#pairing:Obi-Wan Kenobi x Jaster Mereel
batshieroglyphics · 3 months
[FIC] Star Are Blazing ~ Star Wars Prequels ~ Feel the Change in the Wind ~ pre-JastObi ~ Teen
Title: Stars Are Blazing Fandom: Star Wars Prequel Era Author: Batsutousai Series: Feel the Change in the Wind Rating: Teen Pairing: pre-Obi-Wan Kenobi/Jaster Mereel Warnings: Alternate Universe, time travel, canon-typical violence, dismemberment, Jedi culture positive, True Mandalorian culture positive, Montross is a dick, peacekeeper!Jaster Mereel, adorable!Anakin Skywalker Summary: On Obi-Wan and Anakin's first mission together, they stumble into some ruins that transport them back through time, where they're met by Jaster Mereel and his True Mandalorians.
Event: @jastobiweek 2024
"So, wait," said the Mandalorian who'd introduced himself as Jaster Mereel, he/him, and Obi-Wan tilted his head in a vague sort of 'I'm listening' show, without looking away from the slightly-worn, unfamiliar runic text he was in the process of taking rubbings of, "you're a...Jedi?" Obi-Wan snorted and didn't deign to answer that, given that his first reaction, when the world had stopped spinning, to finding himself and his young padawan surrounded by Mandalorians in an enclosed room, when they'd last been stepping through some open-air rubble, was light his lightsabre. "And you have a slightly feral child," Mereel continued. Obi-Wan glanced over towards Anakin, even as he opened his mouth to take offence, only to sigh and close it again, because Anakin was in the process of stalking some sort of fluorescent yellow fauna, which was at least as large as the boy's hand, one of which was holding a hunting knife that Obi-Wan suspected had been given to him by one of the watching Mandalorians. Slightly feral was...fair. Not entirely wrong.
You can read it on Archive of Our Own by clicking this text!
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batshieroglyphics · 3 years
[FIC] Wrapped in the Warmth of You ~ Star Wars Prequels ~ Obi-Wan/Jaster ~ Teen
Title: Wrapped in the Warmth of You Series: JasBen Save a Galaxy Far, Far Away Fandom: Star Wars Author: Batsutousai Rating: Teen Pairing: Obi-Wan "Ben" Kenobi/Jaster Mereel Warnings: time travel fix-it, all the hugs, lineage feels, Ben has PTSD, Feemor has depression, Jedi as family Summary: Four years after their trip to Coruscant resulted in Ben obtaining a padawan, the first group of Jedi hoping to find a new home in the excavated and repaired Temple on Mandalore arrive.
"Good afternoon, Ben'ika, Jas!" Tor called cheerfully, as Ben and Jaster joined him.
When Jaster nudged him to take the open seat next to Tor, Ben sighed—Tor's grin widened—and then did so, leaning in for a slightly too hard Keldabe kiss, because he'd long since resigned himself to the majority of Clan Vizsla deciding he was a Vizsla.
(Him finding Tarre's Temple and finally using his excessive 'allowance' from Jun to renovate it, had apparently just solidified the idea in all their heads.)
Tor offered greetings to Xanatos and Shmi, and traded cheerful insults with Arla, when the three joined them, then said, "Xan'ika, I hear your sibling is coming to join us."
Xanatos startled slightly, then shot Tor a narrow, suspicious look. "Who told you?" he demanded.
"I will never reveal my sources!" Tor insisted.
"I did," Shmi admitted, and Tor groaned and covered his face with one hand.
"But you're the nice one!" Xanatos complained.
Arla patted Xanatos' shoulder. "We've finally done it. We've ruined Shm'ika."
Shmi rolled her eyes at the pair of them.
Ben hid a smile at the byplay behind his shig, while Jaster chuckled and said, "Yes, Knight Feemor and their padawan are joining us. And their grandmaster and their padawan."
Read it on Archive of Our Own!
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batshieroglyphics · 2 years
[FIC] The Connections Between Us ~ Star Wars Prequels ~ JasBen Save a Galaxy Far Far Away ~ Teen
Title: The Connections Between Us Series: JasBen Save a Galaxy Far, Far Away Fandom: Star Wars Prequel Era Author: Batsutousai Rating: Teen Pairing: Ben Kenobi/Jaster Mereel Warnings: time travel Summary: Ben is one of Obi-Wan's favourite people.
The bond was also why he wasn't surprised when the door of the comm centre burst open with a delighted, slightly breathless chant of, "Ben-Ben-Ben! You have to come! I have to show you!"
On the other end of the council meeting Ben had comm'd in to attend, Jaster had ducked his head, like it did anything to hide his massive grin, and a number of other members of the council looked equally delighted at the interruption.
Ben could actually feel Dooku's not-so-subtle reminder through the Force to have some manners, Padawan, which had become something of a familiar refrain over the months.
Dooku, himself, was not nearby, apparently finding it undignified to race through the Temple, even in an attempt to keep his young padawan from interrupting important meetings.
"Sorry, Jas'alor, Aliit'alore," Obi-Wan said very properly in Mando'a, stepping up next to Ben so he would appear in the holo, and bowing to them.
Ben sighed at the responding noises of adoration or outright laughter, long resigned to how easily forgiven children were. Especially cute children, which Obi-Wan—probably fortunately, given the amount of trouble he caused Dooku—definitely was.
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batshieroglyphics · 3 years
[FIC] All Your Rough Edges (Let Me Smooth Them Down) ~ Star Wars ~ Obi-Wan Kenobi/Jaster Mereel ~ Teen
Title: All Your Rough Edges (Let Me Smooth Them Down) Series: JasBen Save a Galaxy Far, Far Away Fandom: Star Wars Author: Batsutousai Rating: Teen Pairing: Obi-Wan "Ben" Kenobi/Jaster Mereel Warnings: time travel fix-it, Jaster is a little bit of a disaster, courting, Ben has PTSD Summary: Ben has thrown down a challenge, and Jaster is determined to pick it up.
Written for JastObi Week, for the prompt Fluff.
Jaster took a careful breath, then turned the 'pad around to show her.
Taalke stared at it for a moment, brow furrowing. "I've seen that image before," she murmured, turning back to her mess of 'pads and picking one up, clearing away the current image and opening a folder. "It's an old one, pre-dates the Dral'Han, but– Ah-ha!" She turned her 'pad to show Jango a wall painting of a Mando'ad, holding a black sword outlined in white, with the Jedi symbol on their right spaulder, indicating it was relevant to them, personally.
"Tarre Vizsla," Jaster realised, staring at the black sword. He'd had no idea that Mand'alor Vizsla had worn the Jedi symbol as their clan mark, but it made a certain amount of sense, since all their surviving records said they'd been raised by the Jedi.
Everything Jaster had ever read or been told, said Clan Vizsla's sigil was meant to be a shriek-hawk in a threat display, but what if it had originally been the Jedi symbol? Changed over the course of a few centuries, and then further changed after the Dral'Han destroyed so much of their history and culture.
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batshieroglyphics · 3 years
[FIC] Can’t You Hear the Thunder? ~ Star Wars ~ Obi-Wan Kenobi/Jaster Mereel ~ Teen
Title: Can't You Hear the Thunder? Series: JasBen Save a Galaxy Far, Far Away Fandom: Star Wars Author: Batsutousai Rating: Teen Pairing: Obi-Wan "Ben" Kenobi/Jaster Mereel Warnings: time travel fix-it, torture, humiliation, Obi-Wan/Ben is a BAMF, (sith) character death Summary: Jaster and a group of Mandalorians are ambushed during a mercenary contract. Captured and disarmed, they're brought to kneel in front of a very specific Muun.
Written for JastObi Week, for the prompt Capture.
"You," said a new voice, slow and contemplative, "are causing problems for me, Mereel."
The speaker—Jaster saw as they stepped into view, having been unwilling to look away from the ostentatiously dressed smug bastard—was a pale-skinned Muun with unnaturally-yellow eyes, and they stepped past the humanoid, up to what was clearly meant to be a throne, where they sat.
"And who, exactly, are you?" Jaster demanded, voice coming out raspy.
The Muun smiled, but something about it sent a chill down Jaster's spine. "I am called Plagueis, but you, my Mandalorian, will be calling me 'Master'."
Read it on Archive of Our Own here!
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batshieroglyphics · 3 years
[FICLET] Wrongs to Make Right ~ Star Wars Prequel ~ Obi-Wan Kenobi/Jaster Mereel ~ Teen
Title: Wrongs to Make Right Series: JasBen Save a Galaxy Far, Far Away Fandom: Star Wars Prequel Era Author: Batsutousai Rating: Teen Pairing: pre-Obi-Wan Kenobi/Jaster Mereel Warnings: time travel Summary: Jaster's confirmation ceremony, naming him the new Mand'alor, is crashed by a humanoid falling from the sky. This proves to be a boon beyond all imagining.
For the anon who requested Join Me – Obi-Wan & Jango or Jaster.
Finally, the medic asked, "Name?"
They hesitated for a moment, then said, "Ben Kenobi."
The medic nodded and made a note on their 'pad. "Once you finish that nutrient drip, you should be okay to go, but come back if you find yourself feeling dizzy or falling through the sky again."
"I shall avoid any further aerial manoeuvres while unconscious," Ben promised, tone perfectly sincere, even as something that looked suspiciously like mischief glinted in their pale eyes.
The medic scoffed and turned to Jaster. "They're your problem, Mand'alor."
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batshieroglyphics · 3 years
FIC: Haat'Mand'alor be Yaim'ol ~ Star Wars ~ Obi-Wan/Jaster ~ Mature ~ Chapter 10/10 ~ COMPLETE
Title: Haat'Mand'alor be Yaim'ol Fandom: Star Wars Author: Batsutousai Rating: Mature Pairing: Obi-Wan Kenobi/Jaster Mereel Warnings: Time travel, canon-typical violence, fix-it (apparently), not everyone dies/some live, the Kaminoans are the worst, Jaster is the Mand'alor we deserve, character death, the clones deserve better, Jaster has 3 million grandkids, mental manipulation, Mandalorian culture, Mandalorian morality, an excessive amount of murder (of Kaminoans), Jedi culture respected, Jango needs a hug, Rex needs a hug, Fox needs a hug, EVERYONE GETS A HUG (except the Kaminoans), asexual Jango, nonbinary clones, trans clones, polyamory mention, disabled characters, happy ending Summary: Jaster Mereel doesn't die on Korda VI, but is instead thrust forward thirty years to Kamino.
Chapter Summary: Jaster backs the Jedi Order, and the potential wedding is discussed.
When Obi-Wan limped his way over to the circle of seats, Jaster held out a hand to help him navigate the narrow path between seats and the table. It earnt him a scowl and a muttered, "I don't need help."
"Maybe I just want to touch you," Jaster replied, and Obi-Wan flushed and let him help without further complaint, although he did huff a bit pointedly when Jaster stayed standing next to the sofa as Obi-Wan lowered himself into it, serving as best he could as a leverage point.
Once Jaster had sat, Obi-Wan made quick work of unlatching the hidden clasps for Jaster's bes'marbur on that side and set it in his own lap as he leant his head against Jaster's shoulder, letting out a near-silent sigh of relief. Jaster, in return, leant his own head against the top of Obi-Wan's and closed his eyes, letting himself relax against his riduur for the first time in far too long.
"They're really spouses?" he heard Kryze whisper in Mando'a.
"Yes," Llats and B'arin chorused, while Vhonte snarled, "If I break your face, will your brain start working?"
"Vhonte," Jaster called, and was a little surprised to hear Obi-Wan doing the same thing at the same time. They pulled back just enough to eye each other, while a couple of someones started snickering.
"Yes," Windu said drily, "it's clear this political marriage is going to be a disaster. Obi-Wan, tell me this wasn't planned."
Obi-Wan huffed as he leant against Jaster's shoulder again, hand finding Jaster's and threading their fingers together. "No, Mace, I didn't plan this. It honestly never occurred to me; I don't believe political marriages are common in Mandalorian culture?"
"No," Jaster agreed. "Some clans will consider themselves united if a member of each marries one of the other or others, but I don't believe Mandalorians have married for any reason beyond love for..." He shook his head, frowning. "Well, since before the Dral'Han, at least, and I believe much longer than that."
You can read this chapter on Archive of Our Own, Dreamwidth, or LiveJournal. Or, start from the first chapter on Archive of Our Own, Dreamwidth, or LiveJournal.
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batshieroglyphics · 3 years
Fic: Haat’Mand’alor be Yaim’ol ~ Star Wars ~ Obi-Wan/Jaster ~ Mature ~ Chap 2/10
Title: Haat'Mand'alor be Yaim'ol Fandom: Star Wars Author: Batsutousai Rating: Mature Pairing: Obi-Wan Kenobi/Jaster Mereel Warnings: Time travel, canon-typical violence, fix-it (apparently), not everyone dies/some live, the Kaminoans are the worst, Jaster is the Mand'alor we deserve, character death, the clones deserve better, Jaster has 3 million grandkids, mental manipulation, Mandalorian culture, Mandalorian morality, an excessive amount of murder (of Kaminoans), Jedi culture respected, Jango needs a hug, Rex needs a hug, Fox needs a hug, EVERYONE GETS A HUG (except the Kaminoans), asexual Jango, nonbinary clones, trans clones, polyamory mention, disabled characters, happy ending (eventually) Summary: Jaster Mereel doesn't die on Korda VI, but is instead thrust forward thirty years to Kamino.
"Good," Jaster decided, and Jango's shoulders drooped, like he was relieved at Jaster's lack of censure. "Now, would you like to explain why you've helped shape an army for the jedi, despite claiming to hate them?"
Jango's eyes skittered to the side and he pulled his hand from Jaster's.
Jaster knew, before he could even open his mouth, that Jango was about to lie to him. So he held up a hand and turned a disappointed look on his ad. "If the only thing you have to say is a lie, you can leave," he said flatly. "I have a great many grandchildren to get to know."
Jango scowled. "Boba's your only grandchild," he said just as flatly.
Ice flashed down Jaster's spine and his stomach turned. "Out," he ordered.
"They're clones, Buir!" Jango insisted, looking hurt.
"They are children," Jaster snarled, remembering just fine the three clones they'd stumbled across in the medbay. "If you can't see that, you are no child of mine."
Jango jerked back, as though he'd been struck. Hurt and grief chased across his face, before they were both banished by a cold anger that transformed Jango's face into a stranger's. He straightened, grabbed his buy'ce, and stalked away from the bed, snapping, "Boba! K'olar!"
Boba shot an uncertain look at Jaster as he trotted past the opened curtain, but he didn't say anything, just obeyed his buir.
Jaster closed his eyes, hurting and furious and confused; surely he'd raised Jango better than this.
Read it over here on Archive of Our Own.
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batshieroglyphics · 3 years
FIC: Haat’Mand’alor be Yaim’ol ~ Star Wars ~ Obi-Wan Kenobi/Jaster Mereel ~ Mature ~ Chapter 1/10
Title: Haat'Mand'alor be Yaim'ol Fandom: Star Wars Author: Batsutousai Rating: Mature Pairing: Obi-Wan Kenobi/Jaster Mereel Warnings: Time travel, canon-typical violence, fix-it (apparently), not everyone dies/some live, the Kaminoans are the worst, Jaster is the Mand'alor we deserve, character death, the clones deserve better, Jaster has 3 million grandkids, mental manipulation, Mandalorian culture, Mandalorian morality, an excessive amount of murder (of Kaminoans), Jedi culture respected, Jango needs a hug, Rex needs a hug, Fox needs a hug, EVERYONE GETS A HUG (except the Kaminoans), asexual Jango, nonbinary clones, trans clones, polyamory mention, disabled characters, happy ending Summary: Jaster Mereel doesn't die on Korda VI, but is instead thrust forward thirty years to Kamino.
"Jango was on a job, last I knew," Vhonte said casually.
"I followed them here from that job," Obi-Wan said, voice flat. "They've left again, with their young child."
An adiik? Jaster was a ba'buir?
Vhonte twisted to look back over her shoulder. "How the kriff are you still alive?" she demanded. "Did he not realise you're a jetii?"
"You, of everyone, should know how good I am at surviving people who want me dead," Obi-Wan replied blithely.
Jaster felt like ice was spreading through his veins; it was sounding suspiciously like his ad had attempted to kill Obi-Wan just for being a jedi. Which was not how he'd raised him! Jango had definitely picked up that unfortunate interest in fighting a jedi, just to prove he was better than them—most Mando'ad ade went through that phase at some point—but killing one? That was a Kyr'tsad headspace!
"There are events you aren't aware of, Mand'alor," Obi-Wan murmured, his voice low and grim. "Fett has reasons for wanting jedi dead."
"If Jango's joined Kyr'tsad, I will shoot them," Jaster said flatly.
Vhonte choked.
"I would rather you were sitting down for this conversation," Obi-Wan said.
Well, that was promising.
"I swear, on the Ka'ra, Jango is not and has never joined Kyr'tsad," Vhonte promised.
That was something.
I'll get around to posting on LJ and DW, erm, next week, probably, since I have it off. ^^; For now, head on over to AO3 to read.
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batshieroglyphics · 3 years
Fic: Haat’Mand’alor be Yaim’ol ~ Star Wars ~ Obi-Wan/Jaster ~ Mature ~ Chap 4/10
Title: Haat'Mand'alor be Yaim'ol Fandom: Star Wars Author: Batsutousai Rating: Mature Pairing: Obi-Wan Kenobi/Jaster Mereel Warnings: Time travel, canon-typical violence, fix-it (apparently), not everyone dies/some live, the Kaminoans are the worst, Jaster is the Mand'alor we deserve, character death, the clones deserve better, Jaster has 3 million grandkids, mental manipulation, Mandalorian culture, Mandalorian morality, an excessive amount of murder (of Kaminoans), Jedi culture respected, Jango needs a hug, Rex needs a hug, Fox needs a hug, EVERYONE GETS A HUG (except the Kaminoans), asexual Jango, nonbinary clones, trans clones, polyamory mention, disabled characters, happy ending (eventually) Summary: Jaster Mereel doesn't die on Korda VI, but is instead thrust forward thirty years to Kamino.
He found Obi-Wan standing in the doorway of what seemed to be the only bedroom, and was grateful for his buy'ce, certain he was blushing at the realisation that there was only one bed, and the ideas that birthed.
"I do believe," Obi-Wan said in Basic, "that Tervho has been reading too many Mandalorian romance novels."
Jaster blinked, baffled.
Obi-Wan glanced over at him, pale eyes gleaming with amusement. "From what I recall, one of the most popular formulas involved a fight to the death, one or multiple of the potential partners being wounded and requiring the help of the others, and then there only being one tent or sleep roll, so they're required to sleep together, and sex results."
Jaster tugged off his buy'ce so Obi-Wan could see his raised eyebrow. "Somehow, you don't strike me as the sort to read romance novels."
Obi-Wan shrugged, mouth quirking. "I had limited access to materials in Mando'a, while on Mandalore. I had plenty of beings willing to practice the spoken form with me, but I also wanted to learn the written form. I expect we were allowed access to romance novels as some sort of joke, but they served their purpose, while also informing on some parts of the culture that I wouldn't likely have learnt about, otherwise."
Jaster had to blink a couple of times and clear his throat. "I am not certain what use you would get out of the parts of Mando culture that can be found in such books."
"You might be surprised," Obi-Wan replied as they stepped forward, heading towards what looked like a cupboard door set in the wall. "Perhaps I should let you borrow some jedi romance novels."
Jaster stared. "Jedi have romance novels?" he demanded, and couldn't do anything about the disbelief clear in his voice.
"Of course we do." Obi-Wan snorted as they shrugged out of their robe and hung it on a hook just inside the cupboard door. "I really don't understand where this idea of the Order requiring chastity of our members came from."
Something in Jaster's chest thrummed. "It's the robes," he heard himself say.
You can read the chapter on Archive of Our Own! It's also up on Dreamwidth and LiveJournal, although I cannot make any promises about those site remaining updated once I'm back at work.
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batshieroglyphics · 3 years
FIC: Haat'Mand'alor be Yaim'ol ~ Star Wars ~ Obi-Wan/Jaster ~ Mature ~ Chapter 7/10
Title: Haat'Mand'alor be Yaim'ol Fandom: Star Wars Author: Batsutousai Rating: Mature Pairing: Obi-Wan Kenobi/Jaster Mereel Warnings: Time travel, canon-typical violence, fix-it (apparently), not everyone dies/some live, the Kaminoans are the worst, Jaster is the Mand'alor we deserve, character death, the clones deserve better, Jaster has 3 million grandkids, mental manipulation, Mandalorian culture, Mandalorian morality, an excessive amount of murder (of Kaminoans), Jedi culture respected, Jango needs a hug, Rex needs a hug, Fox needs a hug, EVERYONE GETS A HUG (except the Kaminoans), asexual Jango, nonbinary clones, trans clones, polyamory mention, disabled characters, happy ending (eventually) Summary: Jaster Mereel doesn't die on Korda VI, but is instead thrust forward thirty years to Kamino.
Chapter Summary:More jedi arrive, and Yoda proceeds to meddle.
"I would," Jaster got out in a rush, and Obi-Wan's mouth snapped shut, something almost guarded in his pale eyes when he opened them to look at Jaster. "Say the riduurok. With you. Not," he added quickly, as Obi-Wan opened his mouth again, "to ask you to stay, or to imply that I would, that I can leave. Here. This." He waved his hand weakly towards the door behind Obi-Wan.
Obi-Wan's tongue swept out, over his lips, and Jaster couldn't help the way his eyes followed the motion, hating the distance between them, even as part of him knew it was necessary, that this was a conversation he'd been putting off and putting off, and being in each other's space would distract from it.
"What, then?" Obi-Wan asked quietly, his pretty core accent curling around the words, almost like it was trying to hold them back, like Obi-Wan was just as scared of where this conversation could lead them, as Jaster was.
That thought, somehow, made it easier for him to say, "To come back, here or on Manda'yaim, to me. To be someone I can come home to, on Coruscanta. Or...wherever duty finds you, when our paths cross."
"One while together, one while apart," Obi-Wan murmured, sounding almost...thoughtful.
In his chest, Jaster's heart was thudding a staccato rhythm, fluttering between hope and heartbreak.
Read it on Archive of Our Own, Dreamwidth, or LiveJournal.
Reminder to reblog for more happy moments in future. 😈
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batshieroglyphics · 3 years
Fic: Haat’Mand’alor be Yaim’ol ~ Star Wars ~ Obi-Wan/Jaster ~ Mature ~ Chap 3/10
Title: Haat'Mand'alor be Yaim'ol Fandom: Star Wars Author: Batsutousai Rating: Mature Pairing: Obi-Wan Kenobi/Jaster Mereel Warnings: Time travel, canon-typical violence, fix-it (apparently), not everyone dies/some live, the Kaminoans are the worst, Jaster is the Mand'alor we deserve, character death, the clones deserve better, Jaster has 3 million grandkids, mental manipulation, Mandalorian culture, Mandalorian morality, an excessive amount of murder (of Kaminoans), Jedi culture respected, Jango needs a hug, Rex needs a hug, Fox needs a hug, EVERYONE GETS A HUG (except the Kaminoans), asexual Jango, nonbinary clones, trans clones, polyamory mention, disabled characters, happy ending (eventually) Summary: Jaster Mereel doesn't die on Korda VI, but is instead thrust forward thirty years to Kamino.
As soon as the five commanders were set about dividing their teams, Obi-Wan stepped in close and murmured, "I don't need a babysitter," then glanced at Seventeen.
Seventeen snorted. "You're not wearing armour, and you're the only jedi general–" Obi-Wan stiffened, instead of the twitch that Jaster only just realised they'd always made when a clone called them 'general' "–here on Kamino. Someone is going to stay with you, at least during combat situations."
"I'll wait to use the 'fresher until the fighting's over, then," Obi-Wan said, tone dry as the land scarred by the Dral'Han.
"That might be wise," Seventeen agreed, sounding equally as dry, even through the modulator of their buy'ce.
Obi-Wan raised an eyebrow at Jaster, and he shrugged in response. "Much as I'd like to cut some very long throats, I believe I would like to hear what answers this prime minister might give, more."
Obi-Wan hummed. "Very well." Then they stepped past Jaster and into the organised chaos of clones and Cuy'val Dar sorting themselves into their new teams. Just as they had for the clones with the traumatised ade, the clones parted before the jedi, with those Cuy'val Dar who ended up in the way quickly following suit.
"They know where they're going?" Seventeen muttered.
Jaster shrugged and hurried after the jedi, Seventeen quick on his heels, before the path could close behind them.
Chapter can be read here on AO3.
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batshieroglyphics · 3 years
Fic: Haat’Mand’alor be Yaim’ol ~ Star Wars ~ Obi-Wan/Jaster ~ Mature ~ Chap 5/10
Title: Haat'Mand'alor be Yaim'ol Fandom: Star Wars Author: Batsutousai Rating: Mature Pairing: Obi-Wan Kenobi/Jaster Mereel Warnings: Time travel, canon-typical violence, fix-it (apparently), not everyone dies/some live, the Kaminoans are the worst, Jaster is the Mand'alor we deserve, character death, the clones deserve better, Jaster has 3 million grandkids, mental manipulation, Mandalorian culture, Mandalorian morality, an excessive amount of murder (of Kaminoans), Jedi culture respected, Jango needs a hug, Rex needs a hug, Fox needs a hug, EVERYONE GETS A HUG (except the Kaminoans), asexual Jango, nonbinary clones, trans clones, polyamory mention, disabled characters, happy ending (eventually) Summary: Jaster Mereel doesn't die on Korda VI, but is instead thrust forward thirty years to Kamino.
Chapter Summary: The clones get to discover hobbies.
"I'm assigning you one of the CCs," Seventeen informed Jaster over the grain-based cereal Obi-Wan had apparently collected from personal stores the evening before, on their way back to the flat.
"Why?" Jaster asked, baffled; did Seventeen think he needed a minder?
Seventeen rolled their eyes. "So you have someone to lead you around the city, or to help you find someone if you need something."
"Is that why you've assigned yourself to me?" Obi-Wan enquired mildly.
"I was just going to download a map to my helmet," Jaster insisted.
Seventeen pointed their spoon at Obi-Wan. "You need a minder for your own safety and my sanity," they insisted. "I have seen the footage of you fighting Prime."
Jaster made a mental note to see if he could find a copy of that footage.
Seventeen turned to Jaster. "Maps are all well and good, but if you need to find something quickly, having one of us to lead you is going to serve you better, and then you'll have someone you can ask stupid questions."
"Yes," Jaster muttered to his cereal, "you are definitely Jango's child."
You can read it on Archive of Our Own, Dreamwidth, or the current bane of my existance LiveJournal.
Reminder to reblog chapter update posts! I know they're not as eye-catching as art posts, but we authors need exposure, too!
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batshieroglyphics · 3 years
Fic: Haat’Mand’alor be Yaim’ol ~ Star Wars ~ Obi-Wan/Jaster ~ Mature ~ Chap 6/10
Title: Haat'Mand'alor be Yaim'ol Fandom: Star Wars Author: Batsutousai Rating: Mature Pairing: Obi-Wan Kenobi/Jaster Mereel Warnings: Time travel, canon-typical violence, fix-it (apparently), not everyone dies/some live, the Kaminoans are the worst, Jaster is the Mand'alor we deserve, character death, the clones deserve better, Jaster has 3 million grandkids, mental manipulation, Mandalorian culture, Mandalorian morality, an excessive amount of murder (of Kaminoans), Jedi culture respected, Jango needs a hug, Rex needs a hug, Fox needs a hug, EVERYONE GETS A HUG (except the Kaminoans), asexual Jango, nonbinary clones, trans clones, polyamory mention, disabled characters, happy ending (eventually) Summary: Jaster Mereel doesn't die on Korda VI, but is instead thrust forward thirty years to Kamino.
Chapter Summary: The clones start learning some crafty hobbies, and a new jedi comes to Kamino.
"What is wrong with your padawan?" Jaster asked.
Obi-Wan sighed, while Seventeen muttered, "Could do with a punishment duel."
"You are not challenging my padawan to a punishment duel," Obi-Wan snapped. "You would break his spine on accident."
Seventeen sneered. "I would not. I know when to pull my punches."
Jango snorted, but refused to so much as look up from his food when everyone looked at him.
When it became clear that Jango was intent to outwait all of them, Jaster turned to Obi-Wan and raised an eyebrow.
Obi-Wan sighed again and rubbed at the inner corners of his eyes. "He disobeyed orders and endangered Senator Amidala, who was in his charge—and whom I suspect enabled his poor choices, Seventeen, so please do stop growling—"
Jaster covered a smile, and saw Fox duck their head in an attempt to hide their own amusement, as Seventeen had started audibly growling.
"–and apparently set himself to argue with the Council when they ordered him to join me, instead of returning to Coruscant with her."
You can read this chapter on Archive of Our Own, Dreamwidth, or LiveJournal.
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batshieroglyphics · 3 years
Sunday Six
Right, I’ve just (finally) finished the timetravelling Jaster fic that came up and bit me in the arse hard enough it distracted me from my JangObi soulmate AU. I’m intending to post the first chapter for Star Wars Day, but, while I’m thinking of it, let me schedule a Sunday Six, lol:
"Now the entire command class is spoilt," Seventeen grumbled once they were on their way to Jango's flat, Fox walking at Jaster's side with a bounce in their step and a rather satisfied smirk on their face.
"You're just jealous you didn't get a hug," Fox said, clearly delighted.
"I do not require hugs," Seventeen snarled, turning to shoot a truly impressive glare over their shoulder.
Fox shuffled sideways and half-hid behind Jaster.
"Seventeen can have a hug when they want one," Jaster said, grateful for the cover of his buy'ce, as it hid him rolling his eyes. He'd always heard that the best part of bu'ade, was that you could give them back to their buire when you'd hit the point where strangling them seemed like a good choice. Unfortunately, that was...less than true in his case.
Mando’a: buy’ce -- helmet bu’ade -- grandchildren buire -- parents
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batshieroglyphics · 3 years
FIC: Haat'Mand'alor be Yaim'ol ~ Star Wars ~ Obi-Wan/Jaster ~ Mature ~ Chapter 8/10
Title: Haat'Mand'alor be Yaim'ol Fandom: Star Wars Author: Batsutousai Rating: Mature Pairing: Obi-Wan Kenobi/Jaster Mereel Warnings: Time travel, canon-typical violence, fix-it (apparently), not everyone dies/some live, the Kaminoans are the worst, Jaster is the Mand'alor we deserve, character death, the clones deserve better, Jaster has 3 million grandkids, mental manipulation, Mandalorian culture, Mandalorian morality, an excessive amount of murder (of Kaminoans), Jedi culture respected, Jango needs a hug, Rex needs a hug, Fox needs a hug, EVERYONE GETS A HUG (except the Kaminoans), asexual Jango, nonbinary clones, trans clones, polyamory mention, disabled characters, happy ending (eventually) Summary: Jaster Mereel doesn't die on Korda VI, but is instead thrust forward thirty years to Kamino.
Chapter Summary: Palpafuckertine arrives.
Jaster was woken from a sound sleep, curled with Obi-Wan on the sofa, by his comm trilling. Obi-Wan jerked against him, and ended up being faster to hit the key to answer. There was no video, only audio of someone hissing curses while someone else snarled, "Stay with me, dammit!"
"Ba'buir?" asked a voice that cracked in the middle, like the clones who weren't yet of combat age, but who were old enough to mostly fit into armour.
"Yes, ad'ika?" Jaster replied, keeping his voice calm.
"He's here," they said, followed by a sob.
Read over on Archive of Our Own.
You know the drill. Reblog the post, be kind to your fandom authors. Lest they stop posting.
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