#pagan witch
🔮💖Witchy Aesthetic💖🔮
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thewitcheslibrary · 3 days
Types of divination
Please note: Not all of them are going to be here. I will be covering ones that Beginner witches can use and learn as a starting point! This also isnt a guide on how to do it, its is just some ideas and what they are.
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Tarot and cards-
People who are unfamiliar with divination may believe that reading Tarot cards means "predicting the future." However, most Tarot card readers will tell you that the cards are only a guideline, and the reader is simply interpreting the likely outcome based on the forces at work right now. Consider Tarot as a tool for self-awareness and contemplation, rather than "fortune telling." Here are some simple steps to get you started reading and utilising Tarot cards in your divinatory practice.
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Norse Runes-
According to Norse epic sagas, Odin created the Runes as a gift to humanity a long time ago. These sacred and holy symbols were originally etched in stone. Over time, they grew into a collection of sixteen letters, each with a metaphorical and divinatory significance. Learn how to create your own set of Runes and read what they say.
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Reading tea leaves-
People have utilised many different ways of divination from the beginning of time. One of the most recognised is the practice of reading tea leaves, often known as tasseography or tasseomancy. This divination method, while not as ancient as some of the other famous and well-known methods, appears to have originated in the 17th century.
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Pendulum reading-
A pendulum is one of the most basic and easy types of divination. It's as simple as asking and answering yes/no questions. Although pendulums may be purchased commercially for between $15 and $60, they are simple to create on your own. Most people use crystals or stones, but you may use any object with some weight to it. There are various methods to utilise a pendulum for divination, and you'd be amazed what you may learn from "yes" and "no" replies. The secret is to learn to ask the appropriate questions.
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For thousands of years, tribes throughout the world have used bones for divination, a practice known as osteomancy. While there are several approaches, the goal is usually the same: to predict the future using the signals revealed in the bones.
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Numerology is a discipline that many Pagan spiritual groups utilise. According to the basic concepts of numerology, numbers have a tremendous degree of spiritual and magical importance. Some numbers are more strong and powerful than others, and combinations of numbers can be created for magical purposes. In addition to magical correspondences, numerals have planetary importance.
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Intuition is the capacity to know things without being told. Many intuitives make outstanding Tarot card readers because their ability offers them an advantage when reading cards for clients. This is sometimes known as clairsentience. Of all psychic talents, intuition may be the most frequent.
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starsthewitch · 3 days
“witchcraft and pagans are evil!! they are collectively working for the devil 😡😡😡”
me going crazy desperately trying to find a really good and specific tumblr post i liked weeks ago on the different uses for herbs, crystals, and incense to use in a spell jar
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something i’ve noticed is that most of my deities like sending me signs (cats, butterflies, flowers, smells, etc.) but Apollo likes leaving me little gifts. guitar picks have been a recurring theme with him (i pick them up and put them on his altar) and he’s quite loud when he wants to be noticed
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stars-on-the-water · 2 days
I asked Lord Hermes for my package a day early in exchange for fruit snacks. Not any fruit snacks, the good ones.
Guess who got his package?
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pomegranated · 3 days
i wish i could find a boyfriend who’s also a hellenic polytheist and NOT a weirdo :(
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looking for pagan/witchy-centric blogs to follow! i’m getting back into my craft and i need more pagan blogs on my dash to keep me motivated. like/reblog this post and i’ll check out your blog!
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apolloslyrics · 2 days
Asking for Help :)
Hi everybody! I'm writing this post to you because I really need to save up some funds. In just over a month and a half, I'll be going to college. This is so exciting for me! However, I need to save up for a laptop, as well as a few other needs for my dorm room.
So, because of this, I thought I'd share my sh0p with y'all. You absolutely do NOT have to buy anything! Even a reblog or like would be helpful 💖
These are the listings as of right now:
- Oracle Pulls ($6)
- Deity Confirmations ($8)
- Deity Identifications ($10)
- Deity Message ($12)
- Channeled Letters ($20-$25)
- Custom Deity Candles ($27)
- Channeled Blind Date w/ a Book/Movie ($20-$35)
I think these are reasonably priced given what you receive in these listings!! I'm always open to reviews, suggestions, questions, and comments.
Here is the link to my sh0p if you'd like to take a look. I really appreciate the support I've been given so far. As always, take care of yourselves 🫶
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Offerings don’t need to be expensive or bought
I’ve noticed throughout the pagan community that there’s a compulsion to associate offerings and their value, with monetary value. Even though so many people on so many platforms have tried their best to bring this to light, I still even find myself questioning if my hymns and natural offerings are enough.
I truly believe that in between religious corruption and capitalism, pagan spaces have been heavily influenced by consumerism: a value that’s so far removed from the origins of our practice. Most of the worshippers in Hellenic polytheism, (and many other pagan practices) are low income! As someone who works two jobs, lives with their working boyfriend AND lives without certain utilities (I have water powered housing), the cost of living is still way too high for the average person.
With limited time, money, and patience, sometimes I just say thank you. Sometimes I just spend some time outside, or find cool leaves and those offerings go to my deities. Pinecones, bottle caps, cute flowers. All of these are real examples of offerings I’ve made.
Using affordable materials has drastically changed my relationship with the Gods… it’s improved by so much! I feel closer, down to earth with these beings, and I’m able to afford my groceries doing so. I sing a hymn in the car or say thank you, and though it doesn’t require much, they appreciate it the same (if not more so)!
May the Gods look down and smile at their worshippers, especially the ones who need them the most.
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sapphicnunnery · 17 hours
hey folks, can anyone gimme a bit of help?? I’ve been seeing a lot of stuff about Lucifer on here, and feeling a bit of a pull to work with him for a little while now. I’ve had a really hard time with researching him lately because of how much is about pop culture (characters, shows, books, literally everything), Christians essentially saying that Lucifer is gonna kill everything and you should avoid him and the gays who serve him, or, like, deity/biblical fanfic? If you currently work with Lucifer or have in the past, could you help me out with some information about him? UPGs, signs, associations, stories, history, advice for working with him, reliable sources for research on him, etc would all be super helpful! Also, Loki is my patron deity, so does anyone know if they don’t really get along? Loki seemed pretty excited about that idea when I talked to him about it, but idk lol
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sunflowersnsage · 1 day
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undeadmagick · 2 days
most of my practice tends to be really boring and that’s okay.
sometimes it’s just dressing a tealight candle to help with relaxation and letting it burn while i do other stuff.
sometimes it’s shadow work and my fingers hurt from writing.
sometimes it’s just so much reading and researching of 20+ tabs about this one little thing.
sometimes it’s just lighting some incense and opening a window.
sometimes it’s considering showering as a cleansing ritual.
sometimes it’s offering my meals to my deities.
sometimes it’s dedicating class projects to my deities.
witchcraft isn’t always super fantastical. it tends to be super mundane sometimes lol doesn’t make it any less than.
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Revisited a story that was very important to me as a child, and learned about the author being very vocal about the harm gender roles & stereotypes cause. I thought "oh that's great!" but was afraid. What if she only applied that logic to cis ppl?
I did some searching, and found out that not only does she support trans ppl, but has also spoken multiple times about how important it is to be able to see protagonists outside of the perceived norm. A.K.A., she doesn't see my very existence as wrong.
I let out a deep sigh of relief. I could continue to enjoy this thing that had been so important to me growing up.
But this isn't the first time something like this has happened. Too often I discover a new artist, or even be unsure of one I've enjoyed the work of for a long time up to the present; and I have to desperately search to know if I can enjoy their work. Either I am extremely relieved, or absolutely crushed.
This shouldn't be necessary. I shouldn't be feeling this deep fear that something so important to me, was created by someone who despises my very existence. That I, as a disabled queer femme ex-mormon Pagan witch who was raised like a girl, will be shoved off the emotional cliff of "this person you looked up to hates you for the same reason all bigots do".
I was so terrified that something that meant so much to me as a kid could've shattered me emotionally. Simply because I didn't know if the person who made it hates people like me.
We shouldn't have to live like this.
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thejournallo · 3 days
Explain the basic: Divination tool
Desclaimer: Everything I will talk about is information that I got from books and sites online and even videos on YouTube. In my years of practice, I learned as much as I could out of curiosity and what works best for me. I suggest you do the same by learning as much as you can on your own (I will be here making posts teaching this kind of stuff) from multiple sources.
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As a divination witch, I obviously work a lot with the divine, and what I'm about to say are just a few of the things you may use or perform in this type of witchcraft work.
A word of caution, though: I've worked with divine magic for a long time; don't get into it unless you know what you're doing, and especially not without defending yourself. In this list, I will clearly explain what each item does and how it works, and some of this is for a more "advanced" sort of witchcraft.
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In witchcraft, there are numerous divination tools practitioners use to gain insight into the past, present, or future or to communicate with spiritual entities. I personally believe that it is the tool that chooses you, not you choosing the tool. Here are some common ones:
Tarot Cards:
A deck of 78 cards with various symbols and images that are interpreted in readings to gain insight into a question or situation. These 78 cards are divided into major arcana and minor arcana. The major arcana may change with the deck that you choose, but the main symbolism is the same, and sometimes you will find decks that have more than just 78 cards. 
A rune is a letter in a set of related alphabets known as runic alphabets native to the Germanic peoples. The runes are an ancient method of divination used even before medieval times. Runes can be made of stone, wood, or other materials, and each symbol has its own meaning. You can easily make your own runes.
Crystal Ball Scrying/Scrying Mirror:
This requires gazing into a crystal ball or other reflective surface, such as a mirror, to obtain visions or insights. You do it by just looking at the shiny surface in low light, with nothing to distract you. Your vision will "blur," allowing you to experience visions or gain insights. There is a good reason why this happens. It's essentially our brain getting tired of our reflection and starting to make up new stories, but it's not all psychology since, as we all know, mirrors are gateways. So it is advised not to try this method unless you are an experienced witch or just lack protection, as you may invite something you do not want to invite.
Pendulum Divination:
A pendulum, often a crystal or metal weight on a chain, is used to answer yes-or-no questions or to indicate directions or choices. The pendalum moves on its own, and before you start actually using it, I suggest you ask the pendalum which direction is yes and which is no. Much like the Ouija board, this object can be used to talk to spirits and ghosts, so be careful to always say thanks and say goodbye once you finish a session, even if it is not the primary use. Better safe than sorry.
Tea Leaf Reading:
Interpretation of patterns formed by tea leaves at the bottom of a cup after drinking. Practitioners see symbols and images in the leaves and use them for divination. that's it. that's the tea.
Reading and interpreting the positions and movements of celestial bodies to gain insight into personality traits, events, and relationships. that can be the oroscope, your birth chart etc.
Ouija Board:
A flat board marked with the letters of the alphabet, numbers, and other symbols. Participants use a planchette to spell out messages supposedly from spirits or other supernatural entities. This is one of those tools that you don't have to play around with. It is not a game you can literally get into if you are not careful enough. The way that the Ouija board works is that you place your finger on the planchette; if you don't have a planchette, a metal ring will do just fine. Once you position it, you say, "Hello, im --- and i here to talk to only benevolent spirits, and only benevolent spirits can come true and talk to me." Once this part is done, it is NOT THE PLANCHETTE THAT MOVES YOU MOVE THE PLANCHETTE Hollywood lies to you; what a surprise! Once you are done chit-chatting with the spirits, make sure the spirits say goodbye. Say your goodbye, and once you are done, close the space and banish everything "bad" that may have come true. Again, better safe than sorry.
The study of the mystical significance of numbers and their influence on human life and events. a good example will be angel numbers like 444 or 555
Dream Interpretation:
Analyzing the content and symbolism of dreams to gain insight into subconscious thoughts, emotions, and experiences. Dreams can tell a lot of our personal lives, and 100% of dreams know what's up before we ourselves know. Trust and follow your dreams. 
These tools are often used in combination with intuition, ritual, and personal symbolism, and the effectiveness of each tool can vary depending on the practitioner's skill and connection with their craft.
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eatbabiez · 3 days
Guys I have no pagan friends so BMF if you
-> are a Lucifer &/or Lilith devotee
-> are a witch / baby witch
-> love vampires, bats, etc
-> work with any deities (can also be Hellenic ones, I just love sharing experiences)
Some info about me:
-> I’m turning 18 in August!
-> my first language is German
-> I’m queer
-> I’m a theistic Luciferian!
-> i have autism & adhd
My dm’s are very open ‼️🖤 (so feel free to just text me,,,)
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choupah-banana · 1 day
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E-offerings to Hermes 🪽
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