vansfriend · 2 years
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justvoidsdumbstuff1 · 23 days
Please make a banana pie png art
I was just about to dude, I was just about to draw that
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ophidioph0bia · 1 year
been seeing a lot of polls about monster body parts. the real question is. WHICH SPIDER/ARACHNID PART DO YOU WANT TO HAVE!!!!!!!!
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extrajigs · 11 months
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Whorls Reproduction Explanation Post! And most kinds of pentapods, think of it as like a base line. Nothing graphic below the cut, unless organ diagrams are graphic!
The first thing to note is the SETTUP!
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You can kind of cut up the area of the body housing the reproductive system into three parts. The first is the spine/core of the pentapod which both cradles the vital organs, anchors the limbs, and allows for the anchoring of the reproductive organs as well! Anchored to the core is the musculature involved with the usage of the spearing portion of their anatomy. And then the vast majority of the actual organs are surrounded by a thick coat of fat and connective tissue, mostly to stop spearing damage to internal structures. But this is also where excess fat will be stored, there and around the neck but that's a whole other post. Lets get more in detail about the exact organs going on!
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The Spear - This is the part dedicated to stabbing into their partner for insemination. It's made of the same material as their shells but may also be reinforced with copper during their younger years.
Palpal Bulb/Prostate/Fluid Sack?- Not sure for the name on this one yet but it functions as where the fluid housing sperm is made, but with a bonus. This also is a cocktail of various hormones to induce ovulation of their partner as well as reduce the immune response.
Vas Deferens- The tubes to move the sperm up from the testes, they're just placed on the outside rather than in. Slight design flaw there.
Testes- You know what these are.
Ovaries- These too.
Spermatheca- These are where sperm is stored after it is pulled from the blood stream, all the bloodflow from the fat runs through here. It is also where eggs will be released into to allow fertilization, most Whorls will have their children in sets of 8ish because of the settup there.
Tough Fat- The fat here protects the gonads, so it is a lot firmer than in other places. Honestly it's mostly sinew. With the texture of like.. those big novelty pencil erasers.
Soft Fat- The name is a little misleading because this fat still has the consistency of rubber! It is pierced easily but seals back up quickly, stopping much bloodloss.
The Womb- Whorls are ovoviviparous, so while the babies hatch from their eggs within the mother, there is no other nutrient exchange going on there. Once they hatch they are soon after birthed to begin their aquatic larval stage.
The Birth Canal- Where babies come out! And exit only! Whorls have a one direction reproductive tract.
Now the optimum stabbing strats.
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Not all stab wounds are created equal in the world of Hypodermic Insemination, a Whorls anatomy is built to favor some spots over others when it comes to mating. The most 'fertile' places to stab into are going to be the fat surrounding the baby making bits. Here the sperm is most easily acquired from the bloodstream. Nearby is the next best place as the blood can still carry it over. Pink areas may work rarely but the immune system is generally too fast in getting at the foreign material for it to get where it needs to go intact. Trying to stab the shell will result in just a awkward situation.
That's the main physical side of things! Other important things to note is that while Whorls can take on either role once they reach sexual maturity, they generally don't start being impregnated until later on in life. There are societal implications surrounding the stabber and stabbee, but typically the older or more dominate partner is expected to take on the duty of pregnancy.
Also important to note is that gender for Whorls is more closely akin to marital/familial status. Children/teens are not divided up at all, but once hitting adulthood Whorls will progress through several different genders and their roles within their lifetime. This is the way rough of the idea.
None- Prepubescent individuals still with their birth family.
Preened- Those who physically can breed but socially don't, and have also left their birth family.
Courting- Looking for a marriage/family to either start or join. 
Tender- Has married into a family and is helping to raise children. But does not actively help make the children. 
Piercer- Those who actively impregnate.
Vessel- The one who becomes preggo.
Dull- No longer breeding but have in the past.
But this is just the rough idea and not everyone follows the same path in life! Some may never be pregnant themselves, but father children or vice versa. Some may never breed at all to focus on their spouses other children. Some live solo lives! Varied experiences out here. That's all I gotta say about that for now though.
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nonono-zzz · 24 days
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寝起きカズサ pic.twitter.com/ZGhr1WASSJ
— palpal (@PAL429915732543) September 2, 2024
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atomic-rattz · 3 months
What’s a hotwheels sisyphpus spider
okay so like. Its literally so funny bcs they’re named that bcs of their genetalia. (warning i guess for like reproductive process/talk of genetalia of spiders)
The male have a palpal bulbs which is basically what transports sperm, not necessarily a penis. For the male of this species, it looks in a way that looks like a hotwheels track.
For the female they have two repoductive ducts if male spiders transport the sperm during mating. The reason for two is for if the spider finds a better male spider than the first one they mated with, and what the female can do is either store all of the sperm or can “spit out” the first spiders sperm.
The male found a counter way to do stop this and evolved a longer genitalia to go straight to fertilizing eggs. The female then evolves a longer and curved reproductive duct to stop it from getting to the eggs. They basically did this and evolved over time where this species has a reproductive duct in some spiral shape? That’s why it’s sisyphus because the male can never reach the eggs.
thats literally so funny anyways heres the video i found it from/for more detail:
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leggerefiore · 4 months
Do you think Lenie is terrified of eyebrow'ed Cyrus. (So am I)
I'm imagining a scenario Lenie is in alternate universe and goes up to that Cyrus and immediately is like "nope nope no, uh uh. NOPE" you'renotmydad!! and books it.
Erin also seeing eyebrowed Ingo and breaking out into full on sobs because that is just not correct... Not his dad... inconsolable boy...
Lenie probably would be unsettled and confused. She has trained herself not to really express too much, but she would be aware of something being wrong...
Cyllene rushed through the small crowd of grunts in the Galactic Headquarters. She felt impossibly small as she tried to make it to the front. Her father was up there, giving some kind of speech. The words were barely in her mind – All she wanted was to see him. Everything had been so confusing when Palkia accidentally tore open a portal, and she fell through. Her name had been yelled, yet she was too far out of grasp to be caught. What lick it had been to end up in Veilstone. The city was comfortable and familiar to her, after all. Perhaps she had just been moved in location.
Still, she moved through the crowd. Grunts instantly letting her pass upon getting a glance at her, tensing up that they had even blocked her in the first place. There was no animosity from her. She just wanted to see her father and discuss what happened. She broke through finally, gazing up at the raised area curiously. There stood her father, yet something was off.
His eyes went wide when they landed on her, but it was what was above his eyes that gave her pause. No. No, no, no – No! Her father did not have those! Something was horribly wrong. Panic swelled inside her mind as she realised that this must be an alternate universe after all. Cyrus, her father, did not have eyebrows! Neither did she! It was some odd genetic thing in their family. The speech came to a pause as Cyrus turned to some off to his side and mumbled something. She did not stay – opting to run away in panic.
Eventually, when she made it outside, a loud cry rang out, and two light purple arms picked her up. The pokemon took to the sky, flying towards a portal. She relaxed. “Palpal… Thank you…”
Soon, she would be back home from this nightmare.
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pileofpawns · 6 months
Saw this post in a dream:
🐛 scrinkle-dinkle Follow
We should call our tumblr friends palpals :)
🐜 scronkle-donkle Follow
no fuck you I’m not calling my friends something that sounds like paypal
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artastic-friend · 1 year
Not necessarily art this time, but just some cool spiders I found recently!
Firstly, meet Petunia(that’s what I named her):
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She is a juvenile Latrodectus hesperus! Aka a Western Black Widow spider
She is extremely sweet and polite as well.
She doesn’t look like what people picture when they think of a black widow since they actually have coloration and patterning closer to a male when they are young until they become fully grown!
And yes, I was handling her, probably not the best idea in hindsight but granted she was extremely sweet, docile, and polite to me. However I do NOT recommend handling a black widow yourself as it can be extremely dangerous. Make sure you are at least wearing thick gloves or using something that is not your hands.
Petunia was quite small though so the likelihood of her biting was much lower (but still not Zero, please be responsible)
Next!! We have this fella!!:
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An absolute cutie pie!!
This spider I found crawling along the sidewalk where I nearly could have stepped on it!! :0
I believe this is a Castianeira longipalpa, aka a Long-palped Ant-mimic Sac Spider!
I am Not 100% on the sex of this one but I think it might potentially be a female since the pedipalps do not appear to have palpal bulbs.. However I am not certain.
Again- there is just a lot of uncertainty for me with this species. I may put it up on iNaturalist to see if anyone else knows though.
Anyway!!! I have never made a post like this so hopefully people are just as interested in this stuff as I am! (Though I doubt it will get as much attention as my art haha)
Feel free to correct me or suggest a species in the comments if you research any of these spiders and know that I was wrong with my classification haha!
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wouriqueen · 1 year
Rec list - Louis x Armand
For @iwtvfanevents A meal to remember. Several excellent Loumand rec lists already circulate so I'll just highlight my all-time favourite one + a few I think I haven't really seen listed yet.
i am in love with him (I gut him as I say it) | vampdf. My fave. A fic that looks at Loumand through scenes in Dubai but also in Paris and in between: how their relationship has changed, the love that was and is, their issues and fucked-up dynamic. Amazing, and sexy, and Armand especially is fascinating. Bonus: a vivid and heartbreaking Claudia POV chapter.
optometry | weathermood. Armand, eyes, the concept of watching + preparing Daniel's arrival featuring the actual Rashid. It's funny and Loumand being weirdos is always appreciated.
raw wound as a destination | the_lame_goat. The Loumand Dubai household is trapped in a cycle. Beautiful, lots of love, tragic.
blind leading the blind | palpalou. On remembering, and what you lose or gain from it. Armand has lost crucial memories of his human life, and Louis is chasing after his. Romantic ans sad and beautiful.
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cinematicnomad · 2 years
the terror fitzier fic recs below the cut for @skylessnights
this far from heaven by 5runner5 (1/1 | 10k+ | Ex) fitzier; slow burn; missing scenes; masturbation; hurt/comfort; getting together
this man—this irritable drunk who apparently saw nothing of worth whatsoever in james—was a sad, far cry from the man he had imagined, when he’d first thrilled at reading the name crozier in dispatches.
forged in the ice by captaincrozier (28/28 | 97k+ | M) fitzier; canon divergence; fix-it (of sorts); secret relationship; canon typical violence
something was forged in that arctic ice, something crozier will carry with him always, something that gave him hope, and the strength to get home. it was love... but the moment of its existence was cruelly brief.... and what is he without it now? haunted by and faithful to its memory, he tries to carry on, but how does one continue when faced with its ghost, every day?
mirror, mirror by palpalou (2/2 | 26k+ | Ex) fitzier; canon divergence; sick fic; misunderstandings; getting together
in which francis flatters james back to health, without noticing how hard he's flirting, actually. [for the terror own language fest, english in chapter II]
sunset and evening star, and one clear call for me. by gwerfel, kt_fairy (19/19 | 85k+ | M) fitzier; past francis/sir james; canon divergence; post-canon fix it; slow burn
they came upon a furrow in the landscape, too shallow to be called anything but a scrape, and all stopped in their tracks. there were indeed men. a crowd of them, walking and talking or sprawled upon the ground, not raving or twitching or gurgling foul smelling blood. they were in appalling condition though, ross could tell even from this distance, but they were still men. a figure stepped towards ross' party, and he would recognize that damned hat and the way hands were tucked up high into greatcoat pockets anywhere. he scrambled with the harness, throwing it off and taking off in a stumbling, inelegant dash across the shingle. "ross!" he heard francis gasp just before he collided with him, holding his dear friend in an embrace that nearly sent them both crashing to the ground. OR ross arrives in time, wounds are still open, and the risky business of having survived is navigated. the arctic does not let you out of its grasp with a wave and a goodbye.
untitled (perfect lovers), 2019, mixed media, london by caravaggiosbrushes (8/8 | 70k+ | Ex) fitzier; au–modern setting; au–artists; enemies to lovers; self-inflicted wounds 
sometimes there is nothing pretty in art. when francis crozier, a conceptual artist with a long and successful career, is invited to the franklin art gallery to put up a solo exhibition of his artworks, the last thing he expects is to find james fitzjames, performer artist and Instagram phenomenon, there, ready to work with him.
penumbra by crafterofwords (23/23 | 84k+ | Ex) fitzier; francis/sophia; canon divergence; period typical homophobia; angst with a happy ending
captain francis rawdon moira crozier and commander james fitzjames, of the royal navy, have survived their harrowing experience in the frozen wasteland of the arctic circle. a safe return to london has been these men's only desire through the very long nights in the arctic, so it is with confusion and discouragement that they find their homecoming has left them wanting. haunted by the memories and knowledge of horrors beyond the scope of what most men can bear, will they be able to find happiness, despite being given all they thought they'd ever wanted?
till human voices wake us by ktula (1/1 | 14k+ | Ex) fitzier; canon divergence; flatmates; repression; trauma recovery; tenderness
“thank you for last night,” james says, because it’s easier to say that than it is to say what he’s actually thinking. “i wasn’t…you’re welcome,” francis says, his gaze going to the sideboard a moment before re-focusing on james. “did it help?” “yes,” james lies. the second batch of nightmares, after all, hadn’t been francis’ fault any more than the first ones had been.
when all the world shall melt by neverfaraway (8/8 | 49k+ | Ex) fitzier; canon divergence; somebody lives/not everyone dies; fix-it; pining 
i’ll not have a picture, he thinks, gazing grimly at james’ drawn, damaged face. i’ll not have a miniature to tuck inside my breast pocket, or a sketch made on a winter’s evening by the fireside. it will be my own burden to remember him, until such a time as this cursed land takes me, too. twenty five men return to england. for francis, this means making a poor job of keeping james from scuttling his career, and working out what a sea captain might do with himself in the absence of a ship.
de remedio amoris by crownlessliestheking (1/1 | 14k+ | Ex) fitzier; past/background francis/sir james; canon divergence; introspection; pining
francis has always been a grasping thing. covetous to the last, drenched in vice, and gripping tight to whoever—whatever—is closest, be it james ross or sophia or the the neck of a bottle. or all three. now, there is james fitzjames.
a moon-blanched land by wildcard_47 (10/10 | 44k+ | Ex) fitzier; canon divergence; sharing a bed; hurt/comfort; retirement; pining
almost a year after their return to england, francis crozier is tired of london society and tired of fighting an inexplicable restlessness. when given the chance to move to a seaside cottage with his former second, james fitzjames, how can he refuse?
so much spring by icicaille (1/1 | 17k+ | Ex) fitzier; canon divergence; emotional hurt/comfort; angst with a happy ending; pining 
in the half-year since their return, francis had become aloof, impassive, withdrawn. there was no logic to this strange metamorphosis. at greenhithe, francis had promised to look after him. had told james: come find me. yet francis had never been further out of reach. on a cold spring day in 1849, francis drops everything and flees london for his sister's farm in ireland. james, hurt and hungry for answers, gives chase.
what ice does by what_alchemy (4/4 | 44k+ | Ex) fitzier; canon divergence; internalized homophobia; sharing a room; slow burn
captain parry’s third arctic expedition takes a year longer to prepare than planned. it leaves in 1825 with ship’s boy james fitzjames aboard HMS hecla. master's mate francis crozier takes him under his wing. this changes everything.
a pair of finches in a brass cage by fiendlikequeen (1/1 | 5k+ | M) fitzier; unrequited francis/sir james; canon divergence; POV sir james; accidental voyeurism
james clark ross brought francis crozier back from the arctic, but he finds francis a changed man—perhaps the most striking change being francis's constant companion, james fitzjames. james discovers, only partly by accident, the true nature of the relationship between francis and fitzjames.
i'll describe the way i feel, weeping wounds that never heal by velocity_owl87 (8/8 | 26k+ | T)  fitzier; canon divergence; hurt/comfort; career ending injuries; recovery; introspection
by sheer blind luck ross manages to find the remaining members of the franklin expedition, many of whom are at death's door. one of these being commander fitzjames and the main concern of crozier, whom ross judges far changed in ways he can't begin to understand. he offers his friend and fitzjames a place to recover while francis faces both external conflicts and comes to realisations about his life, his ambitions...And the person he wants to have with him for the rest of his life. all the while fitzjames struggles with coming to terms with lingering injuries, the ordeal of being known, and the possibility of finally getting his heart's desire.
trafalgar, happier by fiendlikequeen (1/1 | 17k+ | Ex) fitzier; francis/sir james; canon divergence; jealousy; accidental voyeurism; angst with a happy ending
james fitzjames has decided that he is perfectly ambivalent about death— provided he may die with francis crozier by his side. but when james clark ross arrives with both a rescue party and competing affections for francis, things change.
the devils before us by masterofallimagination (6/6 | 42k+ | T)  fitzier; canon divergence; somebody lives/not everyone dies; slow burn; pining
after five years in the arctic, francis and james return to england and begin the long journey home.
starcross by reinetta (1/1 | 17k+ | Ex)  fitzier; au–historical; au–regency; misunderstandings; enemies to friends to lovers
“there is barely a ribbon or a feather or a scrap of silk left this side of exeter.” “no woman under thirty is left unmoved,” tom said, grinning around the stem of his pipe. “even our essie is taken up with the idea!” esther’s dark eyes were dancing in the firelight. “though she is far too young to think of marrying at present—least of all to mr. james fitzjames.”
sleeping felt like lies by the_ocean_weekender (2/2 | 41k+ | T) fitzier; canon divergence; flatmates; depression; angst with a happy ending
escaping the ice is more down to sheer dumb luck than any happenstance of sight, divine intervention, or the not-insignificant amount of skill their crews bring to the occasion, but they all get out alive (bar unfortunate souls sir john and cornelius hickey, whose deaths are viewed by many as, contrarily, rather fortunate.) now, in london, pressed by commander fitzjames to saving their navy half-pay by sharing rooms together, crozier is struggling to return to normality. it would help, he admits begrudgingly, if he could tell the difference between dreams blessed/cursed by the sight and just good old trauma-induced nightmares. and if he hadn’t started to develop feelings for the man who, even ridden with scurvy, still deserved the title ‘handsomest man in the royal navy’.
never seek him, defiantly, at night by veganthranduil (1/1 | 17k+ | M) fitzier; canon divergence; slow burn; bunkmates; recovery; pining; alcoholism 
“the loss of a ship is a small price to pay for the completion of the passage, wouldn’t you say?” james said, employing his best smile. make it look easy, make it look painless, and people would gladly follow you—he’d learnt that early on. “well i’d not thought to see it,” said sir john, looking between the two of them. “if both of you are of one mind, there must be some truth to it. very well.” he clapped his hands together. “francis, james, the two of you can figure out the logistics. i’ll inform the men after david young’s funeral service. begin preparations immediately.”
to be made whole again by 5runner5 (10/10 | 29k+ | Ex) fitzier; canon divergence; eating disorder; survivor guilt; recovery; nightmares
james bit into a laden slice of toast with the undamaged side of his mouth. “i thought we agreed that thinking was very dangerous,” he said, and though his voice was light francis could feel a weight behind it. it was a weight made up of sleepless nights and crying jags; of francis punching a solid wall and of james shouting himself hoarse; of the unbearable social calls and wrenching letters and pitying looks which they could not avoid. they carried a great many heavy things with them, now. london, 1848: francis and james try to put themselves back together.
each mortal thing by jouissant (6/6 | 26k+ | M) fitzier; canon divergence; friends to lovers; gender identity; the dress
truth is a concept with which james fitzjames has been variously acquainted.
pressure ridge by alitneroon (8/8 | 18k+ | Ex) fitzier; canon divergence; missing scenes; POV alternating; happy ending 
here, so far away from the world, it felt as though consequences didn’t exist. he’d already been through so much with the men, he almost imagined that they could know about this too and understand, that it wouldn’t matter. despite everything, the bleakness of the landscape and the food that was slowly killing them, francis managed to find a moment or two of happiness when he was with james.
SWIPE RIGHT (or: THE TINDER AU) by caravaggiosbrushes (2/2 | 29k+ | Ex) fitzier; au–modern setting; POV francis; falling in love; author james; fluff
francis is 51, single, almost two years sober. he has a nice job, a dog, and a tinder profile he doesn’t use that much. one night, he decides to give the app another try. the rest is, as they say, history.
between the pain and the treasure by mysleepyrambles (2/2 | 22k+ | M) fitzier; canon divergence; hopeful ending; slow burn; mutual pining; fix-it
with sir john wilfully blind to the danger they are in, francis takes matters into his own hands.
death is a sailing ship by maleann (7/7 | 27k+ | M) fitzier; canon compliant; canon-typical violence; afterlife; POV james; body horror
james had died knowing that his heart, the core of his very being that no biographer would ever know, would carry on in francis crozier. would be protected, cherished even, because francis deemed him worthy of such care. oh, how he had loved francis then. he had been at peace with this being his last living thought. it’s his only thought now. in this undead life, his love has nowhere to go. james fitzjames wakes up in the afterlife. it looks strangely similar to his cabin on erebus.
one fast move or i’m gone by cosmogram (3/3 | 25k+ | Ex) fitzier; unrequited james/dundy; POV dundy; au–modern setting; au–academia
in a lifetime of unsubtleties, the affair with crozier is james’s worst. crozier’s hand resting on james’s lower back, there for all to see. crozier’s fingers nudging gently at james’s shirtcuffs when they stood around at receptions; crozier’s pale eyes going soft and foolish when james entered the room. sometimes simply crozier’s nod, sharp and proprietary, as though to say get upstairs, get in my office, close the door—as if the rest of them were not right there. or, the one where james and dundy are bright young things (baby post-docs) in english literature, and there’s a cranky new professor in town...
let the river rush in, not wash away by kt_fairy (4/4 | 27k+ | Ex) fitzier; canon divergence; established relationship; crossdressing; internalized homophobia
“it’s not something you wish known when you look like i do, i have learnt. ‘handsomest man in the royal navy’ feeling…” he shot a look at francis before bowing his face towards his teacup. “i had enough on the line, with my parentage, without everyone guessing how...how fine i felt in that dress. how soft and light and bright i felt, playing the very opposite of all i try to be.” or most people come home, boundaries are set, james (eventually) gets a dress.
let us live now / only this by furiously, ilcardinalecheballa (5/5 | 25k+ | T)  fitzier; canon divergence; slow burn; mutual pining; flatmates; friends to lovers
“i've put in for another commission.” james' voice was perfectly ordinary: so much so, in fact, that francis was sure, for the space of two blissful seconds, that he must have misheard. francis crozier and james fitzjames are alive. they are home. so are most of their men. but coming home—coming home together—is a more complicated proposition than it had at first glance appeared. then james' career comes to call.
'tis past, and so am i by glassessay (1/1 | 26k+ | T) fitzier; time travel fix-it; everyone lives/nobody dies (eventually); POV james
james fitzjames dies as francis cries above him, bleeding out of too-old wounds and thinking if only we had known. he opens his eyes in his cabin.
seen by ktula (9/9 | 97k+ | Ex) fitzier; au–modern setting; BDSM; slow burn; author francis; explicit sexual content
against his better judgement, francis crozier goes to a kink convention in canada to promote his new book. it's the dead of winter, and he has a vague suspicion he should have stayed home. then he meets james fitzjames, and confirms his suspicion is correct.
paper boats by Kt_fairy (4/4 | 25k+ | M) fitzier; pre-canon; canon divergence; gender identity; period typical attitudes; the dress
james did not feel quite like himself, dressed up like a sailor. and, strangely, feeling unlike himself was rather satisfying. he supposed it was all the change going on. in a few days he would step onto the pyramus and begin his life at sea, in the hope it was vast and varied enough that it contained a place where someone like him might be able to be honest about themselves, and still live a good life. or james fitzjames goes to sea, finds a place for himself, then finds a way to be himself.
rotten work by for_autumn_i_am (1/1 | 26k+ | Ex) fitzier; au–modern setting; coworkers; pining; misunderstandings; enemies to friends to lovers
james fitzjames, COO of erebus voyages, has a tragic crush on his straight colleague, francis crozier. (well. he thinks francis is straight.) there’s no way his tender feelings will ever be returned, is there?
don’t you (forget about me) by soft_october (1/1 | 6k+ | G) fitzier; canon divergence; POV sir james; outsider POV; misunderstandings; secret relationship
all oddities were temporary anyway! they were going home, francis would be well again, the enterprise would soon return to england, and there would be a farce of a court martial before a knighthood for francis and an easy retirement. and as for fitzjames…well, fitzjames would be reassigned, of course, continue his meteoric rise within the ranks of the navy. he would send a suitable number of letters to francis from somewhere exotic and warm before the draw of newer company turned his thoughts away from the arctic, and those who came with it. after rescuing the remnants of the franklin expedition from the ice, ross would prefer everything go back to normal. it doesn't.
some unknown tropical bird by hauntinghouses (1/1 | 4k+ | T) fitzier; canon divergence; ghosts; supernatural elements; fix-it; angst w/ a happy ending
even after returning to england, francis crozier is haunted by the past.
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soobrownie · 2 years
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a man beautiful enough to give you heart palpalations
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sehersu · 24 days
Krauser and Sehersu - Resident Evil 4 Fanfiction.
*This is my first fanfiction. Let me know if you want more! This story is a self-insert (selfship) story of me x Jack Krauser. Yes, I'm cringe but I'm free.*
It was a long day after college, Sehersu had returned home. She was living in a big mansion, her parents were wealthy. Though, she was always bored. She was an only child, she didn't had any siblings to spend time with. She was also a lonely person - but it's because she liked being alone. She never trusted other people. Sehersu usually spent her time in her room all alone, on her phone or reading a book. She just turned twenty on January 17th. Her parents haven't give her birthday gift yet, though. She didn't mind. She didn't need anything.
It was six pm, Sehersu went to her bedroom, changed into her comfy clothes and laid down on her bed. She picked up her phone and started scrolling through social media.
A few minutes later, her door knocked. Sehersu straightened up in her bed and said, "Come in," while looking at the door. The door opened and her father came inside. He was usually stoic all the time, but now, he had a smile on his face which Sehersu found weird.
"Is something wrong?" she asked as she raised one of her eyebrows. Her father shook his hand as he chuckled.
"No, sweetie. I have your birthday gift." he said. Sehersu's eyes lightened up. True, she wasn't expecting a gift but she still loved receiving gifts. She stood up from her bed.
"Really? What is it?" she asked as she glanced at her father's pockets, as if she was expecting her father to pull something out of his pocket. But her dad just smirked.
"Come on, follow me. Your gift is waiting for you in the living room." he said before turning around and leaving Sehersu's room. Sehersu followed him, feeling curious. "If my gift is in the living room, it must be something big," she thought to herself.
She froze as she saw a man standing in the living room.
The man looked like he was over 6'3, he had slick back blonde hair and icy blue eyes. He had a scar on his face. He was wearing a black shirt followed by dark green pants.
He looked down at Sehersu, his expression remaining stoic.
"Ah, so she's my client." he said, his voice deep and rough.
Sehersu got even more confused, she looked at her dad with confused eyes. Her dad chuckled.
"Let me introduce you to your new bodyguard, his name is Jack Krauser. Get on well with him, will you?" Sehersu's dad said.
"Another bodyguard?!" Sehersu asked. She had enough of bodyguards in her life. Her previous bodyguard had resigned due to Sehersu's unwillingness to listen.
"Eh, your mother and I were searching for a new bodyguard for awhile now. Krauser's a good soldier, he'll keep you safe." her dad said.
Sehersu was staring at Krauser, her expression slowly changing from disbelief to annoyance. She was 5'4, so she had to tilt her head up to look at Krauser's eyes, which made her feel humiliated.
Krauser didn't say anything. He kept looking down at her. The tension in the air was palpale.
Sehersu's dad looked at both of them and finally said, "Well, I'll go to sleep now. I have work tomorrow. I'll leave you guys alone so you can get to know each other." and went to his room, leaving Krauser and Sehersu alone in the living room.
Even though she was annoyed, she wasn’t a disrespectful person. She cleared her throat and looked up at Krauser, hey hazel eyes meeting his icy blue eyes.
“Nice to meet you…” she said, her tone respectful but cold.
Krauser nodded, and crossed his muscular arms on his chest.
“Nice to meet you, Sehersu. I hope you’re willing to listen to me. I’ve heard about your previous bodyguards. Just letting you know, I’m not like them. I won’t tolerate disobedience.” Krauser said, his tone professional but also having a hint of warning. Sehersu felt something weird on her stomach - was it fear?
“I… I see.” She said, unsure what else to say.
Krauser stared down at her eyes, his expression unchanging. After a while, he spoke up again, but this time his voice had a hint of teasing.
“You know, your father warned me about your feisty behavior. How odd, all I’m seeing is an obedient little girl. Do you have a feisty twin or something?” he said, a smirk on his face.
Sehersu blushed in embarrassment. “N-no!” she said. “I’m not feisty. I just…” she trailed off, not knowing how to defend herself. She looked away.
Krauser chuckled, his voice deep. He took a step closer to Sehersu, completely towering her frame with his muscular frame.
“In that case, I have rules,” he said. Sehersu looked up at her, feeling curious.
“Rules?” she asked. Krauser nodded, his expression becoming firm once again.
“Yes. Rules. As your bodyguard and protector, I’m expecting you to follow my orders without hesitation or questions. Now, as for the rules, first things first, you’re going to let me know where you’re going, who you’re going with at all times. I’m going to be accompanying you every single time. You don’t get to talk until I’m finished,” he added the last sentence when Sehersu opened her mouth to protest. She felt annoyed but she couldn’t disobey Krauser. Maybe it was his scar that scared her. Krauser, seeing her remaining silence, continued.
“I’m going to be with you all the time, including when you’re inside the house as well. You’d be surprised to hear how many stories of clients running away from their bodyguards though a window I heard.
Secondly, no house parties. No sleepovers. No boyfriends. No more using the school bus. I’ll be driving you to college and I’ll be the one who’ll take you home every day.
Lastly, I’ll give you my phone number and you’ll give me yours. You’ll be answering my calls immediately, texting me back immediately. I need to know where you are if you’re not with me. Is everything clear?”
Sehersu couldn’t believe what she was hearing. He was treating her like a toddler, she was twenty!
“No way! This is unacceptable. I’m an adult. You can’t control my life!” she snapped. Krauser narrowed his eyes.
“Your parents wanted this. Disobeying me means disobeying them.” he said. Sehersu sighed furiously and looked down.
“I can’t believe this,” she muttered under her breath. Krauser sighed and decided to try a different approach.
“Listen, I’m not trying to end your social life. I’m trying to ensure your safety. You know that, right?” he said, his voice softer than before. The tension in Sehersu’s body relaxed a little. Her gaze softened and she looked up at him.
“I’m sorry. But… this is getting on my nerves. It isn’t fair.” she said, her voice calmer.
Krauser hesitated first, but he placed his large and calloused hand on her shoulder, causing her to tense up unconsciously.
“I don’t want you to see me as someone controlling. I’m a human too. I know how it feels.” Krauser said, looking down at Sehersu. Sehersu looked up at him, feeling dizzy because of his proximity. She couldn’t help but notice his handsome features, his muscular body, his masculine aura…
She swallowed.
“I… I see. Okay.” she said, her voice slightly hoarse. Krauser noticed her reaction and slightly smiled to himself, he withdrew his hand from her shoulder.
“Alright. I’m glad we’re on the same page. Now get some sleep. It’s late.” he said as he walked a few steps away. But his eyes never left her form.
Sehersu nodded and went to upstairs. Krauser was following her behind. Sehersu was painfully aware of his presence behind her, his heavy boots making a sound as he stepped on the stairs… Sehersu’s body was slightly shaking, her heart was racing.
She went to her bedroom and sat down on her bed. Krauser turned the lights off. Now only the desk lamp was on. It created a romantic atmosphere. Sehersu looked up at Krauser.
“I’ll be here in case you need me,” Krauser said as he crossed his arms together in his chest, his muscles flexing. Sehersu’s eyes slightly widened as she stared at his muscles but she quickly turned her gaze back to his eyes. She was blushing. She hoped it wasn’t noticeable, she hoped the darkness would hide it.
“Ah… O..Okay. You… Do you ever sleep?” she asked. Krauser smiled a little.
“Rarely. I’m used to staying up all night. Don’t worry about me. Get some sleep.” he said. Sehersu nodded and tucked herself into her bed. She turned her back to Krauser. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She now noticed she was falling for her bodyguard.
“Good night,” she said.
Krauser responded.
“Good night, princess.”
-To be continued-
*hate comments will be deleted and blocked so don’t even bother!*
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critterz-n-creatures · 2 months
All of the grass spiders nesting in the bushes outside of my university had emerged today (maybe to drink the droplets left on their webs by the rain?). There were too many to count, even among those we could see!
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Image Description: Five photos of various grass spiders with similar coloration and patterns (likely the same species) sitting in their webs inside of bushes. Some have water droplets clinging to their webs. Spiders 1, 4, and 5 have prominent palpal bulbs, while spiders 2 and 3 have more smooth-appearing pedipalps. End ID.
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nonono-zzz · 9 months
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先生も飲む?#ブルアカ #BlueArchive pic.twitter.com/8Z4zow9nUF
— palpal (@PAL429915732543) January 13, 2024
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oughtnots · 1 year
There were a few things James knew to be true: he had been dead, and now he was alive. Then there were the things of which he was not certain: were there others afflicted by his condition?
please check out my 2023 reverse bang fic, "Bones in the Ocean", with awesome art included by @vandrawsing! the fic is fitzconte, about 11k, and finished <3 take a look if you are interested!
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