#packs angelique boyer
katherine-mcnamara · 1 year
By clicking on the source link at the bottom of this post you will be able to access #511 gifs that are 250x145 in size from El Amor Invencible (Various Clips).
These gifs were all made by me from scratch, for roleplaying purposes. Please don’t repost into gifsets/gif hunts or claim as your own. Please reblog if using. Hope y’all enjoy!
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editsthirlwall · 7 years
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headers;  latinoedits  iconsboyer  lightlatinos  latinosempsd
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theneongod · 4 years
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ㅤㅤㅤ(ノ◕‿◕)ノ*:・゚✧ 𝖑𝖎𝖐𝖊 𝖔𝖗 𝖗𝖊𝖇𝖑𝖔𝖌 𝖎𝖋 𝖞𝖔𝖚 𝖘𝖆𝖛𝖊.
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latinosempsd-blog · 7 years
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flamesgirl · 5 years
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saiilorstars · 5 years
The Girl in the Forest
Chapter 14: The Temptation
// Story Masterlist // 
Fandom: The Originals
Pairings: Klaus Mikaelson x Original Female Character
Pronunciation of OC’s name: Ma-leh-nee
No real warnings for now!
Requested tag: @queenmj10​
~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~
Chapter Summary: Trying to get back to a normal life is getting far too challenging for Maleny, especially when she has some feelings she needs to work through.
A/N: A reminder that Maleny is back in her original body so her new face claim is the actress Angelique Boyer!
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"You're not actually going to do this to me are you?" Maleny asked the dripping question of irritation. Her face contorted to pure annoyance as her gaze remained on Klaus who stood across her.
They were in a small room of the compound, one barely used and almost empty save for a table at one end. On that table were several forms of wooden stakes, ones that Klaus had placed himself.
He stood in front of the table, with his arms held out in the familiar Mikaelson way, showing he was very well going to make her do it, "I'm waiting, love."
"This is a complete waste of time," she declared and crossed her arms, refusing to move a step towards him.
"You said you wanted to avoid trouble and I can't very well have you running around without a clue of how to throw a punch at someone," he declared, still waiting for her to make a move. It'd been his idea to give her a proper training session, at least once every so often. If she was going to be escaping every time he told her to stay home she needed to know how to defend herself.
"Okaaay," Maleny drew out the word, "But this," her finger gestured between each other, "is a completely unfair practice round. You're a thousand years old and a hybrid with super strength meanwhile I'm a thousand in a mortal body. Show me where exactly I'm supposed to learn something here? How am I supposed to beat you?"
The last question made Klaus scoff, and earned himself a glare, "You're not here to win a battle against me. I'm an Original, with an extra, lethal, perk," he sent her a wink, "I am merely a..." he made a with a motion he was considering a choice of words, "...punching bag - a target. But I'm a difficult target that you..."
Maleny had her eyes narrowed down on him as he purposely trailed off, her tongue pushing against her teeth, "So...what you're saying is...I wouldn't be able to hit you?"
"Well..." Klaus took small steps towards her, "...it's like you said: I'm a thousand years old with super strength...quite strong..."
"Klaus, I swear to God this better not be one of your taunts," Maleny walked straight up to him, "I'm not an idiot."
"No, you're not," Klaus agreed with her quickly, remaining at ease despite her clear irritation for him.
"I'm not going to hit you," Maleny declared again, though she felt her hand already trying to form a fist instead.
"You couldn't even if you wanted to."
"I hit you before..."
"On the arm, my dear, and only because I allowed it so."
At this, Maleny growled and threw her first attempt of a punch across his face. Klaus easily grabbed her wrist and used it to turn her around, her back to him. She yelped as she felt her hand being forced against her back.
"Hey!" she exclaimed.
"Gonna have to do a little more than that, love," Klaus whispered in her ear, momentarily giving her a chill down her back.
At his laugh, she became even more annoyed and went for a second round. Upon being released she spun around and tried punching him again but he ducked just in time.
"Mal," he appeared bemused as he straightened up again, "were you actually going to punch me?"
By that time Maleny had worked up a breath, "I don't know..." she said in between her breathing, "...stand still and we'll find out."
"You were never this moody back in the village," Klaus remarked offhandedly.
Maleny gaped, "You are really screwing up today! This fight is completely unfair! I mean, who puts a human against a hybrid? I'd have a better chance against Cami! I don't understand-"
Klaus rolled his eyes and sped towards her, taking her up against the wall. Maleny ignored the clasp around her neck due to the brick harshly hitting the back of her head.
"Oow..." she shut her eyes at the terrible pain.
Alarmed by the fact he had actually hurt her, Klaus let her go and pulled her off the wall, "Mal? Maleny, are you alright?"
Maleny rubbed the back of her head, giving him a small nod, "I...I think so. But oh my God that hurts. I don't suppose you have ice?"
"I can...sure, yes, I can get some," Klaus hadn't even thought of using blood in his panic episode. He turned and headed towards the doors to get her the ice.
Maleny smirked and rushed to the table with the stakes, swiping one off the table and throwing it with all her might directly at Klaus. He stopped when he felt the stake embedded into his back. Though stunned, and frankly in pain, he turned to Maleny.
She stood straight, arms crossed, and with a smirk on her face, "I win."
"That's not winning, that's cheating," Klaus clarified as he pulled the stake from his back.
"I'm sorry, isn't that what you do? Use feelings to manipulate and win?"
Unamused, Klaus gave her a look, "Feigning a head injury will not win you a battle, Mal."
"I wasn't faking," Maleny rubbed her head once more as she walked towards the doors, "You owe me big for that one you stupid hybrid," she mumbled and left the room.
Anyone else might have died by that comment, but it being Maleny Klaus merely chuckled and went to retrieve the other stakes he'd left on the table. His mind was already setting up ideas on how to apologize for his apparent error.
~ 0 ~
In the lounge room, Cami was comfortably sat down, scribbling in her new journal. She was so focused until she sensed Maleny entering the room.
"Hey Mal," she looked up and blinked upon seeing the blonde with an ice pack behind her head, "What happened?"
Maleny groaned as she plopped down on the couch beside her, "Klaus had an idea," she grumbled, but Cami began to laugh. "Laugh it up, Camille O'Connell, laugh it up..."
Cami sobered slowly while the blonde rested her head on the couch, the ice pack in-between. "Is this how you two were in the past?"
Maleny scoffed, "No, in those days God forbid Maleny pick up a knife to defend herself."
"Aw, you were like Rapunzel locked in the tower," Cami nudged her, still in a teasing mode, "Let your hair grow out so you can play the part for real."
Maleny rolled her eyes, "You know, being a vampire has made you meaner. I thought hanging out with Elijah would make you more classy like he is."
Cami feigned offense and shut her journal, "Well, I never. I suppose this is the real you now, a hell of a lot more snappier than normal."
"I wasn't always this way," Maleny shrugged, tilting her head to glance at her cousin, "I had the good ole Mikaelson teachers. Finn taught me to tolerate those annoying people, Elijah taught me to be more refined and controlling, Klaus taught me how to talk back to those who thought they could wrong me, Kol taught me how to be mischievous and steal some good snacks, Rebekah taught me how to make sneaky excuses to sneak off," she cleared her throat when Cami smirked at the comment, "Not like that..."
"Yeah right," Cami waved her off, laughing once again.
"Oh shut up!" Maleny exclaimed, "Things are different now, I promise. Besides, I don't know who you're laughing at. I noticed you're closer to Elijah than I remember. Wanna talk about that, dear cousin?"
Now completely serious, Cami took her journal off her lap and stood up, "There is nothing there, I assure you."
Maleny took up Cami's teasing tone and said, "Yeah right!" as the blonde vampire made way for the doors.
"Shut up Maleny!"
Maleny laughed, "Oh c'mon, stay! We haven't talked in months and I heard you went looking for me right after you were turned. Thank you."
With a sigh, Cami turned back, wearing a light-hearted smile, "Don't thank me, I would've done it whether I was human or vampire. You're my cousin, I don't care if that was a lie a witch made up. You are my cousin and I love you."
Maleny reached a hand out for her cousin, unable to move just yet, "I love you too, Cami! And I'm really sorry being caught in a crossfire turned you into a vampire."
"It's actually great," Cami chuckled, having taken Maleny's hand, "I mean, once you get over the 'I'm dead' part, it's really nice. I have the entire world at my feet - I can go anywhere and do anything."
As she said those words, Maleny's smile faded and she turned her head to look away, "Yeah..."
"Don't get me wrong," Cami continued, too focused to notice Maleny yet, "Being killed by Genevieve wasn't exactly the perfect way to go...but then I got her back," she smirked, "Sent that bitch to hell...literally! But being this me is a little better. I'm happy."
"Good for you," Maleny said so quietly that made Cami finally look down at the blonde and see she looked almost discontent.
Cami let go of Maleny's hand and walked back to take her seat on the couch, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have talked about that." She should've known better than to talk about becoming a vampire around Maleny. That had been her one biggest desire as a human, and centuries later she still hadn't acquired it yet.
"No, don't feel bad," Maleny gave her a small smile, "I'm glad that turning didn't harm your personality. The only thing I wished was that you had turned by someone you knew and in much better circumstances."
As Maleny lifted her head, letting the ice-pack slowly drop, Cami reached and took it to place it down on the table in front of them. "I wish the same for you, Mal."
A resigned sigh escaped through Maleny's lips, "I don't see that happening anytime soon."
"Have you asked...?" Cami debated whether or not to finish her question with a specific person.
"I...don't know whether to ask about that or not," Maleny admitted, gently fixing her hair from the back, "Klaus and I, we're not...we're not exactly happy with our current conditions. I doubt asking him if he would even consider turning me could make anything better. And even if I did ask someone else, like Elijah, he wouldn't do it if Klaus didn't agree."
"There's always me," Cami weakly raised a hand.
"I don't want you getting into trouble with Elijah," Maleny patted her arm, "Hayley? I don't know...she probably wouldn't do if..." she made a motion with her hand, making Cami say simultaneously 'if Klaus didn't agree'
"So basically Klaus has to agree to this?" Cami asked, frowning, "That doesn't sound very fair."
"It's not just him," Maleny sighed and leaned back on the couch, "I don't know if...I want to turn. I mean, if I turned I want to know that I would have someone to spend eternity with. I don't want to be alone."
Cami would've scoffed and told her of course there was someone who would spend eternity with her if she just asked. But, she knew that Maleny was at a fragile point at the moment. She wasn't in a position to take those types of important decisions when she still had a curse to officially end. Cami also imagined Maleny had to clear her mind from all the lives she had lived as other people. She needed to figure out what it was she truly wanted before she turned.
"I don't know what may happen," Cami began softly, taking Maleny's hand, "But whatever you choose to be, you will always have me as your cousin."
Maleny smiled at that, "Thank you, Cami."
~ 0 ~
Hayley was busy munching on an apple whilst taking a walk around a long table full of more fruit and other various lunch meals. She heard footsteps coming in from the stairs.
"So, I take it your training session with Klaus went pretty well?" Hayley waved her bitten apple with a smirk, also winking.
Maleny ignored her blush and instead snapped, "You knew about that? I should kick your ass right here. My head still hurts."
"This is all pretty fresh," continued Hayley as she stirred a bowl of soup which was visibly warm, "Plus, I just saw a wicked piano upstairs that most certainly wasn't there yesterday."
Maleny blinked and looked up at second floor, almost as if she would see the new piano from where she stood, "For me?"
"I didn't know you played," Hayley remarked, still smirking, "I assume that was from Klaus."
"He's apologizing," Maleny smiled to herself before returning her gaze to Hayley, "I liked the musical instruments we had in our village. I never attempted to play until the piano was invented but I never really learned it all. But I can assure you that this," Maleny gestured to the table, "was not for me. There's no berries and Klaus knows I like berries," Hayley looked at the blonde with a looming tease, making Maleny deeply sigh, "I said that out loud, didn't I?"
Hayley gripped the top of a chair whilst smirking, "So let me guess, you'd have romantic dinners like these?"
Maleny was not amused by the look on her face, "Be quiet."
Hayley, on the other hand, was having just a bit too much fun, "I'm not hearing a 'no'," she wagged a finger at Maleny and laughed.
Short tempered, Maleny grabbed a spoon and chucked it towards Hayley. Hayley easily stopped the spoon and set it down on the table again, "Gonna try a little a bit harder next time. Also, next time I'd go with the knife," she picked one up and pretended to model it for her, "It can do a little more damage than a spoon."
"You know just because you're all vampires doesn't mean I can't hit you one of these days," Maleny huffed and crossed her arms, "Oh, that reminds me, I know everyone in this place is a vampire so actual food isn't on your list anymore, but I could really use some."
"What's this?" Klaus came down the stairs to find the mysterious table of breakfast.
Hayley flashed a smirk to Maleny in warning of her next tease, "Maleny's present to you, of course," she told Klaus who quickly looked at Maleny in shock.
Maleny blushed and glared at Hayley, "Okay, Klaus, I know Hayley's the mother of your daughter but I'm gonna kill her."
Hayley bit into her apple, clearly satisfied with the results.
"Who's responsible for this?" Klaus asked once more, expecting the truth that time.
Hayley saw Elijah and Cami coming in from the streets and pointed at them, "This your work?" she pointed to the table.
"We've been out looking for the white oak stake," Cami explained, equally confused as Elijah once they saw the mysterious table of meals.
The silver lid on a platter on the table began rattling which left the group confused for a moment more. Klaus decided to be the one to reveal what laid underneath. He inched closer to the table and lifted the platter. As soon as he did two black starlings flew up, making everyone instinctively duck out of the way.
"What the hell was that?" Hayley stared up as the birds flew away.
Klaus found a white invitation sitting on the platter and picked it up, reading "Dinner, Your Home, 8PM," he looked up at the others, "An invitation from our mother."
That was a tactic no one was expecting.
~ 0 ~
Hayley laid flat on Klaus' bed whilst trying to keep her amused smile hidden as Klaus and Maleny angrily argued with each other once again. She'd really only came into the room to see how they would be dealing with Esther's 'invitation' and it seemed like Maleny had thought of the same thing since she came only two minutes after Hayley. But everything went wrong when Klaus told Maleny she would not be seeing Esther today as it was 'too dangerous for her human body'.
Shouting and disagreeing ensued afterwards.
"Are you seriously not going to let me see Esther?" Maleny had her arms crossed and half a room of distance between her and Klaus.
"You will see her, I assure you, but not today!" Klaus fired back, equally crossed as she was. Why couldn't she understand it was simply not the right time for her to meet Esther? Esther was full of tricks she could use at any moment, and since Maleny was the weakest out of everyone there had to be extra precautions.
"When?" Maleny challenged, "After you kill and bury her?"
"Well…" Klaus admitted with a sinister grin that wasn't a bad idea.
"This isn't a joke!" Maleny snapped.
"You're right, it isn't, so that's that then," Klaus waved a hand to dismiss the argument as he turned away.
Maleny blinked but quickly reacted and went to follow, "I am not finished!"
But Klaus turned back, more angry the topic was still being discussed, "This is more than finished-"
Hayley had heard enough, and frankly withstood enough, and sat upright, shouting, "Shut up the both of you!" and she quickly caught the two's attention, "Tell you what, Klaus, I'll take Mal and we'll both try to find a witch that can help us with your mother. Esther won't see her today."
While that mildly simmered Klaus' anger, Maleny grew even more furious, "Wow, it's like, when I speak, I'm on mute or something."
"Mal, stop," ordered Hayley who wasn't about to argue with her either.
"What's going on?" Cami entered the room looking pretty confused.
"I must say your shouts have gotten incredibly louder," remarked Elijah as he came in afterwards.
"Your brother!" Maleny gestured to the hybrid, "As always, he thinks I need to be babysat."
"You're a therapist, help them," Hayley told Cami, semi-mocking.
"I think we need to focus on Esther, don't we?" Cami looked around, "Arguments can be left for later."
"Quite right," Elijah agreed who went further into the room, "Esther's a master in the art of possession. We know whose body she currently inhabits. We must decipher her intentions before she finds a new host."
"Mal and I were going to get on that," Hayley explained, ignoring Maleny's glare.
"Since Davina's basically on the run I think it'll be far more difficult," the blonde added in and low mutter. Early in the day she'd went to go look for Davina, intending on discussing the fact the teen harbored the spirit of Mikael and possessed the white oak stake. But after several attempts, Maleny realized Davina had taken off.
"I told you that witch was no good," Klaus remarked but only tended to the fire more.
"Perhaps if you hadn't pushed her to that point she would've never done that," Maleny replied.
Hayley rolled her eyes and got up from the bed, "Well I've heard enough," she went over to Maleny, grabbing her by the arm, "We're going to find a witch."
"Actually," Elijah spoke up, "I was about to explain a little plan of mine for a witch. Cami and I have someone in mind."
At the mention of her name, Cami looked at him with blinking eyes, "We do?"
"We do," he smiled at her, "At the other side of the river, Marcel has made a couple of friends I'm sure could help us."
"Then see to it," Klaus said.
Elijah returned to Cami's side, "We'll be back," he told the others before dragging away a still confused Cami.
Hayley huffed and started taking Maleny towards the exit, "So we're going to have a drink," she announced, her voice challenging anyone to disagree with her.
Thankfully, Klaus felt better if Hayley was around Maleny so he let the two women go without a word of contradiction.
~ 0 ~
"I still don't get what I'm doing here," Cami repeated her statement for the third time since Elijah had brought them to the Algiers.
Elijah maintained his cool demeanor as they walked through the alley full of market stalls, "We need to find a witch, I told you."
"Right, but right now I think I can be more useful to my cousin."
"Actually, I would prefer if Maleny stayed with Hayley for the day."
The confession made Cami stop in her tracks, "Wh-why?"
Elijah stopped as well and sighed, "You saw how Hayley behaved throughout these months. She was a near savage, and with Maleny back for a couple of days it's caused so much progress."
It was then that Cami realized what was going on, "You're doing this for Hayley…" and for some reason, the thought made Cami slightly uncomfortable.
"She's had a difficult time," Elijah reminded, "I think that Maleny can help her, unlike us."
Cami sighed but had to agree. She did notice a radical change in Hayley and she supposed the woman did deserve some kind of peace in the meantime she had her daughter back. And so they continued to walk, now slightly less tensed, until they reached Marcel's loft.
Marcel was sorting through some books along with Gia, a newly turned woman Marcel was responsible for - or rather was pushing for Elijah to be.
Sensing their presence, Marcel lowered a book and turned around, "I wondered when you'd show up. Your pupil's waiting. it's not like you to shirk your responsibilities."
Elijah wearily looked at the dark-haired woman, "As you well know, she is not my... burden to bear. You turned her, you teach her."
Cami bit her lip as she watched a flash of hurt in Gia's face. The woman had no fault Marcel was trying to push her onto an Original. Sure, she turned by choice, but Cami doubted Gia was ever fully aware of Marcel's plan.
"Why'd you come?" asked Marcel.
"We're looking for a cooperative witch," Elijah answered.
"I don't know where Davina is, and given the fact that she's got your father on a leash, I wouldn't put her in the, uh, "cooperative" category-"
"Maybe another witch, then," Cami interrupted him, now eyeing Gia's hands.
Marcel lightly chuckled, "What makes you think I got another witch?"
"Well," Cami tilted her head with a fake smile, "The fact she has a new daylight ring is a dead ringer for a new witch."
Marcel saw an opportunity and snatched it, "Good point! My memory's a little shaky. Lucky for you, though, I know someone who can help! Gia?" with a sigh, Gia moved over to Marcel, "Why don't you take Elijah to meet our friend Lenore?"
Elijah glared at Marcel, his patience dangerously thinning, "If this is your idea of a joke, I can assure you I am not amused."
"Well, there's nothing funny about what's going on. Mikael's back, witches causing chaos. It just seems like you could use all the friends that you can get."
Elijah rolled his eyes and motioned for Cami it was time to go. Feeling awkward Cami shifted and went after the Original, a few seconds later a reluctant Gia doing the same.
~ 0 ~
While Hayley had opted for a needed drink at Rousseau's, Maleny ended up taking dragging her to a very different place. They were sitting outside a cafe, where Hayley did get her drink eventually. Maleny had, instead, a warm cup of coffee. As Hayley took repeated gulps of drinks, Maleny stirred her sugar blankly, her thoughts somewhere else.
"Okay," Hayley took a pause between drinks, "are you going to sit around and mope all day?"
Maleny raised her gaze to the brunette, still mildly distracted, "What?"
"I don't get it," Hayley flat out declared, her face seemingly trying to understand what she apparently was confused about.
"Don't get what?" Maleny tilted her head, leaving her spoon in her coffee.
"You," Hayley pointed, "and Klaus. What's the deal with you two? Isn't there some whole story behind your love or something?"
"You're forgetting that story is a tragic one where I died...over and over."
"But you're here-"
"Yeah, until someone finds my body and decides to use it for the curse again," Maleny's face contorted to that of the fear she'd been trying to hide, "Don't you see, Hayley? There is no time for love, or anything else, until I find the corpse and burn it."
Hayley remained silent for a minute or two, letting Maleny recollect herself, "Look, I know Klaus isn't going by this like you want him to, but he's just trying to protect you until were able to find the corpse. Believe me, I was under that game too when I was pregnant."
Maleny remembered the time very well, "Yeah, and then you died and became a hybrid. Is that what I need to do? Die and become a vampire so he'll stop trying to babysit me?" Hayley raised an eyebrow, silently questioning Maleny's outburst. Maleny sighed and returned to stirring her coffee, "I know he means well, and I appreciate it. I like that he cares, but…he can't tell me what to do. Especially when he knows what Esther did to me. I have to see her."
"And then what?" Hayley challenged.
Maleny rolled her eyes, seeing this would probably turn into another argument. "I need to see her, Hayley. Why can't anyone understand that?"
"I don't think you're understanding this," Hayley pointed at her. "I for once, agree with Klaus. I mean, do you know if you can actually die now? I mean, properly die?"
Maleny bit her lip, shaking her head, "No, I don't know."
"Okay, and I don't think you want to find out. Esther can torture you and and let us find out if you can. And, if it so happens you won't die, then you'll just endure immense pain over and over. Klaus just wants to avoid unnecessary complications."
"Amazing," Maleny sighed, looking to the side, "you're actually on his side."
"I want you alive, so yeah, I kind of am," Hayley lightly chuckled. She took a sip of her drink afterwards. "We love you, Mal. Don't forget that."
"Yeah, yeah," Maleny waved her off and decided to switch subjects, "I know you're only out here because Elijah passed you off. But just so you know, you're handling this a lot better than I thought you would."
Hayley tilted her head wearing a firm face, "Hey, why do you think that?" it was true, of course, but she didn't want others to know.
"I know you love him, Hayley, everyone knows."
At that, Hayley took a big gulp of her glass, "Loved," she corrected, "I was smitten, but after all this...it would never work. And I don't want it to."
"Is that why you stay away from Cami, though?" Maleny questioned, seeing Hayley tense up, "Because you're jealous it...might be working for them?"
Hayley stared at Maleny then sighed, "I don't have anything against your cousin," she truthfully said, "but...it's just a bit difficult right now to talk to her. If they want to start something, they can. I think she's so much more suited for Elijah. She's like him, in a way, and just because it didn't work for me and him then it doesn't mean I'll go furious if it works for them."
"That's very mature of you," Maleny blinked with genuine surprise.
Hayley smirked as she grabbed her glass again, "I'm a mom now, I have to be," Maleny chuckled as she reached to take Hayley's glass, "Hey!" Hayley frowned as the cup of coffee was slid over to her instead.
"Mom's tend not to drink a lot," Maleny then finished what was left of Hayley's drink, "and since I'm not a mom I can."
Hayley rolled her eyes and felt her pocket vibrate. She fished out her phone and read a text message from Olly.
"Something wrong?" Maleny noticed the air around them changed, and not for the best.
Hayley looked up, irritated, "We should get back to the compound. Klaus is gonna want to hear this," she waved the cellphone before it putting it back in her pocket.
Leaving the money for their drinks, the two women hurried back to give the news.
~ 0 ~
Gia was able to lead Elijah and Cami into the required witch's shop. Inside, a middle-aged woman named Lenore was grinding herbs in a mortar. When she felt the presence of the trio, she immediately ordered, "Go away, I'm busy."
"Yes, blatantly practicing magic, I see," Elijah sarcastically replied with, making the woman look up from her work.
"Herbal remedies for a neighbor who lost her insurance. But, my guess is an Original ain't here to talk neighborhood gossip."
"We have a favor to ask you."
Lenore rolled her eyes, "Quarter's crawling with witches, go ask one of them."
"There isn't time," Cami wearily told her, though knew she wouldn't get them anywhere.
Elijah took a discreeter tactic as he roamed a couple aisles in the shop, "It's unfortunate, isn't it? Bureaucracy has not been kind to your community. Those tax incentives on local businesses have been stalling for months. Of course, a persuasive person could potentially remove any red tape."
Cami smirked as the witch looked at them in full interest, "I'm listening."
"A certain someone- let's say a witch- has a troublesome tendency of jumping into other bodies. When she does so again, we would like to know into whom she jumps," and politely, he dropped a coin into the coin jar near the register.
Lenore, still rather unimpressed, monotonously explained, "Soul-branding. It's a sacrificial spell. I'm gonna need an item that's been spelled by the witch in question, and a python."
"We shall retrieve the enchanted item. Our partner will take care of the python," he gestured to poor Gia who'd been listening but not quite understanding.
"Ew, what?" she crinkled her nose at the implication.
Elijah turned to her, sounding almost patronizing when saying, "Second lesson of the day- acquisition through mind compulsion," and with that he walked out of the shop.
Cami nervously smiled at Gia, deciding just because Elijah wanted to be rude it didn't mean she had to follow his footsteps, "I can help," she offered herself up.
"Really?" Gia studied the blonde, having heard her story from Marcel and knew that this wasn't precisely the plan Marcel had in mind.
"Mhm," Cami nodded, still radically cheerful, "I mean, I've been a vampire myself for a couple of months but I have compulsion down pretty good."
"Well…" honestly, Gia didn't see another way around it.
"It's easy, c'mon," Cami took her by the arm and walked her out of the shop where Elijah had been waiting.
When he saw Cami with the new vampire, he raised a questioning eyebrow, "What are you doing?"
"Since you decided to be rude, I'm going to help her with the python."
"We have to acquire one of my mother's possessions," he reminded, rather irritated she was preferring to waste time with a woman they weren't responsible for, "We have to go, so let's," he motioned.
Cami thought he made it seem as if she were his follower or something, "No," she said before thinking clearly, "I will not."
"Excuse me?" Elijah stepped towards her, "Cami, this is no time to argue, time is precious-"
"You do what you have to," Cami snapped, "I'm going to help Gia whether you like it or not. We'll meet here afterwards. Call me if anything comes up," and with that she pulled Gia into a different direction.
Elijah glared but didn't insist. There was far more important things to do today and it didn't include arguing over unimportant things.
~ 0 ~
Klaus was dealing with the preparations of the dinner when Maleny and Hayley walked in, returning from their drinks out.
"So, I guess letting Oliver live paid off," Hayley announced and made Klaus turn around to see them entering, "He just informed me your mother has a partner-in-crime... another witch."
"Probably building alliances to kill you all," Maleny added, nowhere wanting to sound rude nor sarcastic, but it was the truth.
It didn't seem as if Klaus minded, he had something else in response, "There's something in the kitchen for you, Mal."
"Me?" the blonde pointed to herself, looking like a surprised child who'd been caught stealing a cookie.
"Special order," Klaus motioned for her to go see it.
"Well, okay then…" Maleny gave Hayley a confused face before walking away to see what her surprise was.
"So," Klaus then returned to the main problem at hand, "my mother has acquired a witch to aid her…"
Hayley nodded, "Why does she hate you so much, Klaus? She had six kids- it's not like she doesn't have the maternal gene."
"Seven, actually," Klaus corrected then quickly turned away and feigned interest in unfolded napkins, "And, I think at one time, she loved us very much. One died before I was born."
Hayley didn't mean to bring up what clearly seemed like a delicate topic, "I didn't know that."
"Years later, my brother Henrik was killed by the werewolves in our village. The loss of another child pushed my mother over the edge. So, she used her magic - along with Maleny's - to turn us into immortals. I think that's when she loved us the most. But, it was her undoing. It triggered a sequence of events that led to the reveal of her long-held secret ; my first kill of a random human triggered the curse of the werewolves. My birth father was the werewolf whose pack killed my little brother. Of course, when Mikael found out, he murdered my real father, and so, my mother lost her lover, too."
"Wow. No wonder she's crazy," Hayley whistled, "I'm out of my mind having just given away Hope... I can't imagine if she'd actually died.
"You know, my siblings used to tell each other she didn't hate us. She hated herself for what we've become," Klaus shared with her, the idea still troubling, "I think they believed that even after she tried to kill us all."
"What did you believe?" Hayley curiously wondered.
"I don't know. I just knew I wanted her dead."
"Well, every good story needs a wicked witch..."
"Are you guys insulting me?" Maleny came back into the courtyard distractedly munching on berries whilst holding a bowl full of more. "Because I prefer to be the nice little witch."
"Nice to see your self-esteem is still on point," Hayley playfully rolled her eyes at her and decided to go fetch herself another drink upstairs.
"You liked your surprise, I see," Klaus observed, seeing her happily nod in response.
"I haven't had berries in such a long time," Maleny chuckled and walked up to him, "Did you bring this in for me?"
"Sort of as an apology for earlier," Klaus admitted.
"Mmm, multiple apologies from you," Maleny bit her lip nervously, "I feel special today. Thank you."
"How's your head?" Klaus reached for her hair, gently touching where she'd hit her head. He was still incredibly guilty for his ridiculous mistake earlier. Part of the guilt came from his lack of memory. He wasn't used to dealing with people who weren't physically strong. Witches, for him, had been complete toys for his plots. He hadn't had the need for restraints anymore.
Maleny curiously watched him while he was in thought. "It's okay. I put ice and I feel good now. Especially with my gifts. I like this instead of arguing half the time with you."
"I dislike it myself too," Klaus sighed, "But you have to understand that out of everyone here, you're-"
"The weakest, yeah, I get it," Maleny rolled her eyes, wondering if that would become the motto every time they had this discussion.
"This is how we were before," Klaus reminded her, "and you know it. It's...it's like a default setting. Besides, with my mother around how do you think I feel knowing at any moment she could hurt you?"
Maleny couldn't help smile widely at all the concern she'd clearly underestimated, "Perhaps you should try trusting me a little more. I may not have all my power back but thanks to Isabelle and her coven I can defend myself. I told you, I did have earlier training too."
"I just don't want to take the chance," Klaus insisted, his voice unintentionally having gone softer, his hands reaching to rest on her arms.
Maleny suddenly found it difficult to swallow down her berry, "I, um, well…" she forced herself to stay calm even though the blue eyes she'd basically been charmed under for centuries were boring down into hers, "There will always be a chance as long as my corpse is still out there," she reminded, "It doesn't matter what Esther can do to me because someone else can do worse."
"Don't ask me not to care, Maleny," warned Klaus, "I didn't care about the city and it cost me my daughter. If I stop caring for you even for a minute then…"
Maleny raised an eyebrow, suddenly pieces falling in together, "Is that...is that what this is really about? You think what happened to your daughter can happen to me?" she sarcastically chuckled, "You think your actions of before will lead to the same thing for me again?"
Klaus stopped her and shook his head, "I chose to save Hope and left you, I forced myself to stop caring for you so that I could focus on saving Hope...and you were killed. I can't let that happen again - I won't."
Maleny smiled, pretty sure of herself, "It won't because I know you care for me. I know that I am important to everyone here and that is more than enough for me. And if the situation were to ever come up again, I would expect you to choose Hope over me in less than a second," she sternly warned him, "because that is what you must do, that is what you want to do and it's okay," she put her bowl of berries on a nearby table, "You don't have to feel guilty about it," she placed her hands on either side of his face, "I would never think you stopped caring for me because you chose your family over me."
"You are family," Klaus weakly argued.
"I may be, but you now have someone far more important than anyone else in this place: Hope. So please, stop with all this concern and fears for me. I will be just fine."
Klaus removed one of her hands and held it tightly in his, "No matter what, I will always strive to protect you," he gently kissed the back of her hand.
Maleny's breath hitched, thankfully lightly, and immediately sported a blush. She'd forgotten how easily she could be provoked by the man before her. Serving as a distraction, Elijah coming in cut through the moment. Maleny quickly returned to her bowl of berries and gave a sheepish smile to Klaus who'd been startled by the sudden movements.
"This looks good," Elijah remarked after studying the almost set table.
Maleny suddenly frowned upon seeing her cousin wasn't with him, "Where's Cami?"
There was a visible air of irritation around Elijah at the mention of the woman, "She decided to waste time," both Maleny and Klaus shared looks of confusion, "But we'll have the the spell," Elijah continued, "We just need something of mother's."
"I can take care of that," Klaus waved the problem off, "Of course I will need to give a visit to Marcel…"
"Then hurry," Elijah pressed, once again his irritation dripping in his tone.
Klaus made a face but decided to leave it for the time being. He turned to Maleny, wearing that firm face Maleny knew would once again tell her to stay put. Deciding to cut to the end, she raised a hand and spoke first, "Yeah, yeah, I'll be with Hayley," she dropped a berry into her mouth and smirked, "These could really go well with a drink…" she mumbled to herself as she went to go find Hayley.
Klaus watched her go fairly amused, and relieved. He then faced Elijah who was still pretty crossed, "Well, I've managed to fix my petty argument, will you?"
Elijah wasn't in the mood for his brother's sarcasm and so left without saying a word. Klaus gave off a chuckle before going on his way.
~ 0 ~
Gia and Marcel were discussing the matters of earlier events which Gia was blatantly accusing Marcel of being at fault of.
"A snake!" she plopped down on the couch, "That was my big lesson of the day. Snake-fetching. What a waste of time!"
Marcel laughed in amusement, "Hold on- you compelled yourself a snake?"
"No, I stole the damn thing!" Gia shook her head, feeling ridiculous, "Captain Condescension didn't feel the need to cover the mind-control chapter in today's lesson. I had to settle for his blonde friend to help me but in the end I got so stressed I just stole it."
"Blonde friend?" Marcel repeated, slowly understanding, "Ooh, you went out with Cami instead."
"She tried helping me, but I just didn't get it."
"Did you even try?"
"Yes," Gia said nearly certain until she gave up with a sigh, "No," Marcel tilted his head and pointed at her, "You said Elijah was going to be the one to teach me all this stuff, not his friend."
"Yeah, but, I didn't account for Cami," Marcel brought over some drinks and sat down on the couch with her, handing over a glass.
"Why Elijah? You want something from him, I just can't guess the reason why you'd think I'm the way to get it. If anything, you should ask the blonde."
"Actually, I want something for him, and it's the same thing I want for you."
"Which is what, exactly?"
"This. Us! Our new community! Look, I learned my lesson the hard way. You can't make your way in this town unless you got an Original looking out for you. Klaus is so fixated on those wolves, and Elijah's so wrapped up in centuries of his family's old crap that he can't see it. But, we need him. We need him to see us as family, too."
"I couldn't even get my own family to care about me. How am I supposed to win him over?"
"Like I said, I didn't account for Cami which was very stupid of me," Marcel took a drink, "Before Cami was turned she was almost going to graduate."
"Yeah, she mentioned that," Gia nodded.
"She liked helping people - that's what got her into this whole supernatural mess. And," he wagged a finger at Gia, "that's exactly what's going to get us an Original."
Gia stared at Marcel with confusion, "I'm not following."
"To get to Elijah, we'll get to Cami."
"Marcel, she was actually very nice and friendly. I don't wanna lie to her."
"Then don't, be a friend. That's all you need to be."
Gia considered his words as she leaned back on the couch and drank from her glass.
~ 0 ~
As Klaus and Elijah saw to the ends of the dinner preparations in the courtyard, Maleny and Hayley appeared at the rails upstairs.
"Guys," Maleny called, making the two men look up, "we have a problem."
"Marcel's witch is being held captive in the Quarter," Hayley announced, though no one seemed surprised of the news.
"Oh, perfect," Klaus rolled his eyes, "Mother's a step ahead, as usual."
"Oliver's with her. I'll go, and I'll get her to do the spell. But, I need the necklace," Hayley said as she went for the stairs, Maleny quickly following behind her.
"I'm coming too!" the blonde exclaimed.
"Of course you are," Hayley playfully rolled her eyes and stopped to allow the blonde to catch up with her. Being smaller meant smaller steps.
Klaus stared at the two with an uneasy look, "I don't like the idea-"
"I'm not going to be anywhere Esther like you wanted," Maleny cut him off, daring him to contradict himself. "I'm going to be far away with Hayley."
Klaus was at a loss of words knowing she was right. He hated when she twisted her words to favor her. With a small sigh, he pulled out the necklace he'd acquired from Marcel and held it over.
"I remember that," Maleny blinked at the familiar necklace, "Esther gave it to you…" and she then made a face, "Throw it out."
Hayley chuckled, "Let's just go."
"Wait," Elijah called, stopping the woman before they left, "Cami should still be around, she's with a woman named Gia. Ask for them. They have another ingredient needed."
"Why is Cami still over there again?" Maleny raised a questioning eyebrow at him, suspicious.
Elijah seemed to struggle answering even if the answer wasn't the complete truth, "We...had a disagreement."
"One that's kept her away all day?"
"Mal, isn't there a place you need to go to?"
Maleny raised her hands in defeat, "Yeah, okay. Save some of that for Esther though," she said before quickly rushing off with a dragged-off Hayley.
"Mal!" Elijah called after her, forgetting how sarcastic the woman often was. Beside him, Klaus was struggling to be calm about Maleny's remark. But it was just a little more difficult than he realized.
~ 0 ~
"Hey, Cami, when you get this, call me back okay?" Maleny left the phone message then hung up.
"Still nothing, huh?" Hayley asked as they entered the cemetery where Lenore was being kept.
"Nope," Maleny sighed and put away her phone, "I don't get how long stealing a python is supposed to take."
"Maybe she got held up, still, doesn't matter right now. We need to find Lenore first."
And so they found the crypt in which Oliver was holding Lenore. Hayley went straight inside and broke the chains binding Lenore.
"The python's here," Maleny frowned at the sight of the python wrapped around an hourglass, "So where's Cami?"
"They worked her over pretty good," Olly said as Hayley helped Lenore up.
"We need to get her out of here," Hayley announced which instantly put Olly into panic.
"Huh? Then what? They'll know that I let her go! Look, you asked me to infiltrate Cassie's coven, I'm not gonna blow my cover for some has-been hippie-witch!"
"That's rude," Maleny turned around, hands on hips.
"Well, it's the truth. How do I explain she got away?"
Maleny looked around then suddenly tipped over a book on a table, "You were assaulted," she announced calmly, "You can tell Esther - I mean, Cassie - that Lenore got rescued by her people."
"But we need to make it convincing," Hayley added.
Oliver glared at her, "Let me guess, you, uh, wanna beat the hell out of me? Make it look convincing?"
Hayley cheerily smiled, "Well, I can't say I wouldn't enjoy it!"
Oliver hung his head, still rather amused, "Okay, just... just not the face, okay?"
Hayley nodded in agreement and went to do the job. Maleny flinched with each punch Oliver took and had to admit she did feel kind of bad when the man fell to the ground unconscious.
Lenore had watched the entire thing in silence, feeling a mixture of confusion and horror. Hayley noticed both stares of the women and sighed, "He'll be okay, I promise," she told them.
Lenore slowly walked up to the two women, "What's your dog in this fight? You're not a Mikaelson."
"She is," Hayley nodded towards Maleny who quickly responded with a 'Hey!' in return.
"I am not," the blonde corrected.
"You're practically in a relationship with Klaus," Hayley accused with a smug smile.
"Says the woman who had his child and lives under the same roof with him," Maleny crossed her arms. Meanwhile, Lenore's confusion and horror only increased with each fire. Maleny noticed that and quickly tried mending, "This isn't as creepy as it sounds."
"I'm sure," Lenore weakly nodded.
Hayley let the whole thing go and focused on the important thing, "Listen, can we do this spell, or not?"
"After what that bitch and her lackey did to me? I'll do any spell that you want!" Lenore declared and walked out of the crypt with a huff.
Before Hayley followed, Maleny elbowed her in the ribs, "Seriously? 'Almost in a relationship'?"
Hayley rubbed her side and muttered, "You are."
"Which is the same thing I could say to you about Elijah."
"That was in the past," Hayley quickly pointed.
"So was mine!"
For a moment there was silence them broke out laughter.
"Maybe this is a little creepy," Maleny scratched her head, "I think we would make a really good reality show."
"Oh yeah," Hayley sarcastically smiled, "The vampires who can't die, the woman that's cursed, the hybrid who got pregnant by another hybrid, and the almost vampire therapist...yup, sign me up."
Maleny shook her head, "Let's just go before it gets worse," she swung an arm around Hayley's shoulders and finally went to follow Lenore.
Upon arriving at the store, Lenore quickly got to work. She set up a new Cauldron on the counter and was handed the bag of the python.
"So, will this take long?" Hayley asked, letting her impatience drip on her words.
"You want me to soul-brand the resurrected spirit of a thousand-year-old witch? It's best I take my time and do it right," but Lenore stopped momentarily to look at Hayley, "For what it's worth, I'm sorry. No one should ever have to lose a child."
Hayley grimly agreed, "No. No one should."
Lenore then lighted a bundle of sage, "You have the talisman?" Hayley handed over the necklace Klaus had given them.
Maleny began curiously taking a closer look at the spell Lenore was conducting, "So, how will this spell work, exactly? You brand Esther with the spell, and then what?"
"Aren't you a witch?" Lenore asked, having sensed that earlier.
Maleny sadly smiled at the woman, "Let's just say my practicing days have been minimized. So, the spell?"
"The next time Esther jumps into a body, she'll be marked with a distinctive symbol on the back of her hand. This way, you'll always know who she is."
Hayley sighed, "We still don't know why she's here. When Esther held you captive, did she give you any idea why she's doing all this?"
Lenore surprisingly answered gravely serious, "Love!"
Maleny stepped back, concerned for the woman, "They must have hit you real hard at the head."
"What besides love can inspire such pain and cruelty? And Esther?"
"Esther a sadistic woman who does everything she does in the name of love," Maleny crossed her arms, "even when she wants to kill her children."
Lenore cut open the python to drop its insides into the cauldron, "Her love is very, very strong."
"Say what you want but that woman is worse than the devil," Maleny raised her hands and returned to Hayley's side.
They proceeded to watch the spell be finished. But as soon as Lenore did the spell, she fell forwards on the counter. It appeared she'd passed out. Maleny and Hayley exchanged concerned glances before Hayley stepped forwards and reached to wake her. Lenore came around just seconds before Hayley touched her and slowly stood straight again.
Maleny noticed the unusual confusion that flashed through Lenore's eyes, "Are you okay?"
"Yes…" but even the voice was kind of off.
"You sure?" Hayley asked next.
"Just getting my bearings…" Lenore promised but she lifted her hand and displayed a triskelion brand on the back of her hand, giving away her real identity.
Horrified, Maleny yanked Hayley back, "One step ahead of yes indeed," the blonde scowled.
Lenore, or Esther, looked down at her new body and finally felt together to start a very important conversation, "Maleny, so good to see you-"
"Don't-" Maleny violently pointed at her, "-don't you say my name you thief."
"Thief?" Esther blinked, momentarily puzzled on the meaning behind the word, "Why am I thief? I've never taken anything from-" she then realized what Maleny had meant and laughed, apparently amused at the accusation, "Your magic, I see. We were passed this, Maleny. Has the amnesia riled you up again?" she lifted an eyebrow and tilted her head, "We were alright, don't you remember?"
"I remember perfectly," Maleny gritted her teeth, "and while I was...civil with you, I was never content with you. I hate you - no, I despise you."
Esther didn't take that lightly as she straightened up, a momentary flash of anger in her eyes, "I was your mother-"
"You were never my mother!" Maleny snapped, so frustrated she didn't feel Hayley's hand on her arm stopping her from getting closer, "My mother died and you mentored me, that's all. My mother was Abigail, and she died."
Hayley was ready to attack at any moment, or at least get them out of there but she knew Maleny needed this moment to be well again. Hayley then felt her phone vibrate and the other two women heard its ringtone.
"Go ahead," Esther peered around Maleny, "You can answer it."
Hayley quickly answered the phone, "Elijah? We're at Lenore's shop-" but Esther cut off the connection after that.
"They're going to come for us," Maleny promised the woman.
Esther smiled softly at her, as if no disagreements had occurred only minutes ago, "My darling, Maleny, that's been the idea all along. You think I don't know Niklaus would come running for you?"
"What the hell do you want from us?" Hayley stepped forwards to stand beside Maleny.
"It's so lovely to finally meet you, Hayley," Esther returned to her soft voice, "It's really nice to have you both here," she gestured to Maleny.
"Wish we could say the same," Maleny muttered, crossing her arms.
"Although, Maleny," Esther's eyes lingered on the blonde woman with what Maleny would call a knowing smile, "I understand your presence with us is not...permanent?" the blonde stiffened, "The curse is not over and I know very well you can disappear at any moment."
"Oh, so you kept your tabs on me, I feel so special," Maleny rolled her eyes.
"Maleny, what ever feelings you have towards me know that I still love you as if you were one of my daughters."
Hayley scoffed loudly and mumbled, "Oh please."
As if to prove her wrong, Esther blurted, "I protected Maleny from the other side," that left both women stunned and frozen, "It's because of me the witches of this Quarter didn't perceive Maleny as a threat. I helped Davina to save Maleny in the cemetery. All this time," she went around the counter, making Maleny and Hayley step back, "I have been looking after you, don't you see?" she asked Maleny, "I only want to help."
"And what's your plan now, then?" Hayley demanded, "To 'help' us? We don't need your help."
"I understand Maleny is in search of her previous body's corpse and I can provide the needs for you to successfully break the curse for good."
"You can help me find my body?" Maleny asked, admittedly a little curious to see what the woman had to offer.
"Mal," Hayley whispered, hoping the blonde wasn't really going to fall for what ever tricks Esther had planned.
"What I want is to free you all," Esther announced, "The gift of a new body. Freedom from being a hybrid," she pointed at Hayley, "and freedom of being vampires of course. But Maleny is already closer, she only needs to burn the corpse of her last body."
"I don't...I don't understand…" Maleny glanced to Hayley, searching for an opinion the brunette had. However, when she felt hands over her shoulders she snapped her gaze back upfront and saw Esther.
"I have the ability to return to all of you to that you have lost," Esther continued her offer which she knew was sounding tempting, "To make it so that you could have families of your own. Wouldn't that be nice, Maleny?" she pushed some blonde hair over Maleny's shoulder, "Settle down and have children with my son?"
Maleny bit the inside of her cheek to prevent real emotions from becoming visible. Her mind was scrambled with the question, her heart racing with indecision.
"Leave her alone," Hayley hissed, moving to get Maleny away but Esther had the offer extended over.
"Hayley, this is a marvelous offer for you as well," Esther looked at her without letting go of Maleny, "You can be free and start your family away from all this supernatural nonsense."
"You can't come in here with nice words and expect us to love you," Maleny muttered, still staring hard at the witch.
"Take this as my seeking for forgiveness, because I have wronged you," Esther sadly smiled at her, "I can help you find your last corpse and end this curse. Once that happens, I can free Niklaus from being the monster he is and you two can finally live happily together."
"You have really built that fantasy into your mind, haven't you?" Maleny blinked, "There are no happily every after's in this world, Esther."
At that moment, Klaus and Elijah arrived at the shop. The first thing Klaus saw was his mother standing far too close to Maleny and rushed over. He yanked Maleny back with an arm around her waist and let it stay there, "I assume you've had the misfortune of speaking to my mother?"
"Unfortunately," Maleny mumbled, unconsciously leaning closer to him.
Esther picked up powder from the counter and flung it towards the group, creating an invisible barrier to protect herself from them.
"You hide behind your spells like a coward!" angry, Klaus shouted but his mother remained calm. She instead picked up more of the powder and threw it towards Elijah's side and stopped him from moving.
"I did not come here to wage war!" she told them all, but of course no one believed her.
"Everything you do is an act of war," Elijah snapped.
"I have come to heal our family, Elijah. My intent was never to harm! Only to heal, as I have already healed your brothers Finn and Kol. For you, I will undo everything that has been done, thereby giving you a new life! One without the vampire curse I inflicted upon you," she began waving her hand over the cauldron, causing the ground underneath them to violently shake, "Ask Maleny and Hayley to share with you two my loving proposition - ah," she raised a finger at Maleny, "and tell your lovely cousin, Camille, the offer extends to her as well."
At the mention of her cousin, Maleny lost it and charged for Esther but Klaus held her back with ease, "You leave Cami out of this! Don't say her name!" she angrily shouted.
The ground, and now the entire shop rumbled with whatever Esther was conjuring up, "There will come a time, my darlings, that you will beg for it!" she promised them.
The glass of the shop shattered inwards, making the group take cover as hundreds of starlings rushed into the shop. Esther took that precise moment to make her escape.
~ 0 ~
Later that night, Maleny had been preparing to go to sleep and simply put to rest all those ridiculous thoughts Esther had put into her mind. She changed into pajamas - a yellow blouse with thin straps and brown shorts - and set herself right to sleep. However, it was easier said than done. Her mind wouldn't leave her alone, and eventually, to distract herself, she opted for a snack. So, there she was in the barely used kitchen of the compound ransacking the place for needed food. Opening drawers and cabinets (which she couldn't really reach all the time) she found nothing.
"I am grocery shopping before I die of starvation," she mumbled to herself before climbing over the counter to check the last cabinet's top shelf. "Success!" she cheered after seeing a box of cookies. But when she pulled it out and saw they were just salted crackers, she wasn't that excited anymore. Glumly, she got comfortable on the counter and began eating.
She wasn't even tasting the cracker, merely acting like a machine crushing things. Her thoughts were scrambled and it was difficult putting them back where they belonged. The sound of her cellphone's ringtone did pull her back to the present, but it confused her because she was pretty sure she left it in her bedroom before coming downstairs. She had a conversation with Isabelle earlier that did not end so well and was partly the reason she couldn't find sleep.
The ringtone stopped and a couple minutes later, Klaus entered the room waving the phone at her. "So, Isabelle Collins and I agree that my mother is completely awful."
"You answered my phone!?" Maleny scrunched her nose and harshly bit into her cracker.
"It was left unattended. And the incessant ringing bothered me," Klaus came up to her and handed her the phone back. She took it and sighed, placing it down on the counter beside her. "She also mentioned your temptation for my mother's offer...?"
Under his questioning look, Maleny looked down, "If you had heard what she told me..."
"Hayley told me she offered to put us all in new bodies to live again," Klaus said for her, his tone letting her know he was already irritated with her. "And now I see you're actually thinking about it."
Maleny understood Hayley had spared him the whole ordeal of starting families and relieving the curse. She internally thanked her for that, she much rather preferred to do it herself, "She knows how to end my curse, Klaus. She knows how to find my corpse - or at least that's what I think she meant."
"Think?" Klaus moved in front of her, doing his best to not shout at her, "Do you even hear yourself?"
"Yes!" Maleny exclaimed, "And I'm sorry, but after a long time, it's...kind of impossible," she finished in a quiet tone.
"What exactly did she tell you?" Klaus inquired, knowing his mother had to have said something extra for Maleny after so long a time.
"Well," Maleny looked up from her lap, "First of all, she's the ancestor who's been 'looking out for me'...she's been protecting me from the other side."
"Not likely. She wanted to kill Hope if you recall."
"I know, and that makes thing worse for me, okay? I'm a nobody to this family and yet she chose me over her own grandchild," Maleny said, her tone implying she was still full of guilt. Due to it, her gaze fell back down again.
"You're never a nobody to this family," Klaus corrected and with a finger under her chin, he raised her head, "You are one of us, always have been, always will be."
Maleny contemplated his words' meaning, wondering if there was a double meaning he meant with it, "...she said she would help me find my corpse and end the curse, then...she would put you in a new body and we would be…" she bit her lip, finding it difficult to continue with a warm blush on her face.
"What?" Klaus motioned her to keep going, slightly impatient.
Maleny sighed and finally said it in one go, "She said we could start a family together...with...with kids of our own," she nervously scratched her cheek as she waited for Klaus to respond to that.
Klaus remained silent for a couple of seconds as he processed this...offer. He couldn't say to himself that he never thought about that before becoming a vampire. He had loved Maleny so much back then that he imagined that perfectly, honestly. It would always be an unfulfilled desire.
"Say something please," Maleny begged in a whisper, squirming on her spot on the counter.
Klaus cleared his throat, for the first time actually feeling nervous, "I, um, I think…" he sighed and decided to just speak the truth with her, "I think it doesn't matter what we think anymore. What's done is done, what can't happen, will never happen."
Maleny nodded, "You see how that offer can be tempting, then? To anyone who's gone through what I have, through what Hayley has, it's going to make them think."
"What about you, though? What did you think about it? Why was it tempting?"
Maleny knew what he was trying to get at discreetly and had to smile, "It doesn't matter, as you said. Things may not be perfect at the moment, but I want nothing from that woman. The idea of everyone being placed into new body...you being in a new body…" she made a face and shook her head, causing Klaus to chuckle, "...not gonna work for me."
Klaus took pleasure hearing that statement. With a smirk, he leaned closer to her, his hands on either side of her, "Care to explain the reasons?"
Maleny instantly blushed, having realized how that sounded, "W-we...we...we have more important things to worry about!" she stuttered to say all in one go, "Esther is a menace that cannot be left breathing. To think," she bitterly laughed, "in her delusional mind, this is all your fault. She's an awful woman and mother."
There, Klaus could not disagree. He took a long breath as he moved away from her, turning away, "She's always lied to us," he said quietly, "She lied to me...and made me weak."
Intrigued, Maleny curiously asked, "What do you mean?"
"You remember the starling necklace? I thought it was a special gift from her as a child, something to give me courage...but in reality, it only made me weak."
"What...what do you mean? She...she cast a spell on it?"
"The necklace was meant to make me weak so that I would never trigger the curse," Klaus bitterly explained, his fist balling up, "She made me weak, and thus hated by my father."
Maleny's brows furrowed together, confused, "But...you weren't weak - far from it. You were always strong, the most fierce out of your family if I have anything to say about that...though perhaps I'm a little biased," she pulled out another cracker from the box and grinned as he turned back to her, "That necklace didn't do anything to you. I mean, has there ever been anyone who stood up against you and lived?"
"You when you were angry," Klaus said without thought and made her laugh.
"Very funny," she later scolded, "I don't count. I was..."
"Special," Klaus finished for her, seeing how the word took her aback almost immediately, "You were special - are special," he corrected himself.
"Well, I don't…" Maleny started playing with a strand of her hair, avoiding his look, "...I don't think there's anything special about me besides the fact I'm cursed."
"If you choose to believe that then I will be highly offended," Klaus warned, and Maleny couldn't figure out if he was playing or not. She looked at him and displayed her confusion, "I think over the centuries I have proven that you were and are special."
Maleny began smiling as she remembered all his gimmicks from the past, "You paraded me around like some trophy, that's not being special…" yet she couldn't quite believe that.
"I'm sorry, love, but those were the times back then," Klaus excused himself with a crooked smirk that made her roll her eyes. He reached for her hand that'd been playing with her hair and leaned closer to her, "Though you can't say I didn't treat you well. If anything, I treated you like a Queen."
Maleny blushed as he kissed the back of her hand, his eyes always remaining on hers, "I know…" she whispered, sucking in a breath, "...and I always felt like one."
It was during those moments she was inclined to fall back on her previous feelings, the feelings she knew were still there only hidden behind a veil. There had been moments since she woke up in her original body, she admitted, where she wondered if perhaps she could find someone else to be with, to love. They were abrupt thoughts but it did make her curious. And yet, in moments like these, where she had Klaus that close to her, those thoughts were thrown out the window.
"Mal," Klaus spoke in a hushed tone but still managed to break through Maleny's thoughts, "what you said the first night you returned, does that...does that still stand?"
Maleny lifted an eyebrow, her mind racing back to her first night back in the Quarter, "Um...a bit more specific on the 'what' part would be nice."
"The part where you said you didn't know about 'us'. Do you still mean that?"
"Well…" Maleny bit her lip as she tried to think coherently under his hard gaze, "...um, I'm still...um...I don't think...I don't...I don't know," she felt horrible saying that, "Because, because things are so different from what they were back then. Things have changed. I no longer need protecting 24/7 and I don't want it to keep being a problem. Look at us, we've been arguing more than what we used to back in the village. I am not the same and...part of me wants to explore what that side has to offer for me."
"And I no longer fit into that world," Klaus assumed and quickly dropped her hand, meaning to leave when Maleny called after him.
"I want you there," she said sadly, "I do. And, maybe one day we can have a relationship, but when that happens you have to see me as I am now and not who I used to be. I am not Maya, I am not Cordelia, I am not the trophy Queen I was in the past. I am me, this me," she gestured to herself. "This me that will run every time you tell me to stay home...this me that's far more filled with problems..."
"You think those details will cut up my affection for you?" Klaus frowned, looking (and sounding) offended by the insinuation.
"Well...it might. What if when we are together you realize that I've changed so much you're not really content anymore? What if those feelings you had...vanish?"
"You can keep talking, you can keep saying all these things that are simply excuses, but your actions will speak far louder than your words," Klaus came back to her in a quick stride.
"What are you-"
Klaus yanked her forwards, abruptly kissing her. He easily slid her off the counter, and when she was on her feet he pressed her against it. There was no resistance - she gave in mere seconds after he initiated the kiss. She raised her hands to rest them on his arms, temporarily forgetting what point she'd been trying to make. So when he pulled away, it took her quite some time to gather her bearings.
"You can throw the excuses as many times as you want but I know you down to the core, Maleny Rowan. Your 'actions' have spoken far louder, don't you think?" Klaus asked, but really did not intend an answer he quickly continued, "The first time we kissed you didn't seem so confused, and now here we are. Your excuses are, frankly, offensive. I can't understand why you're building up layers. But, by all means, feel free to use this," he pointed between them, "as another of your excuses. My anger, my misunderstanding, anything just so that you won't have to make that decision. Oh, and look at that, here's another excuse you're welcome to use," he started backtracking towards out of the room, "...my leaving."
Maleny opened her mouth to tell him to come back but the words wouldn't come out. Instead she was forced to watch him leave angrily, probably a new level of anger he'd reached because of her. Minutes after the fiasco had finished, Hayley stopped by and leaned on the doorway, "Okay...I really was not trying to eavesdrop…" she began sheepishly and Maleny let out a deep, irritated sigh.
~ 0 ~
Hayley had taken Maleny out to the downstairs living room for them to have a drink and talk. She was sure Klaus had left the building to go brood somewhere else - and probably take out his anger on someone...but she wouldn't tell Maleny that one. She already had enough to deal with. Maleny sat on the couch, silently staring ahead as she thought over all that had been said and done.
"Okay," Hayley walked over holding two bourbon drinks in her hands, "so you want to tell me why you're making all this more difficult than it needs to be?"
Maleny looked up at the brunette, her mouth half-open in shock, "You're...you're taking his side? That's twice today, Hayley!"
"No," Hayley handed her the drink and took a seat beside her, calmly correcting her, "It just so happens that this time round I think Klaus is right...again."
Maleny blinked and looked down at her glass, "But I...I'm not…I am not making excuses."
"Maybe not intentionally," Hayley agreed with a shrug, something Maleny still didn't like, "But you kind of are, sorry."
"I-I'm not," Maleny insisted as Hayley took a drink of her glass, "I meant what I said."
"Mal, you helped me when you first go back so now I'm gonna do the same for you because miraculously there is hope for Klaus to get the girl."
"Oh, so now I'm just part of a story for someone else? No, no thank you!" Maleny shook her head, "If that's it, then there is definitely no chance of me getting together with him."
"There you go," Hayley pointed at the blonde, like she'd been expecting that type of response. Maleny looked at her, confused, "You just made another excuse," Hayley explained and took another drink, "It's like a reflex or something…"
"I...I'm not," Maleny took a big drink from her glass, swallowing it all down, "I…" she stopped and bit her lip as she considered, "...am I?"
"Let's think about this, shall we?" Hayley shifted so that her back was leaned against the couch. She crossed her legs and started thinking, "Apparently after you kissed the first time - and thanks for sharing that with me by the way," she sent Maleny a mocking glare which had Maleny sheepishly smiling for it, "You told him you weren't sure of a relationships because you preferred to wait for the curse to be over."
"And I stand by that," Maleny quickly said, "It's just a safety net. What if at one point I get sent back into the cycle and Klaus has to live with the fact I'm gone again? I don't want to do that to him."
"Okay, but tonight you added that you were afraid that because you changed so much you were afraid Klaus wouldn't feel the same way about you anymore..." Hayley pointed at Maleny as she recalled.
"Because it's true…" Maleny said weakly, "I'm not the same person anymore..."
"Also understandable," Hayley nodded but continued nonetheless, "However you then added the cheap excuse-"
"Hey," Maleny frowned, slightly offended but Hayley chuckled and went on.
"You said you wanted to see what your new self had to offer..."
"That's…" Maleny's eyes drifted to the side, about to come up with something else when it hit her, "...ooh," she went in a whisper.
Hayley drank more from her glass, half a smirk on her face, "You want to know what I think? I think you're just afraid."
"Afraid?" Maleny glanced at the brunette curiously, hoping for it to be explained.
"Mal," Hayley leaned towards her with a small smile, "being honest here, just between us," she motioned with her finger, "answer me this and be completely honest: do you or do you not love Klaus?"
Maleny's immediate response was to turn her head away, her hand once again nervously scratching her cheek, "Um, well…"
Hayley raised one eyebrow, "Mal?"
"The whole thing...it's just...hard…" Maleny ignored the call of her name and coughed awkwardly.
"Mal?" Hayley tried again, her voice taking on an edgy tone.
"I mean, the whole cycle of this love story is...it's…"
"Mal?" Hayley raised her voice and finally made Maleny look back at her, "Do you?"
Maleny released a tiny sigh, her fingers fiddling with her hair and her eyes intently staring at them, "Yes," she meekly answered. Hayley smirked as she saw the crimson blush taking over the blonde's face.
"So if you do, and Klaus does - because he clearly does - then what's the problem here?" Hayley motioned with a hand for Maleny to think for a bit.
"I'm…" Maleny made a face of guilt, "...afraid."
"Thank you," Hayley swayed her head, "You're afraid so that's why you keep making excuses. Now tell me, what exactly are you afraid of here?"
"I'm afraid...that…" Maleny paused for a moment, staring at her fingers which again fiddled with her hair, "because I'm different now."
"Ah, so that's the excuse that actually was real," Hayley playfully rolled her eyes.
"It's not an excuse," Maleny weakly argued. "I'm rightfully scared that Klaus won't love me anymore."
"Oh, Mal. You've changed with each body you inhabited and what happened? Nothing. The story just repeated itself: he fell for you, you fell for him."
"But he's so angry with me right now," Maleny bit her lip, "And I'm scared. How do I stop being scared?"
"That's just something you'll have to get over," Hayley shrugged, "And I'm sure it will pass once you realize that everything is going to be okay."
Maleny considered Hayley's words and leaned back on the couch, lowering her glass to her lap, "Thanks, Hayley," she looked at her brunette friend with a small smile, "It's good to talk it out with someone."
"Hey, you were there for me it's only fair I'm here for you," Hayley nudged the blonde, "Besides, us supernatural women have to keep together."
Maleny chuckled and got comfortable on her spot, now enjoying her drink, "More than that, we're like best friends."
"Ooh, the first witch friend I know for a fact won't kill me," Hayley also got comfortable and raised her feet over the table in front of them.
Maleny threw her head back as she laughed again, "You're an idiot!"
"At least I'm not a lovestruck idiot!"
Hayley made a face as she slowly took a drink again.
As the two continued to chat and laugh, neither of them realized Cami had been in the compound. She'd been coming back after a long day, planning on telling Maleny where she'd gotten into since Maleny had left a dozen voicemails. But now Cami felt like Maleny had forgotten her, clearly more interested in her new best friend. Quietly, she hurried back out to the streets, her destination slightly unsure of.
~ 0 ~
The new vampire Gia was having a drink at the bar counter when she saw Cami come take a seat on the stool beside her, "You again?" Gia blinked, "You realize that cousin of yours is looking for you right? Not to mention your boyfriend in the suit."
"Bourbon, please," the blonde told the bartender before glancing at Gia, "He's not my boyfriend," she corrected then sighed, "And Maleny is pretty busy with her friend...and family, I guess."
She was well aware of the happenings of today with Esther and the Mikaelsons'. She'd gotten a voicemail from Elijah warning her to stay away from the cemetery and Lenore the witch who was Esther in disguise.
"So why exactly are you here again?" Gia inquired, "Not that I don't want you here, I mean...you're kinda cool."
That made Cami smile and look down, "You know how I mentioned that I almost graduated earlier in the year?" Gia nodded, "I went back today to the university and...got myself enrolled again."
"So you're going to become a psychologist now? For real?"
"Hopefully," Cami took her drink from the bartender and immediately drank down.
"And you're gonna get drunk to celebrate?" Gia blinked at the rapidness Cami took her drink down, "Not very psychologist-y."
Cami playfully rolled her eyes, "I'm blowing off steam."
"Steam as in your family problems? Because let me tell you, those Mikaelsons' are one hell of a horror story," Gia made a face and actually caused Cami to laugh, "Marcel's told me all about them and frankly I wonder how the hell has he survived so much of them."
"Because he's one of them," Cami blurted without thought, triggering more thoughts, "...just like Hayley is...and Maleny."
Gia noticed the softness in Cami's voice when speaking about Maleny, "...and you?" she added.
Cami looked at Gia with a sad smile, "I'm just the human that got in the way and accidentally got killed. I'm disposable to that family."
"Are you sure?" Gia thought back to Elijah who she was pretty sure saw her more than something 'disposable'.
"My only job since I've turned has been to find my cousin and now that I have...I've got nothing. All I do is follow Elijah around and-"
"Spend time with each other," Gia shrugged as she took another drink, "Kinda what couples do."
"We're not together," Cami repeated with a huff.
"Yeah," Gia scoffed, "Okay."
Cami mockingly-glared at the woman, "I came here because I thought we could actually be friends. Was I wrong?"
"Nah," Gia cooly said as she put down her glass, "Ever since I turned I haven't really made any real friends."
"Well then," Cami held her hand out, "Let's start over again and act like we didn't meet because we needed spell ingredients. I'm Cami."
Slowly, Gia took her hand and shook it, "Gia."
Cami widely smiled and returned to her glass, "So Gia, tell me more about yourself…"
8 notes · View notes
It’s 11:27 and the inbox is now open again! We closed the inbox on February 1st, and we’ve now had it closed for almost three weeks which has given us time to work through requests and get the inbox count down. We have gone from having 508 messages to 130 ( which is honestly amazing, that means we’ve managed to get through 378 asks). We now have 312 drafts instead of the original 370, and our current queue has 3 things in it. 
We’ve also accepted 11 new helpers into hoi, which is super exciting! They’re all super precious, so please give them a warm welcome! We’re all very happy to have them join the hoi team and I hope you all enjoy the resources they release on this blog!  While we have gotten the inbox count down to 130, we feel that we need a fresh start ( and a lot of the messages left now are old ones that no one has claimed ). Thus, we have decided to delete the inbox, so the inbox count is now at ZERO. A list with the deleted requests can be found below the cut. We ask that you do not resend the ones that weren’t aimed at a specific helper, BUT if you really want a request that you requested from someone you can resend it to someone else (or without a name).
We’d like to thank everyone for their patience during these 3 weeks, and also ask that you remain patient, since we still have a lot of requests in the drafts, and quite long to do lists. We hope everyone is having a good week and we’re excited that the inbox is now open once again.
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remember, if you see your request in this list and would still like them to be done, then feel free to resend the request and hopefully one of the helpers will complete it for you! 
edit: only requests that were directed to specific helpers******
Hello! Could any of the helpers please make a gif hunt of Jonathan Hyde as Eldritch Palmer from the Strain? They can be normal and don't need any style. Thank you in advance!
Could someone familiar with wrestling do some rp icons of Randy Orton? More recent ones preferably. Thanks a million!
Can I request a manip of Ciara Baxendale and Grant Gustin? Thank you so much.
to anyone, I was wondering if someone could possibly make some 100x100 plain icons of tyler young in eyewitness? thanks if anyone can!
Hi! Could I request some icons of Ayase Haruka? If possible, from the movie "Umimachi Diary (Our Little Sister)". If not, any role would be perfect! Thanks!
Hi helpers, happy holidays<3 I was wondering if I could have a crackship of Tyson Houseman and Evan Peters please?
hello helpers! is there a helper who'd be willing to possibly help me out and make some base icons of Melanie Tran? ;w; And if not, could you please direct me to where I might be able to find some? Any help is appreciated! <3
Hi guys, I was wondering if I could request some icons of Tanc Sade in his role in Gilmore Girls pretty please?
Hey! Can i please a crackship of Finlay MacMillan and Freya Tingley? Thanks!
hey can i request an aesthetic of m/m interracial couples from lottie if she doesn't feel way too busy? thank you
Hi! Can I please get a manip of Jeremy Irvine and Xavier Dolan please? Thank you in advance!!
Could I please get a lovelt mannip of cory michael smith and eiza gonzalez? <3 <3 <3
Can I please request Rahart Adams icons from Every Witch Way, Liar Liar Vampire, and Nowhere Boys? Preferably border-less 100x100 HQ/HD? Forgot to add border-less in. x.x
Hey Gillan! Can you make some circular icons of Mune from Mune Guardian of The Moon?
Dear Jay and smutty-gif-hunt-anon, Thank you for helping out with what I'd be too embarrassed to request!! Rock on!
Hello if possible could I get gif icons of James paxton of eyewitness. any style works who ever seems inspired to do this works. thank you. I'm easy to please. Thank you again for all your hard work.
Will you make some Faith Wladyka icons?from Blue Valentine? Only if you're up for it :)
Hi Jay! Since you're the resident wrestling related helper I was wondering if you could help me with something. Could you make me a manip of Taylor Swift with the Raw women's title, please? Something similar to when Charlotte visited Today after wrestlemania? I didn't see manips on your WID, but I thought I'd seen you do a manip request before. Thanks in advance for your time!
I don't know if my request was received before or after the inbox was deleted so my apologies if this is a duplicate. Can I please get some roleplay icons of (Tristan Milligan) Lyle Lettau from season 13/14 of Degrassi? Thanks! <3
could i request some Darby Stanchfield rp icons as her role from abby whelan in scandal? preferably 70x70 white a light grey psd thank you so much in advance and god i love this blog - the indie community salutes you
Good evening HOI, could I request a man up of Shin Hye-Jeong and Jessica Parker Kennedy please?
Hi, Lottie! May I request some RP icons of Ryan McCartan as Brad Majors in the TV version of Rocky Horror Picture Show in style "scarlett," please? Thank you so much!
Hey guys! I was wondering if you could please do a manip of Kacey Musgraves and Derek Theler of them and some party or award show? Thanks, love ya bye!
Hey! I'd pretty please like to request plain static rp icons of Korean actor Jo Jung Suk if possible!
Hello! Could I please request an icon pack with Lily James in Downton Abbey using Blue's B6 style? Thank you so much! <3
This message is to anyone who has space on their todo. Culd i request some rp Icons of Keir O'Donnell on Wedding Crashers please ?
hey lovelies! I was wondering if someone was willing to do a manip of Emily Rudd and Matthew Daddario for me (sibling/friends vibes)? thank you in advance :)
hey there lovelies!! could i please request plain 100x100 rp icons made of christina masterson? thank you so much lovelies!
Hey there Samantha! Just wondering if you were up to making a gif icon hunt of recent Kat Mcnamara? Thank you! xxxxx
May I please request standard sized gif icons of Laura Vandervoort from the film Damage, please?? :333 Thank you, and Merry Christmas! <3
Thanks for being helpful and understand about my technical issues & letting me send my gif pack request here (Which admin would you like to complete the request? Anyone What is the url from the video? If it’s about a movie/tv show, tell me which the name of the movie/tv show+episode so we can find suitable download links.- skins 6x07 "alo" Who's the faceclaim?- holly earl as poppy champion Any specific PSD? Vibrant, Pale, Dark, or a link to one posted. " just 160x160 QUOTE text moodboard gifs
Hi Maxie! Could I request some icons of Taylor Dearden as Ophelia Mayer in Sweet/Vicious, in the mx17 style? Thank you!
Hello Ellen. Is it possible that I could het Dylan O'Brien gif icons in EL*013? Thank you in advance! :)
Hey Helpers! Is it possible I can get a twin Lin Miranda manip, one with short hair and one with long? Thanks!
May I request some Amy Nelson rp icons? [ underused face claim ] in any psd you want, I would appreciate it :D
Hello! Is it possible I could get roleplayable icons of Kalel Cullen? With a light psd and such?
Hello lovely helpers, can I please request for a manip picture of Elizabeth Olsen (brunette) with Evan Peters please? As a couple. Thank you so much. <3
Super random but can you pretty please make me some gifs of matthew daddario doing magic. Like instead of crackship gifs of him with another person , it would be of him and a faceless gif of magic aka gifs of wizard matthew daddario lol.
May I request a family template for Rachel Hilbert fc?
Hi, can i please request gif icons of Travis Fimmel in her role in Vikings (Ragnar)??? Thanks you very much. Oh, without border pls.
may i have a family template for sarah shahi? if you can, could her father be the one who's persian/iranian and her mother be the one who is spanish? but, if not, that's totally fine! thank you so much, helpers! xx
May I pretty please request a moodboard or aesthetic of Matthew Daddario and Cameron.Monaghan as Even x Isak from skam ?
Hello, there! First of all, I absolutely love your icons! I was just wondering if it was possible to ask for gifs/icons of Daniel Miller from Berlin Station? Thank you. Have a lovely day! :)
hey helpers! i'm currently working on creating a werewolf multimuse, and i want to have two packs represented- but for the life of me i can't think of pack names beyond the cliche "moonstone/bloodstone" kind of thing. so could you help me come up with names? if it helps, the packs are kind of opposites- good vs evil kind of thing. thanks so much!
Hello!! I was wondering if you guys could make me a manip of Tom Felton as Draco and Elle Fanning. As siblings.. Please and thank you! :3
Ayo! Can u make manip of Luke Hemmings and Dua Lipa, pls? Ty. ♡
Hi I was wondering if someone could make an Angelique Boyer gif hunt? I'm wanting to use her as a FC but realized there's hardly any gifs of her out there. I would appreciate it so much <33! Thank you to whoever decides to take it on.
Hi anyway! Can i request some Jun-ji hyun gif icons from The Legend of the Blue Sea please?
Would anyone be willing to make a gif hunt of Travis Fimmel in the the 2003 Tarzan, please?
You all are super talented and super awesome. i was wondering if any of you helpers could possibly do a manip or aesthetic of david gandy and helen owen as a power couple. Whichever would be easier. It's for a story i am currently writing.
Hello, can I please request icons of model and actress Nicole Fox? For whomever reads this I know her movies can be potentially triggering, so if you aren't comfortable with those, that's completely fine (frankly I'm just glad you're reading this). She was also in s13 of ANTM. If there's anything problematic about her, I am not aware, but please let me know. Thank you very much and have a great day x
Hi! I was wondering if any of you would be willing to do a family template for Romanian Actress Madalina Ghenea.
can i please request herman tømmeraas gif icons? thank you in advanced !
may i please request icons for maxence danet-fauvel?? Thank you!!!!
Could you please make some static rp icons of Ben Barns from By The Gun? Thank you!
Sorry, ignore my last message. Could I please request crackships of Britt Robertson and Jeff Goldblum from around Jurassic Park and The Lost World era? Thank you!
hey babes! i love all the manips you all do, so i was wondering if i could request a romantic-y manip of alec lightwood and max ehrich? preferably from under the dome for max, but really anything is fine for him! thank you so much
hello helpers! would someone be willing to make plain 100x100 icons of tom austen in his role as jasper frost from the royals?
I hope I'm not bothering any of you. I hope you all have a great holiday season. I was wondering if anyone would do a manip of Jessica Lowndes and David Labrava as a couple. You all do amazing work and should get more credit for all the hard work you guys put in. You are all talented.
Hey! I was hoping one of you would have the time to help me out with something. I've got all the human icons I need for my muse, but I'm seriously lacking in phoenix icons. I know there's Fawkes in Harry Potter, but I was hoping there would be manga/anime and/or other movies/shows with phoenixes in them that I could get icons from? Or if there are any icons/gifs out there already? Anything would help, please and thank you.
Hello is it possible to get Henrik Holm RP icons in G15 from his role as Even in SKAM?
do you guys make rp icons of animes and mangas? If yes can I ask for rp icons of Sarada Uchiha please? With a tiny white and grey border?
happy 2017 helpers ! hope you all are well c: i was wondering if i could possibly request a manip of seola from cosmic girls and hyungwon from monsta x ? please and thank you so much !
Hi there, can I please request a gif hunt of Jonas Nay from his role in Deutschland 83?
If possible could I get some Icons of the French Model Johan Akan the 3d scan for Nyx Ulric of Final Fantasy XV Kingsglaive? Please and thank you
Hello lovely helpers, can I please request for crackship gifs of Lily Collins with Evan Peters? They relationship is similar of Rosie and Alex's relationship in Love, Rosie. Thank you. <333
I lovely helpers! I was wondering if I could please request a manip of David Giuntoli as an X-Wing pilot from Star Wars? Thank you for your time <3
Hi :) Could you please do some Brent Antonello icons from the tv show Hit the Floor? I'd love that.
Hey helpers! Can I request a manip of Freddie Highmore as a Blue Lantern (or a green lantern if it's easier)?
Good morning helpers! Can I ask for a manip of Hunter Parrish and Robbie Amell please?
Can I have a manip of Kristine Froseth and Evan Peters? I'd like it if it was done mid-90's Polaroid style with using Evan's AHS Season 1 resources.
Hello helpers can someone make a manip of Zach Roerig and Matt lanter as best friend please?
hi, could i possibly get crackship gifs of america ferrera with long hair and chris (the guy) from the tv show skam? thank you in advance xx
Hey guys. I was wondering if any of you would do a manip of Rhiannon Fish and Scott Eastwood as a couple.
hello ! first of all, i'd like to thank all of u for putting in time to make resources for the indie community ! u guys are awesome ! secondly, i'd like to ask if any of you would be willing to make a manip of herman tømmeraas and ariana grande as friends ? thank u in advance !
Hello, can I please request a romantic "instagram-post like" manip of Zendaya and Cristiano Ronaldo? Thank you!
hi there! i hope you're all having a lovely day! could i please request gabi demartino gif icons?
Hey helpers! Can I request a (romantic) manip of Keahu Kahuanui (preferably with facial hair) and Nick Jonas? Thanks!
Hi, can I please request rp icons of Vika Bronova?
Hi guys, I was wondering if you could help me with a url for a Lord of the Rings elf original character, I'm using Emilia Clarke, primarily in her role and Daenarys Targaryen? thnx
Hi Helpers! I would like to know if any of you could do somes gif icons or icons of Trè Samuels, if is not a trouble. Thank you very much in advance <3
Hello! Could you guys suggest first and surname's for Naressa Valdez? ( I'm not sure if this counts as two asks? ) Thank you so much!
Hello, may I please request plain ( with pixel texture) gif icons of Jan Lisiecki ? Thanks in advance !
hello dearies! can i request some plain icons (bases, to be clear) of spencer macpherson in american gothic please?
could you please give me some ronan lynch urls? tysm, i love your blog!!
Could someone pretty please make a manip of Eva Green and Jeffrey Dean Morgan, by any chance? Thank you
hi love, can you do some gif icons of ryan gosling with beard and some from crazy stupid love? tysm <3
Hello can someone please make me some crackship gifs where it looks like Matthew Daddario has super powers.
hi i'd love some simple rp icons of alex steele in her role as tori santamaria in degrassi please <3
Oops! Sorry, I didn't realize there was a form! I recently changed my mind, though, and was wanting just plain RP icons (Robby Benson from The Chosen). Is that doable? Ahh sorry and thank you!
Can I pleeaaasseee get 100 x 100 black and white light textured rp icons of Amandaschronicles/Amanda Mckenna? It would mean so much to me! Thank you sm for all you guys do!
Could I please request some rp icons of Rodrigo Santoro? Thank you!
May I have an aesthetic (or a moodboard which ever you'd like to make) of Kristine Froseth and Evan Peters (AHS season one resources pls) as heads of a mafia known as the Gemini Mafia pls?
hello, could i request icons of Çağatay Ulusoy in a plain style, please? hope you guys have a great day and thanks for all that you do!! ♥
Can I please request some gif icons or a gif hunt, I'm not sure which is easier/preferred, of Raúl Esparza, please?
Hi! I was wondering if it was possible for someone to do a manip of Lady Marian (BBC Robin Hood) and Prince Arthur (BBC Merlin) ? Thank you. :)
Hello, yes! If you're still dong manila, can I have one of Katey Sagal (as Gemma Teller) and Norman Reedus. Preferably as a couple.
Is there any chance you could do a faceless gif hunt of a couple with a blonde female and a male who has dark skin? Thank you so much in advance!
can i request a manip of ryan potter and keiynan lonsdale?
can i please get a dominic sherwood x ashley moore manip? thank you
Hello helpers! I was hoping someone would be able to make regular, 100x100 RP icons of Morgan Lily! I would be much appreciated! Thank you for all of your help!
I'm not sure If you are still doing manipulations but if you are could I please request one of Matt Ryan and Marie Avgeropolous. Thank you. You guys are flawless.
hello! hope you're all doing well! i would like to request icons of Sophie Stuckey (from any and all ages, please). I did put in a request before, but i'm not sure if that's been done (and i haven't seen them) or rejected or forgotten about? so if anyone could make them or direct me to them or .. anything else? that'd be greatly appreciated. <3
Hi helpers! I was wondering if I could ask one of you lovelies to make a family template for Alex Brooke? Thank you so much!
could i ask for billy cranston from mighty morphin power rangers (David yost) icons? thank you thank you thank you :)
hey lizzie! thanks for opening your requests again. could i please request some icons of daniel sharman in the style L6? thanks so much!
hi lizzie!!! hope you're having a brilliant day! could i please ask you for some icons of jeremy irvine in the style L7? thanks so much!
hi hello lizzie! hope this isn't too much of a bother, but would it be possible for me to request some icons of Sean O'Pry in L7? thank you x10000 !!!!
lizzie could you pls make rp icons in L7 of chris wood as jake riley? :)
hey lizzie, could i please get rp icons of ivana baquero as eretria in L1?
could i please request gif icons of bellies during various stages of pregnancy? in short, gif icons of pregnant bellies? nothing fancy style-wise, but maybe a light texture, since i think those look best! thank you so much to whoever takes this up! (and another thank you to the rest of you, since you guys help the community so much!)
Hello! I have been unable to find any resources of Maeda Goki. He's a sadly underrated FC. If you know of some that already exist, could you link me please? And if not, could you please make some plain (no texture/border) icons of him from any role? Thanks for your help!
Hi Lia, could I possibly re-request the Toby Regbo as young Jaime Lannister aesthetic I asked for, if you'd like to do it?
can you make some icons of dean and renee kissing on total divas plkease??
I'm not sure if you've answered this but I I use Marie Avgeropolous as an fc and I know Olivia Steele-Falcone played young Octavia in The 100 but I don't know if she has enough films to create an icon pack.I know you have a gif pack form but I didn't see one for icons. Is it possible for anyone to do these for me, I would much appreciate it. Or if you have already done them can you link me? Many thanks in advance. You guys have been fabulous so far.
Is it possible for someone to make some PNGs? I need some supernatural creatures/scared/crying PNGs but I can't really find any. A mix of those would be great but just scared/crying PNGs are absolutely cool too.
hello! I was wondering if i could please request some icons of Tahlena Chikami? Possibly base icons? Or at least very little editing? I'd really like to use her as an fc, but she has almost no resources that i could find. thank you for your consideration and your time!!
would anyone be willing to make a manip (preferably a selfie) of cody saintgnue and ashley moore? :)
Could someone possibly make a manip of Jon Hamm and Michelle Forbes? They are married in my roleplay so possibly something of them cuddling or anything would be fine. Just a picture of them together would be amazing all together.
hey there lovely helpers!! i was hoping i could please request some 100x100 plain rp icons be made of ming na wen in joy luck club? thank you so much!!
Hello! If icon requests are open, may I please request plain 100x100 icons of Lulu Antariksa as Rowan in t@gged? It's on go90 :)
5 notes · View notes
iconsboyer · 4 years
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icons are mine
headers credits @stwffpsd @epiphanyedits @fleaicons
17 notes · View notes
party-hard-or-die · 6 years
Wimbledon to remain soccer-free zone despite football fever…
LONDON (Reuters) – Wimbledon officials are refusing to show any soccer on the All England Club’s big screen, despite football fever gripping the country as the national team bids to reach its first World Cup final since 1966.
FILE PHOTO: Tennis – Wimbledon Spring Press Conference 2016 – All England Lawn Tennis & Croquet Club, Wimbledon, England – 26/4/16 Chief Executive of the All England Lawn Tennis & Croquet Club Richard Lewis during the spring press conference Mandatory Credit: Action Images / Andrew Boyers Livepic
Gareth Southgate’s England have been roared on by fans up and down the country as they defied expectations to set up a semi-final with Croatia – with the match taking place in Moscow on Wednesday. On the same day the men’s quarter-finals will be held in SW19.
But Wimbledon chief executive Richard Lewis stuck to his view that spectators coming to the grasscourt championships expect to see tennis and said that big-screen policy will remain in place to limit the disruption caused to players.
Fans will, however, be able to follow the action in Russia on their phones and tablets using the tournament’s Wifi signal.
The World Cup final in Moscow is due to kick off on Sunday two hours after the traditional 2pm local time start of the men’s Wimbledon final – meaning the two matches are likely to overlap.
“What will happen next Sunday is Centre Court will be packed for the men’s final and I’m sure people will be able to follow the World Cup final,” Lewis told reporters on Monday.
“It’s not unheard of for there to be a ripple of applause or a shout when something special happens in a football tournament, and I’m sure everybody will understand if it does.”
Last Saturday, fans deserted Centre Court immediately after Rafael Nadal booked his place in the second week of the championships as England were playing Sweden in the World Cup quarter-finals.
Many spectators opted to leave the grounds and watch the match at neighboring pubs, leaving Angelique Kerber and Naomi Osaka to start off their third round match in front of thousands of empty green seats.
Those who stuck around seemed to be more interested in following the action in Russia on their electronic devices than watching the tennis match taking place in front of them.
“Saturday was a fantastic day at the championships. We had superb tennis going on and we were benefiting from modern technology where people were able to follow the football, enjoy it, without disturbing other people,” said Lewis.
“I was out and about around the grounds and you could tell when England had scored… it was wonderful. We didn’t receive a single complaint from anyone who was here who felt their enjoyment of the tennis was interrupted and I’m sure it’ll be the same next Sunday.
“Hopefully England will get through to the final and it will be one of the very special days at Wimbledon.”
Lewis said the tournament had learnt its lesson after showing the 1996 European Championship semi-final between England and Germany, which was decided on penalties, on the big screen.
“I gather it wasn’t very successful because it did interrupt people’s enjoyment of the tennis and what we did last Saturday actually did work very well,” added Lewis.
Rather than worrying about what kind of disruption the World Cup final might cause to the two Wimbledon finalists, eight-times champion Roger Federer offered a different take on the potential clash.
“I’m more concerned the World Cup final will have issues because the Wimbledon final is going on. They’ll hear every point, Wow, Love-15, 15-30,” the Swiss said with a smile.
“The (football) players are going to look up in the crowd and not understand what’s going on at Wimbledon.”
Reporting by Pritha Sarkar, editing by Clare Lovell
The post Wimbledon to remain soccer-free zone despite football fever… appeared first on World The News.
from World The News https://ift.tt/2J7yjQz via Breaking News
0 notes
newestbalance · 6 years
Wimbledon to remain soccer-free zone despite football fever…
LONDON (Reuters) – Wimbledon officials are refusing to show any soccer on the All England Club’s big screen, despite football fever gripping the country as the national team bids to reach its first World Cup final since 1966.
FILE PHOTO: Tennis – Wimbledon Spring Press Conference 2016 – All England Lawn Tennis & Croquet Club, Wimbledon, England – 26/4/16 Chief Executive of the All England Lawn Tennis & Croquet Club Richard Lewis during the spring press conference Mandatory Credit: Action Images / Andrew Boyers Livepic
Gareth Southgate’s England have been roared on by fans up and down the country as they defied expectations to set up a semi-final with Croatia – with the match taking place in Moscow on Wednesday. On the same day the men’s quarter-finals will be held in SW19.
But Wimbledon chief executive Richard Lewis stuck to his view that spectators coming to the grasscourt championships expect to see tennis and said that big-screen policy will remain in place to limit the disruption caused to players.
Fans will, however, be able to follow the action in Russia on their phones and tablets using the tournament’s Wifi signal.
The World Cup final in Moscow is due to kick off on Sunday two hours after the traditional 2pm local time start of the men’s Wimbledon final – meaning the two matches are likely to overlap.
“What will happen next Sunday is Centre Court will be packed for the men’s final and I’m sure people will be able to follow the World Cup final,” Lewis told reporters on Monday.
“It’s not unheard of for there to be a ripple of applause or a shout when something special happens in a football tournament, and I’m sure everybody will understand if it does.”
Last Saturday, fans deserted Centre Court immediately after Rafael Nadal booked his place in the second week of the championships as England were playing Sweden in the World Cup quarter-finals.
Many spectators opted to leave the grounds and watch the match at neighboring pubs, leaving Angelique Kerber and Naomi Osaka to start off their third round match in front of thousands of empty green seats.
Those who stuck around seemed to be more interested in following the action in Russia on their electronic devices than watching the tennis match taking place in front of them.
“Saturday was a fantastic day at the championships. We had superb tennis going on and we were benefiting from modern technology where people were able to follow the football, enjoy it, without disturbing other people,” said Lewis.
“I was out and about around the grounds and you could tell when England had scored… it was wonderful. We didn’t receive a single complaint from anyone who was here who felt their enjoyment of the tennis was interrupted and I’m sure it’ll be the same next Sunday.
“Hopefully England will get through to the final and it will be one of the very special days at Wimbledon.”
Lewis said the tournament had learnt its lesson after showing the 1996 European Championship semi-final between England and Germany, which was decided on penalties, on the big screen.
“I gather it wasn’t very successful because it did interrupt people’s enjoyment of the tennis and what we did last Saturday actually did work very well,” added Lewis.
Rather than worrying about what kind of disruption the World Cup final might cause to the two Wimbledon finalists, eight-times champion Roger Federer offered a different take on the potential clash.
“I’m more concerned the World Cup final will have issues because the Wimbledon final is going on. They’ll hear every point, Wow, Love-15, 15-30,” the Swiss said with a smile.
“The (football) players are going to look up in the crowd and not understand what’s going on at Wimbledon.”
Reporting by Pritha Sarkar, editing by Clare Lovell
The post Wimbledon to remain soccer-free zone despite football fever… appeared first on World The News.
from World The News https://ift.tt/2J7yjQz via Everyday News
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latinosempsd-blog · 7 years
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* ೃ like or credit in edithftrevi if use/save  * ೃ
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dani-qrt · 6 years
Wimbledon to remain soccer-free zone despite football fever…
LONDON (Reuters) – Wimbledon officials are refusing to show any soccer on the All England Club’s big screen, despite football fever gripping the country as the national team bids to reach its first World Cup final since 1966.
FILE PHOTO: Tennis – Wimbledon Spring Press Conference 2016 – All England Lawn Tennis & Croquet Club, Wimbledon, England – 26/4/16 Chief Executive of the All England Lawn Tennis & Croquet Club Richard Lewis during the spring press conference Mandatory Credit: Action Images / Andrew Boyers Livepic
Gareth Southgate’s England have been roared on by fans up and down the country as they defied expectations to set up a semi-final with Croatia – with the match taking place in Moscow on Wednesday. On the same day the men’s quarter-finals will be held in SW19.
But Wimbledon chief executive Richard Lewis stuck to his view that spectators coming to the grasscourt championships expect to see tennis and said that big-screen policy will remain in place to limit the disruption caused to players.
Fans will, however, be able to follow the action in Russia on their phones and tablets using the tournament’s Wifi signal.
The World Cup final in Moscow is due to kick off on Sunday two hours after the traditional 2pm local time start of the men’s Wimbledon final – meaning the two matches are likely to overlap.
“What will happen next Sunday is Centre Court will be packed for the men’s final and I’m sure people will be able to follow the World Cup final,” Lewis told reporters on Monday.
“It’s not unheard of for there to be a ripple of applause or a shout when something special happens in a football tournament, and I’m sure everybody will understand if it does.”
Last Saturday, fans deserted Centre Court immediately after Rafael Nadal booked his place in the second week of the championships as England were playing Sweden in the World Cup quarter-finals.
Many spectators opted to leave the grounds and watch the match at neighboring pubs, leaving Angelique Kerber and Naomi Osaka to start off their third round match in front of thousands of empty green seats.
Those who stuck around seemed to be more interested in following the action in Russia on their electronic devices than watching the tennis match taking place in front of them.
“Saturday was a fantastic day at the championships. We had superb tennis going on and we were benefiting from modern technology where people were able to follow the football, enjoy it, without disturbing other people,” said Lewis.
“I was out and about around the grounds and you could tell when England had scored… it was wonderful. We didn’t receive a single complaint from anyone who was here who felt their enjoyment of the tennis was interrupted and I’m sure it’ll be the same next Sunday.
“Hopefully England will get through to the final and it will be one of the very special days at Wimbledon.”
Lewis said the tournament had learnt its lesson after showing the 1996 European Championship semi-final between England and Germany, which was decided on penalties, on the big screen.
“I gather it wasn’t very successful because it did interrupt people’s enjoyment of the tennis and what we did last Saturday actually did work very well,” added Lewis.
Rather than worrying about what kind of disruption the World Cup final might cause to the two Wimbledon finalists, eight-times champion Roger Federer offered a different take on the potential clash.
“I’m more concerned the World Cup final will have issues because the Wimbledon final is going on. They’ll hear every point, Wow, Love-15, 15-30,” the Swiss said with a smile.
“The (football) players are going to look up in the crowd and not understand what’s going on at Wimbledon.”
Reporting by Pritha Sarkar, editing by Clare Lovell
The post Wimbledon to remain soccer-free zone despite football fever… appeared first on World The News.
from World The News https://ift.tt/2J7yjQz via Online News
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stuffbreathe · 7 years
Faz pack anahi+angelique boyer?
feito / kah
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iconsboyer · 7 years
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credit flywithboyer or like if use/save  
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iconsboyer · 7 years
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just like
headers sensepeters, fixedheaders e langfordstuff
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