#pans are good for smacking people :)
redtsundere-writes · 5 months
sukuna and servant!reader is so good!! looking forward to rescue more of them <33
Eyes On Me | Sukuna Ryomen
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king!sukuna ryomen x femservant!reader
Sypnosis: Uraume can't play chess with the king right now, you must step up. Contents: Obsession, pining, kinda fluffy, mentions of blood and body parts. Uraume uses they/them pronouns. Word Count: 2404 words. Author's Note: I love writing this ship. People have been asking me to make this a series. I'll try my best lol I think you can still read them individually, but there's a preferred order.
Beginning. ← Previous |
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Sukuna hates humans. It's a fact of life. The sky is blue, roses are red and Sukuna hates the disgusting creatures that humans are. He has so many reasons to hate them that he doesn't even know where to begin. Humans are annoying, weak, clumsy, but most of all, stupid. They make decisions without thinking through the consequences. They prefer to spend their money on temporary pleasures and end up bankrupt by not prioritizing their survival. They worry about unimportant things such as social status, religion, and traditions. Sukuna hates humans, but boy, are they entertaining. 
Sukuna tends to study his servants very carefully. Even though they only clean, cook and obey his orders to a tee, it was fun to watch them interact with each other. He finds it fascinating how the servants gossip in whispers, how the gardeners concentrate to prune the bushes well despite their hands shaking, or how the cooks taste the food several times so that it’s up to their majesty's standards. It was like watching dozens of filthy lab rats in the middle of a social experiment. Although… There was someone special he loved to watch, no matter what they were doing. 
You had finished all the chores for the day and decided to help the cooks prepare dinner because you had nothing better to do. Your muscles were exhausted from having spent all morning cleaning the porcelain sculptures, the large frames of the paintings in the great hall, and the king's jewelry so they could sparkle in all their glory. You had been assigned the task of peeling potatoes, so there you were. Sitting at a table with a small knife, peeling potatoes while listening to the chaos going on in the kitchen. Uraume was busy preparing a special passion fruit tea for the king. The special coming from the water that was inked with human blood. Sometimes you wondered if Uraume had always agreed to cook with humans or was it something they got used to because of Sukuna's orders, but since they never talked about themselves, you never asked. 
“Fuck!” A cook yelled when the frying pan caught fire. 
Your eyes widened at the flashy flare. Uraume put the tea set aside to attend to the emergency. With some ice from their magic hands, they put out the fire in a jiffy, but left the kitchen a mess. They began to berate the cook with smacks in the head and curses for his ineptitude. The cook just apologized over and over again, but that wasn't enough for the head chef. 
“You!” Uraume called. You put your task aside to attend to their orders. “Take the tea to our king and tell him I will be with him when I settle this situation.” You nodded and took the tray carefully to go in search of him. 
After Sukuna gave you permission, you entered the library with the golden tray in your hands. The library was the coziest room in the entire castle. Its high walls were covered with huge bookcases filled with books, maps, and scrolls. There were long desks of works and hundreds of candleholders everywhere to enjoy reading during the evenings. He was sitting in one of the comfortable chairs in front of the game table, a small wooden table with a chessboard on top. The king was surprised to see you there despite having specified Uraume's presence. 
“I didn't ask you to come,” Sukuna said chidingly as you served him tea at a small table next to him. 
“Uraume had to attend to an emergency in the kitchen. They'll be here once everything is under control,” you replied as you set down the fragile cup of blood tea, adorned with small pieces of eyeball floating on the red surface to give it texture. 
Your gaze traveled to the chessboard, it had been a long time since you had seen the king playing. You knew from the other servants that he was a good player and only plays with Uraume or some brave guest. This was no ordinary board. You could see that each piece was handmade and had luxurious detail. The pieces were made of white quartz, the eyes of the horses were rubies and the crowns of the kings were made of jade. It was the most beautiful board game you ever saw. 
“Do you know how to play?” Sukuna asked out of curiosity. 
Being a servant, you surely had not received the same education as he did. Well, almost no one was on his level when it came to education. Sukuna was a master mathematician, a skilled debater and could threaten his enemies in 5 different languages. You hadn't been as lucky. You're good at cleaning, cooking and taking orders, but what else can you do? 
“Yes,” you answered with a smile. 
That answer surprised him quite a bit. Although chess was a game that was rapidly gaining popularity among the middle class, it was not a game for women. It was a game that required intellect, always thinking two moves ahead and knowing how to read your opponent. You didn't look like a girl who could do all that. 
“Sit down,” Sukuna ordered you. 
“I warn you that it may be a short game. It's been a long time since I've played,” you warned him as you sat down. 
Sukuna watched you with great attention. Your eyes scanned the board as if it was the first time you had ever seen one, your hands rested gently on your thighs and you smiled nervously. You may have known the rules of the game, but you didn't know how to play. The king took your word for it. 
“Ladies first,” he asked you to start.
“My pleasure,” you said as your dominant hand moved over the pieces to decide what your first move would be. 
Your father had taught you how to play. He always wanted a son to inherit the family business, but your mother only kept giving birth to women, so he had to resign himself to you. Your mother taught you how to be a lady so you could get married as soon as possible and your father taught you about the business so that your future husband wouldn’t take advantage of the family money. You used to sit in front of the wooden board and talk for hours after dinner. Your father may not have been the wisest or the most astute man, but he had left you a very important lesson: Always look people in the eye to know their true intentions. 
This was one of the few times you came face to face with Sukuna. Because of his title as king and the great difference in height, you were always beneath him, physically and psychologically speaking. You were a simple human, while he was a king with the power to get rid of whomever he wanted with a simple movement of his fingers. Although his presence made you feel vulnerable, you didn't resent him. You had a relatively comfortable life serving him, but sometimes there was a need for you to show him that you were more than a servant. This was a good opportunity to do so. 
Sukuna's eyes were not on you, they were on the board. His gaze denoted boredom. He was waiting patiently for you to make the first move. If you waited a little longer, maybe he would yawn. He overestimated you, you had to use that feeling against him. You moved a pawn to the C4 square, a common move among beginners.
“Finally…” He said in a monotone voice before quickly moving the knight to the F6 square. 
Each of you took turns to move the pieces quietly as time went by. You took your time with each move, while the king only needed to look at the board from time to time to know what to do next. You could take all the time in the world, but he would still eat all your pieces. Even though it didn't seem to be an interesting game, you could at least keep up with him. Sukuna's queen advanced towards yours, standing face to face. One false move and your king was in trouble. 
“Check,” you said as the queen retreated two squares diagonally, leaving her free to begin the attack on the king. 
At that announcement, Sukuna woke up from the trance he was in to concentrate on what he was doing. He smiled with satisfaction as he noticed the change in your body. Your hands had relaxed, your back was straight, and your eyes were glued to his. You knew exactly what you were doing. You didn't need to tell him verbally that you would destroy him at his own game, your eyes told him clearly. It was as if you were dissecting his soul bit by bit until you left him completely naked.
Your hands were interleaved with each turn. You moved quickly as you realized that Sukuna had already noticed your active presence on the board. Sukuna returned the queen to his side. An interesting move. It was wise to know when to back away, but you noticed one thing in his eyes. He had no plan, he just acted based on his understanding of the game. He moved like in real life, using only his killer instincts. 
“Check,” you announced again by moving a knight up. 
“Not so fast,” Sukuna told you before taking the horse that was threatening his king using a queen. You smiled as you saw that his majesty had fallen into the trap. By moving his pieces like that, Sukuna had fully exposed his king. 
“Checkmate,” you announced the end of the game as soon as you moved the white queen close to the black king. And only then, the poor maid defeated the almighty king. 
“Well, well...” Sukuna sighed in awe as he looked at the board with extreme curiosity. He couldn't be mad at you. He had let his guard down. You were playing even before the game started. 
There was someone special he loved to watch, no matter what you were doing. Sukuna would always hyper fixate on you whenever he noticed your presence around him. You could be cleaning, chatting with your companions or eating some dried fruit in the garden, and he would still only notice you as if nothing else in the world existed. You were the most interesting human he had ever seen. Sukuna tried to look for a logical reason for his obsession with you, but he couldn't do it. You looked like a simple being with clear goals, but he was sure you were hiding something behind your perfect facade. 
Someone knocked at the door. Sukuna sighed, he wanted to be alone with you longer, but now was not the time. Uraume entered the room and was surprised to see you sitting with his majesty. Something strange had been going on between the two of you for months. They had even debated the idea of asking the king directly about you, but hadn't worked up the courage to do so.  
“There was an inconvenience in the kitchen. Sorry to keep you waiting, your majesty,” Uraume bowed in apology. 
“Lucky for you, you sent a good replacement,” Sukuna said before smiling at you in satisfaction. 
Uraume instantly understood just by glancing at the board. You had beaten the king, something even they could not easily accomplish. They could tell that he was looking at you like no one else. It wasn't a look of disgust or boredom, it was a curious look. Like that of a child looking at a group of kids playing in the playground, wondering if he could come over to play with them. 
“If you'll excuse me, I have to go,” you said as you got up to give the seat to Uraume. “Good game. It was a pleasure to play against you, my king,” you bowed. 
“Good game,” Sukuna whispered so you could leave the room. 
Sukuna and Uraume started a new game as soon as you returned to the kitchen to peel potatoes. They quickly noticed that something was occupying her majesty's mind. Their white pieces were eating his black pieces easily and his moves were slow compared to previous games. Uraume could tell that the game against you had changed the way he played.
“What do you see in her?” Uraume asked him after a move. 
“Am I too obvious?” Sukuna asked them before getting up from his seat to start prowling around the library to clear his mind. “What do you think of her?” He asked her as he stopped in front of the window to admire the land. The large green lawn stretched all the way to the intimidating entrance of his wonderful castle. 
“She is a dedicated servant and a perfectionist. She does all the chores in a timely manner. She is as good a servant as any other. The real question is: What do you think of her?” Uraume asked as they watched him from their seat. 
“She has potential.” 
“Potential? Potential for what?” Uraume arched their eyebrow at the confusing statement. 
“She has the potential to become a queen,” Sukuna replied confidently. 
Sukuna Ryomen was known among the kingdoms for being an unorthodox king. Not only because he took kingdoms left and right as if it were nothing, but because he has a strange way of ruling his people. He did not care about social classes, behavioral labels or unwritten codes of human coexistence. Everyone was inferior to him regardless of gender, race, or religion. He was the god of this new world and everyone had to obey him, just like that. 
The fact that he wanted to have a queen went far beyond just following the established patterns of classical monarchy. Sukuna must have a reason why he wants to have a queen other than just because, but there was a more important question on the table. 
“Your majesty, you can get any woman you want. You can get a beautiful woman, with more training and presence, why would you settle for a servant?” Uraume asked in confusion. Sukuna smiled. It was a good question. 
“She has something much better than that,” he answered before continuing the game as if nothing happened. Uraume looked down to see that Sukuna had checkmated them.
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Author's Note: I poured my poor knowledge on chess for this lol I hope it makes sense.
Order your own fanfic!
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vvinirl · 24 days
matt. s - sleepover
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you could say that you and matt sturniolo have an interesting relationship
you both would claim you don’t like each when people would ship you guys together. at some point you jumped off a cliff and into a lake to proved you didn’t like matt once when yall were on some camping trip
but what happens when you found yourself underneath him one night in his room while his brothers were out
now he can’t keep his hands off you and neither can you. the both of you are constantly flirting, making eyes at each other or making out when no one is watching or around
but you still tell people you would rather chew rocks than spend a night with matt
and now you’re going over to have a sleepover with nick at their house. nick texted you that he was bored so you both decided to spend the night baking brownies and watching movies
when you arrived at their house, the first person you were greeted by was matt as he opened the door for you
“bernard” you casually said as you walked past him with your backpack hanging on one arm to go find nick
he rolled his eyes at the name while watching you walk away
he definitely wasn’t watching your ass move in those shorts you decided to wear just because, a little smirk plastered on his face
while making brownies with nick, matt was there the whole time, watching the both of you at work but mostly you. chris was practically upstairs the entire time.
matt’s eyes was on you the whole time, he even saw you smack nick on the back with some flour that was in your palms
you were stirring a bowl of chocolate mix when nick went upstairs to change his shirt that had flour on it from you when you felt a presence behind you
“matt” you simply said, feeling his hands start to slide around your waist. you turn around to face him with the spatula in your hands, looking up at him as you bring the spatula up to your lips to taste the chocolate
“wanna taste?”
he nodded as you bring the spatula up to his lips to taste. he stuck his tongue out to taste the chocolate, humming in satisfaction as he nodded again, “tastes really good”
“i know, thanks” you confidently said, shrugging as you brought the spatula back to your mouth to taste the chocolate again
“you have something right there” matt removed one of his hands from your waist to point at your face but before you could ask him where, he’s already leaning in, closing the distance between you two and you feel his tongue lick the corner of your mouth, his hand cupping the side of your face
you grabbed his arm, your other hand moving to his stomach, your hand going under his shirt slightly, feeling his warm skin underneath
matt was still focused on licking the spot where the chocolate was at the corner of your mouth but you’re pretty sure it was gone by now
he licked your bottom lip and then kissed the spot he licked, bringing his lips up to meet yours as they connected for a split second before he pulled away from you and walked away
you stood there a little confused and dazed but you heard nick’s voice behind you, making you jump out of your trance
“are you okay?” nick asked, raising a brow at you as he searched for a pan for the brownies. “yeah- i’m good, i’m done mixing the chocolate”
you set the pan aside and from the corner of your eyes you saw matt going upstairs and you swore you saw him smirking to himself
you and nick ate half the pan of brownie while watching the movie but he soon fell asleep half way through the 3rd movie so it was just you watching it now
you felt your phone buzzed besides you on the floor so you picked it up to check and saw a text from matt
“come up”
you thought about it for a few seconds and just decided to see what he wanted. you got off and floor and pulled nick’s blanket back up his body, tucking him in on the couch before going upstairs to matt
you knocked and then entered before matt could even tell you to come in
“you texted” you said while walking towards matt on his bed. he turned his off and put it on the nightstand besides the bed, looking up to meet your gaze
“mhm.. i missed you”
“you just saw me downstairs” you raised a brow at him, climbing on the bed as you sat down besides him. “yeah but i miss your lips” he says, reaching over to pull you towards him, bringing you on his lap as you straddled him
you smiled down at him, playfully rolling your eyes and wrapping your arms around his neck. his hands found their usual spot on your ass as he pulls you closer, making you grind against him a little
“this is risky matt” you warned but matt his too busy playing and squeezing your ass, his lips moving to your neck
“i’m serious matthew” you say again but his hands are already going up your shirt and moving to up to cup your boobs through the fabric of your bra
“mhm” was all he hummed as he continued to leave kisses on your neck, occasionally bitting it then kissing it after as if to soothe the pain
then he’s pulling your shirt over your head, throwing it somewhere in the room as his hands move back to your body, going to the back of your bra to unclasp it
“missed you so much” he says through a whisper and you can feel him getting hard underneath you already
“don’t worry i’ll be gentle and go slower” matt says, kissing his way down your back before leaning back up as he slides his dick back and forth between your folds
you whimpered into the pillow as your back arched a little, already wanting him to fuck you
he pushed your back down a little more and held your waist with one hand, his other hand still holding his dick, teasing you
you instantly saw stars when he slipped into you, not even giving you a warning or preparing you first
he’s cussing under his breath, your hands gripping the sheets as you cried into his pillow
he lied, he wasn’t being gentle or going slow, he was knocking the mario coins out of you right now
you were too fucked out of your mind to care if nick or chris could hear the sounds matt was pulling out of you or the sound of skin slapping against skin
his hands was firmly gripping your ass as he pounded into you, occasionally delivering slaps to your poor as cheeks
“m-matt” was all you could say, moaning his name into his pillow as you felt him hitting that little spot inside you
he reached up and pushed your back down, making you to arch more so could continue hitting that spot
“fuck yes, just like that” he cussed through his teeth, delivering another hard slap to your ass
he stopped for a moment and pulled out completely only to shove his dick back inside you again, going at a different pace, drawing you more close to your release
few thrusts later you’re clenching around him then coming hard, coating his dick with your juices as he continued to pound into you, trying to reach his own release
few moments later you feel his hip stutter into and he’s pulling out to jerk himself off as he came on your back, releasing ropes of his cum onto your back
he groans and cussed under his breath as he slows down his hand movements, watching his still hard dick bounce up and down
he reached for a napkin on the nightstand to clean his mess on your back, a smile on his face
after cleaning you up he lays down behind you and pulls you back into him, wrapping his arm around your waist
“i should get back to nick” you mumbled against him as gently caressed your stomach, loving the warmth that radiated from your body
“stay a little longer, im sure nick won’t mind”
you rolled your eyes and thought about it for a second and then smiled a little to yourself
he leaned forward and planted a kiss on your cheek and laid back down, smiling into the crook of your neck
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tiredofthehumanlife · 3 months
Dissecting is just a hobby of his
barbie dolls: Rosekiller x you
word: 1.1k
summary: ppl spread rumors about you and your boyfriends and the skittles discuss it
warnings: pandora and evan are siblings, regulus goes fucking rabid for gossip he loves gossip, barty and evan are i wanna say raunchy but i also dont, they’re barty and evan ykwim? oh jesus my joints hurt, evan is into dissecting things, barty has a love hate realationship with chess, dorcas is fed up with her friends, skeeter mentioned, a tiny bit of making out and then insinuation that they leave to bang
You quite enjoyed cuddling with your boyfriends in the commonroom. Granted you mostly just cuddled with Evan seeing as Barty couldn’t sit still for longer than seven seconds. Evan had your legs pulled over his lap with his nose pressed to the side of your face. Regulus was nearby in an armchair, reading his newest book and muttering when it didn’t pan out the way he wanted. Barty was investigating his chess set. A week ago while you three were on a date Barty mentioned that he hates how chess looked and worked. It was an odd thing to say seeing as he spent a good portion of his time on the game. His complaints seemed to spark inspiration in himself because within minutes he was scribbling away on the back of his homework designing the “better chess”, his words. Barty kept flicking his wand at the board before turning back to his notes and writing something down. You didn’t see anything happening but you were confident in Barty to accomplish his chess dreams.
Eventually, Pandora and Dorcas came back from studying in the library. Dorcas huffed, flinging herself onto the commonroom couch and dropping her bag onto the floor. Pandora picked up Dorcas’ feet, settling on the couch with them in her lap. You frowned at Dorcas’ exhausted state. Pandora opened her magazine, holding it in front of her face.
“Did the books bite back?” Evan asked. Dorcas snapped her head to glare at him.
“I told you they do, you guys never listen to me. Oh, Barty’s off his rocker again, man fuck you guys.” Barty muttered, mocking Regulus’ voice. You gently knocked Barty with your knee in sympathy.
“I do not sound like that,” Regulus muttered, turning his page more aggressively than before. Barty glared at him. You diverted Barty’s attention back to you as you knocked your knee again.
“It’s okay baby, you have all the time in the world to get your chess game right.” Barty snarled at you, turning back to the board. Dorcas pointed at Evan, you imagined smoke coming out of her ears.
“You and your freaky little partners really need to stamp out the rumors circulating the school,” Dorcas said, huffing and flinging her head back onto the pillow. Pandora dropped her magazine down, meeting your eyes immediately.
“They are kinda getting out of hand. I’m hearing things about my kin that I don’t really want to hear.” Pandora added, grimacing at the memories. Evan groaned next to you, ducking his face behind your shoulder. Regulus hummed.
“I heard you three got caught with your pants down in the headmaster’s office.” Regulus set his book down the second he caught a whiff of gossip, leaning forward to drop his rumor.
“I heard we all detention for giving each other handies in the back of potions,” Barty muttered. You pointed at him.
“See people just talk, they’re going to make up crazy stuff so they can get a kick out of it. I wouldn’t be surprised if this had Skeeter all over it. They should take away her school newspaper privileges. “ Evan nodded against you.
“Though Barty did offer to give us handies in the back of divination.” Barty spun around at Evan mentioning his name. Pandora grimaced and turned her head away from the conversation. Dorcas sat up to pull her braids over one shoulder before settling back down.
“That is just nasty,” Dorcas muttered, smacking her lips like it left a sour taste in her mouth.
“They can’t even get their facts straight.” You whispered. Evan hummed, knocking his nose to your cheek in approval.
“I heard that Barty was drawing raunchy pictures of you both in the margins of his classwork,” Regulus said, an evil grin pinching at his cheeks. You turned to Barty. He was frozen like if he moved he’d get caught. His eyes flickered around as he waited for someone else to talk. You kicked Barty in the side, laughing your way through his name.
“You said you’d stop doing that,” Evan muttered under his breath, glaring at Barty.
“It's not like I turned them in. Sorry, I got bored in class and thought of my lovers. You guys suck ass.” Barty said, rolling his eyes and tossing his chess piece down.
“It's one thing to think of your lovers, it's another to think of them naked and draw it out,” Dorcas said, making Pandora stand up altogether. Pandora stalked out of the room without a goodbye, deciding the conversation was enough for her.
“They weren’t fully naked.” You and Evan both groaned at Barty’s response. Regulus cleared his throat.
“I also heard that people saw Evan sketching out the muscular system and when someone asked what he was drawing he said ‘my partners’ with zero context.” Evan nodded at Regulus.
“That one is actually true.” Evan clairfied.
“you drew my muscular system?” You asked. Evan nodded. You cooed and gently pecked Evan. “I'm flattered.”
“Because of that interaction, people also said Evan dissects you both,” Regulus added. You hummed.
“Well, I think he would if he could. If it didn’t kill us, he would.” Barty muttered, flinging himself back to rest against Evan’s legs. Evan dropped his hand to gently play with Barty’s hair.
“I do give you full permission to dissect me after I die though.” You said, turning to Evan. Evan’s jaw dropped open, staring at you with wide eyes.
“You mean it?” You nodded, smiling at him. Evan leaned forward. ”Love it when you talk dirty.” You grinned meeting Evan’s lips. He pulled you against him more, if it’s even possible.
“See and that’s why you bitches never my extra biscuits at dinner.” You heard Dorcas say. You ignored her, pushing our tongue past Evan’s lips. His breath hitched just enough for you to hear. You pushed back against him. Evan’s hand made it to your shirt, gripping the fabric roughly. You heard a sigh come from the floor. You slide one hand up to the back of Evan’s neck.
“Here I am, sitting here all alone and unkissed.” You pulled back at Barty’s voice. You looked down to see Barty staring up at you with his puppy eyes. You leaned down towards his face.
“Oh no fuck that. Go somewhere else right now or I'm hexing you all.” Dorcas said. You looked over at her to see her covering her eyes with both hands. You glanced at Regulus to find him `all the way across the commonroom, hiding behind his book. He peeked over the edge, shaking his head at you. You shrugged.
“Gladly.” You quickly reached out and took Barty by his hand. He stood up as fast as he could, tossing his wand onto his chess mess. You walked towards the stairs with Barty behind you. You glanced back to make sure Evan was following. Sure enough, Evan was right behind you. He smacked Barty’s ass on the way up the stairs, leaving you both in the dust. You quickly caught up, dragging Barty behind you, on the way to the dorms.
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ayyy-pee · 4 months
hii lexi!!! hope you’re doing well :)) would you be interested in writing a suguru first date kinda thing? i thought it might be cute ^_^ (also i love your pfp!! it looks so good!)
AHHH THANK YOU NONNIE! <3 I'm so late, but I imagine Suguru would be exactly like this for a first date when he's really into reader lmaooo it's short but i'm trying to flex my brain with little drabbles. i appreciate you sending this request in! i hope you like it! <3
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Discord 18+ - Twitter
Pairing: Suguru Geto x Female Reader
Warnings: Cutiepie sweetie face nervous Suguru Geto!, downbad Suguru, Gojo being an annoying shithead, fluff and cuteness <3
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It's so hot here.
Is it hot in here?
Has to be. Or else Suguru wouldn't be sweating so much. He can’t even hold his drink, the damn glass keeps slipping from his hands.
Maybe it’s the lights making his palms so moist?
Are the lights too bright? Too hot?
Was this restaurant the right choice? If it’s making him this uncomfortable, surely you’ll be uncomfortable, too.
Maybe he should have chosen another place. Do you even like Italian? Fuck, he should have asked you before making a reservation. What if you’re allergic to…pasta or like…tomatoes? He didn’t even think about that. Maybe it's not too late to change plans.
The soft buzz in Suguru’s pocket pulls him from his scrambled thoughts, and he takes his phone out to see a text sitting at the top of his notifications.
Beauty: Pulling up now. See you soon :) <3
Fuck! It's too late to change plans!
Okay. Okay, this is fine. It will be fine! He’s got this. What’s there to be nervous about? Nothing, because Suguru doesn’t get nervous. He asked you out, anyway. Not the other way around! There’s no reason he should be reduced to this clammy, sticky mess he’s become. 
And yet, it seems that’s all Suguru ever is when he’s in your presence. Although, it’s only been one other time.
It's been an entire week since Suguru first laid eyes on you coming down the aisle at his best friend's wedding. You would have thought he was the one getting married, the way his face grew red watching you smile, so stunning in that gown the bride had picked for you. The way his heart practically tried to punch its way through his ribcage when you’d graced him with a glance, aiming your beauty right at him. How you watched, teary eyed as your very best friend married his very best friend and it’s so insane of him, he knows. But Suguru thought he could see himself in this exact position one day…with you. And he didn’t even know your name.
It's so cliche, truly; a groomsman and a bridesmaid getting together at a wedding? It’s a romcom waiting to happen, but Suguru couldn't help himself.
You were the epitome of beauty. Your eyes, your lips, your smile, everything about you. They were all things Suguru could not get out of his head after you'd danced with him at the reception. With that cheesy love ballad playing way too loudly, you slipped perfectly into his embrace, like the missing piece of a puzzle, and he had to get to know you.
"Fuck your honeymoon," he'd told Satoru, rolling his eyes as his best friend panned his camera across the beautiful powdery sands of Turks and Caicos. “Can you ask your wife for her number?”
“Hmm…” Satoru flipped the phone back around and Suguru could see him pretending to think about it, tapping his chin just to irritate Suguru. “Beg me.”
“...Excuse me?”
That stupid grin on that long limbed bastard’s face. If Suguru could, he’d reach through the phone and smack it right off of him. Why would he beg for your number? He’d get connected with you some other way. Suguru is not a beggar. Nothing in this world could make him open his mouth and plead for something.
“Then I’m not asking. Good luck finding her! Gorgeous girl. Hope she doesn’t find someone else because there were quite a few people asking about her at the wedding…”
Suguru knows what he’s doing. And he fixes his friend with a deadpan stare as he says, “Nice try. Not begging.” 
And Satoru chuckles. “Okay! See you in three weeks!” He sings on the other end.
And so Suguru…begged for your number. Not his proudest moment, but as he sees you slip through the doors of the restaurant, grinning and waving excitedly when you spot him…well, it makes every bit of groveling worth it. He just saw you exactly one week ago. A full 7 days. 168 hours. 10,080 minutes. And you look just as breathtaking, if possible.
This feeling is familiar, the heat radiating from his cheeks and the intense pounding of his heart and this sensation to get on his knees before you and offer you the world.
“Hi,” you greet him, out of breath as you approach.
Suguru stands quickly, stealthily wiping his damp palms on his pants. And it’s a little awkward at first, but you hug him, slipping into his hold like you just…belong there. It’s driving him insane, the way you just seem to fit him so perfectly.
You take your seat on the other side of the booth, all smiles and god, if it doesn’t send Suguru spiraling. You’re just so cute. You almost seem as excited to be here with him as he is to be here with you.
“I meant to get your number at the wedding, but honestly, I was just too nervous to ask.” You confess, giggling, a bubbly and airy sound that makes Suguru want to hear it more, maybe set it as his ringtone then piss Satoru off so he’ll blow his phone up. Then Suguru can hear it over and over. 
He chuckles, smoothing his hands over his pants again, trying his damndest to stop the sweating. “Yeah?”
You nod, picking up the menu and gracing him with a sweet, shy smile before hiding behind the sheet of paper. “Yeah, so I’m really happy you called.”
Suguru’s heart races and he can’t help the goofy grin that’s now formed on his lips as he picks up his menu. “Me too.”
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moooncats · 6 months
✿ Pick A Card : Your Toxic Traits ₍₍ (̨̡ ‾᷄ᗣ‾᷅ )̧̢ ₎₎ ✿
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✿ Pile 1 ✿
Popular Loner
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Detatched as fuuuuck. 💀 Oof pile 1, I'm hearing you convey the same energy as an Aquarius/Libra. You don't have to be that particular sign, but you do display simmilar traits. With that pile 1, you are very smart and you know that in some situations your words may cut like a knife... and yet you still full send them lmfao. This pile is goofy af, on top of that you are very hard to get a hold of. Deadass I'm seeing you tend to fall off the face of the planet, then randomly reactivate your social media's and positing again to see who missed you or whats buzzing. 🐝 ✨️ I'm hearing "Whats the tea 🍵?¿" Your card Pile 1 was the Queen of Swords. Althought it may seem like a favorful card, this is actually far from the truth. You are so in touch with your logic based brain that you are failing when it comes to connecting to your own emotions. They are turned off so you can percieve things as they actually are and continue to stay on the high pedstal that you put yourself on. Pile 1, I'm seeing here that so many people want to collaborate with you, but you love them at a distance. You rarely do anything else that isn't hanging out with your family doing errands, or working and stacking up silently. This may also be my piles who work from home. You prefer to be secluded in your own energy and most don't know that much about you. You may also be very "vocal" when it comes to your social media. This can lead to "trolling" or "fights" that happen. Pile 1 lets be honest, you like to stir the pot lmfao. Messsyyyy.
✿ Advice From Spirit ✿
Your Angel guides and spirits think you'll grow out of this phase. So that's good news right there pile 1. You may be on the Younger side, or have a youthful way of thinking. Honestly, you as a person is very likable. You tend to gravitate people towards you just from vibes alone, and people love that about you. I'm hearing, "You need to rationalize better, and use honesty in your everyday life with straightfowardness". With this type of living, your encounters will become enriched with trust from your own judgment and maintain integrity in your day to day life. I'm also hearing "Be there for people more, open up your boundaries and live life day by day, be present". Once you genuinely want to spend time with more people, you will reach the point of your life where you can be of guidance to others. Just like how the Queen of Swords was. Less Arguments, and more Growth. 🌱 (:
Channeled Songs:
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✿ Pile 2 ✿
Fight Club
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Why do you feel the need to even have to fight if you'll always come out right in the end? Like whats the use... I'm seeing someone who likes to get receipts, facts, everythinggggg before they start to go psycho mode and yell at people to defend their own ideals. Pile 2, your card was 5 of Swords. I'm hearing Smack a Bitch by Rico Nasty.
Especially when she say's "Don't work at MAC, but I'll beat a bitch's face". Bwahahaha Pile 2 you are fighters let's go! It reminds me of something my gamer girl friend always says "Violence is always the answer". While it may seem true to you; ya do know that sometimes it's better to let things settle and silence is always an answer as well? Why must you add more flames into the conversation just to set everything and everyone on fire? Contemplate on that thought pile 2 lmfao. You may think that you're very defensive and you wouldn't hurt a fly but babyyyy Tarot ain't lying here Lmao. Lemme call you out (with love ofc haha ♡). Pile 2 you are seen as a hot pan. Filled with oil and if one spec of water touches you, you'll go ape shit hahah. People around you have learned to just keep you happy and fed so you don't go all aggro on them. They know you hold grudges secretly until you kinda just dgaf then full send all those emotions that were held deep inside. Honey, you have to do some shadow work before you make everyone around you run. Trust me being lonely is not a flex. As human beings, we need to be surrounded by each other to function properly.
✿ Advice From Spirit ✿
Please look within yourself and ask for help from your loved ones. I'm hearing "We just want to know that you are okay". Giiiiirl, soooo many people are trying to reach out to you- yet you give them the cold shoulder and take on all this pain as your own... it is not. You are amazing, wonderful, LOVED. You have people around you who want to help, let them pile 2. I'm seeing that they are your soul tribe, and they will help you through the grief and pain you are going through. Your Angel Guides and Spirits want you to gain Fortitude during these times, it is great to be resillient and compassionate during these times. They also want me to bring up shadow work. It will help you a lot on your jouney here on earth. Please start journaling all those past trauma's so they can heal and you can be more level headed and yourself. (: Heres a hug pile 2, you'll get through it one day. ♡
Channeled Songs:
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✿ Pile 3 ✿
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You are it baby. Honey, You're a star did you know that?
All eyes are on you. You may have already known that from a young age, but I'm seeing here that you tend to dim your light so others can shine more. Why do you do that? Stars are meant to be seen. You are supposed to be guiding people, but instead you're making others guide randoms and they have nothing in common? Lmfao I'm seeing you being extremely friendly to everyone and when one bad person says something wrong about you, your whole friend group is broken up cause you trusted too easily and you made someone else their star. Giiiiirl get it together. You are deadass the main character without even trying, yet you feel insecurities that aren't even there. Seriously who says one star is better than the other? They are all equally beautiful. And like a snowflake, no two are like the other. Your card was The Star pile 3. ⭐️✨️ You are constantly putting bad eggs on the pedastal while you reduce yourself down to less than that of dirt. It's so sad to hear and see pile 3. People can clearly see that you are insecure, and you like to hold feelings like jealousy because you feel a sense of incomplete. Oof that was really deep pile 3, please let me know if I hit a nerve. This is coming from love I promise. ♡♡♡
✿ Advice From Spirit ✿
Pile 3, never let your dreams die. You know that you are on the right path when you are following it with clear conscice intentions. Your spirit already knows what to do. Just tap into your intuition and follow it. Embrace your unique talents and always let them shine brightly. Have faith in the universe and you will forever shine brightly like a star in the night sky. ♡ Please start listening to empowering songs that will make you feel amazing and great. I added in two from my playlist for you pile 3. Please make sure to read the lyrics and use it as a daily affirmation. You will 100% feel the difference in 2 weeks max. ♡
Channeled Songs:
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Mahalo for reading this! If you enjoyed it please leave a like and comment down below. Comments always make my day honestly. ♡ I hope what I said did not offend people. It was advice sent from spirit with love. ♡ You are all amazing, wonderful, rad individuals! (: Remember to drink and stay hydrated baby bats! 🦇 ^-^ Moooncats out! 🚀⭐️✨️
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hearts4golbach · 3 months
Hiii :) I love your work and I saw that your doing tara x fem reader so I have a request!! So like tara and reader are both famous youtubers. They are already dating but they haven't told a single soul. Everyone already knows reader is a women kisser. So Tara's a bit scared to come out and tell her fans so reader let's tara know that they will be their for her when she comes out. So later that night tara builds up the confidence and posts on her insta a photo of her and reader announcing their relationship and reader comes straight over to taras house to congratulate her for coming out as bi or pan!!!
Straight out of the Closet.
Tara Yummy x Fem!Reader.
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"Hey, guys! I'm here with my," you cleared your throat, "best friend, Tara Yummy!"
your voice played back through the video. you admired Tara's smile. Tara was your girlfriend, but very little people knew that.
although all of your fans knew you were bisexual, no one knew Tara was as well. she had always been scared of coming out. she didn't want backlash from some of her fans, and you knew that would break her heart. you never pressured her to come out or announce that you were dating. You liked how calm your relationship was whenever you weren't worried about the publics view.
your phone began to ring. you looked over, seeing Tara's name at the top of the screen. you answered immediately. "Hi, baby."
"Hey," she sounded a little shaken up. "I really want to come out to everyone. I hate keeping us a secret. I wanna post all of those cute photos we take together."
you stood up and walked into the kitchen. "Tar, your true fans will be there for you either way. you know I will be, too."
she sighed. "I know, I just -" she smacked her lips. "I don't know. it's really fucking scary."
"i know. it is really scary, but I know you can do it. I'm ready whenever you're ready, okay?"
she hummed, "Okay. I think im going to do it soon."
"rip the bandaid off, you know?"
"yeah, I know." she sighed once more, "okay. I'm doing it tonight."
"tonight? you're absolutely sure you're ready?" After 7 months of dating, you could tell she was still anxious. you furrowed your eyebrows together with worry.
"yeah, like you said, rip the bandaid off. well, I gotta go, love. I have to stop procrastinating recording this fucking video." you could tell she rolled her eyes when she mentioned recording. she loved her job, but it got overwhelming at points.
"okay, have fun. you got this. call me when you're done."
"mkay, bye."
you said bye as she hung up the phone. you walked back into your room and slumped down into your chair to continue watching your video.
after a couple hours of planning video ideas and mindlessly scrolling on youtube, Tara finally called you back.
"Hey, how was recording?" You greeted.
"it was okay. I did it." she mentioned casually.
you shot up in your chair. "You did it?!" You ran to open up Instagram. the first photo that popped up was a picture of tara cuddled up in your lap. she was placing a kiss on your forehead. the caption read, 'My baby' with you tagged. "Holy shit. I'm coming over."
a giggle slipped from her lips. "Okay! I'll see you when you get here." You could hear how giddy but nervous she was.
you ran out to your car and began to drive to Tara's house. at stop lights, you kept an eye on the posts' comments. so far, they were all positive. you were over the moon for Tara.
you knocked twice before walking into her house. she greeted you in the kitchen with a hug. you gently pressed your lips against hers. "im so proud of you." You tucked her hair behind her ear.
Tara smiled at you. "Have you seen the comments?"
you nodded, "Yeah! they're all good and I'm so happy about that." You sighed.
tara kept her arms wrapped around you. "Thank you for helping me."
"Of course, Tar. you don't have to thank me for that." You furrowed your eyebrows.
she shrugged before pressing her lips onto yours again. "whatever."
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not-goldy · 27 days
I'm just sitting here thinking about Jimin popping Jk's nuts when Jk was fighting Jimin for a back hug on the tonight show set. LOL no shame. And Jimin giving in and letting him hold him. Jimin saying you might hit me and Jk saying he will be the one hit, During that bed live Jk did. And there are people taking them serious? Nah, Jikook said leave your leave it to beaver mentality at the door. They hard launching this relationship and showing you its not cookie cutter side hugs. Its damn real. Ups, downs, good, not so good, dirty and raw. They preparing y'all for what's coming. They both have play hit each other. Both have been irritated with each other. Jimin has made JK cry. I'm gonna say Jk has made Jimin cry too probably. Jimin has drawn back at JK. JK has drawn back at Jimin. Not being serious, so piss off with that. Jimin said protect me and Jk nods and he will come after your ass with a frying pan. Ask Suga. Yet when they do actually get physical, JK is gentle with Jimin and everyone knows it. In fact everyone tried claiming Jimin was too rough with Jk in NY. In other words. Look you delicate snowflake crybabies. THEY LIKE IT ROUGH. They like to pull each other's hair, Jimin did it in CT, Jk did it in Jeju, they like to pinch tiddies, pinch thighs, slap tiddies & hands tied up, smacking that ass, bite each others necks, ear sucking, wanna taste blood, wanna eat legs, hit crotches, but also Jimin rubbing Jk's crotch with his foot at the same time. They argue in public, make their hyungs uncomfortable & ask staff why they're being paired with the freaks of the bunch. You wanted to see real Jikook. Well you got it. If its too much to handle, leave. Jikook don't need you, they won't change for you and they won't stop loving each other or stop being themselves. So bye bitch.
Isn't that what I been saying from day one???
They are human they do what humans do
Nothing so crazy about that🥴
People have weaved webs of fantasies around them to the point of dehumanization
The fact their interactions makes them uncomfortable to watch when they aren't rough housing too is insane
Let's talk about that
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tiredlilguy · 1 year
Hi! I see requests are open and you're just getting started so good luck!<3
I would like to ask about Dazai and Chuuya fluff with s/o Who likes to kiss them by surprise?
You can ignore it!
(Sorry for some mistakes but english is not my first language)
a/n: hihi~ ur english is fine, anon :D no need to worry!
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pairing(s): Dazai Osamu, Chuuya Nakahara (separately) X GN!Reader cw: N/A, not proofread desc: surprised kiss, sort of... not really with chuuya, but i tried >:3
today, you had one mission: to catch Dazai off guard
you had originally taken an idea from Atsushi, trying to shower him with compliments, but all Dazai’s reactions were was him trying to flirt back with you (he won)
you were both out on the town on a very rare off day for the two of you
holding his hand, you were staring at the floor watching one of your feet walk over the other
Dazai noticed this and stopped in his tracks, pulling you both out of the way
“ What’s wrong, my sweet?,” he said, lifting your chin up with a smile.
you didn’t want to tell him that you were trying to catch him off guard otherwise it’d ruin the surprise
so instead, you opted to just… stare at him.
eventually you mumbled something
“[… ],” you muttered.
“ Hm…? What’s that?,” he leaned down to hear you closer… This was your perfect opportunity.
“ Tag you're it,” you whispered in his ear, placing a quick kiss… or more like a smack from your lips on his cheek before slipping out of his grasp and running through the people around him like a child.
dazai paused… placing a hand on his cheek as you ran away
boy he hated to see you leave, but he loved to see you go (sorry.)
he felt his face get hot for a moment… as he almost couldn’t pin point his expression
“ Well, alright then, if that’s how it’s going to be,” he muttered before getting into a running pose,” I’m going to win!”
he proceeded to run across the street… almost running into a car
eventually he reached up to you, grabbing onto your arm and pulling you into him
before you knew it, he kissed you deeply on the lips
safe to say, he really loved surprises… in the form of affection was even better
let’s say he’s sleeping on the couch after a long day of work kind of almost like a dad: got the tv on and he’s basically sprawled out
he’d definitely be sleeping with his hat over his head and snoring a whole bunch
you were just innocently standing across the living room, making some dinner in the kitchen and you notice him snoring really loudly
Usually you don’t tend to bother him when he’s in this state, but for some reason his snoring started to bother you
(You were debating on wacking him in the head with a pan, but you stopped yourself and tried to focus on cooking instead)
Eventually after cutting up some vegetables, you heard, once again another loud snore
Placing down the knife on the side you frowned and walked over to him with a huff
You understood he was tired, so you were currently kneeling down in front of him debating on what you wanted to do…
You could’ve shook him awake, called out his name or anything, but this time you wanted to kiss him
Looking up at him, you could see that his hat was slightly falling off, so you reached over to take it off his face
“ Chuuya…,” you whispered, but he didn’t seem to budge despite the shade covering his face going away
Frowning again, you gently tugged on his hair, but he moved his head to the side, trying to get away from the tug on his hair
Crawling up on his thighs, you were now straddling him, once again he didn’t react… he was completely knocked the fuck out
You rolled your eyes and moved his bangs out of his face, letting out a sigh
Gently, you kissed his cheek and then the other one, making him stir slightly
Your lips moved to his forehead and then down to his nose and then eventually, you kissed his lips gently
At this point, Chuuya had already woken up, but refused to open his eyes
“ Angel kisses to wake me up I see?,” Chuuya chuckled, opening one eye with a grin.
“ Dinner’s almost ready,” you answered, pulling away,” You’re snoring was annoying me too.”
Without answering, Chuuya pulled you closer by the hips,” ‘Kay, but I want some dessert first.” He quickly flipped you onto your back on the couch with a grin.
(That escalated quickly)
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readerswritings · 6 days
In the Damn Kitchen - Poolverine 1/2
Smut will come in next chapter I promise, just needed to get this part out into the world first to see if people like it. (AO3)
Warnings/tags: roommates, first Kiss, idiots in love, eventual smut, canon-typical behavior
Wordcount: 1224
Summary: Logan and Wade are some weird kind of roomates, and one morning Logan tries to figure out how to make Wade shut the fuck up without getting blood in his breakfast.
Logan has been staying with Wade on his shitty pull-out couch for three months. Something that was meant to be somewhat temporary is feeling less and less like that these days.
They still fight physically, stabbing each other and making a mess (that Al complains about later), but they also just hang out.
Which Logan isn’t used to.
Not anymore.
Haven’t been for a good while.
Wade has grown on him, even with all the touching. And talking.
All the goddamn talking.
It rarely stops.
Wade talks on the inhale and exhale.
Not even when he eats is Wade quiet, talking with his mouth full of food. He has been doing it less lately, after Logan stabbed him with a fork a few times so he wouldn’t have to see that shit.
Wade is only quiet when he’s sleeping.
Logan has returned late from a bar or late-night walks a few times to Wade asleep on the pullout. Seeing him quiet and still had been odd. Wade’s ADHD filled ass never being still when he’s awake. 
Wade also sleeps like he’s dead. Logan had discovered this when he tried to wake him so he would move the first time. It was legitimately difficult to wake him up. So after that first time where it took an eternity to get him conscious enough to move, Logan either goes to sleep in the armchair he had gotten off the street the first week he was here, or tips Wade onto the floor with a pillow if he is in a bad mood. 
When he doesn’t give a shit, he’ll just crawl onto the pullout with Wade. He tends to wake up before him anyway. The few times he doesn’t, a few claws to the guts makes Wade shut up, or at least talk about something else.
Another thing he hasn’t quite gotten used to, is how casual Wade is about touch.
Sure, Wade had been touching him a bunch when they first met. But that had been to rile Logan up, to get a reaction, even if it was all negative. (The Honda doesn’t count in any positive way, the intent behind all of that had been hate and adrenaline. Even if the end result had been good.)
Now though, it’s a hand patting his shoulder as they pass in the kitchen. A thigh bumping against his own as they watch shitty reality tv. Feet kicking him under the dinner table if he says something too blunt or rude. A shoulder bumping against his as they walk that damn ugly dog together.
It makes his skin crawl, mostly with how used to it he has become. And how he kinda, not that he will admit this to anyone but his own thoughts, likes it.
It’s all become routine, a weird kind of domestic, (Logan hates that word), that works for them.
Speaking of routine, Logan often makes breakfast for them. Wade can barely cook, Al is blind, and Logan doesn’t mind that much most of the time. He needs to eat a lot anyway, and getting something into Wade that is somewhat healthy and not just all sugar makes him a little less irritating to deal with during the day.
Wade of course likes to tease him when he cooks. Stealing bites before it’s ready. Logan has become quite adept at fighting just with a spatula, smacking hands away with a grunted ‘fuck off.’
He’s off his game this morning though, as Wade manages to snatch a piece of bacon, straight from the pan where it was almost finished. Logan knows it must be burning his mouth and tongue, but Wade crunches on his price with a grin on his face. 
He’s wearing Deadpool pajama pants, bunny slippers, and a pink long sleeve with Hello Kitty on it, and frankly looks ridiculous leaning on the counter, extra so next to Logan who is fully dressed for the day in his flannel, t-shirt, jeans, and boots.
“Haven’t had enough coffee yet peanut?” Logan grunts, smacking Wade’s hand as it tries to go for another piece. 
“Fuck off.”
“Oh you know I love it when you talk dirty to me, even this early in the morning.”
“It’s 10 am dipshit.”
“Oh you know the saying, it’s always 5 am somewhere.” Logan snorts, shaking his head. He grabs a plate to put the finished bacon on, putting some more in the pan. He lets Wade take a piece from the plate.
“Besides, I kept waking up because my dreams were being haunted by this sexy lumberjack looking figure, and I woke up with a raging hard-on that I had to take care of every-” Logan tunes him out, a necessary and learned skill by now. He flips the bacon, then stirs the eggs in the other pan where he’s keeping them warm on low heat.
There’s a hand in his hair, and that makes his focus snap back to Wade and his yapping. 
“You know, I always wonder if you roll out of bed with these little tufts.” Logan pushes his hand away, letting the claws out just enough so he knicks Wade’s skin. 
“Ouchie, someone’s a grump this morning. You’ve clearly not gotten enough caffeine in your hot bod yet. We should get that coffee that has a fuckton of it, the one with the skull or whatever, that lethal shit. Wonder if that would actually kill you, do you think your heart could give out on you? I think they even make you sign a wai-” Logan tunes him out again and wonders what it will take to shut Wade up. He is right, Logan has not had enough coffee for this. (Or booze, but he’s trying to do a little less of that.) 
Logan absentmindedly notices one of Wade’s scars on his cheek looks kinda almost like an H, and his mind drifts to the Honda. Unintentional, though not unwelcome
He’d rather not get blood on his bacon right now, so he goes for another component of all that shit.
He steps to the side and turns, leaning forward, pressing his lips against Wade’s. It’s a brief kiss, but Wade doesn’t immediately say anything as Logan leans back just enough to gauge his reaction. He's enjoying the silence as Wade's eyes are flickering all over his face.
Wade’s mouth is gaping like a fish, opening and closing before his brain is booting back up. It makes Logan snort as he leans back all the way back.
The silence lasts for maybe thirty seconds.
“What the fuck peanut? You interupted me mid-monologue, that was fucking rude you-”
“Thought it would shut you up, but I see that didn’t work.” Logan takes a step back, but is hauled back by hands twisted in the collar of his flannel.
“Oh no, you are not going anywhere until I get an explanation, or more.” Logan arches a brow, hands at his side, not touching Wade. The urge to punch or stab him is rising. 
And the urge to kiss him. 
He knows all of the options would work for Wade.
“I gave you an explanation.” 
“Grew tired of the claws old man? Don’t wanna stab this supple fle-”
“God you are desperate.” Logan doesn’t know if he means it as an insult or a compliment, but kisses Wade again anyway.
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angelcakestarlet · 8 months
salvatore pt 2
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richie jerimovich x reader
warnings: age gap, cheating (eventually) (guys it's for the plot i swear), drugs mentioned, swearing.
as requested here is part two!! thank u for the support cuties <3
"hands, fuckers! i need hands table 13, someone come on!" richie's voice echos through the bustling kitchen. it was a busy saturday night, the kitchen was in the weeds, and the restaurant was full as shit. the chicago bears were playing the packers tonight which meant men, drunk men, who would camp out the entire game sitting at the bar or at a table ordering one meal for the whole night. while your apron was stained and you hadn't reapplied lipgloss in the last three hours, you took a quick peak in the mirror and concluded you still looked good enough for that 20% tip. your cheeks were flushed from running around the restaurant getting beer refills and pitchers for nearly every damn table. you should've called off, honestly.
"I got hands!" you came up behind richie. he passed you the plates with a rag beneath them, "here wouldn't want you to burn yourself, sweetheart". you smiled at him, something about richie made your stomach drop in a way that made you feel guilty. every time he spoke to you, it churned your stomach. you knew it was wrong, the whole 'older man' ordeal, you knew that you should probably feel disgusted at his little remarks towards you. but if anything, that was the cherry on top. you walk out the kitchen, feeling his eyes burning into your back. tina smacks richie's shoulder, "staring at that girl like you wanna eat her" she scoffs disapprovingly. he smirks, eyes trailing you.
"alright guys i have the italian beef sandwich, fries on the side?" you ask the men in front of you wearing their grey bear jerseys, setting it down on the table. "they got you on the side too?" one of the guys snickers, shoving his elbow into his buddy. you fake a sweet laugh, "depends, there's an upcharge for me", anything for that tip. glancing up at the clock, "two more hours to go," you sigh. and for the next two hours, the game finishes up and people start slowly leaving the restaurant. you get those who linger, collecting their betting pool winnings or reaping their loses at the bar. you start getting ready to cash out, calculating your earnings for the day when richie creeps up behind you. "how'd you do today, doll?" referring to your tips racking up on the screen, "guess" you look over your shoulder at him. his face is glowing with a sheen of sweat, rag draped over his shoulder, chain having fallen beneath his shirt, he looked good. "a girl like you? i'm gonna say you made 200 tonight." "try 350," he peers over your shoulder, he lets out a whistle and you can feel his breath blow past your ear. "they like you out here huh?" you turn around to completely face him, his face merely inches away "why wouldn't they?" he chuckles at your response. "god you've got a mouth on you" you notice his eyes pan over you, his response makes you go red. you can only feign confident for so long, his words strike you somewhere deep inside. he notices your flushed state, smiles, and makes his way back to the kitchen. when the doors close behind him you realize you've been holding your breath.
you make your way to the office to check out with carmen, "how did you do today, y/n?" he's seated in his office chair, legs spread and obviously tired. "really good, i'm really liking it here, chef. thank you for the opportunity to work here" you smile hands behind your back, "that's good to hear, you let me know if anyone gives you any type of trouble alright? including fucking cousin over there." you laugh, "trust me, everyone's been really welcoming". once you're done cashing out, you take your purse and head out. outside you find yourself two lingering drunks from the game, "where are you heading to so fast? hold on," one of the guys approaches you, you roll your eyes and continue making your way down the sidewalk. "hey, i'm fucking talking you, you too good to respond or something" you can smell the alcohol coming from his breath as he comes up to tug on your wrist. "fuck off, don't touch me!" you shrug his wrist off, "is there a fucking problem here or something?" you hear richie's scruff voice behind you. before he gets to say anything else the guy backs away from you, you turn around to see richie lifting his white shirt just above his stomach to reveal his gun. the sight gives you that familiar feeling, you almost feel a shiver down your spine. "cause I don't think we would want any problems, right?" he gets closer to you, putting a finger through your belt loop to secure you. "you're right man, we're good, we're good." the guys shuffle away almost tripping over their feet. richie tugs on your belt loop, turning you to face him, "you okay, sweetheart? what are you doing walking home at this hour, do you want to get fucking taken by some jagoff?" he put his shirt back down, covering his gun. you stay a bit stunned, "let me give you a ride, come on." you grab his wrist lightly, "thank you, richie, fuck. um fuck..." you grip your hair, about to follow him to his car you see headlights behind you. "shit um... thank you for the offer, and for helping richie. i was just already waiting on-" you hesitate catching his eye as he looks off to the car pulling over in the distance. "I was waiting on my boyfriend." you peer behind you to see him behind the wheel, he usually picks you up from work. richie nods, smirking almost "your uh boyfriend shouldn't make his girl wait for him like that, especially at night. have a good night, doll" he rubs his chin, turns and makes his way to his car. you sigh, questioning your own moment of hesitation before saying 'boyfriend'. you stare at the silhouette of his tall stature walk away, envisioning the cold gun that rests between his jeans and his stomach and bite down on your lip.
"how was work, babe?"
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retrolvr4 · 4 months
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:
Gal you’re on my mind
Darry Curtis x Female Reader
Summary: After spending the night with Darry, you help him make breakfast.
Warnings: implications of sex, some cursing, lots of fluff!
A/n Patrick Swayze is the loml 😩
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:
You felt a soft kiss on your cheek as Darry pulled you in closer to him. Your eyes were still closed and sleep nearly overtook you again when Darry spoke tiredly
“Doll we gotta get up, I need your help makin’ breakfast and I can hear that everyone is up already”
You groaned and attempted to roll over but Darry’s arm wrapped firmly around you now wouldn't allow it.
“It's like 6 i'm not getting up this early on my day off” you grumbled
“It's like 9 miss grumpy, they let us sleep in” He mimicked you and poked your waist
You squirmed at the touch and smacked his hand away. “Darry I don’t wanna-” you started to complain but he quickly cut you off by rolling you over onto your back and tickling you. You shrieked through laughter as he lifted your shirt up and blew raspberries on your stomach.
“Okay, enough, enough, I'm up” you said through gasps and attempts to push Darry off you.
“Perfect, get up” Darry said and rolled out of bed, awaiting you to follow.
You crawled out of bed, still slightly out of breath, and dug through the drawer in Darry’s room that you had filled with your own clothes, since you began to sleep over so frequently.
You fished out a pair of shorts, having only worn one of Darrys shirts to bed, you needed pants.
“Those undies are cute honey,” Darry told you with a smile.
“Thank you, you told me that last night though” you smirked at him and a light blush dusted across both of your faces. The recollection of the events from last night crossing both of your minds.
You walked up to Darry and wrapped your arms around his waist, looking up at him “I’m sure everyone is starving, we should get out there”
The two of you walked out to the living room, greeted by a variety of good mornings and a “cute shirt” from Soda.
“What was Y/n hootin and hollerin about” Pony asked
You automatically assumed he was referencing last night and quickly uttered a “i'm gonna go make breakfast” and scurried off to the kitchen. Leaving Darry to deal with the situation.
“Well Pony, when two people really love each other, they sometimes-'' Darry started awkwardly, everyone's eyes now on him. But he was quickly cut off by Two Bit’s remark of “Damn Darry gets down” Followed by Dally hollering at you with a laugh and asking “is he any good y/n?”
“Yes, fuck you Dally” you yelled back from the kitchen.
“What- Christ- Ew, I meant like two minutes ago she was screaming and laughin’, I couldn't tell if you were trying to kill her or what' Pony cut in.
Darry’s face turned red over the misunderstanding “oh I was just tickling her trying to get her up so you hooligans can have something to eat” He desperately tried to change the subject, face burning from all the remarks, especially the one from you.
Darry cut his losses and walked into the kitchen, grabbing a pan and placing it on the stovetop then grabbing the carton of eggs from the fridge.
“I’m good huh” He quipped
“You know good and well you are” you said back in a hushed voice “I didn't know I was being so loud last night”
“You weren't doll, pony was talking about how I got you up this morning”
You worked on making pancake mix while Darry cooked the eggs. You hummed ‘corrina corrina’ by Bob Dylan as you whisked the ingredients together.
Darry watched you quietly, gazing with so much admiration for you. He loved every single thing about you. Body, mind, and soul. He knew how hard it was to only get occasional time with him due to his work, he knew he was stubborn and sometimes overbearing, he knew he loved you with everything in him. He loved how you were always willing to help his brothers and around the house. He didn't expect it of you but he always appreciated it. He loved the way you unconsciously swayed as you hummed, he loved how smart and how selfless you were.
“I love you so much my sweet girl” he said, still admiring you.
“Aw, Darry, I love you more” You cooed back and continued to hum.
“y/n, y/n, Gal you're on my mind” Darry sang out of tune, replacing Corrina's name with yours.
You gave him a crooked smile and flicked flour at him “you're a dork”
“Don't you start” he replied, moving over to you to give you a quick but loving kiss.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:
I apologize if this is bad, i haven’t written in a while and need to get back into it!
I will write for pretty much any 80s or 90s movie so feel free to leave requests. Cobra kai and Top gun Maverick I will also write for!
I’ve seen a lot of movies so if you’re not sure about requesting something just ask!
I also love Keanu reeves and Paul Dano so feel free to send in requests of their characters!
I will write smut but nothing too freaky
Please do not request anything involving self harm, ED’s, domestic violence, etc . I am not comfortable writing about that.
I’ll create another post with repeated and further information about requests. 💗
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youling-the-ghost · 27 days
sfth incorrect quotes pt.9 because the brainrot is getting to me
Luke: Thanks for not telling Tom what happened. AJ, dumbfounded: I wouldn’t even know where to begin trying to explain this. Tom: Anyone down to take couples counseling and see at what point the therapist realizes we barely know each other? Luke: Idiots to lovers, 20k words, angst with a happy ending. AJ: I know what a prism is! It's where you put bad people. (I just realised that I already had this quote in a past post)
AJ: Okay, what does A stand for? Luke: Arson. AJ: Aw, you're so good. Okay! B! What does B stand for? Luke: Barson. Sam: *laughter* AJ: What stands for C? Luke: Commit arson. Sam: Oooo. AJ: D! Luke: Don't come near me, I'm going to commit arson. Sam: *more laughter, slightly more evil this time* Tom: Hey, check out my Spongebob umbrella! *Tom opens his umbrella while indoors* Sam: Tom, that’s bad luck… Tom: Chill out, Sam! Luke, kicking down the door: WHO SUMMONED ME?!?! Tom and Sam: *screams* (Senor Pork-core) Tom: Hey, are you free? Sam: No, I’m expensive. Store Worker: Would a “Tom” please come to the front desk? Tom, arriving at the desk: Hello, is there a problem? Store Worker, pointing to AJ, Sam, and Luke: I believe they belong to you? AJ, Sam, and Luke, simultaneously: We got lost. Tom: I didn’t even bring you guys here with me- Luke: Tom, when’s your birthday? Tom: Why? So you can look up my natal chart? So you can figure out my weaknesses? So you can destroy me? Luke: ...So I know when to wish you a happy birthday. Luke: But also so I can plan your downfall. AJ: So, what is Luke to you? Sam: The reason I wake up every morning. AJ: ...That’s adorable. Luke earlier that morning, barging into Sam′s room, smacking pans together: WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP!!! AJ: *stands in trash can* Sam: AJ, not again! You're not trash, you're at least recycling! (I like to think that AJ just wanted to stand in the trash can) Sam: Big day today, Tom. *holds up two identical flannels* Mustard stain or ketchup stain? Tom: Mustard, looks less like blood. Tom: Yeah, I find it quite emotional. In like a cool way. Sam: Did you just say it makes you cry in a cool way? Luke: *writing a letter* Luke: Dear Santa, I'm writing to let you know I've been naughty...and it was worth it you fat, judgemental bastard. Tom: Damn, the power went out. AJ: Don’t worry, I got this. AJ: *stomps foot* Tom: What-? AJ: *Sketchers light up* Sam: You can’t have a gun on stage! Luke: WRONG! I can have a gun, and I must have a gun, that’s the rule of Chekhov’s Gun: have a gun. And now that it’s been seen, I will have to shoot someone before the end of the play. (Sam's just jealous that he doesn't have a gun) Tom: Oh no! I’m doomed! Sam: Seriously? All you have to do is not insult Luke at his own memorial service. Tom: Exactly! It’s impossible! AJ: Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, that’s fucked up. Like c'mon, you know I’m dumb as hell! Luke: Shouldn't get stressed out, it's not good for the baby. Tom: What baby? Luke, crying a bit: Me. Tom: That's not funny. Luke: I thought it was funny. Tom: You don't count. You started laughing in the middle of a funeral because you started thinking of a meme you saw on Facebook.
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yagirlwrites · 1 month
(Not) My Baby (5)
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Pairing: Rafe Cameron x Reader
Synopsis: Y/N is having girls night with her roomates when an odd call comes in. Rafe and Y/N meet up to discuss the wedding plans. Drama ensues.
A/N: Hiii! It's been a while, I know! Yet again, I apologize for the long wait. Hopefully this longer chapter makes up a little for how late it is 😅 I hope you all enjoy it! This one is funny and silly, with lots of girly dynamics, but also Rafe and the drama that always comes when they're together 🤭 There might be some sexual tension in this one but our girl loves to stay delulu 🤷🏻‍♀️
Series Masterlist
My work is my own; it's not to be copied, transferred or translated. Reblogs, comments & feedback are always welcome and appreciated❤️
Happy reading! 🥰
(Not) My Baby (Part 5)
She was putting the finishing touches on dinner when her phone buzzed on the counter with an incoming message. The salmon and veggies were still sizzling in the pan, the aroma of a freshly cooked meal making her insides flutter with both hunger and gratitude.
After the past several days, she was glad to finally be back to normal. At least, as normal as it gets under these strange circumstances she found herself in; because of a selfish, conniving, bit- No! No thinking about him tonight. Tonight is for the girlies.
Y/N, Stella and Lena all found themselves having a family dinner after quite a while. Deciding to put each other first and spend a peaceful evening together - complete with a cheesy horror movie and delicious food. Tonight was going to be fun and she wasn't going to let thoughts of him ruin that for even a moment.
A moan could be heard from the direction of the couch where Stella was impatiently waiting for food to be ready. She had been going on about how 'hangry' she had been all day and how much she missed Y/N's cooking. Even though Stella was a decent cook, and Lena could technically fry an egg, it was a known fact in their household that Y/N made "food for the soul". That's exactly what all three of them needed, all of them buzzing with excitement. Even Lena had turned her phone on silent and vowed not to text Kelce the whole evening, wanting to focus on her best friends she felt she had been neglecting.
"Hurry up, please!" Stella's whining made Lena roll her eyes and smack her shoulder causing the girl to pout in mock hurt. "I am an injured woman!"
Y/N laughed as she walked into the living room holding onto the food tray, thinking about how much she missed when all three of them were together like this.
"You'll live." Lena replied without missing a beat, plopping herself down on the chair next to the couch, while the chef presented them with their dinner. Stella's eyes lit up like a Christmas tree and even Lena couldn't stop a smile from breaking through.
"Oh this smells so fucking good, Peach! Come to mama!" She practically jumped to fill up her plate, completely ignoring the other two who smirked at each other, knowing how she gets when she's hungry.
Lena had chosen a movie for them to watch while they eat and decompress. It was some old horror with bad practical effects, demons and gore - perfect for the occasion. They spent the first 20 minutes of the film just enjoying their food in peace while trying to catch up to the plot. Even though the movie was silly it was still spooky and they loved that. Once the food was finished, Stella cleared their plates and brought back ice cream for them to share. The movie was getting real weird and scary when buzzing broke through the intense atmosphere they were in. Stella gasped, dramatically; Lena spared a glance in the direction of the glowing phone and shot Y/N a glare for the interruption. She realized someone was calling her.
"Who the fuck calls?" She mumbled, begrudgingly getting up from her comfy position on the couch to grab the phone and end the annoying buzzing. There are only three people who ever called her, albeit rarely, and two of them were in the room with her. The third one being her mother and she never called this late.
Looking at the screen, her eyes widened and a panicked "what the fuck" left her mouth. The girls both looked her way in confusion, seeing her staring at her phone.
"What?" Stella whispered, as if talking any louder would disturb the fictional characters on the screen.
"Guys..." Y/N slowly turned her phone to face the girls and they both gasped in unison.
"What the fuck?!" Lena jumped from her chair and took her phone from her hands as if it were a trick of the eye and the words on the screen would change once in her posession. But the caller ID hadn't changed...it still clearly said "Devil's Spawn".
The movie forgotten, the silence was now filled with only the incessant buzzing. Whoever it was was not letting the call drop.
"Answer it." Lena spoke causing Stella to jump from the couch.
"Are you insane! No, do not answer that! That is horror movie 101 right there!"
"This isn't a horror movie, this is real life , Stel." Lena responded, exasperatedly. Y/N gulped, Lena's words ringing true.
"...Hello?" Her voice still nearly trembled with trepidation, but she managed to keep it steady. If this was some psycho demon she was not showing any weakness.
"Finally!" A breath of relief left her, and she closed her eyes trying to calm her racing heart.
"Why the fuck are you calling me?" Her voice now taking on a note of clear annoyance, hinting to the girls who might be on the other end of the line.
"Well, hello to you too, Y/N/N." She could just feel Rafe's eyes rolling through the phone. She was not amused.
"Why are you calling, boomer?" He scoffed out a laugh at that one.
"Well if you answered your texts I wouldn't have to call like some boomer, would I?" She rolled her eyes this time, looking down at her phone to see she had several unread text notifications.
"What's so urgent it couldn't wait until morning, then?" She wanted this conversation to be over and for him to stop constantly ruining her fun.
"I need your measurements." "What?" She was dumbfounded at his random request.
"For the dress? My stepmom's been on my ass about getting her your measurements for weeks so if you could-"
"Oh, you mean while I have been blissfully unaware of your schemes? Good times." She sighed wistfully and he had to take a deep breath to calm down.
"Yes. Could you just send me your measurements so I can give them to her, please?" He sounded mildly desparate and quite irritated and she would be lying if she said she didn't enjoy that.
"Hmmm... fine. But only so I can end this conversation sooner." He sighed on the other line.
"Great, whatever." She scoffed at his attitude.
"You're such a brat." She couldn't see it but his eyebrows rose at her remark, a disbelieving smile on his face.
"A brat? That's a new one." She rolled her eyes once again at his attempt to keep the conversation going after she made it clear she wanted it to end.
"Yep, that's you. Bye, now! Don't call me again." She hung up the phone before he had the chance to respond and she smiled in satisfaction at her small victory. Lena and Stella were both staring at her, the former unimpressed and the latter barely holding in a laugh.
"What?" Y/N shrugged in confusion.
"Devil's Spawn?" Lena posed the question and Stella finally burst into laughter.
"Okay, yeah. So I might have saved his number under that name... And then forgot I did it." Y/N gave them both a sheepish smile, hoping they let it go and that they could forget the past 5 minutes ever happened.
"And in my defence, you were also freaked out for a minute!" Lena scoffed, faux offended, while Stella nodded somberly.
"It was the movie. It made us paranoid." Stella whispered again and the other two girls agreed.
"Sooo... Keep watching?" "Fuck yes!" "Lets do it." The trio agreed and made themselves comfortable in their assigned seats again, resuming the film. Y/N couldn't help but check her phone to see the texts he had sent her before that awkward phonecall.
Devil's Spawn: hey sry 2 bother u at girls night but could u send me ur measurements?
Devil's Spawn: my stepmom needs them
Devil's Spawn: for ur dress n stuff
Devil's Spawn: btw she made reservations at the Modiste 4 Tuesday so u can try some stuff out
Devil's Spawn: pls lmk the measurements asap
She read through his texts with a raised brow. How did he know they were having girls night? Kelce must have told him, she guessed. The Modiste? What was this, Bridgerton? A scoff escaped her, met by shushing from Stella by her side. Her friends were once again deeply engulfed in the film playing on their TV screen. Y/N, however, was distracted.
She couldn't stop thinking over everything that had happened recently. Thinking about Rafe, or the 'Devil's Spawn' as she had aptly named him. She had forgotten all about the little nickname she dubbed him with in her phone, right until she picked up and heard his voice. Then it came back to her - the group chat Lena had created to keep them all in the loop over a trip they had planned, her tipsy and giggling to herself while she saved his contact at how funny and clever she was. Truth is she never expected to use it, she just wanted to spite him, even if it was petty and just for her own amusement. But that was so long ago now, and the little rebellion completely escaped her memory. Which is why she had given into the horror induced paranoia tonight. It was funny though, even funnier since it was all three of them who fell for the spooky caller. She looked over at her friends, smiling. She had missed this so much. She finally let herself sink back into the couch and tried watching the rest of the movie but she soon dozed off from exhaustion.
The next day she woke up groggy and confused. She realized she was still on the couch, but this time alone and covered by a blanket. The girls took care to make her comfy before going to their respective beds. She took a deep breath, looking at the time on her phone seeing it was just past 7, wondering if she should just move to her bedroom and go back to sleep when a text came through.
Devil's Spawn: can u send me those measurements??
She rolled her eyes at his insistence and lack of patience. It's not like she had the numbers lying around. She needed to measure herself first. That would prove a challenge since she didn't have a tape measure. She pondered on whether Stella might have one when Lena made her way into the living area.
"Oh, you're up?" Lena had been an early bird for as long as she knew her. Stella was the opposite, she could sleep forever. Y/N was somewhere in between, not quite a morning person like Lena, but definitely not comfortable staying in bed until the afternoon.
"Yeah. Morning." Y/N rubbed her tired eyes giving her friend a sleepy smile.
"Good morning." Lena smirked and went to the kitchen to start on her coffee.
"Hey, do you have a tape measure?" She asked in hopes she wouldn't have to wake up Stella and risk losing a limb.
"A tape measure? Why?" Lena's confusion echoed from the kitchen area and Y/N slowly got on unsteady feet to patter closer to her.
"Just need to take my measurements." She sighed, smelling the coffee Lena was brewing.
"Why?" Lena repeated the question and she knew she wouldn't let it go, she was stubborn like that.
"Rafe needs them." Lena gave her a knowing look. Knowing of what she was unsure. He was such a pain in her ass.
"Why does Rafe need your measurements?" Lena posed the question as she pulled out two mugs and started filling them with the precious liquid.
"I don't know. Something about his stepmom and the wedding. Do you have one or not?" Y/N grabbed the oat milk from the fridge and handed it to Lena who thanked her with a smile.
"Not." Lena poured herself a bit of milk and Y/N a generous amount. The girl was looking at her friend with a deadpan expression after her answer.
"Stel does, though." Y/N groaned, realizing she'd have to sneak into her best friend's room because of Rafe. Ruining her day before it even started, the prick.
"Do you know where she keeps it?" She asked hopeful, praying it might be a quick in and out mission and the risk of waking the lion would be low.
"Hmm. No, sorry. Maybe her desk drawers? That's where she usually keeps her craft supplies." Lena shrugged and took a long sip of her coffee, closing her eyes in pleasure at the strong aroma waking up her tastebuds.
Y/N let out a breath and braced herself for the mission ahead. It would be fine. Stella was probaby knocked out cold. She'd just do a quick check and if she can't find it in the drawer she'd text Rafe to leave her the hell alone until Stella woke up. She crept into Stella's room, her sock clad feet making as little noise as possible as she inched towards the desk. She was almost there when Stella stirred and she froze in place, bracing for an attack. But it never came and Stella kept snoring. She sighed out in relief and went searching through the desk with minimal noise. She managed to find it, in the last drawer of course.
She retraced the footsteps back out of the room and felt impressed when she made it to the living room without waking her friend. Maybe she could be a spy or a cat burglar cause that was seriously cool. Lena was looking at her with a blank expression as she crept back to the kitchen. She swore she had the two most dramatic women for roomates. Stella took the cake of course, but Y/N definitely acted up sometimes and gave Stella a run for her money. It was hard being the reasonable one in the household.
"I got it." Y/N whispered, showing off the prize.
"Good job, bub." Lena said, semi sarcastically, but Y/N just grinned proudly.
"Can you help me?" Lena rolled her eyes but got up to help her friend. They had to look up instructions on how to take measurements correctly and wrote them down in Y/N's notes app. It took longer than they thought it would. Once they finally finished, she sent them to Rafe with what she deemed an appropriate warning.
Baby: here are your damn measurements
Baby: I expect you to be a lot less pushy from now on
Baby: I'm doing you a favor, don't forget that
Lena had packed up her stuff and left the apartment not long after and Rafe responded in suit.
Devil's Spawn: why thank you your holiness I wouldn't dream of being pushy with thee again
She scoffed at his idiotic response just as the next text came in.
Devil's Spawn: u want me to buy u a purse for ur troubles madam?
Baby: that's sexist
Devil's Spawn: so that's a no on the birkin?
She rolled her eyes and decided to ignore him and his sarcastic little messages. She could feel how tired she still was and since it was a day free from classes she figured going back to bed might be her best option. She poured her coffee into a bottle and put it in the fridge for later and then made herself comfy in her own bed. After a night on the couch her back was screaming in protest. She had to remember not to fall asleep in the living room again because her back hurt for days every time it happened. She was just about to fall into a slumber when her phone buzzed on the night stand. She almost groaned but checked it anyway.
Devil's Spawn: can we meet 2day?
She hated the way he texted. Was it so damn hard to just spell out an entire word? She was about to ignore him but the phone buzzed again.
Devil's Spawn: we need 2 go over some stuff 4 wedding
She groaned into her pillow after reading that. Couldn't she go one day without dealing with his bullshit? One day without thinking about the damn wedding she is forced to attend with him? At least she had the car, she reminded herself and smiled. She hadn't had much of a chance to drive it yet, so why not take advantage of it?
Baby: fine. 6pm at Rooftop
The Rooftop Bar was a gorgeous place right outside of town at one of the hotels overlooking the ocean. It was a 30 minute drive so she could enjoy the ride and the beautiful view. That was at least one good thing to come out of this whole mess.
Devil's Spawn: ok see u
With one final eye roll she finally laid her head on her soft pillow and traveled all the way to dreamland. Unfortunately so did her thoughts of a certain irksome boy and his blue-green eyes.
After waking back up around 11, she went on with her day somewhat normally. However, the cloud of her approaching meet up with Rafe kept gnawing at her mind, never letting her fully relax. She debated cancelling at least 20 times, but she didn't. She knew it was time to accept her fate and make peace with the predicament she was in. She reminded herself she'll be getting something out of the deal too. That and the car. She smiled at the thought of the Mustang parked in front of their building.
It was only a few days ago that Rafe reluctantly handed her the keys to his most prized posession. He was sulking the entire time, a pout on his face she would have made fun of if she hadn't been so damn excited nothing could rain on her parade. And frankly, taking something from him that he loved would probably humble him a little and he desparately needed some humbling.
She had been eyeing the Mustang for years. She didn't know a lot about cars but she always liked the classics, fawning over them if she saw one on the road. She didn't care for the men driving them, obviously. She just found older cars to have more character, as most new cars all looked exactly the same to her - she couldn't even tell you what make any uber she'd ever taken was. But the old cars were different, pretty, special. She had always wanted to drive one but never had the opportunity. Suffice to say she had been jealous of Rafe having such a gorgeous car, believing a dickhead like him did not deserve it. And as soon as she had the idea to barter for it, she was ecstatic.
When she slid into the sleek leather seat, turned the key and heard the engine roar, she was in heaven. Rafe's misery at the arrangement was quite enjoyable too, given that he put her in such an impossibly awkward position in the first place. She felt it was only fair he suffer as well. So she didn't feel guilty driving away from him, in his old Mustang, while he looked after her with anger and sadness as she left him in the dust.
She hadn't told her friends what she was going to do, what she would ask of him in the end. They were mad at her for keeping them in suspense and she knew they'd lose their minds once she drove home in Rafe's baby.
She had barely stopped the car in front of their building when she impatiently dialed Stella's phone. Once the girl answered, Y/N only relayed a quick, criptic message of her "coming downstairs, now" and hung up. Stella had been confused but made her way out of the building all the same. As soon as she saw her in the black Mustang, Stella's jaw dropped and Y/N couldn't hide her smirk.
"No. Fucking. Way." Y/N just laughed at her friend's shocked expression.
"You took his car!? Oh my God, you're an evil genious! Remind me never to piss you off." Stella joked as she ran to hug her, both of them beaming in excitement.
"How did you convince him to give you his car? That's like his baby!" Stella shook with nerves and excitement.
"Like you guys said, he couldn't say no." Y/N shrugged, seemingly chill. However, she also couldn't quite believe she managed to get him to give her his fucking car. He really was desparate for this deal to work, otherwise he would have told her to go fuck herself and never spoke to her again. What a mess. But hey, it was a mess he got them into himself and she wasn't going to pass up a good opportunity by feeling guilty about it. He was a dick and he deserved a nice portion of humble pie.
It wasn't until later that night, while Stella and Y/N were in the apartment doing their respective work, that Lena burst through the door looking dishevelled, like she ran all the way to the third floor. The two girls were completely bewildered at their friend until she spoke.
"Where's Rafe?" Lena was looking around the apartment expecting the boy to pop up from behind a counter or something.
"I don't know? What-" Y/N started, but was interrupted.
"Why is his car in the parking lot?" Once Lena posed the question the two girls gave each other a knowing, mischievous look. Lena looked at them confused.
"About that..." Y/N started the story. Suffice to say Lena had been thoroughly shocked and amused by the ordeal.
"I can't believe you took his car. You are devious. He loves that thing more than himself." Lena chuckled and Y/N rolled her eyes.
"Well, that just isn't true or he wouldn't have agreed." She smirked and the girls nodded in agreement. Lena praised her for her nerve and Y/N thanked Lena for giving her the push to go after what she wanted.
That was two days ago and aside from classes she hadn't had a chance to drive her new car which was tragic considering how excited she was to have it. But tonight that changes. She'll finally have an oportunity to get in her new Mustang and cruise. She was buzzing with butterflies at the prospect. She had picked the location of their meeting specifically so she could enjoy the drive there and back. Also she really loved the place, rarely getting a chance to visit it. It had a gorgeous view, loads of fresh air and affordable drinks. What was not to like?
She decided to put some effort into how she looked tonight, wanting to enjoy herself to the fullest, ignoring the fact that the person she'd be meeting would probably piss her off at some point. She chose to focus on the fun parts of the evening. She picked out a cute outfit, leather jacket in tow, put on a red lip and looked herself over in approval. This is exactly the aesthetic she wanted, the kind befitting a girl driving a car like that. She grinned in excitement and got ready to leave.
She had told the girls she'd be meeting Rafe tonight and she was glad they weren't home to see how much effort she put into her appearace. She knew they'd assume it was for him when it wasn't. Not even a little bit. She was dressing for herself. And while that usually meant comfort to the max, she really wanted to look good tonight.
The drive was peaceful, filled with her favourite playlist and the roar of the Mustang she was falling in love with. The sea air was refreshing, helping her calm herself down. No matter how much she was enjoying her ride, the fact was it would end with meeting him. She tried so hard to keep herself cool and carefree but when it came to him it was an impossible feat. He always managed to get under her skin, no matter how much she claimed she didn't care. This whole situation was so messed up and she hated him for putting her in it. It was so absurd she couldn't believe she agreed to it. Even with the stunning automobile she was currently driving.
She forced herself to put it out of her mind for the rest of the trip; so she could enjoy the wind in her hair, fresh air in her lungs and Chappell Roan on the stereo.
Once she stopped the car she noticed he was already there, she could see his bike in the parking lot. A very nice bike, she had to admit. But of course it was, his family was loaded, he only had the best of the best. He had tried making her feel bad about taking his mode of transportation, knowing full well he had his bike to fall back on. She scoffed at the memory. What a bitch.
She had hoped she'd get there first and perhaps have a drink in peace before having to deal with him but alas the universe was not on her side tonight. Well, it seemed like it hasn't been on her side for a while.
Putting aside her anxiety, she held her head up high when she entered the hotel, beelining for the elevator that led to The Rooftop Bar where Rafe was waiting for her. He was early, she realized. It wasn't even 6 o'clock when she parked the car and he was there already. He wasn't usually late, as far as she remembers from their hang outs, but she doesn't think she'd seen him be early either.
Once she stepped out into the fresh evening air she felt herself relax slightly. The twinkling lights spread around the open-air bar were beautiful and the view of the coast breathtaking. She loved the smell of the sea, it always brought her peace. She supposed that's part of the reason why she chose this place, to help her out while she dealt with the one person who always managed to get under her skin.
Her eyes moved across the rooftop until they met his blue ones. He was sat at one of the tables closest to the edge, one with a great view. His eyes had been on her since she stepped foot out of the elevator, having been anxiously waiting for about 20 minutes. He wasn't sure why he came so early but for some reason he just didn't want to be late and risk angering her.
He had the chance to take her in before she noticed him. And boy was she a sight to behold. She looked good, too good. With a dress that hugged her curves just right and a black leather jacket making her look sexy and cool.
She always looked good when they were out together with their friends but for some reason he thought she looked extra nice tonight. Perhaps she was trying to mess with his head. Or maybe she wasn't thinking of him at all when she got dressed. Which was a thought that kind of stung given how much effort he put into his own outfit. He changed at least four times, feeling shockingly nervous to see her. He spent the whole day anxiously awaiting 6pm. He wasn't sure why he was feeling so amped up, maybe because they were meeting up alone, in a really nice and maybe even romantic place. Maybe because it was finally setting in that this whole thing was really happening and that less than two weeks from now they'd be playing a couple in front of his entire family. He chose to chalk his nerves up to the latter, not wanting to dwell on anything else.
It would have been comical, how fast her body language changed once she saw him, if it didn't cause a sharp pain in his chest. A moment ago she had seemed relaxed and maybe joyful but the moment their eyes met she stiffened up, as if she had to be on guard around him. It sucked, thought he knew she had every right to be upset with him, he did put them both in an awkward predicament. It still kind of stung that she felt so unwelcoming toward him. He chose not to dwell on that either and gave her a nod in greeting.
She mentally prepped herself on the walk over to their table, trying to remind herself that she is a grown woman and this man couldn't unhinge her unless she let him. And she wouldn't let him.
"Hey." He stood suddenly and rushed to pull her chair out, the action taking her by surprise.
"Hey. Thanks." She gave him a small awkward smile and he nodded, sitting back into his own chair across from her and waving over a waiter.
She took him in while he was distracted. He looked good and she hated it. With a button up and a leather biker jacket draped over it, he looked efortlessly cool. She was worried for a minute she might be slightly overdressed and he'd be in his usual t-shirt and backwards cap combo but he seemed to have cleaned up too. She supposed it was this place. It had a fancy vibe that made people want to dress just a little nicer for it. That was it, no other reason.
The waiter came and took their order, she realized he had not ordered a drink yet so he must have gotten here only minutes before her. He ordered a craft beer the waiter recomended and she asked for a fruity cocktail. One drink wouldn't hurt, it would help with her nerves. One drink only though, so she could safely drive back home.
"Thanks for meeting me today." He gave her a sweet smile and she responded with a mere nod, not willing to risk speaking when she felt so confused about how nice he was being. It was uncharted territory and she didn't trust it. She had to keep herself on guard.
"I love this place." He looked around with a small genuine smile, and she could tell he was being sincere. "It's a shame we don't come here more often."
"It is, yeah." She gave a tentative smile as she agreed with him. Another extremely unusual occourence - the two of them agreeing on somehing. The silence started dragging on so she decided to stop it before it spread any longer and it became awkward.
"So, what is it you wanted to discuss?" Her voice took him by surprise, breaking him out of a haze he found himself in for a moment.
"Oh, um. Just, stuff for the wedding. We should be prepared, you know." He looked sheepish and her suspicion was rising.
"Sure. So go ahead." She gave him a pointed look.
"Hm?" He looked out of it and her brow furrowed.
"Tell me more about this wedding. Your family. You know, prepare?" She was looking at him oddly, slightly concerned with how airheaded he seemd to be acting.
"Oh, of course yeah." He nodded and readied himself to spill the beans.
"Right. So we should probably start with my family." He looked uncomfortable saying it but she agreed. It did seem like the most important part. Getting them to believe they were a couple.
"Yeah, so theres my dad, my stepmom - her name is Rose, by the way - and my two little sisters." As he recounted his family dynamic and threw in tidbits of information she should probably be aware of, she found herself in awe for a moment. She had known he had sisters but she did not expect the love he exhibited while talking about them.
He mentioned how his relationship with Sarah had been rocky when they were younger but they found a way to communicate in the past year and how relieved he was that they were finally talking again. That he missed her. There was an embarrased but endearing blush on his cheeks at the revelation that made her smile. Once he noticed it, he smiled too. It was an oddly comfortable moment between the pair.
He spoke of his younger sister Wheezie with unbridled adoration, retelling a few childhood stories that made them both laugh. It was weirdly nice, sitting there together like that. Neither of them really expected it to feel that way. Almost, natural. Like they were just two regular people, sitting in a bar and chatting about their lives over drinks.
Soon enough the mood shifted as the story got to his father - Ward Cameron. She found herself bearing resentment towards the man and she'd barely even met him. He was always pompous at any event he'd come to at their college but she wasn't too bothered by him. She knew how to work people like that, figure out what they're like, tell them what they want to hear and she'd be golden. But the cloud over Rafe's head as he spoke about his dad made her heart clench with empathy for the boy. She couldn't imagine having such a terrible relationship with your father that you'd look so miserable at the mere mention of him. It tugged at her heart.
He explained how Ward very much cared for appearances, which she knew already. He mentioned that he always saw Rafe as a disappointment and he really didn't want to be one anymore. She kind of felt bad for him even though in his desparation to impress his dad he put her in this shitty position. The ice around her heart was slowly melting. She still hated the entire ordeal, obviously, but she kind of understood why this was important to Rafe.
She still didn't like that he was using her as a pawn in his game of "win dad's approval" and she wouldn't pretend otherwise no matter how much of a sob story he sold her, though. She knew he was laying it on thicker than necessary to try and gain her sympathy. And while it kind of worked, the method didn't go unnoticed and she resented his manipulation tactics.
He described his stepmother as a vain woman, just as obsessed with image as his father, which made sense. She wasn't sure if his negative image of her was warranted or not, given that she'd never met the woman. She decided to keep his warnings in mind but leave an open mind for Rose. As far his sisters went she already knew she'd like them. She just felt bad that she'd be lying to them. That part sucked.
He mentioned some of the influential people who would be attending this wedding, and she was kind of surprised with just how many people relevant to her future career would be there in one place. And she'd get the chance to network. This really was a good opportunity for her, he wasn't lying when he said that. She was impressed.
She knew he was smart, but it took her by surprise just how much he knew about who she'd be interested in meeting and even giving her some pointers on how to impress a few of them he knew more closely. Rich people really do all stick together. She almost scoffed but refrained as he was doing her a solid giving her these bits of information that could definitely help her when she approached her targets.
When he had finally reached the conclusion in his debrief, the waiter returned to take their empty glasses and ask if they'd like to order more. As much as she enjoyed the sweet cocktail she remembered the promise she made herself and ordered a coke. Rafe ordered the same and gave her a cute smile.
It was odd, how natural it felt opening up to her. Even for a bit. He didn't quite understand how this woman managed to make him feel both exposed and understood at the same time. Like she could see right through him but she simply listened and empathized. It was fucking with his head.
He had spared her most of the details about his father which he deemed not necessary for her to know. It was all about preparing her for the wedding, that's all. He was amused at the way her eyes sparkled when they talked about her part of the deal, all the people on the guest list she would no doubt be able to wow. She seemed kind of excited and it made him feel glad. So far she had only expressed anger and disapproval over their arrangement. But there was a great opportunity for her in it too, which she had been ignoring for the most part. He knew she would manage to charm any one of those guests she wanted to. She was like that, incredibly charismatic and charming. He simply wasn't on the list of people she wished to charm. And he was fine with that, it didn't matter that there was a short burst of pain inside his ribs at the reminder that the only reason she was sitting with him right now was the deal they made.
"So what's with this "Modiste"?" Her voice was dripping with sarcasm at the use of the word.
"Yeah. Sorry about that. Rose likes to keep things looking perfect. She wants us to match so we need to try some things out." He rolled his eyes at what he deemed his stepmother's dramatics. "The clothes need to be tailored, not a single crease in sight."
For Y/N, it was beginning to sink in just how different their worlds were. The mere clothes they wore were so startlingly different in price, she shuddered to think what this entire wedding would look like. She did not belong in the world of oppulence. She was a small town girl, on a scholarship, trying to make a difference in this world. But the world was quite literally tailored to the upper classes, and her dislike of them had to take a back seat if she wanted to fulfil her dreams. Change starts from within, small steps and all that. She had to remind herself to breathe as her thoughts nearly spun out of control.
Rafe noticed her expression change and frowned.
"Everything okay?" She startled at his voice breaking her out of her daze.
"Oh, yeah. Yeah all good." She gave him an unconvincing smile and he had to hold back from calling bullshit. He didn't want to piss her off, things were finally going somewhat okay between them and he wanted it to continue on like that.
"Okay so we just gotta pick out a few outfits on Tuesday and that's what we'll be wearing. Rose will take care of everything else, like always." He attempted a joke in order to relieve the tension that was radiating off of her.
"Right. Makes sense." She nodded trying to focus on the topic at hand. "Wait a few outfits?" She questioned, confused.
"Oh, yeah. Well one for the first day, the rehersal dinner-" she interrupted him before he got to finish his thought.
"Hold on, hold on, hold on." He looked bemusedly at her.
"What?" Her brows furrowed in confusion at his words.
"What do you mean the first day?" He was looking at her like she had grown a second head.
"Well, the rehearsal dinner, as I was saying. Then the wedding on Saturday-" he didn't get to finish again.
"I'm sorry, I'm gonna stop you right there." He was barely holding in his annoyance at her rude interruptions.
"You're saying this is a two day deal?" She was looking like she was about to pass out and alarm bells finally started ringing in his head.
"It's actually three days." His voice was careful, trying not to upset her further because she seemed like she was on the verge of a panic attack.
"Three days?!" Her voice was louder than she expected, and she got a few dirty looks from the table next to them.
"I told you this?" It came out as a weak attempt to placate her.
"No. You did not." She was glaring at him, and if looks could kill he would be a full 6 feet under this hotel.
"I swear, I thought I told you!" His desparation could be felt through every syllable.
"Rafe I swear to God-"
"I'm sorry! I really thought I did..." he looked petrified. Like the very thin line they had been toeing was about to break and he wasn't sure he could ever fix it if it did.
She got up from the table and walked away without a second glace. It happened so fast, one second she was there, steam practically coming out of her ears, then he blinked and he was faced with her back leaving the bar. He jumped into action, throwing some cash on the table to cover the bill and ran after her.
She had already gotten onto the elevator by the time he reached it and she purposefully closed the doors on him... Fuck. He realised his only option was to run down the stairs as fast as he could in hopes he reaches her before she takes off.
By the time he runs out of the staircase the elevator is empty and he curses his luck. He rushes out, panting, panicking, ready to see his car gone but it isn't. The car is still parked in front of the hotel but she's nowhere in sight. His relief turns to confusion, turns to concern until he notices something moving across the road and sees her standing at the railing overlooking the ocean. He hurries to join her. Her eyes are closed and she's breathing in a deliberate manner.
"Don't." She interrupts him again, this time he lets the silence roll. They stand there for what feels like eons but in reality was no more than 2 minutes. She opens her eyes and stares at the sea bellow them, the waves crashing into the cliffside. Her breathing evens out and she exhales a deep breath.
She had to get away from him, she needed a minute to breathe, calm herself down. She was reaching an anxiety attack up there and she needed out.
He stood a few feet away, mimicking her posture, waiting for her to speak or move or do something. He was so scared he screwed the whole thing up by not telling her. He really did think he had. But to be frank, he mostly blocked out those extremely embarrassing moments when he revealed to her the truth of his transgression and begged her to help him. So how was he to know if he actually did or didn't mention it? By her reaction though, it was clear this was the first time she was hearing about it. He wanted to slap himself.
"I'm sorry." His voice was quiet, small, defeated almost.
She finally looked at him then and realized he wasn't lying about believing he had told her about the wedding being a three day affair.
She wanted to cuss him out, slap him, tell him to take his car keys back and to leave her the fuck alone for the rest of time. But the way he was looking at her, so broken, so desparate, sad. Like she was holding his entire world in the palm of his hands and if she dropped it he wouldn't survive it. And she cursed herself for being empathetic because he really kept pulling the rug from under her again and again. Just when she thought she was finally in control, understood what she was dealing with, he reveals something else that tilts her world off its axis.
She sighed again and looked out at the setting sun. He kept his eyes on her. He was sure she would have cussed him out by now or maybe pushed him over the railing by how angrily she had looked at him back at the table. But she hadn't. Hadn't left either. She was still there. Maybe there was still hope.
"I swear, I thought I told you." He repeated himself pathetically, not knowing what else to do. She looked at him, the intensity in her eyes knocking his breath out of him. He was at her mercy yet again.
"I know." He looked dazed at her words. Hopeful for her next.
"You hate me now?" His voice was barely a whisper at that point. Why does he always fuck everything up?
"I don't know." Ouch. He was kind of hoping for a no. By the dejected look on his face she realized her words were a mistake. And untrue.
"No. I still don't hate you." She spoke looking back at the horizon. His head swiveled back to stare at her gauging if she was being truthful or playing with him. He was greatful it was the latter.
"Are you gonna back out?" The silence and the suspence were bad for his health, he felt faint. She let out a loud breath, seemingly fighting with herself.
"No." His eyes snapped up to hers incredibly quickly. But before he could say anything she continued.
"But you need to be honest with me. No more surprises, okay? I can't deal with any more of this shit." He was nodding along with her words enthusiastically, trying to hold in a smile that was desparate to come out. She wasn't abandoning him. She was still with him.
"I swear!" His hands were in the air in an apologetic manner.
"So is that it? Or is there anything else I should know that you forgot to mention?"
"No, that's all, I promise." He was nodding again, trying to convince her he was serious.
"Rafe, I swear to God if anything else pops up-"
"It won't!" He came closer to her, staring in her eyes, begging her to believe him. His move startled her but she didn't move, couldn't. It was as if his eyes were keeping her in a trance. She could see no sign of deception in them, so she nodded.
He finally let the smile out, the relief and gratitude overwhelming him. She hated that the sight of him made her want to smile too. She kept hold of herself though. She wouldn't give him the satisfaction.
"So, three days?" He realized she was asking for an explanation.
"Right. So the plan is we get there on Friday in time for the rehearsal dinner. Then Saturday is the wedding and reception. That's where you get to make your move." He gave her a cheeky wink and she rolled her eyes.
"And then Sunday is recovery from the wedding and a continuation of the celebration for the bride and groom's closest family and friends. A way to spend some time together before they go off on their honeymoon."
"So three whole days of playing the part." She was deep in thought. Partly doubting her ability to pull it all off for so long, partly hyping herself up at the prospect of those connections that were so close to her reach.
"Look, I know it's more than you exepected but it's not a big deal." The look she gave him showed him her thoughts. Bullshit. He cracked a smile. She wanted to slap it off him. He was too damn cocky for either of their goods.
"You do realize we have to convice your family, friends and everyone else there that we're a couple, right?" He nodded, as if it was obvious.
"And we have never been able to not piss each other off for more than an hour." She waved back toward the hotel, reminding him of their most recent disasterous interaction. He sighed, putting his head in his hands, exasperated.
"So what then? I don't know what you want me to do. You're the one who ran away from me." He looked at her and noticed her glare was back. And they had just fixed things. This was exhausting.
"I needed a moment to breathe and think after getting yet another major reveal from you." She was right.
"I know. I'm sorry." He approached her again.
Why did he keep getting into her personal space, looking at her like that? Why did it keep affecting her the way it was? Why did she keep letting him? He was a breath away, it seemed. And those eyes looked anything but sorry then. They looked wild. As if their proximity was ruining both of their resolves. She had to put an end to this tomfoolery. So she stepped away, crossing the street back to the parking lot, leaving him dazed and confused.
After a moment he followed, hands in his pockets portraying a picture of nochalance which was nothing more than a facade. She saw through it but she didn't want to know whatever it was that was going through his head now. She needed this interaction done with, once again feeling drained of all energy. It was like he had this annoying ability to rattle all her senses just by being near her. She hated that. She opened the car door, his car door, feeling his stare boring into her.
"I'll see you at the Modiste." She offered a neutral, but somewhat friendly goodbye. He nodded, looking at her with an intensity she didn't know what to do with.
He hated seeing her like this. So calm and collected when he was anything but. Hated how easy it was for her to walk away from him, time and time again. How pathetic he felt wishing she wouldn't, again and again.
She looked infuriatingly good, standing by his car, like she owned it. Like she had the right to drive it. It pissed him off that it suited her, looked like it was made for her when it was his most prized posession, which she stole from him. He hated how much he liked seeing her getting into the drivers seat, how he got a great view of her ass as she did. Hated how much every little thing about her seemed to affect him in the worst ways. Mostly he hated that he didn't hate any of it, how much it stirred inside of him, stuff he wanted to pretend did not exist. And he resented her for not feeling the same unhinged way he always seemed to when they're together. He hadn't moved from his position by the car, not even an inch. Just staring at her while she turned the ignition on and the familiar sound of the old muscle car roaring to life shot a pang through his heart.
He resented how good she looked driving his car. It was so fucking unfair.
She looked back at him, confused as to his state of mind, from the intensity on his face and the way his eyes just wouldn't leave her. She felt an overwhelming urge to break the tension somehow. Just driving away while he stared at her seemed too unnerving of a prospect.
"You promise no more surprises?" She managed to break him out of his reverie then. He clearly did not expect her to speak again. He processed her words and smirked.
"What would life be like if there were no surprises, Y/N/N?" The look she gave him made him laugh and reassure her.
"No. No more surprises. Scout's honor." Dramatically, he puts a hand over his heart.
"Good. Because if I show up there and find out that it's actually our wedding or something, I'm going to murder you."
Those were the last words he heard before she took off in his beloved Mustang. Once again leaving him in the dust, this time a live wire from their encounter. He was left with the unfortunate image she had now put in his head. Why would she say that?
Why would she say that? What was she thinking? At least she managed to take him by surprise and break whatever daydream he was in. But why did she say that? Now she was thinking of how awkward it was. She wanted to leave on a funny and unaffected note but now she was left embarrased.
She took a breath and made a conscious decision not to dwell on that cringe mistake and leave it in the rearview along with him. And as she drove further away from the hotel and the man in front of it she managed to convince herself the worst was behind her and whatever came from now on would be easier.
Just as she was starting to believe it, she heard the roar of a motorcycle and she knew it was him. She expected him to zoom past her but he slowed down to match her pace. She looked over at him confused, but couldn't see his face. So she did the only thing she could think of in that moment and waved at him. That seemed to do the trick as he waved back and finally took off in front of her, leaving her to wonder what the hell just happened.
When she finally got into bed that night, freshly showered and tummy full, she noticed a text notification on her phone.
Devil's Spawn: it looks good on u
It took her a moment to realize what he was talking about. And then it dawned on her. The weird moment on the road. He was checking her out while she was driving his car. Her cheeks turned a furious shade of red as it sank in. And he had the audacity to send that text. Not only was he checking her out but he wanted her to know it too. What a pompous douchebag.
She decided that the fluttery feeling in her stomach was caused by the anger at being so blatantly objectified, not because he was flirting with her. His message went unanswered as she forced herself to calm down and get some sleep. This would prove a futile attempt, him once again making her too riled up and forcing her into yet another long and restless night.
Taglist: if anyone wants to be tagged in future work let me know; @lovelornanonymity @mentallynot-here @wishing-i-was-rafes-princess @emeloyy @kanib45 @clinelyn @magnificantmermaid @hey-sunrisee @mannstarkey @harringtonstudios @totallynotkaibiased @popcrone818 @bookaholics-stuff @zzzina7 @fangirlwithlou @namelesssav @rafesxgold @cmac-writes @malfoytargaryen @alinaharlow @mveggieburger @theyluvmesblog @withbeautyandrage @sierrahhh @harrys-humble-housewife @piceous21 @vifuckingp @ditzyballerina @xoxo3m1ly @jessmaybank @whore-4-drewstarkey @palmwinemami @mew227 @dustbunniess @sublimepenguinpeach-blog @starkowswife @ietss @beansprout713 @tpwk-mia @starkeysbebe
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Hii! I rlly love your Bill Kaulitz daughter fics 🥰
I was wondering if you can do a request when Bill goes live on TikTok and Bill stepped away for something and (teen)reader ‘subs’ in for him while he doesn’t know saying hi to her Uncle Tom and other uncles and talking to the chat or smth (I thought this was cute man but feel free to ignore!)
(this is very cute and of course! I'm glad you like my fics of dad bill and I hope you enjoy!)
Star Of The Live
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The chat complained as Bill excuses himself only to blow up in excitement as you came into the room.
"Dad?" You called out before you noticed the camera with your uncle's faces on it and Tom waving you down.
"Hmm?" You hummed, picking it up and walking out the room with it, just missing Bill who came back.
"(Name)! You like my new look?" Your uncle Tom asked, a filter of a lemon on his head.
"Why are you using that filter out of them all?" You asked, giving your uncle a funny look.
"I have no filter, now I have no niece."
"That's rude, Uncle Tom-" you cut yourself off with a gasp and a smile, seeing Gustav joined the live.
"Uncle Gustav!" You exclaimed, happy and the camera in your hands almost shaking as you waved.
"Hey, honey. How's school?" Your uncle asked in his German, getting an eye roll and a scoff from you.
"Same thing! My bitchy biology teacher knocked me down to a D when I had an A! He graded my assignment wrong too!" You complained, your Uncle Georg and Tom laughing and your annoyance.
You looked at the comments, smiling at them until your eyes widened when one asked if you would like them to get your teacher fired.
"No, it's all good! It's fine!" You laughed, a bit nervously but shaking your head in amusement.
"You know he's probably gonna see this, and you gotta go back to his class?" Uncle Georg reminded, his eyes away from the camera only to look back and see your horrified face.
"Why didn't you tell me?!" You exclaimed, eyes wide and nervous as your Uncle Tom switched filters and laughed once more.
"You're the one who complained, honey." He reminded you.
"Shush up!" You exclaimed, groaning. "I'm still your uncle, y'know." He said, giving you a dead pan.
"Yet you once made me pay for a ticket to a concert because I said I didn't like your guitar solo." You reterated back, the Kaulitz genes showing the similarities in yours and your uncle's face really shining through.
"Eh, also because you used to be a piece of work when you came on tour." Georg added along.
"What did she do?" Gustav read a comment, smiling as your face dropped.
"She was a picky eater, she broke a lot of things, she once grabbed my phone and started singing frozen and said she was her father's daughter, which I don't know how she is. I busted an ear drum that day-"
Georg started listing off, getting shushed by you as he kept going.
"Why do you guys do this? People I know watch these!"
"Because it's fun, babe. It's payback for those years you terrorized us as a baby." Tom sassed back, and if you could you would smack him.
"I'm telling Heidi."
"Wait, no, she likes you better than me-" Tom tried, getting shushed by you once more before he looked offended.
"'Wheres your dad?'" You read a comment out loud, daking offence of them wanting to be rid of you.
"He's doing old man things." You stated, in a joking sort of tone before the door opened.
"Old man? What are you- did you take my phone, schön?" Your dad finally came back, standing behind you as you peeked up at him wirb a sheepish smile.
"If you wanted to be in it you could've asked." Bill laughed, kissing the top of your head as he sat back down beside you.
"Seems like my daughter is the star, today."
"I've always been. Always will be the apple or your eyes since the day I was born." You stated, smiling straight at the camera smugly.
"That's big words for you," your dad pointed out, getting a jaw drop from you.
"I'm offended, dad."
"You should."
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@steddiemas Day 6 - Baking & Cookie Decorating
pairing: pre-steddie | word count: 1,911 | rated: G
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A couple days later finds Eddie on his way to Steve’s house at the early as fuck hour of 8:30am
“AARrugh–fuuck!” he curses again, trying to stifle down another cracking yawn, “It should be illegal to be up this early.”
“You mean the normal time people get up?”
“No, normal is lunchtime. Realistic is two.”
“God, you’re such a loser.”
“And yet you still hang out with me.”
“Uh, no. I hang out with Steve and El and Lucas and sometimes Dustin. You’re just there by association.”
“Ouch Red, that hurts my soul.” He winces dramatically 
“What soul?”
Eddie grins at her, “Touché, Maxine”
Her tiny, pointy knuckles meet his bicep as he pulls Bessie into the Harringtons’ driveway.
They’re having a pre-thanksgiving dinner with the party before they all have actual Thanksgiving with each of their families, and Max insisted on coming over early to help Steve with preparations.
“If we don’t go help, he’s going to do it all by himself you know.”
“Robin will be there, I’m sure.”
“Yeah, he’s gonna do everything by himself. You know Robin is moral support at best.”
“And what are we gonna be, huh? You think I’m any better?”
She had huffed at that. “We’re going, Munson.”
So, here they are. Like Eddie suspected, as soon as they breach the front door, Robin is visible on one of the stools at the island, sleep rumpled and a mug in hand, and Steve is standing at the stove already.
“Good ‘morrow to you, Lord and Lady Buckley,” Eddie bellows, startling them both, “Myself and the young Miss Mayfield have traveled far to be with you on this momentous day, and to offer to you our services.” he gives them a dramatic bow, glancing up through his lashes.
Steve is grinning, Robin has collapsed forward onto the counter in front of her, Max is groaning. 
He stands straight again, “We may only be a couple of lowly peasants in your Kingdom, but the call to help was unavoidable.”
“Eddie did not want to come help, lemme make that clear.”
“Shut up, Max”
“You shut up, liar–”
“Okay, okay!” Steve laughs, interrupting them, “Many thanks to you both for making the trip; your help will be greatly appreciated.”
Eddie’s stomach goes soupy, he loves when Steve plays along.
“So, what can we do?” he asks, clapping his hands once and rubbing his palms together like he’s itching to get started.
“Well, it is still pretty early (“I told  you.”, “Shut up, Eddie.”), so right now you can help by telling me how you like your eggs.”
The turkey goes into the oven halfway through breakfast, Steve having prepped it last night, so Steve starts to cipher out what else he needs to make.
“Dustin said that Claudia was making a pumpkin pie for us, so we’re set there, I’m making the sweet potato casserole, Lucas said that his mom is sending over a pan of greens with him and Erica, Robin has the stuffing covered–”
“I make a mean can of Stovetop.” Robin cuts in from the sink where she’s washing the few dishes from breakfast.
“Pretty much everyone else is bringing something…” Steve looks lost for a moment, then his expression turns tense, that crease between his brows cuts deep into his skin.
Max must see this too because she says, “What about cookies?”
“Yeah, like the sugar cookies you made everyone a tin of last year?” “You made everyone sugar cookies?? Why wasn’t I given any?” Steve rolls his eyes, “‘Cause last year you were just Eddie “The Freak” Munson,”
“Hey–I resent that,” Eddie pokes Steve in the chest, “I’m still Eddie “The Freak” Munson, thank you very much.” “Many apologies, Your Freak-ness, how ever shall I make it up to you.” His tone is sarcastic, but the words make a whole matter of unsavory retorts gather on Eddie’s tongue.
“C’mon Steve, I want those damn cookies!” Max demands, smacking a palm onto the counter to really sell it.
“Hey! Language.” 
“I also want some of those damn cookies.” Robin agrees.
“Yeah c’mon Stevie, I didn’t get to have any last year and now I’m curious.” “Dude, they’re the best cookies ever. I hate that he only makes them once a year.”
“Okay, okay, fine! Lemme make sure I have everything I need.”
He does, so he gets to work as requested demanded, though he does send Max and Robin (with her newly acquired license) to the store for powdered sugar. “For the frosting..I’m sure you want frosting on these, right?”
Eddie sticks close after they leave, watching Steve work and passing him ingredients.
At one point, Eddie scoops up a cup of flour for him, only to have Steve wrap his hand over his on the handle of the cup and start to stir the flour in it with a fork.
“Uh, do you always need to stir your flour before putting it in?” Is that a thing? Eddie has never done that, even within the few times he’s ever actually baked something before.
“You do if the person scooping packs it into the cup like this.” Steve teases, spinning the fork around in his hand to scrape the now-overflowing heap of flour off the top of the measuring cup and back into the bag with the handle. “Flour doesn’t get packed down to measure, fluffy and loose measurements only.” Steve pulls Eddie’s hand forward and upends the cup over the mixing bowl. 
Eddie’s mouth feels like it’s coated in flour.
“There! Perfect. I’ll need another cup just like that one.” Steve smiles and passes the fork to him.
He lets Eddie's hand go and turns back to the bowl, mixing the flour in with one of those rubber scraping spatulas instead of using the electric beater he’d used for the eggs and sugar.
“So,” Eddie re-wets the inside of his mouth so he can talk correctly, “Why do you only make these once a year?” He carefully scoops up another helping of flour.
“They’re usually Christmas cookies and I– aw shit.”
“I don’t have any non-Christmas themed cookie cutters.”
Eddie immediately thinks back to one of the last Christmases he had with his mom. Ouch…damn it. 
He gulps down the lump in his throat. “Do you have any empties?”
Eddie can feel Steve watching him as he works, carefully cutting the tops and bottoms off a good sized bag of empty soda and beer cans over the sink. He cuts the new aluminum rectangles in half lengthwise and sets the strips aside.
“You’ve made these before?”
“Yep! Easier to make your own than buy them, y’know?”
Steve chuckles, “Yeah, that makes sense.”
“My mom liked to make new ones every year, so I have a lot of practice doing this,” Eddie pushes on, picking up a strip of metal and folds it in half lengthwise. “We’ll need some tape for the open side, but basically you fold it like this, shape it however you want, and fold the ends over each other to keep them closed.”
He demonstrates, making a messy heart shape pretty quickly. “You can link more than one together if you want, too. Make bigger ones…Ta da!” He shows off the ‘finished’ shape.
By the time Robin and Max return, Eddie’s got a pile of aluminum strips ready to go, and Steve’s done with the dough.
“Perfect timing, ladies, come help us make cookie cutters.”
Max pulls up a stool immediately, grabbing a couple of the metal strips, but Robin huffs. “Aw, what? We have to make the cookie cutters first? I thought I’d come home to a house full of cookies, Steve.”
“The dough has to chill in the fridge for an hour, and we don’t have any Thanksgiving themed ones.” Steve says, rolling his eyes at her. “Also, you weren’t even gone that long!”
Robin pulls up a stool, “Excuses, Steven.”
Turns out, there’s not that many shapes associated with turkey day, so after the obligatory pumpkin shape, and a surprisingly well-shaped turkey-looking blob, they make whatever else they feel like.
Robin uses a ruler she found in a drawer to fold some ridges into a circle shape, “It’s a pie, obviously.”, Steve uses a few strips to make what he says is an elephant, “Yeah, an elephant. These are the two ears and this is the trunk.”, Max uses two of the strips to make some sort of flower shape with five pointy petals, “A…poinsettia?” Eddie asks; “A demogorgon.” Steve and Max say at the same time. Ah., and Eddie spends his time linking a good few together to make the Hellfire demon. 
“I hope this doesn’t get all blob-y.”
Steve looks over at his creation, “It shouldn’t, the dough holds up pretty well when it’s baked; that’s why you let it chill for a bit.”
He stands then, retrieving the saran-wrapped hunk of dough from the fridge and gets to work rolling it out.
Eddie watches the muscles in his arms bunch and pull, and, like a sap, thinks about how they’d feel wrapped around him. He likes hugs, okay? Sue him.
The four of them cut batch after batch after batch of cookies (each of them sneaking bites of the dough as they do), and by time they are baked and fully cooled, the sweet potatoes are in the oven, the stuffing is sitting done on the stove, there’s a sheet of rolls waiting to go in after the casserole, the others start to show up.
“Oh sweet, cookies!” Dustin’s finger immediately dunks into the bowl of frosting Steve just finished whipping up.
“Hey! Hands off, asshole, I still need to color some of that.
Steve passes Eddie a bowl of the stuff, a couple of drops of food coloring sitting on top. “Mix that up, will you?” I’m making the orange, that’s yellow.”
Eddie gives him a mock salute, “You got it boss.”
“Henderson, grab the sprinkles, you’re helping with these.”
The island is a disaster by the time they are done frosting the cookies. There’s colored sugar everywhere, loose M&Ms, broken pretzels, and there’s even a glob of red frosting hanging precariously from the underside of one of the far cabinet doors (somehow).
Each of the new arrivals grab up a couple of the cookies to decorate once they get in, adding their own goofy-looking additions to the heap.
Mike and Nancy are the last to arrive, toting a huge bowl of fluffy mashed potatoes, and they dig into the turkey soon after. 
They eat and eat and eat, laughing and eating some more, that by the time anyone gets around to the cookies, the very outside of their frosting has hardened to a crust and the inside is still soft and sugary.
“Oh my god, Steve.” Eddie moans, “This is the best cookie I’ve ever tasted.”
Steve’s face flushes pink, but he smiles wide. “I’m glad you like them, Eds.”
“I need to take some home to Wayne.”
Steve passes him a tupperware container of their creations as he’s leaving, along with an index card with Steve’s distinct handwriting is scrawled across it; the recipe for the cookies.
Eddie gets home that night just before Wayne heads in for his shift. “Y’have a good day, son?” he asks, plucking out one of the cookies from the container Eddie holds open for him as they pass each other in the doorway.
He smiles wide, “Very..”
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other parts! Pt. 1 (Day 1) | Pt. 2 (Day 2) | Pt. 3 (Day 5) | Pt. 4 (Day 6) [YOU ARE HERE] | Pt. 5 (Day 7) | Pt. 6 (Day 11) | Pt. 7 (Day 13) | Pt. 8 (Day 18) | Pt. 9 (Day 21) | Pt. 10 (Day 25) also on AO3! this year
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boizandgurlzinthehouse · 11 months
𝐛𝐮𝐭𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐛𝐮𝐫𝐲 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐛𝐨𝐲𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝
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summary: what are childhood friends-to-lovers for, if not protecting you from your already shitty relationship? word count: 3.196k trigger warning: poorly written details, swearing, mentions of domestic violence, smoking, make-out, i forgot izzy out from the whole oneshot sorry 😭😭😭
the party was on, y/n didn't even know how she and his boyfriend got there. in los angeles, house parties were really common between teens and young adults, and who was y/n to deny a good night?
she and his boyfriend, richard wasn't that good since weeks, when y/n began to go to her childhood friend's, axl and his band, the guns n' roses's rehearsals. at first, he bragged about her not cleaning and cooking when he got home, despite she had a job too, but now, it was full-on jealousy about the band and the guys. at this point, y/n didn't even know why she hold onto the relationship, but it was good to belong to someone than being alone in a big town like los angeles.
"are you gonna hang with those fuckers?" richard asked from her as they went to the door. shaking her head, y/n sniffled annoyed.
"why are you thinking this?"
"because you looked like you planned on it." he answered, opening the door. y/n shrugged her shoulders, looking for the guys.
"you know, i didn't even think about it until you mentioned. but if you insist so much, then maybe i'll do a threesome with axl and slash-" she couldn't even end her sentence as he held her arm, turning her to himself and pulling her close to his face.
"watch out for what you say, bitch! or you can go under the bridge, understand?"
y/n shook his hand off, pointing at him with a stern look.
"fucking stop this, okay? i hope you drink so much that you can't go home."
"you bet." richard said, going to the half-empty bottles to get wasted. it was time to search for her friends, her real friends.
"y/n, sweetheart! hello!" she found steve, hugging him. he was talking with some guys with a drink in his hand.
"good evening, stevie. where are the others?"
"why, am i not good enough for you?" she tried to say something, but steve shook his head, laughing. "i get it, chill. duff just went off with a girl, slash got smack, so i don't know if he's talkative, izzy... i don't know where the fuck he is, but axl said he waited for you."
"axl?" y/n furrowed her eyebrows, making steve snicker and nod.
"yeah. so go search for him for a quickie, until your asshole boyfriend doesn't come after you." steve added, making y/n slap his shoulder as she began to search for axl.
"he's not an asshole."
"if you say so..."
grabbing a bottle, y/n waved to some people she thought she knew, looking for the redhead. she and axl both has born in indiana, she lived on the downside of the street he lived in. once when they were fourteen, axl got in a fight at night with a couple other kids, and y/n helped him with knocking them in the head with a pan. from that moment, axl and y/n often hung out, but when axl got away, y/n tried everything to get to where he was; he called her from los angeles, and in the dead of the night, y/n got on a bus and never went back to indiana. they met each other when y/n was babysitting to get some money, and then she worked in a restaurant as a waitress. she didn't know, but somehow it felt like with axl that she was home; it could be indiana or los angeles, but when she was sitting next to axl and watching tv or sleeping beside him, it felt like she did this always. but of course, she was too afraid to tell this to axl, she knew that boy-girl friendships always went down when the other confessed. she was with richard just to fill up the hole in her heart, and it was cruel, but it was the truth. and knowing this truth, she felt more miserable than ever.
axl was nowhere, and y/n got annoyed at the thought that she was too desperate to talk and party with him. deciding to light a cigarette, she went outside so she could air her head out a little bit. opening the door of the terrace, she banged the door after herself.
"fucking richard..." she muttered, leaning to the handrail.
"hey, princess."
turning her head, she noticed her friend, sitting in the shadow, on the couch that probably has seen better days. smiling, her heartbeat got faster; they saw each other two days ago, but he was as handsome and angelic like always. she was the one who cut axl's bangs before he got arrested the fist time, but when he began to grow is hair, and let it to be long and silky, she fell in love more and more. she couldn't even count the times he sat between her legs, watching the telly while lightning a cigarette and letting her play with his locks. the urge to kiss his head was the strongest, but she even lifted up a strand of hair and kissed it while he was deep into the plot of the show.
"hey, axl!" she wanted to say 'i searched you everywhere', but it was too risky.
"sit down, angel." he patted the place beside himself, and who was y/n to deny it? sitting down, she turned to him. "what's up? i haven't seen you since two days."
"did you miss me, axie?"
"i always miss good company." it warmed her heart, but not enough to believe that he said it like she wanted him to mean.
"that's why you just sat here alone, in a dark corner you like to crawl in?"
"maybe i was waiting for some cool faces to pop up."
she didn't wanted to be just some cool face. she wanted to be the 'best' face, the one that axl thought about why isn't she here, the one people you always search for in a big crowd. or the one you get away from a party when it ends, to wash off each other's makeup and lie down on the bed to sleep in each other's arms.
"bet. well, i'm fine, working, going out... something like this."
"and richard? what's up with richard?" it was a cardinal topic between them; sure she talked with the rest of the band about it too, but axl could blow up just from her, telling that they were fighting.
"what's up with him? he's okay, we're okay."
"did you two fight?" axl lined up, tossing the ash from his cigarette he was blowing. why did he care so much?
"why? axl, what's up? let's talk about something else."
"nothing, i was just thinking about things."
"nah, then tell me. your thoughts are always interesting."
"are you mocking me now, angel?" the way he said angel seriously did things to her. y/n dreamed about axl calling her angel every time she was cooking dinner for themselves, or drawing her close when they were ready to sleep. or just say that she's an angel between two moans as he dragged the third orgasm while riding him on this couch. "i was just thinking about butchering your boyfriend and bury him in his garden."
"what?" y/n snickered, covering her lips with her hand. imagining as axl and the other four was digging a hole in the garden in the dead of the night, with richard's body beside them in a black bag was somehow both funny and creepy. "why, what did he do?"
"he took you away from me."
"what?" y/n stopped in her motion, looking at him. axl looked at the ground, sighing.
"you can't tell me with a pure heart y/n, that you are happy beside him."
"well, we have some arguments, but it's okay, we're--"
"he hit you." he stated, looking in front of himself as she wasn't even there.
"what?! axl, i swear he's not a monster!" she yelled. well, it was true, but why did he have to bring up?"
"believe me, i know an abused people when i see one. and you didn't hide well the bruise on your side the last time you were changing in my room."
"you got nothing to do with it." y/n protested, ready to stand up, but her friend suddenly catch her hand, pulling her back. grabbing her face with his hands, she looked deeply into her eyes.
"yes, i got to do. i broke down at home, that's why i got away, and i'm not gonna wait until you get into hospital, or you call me up at 2am, crying that you're bleeding. i'm not gonna wait until you self-harm, until you don't know where to got, until you have to walk on eggshells at home, where all your job is to be comfortable."
"axl, it's--"
"you are fucking precious, y/n. i know you don't think about yourself like this, but you seriously can light up a room when you step into one. you were the reason i survived for so long despite i was arrested several times, and you were the reason why i began to play music here in los angeles, so you could come after me and we could do some good things together. you were the first one who protected e in my life, on that night, when you fucking ran out and began to swing that pan, it's ridiculous when we talk about that, but back there i could never thank you enough times for what you did. you care about me, you think about me, and maybe i'm too fucking selfish to let you go down and lose yourself."
tears began to well up in her eyes, axl let go her face, brushing her hair.
"do you mean this, axl?"
"i mean every single word, you never have to doubt me. you don't have to feel bad about asking for help, and if you ask, please, may i be the first who you ask."
"i don't want to bother you, axie... you got big things to do, you'll be famous, and i don't want you to stress about my things." she sniffled, closing her eyes.
"never say that, angel. no band can be more important than you. i didn't say these things to crawl under your skin, to tear you away from your love, but i don't want you to get hurt. love doesn't hurt, and..."
"i can't say this."
"axie, please." she pleaded, looking for his eyes with hers. her eyes eat up his looks.
"i'd be much more chilled if you came home with me, and then tomorrow i call the guys and go to richard's and your rent. you can pack your stuff in peace, duff has a car, so we can bring your stuff to me, or any guy you want."
y/n hold his face, tilted her forehead to his, tapping his cheek with her thumb.
"i believe that you got scared, axl. and you don't manipulate, you just say the things you see. you are too much of a trouble to manipulate." at that, axl rolled his eyes, making her giggle.
"i know i'm not the best person to live with, but i'd never lift a hand upon anybody i love. i'd never dare to do that, okay?"
"i know that, baby. if you and the guys can come tomorrow, i'll break up with richard."
"did i convince you that good?"
"yes... well, no. it's just... i dated him just to be with someone. the man i want to be with probably never would think of me as a lover."
"than he's a big idiot." by that, she knew she can risk it.
"yeah... and he's sitting right in front of me."
after seconds of silence, axl leaned away.
"fuck, that's me!"
"wow, sherlock!" y/n laughed.
"you really love me?"
"yeah, is it that unbelievable?" y/n leaned her head on his shoulder.
"how could anybody like you being in love with me, angel?" axl whispered, lightning a cigarette.
"i'm not better than you, axie. but i'm glad you like me too."
"i'm not just liking you, i fucking love you. and if my band fulfill my expectations, you'll come with me everywhere and you'll live like a queen." he stated, rolling one of her strands between his fingers.
"i'm going to be a burden when y'all want to tour the whole world."
"fucking not, y/n. you deserve to be treated well, and if i can give you that, i'm sure as hell will. i wouldn't say that if you weren't an angel."
"i'm not an angel." she whispered. "i just love you."
turning to him, axl wrapped his hands around her waist, placing her legs on his lap. pulling her to himself, y/n pulled him closer to herself to kiss him. the way he hold her made her knees go weak, brushing the back of his neck as his tongue danced with hers. she bit into his lips, making axl whine.
"so nasty, aren't we angel?" he asked as they parted, making her kiss him again, licking her palate. "god, you are so soft."
richard was nowhere to be found when y/n grabbed into axl's arm to go home.
duff was driving the car the next morning, slash sat on the passenger's seat, steve, y/n and axl sat in the back of the car.
"you sure he's not home?" duff asked, pulling down on the road as y/n told him.
"yeah, he's working now, and his shift ends at 7pm."
"i'd beat that woman-abuser bloke even if he was home." slash said, blowing out the cigarette smoke. y/n's legs were shaking, axl tried to calm her by placing his hand on her thigh.
"don't be nervous, angel, it's gonna be alright."
"yeah, he probably wouldn't dare to stand up to the four of us." steve added, smiling at her. when they arrived, duff nodded with his head in the direction of richard's house.
"i'll make it quick." y/n said, but she stopped in her movements when she saw duff opening the trunk, getting out a baseball bat and a crowbar, giving it to slash. "guys, i don't think it will be necessary."
"it's better be safe than sorry." axl told her, wrapping his arm around her shoulder. duff and slash stood by the door as they stepped in.
"can i watch the telly?" steven asked, sitting down on the couch. y/n nodded, climbing up on the stairs.
"of course!"
while y/n packed her stuff, axl opened the drawer, finding her underwear. he tutted, grabbing one of her pink bralette.
"is this beauty yours, princess?" he asked smirking, laughing when y/n catch out from his hand while blushing like a crab.
"don't touch my stuff!" y/n threw that drawer's contain in her bag, but when she began to collect her makeup from the dressing table, she felt axl's chest pressing to her back, his lips licked her ears, grabbing her waist, brushing her ribs.
"i respect that you want to cause me surprises." axl muttered, making her whine as he bucked his hips into her backside.
"baby, i gotta... i gotta pack my things before richard comes home..." trying to form coherent sentences, she tried to hold down axl's hands, but it was gasoline on fire; he turned her to sit her up on the table, tossing down the lipsticks and her brushes.
"i thought you wanna make richard jealous..." he whispered, licking her lips.
"i just don't want you to get arrested for physical violence."
"how caring you are, princess. i'll let you go if you give me one kiss."
"only one?" she giggled, making axl roll his eyes. giving him a sloppy kiss, y/n perched down from the dressing table, tossing all her makeup into her linen bag.
"you done, angel?" he asked, seeing her zipping her bag. y/n nodded, ready to bend down to grab it, but axl was faster, carrying it down the stairs. steven still sat on the couch, watching thundarr the barbarian while munching on some chips.
out of nowhere, y/n heard a car's braking sound. looking out on the window, she saw richard's car.
"fuck, it's can't be possible! i knew he's working, then why--"
"don't worry y/n, there won't be a problem." duff said, tossing down the cigarette to the patio, holding the baseball bat.
"please don't beat him up!" she pleaded axl, but richard was on his way to the door.
"what the fuck is going on?! y/n, can you just explain what the fuck are you and these assholes doing?"
"she's moving out, that's what we're doing, asshole." slash replied.
"what the hell are those... things in your hands?" richard asked back, trying to enter the door, but slash blocked it with the crowbar. "would you please let me into my fucking house to talk with my fucking girlfriend?"
"nuh-uh. she comes out, then you go in."
"y/n, what the fuck?!" richard screamed.
"i'm dumping you, richard. i've just collected my things to move out."
"and if you let us, we'll disappear before you could blink twice." axl added. richard noticed him, laughing.
"really, y/n? you go off with this fucking junkie nihilist?"
"his name is axl, and he wouldn't dare to hit me!" she said, stepping out to walk to the car, but he grabbed her arm.
"you're not going anywhere, you'll stay here and we will--"
"you two will what? you'll beat her, huh? you could be, but not on my watch, bro." axl grabbed richard's t-shirt, pulling im close to his face. "if i see you beating another woman again, i'll butcher you up and bury you into your garden, fucker."
peeling his hand off from her's, y/n waited for the guys to go to the car. steven was the last who came out, with the bag of chips in his hand.
"you have a cool telly, man, can we take that too?"
"come on, steve." slash muttered, turning his back to the house. sitting in after placing y/n's stuff and the weapons in the trunk, duff started the engine.
"you'll regret this, y/n! he will throw you away for another whore the next week!" richard yelled, but he only got axl's and duff's middle fingers.
"fuck with your dog or your mother, you motherfucker!" axl said back, making them laugh. y/n hold his hand, gibing a kiss on his neck as they rolled out from the street.
"thank you so much, baby."
"anything for you, angel."
"and what do we get?" slash asked, looking into the rear view. y/n acted like she was deep into her thoughts.
"uhmm... you can take the telly, but only at night. and don't leave fingerprints!"
axl kissed her as steve yelled beside them because of victory. from now on, she knew that they gonna protect each other from anything that gets in their way.
dm or write here for requests! thank your for reading it, love y'all
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