#paleolithic dog
ink-the-artist · 2 years
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Paleolithic humans
Been meaning to make art of early humans for a while and these in particular were greatly inspired by this article:
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palaeosinensis · 3 months
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Little of the love humans have for their dogs has changed in 30,000 years; one skull was found buried in the Czech Republic with a mammoth bone in its mouth. Placed there by human hands and buried with intention for a lost companion. The dog card for my ancient oracle deck. Needs a smidge more work. Inspired in no small part by this post: https://tmblr.co/ZkEfdxf0XoZAGm00
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victusinveritas · 7 days
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canisalbus · 10 months
I went to take a nap and I had a dream about some sort of Paleolithic universe where Vasco was a hunter and Machete was some sort of spiritual guide or chaman? They had this ceremony, Machete absolutely tripped balls after drinking some sort of decoction...... I'm not sure of what he saw but he looked really scared. Or maybe that was just his usual face
In the dream they looked like how you draw them, but I imagine that if this was an actual AU, their features would be far less pronounced and they'd be a bit more wolf-like? Since they'd still have the need for summer and winter coats, very big ears would freeze, super floppy ears could prove to be cumbersome by getting in the way and being prone to getting snagged by the environment, other animals or even their own species (I'm a biology nerd)
I don't remember much of their outfits except for Machete having red ochre accents, and having the sole of his foot painted with it for some reason? Earliest Louboutins. Slay.
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Iron Age Dog Pit Burial, Kingshill North, Corinium Museum, Cirencester
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visions-of-our-past · 2 months
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Dan Burr
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elbiotipo · 5 months
Been binging human evolution and archeology videos (go and check out Stefan Milo's and Gutsick Gibbon's channels) and one thing that struck me is this dog buried with a mammoth bone on its mouth in Czechia about 32.000 years ago:
Its brain was also ritually removed which indicates the people back then had very complex rituals around dogs. It also was old (4-8 years old) and with lots of broken teeth, so it likely wasn't done just as an animal sacrifice, this was a hunting dog, a hard worker who probably was a beloved companion to them.
It's just so human. Here, this friend helped us hunt mammoths, he was great at it. He should have a bone, for the last time, and might he get more wherever he goes.
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jellybeanium124 · 2 months
so hey can we talk about how five perfectly time traveled exactly one time because the plot demanded it and never again?
well what if they're in the shambles of the mansion, and five's telling them this is the only way, but remembers he can MAAAAGICALLLYYYYY time travel now. he goes back to the night at the bar and either convinces ben not to spike their drinks and give the marigold to him, or he takes it by force. this five, obviously, has to kill himself so there aren't two copies of him running around. he goes back to the paleolithic era or smth, buries the marigold, and waits to die.
meanwhile, the never-powered-up siblings get to keep living their lives and everything works out.
the biggest and most obvious con of this ending is that it turns the season into a massive shaggy dog story that had no point. I think if we actually got this we'd still be pretty angry that most of the season never happened, but at least we could write post-canon fic that wouldn't be canon-divergent
they aren't dead in the end
five gets to redeem himself for his actions via a big heroic sacrifice, literally sacrificing everything for his family, because his family should be the most important thing to him
the events of season 4 will have aborted themselves, so no five/lila
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blackbackedjackal · 1 year
Every time I walk in the field with Lobo I’m playing hunter-gatherer and paleolithic dog.
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The 'stone age' covers a vast span of time and can be loosely divided up into three general ages: The Paleolithic (the old stone age), the Mesolithic (the middle stone age), and the Neolithic (the new stone age).
The Paleolithic can be further divided into three general ages: The lower, middle, and upper Paleolithic. These cover from 3.3 million to 12,000 years ago, which also cover hominoid development from Homo habilis to Homo sapiens.
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Old Stone Age Chronology
01: Lower Paleolithic (3.3 million to 300,000 years ago) Pre-modern humanoids gathered into bands of hunter/gatherer societies that used knapped stone tools as well as wood and bone tools. Artistic expression begins with beads and ‘Venus’ figures. Early evidence of cooking. Evidence of rafts to cross bodies of water.
02: Middle Paleolithic (300,00 to 50,000 years ago) More control over stone tools using prepared cores, which allowed the development of weapons like spears and bows, allowing larger animals to be hunted and larger groups to be supported. Possible flute-like instruments made of bones. Clothing began being used.
03: Upper Paleolithic (50,000 to 12,000 years ago) Development of nets, bolas, spear throwers, as well as the development of pottery. Evidence of navigation as far as 60 km off-shore. Dogs domesticated to aid with hunting (perhaps as early as middle paleolithic). Earliest evidence of lunar calendars. Cave art painted.
04: Human development in this period During this time, the genus Homo developed from Homo habilis through Homo erectus, Homo neanderthalensis, and finally to Homo sapiens, which evolved approximately 300,000 years ago, though behaviorally modern humans evolved approximately 50,000 years ago.
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Remains of one of the oldest domestic dogs in Europe found in Zestoa
In 1985, during an excavation led by Jesus Altuna in the cave of Erralla (Zestoa, Gipuzkoa), an almost intact humerus was found. It belonged to a canid - the carnivorous family that includes wolves, dogs, foxes and coyotes among others - but at the time there was no means of identifying the exact canid species.
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Now, the Human Evolutionary Biology team of the UPV/EHU led by Professor Conchi de la Rúa, has thoroughly analyzed the remains of the bone, and the morphological, radiometric and genetic analysis have confirmed the genetic identification of the species: Canis lupus familiaris (house dog). According to direct carbon 14 dating, the humerus is 17,410–17,096 years old.
The dog of Erralla lived in the Madeleine period of the Upper Paleolithic and, accordingly, it can be said that it is one of the oldest domestic dogs in Europe. The mitochondrial origin of the dog of Erralla and the rare dogs of the same period that have been studied so far are the same. "Given these results, it is likely that the domestication of the wolf occurred earlier than previously thought, at least in Western Europe, where the interaction of Paleolithic hunter-gatherers with wild species - such as wolves - could have become easier in areas that were protected from freezing weather during the climatic crisis [of the Last Glacial Maximum], ie. the Bay of Biscay", explained de la Rúa.
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rocatex · 4 months
showing "top dog" fireworks to a caveman but hes not impressed. he takes my hand and pulls me through my time machine back to the year 208450 BC. the night sky is filled with heavenly fireworks. every colorful detail of the milky way spills across the horizon. from a nearby cave with a well worn path, an infant cries for the first time. the caveman grunts knowingly, and pushes me back through the machine into my florescent workshop. the paleolithic sky closes as the machine turns off.
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creature-wizard · 2 years
Great Goddess hypothesis in New Age conspiracism
Today, I found a New Age conspiracy theorist incorporating the Great Goddess hypothesis into their antisemitic pseudohistory.
For anyone who doesn't know, the Great Goddess hypothesis was a 19th century notion that paleolithic people all worshiped an earth goddess. This notion has influenced the modern witchcraft movement, rather notably Dianic Wicca, which is rather infamous for transphobia. (You can search this one up; info isn't hard to find.)
One wee little problem with this hypothesis: There is literally no evidence whatsoever to substantiate it. None. Nada. Zilch.
Thus, anyone who has wanted to defend this hypothesis has had to appeal to conspiracy theories, many of which involve the idea that everybody worshiped this great mother earth goddess until patriarchy took over with its single masculine god. Again, there is no evidence for this.
Since all conspiracy theories turn into antisemitism sooner or later (if they weren't just antisemitism to begin with), Jews are often singled out for the blame of patriarchy as we know it. (Never mind that the ancient polytheistic Greeks were patriarchal and misogynist.)
So what's this conspiracy theorist claiming? Let's look some of it over.
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For those of you who don't know New Age mythology and dog whistles, "Orion-Babylonian" refers to Jews here. Trapping people in debt and brainwashing them through media are typical antisemitic accusations, and these people have cooked up an entire mythology in which Jewish people are possessed by evil space aliens from Orion, who created Judaism back in ancient Babylon.
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So for anyone who doesn't recognize it, we're dealing with a gnostic mythology here - the "Archons" are evil beings supposedly keeping us trapped in our present unhappy existence.
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The above is literally just the Great Goddess hypothesis.
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The idea that Christian gnostics and "nature worshiping" pagans were in any kind of spiritual alignment is incredibly absurd - ancient gnostics believed that the material world was inherently flawed (if not inherently evil) because it was created by the inherently flawed Demiurge. It's hard to imagine any ancient gnostics feeling positively about worshiping what they believe to be the inherently flawed creation of an evil god.
Understand that the word "Cabal" (derived from Qaballah) is a dog whistle for Jews when you read this:
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So... yeah, this person is basically saying that Jewish people will be facing mass arrests soon. Absolute yikes.
I want to emphasize that people like these are not outliers in the New Age movement. They are the New Age movement. This is not a recent perversion of New Age belief, this is just New Age belief. While it's true that not every person who's into New Age beliefs is equally aware of who's being targeted, they're still subscribing to a belief system that ultimately targets Jews and empowers all fascists.
And again - all conspiracy theories are rooted in antisemitism, or will turn into antisemitism, and this includes conspiracy theories about great goddesses, underground witch cults, and all of that. This is why modern pagans and witches must keep themselves informed and work to avoid spreading pseudohistory and conspiracy theories.
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jjsstars · 1 year
15 questions, 15 mutuals
tagged by @moths-in-hats thank you lovely <3
1. Are you named after anyone? yes
2. When was the last time you cried? last night :/
3. Do you have kids? nope and don’t plan on it
4. What sports do you play/have played? I don’t play anything currently but I did dance, horseback riding, archery, gymnastics and I used to run but that was just in my own time
5. Do you use sarcasm? all the time
6. What's the first thing you notice about people? their eyes
7. What’s your eye color? brown
8. Scary movies or happy endings? happy endings
9. Any talents? I can kinda draw? and I did chorus for years so I can sort of sing
10. Where were you born? US
11. What are your hobbies? writing, reading, drawing
12. Do you have any pets? yes, I have 3 dogs. 2 bernese mountain dogs & a french bulldog
13. How tall are you? 5’5 — wish I was taller (; _ ;)
14. Favorite subject in shool? english
15. Dream job? this is really stupid but a model. I just think modeling for clothing brands or doing something like a perfume shoot would be so so fun and I think I’d die if I ever saw myself in a magazine
tagging : @paleolithic-dogman , @pansexual-puppy-pack , @theostarion , @thiamsxbitch (no pressure!)
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visions-of-our-past · 3 months
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Posters for Alpha (2018)
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wygbyrm · 3 months
i love going on runs with my dogs it makes me imagine that i am a Paleolithic hunter and they are my wolf friends and we are chasing down a wooly mammoth together…..
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