#paparazzo sports
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Here’s “The Young Prodigy” Marcus Mathers Vs. Dustin "Flash" Waller during the Super Nova Wrestling "From The Ashes" event held on April 9, 2022 at the Knights of Columbus Hall in Tewksbury, Massachusetts. You can see more such pics in the brand new gallery just uploaded at the Paparazzo Photography site.
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milksuu · 11 months
Hey hey heyyyy!!! It's me, the one that keeps stalking your page! 💙🧚‍♀️
I wanna say that OML I LOVE YOUR WRITING!!! AAAAHHH! And I'm so so so happy to see that
anyways, this is a request for how the heartsteel boys would react to a lover with big bazoinkers who usually wears baggy clothes suddenly wearing something tight fitted??? Heheehehehe.
Also, how would the react if you were hit on by someone else due to their lover having big personalities?? (You don't have to do this one if you're uncomfortable ofc!!)
Also, keep up what you're doing, feeding my unhealthy obsession with these fictional (but very attractive) men. I hope you have an amazing day/night!!!🧚‍♀️🧚‍♀️
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❥ prompt: So, you got the big boinkers. The huge bagonzos. The gigantic bonobos. Whatever guys called boobs these days. You're super self-conscious about them, ever since you hit puberty. You've tried to hide them. But with the upcoming red-carpet event for the music awards, you can't wear baggy clothes next to your Heartsteel boyfirend. You had to look your best. Or as some would say, your breast. ❥ content/warnings: mild suggestive themes, possessive boyfriend energy, over protective boyfriend energy ❥ characters/pairings: v!Heartsteel (aphelios, ezreal, kayne) / f!reader
Aphelio's thought you always looked cute and comfortable in your hoodies. In casual form, it was his aesthetic as well. Until the time came for a special event.
Aphelio's hadn't imagined exactly what you would wear. But surely, it might be a long-sleeve and turtleneck to match your conservative style. He understood how you felt about your particular assets. He would never suggest you to wear anything that didn't make you feel secure.
He was absolutely wrong. So, so, so wrong. (Wait. Did he actually like being wrong?) He got the long-sleeves part right. But the black mini-dress you sported hugged all the curves you possessed. With just a bit of thigh fat squeezed at the hem. If Aphelio's could ever speak again, he'd beg to be immediately silenced between those thighs. And at the top, there was a glorious boob-window that any e-girl would go absolutely rabid to have.
He had to look away a few times. Thankful to have a mask covering most of his flustered features. Maintaining a semblance of composure, he led you by the hand, speaking to you through squeezes between your hands.
Down the red-carpet, with flashing lights, the two of you posed. One camera man took a picture a little too angled for his liking. Your hand trembled in his. Blushing and holding your breath. Embarrassed tears pricked the corner of your eyes. Afraid of the possible lewdness that would be plastered in magazines. You didn't want to even imagine the headliners. And what would they say about Aphelio's? That he was dating some sort of 'all-boobs-no brains' bimbo? You wanted nothing like that for him.
Aphelio's sensed all of your emotions and didn't hesitate his next move. He dragged a discreet foot against the carpet, folding it in a manner that caused the paparazzo to trip. When the shady-cameraman fell, his camera smashed to pieces against the ground. The man dramatically fell to his knees, holding his head and weeping in buckets.
You gasped. Aphelio's merely rolled his eyes dismissively, tugging you way. He knitted his brows, and squeezed your hand tightly. You knew exactly what he did. You smiled, condensing your chest against his arm.
Feeling his face heat up again, he looked away. After acting so cool, and looking so cool, there's no way he'd let you see him blush like a high-school boy.
Ezreal never minded you wearing baggy clothes. He thought it was fun—for him! He loved diving underneath your oversized hoodie, and poke his head out the other side. Like you two were some odd circus attraction. That, or pretend he was a sailor drowning in a sea of boobies. He liked wearing the stylish hat.
He wasn't exactly sure what you would wear to the event, but he wished it was something he could fit inside later. He was joking. That was a total joke. So long as you were comfortable in it, he didn't mind.
When he saw you step out of the limo, his jaw completely dropped. He felt like one of those cool male-lead movie stars. Taking off his glasses in iconic slow-mo fashion, mouthing the words "Oh, Baby."
He spared zero time to lead you by the arm. Ready for from some press worthy photos he knew you two were going to absolutely rock.
Making it to the concessions room, where the liquor and horderves were plenty, it was prime time for music stars to socialize.
One young rapper approached, way too drunk off his drink, slurred with a smirk at your general direction. Commenting on whether or not Ezreal paid for you to have boob job in order to please him.
The giddy-boyish-sunshine smile turned utterly dark. The laugh he forced was ear grating. It chilled you to the bone. There was a flash of yellow. And briefly, you felt your arm empty of his presence. Then the scene unfolded. The man's drink completely spilled all over him. Another flash. He was pushed, stumbling to the ground.
Ezreal merely snickered into his suit sleeve when bouncers in the room dragged the drunk man away by the collar. Deeming him too drunk and unfit for the show, and subsequently tossed out.
Ezreal tugged you off to a far, secluded corner. He took you into his arms, squeezing tightly. Apologizing into your ear. You smiled softly, and rubbed his the back. Reassuring him you weren't hurt by the comment. And gave him a grateful kiss into his hair for sticking up for you.
Kayn 'Big ol' Tiddle Bitties'. If he could change his middle name to that, he would. It'd be his other rap persona, in ode to your breasts. Rhaast approved. And sure, you may be insecure about them, but Kayn fucking hell wasn't. He swore, one day, he would scream in praise at the rooftops. (Thankfully that hasn't happened...yet.)
He prayed to every demon, anti-christ, Eldritch God on this forsaken plane of existence for you to bless his presence with those huge knockers. And holy shit, did you ever at the event.
From the outfit alone, if he leashed himself for you, and placed a crop in your hand, he'd be on all fours. This wouldn't be a classy event anymore. It'd be an all-out fetish party.
Sadly. Reality kept it to a red-carpeted event. Where he had to act professional. Lead you accordingly, and restrain himself on every level possible. It took all his effort to not just call an Uber and take you in nearest love-hotel.
After mingling before the show, it was time for the awards. You took your seat next to each other. As the event played on, with various performances, you felt something being thrown into your cleavage. You looked down, spotting popcorn. Turning a cheek, you saw a group of young men laughing. Making comments about your breasts, and high-fiving one another when they 'made the shot'.
Kayn noticed. And boy, was he about to lose his shit during a performance speech. You placed a hand against his chest, whispering for him not to make a scene, and not allow the clowns to hurt his reputation. Fine—he wouldn't commit a crime. But he would show them who they were fucking with.
You slapped a hand over your mouth, muffling any lewd noises. Kayn planted his face in your cleavage, biting and licking your chest. He took up all the popcorn, and spat it out the guys like buttered bullets. They jumped with looks of disgust, cursing under their breaths about how damn crazy he was. With a final growl, they scurried away.
Kayn cackled, and you had to shush him when Yone leaned back in his chair and gave a look.
an: holy shiii tysvm for this req. @ccraccz! you're a genius. pls keep stalking my page *smooches you* sadly i have to break this up into two parts, since I wasn't expecting to make it so long??? lmfao??? pls stay tuned for part 2
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For family day interactions, what about meeting Vil’s dad and realizing “oh wow so that’s where Vil gets his looks from?”
[Consider this interaction sort of a follow-up to this one!]
Daddy? Sorry. Daddy? Sorry. Daddy? Sorry/j
Family means Nobody is Left Behind or Forgotten.
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"Is that you, Vil-senpai?"
The words had left your mouth before you had the chance to rein them back in.
He, a skilled pretender, kept his head turned away, not reacting the slightest bit to his name. In his cream-colored tracksuit, sneakers, baseball cap, sunglasses, and mask, Vil was just another face in the crowd. A seemingly ordinary boy, even when those around him started shifting, their heads whipping this way and that.
Then came the murmurs: "Vil? As in, Vil Schoenheit? Where?!"
"Oops." You covered your mouth with both hands, realizing your mistake. To speak his name in public was to attract attention--and potential ilk. "False alarm, my bad!!"
The disappointed onlookers retreated, returning to their families. You took the opportunity to elbow your way closer to Vil, cautiously keeping your volume low.
This time, there was a slight incline of his head, the darting of the eyes to the side to meet yours. You couldn't see the shape of his mouth behind the mask, but you wouldn't misplace those striking violet eyes and golden hair anywhere, try as the dark lenses and the hat tried to hide them. He nodded, and you recognized the signal: Follow me.
Vil peeled off from the bustling courtyard and to a quiet corner, the light of the sun hidden by a jutting angle of the school building. You trailed after him obediently, stopping only when an older man surpassed you, his strides long and elegant. He sported the same outfit as Vil, right down to the designer sunglasses. The man seemed to smile at you as your paths crossed, his eyes twinkling.
Who is that...?
You ducked into the meeting place to find Vil and the stranger already waiting for you. In the presence of his severe beauty, the question clung to the roof of your mouth.
"You've picked a rather inopportune time for a social call, potato," Vil sighed, slipping his mask and glasses off. He brushed flaxen locks away from his forehead. slick with sweat.
"Sorry! It was just funny seeing you in the whole 'I'm trying to blend in' get-up," you said sheepishly. "I'm so used to seeing you openly flaunting full glamour."
"As Rook would put it, 'why deprive the world of my beauty?' But deny it I must this time. I would be hounded relentlessly without this disguise."
"Gotcha. I won't make the same mistake again!" Your gaze briefly fell upon the masked man beside Vil. Clearly not a crazed fan or a paparazzo, from how calm Vil was around them. "I'll go--see you around campus then?"
"Ah, this is a friend of yours, Vil?" the stranger finally piped up. "Chasing them off so soon? You haven't even introduced us yet."
"Excuse me. Where are my manners?" Vil cleared his throat. "Potato. This is my father. He goes by the stage name Eric Venue--but to you, 'Mr. Schoenheit' will do. Father, this is a schoolmate of mine."
"Huh, Eric Venue?" Your brows scrunched. You were sure you had heard Cater gushing about an Eric Venue's resume: an extensive filmography, and many lucrative appearances and deals. "The... big star? That's your dad?!"
"The one and only." Vil placed his hands on his hips. "Be honored that you get to meet my father in person, one-on-one. You would not wish to know how much money that would normally cost."
(He didn't have to say it, but you knew in your heart that, whatever the value was, it would make Azul's eyes turn into thaumark signs.)
Eric--no, Mr. Schoenheit--laughed, a pleasantly low rumble. "My reputation precedes me! Don't mind my Vil, he's always been a bit of a proud one.”
Taking your hand in his, he gave it a firm, friendly shake. He lowered his mask and flashed a pearly smile. “Charmed."
“It’s nice to meet you too, Mr. Sch…”
Your brain short circuited when he revealed the entirety of his face. There were no words to describe his beauty.
It was a mirror to Vil’s—or rather, Vil was a mirror of him—the rich colors and symmetrical arrangement similar. Time had allowed his features to deepen and mature, like the aging of a fine cheese or wine, lending him a regal, refined presence. He was like a kindly king that had stepped out of the pages of a storybook or a dream: far too handsome for the real world.
“What’s the matter?” Vil asked, smirking at your silence. “Grim got your tongue?”
“I, uh…” You swallowed, seeking out what few words you had left. “I can see where you get your looks from, Vil-senpai.”
“Hahah, I didn't know your friend was such a comedian, son!” Mr. Schoenheit warmly laid a hand on Vil's shoulder. "No, I'd say my Vil here's the fairest one of them all."
"Please. You flatter me--and you humble yourself." Despite his prickly vocabulary, there was warmth to Vil's tone. A joking sort of energy he didn't typically wear.
You gaped at them in awe. Their combined star power was so raw, so intense, oozing with natural charm. Just standing before them made your legs quake, aching to kneel in a subconscious act of respect. The hand Mr. Schoenheit had shaken still tingled, as though he had touched you with magic.
"I'll never wash this hand again," you muttered, absentmindedly rubbing at your wrist.
"Oh no, you'd better," Vil warned sharply. "What will become of your personal hygiene if you don't?!"
"There are better ways to remember this occasion," Mr. Schoenheit suggested with a grin. He produced a pen from his tracksuit, brandishing it like a sword. "If you'd like, I could give you my autograph. How does that sound?"
"Wow, really, sir!?" You glanced at Vil, who seemed just as shocked.
"... If father offered it, then I don't see why you should turn down his generous offer. Just find something for him to sign that's NOT on your body."
"Uh, okay!! Er... Hold on a sec!!"
You furiously dug around in your pockets, praying that there was something viable there. Your fingers soon came upon a crumpled piece of paper, which you fished out and smoothed to the best of your ability. It was thrusted at Mr. Schoenheit with pleading eyes.
Vil made a face. "Is that a receipt from Mr. S's Mystery Shop?"
"It was the closest thing I had on hand," you mumbled.
"It's not even in good condition..."
"That's quite alright! If it makes my fans happy, then I'm here to oblige."
Mr. Schoenheit gently plucked the paper from your grasp and set to scrawling his signature upon the receipt. Even his signing was beautiful--elegant and flowing, not a single moment wasted.
When the receipt was returned, his name, penned in a flowery cursive script, graced you. Suddenly, the wadded up paper once destined for the trash bin was worth a million thaumarks. You squealed, hugging the signature against yourself.
"Thank you so, so much, Mr. Schoenheit!"
"My pleasure. It's always a joy meeting fans--and, of course, meeting Vil's bosom buddies. Please continue to support him, will you? That would make me the happiest father in the entire world." Mr. Schoenheit smiled at you again, and you felt stars imploding in your vision, your legs going from muscle and bone to jelly again.
"Wonderful! Now that that's settled, you'll have to excuse us." Mr. Schoenheit replaced the elements of his disguise and hooked his arm in Vil's. "I've been looking forward to catching up with my son. We have a big day ahead of us!"
"Y-Yes, I understand! Please enjoy your time together!"
You bowed on instinct--like a subject to their sovereign. Your head raised again only when you were certain the two had passed.
Vil and Mr. Schoenheit's backs were to you, backs that passed for those of ordinary people in those matching cream tracksuits. But there was the unmistakable aura they radiated. Golden as a new dawn, mysterious as a violet-colored sky.
A king, and the prince descended from him.
The autograph burned in your palm. Your new treasure, the result of this memory: a private audience with the king and the prince.
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renthebarbarian · 2 years
Nothing but respect for Tobey Maguire constantly being at the ready to hunt the press for sport. That bitch is Spider-Man, he knows the paparazzos are assholes better than anyone.
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gutsfics · 5 months
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wait but Fabian has been a sports reporter for the team since the begining of the season. Surely this paparazzo has seen him before
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ofwrxth · 5 months
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Name: Noah St. James
Age & Birthday: 28, July 13
Gender/Pronouns: cisman & he/his
Species: Werewolf
Birthplace: Boston, MA
Job/Role: Tech/Media
Positive traits:, Dauntless, Honest, Relentless
Negative traits: Aggressive, Competitive, Self-absorbed
Noah and his twin sister Hazel born in Boston to Mark and Willa St. James, tech moguls who were killed in a tragic car crash when they were 12 years old. They ended up being carted off to their grandmother in Maine where they were for two years. But grief and old age proved too much for her fragile witch's heart and she passed within 2 years, just after the twins triggered. At which point their dad's reluctant brother stepped up and the St. James kids were shipped to New York where he was a high up in media.
Thus began their lives in the city that never sleeps. They were mostly kept out of the family business, with cursory knowledge of what was going on, per their parents will that they be informed and educated on what happens within their company – Nova Tech. Several subsidiaries were absorbed by a Nova Tech partner, with others remaining in family control until 2017 when he company went public, with Noah and Hazel maintaining large shares.
By this time, Noah was working in sports broadcasting, having had a decorated career in ice hockey before a scandal knocked him out of the game three years ago. It had been a great outlet for the wolf whose grief over his parents death translated into anger. He was an asshole growing up, but managed to keep friends of similar dispositions within the elite circles they occupied. Their uncle wasn't exactly hands on, but warmed to the kids as the years went on, having never thought of children for himself.
Overall, Noah is loyal to those closest to him – he's blunt and to the point. While he's not perfect, he’s never pretended to be. He claims that he's an open book, but the only thing he's not quite honest about is the way his early upbringing and the death of people closest to him fucked him up. How it stoked a fire in him that never went out – one of anger, resentment and aggression.
It's part of the reason he's an attendee at Asphodel currently. A recent incident of a fight with paparazzi was circulated, leading to a temporary hiatus from his job at the network and his sister asking him to get help. And his uncle saying that if he didn't, it'll cause a headache for him and nepotism can only go so far for jobs on tv when one of your broadcasters was seen smashing in a paparazzo's face the other night. He's doing extra community service around the institute now after another fight with some vampire. He doesn't love the place, and he's a reluctant participant at best, but he's there when he needs to be, and when he's not, he's off creating problems for himself and others.
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zorilleerrant · 3 years
imagine some paparazzo takes a picture of one of the batkids that catches their group chat on film, and they have to scramble to explain it away. and they’re like. oh, yeah, we always pretend we’re the batfamily why not? and all the Gothamites latch onto it like nobody’s business and it’s like
“hey, you guys know I love the Waynes but does anyone think it’s a little racist that Bruce went out and specifically found an asian girl to adopt because Orphan is getting popular now”
“wait who said Orphan was Asian do we have an interview???”
“OP you only think Orphan is asian because of that one picture with the katana but that means nothing everyone has a katana. Robin has a katana. for all we know that was Robin’s katana”
“wait is Robin asian??”
“I headcanon Robin as Asian”
“well, that’s a little offensive, I mean, these are real people, don’t we (not me personally) know where Damian is from”
“We’re talking about the real Batfamily, though, not the Waynes.”
“wait there are real ones??? I thought Batman was a myth??? I thought that was just like a pretend Gotham version of Superman like The Flash???”
“But like. Batman is white. So shouldn’t Robin, Son of Batman probably also be white? Like I know not necessarily, but.”
“who said Batman is white? we don’t even know Batman is a man, honestly, like I wear sports bras whenever I fight and you pretty much can’t even see my tits so like. imagine that under armor. that would be a good misdirect, I think, if Batman was actually a woman. you wouldn’t look for her”
“yeah and like. if any of them didn’t have boobs they could make fake ones anyway and fill them with batarangs and it would be like. surprise!”
“Or they could do both, probably. Because Batwoman’s got very specifically outlined breasts for what’s supposed to be armor, you know?”
“so we’re all agreed. Bruce Wayne is secretly BatWOMAN.”
“who’s batman then”
“I say that reporter chick you see him hanging out with sometimes.”
“Lois Lane wasn’t even in the group chat tho? Besides isn’t she Superman lol”
“I want to know why Luke Fox was in there??? what happened to Lucius Fox that Luke needs to be adopted omg he’s such a brilliant inventor???”
“don’t say anything happened to Lucius Fox!! I thought Luke was just friends with Richie Wayne ahhhh!!!”
“speaking of Dick was Nightwing right on the moneymaker or what”
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olivershen · 3 years
Mind going brrrr so have some very specific KOTSAM media headcanons based on what I understand about the lifestyle of the rich and famous:
there are Cyrus Monroe fancams that go viral online after every dueling tournament
Page six (equivalent) constantly link the Adtaz siblings, the Monroe twins and Dalton to anyone they’re caught hanging out with
Altair is featured on one of those 30 under 30 lists after his PMI project goes public
Cyrus once modeled for a sports apparel company, under duress, to bolster his father’s political campaign
Astrid and Cressy have both been offered to model for a fashion shoot, only Astrid accepts
There is a Who’s Who of NMC blog that features blind item gossip articles which regularly allude to one or more of the friend group
Sera is mostly safe from gossip due to her respected status as a nymph, except when she’s being linked as a girlfriend to one of the others
Same for Kol, Yakov, Thalia (the latter two are able to avoid the spotlight better though lol)
Kol does become page six gossip fodder once news about him and Renatus drops, lots of nasty articles there which Cressy helps stop with a C&D from the Monroe lawyers
21st birthdays for the Monroe twins and Dalton get featured in society pages and whatever the equivalent of Town & Country is in NMC
They all only ever go to Monroe parties / Dalton parties / private functions after one public club incident with overeager paparazzo 😔
Leon, Cyrus and Altair have all been definitely featured as Dream Dates in a pre-teen girls’ magazine
There are probably uquiz stuff going around with “Which of the Keeper gang would be your soulmate / bestie”
There is DEFINITELY online discourse about how you should NOT ship actual people with like a Cyon / Leros ship name trending once every year or something
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zestyq · 3 years
The Flavours Of Life - A Sims 4 Legacy Challenge
Sims tend to have a lack of personality. A lack of flavour. But I'm here to fix it. Are you tired of sims challenges either being too short or having wayyy too many goals to incorporate your own creative freedom? Then read ahead!
General rules;
1 - No cheats and cheaty mods. Sims tends to get boring if you cheat money, careers and skills. 2 - This challenge is about having freedom and being flexible. So feel free to edit some of the generation rules for your liking in your playthrough. 3 - Stick to a normal or long lifespan. 4 - Design your sims with the general colours/styles of the generations. 5 - The whole point of this challenge is to have fun so if you don't think you're going to enjoy a gen, skip it!
Generation One, Vanilla;
New town, new life and new opportunities. You grew up with privilege and have never had to work for yourself. Until one day, your parents pass away suddenly and you find they left nothing to you in your will. In a rags to riches style, you have to build yourself up from nothing. Eventually, you gain back your white picket fence lifestyle and marry, then have kids. You care for and love your kids - you want the best for them. But one day you make a grave mistake...
Traits: Materialistic, Snob and Perfectionist.
Aspiration: Succesful Lineage.
Career: Your choice, excluding high intensity jobs.
-Max out a career of your choice.
-Have at least two kids.
-Master parenting and whatever skill(s) correspond with your job.
- Complete at least half of your aspiration
- Have a one night stand with an evil sim, get pregnant and lie to your partner that it's their child.
Generation two, Strawberry;
You've always seemed so sweet and... charming. So charming you can practically manipulate anyone into liking and trusting you. Okay let's face it - you're evil. (I wonder who you got that from). You've been married so many times it's hard to count. It's a shame your relationships never work out. Although you'd prefer to commit crimes all day, you have a reputation to uphold. So you buy a bakery! Some say the special ingredient is love. You know it's much more sinister.
Traits: Evil, Romantic and Foodie.
Aspiration: Serial Romantic.
Career: Baking Business.
-Have a pristine reputation.
-Have multiple of your wives/husbands die under "suspicious circumstances" and take their money
-Have at least a three star business.
-Master the Baking, Charisma and Mischief skills.
Generation three, Bitter;
Growing up your parental figures came and went. Nothing was permanent. Which is why you guess stability never come easy to you. The only thing that remained consistent throughout your life was your hatred of your parents. As a teen or young adult you run away from home at the dead of night and start a new life. With no set goals or plans in your life you jump quickly from one thing from another. You live all over the globe during your life but you finally settle down in the tropical Sulani. Oh, did I forgot to mention you hate children?
Traits; Non-Committal, Hates children and Self-Absorbed.
Aspiration: Beach Life
Career: Any four careers + a term or so of uni.
-Reach level 2 of four careers.
-Go to uni for a degree but drop out sometime during the first term.
- Max two skills and reach level five in another.
-Get pregnant by accident and have twins. (You may cheat)
-Have maxed out hate for at least one parent.
-Get a Nanny for your children.
Generation 4, Salt OR Pepper;
(During this generation you get a choice as who you will play as)
Option 1 - Pepper,
You and your twin sibling have always been polar opposites but that doesn't mean you can't be close! You were always the rebellious one. Sneaking out to parties, underage drinking and hiding your soulmate in your room. Whatever you were doing it certainly wasn't something good. At school you never tried and got an F Grade at high school. But when P.E came around... you were the star of the show. Sports was your natural calling. And after a long day of exercising, you liked to help yourself to a drink.
Traits: Loves Outdoors, Active, Hot-Headed.
Aspiration: Soulmate.
Career: Bodybuilder Branch of the Athlete Career
-Max the fitness and mixology skill
-Complete the Soulmate aspiration.
-Reach level ten of the athlete Bodybuilder Branch
-Have an alternative style for the majority of your life.
-Have max friendship with your twin.
-Meet your soulmate as a child and stay together forever.
Option 2- Salt,
You and your twin have always been close friends but that didn't stop you from feeling jealous of their perfect relationship. During school you always had your head in a book and at the library one day you meet someone to love. But it didn't work out. For a lot of your life you were stuck in a loveless relationship that ended in divorce and kids to look after. You wrote romance novels in hopes that one day the stories would come true and you'd find that special someone to call your "soulmate". And eventually, you do! In the last years of your life you meet your special someone...
Traits: Romantic, Gloomy and Bookworm.
Aspiration: Bestselling Author.
Career: None. You can only get money by self-publishing books.
-Max out the writing skill and logic skill
-Complete the Bestselling Author aspiration
-Meet your first love at the library during "Book Club"
-Have a divorce as an adult.
-Have max friendship with your twin
-Marry "the one" as an elder
Generation 5, Spicy:
Growing up you always wanted to be the centre of attention. You always had a fiery and unpredictable personality. Sometimes you'd fabricate stories just so your parents would feel bad for you. As you got older, nothing changed. You became a famous actor. People around the globe loved you and the roles you'd play. One night you spot a paparazzi and the flirtations began. At first you thought it'd be nothing; you were used to pretending to like someone. As the night progressed, you and the paparazzi hooked up and a child was conceived. Terrified of what the public would say you quit acting, become a stay at home parent and marry the paparazzi.
Traits: Self-Assured, Ambitious and Erratic.
Aspiration: Master Actor.
Career: Actor, Stay at Home Parent.
-Master the acting and cooking skill.
-Reach at least level 5 in the acting career.
-Complete at least half of the acting aspiration.
-Marry a paparazzo.
-Become a three star celebrity.
Generation 6, Orange:
You always knew your parent loved you but you could tell they'd rather be famous and living a life of luxury. They signed you up for drama club in the hopes you'd fulfil their dreams but you'd rather be playing with your doll family at home. Babies. Something about them was so cute to you. You grew up and had a large family. You managed to balance work and family perfectly. You gave your children full unconditional love and they returned it. Despite being unwanted as a child, you made sure your children felt belonging. One day it all changed. One of your children passed away in a fire and you were distraught. But you wouldn't let them be forgotten; every week you made at least one painting dedicated to them.
Traits; Creative, Family Oriented and Paranoid.
Aspiration; Big Happy Family.
Career; Painter.
-Master the painting skill.
-Complete the Big Happy Family aspiration.
-Make at least one painting a week after your child passes.
-Have 5 or more children.
-Attend drama club as a child.
Generation 7, Sour:
Your childhood was fairly uneventful. Except from the fire incident... But you don't talk about it. You prefer life to have a kick to it. You spend your life seeking danger. Some days you'll be climbing the treacherous Mt.Komorebi, others you'll be exploring the ancient tombs of Selvadorada. Whatever you're doing it's sure to be fun. For a while you settle down and have a child but as soon as the child is old enough to journey with you - it's back to the thrill. Life doesn't wait. Neither do you.
Traits; Adventurous, Loves Outdoors and Slob.
Aspiration; Jungle Explorer
Career; None. You sell fossils and artifacts.
-Max the Seladoradian culture and archaeology skill.
-Complete the Jungle Explorer aspiration.
-Reach the top of Mt.Komorebi.
-Have a child with a Seladoradian Native.
Generation 8, Sweet:
You grew up in a wild family. You often went on wild journeys with your parent but you didn't really want to live that life. Music was your passion. Anything musical was perfect to you. Through joy, sorrow and hope you played music. You became an entertainer and married your co-worker. You sang soft lullabies to your children when they cried and serenaded your partner when things were getting romantic. After a long days work, you come home and see your partner in bed... with the maid! Do you forgive and forget? Or do you divorce?
Traits; Music-Lover, Good and Jealous
Aspiration; Musical Genius
Career; Entertainer
-Max out two instrument skills and singing.
-Max out the entertainer career
-Donate to charity once a week.
-Adopt two children from less fortunate homes.
-Catch your partner cheating on you
This challenge is my first one so please don't hate. Constructive criticism is appreciated. Also this challenge is loosely based off of the not so berry challenge by lilsimsie. Go subscribe to her :)
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Here’s RJ Rude during the Pioneer Valley Pro Wrestling (PVPW) event held on September 24, 2022 at the Pulaski Club in Easthampton, Massachusetts. You can see more such pics in the brand new gallery just posted at the Paparazzo Photography site. 
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HIRH Prince Imperial Darius Seen Taking Long-Term Girlfriend For Romantic Weekend On Private Sulani Island!!!
HIRH, Prince Imperial Darius was seen taking his long-term girlfriend Miss Estep away for a romantic two day stay on one of the private islands in Sulani.
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The couple were seen arriving, to the private rental property, reportedly costing 2,000 simoleons a night after dining at one of Sulani’s exclusive restaurants.
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The pair looked very ‘‘loved up’’ and at ease, supposedly oblivious to the surrounding security. 
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The photos, which were leaked on social media, has created a stir of excitement among Imperial Royal watchers as Miss Estep was seen to be sporting what looked like an engagement ring!!! 
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Security was especially tight around the couple; some of the photos were taken over a mile away at maximum zoom.
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Various paparazzo attempted to get a closer look at Miss Estep’s jewellery, but no clear pictures could be taken.
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It took the couple a while to make it inside the property, seemingly in no hurry to get inside. Fans were in awe of how sweet the couple look together, there was even an image of HIRH at one point, spinning Miss Estep around.
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They looked very happy.
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With HIRH nephew’s babptism fast approaching in the coming days, it hasn’t been confirmed if Miss Estep will be attending. Traditionally, Spouses or at the very least Fiance’s are allowed to attend family events, but many believe that based on the changing attitudes of the current senior members, Miss Estep is likely to make an appearance.
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Either way, fans are expecting an announcement in the coming days, and are ever hopeful that Prince Imperial Darius will give Maraseans a wedding to look forward to.
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The last time a wedding was celebrated, was that of TIRH, the Crown Princely Couple’s almost six years ago.
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Eyes, will definitely focused on this couple in the coming days.
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adastramumu · 4 years
“ to live past the end of your myth is a perilous thing. ”
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age: appears 27, actually 69
pronouns: he/him
sexuality: pansexual
occupation: firefighter
species: vampire/witch hybrid
faceclaim: taron egerton
death tw, drugs tw, implied murder tw, implied overdose tw below the cut
Had he known he would be a legend, Hawlyn Abbott would have picked a better stage name. Halwyn stuck out too much in New York City—it was a good Welsh name from a good-ish Welsh family, and Abbott would open up a few too many questions, thanks mostly to Hal’s Uncle Cain. Hank Hall fit in to the music scene much better. His rise to fame was what the papers would call meteoric, a true king of the 70′s disco scene that branched out to rock in his later years. It had always been his one true love, music, and Hal was living his dream travelling the world to perform on stages in front of thousands of people. With the fame came  watching eye, friends and enemies alike, and Hal found himself absorbed into all the trappings that money and famous friends brought along with them. It was only supposed to be one bump of cocaine, offered by a trusted companion, but when Hal had awoken next, he had a raging thirst for blood and pictures of his body were splashed over the front of every tabloid in the country.
Hal had always known that the day he’d become a vampire had awaited him but he’d always planned it to be more elegant; he’d be late 40′s, have had a good career, he’d turn and slowly fade out of the spotlight to become a producer or open a record label. One paparazzo had put and end to all that. He had returned to his hometown of Bellport with his tail between his legs, falling back on his father and Uncle Emrys, both vampires, and his mother, a witch who had been turned not long before, for help adjusting. He needed it—both small town life and life as a vampire felt alien to him after so many years as a warlock on the New York City party scene. The trio were lifesavers, reminding Hal of the importance of family and how much he truly loved the Abbotts and, for a few years, family were the only faces he saw. He was confined to the walls of his house during the day and could only duck out under the cover of night when he was sure he wouldn’t be recognized.
The media hounded Bellport briefly, but no one ever made the connection between Hank Hall, orphan and famous son of Bellport, and Halwyn Abbott, recluse with a large family, still 27 even decades later. Eventually, he faded into the tapestry of Bellport’s myth and, save a house that Hal had never lived in branding itself as Hank’s childhood home that occasionally drew fans, he found himself finally able to crawl out of the cave he’d existed in for years and reclaim some semblance of a life. He travelled, took up sports and other hobbies, but didn’t go back to music or New York City for decades after his death. No matter how much he loved them both, they just didn’t seem to fit anymore. Bellport, where his family was, was home now. 
Every once in a while, some reporter or fan would come to town, convinced Hank Hall was still alive. The more time passed, the funnier it got, rather than the punch in the gut it had been initially. He’d even made the front page of the very same tabloid that had broken the story of his death, claiming a sighting of him in Mexico. Hal leaned into it on occasion, submitting himself for lookalike contests and karaoke nights as he slowly allowed himself to love the life he’d lost once more. Still, very little lived up to that decade he’d been a star. Fighting fires was the closest he’d come in all his years of life to recapturing the adrenaline that had pumped through his veins every night he had stepped on the stage. Music had always been his one true love though; the further away he got from that life, the more he longed to return to it. The band had been an opportunity he’d jumped at
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acotarauweek · 5 years
Day 7: Free AU
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Publishing Date: 15/12/19
What is a Free AU?
Free AU day means you can write for any au your heart desires. 
Below we have included a ridiculous amount of prompts for popular AUs that have not been featured in ACOTAR AU WEEK. You do not have to write for the AUs listed below, they are simply there to help anyone who is stuck and needs inspiration. Also, please feel free to use this list anytime you need! Thank you for being so patient with the reveals, we are so excited and can’t wait to see everyone’s work! Keep an eye on the blog as we will be sharing information about posting and answering any questions that may come our way.
Tags to use: #acotar au week day 7 #day 7 free au #acotar au week
Prompts under cut:
Royal AU:
“Your Queen recently died and shit we STILL can’t get married cause of our statuses damn it.”
bonus: “I’m the one who hired the assassin, well that’s a month’s worth of gold down the drain.”
“I’m not YOUR bodyguard but damn you’re fine.”
bonus: “The person I’m actually guarding is trying to hook us up, shit…”
“Haha, it’s cute that you think I need to be guarded. Or that you can keep track of me.”
“I’ve been recently crowned king and I’m expected to choose a wife or husband soon. Oh what they don’t care about the gender but as soon as I want to marry my bodyguard my mother is threatening to disown me!”
“As a bodyguard, I should really be discouraging your budding feelings for me. Except, you know, I have them too and I was never very good at my job anyway.”
“I DON’T CARE IF IT’S AN ARRANGED MARRIAGE WE NEED TO STOP THIS ‘RELATIONSHIP’ RIGHT NOW.” “Oh, so you want to throw away everything that happened these past few months? Fine.“
“Good news, I think I’m the missing royal child. Bad news, that means we might have to break up.”
“My wife wants a baby even though we just got married last week and met the week before that, and I don’t know how to tell her I’m gay.” “Want me to tell her?” “Please don’t.”
“Sire, please stop flirting with me in front of your potential suitors. It’s making it very hard for you to get married.” “Yeah, that’s the point.”
“… Excuse me, did you just propose to your bodyguard, sire?” “Yes. Is there something wrong?” “Except for the fact that you’re doing it at your wife’s funeral, no.”
More Royal AU prompts!
Teacher AU:
no wonder why you’re the football coach damn you’re fit au
you’re so wrong i’m going to stop my lecture to tell you why au
*aggressively argues for whose team is better even though they’re completely different sports* au
our students think we’re dating au
a student catches us texting to each other in class oh how the tables have turned au
we leave each other notes on the blackboards au
someone’s taking my lunches au
our classrooms are adjacent to each other and we can always see each other through the door windows au
i will yell at you even though both our doors are closed to shut up your class jesus christ au
our students see us leave the same car in the morning and guess what they think au
i’m the drama teacher and you’re the only who can actually act help me demonstrate this love scene to my students au
More Teacher AU prompts!
Fake Dating AU:
I brought you as my friend but my parents read our closeness as dating and only gave us one bed to share.
I had a bad week and I can’t decide what kind of cake I want so I want to do the wedding cake samples at the cake store but I need to do it with someone. Quick- Do you like cake and can you hold my hand?
I may or may not have told everyone we were dating i panicked bc i was the only single one at the time
there’s this creepy person that’s asking me out over text and could you pretend to be my significant other?
shit couples get 40% off??? hold my hand i’m getting that discount
everyone thinks we’re dating why don’t we pretend and then break up so people will finally get off our backs. foolproof plan except i didn’t expect to fall for you
i got stood up on a date and you were just grabbing dinner- shit my ex is here, sit down and pretend to laugh at something i said attractive stranger
More Fake Dating AU prompts!
Celebrity/Famous AU:
I really can’t sing please don’t pull me onstage AU
You’re my favorite singer and I won the chance to meet you this is so cool AU
You’re my favorite singer and I ran into you on the street/at the grocery store/at karaoke night AU
‘you’re a celebrity incognito trying to hide from paparazzi and you’re sitting right next to me and i’m the only one that recognizes you’ au
Some fans are chasing me please let me hide here,  i’ll pay you back, promise AU
You’re a famous singer, I’m your personal driver and you’re an absolute pain in the ass.
You’re a famous singer, I’m your personal driver and I always have to save your ass when you get in trouble at some party.
You’re my favorite celebrity, I know everything about you and my apartment is covered in your pictures, I dream about you all the time, but I’m not a stalker, I swear… okay, maybe I do have a little problem.
You’re an actor, you play a villain on this show and everyone hates you, but I’ll defend you to the death.
You’re a rock star and I’m your drug dealer, I shouldn’t care you’re fucking up your life, but I kinda do.
You’re a famous author and I’m your neighbor, I suspect the main character in your books is me, but I was too shy to ask, but now you killed me, I mean - in the books, and I lost my shit and went to yell at you because WHY???
You’re a famous politician and I’m that one journalist who asked that one question that possibly ruined your career, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to.
You’re a former famous model with an eating disorder and I’m your therapist.
You’re a rock star and I’m the cop always going to your apartment when people complain about the loud parties you throw.
You’re a celebrity and I’m that one cop who pulled you over and gave you a fine and had no idea who you were, until I googled your name and holy crap, I should have asked for an autograph.
You’re a famous singer who’s almost got killed by a crazy fan, now you suffer from anxiety and don’t want to leave your apartment, I’m the person bringing you food and stuff, and I might be the only one you trust.
You’re a famous politician, I’m the detective with the task of protecting you, you were refusing to leave the building when I got the order to get you out, so I knocked you out and carried you out, now you’re going to sue me, I’m quite sure of that.
You’re a bored former rock star, I’m the escort you called and man, your place is a mess, don’t you want to do something about it before we fuck?
You’re a famous fashion designer, I used to be your favorite model but now you told me I gained too much weight and you don’t want me anymore and I’m crushed, I thought you liked me for more than my body.
You’re a famous YouTuber and I’m just starting my channel, but I sort of ridiculed you in one of my videos and now people laugh at you and you hate me.
You’re a famous person and I’m the actor supposed to play you in a movie.
You’re a famous singer who was jailed because of drunk driving and I’m your cellmate for the night, also I’m your biggest fan.
We are both actors on a well-known TV show and our characters have to kiss AU
“You’re a celebrity and I’m a paparazzo, sorry friend I have to take pictures of you to pay my rent next month” AU
I would include more celebrity AUs but this is a long list and I actually couldn’t find anymore (although I’m sure there are more, I just can’t find them)
Other AUs you could write for:
Single parent AU
Soulmate AU
Magic AU // Modern Magic AU
Criminal AU
1,001 AU Prompts here!
A-Z List of AUs
Send us your questions here
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inconsapevolo · 4 years
Sono felice di tornare sui vostri schermi.
Non accadeva da 6 anni, sono stato lungimirante gia cinque anni fa, diciamo che mi ero messo preventivamente in quarantena nel 2014, ma ora che son tornato, visti i tempi, mi auguro abbiate cosparso il vostro device con del disinfettante, si sa mai, mica che son stato sei anni in quarantena, e mo’, mi attaccate il Coronavirus, che ho schivato fino ad oggi.
Volevo festeggiare il ritorno sui vostri schermi con la delazione dei miei vicini di casa, per chi non lo sapesse, o per chi leggerà questo post, totalmente senza senso (e non aspettatevi di meglio in futuro), tra qualche anno, ora siamo nel pieno della pandemia da Covid 19, ed io scrivo da vicinissimo a Codogno.
E chi avrebbe mai detto che Codogno sarebbe diventata famosa, il suo nome è diventato virale per settimane! (Ahem, si, proprio virale, ma vi giuro, proprio virale.).
Bando alle ciance, torniamo allo sport nazionale preferito in questi giorni, ove gli italiani, sprovvisti di calcio e qualsiasi altro sport, si stanno dilettando, e tutti stanno vincendo medaglie d’oro, alle olimpiadi della delazione.
Siamo chiusi in casa da 41 giorni, non girano manco le mosche, però oh, come la ciabatta varca la soglia della porta di casa, sei gia in mondovisione su tutti i social, dal gruppo di paese su Facebook a Twitter e passando per YouTube.
Una sorta di gigantesco grande fratello, dove però, ahimè, non c’è Mara Venier ubriaca, non c’è signorini che si finge etero e nemmeno le tele promozioni mal recitate che nemmeno tele lombardia alle due di notte.
No, c’è la signora Franchina, 67 anni, che già non usciva dai confini della sua via nel 1983, il signor Giuseppe, 75 anni, che il suo più grande interesse culturale era il momento delle confessioni a pasqua in chiesa, la signora Arianna di 39 anni, che in 39 anni ha affrontato la crociera in solitaria più lunga della vita, da Codogno a Piacenza, 26 minuti.
Gente che, quando va bene, riesce a dire buongiorno in italiano invece che in dialetto, ma che, improvvisamente, Roberto Burioni, e tutti i virologi d’Italia, spostatevi e andate a farvi una sega, che ci sono loro che ci porteranno fuori dalla pandemia.
Insomma, grandi protagonisti, superbi atleti, che ambiscono al podio delle olimpiadi della delazione.
Esci in cortile un minuto a fumare durante la quarantena, e si accengdono luci, si aprono tende, vedi sguardi che nemmeno il mio cane quando non scendeva a pisciare per 17 ore, con il loro telefonino in mano, che nemmeno il peggior paparazzo negli anni 90, ti scattano foto e scrivono al sindaco “oo visto che nl krtile dl mio vicino ci è qualcuno fuori che fuma!!!”.
Qualcuno ha anche ammesso di aver comprato droni per spiare i cortili dei vicini.
Io sto solo aspettando che mi svolazzi sopra casa, per impallinarlo con la carabina.
Ora, il grande problema viene nel decidere le discipline sportive delle olimpiadi della delazione, perchè son tutti cosi bravi e meritevoli, che vorrei premiarli uno ad uno, con la medaglia d’oro.
Ho pensato a: lancio della catena su whatsapp, lancio della catena religiosa su whatsapp, sguardo in lungo dalla finestra, urlo senza megafoni, campionato di flashmob alla finestra alle 18, caccia del runner solitario, spionaggio del carrello della spesa, conteggio dei beni non ritenuti necessari nel carrello della spesa, calcolo dei contagiati secondo il bollettino giornaliero del fatto quotidaino, delazione del vicino e intasamento del centralino del 118 per un pelo nel naso che fa bruciore.
L’inno delle olimpiadi c’è gia, con un grande sforzo umanitario, ho contattato Fedez, Elisa, Ron, Albano, Il Volo, Virginia Raffaele, Cristiano Ronaldo, Francesco Gabbani, Tiziano Ferro ed Achille Lauro, che si sono offerti di registrare gratis i loro colpi di tosse, che saranno poi arrangiati da Luca Laurenti ed il maestro Beppe Vessicchio.
Elisa sta gia incidendo una versione innovativa di Parlami, che si chiamerà Tossiscimi.
In questi 41 giorni ho affinato alcune mie passioni, sono diventato un madonnaro, sto costruendo, giorno dopo giorno, un’enorme madonna, gigantesca, dalle dimensioni mai viste prima, la più grande del mondo, un’opera incredibilmente affascinante, imponente, vistosa, bellissima.
Prima o poi torneremo tutti vicini, e vi esporrò questa mia grande opera, un’opera cosi grande che, in confronto la massa grassa di Giuliano Ferrara, è niente, e per visualizzarla in un filmato, sarà necessario avere uno schermo di almeno 89 pollici.
Concludo con un consiglio per tutti: RESTATE A CASA.
Che non avevo voglia di incontrarvi prima, figurarsi ora con il corona virus, e quando sarà passato, che ve lo dico a fare.
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dwindledglow · 5 years
FULL NAME: isla renee monroe. PREFERRED NAME: isla. NICKNAME/S: is. DATE OF BIRTH: may 15th, 1993. GENDER & PRONOUNS: cis female & she/her. ORIENTATION: hetero. RELIGION: agnostic. RELATIONSHIP STATUS: engaged to kendrick parker. OCCUPATION: sports agent, ceo of monroe corporation and actress. RESIDENCE: montauk, east hampton.
HOMETOWN: quebec, canada. NATIONALITY: canadian and american. ETHNIC BACKGROUND: hungarian and canadian. LINGUISTICS: french and english which are her native languages, spanish, german, portuguese and italian in a fluent level and she can lead a conversation in japanese. EDUCATION: she attended university of birmingham where she got her BSc in physiotherapy and, later, she attended queen mary university of london where she got her MSc in sports and exercise medicine. CRIMINAL RECORD: despite some mishaps along the way and almost being charged for public lewdness and, later, having allegedly assaulted a paparazzo — which was settled in a deal, isla has a clean record. BIRTH ORDER: first. FATHER: lawrence jude monroe, born on may 19th, 1966 in toronto, canada, passed away on august 11th, 2006 in los angeles, california. lawrence was a high-profile hockey player and the founder of monroe corporation. MOTHER: audrey gabrielle kelly, née jones, born on october 29th, 1968 in montecito, california, residing in los angeles, california and working as a communication and media teacher at the university of southern california though she used to be a successful sports reporter. SISTER/S: elizabeth sophia kelly, born on june 8th, 2002 in malibu, california, residing in los angeles, california where she also studies. she’s one of two children audrey had in a second marriage, making her isla’s half-sister. BROTHER/S: anthony dean kelly, born on april 7th, 2000 in malibu, california, residing in los angeles, california where he also studies. he’s the first born of audrey’s second marriage and, thus, isla’s half-brother. SIGNIFICANT OTHER: kendrick parker. CHILDREN: bella nicole parker, born on june 9th, 2018 in montauk, new york. zoe eliza parker, born on june 9th, 2018 in montauk, new york. kyd lawrence parker, born on january 14th, 2020 in montauk, new york. OTHER RELEVANT FAMILY: none. EX/ES: joseph taylor. PETS: gliss and qana, two french bulldogs and brooklyn, an english bulldog.
HEIGHT: 5′5″ or 168 cm. WEIGHT: between 117 lbs or 53 kg and 125 lbs or 57 kg. BODY BUILD: isla has a naturally willowy and curvy frame, something in between a hourglass shape and the classic supermodel-rectangle one — leaning more towards the first. she's not overly slim but she has the average weight for her height, and she has curves in the right places. her body isn't the most defined but she has a toned frame and she has more lean muscle than fat. isla has a big bust — 32C —, a flat stomach and long legs. EYE COLOR: she has cerulean blue eyes but, on occasion and depending on the light, they might look a grey-ish blue. EYESIGHT: whereas isla doesn't have any kind of issue like miopia or astigmatism, she has severe eye fatigue. she can get away without wearing anything but for activities that demand a lot of focus, such as reading, and when it comes to spending time in front of a laptop, as well as reading or watching television at night or in places where the light isn't the best, she needs glasses to stop her vision from going blurry. HAIR COLOR & STYLE: naturally, her hair is more of a caramel brown shade but, currently, it’s more of a chocolate brown shade. appearance and the way she portrays herself is very important for isla due to her career both as a sports agent / ceo of a world renown company and as an actress. naturally, her hair is straight and when the girl is in a rush, she opts for keeping it that way, using few products and a straightener to sleek it back. when she has the time, she prefers to spend some time making loose, beach waves or a few loose ringlets so there's some volume to her hair. if she's home or off-duty, she'll not waste much time on it and will often try to get her hair out of the way by throwing it on a ponytail or some kind of messy bun. if she has events, she likes to mix it up and often leaves the more elaborate hair styles to a trusty stylist. DOMINANT HAND: right. NOTABLE PHYSICAL TRAITS: her electric blue eyes paired with her angular facial features and plump lips are, perhaps, the most notable characteristic when it regards isla. there's almost a vintage quality to her features, something outstanding and that distinguishes her from other girls — and most people, in general — out there. likewise, her willowy figure is one of her most obvious, notable appearance features. SCARS AND MARKS: she has a few scars here and there, courtesy of her clumsy moments, but it’s nothing major or particularly noticeable. other than that, she has a few notable moles spread out on her tummy. TATTOOS: she has a small knife with a rose lying atop of it on her left hip — reference —, she has nineteen tattooed in cursive on the side of her left hand, her dad's favorite number, and she has I of III on her right ankle — a matching tattoo she's got with her two siblings. she has a b behind her right ear and a z behind her left ear, respectively representing her and kendrick’s daughter’s bella and zoe.  PIERCINGS: she has her regular lobes pierced. VOICECLAIM: barbara palvin. ACCENT & INTENSITY: to this day, and in spite of having lived a good portion of her life between los angeles, new york and england, isla still has her quebec accent intact and it's still as distinctive and as intense as it has always been. ALLERGIES: lactose intolerant, white chocolate, vanilla. PHOBIAS & FEARS: solitude and oblivion. MENTAL & PHYSICAL ILLNESSES: she has rhinitis. ALCOHOL USE: in social situations, she does drink. SMOKING: she stopped smoking ever since she started trying to get pregnant. NARCOTICS USE: not anymore. when she was younger ( read from fourteen to sixteen ) she did heavier drugs such as heroin, ecstasy, shrooms and cocaine and she used to smoke weed and, occasionally, do adderall to focus during college. INDULGENT FOOD: occasionally, when she’s down in the slumps or having major cravings. SPLURGE SPENDING: it doesn’t happen often, it’s rare for isla to lose her mind and splurge. GAMBLING: no, never.
FAVORITE ACTIVITY: working out. FAVORITE ANIMAL: caracal. FAVORITE BOOK: requiem for a dream by hubert shelby jr. FAVORITE COLOR/S: black and red. FAVORITE CUISINE: mexican and spanish cuisines. FAVORITE DISH/ES: poutine, nachos, tacos, huevos rancheros, chili, paella, gazpacho and fideuà. FAVORITE DRINK/S: watermelon lemonade, caipirinha and margarita. FAVORITE FLOWER/S: lotus, yellow hibiscus and plumerias. FAVORITE GEM: ruby. FAVORITE MOVIE: it’s only the end of the world, although she loves anything by xavier dolan. FAVORITE SONG: sleep on it by gallant. FAVORITE SCENT/S: peaches, the scent of the earth after it rained, lavender and leather. FAVORITE SHOW/S: how to get away with murder and scandal. FAVORITE SPORT/S & TEAM THEY SUPPORT: basketball, american football, hockey, baseball, soccer and volleyball. FAVORITE SEASON OF THE YEAR: summer. VACATION DESTINATION: vaadhoo, maldives.
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enkisstories · 5 years
Just like them (part 5)
Still November 16, 2038 Android Zone store at Capitol Park
Daniel looked around. He noticed another lone figure looking into the store, a male human dressed in a casual grey suit. When the android walked up closer to him, the man turned towards the arrival. The first thing Daniel noticed was the human’s t-shirt under the open jacket. It sported the print of a Japanese garden landscape that changed its lighting with the time of day – a reasonably expensive gimmick that had been within the means of the Phillips family, but was no longer in Daniel’s. Now that the deviant was able to wear whatever he wanted, no longer confined to his PL600 polo, he was walking around in a used sweater that had cost much less than his old uniform shirt.
Why does that matter to me all of a sudden? Was Raj right? Do I really take after the materialistic bastards?
Then Daniel beheld the man’s face and he gasped in surprise:
“A Kamski-lookalike! How cool is that?!”
Maybe the encounter with the singer had bolstered the deviant’s spirit, or perhaps there was only so much hatred and anger one could feel in any given period of time. Whatever the case, for a moment the old Daniel, the one who had been able to keep up with an enterprising nine-year old and win her admiration, was very much alive again. Daniel took out his phone and waved it around in front of the man, who was the spitting image of his creator.
“Selfie, please?”
The human looked him up and down. “What do you mean, “lookalike”?” he stammered.
“Hahaha!” Daniel laughed. Androids weren’t built to do that, but deviants stubbornly did it without consciously planning to, therefore the result was a lowkey frightening industrial sound. “Don’t tell me people never point out the likeness? No way! You could totally perform as Kamski at Comic Con!”
And thus, before the man knew what was happening to him, he already found himself grabbed by an outdated, slightly oozing PL600, pulled into a hug and subjected to the selfie-taking process. Daniel repeated the procedure a few times, then held his phone for Kamski to see the pictures that had resulted from the assault.
“Looooook at that! The likeness is stunning! You’d really think I was standing shoulder to shoulder with Elijah Kamski.”
“Of course if the real Mr. Kamski was here, you’d…”
“Lol, right, I’d shove that phone down the bastard’s throat ‘till he choked on it!”
The effect was profound. Kamski looked from Daniel’s phone to the android’s hands, into its eyes and back to the smartphone. There was some doubt as to how the device would fit into a human gullet, but then again, this deviant seemed to mean what it was saying. If there wasn’t room inside a body to begin with, it would see to it that there would be.
“Actually, Kamski would choke not on the phone, but on the blood emerging from his ruptured throat”, Elijah said.
“Ugh… you just HAD to draw me a picture, had you? Thing is, I hate that man so much… like everything else I hate combined!”
That, the human concluded, amounted to a pretty substantial hatred. Enough to condense and walk around on its own, in fact. And wasn’t that was he was looking at anyway? Thinly veiled loathing and anger walking on two legs…
“But why?” the man asked Daniel. “I mean, Elijah Kamski was only the founder of CyberLife. He didn’t exactly pull the levers in the production plants himself. So what has he done to you and how did he manage to do it without ever having met you?”
“You know Jericho? Yes? Well, the motherfucker knew about it, too, but didn’t so much as leave a single blood bag at their doorstep!”
“But neither did he sell the deviants’ location out to the authorities”, the human replied. “I mean, that’s what I’d reply if I was Kamski.”
“Yeah, sounds like something the sucker would say”, Daniel agreed. “Feeling all enlightened about taking a “neutral” stance.“
The android was about to put away his phone, but Kamski grabbed him by the wrist.
“Wait! I have an idea! You’ll like it, it’s fun for me, too…”
With these words the man led Daniel away from the square into the row of stores. Between a coffee shop and a travel agency there was a multimedia terminal welded to the wall.
“Print out one of the selfies we took and I’ll sign it!” he suggested. “As Kamski! - There, done! A genuine… almost genuine autograph of Elijah Kamski, man of the century. Could be worth a small fortune.”
“Heh”, Daniel grinned. “You practiced to fake Kamski’s signature? Figured you weren’t as innocent as you were pretending to be!”
The photograph then wandered into the sweater’s pocket, right next to the picture for Emma.
“I’ll hang on to it for the time being”, Daniel said. “The last thing I need at the moment is a nasty surprise when I try to sell that pic.”
Kamski nodded.
“I daresay there could be one…”
There was a certain amount of awkward standing next to each other. By right everything had been said and done and the android and the man should part now. But each was too fascinating to the other. Daniel saw an outcast in the man whom he took for a con artist, a human not fitting in and thus maybe, just maybe, someone bonding with at the same level was possible. As for Elijah, despite being the species’ creator, his experience with androids was limited. There were the Chloes, of course, he knew more about Markus’ digital childhood than the RK200 would be comfortable learning, and he had met the weapon CyberLife had created from his masterpiece, the RK800 unit named Connor. This deviant, however… what was it even? Sporting a face that the firm re-used over and over and having deviated from its original code Daniel wasn’t easily identifiable as a PL600. Elijah couldn’t even rule out that he was dealing with Simon, Jericho’s presumed covert ops operative.
 “Thank you”, Daniel eventually broke the silence. “I expected to spend the evening brooding. But so far it has been… enjoyable, actually.”
“Do you have a name?”
“Daniel. Just Daniel. There used to be… But it doesn’t matter anymore. You?”
“Neil. Neil Newbon. Say, Daniel, would you accompany me into the coffee shop? If I’m with you, there’ll be less chance of people mistaking me for the real Kamski.”
And indeed, the moment the duo entered the café, a photographer rose from a seat near the door, brandishing her camera. It was blocked immediately by an android hand of unknown origin, currently attached to the PL600 model name of Daniel.
“That’s not Kamski”, the android said, while pushing the camera away. “That’s a lookalike.”
“Oh, really? Bummer!”
Daniel grinned. “You don’t believe Kamski would come into a public space, where he has to interact with real people? That man is afraid a sack of rice will drop in China, if he sneezes in Detroit!”
Elijah adjusted his posture a little, trying for an impression more like his half-brother. He hadn’t seen the lout in a long time, but some images stuck with you for a lifetime.
“Fuck, yeah”, Kamski said, waving his hand around. “What he said!”
He was standing slightly slouched now, but still radiating confidence. What exactly had fueled that confidence in Gavin, the android inventor wondered? That man was a Nobody! Was it the fact that Gavin had been conceived naturally, while Elijah was a sperm donation baby? The Reeds had sold him… like cattle… and the other students at university had never let Elijah forget that little fact. Obviously, the older adolescents had argued, someone had seriously messed with the sperm to create the out of the world kid genius they were sharing their benches with…
“Yeah, you’re probably right”, the paparazzo agreed with Daniel after a good look at “Neil”. “Should have figured that out myself.”
Neither Daniel nor Elijah particularly like the expression the journalist displayed after the realization. It was reminiscent of a tiger that had lost the goat, but still heard a chicken scratch the ground somewhere near. She adjusted the grip on her camera, raised it again, but this time aimed the lenses at both of the arrivals.
“Don’t just stand there, guys! Give the patrons a show!” With these words the woman pointed towards a karaoke podium. “Two guys who look like the spitting image of Kamski and Simon are simply obligated to!”
“There’ll be free coffee and croissant for my mate if we do this?” Daniel prodded.
“Then we have a deal!”
“What were you thinking? I’ve never in my life sang karaoke in public!” Elijah hissed, while Daniel dragged him towards the pedestal. “I’ve never in my life sang karaoke! I’ve never in my life sang in public!”
“For my part I’ve never in my life shot a man, before I did”, the deviant replied.
“That’s far less embarrassing!!!”
Blue-grey eyes were piercing into Kamski’s, as if to dissect him alive. Elijah knew exactly what was really staring at him: just a textureless blue embedded into a light grey chassis that had a serial number etched into it and the occasional advertisement sticker attached. Everything else, the skin, hair, even the sweat android bodies could produce under duress, was just glamour. But now that Daniel’s eyes bore into him, the human had a hard time differentiating the illusion from a living being.
“You have no idea what you’re talking about, Neil!” Daniel growled.
“Oh, come, “killer”! Everyone would shoot back when the enemy storms their base!”
“You mean Jericho? I TOLD you, you had no idea!” Daniel insisted.
He ripped the microphones out of their holders and tossed one Elijah’s way.
“You choose a song!”
Elijah scrolled all the way down the list of available songs, until he reached the titles that started with numbers and special characters. When he didn’t find there, what he had been looking for, the man considered, and scrolled back to the letter “O” instead of the digit “1”. It was giving Daniel the impression that his human acquaintance was an indecisive one, while in truth it was just testament to Elijah’s unique way of thinking.
Is it getting better, Elijah sang, Or do you feel the same? Will it make it easier on you / Now you’ve got someone to blame?
There was a telltale pause that communicated Daniel to take over at this point.
Really, Neil? After just two verses? Coward!
The deviant sang:
You said One love / One life When it’s one need in the night / One love, we get to share it It leaves you, baby, if you don’t care for it
Elijah picked up again and it made sense, in a warped way:
Did I disappoint you / Or leave a bad taste in your mouth? You act like you never had love / And you want me to go without.
This time Daniel needed no nudge to take over. It came naturally:
Well it’s Too late / Tonight / To drag the past out / Into the light We’re one, but we’re not the same / We get to carry each other Carry each other…
On and on duel went, all the while the paparazzo’s camera flashed.
“Why is she still taking pictures of us?” Daniel whispered. “Now that she knows you are not the real Kamski?”
“People need their dreams and illusions. Do you have any dreams, Daniel? Other than plotting Kamski’s death, I mean?” “Nah, I’m doing nothing of that sort. That little piece of shit isn’t worth wasting mental capacity on.”
“But if you met him by chance?“
“Well, you know how some call us androids toasters? Kamski would be toast!”
Song used:
One: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ftjEcrrf7r0 I imagine Kamski doing the covered version with Johnny Cash’s gravitas while Daniel is singing the more desperate original version.
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