wvrlock · 1 year
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fooltofancy · 3 months
Pre-Dawntrail WoL questions for Mr Ilya 👁 1, 17, and 20!
1. how is your wol about personal hygiene? are they on top of it? always perfumed and spotless, a little messy sometimes, or do they have to be reminded to groom?
cleaner than you'd expect just looking at him, certainly. i wouldn't say he's fastidious, exactly, because he's not neat, but if he's not clean he's uncomfy and he's gonna do the most possible to not be that. so, so unkempt though, like this is a man who can barely be bothered to pull his hair out of his face enough to see, much less do all of his buckles properly.
finds estinien's armor deeply offensive.
17. out of all the scions, which one is the one your wol gets along with best? what about the one they get along with the least? why?
alisaie and y'shtola, respectively.
alisaie is like. he's never known someone who cares in quite the same way she does. when they meet he's still kind of reeling from the scions' willingness to sacrifice - as far as he knows - literally everything for him and it feels just completely out of fucking left field. there are overtures of care, right, but if you'd asked him prior if he felt he could expect that kind solidarity he would have laughed in your face. they're coworkers, boss. but then there's alisaie, whose willingness to give everything from the depths of her heart because she can't fucking help it is just. from go. she means everything to him so, so soon, and nothing's hurt him quite as badly as losing her twice.
they mesh so well i think because while they're both creatures of action their modus operandi (alisaie's idealism vs ilya's pragmatism) like.... temper what can otherwise be very extreme reactions.
y'shtola, on the other hand, do not abide. i don't think they actively dislike each other most of the time, like there's respect? but that's about as good as it gets. they honestly don't have enough to do with each other outside of explicitly drastic scion business, and even then it's like..... ilya is not involved with the scions in the same ways that y'shtola is, and he's not especially social with them that first year either. he's like. he's alphinaud's minorly distressing shadow, for the most part, there to throw his weight around when all other options have been exhausted. so they drift around each other, and that's all. the peak of their relationship is probably the first, not necessarily because it's better, but because it's frankly the most of each other they see.
20. what is your wol's best quality? what's the thing that they do that really gets stuff done or makes people like them?
oof. well.
ilya would not be able to give you an answer, lmao. he's not perceiving him so you should stop also.
most of the scions would probably say his selflessness - man is not capable of putting himself first except in the inherent selfishness of..... refusing the care of other sometimes putting you first.
folk a little closer to him (alisaie and aymeric, probably also thancred) would say it's that he cares when he shouldn't.
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childhoodgrave · 4 months
👁 for eliza ⚠️ for enzo 📓 for ezrah... realizing now that all your ocs have a z in their name. ozzie and fritz do too. not brunhildy though
well thats because brunhilda is my special little angel and it is better and specialer than all my other ocs. butserioudly my oc names sre so repetitive theres even another guy i have named RENZO though he actually existed way becore i came up with enzo so hes actually the derivative one in this situation..
👁️ How do other people perceive this oc? How close do their first assumptions come to the truth?
very very few people even know about her whole situation the way she “currently” exists so ill start with how she was when she was alive. ill start by saying that a biig thing with eliza is she unfortunately (and entirely unintentionally on her part) tends to attract people who deify and obsess over her to various levels of extremity. even the person who killed her was a fan who fell madly in love with her. so most people view her favorably, mainly highlighting her musical talents. she was very personable, and throughout her entire life she was very well loved. i would say most people had a fairly accurate “superficial” understanding of her as a person. you wouldnt really recognize it but she kept many people at a distance in regards to how much they actually knew about her true feelings and especially her difficulties and her grievances. i think most people tended to think of her as a “perfect” sort of person, like someone whose untouchable by normal issues everyone tends to go through.
the way she is now, there are 2 people who know that she isnt even dead anymore. pygmy DEFINITELY still falls into the pattern of people becoming obsessed with the “idea” of her. really he knows next to nothing about her, and has fallen in love with the version of her that perfectly complements himself, and his own interests.
the resurrectionist, on the other hand, views her as a stereotypical zombie with little to no awareness of whats happening around her. exactly how accurate that assessment of her cognition is i like to leave vague. LAWL
⚠️ - If this oc came with a warning sign, what would it be?
📓 - Do you associate any quotes or lyrics with this oc?
yessss infact he has an entire playlist of songs i associate with him HEHE. in particular i think this song in its entirety is a very apt summary of a lot of his Deal. but this bit from the frontier index by silver jews i also think abt with him alot mwahaha
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eldritch-spouse · 2 years
Is Adrul and Adelo ok with their mother being community’s cumdump?
[👁 👄 👁 Asking the hard questions, huh anon?]
She's not perceived as a community cumdump.
Her partners are Belo and Krulu (at least in the continuity that makes Adelo and Adrul exist). If Admin has sex with anyone else, she does so because it's in the interests of her lord, and Belo is oftentimes involved, though not always.
Adrul and Adelo do not need to know about their parents' sexual escapades, nor do they want to. In their eyes, their parents sleep with whoever they want, there's nothing wrong with that and it doesn't make them think any less of Admin if they're told that someone has slept with her. The whole staff could have an orgy with her, it wouldn't change their perception.
Krulu doesn't share the culture most human societies do, a lot of things are different and it's a mistake to assume they think the same way you do. Or that his children would be raised to adhere to inferior social values/norms.
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ofdarklands · 2 years
1 and 5 for both atrum and mitr'a please? 👁👁
yes boss
1. What is the character’s go-to drink order? (this one gets into how do they like to be publicly perceived, because there is always some level of theatricality to ordering drinks at a bar/resturant)
atrum in his hometown the closest thing to a bar was his parent’s bakery and they only served beer (strongly bread flavoured). after the Incident he looked like a sick(?) 15 years old and, more importantly, had like 3 coins to his name, and now it is currently a post apocalyptic world where he can only enter one of the surviving cities under like 2 glamours and 3 hiding spells, just in case. poor man WISHES he had a go-to drink order. would probably like an irish coffee, if it existed
mitr’a by now he doesn’t drink stuff he hasn’t made himself. before ishgard he was trying to find an eorzean beer he didn’t hate, but after that he decided it obviously wasn’t to be found outside of his home forest. would have liked something like a mojito as long as it wasn’t too sweet, if he had gotten around to actually staying in costa del sol longer than it took to hatefully deliver whatever gegeruju or the titan lot wanted. perhaps he’ll make one himself now that he’s on vacation. maybe zero will like it
5. What was the last time they cried, and under what circumstances? (Good way to get some *emotional* backstory in.) 
atrum well, he’s now a npc in my gm’s hands, so i don’t quite know, BUT. last (and first) time he cried ‘on camera’ was at the very end of the campaign, after we catastrophically failed our quest, the secondary bad guy got the magic city, the apocalypse started, and half the party died in front of him. so he just, sat where he was after escaping and started crying
mitr’a hmmmmmm there were probably some wet eyes at many points, like after the fight against hydaelyn, but crying, crying, probably after the talk with venat, the moment he managed to get out of her sight for a second. that moment when you suddenly intuit the shape of the story and how it was and how it will turn, you know how it is. the circle of it all
bonus: mitr’a’s fight or flight sense is so firmly stuck on fight that if something terrible happens DURING a fight or tense situation he will not react with tears or even sadness. if you want to make him cry you have to get him while he’s not fighting, like SOMEONE in ULTIMA THULE asking about TREES. they get the honorary mention. only reason he didn’t cry outright is that he knew it was Necessary, even if he hated it. after that he just got The Foulest Mood, like after the summonings at the end of sb
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halfyearsqueen · 7 months
daena the defiant and aegon the conqueror 👁
aegon the conqueror — [forge a new dynasty.]     to what lengths would my muse go to achieve their greatest goal?   what is, or has been, their life’s crowning glory?   how have they carved a new future for themselves in a time of upheaval?
her limitations are ? kinslaying, and unnecessary violence. she's willing to use violence to pursue those goals – but only when she does believe it's necessary course to take, and never against anyone she perceives as innocent. and ? even after she reclaims the throne post her usurpation, she still willingly spares alicent for viserys' sake. and also ? spares her half sister. both were people who she didn't perceive as threats at the time after she took control of the red keep. she’s not reluctant nor above it when it comes to using violence, but it is something that she reserves for a last resort - though that is a line that she willingly crosses when it comes to defending her children and the very real threat their perceived illegitimacy puts them under. but it’s ? it’s politics, she fights words with words and actions with actions, and doesn’t need to really stoop that far until the dance save for rare instances beforehand ( ie. the vaemond incident ) and her responses are ? a lot of subtle things and careful planning to solidify and strengthen her position at court .
and the crowning glory of her life ? was the moment she realized her succession didn’t stand on a precipice. it was the moment it became clear that viserys wasn’t changing his mind about her, it was the birth of her first child and the fact that ? she was actually achieving something that the female heirs before her did not or could not because their positions were always treated as temporary and like ? she knows she’s not better then them. she knows that it’s a consistent, uphill battle to prove even still that she IS worthy. but that fact she was, in a way, was an achievement in itself to her. it was a future full with possibility and the chance to take the targaryen dynasty in a direction that laid the seeds of change, even if it didn’t change in one generation. she wasn’t ready to let that go even when it didn’t 😭 she wasn’t willing to carve a new future for herself after the usurpation because she didn’t DO anything, and in her eyes ? most people would be able to see that, too. even if she did bend the knee.
she had a choice then, to either co-sign her own usurpation and make it an abdication and hope rebellion didn’t spike in the face of it, and further endanger her children. or fight for the throne she’d earned. like even if she had considered the peace terms ? aegon and viserys were a non negotiable aspect of aegon’s terms that she was always going to refuse. and as the war progressed and she seemingly lost two more of her children it became more about 😭 making sure the greens didn’t win, even if it killed her. it was less about reaching the top of that hill and more about tearing down the people who in her eyes ? took everything they wanted from her that they believed they were owed that they just ? did not receive. she did sit the throne after the fall of kings landing but it was a ? hollow victory. one that felt wholly empty without the elder two and the youngest of her kids there. and that’s ? because her kids were ? so much of that possibility for a brighter future. her kids gave her so much joy and happiness, that she was able to feel that lightness in her heart that was possibility. rhaenyra was leaving everything to them, she was building a future where they could rule side by side and tearing that from her ? essentially led to the person she became.
daena the defiant — [confinement breeds rebellion.]    how have their desires and dreams been limited by others?   from what source does their rebelliousness come?   what lengths have they gone to to execute their desires?
genuinely by being as watched as she is. the court atmosphere of rhaenyra’s day is filled with so much gossip and speculations and rumors - and like she was beloved at court before she was made heir, and even afterward but that was when the questions began, little insinuations that viserys could have a male heir even still. that she would be, and implying she should be replaced. but like - she didn’t really worry for her position until she had a brother, and the questions increased. until things began to shift between her and her stepmother and got a lot colder. there was elephant in the room that only worsened with the years even while they were for the most part being polite with each other. and then the rumors began after the tourney of 111AC, when the blacks and greens were officially named as such. like even before that point there was a ‘ queen’s party ‘ at court friendly to the rights of alicent's sons, who's eyes turned to her filled with scrutiny. the greens were her greatest limitation at court and this was partly due to being spearheaded by her stepmother, whom she had to behave a certain way around to keep the peace with her father and couldn't really respond to how she may have liked in public settings due to the fact ? her position is wholly beholden on remaining in viserys' good graces.
the rumors about her were also wholly of a sexual nature, which cast doubt on her worth in a way that was ? utterly damning for a maiden. and the fact that they just don't stop affects how she moves about court and is it’s own limitation — she’s a lot more cautious about how her behaviors may be misconstrued and could lead to her losing allies and respect because of. this is a ? Both self imposed limitation due to the effects of it on her and the trauma it inevitably causes at the time a ? 14 year old girl. and something that she does to attempt to stem the flow of rumors about her. and she isn’t rebellious in the traditional sense of the word, and if anything she’s ? a perfectionist when it comes to obeying those rules to the letter and doing what is asked of her. because her greatest sin, and the one she refuses to recind or be apologetic for, is the fact she is not being dutiful in the way they want her to be dutiful. she hasn't yet stepped aside for her brother so that means everything else she MIGHT have done, or is still yet to do, is making up for that sin, and it isn't a credit to her behavior the way it normally would have been had she stepped down for aegon. her greatest rebellion is her want to take a man's space for her own, in a very patriarchal society and she's been paying for it ever since. but like in her day to day ? she's rebelled maybe three times in thirty three years ( ie. the tourney of 111AC, refusing to marry laenor velaryon at first, and marrying daemon without the crown's leave ) . one of which she ended up apologizing for in the end immediately after .
one 'desire' that she's gone out of her way to execute wasn't really wholly selfishly motivated in the sense that having children was a necessity that she wasn't going to force on her husband if it made him uncomfortable, which it definitely did. it was a choice to allow them both that autonomy in a marriage neither of them chose. and harwin strong was a ? consensual partner that she chose due to the level of trust she'd had in him at the time. and though it was very quickly a very consistent subject that was brought about court, and something that she very quickly began to feel the weight of and pressure of. because that decision was something that brought the volatile feeling around court into a whole new sense of unsafety for her and their children. though beyond the greens it wasn't something that was really believed, it was believed enough to prove a very real danger to her and their kids if the idea happened to spread, and become more of an accepted truth. the length she went relating didn't really occur until afterward when it became necessary to combat the claims of the boys' bastardy.
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hetacakes · 2 years
(Part 2 of white snake au)The moment is bittersweet because on one hand Xiao successfully rescued his wife and unborn child, on the other hand he ended up killing the very humans he’s supposed to protect including innocent civilians who got caught in the crossfire. Knowing Xiao he’ll accept any punishment from Zhongli, but Ying’s pleading with Zhongli has him decide to lock up Xiao in a pagoda instead. Xiao tells Ying to wait for him and he’s sorry he couldn’t watch their baby grow up together.
xiao and ying hugging and kissing for one last time before he gets locked away in the pagoda
ying not knowing if she'll ever see him again because she's all too aware of how insignificant her lifespan is compared to the eons and eons xiao and zhongli have seen
two lifetimes for her would be a minute for them
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a-flickering-soul · 1 year
hadestownnatural au in your drive you say 👁👁
honestly it's a 900 word wip it is NOT GOOD i wrote it during what may have been a manic episode but mainly i'm so fucking. enthralled. by hadestownnatural even now a year and a half later so im just gonna leave some bullet points here
Orpheus turning to see Eurydice and freezing upon realizing his mistake and watching her slowly sink down beneath the stage all the while petrified by shock and impending grief // Dean watching in shock and impending grief as the Empty rises up to cover Castiel eyes first and drags him down
S4 saying angels perceive time as a flat disc where everything has happened, is happening, and will happen simultaneously // Dean saying "Who are you?" and Cas answering "The man who's gonna marry you <3 I'm Castiel :)"
Dean would get all of Eurydice's lines (he would think the "a liar AND a player too" line is sooooo funny of him but also the entirety of "All I've Ever Known" is DEVASTATINGLY accurate) but he would ABSOLUTELY take Orpheus's role walking into Hades because I want to force him to have faith but ANYWAYS oh my GODDDD "Maybe because he can make you feel alive." "Alive? That's worth a lot. What else you got?"
The dual meaning of "Wait for me, I'm coming too/to" in Dean's context post-Empty is SO! Because he is not only obviously entering the Empty following Cas but he's also coming to his senses... opening his eyes... realizing.
Eurydice who gladly and joyfully chose to be bitten by the snake and Orpheus who is too terrified and repressed and painfully full of hope to even think about the implications of turning around. The fight to bring Eurydice out of Hell and the internal battle to allow Orpheus to kiss her… Who tells Orpheus he can breathe now and that Eurydice is behind him? Who tells Eurydice she can have it all without the empty peach trees of Tantalus? Why aren't heroes allowed to outlive their own myths? Why can't it turn out this time?
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mobang-ja · 3 years
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                     ❝ 𝖗𝖞𝖔 𝖆./𝖘𝖆𝖙𝖆𝖓 𝖝 [𝖌𝖓]𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖉𝖊𝖗 ❞
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⁀➷。 warning(s); shoulder kisses, slight manipulative & possessive thoughts.
​⁀➷。 requested; yes
​⁀➷。 masterlist | fandom list
​⁀➷。 a/n: i had to write this. something about this req absolutely grabbed my attention and i am here for it. also i played a little with how ryo is outwardly perceived. 👁👁 past that i dont think this really fits the criteria for the req but this is what i could think of immediately when i wrote this. 😭 but i am planning on a part two… thank you anon!
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Now that his truth is finally coming to fruition, so are his memories. 
He could almost kick himself for not recognizing you before. Such a beautiful specimen, maybe God did something right for once? To let you be in his presence, to be materialized right before his eyes.
He watched as you slept comfortably in his bed, unbeknownst to Akira and-- what was your other friend's name? Miki, that you were at his place again. It wasn't like they needed to know anyway; you were safe and sound at his penthouse. Although he did hold as much adoration for you as he did with Akira, you held a special place in his heart more than anyone else did. 
You were so special to him in every way. And it was only fate that you two were able to reunite. A gentle smile graced his lips as he moved your hair to the side, so he could see your face better. Him seeing you like this reminded him of the day that he had seen you with Akira for the first time…
"Who's that?"
Akira stood up from leaning on the car, confused. "Oh, Y/N? A friend of Miki's, we're on our way to check on her since she wasn't here today." 
"There's no time for that, we need to go—now."
"Ryo can't we just do this some other time-?"
"I'll drop your friend off if that's what you're worried about. But we must go before it's too late."
Akira turned to you with a sorry look and opened the car door to put his backpack in the back seat. "He's not that bad I swear…"
You softly sighed and waved a dismissive hand as you climbed and got comfortable in the back seat. Akira did the same but both of you had no time to buckle in as the blonde-haired male pulled off as soon as you two got in. You had missed his second glance at your aloof face but he knew deep inside that he'd be seeing you more often. 
He tried hard to pretend as though he wasn't immediately taken away by not only your beautiful face but your unmistakable energy. But it was all making sense now and it wasn't like he could just let you go. Not when you are finally able to be his now. 
They leaned down to give your shoulder a kiss, their hand drifting under the covers to pull you in closer to their chest. You shifted, feeling him come back to bed, huffing tiredly. 
"Where were you?" You rasped. He smiled and softly squeezed your body. 
"Just running some errands, nothing to worry about." 
"With Akira?"
They didn't answer.
"Yes, dear?" Their soothing voice answered face nuzzled into your neck. "Is there something wrong?"
A pang of worry hit your chest as you curled up into him. Why did he look so… different? Nevermind that but the dark bedroom and the light from the blinds were starting to seep in. Maybe that's what was going on? You sat upon your arm and turned your head to look at them. Your brows furrowed as he looked different, rubbing your eyes as if you were seeing things: you weren't.
"Dear," Satan gently shook your shoulder a bit worried, voice still tantalizing, more so now. 
School. Your classes. Outside. It was now hitting you how out of the loop you've been with everything. You never even checked your phone anymore. How could you even forget about your family—friends? You only saw Akira because he was over at Ryo's every so often; even then you weren't allowed in the room when they met up if it was something "business-related".
You looked up at him as you snapped back to reality. "O-Oh nothing." It wasn't a complete lie as you honestly couldn't remember what you had been feeling anxious about moments ago. "Just glad that you're back."
Their eyes narrowed down on you as they sat up, managing to hold back a grin. "I'm glad to be here too."
The conversation died as there was nothing left to say. You looked away from him as you tried to recollect yourself and properly turn over to face him instead, pulling the covers closer as you rested your head on the pillow. A small grin appears on your face.
"What's with the new look? It looks daunting." You joke. 
He cocked his head to the side. "Look?" 
"Yeah, your hair!" 
The alert of someone at your door gains both of your attention. You sit up so you could climb out of the spacious bed to see who it is, but Satan quickly stops you. 
"Don't worry about it, I got it-"
"I'm more than capable of getting it myself,"
"I said I'll get it." Satan cuts you short, a glare behind his words. You purse your lips together and shrink back into yourself. He didn't say anything as he left you by yourself in his room once again.
'saved by the bell—that was too close.' Ryo thought to himself as he looked at the camera to see that it was Jenny. He quickly grabbed a face mirror from the bathroom as he observed he was himself again. He'd have to ask her about his appearance, but for now, there were more important things to worry about. Whatever his plans were next, he would be sure that he would protect you at all costs. 
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mismess · 3 years
may i ask the Lore of scotty’s parents because i am intrigued 👁
Hmm well Scotty's parents are semi-strict perfectionists, they were alright parents while Scotty was growing up, not the best but not the worst, he was certainly a Mama's boy. Suspiciously doesn't look anything like his dad. But they care a lot about their family image and how they are perceived by others, once they found out Scotty was gay they kicked him out, he moved a few states away to restart, and they barely talk to each other now. Except his parents don't want the rest of the family knowing these things, so when they throw their annual family Christmas party Scotty returns for a few days so they can all pretend everything is fine and show everyone how nice of a family they still are. And even tho it's usually just more stress in his life Scotty doesn't want to entirely cut them off and feels guilty saying no to them, so he plays along.
His mom is the one who handles most the planning and socializing, his dad is pretty quiet and stoic but for the most part agrees and goes along with her.
It's not like Scotty wasn't old enough to fend for himself he was like 23 at that point but that's why he was so desperate to get hired at fredbears family diner, he was fresh out on his own and needed an income fast, and hadn't had a steady job before that. From one mess to another.
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nightwingsass · 3 years
As someone who always wears Spider-Man headphones, and use my Captain American bag to work. I was afraid to be perceived as childish. Yet Men somehow managed to be way more childish. And actual children have been way cooler.
Once a mother and her son told me she liked my bag and headphones, to which I turned my body to her and showed my Deadpool shirt too.
Another time because I had my headphones in a mother who was sitting across from me, just pointed to my bag and gave me a thumbs up.
Literally two seconds later a guy who was sitting next to me showed me his phone and it was the most over-sexualised picture of Black Cat and Mary Jane I’ve ever seen. I just nodded my head in a polite way and awkwardly laughed. Cuz what did he want me to say? Give him a lecture on the over sexualization of women in comics and cm media? Like I simply don’t get it.
And this morning [Fri 03/18/2022] a guy pointed to my Conner Kent inspired jacket which has the house of el Logo on it and also pointed to my bag and headphones and simply told me that Jesus was the ultimate superhero👁👄👁. I looked at him and said “oh sorry I’m a satanist but thank you” and I showed him my TST card (Mainly to show I wasn’t interested). And he said it’s okay that’s why Jesus put me on your path. So I just awkwardly laughed and put my headphones back on.
How ever my favorite interactive was wen I entered the train and this guy immediately said “I like your superboy jacket” and my face lit up, usually when people complement my jacket they refer to it as Superman jacket, and that was exactly what I told him. And he automatically responded “nah I know my comics” and I’ve thought abt him every day.
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This is essentially what I wear most days.
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queenofnohr · 3 years
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Asha’s player gave me permission to simp for him on main 🥺 Anyway if you haven’t seen my past couple posts that mentioned Asha offhand he is a dear friend’s WoL and the dude Aias is primarily involved with (yes yes I cannot believe I am saying that but I Am Not Immune To Asha and by the end of this post you will not be either, hopefully)
This is my introduction to him unattached from Aias...... I will be making posts later detailing the Themes between them 👁 but for now You Will Stan Asha And Asha Alone.
I’ll be talking about his character growth through the story, but I won’t be talking about any events in particular so this is completely spoiler free! And yes, both the lizard and bunny are him and both are canon 😊
Asha was borne of the Steppe, but his sickly mother fled by ship after the splintering of Xaela clans due to Garlean occupation. His mother died late into her pregnancy aboard the ship/while going into labor, but miraculously he was pulled from her corpse and granted life. He was raised by the Roedagyn sailors upon that ship with no contact with others like him basically until he started his journey as the Warrior of Light.
He is...... both favored by fate and a slave to fate. He is a boy that should not have lived, yet thrives anyway. Conversely, he is the chosen hero that does not know for whom or what he fights, simply playing the role of Warrior of Light because that is what is asked of him, and because people look to him with hope in their hearts.
If there were to be an image attached to him, it would be a man drifting in an empty sea, staring down below at the indiscernible and unfathomable depths. (”Hey Dei, aren’t those exactly the words you used to describe-” shhhhh shhhh shhh do not perceive Aias right now. Eyes on Asha, we will get to that later.) To him, the world is a place in which he is constantly drowning, where everything is unknown, requiring him to ponder deeply before committing himself to anything, but conversely an ocean in which he cannot fight the tides that pull him to and fro. A vast and implacable sea in which he is alone. 
There is actually a canonical reason he’s a bunny but that gets a little into spoiler territory so I’ll. Maybe make a separate post for that. (Or maybe add it under a cut in a reblog?)
Anyway by the end of Endwalker, Asha has both become jaded in his journey and has found pride in himself and his role. His character development can be summed up as going from “people want things from me :(” to “people want things from me :)” And as you can see from the last couple pictures, he’s leaning very hard into the reaper/voidsent lore...... Fully embracing his voidsent and feeding on others’ aether/emotions, he consumes the hopes and wishes and wants people place upon him as food. That which once bound him now sustains him. He’s become a veritable demon, indiscriminately feeding on people, yet still maintains his role as a hero because those very feelings directed toward him as a hero nourish him, the relationship between himself and others like an ouroboros eating its own tail. No longer does he drown in the sea, but looks toward the stars scattered in the night sky, infinite in their possibility, curious about what other delicacies the universe has yet to offer him.
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mercuryislove · 3 years
It is once again the best day of the week! Happy Friday!
🪞 for Anwei
👄 for Yixing
👁 for Ciaran
👀 for Azetahn
👖 for Andhira
happy friday and also saturday and i might as well say sunday too!! my weekend has been super busy so far and SOMEHOW I'm still dealing with the lingering cough from my weird sinus bug thing last week!
🪞 How does your oc perceive themself? Do they believe themself to be attractive, unattractive, or average? Does their view of themself affect their self-esteem, oar they unbothered by their physical appearance? If your oc does have things they're confident or insecure about, what are they?
Anwei has lived long enough to no longer give a damn about what other people think of her looks. When she was growing up, she cared way too much and it warped her self-esteem for years and years and years. She used to hate being tall because her mother always said that boys didn't like tall girls (um. news flash mom she is GAY), and she hated the shape of her jaw and her nose and her dark brows because people used to say they were too “masculine,” so she spent a lot of her teenage years trying to mask it all. Then one day when she was like 20 she woke up and said “WHO GIVES A DAMN?” and quit plucking her brows and dyed her hair cotton candy pink and started wearing platform heels and made sure everyone knew that she didn't give a fuck about everyone else's opinions anymore. (Except her mom. And her mom was fucking mortified that she would dye her hair such a garish color.)
These days, she doesn't try to stand out (except when she's hosting a party lmao) and she doesn't try to blend in (except when she's hiding from people that want her dead), and she truly could not care less about what other people think. She wears clothes that are comfortable and functional, and she styles her hair to keep it out of her way, and like. what the fuck is self-esteem? She knows she can't really change what she looks like and that in a few decades, trends around the world will be completely different, so why bother? She is happy just to be herself. But she really does miss being able to dye her hair weird ass colors. And the platform boots, if only to tower even further over Ciaran.
👄 What is your oc's smile like? Is it bright and wide, or thin and reserved? Does your oc wear any lipgloss or lipstick? Do they chew their lips?
Yixing has two distinct smiles. There's the “professional” smile that he uses with most people he knows. It's like a customer service smile where he squints a little bit and smiles without even showing his teeth, and people eat that shit up. They LOVE it. He whips out the customer service smile to haggle with people and get discounts and to get free drinks and to get his way. Mari tells him he should use it sparingly because people might get used to it and he won't get what he wants with it anymore, but that doesn't stop him lol. And then there's his genuine smile that he only uses when he's around people he's comfortable with (or when he's like. stupid drunk lol) and he smiles with his WHOLE face and it's goofy and toothy and he kind of sticks his tongue out a little bit too and he doesn't try to hide his crow's feet or the creases in his forehead. And honestly that's the smile that people should really get into because it's just um better lol.
Also he is a notorious lip chewer, especially when he's nervous or deep in thought, so his bottom lip gets a little chapped sometimes. Anwei makes him a lip balm to help with it but he always forgets to use it on his lips because it works great for dry hands too and he cares more about that lol
👁 What is your oc's eye color? Do they have any eye-related habits, like winking or rubbing their eyes? Do other people tend to notice their eyes?
Ciaran's eyes are black. Technically, they're just really really dark brown, but they reflect virtually no light even in the brightest sun. It's kind of spooky. (Anwei's eyes are the same, for the record.) It's his distinguishing feature for sure. To make it even weirder, he likes to make eye contact for an uncomfortable length of time, and he doesn't blink often. It definitely freaks people out. Typically, people have trouble holding his gaze because the uncanny nature of his eyes is too much.
👀 What is the first physical feature people notice when they see your oc? Why?
Aside from his height (he's 6'4” which is honestly not that tall in his family because his mother is seven feet tall lmao), the first thing people notice about Azetahn is probably his smile. He has a warm and open smile that he gets from his mother. He's very friendly and wants to make friends with everyone he meets, so he's hardly ever without a smile on his face. People might also notice his eyes. He has his mother's eyes for sure. They're dark brown but in the sunlight they're crimson. It's a distinct trait from her side of the family. (Andhira's eyes are similar but not nearly as remarkable.) The Maram family that Tahire comes from is kind of famous for that because there isn't another family of vampires with such a distinct eye color. It makes it very hard to hide who they are lol
👖 What type of clothing does your oc generally wear? Why? Do they have any signature accessories?
Andhira, like everyone in her family, has expensive taste lol She is always dressed well, always wearing designer labels, and everything is tailored to fit her. She's a big fan of heels and long skirts and sheer fabrics and anything with a good drape, but she generally prefers a suit for formal wear over a gown. She likes to wear dark colors (burgundy, royal purple, emerald green, etc) and wouldn't be caught dead wearing pink or pastels under any circumstances. She always keeps her nails manicured, never very long, prefers to paint them black or red. If that doesn't count as an accessory, she also has an extensive collection of designer sunglasses and she would never leave home without a few pairs to spare. Why does she dress this way? Um, she wants to look her best always and make people jealous when she enters a room because she KNOWS she's better than anyone that could ever hope to make her acquaintance. Also she wears sunglasses religiously because even though she can go out in sunlight, her eyes are very sensitive to it lol
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rurifangirl · 3 years
ask time💅💅
👀 What is the first physical feature people notice when they see your OC? Why?
👤 What is your OC’s skin like? Is it unblemished, or are they prone to breakouts? Do they have any scars, tattoos, or other skin markings? Does their skin tend to be sensitive to things that get on it (lotions, cleaning products, etc.)?
🦷 Does your OC brush their teeth regularly? Do they tend to eat foods that get stuck in your teeth?
🪞 How does your OC perceive themself? Do they believe themself to be attractive, unattractive, or average? Does their view of themself affect their self-esteem, or are they unbothered by their physical appearance? (If your OC does have things they’re confident or insecure about, what are they?)
🦵 Are your OC’s arms and legs strong, weak, or average? Why? Do they have any common mannerisms that involve their limbs, such as tapping their foot or fiddling with their fingers?
👄 What is your OC’s smile like? Is it bright and wide, or thin and reserved? Does your OC wear any lipgloss or lipstick? Do they chew their lips?
👖 What type of clothing does your OC generally wear? Why? Do they have any “signature” accessories?
👁 What is your OC’s eye color? Do they have any eye-related habits, like winking or rubbing their eyes? Do other people tend to notice their eyes?
💇 What is your OC’s hairstyle? How do they maintain their hair? Do they wash it and/or cut it regularly? Have they ever dyed their hair?
✋ Are your OC’s hands smooth, rough, or average? Why? How do they keep their nails? Do they bite them, paint them, neatly trim them, et cetera?
Hakdisik holy fuck they're so many👁️👁️
Aight im gonna answer em bestie😩
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Id say either his long ears or his hair. Or like, the fact he's basically built like a tree, there's many things that do make him stand out from the rest of the cast😭😭
His hair form ain't already something you'd find normally, or don't even get me onto his dragon-like purple eyes too (Though I don't draw them that often :[ )
But a thing to especially make his ears really visible Is of how expressive the are, as they also kinda move w how he's feeling.
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They're one of the only members to have, litteral white skin. Like no normal skin, just white like litteral milk. So you can already guess how delicate their skin already Is, but other than that they also still have some kind of scars, especially since they were a little kid.
They use many skin products too if it's extremely needed, but they don't have that much of a cure of themselves, so sometimes Lyva has to break in n force them to put stuff on.
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Absolutely! She has a great care of herself and Is overall really clean. There's nothing more to add in this, she's just like this. But she gets easly annoyed by getting food stuck in her teeth.
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He ABSOLUTELY has that kind of a concept. Since he was a little kid he was always told to seem the most beautiful and regal he could've been. In fact, he's the one in the gang that takes great care about themselves. He thinks that beauty Is pretty much needed, and saying stuff at the level of "If you aren't pretty, then what's the point?".
The only time he has some self esteem issue is whenever he has to use his ablities, reason why he's the most in his normal form. He's also self concious of his scars but does a good job at hiding them.
He really likes to make himself seem like some kind of diety, it's kinda strange because he doesn't think he's some kind of god, but still enjoyes trying to seem like one.
Also he takes like, a l o t of time getting ready because of this, n in fact the gang sometimes Is so done w his bullshit that they make him wake up at like, 4 am, to get ready do go at 10 am.
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They are principally a swordsman/dude that uses heavy things, so it's normal for them to have some kind of muscle in there. If anythin they're prolly the one that has the most exercise outta everyone. I mean understandably so.
They do fiddle their fingers sometimes but nothing really special, the only peculiar thing Is that they use to like, talk n use hands at the same time when stressed, so yeah, a lil fun fact.
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It depends whether she's sincere or they're doing something else. Like if it's sincere it's just, a bright smile, there's nothing really to add. She uses to smile quite a lot too so it's not really much of a rare event.
But when they have to get something, in order to get It she'll do some subtle things, like slightly changin tone, trading the person, making the smile wider, there's a lot bout It.
Gettin on track, she doesn't use much of lipsticks or glosses, but do use chapsticks sometimes.
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I've always gave them some kind of steam-punk vibe, as that's the place I intended him to be from havin taken some inspiration here n there. Another kind of signature would be her hair I think? The kind of just, messy n bobbly hair round.
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I gave him some Red-vibe stuff, so she has all red hair/eyes. He does wink a lot, both because of their occupation ,which will be more detailed in his post, and just to, have fun with it.
She mainly does it w Lyva, but really more as a platonic thing between the two. Cuz yes i haven't introduced him but she's fond with Lyva.
Let's just say that, people don't tend to notice only his eyes, but many other things about themselves. Like her hairstyle Is pretty visible and how he dresses Is also like It, so it's not only an eyes thing. N also she wears some kind of makeup that makes him stand out.
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Idk how to explain It, but it's like, bobbly w some little spikes here n there. It's colour Is like silk mostly. He does take care of it as it's, even if not as important as other things, still needed. He doesn't really cut It nor do anything to make It stop growing, and doesn't mind It.
He does mind It however whenever he has to wash It. He hates It.
Fun fact, yes they've dyed it into a white colour, and have grown too attached to It to change It into another colour. (Same goes for Myst)
They're smooth, but like at the same time kinda rough. Like homie girl Is still able to wield and use any kind of sword like it wants, but since she's a yokai there are many differences. Her hands are like, really long too and have especially long nails with It, kinda similar of how Tomoe has them, but even more long.
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@a-chaotic-dumbass @spoopy-fish-writes @damnfoxx @nadi-117 @audre-falrose @dopesaladlady @ahmanetsmultifandom
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kittlesandbugs · 3 years
Ahhh, 👀 and 👁 for Riley?
👀 What is the first physical feature people notice when they see your OC? Why?
Assuming they are Allowed to Perceive Her, the scars all over her face, lol. But if she's inside and her sunglasses are pushed up, they'll notice her lovely gray eyes. Otherwise she's fairly mousey and plain, nothing really stands out (as she prefers it).
👁 What is your OC’s eye color? Do they have any eye-related habits, like winking or rubbing their eyes? Do other people tend to notice their eyes?
They are gray! It was v handy for infiltration jobs for the Farm, any color contact shows up very well in her eyes lol. She rubs them a lot when she's tired or stressed out. On the rare occasion she manages to get a very subtle flirt or verbal jab in, she'll give a v slow obvious wink to send the message home.
People would notice her eyes if she didn't wear sunglasses all the time (or, you know, psychically redirect everyone ever lol), post-Nanosurge she wears them constantly because the sun has been too goddamn bright since.
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baekhvuns · 2 years
You should definitely give it a go. 👀 Though it's gonna cause you some pain, but it's fun and full of hot 2D people.
https://twitter.com/seonghwaveneers/status/1517953511312576513?t=PoJHy-7IsLrScdUH53Sc_w&s=19 - FUCK IS THAT BOXER HWA?! Stop because maybe I'm seriously starting to see and perceive and yearn for boxer Hwa.... uhhhh. Yeah gonna unalive tomorrow(?) when his promo photo drops. Fucking DENIM SLAYER am I right lmao.
Anyway the concert footage is making me cry I'm torturing myself waiting for my friends so we can go to a kpop party - catch me sob when they play Ateez, gonna have a breakdown when Fireworks or something starts playing. 😭🥴 MISS BAEK WHY AREN'T WE THERE THIS IS CRIMINAL. The fact I could technically go see them but I FUCKING CANNOT. 🔫
Despite all this hotness I'm just a sad bitch rn and it's gonna continue 💔
OK BLONDE SAN TRYING TO UNDRESS SEONGHWA UHKHHhhHYSUJSHHSHA he was so right for this! Speaking of why was our bald guy yelling aggressively all sweaty and beastly I almost stabbed myself with an eyeliner. He needs a lawyer cause I'm gonna lock him up!
Btw what if red Hwa cb since it's after Rhythm Ta... what if Addicting Kitten Seonghwa in full 4k. He deserves to be in a music video seriously. I know I'm having a 🤡 moment but oh well...
Huhu, I hope your cousin gets some lawful 🍆 then! Then you can use her story as an inspiration for your law fic, qhahjajqjagaujshwga. - DV 💖
You should definitely give it a go. 👀 Though it's gonna cause you some pain, but it's fun and full of hot 2D people.
https://twitter.com/seonghwaveneers/status/1517953511312576513?t=PoJHy-7IsLrScdUH53Sc_w&s=19 - FUCK IS THAT BOXER HWA?! Stop because maybe I'm seriously starting to see and perceive and yearn for boxer Hwa.... uhhhh. Yeah gonna unalive tomorrow(?) when his promo photo drops. Fucking DENIM SLAYER am I right lmao.
Anyway the concert footage is making me cry I'm torturing myself waiting for my friends so we can go to a kpop party - catch me sob when they play Ateez, gonna have a breakdown when Fireworks or something starts playing. 😭🥴 MISS BAEK WHY AREN'T WE THERE THIS IS CRIMINAL. The fact I could technically go see them but I FUCKING CANNOT. 🔫
FBWNDBWNBDWK OMG 😭😭😭 MISS ANON U TELL ME WHY WE ARENT THERE THEY FUCKING PERFORMED TREASURE PK WAVE????? IM THIS IS NOT FAUR WHEN DO WE MEET UP AND WHEN SHOULD WE GO 🔫 bestie what if u, u know stand outside their arena when the concert goes on- oMg omg a kpop party ik there’s a kpop night club here and they play like bang bang bang and fireworks with full bass aND 😭😭😭😭😩
OK BLONDE SAN TRYING TO UNDRESS SEONGHWA UHKHHhhHYSUJSHHSHA he was so right for this! Speaking of why was our bald guy yelling aggressively all sweaty and beastly I almost stabbed myself with an eyeliner. He needs a lawyer cause I'm gonna lock him up!
Btw what if red Hwa cb since it's after Rhythm Ta... what if Addicting Kitten Seonghwa in full 4k. He deserves to be in a music video seriously. I know I'm having a 🤡 moment but oh well...
anon. i wish u saw me shiver with the chill that ran down my spine after reading this becauseWHAT THW FUCK THAMDJWKDBSKDHSKDHWMBDQM WHY I WOULD NOT???? SURVIVE??? HELLO???
Huhu, I hope your cousin gets some lawful 🍆 then! Then you can use her story as an inspiration for your law fic, qhahjajqjagaujshwga. - DV 💖
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