infiniteimaginings · 6 months
Can you do a evie x reader fic where the reader hasn’t seen evie since she’s lefted and they reunite again but under distressing circumstances?
You Forgot About Me (Evie x GN!Reader)
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Summary: Evie decided to help Ben find Mal on the Isle of the Lost and bring her back to Auradon. She didn't expect to see you, because she had never planned on returning. What will she do when she sees you again? Pronouns: You/Yours They/Them Warnings: None, it's angsty though! Word Count: 3.0k A/N: I'm back!
Mal was currently being punished like a child in her shared bedroom with Evie, scolded like a child. She rolled her eyes slightly, pushing an ombre blonde to purple lock of hair behind her ear as she sat on the bed, hands clasped together as she listened to Evie tell her about what she did wrong. 
Evie was pacing, sighing heavily, holding Mals spellbook in her hands, close to her chest. “This,” The blue haired princess spoke, holding the book tighter, “is confiscated until further notice.” She told her best friend, pinching the bridge of her nose with her fingers. 
Mal rolled her eyes, pushing herself off the bed, hands on her hips. “Evie, I’m sorry, okay?” She mumbled out, “It’s just a lot of pressure and I just…” Mal trailed off, looking out the window to the groups of people walking by, laughing. They were enjoying their day, they knew what they were doing, who they were…Mal didn’t know any of that. She looked back to Evie who gazed upon her with concern. Mal sucked in a breath, “I just don’t know how to do the princess thing.” She continued on, slightly hugging herself. 
Evie frowned at her and walked over to her, placing the spell book down, placing her hands on Mals shoulders. “This is all still pretty new to you, to all of us.” Evie spoke out, rubbing Mal's arms gently. “You’ll get the hang of it.” She continued, pulling Mal in for a tight hug, the soon to be princess, queen, hugged her back softly. Her gaze was elsewhere, but Evie couldn’t see it.
“You’re better at being a princess here.”
Evie pulled back with a sad smile, “And you’ll be a better queen than anyone.” She told Mal, fingers combing through her friends' curls. Mal tilted her head with a smile, biting the inside of her cheek and scrunching her nose. “I’ll try.” She told Evie who nodded, taking the spellbook with her to the door, “Just take a minute to breathe, okay?” Evie explained to Mal who nodded, sitting back on her bed.
Before EVie left Mal called her name, causing her to look back into the room, “Yeah?” Evie asked, tilting her head, holding the book securely. Mal took a deep breath, looking at her hands, “Do you ever miss the Isle?” She asked, eyes following up to see Evie shaking her head.
“Not really.”
Mal was shocked at the answer really, she picked at her nails. “Nothing at all? The wildness of it, the rule breaking?” She asked, her thoughts screaming, 'The feeling of being free?’
Evie leaned on the doorway, “No, Mal.” She told her honestly, shrugging, not even thinking about it. “I don’t miss anything about the Isle.”
Evie left Mal alone with her thoughts, explaining to their friends that the press and expectations are a lot for Mal. They understood how it was to go from being on the Isle of the Lost to going to Auradon Prep randomly one day. They didn’t understand how it was to be the daughter of Maleficent and the stress of becoming the new queen of Auradon. All they could do was sit by and be supportive, helping out and showing Mal they cared about her.
Unfortunately being caring and supportive for Mal didn’t work and the next thing they knew, she was gone. Ben had no idea where she was and he was pacing around the office of the castle, silently cursing himself for not noticing how she was feeling. When Evie walked in, he was hoping for good news but with the look on the princess’s face it was clear that wasn’t the case.
Evie was frowning, “She went back to the Isle.” Those words sent Ben into a spiral. He thought about all the dress fittings, the paparazzi, the students, his parents, the world staring at her, saying how she was VK and was going to be with him. He thought about how he never noticed how pressured she was due to such a big change, and he wanted to slap himself. How do you not notice when someone you love is feeling overwhelmed? With that, he decided he was going after her, to show her he loved her, to show her he was there for her. 
Evie immediately knew that was a terrible idea because he had no idea what the state of the Isle was, and he was a prince. She knew if he went there alone, everyone would pick pocket him, manipulate his ideas, or somehow find a way to never return him to Auradon.
She also knew she couldn’t be the only one to go with him, so she went to the two people who knew Mal best, other than her. The two people who also knew the Isle best, just like her and Mal. Their friends Carlos and Jay, the two who were with them when they were first chosen to go to Auradon Prep.
She walked into the boys room, explaining the situation to the two who were sitting, staring at her blankly.
Carlos blinked, “You’re telling me that Mal is…” He paused, leaning forward, “missing in action?” He asked and Evie nodded, “Yeah, she went back to the Isle and I don’t want Ben going by himself.” She explained, sitting in the arm chair across from them. Jay stood up, now leaning on the bedpost, face twisting as he began to understand, “Because he’s never seen the Isle personally.” He thought aloud to which Evie confirmed with a head nod.
The three continued to discuss the idea and Evie finally asked, “So, you’ll come?” and the boys looked at each other with furrowed brows, back to their best friend. “Obviously.” They spoke simultaneously, blinking because they didn’t expect her to ask, it was just assumed they would be tagging along regardless. 
The plan was almost perfect, but good enough for them. They would go to the Isle, hide the limo, find Mal, convince her to go back, and return to their lives. 
Unfortunately, it wasn’t that simple. They had to show Ben what it was like to be on the Isle, which was something in itself. Showing him the darkest parts of themselves that they never wished to resurface, was hard, no matter how much Ben thought he knew. Children were robbing the people of the Isle, people lived in dirt and grime, there was no sort of prestige there. There was only survival, there was no best version of yourself. On the Isle, the only way to grow was to be the worst version of yourself and make people fear you.
Evie walked with the group, making Ben stand in the middle of the group so that those from the island could at least cover him a bit. As they walked, Evie saw a glimpse of someone familiar. Everyone on the island was slightly familiar, you know almost everyone on the island if you grew up there, but this person she just couldn’t ignore for some reason. She told Jay to stand in front of Ben while she checked something out, and she would meet them at the hideout. He didn’t question it and continued on with Ben and Carlos, walking out of sight.
The blue haired princess maneuvered through trash and people, looking around for that person until her eyes set on you moving some boxes around. She walked closer to you, the sound of the ground crunching made her flinch due to the volume, but when the person looked over, she relaxed a bit. 
That person was you, you looked at her and a smile brought its way to your face. You put down the boxes, “Evie?” You asked, taking off your gloves, walking over to her. She nodded quickly, mirroring your smile, meeting you halfway to engulf you into a hug. 
You returned the hug, face deep in the crook of her neck, arms around her waist, “It’s been a lifetime.” You mumbled into her shoulder, holding her even tighter.
Evie felt warmth on her face as your voice vibrated through her body, she hugged you sweetly, not really wanting to let go. The two of you actually stayed in that position for quite a bit. The only reason the two of you pulled apart was because she had a flash of a memory from not even two days ago. The memory of when Mal asked her if she missed anything from the Isle and she said she didn’t miss anything without missing a beat. Evie pulled apart from you, looking into your eyes, and she felt regret because how could she forget you?
You stood with a smile, looking around the area, your eyes shining. Your hands were on Evies waist, hers were on your shoulders, rubbing your arms. “I knew I saw Mal earlier!” You spoke, the comment snapping Evie out of her thoughts. “Are Carlos and Jay with you?” You asked, looking around, fingers gently rubbing along Evies sides, causing her to shiver. 
She inhaled sharply, nodding a bit, “Yeah, we need to get Mal back to Auradon, she kind of ran out on us.” She explained briefly, a small summary of the events. Your fingers loosened on her waist, your brows furrowing, “I’m sorry?” You asked, smile faltering. Evie didn’t notice really, she played with your sleeves a bit, nodding with an airy laugh, “There’s a whole thing to that, but, where’d you see her?” She asked, remembering how you said you had seen her earlier. 
You had a frown on your face, brows knitted together, “No.” You spoke in a harsh mumble, the tone change caused Evie to finally look at you properly, without thinking about anything else. “I mean, you’re leaving?” 
Evie tilted her head and nodded as if it were obvious, “Well, we have to go back home.” She spoke without thinking.
“This is your home.”
“That’s not what I meant to say-”
You dropped your hands from her waist, eyes narrowing in shock, “Yes it is.” You spoke lowly, licking your lips a bit. Evie bit the inside of her cheek, trying to find a way to explain herself, “I have to-” You cut her off.
“No, you don’t, you want to.” You told her, looking her up and down. “There’s a difference.” You spoke in a blunt manner, eyes now half lidded, unimpressed, disappointed, unsurprised.
Evie blew air through her cheeks as she rubbed your arms, “Come on, that’s not fair.” She tried to smile but truthfully, she was a little nervous.
You scowled at Evie, your eyes narrowed and you stepped back out of her gentle grasp on your shoulders. “You think just because you go to Auradon Prep, now that you’ve left the Isle…” You paused, breathing out an airy laugh, “You think everyone is just what? Below you?” You asked, head tilting. Evie dropped her hand, taking a step back at your words, biting the inside of her cheek. She closed her eyes, taking a deep breath, “That’s not what I meant by it.” She spoke slowly, eyes opening to reveal her saddened dark brown eyes.
You shook your head, pointing at her accusingly, “You probably didn’t even give us a second thought when you walked onto that campus, did you?” You asked her, arm dropping, falling into a crossed motion. 
Evie couldn’t say anything, because to be fair, you were right. She was so excited to go to Auradon Prep, she didn’t even think about the Isle and the people when Mal asked or before.
You shook your head, a smile of disbelief etched onto your face, “Evie, you need a reality check.” You snarled, words spitting into Evie who flinched at your words in confusion. You stepped towards her a bit, body leaning forward, “You weren’t picked because of your fashion or your personality, you were picked because of dumb luck.” You reminded her of what everyone on the Isle knew, the truth all of the VKs on their dark and grim island knew, the truth no one would ever forget. No kid of a villain is chosen for their potential, because they had none.
When Evie didn’t respond, you simply continued on. You saw how her eyes widened, how her lips parted, she clearly wanted to think differently but deep inside, she knew it. You continued on, words cutting deeper and deeper than ever before, you knew it was wrong to hurt her, but she was leaving you. People don’t leave and get to be happy, it’s not fair to the kids who are stuck on that stupid island. 
You glared, sucking your teeth at Evies’ still figure, like she was scared to move. “Prince Ben chose the daughter of the Evil Queen, because he thought she was one of the worst villains here.” You spoke, facial expression one of anger, filled with emotion. “He wanted to prove a point, he didn’t pick you because you were worth it, he picked you because he felt sorry for you.” You spat, face contorting in betrayal.
The blue haired girl was silent, still, in shock. Her heart was pounding, her chest was aching, she felt dizzy, but she just couldn’t move. She wished you would stop talking, but of course you had to keep going. 
“You’re not a hero and you will always be a VK from the Isle.” You told her, but your words were muffled to her. She looked at you, she looked through you as you spoke and her voice picked up volume, but it was only slight. Evie trembled as she spoke to you, “I wasn’t trying to erase that.” She whispered out, brown eyes glossing over with tears. You dropped your arms at her response, staring at her blankly, “You’re clearly trying to erase the rest of us.” You told her, frowning. “You’re trying to erase me.” You mumbled out the last part of the sentence. The anger that was in you seemed to disappear right in front of the princess, it seemed to fade into a great sadness you had been holding onto for almost a year since Evie had left.
Evies nostrils flared, she pushed her hairs off her shoulder, “No I’m not.” She said through gritted teeth.
“I bet you’ve found your true love since I wasn’t worth it, hm?” You asked, hands on your hips, “Since clearly I wasn’t enough to even think about.” You continued on. 
Both of you were angry, but at your comment Evie just sighed, frowning. Her beautiful brown eyes were teary, she sniffled, moving her blue hair out of her face. You expected her to prove you wrong, to tell you that she loved you, to hold you. 
“I can’t love you how you want me to.” She told you, the words cracking your heart as they echoed in your mind. Her voice was quivering as she said it, she walked forward to you, you didn’t move. Your eyes were watering, you kept your lips tight in a frown so you couldn’t break out into sobs. Evie knew better, she held her hands out, gently holding onto your face, looking into your eyes.
It was then that your lips parted and you cried, tears pouring, hiccups escaping, your cheeks were wet, your face warm from the feeling of crying. Evie nodded, stroking your cheek, her own tears streaming down her own face, she bit her lips as she looked at you. “They need me there.” She whispered to you, cupping your face with her hands as you cried.
You tried to pull back, you tried to walk away, but her gaze kept you right in front of her. You shook your head, her hands moving with your head, her palms never leaving the warmth of your cheeks. Her thumb gently wiped your tears away, but more fell. Your vision was blurry when you tried to make eye contact with her, “And I need you here, is that not enough?” Your voice cracked as you spoke, lip shaking, arms crossing so she wouldn’t see your hands trembling. “Am I not enough?” You asked, blinking rapidly, trying to keep yourself together.
Evie couldn’t say anything when she heard footsteps coming near the two of you. She jumped back, putting space between the two of you and you wiped your tears, keeping your mouth closed. You crossed your arms, looking down, kicking to the ground so whoever came would just pass through. 
You looked up and saw familiar white hair, a freckled boy who looked to Evie. “Evie, we have a problem, we have to go.” He spoke seriously. He noticed that Evie was looking across from her so he turned in the direction and saw you, his eyes widened with a shine to them. “Hey!” He grinned, walking to you, hugging you softly even though he was in a rush. You nodded to him, smiling a bit and returning the gesture, “Hey Carlos.” You whispered out, wiping your tears discreetly. “I can’t chat, I was just leaving, but we should catch up.” You told him, nodding when the two of you pulled apart and he agreed. He scrunched his nose, patting you on the back, “I’ll know where to find you.” He smiled, shooting you finger guns as you left, walking away with a sniffle.
Carlos walked back over to Evie, hands on his hips, “I haven’t seen them in what, like a-'' He began but Evie cut him off, “A year.” She spoke bluntly, staring at the direction you walked off to. Carlos noticed the difference in her mood from before, but before he could ask about it she shook her head to bring herself back to reality., “What’s going on?” She asked him, wondering what was so urgent.
Her friend frowned at her but understood, “We found Mal, but Ben said she wasn’t coming back.” He explained to which Evie nodded slowly, suspecting there was more to this. Carlos sighed out a bit panicked, “We can’t find Ben.” He spoke quickly and Evie's eyes widened. 
Now wasn’t the moment for heart to hearts, now was the moment to find their friend and get out of there. 
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kizudnyy · 4 months
Sincerely, your most dedicated fan.
They were soulmates- bounded by an invisible red string as fate would always bring them together. Yet, They were just… a civilian admiring from afar, someone who held no such importance to the world,
He was hero soaring above high above, always looking out to those who are in need.
It was just too impossible. Even if they we're meant for each other- Such a cruel world indeed.
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Y/N has always admired the Pro Hero Hawks from afar ever since the beginning.
They were inspired by his bravery, the wits, the way he effortlessly moved through the sky and captured everyone's hearts– almost everything they would appreciate.
And as a dedicated fan, Y/N would always attend every public event where Hawks would make an appearance, but they could never muster up the courage to speak to him– even though they had multiple chances to do so.
One fateful evening, during a city-wide celebration of the heroes, The Heroes Gala, Y/N was able to finally find themselves in close proximity to Hawks. Despite the thousands of things they wish they could say, their voice fails them, and they can only manage a nervous smile.
Hawks– always so perceptive, notices Y/N’s gaze lingering a bit longer than most fans. He approaches with his usual charming grin, making a lighthearted comment about how he appreciates his most dedicated fans, especially towards the one infront of him.
Y/N stumbles through a few words of admiration before a few paparazz's crowded around them, prompting Y/N to step back as they were engulfed and pushed away.
Hawks looked at her in amusement and concern as the paparazzi closed in, their cameras flashed in his eyes and questions flew in immiedtly, making him forget about the little interaction and switch his attention to the crowd.
When days turned into weeks, Y/N continued on with their life, they would always look up at the sky, always hoping to catch a glimpse of those familiar wings.
Little do they know, Hawks had taken a special notice of their quiet admiration. Intrigued by Y/N’s sincerity and dedicated, he keeps an eye out for them whenever he's patrolling the city— whenever catching a glimpse of Y/N's blurry figure in the sky, he would always give a small smile and give a wave proudly.
However, it was no surprise that the nature of the Pro Hero’s lire is unpredictable and quite dangerous. Despite his fleeting curiosity, his duties would always be his first regards.
Y/N, unaware of the brief interest they sparked in their hero, moves on after accepting the harsh reality though, would always cherish that memory of that moment they shared.
Unrequited? Sure.. but not unappreciated. They each had a silent admiration from afar, small but precious part of both of their lives, yet they stood two worlds apart..
They were a civilian admiring from afar.
He was hero soaring above high above, always looking out to those who are in need.
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I've always wondered how the shippers don't understand that it's obvious that Kaia is the one calling the paps. Austin rarely gets paparazzed alone (especially lately), she gets paparazzed alone constantly despite being much less famous. And then they are photographed together only when she is around him. It's so obvious! Kaia is not a private person as she wants to believe, she never has been, she only says that because she wants to imitate Austin and pretend to be like him. She has talked about her relationships in the past, only with Austin she never did and it is obvious that he doesn't want it to be talked about. Of course, Austin also spoke calmly about Vanessa in the past, but it's clear that he doesn't want to talk about this "relationship" precisely from the behavior they have during pap walks.
I always felt the whole private thing was more on Austin’s end than Kaia’s. If it wasn’t for that she would definitely talk about him in interviews and he would probably be all over her social media lol 😂
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alternis · 28 days
so, Figment au:
tim doesnt become robin (either jason is alive or somebody else took over before he could have a chance to get his camera out and go Batman Paparazzing). this is less of a good thing than it should be.
jack and janet die in tragic circumstances, leaving tim to the tender care of the gotham city foster system. he is promptly kidnapped by an Evil Organisation that specifically selects victims from groups that are likely to go missing and unlikely to be looked for very hard, and 'teenager without any family ties or close friends who just got placed in foster care' very much fits that profile.
the evil organisation has an evil amulet called the Coward's Aestel that is supposed to be some kind of cloaking device (invisibility, intangibility, rendering the user completely imperceptible to all modern technological and magical sensors-ibility) but so far everybody they've tested it on has come back dead, alive but in a permanent vegetative state, or with reality-altering mental illness.
for some reason it does none of those things to tim, and instead lets him escape the evil base. and then sneak into a hero's lair, once he's tracked one down, to leave a whole bunch of evidence and information for them to just kind of. act upon as they wish. (he doesn't consider that coming home to their secret base filled with evidence of an intruder would maybe, a little bit, unnerve said hero. he's helping!)
and yeah he has to figure out how it works and there's a time limit for being phased out of existence before he snaps back (and he cant really come up with a better answer for where he goes when he uses the Aestel) and also it needs time to recharge between uses, and he has to know whether or not he can take other people with him (his experiments with random insects suggest 'thats a really a bad idea' and also leaves him feeling really bad about the spiders he killed, even though dead spiders is better than dead people.)
and he helps save people and solves crimes and learns how to sneak without using his powers, and also how to fight. and, well, it's not like there's any reason to be tim drake any more so he just. isn't. it would probably be pretty complicated, to try and be tim drake and also his heroic persona at the same time, and if he isn't being tim drake any more then he doesn't have to think about tim drake's parents, or the kids he went to school with, or the faded missing person's poster he saw with his face on it and how that made him feel.
eventually he ends up on a group with other teen heroes. yay! he is really glad his boarding school history has given him the skills to quickly integrate into social groups, even if working as a solo teen hero with an inherently isolating powerset has somewhat exacerbated his pre-existing teenage social awkwardness. but he's making friends! sometimes they go out in their civilian personas together and it barely even feels like they're all faking it.
and then batman shows up with an investigation case file into Evil Organisation that had kidnapped him and whose information he'd left in a neat pile next to the giant supercomputer setup he had in the cave underneath his mansion. and also batman has a pile of missing person's reports and one of them has his face on it. and they talk. it's very awkward, until batman starts asking him about the side effects the other victi- test subjects had reported when they held the Aestel before using it, like 'a persistent feeling of doom' and 'severe nausea' and
he never felt anything like that. holding the Aestel had been scary, mostly because of the fact that the other 'text subjects' said that anybody sent to to the Aestel's room never came back to the cells, and also the body bag sitting in the corner of the testing chamber. but it hadn't felt bad, to use it. if anything it felt like something wanted him to use it, wanted him to take it and run as far away as he could, and keep running. and then... not think about what it had done to everybody else who used it, and definitely not think too hard about what it would do to anybody he tried to use it with.
but what really cinches it is the urge to blink out of existence and start running again, and now he's thinking about it he's pretty sure he's never felt that way about batman before. and he thinks maybe that isn't him feeling that way about batman, which means maybe some of those thoughts and feelings he's been having were never actually. him. so he hands the Aestel over to Batman to check out, just in case. because Batman is a hero, and he's the world's greatest detective, and Figment has never known him well enough to become even slightly disillusioned with those statements.
then he gets sick, and keeps getting sicker, and eventually he wakes up in a medical bed with the Aestel resting on his chest and the news that apparently not being around the Aestel makes him start dying, and the only solution is to keep the thing that has been influencing his thoughts and feelings and who knows what else on his person at all times. and just try not to use it. and hope he can identify which of his thoughts are him and which... aren't.
at least he has his friends. he's really lucky he has them. he has no idea what he'd do if he didn't have them.
then things go really bad. 'event with Crisis in the title' bad. and he ends up in a situation where he's phased out and if he phases back he'll die, and even with his intangibility there's no escaping a space station unless he wants to phase back into the cold vacuum of space instead. so he clutches the Aestel in his hand and he feels the timer counting down until it kicks him back and desperately, with every part of his strength, overrides the failsafe. and keeps doing that, as the sun slides past the window over and over, until he hears voices and 'all clear' signals and it's safe to let go.
and then he wakes up with the Aestel embedded in his hand, except it's not just embedded but merged with his skin, and everybody is surprised but not the way he expected them to be when he woke back up alive after apparently spending over a week phased out of existence.
oh, because the Aestel took over his nervous system when he phased back, to protect him from the negative effects of being phased that long (such as, apparently, his autonomic nervous system 'forgetting' how to do things like making sure his cardiac muscles contract in the normal pattern, and breathing).
and being merged with his brain and nervous system meant it kind of... took over. and started 'eating three meals a day' and 'getting a full 9 hours of sleep every night' and walking around in his body and talking to his teammates and the terrifying mind-influencing entity 'befriended' them and managed to convince them it 'just wanted to help' and 'was trying to warn the other test subjects' and even 'didnt know how to communicate with words, and wasn't trying to mess with his thoughts on purpose' and 'would only be around until tim was healed enough to wake up'
and they all just believed it! and let it walk around like a parasite taking over the host, for multiple weeks! and now they're sad it's gone, rather than happy he survived, and honestly he kind of understands why some people Go Supervillain.
which is when an actual supervillain approaches him and oh maybe it's a bad thing that their teenager superhero team has so many members now, because it turns out some of them have actually gone villain and are double agents for (probably deathstroke) an actual supervillain. who thinks that Figment (who has clearly been struggling with his mental health after merging with a probably evil ancient artifact, and has a very visible grudge against his teammates which has left him isolated from his former friendship group) is prime turncoat material.
and figment has no idea how many of his teammates are in on this, and how many of the adult heroes might also be turncoats, so he does the logical thing. he pretends to be recruited so he can undermine them from the inside. and also being fake evil means when the evil trap gets sprung he gets to not-fake yell at his friends for betraying him (because faking being evil is a lot easier when he doesn't also have to fake being really, really mad at them). also, cultivating a persona of somebody slipping into insanity is a really good cover for his attempts to mess up their plans from the inside, and also covers up all the actual emotional and moral crises he's going through.
... back at the beginning, when he first got the Aestel and using it was new and exciting and he didn't think too hard about the urge to keep using it, he tested out whether he could carry other living beings with him. just with insects, because he felt the least bad about them potentially dying. and then, once, he tested letting go of them whilst he was phased. the spider had simply hung in the air, still phased but unmoving, until he touched it and it... unfroze. and then he came back, and this time it stopped moving permanently.
it wasn't a particularly happy memory. but when you have a villain who is way above your pay-grade (and has been creepily trying to add his own manipulations on top of the Evil Amulet Thing you've been dealing with), and your moral code forbids you from killing but the villain is definitely going to kill your ex-friends unless you stop them, 'trap them in suspended animation in the gap between dimensional spaces' is definitely... not killing them. and somebody will figure out a way to safely bring them back, right?
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httpiastri · 4 months
secret getaway with Paul trying to be discreet while in public places (maybe bc of fame? scared of being paparazzed?) and him stealing quick kisses all the time just with to be annoying
godddd i can totally see this, esp with popstar!reader…. being in public places like restaurants or on the beach, knowing that there are both paparazzi and fans who can take sneaky pics of them so they have to be super secretive…. not even daring holding hands, having to save all of the touches etc for later….. but of course paul can't fully hold back 🫠 when he thinks youve rounded a secluded corner in the restaurant, he pulls you in to give you a quick kiss before keeping on walking, pretending like nothing has happened……..
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douglashal · 1 year
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“Oh Tim, sorry but the paparazzi just clicked you walking with a cannibal…”
“Oh Armz, I am sorry too, you have just been paparazzed walking with Kylie Jenner’s boyfriend…”
“You’re so funny, Sweet Tea 😂😂😂”
“No, you are the funny one, Armando 😂😂😂”
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El.. so, calmed down a lil? I brought some money for the salad since you didn't finish it. Heard you went over and hung with some people after? Or am I just hearing rumors
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TT: Oh for fuck's sake...
They frown, staring you down.
TT: You aga\n... You're a/most worse than paparazz\... TT: Actua//y... w\th that camera you got... are you paparazz\? TT: \s that why you're fo//ow\ng me everywhere? TT: Are you from the Campus News or someth\ng?
Their eyes glance down at the money in your hand, almost regarding it with disgust. Clearly, Elraik is very suspicious of you...
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C'era una volta Pescara
Pescara (Piscara) il nome della città deriva dall'abbondanza nel fiume di pesce particolarmente buono (peschiera), prima prendeva il nome dal fiume Alterno (ostia aterni e aternum).
Il fiume Pescara nella storia fece molte volte da confine per i regni che si sono succeduti ed era navigabile.
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Quando la città venne distrutta rimase solo la fortezza (piazzaforte) costruita dai bizantini che cercavano di riconquistare la penisola via costa.
Sono state trovate le mura bizantine da un lato crollate per via di un maremoto probabilmente a seguito di un terribile terremoto, mentre le mura bizantine ritrovate all'interno della caserma sono ancora in piedi.
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L'imperatore Carlo V creò una serie di fortezze tra le quali la fortezza di Pescara proprio adiacente al porto di Pescara (la cosiddetta "serratura del regno")
Dal bastione San Vittorio, detto anche bastione bandiera, Re Vittorio Emanuele II si affacciò andando incontro a Garibaldi.
Re Vittorio Emanuele II affermò riferendosi a Pescara "Oh che bel sito se si abbattono le mura della fortezza Pescara diventerà una grande città commerciale" e così è stato.
Qui c'erano delle prigioni terribili "il sepolcro dei vivi" era chiamati il carcere (bagno penale) borbonico.
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La caserma di cavalleria comprensiva di una chiesetta (quella della Madonna del Carmine) era una zona molto estesa tanto da raggiungere la necropoli di Rampigna situata fuori città.
Per realizzare la ferrovia venne utilizzato il muro della fortezza.
Venne costruito sotto il regime fascista il ponte Littorio sotto il quale si teneva il mercato galleggiante delle arance.
Ennio Flaiano tra le altre cose fu grande sceneggiatore in particolare de "La dolce vita".
Inventò anch'egli come D'Annunzio alcuni termini ad esempio il termine paparazzo utilizzando il vero nome del fotografo di moda de "La dolce vita" inoltre non è un caso che le paparazze in dialetto pescarese siano le cozze che ricordano appunto il vecchio obiettivo della macchina fotografica.
Lungo l'attuale via delle Caserme al lato opposto delle caserme c'era la fanteria e le osterie.
Clemente De Caesaris salvò la fortezza di Pescara dalle truppe borboniche corrompendole con il suo oro.
Era un forte repubblicano ma per salvare la situazione chiamò i Sabaudi come reali d'Italia, però successivamente dopo aver visto come i prigionieri venivano torturati li rinnega a Torino pubblicamente in Parlamento.
Pavimento originale del '500 solo nell'attuale via Luigi D'Amico
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In Piazza del mercato (piazza Garibaldi) si facevano le prove delle bande, questa fu la vera prima Piazza Salotto per via dell'acustica che ricorda quella di un salotto.
Un pasticcere si inventa qui il "ritrovo del parrozzo"
Pescara viene distrutta dai bombardamenti della Seconda Guerra Mondiale.
In piazza mercato si trova il cosiddetto "Monumento ai caduti" di Pietro Cascella che in realtà è il "monumento della distruzione e alla ricostruzione".
La Cattedrale di San Cetteo presenta un soffitto in legno, i pilastri sono di pietra così come i capitelli e vetrate colorate. Viene realizzata così a seguito di un patto con Gabriele D'Annunzio che voleva far seppellire la madre nella chiesa in un mausoleo. Ma invece di denaro dona un quadro del '600 del Guercino enorme e prezioso a Don Brandano, raffigurante San Francesco che riceve le stigmate. Ora questo quadro è posto accanto al mausoleo della madre di D'Annunzio, mentre la chiesa è stata finanziata interamente dai pescaresi.
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La Chiesa Santa Maria di Gerusalemme era a forma circolare con 2 campanili. Forse era il riadattamento di un tempio preesistente comunque i resti ritrovati sono medievali e di stile circestense.
È questa la chiesa che venne aperta rimuovendo l'abside e che divenne Porta Nuova alla quale comunque rimaneva un solo campanile, ora invece nessuno.
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Teatro Vincentino Michetti al cui fianco costruisce casa sua in stile liberty con decori di arance.
Attorno a lui molti architetti pescaresi studiando questo stile (liberty) fanno di Pescara e di Castellammare quelle che furono le due città liberty famose in tutto il mondo.
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La parte più antica della città è dov'era Porta Sala e il convento di Sant'Agostino.
Nonostante la vicinanza con questo luogo di culto quella era via dei bordelli e non solo nel nome.
Sotto le mura della fortezza ci sono ancora dei sotterranei da esplorare.
Sotto lo strato di erba c'è un mosaico romanico
Il Ponte della ferrovia fu l'ambientazione nell'immaginazione del poeta D'Annunzio nella sua opera "Terra Vergine" al passo in cui descrive il tramonto visto dal ponte.
In mezzo alla strada sono state posizionate delle pietre del ponte romano.
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Benedetta Porcaroli conferma il ritorno di fiamma con Riccardo Scamarcio: "L'amore è amore"
22 gennaio 2024 09:46 L’attrice conferma la love story in corso, dopo le foto paparazzate degli scorsi giorni   Tgcom24   Benedetta Porcaroli è felice con il fidanzato Riccardo Scamarcio  Come sempre Benedetta Porcaroli è stata laconica riguardo alla sua vita privata, ma al Messaggero ha confermato di essere innamorata di Riccardo Scamarcio. Ormai i due attori non vogliono più nascondere il…
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therka1996 · 1 year
Tayvin 1x25
Andrea: Zlatíčko co se děje?
Taylor. Právě mi napsal Adam říkal že ho přepadly paparazzi mami mám z toho hroznej strach
Andrea: Z čeho?
Taylor: Adam není zvyklej na tenhle život, není zvyklej na paparazze a všechno okolo co když mu zachvilku to začne lézt krkem
Andrea: Miláčku přemýšlíš moc dopředu Adama nezajímá tahle sláva zajímáš ho jenom ty ...
Taylor: Jsem ráda že tě mám co kdyby jsme šly někam na jídlo nebo někam na procházku
Andrea: Moc ráda
Dipo: No nene někdo se vrací z líbánek
Adam:: Neříkej mi že jsem ti chyběl byl jsem 3 dny pryč a ty z toho děláš nějakou vědu
Dipo: Bojím se jenom aby ses nespálil
Adam: Dipo už jsem velkej chlap bud se spálím a nebo ne ale vím že to přežiju
Dipo: Je to velká osobnost to víš pokaždý když půjdete ven budou jsi vás všichni fotit budou se o vás psát nesmysly co pak ti to vůbec nevadí
Adam: Nechci tomu věnovat pozornost Dipo můj vztah s Taylor je jenom mezi náma a pokud ti to vadí tak se o tom s tebou vůbec bavit nebudu navíc jsem s ní byl 3 dny a nikdo o nás vůbec nic nevěděl až jsem se teprve vrátil
Dipo: Jak chceš
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Andrea: No není to nádhera
Andrea: Někdy je dobrý se vrátit domů a být chvilku bez paparazů že jo
Taylor: Někdy utéct od toho rachotu ano mami, ani nevíš jak jsem ráda že jsem tady
Taylor: Ahoj Sel
Selena: Ahoj nechci otravovat ale chci se tě zeptat jestli dneska platí to VMAS
Taylor: Do háje já jsem na to už úplně zapomněla jasně budu tam jsem s mamkou tedkon v nashvillu ale přiletím co nejdřív hned to jdu připravovat
Selena: Tak se sejdeme u tebe
Taylor: Určitě
Andrea: Koukám že idylka skončila
Taylor: Mami promin musím jít na to VMAS každej semnou počítá
Andrea: Já vím tak se vrátíme zpátky
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kritere · 1 year
Sophie Turner e Taylor Swift, le due ex di Joe Jonas insieme a New York come buone amiche
DIRETTA TV 21 Settembre 2023 Taylor Swift e Sophie Turner sono state paparazzate durante una serata insieme a New York, passata a cena tra degustazione di caviale e Martini. Una normale uscita tra amiche, se non fosse che le due hanno un ex in comune: Joe Jonas. 31 CONDIVISIONI Taylor Swift e Sophie Turner a cena insieme a New York. Non ci sarebbe nulla di insolito in una serata tra amiche…
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lostnloveco · 1 year
Keanu Reeves Secrets To Being The Nicest Guy In Hollywood: Lessons In Humility And Kindness
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Keanu Reeves Secrets To Being The Nicest Guy In Hollywood: Lessons In Humility And Kindness Keanu Reeves is widely regarded as one of the nicest guys in Hollywood. Despite being a prominent figure in the entertainment industry for over three decades, he has managed to maintain his humility and kindness, which has won him the admiration of many fans and colleagues. Reeves' story is one of humble beginnings and personal tragedies that have shaped his character and values. He was born in Beirut, Lebanon, and raised in Canada by a single mother. Reeves' childhood was marked by several challenges, including moving from city to city and attending multiple schools. Despite these difficulties, Reeves remained grounded and focused on his passion for acting. Hhis personal life has also been marked by tragedy, including the loss of his best friend, River Phoenix, and the death of his daughter..
Reeves' Humble Beginnings and Personal Tragedies
Born in Beirut, Lebanon, Reeves' family background was marked by divorce, multiple relocations, and financial struggles. His father left the family when he was just three years old, and his mother moved the family around frequently before eventually settling in Toronto, Canada. Reeves' early career struggles were also well-documented. Despite his good looks and undeniable talent, he was often typecast in low-paying roles that hardly paid the bills. But despite these hardships, Reeves remained grateful for every opportunity that came his way, never taking his success for granted. Reeves' personal tragedies, including the loss of his best friend and his stillborn daughter, further shaped his perspective on life and the importance of empathy. Through these experiences, he has learned to be more compassionate towards others, and to use his platform to raise awareness on issues close to his heart. In a world where fame and fortune can often lead to arrogance and entitlement, Reeves' humility and groundedness are a refreshing reminder of the power of kindness and empathy. Importance of Empathy Empathy is a vital component of developing meaningful connections with others. It involves putting oneself in another person's shoes and understanding their feelings and perspectives.
Connecting with Others
Establishing meaningful connections with others is a crucial aspect of success in the entertainment industry, as it allows for the cultivation of positive relationships and the potential for future collaborations. Building relationships requires active listening and genuine interest in the other person. In the case of Keanu Reeves, his ability to connect with others is evident in the numerous stories that have been shared about his kindness and humility. He takes the time to listen to others and values their input, which has allowed him to build strong relationships with both his colleagues and fans. Connecting with others goes beyond just listening, it also involves being approachable and empathetic. In the entertainment industry, where the pressure to maintain a certain image can be overwhelming, it can be difficult to let one's guard down and connect with others on a personal level. Keanu Reeves has shown that it is possible to be both successful and approachable. By putting himself in someone else's shoes and empathizing with their experiences, he has been able to establish meaningful connections with others and inspire those around him to do the same.
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Putting Yourself in Someone Else's Shoes
Developing empathy and understanding for others is an essential skill in building successful relationships in the entertainment industry. Keanu Reeves' remarkable career and reputation in Hollywood prove that empathetic leadership and building relationships through empathy are essential in creating a successful career. Reeves is known for his kindness, humility, and compassion towards his colleagues, fans, and even paparazzi. He has the ability to connect with people on a deeper level, and this has been one of the most significant factors in his success. Reeves' approach to empathy is not just about being friendly and polite to others. Instead, he puts himself in their shoes and tries to understand their perspectives. This approach enables him to build stronger relationships with his colleagues, and it has also helped him to gain the respect of his peers.
Remaining Grounded Despite Fame
Maintaining a sense of groundedness amidst the trappings of fame is an ongoing challenge for many successful individuals. Keanu Reeves, however, seems to have mastered the art of remaining humble and down-to-earth despite his superstar status. One strategy that Reeves employs is cultivating self-awareness. In interviews, he has spoken about the importance of introspection and self-reflection, and how it helps him stay true to himself. Another strategy that Reeves uses to balance success and humility is staying connected to his roots. Despite his wealth and fame, he still rides the subway, takes public transportation, and lives a relatively modest lifestyle. This is not to say that he does not enjoy the luxuries that come with success, but rather that he does not let them define him.  Reeves was able to maintain a sense of perspective and appreciate how far he has come. This, in turn, helps him remain grounded and approachable, even as his fame continues to grow.
Giving Back to the Community
Contributing to the betterment of society, Keanu Reeves leverages his success to give back to the community through various philanthropic efforts. His community service initiatives are aimed at addressing a wide range of societal issues, from poverty to cancer research. Reeves is known for his extensive work with PETA, the animal rights organization, where he actively campaigns to end animal abuse and promote ethical treatment of animals. He has also been a vocal advocate for cancer research, having lost several family members to the disease.  Reeves founded and supports the Stand Up to Cancer organization, which funds innovative cancer research projects and helps patients access treatment.  He is also known for his humble and unassuming personality. He does not seek recognition for his contributions to the community, instead preferring to quietly and consistently work towards making a positive impact.  His compassionate nature and commitment to giving back serve as an inspiration to many, highlighting the power of kindness and generosity. As we explore further into Reeves' secrets to being the nicest guy in Hollywood, we can see that his attitude towards life is characterized by a deep appreciation for the power of positive thinking.
The Power of Positive Thinking
The power of positive thinking has been extensively researched, and it has been found to have a great impact on an individual's well-being. Focusing on the good, gratitude, and appreciation are key components of positive thinking.
Focusing on the Good
Highlighting positive aspects and focusing on the good can evoke a sense of optimism and inspire others to follow suit. This approach can be seen in the actions of Keanu Reeves, who is known for his humility and kindness. Despite his success in Hollywood, Reeves remains grounded and is often seen engaging in charitable acts or showing appreciation for his fans. Focusing on the good can also lead to a greater sense of gratitude and appreciation. This is because when we focus on the positive aspects of our lives, we become more aware of the blessings we have and are less likely to take them for granted. This is an important lesson that we can learn from Reeves, who is known for his gratitude and appreciation towards others. By cultivating a mindset of gratitude, we can develop a greater sense of happiness and fulfillment in our lives.
Gratitude and Appreciation
Cultivating a mindset of gratitude and appreciation can lead to a greater sense of happiness and fulfillment in life, as evidenced by the positive impact it has had on those who practice it. Keanu Reeves is known to practice daily gratitude and expresses appreciation towards others, which has helped him to maintain a positive outlook on life and remain humble despite his success in Hollywood. Research has shown that practicing daily gratitude can lead to improved physical and mental health, increased empathy and reduced aggression, and greater satisfaction with life. Expressing appreciation towards others is also an important aspect of cultivating gratitude. Keanu Reeves is known to be gracious and humble towards others, whether it be his fans, co-stars, or crew members. Expressing appreciation can lead to stronger relationships and a more positive work or social environment. Treating everyone with respect is an important aspect of Keanu Reeves' philosophy on life.
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Treating Everyone with Respect
Demonstrating respect towards individuals, regardless of their status or position, is a prominent attribute that is emphasized in the section. Keanu Reeves is known for treating everyone with respect, from his co-stars to the film crew. He believes that showing respect is a key aspect of building relationships and promoting empathy.  Reeves' approach to treating everyone with respect is rooted in his belief that everyone has value and deserves to be treated with dignity. He recognizes that treating others with respect not only benefits them but also creates a positive environment that promotes teamwork and collaboration.  His actions serve as a reminder that respect is a basic human need that should be extended to everyone, regardless of their position or status.
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Applying Reeves' Lessons to Our Own Lives
By incorporating the principles of empathy, understanding, and dignity into our interactions with others, we can create a positive impact and build stronger relationships, as exemplified through Keanu Reeves' approach to treating everyone with respect. Reeves' ability to connect with people regardless of their social status or background stems from his humble beginnings and personal values. As such, we can learn from his example and apply his lessons to our own lives, creating a more compassionate and inclusive world. Practical applications of Reeves' lessons include actively listening to others, acknowledging their feelings and experiences, and treating them with kindness and respect. By doing so, we can foster stronger relationships and build a sense of trust and understanding with those around us. Over time, these small acts of kindness can have a long-term impact, not only on our personal relationships but also on the broader community. Treating others with dignity and empathy can help us to create a ripple effect of positivity that can spread far beyond our immediate circle of influence.
Wrap Up
Keanu Reeves is well-known for his kindness and humility, which have earned him the reputation of being the nicest guy in Hollywood. Despite his success in the entertainment industry, Reeves has remained grounded and empathetic towards others. His personal tragedies, including the loss of his child and partner, have also contributed to his compassionate nature. Reeves' lessons in humility and kindness can be applied to our own lives. He emphasizes the importance of empathy and treating everyone with respect, regardless of their status or background. Giving back to the community and maintaining a positive mindset are also crucial to living a fulfilling life. Reeves serves as a role model for individuals seeking to improve their character and make a positive impact on others. His experiences and outlook on life provide valuable insights into the power of humility, kindness, and empathy. Read the full article
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raisab332012 · 2 years
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jacarooster813 · 5 years
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pinkmoonbling-blog · 5 years
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Introducing our new blockbuster item! 🎉 . 🌍Global Glamour💎 . Gradually increasing in size, dramatically oversized smoky gems are pressed into the centers of hammered and silver studded frames. The blinding frames link below the collar for a glamorous, statement-making finish. Features an adjustable clasp closure. #paparazzibling #global #glamour #pinkmoonbling #accessories #pinkmoonblingboutique #paparazziaccessories #necklace #jewelry (at Pink Moon Bling Boutique) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1RJ5F5BweK/?igshid=1q16i4wcdy66v
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