#paco the parrot
pick-a-plush · 4 months
Maybe some parrots? I'm nostalgic for the Wild Republic scarlet macaw (got it from Six Flags for my birthday when I was 11) but there's so many interesting ones out there too
Ah thank you for sharing that beautiful childhood memory! I’d love to show off some parrots, especially your old friend!
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the-ultimate-squish · 10 months
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Please do not buy squishmallows irl unless purchased secondhand. Sources below
Squishmallow Alternatives + my current reasoning for the tournament (subject to change)
More info with sources
Official Boycott (this blog is not part of the official boycott)
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thefandomboysblog · 8 months
I'm here for the Shane's childhood pets talk.
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kathegoose · 7 months
i have a headcannon that mimi can randomly start repeating random words he ever heard in different voices and off context like a parrot
fnaf ruin secret ending leaked:
"What are you?"
"I said NO PINEAPPLE! Meet me at Rockstar Row, meet me at- Mimic."
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xandertheundead · 8 months
José umbrella isn’t actually magicand doesn’t have the ability to be several instruments in one object.
José is a parrot.
Parrots use their tongues for all sorts of fun things, but most importantly for mimicking.
He can mimic all of those instruments perfectly with ease. It was only when he started playing around with the umbrella that someone thought he was magically playing the ukulele on it and boy, did he get a kick out of that!
He kept the ruse going, loving how confused Panchito and Donald would get when they tried to strum on his umbrella and got nothing in return. He even offered lessons to Panchito one time, entertained for being the only one to understand his dirty innuendo.
Year later, he broke the news to his friends, smiling when Donald took it in stride and Panchito looked crestfallen.
“Ah, Paco. Don’t be too sad.” He would coo, moving to nuzzle under the Rooster’s jaw. “I can still teach you, if you’d like, but maybe somewhere more private, não?”
He always knew the best ways to cheer his friends up.
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naptimeclown · 3 months
My partner insists he doesn't 'do stuffed animals' as in he doesn't have any/doesn't want any cause that's not manly. But anytime I see one I like somewhere and show it to him he's like "oh little guy!" Which I think he got from me but like he still shows interest in it and I know he likes small cute things. So now anytime I see one I think he would want I show it to him to get his opinion and pretend it's one I would want. Mostly just looking at ones online so I can save them for later when we can afford it.
The other day we went to get groceries and I spotted a cute little parrot squish mellow, apparently named paco. My partner loves parrots. I pick it up and show it to him and he has no reaction. I go, "don't you like parrots?" He says "yeah but I don't do stuffed animals, you know." I get the parrot anyways since it was small and wasn't that much and I also thought it was cute.
I left it on my bedside table. I was just sitting in bed while he got ready for work and as he's leaving he walks past the table. Pokes the stuffed animal in the belly and goes "Paco!" In a delightful soft voice. Later that night while he was playing video games I set it besides him. He asks "what's he doing?" I said "he's watching you play!" And left it there. Once he was done he set it on HIS bedside table. When we got up the next day he put it back next to him while he played video games on his own. I've got him.
He picked me up from work yesterday and said "I sent my mom a picture of Paco, she enjoys him." And later when he was talking to a friend on discord I heard him go "I gotta show you my new son, his name is Paco." He shooed me from the spot next to him when he was playing elden ring so that Paco could sit there insisting his eyes were bad and he couldn't see the TV from where he sat on the table. I said why not get him some little glasses and he goes "oh that would be SO cute."
This afternoon before he left for work he said "thank you for getting Paco for me. I really like him." :)
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kragehund-est · 4 months
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paco the parrot beak correction 🥺
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mandomover · 2 years
The Rookie
Part One- Tuesday Night
Rookie meets Javi and Murphy properly while at the bar.
Javi P x f! reader
Warnings: swearing, smoking, drinking... that's about it :P
Words: 2600ish
Next ¦ Masterlist
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You huff out a breath and pick up your wine, condensation trickling down the side of the glass. After you take a large gulp, you pause before you take another one, the smooth liquid cooling your throat. 'Don't drink it too quickly, you won't handle the hangover tomorrow' you think to yourself. 
Work was hard enough at the minute without having to battle the fog that came with the wine hangover. But work was why you were sitting alone in a dingy bar in Medellin, at half six, on a Tuesday night in the first place. 
You were good at your job, too good, so the big bosses decided you'd be better suited trying to tackle Escobar and his empire from within Medellin rather than your cushy office in the embassy in Bogota. You were only in the DEA a month before you were told you were relocating; a rare occurrence. But you had worked your ass off for years to be the best in school, college, the academy, and now you were one of the youngest agents in the DEA, much less trying to find Escobar. 
When they'd called you in to the office, they offered you the seat in front of them with a smile, and told you how impressed they were with how you'd tracked down and jailed Paco, a man known to be tied somehow to Escobar himself. You were a little reserved at receiving the praise; you didn't feel quite ready to be playing with the big boys, and Paco was an idiot and had left trails and traces of who he was and where he was so anyone could have found him, it just so happened to be you. Once you had him in the cuffs, he'd squawked like a parrot and given you a few crumbs worth reporting, not that you'd thought they were much, he wasn't even that closely tied to Escobar, but the big bosses had obviously liked how those crumbs tasted. As you left the office, strangely a lot less stressed than when you had entered, the director holding out a hand, shaking it so hard you had nearly fallen over and saying, "Go get 'em, Rookie."
So here you are. A nickname that has stuck since that day and the heat is on; more directives, more reports and supposedly more field work.  
You had been here a month already and only had two days in the field since arriving. But you had loved those two days, different to what you were used to, a higher risk and threat and you felt that; felt the adrenaline more than you ever had before, felt the tension in the air from those around you, despite their calm exteriors, and it pushed you to do what you always do and be the best. You wanted to contribute your ideas and take risks, and you certainly didn't mind being pulled away from the safety of your desk and wielding a bigger, scarier gun if it meant contributing to the efforts that you hoped would eventually take down Escobar and actually make a difference.  
You were assigned to Agent Peña's detail on those days and your nerves were soon dissipated working alongside him. He clearly knew his shit, furrowed brow and pursed lips giving the appearance that he was always grumpy, but from just talking to him you knew that he always had the job on his mind and what was next, not saying much other than directives and keeping you in the loop about plans or offering you cigarettes, but you had felt the drive and passion emanating from him, knew he would stop at nothing to take down that son of a bitch Escobar. Yes you were a DEA agent but you were one hell of a rookie so you were glad to be under Peña's authority for the most part. 
But then Murphy arrived.  
Another American agent, albeit in the DEA about five years longer than you, Steve Murphy had arrived about a week behind you, and the second he had come through the doors in your department, you had been side-lined. You were then left organising reports and profiles on suspects, and insultingly, making cups of coffee for other agents, and writing up the notes for Peña and Murphy's field work. Murphy always threw his rough notes on your desk, his thoughts scattered and hard to unravel, but Peña, thank god, had obviously been where you were once before too, relatively neat and well-formed notes handed directly to you along with a sympathetic smile and a question of how your day had been, but he always waited for your response and continued small talk, never letting you feel small or unworthy unlike Murphy's arrogant office persona.  
You were telling yourself you had been side-lined by Murphy’s arrival because he was a cocky son of a bitch and this was a type of hazing for rookies, but another part of you had a feeling deep down that it was coz he had a dick, and that got you riled up, taking an instant dislike to the man, even if it hadn't been anything personal.
As you think about Murphy, you slug more of the crisp yellow liquid, draining the glass and slamming it a bit too hard on the peeling bar top in front of you. The bartender catches your eye at the noise, and you shrug at him, nodding in the direction of the glass. You drum your fingers impatiently on the stem of the glass as you hold it, watching him slowly pouring more wine into it.
"Más" you tell him sharply when he moves to cap the bottle.
He freezes, eyes boring into yours suspiciously. You roll your eyes at him and stand up on the rung of the stool, reaching over and grabbing the bottle out of his hands, pouring a bit more into the glass haphazardly before setting it down beside you, the cap skittering off the bar top and along the dusty floor.   
"Estás pagando la botella entera" he hisses at you before stalking off down the bar. 
"No shit," you throw at his retreating back, voice slurring slightly as the wine dulls your senses.  
You hear a chuckle from your left and side eye the tall blonde who has just appeared there. Holding up two fingers to the bartender who is still glaring at you, he sulks back over with two bottles of cold beer and sets them down in front of him. 
"Oh hey, Murray," you smile innocently up at him, "I hope one of them is for me?" 
A quiet huff on your right makes you spin round the other direction, bad idea, the edges of your vision starting to get a little fuzzy and the quick move doesn't help matters.  
"This one's mine, monada." A broad arm in a leather jacket reaches over you for the bottle and you can smell strong cologne and cigarettes as he does. Agent Peña. He swigs from his bottle and points.
"You know it's Murphy, right?"  he asks quizzically, nodding at the blonde, eyebrows creasing prominently.
You give him a bright smile and over enthusiastically reply, "Oh my god, I had no idea!" 
"Have you not introduced yourself properly this whole time?" he shoots at Murphy, leaning behind you to shove him playfully in the chest.
"You've been giving her your reports to write up for weeks!" Murphy at least has the grace to look slightly embarrassed even as his face breaks into a wide grin, rubbing his chest where Peña had shoved him before holding out a large hand and smiling down at you." Murphy," he swaggers.
You shake it quickly, not bothering to respond, before dropping it, immediately picking up your wine glass as the two men flank you like intimidating bouncers on either side. 
"Careful cariño, you're on our detail tomorrow, and Murphy doesn't like it if you're hungover," Peña hums in your ear, the hairs on the back of your neck prickling.
You focus on him and say, "what makes you think I'll be hungover tomorrow?! And since when?" 
Murphy chuckles again and nods at the wine bottle precariously close to your elbow. "You're about half a glass away from being laid out on that floor."  
You swivel back towards Murphy, the fuzziness most definitely there now, and jut out your chin, closing your eyes to almost slits as you hiss, "You're about half a second away from being laid out on that floor."
Murphy laughs out loud, a real belly laugh, the sound rumbling through your ears, and you clench your fists, jumping up from the stool, the wood screeching against the tile, and wobble slightly as you try to square up to him, despite him being at least a foot taller, even in your heels. He just laughs harder, and Peña clamps a hand on your shoulder, halting you. 
"Maybe you should come outside and get some fresh air, shake that wine off," he suggests in a low tone behind you, as you glare at Murphy's smug face in front of you. You keep eye contact, not breaking it for at least thirty seconds, before grabbing your purse, slamming your shoulder into Murphy as you turn away from the bar, gaining a sore shoulder on your part and an even louder laugh from him.
It's childish, you know it is, but even his physical presence is annoying you. Peña throws a few notes on the bar top and places his hand at the small of your back, steering you towards the doorway. You're just concentrating on not turning back round towards Murphy or falling over on the way, you would really love to just clock him one on his strong jaw. 
Peña pulls the door open for you, gesturing for you to go out before him, the fresh air hitting you hard. You groan, and Peña smirks beside you, moving his hand to your elbow as he steers you toward the wall of the bar. You lean against it and close your eyes, letting your head drop to your chest so you can try and calm the waves of nausea rolling over you and stop the fuzz infiltrating your peripherals. You stay like this for a minute before you hear a click and smell the scent of cigarette smoke wafting towards you. Lifting your head and looking in Peña's direction, he stands before you with one hand on his cocked hip, cigarette in the other.  
"You can go back into Murphy now, he'll be wondering where you are," you huff.  
"He's a big boy, I wanna make sure you're OK cariño" he coos, as he moves forward to brush a stray strand of hair out of your face and behind your ear. His fingertips trail down your neck, sending a shiver down your spine before he drops his hand. 
You pluck the dangling cigarette out of his mouth and take a deep drag, Peña's lips purse as he watches your face relax as the nicotine hits you, distracting you from the wine fuzz.
"My trucks round the corner, cmon, I'll drive you home."  
You offer him back the cigarette before shaking your head, "I only live a few blocks away, I'll be alright, but thanks."  
He takes the cigarette from your outstretched fingers and inhales a drag of his own before holding out a hand in front of you. "I'll walk you home then, make sure you're OK."  
"Honestly I'm fine." you look up at him pointedly, waving away his hand; you are fine, you've made this walk home plenty of times before, especially slightly tipsy. Your body shivers as a gentle breeze licks at your bare legs and you wrap your arms around yourself, pulling yourself away from the very solid wall to begin your walk home.
Peña drops his hand and sticks his burning cigarette between his lips before shrugging off his leather jacket, placing it gently on your shoulders. The warm scent of his cologne and stale cigarettes envelopes you.
"Thanks Peña," you whisper hollowly, and he raises an eyebrow at you before telling you, "it's Javier." 
You jerk your head in response and start down the path towards your apartment. Javier falls into step beside you and you walk at least one block, concentrating on placing one foot in front of the other.
"So have you settled into life in Medellin OK then?" Javier drawls.
"I guess, it's different to what I'm used to, and a lot more pressure, especially for a rookie, but up for the challenge anyway, if I really do get the chance to prove it again."  
Javier chuckles, flicking the butt sideways onto the dusty street. "Let's hope you still have that attitude after a few more days in the field with us." 
"How come I'm needed now? Murphy not good enough? Don't forget I've seen his notes."  
Javier barks out a hearty laugh, a dimple appearing in his cheek.  "We need someone feisty to keep us on our toes," he winks at you. 
You snort, pulling the jacket tighter round your shoulders, thinking about Murphy. He definitely annoys you more than he should, and that fact annoys you more, because you know you're  just jealous he's gotten ahead of you, not actually annoyed at Murphy himself, which isn't really his fault. 
You look over at Javier, who is watching you with a raised eyebrow.
"I said, 'I thought you said you only lived a few blocks away?'"  
You snigger darkly, "I lied, I just didn't want you to know where I live."
"Well I'll need to know where to pick you up when I take you out for a drink sometime," he smiles, a dimple firmly present.  
"It's literally just round this corner, I'll be OK from here if you want to get back, didn't mean to disrupt your night."  
Javier sighs and scratches at his chin.
"Just let me walk you home so I know you're home and alright; these streets aren't safe…" he trails off, and you roll your eyes, pulling a hand through your hair. You just want to get in and lie down, your eyes still fuzzy at the edges and now you are starting to get a headache. This is what happens when you chug your wine like you are in a college frat house party. 
Arriving at the steps that lead up to the entrance to your apartment, you fish in your bag for your keys, and Javier places his hand on your back, helping you up the steps. Once you reach the top you jam your key into the lock and the door creaks open heavily, before you turn slowly towards Javier, his hand dropping to his side. You gently ease yourself out of his warm jacket and hand it back to him, his fingers brushing yours as he takes it from you. 
"Thanks for keeping me warm, and for walking me home Javier," you smile at him as he shrugs the jacket back on over his broad shoulders, "very chivalrous of you." 
He grins back at you, showing more teeth as it widens at the comfortable use of his name.
"Anytime cariño, but next time, you'll let me drive you home in the truck.” 
He ducks forward and presses his lips lightly to your cheek, taking you by surprise, before he jogs down the steps, moving back towards the way you had come. You watch him as he saunters off, pulling his cigarettes from his breast pocket and lighting one, the cherry nub lighting up the dark street.  
You back through the open doorway and close the door behind you, flicking the lock closed and deadbolting it out of habit. 
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heartstopperlarrie · 8 months
Tell about your pets? :)
Ooooooh this could be a long one I apologise in advance!!
So first up I have 2 cats, Eli and Ezra! They’re both super sweet boys. They’re both super cuddly and calm, and somehow neither of them bite or scratch unless you reaaaalllly piss them off 😂
Then there’s Hector, she’s a leopard gecko! She went missing for a full 11 months where she lived under our fridge. How on earth she survived for almost a year without a steady source of food I will never understand but she’s back now!
Next up there is my parrots! I’ll split them up into 2 categories: the macaws and the cockatiels.
So the macaws are called Corliss and Rita, both are rescue girls. They are loud and messy and funny and they say the most random things at the most random times. Corliss is free flight trained (meaning we take her outside and let her fly unrestrained and she’s trained to come back to us) which is actually a form of physiotherapy for her as she has a fused spine. Rita can’t fly due to her past owners (they literally beat her so now she has severe early onset arthritis which causes her a lot of pain) but she looooves to dance!
The cockatiel flock consists of 2 girls, Caoimhe and Fiadh, and 4 boys, Paco, Denali, Arlo and Ailbhe. They have some interesting relationships between them… Paco is gay. Like hella gay. Any male we introduce he will try to hump. He’s “married” to Denali (they’re the LGBTiels). Fiadh is head over heels in love with Paco which is HILARIOUS because he has some health issues and can’t see with his right eye at all, so anytime she makes a move on him he turns his blind side towards her so he can’t see her 😭 Arlo just wants cuddles allllll the time, Ailbhe is the clown of the group always yelling peekaboo and making sure people know he’s a happy birdie!
And last but not least there is Noah!! He’s our beagle pup who we only just got last week! He’s such a character, always wants to play and eat everything he can reach. He’s also such a lap dog! Always wants a cuddle the second he sees you’re sat down he will be on your lap in literal seconds. (See #noah pupdates to watch him grow up)
Lmk if you wanna know more about any of them!! There’s so many different personalities I could go on and on about each of them but tried to keep it as short as possible lol
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just-bendy · 2 years
Hello Bendy! Hey, I've heard that you're the best dancer everyone has ever met, congratulations! Although I would very gladly introduce you to a friend of mine, who I told him about you and would like to invite you to a dance competition, and I will tell you that he is a great dancer like you would never imagine, you accept the challenge?
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He is Paco! Paco Perico, the best dancer in history, film actor and comedian, would love to see your great talent in step with him.
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He will promise you that if you win the contest, he will invite you to his favorite drink bar, and he would love to be your friend.
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This is in the name and credits of @vimcygraphicks
Thank you!
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Best dancer in history, eh? We'll see about that!
Bring it on, parrot! May the best dancer win!
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I said I was gonna limit my Squishmallow spending to Connor, Pikachu, and maybe the peanut butter one but god dammit Paco the parrot went on sale on Amazon and I have to get him.
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I mean….just look at him….absolutely baby. Corey would absolutely love him too I bet.
Gonna order him Sunday.
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gender-mailman · 2 years
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Ruby and Paco the parrot squishmallow say hello !! :D
:000!!!! Hello! :D
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edwin--artifex · 7 months
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'Archeological Box' @ Domus Aventino BNP Paribas Real estate on Piazza Albania on the Aventine Hill, Rome
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Edwin Alexander Francis 'dubbed' the famous Italian television host, science journalist and writer Piero Angela who curated the archeo-multimedia installations together with Paco Lanciani.
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La Scatola Archeologica Domus Aventino
“Portare alla luce ciò che è antico, è una delle più grandi forme d’amore per l’umanità”
Piero Angela
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(c) of the renders courtesy:
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Here's a clip from the promo vid ->
and an article from:
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Ancient Roman villa and elaborate mosaics found beneath apartment block in Rome. The villa and its mosaics have now been turned into a subterranean museum
By Nick Squires ROME 6 October 2020 • 10:00am
A concierge and a smart address are no longer enough for one apartment block in Rome – it can now boast its very own subterranean Roman villa. Archeologists have unveiled the remains of a sumptuous Roman “domus” or villa, complete with elaborate mosaics, that had remained hidden for 2,000 years. It was discovered when engineers carried out work to earthquake-proof the residential development, which was built in the 1950s. Archeologists were called in and found a series of palatial rooms laid with mosaics featuring black and white geometric designs, made from tens of thousands of tiny cubes of stone. “You can see from the richness of the decorations and the mosaics that the villa belonged to a powerful person, probably linked to the imperial family,” said Daniela Porro, a senior cultural heritage official for the city. “Rome never ceases to surprise us. It’s an archeological jewel.” It was unearthed by chance in 2014 and after years of archeological work is now ready to be opened to the public as a subterranean museum. Visitors will enter the modern apartment building from the street, cross a courtyard and descend one flight of steps to an anonymous grey door next to a pair of lifts. Inside are not the only the remains of the Roman villa, with mosaics and fragments of frescoes and Latin inscriptions, but earlier segments of a stone tower dating back to the 8th century BC, as well as a huge defensive wall that dates back to the Roman republic. During the excavation, archeologists found a wide array of objects from everyday Roman life, including a hammer, a key, a water tap, a hairpin and oil-burning lamps. They found amphorae which held garum, a noxious-smelling sauce made from fermented fish that the Romans loved to use to spice up their meals. There were also fragments of lacquered bowls stamped with the images of Hercules and the goddess Athena. Video projections on the walls of the underground space bring the villa alive, with a senator and his wife strolling amid marble busts, ornate tables and couches. One mosaic has as its centrepiece an image of a bright green parrot with a splash of red in its plumage, while another depicts a grape vine growing from a large vase. The archeologists found not just one layer of remains, but six different layers, one on top of another, spanning a period of two centuries. The patterns of the mosaics, including one which features a repetitive figure 8, are unusual. “We’ve not seen it before,” said Roberto Narducci, an architect involved in the excavation. The €3 million dig was funded by BNP Paribas Real Estate, the company which owns the apartment building. “It’s quite a challenge to allow access to the site, while protecting the privacy of the condominium’s residents,” said the company’s Anselmo De Titta. “It will be open to the public at least two days every month and more if there is the demand.”
...and here's Piero Angela's conclusion ('dubbed' by Edwin Alexander Francis :-) ->
check out the real estate here ->
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embassigirl04 · 10 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Squishmallow Paco.
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poshasauruss · 10 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Squishmallows Lot of 4 Priscilla Peacock,Cookie Flamingo,Aimee Chick,Pac….
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