#papa is cool that's for sure
tatonslice · 4 months
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i have beef with the fictional landlord
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dailydegurechaff · 8 months
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ive been thinking about one of my fics/aus lately, so naturally i started drawing and writing about them again.
presented with bare minimum context: two members of the von Lergen family + something extra
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strange-ghoul · 2 years
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Well this has been a day ghesties!
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i know kcp characters aren't like sposed to be in with the lore or whatever but literally mesa is sooo chase's unnamed business partner coded
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Post war/coma comic about Gai struggling with his recovery
Since tumblr hates long form comics, I have to split this into 2 bc its 36 images. This is the first part, part 2 i'll either do as a reblog or a separate post right after this, stay tuned! Links to support me in pinned post <3
tw: s*icidal thoughts, injury, a little blood
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Bisuke: Gai's Back!
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Kks: Im home Gai: Welcome back Kks: [wheels rolling] Hey,
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Kks: Ga-!? Gai: Im fine. The tile is cool on my face. Kks: Wanna go lay down in bed? Gai: I am so /sick/ of lying down. Kks: Ok. What do you want for supper?
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Gai: You're not going to comment? Kks: I already know what happened. You overdid it again. I should be able to keep up with chores, kakashi. Kks: You can. Just don' bull through it all in one go. Do you want to end up in the hospital again? Gai: Please don't. Kks: I know sitting still is hard for you, and "too much" is in your DNA, but you have to take this slow so you don't exacerbate your injuries, Gai. You went from hyper-aware to pretending your body limits dont exist. Gai: Like you haven't done the same.
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Gai: You've proved your point. Kks: It's not about that. And you've dragged me to bed and out of bed repeatedly when I needed it. You were burning alive from the inside. Tsunade told you your immune system is out of whack. You need to take it easy. /I/ know you're capable, but are you trying to prove to /yourself/ you are? Gai: You want me to admit my embarrassment? Kks: If something serioud happens, You'll be even more embarrassed then
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Gai: How could you possibly know how I FEEL?! How could you EVER KNOW HOW I FEEL?! Kks: I DON'T! But I've /been/ the one ouking and sobbing on your bathroom floor because I couldn't take living anymore! And I don't want that for YOU!
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Kks: I'm sorry, Gai. Gai: I'm sorry
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Kks: I can't stand knowing you're in pain, and I can't get you help. If there was a way, I'd do anything. Gai: You do so much to help me already.... And I yelled at you Kks: I've screamed at you so much, that was pretty tame. I wish I was like you with things like this. Not great with what to say...... But I can listen.
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Gai: I hate feeling so weak. I'm tired all the time, in constant pain, I can't even walk-..... I can tell tenten and the boys worry despite my efforts to appear positive. Kks: They're just not sure how to react. They know you hate being babied, but don't want to push you into hurting yourself. You hate being told you can't do something. They love you. You get stronger everyday, everyone is cheering you on.
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Gai: I know it's irrational, but... I feel like you gave up the Hokage position to take care of me. Kks: Haa!? I'm grateful if anything. I'd be retired too if I could. That'd be amazing. I'm dreading just helping Tsunade but as long as you're by my side, I'll be fine. We're still equals, rivals, friends, partners
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Gai: Even if I can't- Kks: /Always/ wil be, dickhead. Gai: You worry about me hurting myself? Kks: I know you think about it
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Kks: We're the same in that regard Gai: I would never act on this, please believe me, these thoughts are rare........... Kks: It's ok, Gai. Gai: Sometimes I think i should have just died. I feel so out of place on the streets I used to feel so at home at. I never asked to live. I didn't plan to. I just don't know how to-...
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Kks: I understand that. Though, dying didn't feel any better. Gai: I know I didn't fully pass like you did. I didn't see papa. Just for a moment, I wish I could have seen him.
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Kks: As much as I'm sure he wants to see you again, It's too soon. Dai'd slap the shit out of you for wanting to waste your youth just to see him. Gai: [chuckle] probably. Kks: I have those thoughts less and less now, but they're still there. "why am I the one who survives?" "Burden" "Gai will come to his senses eventually"
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Gai: FALSE!! None of my grief is with you! I love living here with you! My love for you only burns hotter each day! You're so lovely inside and out! Kks: Maa What did I do to deserve such praise from teh mouth of the hottest man in Konoha?? Gai: YOU STILL THINK I'M HOT?! Kks: YOU-! [CACKLE]
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Kks: Your bad taste is the only reason I had a chance before someone snatched you up. Gai: The worst. Kks: Thought we'd irritate eachother, but it's been pretty smooth. Even though you still get played by the dogs. Gai: You really wanna throw those stones?
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Gai: They play you just as easily. don't lie. Kks: My point is, whatever you need from me, you have it. No questions asked. Even if you yell and scream, i can take it. You held me together when I was unraveling, and I'll never forget it. Didn't trust anyone else to see me like that. Broken
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Gai: I never saw you as that. Kks: I'll never see you as that
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backwzzds · 1 year
can we talk about how konig would be someone who’s quiet when he gets jealous…then when y’all get home he js absolutely goes HAMMMM….
the way i got so excited to write this…it’s actually way longer than i intended but idgaf! part 2 soon 😏
“papa, i don’t understand what i did wrong,” you’d frown at your man with an annoyed whine. könig, who was a whooping 6’10 would only give you a heavy grunt in response. you’d be on the way back to his car from the mall, dozens of your victoria’s secret and H&M bags held in his visibly large hand. the moment könig reached before you (with help of his tree-like long legs anyway), he opened the door for you, the balaclava on his face making his features ten times harder.
no matter how mad the big bear was at you—or more so, what you happened to get yourself involved in—he’d never disrespect you. anything other than sexually, at least. stepping on the custom made step for your smaller figure, you slide into the huge seat of his completely blacked out bmw suv, allowing him to shut the door behind you. you nearly jump at the visible shake of the car beneath your bottom.
you play with your curls as könig carefully sets your bags on the floor behind your seat. because his was set all the way back to accommodate for his long legs, your seat had the better amount of space for your things. when könig finally got back in the car, he immediately started it, causing the monsterous growl of his deleted muffler to come alive.
and he wouldn’t even break a sweat at you !!! you’re over here going over all your actions for the day, step by step, and all könig could think through his mind was what positions he was gonna force you in when you two got back home.
the sound of könig’s car matched the energy that was coursing through his veins. he know you didn’t do anything wrong; not intentionally at least. but the selfish ass part of him wanted nothing more than for your pretty little ass to sit in the passenger’s seat, overthinking on what the fuck you possibly could have done to rile him up this much.
the ride home is everlastingly silent as the small of your voice breaks the thick tension, “baby,” you don’t know how to further articulate your words. “i know you’re mad at me. i wanna fix it, but i can’t it you won’t talk to me. and you’ve been dead ass silent since we been in the mall.”
könig keeps his cool, though. he knew his silence was practically eating at you alive, shaming you with guilt for something you didn’t even intentionally mean to do. but with the way your pretty body sits in the black skims dress you’re in, accompanied by your black and white dunks—his eyes could practically frame your nipples right through the see through fabric, and he was sure that fucking doorman at victoria’s secret could have as well.
you keep talking. “was it the dude at VS? i swear, i made it very known that you were my man and—“ your words are endless blabber to him as the disgusting and pervasive thoughts cloud könig’s mind.
he looks so sexy in his balaclava, protecting his face from the harsh upcoming winter temperatures. he’s sported in an all black outfit, helplessly matching yours. anyone who saw you two together would automatically know that was your man. i mean duh, he walks around with his hand on your ass protectively 99% of the time.
when you get the sense that the brute isn’t listening to a fucking word you’re saying, you let out a frustrated sigh and turn your body away from him. but the sudden placement of a large hand on your knee takes you by surprise as you eye the man who’s ice blue eyes refuse to falter from the darkening road before you.
the moment könig pulls up in the driveway of your shared home, you can’t help but twiddle with the polish on your acrylics. anxiousness is bouncing off you, and könig could tell. you turn your head and open your mouth to speak, only to be cut off for the first time that night.
“go inside.” könig’s voice is very low, but you don’t miss the command in it. there’s no emotion behind the dark eyes of his balaclava. usually you could decipher exactly what and how he was feeling, but in the moment—
“kö—“ your boyfriend’s snow blue eyes harden at your talk back. with softer features, you whisper, “will you be inside?”
“soon. need to make a call first,” you watch him pull out a fresh cigar pack. “be ready for me when i get in.” you open your mouth to talk back again, but wire it shut when könig lovingly grabs your face. leaning in so the pink of his lips ghost over your full brown ones, he whispers, “now, mama. i won’t ask again. can you listen to that one thing for me?”
with a small gulp, you give him pretty doe eyes, feeling between your legs tingle at his masculinity radiating onto you. in the most confident voice you could muster up, you nod your pretty head at him. “yes daddy.”
könig gives you a nod of approval and runs his hand along the curve of your ass. “good girl. go on, liebling.”
you exit the huge car, already getting idea of what was to come when könig came back inside. with a heavy heart, you head upstairs to your room and slowly begin undressing, hoping that the slower you went, the more your punishment would be delayed.
your hopes were proven to be false the minute you were completely naked and turned around to see könig leaning against the threshold of the door, silently watching you.
you jump in fear at the sudden sight in front of you, but feel your heart beat calm down when könig strolled over to you. naturally, your head tilted backward as a way to get a full view of his face. his balaclava remained on, so you knew he was still upset about the events from earlier.
könig takes his large hand and rests it on your cheek, giving it a comforting rub. “you know i love you and respect you more than anything on this earth, right?” the brown of your skin instantly heat up at his words as you slowly nod your head at his sudden expression, unsure of where he was going with his words. könig’s lips can’t help but lightly turn upward into a small smile. you had no idea what was gonna come.
“good. because for today, libeling, i’m gonna fuck you like you mean absolutely nothing to me.”
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azzo0 · 6 months
cw: death
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Katsuki held his sons' hands tightly so they did not run away from him as they walked down the bustling streets. The twins were really chaotic and loved running. Sometimes, Katsuki wondered if they ever got tired of it.
"Hurry up, mama is waiting for us!" The youngest of the twins exclaimed, trying to walk ahead of his father. 
"Slow down, Naoki," Katsuki sighed for the hundredth time, "Look at your brother. He's walkin' nice n' slow."
"Kaoru is a slow poke!"
"Papa, Nao's makin' fun of me again!" Kaoru complained, tugging on Katsuki's hand.
"Be nice, Naoki." Katsuki reminded. It was often difficult for him to get the two to stop arguing over minuscule reasons like who got the last bottle of strawberry milk or who got to keep the TV remote. There was never a dull day when you had two mini Katsuki's around. 
They finally arrived at the flower shop, much to the twins' delight, "No running," Katsuki reminded, "You'll knock the flowers down."
He leaned by the counter, watching the twins ogle at the vibrant array of flowers with bright cherry eyes. They always spent a few minutes admiring pretty and sweet-smelling flowers before buying their mother's favourite ones. 
"Okay, boys, done looking around?" Katsuki said at last.
"Yes, papa." The two replied in unison.
"Then which flowers are ya getting for Mama?" 
"Lilies!" The twins exclaimed. The florist smiled and wrapped the delicate white lilies with care, handing the bouquet to Katsuki after he paid. He felt a tug at his jeans and looked down to see Kaoru pointing a small finger at something. Katsuki followed the direction of his finger to see a shelf with teddy bears and other small gift items. 
"Can we get Mama a teddy? It's her birthday, just flowers won't do!" 
"Yes, let's get Mama a teddy too!!" Naoki agreed. Katsuki hummed in response and paid for the teddy holding a red heart, handing it to Kaoru. 
"Can I hold the flowers?" Naoki asked. 
"Sure," Katsuki gave the bouquet to Naoki, stifling a smile at the fact that the bouquet was too big for his little arms. 
Katsuki took the boys to a tranquil place, his heart aching when the twins' once excited steps slowed down. The brothers stood side by side, their heads hung low. Katsuki kneeled down beside his sons, brushing his fingers over the cool headstone. He glanced at the twins and ruffled their hair, giving them a smile even though his chest squeezed and his heart bled. He did it for the sake of them. He wanted his babies to smile. 
He watched their lips tug up in the smallest smile. Naoki set the lilies down on the earth while Kaoru let the teddy sit by the headstone. The two sat down on their knees, "Happy birthday, Mama."
"We miss you so much," Kaoru mumbled. 
"We wish you were here," Naoki sniffled, "Then we could buy a big cake, and Papa would take us on a picnic. You like picnics, right, Mama? Come back to us. Papa misses you too."
Katsuki felt his throat closing up at the sight of the twins huddled together as they tried to maintain a brave front. Beads of tears welled in his waterline. He held his arms open, and the boys got up to bury themselves in their father's chest. He held them close to him, a tear rolling down his cheek. 
Happy birthday, my love. 
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hanafubukki · 9 months
Summary: Baby Dragon Malleus comforts a teething Silver. He thinks all adults are idiots.
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Baby Malleus coos at Baby Silver as he cries.
Silver has started teething. His painful cries had Malleus purring at him.
Silver, red and teary, pulled the dragon closer to him.
Where’s papa? Malleus can’t help but wonder. Papa will surely fix Silver.
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Papa was an idiot, Malleus concluded.
Malleus had seen papa and another human talking.
It seemed the other human gave all the treatment he could to help his little brother.
Both of them. Idiots.
His baby brother was still uncomfortable, tears leaking from his eyes occasionally.
But it seemed Silver took comfort from the coolness of his tail, so he kept it wrapped around him at all times.
“Malleus. It’s time for Silver to ea-Ow!”
Lilia shook his bitten hand.
Idiot Papa.
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This…thing Silver chewed on seemed to help.
But not for long, it was constantly changed.
Silver wiggles before pulling Malleus closer.
The...thing needed to be cold. He can make it cold!
Malleus blew on it. Silver laughed at the cooling sensation before burrowing his face into Malleus’ wings.
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“Malleus?! Did you freeze Silver’s teethers?!”
“Whatever Master Malleus did seemed to help, young Silver is sleeping soundly.”
Malleus smirked and curled around Silver, pulling him closer. Silver babbled and laughed happily in his sleep while patting Malleus.
See? He could take care of his family.
Everyone else was idiots.
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verstarppen · 1 year
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summary; slowly but surely that fake dating plan you cooked up starts leaving its confined lines
pairing; mick schumacher x fem!reader [ no faceclaim ]
a/n; babe wake up star finally made a mick smau this demands a national celebration; title is count me in by they. because i was listening to it when this story idea appeared between my brain folds TW for mention of food poisoning and hospitals (comedic purposes) but if you're in a place where this might make you uncomfortable i strongly suggest you avoid this post and i'll see you for the lando series update tomorrow, take care
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liked by georgerussell63, lewishamilton, mickschumacher and 295,953 others
ynusername favourite necklace
view all 63,029 comments
georgerussell63 I so desperately wish my ability to read would disappear.
ynusername you got us in this mess now suffer the consequences georgerussell63 I didn't do shit, it's entirely on your shoulders.
mickschumacher why aren't you holding them
ynusername no hand holding before marriage please
houseofwebber if they ever break up you'll see me on the news actually
eastcoastbearman babe wake up micky/n are alive
lewishamilton Embarrassing.
ynusername just like this comment
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liked by georgerussell63, logansargeant, mickschumacher and 590,201 others
ynusername took the dog out for a walk
view all 20,356 comments
rothgothgasly stop calling me single in 29 different languages
julyestie maman and papa
filipe3596 Hi God it's me again
setbackhamilttel mick the type of guy to say "i don't argue with my girl she tells me to shut up and i do"
ynusername it's true mickschumacher yeah setbackhamilttel THE LEGENDS REPLY!?
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liked by estebanocon, totowolff, ynusername and 890,294 others
mickschumacher visiting my favorite corpse
view all 191,999 comments
mickschumacher i did that on day 4 get good ynusername sorry that my guts aren't as cool as yours mickschumacher let me rearrange them, then ynusername that was smoother than my throw up
mclandolorian HE ESCAPED
baconforza weren't you also a corpse like 2 days ago
ynusername anything to piss george off
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liked by mickschumacher, lewishamilton, georgerussell63 and 201,506 others
ynusername if a doctor sees this for legal reason these are old pictures :)
view all 80,577 comments
lewishamilton And to think this all could've happened sooner had you people had the balls to say what should've been said.
ynlantern just like a bowl of cereal that's been collecting dust for an hour, it's still delicious in the end innit lewishamilton All's well that ends well, I guess.
vertiddieenjoyer the only people on earth that can go on a first date after 12 months of dating
nandogoat ao3 friends to lovers, fake dating, only one bed, 294k words, alternative universe - europe, no beta we die like mick's career in haas
osc_pastry i don't think they realize how funny this is to watch from the sidelines
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pic credits: instagram and pinterest
blog taglist: @coffeehurricanes @iifloweringnightsii @jsjcue @lanando4 @fastcarsandshit @christianpulisic10 (hi besties hope you're having a lovely evening and you aren't also crying about the qatar quali)
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hadersversion · 1 month
yet another drabble about dad!logan because i’m watching the wolverine and love sick over this man!
obviously logan is a girl dad…as we seen many many many times. i can definitely see him wanting a BIG family, once you got him started and he’s seen you pregnant with HIS child? oh, that motherfucker will BECOME a mother fucker. he’s like a rabbit with you, constantly on you.
the one thing i keep picturing is the two of you setting up the nursery together. he obviously did the heavy lifting and painting, which cause a fight between the two of you constantly. “im pregnant, lo. i can do somethings, ya know?” “i know, bub, why don’t ya set up the library while i finish putting the dresser together?” it’s all about compromise…in some way? but the two of you spend hours in there together, trying your hardest not to lose your mind over ikea’s confusing directions and the missing screw that fell somewhere in the room. logan is trying not to lose his cool in front of you, mumbling under his breathe. but you know once you leave the room, he shouts swears and knocks the boxes over. it makes you laugh as you grab waters in the kitchen. but once the nursery is done, you two are so exhausted you fall asleep on the floor using the baby’s new pillows. though it was sort of uncomfortable, you two felt content knowing that the room was done and your baby would be here soon.
but your first kid is a girl, his heart swells when he sees you holding this perfect bundle of joy that’s a perfect combination of the two of you. but you swear a tear leaves his eye when that beautiful baby girl opens her eyes and they look exactly like yours…logan never had a favorite color before until he looked into your eyes. and now he gets to see it even more through your daughter. you knew logan was protective over you, that was a given. especially since you were pregnant but once the second his daughter came into the world, you could’ve swore he took over the role of mama bear. he would hover over ANYONE that touched them, made sure they washed and sanitized their hands multiple times, he would even ask people if they were feeling sick before they even entered the room. you had to convince him people didn’t need to wear a mask and gloves in the hospital room. but once the team met baby wolvie, he felt at ease. a little prideful showing off your guys’ daughter, actually showing off his smile to show just how happy he is.
he’s definitely going 10 mph on the drive home, cursing under his breathe at people beeping and swerving around him, not wanting to yell in front of the baby. “logan, you can speed up a little bit. she’s not going to fly out of her car seat.” “stop being a backseat driver, would ya hun? i got this.” “whatever you say old man.”
the first night was obviously tough with the baby crying and making a fuss over everything. you cried, logan held you, you both were frustrated and upset. it was tough, you knew it wasn’t easy but holy hell this was shit. but you had that support system, the man you loved helping and comforting you. but once that sweet baby girl settled in your arms and finally slept longer for an hour, you both gave each other a tired smile as he kissed your head. “you’re glowing, mama. absolutely gorgeous.” “shut up, i know i look like shit.” “shut the hell up, why would you say that?” “because you look like shit, papa.” you both laugh and pass out on the couch, receiving the best sleep ever in each others arms. until the baby monitor goes off less than two hours later.
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velvetydream · 4 months
꒰ :🌸 [ His little baby ] ”♡ᵎ꒱ˀˀ ↷ ⋯
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Summary : You had to take your daughter to the doctor for her first shot, her dad insisting on joining, you knew this was a bad idea.
Pairing : Dad! San x Mom! fem! Reader
Word count : 1K Words
Genre : Fluff
Warnings ➵ None?
a/n : San with children has my heart, I love this man sm he will be the best dad in the future.. 😭💜
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The moment San asked to join you and his little princess to the doctor you knew it was over.
San was the one holding your hand while you gave birth, crying his eyes out. After calming down while his daughter was getting her check-up, the moment he laid eyes on her again he was back to crying a waterfall. The first time she got scared or hurt he cried. It slowly seemed to you that your husband was crying more than your two-month-old.
"Are you sure you want to come inside with us Sannie?" Looking over at him, his hair was growing a bit longer again since the birth of your princess, not having had time to properly get it cut or dyed, he also said he was scared of dyeing it in case it could affect his baby. Your hand was softly playing with the locks on his nape while watching him hug the two-month-old to his chest. "Huh? Of course! Papa has to be there for his little princess!" Noding you send him a soft smile, knowing fully well you and his little princes would be the ones to comfort him.
Just a week ago she had to pat his tears away when he started crying after she got scared by a barking dog in the park.
Looking up when your name was called, grabbing your bag, and following the doctor inside, San following you with little Eunhee on his arm as you two sit down in front of the doctor. Talking to him a bit about how your daughter is doing, how she has developed well till now. The little princess was looking happily at her father right now pulling his face into funny grimaces. That is until the doctor gets up and walks over to some drawers, pulling out a syringe and the vaccine she was about to get.
Her eyes are still on her father, as San now gets wide eyes while watching the doctor search everything together for the shot. Already noticing his trembling lower lip as the hug on his daughter grows slightly stronger. "Sannie should I hold her?" Offering but quickly being rejected when he shakes his head no. A sigh leaves your lips when the doctor approaches the three of you now, asking for you to push the clothes out of the way, as he notices your husband in visible distress.
"Just act as if this was nothing bad, she probably won't even notice it then." But upon raising his eyes to the father, he sighs. San now had tears streaming down his face, hugging his daughter tight to his chest. The doctor looks over to you for a quick check if this is normal, making you nod slowly. Reaching over you softly wipe away Sans tears but new ones continued to run. "Sannie it's fine, it's just a little prick, she will be alright." Your hand now moving on to your daughter, already confused watching her dad and now you.
Your hand softly tickles her cheek now making her giggle softly, giving the doctor a nod now to give her the shot. She didn't even flinch as you cooed at her, pressing little kisses to her face. Meanwhile, San let out a sob when he saw the needle pierce his poor baby's thigh, the tears now streaming stronger than before. The doctor puts a little bandaid with unicorns over it, before stepping away. San immediately turns his daughter around hugging her to his chest. "It's okay baby, Sannie is here.. Papa is.. here.." He was sobbing and hiccuping while the doctor now explained to you to make sure not to grab that spot for a few days and to cool the area if it got red or hot. After handing him the vaccine pass to put it in, you stand up followed by San who was still clutching the two-month-old to his chest. The sobbing quieted down to soft silent tears coming out of his eyes.
After leaving the room, you make a quick new appointment at the front desk, some mothers watching your husband and cooeing at him softly of how he was softly crying and holding his daughter. Rolling your eyes slightly, taking hold of Sans's other hand now that is not cradling his daughter as you lead him out of the doctor's office.
"Look at the little princess! Uncle Wooyoung is so proud of you! Not so much of your dad though." Wooyoung was holding Eunhee up in the air making her giggle, before looking at San, whose face was still red, puffy, and tear-stained. "Seriously why do you always cry, you cry more than your daughter and she's two months old." Wooyoung sits down opposite of you, Eunhee on his lap looking around the room and trying to grab the fork on the table, Wooyoung quickly moves it further away and instead gives her one of the toys lying on the table.
"Get kids yourself and then you'll know." Snatching Eunhee away from Wooyoung now, Seonghwa softly cradles her against him, pressing a kiss to her head, before sitting down with Hongjoong, they just arrived and now only Yunho and Mingi were missing. "Yeah!" Agrees San, making you side-eye him. "Sannie he's right though, you cry over everything involving Eunhee, what will you do when she gets a boyfriend?" His eyes grow wide as he looks at the baby on Seonghwas's lap, currently being entertained by some finger play from Hongjoong. "No! She won't ever! She'll stay Papa's little princess.." Tears welling up in his eyes now, here we go again.
"Sannie come here.." Softly pulling him over to you, you press a soft kiss to his lips, before pulling his head onto your chest. "She will always be our little princess of course and till she grows up it will be a long time.." Your hand was softly moving through his soft hair, while some tears escaped his eyes. It was charming of how attached and emotional he got to and over his daughter.
"WHERE IS MY FAVORITE CHILD?!" Mingis booming voice announces his entrance, the little girl immediately making grabby hands to the two giants. She definitely had favorites among her uncles, another thing San didn't like.
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russellsppttemplates · 5 months
I've been thinking about how Charles would react if Herve (as pre-teen) come home saying that someone in school called his mom a milf, it would be hilarious.
"Papa, what is a MILF?", Hervé asked as he helped Charles set the table.
Your husband swore he nearly let go of the plates and let them fall on the floor, "where did you learnt that?", he asked.
"Some of the older guys at school said that mama was one, but then they had to go and I never got to ask them what they meant", the twelve-year-old stated.
"Buddy", Charles supported himself on his hands on the table, "that is a very specific topic and I'm not sure we're getting into this right now".
"Is it offensive? Did they call mama a bad name?", Hervé worried as rage overcame him.
"No, not at all", Charles reasoned as you stepped inside.
"Mama, some guys at my school called you a MILF", Hervé smiled as he told you.
You nearly choked on your own spit, "they did?", you gulped as you watched your son go back to the living room to play with his siblings.
"Teenagers think I'm a MILF? I'm flattered", you joked as Charles pulled you to him.
"I'm going to hide you, you're never going to pick the kids up from school ever again! They think about my wife like that? No fucking way!", Charles hissed.
"Amour, teenagers found me hot - it's all cool. I don't care about them", you shrugged your shoulders and saw Charles' pout, "what? You think they're wrong?".
"No, Y/N, of course not! You're the most beautiful mama ever, just don't want anyone else looking at you like that", he mumbled against your neck.
"You're the one in my bed at night, aren't you Charles?", you mused.
"I know I am", he groaned, "you should've seen my face when he asked me what it meant, I was prepared for the worst", your husband cleared his throat.
(Thank you for sending this in ✨️)
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limethefirst · 2 months
Could I request a platonic Wolverine x Innocent Reader x Deadpool where the reader is a superhero and the two want to take care of them and shows them the ropes but argue about how to do it?
No pressure or rush, hope you’re having a wonderful day/night!
-W.P 💚
Hero in training
pairings: Wolverine x reader x Deadpool (platonic)
warnings: violence, swearing
summary: Wade and Logan don’t see eye to eye when it comes to training methods
a/n: thank you for requesting! I wasn’t super sure in what way you wanted reader to be innocent so please forgive me if this isn’t to your best liking, also I’m gonna start working on part 3 of void runners soon so keep an eye out!🫢
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No one ever said being a superhero was easy, but it especially wasn’t easy when you were being trained by both the Wolverine and Deadpool. The two people who hardly ever got along.
You watched as Wade and Logan stood in front of you, Logan wearing casual training clothes and Wade in his normal red suit. Wade looked excited, he was ready to show you his ways but Logan had another approach in mind.
“Alright kid, first we need to learn to control your powers, from there we can begin with some drills, slowly moving up to advanced drills then work more on strength training” Logan started, his plan was to train your powers and then learn some moves with them, hoping it would help you in the self defense aspect of crime fighting.
This was something Wade didn’t find appealing, “Woah back the fuck up now Peanut” Logan glared at the man, before Wade continued, “Remember we’re both training them, and I say we need some more fun in this training, maybe learn some cool flashy moves, or we can start off this party with a dance off!”
“A dance off?” You looked at Wade, a bit confused on his method of teaching but not entirely against it.
Logan on the other hand didn’t appreciate the comment, “This isn’t some type of circus act, this is real life Wade, we need to have some type of approach or we won’t make progress, and all that will happen is they get injured out there,” you looked between the two men, wishing someone else had trained you instead.
“Well why don’t we just see what our little sugar plum fairy thinks,” Wade then turned back over to you and booped your nose, “Okay kiddo, do you wanna have a fun training with Papa Wade!! Or do you want to be all bored and tired with meanie Wolverine!” Wade asked you, his voice sounded like he was talking to a little baby.
You looked at both men, unsure of what to say, not wanting to upset the other. Then the idea came to mind, “Can’t we try both methods? Maybe a combination?”
“Fuck no, that idiots ‘method’ is going to get you hurt,” Logan quickly replied, this caused Wade to go over to you and grab your head in his arms.
He began to pet your head and started cooing, “Do I look like I’d ever let anything harm them?”
You stood there as Wade held your head tight, a sigh escaping your lips, “Please Logan, I know its unconventional but I really think it’ll work!” You started to plead with the man.
Wade slowly let go, a hand still on your head, while Logan stood there, unsure if this was the right choice, but he knew how persistent Wade was.
Logan caved, “Fine but if there isn’t any progress, only I’ll train you, got it kid?”
You have him a smile and a thumbs up, Wade just went up to Logan and clung to his arm, “Awe you’re such a softy aren’t you my little firecracker!”
Logan quickly let his claws out and stabbed him in the stomach, already regretting his decision.
Over the course of the next few weeks, you continued your combination training, Logan taught you defensive skills as well as offensive, he also showed you a lot of strategies that would protect you when the time came, while Wade showed you the flair of being a hero, without having to kill as he knew that wasn’t the type of hero you wanted to be, even though every once and a while he’d try to persuade you.
Even though you’d decided to do the combination training, both men still argued all the time.
“Why the hell are you telling them to jump through the sky light when you want to sneak attack a criminal?” Logan’s finger pushed into Wade’s chest, irritated that he’d tell you to do something so dumb and risky.
“Because they need to look awesome while saving the day, oh don’t forget the funny joke once the bad guy sees you, alright my sugar cane,” Wade looked over to you and you gave him a happy smile with a thumbs up, knowing you probably weren’t gonna do that but it was nice to make him feel good before he and Logan fight again over how that isn’t an ethical way of fighting crime.
You decided it was best to leave before they started to get at it again, you knew that tomorrow they’d go back to helping you anyway. So maybe it was better to let them get it out of their systems every one and a while.
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phantlvs · 4 months
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Shoto Todoroki | Family Meetings
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You let out a huff while walking through the door, sloppily kicking your shoes off of your sore feet and haphazardly dropping your bag off of your shoulder.
You let out a sigh that leaned into a whine of exhaustion.
You paused however. Usually when getting home, you’d get two little kids running up to you. One jumping up and down telling you about his day, and the other clinging to your leg whining about how she missed you.
But there was nothing.
You moved to walk further into your home, choosing to go to the kitchen first.
You paused, seeing your husband stood in front of the table. His arms crossed and a stern look on his face while he stared at the little boy.
The boy, a stubborn kid with a stubborn pout while he refused to look at his father.
“Sho..” you spoke his name, gaze looking back at him.
He looked over at you. He saw the questioning gaze you gave him.
“It wasn’t me, I told you, papa!” Shion spoke up.
“Quiet, Shion.” You told him, voice soft yet stern.
“Sho.” You looked back to him.
“The school called saying Shion stole something from another kid. The parents are furious.” He told you.
“Wasn’t me!!” Shion announced loudly, voice trailing off into a frustrated groan.
Shoto would never hurt his kids, neither you. He vowed to never become his father. And he was true to his word. You never worried he’d ever go back on that, not once.
“Where’s Himari?” You asked softly.
“Her room.” He told you.
“Alright, you go check on her while I talk to him,” you told her, a gentle hand on his arm.
He looked down at you, the frustrated look in his gaze dwindling. Face softening. You gave him a soft smile, one reassuring him you could deal with the mess Shion might or might not have caused.
Shoto let out a sigh, pulling you into him with an arm around your shoulders and kissing your temple before leaving the kitchen to go check on your daughter.
“Shion,” you spoke his name, moving to sit next to him at the table. “Tell me.”
He broke out into a frustrated rant, one you almost couldn’t understand because of how fast he was talking. “Mama, mama, it wasn’t me! Promise it wasn’t!! That Rin kid, she’s got it out for me. Swear! I saw Hizashi take it, I did!” Your brows furrowed, trying to keep up.
You reached out a hand, smoothing down his unruly red hair. “Okay, okay,” you spoke up, “hey, Shi, calm down.” You shushed him gently. “Take a breath with me, okay?”
You took a moment, waiting for him to calm down a little before getting a curt nod from him.
You took a breath in. He took a breath in.
You held it. He held it.
You let it out. He let it out.
And repeat.
“Okay.” You said, “Calmer?” You questioned, getting a nod from the boy. “Alright, start from the beginning.”
“Okay,” he started, giving a nod, “So, this Rin girl. I swear she’s got it out for me and I don’t know why! I try to be nice but she’s just mean!” He started, hands flailing in the air as he spoke and you listened. “Today, she was going around showing everyone this cool jacket she got! And later, I swear I saw Hizashi swipe it! I did, really I did! I tried to get it back but when I took it from him, Rin saw I had it and started blaming me for stealing it! And I tried to tell the teach but she just wouldn’t believe me! Hizashi even started blaming me too!!” He puffed his cheeks out.
A cute habit the boy had. Whenever he got frustrated or annoyed, he’d puff his cheeks out. You were never sure where he got it from, but it was adorable none the less.
“Alright, okay,” you raised your hand again, smoothing your thumb over his cheek gently. “It’s okay, my love, I believe you.” You spoke softly.
“You do..?” He asked softly, voice shaking a bit. It was like he didn’t believe you.
You gaze softened, lips curling up into a slight smile. “Yes, I do.”
Shion was your perfect boy. He’d never do anything wrong. He’d crouch down with his baby sister, Himari, watching ant trails. Grabbing her wrist with a gentle yet firm hand when she would reach out to touch them. Reprimanding her with a gentle word.
“No, Mari, no touching. Fire ants, they hurt.”
“Go to your room, love,” you told him, “go brush your teeth and change, me and your father will talk to you in a bit, okay?”
He sucked in a breath, looking down for a moment before nodding. “Okay..” his voice was quiet before he stood up, going to his room to do what you told him.
“Your day?” You heard Shoto’s voice from behind you.
You turned to look at him, staring at his features for a moment. “It was.. It was okay.” You said softly, thinking over the busy day for a moment while looking down at your hands and the table. “Didn’t expect to come home to this,” you let out a huff of laughter.
Shoto’s gaze fell from you to the ground for a sec, “I know, I’m sorry.”
“Hm..?” you looked up at him, “What?” You questioned.
“C’mere,” he didn’t elaborate for why he was sorry, only opened an arm out to you.
You got up almost immediately, moving towards him and into his arms. Wrapping your own around his neck and pulling his down into a hug.
One you both needed.
“Shion didn’t do it.” You told him.
“I know.” He responded.
“Rin’s parents?” You inquired.
“Mad.” He answered.
“Hm.” You hummed.
A silence enveloped the both of you. A comfortable one. One you both adored.
“Mama..” You heard a quiet voice from the hall just around the corner Shoto was standing in front of.
You moved back from his arms, peeking around him to see your little girl. She’d gotten your features and your hair.
“Hm,” a smile coming to your face. “My girl,” you hummed. Moving away from Shoto and to her, arms out to swoop her into a loving hug.
“Missed you..” She muttered into your shoulder as you picked her up.
“Really? Cause I missed you more.” You spoke, nuzzling your cheek against hers.
“Nuh-uh!!” She looked at you, brows furrowed.
Shoto stood behind you, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed and a soft adoring smile set on his lips while he watched the two of you.
“Shion!” You called for the boy, moving to peek into the bathroom to see him brushing his teeth.
“Huh?” He called back to you, it muffled considering the suds in his mouth.
“Come to our room when you’re done,” you told him.
“Kay!” He called out to you after you and Shoto started to move down the hall to your shared room.
“Sleep with mama and papa?” Himari asked softly, voice tired.
“Mhm,” you hummed.
“Shishi too?” She asked, peeking over your shoulder to see Shion come out of the bathroom.
“If he wants.” You told her as you sat on the bed, leaning into Shoto’s embrace when he opened his arms.
“What?” Shion asked when he got to your room. “Am I still in trouble?”
You shook your head, beckoning to come over to the bed. Which he did so without question.
“You’re not in trouble,” you told him.
“Really?” He asked, looking towards Shoto.
“You’re not.” He told him, that soft smile still on his face. “I was just caught up with everything, I wasn’t sure what to think and I was stressed.”
“But Mama saved the day!” Shion announced, jumping onto your lap.
“Hero Mama!” Himari called out from Shoto’s arms after he’d pulled her into them.
“Yeah, Hero Mama always saves the day,” Shoto teased, prompting a laugh out of you.
“Hero Mama, huh?” You questioned, getting a nod from Shion.
“Hero Mama is the best!” He gave you a toothy grin.
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hana-no-seiiki · 11 months
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pairings: yandere! various (batfam, spiderverse) x miles morales! reader
tw/cw: no yandere themes for this chapter, characters get aged up later on but are teens to young adults now, reader is gender neutral but characters refer to them with masculine terms (hijo, man, dude), spoilers for spiderverse movies. but ofc since this is a crossover it won’t be completely the same.
status: unedited
[masterlist] [next]
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“Mama, stop you’re covering me with your saliva—!” You groaned as you made a half-assed attempt at pushing your mother away.
It was the first day of your attendance at Gotham Visions and you weren’t the least bit nervous. Not at all. Totally. It wasn’t as if you were just thrusted into this situation with no choice whatsoever in addition to the pressure of your family’s wholeass livelihood on your shoulder. No. You were completely cool with this situation. In fact, you were so cool that you’re almost late to your first day of classes.
“But you look so adorable, mi hijo!” Your mother rubbed her face all over yours, messing up whatever you decided to put on.
“Papa what are you doing? Arrest this woman at once, for gross misconduct or whatever—“
“You do look adorable, and if I do I’d have to be fair and arrest you for vandalism.”
You freeze at your father’s not so subtle call out, before swiftly slithering away from your mother’s bear-like grip.
“Augh! I’m going to be late! Hasta luego!”
It was August. The start of a new school year for you. A new life away from your family and friends.
Gotham Visions University. A campus filled with elitists; fancy rich people. The cream of the crop. Your future school. Being a scholar there would have been fine, amazing even! If it wasn’t something you won through a lottery. You felt like a thief, an imposter. Going to a school for prodigies and rich kids as an average old joe is one thing, going to a school for prodigies and rich kid as a poor lottery student is another.
“[Y/N]! How you doing man? Lookin fancy. The uniform so fits ya.” A kid hangs his arm around you. If you were being completely honest you weren’t sure about his name, but you hung out often for basketball and other activities around the neighborhood. With the amount of people that knew you around the community, it was difficult keeping all those faces in your head so you often covered it up with nicknames.
“Psh. See ya next friday for shawarma?” You winked, cringing a little inside for your actions.
But to your utter surprise, the kid in turn blushes before giving you a massive grin. “You bet. My treat!”
And just a few seconds afterwards, he hits you at the back of the head before leaving, “Hey! Ow.”
“[Y/N]! Good luck on school dude! We’ll miss ya! Don’t be a stranger okay? We’re still friends even if he isn’t here.” He waves you goodbye before returning to your mutual posse of friends.
You wave back at them, your expression slowly turning into a solemn one. “I’ll miss ya guys too.”
Grabbing your trusty wireless headphones, you make your way down the block. Sticking random name-tags you drew this morning to distract yourself from the overflowing anxiety in your system.
Unfortunately, it never is a good idea to be so distracted when walking by yourself.
“Contra!” You hissed as your body hit the pavement. No doubt ruining your uniform that your mother painstakingly agonized over getting perfect and neat for your first day.
Then, the sound of a police siren entered your ears.
Can your day get any worse?
“What did I tell you about not looking both sides twice before crossing the streets?”
Your father’s sermon began.
This . . . was going to be a long ride.
“That I shouldn’t do it.” You replied, completely uninterested in the conversation and looking out from the window.
“You’re lucky it was me y’know! What if some deranged man decided to run you over?”
Your faced smooshed on your hand as your elbow rested on the window sill. “I’d send my cop of a father after them then.”
“Don’t act cute with me [Y/N].”
“But it works oh, so, well.”
Your father sighed, “It does.”
“But with great ability comes great accountability!
“Yeah yeah, that isn’t how the saying goes! . . . It was my bad it won’t happen ag…” Right as you were about to tune out of the interaction with your father once more you notice a bunch of people looking towards your direction.
People you knew.
And now they were taking pictures.
“Wow, aren’t you the popular kid?”
“Mier — Can’t you run the red light or shout at them or something? My poor privacy is being invaded!” You desperately tried to hide yourself with your hands but to no avail. The sounds of clicking only grow louder, and your father’s pace on the car slower.
“Yeah yeah~ not this cop.”
Suddenly, the attention is ripped off of you as a loud crashing noise resounds from above. “Woah.”
Your dad flicked his tongue in annoyance as he checked the damages. “Those vigilantes! Red Hood is one thing, but that Spider-man partner of his. I swear. He just swings by without a care in the world. I just got this repaired last week!”
“I think he saved you from having to get yourself fixed as well. You know, in a hospital. The place with all the bills that just tears holes into your wallet.” You checked the situation outside, confirming the lack of interest in your situation as people crowded spider-man’s fight. “And myself from a mob too. That man’s a whole multitasker and a half.”
“If you ever get a sibling, remind me not to teach them cheek.”
“That if depends on you, yknow.” You gave your dad the smuggest grin you can muster.
Hey, if he’s going to make you face hell for the next few years you might as well give him a portion of it while you had the time.
The car halts, signaling your arrival at the aforementioned hell. “Study well. Our future depends on you, [Y/N]. Love ya.”
“I know.” You groaned, struggling a little to pull your baggage outside of the vehicle and leaving as soon as you got it secured within your grasp.
You are only able to take a few steps when your dad interrupts with the police car’s loudspeaker.
“Where’s my ‘I love you too, papa’ huh?”
“Papa! Seriously?” You screeched, unimaginably embarrassed beyond belief.
“I love you.”
“Right in front of my future peers?”
“I loovveee youuu.”
“On the first day of class?!”
“Mwah mwah—“
“I LOVE YOU TOO!” You relented. Making a sharp turn from facing the originator of your future bully’s material, towards the entrance of Gotham Visions.
Once you get in you make an attempt to greet the people there, but is cut off by their mocking voices referring and imitating the situation earlier.
The embarrassment fills you up once more and you fail to notice your path intersecting with another.
Directly bumping into people seriously knocks the wind out of a dude. That’s probably why those people in those ‘mangas’ he always made you read fell in love at first sight. They were just so light-headed that they couldn’t think clearly.
“P-pretty girl—“
“It’s nice to meet you too.” said pretty girl as she steadied your form. Noticeably less affected by the impact “You’re quite the looker yourself.”
“Ack, sorry! I just get nervous around- yeah.”
She giggled. Oh lord, even her laugh was pretty. “Lovely papa you got there.”
“Augh, you don’t have to remind me.” You pinched the bridge of your nose, slowly regaining your balance.
The bell rings. The real hell has officially begun.
Once pretty girl made sure you were alright, she began running off.
Wow, even the way she ran was pretty.
“W-w-wait, what’s your name?”
You sighed as left you behind in the crowd of students.
This wasn’t so bad, you thought. You made one acquaintance at the very least. Maybe your new life at this school would be better.
Your new life at Gotham Visions was, in fact, not getting better.
You were fumbling through the motions like a newborn thrown to the wolves. If you hadn’t built a relatively tight knit friendship with Gwen you were sure you would have ran away by now.
Everyone always ignored you when you greeted them. Your dormmate didn’t even see you as someone worthy to interact with and would often stay awake at ungodly hours doing whatever the hell he was doing on his laptop while you suffered from his ‘background music.’ Your parents only ever talked to you about academics when it was the last thing you wanted on your mind at weekends. You were always, always late to class.
You were practically falling apart at the seams.
You just . . . wanted everything to end. But you couldn’t bring yourself to defy your parents and so you brought it up to your studies. Purposely failing exams so you’d be kicked out soon enough.
“A zero. How terrible. A few more of those and you’ll have to kick me out huh?” You looked at your Physics teacher with a loosely smug look on your face. You hated Physics, the sciences and mathematics the most out of all subjects. Everything second you spent learning about it could have been spent drawing or doing something you actually adored.
You shrugged, “Maybe I’m just not right for this school.”
“If a person wearing a blindfold picked the answers on a multiple choice exam at random do you know what score they would get?”
“. . . Around 25%?”
“That’s right!” She flicked her pen towards you face before pressing the butt end of it to your paper.
“The only way they would get all the answers wrong . . . “ She then twirls around, marking your grade from 0 to 100 by placing the respective numbers to each side. “Is to know which answers are right.
“You’re trying to quit, and I’m not going to let you.” The smug look only your face slowly dissipates and transfers to her own visage. “Now I know you’ll probably try to worm yourself out of this which is why I’m calling in back-up.”
“Wayne.” The woman moved her gaze to your classmate. A strained smile on her lips as she stared him down.
You didn’t know the billionaire’s son that well, or any of your peers but Gwen for that matter. Just that he was as stuck up as his gelled up hair. Always sneering at you whenever you had to sit beside him with those uncannily pretty green eyes of his. You thought that it may have been your smell or something. Maybe he could tell how poor you are in comparison by your scent. But judging by the fact that he was just as much of a loner as you were if not more, you’re beginning to think otherwise.
“I’m assigning you two an essay, not on physics but on yourselves. What kind of person you want to be. I know you two are quite different in terms of personality and backgrounds, but I have a feeling it’ll all work out.” She walked behind the two of you, roughly placing her hands on both of your shoulders before squeezing you closer together. “And no, Damian. I’ll know if you decide to finish it all yourself. Don’t test me.”
“You two are dismissed!”
Damian takes one look at you and you can tell he’s listed a thousand things he disliked about you already. He re-secured his backpack prior to giving you one, heftily stern warning. “Listen, we’re going to meet at my house this weekend. 6pm. Don’t be late.”
“Sure! Where’s your . . .” and before you could even complete your question, he was gone. Just like that. “. . .house. . .”
You grabbed your own belongings with a moan; betting that the trust fund kid’s own probably costed a hundred if not a thousand more times than yours.
You swiftly go to your room. Mind completely empty and disassociated before an idea crosses your head.
You dial in the numbers on your phone before you could even think properly.
“Hey, Unc. Mind if I come over?”
No matter where you went. The route to your Uncle Aaron’s house was always in the back of your head. He was your true home. The only man who understood you — who made the effort to understand you.
You spot him on his couch, looking as cool and swag as ever with his legs spread a little bit apart. He laughed as you smooshed your face to his window before opening it and letting you tumble into his abode.
You lazily dropped the bag you brought filled with spray paint.
He patted your head and massaged your scalp, the stress you felt already noticed and acknowledged. “Sup little dude. You lookin’ down. Is this about . . .”
“What? No. I’ve already moved on—“You shook your head. In all honesty, the only good part about Gotham Visions was that it kept you distracted from grief. But before you could continue you spot a familiar image settled in a frame. Emotions started crashing down upon you like a tidal wave. “You . . . kept the picture.”
Aaron rubbed his thumb across your cheek as your eyes began watering, “You know I can bring you over to visit him. It’s pretty close by y’know.”
“I- I think I’m good. I came here to just chill out, y’know?”
“Let’s go, I know a spot we can let some of that pent up art juice out.”
A smile. A real one. Not one you forced on yourself whenever you met with your classmates, Gwen or your parents started to make a reprise on your face. You almost don’t remember the last time you did it because of your emotions and not due of the façade of being okay.
“See ya.”
You take one last look at the photo before rushing out with your uncle.
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taglist: @yell0wdreams @humanoid606 @holybatflapexpert @girlcrafter408 @imbiafandbored @pinkandpurplejellyfish @miwsolovely @manduse @gamersansblog @kiyomisan @vanessa-boo @w31rdg1rl @hakudaru @sleepy-maenad @violet2507 @whoseaweeb @crystalsbirds @rosa11215 @literalawkwardsimp @guy-who-loves-writing-shit @ghestie93 @bussinbussiz @animelover745-blog @phoenixgurl030 @speckle-meow-meow @mysteriouslyfantasticthief @beta-is-sleeping @steadyengineergiver @day-dreams-posts @carollise @mothintheskies @paranoiac-666 @sanisba42 @ghestie93 @meilinswishingwell @7074lly @wtvbabes @wild-mushroom-soup @yourcutelittlegayfriend @demonofchaos27 @altusha @proffesorbunny @paimon105 @mymoonmeow @kidarachnid982 @mitskistannn @manwagirl @snowwy-night @androgynouscollectortimetraveler @moonchild-cupcake @duskismoo @lanecass @villainfan @the1an0n1y @bitchotine @fuck-the-reaper @siphite @mel-star636 @sleeplessapples @trickysnack19 @thatone-gayweeb @deliriousposts @serenitysmind @swagbucksjester @starwritesyanderes @gyaruismind @gaozorous-rex-blog
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pinkmirth · 5 months
Hiiii! Hope you are well!
Hey I know you are Alucard's number 1 fan🥰 but I was wondering if you would consider writing something (maybe smutty🫣) for us girlies who prefer his daddy.
Sincerely, a Vlad girlie!!
as much as i adore adrian, i cant deny that he gets half of those looks from his father . . . dracula lovers surely deserve a treat too, so here’s a little handful of hcs for papa vlad >.<
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protective to the very ends of the earth, is what he is. vlad’s doting to the point where it could come across as concern— but when you have the very king of the undead as your beloved, there isn’t much to fear.
with a man of his stature, over seven feet with the broadest shoulders, largest hands and coldest gaze, just know that the size kink is turned all the way on. though he has to crouch a bit lower to just kiss you, he’ll always make sure to meet you where you stand and shower you in his affection.
let’s give a reminder as to why the people call this man the ‘impaler,’ because he’s packing enough to pull at least five orgasms from you. vlad’s a good 220 cm tall, of course he’d have so much to offer you in bed. there, he takes things ever so slowly; interlacing his hands with yours, careful of his claws, while his other cold palm goes to press against your waist, pulling you into his imposing frame. firm muscle and cool flesh is what you feel when in his grasp. his thrusts are paced, thoughtful, and just enough to make you write and mewl beneath him. his goatee grazes your skin as he comes to plant a kiss to your forehead, his breathing heavy and rasped. vlad groans out his endearment, hips throttling forward to slam into yours. as you hold onto him for dear life, legs entangling behind his waist, he goes on to whisper of how greatly he loves you.
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