#papayas and flowery :3
em7raen · 4 months
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i love these sillies
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mahvaladara · 5 months
OC Deep Dive
I was tagged by @dandylion240 twice so I guess this warrants to deep Dives. Deep dive one shall be with Khal.
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What uncommon/common fear do they have?
Khal is claustrophobic, which is pretty common. He was buried alive for a couple decades/centuries, so he doesn't do tight spaces well and would rather stay out in the open. Curiously he likes small homes.
An uncommon fear he has is of flies. He hates flies. If it so much lands on him he will freak out.
Do they have any pet peeves?
"You're a one-man-army, so you're the perfect person to deal with this". He may be sturdy, powerful, and capable, but he still feels pain, so he hates when people look at him for his 'use'.
What are 3 items you can find in their bedroom?
A journal, a teapot and a bowl of fruit.
What do they notice first in a person?
Their voice and their eyes. Their expression especially. Khal is very careful with reading microexpression and often distrusts people at first sight. However, due to his nature to aid and guide those in need, he will often help even those he distrusts, if nothing else in the personal need to either be proved right or wrong on his assumption.
On a scale of 1 to 10, how high is their pain tolerance?
Not going to quantify it because it's not that he has a high pain tolerance but that he will power through the pain. Khal actually has an avarage pain tolerance.
Do they go into fight or flight mode when under pressure?
Fight mode. He will put up a fight.
Do they come from a big family/are they a family person?
Khal comes from a 'big family', his entire clan were considered siblings and the whole community had the duty to raise the younglings. He is a family man though and Khal would adopt any stray and any orphan he believed needed his help.
What animal represents them best?
There's three animals I believe would describe him best. The independence and curiosity of a cat, the inteligence and sapience of an owl, with the compassion of an elephant.
What is a smell that they dislike?
Citrines. He actually dislikes the scent of citrines.
Have they broken any bones?
Hahahahah. Yes.
How would a stranger likely describe them?
He's a bit intimidating at first sight. He is tall when compared to humans, though short when compared to Drahnvary. He's around the height of the Fae. But he still has that intimidating scary look only the Drahn can give.
Are they a night owl or a morning bird?
Night owl. He enjoys the night.
What is a flavor they hate and a flavor they love?
Kinda hard, he's not picky. He is not a fan of kiwis or papayas. Adores chocolate.
Do they have any hobbies?
Journaling, exploration and history, and he enjoys seamstry.
Boom, surprise birthday party! How do they react to surprises?
He doesn't remember his naming day so he'd be a little emotional that his friends decided to make him a naming day party.
Do they like to wear jewelry?
Yes. He wears circles, rings, bracelets, necklaces, earrings, jewelry on his hair and his horns. Little shiny trinkets in his clothes and gear. He's very much a magpie. He likes it shiny and flowy.
Do they have neat or messy handwriting?
Actually very neat, very flowery. He is used to writting with a quill or feather and does not like 'pens' and new writting devices. Loves the writting machine though.
What are two emotions they feel the most?
Curious and confident.
Do they have a favorite fabric?
Cotton, velveteen and leather.
What kind of accent do they have?
He has an odd accent. Not from the south. Seems like a mixture between northerner and islander. He doesn't have the same accent has the Drahn have, so he either picked his accent somewhere else or he is much older than originally believed.
I tag @izayoiri, @dandylion240
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theperfumewarehouse · 2 years
Looking to give your loved ones the gift of life-long memories and feelings this Christmas? Purchase a fragrance gift set from ThePerfumeWarehouse. The best Christmas fragrance gift set is available here.
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teddiesays · 5 years
My Time at Portia’s Gifts Ideas
Here’s a clean, printable cheat list of gifts you can give to the characters of My Time at Portia. The bigger the number is, means that it will give you more Friendship Points. Invest in Skills that will boost those points, as you level up and you’ll max out everyone very fast. You can also check the Wiki version of this list online. I also listed what they tend to prefer when you dine with them as a date. If I missed anything, feel free to mention it in the comments. Reminder that every characters get more Relationship Points when you give them gifts on holidays and whenever they have a Desired Item request.
AADIT Nova Sword (20), Fisherman's Axe (20), Soldier with Axe (20), Soldier with Blade (20), Iron Axe (18), Iron Sword (15), King Salmon Fillet (15), Performance Center Model (15), Cauldron (15), Roasted Turkey (10), Succulent Plant (10), Talisman (10), French Horn (10), Roses (10), Ruby (8), Hardwood Plank (6), Starlight Coral (5), Sapphire (5), Rainbow Lemonade (4), Topaz (4), Resin (3), Cactus Fruit (3), Asteria Bouquet (3), Power Stone (3), Hardwood (2) Likes Sour Food, Dislikes Bitter Food
ALBERT Soldier with Scepter (20), Red Tie (20), Triangle Sunglasses (20), Pot of Asteria (15), Galloping Horse (15), Golden Necklace (15), Fish Sub (12), Old Talker (12), Spicy Fish Soup (10), Roses (10), Talisman (8), Flowery Soap (8), Ruby (8), Wild Roses (6), Rainbow Flower Pot (6), Yellow Bow Tie (6), Sapphire (5), Topaz (4), Stone Brick (3), Asteria Bouquet (3), Power Stone (3) Likes Spicy Food. Dislikes Salty Food and Ice Cream.
ANTOINE White Armchair (20), Owl Clock (20), Catmaid Statue (15), Fortune Cat (15), Small Satchel (15), Sapphire Ring (15), Fan Model (12), Fruit Salad (10), Vegetable Salad (10), Spring Doll (10), Roses (10), Yellow Bow Tie (8), Ruby (8), Crystal (6), Painting: Girl (6), Brooch (6), Flowery Soap (5), Sapphire (5), Asteria Bouqyet (3), Power Stone (3), Shell (2), Milk (2) Likes Vegetables, Salads, Juice. Dislikes Sweet Food.
ARLO Nova Sword (20), Soldier with Lance (20), Iron Sword (15), Bronze Sword (12), Seafood Noodles (12), Rocket Model (12), Sailboat Model (12), Arm Stretcher (12), Multi-Function Knife (12), Waist Pack (12), Spicy Fish Soup (8), Ruby (8), Classic Spaghetti with Meat Sauce (6), Spaghetti with Hot Sauce (5), Sapphire (5), Topaz (5), Practice Sword (3), Asteria Bouquet (3), Power Stone (3) Likes Spaghetti and Spicy Food. Dislikes Sweet Food.
DJANGO Soldier with Scepter (20), Soldier with Axe (20), Soldier with Blade (20), Soldier with Lance (20), Craft Candle (15), Bronze Sword (12), Cooking Master (12), Crystal Chandelier (12), Pot of Asteria (10), Joystick (10), Paper Flower (10), Roses (10), Armor of a Knight (9), Knight's Shield (9), Seafood Paella (8), Ruby (8), Sapphire (5), Topaz (4), Cheap Soda (3), Delicious Roasted Ribs (3), Asteria Bouquet (3), Power Stone (3) Likes Bowl of Rice and Spaghetti. Dislikes Sour Food.
ERWA AI Model (20), Secret Fish King Soup (15), Dark Coffee Table (15), Work Desk (15), 'Monument Model (15), Performance Model Center (15), Twisted Window Origami (15), Exquisite Fountain Pen (15), Clay Figure: Female (12), Typewriter (10), Roses (10), Ruby (8), Clothing Basket (5), Sapphire (5), Magnifying Glass (4), Strange Mirror (4), Coconut (4), Topaz (4), Red Tea (3), Milk Tea (3), Orange (3), Asteria Bouquet (3), Power Stone (3) Likes Tea. Dislikes Juice and Spaghetti.
GUST Double Drawer (30), Layered Bookshelf (30), Fireplace (25), Owl Clock (20), Hanging Flower Basket (18), Bacon Fish Roll (15), Blade Fish Mushroom Soup (15), Plaid Rug (15), The Thinking Can (15), Plane Model (15), Structural Dimension Theory (15), Five Hundred Creative Designs (15), Structural Aesthetics (15), Sailboat Model (12), Umbrella (10), Roses (10), Painting: Carp and Lotus (9), Ruby (8), Tall Glass (7), Salty Grilled Catfish (6), Salty Stew Mix (6), Aroma Apple (6), Sapphire (5), Topaz (4), Asteria Bouquet (3), Power Stone (3), Apple (2), Pine Cone (2). Likes Salty Food. Dislikes Ice Cream.
LIUWA Goddess Statue (20), Soldier with Axe (20), War Drum (18), Colorful Hat (12), Rocket Model (12), Panbat Mask (12), Fluffy Pendant (12), Sunglasses (12), Joystick (12), Peach's Amulet (10), Welding Helmet (10), Roses (10), Work Pants (8), Ruby (8), Sapphire (5), Animal Skeleton (4), Topaz (4), Sulfate (3), Asteria Bouquet (3), Power Stone (3), Apricot (2), Animal Bones (2). Likes Bitter Food. Dislikes Sour Food and Salty Food.
MINT Massage Chair (30), Painting: A City on the Sea (30), Small Flower Rack (25), Hardwood Couch (20), AI Model (20), Dream Lamp (18), Secret Fish King Soup (15), Incense Burner (15), Sphere Trophy (15), Golden Radish Soup (12), Blade Fish Mushroom Soup (12), Diving Helmet (12), Monster Toy (10), Roses (10), Flower Carpet (8), Ruby (8), Creamy Salmon Stew (7), Succulent Plant (7), Sapphire (5), Blade Fish (4), Golden Salmon (4), Topaz (4), Asteria Bouquet (3), Power Stone (3), Lobster Meat (2), Strawberry (2) Likes Fish and Sea Food. Dislikes Salty Food.
OAKS Trunk Bench (18), Paw Mat (15), Little Bear Sofa (15), Monument Model (15), Catmaid Statue (15), Sculpted Lion (15), Busy Farm (15), Crafter's Toolbox (15), Smoked Fish Roll (12), Clay Figure: Male (12), Clay Figure: Female (12), Carving Knife (12), Roses (10), Ruby (8), Apple Juice (6), Deep Fried Ribs (6), Roasted Meat (6), Apricot Juice (6), Wooden Photo Frame (6), Sapphire (5), Topaz (4), Meat and Mushrooms Stew (3), Tasteless Stew Mix (3), Asteria Bouquet (3), Power Stone (3), Meat (2), Snake Berry (2), Pine Cone (2) Likes Meat and Juice. Dislikes Bitter Food.
PAULIE Llama Sculpture (25), Bonsai (15), Sculpted Lion (15), Wooden Horse (15), Wall Light (12), Clay Figure: Female (12), Sailboat Model (12), Spicy Tea (10), Simple Desk (10), French Horn (10), Roses (10), Fan (8), Ruby (8), Small Chair (6), Flowery Soap (5), Sapphire (5), Purple Resin (4), Topaz (4), Wooden Storage (3), Asteria Bouquet (3), Power Stone (3), Eye Patch (2), Beef (2), Hardwood (2). Likes Spicy Food. Dislikes Salty Food and Tea.
QIWA Emperor Wise Fish (20), Deluxe Fish Kit (18), Classic Fishing Rod (15), Catmaid Statue (15), Emperor Lantern Fish (15), Seafood Stew Mix (12), Sweet Caviar (12), Fish Sub (12), Duck on a King (12), Diving Helmet (12), Porcelain Waterholder (10), Lantern Fish (10), Wise Fish (10), Roses (10), Ruby (8), Salty Grilled Catfish (6), Eye Glass (6), Sapphire (5), Beginner's Fishing Rod (4), Golden Salmon (4), Catfish (4), Emperor's Golden Salmon (4), Emperor Catfish (4), Topaz (4), Asteria Bouquet (3), Power Stone (3) Likes Fish and Sea Food. Dislikes Salty Food.
REMINGTON Plane Model (15), Llama Memorabilia Blanket (15), Kungfu Sack (15), Fish Sub (12), Rocket Model (12), Waist Pack (12), Leather Belt (12),Supremely Spicy Spaghetti (10), Roses (10), Work Clothes (8), Work Pants (8), Ruby (8), Yellow Leaf (6), Sapphire (5), Rainbow Lemonade (4), Topaz (4), Spicy Tea (3), Asteria Bouquet (3), Power Stone (3), Beef (2). Likes Sour Food and Spicy Food. Dislikes Sweet Food.
SANWA Soldier with Scepter (20), Soldier with Blade (20), Cushioned Couch (18), Sunny Side (15), Plane Model (15), Ocean Blue Carpet (15), Fan Model (12), Fruit Salad (10), Vegetable Salad (10), Roses (10), Ruby (8), Bamboo Papaya with Egg-on-Top (6), Sapphire (5), Topaz (4), Pumpkin Steamed Rice (3), Plunger (3), Asteria Bouquet (3), Power Stone (3). Likes Vegetable. Dislikes Spicy Food and Spaghetti.
SIWA Grapevines (25), Irrigation Tower (25), Poppycock's Glasses (20), Old Talker (12), Rocket Model (12), Vinyl Record Player (12), Roasted Pork with Honey (10), Power Lamp (10), Logic Cube (10), Roses (10), Work Clothes (8), Banner Fish Sushi (8), Ruby (8), Sapphire (5), Topaz (4), Sashimi (3), Meat and Mushrooms Stew (3), Cactus Fruit (3), Palm Jujube (3), Asteria Bouquet (3), Power Stone (3), Mustard (2) Likes Meat and Spicy Food. Dislikes Tea.
TODY Crystal Fish Tank (30), Classic Fishing Rod (15), Sweet Caviar (15), Bubblefish Stew (15), Cauldron (15), Emperor Bubblefish (15), Emperor Wise Fish (15), Old Talker (12), Cooking Master (12), Monster Toy (10), Bubblefish (10), Wise Fish (10), Joystick (10), Roses (10), Banner Fish Sushi (8), Coarse Rug (8), Leather Chair (7), Beginners's Fishing Rod (4), Banner Fish (4), Emperor Banner Fish (4), Topaz (4), Power Stone (3), Asteria Bouquet (3), Dough (2), Mustard (2) Likes Fish and Sea Food. Dislikes Bitter Food and Spicy Food.
WUWA Crystal Fish Tank (30), Soldier with Lance (20), Galloping Horse (15), Crystal Statue (15), Yellow Duck Surfboard (15), Sailboat Model (12), Delicious Roasted Ribs (10), Old Thermos (10), Rubber Tire (10), Roses (10), Vegetable Salad (8), Ruby (8), Red Lamp (7), Ship in a Bottle (5), Sapphire (5), Topaz (4), Resin (3), Asteria Bouquet (3), Power Stone (3), Apricot (2), Rubber Fruit (2), Wild Cocoon (2) Likes Meat and Bitter Food. Dislikes Fish and Sea Food.
XU Soldier with Blade (20), Pinecock's Crown (18), Orange Sofa (15), The Thinking Can (15), Balloons in a Bottle (15), Journey from the East (15), Flower Scooper (15), Magic Lamp (12), Weird Glass Jar (12), Crispy Salmon with Sauce (10), Steak with Coconut Juice (10), Wall Lamp (10), Roses (10), Talisman (8), Ruby (8), Herbal Juice (6), Herbal Mixture (6), Simple Ointment (6), Sapphire (5), Topaz (4), Apple Juice (3), Meat and Mushrooms Stew (3), Asteria Bouquet (3), Power Stone (3), Herbs (2), Chrysanthemum (2), White Hibiscus Flower (2) Likes Meat and Juice. Dislikes Tea.
ALICE Bonsai (15), Busy Farm (15), Weird Glass Jar (12), Vegetable Salad (10), Stewed Mushrooms (10), Autumn Doll (10), Winter Doll (10), Crystal Necklace (10), Roses (10), Bamboo Papaya with Egg-on-Top (8), Ruby (8), Fried Rice with Radish (6), Honey (6), Sapphire (5), Topaz (4), Bamboo Papaya (3), Rainbow Flower (3), Flower Pot (3), Layered Carrot (3), Cultivated Soil (3), Asteria Bouquet (3), Power Stone (3), Fertilizer (2), Pumpkin (2) Likes Vegetarian and Salad. Dislikes Sweet Food.
EMILY Performance Center Model (15), Fortune Cat (15), Boundary Carpet (15), Journey from the East (15), Busy Farm (15), Fan Model (12), Stringed Peppers (12), Stringed Corn (12), Scarcrow (12), Chicken Earrings (12), Fruit Salad (12), Pumpkin Pie (10), Spring Doll (10), Autumn Doll (10), Roses (10), Ruby (8), Pumpkin Steamed Rice (6), Sapphire (5), Topaz (5), Asteria Bouquet (3), Power Stone (3), Fertilizer (2), Egg (2), Pumpkin (2), Milk (2), Strawberry (2) Likes Bowl of Rice, Salad and Vegetable. Dislikes Bitter Food, Fish and Sea Food.
GINGER Goddess Statue (4), Owl Clock (4), Fortune Cat (3), Plum Blossom Lantern (3), Journey from the East (3), Butterfly Hairpin (3), Sapphire Photo Frame (3), Bubble Wand (2), Dunk on a King (2), Weird Glass Jar (2), Rainbow Lemonade (2), Umbrella (2), Coral Necklace (2), Roses (2), Shell (1), Shell Necklace (1), Ruby (1), Power Stone (1), Topaz (1), Sapphire (1), Asteria Bouquet (1) Likes Sour Food. Dislikes Ice Cream, Spicy Food, Fish and Sea Food.
LUCY Owl Clock (20), Double Door Wooden Cabinet (18), Concave Mirror (15), Convex Mirrow (15), Sphere Trophy (15), Old Basin (12), Photo Album (12), Small Dagger (12), Porcelain Waterholder (10), Spring Doll (10), Summer Doll (10), Crystal Necklace (10), Roses (10), Balloon (8), Ruby (8), Crystal (6), Starlight Coral (5), Sapphire (5), Rainbow Lemonade (4), Topaz (4), Apricot Juice (3), Asteria Bouquet (3), Power Stone (3), Coral (2) Likes Sour Food and Bitter Food. Dislikes Meat.
MEI Owl Clock (20), Man-eater  Sofa (20), Golden Hairclip (20), Camera (18), The Thinking Can (15), Monument Model (15), Leopard Hairclip (15), Photo Album (12), Monster Toy (10), Summer Doll (10), Typewriter (10), Jewelry Box (10), Merlin's Camera (10), Roses (10), Pink Cat's Ears (8), Ruby (8), Crystal (6), Bell Collar (6), Sapphire (5), Topaz (4), Honey (3), Racket (3), Asteria Bouquet (3), Power Stone (3) Likes Ice Cream. Dislikes Salad.
NORA The Waiting Girl Music Box (25), Goddess Statue (20), Crystal Hourglass (18), Taishi Chair (18), Sunny Side (15), Wooden Music Box (15), Seafood Noodles (12), Clay Figure: Male (12), Fan Model (12), Damour Roly-Poly (12), Colorful Swimsuit (12), Supremely Spicy Spaghetti (10), Fluffy Rabbit (10), Roses (10), Snowman with a Red Scarf (9), Strange Soup (8), Piano Bench (8), Ruby (8), Brooch (6), Spaghetti with Hot Sauce (5), Bunny Wishing Lantern (5), Sapphire (5), Rainbow Lemonade (4), Topaz (4), Asteria Bouquet (3), Power Stone (3), Meatballs and Vegetable Soup (2) Likes Spaghetti and Sour Food. Dislikes Bitter Food and Salty Food.
PETRA Toy Robot (20), AI Chipset (18), Starry Collar (18), Journey from the East (15), Fish Sub (12), Creamy Salmon Stew (10), Monster Toy (10), Power Lamp (10), Ancient Computer (10), Condensed Power Stone (10), Roses (10), Blood Stone (8), Leather Sofa (6), Crystal (6), Cassette Box (6), Painting: The Lonely Windmill (6), Rainbow Lemonade (4), Data Disc (4), Asteria Bouquet (3), Power Stone (3) Likes Sour Food. Dislikes Salty Food and Salad.
PHYLLIS Soldier with Axe (20), Wall Light of Love (20), Hospital Bed (18), Rabbit Snowman (15), Fortune Cat (15), Yellow Sapphire Necklace (15), Journey from the West (15), Magnetic Bracelet (15), Seafood Noodles (12), Weird Glass Jar (12), Fan Model (12), Pumpkin Shrimp Soup (10), Winter Doll (10), Talisman (10), Roses (10), Ruby (8), Simple Ointment (6), Sapphire (5), Elegant Fur (4), Topaz (4), Asteria Bouquet (3), Power Stone (3), Herbal Juice (2), Herbal Mixture (2), Chrysanthemum (2), Bandage (2), Strawberry (2) Likes Spaghetti and Sweet Food. Dislikes Bowl of Rice.
SAM Red Hawk (25), AI Model (20), Triple Barrel Snakebite (15), Race Horse Memorabilia Blanket (15), Lotus Lamp (15), Bamboo Incense (12), Cushioned Stool (12), Clay Figure: Female (12), Rocket Model (12), Clear Sky Doll (12), Waist Pack (12), Shrimp and Cheese on Rice (10), Special Salmon Fried Rice (10), Summer Doll (10), Roses (10), Seafood Paella (8), Asteria Bouquet (3), Power Stone (3), Venom Dart (2), Ammo (2), Asteria (2), Mustard (2) Likes Bowl of Rice. Dislikes Bitter Food.
SONIA Cat Ears Umbrella Hat (20), Catmaid Statue (15), Sphere Trophy (15), Small Satchel (15), Yellow Sapphire Necklace (15), Magic Lamp (12), Fish Sub (12), Vegetable Salad (10), Autumn Doll (10), Roses (10), Shell Necklace (8), Ruby (8), Purple Hydrangea (6), Small Potted Purple Hydrangea (5), Sapphire (5), Coconut (4), Topaz (4), Porcelain Plate (3), Asteria Bouquet (3), Power Stone (3), Lettuce (2) Likes Vegetable. Dislikes Bowl of Rice and Tea.
ABU King Salmon Fillet (15), Sashimi (12), Aroma Apple (12), Royal Honey (12), Roasted Meat (4), Honey (4), Bird Nest (4), Meat (2), Apple (2)
ACK Military Engine (18), Precision Parts (18), Industrial Engine (15), Silicon Chipset (15), Advanced Engine (15), Decocting Pot (15), Copper Coil (10), Iron Pan (10), Roses (10), Ruby (8), Small Silicon Chip (7), Aluminium Wires (5), Sapphire (5), Lubricant (4), Simple Circuits (4), Copper Wires (4), Topaz (4), Old Parts (3), Cooking Pot (3), Asteria Bouquet (3), Power Stone (3), Milk (2)
CAROL Basic Sewing Machine (18), Magic Lamp (12), Old Talker (12), Clay Figure: Male (12), Cooking Master (12), Vegetable Salad (10), Summer Doll (10), Pigments (10), Carbon Fiber (10), Jewelry Box (10), Roses (10), Ruby (8), Quality Leather (6), Cloth (5), Perfect Fur (5), Sapphire (5), Washing Machine (4), Leather (4), Thread (4), Topaz (4), Delicate Fur (3), Colorful Fur (3), Blue Leather (3), Cinnamon (3), Broom (3), Asteria Bouquet (3), Power Stone (3), Cotton (2), Fiber Cloth (2), Wild Cocoon (2), Linen (2) Likes Salad and Juice. Dislikes Bitter Food.
DANA Golden Radish Soup (12), Privacy Screen (12), Short Stool (12), Wooden Drawers (12), Nori Burrito (10), Roses (10), Ruby (8), Wooden Table (6), Striped Carpet (6), Sapphire (5), Baked Bread (4), Nori (4), Topaz (4), Asteria Bouquet (3), Power Stone (3)
DAWA Chainsaw (30), Fisherman's Axe (20), Sculpted Lion (15), Yellow Sapphire Necklace (15), Busy Farm (15), Clay Figure: Male (12), Special Salmon Fried Rice (10), Fish Porridge (10), Old Thermos (10), Crystal Necklace (10), Roses (10), Shell Necklace (8), Ruby (8), Hardwood Plank (6), Iron Wooden Plank (6), Large Iron Bucket (6), Sapphire (5), Topaz (4), Red Mushroom (3), Shaggy Mane (3), Asteria Bouquet (3), Power Stone (3) Likes Rice and Spaghetti. Dislikes Salad.
DOLLY Solstice Wreath (15), Red Heart Knot (15), Damour Roly-Poly (12), Clear Sky Doll (12), Cooking Master (12), Fruit Salad (10), Dried Apricot (10), Stuffed Bear (10), Spring Doll (10), Autumn Doll (10), Winter Doll (10), Roses (10), Balloon (8), Ruby (8), Painting: Street (6), Smiley Face Wishing Lantern (5), Bear Wishing Lantern (5), Sapphire (5), Topaz (4), Cheap Soda (3), Asteria Bouquet (3), Power Stone (3) Likes Salad and Ice Cream. Dislikes Bitter Food and Tea.
GALE Soldier with Scepter (20), Painting: Kitty (18), King Salmon Fillet (15), Galloping Horse (15), Multi-purpose Tea Table (15), Golden Ginseng (15), Special Salmon Fried Rice (10), Tea Table (10), Old Thermos (10), Porcelain Waterholder (10), Roses (10), Ruby (8), Sapphire (5), Topaz (4), Red Tea (3), Asteria Bouquet (3), Power Stone (3), Tea (2) Likes Tea, Bowl of Rice, Salty Food. Dislikes Spaghetti and Salad. Neutral about Classic Spaghetti with Meat Sauce.
ISAAC Bonsai (15), Solstice Lantern (15), Multi-purpose Tea Table (15), Golden Ginseng (15), Magic Lamp (12), Sailboat Model (12), Tea Table (10), Porcelain Waterholder (10), Bookmark (10), Roses (10), Ruby (8), Stone Table (6), Bookshelf (5), Sapphire (5), Topaz (4), Red Tea (3), (Asteria Bouquet (3), Power Stone (3), Stone Stool (2), Lettuce (2), Tea (2)
JACK Soldier with Blade (20), Soldier with Lance (20), Pinecock's Glasses (18), Cardboard Box (15), Celebration Flowers (15), Pinecock Costume (15), Magic Lamp (12), Weird Glass Jar (12), Aroma Apple (10), Roses (10), Balloon (8), Ruby (8), Sapphire (5), Rainbow Lemonade (4), Topaz (4), Cheap Soda (3), Palm Jujube (3), Asteria Bouquet (3), Power Stone (3) Likes Sour Food and Tea. Dislikes Vegetarian.
LEE Goddess Statue (20), Monument (15), Sunny Side (15), Performance Center Model (15), Wall Light (12), Teapot (12), Mushroom Crepe with Fruit Sauce (10), Porcelain Waterhlder (10), Painting: Redstone (10), Painting: Distant Mountains (10), Oil Brush (10), Roses (10), First Aid Kit (6), Small Waste Bin (6), Wall Candle (6), Rainbow Lemonade (6), Data Disc (4), Potato Fruit (2), Asteria (2) Likes Vegetarian. Dislikes Salty Food and Juice.
MARS Fisherman's Pickaxe (20), Iron Pickaxe (18), Square Table (18), Catmaid Statue (15), Sculpted Lion (15), Crafter's Toolbox (15), Bubblefish Stew (12), Old Thermos (10), Typewriter (10), Joystick (10), Roses (10), Ruby (8), Industrial Core (7), Salty Grilled Catfish (6), Sapphire (5), Catfish (4), Emperor Catfish (4), Bronze Bar (4), Topaz (4), Copper Bar (3), Asteria Bouquet (3), Power Stone (3), Grinding Stone (2) Likes Fish and Sea Food. Dislikes Spicy Food. Will eat Spicy Fish Soup.
MARTHA Goddess Statue (20), Decocting Pot (15), Shrimp and Cheese on Rice (12), Clay Figure: Male (12), Cooking Master (12), Seafood Paella (10), Power Lamp (10), Winter Doll (10), Feather Duster (10), Vacuum Cleaner (10), Roses (10), Baked Bread (10), Ruby (10), Rock Salt (6), Honey (6), Cloth (5), Sapphire (5), Washing Machine (4), Topaz (4), Cinnamon (3), Mop (3), Asteria Bouquet (3), Power Stone (3), Flour (2), Wheat (2), Salt (2) Likes Fish and Sea Food, Bowl of Rice. Dislikes Tea.
MCDONALD Gold Trophy (18), Galloping Horse (15), Sculpted Lion (15), Horse Head Floor Lamp (15), Pony Table Lamp (15), Duck on a King (12), Vinyl Record Player (12), Chicken Risotto with Coconut (10), Water Bucket (10), Roses (10), Ruby (8), Linen Rug (6), Hurdle (6), Trap Box (6), Sapphire (5), Topaz (4), Layered Carrot (3), Asteria Bouquet (3), Power Stone (3), Fertilizer (2), Wooden Basket (2) Likes Bowl of Rice. Dislikes Sour Food and Juice.
MERLIN Golden Clock (25), AI Model (20), AI Chipset (18), Lucky Sack (15), The Thinking Can (15), Sphere Trophy (15), Portian Rug (15), Silicon Chipset (15), Strange Soup (10), Power Lamp (10), Ancient Computer (10), Roses (10), Ruby (8), Small Engine (7), Small Chair (6), Keypad (6), Steel Ball (6), Sapphire (5), Data Disc (4), Topaz (4), Milk Tea (3), Cactus Fruit (3), Asteria Bouquet (3), Power Stone (3) Likes Salty Food and Spaghetti. Dislikes Bowl of Rice. Will eat Stewed Rice Meat Supreme.
MOLLY Feather Scarf (18), Sunny Side (15), Blond Doll (15), Furry Scarf (12), Fruit Tart (10), Seasonal Dolls (10), Silk Scarf (10), Roses (10), Bubblefish Stew(8), Fish Porridge (8), Bubblefish Soup (8), Ruby (8), Sapphire (5), Blue Scarf (4), Topaz (4), Asteria Bouquet (3), Power Stone (3), Shell (2) Likes Sweet Food. Dislkes Bitter Food and Meat.
PINKY Any Raw Fish and Sashimi. Hates everything else.
POLLY Sunny Side (15), Fortune Cat (15), Sphere Trophy (15), Harmonica (15),12: Fish Sub (12), Casual Hoodie (12), Journey from the East (12), Dried Apricot (10), Monster Toy (10), Silk Scarf (10), Roses (10), Pointy Nosed Snowman (9), Desk Lamp (8), Ruby (8), Painting: Girl (6), Ship in a Bottle (5), Sapphire (5), Lucky Cover (4), Topaz (4), Asteria Bouquet (3), Power Stone (3), Asteria (2) Likes Juice and Ice Cream. Dislikes Seafood.
PRESLEY +20: Rattan chair (20), Jockey Statue (18), Seafood Srew Mix (15), Galloping Horse (15), The Thinking Can (15), Bonsai (15), Tea Set (15), Sculpted Lion (15), Plane Model (15), Old Talker (12), Golden Toad (12), Roses (10), Ruby (8), Red Lamp (7), Sashimi (6), Salty Grilled Catfish (6), Sapphire (5), Nori (4), Lucky Cover (4), Topaz (4), Asteria Bouquet (3), Power Stone (3) Likes Fish and Sea Food, Tea. Dislikes Meat.
QQ Roasted Pork with Honey (12), Aroma Apple (12), Steak with Coconut Juice (10), Tasteless Broth (6), Deep Fried Ribs (6), Roasted Meat (6), Delicious Roasted Ribs (6), Meat and Mushrooms Stew (6), Spiced Steak (6), Smoked Ham (6), Fried Rice with Radish (6), Roasted Turkey (6), Milk (6), Milk (3)
RUSSO Soldier with Scepter (20), Soldier with Axe (20), Striped Lounge Chair (18), Painting: Boy (18), Dark Coffee Table (15), Bonsai (15), Plane Model (15), Roasted Turkey (10), Steak with Coconut Juice (10), Welding Helmet (10), Roses (10), Ruby (8), Smoked Ham (6), Strange Mirror (6), Fan (6), Sapphire (5), Topaz (4), Delicious Roasted Ribs (3), Asteria Bouquet (3), Power Stone (3), Eye Glass (2) Likes Meat. Dislikes Vegetable.
SCRAPS Bubblefish Stew (15), King Salmon Fillet (15), Secret Fish King Soup (12), (Dried Blade Fish (12), Bacon Fish Roll (12), Smoked Fish Roll (12), Special Salmon Fried Rice (12), Fish Porridge (12), Fishhead Stewed in Soy Sauce (12), Bubblefish Soup (12), Roasted Turkey (10), Steal with Coconut Juice (10), Apple Juice (6), Steamed Potato Fruit (6), Smoked Meat (6), Dried Apple Slice (6), Salty Grilled Catfish (6), Nori Burrito (6), Tasteless Broth (6), Deep Fried Ribs (6), Mushroom Crepe with Fruit Sauce (6), Roasted Pork with Honey (6), Crispy Salmon with Sauce (6), Roasted Meat (6), Meatballs and Vegetable Soup (6), Delicious Roasted Ribs (6), Meat and Mushrooms Stew (6), Bamboo Papaya with Egg-on-Top (6), Classic Spaghetti with Meat Sauce (6), Stewed Mushrooms (6), Spiced Steak (6), Smoked Ham (6), Fried Rice with Radish (6), Dog Food (6), Animal Skeleton (6), Chicken (6), Meat (2), Apple (2), Animal Bone (2), Animal Feces (2)
SOPHIE Solid Wood Clock (18), Monument Model (15), Performance Center Model (15), Busy Farm (15), Duck on a King (12), Clay Figure: Female (12), Bamboo Papaya with Egg-on-Top (10), Old Thermos (10), Water Bucket (10), Roses (10), Ruby (8), Pumpkin Steamed Rice (6), Pumpkin (6), Sapphire (5), Cornball (4), Topaz (4), Asteria Bouquet (3), Power Stone (3), Egg (2), Potato Fruit (2), Wheat (2), Wooden Basket (2) Likes Vegetable. Dislikes Tea.
TOBY Soldier with Axe (20), Soldier with Lance (20), Toy Robot (20), Fossil Replica (20), AI Model (20), Pinecock Costume (15), Journey from the East (15), Aroma Apple (10), Panbat Mask (10), Sunglasses (10), Joystick (10), Slingshot (10), Roses (10), Ruby (8), Applejuice (6), Dried Apple Slice (6), First Aid Kit (6), Ghost Wishing Lantern (5), Sapphire (5), Magnifying Glass (4), Topaz (4), Cheap Soda (3), Rogue's Headband (3), Asteria Bouquet (3), Power Stone (2), Apple (2) Likes Sweet Food, Spicy Food and Ice Cream. Dislikes Sour Food.
YEYE Taishi Chair (18), Wooden Hassock (12), Damour Roly-Poly (12), Clear Sky Doll (12), Coral Tree (12), Pumkin Shrimp Soup (10), Chicken Risotto with Coconut (10), French Horn (10), Roses (10), Ruby (8), Fried Rice with Radish (6), Hardwood Sofa (6), Dining Table (6), Starlight Coral (5), Sapphire (5), Topaz (4), Broom (3), Mop (3), Asteria Bouquet (3), Power Stone (3) Likes Vegetarian. Dislikes Tea.
YOYO (Kickstarter exclusive pet) Steamed Potato Fruit (12), Pumpkin Pie (12), Honey (3), Milk (2), Caterpillar (2)
325 notes · View notes
bronzeflower · 5 years
Here’s that list of things my builder likes/dislikes that I impulsively made. under the cut if u wanna check it out
Gift Likes/Dislikes
Love (+25): Red Hawk
Love (+20): Nova Sword, Fisherman’s Pickaxe, Fisherman’s Axe, Bonsai, Owl Clock, War Drum
Love (+15): Iron Sword, Triple Barrel Snakebite, Bamboo Incense, First Aid Kit, Secret Fish King Soup, King Salmon Fillet, Tea Set, Crystal Statue
Love (+12): Bronze Sword, Poison Fang, Succulent Plant, Purple Hydrangea, Teapot
Love (+10): Roses, Meat and Mushrooms Stew, Crispy Salmon with Sauce, Porcelain Waterholder
Like (+8): Ruby, Blood Stone, Dried Bladefish, Stewed Mushrooms, Simple Ointment
Like (+6): Apricot Juice, Cactus Fruit, Spicy Tea, Red Tea, Milk Tea, Drum
Like (+4): Practice Sword, Sapphire, Topaz, Ironwood, Bandage, Aroma Apple,
Like (+2): Power Stone, Ammo, Venom Dart, Venom, Herbal Juice, Tea, Fertilizer, Asteria, Rainbow Flower, Cotton
Neutral (+1): Everything Else
Dislike (-2): Sand, Soil, Animal Fat, Stone, Plant Fiber, Eyeglass, Washing Machine, Cheap Soda, Tasteless Stew Mix, Stewed Potato Fruit, Sweet Stew Mix, Rubber Fruit, Chrysanthemum, Flowery Soap
Hate (-5): Bug Egg, Rouge’s Headband, Eye Patch, Wasted Food, Mushroom Crepe with Fruit Sauce, Wildflowers
Potential Desires
Associate: Meat and Mushrooms Stew, Crispy Salmon with Sauce
Friend: Teapot
The Round Table Preferences
Like: Smoked Fish Roll, Vegetable Salad, Fire Fruit Mix
Dislike: Fruit Salad, Pickles, Pickled Black Fungus
Main Course
Like: Bamboo Papaya and Seafood with Rice, Baked Bread, Baked Rice with Chicken Curry, Highwind Fried Rice, Portia Hot Pot, Stewed Rice Meat Supreme
Dislike: Supremely Spicy spaghetti, Spaghetti with Hot Sauce
Like: BBQ Grilled Meat, Django’s Braised Meat
Dislike: Deep Fried Ribs, Sauteed Ribs, Sauteed Sweet and Sour Tenderloin
Like: Stewed Mushrooms, Mapo Tofu, Bamboo Papaya with Egg-on-Top, Vegetable with Minced Garlic
Dislike: Steamed Potato Fruit, Milky Pineapple Soup
Like: Snowman Ice Cream, Colorful Ice Cream, Apple Pie, Crispy Pancake
Dislike: Vanilla Pudding, Twin Colored Pudding
Like: Bitter Melon Mix, Red Tea, Milk Scented Tea, Coffee, Apricot Juice, Holly Tea
Dislike: Tallsky Goat Milk, Duvos Winter Punch
Opponent Win
1: +1
2: +2
3: +3
Opponent Lose
1: +1
2: +1
3: +1
2 notes · View notes
palevirgin · 7 years
all the fruits you don't receive by time you get more asks :'D
 Passionfruit: How would you describe your style?
…verycasual tbh? I wear very plain clothes, jeans, lots of wool. I love pullovers. Butalso flowery, maybe? I love flower patterns. Overall, yes, plain and soft,because I wear a lot of soft/pastel colors. 
Cherry: canyou play any musical instruments or can you sing?
I used tobe able to play the violin! Practiced for four years, then gave up because theabuse ruined the fun for me. And I can singbut do you want to hear my singing? No. ksdjksd.
(also Ihave a synthesizer at home waiting for me and I want to practice it? Maybe I’lltry my hand at it once im back home >:’o) 
Grape: Ifyou could take a vacation anywhere in the world, where would you go?
Iceland…For some reason, Iceland has always been my dream travel and I hope I get to gothere one day.
 Banana:Favorite horror movies?
None lmfao,I hate horror movies, they scare me too much!!!
 Blackberry:is your life an action movie, a comedy, a romantic comedy, or drama?
It’s a badmovie. Very bad pacing, everything is too slow, nothing happens and Idissociate too much. ;’D
Pomegranate:when do you feel the most confident?
When I dosomething that I’m used to do. It’s a familiar territory, so I’m less scared ofmessing up, and I feel more confident. Sometimes I feel confident for otherreasons but the slightest thing can reduce said confidence to dust so lol 
Skippingcantaloupe (parents’ names) because paranoia! 
Guava: dark& dramatic makeup or natural makeup?
Naturalmakeup all the way… I feel more comfortable with a natural makeup, tho I dolike dramatic/very noticeable makeup from time to time :’>
 Tangelo: ifyou could be any mythical creature, which would you be?
An angel!Or a divine being, at least!! 
Plum:favorite clothing brands?
None! I goby textures more than brands, bc I have a shit ton of sensory issues. 
Coconut:favorite perfume?
I love softsmells… It’s very hard to describe sorry dksdksd. I also love cologne for some reason?
 Lychee:satin or lace?
Blueberry:what do you want to dress up as for Halloween?
I actuallydon’t celebrate Halloween in my country… It used to be a thing when I wasyounger and I would dress up as a witch or a vampire most of the time. Now it’sa dead thing, so no more costumes ☹ 
Apple: whatdo you use more, tumblr or twitter?
Papaya:what song describes your aesthetic?
… no ideasorry???? This one is weirdly hard and I have no answer to it 8’(
 Nectarine:would you consider an emotional person?
I want tosay yes but I also want to say I’m constantly dissociating. Though whenI am not, I am very emotional, yes. 
Apricot:what do you do when you’re sad?
I watch mycomfort show, wrapped in a blanket. Or I lie down in bed and listen to music. Idon’t (and can’t) move much when I’m sad, I need quiet time to get better so igactivities like that help the most.
Dragonfruit:do you drink alcohol?
Not really…I don’t like the taste of alcohol tbh, so I don’t drink much. A little bit at partiesor family dinners, but it’s very rare.
1 note · View note
About diy face mask
The cinnamon and nutmeg honey face mask smells astounding and operates wonders in fading acne scars and night out skin discolorations! Permit’s see the pores and skin great things about the ingredients With this just one: Lemon juice also acts as a normal bleaching agent and astringent to remove blackheads and lessen the looks of one's pores. Though yogurt undercuts the oiliness of the skin and olive oil will work to nourish and restore its elasticity. Why spend much more than $20 with a retail outlet-acquired facial scrub after they keep in your face for just minutes and all Individuals fancy components get washed down the drain? Curly, frizzy or straight hair, every terrific hair style starts off inside the shower. That’s why you’ll require to shield and take care of your hair with the most effective hair treatment products and solutions together with shampoos and conditioners. There are a selection of shampoo and conditioner formulas which can help you handle boring or harmed hair. Whether it is shampoos, conditioners, hair oils, hair colors, styling instruments or treatment items, you’ll uncover it all on Amazon India less than one particular roof to your comfort. Acquire on line hair treatment and styling goods, filter benefits based upon model, cost, consumer opinions or Particular provides and discounts. The fats while in the avocado and entire milk yogurt are deeply moisturizing on the skin, when the lactic acid during the yogurt smooths the skin, refines pores, and stimulates collagen output. All the data & information presented on the location is meant to be for informational functions only, and never a substitute for Specialist or professional medical advice. You should normally talk to your medical doctor prior to deciding to abide by nearly anything that you choose to Please read on this Site. step to remedies is perfect for comforting tough, offended pores and skin and for helping to heal eczema and acne breakouts. Paired with honey and yogurt, it’s a calming and revitalizing mask for all pores and skin kinds. Eco-friendly tea and honey function anti-inflammatory magic on pores and skin redness and inflammation. This soothing combo is Light sufficient for delicate skin (do a patch exam in case you’re anxious). Both ingredients are potent antioxidants to battle free of charge radicals and repair skin injury. I am on an organic kick right now And that i want not To place something on my pores and skin that I couldn't, well, take in. What this means is I'm moisturizing much more with oils (Believe sweet almond and coconut), I am scrubbing my skin and lips with brown sugar and coconut oil, I am steaming my face over my teapot and I'm getting baths in milk and salts. To check In case you have oily skin, press a paper napkin for your forehead. When you pull it away, it should be soaked in oils. https://twitter.com/steptoremedies/status/1087107481564823552 that, we also have dressing combs, hair brushes, headbands, roller sets, wigs, hair clips together with other add-ons. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HPKseK3lViI of whether your hair is extended or quick, curly or straight, coloured or organic, it is possible to browse our variety of Expert hair treatment and styling appliances As outlined by your unique wants. To complete off https://twitter.com/steptoremedies/status/1087123555727405058 seem, you can store online for hair styling solutions from a few of the best haircare models. Take the guess workout of flaunting gorgeous hair, shop on the internet and find hair treatment should-haves. Rub the Reduce aspect throughout your face. Permit it sit 5 minutes and after that rinse with warm water. Even though makes use of of honey for face are numerous, there are ways in which you'll be able to put together your own personal face pack with honey within the convenience of your property and skip the effort of hurrying to your parlour or to the market searching for pricey and chemically treated creams and face masks. Have https://www.wikihow.com/Make-a-Honey-Face-Mask at the various honey face masks it is possible to try out In line with your skin style: Also called The Hot Face Mask, it's made up of honey, cinnamon, nutmeg, and lemon. It’s the lemon that triggers the burning feeling, but that’s if you put a lot more than one/two a teaspoon! Your face would be the ‘showroom’ of your life that lens first effect on anyone you satisfy. If exactly the same is just not favouring you, you critically have to figure out for an even better face.
The smart Trick of coffee face mask That Nobody is Discussing
Caution: Many individuals are allergic to cinnamon and it may occasionally generate irritation in individuals with an unusually delicate pores and skin. For read more , this mask really should be utilized following screening somewhere aside from to the face. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Facemask delivers alongside one another a few of the best skin care products available in the market that were collected from throughout different national and international brand names. The variety in the type of treatment options and masks available is enormous and is certain to satisfy the needs of every purchaser. For anyone searching for a whole skin procedure, we offer consolidated packs that comprise of numerous vital elements created to aid your skin. The VLCC Gold Facial Kit is a great example of a package that can help you reach a naturally glowing skin using a gold scrub, gold peel-off mask, gold gel and gold cream. The scrub will help eradicate impurities from your skin, the peel-off mask absorbs the impurities, the gel unclogs the skin’s pores plus the cream provides an invigorating scent coupled with refreshing your skin. In this particular oneHOWTO short article we are going to reveal how to make a coffee face mask making use of utilised floor coffee beans - we are all a few no-waste Way of living, In any case. Puree the papaya inside a food processor or blender until eventually just mashed evenly, then blend in the other substances by hand. Spread around your face, preventing your eyes, and Allow it sit for 10-quarter-hour. Wipe or rinse your face clear, and smile at oneself in the mirror. Exactly what does each and every Female, each and every woman and perhaps each and every male aspire to own? A skin to die for could well be in the appropriate realm!Gals and Males alike wish a pi... via steptoremedies.com enables you to enroll in or associate a Google AdSense account with HubPages, to be able to make cash from adverts with your content articles. No info is shared unless you interact with this particular function. (Privateness Policy) Why invest revenue on the retail outlet-bought hair mask or rinse when you may make your own hair recipes utilizing ingredients located in your kitchen area (or your backyard). These do-it-by yourself recipes for that hair are great for different hair textures and types. https://www.wikihow.com/Have-a-Good-Face-Care-Routine to offer you a flowery spa facial at home applying Do-it-yourself face masks. Generate a home made face mask by mixing 1/four cup powdered milk with ample drinking water to kind a thick paste. Didi’s just take: “A whisk was The best tool for whipping many of the ingredients jointly. It’s not the prettiest mask I’ve at any time worn—I seemed as if I'd gotten caught within the cross fire of the colossal food combat. This is a good mask for dry, peeling and scaling skin. The avocado and coconut oil offer replenishing dampness, when the honey really helps to heal any chafed or raw spots. Distribute it evenly on the face and neck and relax for 20 minutes. Gently rub the mixture although washing it off with water. This will help in taking away the lifeless skin and brightens the complexion. What's actually great concerning this mask would be that the substances are generally available in the normal particular person's kitchen area. Though coffee and cocoa powder are definitely the staples of the common mask, it is possible to tailor the recipe based upon the skin style and what you've available. Puree the papaya inside a meals processor or blender until just mashed evenly, after which you can Mix in the other substances by hand. Spread about your face, staying away from your eyes, and Permit it sit for ten-quarter-hour. Wipe or rinse your face clear, and smile at you from the mirror. Winter season weather isn’t variety to skin. Snow and hail lash into delicate cheeks and foreheads, chilly winds chafe at us, and indoor heating methods go away us flaky, dry, and itchy. While the rest of our bodies remain safeguarded (if to some degree neglected) by apparel over the cold months, our faces bear the brunt of all that unsightly weather conditions Each individual and each day.
Considerations To Know About honey face mask
for ageing skin: the usage of yeast in which they restore the skin collagen is shed with age, leaving your skin regains its youth and elasticity; so this selfmade anti-aging face mask is very successful in battle with wrinkles; So, why expend significant bucks on acne procedure or another artificial chemical products, after you can Check out these incredibly easy strawberry face masks, proper in your kitchen area?! Hey, it won't hurt to test! Start off Slideshow Every single merchandise we feature has long been independently selected and reviewed by our editorial group. In case you generate a order using the backlinks bundled, we may possibly gain Fee. • Mix orange peel powder and Uncooked milk in equal amounts to variety a smooth paste. Set it apart for a couple of hours. We may use conversion monitoring pixels from promotion networks for instance Google AdWords, Bing Ads, and Facebook to be able to determine when an advertisement has efficiently resulted in the desired motion, including signing up for that HubPages Company or publishing an write-up on the HubPages Service. @salamat: Use as soon as each individual 3 days and perform your way approximately as soon as each individual 2 times. Usually do not use every day, as orange peel can be a powerful, exfoliating and peeling component. The key is to utilize it persistently for at least per month ahead of finding noticeably radiant and glowing pores and skin. This is easily the most total mask within our tutorial, because it's the two a scrub in addition to a nourishing therapy. You'll need ground coffee beans, as much cocoa powder, twice just as much dairy or almond milk, a tablespoon olive oil - You may also use almond oil or, When you have oily skin, lemon juice - plus a tablespoon honey, that may be skipped When you are prone to acne. Allow it sit for quarter-hour. Rinse your face with chilly h2o and pat dry which has a clear towel. The skin will experience incredibly smooth and look clean up and moisturised. In case your face is a bit dry once the mask, particularly in acne parts, simply make use of a drop of olive oil as a purely natural moisturizer. There are https://twitter.com/steptoremedies/status/1084945117566267392 from yeast with several different accent elements. Pick the ones which might be ideal for the skin variety. Do not forget https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jPlOEudlCv0 is especially fantastic mask for oily pores and skin and for pores and skin inflammation. Blend All those Qualities With all the lactic acid in milk—which exfoliates useless pores and skin cells to reveal the smoother, clearer pores and skin underneath—and you also’ve got a terrific recipe for shiny, youthful, glowing pores and skin. Because from ages, a gorgeous face is as opposed and considered with ‘whole moon’. While using the passage of your time and usage of weighty beauty products, our skin is loosing its glaze and youthful shine. Blend the above mentioned components extensively in a small mixing bowl. Coat your face While using the mixture employing clean up fingers. Enable https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ob_eAiaqZn8 settle for quarter-hour. In the meantime, you may lie down, near your eyes and unwind given that the mask does its magic. Once the time is up, rinse your face, and pat dry that has a cleanse towel. Stir the combination and therapeutic massage movements rub into the skin on the face and wash off just after 50 % one hour. Anti-inflammatory usually means your inflamed red acne will be soothed and healed, making them significantly less pronounced. Antibacterial and antiseptic Houses will help combat off acne causing germs and micro organism, staving off much more acne and pimples.
A Simple Key For honey face mask Unveiled
Turn into a member of Reward Me and get exclusive presents! Turn into a member Mixing honey, orange peel powder and yogurt makes a mask that can help you reduce acne scars and blemishes. If your adjective you employ to describe the skin is “experienced” or “dry”, this face mask is for yourself. Its numerous substances set humidity back again into your drained pores and skin and lead to a radiancy that you will have imagined you misplaced eternally. Listed here’s the easy recipe. This is an excellent mask for dry, peeling and scaling skin. https://en.search.wordpress.com/?src=organic&q=beauty+tips and coconut oil present replenishing humidity, though the honey really helps to recover any chafed or raw parts. As the time is up, Carefully rinse off this strawberry mask with heat drinking water utilizing your fingers or a person warm washcloth. Consider these components in a single bowl and future grind them well in one foodstuff processor. Make sure it will get transformed into a single high-quality paste. After It really is dissolved, you use it for the face. I even set it closer to my eyes than I do with other forms of masks, just not so near that it receives in. I've a lover brush that's virtually for painting that I purchased for the craft retail outlet considering the fact that I did not want a too flimsy face admirer brush. Mine is far smaller sized compared to highlighting brushes, but stiff more than enough and nonetheless Tremendous gentle. I utilize it for masks usually and It really is ideal for this. I am positive it isn't really vital but I like it. Strawberries contain antioxidants like vitamin C that inhibits the premature getting old of your skin. They even have ellagic acid which aids s in avoiding wrinkles. Particularly, the salicylic acid current in strawberries is helpful in retaining blemishes and acne away. Now, easy this paste Carefully and equally using your fingertips within the cleanse neck and face; keep the eye location crystal clear. If the mask is heat to your touch, implement it on your face, neck, and décolleté by massaging Carefully with circular actions. SiO Elegance Lift series patches can be found in five specifically-designed shapes so that you can concentrate on the problems areas in your face, neck, and chest. I never ever rubbed the yeast on my pores and skin like a gommage or exfoliating motion in advance of washing my face so possibly I could Do this next time. I tried only a mask for each se. As an additional bonus, vinegar even allows harmony your skin’s fragile pH. Right here’s how you can put it to superior use. The strength of the silicone skin patch lies in the microclimate it generates in between your skin as well as the patch. This microclimate does three significant matters: Superior, there's a spot for this. An acquaintance on line commenced chatting with me about skin and he or she advised a yeast face mask with milk. I hardly ever heard of this kind of issue but I figured why not, I love masks. So https://www.pinterest.com/pin/722616702689372461 attempted it. I just pour some dry yeast (the little beads) into a little dish and increase a handful of drops of milk.
The Ultimate Guide To yeast face mask
Blend matcha powder, honey and oil in a little bowl and mix nicely. (If you don’t have matcha powder, Slash open a eco-friendly tea bag and use the leaves.) Utilize this into the face and depart it for quarter-hour before washing off warm water. UPDATE!!!!!!!!! Give up Clendamycin AND Retin A. (A person some months ago, and just one recently) I believe they didn't enable just as much as I needed them to, but nonetheless feel this does and may continue on to utilize it. In a bowl, consider some orange peel powder, sugar and almond oil. Make sure the amount of sugar is equal for the peel powder and listed here you might have a fairly easy recipe to a lovely smelling lip balm that’s productive and straightforward to make. Your just lately viewed objects and featured tips › View or edit your searching record Specifics: Aspirin or acetylsalicylic acid is a great skin conditioner and is often found in skin care products. Moreover, it really works particularly properly to deal with acne for those with oily pores and skin. Getting into the deeper layers of your skin, yeast fungi start to actively metabolize fat during the cells, remove toxins, and great impact on metabolism. Yeast - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0A2HYE3YSAc . With them and pastries style greater, and alcoholic beverages stronger and even more lovely skin. Inside of them you'll want to consider tablets, however the masks are ideal for fresh new yeast. The use of yeast to the pores and skin Distribute the mask on the face employing a cotton pad and massage it for a couple of minutes to get rid of useless skin cells and improve circulation. (the scientific title with the prevalent type of acne) is definitely an Pretty much common challenge, with practically Everybody on the globe suffering from some variety (delicate or severe), faster or later on within their life. Combine both of these components in a very bowl. Just take A different massive bowl with warm drinking water and place the bowl With all the combination on the warm water bowl for two-three minutes. An orange peel face mask may possibly audio like a wierd concept, however it has numerous benefits to provide on the pores and skin. It is actually full of antioxidants and vitamin C that aid tighten and tone the pores and skin, providing it a nutritious glow. The coarse granules of aspirin do the exfoliation, and the rest is looked after through the antimicrobial and antioxidant Houses of honey. Wash it away using warm h2o, pat the face dry and after that abide by up with all your most popular toner and moisturizer. Tart and citrusy, a clean and pulpy orange can make all the difference towards your health. So When you Chunk in to the pulp, utilize the peel in five completely genius ways to get amazing glowing skin.
0 notes
sherristockman · 7 years
What Are Terpenoids? Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola Traditional medical practitioners have known for millennia that plants have the power to prevent, treat or otherwise improve a number of medical conditions. Plants contain bioactive phytochemicals, such as tocopherols, polyphenols and ascorbic acid, which perform important functions in both plants and humans. Terpenoids (aka isoprenoids) are another beneficial phytochemical — one that many people haven’t heard of before. Out of the seemingly countless compounds in plants, terpenoids represent the largest and most diverse class of beneficial chemicals.1 More than 40,000 individual terpenoids exist, and new ones are discovered every year.2 Plants use terpenoid metabolites to support basic functions like growth, repair and development. However, according to research published in Advances in Biochemical Engineering and Biotechnology, they “use the majority of terpenoids for more specialized chemical interactions and protection.”3 Among humans, terpenoids have long been valued for medicinal purposes in traditional Indian and Chinese medicines, and they’ve also been used for food, pharmaceutical and chemical purposes. The cancer drug Taxol and the antimalarial drug artemisinin are both terpenoid-based drugs,4 but the plant compounds are perhaps most well-known for being the main constituents of the essential oils in many plants. Because they’re responsible for the wide variety of plant flavors and aromas — from flowery and fruity notes to woody undertones — they’re a sought-after commodity by the flavor and fragrance industries.5 Further, as noted by a study in the journal Recent Patents on Food, Nutrition & Agriculture:6 “Terpenoids represent the oldest known biomolecules, having been recovered from sediments as old as 2.5 billion years. Among plant secondary metabolites, they are the most abundant and diverse class of natural compounds. The diversity of terpenoids is probably a reflection of their many biological activities in nature, which has made them a widely used resource for traditional and modern human exploitation.” Eating Terpenoids Daily May Benefit Metabolic Disorders, Including Diabetes As they pertain to your health, there’s evidence that these powerful plant compounds play a beneficial role in metabolism. According to researchers at Kyoto University in Japan, terpenoids can modulate the activities of ligand-dependent transcription factors, particularly peroxisome proliferator activated receptors (PPARs). PPARs help regulate genes involved in the metabolism of fat and glucose, and PPAR activation has a beneficial effect on blood pressure, cholesterol levels, diabetes, heart disease and stroke. “Because PPARs are dietary lipid sensors that control energy homeostasis, daily eating of these terpenoids might be useful for the management for obesity-induced metabolic disorders, such as Type 2 diabetes, hyperlipidemia, insulin resistance and cardiovascular diseases,” the researchers wrote, adding:7 “Dietary patterns rich in vegetables and fruit are associated with a lower prevalence of metabolic syndrome. Because most of the terpenoids are of plant origin and they are contained in vegetables and fruit, dietary terpenoids may contribute to a decrease in risk of metabolic syndrome. Moreover, because the terpenoids constitute one of the largest families of natural products, more potent and useful PPAR activators may exist.” Terpenoids May Be Valuable as Cancer-Fighting Antioxidants and More Terpenoids are classified into several classes of chemicals including monoterpenes, diterpenes, triterpenes and tetraterpenes, the latter of which contain the more familiar carotenoids, including lutein and lycopene. Many of them are known for their antioxidant properties as well as their potential for fighting cancer. Lycopene, for instance, may play a role in breast and prostate cancer prevention. A review published in the journal Vitamins and Hormones also noted, “The monoterpenes limonene and perillyl alcohol may be promising substances in cancer therapy,”8 noting that combinations of antioxidants, in particular, may exert synergistic effects. Terpenoids have also been singled out as having potential to prevent and treat liver cancer. According to a study in the World Journal of Hepatology, “A large number of terpenoids exhibit cytotoxicity against a variety of tumor cells and cancer preventive as well as anticancer efficacy in preclinical animal models.”9 Ten new terpenoids, along with 15 known terpenoids, were even shown to reverse multidrug resistance in a multidrug-resistant tumor cell line.10 And nimbolide — a bioactive terpenoid compound found in neem — may shrink prostate tumors by as much as 70 percent while suppressing metastasis by about 50 percent when taken orally for three months.11 The plant compounds have also shown potential as anti-colon cancer agents, with researchers explaining:12 “Anticancer properties of terpenoids are associated with various mechanisms like counteraction of oxidative stress, potentiating endogenous antioxidants, improving detoxification potential, disrupting cell survival pathways and inducing apoptosis.” In addition, structurally some terpenoids are similar to human hormones, and a diet rich in terpenoids is inversely related with the risk of chronic diseases like cancer, according to research published in Current Drug Targets — including hormone-related cancers like breast and prostate cancers.13 “[Pr]e-clinical studies support clinical application of … naturally occurring terpenoids in treatment of hormone-related human cancers,” the researchers noted. Terpenoids Are Anti-Inflammatory, Pain-Relieving and More Beyond their cancer preventive effects, terpenoids also have the following beneficial properties:14 ✓ Analgesic (pain relieving) ✓ Anti-inflammatory ✓ Antimicrobial ✓ Antifungal ✓ Antiviral ✓ Antiparasitic They may also help explain why essential oil therapy can be so effective, as terpenoids are known to affect animal and human behavior when inhaled from ambient air.15 As terpenoids are also found in cannabis, it’s been suggested that terpenoids may work synergistically with cannabinoids to produce some of the beneficial effects of medical marijuana. According to a study in the British Journal of Pharmacology:16 “[Terpenoids] display unique therapeutic effects that may contribute meaningfully to the entourage effects of cannabis-based medicinal extracts … phytocannabinoid-terpenoid interactions … could produce synergy with respect to treatment of pain, inflammation, depression, anxiety, addiction, epilepsy, cancer, fungal and bacterial infections (including methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus).” Scientifically Speaking, What Are Terpenoids? Natural Products Chemistry & Research describes terpenoids as “a large and diverse class of naturally-occurring organic compounds similar to terpenes,” and “any group of hydrocarbons that contain terpenes, derived from five-carbon isoprene units.” They can form cyclic structures such as sterols. Further: “Most are multicyclic structures that differ from one another not only in functional groups but also in their basic carbon skeletons. These lipids can be found in all classes of living things, and are the largest group of natural products …”17 Most have a fragrance but no color, are lighter than water and volatile with steam (aka “at steam”), at which point it volatilizes, or changes into a gas. A few terpenoids are solids, such as camphor, but all are soluble in organic solvent and usually insoluble in water. Most of them are optically active and many are open-chain or connected, cyclic unsaturated compounds (that form a ring) with one or more double bonds.18 Plants Containing the Most Terpenoids Terpenoids are found in many living organisms throughout nature, especially plants, fungi and marine animals.19 If you want to increase your intake of these beneficial compounds via your diet, eating more whole plant foods is an excellent way to start. By eating a wide variety, you can be sure you’re consuming a variety of different terpenoids. For example, a list of dietary terpenoids being evaluated for anticancer activity, and their dietary sources, was published in the journal Frontiers in Bioscience:20 Monoterpenes: Lemons, oranges, grapefruit, caraway, bergamot, peppermint, spearmint, dill, tomatoes Diterpenes: Carrots, spinach, pumpkin, broccoli, mango, papaya, cherries, tomatoes, oranges, cabbage, watermelon, lettuce Triterpenoids: Olives, mangos, strawberries, grapes, figs Terpenoid chromanols: Almonds, walnuts Carotenoids: Tomatoes, oranges, carrots, peas, sprouts, greens In addition, thyme and coriander seed oil, which contains up to 70 percent linalool (a terpenoid), are also good sources, as are mushrooms and chamomile. Black seed oil, which is rich in the terpenoid thymoquinone, is another excellent option. Thymoquinone is known to have anticancer effects.21 Research published in Drug Discovery Today concluded thymoquinone has a long history of battling cancer in vitro and in vivo (in "test tube" experiments and animal studies), and modulates 9 of the 10 hallmarks of cancer.22 Thymoquinone extract from black cumin appears to be effective against cancers in the blood, lung, kidney, liver, prostate, breast, cervix, colon and skin.23 Black cumin oil is popular in the health food scene, but for optimum nutrition it may be better to use the seeds because essential fatty acids are easily destroyed by heat or prolonged exposure to air. One problem with extracting oil from seeds is that processing is required, so damage is done. I soak the seeds overnight, then put them in a smoothie. They're a little on the bitter side, so putting sweetener in it such as monk fruit or stevia gives it a tasty boost. Research is ongoing looking into the effects of various terpenoid extracts, such as that from the Siberian fir, a coniferous evergreen tree, which has shown potential anti-aging and anti-cancer effects.24 The bottom line is that terpenoids appear to be phenomenal for your health, and if you’d like to consume more of them, the easiest way to do so is to eat more vegetables, herbs and fruits. Beyond that, many plant extracts, essential oils and medicinal plants also contain high concentrations, and working with a holistic health care practitioner who is familiar with some of the different varieties, and their individualized uses, may help you to determine the best sources for you.
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