#pagan kindred
lokavisi · 3 months
My friend gave an absolutely beautiful sermon at our UU congregation yesterday about what healthy mysticism looks like. It's one of those things I can struggle to articulate when someone asks me how I could possibly believe in something so fantastical without scientific proof. Or when dealing with extremely spiritual people who think scientific fact has no place in their understanding of the world. This is one of those things that I wish everybody, on both ends of the spectrum, understood. So I'll let her explain it to you better than I ever could 😁
Side note: You can follow her blog on the Glasse Witch Cottage website or Facebook page. She has decades of experience in witchcraft and paganism and is a fountain of knowledge. And like myself, she is both UU and Heathen!
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ajtheheathen · 1 year
Hail the Gods, Hail the Old Ways!
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bdybag · 1 year
me not ONLY falling down the pagan rabbit hole again but Icelandic funeral rites & Afturganga , i am having a great time rn
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my-im-bored-page · 2 years
I was just in a concert that was in an old church that had been converted to a coffee shop and the band played a chant/prayer to Freya. Also the didgeridoo player called to Morrigan to strike this place down. This is the heathen spirt I demand from my bands.
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vamp-orwave · 1 year
Hey! I've noticed you share some VTR stuff - as someone who's only really been a VTM guy, I was wondering what VTR does """different"""?
It looks really cool and I'd love to get into the lore but I'm not sure which bits to look into see a different experience from V5 narratively ^^
Thanks for the ask! In VTR, there are only five core Clans: Ventrue, Gangrel, Nosferatu, (much like the originals but with some changes), Daeva, and Mekhet (amalgamations of some of the archetypes present in Toreador, Brujah, Ministry, Lasombra, Hecata). Each clan has a myriad of potential 'bloodlines' to explore, like sub-clans with a unique discipline.
There are also five Covenants, which are like the Sects in VTM except they're all different facets of the same society and have to interact and coexist more often than, say, the Camarilla and Sabbat. Some are just as diametrically opposed, but on different axes, like the Invictus vs Carthians (status quo/traditional vs change/experimentation), and the Lancea Sanctum vs Circle of the Crone (Abrahamic religions/service to a higher power vs pagan religions/indulgence of the beast), while one, the Ordo Dracul, focuses inwards on honing and improving the vampiric condition through science and discipline.
The intricacies of the intersection between Clan and Covenant are what make VTR so unique and interesting to me. Definitely read more about the Covenants to get better summaries of the sort of purposes the Kindred of this setting can devote their unlives to beyond mere survival.
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annebrontesrequiem · 8 months
Not to talk out of my ass about a classic I know nothing about and am reading for the first time but...
Methinks Moby Dick is going to be read through a queer lens because like... like...
"He seemed to take to me quite as naturally and unbiddenly as I to him; and when our smoke was over, he pressed his forehead against mine, clasped me round the waist, and said that henceforth we were married, meaning, his country's phrase, that we were bosom friends; he would gladly die for me, if need should be."
"Thus, then, in our hearts' honeymoon, lay I and Queequeg - a cosy, loving pair."
"We had lain thus in bed, chatting and napping at short intervals, and Queequeg now and then throwing his brown tattooed legs over mine"
In all seriousness I'm delighted by the way that Melville has, so far, painted a surprisingly humane, compassionate picture of Queequeg. And that, though I don't know enough about Melville's personal feelings, this passage (among others) points pretty handily to the message he seems to be driving towards:
"Do you suppose now, Ishmael, that the magnanimous God of heaven and earth - pagans and all included - can possible be jealous of an insignificant bit of black wood? Impossible! But what is worship? - to do the will of God - that is worship. And what is the will of God? - to do to my fellow man what I would have my fellow man to do to me - that is the will of God. Now, Queequeg is my fellow man. And what do I wish that this Queequeg would do to me? Why, unite with me in my particular Presbyterian form of worship. Consequently, I must then unite with him in his"
I know, long quote, but the entirety was needed and this is thankfully not an academic paper. This, combined with when Ishmael goes to the mariner's church and hears the sermon about Jonah, all speaks to the way that the sea unites men. And anonymizes them in ways that they become united, regardless of different in life. Thus Ishmael's feelings upon seeing the marbled plaques upon which are written tributes to those who died at sea. As well as Melville's later musings on the soul vs the body and how the body does not matter compared to the soul.
Understanding all this we can see Melville making Ishmael and Queequeg kindred spirits despite their differences the ultimate proof of this creed.
However in all seriousness as well, there is just something so delightfully homoromantic (is that a word? Also homoerotic too) about Ishmael and Queequeg's relationship. And, in some ways, were they in love that would further Melville's perceived message in my eyes. So, in conclusion, they're gay your honor.
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alexsgrimoire · 5 months
Beltane & May New Moon Ritual Script - 2024
Here's the script I put together for my coven's combined Beltane and New Moon ritual that I'm leading this weekend! There were some scheduling issues with the UU Church we meet at and this date was the only one that really worked, so we decided to combine both into one since they're both close to the date and have similar correspondences! If you're using the script, please tag me in it!
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Close your eyes and take a deep breath. Feel the air come in through your nose and out through your mouth. Take a moment to center yourself.
It’s a warm spring afternoon. The sky is cloudless as the Sun shines above, illuminating the prairie you stand in. The earth feels warm and tender underneath your bare feet. Wiggle your toes in the grass and feel the wildflowers in various colors tickle your toes and ankles. The fresh breeze smells of roses and honeysuckle, and birds chirp in nearby shrubs.
You spot a circle of people partaking in a dance before you. Colorful dresses and tunics flow in the wind, and flower crowns of daisies and daffodils sit on their heads. They cheer and sing, their voices floating on the wind. As you approach, those nearest you smile kindly and open their arms to allow you to join in. You enter and hold their hands, quickly feeling joy and warmth. You turn with them, the energy transferring from hand to hand.
Your hands release at the height of the energy, and you each dance independently. You use all the power you gathered to dance. Shaking your arms and legs, headbanging, spinning around, whatever brings you the most joy. You dance and dance until you’re worn out, then lie down in the grass and stare at the sky.
You regain your breath, breathing in and out deeply. As the Sun begins to set, the sky has turned from bright blue to shades of pink, purple, and orange. The Sun God starts to depart, taking the youthful energy of the day with Him. The Moon Goddess now enters, bringing the serenity of the night sky and stars. The people you danced with under the Sun lie on the ground with you, softly humming a hymn to welcome Her presence.
The Moon in Her New phase doesn’t shine as brightly as She does during her Full phase. Instead, she offers just a slice of light, letting the constellations and other celestial bodies take their time in the spotlight. Despite Her hidden figure, you can still feel Her energy, a soft feeling of abundance, protection, and love.
As you lie in the grass, think about what you wish to achieve in the coming weeks. What will be the best way to reach them, and what reward will lie in the end? The Moon will grant your wish as long as you put in the effort to achieve it. Don’t forget that you have the power to succeed, and She offers her assistance.
You gently close your eyes as you lie in the grass after setting your intentions. It is time for rest and recovery after a long day with the God and Goddess. You are safe from all danger, protected by those Above and Below. You drift off into a reverie, awaiting what the next day brings.
As we end this meditation, center yourself and take another deep breath. Feel your feet ground you as you return to this plane. Once you are ready, slowly open your eyes.
Chant & Calling the Quarters
We’ll sing “We Are a Circle” now. Feel free to stand, but don’t feel pressured to.
ALL: We are a circle within a circle, with no beginning and never-ending. (x3)
Form a circle deosil around the group with a wand (x1) to the pace of the chant.
Now, to call the quarters.
East/Air Quarter Caller: Guardians of the East, we call upon you to watch over the rights of our Kindred. Powers of knowledge and wisdom, guided by Air, we ask that you keep watch over us tonight within this circle. Let all who enter the circle under your guidance do so in Perfect Love and Perfect Trust. Hail and welcome!
Light the yellow candle.
ALL: Hail and welcome.
South/Fire Quarter Caller: Guardians of the South, we call upon you to watch over the rights of our Kindred. Powers of energy and will, guided by Fire, we ask that you keep watch over us tonight within this circle. Let all who enter the circle under your guidance do so in Perfect Love and Perfect Trust. Hail and welcome!
Light the red candle.
ALL: Hail and welcome.
West/Water Quarter Caller: Guardians of the West, we call upon you to watch over the rights of our Kindred. Powers of passion and emotion, guided by Water, we ask that you keep watch over us tonight within this circle. Let all who enter the circle under your guidance do so in Perfect Love and Perfect Trust. Hail and welcome!
Light the blue candle.
ALL: Hail and welcome.
North/Earth Quarter Caller: Guardians of the North, we call upon you to watch over the rights of our Kindred. Powers of endurance and strength, guided by Earth, we ask that you keep watch over us tonight within this circle. Let all who enter the circle under your guidance do so in Perfect Love and Perfect Trust. Hail and welcome!
Light the green candle.
ALL: Hail and welcome.
Center/Spirit Quarter Caller: Guardians of Above and Below, we call upon you to watch over the rights of our Kindred. Powers of grounding and balance, guided by Spirit, we ask that you keep watch over us tonight within this circle. Let all who enter the circle under your guidance do so in Perfect Love and Perfect Trust. Hail and welcome!
Light the white candle.
ALL: Hail and welcome.
The Story of Beltane & the May New Moon
Beltane, also known as May Day, Walpurgis Night, and Floralia, marks the halfway point between the Spring Equinox and Summer Solstice. The name and festival Beltane are Gaelic in origin, which comes from the words “Bel,” meaning “bright,” and “Tene,” meaning fire, along with the God Belenus, who represents Fire. Beltane is considered the oldest holiday in Gaelic tradition, dating back to at least the 10th century. 
In modern Pagan practices, Beltane represents the Sacred Union between the Mother Goddess and Horned God, conceiving the Harvest Child. The phallic maypole and yonic wreath of flowers and ribbons represent their Rite. As such, Beltane has become a time for fertility and sexuality, and it’s also associated with creativity and love. Bonfires represent fertility, protection, and the longer days of summer, and crops, beauty, and creativity continue to grow.
Beltane is also associated with fairies of Gaelic lore, specifically the aos sí. The veil is thinnest at this time, much like at Samhain, allowing them to pass through. The aos sí were appeased with offerings of food and drink to prevent their troublesome natures and in hopes that they would grant wishes.
Along with Beltane, we also celebrate the New Moon of May tonight. The New Moon is a time for setting intentions, manifestations, and new beginnings. It’s the beginning of the lunar cycle, where the moon is absent from the sky, and the stars shine brighter. The Moon’s energy is at one of Her highest, and it’s the perfect time for spellwork.
The May New Moon is in Taurus, representing creativity, sensuality, and abundance. These values align perfectly with Beltane, creating the perfect storm for intentions in these realms. It’s time to focus on achieving long-lasting results, especially those concerning money. However, the Earth element of Taurus reminds us to stay grounded and practical.
With Beltane and the Taurus New Moon coinciding near each other, the energy is high, promoting growth both in nature and within you. Take this time to focus on the pleasures in life and the abundance around you.
Cone of Power
Now, for the Cone of Power. Stand if you’re able, with hands linked. Left hand under, right hand over. As we chant, visualize the energy swirling around us and channeling into the sky.
ALL: Goddess and God
Moon and Sun
We link hands
And become One
Repeat louder & faster until the energy is built, then call release.
The Maypole Dance
((AUTHOR'S NOTE: I specifically wrote this section to accompany the song "Bard Dance" from the Baldur's Gate 3 soundtrack and this dance pattern. You do not have to use this same source material, and I encourage you to give the ritual your own spin! I'm simply copying/pasting exactly how my script is written.))
As I mentioned earlier, dancing around the Maypole is a Beltane tradition that dates back to before the Middle Ages in Europe, and we’ll be bringing that tradition to life today! Everyone grab a ribbon from the Maypole, and I’ll get my metronome set up.
Set the metronome app for 112 BPM and wait until everyone has a ribbon.
We’re going to split into two groups, 1 and 2.
Count out groups 1 and 2 (every other person) and start the metronome.
This is the tempo we’ll be using for the dance, in counts of four: four beats per measure and four measures for each dance phase. I’ll count it out like this as we dance.
Count "1 2 3 4 / 2 2 3 4 / 3 2 3 4 / 4 2 3 4" along to the tempo.
For the dancing, group 1 will walk to the pole for two measures and then walk back out for two measures.
Give an example with measure counting.
Group 2 will now do the same.
Give an example with measure counting.
Then, we turn clockwise for four measures and counterclockwise for four. And then the dance repeats! Do we want to try it without music and then start with the music?
(IF TRYING WITHOUT MUSIC FIRST: Walk the group through one cycle of the dance, then play Bard Dance on Spotify for the full run time. Count out the measures during the dance.)
(IF STARTING WITH MUSIC: Set Bard Dance on Spotify and play/dance for the full run time. Count out the measures during the dance.)
Simple Feast
Take a moment to ground yourself after dancing, and take the time to think about how you engaged with your fellow dancers. Now is also a perfect time for refreshments, our cakes and ale! We have unleaded, ________________ provided by ________________, and leaded, ________________  provided by ________________. We also have ________________ for cakes, provided by ________________.
Pass around wafers, cups, and drinks.
May you never hunger.
ALL: May you never hunger.
May you never thirst.
ALL: May you never thirst.
Intentions & Bonfire
As this is the New Moon, we’ll set intentions, but this time on ribbons for a Beltane twist! If anyone would like a copy, I have a guide to ribbon colors and their meanings. Cut yourself a ribbon that connects to your intention for the coming weeks. ((AUTHOR'S NOTE: Ribbon color guide can be found here!))
Allow time for people to get/cut ribbons and grab pens.
Feel the ribbon in your hands. Think of what the color means to you and your goals for this lunar cycle phase. Imagine the ribbon tightly wound around a physical representation of your intention, a present of joy and success ready to be opened. When you're ready, write your intention on the ribbon and hold onto it for now.
Light the bonfire.
Bonfires are another Beltane tradition used as a method of protection and purification. Historically, Gaelic people walked livestock between two bonfires and sprinkled ashes over crops. The Fire element is also associated with new beginnings and transformation, which makes it the perfect method to activate intentions! As you toss your ribbon into the fire, visualize its Sacred power bringing your intention to life!
Let everyone toss ribbons into the bonfire.
Dismissing the Quarters & Farewell
Now, to wrap up and thank the quarters.
North/Earth Quarter Caller: Guardians of the North, powers of endurance and strength, guided by Earth, we thank you for watching over the rights of our Kindred. May you be forever blessed. Hail and farewell!
Extinguish the green candle.
ALL: Hail and farewell.
West/Water Quarter Caller: Guardians of the West, powers of passion and emotion, guided by Water, we thank you for watching over the rights of our Kindred. May you be forever blessed. Hail and farewell!
Extinguish the blue candle.
ALL: Hail and farewell.
South/Fire Quarter Caller: Guardians of the South, powers of energy and will, guided by Fire, we thank you for watching over the rights of our Kindred. May you be forever blessed. Hail and farewell!
Extinguish the red candle.
ALL: Hail and farewell.
East/Air Quarter Caller: Guardians of the East, powers of knowledge and wisdom, guided by Air, we thank you for watching over the rights of our Kindred. May you be forever blessed. Hail and farewell!
Extinguish the yellow candle.
ALL: Hail and farewell.
Center/Spirit Quarter Caller: Guardians of Above and Below, powers of grounding and balance, guided by Spirit, we thank you for watching over the rights of our Kindred. May you be forever blessed. Hail and farewell!
Extinguish the white candle.
ALL: Hail and farewell.
The Circle is open, yet the Circle remains as its magical power is drawn back into us. 
ALL: Merry meet, and Merry part and Merry meet again! So mote it be.
Amanda. Beltane. Pinterest, https://www.pinterest.com/pin/10696117858758902/. Accessed 4 May 2024.
Amanda. “New Moon Rituals for 2024: Anticipate New Spiritual Beginnings.” Thepeculiarbrunette.Com, 21 Mar. 2024, www.thepeculiarbrunette.com/new-moon/.
Arina. Ribbon Colors to Make Wishes at Beltane. 30 Apr. 2021. Tumblr, https://swm-grimoire.tumblr.com/post/649920725689466880/beltane-blessings-to-you-all-and-happy-midspring. Accessed 4 May 2024.
“Bard Dance.” Spotify, Larian Studios, https://open.spotify.com/track/4RyPvJk0n6DLCptEoe6PE7?si=164e9e8f768d41cf. Accessed 4 May 2024.
Beltane Correspondences. Pinterest, https://www.pinterest.com/pin/31666003614457079/. Accessed 4 May 2024.
Beltane. 26 Apr. 2024. Instagram, https://www.instagram.com/p/C6PA1mtrXD8/. Accessed 4 May 2024.
Beltane. Pinterest, https://www.pinterest.com/pin/AVkyPjJ1KAjMZ2BVc5oVO1WzroMTbntG-SAaAezJAzJLiPyQxGAUb-E/. Accessed 4 May 2024.
“Beltane.” Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, inc., www.britannica.com/topic/Beltane. Accessed 4 May 2024.
“Beltane.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 4 May 2024, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beltane.
“Best Crystals for New Moon.” Village Rock Shop, www.villagerockshop.com/blog/crystals-for-new-moon/. Accessed 4 May 2024.
Cass. “May 2024 Witch Guide.” Tumblr, 29 Apr. 2024, greenwitchcrafts.tumblr.com/post/749095783179206656/may-flower-moon.
Cunningfolk, Alexis J. “Grounded Strength : The New Moon in Taurus - Worts + Cunning Apothecary: Intersectional Herbalism + Magickal Arts.” Worts + Cunning Apothecary | Intersectional Herbalism + Magickal Arts, Worts + Cunning Apothecary | Intersectional Herbalism + Magickal Arts, 24 May 2017, www.wortsandcunning.com/blog/grounded-strength-the-new-moon-in-taurus.
“A Detailed History of Beltane.” Beltane Fire Society, 25 Mar. 2015, beltane.org/a-detailed-history-of-beltane/.
Gladheart, Friday. The Practical Witch’s Almanac 2024. Microcosm Publishing, 2023.
Grant, Ember. The Second Book of Crystal Spells: More Magical Uses for Stones, Crystals, Minerals ... and Even Salt. Llewellyn Worldwide, Ltd, 2016.
Hadas, Julia Halina. The Modern Witchcraft Book of Moon Magick: Your Complete Guide to Enhancing Your Magick with the Power of the Moon. Adams Media, 2024.
Howell, Aden. “Bard Dance – Borislav Slavov Baldur’s Gate 3 - Bard Dance, Flute Duet.” Musescore.Com, 18 Jan. 2024, musescore.com/user/37316127/scores/13632847.
Jordan, Krystle. “Beltane Celebration: Fires, Faeries, & Love.” The Wholesome Witch, 10 Apr. 2021, www.thewholesomewitch.com/beltane-correspondence-guide/.
Kiernan, Anjou. The Ultimate Guide to the Witch’s Wheel of the Year: Rituals, Spells & Practices for Magical Sabbats, Holidays & Celebrations. Fair Winds, 2021.
Lowery, Heather. “Maypole Dance 1-Dance Steps-All the Way to Galway (Level 1).” YouTube, YouTube, 24 Apr. 2021, www.youtube.com/watch?v=K54KrDlbwSU.
Luna, Bri. “New Moon in Taurus.” The Hoodwitch, The Hoodwitch, 24 May 2015, www.thehoodwitch.com/blog/2015/5/16/newmoon-in-taurus.
Mitchell, Krista. “Taurus New Moon Crystals.” Krista Mitchell, Krista Mitchell, 25 Oct. 2023, www.krista-mitchell.com/blog/taurusnewmooncrystals2018.
“New Moon in Taurus Set: Indulge Your Senses.” Sage Goddess, 8 June 2022, www.sagegoddess.com/product/new-moon-in-taurus-set/.
Russell, Davy. “The New Moon in Taurus.” DavyandTracy, 3 May 2024, davyandtracy.com/spirituality/new-moon-in-taurus/.
Shadow, Forest. Beltane Correspondences. 1 May 2023. Book of Shadows by Cybercat Designs, https://cybercatdesigns.com/blog/beltane-correspondences/. Accessed 4 May 2024.
Valkyrie. Beltane Correspondences. Pinterest, https://www.pinterest.com/pin/951385490022713178/. Accessed 4 May 2024.
Wigington, Patti. “The Origins of the Maypole Dance.” Learn Religions, Learn Religions, 25 June 2019, www.learnreligions.com/history-of-the-maypole-2561629.
Willow. “Beltane Correspondences.” Flying the Hedge, 25 Apr. 2019, www.flyingthehedge.com/2019/04/beltane-correspondences.html.
Willow. “Elemental Magic: A Complete Guide to Fire Folklore & Correspondences.” Flying the Hedge, 18 June 2020, www.flyingthehedge.com/2020/06/fire-folklore-correspondences.html.
Wright, Jennifer. “Beltane Correspondences.” PaganPages.Org, 1 May 2021, paganpages.org/emagazine/2021/05/01/beltane-correspondences-12/. 
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sweet-child-of-night · 6 months
romanticizing darkest of the days
The sun, a weary traveller, sinks below the jagged peaks, painting the heavens in hues of bruise and ember. A hush descends upon the world, broken only by the mournful sigh of the wind through the ancient pines. Here, in this twilight realm, where shadows lengthen and secrets stir, dwells a melancholic beauty, a solace oft-overlooked.
My fellow travellers may recoil from these dusky hours, fearing the tendrils of darkness that creep in. but I, a kindred spirit with the gathering gloom, find a curious warmth in its embrace. For within the quietude of a solitary night, the soul is laid bare. look at the inky cloak of the sky, what do you see? that oft-maligned companion, becomes a trusted confidante, past sorrows and unfulfilled dreams, weaving themselves into something poignant and beautiful. Something unburdened by the day's harsh glare, the symphony of one's heart unfolds.
The tears that well in solitude are not bitter drops of despair, but cleansing rain that nourishes the fertile ground of creativity. In the quietude, whispers of inspiration take flight. The rustle of leaves becomes a whispered sonnet, the hooting owl's cry, a haunting melody. The world, stripped bare of distractions, reveals its hidden language, a music for the solitary soul.
Oh, the exquisite ache! It is a yearning for something just beyond reach, It is a melancholic heart, after all, that can truly appreciate the fleeting brilliance of a sunrise, the triumphant song of a lark at dawn
Let us wander beneath the star-dusted canopy, enveloped by the gentle hush of the world, hoping to find a sanctuary for the soul, a haven where melancholy becomes a muse, and solitude, a song of the pagans long gone.
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bowldrips · 9 months
So one of my goals for the coming year is to revive The Flaming Goat Kindred, An 18+ Queer Lokean/Pagan/Polytheist/Witchy/Etc. server. It is open to all who come in good faith. We're currently working on rebuilding, so if yer interested, we'd love to have you! One of the first things i've started doing to get the place active again is to post a discussion prompt around every Full Moon. Except for this first one, I did it on the Solstice because it felt more appropriate. I've also decided to start posting them here, so more people can participate~
Happy Solstice/first Yule-month!
The discussion theme this time is Hospitality.
One thing I really like about the Hávamál is how many verses it has about being a good host, being a good guest and about generosity in general. I like to think of those verses as Odin's guide to putting out a doormat, not being one. Especially during the social stresses of the holidays. I think this time between years is good for getting yer house in order, literally and spiritually. To evaluate what's been let into yer home, hearth and heart and do some tidying.
What does being a good host mean to you?
What does being a good guest mean to you?
How are you welcoming the New Year/the Sun?
What are some Winter traditions/rituals you do?
Are you making any resolutions/oaths for the New Year?
You can reply as many times as you like until 🌕January 25th, 2023, when a new prompt will be posted. Feel free to share experiences, ask questions, post pictures…however the prompt speaks to you.
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apenitentialprayer · 8 months
Natural Law: Potentially Attainable, Often Misconstrued
Through the study of his nature in reference to his condition and destiny man arrives at a certain norm of conduct, which is entitled the natural law. This law, while it receives the Divine sanction, and even a Divine promulgation, as in the case of the ten Commandments and the Sermon on the Mount, is nevertheless attainable by the operation of man's reason alone. It is distinguished from the positive Divine law, which is of its nature unattainable by human reasoning, and can be known only through Divine Revelation. That man's unaided reason has frequently failed to discover the correct application of the natural law, as, for instance, in the matter of human relationships, is attributable to the fact that human passions are too strong, human selfishness too deeply rooted, to permit an unprejudiced judgment. We see, therefore, the greatest minds of pagan antiquity falling into the grossest errors in the matter of human rights; Aristotle, Plato, Cicero, Seneca, Epictetus defending slavery and oppression. […] We see kindred phenomena in the pagan rebirth of today, as the Nazi racialist doctrine in Germany.
- Fr. John LaFarge, S.J. (Interracial Justice: A Study of Catholic Doctrine on Race Relations, pages 58-59)
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thequeensjester · 2 years
Mariam was THAT character and *the* character of season 2.
The show this season doesn’t deviate from the recurring themes of 1) having and hold power and 2) the religious struggle between Christianity and Paganism.
Mariam goes against the traditional presentation of these two themes. At the start of their journey to Constantinople, Harald calls her frail and underestimates her. The Varangian that holds Mariam hostage and tells the party that those with power sets the rules. Still, the same ailing woman holds power through her knowledge- helping Kurya get his revenge and to get their boat off the shores with the power of *math*.
There’s also the way she encourages her boat companions to say final prayers upon their losses with kindness and compassion. Or how, upon her dying breath, of all things, she asks Leif to recount the songr of the Hvalr- from a faith different than her own.
She is both a woman of faith and a scholar. She balances spirituality and provable knowledge of the scientific world, without judgment or condescension to others.
So while everyone else is fighting over the right kind of faith, Mariam approaches the world around her with generosity and curiosity. The same curiosity inspired certain Viking characters to explore the world and question their own faith. And it was beautiful that Mariam met and was loved by a kindred spirit.
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amemixfan · 1 year
So I had previously canceled VIP because choices had a dry spell with books that seemed interesting, but I recently reactivated it with Kindled coming out. I also took the time to check out some of the other VIP books.
So rapid fire reviews:
1. First Comes Love is a garbage fire. The entire book radiates so much Pick Me energy that I’m half expecting MC to go into a “pick me, choose me, love me” speech.
I can practically imagine that entire book told in a Reddit post from the point of view of Rebecca. “Help, my lover’s toxic girl best friend is trying to break us up.” It’s so, so toxic. We could have gotten an interesting story of friends deciding to marry out of loneliness while realizing they had feelings for each other yet we got a love triangle with the emotional maturity of a playground fight. I’m surprised they didn’t make Rebecca a cheerleader just to hit all the “You Belong With Me” boxes that book is trying to hit. (Seriously I mean, gasp! Rebecca loves to travel and likes fancy stuff? Oh the absolute horror!!!)
2. Roommates With Benefits. Meh. I couldn’t make it past the first episode because the book seemed dull. The love interests didn’t interest me and the writing is meh. Not much more to say.
3. Kiss of Death. This book is frustrating because they’re selling you a mob star crossed lovers book with an MC who is so outside of the world of mobsters that most of the book is just her venting about how everyone treats her like a kid. It’s not a mob book if the main character is shut out of the family business.
I wanted to like it because it gave me Halsey’s music video vibes of Now or Never which I liked, but the end result is meh. The book would have been fascinating had MC actually been a trusted member of the mob and had a lot more power and importance. Instead, it seems like this is a teenage coming of age story with no edge or flair.
I treated it as a diamond mining book and didn’t see any relationship development that isn’t just lust or horniness between MC and Vic. MC tells them she loves them after one day and there’s not much explanation why. Even her bestie calls her out on it. The book just hinges on one random less than a day long encounter years ago as the premise of their love story. Like I get Romeo and Juliet were also dumb kids who thought they knew what love was, but Choices’ characters are supposed to have been grown adults.
4. Getaway Girls. This book I’m actually enjoying. It’s funny and light hearted. I’m just a few chapters in but it seems fun. Not a huge fan of the constant POV change, but each character has their own personality and taste which keeps it from becoming repetitive. We’ll see how it goes.
5. The Duchess Affair. I love a good period piece and am always biased in favor of it. This one isn’t the best Choices has put it, but it’s interesting compared to its other VIP books. The adultery aspect is bleh for me, but it’s not surprising giving The Nanny Affair was such a hit. I wish they hadn’t made the husband such a tool and given more high stakes to the story, but I guess they had to let people not feel guilty about cheating.
I will say though, it’s weird to see MC fawn over their tutor while diamond mining. I haven’t taken any premium choices so her worrying and fretting over committing adultery is bizarre given she’s only just talked to her tutor a handful of times and sat close to them. This book was definitely not designed to be diamond mined.
6. Kindred. This one seems promising. I love the art and the premise behind the book. The LIs seem interesting and the world seems fascinating. I definitely don’t regret resubscribing just for this book. It seems like it could become a favorite of mine.
My only complaint is that the plot moves fast. It’s very blink and you miss an entire explanation. The book thrusts you into what seems like an already developed world and expects you to just know everything already. I can keep up with some ideas because I’m pagan and know some of the concepts, but it’s still confusing to have so many revelations in the first two chapters and no time in between. I wonder how many things were cut from the book before publishing. It just seems like the entire thing is on fast forward and the characters themselves don’t react to major, groundbreaking news. Hopefully this’ll be fixed going forward.
I also know there’s a select release for a TNA POV book, but I don’t have access. I envy those of you that do though.
So yeah, this current line up is not the best Choices has ever had, but it’s also not the worst.
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orphika · 10 months
strange men rent strange flowers
closed starter for @mxldito
It's been a long couple of nights. One lover has his heart and eyes across the ocean, the other is charging off into confrontation faster than he can say wait wait wait can we think about this for two goddamn minutes, and Orpheus is tired.
Tired, and a little mad, and knowing it's not fair for him to be mad, he's done what he usually does. Hit the Avenue, hit the bars, flash a gleam of deep dirty green eyes and the edge of a razor, and drown his sorrows.
Why even bother going home? he asks himself, and not having a reasonable answer, he keeps going. Now he's drifting somewhere east - North Ford, all-night coffee and cocktails and Cali paganism. It's his vibe, but it's not his turf, and he's starting to feel... anonymous.
Maybe anonymous enough that Kindred eyes clock him, because here's the thing. Blush or no Blush, there's something wrong with this guy. He's not unattractive - hollow cheeks, high bones, all black everything, a goth pinup straight out of '91 - but it's a rotten heroin chic kind of attractive, like he died last night and hasn't realised it's time to stop moving yet.
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lamiaoflilith · 2 years
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𝕮𝖆𝖑𝖑𝖎𝖔𝖕𝖊 𝕴𝖘𝖒𝖊𝖓𝖊
FULL NAME: Calliope Sophia Ismene
GENDER & SEXUALITY: cis female | lesbian
BIRTHDAY: March 18th 1986, 6:30am | pisces sun, gemini moon, pisces rising |
BIRTHPLACE: Kalamata, Greece
EMBRACED: December 21st, 2012
CLAN/SECT: Hecata | Independent
BANE/COMPULSION: Painful Kiss | Morbidity
ATTRIBUTES: Strength■■■□□ Dexterity■■□□□ Stamina■■□□□ Charisma■■■□□ Manipulation■■□□□ Composure■□□□□ Intelligence■■■■□ Wits■■□□□ Resolve■■■□□
SKILLS: Athletics■□□□□ Melee■■■□□ Stealth■■□□□ Etiquette■■□□□ Intimidation■□□□□ Persuasion■■■□□ Subterfuge■■□□□ Awareness■□□□□ Medicine■■■■□ Occult■■■□□ [Ghosts]
DISCIPLINES: Fortitude■□□□□ [Unswayable Mind] Obfuscate■□□□□ [Cloak of Shadows] Oblivion■□□□□ [Ashes to Ashes] Oblivion■■□□□ [Where the Shroud Thins]
ADVANTAGES/BACKGROUNDS: Enemies■■■□□ [Hunter] Iron Gullet■■■□□ Survivor■□□□□ Prey Exclusion■□□□□ [Women] Status■□□□□ [Hecata] Resources■■□□□ [Middle Class] Linguistics [Greek | English]
CONVICTIONS: let no mortal suffer | don’t feed on humans | protect all women
VIRTUES/STRENGTHS: loyal | protective | extensive medical knowledge | merciful | intelligent
SINS/FLAWS: trusts no authority | closed off | trigger happy | headstrong | aggressive | fucking creepy as shit
RELIGION: ex catholic | hellenistic pagan
PERSONALITY: intp | ravenclaw |
COTERIE: Timothy Andrews | Artemis Tulkens | Arin Randal
TOUCHSTONES: Irene Ismene “Let no mortal suffer” [Mother, Cancer] Jazmin Martin “Don’t feed on humans” [Co-worker, First feed] Maria Topez “Protect all women” [Friend, Raped]
FAMILY/FRIENDS: Nicholaos Ismene [Absent Father, Cardiologist] Irene Ismene [Mother, Teacher] Maria Topez [Friend, Nurse] Margaret O’Dereian [Sire]
Immigrated with parents from Greece to Canada in 1992 at 6 years old.
Attended nursing school for 4 years from 18-22, then became a practicing nurse.
Best friend, fellow student, and Calliope’s first love, Maria Topez, lost contact with Calliope after finishing University due to an abusive partner.
Was discovered by Margret O’Derian while attending a feminist student activism committee.
Was embraced on December 21st, 2012 by Margret O’Derian while leaving Foothills Hospital after a night shift.
First feeding was on Jazmin Martin, Calliope’s Co-worker, while frenzied, severely traumatizing Jazmin in the process, resulting in her leaving the workforce and being admitted to a long-term psychiatric facility.
Performs discreet ‘accidental’ involuntary euthanasia on terminally ill, suffering patients.
Calliope’s mother developed cancer of the lungs and heart a few years after her embrace.
Calliope’s father left Canada to go back to Greece abandoning his wife and daughter after his wife’s diagnosis and disapproving of his daughters sexuality and religion.
Google Doc
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localsya · 2 years
Alr so, why tf are Ranni and Melina more conected than u all think, and why Melina might not be the Gloam Eyed Queen. Wake up bestie its lore time again. Lets start for the basics, who is the GEQ. Little miss was an empyrean, just like Marika, bit stop here. Many people believe the only way to be an empyrean is to be born from Marika and i highly disagree, Marika was chosen as a champion like the moon chose Ranni and the rot chose Malenia, maybe Malenia, Miquella and Ranni are empyreans because of this AND the fact that they are Marika’s offsprings, but i dont think its the only way.  Many people in Liurnia strongly believed Rennala was the champion of the moon, and everyone held faith into it, at the point she was treated as an empyrean, which is one of the big reasons why people turned against, her, the dissapointed that your so presumed god-empyrean, wasnt actually one. 
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This immediately points to the fact people had the knowledge, Empyrians could be chosen.  Now im gonna carry on with the point of the GEQ was a chosen empyrean, the embodiment of death itself. She gave power to her subordinates, the power to kill gods, and here its the point were Marika was getting absolutely clapped by this other queen. ER is all about religious colonialism and just as christianism almost erased complitely certain pagan celebrations, Queen Marika also searched to destroy any force/religion/empyrean that opposed her own beliefs, the big problem is that this woman had the power to kill her, which is already a big threat. This is were Maliketh comes in. Maliketh is a shadow, probably chosen the same way Blaidd was for Ranni, he was Marika’s half brother and he was terribly loyal to her, when Marika comanded him to slain the GEQ, he did without hesitation over his sister’s beliefs and probably himself’s too. 
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Now, why the GEQ cannot hold more influence in the lands between?  When Ranni stole death, the price was terribly high to pay, it required the soul of a demigod, the Queen’s firstborn, and her own body, AND destined death, a “tool” to say it somehow, now Maliketh held and guard preciously. Destined Death was the only tool capable to kill a god, which is probably why Queen Marika feared it, if we take on point the spear she was on her body is crossing her entirely, and most likely the reason why her body is destroyed, ONLY BY A SPEAR THAT WAS NOT MEANT TO KILL.  And you could kill a demigod just with a stab in the shoulder, imagine the amount of power Maliketh held, the GEQ was no Ranni, the ritual Ranni elaborated probably didn’t even existed back then, so it was impossible for the GEQ to survive, either in body or soul, and thats why she is inevitable dead, one of the very few true deaths. We know this also thanks to the Godskins and the Black Knife Kindred.
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Specially thanks to this dude, we know Maliketh held the same power of the GEQ, give a part of his power to his servants. Which is what the GEQ did with the Godskins, but now these dudes are just there, terribly close to Maliketh, like if after the rune of death was passed to a new beholder, their loyalty switched to Maliketh too.
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Now, why melina could or couldnt be the reincarnation of this Queen? If in the minuscule probability this is possible, its just another punishments of the outer gods towards Marika. Taking your daughter’s life in the name to ressurrect a god you killed its pure tragedy and punishment, but i dont think its the case. As we said earlier, GEQ had a true death.  Now, Melina was born as the foot of the Erdtree, not at the Queen’s Chambers, not inside the tree, at the foot. And she was burned and bodyless, wandering for a purpose that she lost long ago, one given by her mother. Also Melina IS Marika’s daughter, but her condition of being considerable shorter than the demigods, not an empyrean nor a demi god, its what makes the difference, still Melina is really strong, not only she can use Erdtree incantations and a knife that was holded by Marika herself. Why is she burnt? This is a reminder that a big reason of Melina’s existence its to be part of the plan of Queen Marika, only a maiden could hold the flame of the giants to burn the erdtree, and maybe, just maybe, the burns in her body were a cruel reminder that she had born to be burnt. 
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Here is the next thing that happens, as soon as we enter the game, is not Melina the one that finds us, its Torrent, a loyal steed probably given to Melina by her mother, along side the sacred knife she carries with herself.  And thats really curious, because Melina decides to trust the tarnished for this mission thanks to torrent, but why would she be looking for a champion?
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Right after the cinematic pop ups, we meet Ranni  disguised as Renna in the church during the night, or Melina in the site of grace, it doesnt really matter.  When we encounter Ranni after Melina gives us Torrent, Ranni will immediately comment how she knew the previous owner of the steed. We know its Melina, right? After that, Ranni will gives us the bell to summon spirits, but why would she, an empyrean, the queen that was always meant to be, trust you? A simple tarnished one more of the pile. The only way is that somehow she knew the tarnished was the lord chosen by Torrent and Melina, Melina had to fulfill her purpose and she had been looking for a champion for it, Ranni needed a tarnished too for all the other reasons we already know. The only reason Ranni had to trust you, ITS BECAUSE HER SISTER TRUST YOU. Now, when we meet Melina, she never truly states for a stablished purpose, in fact, she is still very ambiguous about her mission, she just requests you to take her to the Erdtree, where her mother birthed her. At first, she will state that she serves the two fingers, loyal to her mother’s purpose. 
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And then, she will state she was testing your strenght, to see if you are truly fit. 
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And as long as we keep our journey, Melina will start to remember and recite Marika’s words to you 
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And that is untill we take her to the Erdtree, which is were she departs from us, cause now she needs to find her own purpose. 
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And this is were thigs get funny, Ranni also requires a tarnished to acomplish her goal, and she also needs the Tree to burn cause none may enter the erdtree, its sealed away with Marika half dead inside.  Once Melina is back to us, and we start to wander more, there is a certain point were she states 
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Now Melina is well aware of who her mother is, and she has chosen her own path, just as Marika chanted to all her children, for them to take their own desire be it as lords or gods, Melina chose this.  SO, RANNI’S QUEST. Once we gave her the knife she needs, her path is also clear, like Melina’s
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And Ranni specially needs us, if she wants to accomplish her goal, she need a tarnished to defeat the champion of the golden order and bring her into the erd tree, but she also needed a maiden that would burn the erdtree. Here to the fact everyone and their mothers know. Ranni’s spectral face is Melina’s face. 
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Why would she ever carrie her second face to be a woman who was born to serve the golden order to fulfill Marika’s scheme? Ranni simply needs Melina to burn the erdtree. And if we remember, Melina is no demigod, no empyrean either, how do you link someone to grant their loyalty? Well, whats better than granting her one of your eyes.  Thanks to Zullie we know Melina’s other eye throught the whole game is the same color of her open eye,
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Her eye doesnt change until we get the frenzied flame ending, which is in short terms, an insult both to Marika’s will, Ranni’s will AND Melina’s will too.  However, Melina promises us destined death if we chose this ending. Melina in frenzied flame -comedy relief moment-
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Back to it. Why would Melina be so pissed if you chose this ending?  Well, now she is the one beholding destined death right? But if we killed Maliketh, death is free to the world again. Who could have a good piece of this power tho? The one that stole death. Ranni.  By a long time i thought that Melina’s blue eye was Maliketh’s missing eye, since he was the beholder of death and the protector of this power, and the beast eye its really alike to her open eye. This would make sense because now she would be looking throught the eyes of death itself. But its not possible, Maliketh is dead.
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The only left option, Melina’s blue eye is one of Ranni’s Empyrean eye, this would not only reassure her loyalty to her sister, in the name of changing the world to the better, but also allowing her to hold death the same way Ranni did, and most importantly of it all -EMPYREAN EYE NOW BELONGS TO HER-, this is pretty much possible and i think its reassured by the way her golden amber eye is now gone, faded away and lost all the grace that it once had, a symbol that Melina doesnt hold ties to Marika or the Greater Will anymore.
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Why do i think its Ranni’s eye? Well, first of all the eye has no trace of Gold, theres no grace in them, all the contrary, the color is Dark and Deep Blue, alike to Ranni’s dark moon, the outer god that chose her as her “champion”.
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Here is the description of Ranni’s Dark Moon 
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“What she beheld was cold, dark and veiled in occult mystery.” which is pretty much the entire vibe Melina gives, The now faded grace and the blueish eye now allowing her to use the tool of destined death itself, because you not only have betrayed her will by chosing the frenzied flame, you also betrayed her sister’s (which i consider the canon ending of the game) scheme, and her mother’s too. It makes even more sense if you consider, why would Ranni carry the face of her sister as a shadow light besides her, why would a doll need to close an eye? Simply because that eye now belongs to Melina. Last good comparison, Melina’s eye once again is heavily alike to the dark moon Ranni conjures. 
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The exact same color, shape of lights, and the deep blue dark spot in the middle.  IN CONCLUSION LADIES, GENTLEMAN, BELOVEDS AND FORGOTTEN LOVERS.  Ranni needed Melina to achieve her goals of a better world, and Melina needed Ranni to be free of her own will, not guided by the greater will of Queen Marika, but for Melina and Melina alone.
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skadi-gemini · 1 year
For some reason, I hadn’t bothered to see if there were any pagan blogs here! But lo! There upon the fjord! I see a drakkar in the distance with a bunch of Heathens at the helm! And there be Huginn and Munnin, riding the winds!
I don’t really post much about it and merely mention it in passing, but I’ve been a practicing Norse Pagan for eight years. I’ve sworn an oath to Skadi to venerate her. I do love and build frith with all of the Old Ones, but I’ve leaned the most to Skadi. Her story helped me to stand up for myself and what I believe in.
I founded a kindred with another local in my area and have been running it for five years now! We’ve come from a humble beginning where we discussed all that we would want in our kindred to now where we had a Rede, a member elected governing council to help run things! Our first Yule, four years ago, had over 50 people in attendance! That was where I also made my first holiday turkey!
I’ve made a lot of friends and even endured local pagan drama! Phew! What a mess that was. 🫠
I never was successfully brainwashed into Christianity and was pretty lost until I happened on Norse mythology as a kid. It wasn’t until adulthood where I found that there are people who practice Norse Paganism. I was even more shocked that it had survived even through the Christian efforts to erase it, just quieter and passed down simply as “the old ways”. It’s been a humbling experience finding the path that’s right for me. An equally exciting discovery, was that I have ancestry in Sweden and Denmark!
So, by me being on this path, I’m reclaiming (part) of my ancestral roots. The Christians didn’t win. And neither will these Neo-Nazi shitheads from co-opting these ancient symbols for their hate.
I also want to clear up any misconceptions. I’m not one of those dirtbags. Odin is the ALL father, not the SOME father. There are no nazis in Valhol, nor are there fascists and racists. Only those slain in battle get in Valhalla anyway, and they’re the ones who are passed up by Freyja and not chosen for Folkvangr.
Hail the Old Gods!
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