#pamela gross
fideidefenswhore · 2 years
“Jane was a willing tool whose personality it is more than kind to describe as ‘pliable.’” - Eric Ives
“Her conduct, first as a royal lady-in-waiting and later as a queen, indicates that she was more of a steel magnolia - a fragrant, seemingly fragile, ultra feminine exterior concealing a tensile core.” - Leslie Carroll
“Any woman setting out on the course Jane Seymour would follow over the next few months would have had to be possessed of both strength and resolution, as well as driving ambition and a flexible conscience." - Alison Weir
“Not much is known about Jane’s character, ['the mild and pliable’ Jane]. Most likely her meekness was exaggerated in the official documents in order to draw a strong distinction between this gentlewoman-queen and the other one, but certainly she was compliant enough to do just as she was told by her brother and his wife [...]” - Nicola Shulman 
‘[This] characterization of ambition without flex of conscience [...] how far from the truth was that interpretation when one considers her double image and moral callousness?” - Pamela M. Gross
‘Jane Seymour was (apparently) more pliable than her mistress. Carew [and others] facilitated the courtship of Jane by offering lodgings [...]” - Tracy Borman
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dailydccomics · 23 days
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beautiful nightmare Poison Ivy #25 by Joanne Starer and Haining
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poisonousquinzel · 2 years
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protective wifey
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Working on a coherent theory about just what happened in Hatchetfield in October 2005 is INSANE with all these different timelines. Like, I feel like I'm getting somewhere but then I remember that Solomon has the Black Book in Nerdy Prudes and wonder if that's a constant in all the timelines in which Holloway died, and if they have/had a connection I have to factor in to everything that happened before the split and just how Steph's mom was important to everything and if she died before or after the split and if her likely being sacrificed to the Lords in Black is somehow tied into the mythos of the story since Solomon describes himself as a line of defense between the town and the supernatural forces and if...
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shallowseeker · 10 months
I think both Ash and Pamela were mind-controlled by Zachariah in 5x16, actually. The way Pamela kissed Dean was sooo very much like how Zachariah pawed all over Mary.
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ew-selfish-art · 1 year
Dp x Dc x ML AU: Sam changes her major to Fashion to piss off her mother, and hey, she’s good at altering pink shit into gothic gowns. Her new TA Marinette isn’t what she appears and... Marinette’s boyfriend looks just like Danny? 
Sam, Danny, Tucker are all roomies as they attend Gotham U (well, Danny’s taking online classes- Ghost king duties are a bitch) and it’s time for Sam to change her major.
Sam started off in Plant Bio and that was great and she loved it until (A) She realized that to do real science she couldn’t rely on her connection to the Green and that it would skew her work and that (B) Pamela was fucking loving it. Pamela was doing the polite society equivalent of screaming from the rooftops about how smart Sam was to be a STEM major at GU and it made Sam feel gross about it. So… She switches to Fashion Design.
Marinette Dupain-Cheng is a PhD student working on a new specialized fabric (It’s for hero costumes not that anyone knows it yet), and is Sam’s TA for the semester. 
After her first class, She and Mari and her kind of hit it off, like, incredibly well. Mari explains that she knows the style Sam is going after because of her love for Jagged Stone and then they bond over Humpty Dumpty. 
Eventually they’ll bond over video games (Sam admits she sucks at UMS3 but would gladly kick her ass in Doomed). They start meeting in Mari’s office hours (which no one else goes to except for in cram weeks) and getting coffee.
Then one Damian Wayne appears and -BOOM Twin AU- Why the fuck does he look just like Danny? 
Anywho: It’s been on my mind for a bit and I’ve started to write it. So uh, you can read it here if you’d like. 
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enam3l · 2 years
rockstar eddie munson fuckin hates tommy lee
read all rockstar eddie munson stories at lore at #enam3ls rockstar eddie
Before Dave Grohl, Eddie Munson was known as the nicest guy in rock n roll. He approached his career the same way as Alice Cooper did, he was a fairly normal dude who just happens to be a metal god although unlike Alice, Eddie didn't wear a costume - he just looked like that always.
Do you know what Eddie thought was fuckin metal? Having a wife he loved more than anything, a supportive group of friends and things he enjoyed doing that weren't snorting lines off groupies tits like the industry expected him to.
He'd ran into Motley Crue a few times. Corroded Coffin were often seated near them at award shows and various events. The first time they crossed paths was at Corroded Coffin's first ever awards show, their debut album had been nominated. Tommy Lee had sauntered past you and Eddie, looking your fiancé up and down like he was dirt and then proceeding to hit on you with a sleazy comment. That night you both agreed 'Man, Tommy Lee fuckin sucks.'
By the mid-nighties, you, Eddie and rest of Corroded Coffin and their significant others avoided crossing paths with Motley Crue. Finding their behaviour tedious and their antics pretty gross. When you'd seen on a magazine that Tommy Lee had now swept Pamela Anderson off her feet, Eddie noticed your concern. You'd both met her before and thought she was sweet. You knew Eddie had a crush on her from Baywatch and through a mutual friend you'd managed to get her to sign a poster for Eddie. He was mortified but definitely didn't mind you wearing the swimsuit to make up for teasing him.
When the sex tape came out you were both horrified for her. Disgusted by the way she was treated and scared that the same could easily happen to you and Eddie. Whilst minding his business on a day out with your young daughter, Eddie was approached by a paparazzi asking if he'd watch Pamela and Tommy's tape. Eddie's reply was asking the photographer if he was ashamed of himself, swiftly followed by a punch in the jaw. Later that day as you bailed him out, Eddie apologised profusely for losing his cool but he was repulsed at how people were treating a woman for just being with her husband, repulsed at the idea that maybe they could speak about you like that and mostly, repulsed they'd mention it in front of your little girl. You didn't care he'd done it, you'd never been prouder.
Now once Tommy Lee had assaulted Pamela that was it, he was dead to Eddie. You'd also been expecting your second baby together when it happened. The thought that a man could even think about physically harming his wife (pregnant or not), never mind actually doing it and risking his baby's life, knocked Eddie sick. The next concert Corroded Coffin had, Eddie came on stage in a tee reading 'TOMMY LEE FUCKIN SUCKS.' A bouquet of flowers was sent to Pamela along with a gift for her new baby.
By the time Corroded Coffin's third studio album came out in 1999, Eddie had made no secret about his views on toxic behaviour in the rock scene, never afraid to use Tommy as reference. The new album's cover art was a black and white photograph of you, dressed like a pin up vampire stood over an open coffin. Now, no one ever confirmed anything but fans couldn't help but notice how the body in the coffin remarkably resembled one Mr Tommy Lee.
rockstar eddie munson is my ride or die! feel free to request anything (it doesn't have to be rockstar ed)
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itsdefinitely · 8 months
cough. hi. smiles so wide and so nice
🌑 favorite character [f]rom nightmare time and why ☀️least favorite character from nightmare time and why
pamela is a big meh for me. i knew lex and hannah have a shitty mom and seeing that shitty mom on screen did not change my view of her. i only ever think about her when i'm thinking about how hannah needs to get far away from her. otherwise....... johnathan brisby, maybe. but that's because he hasn't had enough screentime for me to have a strong opinion on him
now. boy jerry. easily. evil awful gross little fuckin guy (derogatory). i think about him daily. he needs to go to jail. he needs to be happy. please let me throw him into a lake. giggling and kicking my feet and breaking every bone in his body
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bandaidpennylane · 6 months
Who the hell does this raging lunatic think she is? Does she think she owns Pamela Courson? That she is the only one who has a right to post her? Get outta here! What is it about people writing books about Pam that makes them go fucking bonkers? First Patricia Butler. That one wrote Angels Dance Angels Die. Now we have this unhinged lunatic, who named her spider Pamela. Should we be so surprised? 🤦‍♀️
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There's a reason why your Facebook page is a flop. 4 thousand followers after 15-20 years of "research." 🤭 You should have never abandoned your Tumblr page. 🤷‍♀️ It was a bit more successful with followers. But seriously lady, being an unhinged lunatic for 20 years doesn't help your reputation. How's that book going? Still can't get any publisher to publish it huh. 🤭 People don't like you Raeanne. This goes way back to the years on the Lizard Lounge where you attacked everyone. You were as crazy then as you are now. The only reason you have 4,000 Facebook followers is because people are interested in the photos you post. They don't follow you because they like you. In actuality, your followers despise you. Even the people who kiss your ass. If only you knew what they say behind your back.🤭 It shouldn't come to you as a surprise. You caused the divide and hatred. Your vitriol over the years has damaged Pamela's memory. You hold pictures hostage. You tag pictures you don't own. But you paid $900 for them! Of course you own them! That's not how it works and you know that's not how it works! You buy prints. Not the ownership of those photos! I could buy those same photos for $400-$900. The difference is I wouldn't tag them like you do because I'm not an asshole like you. The way you use to tag the Themis photos was gross. You absolute lunatic. Then you have a fit when people point out your behavior! 20 years! 20 fucking years Raeanne! Waaaah! I'm mad! You post my photos! Waaah you post ugly photoshops! Waaaah! I'm going to close my page! 🙄 Please do. Close it. Once and for all just close it. If it brings you peace of mind, just fucking close it. The way you rage about photoshopped photos of Pam but you posted a whole ass ridiculous set of AI images of her. 🤔 Guess what that makes you? A hypocrite with zero AI skills. 🤷‍♀️ I doubt you will close your page permanently. You love the ass kissing too much to quit it, even if it's coming from people who despise you. This is like the 10th time you quit. 🤭 But seriously lady, get some real help. Stop raging online and attacking other Pam fans. Do you know how pathetic you come across? 20 years of this vitriolic behavior. Close your page and self publish that stupid book of yours. Enough is enough!
A humorous and ironic update. Raeanne replied to a follower who basically called her out for her shitty AI Pam pictures. 😁🤌
It looks like Raeanne deleted some of Melissa's comments leaving just this one. I don't know who you are Melissa Owens but thank you. The hypocrisy and unhinged audacity coming from this bitch. Thank you!
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It's been 48 hours and this bitch hasn't deleted her page. Of course she hasn't. 🥱
Yet another update! It gets more and more ridiculously entitled the more she speaks out. We are brats for posting photos of Pam!!! How dare other writers don't credit them!!!! They are ripping them off! How dare them!!! We are an epidemic of entitled brats!!! 😁🤭😄
Go fuck yourself Raeanne. You been eating out of your own ass for far too long. You have crossed every line of decency. Get help you crazy bitch! 🫣
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hexedwinchester · 9 days
Supernatural S04E01 Lazarus Rising
Finally the season I was waiting for.. for my favourite character to show up.. yes.. he is here... drum roll please... for Sam on demon blood!!! 😏
show of hands for people who always found the handprint creepy and gross 🙋‍♀️
Holy shit! Was that a white Impala that Dean stole? (Don't come at me, your girl can't tell cars apart)
Bobby, after the heartfelt reunion with Dean *squirts holy water in his face*
The off-grid Sam that Bobby describes is exactly the Sam from the 6 months time after the Trickster kills Dean
Gen is so pretty in the first appearance. No doubt Jared fell for her. Also Jared is so buffed up here.
cheeky Ruby: so are you two like together? 🤣
Cheeky Ruby pt 2: correcting Sam from Kathy to Christie 🤣🤣🤣
and 'that' Dean is back. Like half an hour into the reunion he is already on Sam's case accusing him of making a deal (without knowing the facts) and berating him it. Typically hypocritical
Sam wore the Samulet after Dean died 😭😭😭
i love Pamela!
burning off Pamela's eyes was overdramatic and completely uncalled for
Sam exorcisizing the demon with his mind was so hot. Shame, they never fully explored Sam's psychic powers
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looseratinthegarage · 2 years
Hi! I've been thinking about this for awhile but how would slashers survive an zombie apocalypse with or without a s/o?
Slashers in a zombie apocalypse
Omg I had sm fun writing this!!
Michael Rz
•Terrified. Undoubtedly. Terrified. But! Would do remarkably well! He’d dig a hole somewhere and call it home.
•he’s a big man so food is an issue. But he manages.
•would have constant adrenaline if he has a s/o. He wants to protect you and keep you safe. If you die, especially if it’s because of him, he’ll…. He’ll walk unarmed into a swarm of zombies and fight them with his bare hands. Once he is inevitably turned, his body will wreak havoc while his mind is finally put to rest.
Michael Og
•lil man would be fine. He’d pick a house to make a base in and board it up.
•if the zombies are drawn to noise he’ll be totally okay. Dude doesn’t speak and is so quiet walking around. There’s no way he’d gain their attention…. Unless his unbathed stench brought them…
•I think he’d kill a bunch of zombies…. and eat them. Therefore turning into one. Unlike someone else on this list, he wasn’t trying to fuck around, he just needed food and went nom nom.
•Now this one’s interesting! Are we talking about zombie Jason? Or living?
•Zombie Jason is a fucking unit and would turn the most people. The only drawback is he kills extremely violently, he rips his victims apart, aka he makes a lot of crawlers or immobile zombinos.
•Living Jason I think would get very overwhelmed. He’d use his machete and or some sort of long ranged weapon that isn’t a gun.
•He’d do well for a long time, but Pamela would call to him from the other side, but only if he was alone or if y/n had been infected/died. He’d cradle his mom's head and possibly his s/o or a belonging of theirs and bury himself in the earth.
Hewitt Family
•Thomas goes into sheer panic. But less panic when he remembers how far from civilization they live.
•Thomas, Hoyt, and Monty if it’s before that even cut Thomas gave him will work together to make huge scrap metal and wood walls on the perimeter of their property.
•Luda Mae goes up into the attic to find scraps of cloth, old guns, and other helpful stuff. She’ll be handling the house and cooking as she normally does, while Thomas, Hoyt and again, maybe Monty, will patrol the perimeter.
•The tea lady moves into the Hewitt estate, and Henrietta brings her trailer into the encased property.
•they’re very stressed about how they’ll be able to provide food for everyone. They’ll turn one or more of the fields into crop land. Luda Mae, Thomas, Monty, and Henrietta will work the fields as well. Not Hoyt. Never Hoyt. I think he’s worried about breaking a nail.
•Long story short, I think they’ll do very well for themselves.
Sawyer Family (-choptop)
•Almost a complete disaster. Nubbins has a zombie chained up outside, he’s been calling it his gross dog. Drayton and Bubba tried to build a wall around the house, but couldn't do it by themselves. Bubbas panicking because they’ll have to eat his pet chicken. Drayton is taking his stress out on everyone. Grandpa is god knows where, no one’s remembered to check on him.
•Yeah they don’t make it.
•he would either do amazing or instantly get turned, no in between.
•I think he’d bite a zombie- “how ya like that bitch” and then turn…. Like an idiot.
•Undead Freddy is far more nightmarish than living Freddy. Yuck!
•or on the other hand would kick some undead ass.
•his powers wouldn’t really help him? If my memory serves me well, the more people fear him, the more power he has. Zombies can’t feel fear, there’s only one thing they think about nom nom. Hence he’d have to use his claws or another weapon.
•100% fine. Out of all of the boys, he’s good. Like- he’s going to be completely fine. Bruh doesn’t even live on this planet.
•He’ll make sure there’s not a scratch on his s/o, and gods forbid you get infected he can easily cure you with yautja technology.
•they can’t infect him, cus he’s, ya know, a fucking alien. So even if they do bite him, he’ll just be more pissed off then anything.
•He’s not worried about it, he can hop in his ship and just leave. Depending on your mate, he might let you bring family or close friends with you both. He’s not going to be happy about it. But he’ll allow it. Will also allow pets…..hesitantly….
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randofics · 1 year
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Spooktober day 1
Sideswipe x human reader
Prompts - Friday the 13th, scary/horror movies
I know it's late for day one, but imma be honest, I started writing this on the third. 😅
I'm working on more, but I'm not sure when they'll come out. So yall just be patient with me. Anyways, I hope yall enjoy! Leave a comment if yall want.
It was October first, and you could finally decorate the junkyard for Halloween. Denny had refused to decorate until October. So here you were, stringing up orange and purple lights as well as fake spiderwebs wherever you could reach with the help of Sideswipe and Strongarm
"So wait, let me get this straight, not only do humans purposefully make and watch horror movies, you also decorate yourselves as scary as possible and hide in these "haunted houses", all for entertainment?"
Strongarm sounded perplexed at the strange customs you'd brought up.
"Yep, pretty much. Though lots of people don't do either and have their own traditions that they enjoy. I personally enjoy rewatching scary movies during the fall. Speaking of which, I was going to re-watch Friday the 13th if you guys want to join me?"
"Eh, sure, why not. It's not like there's much going on around here anyway."
"No thanks y/n I need Fixit's help with my Decepticon hunter. It's acting up, and I don't know what's wrong with it."
A grin crossed Sideswipe's faceplate. "You're scared, aren't you?"
"What!? No, I'm not!"
He got up in her face poking her with a didget. "Are too!"
"No, I'm not Sideswipe!" She crossed her arms, tilting her chin up with a "humph".
Sides chuckled, not believing her one bit.
Later that night, you had set up a projector with a large white bedsheet as the screen and popped some popcorn for yourself. Russell had begged his father to allow him to watch the movie with you, but luckily for you, he'd refused and instead let him sleep over with a friend. Bumblebee had decided to join you for the movie, saying he'd seen part of it before but not the entire thing.
You sat in an old recliner while the other two sat behind you on the ground, optics glued to the screen. The movie started, and within a few minutes, there was the first kill. Of course, it was exaggerated to some extent, but that's what you get from older movies. Not even a quarter of the way into the movie Bumblebee called it a night and left to go recharge.
You were relatively calm throughout the movie, but every once in a while, you'd hear Sideswipe jump or let out a sound of disgust at the cheap gore.
When the final girl Alice fends off Pamela Voorhees and kills her with a machete to the neck, you swear you hear Sides yelp. You turn your head and see him covering his face with his servos.
"You ok, Sides?"
"N-no, I mean, yeah, I'm fine totally!" He looks pale if cybertronians could even go pale, and he's definitely grossed out by the obviously fake gore. "Here, how about I turn this off, and we can do something else for a bit to take your processor off of it. He nods and transforms, waiting on you to put the projector away.
He pops his passenger door open for you and drives you to his little hangout spot in the junkyard. "Let's distract you for a bit." You hop out and pull your phone from your pocket to play some music. You grin as a classic plays making you dance a little.
Cha cha slide never failed to distract you from stuff, so you hoped it would work for him as well. Sure enough, he got into the rhythm and danced along with the steps. A smile slowly graced his faceplate, and you knew he'd be alright.
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sophieinwonderland · 8 months
Hey uh.... Are those mod posts in systemscringe about you supporting p3d02 real?/genq
Unsurprisingly, it's another smear.
Most of it is taking my host's personal post about having complex feeling about his own grandfather out of context. I think anyone who was raised by an abuser knows how messy feelings can be towards family members. And unsurprisingly, being raised in the home of a convicted former abuser, and the former victim who is willingly living there, is equally as complicated.
There is no excuse for abuse. But could there have been things that could have prevented the abuse? That post was my host suggesting that maybe the abuse could have been prevented by societal factors. Maybe if someone with severe PTSD from a war he didn't sign up for had been given proper mental health treatment on returning, things wouldn't have ended up the way they did.
I don't think it's wrong to believe that there could have been realities where someone who was sick was able to recognize that early on and felt comfortable seeking help. And maybe in those realities, some of the victims of abuse wouldn't have been abused.
There's no way to turn back the clock and undo the damage that's already been done. It's too late. But I think it's fair to believe we can work to prevent abuse like this in the future.
My host's comments were about the complexities of growing up with someone you love while knowing they did something horrible to someone else you love, and feeling that society as a whole let both of them down. That since his grandfather wasn't offending later in life, maybe that means his mom wouldn't have been harmed had his grandfather gotten help he needed before he hurt her. That this was a tragedy that could have been prevented.
I feel there's something really gross about using that as a gotcha for a syscourse talking point, but sysmeds never have had much in the way of morals.
To be crystal clear, my position is that pedophilia is a mental disorder, and nonoffenders should feel safe seeking treatment so that they can hopefully live happy, healthy lives without ever offending.
To me, it's also important to differentiate between people with paraphiliac disorders and child molesters. Not everyone suffering from a harmful paraphilia acts on it. And not everyone who molests children suffers from a paraphiliac disorder. Many are opportunists who just target victims who are most vulnerable, and don't have any particular attraction to children. While overlap exists, these are not the same things.
(We have no idea where my host's grandfather falls on this.)
I believe that if you isolate people with paraphilias, make them feel like they can't seek help, they end up with nowhere to turn and will be more likely to offend. Like with most illnesses, you'll get better results from treatment the earlier the intervention is. And ideally, early intervention means fewer children will be harmed.
Because that's the most important thing here. Protecting children from abuse.
This is what I support. Early intervention for nonoffenders to protect children. I don't believe in stigmatizing people just for having a disorder.
With the distinction between people with paraphiliac disorders and child molesters made, can we also talk for a moment about how the r/systemscringe mods are just straight-up supporting accused child molesters?
If you've seen their recent bot posts setup on the sub to try to disprove RAMCOA, it links to articles written by The Grey Faction, an ableist branch of the Satanic Temple aiming to deny the experiences of trauma survivors.
Much of the "research" on that page is coming directly from the now-defunct False Memory Syndrome Foundation.
For those of you who are unaware, Jennifer Freyd, the psychologist behind theories of Betrayal Trauma and DARVO, accused her parents Pamela and Peter Freyd of sexual abuse in the 90s after recalling her trauma in therapy.
Her parents responded by not only denying it, but setting up an organization called the False Memory Syndrome Foundation which was created to prove trauma memories were being implanted, and to take legal action against trauma survivors and their therapists.
If you've ever heard of DARVO as a tactic used by abusers before, know that Pamela and Peter Freyd's founding of the False Memory Syndrome Foundation were the inspiration for DARVO.
It is impossible to overstate the damage this evil organization inflicted on survivors of CSA in shielding their abusers from consequences
So while r/systemscringe desperately tries to paint me as some pedophilia defender, they're aligning themselves with actual child molesters and abusers, spreading the arguments that those same abusers used to discredit their victims.
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chaoticstanley · 1 year
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Beetlebabes dni (seriously fuck off)
So, my current hyperfixation is Beetlejuice, movie, cartoon, and musical. But I have all the Beetlejuice cartoons on file so as I was watching, I decided to redesign Lydia and Beej in the show’s style for my own fic I’m working on. I added silhouettes of the show’s designs as a comparison. And I finalized my OC as a bonus. So here’s some info about Bj and Lydia. I’ll explain my OC some other time.
I used all iterations of him as inspiration, but in terms of visual, it’s mostly the musical and cartoon. Gave him his green hair and also a mullet cause... Idk I think it looks good. But in terms of personality, it’s a nice combo of all three. He’s a lot more nastier and violent than his toon counterpart, but still retains some of the sensitivity showed in the show. For example, he’s still protective of Lydia, but instead of simply putting beetles in a bully’s hair, he’ll genuinely traumatize them with a scare or straight up try and kill them. He’s still a handsy and overtly sexual being like in the movie/musical. Instead of responding to emotional rejection (outside of flirtatious contexts) with a depressive episode like the show, he gets very angry and vengeful. He’s petty, selfish and a conniving ass like all three iterations. But he’s not as dumb as his toon counterpart. He’s irrational and acts before he thinks sure, but when it comes to being a trickster, he’s more thoughtful and malicious like the movie version.
His relationship with Lydia is a big brother/little sister type. She’s one of the very select few who’s ever gotten past his walls. He’s protective of her and always encourages her interests in the gross, rude, and dead. But he’s less affectionate than the show/musical. He’s not a big fan of pda and just barely tolerates her occasional hug. He and Lydia are the type of friends that exchange insults and petty barbs as a way of showing how they care.
A brief note on his most common alter ego, Bettyjuice. I modernized her into an egirl because the aesthetic is perfect with all the stripes. She’s pretty much the same as the show; gross, rude, and impulsive. But I made her too pretty unfortunately. I kept leaning towards cute with certain attributes like the added beanie and her adorable tummy, so that’ll probably be tweaked in the future, but we’ll see. I do like this design a lot even though it’s not gross enough.
Again, all iterations were an inspiration. Her Netherworld design is just a more aged up version of the original poncho, but I added a touch more purple at the forefront to reflect her personality. And her normal design is more muted just as a contrast to the Netherworld to make it seem mundane in comparison. In terms of personality, she’s got the character development of the musical. She’s still deadpanned and sarcastic like the movie/musical, but she’s much softer and more sweet like her toon counterpart. She’s a little more mature now that she’s 18, but not by much cause she’s still a young, developing girl. She only has a few friends her age since most of her peers at school are put off by her goth aesthetic and macabre interests. It also doesn’t help that she hangs around a weird egirl who likes to throw bugs at people (Bettyjuice of course). She does have two friends, Becca and Pamela (loosely based off Bertha and Prudence) and of course, her family. She still loves the Maitlands and hangs out with them a bunch. She has a better relationship with Charles Deetz now that she’s a little older. The one she has conflict the most is Deelia, but there’s still clear love there. She fully accepts Deelia as her mother now, while, of course, still keeping Emily Deetz in her heart as well. But they tend to bicker and argue the most because of their different worldviews, but much less so than before now that Lydia regularly spends time in the Nethworld.
But of course, Lydia’s best friend is Beetlejuice. They pull pranks, get into mischief, and regularly get revenge on Lydia’s main bully Claire Brewster.
But yeah, that’s it. I’ll explain my OC later, but I’m too tired rn. I’m working on some more art for Beetlejuice, but the main inspo is the cartoon since it has a lot more to work with in terms of story and world building.
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fideidefenswhore · 5 months
I have been having a very difficult time finding actual historical non fiction books written by credible authors at my local library. It seems Alison Weir and Linda Porter have taken over, with the occasional David Stark thrown in, and I was curious if you had any recommendations for any credible biographers?
I mean… I have my issues with Linda Porter and David Starkey asw, but they are both historians and specialists in their subjects, so I would argue they are both ‘credible’ biographers in that sense …
But I definitely have my own preferences as far as historians go, so if you’re looking for personal recommendations, you can check out my pinned post (to see what quotes from which biographers interest you), and more specifically, in no particular order, I would recommend :
Susan Wabuda, Julia Fox, Catherine Fletcher, Glenn Richardson, Judith Richards, Elizabeth Norton, Suzannah Lipscomb, Eric Ives, Lucy Wooding, Diarmaid MacCulloch, Susan Brigden, Melita Thomas, Lisa Hilton, Nicola Tallis, Estelle Paranque, John Guy, Pamela Gross (her one Tudor biography is difficult to find , however, although you might meet with luck if your library has an ILL program, as I did as a student) and Owen Emmerson.
As for books not strictly academic biographies, I prefer Susan Bordo’s book on Anne Boleyn in pop culture / popular memory over Russo’s, tbh, and I love all of Natalie Grueniger’s. If you’re looking for academic Tudor books, non-biographical, more focused on politics, daily (court) life, architecture > personalities , I can rec there too… since you mentioned Alison Weir, it’s worth mentioning Simon Thurley’s books on daily court life and palace architecture, most of her passages on those matters are cribbed from his books, anyways. Might as well go straight to the source > the summaries 👀
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red-meat-my-beloved · 9 months
@ellinorosterberg sent me a request to fill ❤️ The request was the brothers performing CPR and liking it a little too much
I wrote two different scenarios: A silly one and an angsty one
this is the silly one (AO3 link)
The world around them fizzles and shifts and Dean finds himself standing barefoot in the sand, wearing a pair of bright red swim shorts. He looks around. They’re at a beach, people around him splashing around or lounging on bright beach towels. Squinting against the light, he catches sight of something he wouldn’t mind having a closer look at. A Pamela Anderson lookalike walking straight towards him, wavy blonde hair, black one-piece, chest bouncing rhythmically with every step.
“Well, finally some quality entertainment, eh, Sammy?” He turns to the empty space next to him.
The lady in the one piece shrieks, pointing at the water.
“On my god, somebody’s drowning! Is there a lifeguard nearby?”
Dean sighs. That must be his cue.
He only barely manages to wrestle Sam’s gargantuan body back to land, which is even more unwielding now that he´s unconscious. Dean’s not too worried. As far as he remembers, it´s usually the lifeguards that drowned on Baywatch, and he made it back in one piece. Once they reach land, Dean rolls Sam on his side. He excepts him to start coughing up water, but Sam´s not moving at all. Putting his fingers under his nose, Dean discovers he isn’t breathing either.
“Does anyone know CPR?” Someone in the gathering crowd yells, as if cluing Dean in on his next move. It cuts through his building panic and he locks eyes with the woman from before. He shoots her a dirty look, before turning his attention back to Sam.  
Flopping Sam on his back, he puts his palms between those massive tits of him, but his wet hands keep slipping towards his throat every time he puts pressure on them. Dean switches approach.
He swings a leg over Sam to get a better angle, sand kicking up everywhere and starts compressions properly. Or at least what passes as properly on TV. He’s not too eager to actually break bones.
“Ah, ah, ah, ah, stayin’ alive, stayin’ alive.” The Bee Gee’s sing in his head to keep the right beat. After each minute, Dean bends down, pressing his mouth to Sam’s, pinching his nose closed while he blows air back into his lungs. His skin is salty from the sea and slightly cold. A pleasant contrast with the hot sun beating down on his back. He feels Sam’s chest rise, and pulls back in anticipation, yet it deflates and lies still again when he pulls back.
Dean starts up a new cycle.
“Ah, ah, ah, ah, stayin’ alive, stayin’ alive.” He repeats it out loud to keep his mind from asking if this is how this ends. After everything they’ve been through, Sam dying on Baywatch. The world’s unfunniest joke.
He bends down again, pressing his hands against Sam’s cheeks and blows. There’s a slight gurgling in the back of Sam’s throat. He blows in again and Sam lurches, almost head-butting Dean in the process. He moves out of the way and breathes out, relieved, while Sam hacks his lungs up into the sand.  
 “Why are you on top of me?” Sam asks once he’s caught his breath enough to form words again. His cheeks are flushed from the exertion.
“I was saving your life. You’re welcome, by the way.” Dean says, sitting up on Sam’s hips.
Sam’s eyes flick down.
“Uh huh. Saving my life.” He repeats bemused.  Dean follows his line of sight, landing on his awkwardly crumpled swim suit. He feels embarrassment creeping him from his neck to his face, burning hotter than the sun.
“Oh, don’t be gross. It was the excitement, the friction, and stuff.” He scrambles to get off of Sam, pushing at him, while his feet struggle to find purchase in the sand. He lands awkwardly back in Sam’s lap.
Dean freezes.
He slowly turns his gaze to Sam, who’s doing everything to avoid eyecontact. He starts to subtly scramble out from under Dean before the latter gets the bright idea of opening his mouth.
Unfortunately for Sam, tha's exactly what he does.
“So what’s your excuse then?” Dean asks slowly, his eyebrow travelling up in apprehensive amusement.
“Oh, you know.” Sam sniffles, “Friction, and stuff.”
“Oh ho ho, if I’d known we were gonna get the Sleeping Beauty experience I would’ve conjured up something more romantic.” A voice from the crowd shuts them up. Just as Dean looks up and spots the busty blonde again, her face morphs into that of the trickster’s.
That image is definitely going to come back in his nightmares.
“You did this!” He growls, staring daggers at him, while trying to make a dignified yet quick exit out of Sam’s lap.
“I might have changed the setting, but whatever’s happening in those tight swim trunks of yours is a 100% you, au naturel, baby.”
Dean charges to lunge. He can’t kill him, but at the very least he could get one satisfying punch in.
The trickster sidesteps the attack with ease and snaps his fingers.
The world fizzles and shifts.
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