#pac rim 2
rosyjuly · 2 years
okay i will be real with you i don't know if my ask sent or not because i went under a tunnel as i was sending it so i am just going to resend all of the spirited away au again. i truly don't know you but i feel like you could appreciate it so 👍
i have never seen the movie but please do, i'm curious!!
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indeedgoodman · 6 months
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eeriedragone · 1 year
idk if you read fanfiction but hal_incandenza on ao3 got some of the best newmann fics out there... seriously, these might be so up your alley
I am a big fanfic reader, so thank you so much for the rec! I started reading "Transducer" and although I initially struggled with the writing style, I soon really got into the plot, and I ate it up.
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!!!!!! RAMBLE/SPOILER WARNING: From here I'll actually ramble about the fic itself, so I'd recommend going and checking it out for yourselves if you haven't already :]
My random thoughts with no context:
I really liked the whole sequence when Hermann "breaks into" Newt's apartment, and it conjured up some specific colour palettes that I tried to actually recreate. And the plant in the sink, oh man, funnily enough that was already something I was thinking about previously, so to have it described so well was really nice.
The jacket switch was a very fun idea!
I really thought that Wesley was going to be some kind of double-agent/mole, I was convined that his incompetence was actually a front.
I love that the jammer comes back into play at the end, and that it ties back to the very start and the "wrong clocks".
Even though getting rid of it was the sensible thing to do, I'm very sad that the transducer is only properly used once... I was convinced that the story was going to integrate its actual use in the plot.
The anxiety that chapter 19 gave me was amazing, but to me the ending fell a bit flat: I didn't really jive with the final reveals and such, but oh well, I still had an amazing ride :)
Thank you so much again!
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istherewifiinhell · 1 year
Getting faked out by them reusing the same island location shot i think. So no dino bots??? fucking. COMBATICON? cmonnnnnnn
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peachesofteal · 5 months
Ghoap x female reader masterlist
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AO3 / main masterlist / ko-fi / all works 18+
Dead Disco It's not easy, being the one always left behind Simple Math You had a plan, but never could have anticipated… this. The Pit - (2/2) There are some predators that thrive in winter. An Ichor Veil (of Flower Kings) Two Kings sit on thrones of decay, waiting for their eternal season to bloom. Doe Mafia!au Cool girl - discontinued Musings: lifestyle sub Pac rim Martini
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A story detailing Pac’s relationship with food and love.
Inspired by Richarlyson’s— er… Doctovo’s comment about Pac being underweight and malnourished during Pac's doctor exam last November.
[ Read on Ao3 ]
Chapter 2: Agape - Pac and Mike
The new boy at the orphanage liked building things.
Pac guessed he was about one or two years older than the other boy, who had a round face and soft brown hair and always wore wide-rimmed glasses and the same faded green t-shirt. Pac watched him when they were both in the garden, admiring the structures he created – humble little things built with sticks, stones, leaves, and whatever else he could get his hands on. The new boy wasn’t the only orphan who filled their hours with crafts, but there was a kind of magic in the things he built. Wooden drawbridges made of sticks and grass actually worked, sandcastles held their shape and seemed to glow in the hot afternoon sun, and one of the little homes he built inside a bush in the corner of the orphanage’s garden was so sturdy, a family of ratinhos moved in.
Pac never looked at the builds close-up when the boy was working on them; he only approached when no one else was around. Pac felt bad that these beautiful works of art had such a short lifespan in the orphanage. The fragile creations crumbled under the feet of children playing tag or soccer, and younger orphans who used them like toys played too roughly with them. Most didn't survive longer than a day.
Unfortunately, it wasn’t always an accident that ruined the new boy’s builds.
[ Continue reading on Ao3 ]
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a-d-nox · 1 year
web of wyrd: the outer numbers and their potential meaning for your year ahead
tw: mentions of death/suicide
the outer rim of the wyrd web foretells the themes of our year ahead. today i will be covering some basic topics that people tend to wonder about the future - that being said, these are basic premises; in no way does one number mean a single thing. each number can mean different things - multiple things. your lack of a number correlated with an experience below does not mean to minimize your experience with the topics (e.g., you had a child but don't have the number, you lost someone important to you but don't have the number, etc.) these are simply my observations (also observations are not destined to be true, they are simply possibilities / increased odds).
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indicators that are important for love/relationships
5 (the institution of marriage -> getting married)
6 (meeting an important life partner)
13 (double edged sword looking at the death card - signifies change in relationship status OR it could be a new beginning in a relationship)
19 (renewing vow for preexisting love)
21 (a new phase in a relationship)
22 (a new beginning in the relationship)
indicators of having a child
1 (connecting a new spirit with the physical realm)
2 (a symbol of fertility)
3 (another symbol of fertility)
8 (the flower chain - an umbilical cord - connects two beings)
10 (again connecting a new spirit with the physical realm)
12 (the hanged man is sort of in cephalic presentation, which is the position babies are born in for most vaginal births)
14 (a promising sign for people who struggle with fertility)
19 (it's literally a kid on a pony on this card lol)
21 (the completion of a cycle - full 9 months of pregnancy might even have a late birth compared to due date)
22 (a new adventure - parenthood - begins)
indicators of career change
1 (good for starting your own business)
4 (stepping into a leadership role)
5 (moving up the ladder in your career OR going back to school to study)
6 (having beneficial coworker / business partner OR doing what you love)
10 (new job opportunities OR getting a raise or big bonus)
13 (a big change in what you previously were doing)
16 (changing career path completely and finding a new way of earning money that you pervious hadn't explored)
17 (finding a new job after struggling for a long time to find one)
21 (getting a raise)
indicators of loss
2 (the end of a life cycle and seeing the reality of change/time)
9 (the image of age)
10 (the end / a shift in a life cycle)
12 (peaceful but unexpected loss - this is not always a suicide indicator)
13 (the death of a beloved relative - you'll probably struggle with their death/passing)
16 (a sudden/tragic death)
20 (peaceful and expected loss - typically sick/elderly individuals in your life)
21 (the end of a life cycle)
indicators of moving/traveling
1 (the magician has all his stuff laid out in front of him - he is packing or unpacking)
7 (could indicate a moving truck OR travel in general)
9 (moving out on your own OR going on a long term trip)
13 (leaving a home you've lived in for a long time OR taking a life changing trip)
19 (going somewhere you never have been before)
21 (again going somewhere you have never been before OR moving after living somewhere a long time)
22 (moving somewhere far away OR going on a trip with short (spontaneous trip) notice)
like what you read? leave a tip and state what post it is for! please use my "suggest a post topic." button if you want to see a specific pac/pile next. if you'd like my input on how i read a specific card or what i like to ask my deck, feel free to use the ask button for that as well.
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© a-d-nox 2023 all rights reserved
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geddyqueer · 1 month
article 1 (sheep) finished. thumbs up. time to work on article 2 (dirt). and adjust outline for article 3 (watersheds). and then noodle on act 2 of this pac rim au fic...
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upst--rs · 2 months
"I love money too, but not like my mama / I love p*ssy too, but not like my honor" is an all-time lyric. Outlawz secretly had some bangers, but most listeners pretty much left them to the dust bin of hip-hop history not long after 2Pac's death. That verse is by Kastro, who probably had the best delivery out of any of the members; his pacing is slower, but he had a complementary knack for getting a lot of mileage out of less verbiage.
I have also always really loved Hussein Fatal's bars on "Emancipation" from Young Noble's debut solo album, "Son of God"; since I know virtually no one has heard it (9,810 plays on Spotify), I'll drop it here.
I don't think Fatal was above average at any point in his output, except probably right here ("Knowin' how to get a hustle, ever since knee high / Three sixty five, round my hood like a bee hive / Money motivated, yeah, I'm all about my B.I"). I remember being surprised at how tight this was, and the stuttered beat drop starting at around 1:52 sets it up perfectly.
He starts his verse with an acknowledgement of Yaki Kadafi, a slain member of the group who died sixteen years earlier, and mentions "meet[ing] again" soon, which is eerie as this song was one of Fatal's last Outlawz-related contributions, as he died in a car accident 2 1/2 years later. It is also in keeping with the legacy the group inherited from 2Pac, who is fairly famous for, among many other things, ruminating on and predicting his own early demise; Pac, of course, is also referenced in the same verse, "This the year of the under dog, you nigg*s better man up / I don't even kneel at Pac grave, I stand up" ...
It is, overall, appropriately morbid, and I think doubly so since this was probably Fatal's technical peak. Some of his last recorded material was released posthumously on 2016's Livin Legends, on the track "So Much Pain", a remake of 2Pac's excellent "Pain" from the "Above the Rim" soundtrack. According to XXL Magazine, the track was actually Fatal's idea. Again, eerie!
I'm going to finish off this ramble by dropping what, I think, is probably the group's best output, which is the track "Feel Good to Ya" (4,418 plays on Spotify) off of Killuminati 2K10. While a lot of the Outlawz' work is flavored with the dark inertia of Pac's death (and it bears mentioning that Kastro left the group partly because he felt they were cleaving too closely to their association), this track shows off their range. It's just a good jam, good enough to make usually stoic listeners move their bodies in ways that are weird and foreign to them, which is ... the definition of a good jam?! 😂
The Outlawz got a decent amount of hate. Perhaps because they were left with a torch that was impossible for them to carry, a large number of listeners simply dismissed them, especially when early material was not promising; however, that also means that a lot of good output over the years has been ignored (look at those paltry play counts!) ...
Anyway, I am up for no good reason at 3AM thinking about 2Pac and all this old sh*t. That'll about do it for now. Goodnight! 😴
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jakowskis · 6 months
Day 1 - How did you first get into Torchwood?
fdhkf ok ok so basically. i do not remember exactly what happened. this happens to me often like i can never remember what i came across that first got me into the media. with torchwood i at least know it was the fact that everyone was bi, but i dont rmr if i saw a post about it, or if i was fucking around on tvtropes or something - i legit cannot remember. i remember seeing a gifset of gay torchwood kisses p early on, but i dont think that was like the inciting incident? that mighta come about when i was doing research into the alleged fruitiness FHSJDFKDS. i do know i've been aware of jack as a character for at least a decade, like i'd heard of the harkness test + i was aware that he was 'that slutty doctor who guy', and also, coincidentally, in the fandom i was in in 2015, someone wrote a crossover fic where my fav slept with jack and ianto and i read it 😭 had no idea who they were, i hopefully at least googled them but fhsdjkf. but anyway i was like 'ooh a show with an all bisexual cast? color me intrigued.' i'd never touched dw either, i had friends who liked it when i was in middle school but i always saw it as kinda dorky fhsdkj (namely cuz my friends were dorks), but yeah, i was reeled in by the concept of sci-fi bisexuals. but not fully! it was in like 'yeah ill put that on my watchlist and get around to it in 2 yrs' territory
but then, as im looking into it, i realize owen's played by burn gorman, who i only knew from pac rim, which i'd fixated on briefly in 2018, riiiight before pru came out. my pr fixation p much revolved entirely around newt; i liked newmann, but i didn't get super into it. hermann himself was kind of an afterthought, i wasn't big on him at the time. anyway i saw owen and recognized hermann's actor, and my initial reaction was like "WHAT DO U MEAN HERMANN FUCKING GOTTLIEB'S IN THE SLUTTY BISEXUAL SHOW??? THIS I MUST SEE! HERMANN GOTTLIEB KISS MEN REAL NOT CLICKBAIT?!?!?!!??" and that was literally the thing that made me watch it. LAWL and the first few eps were so damn jarring bc i continued to just associate owen with hermann initially. and worse yet, ive now developed a hefty crush on burn himself lmao, i think he's gorg and ive watched a lot of his stuff, but before i got into torchwood i only knew him from PR and i didnt find hermann attractive or even rlly compelling in the slightest (this has changed significantly; im in my hermann era as a pr fan. newt who). so it was also a lot of "WTF WHY IS HE HOT??? HUH???? DUDE NO WAY." it's since lost its novelty, but it was very jarring + amusing to me at first, trying to reconcile owen n hermann. its like if u ran into ur frumpy weird professor at leather night and he was the twink of ur dreams FDSKJFHDSKJFDSK
yeah so then i watched the show and it fucking smacked me over the head with a shovel bc its so fucking bad but its so fucking good. and very quickly my view of owen went from "wait a mf second why is not-hermann kind of 🫦 hiii mean slutty hermann hiii" to "wait. oh hes fucked up. oh hes sad. oh no i love him" to him being my third favorite character of all time. fff. but more on that tomorrow! hehehehe
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dirtbagdefender · 6 months
2, 7, 18, & 26? 💚
JOZ I AM LAUGHIN' SO HARD i love that we both sent these at like the same time 💜
what’s your feel-good movie?
OH there's so many!! practical magic. the man from uncle. charlie's angels. power rangers. the covenant. pac rim. king arthur. it truly all depends on what's bringing my mood down!
what color brings you peace?
hmmmm - juniper green! brunette brown! iris purple! watermelon pink!
do you still love stuffed animals?
i do! they exist purely for comfort - how could anyone dislike that?
what movie would you want to live in?
hmmmm. stardust? xmen? kingsman? practical magic? my neighbor totoro?
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nicasiosilang · 1 year
"sleepy hollow level mad" there is some kind of scale here that's grouped like "sleepy hollow, finnpoe, pacrim 2, beverly katz level mad" and on the other end it's like "kings nbc mad"
oh my god OH MY GOD i had literally wiped pac rim 2 from my mind altogether and now oooh my god we live in a fallen world
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formula-fun · 6 months
pac rim au at 10k in 2 days send help
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freifraufischer · 8 months
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The New Zealand Problem: Painful Choices Edition
Courtney McGregor has recently given an interview where she explains that she's not being permitted to trial for Oceania championships because the criteria require results from the last two years (which she doesn't have). There is a lot of anger and frustration from the gymternet about this but I have a theory about what is going on with New Zealand Gymnastics refusing to allow McGregor to compete for the Oceania trials. It's going to seem a little byzantine as I explain it.
First, remember that Gymnastics New Zealand wants to get a WAG to the Olympics and the New Zealand Olympic Committee is the gatekeeper here. The Olympic Committee has set the policy that you have to be in the top 16 in your sport before they'll send you to the Olympics. A few weeks back I asked Courtney how that was done in 2016 for her and she said that she wasn't directly involved in the conversations but that her impression was that it couldn't be based on a single score or result. She was allowed to go based on her 2015 Worlds, 2016 Pac Rims, and 2016 Test Event placements. The fed needs to be able to make a large picture case for the athlete to the NZ Olympic committee.
Let's start from the basis that Gymnastics New Zealand already knows they can't make that case for Madeleine Marshall or Reece Cobb based on their 2023 Worlds results. Marshall was their best AAer in 93rd and Cobb had their best apparatus result in 56th on Beam.
McGregor would have no spectrum of results to make a case. Even if she won Oceania champs it would be just one result and remember she told me it couldn't just be 1 result. Her last international result was 5 years ago where she was 102nd in the AA at worlds and 17th on vault. I think McGregor is a beautiful gymnast and competitive on the basis of what the New Zealand policy wants their athletes to be. I just strongly suspect GymNZ doesn't think they can make that case for her to the Olympic Committee because of her lack of recent results.
So what's the harm in letting her compete?
Well from a strategic point of view if your goal is "get a New Zealand WAG to the Olympics" ... there is a downside to having her in the field. And yes I know what I'm about to describe is a bit twisted.
Georgia-Rose Brown came 4th and 5th at the Baku and Doha World Cup bars finals last year. She's also in the group that GNZ has elected to send to World Cups this year. Based on "you have to show a set of competitive results" I think GymNZ thinks they can make a case for her. Ideally the case for brown is 2 World Cup finals in 2023, and hopefully a couple more in 2024, with her qualifying at Oceania Championships. I believe based on my understanding of the New Zealand Olympic Committee policy they would send Brown on that basis.
But if Courtney beats Brown at Oceania championships the case for Brown changes. It's no longer a case where (ideally) Brown has a bunch of World Cup results and qualified through Oceania championships. She now has World Cup results which by themselves get her nothing and Brown hasn't qualified in her own right at Oceania championships. They've passed on McGregor for not meeting the standard, and they simply aren't going to consider someone who didn't qualify in their own right.
Is this frustrating and warped and counterintuitive to the idea of competition? Yes. No argument from me. But we're already in a situation where an athlete can win a spot at the Olympics and not be sent. Gymnastics New Zealand looks like the rigid bad guy here for not allowing Courtney to Trial for Oceania Champs. But I doubt they are. I'm sure they would LOVE to be able to to send Courtney to the Olympics if she qualified. It's not personal against her. It's triage.
All of this doesn't mean I don't hope Courtney is able to convince them to send her to Oceania anyway. I hope they do. I'm just trying to get people to see that it's not a "no lose" situation for Gymnastics NZ.
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urrone · 11 months
20 fanfic questions
Tagged by @swaps55 (thank yooooou)
Tagging: do you wanna do it? man just do it. have fun. go ham.
How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 words count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Currently? It's mostly Dragon Age and Mass Effect, but I've also written hockey rpf, popslash (which is not included in the works count or the word count), Supernatural, SPN RPF, LotR, the Hunger Games, and Julie and the Phantoms.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
What Remains - SPN, Dean goes missing, Sam tries to find him
Shape I'm In - hockey RPF, Tyler takes a hard hit during a game, Jamie gets in a fight, this is the aftermath
Never Lived a Time Better Spent in Love - hockey RPF, Sid/Geno many years down the line, adopt a baby together
Actually, Plenty - SPN, a coda to What Remains set 15 years after that story
Everything Changes, Everything Stays the Same - SPN, Sam rescues Dean from hell, things change for them after that
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Always, I've had people comment about the fact that I'm still responding to comments on fifteen year old fic. If you're going to read and take the time to comment, I'm gonna say thank you. Plus, community is the best part of fandom, how can you have community if you're not talking?
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Oh it's for sure lathbora viran which is the only story I've written that I had to tag "no happy ending." Although honestly swaps would probably say that For a Single Yesterday was also pretty fuckin' angsty. But Kaidan finds peace, my poor inquisitor absolutely did not.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Probably my Julie and the Phantoms fic, gravity, though I did absolutely take people through the ringer first.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
When I first got into hockey I ended up on the anon hate list for a hot minute because it was obvious from the first fic I posted that I didn't know anything about hockey because, well, I didn't. I'd never watched it before I got involved in the fandom. So it was valid criticism even if it was mean spirited.
9. Do you write smut. If so what kind?
The smuttiest thing I've ever written is a PWP threesome for the Oilers boys called Hold You Down. I enjoy reading smut but as a noted ace I feel awkward as fuck about writing it.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
Yes. Crazy is such a subjective word, but I've written the hockey dudes into the Pacific Rim world and I fixed the shit about the Pac Rim world that never really made sense. I had a much more in depth story plotted out but I lost steam on writing RPF.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I've ever been told?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes, but that fic is no longer online.
13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
Twice. I had fun both times but prefer to set my own pace through a fic.
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
I don't really have an all time to write, they're all my favorites.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
I still feel very guilty about a popslash WIP that I know will never be finished.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Pretty prose.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I try to avoid writing action sequences because I have no idea how to make them sound cool.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
If I can have a native speaker assist, yes. If I have to run it through google translate, absolutely not.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
I was writing extra scenes into the Princess Bride when I was 12 years old.
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
Idk, they're all my children. I love them all equally. I think in general I'm most proud of the Julie and the Phantoms fic, because I just really feel like I nailed the thesis of it, because I had a thesis, and it wasn't just "a meets b and they fall in love." (Which isn't a diss, this is what I usually write, that fic was just different.) But yeah, they're all my favorite. YOU tell ME which your favorite is.
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as someone who was watching pac rim literally every single day at one point i'm obligated to tell you how insane i am about your au <3 one thing about jaeger names is that they sound a lil cooler when they consist of 2 two-or-three syllable words paired together like striker eureka or crimson typhoon, so maybe thinking about it like that will help your process!! keep 'prowler' but try substituting volt for something like voltage, electron/ica, vanguard, banshee, deadstar, stampede, intercept, sierra, etc. and switching the order of words around^^
(oh and i truly hope this doesn't come across as pushy or condescending bc that isn't my intention at *all*, i just thought i'd share some suggestions for this great au!)
FUCK YEAH. dude i love those movies with undying passion.
i am definitely renaming the prowler and i will definitely keep the two syllable thing in mind >:3
im glad someone enjoys the crazy brainworms swimming around in my brain
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