#para: meet the fam
xaviernottheprofessor · 8 months
Meet the Family Who: Xavier and @fletchervanhall Where: Fletcher's home. When: January 25th, 2024 A/N: Xavier sees Fletcher for the first time after the gala and return from the UK. So of course, they catch up and he meets the family and they catch up some more. lots of cute things and fluff but also NSFW lol
Xavier had a great morning so far. Winter and Henry had made him laugh until he couldn't breathe at drop-off. He had picked up his favorite breakfast sandwich and had made time to tidy up. The cleaning crew would come by next week as scheduled but Xavier worked better in a less cluttered environment. Henry usually stuck to the play area and theater but Winter had quickly become the owner of the entire place. Everywhere he went, Xavier found makeup. Why does a 15-year-old need so much? He got her a giant makeup organizer and set it up in her bedroom. Before he knew it, it was time to meet with Fletcher. Xavier tried not to make a big deal of it because he didn't want to scare the other man with his feelings but admittedly, he was beyond excited to see him again. After showering and changing into an outfit that would hopefully catch Flether's attention. He sprayed some cologne on and then took one last look in the mirror before getting his car to drive to the address Fletcher had given him. He tried to ignore the butterflies forming in his stomach or the way he couldn't stop smiling just thinking about the tattoo artist. When he arrived, he parked his car and walked up to the entrance to ring the bell. Xavier straightened his jacket and took in a deep breath as he wondered how he'd greet him. Should he kiss him? What was the protocol? All he knew was that the moment he'd lay eyes on Fletcher, he'd probably forget it all anyway.
Fletcher had a long night, mostly with Phoebe, but with Drew too. Phoebe had been fussy and at one point, Fletcher didn't know what to do. He'd changed her diaper, fed her, and held her until she'd fallen asleep, but she hadn't stayed asleep for more than twenty minutes or so before she was fussing. He'd cuddled her to his chest and shoulder, lightly bounced her and even tried softly singing to her but nothing worked. It led to him waking Drew for help, which he'd felt guilty about. Drew showed him a different position to hold Phoebe in and when Fletcher tried it, he ended up relieving Phoebe of some gas. The two men had a bit of a laugh about it but the relief helped the little girl get some sleep, allowing them to also sleep. It wasn't for very long though, before Fletcher had to get up and get her fed again--this time making sure that she was thoroughly burped. He'd fixed a late breakfast for Drew and himself, and then showered in his boxer briefs with Phoebe snuggled to his chest, knees tucked up in the fetal position. He dresses them both and helped Drew get ready for the day, all the while steadily thinking about Xavier's visit. He could admit that he liked Xavier. He liked thinking about him, talking with him, kissing him and fooling around with him. And he suspected he would like chilling with him while they watched, or didn't watch a movie. Drew had decided to make up for the lost sleep by napping, so when the doorbell rang, it was just likely to be him, Xavier and a fast-fading Phoebe. He shifted his hold on the tiny babe while padding across the floor in his socks to answer the door. One arm securely held Phoebe to his chest and shoulder where she enjoyed being the most, while his other hand turned the lock and opened the door. He smiled and softly said, "She'll be knocked out soon but if I put her down now, she'll start fussing."
Xavier's smile grew the moment Fletcher's opened the door and he set his sight on Phoebe. She was so tiny and beautiful that he was at a loss for words. Xavier loved kids, always spoiling his nieces and nephews, and now his foster kids. He nodded at Fletcher's words and walked right inside the home so that no cold air would run inside. "Oh, she's a beautiful little darling." He walked around Fletcher so that he could get a good glimpse of Phoebe and then waved at the half-asleep infant. She looked so comfortable and content in her dad's arms and it brought a smile to his face. Xavier then pressed a gentle kiss to Fletcher's shoulder before shrugging off his jacket and placing it on one of the couches. Xavier took a good look at Fletcher. He looked tired. "Do you need any help with anything? While you get the baby down?"
Fletcher's lips lazily tugged up on one side at Xavier's reaction to the sight of Phoebe. The month-old girl really was tiny. He'd shut the door behind Xavier, keeping the warmth inside the house while Phoebe's backside was draped in a soft, fleece blanket. "She's my little tree frog," Fletcher murmured, watching the younger man peer around to Fletcher's shoulder where Phoebe's head was resting, cherub cheek squashed against a burp cloth. She had straight, dark brown wisps of hair on her head, the same color as Fletcher's. Her barely-there eyebrows were rested above her closed eyes, and her lips and tiny tongue worked in a suckling gesture despite having nothing there. Fletcher smiled softly at Xavier's kiss and then he ked the way over to the living room. "No. I've been washing some of my shirts in the baby detergent so Phoebe doesn’t get a rash or something. So I've got some clothes to fold and put up but I'll get them done later. And you're here to spend time with me, not do maid service for me." He gave Xavier a warning look and then leaned down a bit to peck his lips. There was a single basket of clean clothes--mostly Phoebe's, along with some of Fletcher's thermals and graphic tees. The TV was already on with the Roku screensaver on display. "You thirsty or hungry?" he asked, still keeping his voice low as he tugged the mobile bassinet closer to the couch.
Xavier kicked off his sneakers and placed them to the side, close to the entrance of the house. "Little tree frog. That's adorable." He grinned, making his way back to Fletcher and the baby so that he could admire her a bit more. He wouldn't dare touch her or anything not until he washed his hands and not while her father was trying to get her to fall asleep. He watched the two thinking about the love that was shared between the two. Fletcher was a natural. "Gosh, to think they start off so small...a tiny little princess." He whispered and watched as Phoebe rested. He followed Fletcher into the living room. "I can help with those perhaps?" But his words were cut short by Fletcher's words. Xavier could not help but chuckle softly at that only for the laugh to be cut short by Fletcher's kiss. A smile appeared on Xavier's face and he shook his head at the question. "Oh no, I'm alright. But thank you for offering." He moved to sit on the couch. "How long does she go down for at this hour?
Fletcher smiled a little at Xavier's reaction to his nickname for Phoebe. "Yeah, it's wild. When she was I'm the NICU I couldn't get over how fuckin' small she was. She's still small but growing." He shifted his hold on Phoebe to better lay her down when the time came, but the more he eyed the bassinet, the more he thought she wouldn't sleep as long. He wanted her to get a good nap in and knew she slept best either in his arms or in her cosleeper upstairs. Since he was also trying to spend time with Xavier, Fletcher changed his mind on them hanging out in the living room. Following the kiss, he reiterated, "Yeah, you're not helping with that so put that outta your mind." Bending his knees slightly, he picked up the remote from the armrest and turned the TV off. "Slight change of plans. C'mon," he said, still keep his voice low as he led the way to the stairs and down the hallway to his bedroom. He glanced over to Xavier and answered, "If we stayed down there and she slept in that bassinet? Maybe forty-five minutes. But if she sleeps on me or in her cosleeper, she'll sleep a good two hours before waking up wet and hungry." He pushed his partially open bedroom door wider with his free shoulder, revealing his room to Xavier. His queen-sized bed was covered in black and dark gray bedding with the comforter pushed to one side from Fletcher getting up earlier that day. Phoebe's cosleeper was secured on one side near Fletcher's night stand. The room's only window had gray blackout curtains draped over them and were partially open. Beneath the window sat a low dresser, atop sat a TV, a PS4, and various care items for Phoebe.
His closet took up the width of the wall space next to his door; one sliding door was drawn back but the bulk of the clothes that could be seen hanging from within were Phoebe's, suspended from small baby hangers. The floor of the closet had various styles of shoes thar belonged to Fletcher, and in front of the closed half of the closet stood Dumbo's cage, currently empty due to him being at The Ink Tank. "Make yourself comfortable," Fletcher encouraged, padding around the front of the bed to the far side so that he could lay Phoebe in her cosleeper.
Xavier listened to Fletcher talk about his daughter. It was endearing how smitten he was with his child but who could blame him? Phoebe was a doll. "It's so scary when they're so teeny, yeah? Afraid of doing the wrong thing, holding them the wrong way. My brother has twins and they were born early so they were tiny as well. I remember holding them both and it felt like I was holding paper." He smiled. She looks like you. Has your hair. Your features" He watched them both and then held his hands up in surrender. He wouldn't be folding laundry today. At the change of plans, he nodded, leaving his jacket on the couch and following Fletcher. Xavier held the door for Fletcher as he pushed it open with his shoulder and waited for the new dad to walk in with the baby. Once in the room, he looked around, a smile on his face as he took in the space. Xavier moved to sit on the foot of the bed and watched Fletcher place Phoebe in her co-sleeper. "She's so perfect, Fletcher. Congratulations. Truly." Xavier kept his voice down, not wanting to wake her up. He glanced over to them and smiled as the little one snuggled up in her sleeping area. He thought about how quickly Fletcher had to adapt to fatherhood and how that already made him better than most parents. In that vein of thought, Xavier mused over how much of a big deal this probably was to the older man. He was allowing Xavier to meet his daughter and that in itself made Xavier feel lucky. "You know, seeing you as a dad is very sweet. She adores you and you, her."
"Mhm. They're strong in a lot of ways, but so damn helpless and vulnerable at the same time." He appreciated Xavier ceding to letting the laundry be while he was there. Sure, Fletcher was tired but he would get it done and knew he hadn't invited Xavier to do anything of the sort. "How old are your brother's kids?" he asked. Once in his room, Fletcher situated Phoebe in her cosleeper, tugging a pink and purple receiving blanket off his pillow to swaddle the little girl in. He wasn't the best at swaddling despite watching the NICU nurses several times, but ultimately, he got the blanket tucked around his little girl. As soon as she was secured, he stretched out onto the bed, reaching for the TV remote off his nightstand. "Thanks," he said with a sleepy smile, rubbing an eye with the heel of his palm. Sitting up, he tugged on Xavier's arm indicating for him to join him near the pillows instead of the foot of the bed. "It’s still new to me, but I'm doing my best and loving the hell out of her along the way." He turned the TV on and another Roku screensaver appeared. "What do you feel like watching, or not watching?"
"Clayton's twins are three and a half now. They're amazing. Kind and special like their parents. Super intelligent too." He grinned thinking about his nephew and niece. "Proper little children. They throw one helluva tea party." Xavier chuckled softly. He adored those kids just as much as he adored his own. "Oh, I can see that." Xavier glanced over his shoulder as he felt himself being pulled in Fletcher's direction. He moved back and closer to the other, lifting his arm to place it around Fletcher's shoulder. This felt nice. Right. "I'm down for whatever. Something dumb we don't need to pay any attention to. I'd much rather give that to you." Perhaps it came off flirtatious but he meant that whole-heartedly. Talking to Fletcher every night and any time they had a chance had left him with wanting to learn more if not everything he could learn about the other man. He pulled him as close as possible and smiled, letting his socked foot tap Fletcher's. "Surprise me."
"And like their uncle," Fletcher added, hearing how old Xavier's niece and nephew were and what they were like. "And they're all back in the UK?" he asked, knowing Xavier mentioned visiting family while he was there recently.
Fletcher shifted a bit when Xavier joined him by the pillows. He rested his head on Xavier's chest and looked to the TV, lifting the remote to get to the home page. After hearing Xavier's answer, he gave a thoughtful grunt and then began searching through the different streaming channels until he landed on Hulu. He'd gone to his own profile and then searched through until he found what he was looking for. In no time, Fletcher was hitting "Watch Now" to Hook. And then he reached across Xavier's middle, dropping the remote and leaving his arm draped across Xavier's torso. "Surprise," he joked in a low, even tone.
He ducked his head at the comment and grinned. "Yes, I suppose. They are. I have no family here. I try to see them as much as I can and they come here too. Clayton and Athena, my sister-in-law enjoy coming out to the states." Xavier rested his chin gently on top of Fletcher's head, a small smile appearing on his face as they cuddled up together. He watched the television as Fletcher browsed for a program but his mind was mostly blank. At that moment, he could only think about how nice this all felt and how easy it felt too. When Hook was chosen, Xavier chuckled a bit, his chest rising and falling underneath Fletcher. "I should have known. I've seen Hook a few times and it never gets old." He slowly massaged Fletcher's back with the palm of his hand before his fingers began to trace circles there. The fingers on his other hand, teased Fletcher's fingertips, grazing them softly but not interlocking. "Robin Williams...what a gift..." It was good that he knew the movie well enough to make shit up as he went because he needed to say anything to not look overly consumed by their light and intentional touches.
"Is that hard, or is it alright since you all still visit each other?" Fletcher asked. It sounded like Xavier was very close to his family despite being on 2 different continents. Outside of his uncle, and Emiliana and Rodrigo who were extended family for him, he couldn't relate. Still, he admired Xavier having that kind of relationship with his family. Fletcher was enjoying the closeness and gentle caresses from Xavier as well as listening to the vibrations of his voice when he spoke. "It's one of my favorite movies. I could recite it line for line." He smiled lazily at the movements of Xavier's fingers. "Yeah, we sure as hell didn't deserve him." Carefully, he moved to sit up a little, just enough for him to turn his head and kiss Xavier's lips for a little while. He'd cupped a hand to Xaiver's cheek and relished in the feeling of their lips on each other's, and when it seemed like they both could use some air, he reluctantly pulled away, snagging a few pecks and then the corner of Xavier's lips before slipping back down a little in the bed to rest against his chest. His fingers found Xavier's as he draped his arm across the younger man's fit body and wove his fingers between Xavier's. As he'd done this, he was half-heartedly humming along to the school play music coming from the movie.
"It can be hard. My mum. Well, she's sick." He smiled softly. "Let me rephrase. She's better now. If I were in London I'd be taking care of her. We're very close all of us. My last trip was because she got to ring her bell at the hospital. Remission. I wanted to be there with her." Xavier cleared his throat softly and then sighed. He hasn't told anyone about his mother. She'd kill him if she knew. She hated pity and she hated that her kids were sad at all over it but he'd told her many times before that it was impossible not to be sad. "So, it's very nice seeing you take on this giant responsibility and act of love for your uncle. It's lovely." When Fletcher spoke about his love for the movie, Xavier couldn't help but find that piece of information endearing. "That's cute." He smiled and nodded in agreement. "Agreed." The comedian kissed the top of Fletcher's hair only for the older man to shift slightly to face him. Xavier brushed Fletcher's hair with his fingers and for a few seconds, he admired the other's face. He returned the kiss, allowing himself to get lost in the moment just like the last time and the time before. He laughed softly when Fletcher pecked the corner of his mouth and he stole a few kisses of his own before the other was back to resting on Xavier's chest. His heart was racing, full of desire to stay wrapped up this way for as long as possible. When their fingers finally laced together, Xavier brought Fletcher's hand to his lips so that he could kiss his knuckles. He smiled to himself, listening to Fletcher's humming.
Fletcher listened to Xavier and made sure his eyes were on the Brit particularly after Xavier told him that his mother had been ill. "Well shit. I'm glad she's in remission. I bet she was really happy having you home for a little while." Hearing Xavier, he then said, "Thanks. There's no way I would've left my uncle high and dry or fully trusted his care to someone else. Oh, and yeah, I guess I love the guy too." He added that last part with a few light twitches at his lips. Fletcher hadn't minded partially tuning out from the movie for a little while and instead making out with Xavier for a little bit. He was tired, sure, but he was also very distracted by the smell of Xavier's cologne and the feel of his soft, full lips. Xavier's fingers in his hair had quickly become a favorite gesture that made his heart rate pick up slightly. He was enjoying all the reactions his body would have to the Xavier, even when he was sleep-deprived. After their bit of making out and the extra kisses they'd given each other, he was content being cuddled up to the younger man's side. Shutting his eyes, he was telling himself not to fall asleep but had a feeling he might lose that internal battle. Without opening said eyes, he murmured, "Do me a favor. If I fall asleep, don't let me sleep longer than the baby, okay?" Fletcher was a light sleeper so if Phoebe woke up crying, he would wake in an instant.
Xavier smiled listening to Fletcher. It really was such a huge green flag that he took care of Drew and Phoebe. It meant that he knew and kept his priorities straight. Xavier continued playing with Fletcher’s hair as the other seemed to get quieter. He wasn’t really focusing on the movie. His thoughts were elsewhere, mostly on the fact that he wouldn’t mind being more than just “lovers” someday and hopeful that that is where they were going. The idea that maybe it may never go there did arise in his mind and while he didn’t want to dwell on that. Xavier looked down at the other when he spoke again and nodded. “You got it.” He wasn’t sleepy so he wouldn’t be joining Fletcher on his nap but Xavier was glad that the older man was going to rest. He kissed the top of his hair and then continued massaging him there. “Hey…” he whispered once he felt that Fletcher was completely silent. When he didn’t move, Xavier glanced down and caught a glimpse of the sleeping man. A soft smile pulled at his lips. Xavier remained cuddled up with Fletcher, reaching for the controller to lower the volume a bit. He looked over to Phoebe to make sure she was still asleep and whispered. “Sleep well, princess.” He remembered that Fletcher needed to be at work in a couple of hours and subtracted an hour for him to get ready, look after the baby, and feed her or whatever he needed to do. He reached for his phone in his pocket and set up an alarm in case neither of them woke up in time. After about twenty minutes of Xavier waiting for Fletcher to be deeply asleep, he gently shifted so the man was comfortable on a pillow and Xavier was able to get up. He placed the black sheet over him and smiled, taking one more look at Phoebe. “Just getting some water.” Xavier whisperers before he’s off to the kitchen but he ran into another man which startled him. “Oh my, I’m so sorry.” Xavier chuckled softly. “Hello, sir. I’m Xavier. Fletcher’s friend. You must be his uncle Drew?” He extended his hand
Fletcher felt oddly soothed by the way Xavier was playing with his dark locks. It momentarily reminded Fletcher that he needed to pay Kendra a visit for a haircut but for the time being, he was enjoying all the sweet caresses near his scalp. Eyes still shut, he was listening to the movie and was able to visualize what was happening as he heard it progress. But at some point, before Tinkerbell had taken Peter back to Neverland, Fletcher had fallen asleep. His chest rose and fell in slow, even breaths and once he was in a deep enough sleep, he'd begun lightly snoring. Xavier's shift out of the bed made him stir a little but he settled back into his sleep, arm draped across the cool pillow that now replaced the warmth of his lover's body. Meanwhile, across the hall from Fletcher's room, right next to the upstairs bathroom, Drew emerged from his own nap, feeling more rested and contemplating some work in his garden before the rain returned later on. He'd checked the time on his watch and knew Emiliana would be coming over in another hour or 2 before Fletcher left for the shop. With his cane in hand, he carefully made his way downstairs to the kitchen to help himself to some tea. On his good days, he could manage well enough with the electric kettle. But as he stood in the kitchen, he heard footsteps coming down the stairs and heading his way, assuming it to be Fletcher. But when he looked up, it most certainly wasn't his nephew. For a split second, Drew was prepared to use his cane as a weapon but before the idea could go beyond thought, he remembered Fletcher telling him about his "friend" coming by. He hadn’t expected the accent and raised his brows a little bit but shifted his cane from his right hand to his left to shake his hand--his eyes looking up at Xavier. "I am. Just Drew's fine though. And you must be more than his friend if you're coming from upstairs. Fletcher's bedroom if I had to guess." The expression on his face said, 'I dare you to tell me I'm wrong.'
“Drew. Got it.” Xavier smiled at the man shaking his hand and feeling slightly nervous. He withdrew his hand and then chuckled as he scratched his brow. “Well, I suppose we’re figuring that part out. More than friends is a fair assumption.” He grinned at the man. “He fell asleep, didn’t have the heart to wake him and the baby is asleep too. He looked tired. I have an alarm on my phone since he has to be up to get ready for work in about an hour. “ Xavier then added, “You have a lovely home, Drew.” He noticed the electric kettle and wondered if Drew would join him for a light lunch. He’d make sure to get enough for everyone. “I was going to order lunch for all of us. Please say you’ll join?”
Drew listened to Xavier and nodded, not prying further at the moment into his nephew's relationship with the man before him. "Thanks for letting him sleep. This is all new for him and he's doing great but that need for sleep's important." Drew had no idea if Fletcher had told Xavier about their night and Phoebe's tummy troubles but he was grateful to the young man for allowing Fletcher to get sleep. "Thanks. Fletcher already show you around?" he replied to the compliment about his home. "I do love it here." While the kettle was heating water, Drew reached for the container of tea bags on the counter and started looking through the different kinds. "Depends on what you're ordering," he joked dryly, turning his gaze back to Xavier with a slow-forming smile. "I'd be happy to. Besides, we can get to know each other more while Fletcher's sleeping." His gaze went back to the container, fingering through the packets slowly until he plucked a chamomile one and started to tear it open. "So tell me about yourself, Xavier."
"Oh absolutely! Whenever he can get it, he definitely should." Xavier shook his head at Drew's question. "Well, no not quite but I like what I have seen! As soon as I walked in it was my first thought." He pulled out his phone and searched for the Postmates app. "Well, there are plenty of options and I'm sure we will agree on something!" He grinned. "I know Fletcher is a fan of Mexican. What do you think, Drew?" Xavier nodded his agreement. "That's exactly what I was thinking!" The comedian leaned against the wall, placing his phone on the counter until they decided. "Well, I'm originally from New York but was raised in London so I have a double nationality. I live here in San Francisco. Currently fostering two children. I enjoy long walks on the beach..naw just kidding." He chuckled. "I studied in London and eventually moved to California with my best friend. Fletcher is a friend of a lot of my friends so we ran in the same circles just never quite spoke to one another. Until recently. What about you? And you're welcome to ask me any questions you'd like.
"Glad you understand that." Drew asked. He put his newly open tea bag on the counter and carefully poured the hot water from the electric kettle into his mug. He was slow so not to make a mess with his somewhat unsteady hand. "Mexican's not bad. He likes barbecue too, so if you're going with one of his favorites, either of those'll do. But he's a goddamn Hoover vacuum so if you dont go with one of those, he's bound to eat it anyway." Drew shrugged, setting the kettle back down and dropping the tea bag inside the nearly full mug. He left it on the counter so the drink could become nice and strong. Turning his back to the counter, Drew listened to Xavier and leaned on the cane. He listened to Xavier share a little about himself. Xavier answered one of the questions Drew was going to ask, which was if he'd had any kids. But he appreciated that he was fostering. The joke made him faintly chuckle once and roll his eyes. And when Xavier finished, Drew nodded. He turned a little, enough for him to dip and plunge the tea bag in and out of the surface of browning water. "I dunno if there's much to tell about me. Served in the Air Force and moved around a few times before settling in San Francisco after I was discharged. Worked some odd jobs while getting into the tattoo business. Eventually took a gamble and opened my own shop--The Ink Tank. Ran it up until about ten years ago when I got my diagnosis. I'm guessing Fletcher told you about that." He hadn't asked but merely assumed given Xavier's presence in his home. Shoulders shrugging once, he then said, "Now my life's gardening, physical therapy and enjoying my home and early retirement as much as I can." He picked up the mug around its now warm body and made his way to the kitchen table to sit. "I've got two kids--other than Fletcher. But we're not close." He'd left it at that, not being much of a fan of discussing his children's estrangement.
Xavier flashed the older man a smile and nodded. He wanted Fletcher to be well-rested and he wouldn't get in the way of that. "Ohh barbecue sounds nice. What are some of your favorite dishes from both?" Xavier figured if he ordered something of everything, everyone could pig in. He chuckled a the mention of Fletcher being a Hoover. "Well that's good, I like someone that can eat. Am I right?" He looked up at the man after beginning orders at two different locations, waiting for Drew to tell him some of his favorites. Xavier listened intently to Drew as he spoke about his life and gave away some details. This was nice. Xavier could see why Fletcher cared so much about his uncle Even hearing how he included Fletcher as one of his children made him happy. It reminded him of how quickly his parents took in him and Clayton. "Yeah, Fletcher has told me. I tell him that he's lucky to have you and you him." He offered the man a smile. "Gardening is nice though! I have a friend who's an expert in flowers and botany. They've helped me appreciate it. When the weather is nicer, I'd love to see it." Xavier walked over to the table with Drew and pulled the chair for the other man, waiting for him to sit to join him. "Am I ordering for four right? I think Fletcher mentioned Emiliana coming to help with Phoebe while he worked?"
"I'll tell you on the condition that the next time you're in my house, you let us be the ones to feed you and not the other way around. And by us, I mean Fletcher," Drew said with a light smile despite his naturally gruff voice. "If that's a big qualifier then you've got a good eye with my nephew." Thinking about what he liked though, he said, "Sopas for Mexican. Brisket for barbecue." He accepted the chair pulled out for him with a, "Thanks," and after telling a little about himself to Xavier, he said, "Yeah, I was gonna go out there today but I guess Mother Nature had other plans." It was just as well, considering how much he ended up trying to catch up on sleep earlier. As he brought his mug to his lips, he focused on being careful but heard Xavier's question and looked overhead at the clock on the wall. "Yeah. She'll probably be here soon. Might even have some food with her since she's notorious for feeding us too." Leaning in a little he asked, "Did somebody tattoo 'helpless' or 'invalid' on mine and Fletcher's foreheads when we weren't looking?" He took a beat and then smiled a little behind his sip at his own joke.
"That sounds like a solid little pact there. Let's see if I continue falling in your nephew's good graces." He chuckled. and added a few more things to each cart for both choices including some vegetarian choices for himself. "It is! I love to cook and eat as well so I need someone who could keep up." He grinned at Drew. "Sopas, yum. Alright, I see you, Drew. Good choices." "I joke that every time I visit family in the UK, I bring the weather with me. Too bad." he chuckled at the mention of Rodrigo's mother feeding them both. "That just means she loves you both. It's a love language of its own." He leaned in as well as if he was about to listen to some giant secret and then chuckled at the words that had come out of Drew's mouth. "Nah, you just happen to find two people in the world that don't mind feeding you. but next time, Fletcher better be ready to cook up something good for yours truly." He smirked and then sent off the orders. "20 minutes."
"If you're here at the house, then you're in his good graces," Drew assured, taking a sip of his hot tea. He listened and said, "Tell me what you like to cook." He nodded with a light smile at Xavier's reaction about his favorite Mexican dish, and went on to explain how Emiliana's cooking has spoiled him over the years. He waved off the explanation about Emiliana's love language with an, "I know." He sipped some more tea after posing his question to Xavier and then lightly chuckled a couple times. "Don't worry, he's actually decent in the kitchen and hasn't let me go hungry. Yet." ----
Fletcher woke to the sound of light stirring coos coming from his right. He was familiar now with the way that Phoebe would gear up for a good cry and would sometimes try to beat her to it. Rubbing the bleary vision from his eyes, he sat up and leaned over the cosleeper, bringing his daughter close. "Hey, tree frog. You're okay. You're okay," he softly croaked--the sleep sounding in his voice as he stood with the little girl in his arms. He'd reached over for the remote to shut the TV off, thinking about Xavier and wondering where he was. Did he end up leaving since Fletcher had fallen asleep? He would reach out to the younger man before going to work. For the time being, he changed Phoebe's diaper, and then changed his own clothes to an outfit mor efitting for work. With Phoebe more settled, he decided to take her downstairs and prepare a bottle for her so that she would be plenty content by the time Emiliana arrived. When he got near the kitchen though, he'd been surprised by the scene he'd ended up silently peering in on.
Xavier nodded silently at Drew's response, not wanting to think too much of it but also not being able to help the fluttering his body felt learning that being invited over was probably a big deal for Fletcher. Still, he needed to be careful with those feelings especially since it was so early on in his relationship with Fletcher and he didn't want to make matters weird between them. "I love to grill which is funny because I'm a vegetarian but I do love to have people over for a good cook-out. I also like to cook Italian and I've been learning a lot of Korean cuisine for my kids." He grinned. "Still a little rusty but they seem to like it." He chuckled again. "Well, I can't wait to try his food someday." After the food had arrived and Xavier had set out the different dishes, he passed Drew's orders to him along with some utensils, a Mexican cola, and some hot sauce. He had been enjoying the company, laughing at Drew's quips. He hoped Fletcher would enjoy what Xavier chose for him and looked at his watch to make sure the timer wasn't close to being up. He realized Fletcher still had time and fell right back into the conversation, not noticing that Fletcher had been watching for a few minutes. That is until Phoebe cooed. Xavier looked over his shoulder with a smile. "Hey, you. Sleep well?"
Fletcher was listening to the conversation between his uncle and his lover, all while soothing Phoebe with gentle rocking by shifting his weight from one foot to the other without them leaving the ground. It was a sight that truly warmed Fletcher's heart. He'd momentarily zeroed in on the good they were exchanging and eating but his main focus had been on the two of them seeming to behave as though they had known each other for more than an hour or so. His uncle was like that with people though; he was beloved in their community and he suspected Xavier was similar. The man had charmed him after all, and continued to do so. When Phoebe cooed into his shoulder, he knew he'd be spotted. His uncle glanced up mid-bite and gave him a nod in greeting and then went back to eating. Fletcher tipped his chin once in response and then looked to Xavier as he entered the room, "Hey. Yeah, I did, thanks. But this rugrat was hungry. And wet. And she rules the roost now, so here we are." He rubbed an eye absent-mindedly while going over to the electric kettle and finding there was already some water in it--enough for a bottle."Did Emiliana call or text?" As he began to warm the water a little more, he took down the formula container and a clean bottle from the small dish rack next to the sink, going through the familiar motions one-handed. He picked up the kettle off the base before the water could get too hot and tested the temp while asking Xavier with his back still to the other two men, "What'd you get us?" in reference to the spread on the table.
"She's the princess of this castle now." Xavier smiled, still looking up at Fletcher. He wondered if he had the same adoring eyes he had when they were upstairs and if it was obvious how happy he was to see him even though they were under the same roof. "I've got a little bit of everything. Some tacos, flautas, elote, and tres leches from Gallardos and pulled pork, brisket, Louisiana hot links, some sides ...err let me look here. Oh okay, coleslaw, baked beans, mac and cheese, collard greens, and candied sweet potato from City Smoke House. Also some vegetarian mains if you're interested." Xavier then added some sweet potatoes to his dish. "How's the sopa, Drew?" He raised his Mexican cola to tap it against the older man's. "Oh, and cola too. Do you want me to take the baby for a little so you can eat. I can help with her bottle?" Xavier looked over his shoulder when he heard the door in the distance. That was probably Emiliana. "Honey, I'm home!" He heard a laugh following the announcement and the shuffling of shoes. "Remind me again, never to wear these darn rain boots. They're heavier than I am, I swear. Ah yes, I can feel my toes, again. I went to the store, got some ice cream, and picked up more groceries since the food here lasts a day here max. I also made fried platanos for a snack later. Am I talking to the wall? Is anyone ho--oh!" She walked into the kitchen, cheeks now red as her top. "I apologize, I completely forgot we'd have a guest. How are my boys and my beautiful pumpkin?" She placed the groceries on the counter before she tied her dark hair into a bun and then leaned to kiss Drew on the cheek, smiling at Xavier. Emiliana then kissed Fletcher's cheek and quickly washed her hands so she can help him when he was ready. "I saw you on television last week. Xavier, right? The sketch with the Latina mom was funny! Relatable. Fletcher, introduce me to your friend." She hip-checked the man she saw as a son and smiled.
Fletcher's mouth slowly fell open, not initially realizing just how much food was spread out on the table until Xavier continued naming off more and more items. Referring back to Hook, when Xavier finished, Fletcher said, "All my favorite Never-foods." He threw a smirk over his shoulder and then scooped some formula and poured the heated water into the bottle. "Nah, keep enjoying yourself. I got her. But thanks." "Your friend here's good people," Drew said to his nephew, gathering some more of the sopes on his fork. "I know," replied Fletcher, finger pressed on the bottle nipple while he turned around and shook it. He set it down long enough to adjust his hold on Phoebe, cradling her in one arm and holding the bottle to her small lips to take it in her mouth. As she got going, Fletcher heard Emiliana enter the house and looked in the direction of the kitchen entrance. He chuckled at the abrupt stop to her introductory comments and then said, "Hey. We're good. Pheebs and I just got up from a nap a little while ago." He'd leaned into Emiliana's kiss to the cheek and then opened his mouth to speak again but Emiliana beat him to it. "You've gotta let me get a word in to do that," he quipped with a smirk and then nodded to Xavier. "Xavier, this is Emiliana--Rodrigo's mom and the closest thing I've had to one for practically a decade now. Emiliana, this is Xavier, which you've already figured out by now." He moved to take a seat beside Xavier, pulling his own chair out with his foot while one arm held Phoebe and his other hand held her bottle. He sat down beside the younger man and said, "Emiliana owns her own food truck here in town and makes the best Mexican food in The Bay." "I gotta say, this place Xavier ordered from is a good second though," Drew chimed in, giving Emiliana a wink.
Xavier continued enjoying his smoked portobello mushrooms. He'd remember to order it again sometime. "This is divine." He chuckled at Fletcher's reference to Hook, nodding when the new father told him he was okay. "No problem." Xavier took another sip of his drink and then reached for a napkin to clean his hands. "Here, I'll make you a plate. A little bit of everything?" At Drew's words, Xavier smiled as he made a plate for Fletcher. "Thanks, Drew! That means a lot coming for you. You're pretty cool yourself." Xavier chuckled at the animated woman's entrance and stood up to shake her hand when Fletcher introduced them. "Senora, mucho gusto." He took her hand and shook it. "Rodrigo is great. You did a good job there. This one is nice too." He moved his head to the side and chuckled before sitting beside Fletcher again and pushing his plate closer to him. "Oh is that right? I think I've heard of it! The best empanadas or so I her. I'll have to come by. " He chuckled at Drew's addition and reached for some more mac and cheese. "Gallardo's, right? Don't tell my brother. He likes to rival with every Mexican restaurant out there." Emiliana smirked and opened the fridge to reach for the pitcher of cold water. "Xavier, I'm a huge fan. You've really saved the show because it was going down the tube, for real." Her thick accent came through as she praised the comedian. "I keep saying it, you and Marcello are the best thing to happen to SNL. I had no idea you and Fletcher were friends! This is exciting." She poured herself some water and leaned against the counter to drink. It was nice to see a guest in the house. "Fletcher, honey how much time do you have before work? You better eat something!" She winked at the younger man. "How long have you two been...amigos?
Fletcher watched Xavier pick up a plate to prepare for him, "I..yeah, that sounds great." He smiled a little and then looked down at Phoebe suckling down on her bottle. He hadn't caught Drew give Xaiver an approving wink before eating some more brisket. Fletcher had looked up and watched the exchange between Emiliana and Xavier. There wasn’t a doubt in his mind, but itnwas nice to see his family getting to know the person he was currently interested in. As Phoebe finished the last of her bottle, Fletcher plucked it from her lips so she wouldn't start sucking in air. Drew and the NICU nurses warned against that early on. He adjusted his hold on her, lightly patting her back to burp her and then paused to pick up his fork to eat. "Yeah, yeah, I'm getting to it. I've got about an hour but my first appointment isnt for another hour after that. I'm gonna work on payroll when i get there." The food was right at his lips when he heard Emiliana's question and gave a playful roll of his eyes. "We've known of each other for a while now. Mutual friends. But it's been a little less than a month now. A few weeks that we've been actually getting to know each other." He'd tucked into the food, occasionally pausing to coax another burp from Phoebe who was resting her cherub cheeks on his shoulder and staring calmly over his shoulder at nothing in particular. And when he had practically cleared everything off his plate, he stood up licking his lips and set his plate in the sink. "That was great. Thanks for the food, Xavier, it really hit the spot." He wiped his mouth on a paper towel and tossed it in the trash can under the sink. He turned and pressed a kiss to the top of Phoebe's hooded head. "Did Drew tell you about the barbecue?"
In between giving everyone his undivided attention, Xavier stole as many glances as possible of Flether tending to his baby girl. He didn't realize just how attractive that was to him. Fletcher was a great father and it warmed Xavier to the core. He felt his lips curl upwards into a smile and caught Emiliana smiling into her cup. He hoped that she wouldn't tell Fletcher and then resorted to ducking his head and smiling, reaching for his cola to sip the last of it. "I like this better than not knowing each other. For the record." He grinned and then finished off his plate. As Fletcher ate, Xavier smiled at little Phoebe, whispering Twinkle twinkle little star followed by I just can't wait to be King from Lion King. He thought she was so adorable. Xavier stood up, gathering all the garbage and his plate so that he could set the latter into the sink and trash where it belonged. "Sure. It was my pleasure." Xavier turned on the faucet to wash his hands and rinse his plate so it could sit in soap before cleaning his mouth. "Drew did!" He closed the faucet, letting the two plates sit in soapy water. "I wanted to get something we could all enjoy. Emiliana, that means you too." He smiled at the woman who moved to sit across from Drew. "Ah, thank you, Xavier. I'll have some in a moment. I was about to fight with you if you were going to wash those dishes!" She smirked and shook her head at Xavier. How's that brisket, Drew?" She smiled softly at the man, taking one of the paper towels to wipe the table down."
Fletcher smirked softly at Xavier and then continued eating while Phoebe rested her head and occasionally gurgled a small, content, chipmunk-like noise for no discernable reason. Fletcher caught himself smiling again when he heard Xavier quietly serenading her. "I dunno if it's too soon to tell but she seems to love music. We usually put one of those little musical night light things on when she sleeps in her crib. Or if she's on her cosleeper with me, I'll throw on something lowkey on Spotify. He was right to suspect his uncle for the barbecue tip and smiled a little at the older man. "Thanks. I don't think I've had Mexican and American barbecue all at once but I'm not complaining in the least." "You better not," Drew quipped, carefully lifting a forkful of brisket to his mouth for another bite. When Xaiver asked him about the meat, Drew cleared his mouth enough to reply, "Like butter. But tastier. Thanks again for getting this. I know brisket's not a cheap meat so if Fletch or I have made it, it's usually been on special occasions. You know. Birthdays or something like that." Pointing his fork at Xavier, he said, "You seem to know some of the best spots around town." Fletcher chuckled a bit and went to Emiliana, offering to trade the paper towels for Phoebe. He didn't want her cleaning up after them when she'd only just arrived. Fletcher consolidated the food in the takeout containers, returned them to their bags and then set them on the kitchen counter to wipe down the rest of the table. "Do your kids like Mexican and barbecue?" He asked Xavier, figuring the leftovers Emiliana didn't help herself to could go home with Xavier.
“Mm mm no. It’s not too early to tell. They’ve got these little headphones and mics you can put on a mama’s belly, right ? And they can hear the music in the room or voices. She definitely loves music. It’s soothing.” Xavier was grateful he’s learned so much watching Clayton and Athena and his friends with their children. It was something he always wanted for himself. It was a happiness he never felt he could have especially when things never quite worked out for him in that department. So when Winter and Henry entered his life, he’d felt blessed he found a different kind of love first. It was as if the story was rewritten differently to fit his personal narrative. Phoebe was Fletcher’s story and she was perfect. “Oh truly it’s not problem. I love feeding my friends. My mum would cook giant pots of food because my brother would bring the entire soccer team over for dinner. It was always a table full of people. My dad would make sure we put together all the tables so we could fit. It was a riot.” He smiled at Drew. “And I’m a huge foodie. I like to try new things and new places. So yeah, always ask me for a rec.” he chuckled and then turned to see if Fletcher needed any help. Emiliana took the baby into her arms and Xavier placed a hand on the small of Fletcher’s back. “Yeah they love anything. Thank you.”
Fletcher raised his brows a little listening to Xavier share knowledgably about babies and music. Fletcher highly doubted April had done that while pregnant but his lips still tugged up on one side at the affirmation from Xavier. "Thanks, that's good to know." He was happy that Phoebe loved music like he did, and privately wondered if it was genetic at all. He listened to Xavier while straightening up and felt a warmth inside. Xavier had such a good relationship with his family and Fletcher felt genuine happiness for him having that. But he was drawn out of his internal thoughts and feelings as Drew leaned purposely toward Emiliana and loudly whispered, "Both of them are parents. Both of them are foodies. Both of them love and take good care of their families. Would you look at that." He winked at Emiliana and Fletcher rolled his eyes. "Sutble," he sarcastically commented, leaving a plate and fork on the counter for Emiliana. "Since you two have the urge to gossip like a couple of old bitties, we'll give you your privacy." He went to Emiliana's shoulder to drop a kiss on the top of Phoebe's head and loudly whispered, "Do me a favor and don't take after them in that, Tree Frog." He shook his head and wordlessly invited Xavier to follow him back upstairs for the bit of time they had left. On their way up the stairs, he said, "Sorry about them. I think they're both convinced I've been lonely or some shit. And they really like you already, so... just consider this my apology and warning."
“I’m looking and I’m liking what I’m seeing.” Emiliana smiled, leaning into the conversation as if she and Drew were the only ones in the room. Fletcher’s response made her laugh and she rubbed the baby’s back lovingly. Xavier felt the warmth in his cheeks at the exchange and chuckled softly. He couldn’t help but laugh at Fletcher calling them a couple of old bitches and then waved goodbye so that he could follow Fletcher up the stairs. He listened to what the older man had to say and stopped at the top of the stairs. “Is there any truth to that? The loneliness part?” He was curious as he had been lonely. A little after Jeremy and a lot after he had worked through things in therapy. Content but still lonely. “And don’t apologize. I love them. They’re funny and they have a great dynamic. It’s easy to talk to them both. And besides, if they like me…that’s more brownie points and why wouldn’t I want to stock up on those?” A smug little smirk pulled at his lips. “And if I get brownie points with them…” he wrapped his arms around Fletcher’s waist. “Where does that leave me with you?”
Fletcher had been two steps away from the second story landing when he heard Xavier's question and looked back, noticing he'd stopped there. "Not really. There'd been moments but not strong enough that I went actively looking for anything other than the occasional hookup. And I don't have to tell you that being busy a lot doesn't leave a lot of time to think about that most of the time. But sure, there's moments. When I'm getting in bed and don't have anyone to share that with or talk about the day with. Having to rely so much on Emiliana when it comes to Drew. I know she would never complain and because she started as a live-in caregiver, she and Rodrigo became family to us. But still. And now with Phoebe. I know I'm fucking lucky to have them and Drew to help me but ultimately, she's mine. And only mine. I sure as shit want nothing to do with her incubator and frankly, I don't ever want Phoebe to have anything to do with her because she didn't want Phoebe. But when she does something cute or starts getting to those milestones..." He trailed off and then shrugged. "Anyway. That was a long-ass answer. I'm glad you like Statler and Waldorf down there," he jerked a hand towards the stairs and then draped his arms around Xavier's shoulders. "I won't stop you from racking up those points. But trust me when I say you don't need to try. Just being yourself is enough." At the question, Fletcher said, "I thought we talked about that already, the other day." He leaned in to kiss Xavier's forehead and the middle of his nose. "I am comfortable with us being lovers. And since we already agreed we're monogamous, I'd say we're dating. But I'd like to be able to take you on an actual goddamn date. Not me falling asleep within an hour of you being here."
Xavier freed one arm so that he could cup Fletcher’s cheek with that hand. He listened intently to everything the older man had to say. It was obvious there was a lot on his chest. “It was an honest answer and that’s all that matters. You’re doing a great job with her. I couldn’t help but admire you just watching you with her. You’re a natural born father and she’s going to have the best life because of you and in turn, you’ll have the best life because of her. I am so proud of you. I mean that.” Xavier then chuckled at the nicknames for Emiliana and Drew. His nose crinkled slightly at the kiss and he chuckled softly. “I was merely teasing but thank you. I am comfortable with us just being us.” He laughed softly. “Well, just let me know when and where and I will be there. For the record, I liked you falling asleep on me.” Xavier kissed Fletcher’s lips and then he gently pressed his forehead against the other’s. “How much time do we have left?”
"That's what I know how best to give," Fletcher assured and turned his head to kiss the inside of Xavier's hand. "Thank you," he murmured there. He was sure Drew knew this without him saying aloud but he was constantly questioning himself when it came to parenting Phoebe. Sure, he had wanted to be a parent but as he neared and then reached 40, he figured it wouldn't happen. And then Phoebe was the surprise to enter his life that he couldn't be happier to have. And now, though everything was brand new, he wondered if that might be the case with Xavier someday. It was more than just a physical draw. He hadn't let his hook-ups of the past get to know so much about him and his family or have dinner in his house. And he was actually interested in knowing more about Xavier, taking in all of the info he shared with him in person and through their texts. The way Xavier's nose was a little wrinkled when he drew back made Fletcher smile. "I'll figure something out." His smile turned crooked as his lips raised a little more on one side, "I liked it too. You're hot as hell, but also very comfortable to lay on." He met Xavier's lips and then bent his head so their foreheads could rest together. "Enough time," he assured, taking Xavier's hand and backing from the landing to lead them to his bedroom. Even all they did was make out, or if he was able to return the wonderful blow job Xavier had given him at The Ink Tank, he would take it. He closed the bedroom door once they were both inside and lowered his head enough to kiss Xavier's lips, a little fervently. Within seconds, his hands were roaming over Xavier's body, enjoying the feel of him from back to torso, to hips and ass--all the while remaining lip-locked.
"I appreciate it. Really. I'm all about it." He smiled at the kiss against his hand before dropping it back to his side. Xavier liked Fletcher and that's as much as his brain was able to absorb these last couple of days. Was there more there? Yeah, without a doubt but Xavier was learning more and in doing so, he knew Phoebe came first and would always come first for Fletcher just like Xavier's new life came first. "You're welcome." In reality, he was just getting to know the man, and maybe his words didn't have as much weight as say Emiliana or Drew or Rodrigo but if there was something Xavier was good at it was making sure he reassured the people he cared about. It was as important to him to tell Fletcher how good of a father he was as it was to see it happen in real-time. The funny thing about all of that is he would have never thought about that until meeting a man like him. Exploring all of that was proving to be exciting and terrifying all at once. He could only imagine what they felt like for the new father. "Alright. I'll be waiting." He chuckled, shaking his head some. "hot as hell." Xavier murmured, gaze slowly flickering up to catch Fletcher's dark eyes. He followed the other to his bedroom, that familiar, almost deafening beat of his heart picking up its pace the more Fletcher paid attention to his lips and Xavier wasn't one to miss out on the things that gave him gratification. As selfless as he was, he had a self-serving side, the side that couldn't get enough of a good thing. He let go of the well-mannered, soft persona and welcomed those lips, letting both hands spread against the back of Fletcher's head, his fingers buried in the dark tresses. He'd be breathless soon and they'd come up for air at some point but at least he'd have a grip on the other. It was his way of letting Fletcher know he'd enjoy anything and everything for as long as they had left that afternoon.
Giving his hair a gentle but intentional tug, Xavier returned the energy, kissing him as if it were the first and last time.
"Yes, hot as hell. Has no one told you that before?" Fletcher asked, lifting a brow in genuine wonder. "And I'm not talking about the thirst posts you undoubtedly have all over the internet. I'm talking about someone you've been with in any kind of romantic sense." He couldn't imagine that was the case at all but maybe it just wasn't something Xavier was used to hearing? Either way, he wanted him to know he was very attractive, yes, hot. And he was expressing it as much as possible while indulging his addition to the man's extremely kissable lips. He moaned when his hair was pulled and bowed his back in a slight crouch before lifting Xavier to bring him to the bed. "I'd like to give you what you gave me in my office. Think I've got time for that." Caging his hands around the man, he continued to kiss him and pushed his tongue out to seek entry into the Brit's mouth.
The question left him somewhat speechless. Xavier had to really think about it. "In a romantic sense? No." It wasn't the easiest admission to make. In fact, it made him feel a little sad, confused, even. Jeremy wasn't the nicest person and his relationships before him never went anywhere. "It's just different. Something different to hear. Flattering as hell but different.. Thank you." He laughed softly, thinking about how he probably sounded like some schoolboy. Some super sad, confused school boy who felt disarmed by the flattery and attention of this really great man...and before his thoughts could form any cohesive thought, Xavier felt himself being lifted, a little laugh escaping his lips only to be silenced by Fletcher's mouth and tongue. He kissed him with the same urgency he had kissed him earlier. As if he didn't, he'd run out of Fletcher. Xavier moaned in response, unable to actually verbalize any words. His body hit the mattress but as soon as their mouths were no longer attached, Xavier brought the tattoo artist right back where he belonged. "Okay..." He whispered, trying to unbutton his jeans as quickly as possible, some laughter pouring out of him. "Fuck, there we go..." He lifted his ass, pulling down his pants and boxers enough so that Fletcher could help the rest of the way, Xavier's arousal more than obvious now. He reached for Fletcher's lips, his thumb grazing over the bottom one before releasing and propping himself up by his elbows.
Fletcher had to fight not to stare. He wasn't good at masking his shock in that moment though. "That's fucking unbelievable. Were the people you dated before blind? I mean even if they were, they'd have to know that anyway..." He shook his head while making a mental note that he was going to make sure Xavier knew this about himself. It was so incredibly hard for him to fathom. There were plenty of things Fletcher was already finding hot about him in his personality and actions but physically? That was a given even when they were just at the same functions with mutual friends. But he tried not to dwell on it, especially when he was graced with Xavier's time and attention right at that very moment. He let Xavier undo his own plants but when he lifted his hips and his front ground to Fletcher's, the older man groaned and broke away from their kiss. "Already hard for me, hm?" he asked, shifting his weight to knees so that he could guide a hand between them and lift the hem of Xavier's shirt up a bit, just enjoying the feel of his bare skin before coming in contact with his firm target. He shifted down the bed a bit and bent his head to kiss low on Xavier's abs, past his belly button and to his pelvis before coming to the base of his cock, pressing his lips there. He swiped his tongue slow there and then took Xavier's balls in his mouth, one side and then the other, back and forth with slow caresses of his tongue.
"I don't know. What's wrong with them, right?" He tried to make light of the conversation that seemed to genuinely bother Fletcher and Xavier too. They'd table the talk for now. Xavier didn't mind diving into his history but this was definitely not the time. Not when he was enjoying himself so much and not when time was such a thief to them. It was easy to get lost in all of this. Fletcher was going to drive him a bit mad at this rate. At Fletcher's words, he smirked and replied, "Please, don't act surprised." He rolled his eyes playfully, a soft grin pulling at his lips but that was quickly wiped off his face as Flether left his trail of kisses. He chewed the corner of the inside of his lip, his body shivering slightly at the touch. His dick was sensitive to the kiss and Xavier let out a soft groan as Fletcher went to work. He kept himself propped, his gaze fixed on his lover, making a full mental picture of it all. Her brought his hand to his face, stopping to bite down on his index finger. "That's--that's nice, baby..." Baby It was the first time he had used that pet name.
Fletcher chuckled huskily, "If you insist, but...Jesus, I'm a lucky sonofabitch right now." He was enjoying himself trailing kisses down to Xavier's cock and after some attention to his balls, he glided his tongue up the underside of Xavier's dick from base to tip, circling it a few times beXavier smiled, cheesing at Fletcher’s words. There was something about the way he talked and the things he said that made Xavier always want to hear him talk. He tried to restrain from bucking his hips in response to the Fletcher wrapping his mouth around him. “Fuck that feels good…” Xavier breathed, choosing to caress the shell of Fletcher’s ear before letting his hand massage the older man’s hair. His hips rocked gently but he tried his best not to throw off Fletcher’s rhythm.fore taking him into his mouth. He started with some shallow sucking, just a couple of inches and letting out some soft moans as he went on. One hand rested on Xavier's inner thigh while his other hand held his length as he steadily took more of him into his mouth.
Xavier smiled, cheesing at Fletcher’s words. There was something about the way he talked and the things he said that made Xavier always want to hear him talk. He tried to restrain from bucking his hips in response to the Fletcher wrapping his mouth around him. “Fuck that feels good…” Xavier breathed, choosing to caress the shell of Fletcher’s ear before letting his hand massage the older man’s hair. His hips rocked gently but he tried his best not to throw off Fletcher’s rhythm.
Fletcher found an easy pace and his head began to bob as he went deeper, hollowing his cheeks and taking Xavier in more, simultaneously sucking a little harder as he went. He dug his fingers into the tender flesh of Xavier's inner thigh and momentarily withdrew his lips in exchange for his hand cuffing Xavier's length and running his hand up and down for a bit. "God you're so big. I love it." He soon alternated back to his mouth taking Xavier, letting the other man's dick feel the vibrations of his throat as he moaned again.
Fletcher was obviously experienced which Xavier found to be a turn-on. He found himself caught up in the moment, unable to think past Fletcher. His fingers gripped the sheets on the bed and he closed his eyes so that he could enjoy Fletcher's mouth. "It's all for you..." Xavier managed to muster up a few words but it was all futile. There was no sense left in him. His brain was mush. "I'm so close..." His dick twitched at the vibrations and he moaned Fletcher's name. He was mindful that there were other people around, keeping his voice as low as possible. Xavier felt his climax build and the shivers run down his spine. "Shit, Fletcher!" His lips formed a small "O" as Xavier shot his load into that beautiful mouth. "Oh shit...oh my God..." He panted, letting himself come down from the high. "come here..." He picked up Fletcher's chin. "Come here..."
Hearing Xavier tell him that his cock--in all its erect glory--was all for him had been such a turn-on for Fletcher. He surged on with sucking the younger man off and the moment his seed spilled into Fletcher's mouth, Fletcher swallowed and sucked him clean, flicking the tip of his tongue on Xavier's tip. He was steadying his own breath while trying not to think about having to leave for work soon, or leaving for work with a tent pitched in his jeans. He kissed the side of Xavier's dick and then rose from his knees, looming over Xavier with a hand on either side of his head. He kissed the corner of his lips and then kissed him full on his lips so he could taste himself.
He was out of breath and still dizzy from the euphoric sensation in his brain. Xavier could do that again and he’d return the favor and they’d continue this cycle of pleasure until they grew tired of each other. Saying goodbye to him was slowly becoming his least favorite thing. He sat up to meet Fletcher’s kiss, tasting himself as he did. “You’re amazing. Thank you…” Xavier then pressed his forehead on Fletcher’s shoulder and chuckled softly. “Don’t want you to gooo” he smirked and began pulling up his pants and boxers.
"Funny, you literally took the words right outta my mouth." He smirked and kissed Xavier again, and then shifted out of the way so Xavier could situate himself again. Fletcher had to slip a hand in his own boxer briefs to adjust himself a little but he was quietly thankful he wasn't gonna have to go downstairs or drive to work with a painful hard-on. "I don't wanna go either. Trust me, the temptation to call out is so goddamn strong right now." He stood between Xavier's knees and cupped both sides of his face. "Maybe one day." He bent his head to kiss Xavier on his lips, savoring the moment for as long as possible to draw out their goodbye a little longer.
Still, trying to recover, Xavier felt lighter. He'd sum it up to it being a long time since he'd had any sort of physical connection of this type and not to the fact that he really was starting to catch feelings for the tattoo artist. His smile never wavered especially when Fletcher spoke. He loved how witty and smart the older man was. The entire experience of being here with him from cuddling to talking to and spending time with his family was great. He wrapped his arms around Fletcher's waist, looking up at him with pleading but playful eyes. "It's okay...to be continued, right?" He brought back the words he had used when they first kissed and Xavier closed his eyes to relish in their closeness
Fletcher stayed standing in front of Xavier and glided his fingers along the comedians shoulders. "Yeah. To be continued." His voice lscked gusto innthose words but he knew it was what had to happen. Bringing his hands to settle in Xavier's, he asked, "Can I walk you out to your car?"
Xavier smiled softly, catching the tone in Fletcher's voice, turning slightly to kiss his arm. "Of course you can. Come on, baby." he stood up and took Fletcher's hand in his before walking toward the door and down the stairs. When they reached the living area, Xavier made sure to say goodbye to everyone, stopping to whisper to Phoebe as well. "Thank you, everyone. I had a lovely time meeting you all. Next time, Fletcher cooks." He chuckled and gave his lover's hand a squeeze. He stepped into his sneakers and grabbed his letterman jacket so they could leave. Xavier put his jacket on and then pressed the button on his key fob to open the suicide doors of his Mclaren. "I loved spending time with you today."
Fletcher walked out of the room and down the stairs with Xavier, pausing for him to say his goodbyes to the family. He caught Drew wink to him behind Xavier's back and Fletcher rolled his eyes before escorting Xavier out to the driveway. "I did t-" The car parked beside his Mustang made him come to an abrupt stop. "That's your car?" He pushed a set of fingers into his chair while slowly approaching it. "Holy shit, what a beauty."
Xavier smiled, walking after Fletcher toward his care. "Thank you. I like your Mustang. that's also a beauty." He stepped to the side. "Climb in. You know, when we have more time, you should take her for a spin. 0 to 60 in 2.8 seconds. I feel like you'd appreciate that." He chuckled. "You're a car guy, huh?We have that in common."
"Thank you." Fletcher shook his head while his eyes were still on the car, "If I get in right now, I won't wanna get out." He smirked a bit at himself and then brought his gaze to Xavier, folding his arms across his chest. "Yeah, I've heard some great things about McLarens. But, wow. Yeah, I bet it'd be amazing to get to really open her up." He chuckled once, amazed and then said, "Let me let you go before I take you up on that offer against my better judgment." He turned to Xavier and dropped a quick kiss on his lips before backing up, "Talk to you soon, yeah?"
Xavier twirled his keys on his fingers as he listened to Fletcher, finding his enthusiasm incredibly adorable. "I got you. Trust me, I understand." He grinned, looking over his shoulder at his car and then back at Fletcher. "Next time, then." He smiled at the kiss, already missing the other man. "Yeah, talk to you soon." He climbed into his car and closed the doors, his gaze on the other for a few seconds before he started his engine. He waved before making his way out of the driveway. Xavier looked back once and then shook his head before chuckling. He could get used to that.
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rosakuma · 4 months
Thinking about funny thoughts about Elphabacelus(Elphelt X Aba X Paracelus) and/or Lockheart/Abaphelt (Elphelt X Aba) in terms of how they get together or how Elphelt introduces Aba and Para to the Kiske family.
Like I’d imagine it went like:
Elphelt: Hey Aba, I was wondering….if I don’t find me a husband or wife in..idk a few years. Can I marry you and Paracelsus?
A.B.A: HUH!? I-I mean(struggles cuz she kinda caught feelings for El)…… maybe
*Few years past*
Elphelt: *bust down door* HEY FAM! MEET MY NEW WIFE AND HUSBAND!
*Aba and Para awkwardly smiles and waves*
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ihavemanyhusbands · 1 year
Re: this post hehe
A request where Richie and reader are friends that are super flirty (a lil too flirty), but they’re close!! Like he’s met some of your fam, your mom calls him mijo, y’all always say hi w the usual cheek kiss (he justifies it to the guys that he does that w Tina too, just to hide the fact that he gets lil butterflies when you do it), you teach him and Eva Spanish here and there
At some point he has this “oh fuck she’s hot but oh fuck she makes me feel 🥺💕” moment after ages
"Wait, is that...?" You gasped as you recognized the tall figure emerging from the car, holding a bouquet of flowers in one hand and a case of Modelo on the other.
Immediately, you looked down at your fachas -- a pair of sweatpants and an old college hoodie, perfectly paired with some slippers. Your parents were hosting a carne asada, but your dad had assured you it would just be family around.
No one ever really dressed up for this kind of thing, but that was unless the guy you had an embarrassingly big crush on was in attendance.
You turned to glare at your dad, who was working the grill. "Apa! You invited Richie?"
"Yeah, of course! What, you didn't want him to come?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. "I thought you two were friends... or something."
"We are friends! It's just..." you gestured at yourself exasperatedly. "You could've given me a warning!"
"Oh please, if he doesn't like you all fodonga, then that's his problem."
You rolled your eyes, having to plaster on your best smile as Richie came closer. He greeted your mom first, kissing her on the cheek before handing her the bouquet.
"Para ti, mamá. Just for you. Pretty, right?" He said with an utterly charming grin, accepting her excited embrace. "Thank you for inviting me. Let me just put these in the cooler."
As he approached you where you stood, coincidentally right next to the cooler, he nodded and waved at a few more of your family members. Everyone seemed excited to see him, and it was as if he had always been a part of things.
"Hey, Richie," you said with an awkward little wave, feeling your cheeks heat up.
"Hey, pretty lady," he said, his handsome smile seemingly wider than before, bending down to kiss your cheek. "Todo bien?"
A pretty fierce tingle ran down your spine as you felt his stubble graze your skin, and you had to keep yourself from shuddering.
You nodded quickly. "Y-yep, all good."
He knelt to put the beer in the cooler and your dad called out behind you, "Ey, Richie! How are you, compadre?"
Richie went to greet him next, the two of them clapping each other's backs.
"Smells fucking amazing. You need help with anything?" Richie offered, his eyes momentarily flicking in your direction and meeting your gaze.
You looked away, smiling a little to yourself.
"Niña," your mom said teasingly, elbowing you a little on the side. "Is there something you wanna tell me? Are you two finally dating?"
"No! We're just friends," you said defensively. "I don't even know if he likes me like that."
"Ay, por favor. You two have more tension than my telenovelas. You can't keep your eyes off each other."
"Amá!" you hissed, bringing a finger to your lips. "Not so loud. He's right there."
She shrugged helplessly, which only made you sigh. Now it was her turn to roll her eyes.
"Come on, mija, take a shot of tequila for courage and tell him how you feel," she said. "You know what? I'm gonna play some Luis Miguel to set the mood. Wait here, I'll bring the bottle."
You shook your head, knowing that even if you were definitely not making any confessions, you would still need the tequila to get through the night.
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tarjapearce · 9 months
Hola! This is my first time talkin' here (Ay Dios mio que vergüenza tengo jsjsjjs) but here a thing i am curious: Jess in Soccer Family has her child ? Or she will get the child soon? Or just a no for now? Since well she is pregnant in the movie ofc. If she does, maybe like mama by her experience with raising children can help Jess. (Vamos digo, Jess es BFF con Mama so, why not?)
Ay coño disculpa la molestia pero es para saber 😭💀
¿Pero porqué la pena, amix? 🤭❤️. Acá no existe tal cosa.
As for Jess, She does has her baby. Mama was the first one in getting pregnant. Then MJ followed when Gabi was around 10 years and then Jess.
In the Soccer Fam AU, Mayday and Benji have the same age, Jessica's baby is a 1 year old.
For Jessica and MJ things regarding babies came a bit tricky (Since we all know what happened between Peter and MJ) and Jessica was still preggers in the movie.
And also work and other business made things difficult for her. I have the head canon that Jessica takes her time regarding such important decision. That's why her baby is the youngest among the three ~.
(Actually, MJ wanted a baby as soon as Gabi turned one years old 🥹 but issues with Peter ensued) And Jess at the time was too focused in her career since she broke up with her boyfriend. But years later meets her husband ✨
Hope this helps!
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bisluthq · 3 months
mr i wanna work with the most influential, successful and well established directors possible joe alwyn would most definitely be above posing with 2 children and their father who happen to be royals although it would give him visibility outside if taylor. nevermind the fact that he has posed with many horrible people but the royals are where he’d draw the line….sure
also a reminder that he’s currently reaping the benefits of generational wealth cause his fam was pretty well off and dated a multi-millionaire capitalist for 6,5 years - flew with her private jet, lived in her mansions and frequently goes to prestigious events, full of people of the same nature. you can have different views than these people, no one is saying you can’t look at capitalism and think it’s bad while benefitting from it but it is hypocritical to happily live in these circles and work in an industry that’s built on exploiting people while pretending you’re above it
I’ve said the latter part when people have deep throated him. I find many of his stances very hypocritical and downright performative. Doesn’t mean those aren’t his stances?
not sure what your point is in the first para - when has Joe tried to get visibility lol aside from for work? And how would posing with Willy and Taylor help him get visibility outside of Taylor? Who wants exposure for meeting William lol like in this here year 2024? What horrible people has he posed with lmao? Climate criminal billionaire Taylor? Then yes. Didn’t just pose with her, stuck his dick inside her for years and years. that said, sure I doubt he’d be downright rude to the royals but I was responding to people who were saying he’s miserable to be missing out on that because he’s British and… I don’t think that’s true. I don’t think he saw that and went “oh no I fumbled the bag!!!” because that’s not really his thing. Travis and Taylor had a lot of fun though clearly?
not sure what you’re trying to say tbqh.
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polyesterpeacock-arch · 9 months
✔ // what'chu got fam.
Do I know your muse(s):  yes | no | a little | tell me about your muse
Setting: our verse | my verse | your verse | modern | alternate universe | other
Pre-established relationships? yes | no | depends on the relationship ((👀))
Possible relationships: friends | classmate | co-worker | roommate | family, biological or adopted | dating or blind date | married | friends with benefits | unrequited love | lending a hand | teacher - student | rivals | allies | partner-in-crime | enemies | protector - guarded | business partners | spy - infiltrated | manipulator - manipulated | star-crossed | first meeting | other 
I’m in the mood for: fluff | angst | horror | romance | humor | crime | hurt / comfort | action | supernatural | slice of life | crack | dark threads | light threads | any genre | multi-para | shorter para | one-line | any length | plotted threads | unplotted threads | other
Feel free to: message me ooc | message me ic | tell me your ideas | write a starter | answer one of my opens | send a meme | reblog this with your preferences - let’s find common interests!
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inseparableduo · 1 year
✔ doesn't gotta be for any of the mains we got establish uwu
Meme || Accepting!
My muse(s): Listen.... hear me out. Janne @ any castelleve fam (or any dead now alive muse tbh.)
Do I know your muse(s): yes | no | a little | tell me about your muse
Setting: our verse | my verse | your verse | modern | alternate universe | other
Pre-established relationships? yes | no | depends on the relationship
Possible relationships: friends | classmate | co-worker | roommate | family, real or adopted | dating or blind date | married | friends with benefits | unrequited love | lending a hand | teacher - student | rivals | allies | partner-in-crime | enemies | protecter - guarded | business partners | spy - infiltrated | manipulator - manipulated | star-crossed | first meeting | other 
I’m in the mood for: fluff | angst | horror | romance | humor | crime | hurt / comfort | action | supernatural | slice of life | crack | dark threads | light threads | any genre | multi-para | shorter para | one-line | any length | plotted threads | unplotted threads | other
Feel free to: message me ooc | message me ic | tell me your ideas | write a starter | answer one of my opens | send a meme | reblog this with your preferences - let’s find common interests!
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cauli-flawa · 5 days
How are you, my friend? I ask and I'm from Gaza and I need an urgent donation for my children to meet their treatment expenses. Winter is coming, and I will be carnied on us 🥹 Please don't let
me down, I'm all hope for you
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squigglebug · 29 days
Hello, I am Ahmad from Gaza🇵🇸. Please help me 🙏🙏and my family to escape to safety. Your donation will save my life and that of my young children..
I hope to reach 3000€ today
If each person donates 30€ To meet our basic daily needs will save my children's lives.
Thank you in advance.🍉🇵🇸.
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* 2023 christmas events dump ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
chichika lang ng slight so i can read this again :> so december 23, it was apy's birthday. ang fun cuz i made a salubong ganap for his bday - tambay sa usual spot namin pag nasa bacoor ako + some drinks & chismizzan! i really love planning surprises or anything special talaga :'> (my future boyfriend will be lucky talaga huy ?!?!) then ayun, we celebrated na in the afternoon tapos inom na sa gabi! went to kawit na but nag drive thru muna ako ng mcdo hehe
december 24 ☻ grabe christmas feels talaga pag gising ko. woke up to christmas songs played by kuya mark. everyone was busy cooking and cleaning the house. i just literally spent the day in home to rest kasi i know pagod talaga ako next day haha! pero kuya mark and ate marriel went outside to buy the materials and prizes para sa xmas games wehehe ... attended the night mass for christmas' eve in imus cathedral huhu ang saya ko kasi i was able to buy puto bumbong <33 (worth da pila) MY FAVE WITH CONDENSED MILK AND CHEESE HHHUUUYYY around 11:30-ish na nakasakay ng car so nagmamadali pa umuwi para sa bahay mismo magsalubong. sarap ng food for noche buena really loved it!
december 25! ✰ yeeyy iz da day! late na ako nagising HAHA 10am na then my relatives arrived agad eh ang sabog pa ng face ko ?!? naligo agad si anteh at nag ayos! super cutie ng araw na 'to since sabi ko na mag green outfit kami lahat :> gurrlll all of my cousins brought their jowas,,pinaparamdam talagang single ako ?!!! eme okay lang! im happy for them <33 #11THWHEEL food was definitely good! ang dami eh! after eating, we started to play na yung mga games na pinaghandaan namin ni kuya and ate hehe i was the emcee! obviously ako wala partner sa games eh T_T ubos talaga ang social battery! nag videoke pa yan sha
but wait there's more hahah! after the fam ganap, i drove to bacoor to meet my friends naman! congrats kay ronan sa super big gift nya kaya pala may party, may suprise naks! 3:30am na kami natapos sa inuman hephep horey HAHAHA at ayun tinulog ko na agad sa bahay!
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cada-atletismo · 1 year
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La Confederación Argentina de Atletismo viene realizando un gran esfuerzo a los fines de concretar un tercer GPS y un segundo meeting “E”, durante este año 2023. En este caso con la colaboración de las Federaciones Atléticas de Provincia de Buenos Aires, Federación Marplatense, y Federación Metropolitana respectivamente. El apoyo económico del ENARD y Atletismo Sudamericano y la colaboración en alojamiento de la secretaria de Deportes de la Nación, y diversas empresas privadas. La organización  en el Semana del Mar Ofrecerá  plazas de alojamiento y comida limitadas, por lo que se solicita confirmar participación o baja urgente para asignar lugares en el hotel en orden de mérito. También habrá disponible un bus desde Buenos aires a Mar del plata ida y vuelta (plazas limitadas). Aquellos que quisieran ser beneficiarios de tales servicios, por favor inscribirse en el siguiente formulario: Click aqui A la brevedad posible se publicará listado de beneficiarios de alojamiento y comida como así también del traslado. El mismo se realizará en orden de mérito deportivo.    Listado de atletas habilitados para Grand Prix Semana del Mar 1-10-23 100 metros llanos 10.47     -2.1        Daniel Rodrigo Londero                FAM 10.47     1.8         Tomás Pablo Mondino                   SF 10.56     0.5         Lucas Adrián Villegas                    SL 10.57     1.0         Tomás Ariel Villegas                      SL 10.62     1.8         Agustín Nahuel Pinti                      MZA 10.65     -1.0        Bautista Diamante                           FAM 10.66     1.8          Felipe Harte                                     FAM 10.69     1.5         Juan Ignacio Ciampitti                   FAM 10.70     1.0         Francisco Santinelli                        SF 10.70     2.0         Gonzalo Agustín Delgado                            SL 10.72     0.7         Pedro Rodríguez Merlo                  FAM   400 metros llanos 45.34                    Elián Gaspar Larregina                  FAM 46.61                    Pedro Emmert                                  FAM 47.86                    Julián Alberto Gaviola                   FAM 48.00                    Estanislao Mendivil                        FAM 48.45                   Leandro Paris.                                 SL 48.57                   Maximo.Peratz                                 BA 48.66                   Manuel Robles                                 FAM   800 metros llanos 1:49.18                Leandro Ismael Paris                      SL 1:49.25                Julián Alberto Gaviola                   FAM 1:50.93                Uriel Rodrigo Muñoz                     BA 1:51.65                Estanislao Mendivil                        FAM 1:51.69                Franco Gastón Peidón                    BA 1:52.01                Pedro Emmert                                  FAM 1:52.32                Augusto Mariano Cochet                              FAM 1:52.46                Diego Matías Leones                      SF 1:52.67                Marcelo Eugenio Labonia                            FAM 1:53.15                Edgar Emanuel Valdez                   CAT 1:53.20                Leonardo Leonel Pérez-Lazarte   BA 1:53.65                Vicente Gómez                                FAM   3.000 metros llanos José Zabala                                      SF Julian Molina                                   SF Leandro Leonel Pérez-Lazarte      BA Fabián Manrique                                            FAM Pablo Agustín Toledo                     SDE Alexis Corrias                                  RN Gianfranco Presti                                           COR José Lorenzo Riba                          COR Juan Ignacio Dutari                         COR Agustín Contreras                           BA Ezequiel Chavarria                         TUC Daniel Diaz Mateo                          FAM Fausto Alonso                                  FAM Carlos Augusto Johnson                SF Miguel Garro                                   FAM Manuel Rojas                                   BA Alan Esteban Niestroj                    FAM Mauricio Agustín Garzón                             SDE Nahuel Alberto Di Leva                 FAM Antonio Hernando                          CHU Mauro Ezequiel Rozza                   FAM 400 metros con vallas 50.35                    Bruno Agustín De Genaro                            SL 51.94                    Guillermo Manuel Ruggeri            FAM 52.09                    Damián Gabriel Moretta                FAM 54.28                    Iván Edgar Montenegro                  BA 54.66                    Sebastián Daniel Mengeón            ER 54.87                    Bautista Joaquín Astiz                   BA Tomas Ballarini.                              FAM Salto en alto 2.23 a                   Carlos Daniel Layoy                       FAM 2.06 a                   Benjamín Santiago Aguilera          FAM 2.06                      Santiago Zezular                                            COR 2.03                      Lucas Figueroa                                BA 2.01                      Walter Imanol Alfonzo                  MNS 2.00                      Lautaro Taiel Mantello                  CHU 2.00                      Gastón Emiliano Benítez               MNS 2.00                      Santiago Madroñal                          BA   Salto con garrocha 5.60                      Germán Pablo Chiaraviglio           SF 4.80                      Nicolas Yglesias Nascimento-bra BA 4.70                      Agustín Carril                                  BA 4.30                      Félix Oruezabala                                            FAM 4.20                      Zahir Alejandro Romano               SF 4.10                      Raffin Pampa                                   COR 4.10                      Ayrton Franco                                 SF 4.00                      Joaquín Olmos                                 FAM   Salto en largo 7.55       1.7         Luciano Gabriel Ferrari                 COR 7.52       2.0         Julián Farías                                     BA 7.43       1.5         Brian Agustín López                       SF 7.32 a    1.8         Ezequiel Sferra                                BA 7.27       0.7         Nazareno Heber Melgarejo           FAM 7.13       1.2         Ignacio Joaquín Fushimi                FAM 7.05       0.3         Santiago Madroñal                          BA   Lanzamiento de bala 20.74                    Nazareno Uriel Sasia                      ER 19.73                    Juan Ignacio Carballo                     COR 17.44                    Juan Manuel Arriéguez                  BA   Lanzamiento de martillo 74.59                    Joaquín Gabriel Gómez                 FAM 64.58                    Sebastián Ariel Tommasi                              ER 63.43                    Lautaro Gabriel Vouilloz                             BA 61.60                    Tomás Olivera                                 BA Mujeres 100 metros llanos 11.47     0.7         María Victoria Woodward                           COR 11.51     0.7         María Florencia Lamboglia           FAM 11.85     -0.3        Melanie Soledad Rosalez                             FAM 11.97     0.7         Sofía Tamara Casetta                      FAM 11.98     1.6         Ana Laura Catelén         ��                BA 12.02     1.1         Camila Roffo                                   FAM 12.02     0.9         Morena Zárate                                 BA 12.04     1.1         Luisina Zabala                                 COR 12.04     0.8         Belén Fritzsche                                FAM 12.06 a  -0.1        Valentian Napolitano                     FAM 12.10     0.6         Victoria Zanolli                               ER 12.14     -1.2        Marlene Koss                                   FAM 12.15     1.6         Leslie Tamara Lucero                     COR 12.05     1.6         Abigail León-Rodríguez  ven        BA 400 metros llanos 55.22                    Martina Escudero                            RN 55.23                    Noelia Anahí Martínez                   COR 55.76                    Camila Florencia Roffo                  FAM 56.58                    Celeste María Molina                     BA 56.76 a                 Sofía Ximena Ibarra                        FAM 56.93                    Ana Laura Catelén                          BA 56.96                    Camila Leonela Correa                  FAM 57.02                    Paulina Knees                                  FAM 57.35                    Luisina Zabala                                 COR 57.56                    Tiziana Rimedio                              SL 57.59                    Malena Galván                                FA 57.64                    María Emilia Batalla                       FAM 57.87                    Helen Bernard Stilling                    FAM 57.99                    Gisela Hernández                            ER   800 metros llanos 2:05.83                Martina Escudero                            RN 2:09.89                Juana Zuberbuhler                          BA 2:10.06                Evangelina Luján Thomas                            CHU 2:11.35                Fabiana Salomé Gramajo                              FAM 2:13.33                Sandra Maia Gómez                       FAM 2:13.57                Karen Ailén Rocca                          BA 2:15.16                Victoria Olives                                SF 2:17.45                Sofia Ximena Ibarra                        FAM 2:18.97                Martina Adamo                               FAM 2:18.99                Joaquina Durá                                 BA 2:19.10                María José Rosales                         SL 2:19.33                Celeste Pampillón                           ER 2:19.44                Camila González                                            FAM 2:19.81                Agustina Inés Pintos                       CTS 2:20.27                Florencia Allevato                          FAM 2:20.66                Leila Giselle Ferraro                       FAM 3.000 metros llanos Belen Casetta                                   BA Mariana Borelli                               BA Carolina Lozano                                             SF Clara Macarena Baiocchi                             COR Angela Sofía Gómez                       FAM Renata Dolhare                                FAM Micaela Levaggi                              BA Ainhoa Roldán                                BA         U20 Nair Dianes                                      BA Angela Sofia Gomez                       FAM Iara Becker                                       FAM Camila Farinelli                               FAM Agustina Peralta                              FAM Catalina Garcia Paul                       FAM Constanza Garrido                          BA Leticia Rodriguez                            FAM Shalom Lescano                              BA         U20 Nadine Vilca                                    CAT       U23 Brisa Rodriguez                               BA Salto con garrocha 4.00                      Carolina Scarponi                           FAM 3.60                      Paula Gómez Iriondo                      SF 3.50                      Josefina Brunet                               SF 3.50                      Carola Bruno                                   FAM 3.40                      Melina Magalí Cardozo                 BA Salto en largo 6.20 a    -0.3        Victoria Zanolli                               ER 5.77       1.1         Andrea Ubiedo                                BA 5.74       -0.6        Marlene Koss                                   FAM 5.65       0.1         Leila Garetto                                    SF 5.55       1.6         Camila Luciana Zita                       FAM 5.52       1.6         Paula Augstina Dulcic                    FAM Lanzamiento de disco 56.92                    Ailén Armada                                  BA 48.00                    María Candela Ratibel                   FAM 43.07                    Magalí Dadario                                BA           Listado de atletas habilitados para el Meeting E “Juan Carlos Zabala 3-10-23   200 metros llanos 20.92     0.9         Juan Ignacio Ciampitti                   FAM 20.93     1.3         Tomás Pablo Mondino                   SF 21.10     1.8         Bautista Diamante                           FAM 21.25     1.1         Matías Falchetti                               FAM 21.37     -0.1        Daniel Rodrigo Londero                FAM 21.42     1.3         Agustín Nahuel Pinti                      MZA 21.49     -0.6        Francisco Santinelli                        SF 21.51     1.3         Pedro Rodríguez Merlo                  FAM 21.52     1.3         Lucas Adrián Villegas                    SL 21.60     1.3         Tomás Ariel Villegas                      SL 21.65     1.3         Felipe Harte                                     FAM 21.75     1.7         Pedro Emmert                                  FAM 21.81     0.3         Gonzalo Agustín Delgado                            SL 21.82     1.5         Pablo Zuliani                                   SF 21.82     2.0         Manuel Juárez                                 FAM 21.82     1.3         Manuel Federico Robles                FAM 21.90     1.6         Julián Pereyra                                  FAM 21.92     1.3         Máximo Peratz                                BA   400 metros llanos 45.34                    Elián Gaspar Larregina                  FAM 46.61                    Pedro Emmert                                  FAM 47.58                    Matías Falchetti                               FAM 47.86                    Julián Alberto Gaviola                   FAM 48.00                    Estanislao Mendivil                        FAM   1.500 metros llanos 3:45.29                Leandro Leonel Pérez-Lazarte      BA 3:49.85                Alexis Gabriel Corrías                   RN 3:50.00                Juan Ignacio Dutari                         COR 3:50.56                Agustín Alejandro Contreras        BA 3:50.57                Miguel Garro                                   FAM 3:50.92                Sebastián Agustín De Zan                            FAM 3:51.17                Augusto Mariano Cochet                              FAM 3:51.21                Uriel Rodrigo Muñoz                     BA 3:54.67                José Lorenzo Riba                          COR 5.000 metros llanos 14:20.97                             Fabián Manrique                                            FAM 14:25.66                             Alexis Gabriel Corrías                   RN 14:29.61                             Alan Esteban Niestroj                    FAM 14:30.37                             Ezequiel Chavarría                         TUC 14:43.76                             Mauro Ezequiel Rozza                   FAM 14:43.86                             Gustavo Martín Villafañe                             SJ 14:44.71                             Gianfranco Presti                                           COR 14:45.96                             Agustín Adrián Da Silva                MNS 14:54.35                             Fausto Alonso                                  FAM 14:52.45                             Nahuel Alberto Di Leva                 FAM 14:53.68                             Manuel Rojas                                   BA 14:56.41                             Emmanuel Alejandro Ance           BA 31:52.77                             Mateo Díaz                                       FAM 32:44.27                             Marcelo Frías                                   BA 8:45.81                Angel Díaz                                       FAM 8:29.42                Daniel Oscar Penta                         SF 8:43.11                Claudio Maximiliano Farías          SF     Salto en alto 2.23 a                   Carlos Daniel Layoy                       FAM 2.06 a                   Benjamín Santiago Aguilera          FAM 2.06                      Santiago Zezular                                            COR 2.03                      Lucas Figueroa                                BA 2.01                      Walter Imanol Alfonzo                  MNS 2.00                      Lautaro Taiel Mantello                  CHU 2.00                      Gastón Emiliano Benítez               MNS 2.00                      Santiago Madroñal                          BA   Salto con garrocha 5.60                      Germán Pablo Chiaraviglio           SF 4.80                      Nicolas Yglesias Nascimento-bra BA 4.70                      Agustín Carril                                  BA 4.30                      Félix Oruezabala                                            FAM 4.20                      Zahir Alejandro Romano               SF 4.10                      Raffin Pampa                                   COR 4.10                      Ayrton Franco                                 SF 4.00                      Joaquín Olmos                                 FAM Salto en largo 7.55       1.7         Luciano Gabriel Ferrari                 COR 7.52       2.0         Julián Farías                                ��    BA 7.43       1.5         Brian Agustín López                       SF 7.32 a    1.8         Ezequiel Sferra                                BA 7.27       0.7         Nazareno Heber Melgarejo           FAM 7.13       1.2         Ignacio Joaquín Fushimi                FAM 7.05       0.3         Santiago Madroñal                          BA   Salto triple 16.01     2.0         Maximiliano Andrés Díaz                            SAL 15.39     1.3         Nazareno Heber Melgarejo           FAM 14.98     1.4         Fabrizio Luciano Buenanueva      FAM 14.91 a  0.9         Maximiliano Albarracín                SAL 14.88     1.4         José Emmanuel Alvarez                 CHA 14.69     2.0         Martín Natanael Heredia               FAM 14.48     1.7         Ezequiel Sferra                                BA 14.37     2.0         Diego Daniel Dimaro                      BA 14.25     1.3         Valentino Javier Molet                  SF 14.14     0.9         Denis Lautaro Belizan                    CHA   Lanzamiento de bala 20.74                    Nazareno Uriel Sasia                      ER 19.73                    Juan Ignacio Carballo                     COR 17.44                    Juan Manuel Arriéguez                  BA 15.19                    Juan Pablo Sale                               SF 15.03                    Marcos Luciano Pitón                    MZA 14.96                    Lázaro Bonora                                 SF Lanzamiento de martillo 74.59                    Joaquín Gabriel Gómez                 FAM 64.58                    Sebastián Ariel Tommasi                              ER 63.43                    Lautaro Gabriel Vouilloz                             BA 61.60                    Tomás Olivera                                 BA 57.82                    Julio Nahuel Nóbile                        SF   200 metros llanos 23.67     -0.2        María Florencia Lamboglia           FAM 24.77     1.3         Melanie Soledad Rosalez                             FAM 24.82     0.9         Sofía Tamara Casetta                      FAM 24.85     1.2         Read the full article
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fasa-umich · 2 years
A Love Letter to FASA (and SZA’s Album) || Emily Paras, FASA’s 2022 - 2023 Media Chair
Dear FASA,
When I think about all the things in life that I could talk passionately about for hours and hours, FASA and SZA’s album, Ctrl, are the first things that come to my mind. The impact that these two things have had on my journey of self-love and owning my identity has been immeasurable.
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the person behind the camera!
a song that reminds me of how much I’ve grown
I grew up in a small, predominantly white town in the middle of Michigan notorious for its ties to a white supremacist group. As a second-generation Filipino American, I felt disconnected from both my hometown and the Filipino community. I also grew up as the eldest with two younger brothers, so I was left to navigate many things by myself and became the family guinea pig. My parents tried to teach me Tagalog at the same time I was learning English, but I never picked it up. Other than indulging in Filipino dishes and wearing polka dots for the New Year, my parents never really pushed my brothers and I to learn more about our identities. Additionally, our Filipino friend groups were at least an hour away from us, so I struggled feeling close to those communities of Filipinos. It was hard for me to find opportunities to engage with my culture, and even harder for me to find the motivation to explore it on my own.
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I remember writing about FASA in one of my University of Michigan application essays and being so excited to join. But in the beginning, I had an extremely hard time getting myself to attend events and meet new people. Seriously – I couldn’t even get myself to go to the Fall Mass Meeting. The Fall FAM/Lineage reveal was one of the only events I attended that semester. The number of people I could name in FASA at the time was a number I could count on my hands. (I even had mistaken Nate for Josh at one point…) I knew that FASA was something I wanted to be a part of, and yes, I am a pretty shy person with a very short lasting social battery, but truthfully I was nervous that I wasn’t “Filipino enough” because of the little exposure I had in my upbringing. Eventually, with enough encouragement from people around me, I brought myself to apply for the intern program at the end of my fall semester of freshman year and my silly little journey in FASA began.
2.  “PROM”
a song that reminds me to live in the moment
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rare photo of media chair!
The role of Media Chair can be overwhelming and rewarding at the same time. There is so much behind the scenes work that many people may not think about.
From sorting through hundreds of photos that I take at each event, to fixing every formatting issue in the newsletter platform, to creating several versions of a simple graphic because of my indecisiveness, so much goes into the Media Chair position that often gets overlooked. At the same time, you immediately see the result of the hours of work you put into a post with all the likes, reposts, and comments. But it truly is more than just the numbers – it’s about being able to engage and excite people with their culture and community.
Media Chair has been such an amazing way for me to express myself creatively as well. You have so much creative freedom with this position, and I especially enjoyed creating and incorporating reels and TikToks to highlight FASA's members into this year’s social media posts.
This position has also helped me connect with so many people from our community. And yes, as Media, one of your main responsibilities is to take photos, but I highly encourage stepping away from the camera for a second and taking a moment to introduce yourself to a new face or strike up a chat with another member. Media is so important in bridging the generational gap the gap between e-board and the greater FASA community in a number of ways, so don’t be afraid to take a second to say hi! 
In order to effectively engage and connect with people, you have to know your audience. This year, I started to include image descriptions with FASA's posts on Instagram. It is important to recognize that being in this position with over 1,100 followers, not everyone accesses social media the same, and that we must take steps towards making our platform as accessible and inclusive as possible.
Creating the Yearbook Committee was another vision I was proud to make happen. Our committee’s goal is create a physical little keepsake that recaps FASA events for the 2022 - 2023 school year. It makes me so incredibly happy to see other FASA members get excited to create something that will spark the same excitement in our community and give members something to physically look back on.
3.  “20 SOMETHING”
a song that reminds me it’s okay to not have everything figured out and keeps me hopeful for the future
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when can’t hang lin did in fact (haha get it) couldn’t hang at FACT
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meedja meesh and media milly :)
Some words of advice and thank yous:
To future board:
I am so excited to see what you all will accomplish! Continue to show the FASA community so much passion and love through everything you do, and board will be one of the most rewarding experiences. Also recognize that things can and will get stressful. Know your limits and boundaries and be able to take a step back when needed. Board burnout is so very real, so please, please, please, prioritize your health and wellbeing. Most importantly, look out for one another and support each other in every aspect. You are a board member first, and your chair position second.
To current board:
Thank you for supporting me through some incredibly busy semesters and rough patches. From having to repost our new board announcement at least 4 times because I spelt Ashley’s name as “Ashely” and Christian’s slide accidentally being duplicated and contemplating on whether or not I delete Instagram, to not realizing my SD card was out of space and forgetting to bring a backup one to our board photoshoot, you have continuously been there for me. You are some of the most hardworking people I know and your dedication to our community is so inspiring and infectious. I am so proud of each and every one of you and I hope you are proud of yourselves as well. I couldn’t have asked for a better group of people to take over (in a wholesome, non-malicious way!) FASA with. It has been such an honor to work alongside you all. (Also, PLEASE FIX YOUR SLEEP SCHEDULES!!)
Thank you for offering a space for me to grow as an individual and own my identity. It’s been said countless times, but it truly is the people that make FASA so unique. There is no one thing that defines someone as Filipino. You are enough in the ways that you choose to explore and engage with your identity. And to the people who have been afraid to attend FASA events, or worry that you aren’t “Filipino enough”, I have been there and I totally understand. I encourage you to take that step out of your comfort zone and attend a FASA event or two. Being a part of FASA will be an unforgettable part of my undergraduate career, and I hope to always have a community that is as welcoming and inclusive as FASA in the future.
To Michelle:
You are one of the main reasons I became more involved with FASA and why I ended up applying to the intern program event after not being present for majority of fall semester and why I ultimately decided to run for Media Chair. I remember when I had met you for the second (?) time in October at my cousin’s house (which also happened to be the same night I had mistaken Nate for Josh…). I was so certain that no one from FASA remembered my name. But you did, and I was so surprised. You talked about FASA, the intern program, and being Media Chair, and I thought you were the coolest person ever. Even after that night had passed, I still thought about how you remembered who I was. When I was spending hours debating on whether or not I apply to the intern program, whether or not I apply for Media Chair, I would think back to that night. It seems silly but you made me feel so seen. I wanted to do the same for others as Media Chair as you did for me -- to make people feel seen, heard, and represented. Thank you for everything :')
(And to SZA: I AM LITERALLY YOUR NUMBER ONE FAN thank you for putting out an album that has stuck with me since the end of eighth grade)
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the most awesome epic cool fun and safe board
Before this becomes a five page essay, I will end with a silly little poem:
Roses are red,
Violets are blue.
FASA says that IAmFilAm,
And you are too!
But for real, words could never describe how much FASA means to me and how incredible this silly little experience on e-board as Media Chair has been. I am forever grateful to have served (served!) the FASA community and I can’t wait to see where things will go next. Good luck to the future boardies and remember that you always have me as a resource!
Mahal kita,
Media Milly 
4.  “GO GINA”
a song that reminds me to live life fun and safe! :P
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proud to serve
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lunatells · 2 years
I just wanna share with you some photos and memories I had at Baguio, Benguet and some story na rin. If you're interested just keep on reading.
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It's my first time in Baguio. Thanks to Uncle Hernan for bringing me with them. Matagal na niya talaga akong hinihiritan about sa trip na yan pero lagi akong umaayaw since unpredictable yung scheds ko. Hanggat sa nagulat nalang ako kasama na talaga ako kasi kinuhaan na ako ng ticket to Baguio and kasama na ako sa mga hotel bookings and etc..
Isa sa nakakatuwa e ang saya ng dalawang anak niya na sasama ako. Lalo daw silang na excite nung nalaman nila na kasama ako.
A quick story lang, Uncle Hernan is a friend of my Mama and his wife, Auntie Alona was a batchmate of my Papa. Para na rin kaming magpamilya talaga since lagi namin sila kasama, minsan kahit kasama fam namin sa trip, sinasama din sila. At pag sila yung may lakad, isasama din kami at minsan nga pati rin buong fam namin kasama. Yun bang tinatawag na 'Family Friend'.
Maliliit palang sila, kami din ng kapatid ko e magkakasama na kami. Dalawa silang magkapatid na lalake at kami naman e dalawa ring babae. Uncle and Auntie wants to have a daughter kaya kami ng kapatid ko e naging baby girls nila and kami rin we want boys sa fam kaya naging parang anak na rin sila ni Mama and Papa.
Lucky to have them. Pero wala na si Auntie Alona, she's with Him now. Swerte talaga na wala akong work ngayon kaya nakasama ako sa Baguio para din masaya silang tatlo. :>
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Meet LANCE, the eldest and TONE, the youngest.
Napakasweet parin nila pareho and napakacaring. One thing that made me cry was nung pauwi na sila ng Aklan tapos pinipilit nilanakong sumama sakanila umuwi. Tapos nagkwento sila sa Papa nila na kahit daw wala na si Mama nila e naramdaman daw nila na anjan lang Mama nila, kasama namin because of me. (⁠ᗒ⁠ᗩ⁠ᗕ⁠)
Tapos nagpaplan na sila ngayon for our next trip and hindi raw sila papayag na hindi ako kasama don.
(hanggang dito muna for now.)
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jichann · 2 years
raw thoughts madaming typo and grammatical errors. wag na basahin pls. labyu mwa.
hi, what’s up? we both have happy rs im so glaaaad. still can’t get you out of my mind.
ilang beses ko na ba subukan mag reach out, tapos hindi natutuloy. im a coward yes. im always scared about why did i suddenly stopped talking to you. that you’re mad (ofc tangina bobo ka ba) na pano ko ba uumpisahan.
it started nung hindi natuloy yung sleep over it was all planned super excited namin but suddenly hindi natuloy due to some reason and afterwards hindi na nawala sa isip ko. like ik na disappoint fam niya even her friends, also hindi ko na alam anong mukhang ihaharap ko.
nasa baguio kami noon, then suddenly bigla akong nag breakdown; if i continue talking with her gusto pa rin ba nila ako ma-meet? galit ba sila? is she mad? and etc. her friends and relatives helps me with my issues and problems tapos just a simple meet up na messed up pa. i really hate disappointment, doon lahat nag start isama pa yung nga threats na guguluhin sila if i don’t stop.
well right after i stopped talking with her, there’s a complete silence. there’s no chaos, walang kahit ano. im just existing. but it’s sad, im sad. i missed them esp the memories; us playing roblox like whole fucking day; movie marathon weird pati detective conan hindi pinalagpas; watch her do online class; talk shit about our exes; mga latest chika maritess duo kasi kami; and lastly her choice of music.
super dami niyang inintroduce na music so potangina kada marinig ko siya lang naiisip ko mhie. also even tho our rs is not that perfect kasi may mga epaloids at the end of the day im happy. or baka ako lang. after some time she’s my totga. i’d rather be sad than keep her with this complicated rs she doesn’t deserve any of this.
fast forward.
after ko mag social media break bcs i stopped for awhile ik myself hindi ko mapipigilan na kausapin siya if hindi ko gagawin yon eh.
ayun nga i started distracting myself mhie and super superrr hindi tama tong ginawa ko. tried to date bois but uhm didn’t work out kasi idk can’t feel any connections towards them.
well good thing lang is nag stop na rin yung epal ferson when she found out im dating guys na. sana diba noon ko pa ginawa para tumigil na siya completely potangina.
and now i met rifle, nakikita ko lang si amber sakanya. all of his past experiences esp sa fam super parehas sila. hobbies din he loves playing online games grind na grind si accla just same as amber. he loves movies and animes din. boy ver lang ni amber. then found out na he’s not like her. super layo.
same with the traumas like her pero ibang way to handle it. he tend to sometimes can’t control himself lalo pag galit but i just listened eventually learned a lot from him. he’s independent and loves to explore. sometimes his perspective is kinda (kinda want to strangle him jk) but i realized diff person diff pov and i started to be open. at first we tend to argue syempre patola si accla lalo pag iba yung pinaglalaban but when i tried to listen his side my point din pala kahit nakakainis minsan. utak niya eon eh anong gagawin q sis.
afterwards i learned how to love him bcs it’s him not because i saw amber in his personality. he once said “siguro pag nagkita kayo magtatagal kayo nun.” and i silently agreed. it’s reallt diff when it comes to her. i replied “tbh if mag hiwalay tayo, kaya kitang iremove kahit saan but not her. pero if she decided to block me i’ll respect it.”
hi, sana okay ka lang lagi. sana healthy kayo lalo na si baby zia she so cuteeee. hindi kayo nawawala sa prayers ko. mahal ko kayo palagi. namimiss ko na si bebe drew. kung galit man kayo or sila magalit lang kayooo issokay. deserve ko hehe. belated happy birthday pala. malapit ka na gumraduate sheesh.
btw jai is super pretty! like im so happi kasi diba u guys r so fineeee. wag na wag kayong maghihiwalay ako taga ship niyo. thenchu sa lahaaaat i enjoyed ever bit of our memories. mwa mwa ily byeee!!
ciao, amber. see you when i see you.
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mamaxturner · 3 years
Sophie fixed her hair for the ninth time in the car, she couldn’t believe that she was finally going to meet Sebastian’s family, sure she talked with Georgeta on the phone but now she was just a few minutes away from meeting the woman and all she could hope was that the woman approve of Sophie, She glance on the drivers seat where Sebastian was driving them to his mother’s place and sighed. “You think she’ll like me?” She asked bitting her lower lip, she was still holding the chocolate cheesescake she had made earlier that day, she didn’t wanted to show up with empty hands while meeting her possible future mother in law.
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walker-lister · 3 years
List of my works
Just thought I’d make a list of all my works published on ao3 so far to put them all in one place and make them easier to find ☺
1.  'Timeless' (16k, completed): Post-Timeless Children fic written before Revolution, featuring a prison break and Yaz going inside the Doctor's mind!
2.  'Ipseity' (43k, completed): 8 months since the Doctor disappeared, Yaz is struggling to move on. But when she comes across a familiar face who is not acting like herself, Yaz may finally get the answers she has been looking for surrounding the Doctor.
3.  'The Universe's Concerto' (3.4k, completed): One shot exploring the Doctor's grief over the destruction of Gallifrey and how she expresses it to the fam, particularly Yaz.
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4.  'Counting the Days' (4.4k, completed): The Doctor breaks out of prison and reunites with Yaz.
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5.  'Rising Tides' (211k, completed): AU story following Yaz as she holidays in a small Cornish town and meets the secretive Jo Smith. Please check the CW and TW's for this story, it deals with themes of mental health and grief.
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6.  'On Hallowed Ground' (46k, completed): Yaz investigates a mysterious mansion on the outskirts of Sheffield, where she finds an enigmatic blonde woman. As the mysteries unravel, not all is as it seems  (a spooky story for Halloween).
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7.  'Hello My Old Heart' (9.7k, completed): A story reflecting on Yaz and the Doctor alone in a tardis and prison respectively post-Timeless Children, and then their reunion afterwards.
8.  'Cosmic Fireworks' (5.7k, incomplete, sorry!): The Doctor and Yaz post-Revolution of the Daleks. Not my favourite story I've written, which is why it is incomplete at the time of tweeting this, just wasn't getting a feel for it like other stories!
9.  'Relativity' (76k, ongoing): The Doctor goes missing after she and Yaz are attacked. One day she turns up in Sheffield with her memories missing. What does this have to do with the truths she learned on Gallifrey? (Will get to this I promise!)
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10.  'Ebb and Flow' (68k, ongoing project): One-shot series accompanying 'Rising Tides'. Featuring moments before, during, and after the original story.
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11.  'Welcome to Para-dise' (72k, completed): The Doctor and fam find themselves trapped in a sit-com-like reality, how will they break free? (inspired by WandaVision). Drama with comedy elements (especially in the first 2 chapters- well, I tried at comedy!)
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12.  'Fourth Time Lucky' (1.1k, completed): A very short one-shot (with spoilers for Flux Episode 4) about Yaz visiting weeping angel Doctor every year she is stuck in the early 20th Century.
13.  'Heaven Sent' (293k, Completed): Fantasy AU, Yaz serves under daughter of president, Thete Rassilon, in the Division. Thete has a secret which her mother manipulates. Slow burn, mystery, drama. Heed the CW's and TW's, this story explores themes of abuse and mental health.
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14. ‘Rising Tides: Christmas Calamity’ (20k, Completed)
Yaz and Jo are planning on travelling to Sheffield for the festive season, however their plans are set into disarray when Yaz gets injured at work. Jo is set on making this a special time for her despite the circumstances.
(Part of the ‘Rising Tides’ universe, will not make much sense if you haven’t read any of that :) )
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15. ‘Divination’ (6k, Completed):
“There was a name for someone similar to me once. They called them the Valeyard. You can call me that, if you like. I quite like it, it’s suitably eerie. Little bit of drama never hurt anyone.”
Written for the Thirteen Fanzine Prompt Week Day Five: Valeyard
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16. ‘The Haunting Ground’ (113k, Completed)
October 1927. Sheffield, England.
Paranormal investigator Yasmin Khan has been invited to investigate Lungbarrow Manor. The Lungbarrows are known eccentrics in high society, but daughter Athena takes unconventional to new heights. Thena's dismissive attitude towards the existence of the paranormal gets her off on the wrong foot with Yaz, but as mysteries unfold and feelings are ignited, Yaz finds herself drawn into discovering the secrets of the living just as much as those of the dead.
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17. ‘What We Have’ (3.4k, Completed)
'What does ‘what we have’ mean? What do they have? Each other, that is for certain, but in what way? Was it a rejection or a plea? The closing of a door or the opening of one?'
Another beach, another conversation
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18. ‘Oil on Canvas’ (22k, Completed)
A cursed statue, the opening of a new art exhibition. Sheffield's mundanity is paper thin. The city is at threat. And there is a mysterious woman at the heart of it.
A woman Yaz feels drawn to and yet cannot remember. It seems she cannot remember anything.
Things are not right, not right at all...
And it is up to Yaz to figure out why.
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19. ‘Yuletide: A ‘Heaven Sent’ Story’ (18.7k, Completed)
Thete and Yaz reflect on their past and enjoy their newfound happiness in the present during the festive season.
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20. ‘Strike Twice’ (155k, completed)
'“Hey Yaz!” Aly calls again. Yaz blinks, looking towards where the other woman is stood across from her, water climbing up her calves. “Look at this!” Yaz shivers. ��Aly,” she murmurs, low in her throat. She can barely get the name out, she can barely breathe. “Aly, wait-”' ----
Plagued with memories of her life-long love's death, Yasmin Khan finds herself swept up in a war that she barely understands, on a side to which she holds no loyalty.
Falling into the clutches of the enemy, however, and the dark magic they possess, Yaz will be forced to fight to survive.
But the true battle begins when a familiar face suddenly reveals itself, and Yaz will have to question the love she has long held sacred.
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