada was born.
January 16
- Junpei Iori was born (Game: Persona 3).
Between March and April
- Yuko Nishiwaki was born (Game: Persona 3).
May 24
- Mitsuo Kubo was born (Game: Persona 4).
July 18
- Yoshida was voted into office.
- Owada won his three term as a legislator.
Between October and November
- Chihiro Fushimi was born (Game: Persona 3).
? ??
- Saki Konishi was born.
- Sae Niijima was born.
- Yoshida missed a legislative meeting to take a personal vacation, was accused of embezzling party funds, and called a voter an idiot in an open forum. This earned him the title of "No-Good Tora" (Game: Persona 5).
BETWEEN 1993 AND 1994
Between July and August
- Hidetoshi Odagiri and Kazushi Miyamoto were born (Game: Persona 3).
? ??
- Takuto Maruki was born.
April ??
- Yukki began to attend St. Hermelin High School (Game: Megami Ibunroku Persona).
June 22
- Yosuke Hanamura was born (Game: Persona 4).
July 30
- Chie Satonaka was born (Game: Persona 4).
December 8
- Yukiko Amagi was born (Game: Persona 4).
? ??
- Kenji's sister, Yu Narukami (P4MC), Kou Ichijo, Daisuke Nagase, Ai Ebihara, and Tomoe Sayama were born.
- Kaoru and Miki ran an investigation on Tatsuzou and the Tien Tao Lien mafia for money laundering (Game: Persona 2: Eternal Punishment).
- Tatsuzou ordered the assassination of Kaoru and Miki, with Kaoru only surviving thanks to the awakening of his Persona (Game: Persona 2: Eternal Punishment).
- Kaoru changed his name to Baofu and vowed to avenge Miki (Game: Persona 2: Eternal Punishment).
BETWEEN 1994 AND 1996
? ??
- Hanako Ohtani and Yumi Ozawa were born.
- Kou's birth parents may have died of an unspecified sickness. Kou was placed in an orphanage (Game: Persona 4).
BETWEEN 1994 AND 1997
? ??
- Dojima saw Yu for the last time before he came to Inaba (Game: Persona 4).
? ??
- Kouetsu discovered the Plumes of Dusk, began to look into their origin, and amassed a collection for benevolent purposes (Book: Persona 3 Club).
- The Kirijo Group separated from the Nanjo Group, though they kept a close working relationship (Game: Persona 3).
- Some mean kids pulled Michel's pants down in front of Miyabi and told him she hated fat people. Out of guilt, Miyabi began to let herself go and become chubby (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin). 🟠
March ??
- After graduation, Maya began to work as a reporter for the teen magazine "Coolest" (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin).
April ??
- Yumi, Charlie, Miyamoto, Hazama, Akiko, and Ryuichi began attending Karukozaka High School (Game: Shin Megami Tensei: if...).
- Maki, Mark, Nate, Naoya, Brown, Yuka, Chisato, and Naito began attending St. Hermelin High School (Game: Megami Ibunroku Persona).
- Reiji began to attend an unnamed high school (Game: Megami Ibunroku Persona).
- Elly began to attend an unnamed high school in America (Game: Megami Ibunroku Persona).
April 27
- Naoto Shirogane was born (Game: Persona 4).
June 1
- Rise Kujikawa was born (Game: Persona 4).
? ??
- Kouetsu began to experiment with shadows to create a time manipulation device (Game: Persona 3).
- Kuzunoha passed away.
- Hazama began to face bullying at school (Game: Shin Megami Tensei: if...).
- Hazama confessed his crush to Akiko, only to be rudely rejected (Game: Shin Megami Tensei: if...).
- Naoki Konishi, Ayane Matsunaga, and Sumomo Ujima were born.
BETWEEN 1995 AND 1996
January 2
- Kanami Mashita was born (Game: Persona 4: Dancing All Night).
BETWEEN 1995 AND 1997
? ??
- Michel pulled Sugimoto's pants down in middle school, causing the latter to swear revenge.
BETWEEN 1995 AND 1999
? ??
- Kouetsu became a nihilist, which was only fueled by his discovery of The Fall (Game: Persona 3). The Kirijo Group began to dedicate their efforts to bring about The Fall.
? ??
- Kandori became the head of the Mikage-cho branch of Saeki Electronics & Biological Energy Corporation / SEBEC (Game: Megami Ibunroku Persona).
- Elly's twin sisters were born (Game: Megami Ibunroku Persona).
- Nate met Kandori and didn't like him (Game: Megami Ibunroku Persona)
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kousaka-ayumu · 2 months
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Adira Amy
Warning: this may contain mature subjects such as bullying,mental health problems, rape, stalking, and abuse and depression.
Nickmakes: Adira(All), UglyBear(Yuzu), Adira-chan(Sonomi), Adira-shi(Idia), Amy-san(Ortho), Princesse des roses(Rook).
Twisted from: Bobby BearHug(Poppy Playtime), Cherry Blossom Cookie(Cookie Run), Honami(Project Sekai)
Voice claim: Fukagawa Ruka
Height: 166cm
DOB: 2/14
Species: Bear beastwoman
Homeland: Queendom of Roses(Former)
Dorm: Heartslabyul
Class: 1-C(No.3)
Club: Chess and gardening
Hobby: Taking photos of flowers, designing clothes.
Likes: Hugs, anything cute, photography, watering plants, romance books.
Dislikes: Plants getting trampled, people getting hurt, Yuzu.
Favorite food: Pies, anything related to honey
Least favorite food: Burned food.
Favorite drink: Tea.
Pet peeve: People think love is a disgusting and weak emotion.
"A second year at Heartslabyul, she's a very loving and caring girl, and the unofficial therapist, if anyone suffer from any mental health problem, please talk to her at her personal office."
Adira is a tall girl with long brown hair tied to a ponytail with a red ribbon and deep blue eyes.
Adira is the daughter of a psychiatric and a nurse in Queendom of Roses, unfortunately due to her being a bear beastwoman, she is stereotype of being a terrifying and a horrible girl due to many of her peers, causing her to get bullied by many kids.
This led to her being depressed as nobody stand up for her as well as being isolated and left out by the other kids, gradually she and her parents ended up moved to Sagewillow in order to keep her safe, but unfortunately it only led to her feeling guilt as her mom have quit her job at the Hospital and her dad quit being a psychiatric.
And now she didn't want anyone to go through the same thing she did, that's why she have her own personal office at the dorm.
Adira is very loving, kind and caring girl as she tries to help anyone and everyone with their problems as well as giving them a reason to live, unfortunately this led to her being called a people pleaser by the NRC NPCs but she tried to hide it with a smile.
Unique Magic: Calm Rose
It allows her to create silhouette rose vines, it help reduce a person's stress and lower the heart rate, however doing it too much led her to exhaustion.
Her family and the Rosehearts knew each other.
Seh was put to sleep by Samara once while overworking herself and being too hard on herself.
She had a close relationship with Riddle, due to his problems with his mother he would often talk to her about, making them have a close relationship causing the other Heartslabyul students to mistaken them for a couple, making both of them denying it.
She likes having tea parties with her dolls and other stuffed animals.
Would go mama bear on anyone.
She almost overblot once but was stopped by Kalpana.
She knew about Carter's real self.
Adira loves romance books, movies, anime, manga and manhwa but doesn't like it when it involves @bu$ed, sta@lk1ng, and r@p3.
She didn't understand that she can't help everyone.
What do you guys think about her?
@zexal-club @anxious-twisted-vampire @yukii0nna
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I've been scanning, remastering, and making transparent, a bunch of demon/shadow art from megami tensei art books and guide books in my collection to replace what we have on the wiki or even provide art thats never been on there (like my Nyx Avatar that soejima drew), would you guys want me to post them here as a collection? feel free to request some art of stuff u want to see in hd in the ask box maybe.
The books i have are
P3 Club Book
P3 FES Fanbook
P3 Official Works
P1 Club Book
PQ Official Works
P4U1 Official Works
Devil Children Light Book & Dark Book Perfect Guide
Devil Survivor 2 Official Design Works
Persona Trinity Soul Official Art Book
SMT NINE Master Guide
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elle-p · 6 months
P3 Club Book introduction scan and transcription.
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第1作目として1996年に製作された『女神異聞録ペルソナ』、 そして前世紀の最後を飾る2作目として製作された『ペルソナ2罪』と 『ペルソナ2罰』という2部構成の作品。それらは、実存とは何か、抑圧された精神が与える影響とはどのようなものか、コンプレックスが生み出す力と影はいかなるものか、といったヒューマンスケールにおける生の悩みに直面し社会と個人の狭間に苦悩する人々の、成長の物語を描くものだった。それらは、『女神転生』シリーズの、世界の崩壊と再生というような壮大な切り口とは異なるものではあったが、同様の思想的厚みを持つものであり、生きることの本質を生活というリアルな場において体現していくことの難しさと必要性をエンターテインメントとして表現する意欲作であった。今回、ペルソナシリーズの7年ぶりの新作『ペルソナ3』を機に、製作者として根底に流れる思想はもとより、作品コンセプトからシナリオに深く関わり、そしてそれらを表現するグラフィックを生み出してきた悪魔絵師・金子一馬氏と共に、過去のペルソナシリーズについて振り返ってみたい。各作品についての記述は、金子氏へのインタビューを踏まえたものである。
Mement mori
6,800円 (税別)
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fantasypictures · 4 months
The Beginning - Beneath Miscellanium
Not the beginning of the setting in an origin myth sense (because, honestly, I'm stealing 4th editions' "gods did a light colonialism on the primordials" thing), but how this setting started in the real world.
The blame falls on Jeff Rients (who is also on tumblr but I can't find the name right now)
back in 2017-ish, Jeff was running a dungeon-crawl game on Google+, where any adherent of the Flailsnails Conventions could turn up and take part. Living in Australia, in a household that would not support me playing D&D at 3am, I could not take part, but I read the blog posts and watched from afar with envy as Jeff's multitudionous players got up to shenanigans in the dungeons, and traded, competed and organized when outside of it (the fact that the players founded a wizard library entirely off their own initiative was particularly cool to me).
Then I got a place to live that was back near the university where I had studied. The university with RPG club I had accidentally acquired a lifetime membership of. The RPG club that was starting new games in February. The new games that always needed more GMs.
AND the place was near a bar that hosted D&D on weekends.
So I decided that if I couldn't join Jeff's game, I would make my own with blackjack and hookers with a newer ruleset.
I had liked hearing about the wild variety of characters Jeff had seen due to allowing multiple different retroclones rulesets for character creation - but knowing that none of my players were interested in OSR stuff at the time, I determined that the best way to achieve this was to allow anything actively published by Wizards of the Coast. Any books, any unearthed arcana, anything (I later walked that back a little bit - no Ravnica backgrounds and NO MYSTICS JFC)
I cobbled together a couple of levels of dungeon and a vague reason why the dungeon content was so wildly varied, named the town above the dungeon Miscellanium both in honour to Jeff's Miscellanium of Cinder and the fact it a good Roman-sounding name for a place full of diverse weridos, worked out how to use a Facebook group to keep all the people involved up to date, and got going.
it was amazing.
The wednesday and saturday groups were, initially, mostly seperate. They would sometimes stumble on what each other had been doing, and would vaguely be aware of each others actions - I gave out XP for after-action reports, in-character being the result of adventurers bragging in the tavern between delves. Eventually as the dungeon sprawled out to the point where many players had only seen a small portion of it, resulting in one of my fondest memories:
P1: "Right, we're going to explore past the mushroom chamber [the chamber that, on the map, looks mushroom shaped], so we should go left" P2: "No, the mushroom chamber [the chamber full of mushrooms] is straight ahead!" P3: "You're both idiots, the mushroom chamber [the SECOND chamber full of mushrooms] is to the right!"
15 minutes, much laughter on my part, and much waving around of maps on the players part, later I pointed out to them that there might in fact be multiple chambers that could be described as "the mushroom chamber". After that, the two groups started sharing their maps.
In september, 7 months (both real and game world time) after the first discovery of the dungeon, the players collected together to create the Miscellanium Adventurers' Guild. They had argued about buying property in the city above the dungeon, until my lovely and very smart partner pointed out that they had de-monstered several city blocks of real estate down in the dungeon, and with enough magic and barricades, could claim more space than the guild would ever need. Watching the players work together to set that up was great, and it was even more awesome months later when the Guild was briefly beseiged by constructs from the deep levels.
Eventually, I ran out of content ideas, and the party found the bottom of the dungeon. I made up a bullshit magic excuse for running the same boss fight twice (so I wouldn't have to have 12 players in the one fight), and they slew the demigod-dragon-devil that the dungeon had been dreamed up to contain. At that point the game had run for 18 months, and 151 sessions, and the dungeon had felt the tread of more than 30 characters.
I'd had a lot of fun, but I hadn't done a huge amount of worldbuilding, except by implication: the game had only ever taken the PCs to the dungeon and the town above it, but there had been reference to an Empire, a very-recently-turned-Matriarchal orc state, somewhere with a lot of tieflings (so many tiefling PCs!), a fallen elven Kingdom with lots of missing princesses, and mistakes made by gods in older times.
After that, I moved on to something more story focussed - a more traditional D&D game with only 5 players, a plot, some semblance of an overworld map, and all that jazz. But I put details in that game that linked it to the previous one, and started imagining what the rest of the world would be like…
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adachimoe · 2 months
Konishi Liquors
Back when I posted about the Persona Club P4 book, I mentioned how there's an anecdote in the book about Konishi Liquors being named after someone's family's store:
The origins of Konishi Liquor: A member of Atlus's battle team is named Konishi and their family actually owns a liquor store. Early on in development, the team just called the place "Konishi Liquor" as a placeholder after the developer and the name stuck. (The text specifically says this is about a Konishi on the battle team, so it's not referring to the composer who is also named Konishi.)
Okay weeell it turns out that the same Konishi on the battle team actually is the composer. In this Dengeki interview, he talks about joining Atlus first as a debugger, working on a game where you learn English with Hello Kitty, rejoining Atlus in 2005, working on the planning teams for P3/P4, then finally moving to the sound team in 2010.
Which means those YouTube comments on Konishi's remix of Fog, joking about Saki and Adachi...
Tumblr media
...are kinda on target, since Saki and Naoki's family name is a reference to him and his family's liquor store lol.
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moonrecalled · 2 months
i know that it's common to think of nyx as like ryoji's mother, and in some ways that's not entirely inaccurate, but like... in a lot of ways, to my understanding, ryoji IS nyx. or at least the closest thing we'll ever get to her. hear me out???
ryoji talks about nyx as a seperate being from himself, but at the same time, ryoji is a collection/embodiment of "all" shadows - and shadows, as well as being the suppressed side of the self, are also quite literally fragments of nyx's psyche sealed in the human unconsciousness. the p3 club book also mentions how it's nyx's psyche that calls her body down to earth, which is exactly the same as ryoji's role as the appriser! although admittedly later in the club book ryoji also explains how as the 13th arcana death, he's capable of taking on the full weight of nyx's psyche and power and that when that happens, he becomes the nyx avatar - so maybe he doesn't really count as "nyx" until that fusion takes place??
the point is, though that there's no like... separate consciousness belonging to nyx existing elsewhere that he's like "taking orders" from. the moon is just nyx's body, while her "consciousness" is what came together to create ryoji to begin with. of course, ryoji was also given humanity from makoto, so it's not just as simple as that, and ryoji doesn't consider himself nyx at least until becoming her avatar, but... idk. it's just interesting to me.
NOTE THAT THIS IS ALL MY TAKE BASED ON THE TRANSLATION OF THE CLUB BOOK I READ but like. i could be completely misunderstanding it haha :'))
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bonelessice · 2 years
p3 tat idea: the sees club band around your forearm?
Oooh shawty thats a banger idea. Tho i think theres some discourse with that bc. You know. Red bands. Arms. Bring to mind specific. Groups. For those who dont know persona.
Looks at german history book on my shelf.............
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ukuleleclubliverpool · 6 months
UCL Halloween Ukulele Songbook, 2023 Edition 
1. Banana Boat Song p3
2. Dem Bones p4 
3. Spiderman p5 
4. Spooky p6
5. Monster Mash p7-8
6. Bad Moon Rising p10
7. Zombie p11
8. People Are Strange p12
9. Hungry Like The Wolf p13
10. Psycho Killer p14
11. Time Warp p15
12. Maneater p16
This book was produced at Ukulele Club Liverpool for educational purposes only and is not to be copied, shared or distributed without prior permission. Any proceeds raised from the redistribution of this book are for fundraising purposes only and not for profit.
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