#para: power creep
vanoincidence · 6 months
Power Creep || Van, Wynne & Emilio
TIMING: current. LOCATION: deersprings. PARTIES: @ohwynne @mortemoppetere & @vanoincidence SUMMARY: wynne and van are on a walk to the store when they get interrupted. luckily, emilio shows up. CONTENT WARNINGS: none!
Van kicked at a loose rock, watching as it skipped over the edge of the sidewalk and into the road. “I miss winter.” She hated slipping on ice and not being able to ride her board, but hated allergy season even more. She looked over at Wynne with a frown, pulling her hat down over her ears. It was a little too small for her, and every time she talked, the fabric wiggled upwards. “We should have a beach day once it’s warmer though… even if we don’t go swimming.” She kicked another rock, squinting into the darkness as it hit the tire of a car. 
“Maybe we can collect seashells.” Van wanted things to be normal so desperately. It was easier to pretend they were if she didn’t think about the magic coursing through her, or the fact that Regan was leaving. Though, she guessed one of those things was normal. People always managed to leave, especially in this town. “Do you really think Dr. Kavanagh is going to stay there? In Ireland, I mean…” Would she be back, or would she love Ireland so much that she stayed put? “I heard they have free healthcare. I think. But she’s a doctor… doesn’t she already have health care?” 
“I don’t,”  Wynne said, and though the idea of disagreeing with someone didn’t sit well with them, it was the truth. They did prefer summer over winter, thought spring the best season of all. Especially when the days got warmer. Winter made the clouds in their mind seem heavier. “I would really like that, to swim as well. And maybe we can do something fun with the shells we collect. Do you think we could take a surfing class? Or … well do you already know how to do that?” Their eyes followed the rock too and they smiled at the small collision. “If you want, we can also celebrate the spring equinox together. That’s what we used to do at home too, but I do it my own way now. It’s later this month.”
It was nice to walk though. Even if the skin was so cold that it was harsh against their cheeks. Besides, the two of them had a goal — to get a snack! Wynne was glad to have Van’s expertise when it came to treats. They looked sideways at her as she mentioned Dr Kavanagh. “I don’t know.” They looked ahead again, at the way the streetlights were reflected in the icy streets. “Maybe. I hope not, but maybe that’s selfish.” But if Regan’s family was really like their own, they hoped she’d be back. “I don’t know a lot about healthcare, Irish or otherwise.” They were pretty sure they got it through their current job, though. At home, they’d not gone to hospitals. They now understood people had died when maybe they hadn’t had to. “She is a good doctor to have in town.”
“Surfing?” She shook her head, “no, I’ve never tried that… but I’m sure we could find somewhere around here to do it.” Van was sure that somewhere in Wicked’s Rest, somebody was offering surfing lessons in the summer– she just hadn’t ever looked. “We could try snowboarding, too, if you wanted.” She’d only been a few times, mostly on school class trips, but she always became overwhelmed with the ski lifts and opted to stay closer to the bunny slopes. She wondered silently if things would be different now. “Oh, that’s what–” your cult did – it contains itself before it slips, and Van nods instead, “I think I saw a documentary about that the other day! I think um, that’s what it was.” Nice save, idiot. “It’s too bad I wasn’t born on the equinox… I think that would’ve been cool.” 
“What’s selfish about it?” A part of Van felt relieved that she was leaving, but only because it meant she wouldn’t be thrown out onto the street. Then again, she guessed she could go back to her house, even if she didn’t necessarily want to anymore. Dr. Kavanagh’s apartment was sterile in a way that felt right– it was void of any memories, good, bad– any of it. Though, Thea brought in… different feelings– seeing her every day. She cleared her throat and tightened her arms around her, kicking another rock. They weren’t too far from the corner store now and her stomach grumbled at the promise of hot funyuns. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen her be like, a doctor. Only talk about it.” Dead people needed doctors too, she knew. They needed to be respected, and it really seemed like Dr. Kavanagh did that. “But I hope she likes Ireland, but comes back…” For her sake, for Jade’s– it seemed like Wynne cared about her too with the way that they had shown up at Regan’s apartment, expecting her. “Have you ever been to Ireland? I’ve never been to anywhere abroad except for Toronto, but we like, drove there, and it was super quick.” 
“Yes, right? Because there’s beach. We sometimes did some watersports at home, but that was a lake. Mostly a lot of swimming.” Wynne missed the lake, the way the fog formed in the mornings. The squeals that erupted when you dove in in the summer. “Snowboarding? That sounds … cool, but also a bit scary. I’d like to go on the mountains, though. I’d love to do that. Is it still cold enough for this? I bet, right?” They nodded. “It would have been. But your birthday is also special!”
They were quiet for a moment, processing that question as well as why they thought that selfish. Wynne shrugged. “I don’t know. Maybe I should just be happy for her that she’s going to her family. And not be thinking about my own feelings or something. That feels selfish.” It had always been branded selfish to take their own emotions into consideration. They had been more than just a person, at home — they had been sanctified, a future savior, a beacon of hope. Prioritizing that was key. But maybe not wanting Dr Kavanagh to leave just meant they cared about her. “I have been to her office. She has a lot of skeletons there. I never saw the corpses, though. I don’t want to.” They grimaced, kicked the same stone after it had rolled their way. “I hope she does too.” They shook their head. “No. I’ve only been here, in Maine. And New Hampshire, a little. I have never been in another country. The world is so big, am I right? How was Toronto?” 
Van silently tried to imagine the life that Wynne had before finding themself in Wicked’s Rest. She’d heard enough to picture it in bits and pieces, but it wasn’t entirely clear. She tried to imagine people who looked like Wynne– siblings, maybe, or cousins, who dove beneath the water to grab at rocks beneath the lake’s surface. “It’s definitely still cold enough for it.” Van offered a smile, brushing past the memories she was re-creating in Wynne’s stead. “I want to, for sure… we should definitely do it.” She was a little nervous at the prospect of falling flat on her face, but she was great at skateboarding! The mechanics were there! “The 21… I’ll remember that, I think.” She nodded, committing the date to memory. It was clear that it was important to them, because this hadn’t been the first time they’d mentioned something about an equinox. 
“I think it’s okay to be…” Van gestured vaguely, “upset..?” She thought for a moment before shaking her head, “maybe that’s not the right word, but..” Van shrugged, mimicking the way that Wynne kicked a rock, sending her own flying to the side, off into somebody’s yard. “I don’t think it’s selfish to feel things. You can be selfish, but I don’t think feeling things has anything to do with it.” She offered Wynne a small smile before shrugging, pulling the sleeves of her coat down so that she was cupping them against her palm. “It was okay. It was for a convention.” She couldn’t remember too much about it. Her anxiety had spiraled tenfold, and now that she looked back at it, she was sure that the melted convention tables had been her fault. 
As they continued to walk, Van saw movement out of the corner of her eye. “Oh, the cemetery is over there… I wonder if Nora is home.” It felt weird, calling the cemetery Nora’s home, but it felt right, too. “Should we go check?” She offered Wynne a smile, before it faltered. “Wait, this isn’t hers, never–” The sound of something scraping against the floor, a body being dragged through mud– there was dirt, too. The sound of gagging. Van’s eyes widened as she grabbed onto Wynne’s arm, dragging them backwards from the fence where the creature stood, taller than either of them. “What is that?” Van asked, breathless, skin now itchy by merely looking at it. As if in some kind of response, the creature dropped the individual by the leg it held onto and leapt over the fence, now standing a foot or so away from either herself or Wynne. “Wynne–” 
“Let’s do it! I love trying new things,” Wynne said, glad that there was another possible prospect to look forward to. They had learned that it were those kinds of things they needed to continue to feel like life was valuable, to keep them from sinking into the dark and depressed mood they were always teetering on the edge of. “Especially with friends. And if all goes wrong we’ll at least laugh about it, right?” They smiled at Van. “Sweet. I will let you know where to be when it’s time! I think on the beach near where I live now.”
They were silent as Van spoke, focusing on the pavement. She didn’t think it was selfish to feel things — and it sounded right coming from her mouth, even if the concept in and of itself was wrong. It was selfish to be overrun by emotions, to feel so deeply that it might upset others. Wynne wished there was another stone to kick. “Oh,” they said, as if Van was saying something completely new. In a way, she was. “I think I find it hard to be upset. I was taught it was bad and selfish. But I think you’re right. I wouldn’t think it selfish if you were sad.” And Wynne was no longer someone special or chosen, so why shouldn’t those standards apply to them? They were here now, in this world. “What did you convene about?” They weren’t sure if that was what people did at conventions, but it sounded right. 
They looked at the cemetery, nodding at the suggestion. They hadn’t really been at Nora’s cemetery home a lot, as they’d always met in public or wherever Emilio was living at that time. Wynne was ready to go in, though. Seeing Nora would be nice — but she didn’t live there, Van realized. And there was something else. Their eyes were wide, pushing deep into the darkness to try and see what it was the pair of them were hearing. They too felt an itch running down their skin. “I don’t know.” Wynne took a step backward, felt themself holding onto Van’s hand where she’d grabbed their arm and took them further back with them. It looked monstrous. Their free hand reached inside their jumper, pulling out the necklace Emilio had given them. It seemed to cause some kind of response, the silver cross and Wynne held it out as they kept stumbling back, a moan escaping from their throat. Something fearful, something pathetic, something that wasn’t equipped at all to handle the winged beast closing in on them with a fist full of dirt.
If she and Wynne lived anywhere else, they could have continued their conversation. Van would have convinced them that they deserved to feel anger, if they wanted to— that it was alright to exist for themselves now that they were out of their cult. Though, she still wasn’t sure that was the appropriate word to use. Probably not. It didn’t matter that much, though, because the beastly figure that stood in front of them now took over practicality on Van’s behalf. 
It advanced on them, and Van noticed out of the corner of her eye that Wynne was digging into their sweater, pulling something out— the hand that was closed around theirs tightened, and she half expected something to happen at the reveal of whatever Wynne had closed in their hand, but nothing did. There was no magical light that poured from the necklace, but it did, however, deter the monster for a moment. That moment was all Van needed for her magic to push forward. The ground at the monster’s feet began to melt, cement running grey around the creature’s feet. It caused it to slip, almost too comically, and Van was stumbling backwards, pulling Wynne with her. 
“I did that, and we have to go— what is that!” She was shrieking now, admittance for what she’d done ringing through the air. She thought about all of the times she had denied such a thing, and how it felt almost freeing to finally say that yes, she had been on the other end of the magic that temporarily rendered the beast unable to advance on them. “Wynne, what do we do!” The melted asphalt wasn’t enough to keep it at bay for long, and it was trudging towards them, steps too careful for something entirely beast like— this had smarts to it, Van realized. The dirt that it held in its hand spilled from the corners of its large hands, and Van shrunk away as it got closer. Panic rose in her chest and Van outstretched a hand, willing something to happen, but nothing did. 
Wynne knew that strange things existed. There were demons and vampires, fae and mares. There was such a thing as magic as well, but they didn’t fully understand it — but when the ground started melting they figured that might be it. The thing slipped, ugly and made clumsy and they stared with wide eyes. Disbelief still washed over them, an emotion so familiar to them that they might as well no longer register it. The world was full of strange things, but they weren’t used to it yet.
And then Van was shouting that she’d done that and Wynne wanted to ask her what she was going on about, but in stead ran after her. They too were letting out a shriek, “I don’t know! It — maybe — vampire!” It had responded to their cross, hadn’t it? Did Van know about vampires? She had made the ground melt, so maybe she did. They continued to move backwards, fear continuing to strike in their heart and striking twice as heard when their bodies hit what seemed to be a car. “I don’t know! Do that thing again!” Whatever it had been, it had seemed to slow the creature down.
But nothing was happening and the creature was upon them now, taking hold of Van and ripping her from Wynne’s grip. It stuffed a hand of dirt in her mouth and they didn’t even know what to do for a moment, so stunned by this action. “Stop that!” They kicked at the creature, which seemed very intent on finishing his task of making Van eat dirt. 
“A VAMPIRE?! Wynne, that looks nothing like Edward Cullen!” She wasn’t exactly upset by the lack of Edward Cullen-ness, especially because to her, he was the least attractive in the family. If the vampire looked like Alice, on the other hand… Van’s thoughts jumped from one medium to the next, trying to dilute the idea of vampires into one single image. If both magic and bugbears existed, then who was to say something like vampires didn’t?
While she really wanted to have a breakdown about it, she knew that now was not the time. “I can’t just do it, it just happens!” She was panicked enough, but that brought on another fear– that the ground might come up to swallow both herself and Wynne. 
As hard as she tried to concentrate– to follow Wynne’s instructions, she was interrupted by the beast ripping her forward. Had her shoulder just popped out of place? The pain was blinding. She let out a scream, but it was soon muted by the way dirt poured into her mouth. She choked on it, kicking against the creature. Her fingers dug into the arm, but it was no use– he was far too strong for her. The dirt in her mouth was rancid, and she couldn’t breathe. She was going to die here, all because her stupid magic only worked when it wanted to. 
There was always something to do in a graveyard. Emilio longed for a busy mind these days, needed the constant distraction that came with pumping adrenaline and hands covered in dust. He was no good on his own, with his thoughts and his feelings, and he couldn’t expect to always be surrounded when the people he cared for had worlds all their own inside their heads. So he fell back on old habits. He stalked graveyards with stakes and blades gripped in his hands so tightly his knuckles hurt, he made himself useful. There was relief to be found in destruction, in the sound of commotion that he knew he could resolve.
There was less relief when the voices causing that commotion were familiar ones.
He recognized Wynne’s voice first, of course. It was the one he heard more often, the one he’d had many a late night conversation with in the hallway of their old apartment building or the quiet living room of Teddy’s house. It took him a second to pinpoint that other voice. Not Nora, not Ariadne. Someone else. He was almost on top of them before it hit him, though given the way he spotted the ground half-melted, he wasn’t sure the revelation meant much. Van was the only person he knew with a habit of melting the ground they stood on as a mechanism of defense.
And defense was a necessary thing here. He spotted the vampire instantly, recognized it as a blutsauger with a quiet string of curses. He didn’t have any garlic on him, and he felt stupid for that. These things were rarer than most other types of vampires — it wasn’t the kind of thing you went out expecting to find. But of course, Wynne and Van had found one anyway. And of course, it was doing its goddamn damndest to turn Van with dirt going for her mouth. “Hey!” He called out, unsure if he was trying to get the kids’ attention or the vampire’s or both. “Get over to me. Okay? Get over here.”
Van didn’t know about vampires and Wynne wasn’t sure who Edward Cullen was and it was all a little bit too much to comprehend and explain, so they just tried to focus their energy on what needed doing. The whole vampire and supernatural things exist conversation could come after they’d survived this. Besides, they had questions about what Van had just created! They hoped one day they’d have to stop learning about things that made their head hurt.
For now, they continued to kick at the creature, their anger and fear both growing louder with the sound of Van’s voice. Wynne watched with horror how the dirt got stuck in Van’s throat and they dug for their knife, the one that Emilio had gifted them but that they hadn’t had to use yet, that just sat in their pocket in case of. The knife they hoped to never have to use.
They kicked the creature again, screamed at it to, “Let her GO,” and then tried to hit it with the knife. It wasn’t wood and the skin barely broke, the knife sliding down and leaving a cut that seemed to barely bother the thing. They roared, trying to take Van’s hand to pull her away but Wynne wasn’t strong like that. They didn’t know what to do and they hoped that someone else was here, that —
And that’s when fate seemed to be on their side for once, Emilio’s protective voice calling out and ringing through their body with a feeling of recognition. “I don’t know how!” Their voice was shrill as they called back. How could they just run towards the slayer if their friend was in such trouble? If she might die? The fear struck through their heart and they looked at Emilio. “Van — I can’t — we need to stop it, I don’t know what it’s doing but it needs to stop.” Wynne pushed with their hands at the vampiric monster again, their knife cutting into some of its skin but it was futile in the grand scheme of things. “Van, Van, can you — pull free? We need to run.”
There was another voice– although grating, Van felt a wave of relief. She’d recalled the last time she’d gotten into trouble with Emilio, how he’d taken care of it pretty swiftly. Would this be like the last time, or would she die here? Her mouth was full of dirt and she was coughing it up as the monster was shoving it in. She could see Wynne out of the corner of her eye kicking at the creature, but it didn’t seem to care all that much. She tried to, too, but she was growing tired– exhaustion set into her bones the more dirt that filled her mouth. 
Van spluttered, nails digging into the wrist of the creature as she tried desperately to break the hold it had on her. Tears streamed down her face, both from the suffocation and the fear. She was starting to lose feeling in her toes, she thought– was that what that was? Suddenly, one moment she was being held upright, and the next she was being half-tossed, half-thrown to the side. The ground beneath the monster began to disintegrate, liquid asphalt pouring over the creature’s feet. At least her magic was working now. Was she about to die? Was that what this was? 
She hit the ground hard, stars scattering across her vision as she coughed up the dirt, hooking a finger into her mouth to scoop it out. Tears made her face sticky and wet, and she could only imagine what she might have looked like to those around her. But that didn’t matter– not right now. When she looked back towards the beast, it was stuck in the goo she’d created. The divet into the earth looked like a large pothole, and then suddenly– a giant hand, grotesque and feathery grabbed onto the creature’s shoulder, pulling it down beneath the level at which Van could see it. 
There wasn’t time for this. The blutsauger had a hold of Van, was already stuffing dirt into her mouth, and it wouldn’t be long before it killed her. Maybe Emilio couldn’t keep it down permanently, but he had to do something, had to find some way to at least save the kid’s life. He yanked his holy water from his pocket, pushing himself as best he could to cross the distance between himself and the kids quickly in spite of the pain in his bad leg, but he could already tell it wasn’t going to be enough. Van was sputtering and coughing and running out of time, and Emilio could push himself as hard as he wanted to but he couldn’t force his useless leg to work. He couldn’t close the distance quickly enough, couldn’t stop what was about to happen. He’d walk away from this with another dead kid on his conscience — or two, if he was too slow to save Wynne, too. The thought was enough to push him a little more, make him move faster but still too slow. He was going to be too late, he was going to fail here the same way he had a thousand times before, he was going to —
The Earth opened up beneath the blutsauger’s wretched feet, close enough that Emilio stumbled back to avoid the gaping canyon that had appeared in the world. It looked like what Van had done back the last time he’d run into her, but… different. Bigger, more intense. Something came out of the hole — a hand? None of it made a whole lot of sense, but it didn’t matter. It didn’t matter, because Emilio was close enough now to dart around that hole, to close the distance between himself and the kids.
He came in as quickly as he could, still clutching that holy water. It had seemed small in comparison to the blutsauger, but it seemed utterly miniscule when held up against the size of the hole that had opened in the ground. Emilio held it anyway, unscrewed the cap with his teeth as he crouched next to Van, between her and the crevice that had swallowed the blutsauger. “You okay? You — Can you breathe? Wynne.” He gestured wildly at them, ushering for them to get behind him, to let him put himself between them and the hole, too. “Here.” He pulled the cross from around his throat, shoving it towards Van. Wynne had the one he’d given them, still; it would be better if Van weren’t entirely unarmed. Although… looking to the hole, Emilio had a feeling Van never quite had that problem.
Wynne was moved by pure instinct only, driven by the fear of losing Van, of this ugly creature killing her on a random evening. They had just been on their way to get some snacks — surely that couldn’t be how death went? Death came for old people or happened in grotesque ways, like a sacrifice on an altar or a vampire’s head being torn off. It didn’t just happen like this, did it? Sure, there were stories of things just happening like this, but Van couldn’t just die, right here, on a random evening when they had been going to get some candy. And so they were trying whatever they could, attempting to pull and hit and kick and shriek – but none of it gave.
And then the ground started to move, something strange happening and Wynne jumped back a beat after Van was tossed away. They watched her cough up the dirt and started to pull at the bandana tied around their neck. Their intention to hand it over for Van to wipe the dirt off of was discarded when they looked at what was happening. The ground was transforming, sinking, becoming some kind of hole — and then there was a hand, a tug and it was gone. The feathery hand and the vampiric thing itself. They stared, tasted the salt of tears leaking into their mouth and let out a whimper.
Soon enough they rushed over, pulling off their bandana fully and holding it out to to Van. Their eyes danced viciously from the hole to Emilio to Van, not sure what to focus on. “Is it — is it gone?” They were crouching, hand placed on the ground and an exhale passing from their lips. “Van —” They didn’t know what to say. Should they address it, how afraid they had been? How she’d almost died? No, probably not – it would probably not be sensible, even if it was the thought circling their mind viciously. “Are you okay? What can we do?”
Between colliding with asphalt and the dirt in her throat, Van was gasping for air. Chest heaving, she held onto her shirt, pulling it slightly as if it’d allow her more room to breathe. She wasn’t dead, and neither was Wynne. Emilio was still talking, and now Wynne was talking to her, too. She blinked rapidly, tears blurring her vision making it hard to take in her surroundings. Something dropped into her lap and her hand splayed wildly around until she felt the weight of the cross. She held onto it as if some sort of lifeline, reaching up to rub away the dirt on her face.
“I think I’m okay,” Van managed to choke out, wheezing slightly as she tilted her head back, blinking away the now dirty smeared tears. Her mind raced from Diana in the parking lot to recently with Regan’s apartment, and now–? Once her vision became slightly more clear, she found the space where the creature had been, where the ground had swallowed it whole. It was left with an indent just as it had been when Diana disappeared, and as when the man in the ice cream shop had. She felt less guilt, less fear about this one, though. 
“I did that,” Van whispered, confirming what she was sure both her companions were trying to figure out. “I did that.” She had saved her own life, and possibly Wynne’s by proxy, but it’d been too close– what if the creature had dragged either herself or Wynne with it? What if Emilio had been trying to fight it off? “I’m sorry– I–” She choked on the remaining dirt in her throat and shook her head. “It was going to kill me, and maybe you, Wynne, I couldn’t– I had to do it, I had to kill it.” Even if she hadn’t exactly instructed her magic to do such a thing, the fear had pulled up over her like a second skin, leading the way to the creature’s destruction. She wasn’t sure what had come up to take down the vampiric beast, but she was grateful for it. How many more times would she feed her demons (literally)? “I don’t know how it– I– I was scared, and then– this happens when I’m really scared.” She looked at Emilio, “I didn’t want to hurt Wynne, I swear.” Because Emilio hurt things that hurt other people, right? Van had hurt people, plenty of them. Would Emilio retaliate? She stared at him, eyes glossed over with fear and regret. 
It all happened pretty quickly. There was a threat, there was a hole, there was a hand, there was nothing. Emilio’s adrenaline was pumping, but there was nowhere for it to go now. Nothing to fight off, nowhere to put the energy buzzing beneath his skin. The paranoia that had taken up a permanent residence in the back of his mind worked overtime as a result, insisting that something else was going to happen, that he’d missed something. Was that tingle on the back of his neck anxiety, or his senses warning him of another approaching undead? He whirled around, glancing off to the side with wild eyes. But the only chaos here was inside his head now; everything else was still.
“It’s gone,” he said, half in answer to Wynne’s question and half in an attempt to reassure himself of as much. There was nothing left to fight. He repeated it to himself a time or two, tried to calm the wild beating of his heart. It was gone. Van was alive and coughing, working on getting that dirt out of her lungs. Wynne was at her side, offering her their handkerchief and making sure she was okay. Emilio was scanning the perimeter like a damn crazy person, half-convinced something else was going to pop out of the woodwork and drag Wynne away next, or Van, or him. Was that something he needed to worry about? It must have been Van who’d caused the hand to appear, just like it had been Van who’d melted the asphalt during the goo shit, but how much control did she have over it? He’d wager that the answer was not much. 
Van’s voice managed to force its way through the haze of paranoia in his head only after she’d admitted to the ordeal, and he tuned in about halfway through. She was apologizing, she was scared. Of him, maybe? Guilt churned alongside the adrenaline in his gut. He felt a little nauseous. “Hey, it’s okay.” It didn’t come out quite as comforting as he’d meant for it to. It wasn’t gentle, wasn’t paternal. It was hoarse and uncertain instead, like a man out of practice with kindness. He grimaced at the sound of his own voice, shaking his head. “Look, you — You did what you had to. That thing was going to kill you. Then Wynne, then more people. You did good, kid. Okay? You did good.”
They wiped at their eyes, where tears of their own had fallen in the blind panic that was slowly ebbing from their body. Wynne didn’t know how to cope with these surges of emotions, but it didn’t much matter — there was no time to stress about emotional incapacity when there was something to take care of. And that, at the very least, was someone they had learned at home. Besides, Emilio was there now, and with Emilio they felt safe. Even if the earth had opened up and strange claw had snatched their assailant away, even if Van was still shaking.
And Van was apologizing for killing the thing and they wondered what it said about them that they were taken aback by it. Maybe it was because they hadn’t known a lot of people who apologized for their murders and sacrifices. Blood stuck to all the hands of the protherians, even Wynne. In this case it wasn’t even a matter of sacrifice, this had been self defense. This had been one of the monsters that should be killed, like the vampires in the barn or the demon their people had worshiped. They looked at Van with wide eyes, “It’s okay,” they said. “You did what you had to do. I’m glad you did. Okay? I — but … I don’t know what it was you did. But I’m glad.” If the world was filled with death – which it quite clearly was – Wynne wanted it to be monsters like the one who’d been swallowed whole to die, and not the people like Van. 
Emilio was also saying that Van had done good and they were glad for it. They remembered the vampire falling on their stake and turning into dust. Emilio turning more of them into nothingness, because maybe that was what best. They remembered Padrig, guts spilling. Jac, neck slit. The creature that had just died didn’t tug at their gut the way those last two did. Wynne nodded. “Do you want to go back home?” 
You did good. 
Van choked on the apologies as they swarmed her mind. She would need to explain this in further detail to Wynne, would need to figure out how to make them understand that she wasn’t dangerous in the same way that the creature had been. In a different way, sure, but different. Van didn’t want to hurt anyone, much less Wynne. Van blinked back the tears, both from the fear and agony of not having been able to breathe. She reached up to wipe away the few strays that managed to fight their way through with the back of her hand. 
She grabbed onto Wynne’s hand, holding it tightly as if willing them to be an anchor of some kind. If Van could feel something real in this moment, it would make it easier. She could feel Emilio’s gaze on her, too, and so she pushed herself up, exhaustion evident in her movements as she struggled to get to her feet. Her hands and knees were scraped and she could feel the sting with her movements, but that wasn’t important right now. 
Home was an option, but Van didn’t want to be alone. Regan’s apartment, though put back together after what had happened that night, felt a little… wrong. 
“Can I come over?” Van asked, stare blank as she looked down at the asphalt from where the creature had disappeared. “Is that okay?” She tightened her grip on Wynne’s hand, looking between them and Emilio. “I don’t–” She thought it was obvious, but she forced herself to say it, to bend at will to the idea that maybe they didn’t want her to be alone, either. “I don’t think I want to be alone.” 
There were tears, though none were from Emilio. He wondered, somewhat absently, if Van had done this before. Not the melting — that was familiar enough that he knew it had happened before — or even the hole that opened up and the hand that thrust its way out of it. Instead, he wondered about the creature he presumed to be dead now, wondered if Van had killed anything before it. How much of the fear on her face or the tears in her eyes were for the suffocation she’d nearly suffered, and how much were for the sensation of taking a ‘life,’ however ugly it had been? He tried to remember the first time he’d killed something, tried to remember what it felt like. But it was hard. It was hard to remember his hands before they were bloodied. Maybe it was better that way. Maybe that was the way things were supposed to be.
Wynne assured Van that she’d done what she’d had to, and it was strange that Emilio had thought that went without saying. He rarely considered things like this to be something a person needed comfort for. No one had comforted him, had they? His mother had praised him if he’d killed something exceptionally well but, beyond that, it had only ever been expected. Van killed the blutsauger, and of course she had to. But Wynne said it like the reassurance was necessary, so Emilio nodded as if he believed it, too. It was hard, teaching an old dog new tricks. None of them ever felt natural.
He glanced to Wynne at Van’s question, though he wasn’t sure if it was for them or himself. Wynne’s house was their own; Teddy had made sure of it. But Emilio nodded, anyway. “You can both come to Teddy’s,” he offered, because he thought Wynne might feel safe there and he thought he might feel better if he could keep an eye on them, on both of them. “You can have… Uh, how old are you again?” Wasn’t the drinking age different in America? In the twenties instead of eighteen. Emilio had been far younger when he’d had his first drink, though, and he’d never cared much for laws, anyway. So he shrugged. “Eh, doesn’t matter. You can have a drink. Helps calm you down. Or… There’s probably food. Uh, whatever you want. Yeah? You can do whatever you want.”
Van’s hand was in theirs and Wynne held on tight on her too, her thumb running small circles over the back of her hand. They weren’t sure what to say just yet, but maybe that was okay. There could be conversation about what exactly it was that Van had done and what it meant later, just like they could converse later about the existence of vampires. (And demons, maybe those too, if they were ripping off bandaids anyway.)
For now, though, there was a hand to hold and tears to let dry. As Van quietly asked if she could come over, they were ready to offer their home. Going to Teddy’s (and Emilio’s – even if he didn’t quite see it that way yet) home seemed like a good idea, though. More space, there, and the slayer could remain to linger in their periphery and make sure no other vampires somehow ended up on their trail and attacking them. They wanted to ask if there was a chance that there was more, as there always had been in their previous encounters with vampires. One look at Van made Wynne think twice about bringing up that potential reality, though.
“Sounds good,” they said, nodding. They squeezed Van’s hand. “Are you … did you drive?” They looked up at Emilio, who seemed to be suggesting a favored solution. Liquor. They wouldn’t mind some at this point. “There’s a bunch of stuff there. We’ll just go there and get you cleaned up and relax, okay? Teddy also always has treats. No need for the shop.” They looked at Van, catching her eyes. “We’ll be okay there.”
She wasn’t sure why, but she half expected Emilio to tell her no. She felt a little guilty for that– thinking so badly of him when all he was trying to do was help. Van leaned into Wynne as they ventured away from the scene of the crime. At Emilio’s question, her brows furrowed. It occurred to her that Emilio hadn’t even said happy birthday to her. Actually, that seemed normal. “I just turned twenty-one, and I like pink drinks.” Her voice shook slightly as she explained herself. It didn’t really matter what she liked or not, she didn’t think. 
Van attempted a smile, but she could still feel the dirt on her teeth. “Do you think Teddy has an extra toothbrush?” Would they be upset with her for what happened? Especially after getting her the ring that was supposed to help? She wasn’t sure. She bit the inside of her cheek as she stared off into the distance, She had to believe both Wynne and Emilio that it would be alright– that the beast she’d sent off to… wherever, wouldn’t come back to finish the job. 
“Oh. Happy birthday.” It was flat, and a little uncertain, but it was genuine, too. Emilio was sure Teddy had the ingredients to make pink drinks (were those just drinks that were pink?) back home, though he had no idea how to go about making one. He’d figure it out, he guessed. Fuck only knew the kid could probably use one, after everything.
He turned to Wynne, shaking his head a little. He hadn’t driven — and if he had, he’d have been on his bike, which he wasn’t sure would comfortably carry three people — but they should be fine to walk. And… stop by a store on the way home to buy a toothbrush. “I’ll get you one. Call it a late birthday gift or something. And Wynne’s right, okay? You’ll be all right.”
Emilio would make sure of it.
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riptideripley · 1 year
His Queen
gif creds: @keenzinemugstudent
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Summary:You were special to Miguel,everyone knew it. But tonight he wanted to prove how special you are to him.
“Oh my lord (your name) your new suit is so pretty” Jessica told you making you smile. “Thanks Jess,I designed it myself actually.” “You need to become a suit designer here,after I seen what you did for Pav I was intrigued” you giggled at her comment and gave her a hug. “Well I’m gonna go check on Miguel,also don’t forget to give me baby updates!” you reminded her and she nodded,watching you walk away to your husband’s office.
You and Miguel had only been married for 3 months,he recruited you a year ago after seeing your intense powers and skills. Your story was similar to everyone else,bitten by a spider and all that. But what made you different from some was your similar powers to Miguel. You also had claws like him which confused people but nonetheless they enjoyed having your help fighting. You stepped into his office and since he doesn’t have a spider sense like you,it was easy to creep up on him.
You crept up and jumped on his back,making him tense up but relax when he realized it was you. “Hi mi amor” “Hi loveeee” you responded planting a kiss on his cheek. “How’s work going?” you asked climbing onto his thigh and relaxing. “It’s going well,almost finished so we can go on our date” he said smiling and kissing the top of your head. He had been working hard all week to make sure he took you on a date to the new Mexican restaurant near his apartment,since you were super excited about it. Just then you heard Hobie’s voice appear,”Oh my god you lovebirds,but uh Pavi needs help with his suit again.” he spoke making you mentally roll your eyes. You got up off your husband’s thigh and kissed his forehead,following Hobie to find Pavi.
You finished with stitching up a hole on the side of Pavitr’s suit,making sure it was stitched correctly. “Alright there you go! Now be more careful.” “Yes ma’am I will!” “And tell your girlfriend I said hi” you told him as he smiled,going on about his day. You did your signature handshake with Hobie before heading home to your shared apartment with Miguel,seeing a pretty navy blue dress on the bed with a note. ‘Put this on and meet me in my office’ read the note,you placed it down and went to the bathroom to shower. Once showered and moisturized,you slipped on a black lace matching set knowing it was his favorite. You slipped on the dress and immediately fell in love with it,the way it hugged your curves and all the other right places. He has good taste in clothing.
You went to your husband’s office and saw him there in a dark navy blue suit,something you never saw him in before. It’s not often that he dresses up but when he does,you love it. The way the suit hugged his muscles,the pants tight around his print. You snapped out of your thoughts when he pulled you into a warm embrace,making you smile. “Estas lista para ir querida?”(Are you ready to go dear) he asked you,kissing your forehead. You nodded and smiled when he took your hand,walking you out of his office and to the restaurant.
_After dinner_
You two were heading back home and you could tell there was some tension between you two. The entire dinner he had been staring at your figure,constantly trailing down to your breasts and rubbing your thighs. As soon as you two stepped into the apartment,he was kissing all over you. He carried you to the bedroom,laying you on the bed as he ripped the dress off you. He began gently biting your thighs,not wanting to pierce your skin due to his venomous bite,slowly creeping up to your clit. You shivered and whimpered as he blew cool air onto your sensitive clit,soon licking at it. He began sucking your clit,using his fingers to spread your folds open. “O-Oh my god Miguel-“ “Not my name muñeca” he whispered. You whined when he stopped,watching him take his clothes off. “Shit Miguel it’s too-“ “You can take it I promise baby” he reassured you. ‘ain’t no way he’s serious right now..that thing is almost 14 inc-‘ you were snapped out of your thought to him pushing the tip in your aching hole,making you immediately bit onto the pillow next to you. He chuckled at your actions and pushed all 13 and a half inches inside of you. You screamed in the pillow as he moved slightly,not wanting to move that much so you could adjust since it was your first time with him. “¿Puedo mover el amor?”(Can I move love?) he asked before moving any further. You nodded and he started off with slow strokes,which resulted in soft moans from you. He wanted more so he started picking up his pace,making you automatically arch letting out a loud moan. “S-shit Miguel!” you squealed,feeling his webs tie your hands above your head as he lifted both your legs onto his shoulder. Your eyes rolled back feeling overwhelmed with pleasure,his thrusts getting deeper and harder. “Mantén tus ojos abiertos para mí amor”(keep your eyes open for me love) he whispered in your ear slightly grunting at the end. Your eyes fluttered open as you looked at him the best you could,his hand trailing down to your clit rubbing it ever so slightly causing you to shiver a little. He continued his movements,sending shock waves of pleasure through your body,as he enjoyed the sight of you losing yourself in pleasure. You turned your focus back on him when you heard a slight whimper from his lips,sensing his orgasm. You decided to tease him a bit by moving yourself up back and forth making you move on his dick. “S-shit mi amor..” he whispered softly,throwing his head back as you smiled continuing your actions but speeding up,matching his rhythm and pace. You felt your orgasm approaching,making you roll your eyes back as you let out nothing but whimpers and moans. “Just like that..fuck-“ you heard him mumbled out but before you could say anything your orgasm hit you hard. You let out the loudest moan known to mankind but soon felt spurts of cum inside of you,loads of it.
Miguel panted as he got you out of his webs and gently removed himself from you,laying next to you. “I-I love you Miguel” “Te amo mi reina(i love you my queen)” he whispered back softly,pulling you onto his chest as you two drifted of into a deep sleep.
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the-transid-gacha · 4 months
Name: Collei, Hazarda ( you can add more)
Genders: zombiegender, creepergender ( you can add more at your choice)
Orientations: at your choice
Transids: translesboy, transsnuffed, transjapanese, transzodiac, transamab ( you can add more at your choice)
Cisids: cistrauma ( idk so add more at your choice)
Pronouns: she/it/zomb/creep/🌈🍓 ( can add more at your choice)
Species: human
Ages: 13-17 ( fluid age)
Source: genshin impact
Roles: at your choice
Appearance: looks like the original from the source, but with some changes. It can be an iridescent strand of hair, small black horns. But also I would to see what you can add from yourself ( but I still need my details)
Likes: radqueers, plants ( please add more at your choice)
Dislikes: Dottore ( please add more at your choice)
Personality traits : at your choice
Face claim: at your choice
Paras: at your choice
Emoji signoffs: at your choice
Name: Collei, Hazarda, Or Callie
Genders: Zombiegender, Creepergender, Zombiestar, & Undeadthing
Orientations: Aromantic, Asexual, & Hyperplatonic
Transids: TransLesboy, TransSnuffed, TransJapanese, TransZodiac, TransAmab, TransPanLingual, TransInsomnia, TransAmbulatoryWheelchairUser, TransArmCrutchUser, PermaDead, TransADHD, TransPTSD, & TransPyroType
Cisids: Traumatized, Pink eyes, Green hair, Bow user, Dendro type, Eleazar, Narcolepsy, Panic attacks, Anxiety, Moderate depression, CPTSD, & Avidya forest resident
Pronouns: She/Her, It/It's, Zomb/Zomb's, Creep/Creep's, 🍓🌈/🍓🌈's, Star/Star's, Forest/Forest's, Dendro/Dendro's, Plant/Plant, & Bow/Bow's
Species: Human
Age: Agefluid 13-17
Source: Genshin Impact (Collei Introject)
Roles: Trauma Holder
Likes: Radqueers, Plants, Exploring, Growing things, Cooking, Baking, Gardening, & Animals
Dislikes: Dottore, The fatui, Uncontrolled fires, Thunder storms, Sudden loud sounds, People in power (She's scared of them), Hateful people, & Spicy things
Personality traits : Shy, Skittish, Quiet, Uncomfortable in crowds, Studious, Particular, & Organized
Paras: Objectophilia, Bibliophilia, Dendrophilia, Mycophilia, Nyctophilia, Glaciulaphilia, Dacryphilia, & Masquephilia
Emoji signoff: 🌿🍃
Appearance: (close to cannon)
Iridescent strand of hair
small black horns
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Here you go hope you enjoy her :)
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owlbear33 · 7 months
I'm done with Death Masks, it's an interesting one, an enjoyable read
Butters is fun, I've always liked a good Pathologist/Coroner type in my supernatural mystery fiction I quite like Molly, there's bits of her that remind me of my own teenage years, in some ways
I generally prefer my Fallen Angels a bit more sympathetic than Nicodemus et al, I guess the series needs some extra big bads, but also hmmm power creep Hopefully not all of them are quite so evil
it's Blood Rites next, White Court vampire nonsense, Thomas and Tragedy, but I think I need a little bit of a break from Dresden's head so I might read the webcomic that's been sitting in an open tab for the last few days next before getting to that (PARA - professional on webtoon: canvas, we'll see how good it is)
(edit: nope)
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antondevlaux · 4 months
Anton Devlaux's Ascension.
The Cursed: Self Para. Flashback: His 21st birthday.
For a moment, it quietened, eerily so. Something in the air was different.
Some liked to say this day was akin to hallows eve, the way it was worshipped by their people, the way the ascension rippled through the earth, a living, breathing thing. Made before the others had ever terrorised the earth. Embedded into the soil, into the rock, infecting the earth with its power. It waited, and brewed. The witches rose, from dirt and ash and elements. Fire, water, wind, earth and spirit: they were to wield and ascend — to become their most powerful self.
But what happens when that power becomes too much? 
Rushing, racing and consuming. When it entered their veins, that power, into their very being it was as if their first self was lost. The magic was so strong, it took a hold and squeezed, it tested and tried; if the witch wasn’t the right fit…
They ceased to exist. 
As if they’d never been, the magic returned to earth as the soul ascended. 
“Are you nervous?” A laughable question, coming from a man that‘d never cared. Why would he now? It was questionable, at best. His power could be used in small amounts, if that. And he hoped his father, Marshall, wasn’t power hungry enough to drain him or make him…
He couldn’t bare that thought, not yet. 
“About being powerful? No. Being like her? Yes.”
Anton Devlaux didn’t know what to expect. All he knew was what his dad's hunter friends had told him over the years. Never his father. That was a step too far. Nothing Anton did was ever good enough. Had never been. Even now, on the cusp of achieving what few ever could, he could still hear the derisive comments, feel the sting of disapproval.
"Why can't you just be happy for me? Support me? Isn't that what a father is supposed to do?" Anton asked himself, though he already knew the answer. His father wasn't like other fathers. He was a tyrant, a true manipulator — not in the way that the others were, but a hunter who was brutally unforgiving, a man who saw emotions as weaknesses and emotion as chains to be yanked at his whim.
He couldn’t help the urge to dissect every word that left his mouth now, as Anton grew older he’d become aware, able to analyse the way his father slurred when he spoke, or the smell of alcohol that constantly lingers on his breath. 
Water rushing, heavy in his ears, suddenly had brows bunching together. What the fuck. Startled, his face flushing a furious red, gulping thickly as he tried to get a grip of himself, of this reality. He knew of these flashes, he’d heard one may experience this phenomenon just before an untethered ascension: and he could feel his father's eyes on his. 
That loathing. The detestment. And while he understood it, had seen it in his kind, and had felt the abandonment at one of their hands — Anton wished he could change it, but he couldn’t, so he’d done everything he could to be just like his dad. Until he saw through him. Human he may have been, but his soul was as rancid as the Satan witches worshipped. 
“You look like you’ve seen a ghost, boy.” Marshall sounded like he’d smoked fifty a day for forty years. The cough that followed told aching bones, a grunt ripping from his lips. He ached from a recent hunt, as much as Anton wished that would have deterred him from looking too much at his son. For once, he craved for the avoidance of his gaze, pretending he no longer existed. However, when he heard a clink of his alcohol bottle, one that Anton hadn’t previously seen, it clicked. Marshall Devlaux didn’t care, he was just drunk. 
The potentially biggest day of Anton’s life, and he was to do it alone. He could feel it creeping in, it was something his father had promised. That when the day came, regardless of their indifference, he’d find a way to see him through it. Those promises had been made so long ago, he now realised that it was a promise he’d no longer keep. Anton was to do this alone, and there was nothing, and no one, who would be there with him when his life changed forever. An abomination in the hunter's eyes, and a traitor amongst witches – he fit nowhere, he never had. Not even in his own home. 
The rasp of knuckles on the wooden framework of their home drew both heads in the general direction, a grunt beckoning from between his father’s lips. They didn’t need to look to know who that would be at this time of night, Wesley often found himself at Anton’s home, and while he never questioned it, a part of him knew it was to escape whatever was going on in his own home. There was an unspoken rule between the two lads, that they didn’t discuss home life. Their time together was about freedom, and forgetting the hell holes they both came from. Outcasts, wallflowers, the fucking invisible kids. There were so many nicknames that could describe them, and yet, no one noticed. 
While some prayed to spare a few moments in quiet and peace. Those two boys craved to be seen, to be heard. Anton didn’t stay around to hear the grumbles of his father, nor did he bother to check if he’d protested when he walked away. Swinging open the flimsy oak door, his ginger, slightly rounded friend stood there with that cheesy grin he’d had since he was a young lad. Not that they were much older these days, somewhat wise, more all the more immature at the ripe age of twenty-one, or Anton would be at midnight. He knew little of what he’d go through tonight, just that something bigger than himself would consume him and deliver him as whole: a full witch. He thought it a dirty thing, to be riddled with a power he didn’t want. But some small part of him, the young boy who still wished for his mother, hoped that he might be able to do some good with the so-called gift he was about to receive. 
Wesley knew about his magic and had three years into their friendship. And not once had he treated him any differently. He was exactly the kind of friend that Anton had needed while being stuck with his father. His own family becoming like his own, he’d never felt a place so filled with love and warmth. Kindness. It was seen as a rarity in the life he’d led, and still, they’d bestowed it upon a boy who had known little manners or social etiquette. They’d treated him like he was one of them.
“You know, every time I see you, you get skinnier.” Wesley said, brow lifting. Most would’ve seen it as rude, such an off-handed comment, but he meant every word he said with love. It was true. Eating had never been his strong suit as a boy, often forgetting. Whenever he was over Wesley's, his parents piled his plate as high as they could mount it: like they were trying to put meat on his bones. Anton had never said it, but it was those times around the dinner table that had meant the most to him. Quiet moments when no one would speak, or loud boisterous laughter that filled every corner of the room. It’d filled him with love, and it was a memory he’d hold on to the rest of his life. He often revisited them, playing them over and over when he felt lonely. When he remembered what he’d come to lose.
Being a witch was something he’d never wanted, forced upon him simply for being alive…but it’d taken the most. 
“The old man asleep? Or are we gonna’ go and do this thing.” Wesley prompted, causing a boyish grin to spread across Anton’s youthful features, tugging at the corners of his eyes as they crinkled. Such happiness, and childish wander that hadn’t yet been beaten out of him. 
“He’s awake, but…swaying.” mimicking with a choke of laughter, which he quickly bit down when the sound of his father grumbled in the car not too far, Wesley matching it, as he knocked his head in the direction of the dirt path of his home. They lived in a farmhouse, some two miles down the road from Wesley. Between were fields, and woodlands. As boys they’d spent many days exploring, tree climbing and playing make believe with each other. 
“Then what are we waiting for,” using his arm to gesture. “Let’s go, Ant.”
It didn’t take them long to close the door behind them, the two in tow with each other as they talked nonsense. 
“I heard Elaine has a crush on Timmy Martin.” Wesley said, a loud snort following. Anton cast a weary side eye to his friend at the mention of Elaine, a woman who was notorious for having a new boyfriend every fortnight. 
“Wasn’t it Luke Brunt…like a week ago?” Anton questioned, hands buried deep in his pockets. He felt nothing yet, no sign of change within his body or a surging of magic coursing through his veins. He felt the same, normal. And just for a moment, he thought maybe it was blown out of proportion. Maybe he was the exception.
“What can I say, the girls got a hungry appetite.” dropping his voice to a whisper, as if there was anyone else out there. “Did you hear that someone posted a note through her locker that said ‘Elaine the stain’” It didn't take more than a second before Anton’s eyes were bulging out of his sockets. 
Laughter quickly followed, the clock ticking closer to midnight every second.
One hour has passed.
Then a second. 
And then the final hour. 
Stood in a clearing, he began to feel the change. At first, it’d felt like something akin to a whisper. There, but never truly heard or seen. Like he was being called to some invisible force. Only minutes later did he truly feel the weight of what was about to happen to him. Searing hot, like cast iron being shoved deep into his chest, he was brought to his knees. He felt completely untethered. 
And just like that it was gone. 
Panting, braced, Wesley stood just a couple of feet away, his hand came to wipe the sweat from his forehead.
“...Are you done? Was that it?” Wesley asked, unable to keep the excitement from lacing every word. In his eyes, something that Anton might have even called proud remained. And as he looked at his friend, he thought of how he would’ve never wanted anybody else with him at that moment.
“I think I might –” his words cutting off, choking on smoke. 
But he wasn’t done, and the moments that followed would destroy who Anton Devlaux was forever. 
That fire from moments ago spread through his fingertips until it embedded itself into his nail beds, coursing through every vein and artery until it seared its mark. The fire element.
 Next came the beginning of a cool breeze, air. Cooling where the fire had once been, licking his skin as if there were physical wounds, wrapping and compressing. Until the breeze thickened into gusts, leaves and debris whipped through the air with no sense of direction or coercion. 
The ground beneath him, the grass in which his feet stood planted to the ground grew, died and re-grew: as if he was generating the cycle of life itself, twisting and turning, roots forming beneath his feet, wrapping and ripping soil. Destroying, to create something new. Earth, mother nature, she went by many names, began to infect him too.
In this wind, whispers, intelligible voices spoke, multiple, incohesive and growing louder as the wind only intensified. The ghosts of previous witches, his father had one told him when he’d asked as a young boy. The spirits had come to see him, untethered, spiralling, unable to control the power that was free flowing through his blood. Unbond, he was falling, faster and faster – if he hit rock bottom…he’d succumb and explode. Power scattering, and him with it. 
Anton took a minute to find Weasley, crouched to the ground with his hands over his head. Fear replaced where pride had been not long ago: and he wondered if this would change it. Would he be terrified of him now? Would he hate him? 
And finally came water. At first the ground beneath his feet became sodden, squidgy, quickly forming into something close to quick-sand. No longer able to concentrate on Wesley, he tried to focus on one spot, to root himself in for whatever was coming next. It was the most powerful of them all. Water consumed him whole, turning his very blood to the liquid in his veins, flushing out every other element, as if pathing a way for its future. Rushing towards the finishing line. 
It cleansed Anton, until he felt the calmest he had through the whole process. Time had been forgotten, unsure of how long he’d been in this state of being: an ascension to becoming a full-blooded witch. A man, as his mother had once said to him as a young boy. And an abomination as his father had called him in the following years. It ripped through him, once more, like a tidal wave finally crashing back to land, caving in on itself. Anton’s head fell backwards, mouth ajar, as a wholly unnatural sound broke free from between his lips, choking, gurgling, fighting from the bottom of the ocean floor to keep his head above water. 
Control it, he heard, like your ancestors did before you. 
The ghosts, the spirits, his ancestors. 
Anton had spent so long hating his mother for leaving, the idea of his ancestors watching over him had never crossed his mind. And just for a moment, he believed he might survive this. With a final push, like he was kicking up to the surface, Anton pushed through the drowning and pushed it outwards. Away from himself. Anything to get away from the drowning that was attacking his body. The water would not consume him, not today, he chanted.
He pushed, and pushed…until he sucked in a gasp of fresh air, eyes opening to find the storm finally calming. Settling as if the worst of the weather was open, a horizon finally appearing.
He took another breath.
And then another. 
His hammering heart began to slow as he looked up to find Wesley staring at him, wide eyed, and stunned. It was like he didn’t dare move, until he noticed the small flowers that had grown and wilted around him stood vibrant and beautiful. Like a welcome gift had been presented.
Anton had survived the ascension, a laugh breaking from between his lips. 
And Wesley opened his mouth to respond, until he choked. Once, then twice, hands coming up to claw at his neck.
“Wes…” Anton’s wary voice called out, taking one step, then two. 
Water flew out of Wesley’s mouth, like someone who’d drown in a lake and was brought back to life after CPR. But this water came out in bucket waves, over and over. Wes was trying to gasp for a breath. And Anton, aware if he used his powers would age, stood completely still. Unmoving, eyes wide. 
Watching as his best friend fought against the very thing that had almost killed him moments ago. Anton knew that when he’d pushed that power off himself, he’d flung it onto Wesley and now…there was no stopping. 
Finally a scream broke through as his legs began to work again. Feet pounding into the sodden grass. The water, finally stopping, gave him momentary hope before he began choking again. “Wesley – Wesley,” what was he going to do? Tell him to fucking breath. Oh god, he was drowning, literally before his eyes. “No, no, no, no, no,” Anton began begging. But who would he ask? God? Satan? The mysterious ancestors who’d guided him….
Or had they known?
“Is this part of some sick plan?” Anton screamed, Wesley dropping to his knees with a thud. Still clawing, still fighting. And just like that…the lights went out as he slumped forward, head smacking against the earth as he lay bloated and motionless.
Wesley was dead, and it was all Anton’s doing.
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monterraverde · 1 year
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They managed to reach the first marker without incident, but the creeping paranoia was setting in at the back of her mind.
This is where it happened, this is where she died last time.
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The feeling of sinking plagues her dreams, but she wakes, shielded by Giovanni’s powers in some small way. That comforting feeling of the viridian forest enveloping her each night so far and shattering the next morning under the crushing weight of Mt. Silvers overwhelming desire to claim their souls.
It’s terrifying in a way she can’t really describe, and really doesn’t want too. The morale in the group is shaky at best, and she doesn’t want to worsen it… All this after she had just scolded Blue for hiding his health from the group.
Hypocrite, she wears the moniker proudly for a time.
Blue somehow managed to make friends with the temple guardians, and his command of dog pokemon was a sight to behold, even if she reluctantly admitted it… Even here, clinging onto that pissing contest they seemed to be intent on having since the day they met.
And on the way up, the sight of a Tyranitars corpse being puppeted by some kind of parasite that controlled the body, and rotted it from the inside out. Not unlike the fungus that seemed to grow on Paras, that could infect Ninjask and turn them into zombified husks, just… On a Tyranitar? It shouldn’t have been possible.
She clutches Fafnír’s pokeball tighter… It wasnt her Tyranitar, obviously, but the pain of seeing him in that position pained her, imagined as it was.
All things considered, so far? An uneventful climb… The best she could ask for going into the mountain proper. She sits at the edge of the cave they’d found to camp in, watching the rain come down in sheets… and starts preparing ink for something, drawing a strange glyph on a sheet of paper a few times with a stick of charcoal she’d brought with them.
She had to make sure she got it right, they didnt have a lot of materials.
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regen-degen · 1 year
Rules, About the Muse, Links to sideblogs and some OOC (To stay pinned until Mun is not confined to mobile)
^^^^I have five rules that are a must^^^^
1. My formatting will match my partners (ic blogging, para, etc) but most posts will in the IC Blogging format. (Am I even saying the right words?)
2. I am not Wade. Wade may be who posts but he and I are very much different people. He will say and do things that are adherent to his characterization in all forms of media, but that does not mean I share his ideals or views. Do not attack me for the way he behaves. If it truly bothers you, come talk to me like an adult. I've had this problem on other blogs and I will not have it here. It tires me out.
3. Do not sexualize Eleanor Camacho in my asks. This was a MAJOR PROBLEM on my old blog and it's part of why I left. Ellie is Wade's daughter, so please don't be a disgusting creep. I shouldn't even have to make this a rule, but people out there love to pull this trash.
4. Please don't harass me for replies. I have family, job, and personal obligations outside of Tumblr and I won't be on 24/7. I will do my best to get to replies in a timely manner, but when I'm harassed for replies it honestly drains my motivation to actually do it.
5. If your muse decides antagonize Wade, don't get angry OOC when he retaliates. He's an unstable, violent mercenary. He will hurt your muse if your muse pushes him. You've been advised.
Deadpool/Wade Wilson is a character from Marvel Comics.
Wade Wilson was a mercenary who grew up with an abusive father (whom he wound up killing during an incident as a young adult). He led a very unpleasant life, which only grew worse when he was diagnosed with terminal cancer.
Having at first accepted his fate, he soon learned of a secret program that gave him a chance at a cure. Unfortunately this was a ruse set up by the weapon X program, which had also experimented on Wolverine. Wade was tortured and subjected to experiments that left him with a healing factor based off of Wolverine's same power.
The Healing Factor and his cancer have left his skin permanently scarred and him in constant pain.
He has suffered such severe trauma that he was left mentally fractured, speaking to what seems to be two semi-omniscient voices, that he can visualize as boxes.
Wade also believes he is fictional (HE KNOWS) and that he has the ability to see beyond 'the fourth wall'.
Despite his immature behavior, abrasive personality, and general... Being him... He is a capable combatant in all forms. His primary hindrance is honestly himself.
He is a single father to Eleanor "Ellie" Camacho, a young mutant whom he leaves in the care of a trusted friend so that she is not endangered by his enemies.
This particular blog will draw from multiple medias for his characterization. Shows, games, his movies, and the comics.
Let's see what happens.
^^^^Lastly, about the Mun^^^^
My moniker is Nat.
I am over 21
Pronouns are he/him
Tbh that's all I'm comfy sharing about myself for the moment
Number one is an OC rendition of the the Horseman Death. Something I've been working on for a while.
Number two is @cackling-knight (Hey it worked!)
My Two Spiders are Otto Spidey and an OC. @supreme-arachnid and @4r4chn10
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Can we request a problematic mha introject? :3
(alt text: basic info)
Name(s): Denki, Kaminari, Kami, Kam-Kam
Pronouns: hx/hxm/th★y/th★m/★/★'s/zap/zap/light/lightning/ey/em/⚡/⚡'s/dumb/dumbs/volt/volts/voltage/bolt/slash
Age: agegod (someone who believes they are above the concept of age for whatever reason), agefvck, manyage/agehoarder (someone with many transage identities), agefluid (mainly chooses to present as 16, hxs chronoage)
Species: meta-human/human with a meta-ability
Gender(s): gendergod (someone who believes they are above the concept of gender), agendernorm (someone who has a gender, but it is outside of the gender norms), xenohoarder
Sexuality: bisexual, gay, demiromantic, aroacespike
(alt text: system info)
Sources: My Hero Academia (Denki Kaminari)
Role: hygienist, socialiser
front triggers(pos and neg): MHA, fighting, romantic partners, friends, karaoke
(alt text: personality)
negative traits: dumb, overconfident, way too flirtatious (to the point of being seen as a creep or perv), desperate
positive traits: excitable, friendly, confident, funny, loyal, charismatic
core values: love, fun
secondary value: N/A
(alt text: radqueer info)
TransIDS: transstrongquirk, transmulticolouredhair, transMAP, transAAM, transcontradiction, transageless, transagehoarder, transgenderhoarder, transIDhoarder, transharmful
CisIDS: blond hair, electricity quirk, dumb
Paras: MAP, AAM, machoist, voyeurist
Emoji signoff: -⚡ -Kami
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(alt text: basic info)
Name(s): All For One, Shigaraki, Raki
Pronouns: he/they/@#*-£/glitch/void
Age: chronoimmortal, chronoageless, agevoid, ageless, immortal
Species: mutated meta-human
Gender(s): creaturething
Sexuality: straight ally
(alt text: system info)
Sources: MHA All For One
Role: malicator
front triggers(pos and neg): violence, murder, power, leadership roles
(alt text: personality)
negative traits: controlling, manipulative, deceitful, overall an immoral person
positive traits: charismatic, good at leading groups, persuasive
core values: "fixing" society
secondary value: hurting and controlling people
(alt text: radqueer info)
TransIDS: transbody (now lives in Tomura's body)
CisIDS: ageless, multiple quirks, mutated, faceless, near-immortal
Paras: MAP
Emoji signoff: -All For One
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karaokulta · 1 month
🎮 El arte oculto detrás del joystick: Desarrollo y Gestión de Videojuegos 🕹️ Abróchense los cinturones y ajusten sus headsets, ¡porque vamos a despegar hacia el fascinante universo del desarrollo y gestión de videojuegos! Este no es solo un mundo de fantasías pixeladas y hazañas épicas en monitores ultrawide, sino también un macrocosmos de creatividad, estrategia y sí, mucha, pero mucha programación. 🌌 Como líderes de esta odisea digital, es crucial tener presente que cada detalle cuenta y que el diablo (o debería decir el último Boss) está en los detalles. 🎯 - **Creatividad sin Fronteras**: Diseñadores, artistas y narradores, ustedes son los creadores de mundos, los arquitectos de sueños. Pero recordemos que una buena idea no basta; hay que saberla ejecutar. ¿Cómo transformamos esas lluvias de ideas en algo jugable? - **La Mecánica de la Diversión**: Todo videojuego es un conjunto de reglas. La diferencia entre un juego 'meh' y uno que nos roba el sueño por 72 horas seguidas, suele ser una mecánica de juego bien aceitada. Piensa siempre: ¿esto divierte o solo complica? - **El Rol de Project Manager**: Un videojuego, más que un producto, es un proyecto de pasión y entrega. Coordinar equipos, cumplir deadlines y no caer en la trampa de feature creep (porque admitámoslo, siempre queremos agregar una cosita más ) es el Boss final aquí. - **El Pulso del Mercado**: Tener esa sensibilidad para entender qué quieren los gamers y hacia dónde se mueve el joystick de la cultura gamer global, eso es lo que separa a los indies que pasan desapercibidos de los indies que se convierten en leyendas. - **Marketing y Comunidad**: En estos tiempos, un buen gameplay va de la mano de una comunidad sólida. Un streamer emocionado puede ser más convincente que mil anuncios pagados. Convierte jugadores en evangelistas de tu creación. Challenge accepted? Para aquellos que cuadran algoritmos o crean arte sublime, para los que escriben líneas de código pensando en líneas de diálogo, para los que ven más que un juego: ven un universo en expansión; que cada día en la oficina sea como resolver un nuevo puzzle o descubrir un Easter egg en el código. ¿Qué retos enfrentas en este quest del desarrollo y gestión? ¿Cuál ha sido tu power-up más efectivo? Comparte tus experiencias y si te sientes como en un co-op mode, ¡etiqueta a tus compañeros de equipo que se gozarán este contenido! #DesarrolloDeVideojuegos #GestiónGamer #CreatividadDigital #LiderazgoEnDesarrollo #IndustriaGamer #Videojuegos #InnovaciónEnJuegos #ProjectManagementGaming #CommunityBuilding #GamersUnite
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meeka-chann · 10 months
Novel #18
Charm Academy
By april_avery on Wattpad (⭐⭐⭐⭐)
Favorite lines from the novel:
• “I can call myself stupid but I will never let someone call me that word especially a stranger!”
• “Sana may sumulpot na baboy damo dito ano? Tapos ipa-roast natin kay Jett.”
• “Arf! Arf!” “Loki, don’t listen to them ok. That’s SPG.”
• “He’s too close. Too close for my comfort.”
• “Fire and wind. And they are best friends. How ironic.”
• “At sa hindi inaasahang pagkakataon, pinalibutan ako ng isang sphere na gawa sa apoy as if protecting me.”
• “Pumikit ka. Hindi mo magugustuhan ang mga susunod mong makikita.”
• “Ariela, enemies could use your weaness at their advantage any time.”
• “Charm Academy is a magic school, Ariela. Danger is part of the curriculum.”
• “Nitong mga nakaraang araw kasi kapag nasa malapit siya, pakiramdam ko lagi akong kinakabahan.”
• “Sa inyong dalawa nakasalalay ang sarili niyong kaligtasan.”
• “Now, I’m here alone with Jett and his dangerous charm.”
• “Napaka-stupid mo talaga.”
• “I can’t help but feel something strange with his touch. Like electricity.”
• “He’s too bossy, arrogant, mainitin ang ulo at laging sumisigaw. He always curses, always giving me threats—”
• “She’s loud, irritating, slow, stupid, maarte, mareklamo, sakit siya sa ulo.”
• “Sa sobrang dami ng naitulong mo, nakatulog ka nga eh.”
• “While everyone wants to have a charm as powerful as him, Jett thinks of his charm as a curse.”
• “Why is he pushing everyone away?” “Dahil mas natatakot siya na siya at ang kapangyarihan niya mismo ang maging dahilan ng pagkawala ng mga taong mahalaga sa kanya.”
• “It took years before anger vanishes from him. Now, he is starting to care. I hope it’s a good thing.”
• “Special type, isang basura.” “Gano’n ba? Sorry sa’kin ito napunta.”
• “I began to question my luck. The universe certainly has problems with me.”
• “Isa itong magic school. Secrets are creeping everywhere.”
• “They’ve done this thing a hundred times. Malay mo bukas bumalik na sila para sirain ang araw natin.”
• “Fuck, hindi mo ba nakikita? Pinoprotektahan kita!”
• “He run his fingers through his jet black hair and frustratedly pulled it like it was a life line that could spare him through the discussion.”
• “Pota! Ang manhid mo talaga!”
• “You need to stop her, Jett. You either help her or she’ll die.”
• “Kill my charm, Ariela.”
• “Kapag kaya mo ng kalabanin ang mga taong malapit sa'yo, doon mo masasabing kaya mo ng kalabanin ang lahat.”
• “Kamatayan ang katumbas ng pagkawala ng charm para sa isang charmer.”
• “You can't control your emotions. Therefore, you can't control your charm.”
• “I thought we are a team here. Pero mukhang ako lang ang nag-iisip ng bagay na 'yun.”
• “His arms embracing me, gave me an instant sense of relief. Kung pwede lang huminto ang oras.”
• “Isang imahe ang pumasok sa isip ko bago ako tuluyang nakatulog. Isang imahe na maaring hindi ko na muling makikita. Ang nakangiting mukha ni Jett.”
• “Nagawa niya pang kindatan ang mga babaeng nadaanan namin habang sinusundan ako.”
• “Si Jett Forester, ang fire element? Sila ang mga freshmen na sakit sa ulo ng mga guro.”
• “He is doing it again. Bumabalik na naman siya sa dati. Ang dating Jett na nakilala nila noon. Ang dating Jett na hindi malapitan. Ang Jett na kinakatakutan ng lahat ng estudyante ng Charm Academy.”
• “Ikaw ang gusto kong makasama.”
• “Dito ka na lang kasi para araw-araw kitang nakikita.”
• “Smile, Ariela. Make yourself believe that everything will be fine.”
• “He took my hand and gently let his fingers intertwine with mine. Then he placed his other arm on the back of my waist as if embracing me.”
• “It was not a mean smile but a soft smile. A smile that confirms he did miss me.”
• “Davis, I miss you. I fucking miss you.”
• “I closed my eyes and I can feel him kissing my forehead. This is true. This is so damn true.”
• “Kahit isang minuto pa, dito ka muna.”
• “His eyes landed on my lips. I could feel the world froze beneath my feet the moment he close the gap between our faces.”
• “Ariela,” he breathed through my still parted lips, “you can't leave me like this again.”
• “I'm deeply in love with Jett Forester.”
• “Jett, huwag kang mag-alala. Kaibigan ko lang siya.” “Gano'n din ba ang tingin niya sa'yo?”
• “Pino-protektahan ko lang kung ano ang sa'kin.”
• “The next I knew, I was standing beside Jett, his one hand gripping my waist tightly.”
• “Mas pinili ka niya kesa sa kaligtasan ng kanyang ama.”
• “Labing tatlong taon ng pagkakaibigan, tuluyan nang natuldukan.”
• “Minsan sa pag-protekta ng isang bagay, kailangan nating isakripisyo ang sarili nating kaligtasan.”
• “Charms if used in high volumes, especially dangerous types, can harm the body of the user.”
• “You have to meet people where they are, and sometimes you have to leave them there.”
• “Ang sakit na makita na umiiyak ang kaibigan mo. Ang sakit na hindi mo siya kayang lapitan at sabihin na magiging okay din ang lahat. Ang sakit dahil kailangan kong mamili.”
• “Hindi ko kayang mawala si Jett. Hindi ko kaya.”
• “For the first time, I found a place where I truly belong. But now I have to leave.”
• “I love you, Jett Forester.”
• “Hindi pa maayos ang resulta ng exam na ito. Kailangan mong ulitin, Jett Forester!” “Ewan ko sa'yo, Tanda. May importante pa akong gagawin.”
• “Hindi siya pwedeng umalis ng gano'n na lang. Ginawa ko ang lahat para manatili siya rito.”
• “I miss you.” “I don't know you.”
• “He is hugging me. He is hugging me from behind.”
• “He rests his chin on my shoulder while his arms were still embracing me, tightly, like he doesn't want to lose me.”
• “Babantayan kita hanggang sa dumating ang araw na iyon.” He whispered just a few inches from my face. “I love you.”
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The photos used are not mine. Credits go to the rightful owners.
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swynlake-rp · 1 year
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This is Halloween! This is Halloween! 
MUN: S! Members applauded S for diving in head-first with two memorable new characters that we already love. From the scrappy Angel to the dignified Darius, we can’t wait to see what stories you tell here!
CHARACTER: SCAMP! From the first time he popped up on the dash, we’ve simply been obsessed with J’s Scamp! He may have just joined us, but he’s already up to some exciting new plots and we just love to see it. Welcome to Swynlake, Scamp!
Honorable Mention: PACIFICA! Pacifica had a huge month, finally escaping her parents and exposing them for their shady ways! Way to go, Pacifica, and props to L for executing a thrilling and dramatic plot.
THREAD: THE MERCREW’S GROUP THERAPY SESSIONS! We love to see a community of Magicks come together like this. While Bruce, Aquata, Alana, Gil, and Gabriella each have their own reasons for being there, we’re excited to see where this goes next. 
TASK: HARVEST WITH THE HAUNTLEYS | FOODIES! Snow, Cass, and Julieta are such a power trio, and we loved to see them team up for some fall food talk. More of this, please!!!
Honorable Mention: BACK TO SCHOOL-ISH | TANYA & ANGEL! This one got a shoutout for being a creative take on the paired thread prompt! A back-to-school thread… where neither of them actually go to the school. Way to go, S and E!
THE FOREST IS NORMAL! BUT STILL CLOSED: Thanks to Ella and her deal with Grandmother Willow, it seems the forest has retreated from its invasion of the town. There’s no need to worry about creeping vines or meddlesome chipmunks anymore. However, the forest remains closed and requires a permit to access— failing to comply can result in hefty fines!
PETITION TO REOPEN THE FOREST: DENIED, Despite almost unanimously passing by the Board, the Petition to Reopen the Forest has been denied by the acting mayor. NOTE: Mayors have always had veto powers on petitions, so Eboshi isn’t technically overstepping, but it is rarely actually exercised. 
NEW SHERIFF/DEPUTY: Announcing Swynlake PD’s newest dynamic duo: Tom Harrington (Sheriff) and Maximus Keaton (Deputy)! They will be replacing Clayton now that he’s skipped town. Feel free to have your characters talk about it and hit up C and L to plot!
EVIL TWIN: Oftentimes, your character is the hero of their own story… but what if they were the villain? Make an aesthetic and a short description of what it might be like if your character made different choices, went down a different path, and became a spooky version of themselves! (Aesthetic + 300 words)
GHOSTS: A self para or thread where your character encounters one of Swynlake’s many ghosts. Feel free to play with the ghosts that we already have in canon or invent a new one! And remember that unless you are a medium, ghosts do not appear to you. 
OCTOBER 4-11: BELLE’S FOREST SIT-IN Come be part of a peaceful protest to show the town’s displeasure with the closure of the forest. Characters will be occupying the forest without permits. There will be snacks and drinks.
OCTOBER 11-18: A TOTALLY NORMAL PENNY FORRESTER CHARITY CONCERT Wow, it’s so wonderful that Penny is donating her time to perform for a good cause! It’d be a shame if something… happened. Something like a peaceful but extremely theatrical protest against the suspension of the elections… (Organized by Phineas and Pip. Because of course it was). Canonically on October 14.
OCTOBER 18-25: BOARD MEETING Between the closure of the forest and the postponement of the elections, Swynlakers have a lot to be opinionated about! Come make your voice heard. Canonically October 19.
OCTOBER 25-NOVEMBER 1: HALLOWEEN FUN! Get in the Halloween spirit with Swynlake’s many offerings…
Town Hall Trick or Treat: A family-friendly Halloween bash with tables from local volunteers and businesses giving out candy. Dress up in your favorite costume and bring the family! Pixie’s Halloween Haunt: For the nightlife crowd, Pixie’s will have its annual Halloween bash and costume contest! Go all out for a chance to be crowned the winner, and check out the club’s selection of signature themed drinks. Emira and Kleopatra’s Danse Macabre: Come frolic and dance until you’re dead at Emira and Kleopatra’s danse macabre, held in the PrideU dorm common room. Medieval attire encouraged, but not required!
Scott “Scamp” Richards: October 2
Cassandra Hamada: October 5
Mirabel Madrigal: October 6
Agustín Madrigal: October 6
Bae "Nemo" Nam-min: October 9
Elliott Morey: October 12
Gaston D’Avenant: October 13
Rose Whitman: October 15
Thomas Harrington: October 19
Todd Sionnach: October 20
David Hatter: October 29
Zero Hallows: October 31
Characters Involved: Ting-Ting, Hercules, Su, Hera, Snow
Plot: Ting-Ting found out that she's pregnant -- gasp! After puking on the Ferris wheel at the fall carnival with Hercules (and also not getting her period) she had a hunch, but confirmed it with a test on Sept. 17 (John's birthday). So far, she's only told Hera, Su (and Mei) and Snow.
Characters and Muns Involved: Pacifica, Ollie
Plot: This thread is the culmination of a lot of self paras and plotting over the last few months as Pacifica and Ollie work together to steal the evidence they need to finally hold the Northwests accountable for their actions 
Characters and Muns Involved: Cass, Hiro
Plot: To make sure that Aunt Cass isn't alone, Hiro used his skills with robotics and AI to create a cat for her named Boba
Characters and Muns Involved: Jessica, Belle
Plot: Jessica reaches out to Belle for help with her harassment and Belle has to turn her down 
Characters and Muns Involved: Bruce, Aquata, Gil, Alana, Gabriella
Plot: Bruce launched his merfolk therapy group! Aquata, Gil, Alana, and Gabriella all attended and they covered ground rules and then began discussing an anonymous online submission box where merpeople could share their concerns. They're a bit nervous about the security of the whole thing, but willing to take the risk.
Characters and Muns Involved: Annie, Kim
Plot: After being sent on a wild goose chase by Annie to investigate the residents of Southern Isles, Kim finally put her foot down and told Annie she wasn't going to do it anymore. Annie didn't take it well. 
Characters and Muns Involved: Hercules, Aquata, Merida, Ren, Cora
Plot: The gym has been undergoing renovations following the PanDemonium attack, and the withdrawal of the forest from the pool area (bye otters ily). Everything should now be back to normal and classes have returned to their normal schedule!
Characters and Muns Involved: Gil, Jim, Roz
Plot: After a mission gone mostly wrong, Gil asks the RAS for extra help in Swynlake. Roz approves the request and Gil is shocked to find that his former flame/the spy he worked most closely with in NYC is now in Swynlake. TLDR: Leo is in town! Staying at the Tipton for now! Getting a lot of coffee with Gil... what does it mean??
The A.V. Club
Characters and Muns Involved: Penny Forrester, Eilonwy, Su, Angel
Plot: Penny has started a film club! People should join this if ur character likes film <3
Characters and Muns Involved: Ella, Tiana, Aurora
Plot: After a disagreement about Willa’s education, Enchantra grew hostile, branching out into town in protest. Though her friends offered to help any way they could, Ella came to a compromise with Grandmother Willow, setting the forest back to normal as Ella moved into her own home closer to the forest itself. 
Characters Involved: Belle, Tibbs, Eilonwy, Alana, San, Mads, Berlioz, Hades, Toulouse, Ashitaka
Plot: Belle’s personal life has exploded in the wake of the Underworld opening. Her husband’s brother almost died and he won’t speak with her. Hades is disappointed in her. Her best friend, father figure, and other friends were injured. Her best friend, Berlioz, whom she told that it was her fault, is pissed at her now. She is trying to repent by throwing herself into getting the forest reopened but that’s not going well either…not to mention, Ashitaka showed up on her doorstep, causing even more problems…
Characters Involved: Belle, Agustin, James, Simba, Rose, Gil
Plot: As if summoning a demon wasn’t enough, now Belle has been fired from InterPride for insubordination. Her summer long crusade to help a cairn of Stone Trolls has been thwarted at every turn, building to a blow up with her boss. What’s her next move going to be? 
Characters Involved: Candace, Mirabel
Plot: At Phineas and Ed’s back to school party, Candace and Mirabel made out on the dance floor and then went back to Mirabel’s place for a hook up…except Mirabel started crying. Things got awkward and though Mirabel has apologized and explained she was upset about her ex…things are still weird
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*I wrote this days after the lesson was first posted and never bothered to go back and edit it so meaning there will be me theorizing about the next lesson as well
*I write a small para for each chapter and I write it immediately after finishing that chapter so there’ll be theorizing about the next chapter too
*I swear more than usual here
*Some of the dialogue is heavily plagiarized and a few is lifted directly from the story, the game is to figure which is which.
*Summaries and Discussions/theories for all the other lessons can be found on this blog under #obey me spoilers or #my theories or #my headcanons
This has two locked chapters. So I usually play one chapter and then write a summary for it and then play the next and so on, I don’t come back and edit the summaries or theories I write but this lesson is special enough that I had to come back and write a special intro to it. Hoo BOY! is this something! You think it’s gonna go the usual way with MC solving the problem demon by demon with each of them having some wacky fear and it is like that for a while until it nosedives into TRAUMAtm and ISSUEStm territory and becomes surprisingly dark. And for someone who loves speculating and coming up with theories this whole lesson was a goldmine, Enjoy!
Black mist swirls around the hall, Mammon & Levi shriek and the hall starts rattling until the mist forms pissed off demon Lucifer which makes Asmo yelp (and this is what I mean, the greatest common fear in this group (if you don’t consider Simeon and Lucifer) is probably pissed off demon Lucifer but on their own they’ll probably have different fears.) Levi stutters out that it’s lucifer and real lucifer tells him to calm his tits cause the he is actually with them. MC identifies it as the bogeyman (genius) and it starts shrieking for Mammon and Levi, which leads to Mammon screaming and Levi closing his eyes and chanting ‘no’ as they cling on to Belphie as the entire hall rattles again. Solomon happily tells MC ‘Welp there’s your exam, deal with it.’ Simeon’s slightly more helpful and tells them staying calm is the key. MC says they can do that. Solomon laughs and says that’s the answer he’d expect from his talented apprentice. MC uses a spell “light born of shadow” to repel the spirit, the spell and the spirit makes the wind howl and the hall shake and the spirit growl/groan. To escape the spell it flees into one of the hotel rooms and the hall suddenly becomes eerily quiet. Mammon collapses to his knees and Levi, with his eyes still closed, says he lost 500yrs of his life. Neither of them have still let go off Belphie. Lucifer calls them pathetic for being demons scared of a bogeyman (bro they’re scared of *you* akjdvkdfjjjkdn) Mammon snaps and says he ain’t scared of the bogeyman and Satan asks how he can say that after what they all saw. Levi says it’s not the bogeyman it’s a fully pissed off Lucifer he’s scared of. Mammon still insists he’s not scared. Levi tells him to shut up cause he was so scared he couldn’t stand, Mammon says he just wanted to sit down for a bit. Lucifer calls them pathetic again and Levi protests. Lucifer then says they must find a way to get rid of it for good cause it’ll start to come after each one of them individually. MC says maybe they can admit what they’re all afraid of so that they’ll know what they will be facing ahead of time. Solomon agrees with this plan and tells them to start with the oldest and work their way down, listing their fears. Asmo calls Solomon out on using this as an excuse to find Lucifer’s weaknesses to use later. Solomon smiles and says he’d never do that, Belphie says the look on his face suggests different. Beel says that there’s probably nothing that scares Lucifer and Lucifer says that nothing comes to mind (and this feels like when you’re a child and think your parents are all knowing and invincible only to get a sometimes painful reality check later). Mammon says he doesn’t get scared, Levi calls him a liar and says pissed off demon Lucifer scares him and then he goes on to list fears based off being an otaku (eg: the final ep of a series he loves and etc). Simeon cuts Levi off as his list grows and asks Satan. Satan straight up says “Nothing scares me.” And Simeon smiles and says it takes a lot of confidence to say that (yeah even Lucifer said that in terms of a greatest fear “nothing comes to mind” implying he’s felt fear before and probably had moments of ‘greatest fear’ too. Satan just straight up says nothing at all scares him and I think that shows his age and experience gap compared to Lucifer. Even the way Simeon smiled and said the confidence line felt like he was indulging Satan rather than believing him). Asmo jumps and says being ugly scares him. Beel says he thought about it but he really doesn’t know (with the saddest expression on his face) but he also says a pissed off Satan and Asmo are also pretty scary. Asmo yells at Beel for calling him scary (didn’t Asmo very seriously threaten to rip MC’s heart out in S1? I feel like a lot of people forget this… I’ve seen people say Asmo and Mammon were the only ones who didn’t attack or seriously threaten MC and I’m just like no??? Asmo was definitely ready to kill them and he gets even more pissed if MC says they don’t think he’s the most attractive person. MC doesn’t get the chance to talk back when Asmo threatens them either which makes it seem all the more serious. When Mammon first threatens to eat MC after they first meet he says it in that same over the top way he said he wasn’t scared in this lesson – completely unbelievable. And MC probably catches that too cause they get to talk back and tell him that they literally give no shits about whatever he’s talking about.) Belphie says he used to be afraid of the alarm clock satan gave him which wouldn’t snooze or stop, which he threw away (I feel like they’re greatly underestimating what ‘greatest fear’ means…) Solomon asks MC what scares them the most and the chapter ends. (I HC MC as having heavy abandonment issues, of waking up and finding out this was all a dream and that they’re alone but I doubt OM!’s gonna let them say that)
Asmo’s very excited to find out about MC’s worst fears but Levi says when MC came face to face with the bogeyman and chased it away it didn’t transform which means… Levi smiles and Mammon laughs and goes ‘holy shit you’re scared of Lucifer too!? Asmo points out that Mammon said ‘too’ implying… Mammon vehemently protests. Simeon says that that Luke’s blessing is still active despite it being given some time back and it makes the Bogeyman have no affect on MC. Asmo’s shocked and asks if that isn’t really impressive. Simeon says it is and that Luke’s blessings are so powerful that it even rivals some angels’ higher up in the hierarchy (do you think that’s why Michael has such an interest in Luke despite him having no ranking?) Simeon says Luke himself doesn’t realise how special his power is and MC’s amazed by what a bright future he’ll have. Simeon says he’s looking forward to it. Belphie says once that once Luke grows up he’d be able to banish Mammon with a snap of his fingers (and ansknvjbkdc BELPHIE!? Isn’t this also a self burn you fucking idiot???? Considering Mammon’s the 2nd most powerful and you’re the 7th?????? They really do genuinely forget Mammon’s ranking don’t they?) Mammon asks why Belphie had to pick him to shit on and Levi laughs and says Mammon will totally deserve being banished by an angel. Mammon goes to murder Levi but Lucifer cuts them off saying Barbatos just messaged him saying ‘don’t fucking stand there like fucking idiots kick out the bastard that you lot are responsible for unless you’d rather me come there and rip your fucking innards out you fucking assholes’ MC picks up on a very key fact and says “He’s fucking spying in us!???” Satan says he’s probably watching them at that very moment which creeps Asmo out. Solomon says they should go after it then which has Mammon yelping and Levi protesting. Lucifer says if they all go barging in everything will devolve into chaos and that just a couple should do. Levi laughs about MC being OP cause of Luke’s blessing (love the self awareness) Solomon tells MC to pick who’ll go in with them.
Asmo’s demanding why he got picked and Mammon, smiling happily, says Asmo should consider getting hand-picked by MC an honour, Asmo says they just happened to make eye contact and MC picked him and he can’t help it if MC’s eyes are naturally drawn towards his beauty. (I just realized considering Mammon’s the one MC usually picks for stupid, dangerous adventures so he probably thought he’d get picked and he’s so smiley rn cause he’s relieved). Satan tells Asmo to suck it up and Asmo says it’s easy for them to say since they aren’t been made to go in the room. All sparkly and teary eyed Asmo cries about how his beauty ended up being his undoing. Simeon wishes MC luck and says that should anything go wrong he’ll come in. MC tells Asmo they’ll protect him, Asmo throws himself into their arms and calls them the best. Lucifer tells them to keep their guard up, even with Luke’s blessing. The hotel room looks like someone has used a negative filter on it. Inside Asmo screams and says he can’t take it and that he knows what he’ll see and that an ugly version of himself will be so bad that he’ll have a heart attack and die adding on “I’ll DIE, MC!” at the end for emphasis (wait so bullets won’t kill them but heart attacks are a possibility? Or is this Asmo just being melodramatic?). With tears in his eyes he says he gives up. MC tells him nothing will change how beautiful he is, he agrees but still struggles to argue with it. The black mist then starts forming and Asmo squeaks. With a rumble it shakes the room and transforms. Asmo starts screaming and sobbing about how ugly he looks and how it hurts his eyes. To stop Asmo’s oncoming mental breakdown MC shows him a mirror and he starts cooing over how beautiful he really is but he still says he can’t take it and runs out the room (I like to imagine the bogeyman had to do the bare minimum to make Asmo see a hideous version of himself, like anything less than perfect flawlessness would freak Asmo out.) Back outside Lucifer sounds disappointed that these are some of the most powerful demons in the devildom, Satan calls the whole thing pathetic, and Levi laughs about how they should have known not to trust Asmo with this (..I mean you wouldn’t have done any better either), Mammon mocks Asmo for calling himself a demon, Beel says he’s hungry. Asmo tells them if they’re so much braver than him they should go in. Solomon tells MC to pick the next one. MC happens to make eye contact with Belphie. Without MC even saying a word Belphie realizes what has happened. About Asmo’s fear maybe I’m making it too deep but in S1 and in other places too Asmo talks about how beautiful he was in the Celestial Realm and I always wondered if part of his obsession with his beauty now is because it’s a way to cling on to that, the last thing that he can keep unchanged after his whole world was turned on his head. I think in the very early drafts of OM!, back when the brothers had canonical demonic demon forms as well the writers said Asmo hated his, so it’d make sense after how even his actual form changed he’d cling so desperately onto the human form he shared with his past angelic self.
Belphie asks if they really need him to come, Satan says it’s not like they can let MC go in alone, Belphie says they have Luke’s blessing so they may as well throw them into the sharks (I want to say I really like sharks and am always somewhat upset by the misconception of them as these ruthless killing machines when at most they’re just idiots with bad eyesight) Lucifer says that there’s always the possibility things won’t go as planned, Belphie says then Simeon will just step in (Belphie’s trying so hard guyssss. And like I imagine a majority of it is cause he’s lazy and doesn’t want to deal with this but I also feel like a small part of him knows that something worse than an annoying alarm clock could be waiting in there. I mean your greatest fear can be very personal and for emotionally constipated idiots like this who’ve lived millions of years and fought two wars? I imagine they’d be very private about it.) Simeon says that though that’s the plan it would but an end to MC’s exam. Cause he isn’t part of their additional materials the way the brothers are, says Solomon. Beel begs Belphie to do it for him and that he wants Belphie to keep MC safe. YO! Mammon brings up my point immediately. God I love him. Looking smug, he asks if the truth is that Belphie’s trying so hard to avoid something other than an alarm clock. Belphie looks shocked, then looks to the side and says “No…”. Mammon says then Belphie should be just fine, that it’s an alarm clock and it’s not a big deal (You know and I know that Mammon knows well that it’s not gonna be just an alarm clock, what a shithead picking up on Belphie’s weakness like that and manipulating him when nothing else worked. I love him so much). Belphie agrees to go. Inside the Bogeyman is already forming and a shrill alarm clock starts ringing, until it suddenly stops and everything goes black. Belphie makes a small noise and MC calls his name. He starts asking what’s going on and where MC went, sounding more and more distressed with each question. The wind keeps whistling through. MC says they’re right there. He can’t hear them. He’s now screaming for MC to answer him. Then he starts screaming for MC and Beel. Then for Asmo, Satan, Mammon and Levi. Then for Lucifer. When he gets no reply he says, “This can’t be happening…it can’t be…I…I…” He screams that he can’t take it and that he’s scared, asking where everyone went. MC moves towards his voice and hugs him. He screams for MC and Beel to help him. The chapter ends. This whole scene is haunting. From the bitch black screen, to the whistling wind being the only thing you can hear, to hearing Belphie who’s usually so unaffected start screaming for his family just? How it all started with the shrill screams of the alarm clock which just abruptly stopped. It came outta nowhere. I honestly didn’t think they’d do something like that and I’m shaking imagining what the others might see. I’m 100% sure that Belphie used all his energy to focus on the alarm clock so that the bogeyman wouldn’t pick up on this darker fear and that’s why the alarm clock went off at first. I initially thought Belphie’s real fear will be something directly related to the second war but this makes so much more sense, it makes sense that after losing Lilith his biggest fear would be losing the rest of his family and being alone and just wow I’m??? I love that they did this. It hurt to see but it was desperately needed.
Back outside Asmo and Belphie are both silent and depressed. Beel quietly calls Belphie’s name, saying all the colour has drained from his face and asking if he’s okay. Asmo whines about how Beel only cares about Belphie and hasn’t even checked up on him. Mammon says they both do look pretty awful and Satan says they look like Levi and Mammon did after seeing Lucifer’s pissed demon form. Levi says not to even bring it up. Beel asks what happened inside the room and Belphie says nothing. Beel orders (the key word here is ‘orders’ and it’s so different from his usual self that it was great to see what he becomes when the people he loves are hurt) that MC tell him what happened (and look on one hand it’s important to keep Belphie’s privacy and to not say anything without his consent, on the other hand he will NEVER tell anyone this, something he’s been bottling up for thousands of years, and he really should talk it over with them. Personally I think they should take him aside later and talk it over with him and then if he wants let him approach the others). MC can say “the truth is that…” or “…”. For the first he gets really pissed off and yells at MC to stop. He then takes a step back and apologizes and says he doesn’t want them telling the others anything. For the second Belphie quietly thanks them. He then says it wasn’t a big deal and something happened that he wasn’t expecting. He smiles and tells Beel not to look at him like that. Beel still can’t get over it and still looks furious, saying that he doesn’t know what happened but he knows it really messed Belphie up and he’s not letting it get away with that. He says he’s gonna destroy it and calls MC after him. Inside the room it’s dead quiet. Beel says again he’s not sure what he’s scared of but even if it turns into an angry Asmo or Satan they need to attack it without any hesitation. He says that whatever that thing did to Belphie it terrified him and that they need to make it pay. All of a sudden there’s a flash of light and long groans as the room shakes and the mist forms. Beel tells MC to attack it using his power before it can transform and MC commands him, Beel says his power is theirs to command and everything he does is for them and Belphie. Beel uses a spell to send a bolt of light towards it and for a second it seems to shrink into itself before it comes back stronger and holy shit holy shit holy shit GUYS!!!!! There’s a flash of light and they’re in front of the Celestial Palace except everything is on fire asdjkjdfjcusjosdsjdj FUCK. The bolt Beel had previously sent to the bogeyman instead pierces through the chest of angel!Belphie (FUCK!!?) Beel screams and then screams for Belphie. “Don’t take away my brother too! I can’t bare to lose anyone else…!” MC tries to tell him he hasn’t lost anyone but Beel protests saying he’s attack hit Belphie and now he’s… Beel’s unable to finish that sentence. He then looks at MC and starts pleading with them not to go, again saying that he’s begging them not to go anywhere. They tell him that they’re right here with him. He tells them he’s scared. The chapter ends. AND WTF!!!!????? They really went there huh? I’ve been screaming about the trauma Lilith’s death would have lead to since maybe Mammon & Luke’s train lesson but they really are bringing it up now huh!? I’m just holy shit.
They’re back in the hotel room with the mist swirling around them and at the screams Belphie comes running into the room and tries to span Beel outta it (and isn’t it sweet given how reluctant he was to go in and how shaken up he was after that he’d come tunning in for Beel). Levi comes in next with his eyes closed and stuttering but wanting to be there for Beel, then Asmo with tears in his eyes saying they’re not gonna abandon their “adorable little brother” despite how scared they are. Mammon comes in next, red faced and also with his eyes shut and asking Beel where he is, Lucifer comes in after telling Beel to focus and stay with them. (guys they’re all such good brothers I can’t deal). Beel seems genuinely touched that they all came for him. The Bogeyman flares and seems to grow again and Satan puts himself in between it and the others, angry that it had messed with his brothers and saying it was up against him now and he wasn’t scared of anything. The think groans and the room shakes and they’re in the coliseum like place in the Devildom (the place where Diavolo said he found Lucifer with Lilith after they fell) and everything around them is on fire again. Mammon asks if it’s turning into Lucifer again and Belphie says it looks like it is. It turns in to angel Lucifer (oh boy…I actually stood up and walked away. Satan…….dude….holy shit?). Satan gasps as the reveal and I genuinely think he didn’t know it was coming unlike Belphie. The name reads Lucifer (?) and I’m gonna just directly quote what he says. Also Angel Lucifer surrounded by fire and this pale purple aura with a kinda blank yet pissed off and judgmental expression while tense lowkey creepy music plays is actually kinda scary? I think it’s the fact that he’s supposed to be an angel but he looks genuinely scarier than when it transformed into demon Lucifer… Anyway: “…Satan, you fool. It’s time you learned your place. Because in the end, you’re nothing more than an inferior copy of me. You must already realize that.” Satan growls at him to shut up but he continues, “I know you, I know how you think. Because you were modeled after me. I was the original.” Satan says, “…Stop it.” It laughs and says while smiling, “It seems you don’t want to admit it, do you? You don’t want to but you have no choice. You hate it and you hate yourself. You’re consumed with self-loathing, aren’t you?” Satan screams at it to stop. Screaming that it’s not true and then screaming shut up over and over at an increasing volume. Lucifer, real Lucifer, tries calling Satan’s name, telling him to get ahold of himself. This shocks Satan out of it for a while. Lucifer goes up to him saying, “Satan, I need you to listen to me. You and I are not the same. You’re not me, and I’m not you.” He says his hobby is music while Satan prefers reading and that Satan loves cats but Lucifer would pick dogs. “You’re not a copy of me. No… You’re my brother.” He says he’s the brother to Lucifer, the avatar of pride and that he’s Satan the avatar of wrath. He asks if that isn’t his name. Satan is speechless after that. He turns to MC and asks them to tell him who he is. “You’re Lucifer’s younger brother, Satan.” This makes him laugh. He agrees with them. Saying he’s Satan. “No one else, just Satan.” He tells MC to use their pact. MC uses a spell to lend power to Satan and he uses that for a spell to banish the bogeyman. There’s a bright flash and everything turns white. (Holy shit Satan….the fact that it was angel Lucifer who was his worst fear and not normal Lucifer, that it was angel Lucifer’s judgment he feared? And I think I said this in two of the other summaries too but Satan’s the only brother Lucifer didn’t choose. Lucifer as an angel chose all his siblings and practically adopted them into his growing family. Satan was the only one who just came along and who Lucifer had no choice but to keep. Do you think that could be one of the reasons why it was angel Lucifer he specifically feared? Everyone else was with angel Lucifer in the celestial realm and fought by his side except Satan, Satan was never even an angel. He was always a demon who angels were taught to hate. Do you think it’s possible that he thinks that if angel Lucifer had the choice he wouldn’t have chosen Satan and brought him t the family? And that’s why the fairies thought he needed to meet angel Lucifer and hear him say he wished he had a brother like Satan. Also is it just me but does Satan have imposter syndrome vibes? Like the feeling that everything he achieves is cause he’s a shade of Lucifer and Lucifer’s just naturally perfect so he always has to work even harder to be better than Lucifer to prove he’s his own person.)
They’re back in the hotel room, except now all the colours are back to normal. Mammon asks what happened, Beel asks if it was destroyed and Belphie tells Satan his last spell was really impressive, Asmo tells Satan that he’s amazing and that he made his heart race, Lucifer says it was excellent and says well done. (lowkey disappointed we didn’t see Lucifer’s greatest fear but whatever). Satan dismisses all of it, saying it wasn’t a big deal and trying to move on and turn attention on how he’s gonna convert all the leftover emotion he has after having his vulnerabilities forcefully displayed in front of everyone into anger so he can murder Levi and Mammon. The two yelp and make a break for it. The other 3 also give chase, with even Beel saying he wants to take a bite outta them, while Mammon and Levi scream about how they’re gonna get eaten (…what would the other guests think…). Solomon follows the 6 of them happily to watch the carnage. Simeon asks if Lucifer wasn’t going to chase after them and he says he’d run himself ragged if he chased after them each time they fucked up. The two of them then congratulate MC and they say they couldn’t have done it without a.) Satan. Simeon says it was them who was able to draw such immense power from him and that their talent was impressive. B.) all of them, Lucifer laughs and says that some of them weren’t any help at all. Lucifer’s smile then slips and he tells them to wait a minute and sike that bitch is back! It has barely any strength left and is making one last attempt. Everything flashes white and it transforms into a bright light streaming from the window. The next two are direct quotes. Simeon: …! That light- Lucifer: Simeon, calm down. This one’s “mine”. Lucifer transforms into his demon form, saying something that transforms into your deepest fear is something he could live without. He says, “And here I’m thinking we would never meet again.” And I feel like he’s talking to the ‘light’ and not the bogeyman they thought they killed. He tells MC to use his power. They do and Lucifer uses the same spell as Satan and the bogeyman is finally killed. Simeon is silent and looks upset. Lucifer says they killed the last of it and they should be safe. He says it’s a good thing MC was there next to him or it might have ended very badly. Simeon’s still silent and Lucifer refuses to make eye contact with him. He says he’s going to check on his brothers and says he’ll see them later. Simeon’s silent and now looks thoughtful and MC can ask him a.) If something’s wrong. He apologizes and says he’s fine and then sighs and says “Oh, am I?” b.) they wonder if Lucifer’s okay. Simeon says he’ll be fine because Lucifer is strong and then quietly adds “…unlike me…” C.) they ask what that light was. “Not what.” Says Simeon, “who…”. Okay there’s so much to talk about I think my brain died. 1st – Simeon is stunned when the light first appears and Lucifer has to tell him to calm down that the light was his fear. Which meant Simeon thought the bogeyman was reacting to him and showing him his own fear and that means Simeon and Lucifer’s worst fear is the same thing and Lucifer knew this as well. Now you could say Simeon thought this light was the real deal and not the bogeyman and that’s why he reacted that way and that’s why Lucifer told him it’s just his fear BUT Lucifer said beforehand that the bogeyman had not been killed an they all see the mist forming and the room shaking and the thing groaning before the light is formed so it’d be hard to make that mistake. Plus simeon’s “unlike me” line seals it and pretty much confirms that Simeon and Lucifer share the same greatest fear. And I said earlier that I believed the bogeyman acted on the common fear of everyone it could affect but both Simeon and Lucifer were sure it was their own fear that was taking shape, plus the bogeyman only had enough strength for one last target, so yeah the ‘light’ is definitely both of their individual greatest fears. 2nd – who was it. MC’s being talking with a voice in the light every once in a while and I always assumed it was Michael cause he seems to have the same position in the celestial realm that Diavolo has in the Devildom. But why would Michael be Lucifer’s greatest fear? It’d make more sense for Lucifer’s greatest fear to be his Father but that’d mean MC’s being chatting with God this whole time and that’s absolutely fucking insane and I’m not even gonna consider that further. So Lucifer’s greatest fear is (probably) Michael but why? Because of what he represents? Because of what happened with Lilith and their Fall? Because he could threaten Diavolo’s plans for harmony? Because of some other unknown trauma? 3rd – What happened to Simeon? We know he was a seraphim who was demoted for some reason. We know he stole from Michael and was caught and Michael called him back to face some sort of consequences. We know after this he was stationed semi-permanently in the human world for some unknown reason. We know he’s meeting with angels (probably raphael) here in the human world. But what happened that made the angels or Michael his greatest fear? What did he mean by Lucifer being strong unlike him? Personally I think despite the Celestial Realm saying they cast the brothers out, the brothers actually fled after Lilith was struck. I think Lucifer asked Simeon to come with him and I think Simeon denied him and instead helped them escape and this lead to his demotion. We know from that one devilgram that after meeting Diavolo for the first time Lucifer realizes the Celestial Realm nor his Father particularly care for peace with the Devildom, while Diavolo’s actively seeking it and that demons and the devildom are not like what he believes they are. The more Lucifer meets with Diavolo the more he learns about the Devildom and the rest of the world, as Mammon said about Luke, he learns about the real world, how the angels aren’t always right and how there’s more to everything than the Celestial Realm and so the more disillusioned with the Celestial Realm he becomes. As Simeon was his closest friend he might have relayed this all to him, or at least given a vague idea of what he’s starting to see and Simeon in turn starts seeing things from Lucifer’s perspective or more accurately he starts seeing the whole picture (and this is what Barbatos means when he says Simeon is likeable because he’s different from the other angels) unlike Lucifer though this doesn’t make him angry at or resentful of the celestial realm – it just opens his eyes up to its faults but that doesn’t mean he loves all the good parts of it any less – So when Lucifer offers him the chance to leave (the way Simeon himself sees it) he’s never strong enough to take that leap. Or that’s at least my theory of what happened till the next lessons clear it up.
Simeon is still silent and looking upset and then he laughs and apologizes because he can’t seem to stop trembling (and okay first wtf? Also so the theory about Lucifer and Simeon sharing a greatest fear was right. But also what the fuck did Michael do that’s made Simeon tremble? Though the first time the brothers spoke of Michael Mammon said he still shook thinking about his punishments… But would Michael do anything like that to someone who used to be a fellow Seraphim? Was that light really Michael or was it the Big Guytm cause that’ll be terrifying I don’t want to deal with that…). MC asks him if he’s okay. He says he appreciates their concern ands says it’s just that the light was just a sight he hadn’t seen in a long time AND WAIT!? SO IT WASN’T MICHAEL!!??? IT ACTUALLY WAS GOD!!!??? I’M WHEEZING AND NOT IN THE LAUGHING WAY WTFFFF HOLY SHIT SERIOUSLY!!!??? AND WAIT SO MC’S TALKED TO A VOICE IN A LIGHT ABOUT THRICE NOW??? WHO THE FUCK WAS THAT!??? PLS TELL ME AT LEAST THAT WAS MICHAEL!? I’D LOSE MY SHIT IF IT TURNS OUT MC’S BEING COMMUNICATING WITH GOD HELP-  I’m okay. I’m good. I took a walk. Simeon’s still trembling and MC hugs him. Simeon blushes and says humans have a strange warmth to them. He says that sometimes he wonders if MC would make a better angel than him (which supports my ‘not strong enough’ theory in the previous paragraph). He holds them back tightly. He says there’s something he wants to tell them and says I- before Asmo screaming for MC to come watch them torture Levi & Mammon cuts him off (would he confess to them again? He did it before and it seemed done when they rejected him and he backed off. I guess emotions are more complex than that). He looks upset at the interruption but covers it with a smile and says it seems like they’re wanted. He asks them to drop by the café later and says they can continue the discussion then. The two of them are hung up upside down, Mammon’s screaming to be let down and Levi’s sobbing and screaming at Mammon not to throw a temper tantrum right next to him. Diavolo says they make an interesting chandelier but that they don’t fit with their interior design. Mammon screams at him to then fucking let them down. Barbatos suggests a muzzle. Satan suggest shutting them up with their fists and Belphie says it’s too much work and that they’ll juest wear themselves out. Beel says there’s a style of cooking in the human world like this. Lucifer says these two don’t look appetizing and that he’d rather have actual churrasco. Solomon welcomes MC back and gives them the star of humility. He says they are now officially a sorcerer. Diavolo and Barbatos both congratulate them. Asmo says they’re amazing and that he’s even more smitten with them. Belphie says he’s really impressed and says good for them. Beel says he’s really happy for them and says nice going. Satan says “MC the Sorcerer” has a nice ring to it. Lucifer says well done. MC thanks them all. Solomon says nothing makes him happier than seeing his apprentice become a full-fledged sorcerer. Mammon yells that he wants to be part of the celebration too and to let him down, Levi says he’s going to be sick. And the chapter and the entire lesson ends.
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seankeller · 2 years
you’re something i can’t let go of || self para
time: june through to september  who: carla lamport
It started with his mom not visiting back in June (and again in August), to missing his twin brother, to finding out Minnie was moving back to Japan, to Royce being weird about something, to plastering a smile upon his face at Minnie’s leaving party and watching her leave at the airport (but feeling proud she was doing something to make herself happy and back to her old self), to feeling like he had nobody to talk to (no other friends that were as close knit as Minnie and Royce were, even wanting to turn to Cleo but knowing that probably wasn’t the best idea - she was working on herself, it wouldn’t be right), to losing a patient at work, and then finally the interaction with Pax and Margot at the beginning of August which was too much to handle for him. 
After tears filled his eyes during texts that were exchanged after the fight, the next thing he knew he was driving to a motel where Carla met up with him. The need to make it all go away was greater than his hatred towards her - which was a lot - and the next month and a half he spent with her in that room, using. 
He’d been strong - too strong at times with the thoughts inside his head - to resist it the past couple of years, but he was only human. And he broke. Into pieces. And the only thing that could put it back together was... drugs. 
Carla used her dad’s money to supply them. Used him too sometimes--something about her lover back home was an asshole. They never spoke about what happened a few years back - it was a silent understanding between them. And Sean was fine with that.
Until one day he wasn’t.
He made the mistake of asking her if he remembered his name. And was met with a powerful backhanded slap after she pulled on her shirt. Soon after she was storming out of the motel room. Holding the side of face, eyes closed, Sean says, “Shit.” 
Two hours had passed and he was texting with her, apologizing. Before he knew it he threw his phone at the wall watching and hearing it break. 
“Idiot.” Sean told himself, falling back onto the bed, hands on his face. How long could he go without it? Without her? Not too long he thought. He had to do something. He could feel the bad feelings creep their way to him. They were never far away.
Pulling on a sweater with a hood worse for wear, he left the motel room in what seemed like ages, and started walking towards Downtown. 
First, fix the phone. Second, find Carla. Third, get back to the motel. 
...He had nothing else.
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nlrpg · 3 years
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hi everyone! halloween is creeping by and we'll be planning 2 events, one is a more traditional while the other will be a murder mystery and will be very writing heavy!
since the latter is more demanding and requires more time, we aren't sure if we'll be holding the event soon or save it for the future. however, we'd like a headcount as to how many people would be interested in participating so we know how many characters to write!
please be advised that joining means you have to be able to hit certain deadlines with your paras and there will be light godmoding on our part. this will also be an au so your characters won't have their powers and will be assigned roles. in addition you will only be able to play as one of your characters.
again we aren’t sure if it'll happening this month but it's definitely something we’d like to try sometime in the future!
please only like this post if you're interested!
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nuka-blackwell · 3 years
A Haunting Past EXTENDED {Tiana/Rora/Marzel/Nuka/Marisa/Ella/Bambi}
The full version including Willa’s capture, Rescue & Bambi’s timely arrival.
+ Memories are stolen and returned. Lives are lost and save.Final goodbyes are given.
Once you get to the battle it’s the same I was just trying to be fancy, so this has everything.
Same TW: Blood, Broken limbs, Death, Wrist Slash (from Sora’s wound when Nuka took the blood) TW are in the para as well.
@truitt-story @aurora-rosewood @cinderellaashbourne
Nuka hadn’t considered his little game with Tiana would ever be useful. Of course he intended for it to be fun and had even gained access to her house because of it. But finding out the princess of the forest lived in the house.
Lucky day for him indeed.
Slipping in even while the house was busy wasn’t difficult, he had passed Aurora by her room and quickly compelled her to forget him before he walked into the room with Willa having her quiet down in a moment.
They didn’t want to draw any attention now did they? Yet it was curious that there were bags packed as if Miss Willa and Ella were about to leave town. A shame for them they hadn’t moved a little quicker. But curious indeed.
Not enough for him to worry about it, not when he heard footsteps and he slipped out the window heading to Talon Manor.
One Sacrifice was in hand and the remaining would walk in by themselves later tonight.
They were pretty much all packed and ready to go. Ella would be a liar if she said she hadn’t been waiting for Aurora and Tiana to tell her that something was happening, after they revealed the truth about themselves. About the knights, and all the rest of it. It seemed like it was building to something, and had she not known about her friends, Ella would never have known about it at all. 
Though at least she and Willa would be out of the way for… whatever it was. She had made a deliberate decision not to ask too many questions, both so that she wouldn’t worry too much about the other girls and so that, should anything happen, she could claim deniability. 
All that was left to do was to collect Willa. Ella had put her down for a nap, hoping she might sleep through the journey out of town, if only because travelling with a baby was difficult at the best of times but made even worse when that baby was fussy. She crept up the stairs with the practised silence of a mother not wanting to wake her child, and peeked into her bedroom, where Willa’s crib was nestled in the corner. She knew where all the creaky floorboards were, avoiding them as she moved through the room, arriving at the side of the crib with a soft smile.
It fell away when she saw that the crib was empty, though.
“Willa?” Ella took a step back from the cot, dread sinking like a stone in her stomach, making her feel cold all over. Willa wasn’t one to climb out and run around, she never had been… “Willa?” Ella called again, louder this time, panic creeping into her tone. Last time she had found Willa gone she had been halfway through the woods, taken by the trolls--
“Tiana! Aurora!” Ella cried, skittering to the top of the stairs. “She’s gone! Willa, she’s-- she’s gone!”
Tiana had barely slept that night, but somehow, in the early hours of the morning, she had managed to drift off. Which meant that she had a harder time getting up than usual. She trusted Ella to take care of the things she needed to get done in the early morning, so she took her time getting out of bed and getting ready. She was just finishing up the sandwich she had made Ella for the road when she heard Ella’s voice. What was that? Gone? Who—
When Tiana saw Ella’s face, though, she understood. A feeling of horror and dread settled in Tiana’s stomach. It was just what they had feared. Willa was gone. They hadn’t moved fast enough.
“Are you— are you sure?” Tiana stammered, though she knew there was no use. Of course Ella wouldn’t have missed her somehow. She looked to Aurora. “I mean— right. We’re going to find her, we have to— did anyone see anything last night?” Her head was spinning, but she had a feeling about who this could be.
Aurora was dazed, much like when she woke up from a sudden fainting spell, she was curled on her bed, dressed and ready for the day but it took a few moments to remember why she was ready and why Ella was screaming.
When she had though, she jolted out of her room running to Tiana and Ella the dread and heavy weight settling in. They had been too late, they had tried to protect Ella and Willa and they failed. Maybe whoever took her was close, Aurora could do what she did in Elfhame, extend her magic into the earth and see how far she could reach.
“If they are close I can- I can tell-” Aurora stated running back out of the room Lolly close on her heels barking madly at the commotion and the panic. Trying to tell them something no one could understand.
Getting to the backyard wasn’t any help though, whoever it was, was long gone and although Aurora had a feeling of who it was, or at least what family she had no proof.
“It has to be them right? The Blackwell’s.” Aurora stated meeting back up with the girls. “And we’re going to get her back.” 
It took Ella a moment to stumble down the stairs after Aurora; her eyes were fixed on the crib, the empty cot, the room that she had turned upside down when she had looked for Willa. She was just willing her to crawl out from under the bed, or behind the curtain, or something. Or anything. Anything other than the reality she was now faced with.
Was she such a terrible mother? To have her daughter so easily snatched from her not once, but twice? After the first time she had never left Willa alone, she had watched her round the clock, slept with her right by the side of the bed. But time had gone on, and nothing else had happened, and Ella had let her guard down. Things had seemed so normal, but she never should have begun to settle, she could see that now.
“The Blackwells?” She asked, fumbling the words, her throat dry and her mouth feeling like it was full of chalk. “What-- what about the Blackwells?”
Tiana couldn’t bear to look Ella in the eyes. She had failed her. After all the training, all the preparation… even though Tiana had thought living with two Knights would protect Willa, Tiana couldn’t help but wonder if it made her even more of a target. The horrible feeling of guilt in Tiana’s stomach grew.
“Remember when we told you about that… Knights of the Round Table thing?” Tiana started, looking to Aurora for confirmation. “There was a little more to the story. We didn’t get into it because it was still sort of developing, and if anything were to happen, we didn’t want to put you in more danger, having that knowledge. But I think you need to know, now.”
Tiana took a deep breath. “There’s a plot to take over Swynlake. By these people. The Blackwells. It has to do with undoing the charter. And there’s a spell that requires… certain items. And certain people. It’s, er, why I had a weather vane stashed in my room for a little bit, for example. I’m wondering if— it’s possible that Willa was a target.” 
The implication dawned on Tiana: that meant Willa’s life could be in danger. “But we’re going to get her back,” she added quickly, glancing at Aurora again. 
“We never knew who they wanted just they wanted people.” Aurora supplied with a grimace. “We wanted you to get out of town before anything. I’m so sorry.” This was their fault. They should have moved faster, quicker. Done more. Done so much more.
“I don’t care what we have to do to get her back. We will. I promise.” Aurora stated without a second thought, perhaps she considered herself a pacifist, but taking someone she loved meant that she was going to do what she needed to get Willa home. To make this little family whole again.
“I know you weren’t planning to go but are you coming with us? A rescue mission of our own?”
She didn’t blame her housemates for a second. Even if there was more to the story than what they were telling her, it still wasn’t their fault. Ella knew that they would’ve done absolutely everything in their power to protect her daughter if they had known, and now she trusted them to do everything they could to get her back.
But like hell was Ella letting them go without her.
“Of course I am,” She said after a moment, once she had collected herself just a little more. She had to be strong, for Willa. She had to keep herself together until she found her again. “I’m not going anywhere without her. Not without my baby.”
Tiana couldn’t imagine what this was like for Ella. She didn’t have any children. But she knew that her own mother would have done just about anything to keep her safe. So of course they had to get Willa back, and unharmed. She and Aurora had promised Ella that much. And beyond the promise, Tiana couldn’t imagine the house without Willa. She had developed a deep tenderness for Ella’s daughter over the past year, and now Tiana would do what had to be done to save her.
There wasn’t another option. Tiana wasn’t going to think about the alternative. 
“Then that’s what we’ll do,” Tiana said decisively. “If the Blackwells took her, then our best shot at finding her is going to the ball. We’ll search the place, top to bottom. And we won’t leave without her.” She took Ella’s hand. “We’re getting her back, Ella. I promise.”
Nuka watched everyone fall, as he held the unconscious Willa in his arms, her mother was here as expected and so were Tiana and Aurora, what he hadn’t accounted for or expected was both of them to jump into action. He had wanted Tiana to cower in fear like she did every time. He wanted to see Aurora falter the way she had last time.
But it was fine, it didn't matter too much to him. Nuka had all the time in the world for the game. Right now all he needed was a bit of Willa’s blood and with a prick of her finger, Nuka collected it. Abandoning her on a nearby table. 
Don’t worry little Willa, or the girls trying to rescue her. He would be back for her. He still had a game to finish.
So much was happening, and it would be so easy to be distracted, but Ella only had one thing on her mind. She was looking for her daughter - she didn’t even care about the person who had taken her, she only wanted Willa. She just wanted to find her daughter safe and sound, and get her somewhere else - somewhere safe and secure, where they could lie low for a while. She wasn’t thinking too far ahead, admittedly. Her focus was just getting Willa, and keeping her safe.
Ella looked across the room, her gaze moving quickly, like she was pulled towards it, and she saw her: her little baby girl, being set down almost gently, as if the pair of hands holding her actually cared. Ella didn’t even bother to look at whoever it was had set her down, though she was sure Tiana and Aurora would-- she was already pushing her way across the carnage, all but throwing herself towards the table to grab up little Willa where she lay.
“Willa, sweetheart, my poor baby--” Ella shifted her in her arms, brought her close, pressed her ear to her chest until she could assure herself of the beating of her little heart. It was hummingbird fast, but it was there, it was strong. Ella ignored the tears in her eyes and held her daughter close, shielding her with one arm. “She’s alright,” She said, turning back to her housemates. “She’s alright, I think.”
Tiana was surprised that Nuka left Willa without much of a fight. She had been readying herself for a battle, to do anything she had to do to get Willa back in Ella’s arms safely. It almost made Tiana a little nervous. Because Nuka clearly had more up his sleeve. 
But Tiana couldn’t think about that right now. First, she had to make sure Ella and Willa got to safety. As Ella picked up her daughter, Tiana watched Nuka disappear into another part of the ballroom. She stayed there for a moment, her sword raised, until she could be quite sure Nuka was not coming back. He seemed otherwise occupied. For a moment, Tiana wondered if she should go after him, but she had to make her first priority Ella and Willa. If the Knights needed her, she would go help them as soon as she knew her housemates were safe. She turned back to the others. “Is she okay?” Tiana said, rushing over to Ella. “I think— we can try and find someone to check her out, make sure she isn’t hurt?”
OLLIE (TW: Blood, Arm Gash)
His next choice was a human, one he had seen quite a bit at the hospital lately, working with kids. How kind and caring. Not really.
Grabbing Ollie’s right arm he cut horizontally deep enough that it was quite a bit of blood and exactly how Nuka liked it. Really Nuka should have punctured each of the flowers on his chest but he was being nice and time was more important. He could play with his food later.
Aurora followed quickly her hands on her taslisms, ready to make sure she protected the girls. She had failed once already but she wasn’t going to fail again. All of the Blackwell’s were running around quickly and suddenly she wondered why she never figured it out before. 
They needed to stay on guard. And ready for anything. 
Surrounding Ella, Aurora made sure Tiana and herself were the first line of defense as everyone else jumped into battles, Marzel was with his sister. There were so many people unconscious. “We need to figure out if she took the same thing as them or she’s just unconscious.”
They could’ve all been vampires, every single one of them, and it wouldn’t have stopped Ella. She had hunkered down by the table where she had scooped Willa up, clutching her close to her chest; it was the first time she really stopped to look around and even then, it wasn’t to wonder what was going on. It was only to try and find the best way to get them out of the carnage and somewhere safe.
“I think she’s ok,” Ella said, glancing up briefly at Aurora and Tiana before she looked at her daughter again. She couldn’t be sure, of course she couldn’t, but--
Willa wriggled a little in her arms, and then blinked big, blue eyes up at her mother. Ella felt lighter almost immediately, like she could finally breathe again. “There you are,” She said, a smile in her voice, tears in her eyes. She looked up at Tiana and Aurora again, giving a nod. “She’s awake - we have to get her out of here. We can go to the forest, maybe. Bambi should be able to look after us both.”
SORA (TW: Blood, Wrist Slash, Broken Ribs)
Nuka ran over to the next target glancing up only briefly at his Mother and Arthur as they began to tumble. He’d help her soon, not that she needed it, Arthur was unmatched in both brilliance and brawn. He had no chance.
But Nuka felt that tick of annoyance building up. How dare any of them think they could face them. How dare they try to oppose them.
|| Grabbing the boy's wrist Nuka made a slash || drawing the blood needed and even though his wrist dripped blood it wasn’t enough for Nuka. Dropping the boy roughly he kicked him in the ribs forcing him back into a wall feeling just slightly better at the small act of violence.
Tiana let out a sigh of relief for the first time that night. Willa was okay. That was what mattered. And Bambi would help, of course he would. Tiana tried to avoid turning serious, urgent moments into sentimental ones, but she couldn’t help it. She pulled Ella and Willa into a hug. 
“Be careful. Stay there until we give you the all clear,” Tiana instructed. “I’ve got a feeling this night is only going to get scarier.” She glanced at Aurora. “Should we all walk there together?”
Aurora nodded, they needed to get Ella to safety. First and foremost that was the most important thing. But there were so many screams of terror around them. People were going down. And then the most terrifying sob was heard and Aurora twisted her head to Marzel and his sister.
“I’ll back both of you up. Ella go!” There just wasn’t enough time for anything and that was the point. Strike when they were all down at least they hadn’t poisoned a child at the very least.
It was surprisingly easy to find her feet. Ella would’ve gone alone, if Aurora and Tiana had needed to stay here to help, but she was glad that she didn’t have to. When Aurora told her to go she was up and running, following Tiana through the crowds of people. She kept Willa’s face tucked in against her chest, shielding her from as much of it as she could until they were out, and hopefully, safe.
“Thank you,” She said, once she could hear herself think. “For finding her. And for helping us both,” She looked between her housemates, smiling softly. “I suppose your night isn’t over just yet, but… we should be safe, until we have the all clear.”
TONY (TW: Broken Arm, Blood)
Salt - They had trapped his Mother with salt. These people were prepared for it and it pissed Nuka off. He needed to move quicker. As that anger ticked higher and higher, the only thing stopping him from jumping in and killing the knights was the fact his Mother needed him to collect the blood.
One more to go after this. Grabbing Tony’s arm roughly he heard the bone crack before he even drew the blood, but Nuka’s eyes were wild as he slowly stopped caring. 
Not that he did before but he dug into Tony’s skin to draw his blood before running off to his next target.
Tiana whipped her head around at the sound and froze for a moment, but then she remembered what she was doing. She had to get Ella and Willa out. She could help Marzel once she knew they were safe. 
“Right. No time to lose,” Tiana agreed, motioning for Ella to follow her to the door. It was a good thing Talon Hall was so close to the lake, and to the forest. Hopefully the animals would have alerted Bambi. 
The forest was in a tizzy. It had not been unaffected by the strange smoke that billowed through the town. Of course, the animals were left alone, and himself, but those few humans and humanoids that resided within its borders were overtaken. 
Something was very wrong. 
In an instant, the edges of the forest shored up, becoming denser. Old paths grew over and entrances to the forest became indistinguishable from the rest of the treeline. Bambi was not taking any chances with whatever this was. 
Only the birds and the smallest of critters could manage to make their way through. 
That was how he found out that Ella and Willa were headed to the forest. He cut a path, following the birds, to where the would be and with a clench of his fists, a hole opened in the trees just as the trio stopped. 
“Ella,” Bambi said, flicking his eyes towards the other two with her. He assessed them for a moment before looking back at Ella and his sister. “What’s happened?” 
Aurora made sure to cover the girls as they ran, the smoke was blinding and they didn’t have much time. They were going to have to move fast, be back to help the others but Willa and Ella were their family too and they needed to protect her.
Standing in front of the Great Prince was something though, even if he seemed like a kid.
“There’s a group of Vampires trying to destroy the town?” Aurora mused with a slight shrug. “It has to do with the Charter and we don’t know the repercussions of it. But it’s not going to be good. If you can protect Ella and Willa, Tiana and I would be grateful and we can go help the town.” Aurora offered a little more sincerely looking at each of her housemates. They would be fine after this, they had to be. 
“They took her,” She blurted, shifting Willa in her arms. Ella didn’t know what exactly her daughter could hear, but she supposed it must be the forest. As soon as they had gotten close she had perked up a little, looking surprisingly no worse for wear, and now that she was within arms reach of her brother Willa twisted in her mother’s arms, reaching out a chubby little hand for him. 
Ella wasn’t so delighted, though. She knew Bambi would understand how she felt - he had been there the first time, too. “For whatever it was they did. I think she’s fine,” she added, looking at Bambi. “But I don’t… I don’t think I’ll feel safe at home.” 
Bambi’s eyes narrowed, pinched, at the sorceress. Humans were so troublesome. 
Except, of course, Ella and Willa. 
He stepped closer, though he did not leave the comfort of the trees. Reaching out, he touched his sister’s hand with his own, as if reassuring himself that she was alright. His heart clenched in his chest to think something might’ve happened to her. If it was up to him, he would keep her here in the forest. Where she would be safe. 
It was not up to him. 
At least she appeared unharmed. 
“Of course, Ella. You know you are welcome here, any time. The trees are open for you.” He grabbed Ella by the bicep gently and pulled her closer, toward the trees. He looked over his shoulder at the women. 
“If there are any other children and their caretakers that need protection, tell them to come to the forest edge and say that they are a friend to the trees and creatures here. Children only.” And with that, he flicked his wrists and the trees and foliage closed around them again, plunging the forest into darkness. 
Tiana had never ventured very far into the forest. Under other circumstances, she wasn’t sure she trusted this. But Ella trusted Bambi, so Tiana did, too. She made a note to tell people to bring children to the forest, if they had to. 
“Thank y-“ Tiana started, but the forest had already closed itself again. She turned to Aurora. “Alright, we’ve got to get back inside. I think I saw Nuka trying to hurt Marzel, I—“ Tiana couldn’t speculate. She would only make herself crazy. “I’ve got to go help him, before it’s too late.” 
Nuka’s last target already had a knight over her body, his sword drawn to protect her. Did all of his games have to have knights attached to them? It was annoying. Dull. Boring. Blood needed to be drawn first before they really fought.
Maybe she was a distraction and he would be useless.
Either way he still had to get through him. Rushing Marzel, Nuka grabbed the sword in his palm so even though it sliced him he disarmed Marzel grabbing him around the throat so he couldn’t speak.
“We did our research. We know your kind. Don’t think your voice is going to save you here.” Nuka mocked holding tighter and tighter until Marzel couldn’t breath. The sword tossed to the side, Nuka reached over with his bloody hand though it healed and snapped Marzel’s wrist as Marzel kicked out with the power only a merman’s tail could have (Well with legs) pushing Nuka away and dropping Marzel again in front of his sister.
Coughing out Marzel leaned low. He didn’t have his human weapon but he would fight to the death to protect his sister. 
Nuka didn’t have the time, Arthur was fighting his Mother and she needed the charter broken now.
Rushing ahead Nuka didn’t attempt to play nice anymore, slamming Marzel into the wall and letting him fall limply to the ground.
Marisa was next. And Nuka was pissed off. Grabbing the girl’s throat he squeezed watching her even unconscious struggle for a breath before he sliced down her arm, watching the blood fall like a waterfall. More than enough to shatter that charter. And with this he had done what he needed to do.
Weren’t you proud of him, Mother?
Looking up at his Mother to see how she was doing, that elation dropped and Nuka snarled, she was bleeding.
What had he done, what had Arthur done! She wasn’t healing!
Nuka needed to get to her, to protect her. And as he worried about his mother his grip tightened on Marisa’s neck, cracks heard but not cared about. It was this distraction that allowed Marzel his opening. Slicing his sword through Nuka forcing him to drop Marisa, Marzel rushed to catch her and stop her head from cracking on the ground.
Grabbing his sister Marzel checked her pulse, watching her head lull to the side. At first he couldn’t even find it and when he did it just grew weaker, fainter. Her name could heal- maybe- hopefully. He just needed to stop the bleeding as it pooled around them. 
Marzel scrambled to rip off pieces of his jacket trying to stop the bleeding. Begging his sister to live. They were supposed to go back to the ocean, they were supposed to lead their pod. He was going to follow her to the ends of the earth.
He had only been here to protect her.
The sobs ripped out of his throat as he tried to save her as he begged for help, covered in her blood.
“Marisa, please. Please. I’m sorry I’m sorry I couldn’t protect you. I’m sorry. Please just wake up. I’ll do better next time please. I won’t fail again. Please. I’m sorry Valentino I promised you I’d protect my family and I failed again. Please please. Just give me this chance.” Marzel begged again and again as his sister’s head lulled to the side.
Those words couldn’t be the last. Those words couldn’t be the last ones he heard from her.
This couldn’t be the end, it couldn’t.
“Wake up please. Wake up.”
Well that worked? Even if it was a bit rude. All that mattered was that Ella and Willa were safe. And any kids that needed protection as well.
Nodding at Tiana they both rushed inside, where Nuka was ready to go after Marzel again and he was clutching at his sister sobbing. 
Tiana had remained in the shadows, trying not to let Nuka see her. She just needed to protect Willa and Ella. That was top priority. And she trusted Marzel to handle this on his own. After all, the sparring attempts with Belle had proven that Tiana was not the best fighter. But she was small and quick, and she believed she would be best suited to hanging back.
But when she saw what Nuka did to Marisa, Tiana had to clasp a hand over her mouth to hold back a scream. It was just so brutal, so cruel. And so surreal. Once, Tiana had considered Nuka and Marisa her friends. Marisa was her best waitress, and Nuka was one of her best customers. And now, he had-- no. He couldn’t have. Marisa had to be…
Nuka fell and Marzel caught Marisa, and the sound of his voice was enough to confirm to Tiana what had happened. Tiana staggered backward, her hand still over her mouth, tears falling without Tiana even really noticing, feeling like the wind had been knocked out of her as she struggled to catch her breath but it caught in her throat. No. No. No.
She couldn’t stand there any longer. She had to do something. Tiana rushed over to Marzel, one hand on his shoulder, the other reaching for Marisa’s hand. It was all over. The realization was crushing and horrible, but Tiana knew it was a million times worse for Marzel. He needed to get out of here before he got hurt-- or worse. He was in pain. He wasn’t going to be thinking straight. Tiana knew loss well, and she didn’t know if she would still be here if she were in a battle situation when she had found out what had happened to her father.
“Marzel,” she said in a low voice, a little wobbly but determined. “Take Marisa and go. Someone can help her. There… there has to be something. But I’ll take on Nuka. You need to get out of here.”
They had gotten Willa back and for the most part that was all Aurora cared about, at least until she could tell how many people were getting injured during this. It was bloody, it was terrible and Aurora couldn’t stop it. Directing Lolly to stay at Ella and Willa’s side Aurora watched the terror appear on Tiana’s face and her rush down to Marzel and Marisa.
She didn’t know them well not more than within the knights for Marzel but the pain of losing a sibling was insurmountable. Aurora already knew that. His regents were painful to look at.
But Nuka was already standing and Marzel wasn’t moving, as he continued to sob into Marisa’s chest, her heart a slow beat.
Marzel couldn’t even feel the pain of his broken wrist. Not when it felt like his heart had been ripped from his chest. Did he have anything to live for if he had failed his duty.
Tiana’s words barely registered to him. He did need to get Marisa out of here, he needed to get her help. Gathering her body in his arms ready to run Nuka stood up and Aurora moved to grab her talismans keeping Willa and Ella behind her.
“Too late.” Nuka called out. “One, Two, Three, Falter. One Two Falter.” He called out in regards to Marisa’s heart. “She’s lost too much blood. Even a mermaid like you can’t survive that.” Nuka grinned a side glance thrown to Zira and Arthur. She would be fine. Nuka had a game to play and it seemed his favourite player had thought she won.
“Can you really take me on Tiana. Of course you don’t remember all the times you already tried but it never goes well.”
Wait— a mermaid?
Confusion flickered across her face as she looked at Marzel and Marisa, as though trying to figure out whether that could be true just by looking at them. No, not the time, Tiana thought. She’d try and figure that one out later. Right now, there were lives at stake. And she wouldn’t put it past Nuka to say something just with the purpose of confusing her.
She drew her sword, praying that her practice wouldn’t fail her now. Oddly enough, Tiana thought of Belle. Irritating, maybe a little bit, but self-assured and competent. She needed to channel a little bit of that energy. Maybe that twisted ankle wouldn’t be for nothing.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about. But you’re outnumbered, Blackwell. We can do this the easy way or the hard way,” Tiana said in a voice that was not really her own. She wished she could muster the strength of Gareth— but Gareth was scared, too. Tiana was just going to have to lean on her team. “Either say your piece and surrender, or you’re going to lose this fight.” 
Nuka scoffed at Tiana’s ill placed confidence. He could say his piece but it would be more fun for her to relive it. Meeting her eyes Nuka compelled her to remember before meeting Aurora’s and doing the same.
Anger flooded through Aurora as she remembered and it was only one instance to remember. Reaching out Aurora threw the seeds forward quickly turning the house into a battlefield she could control vines wrapping around him and when he ripped them and moved away Aurora tried again and again. Not letting up. She didn’t know how Tiana would react and she needed to cover her.
And Marzel who had sunk to the ground knowing his sister wasn’t making it out of here, not alive. He tucked her hair behind her ear and softly sang to her as if he could take away any of the pain she might be feeling. Marzel had failed but he would get revenge for her, even if he died doing so.
Slowly Marisa’s heart stopped and Marzel whispered his goodbyes forcing himself to stand. His voice was still horse from what Nuka had done earlier but it wouldn’t matter. His wrist was broken but it didn’t matter not as he drew his sword again.
He was going to kill this bastard.
There was so much happening at once. Too much. Time seemed to go in slow motion, the vines creeping over the floor and Marzel falling to the ground and the memories coming back to her, one after the other. Each one started out familiar: Nuka, joking and flirting with her at the bar. Nuka, walking home with her after work. And then the unfamiliar part: Nuka, sinking his teeth into her neck. It was almost like Tiana was back there again, in that alley, and she felt the terror seize her in a way that was so real, so palpable, that she never wanted to feel that way again. 
Tiana was proud and stubborn. She didn’t let anyone control her destiny but her. And yet the memories proved that someone had, over and over again managed to terrify and control her, then wipe it from her memory. That was what angered Tiana most. Not the blood drawn from her, not even the betrayal of someone she had once considered a friend. It was the fact that Nuka had managed to make her feel so weak and pathetic, so out of control of her own life. 
As she grasped the full extent of what had happened, Tiana started to become aware of her surroundings again, and she heard Marzel’s song, low and mournful, an unfamiliar language. Maybe he was a merman… but that was not the point right now, Tiana reminded herself.
Nuka had taken away the one thing Tiana clung most tightly to: her dignity. And, worse, he had killed a woman in cold blood, an innocent woman, someone who used to help Tiana when the restaurant got crazy and who made Tiana want to be a better boss. And clearly someone who Marzel loved very dearly. Tiana had never seen Marzel like this before. She had always thought he was cold, guarded, closed-off. Marisa brought out something different in him. And now, she was gone. 
This time, Tiana didn’t even need to pretend. She was angry, numb to the pain, ready to do whatever it took to make Nuka feel as pathetic as he had made Tiana feel. “You are despicable,” Tiana spat, raising her sword higher. She glanced at Marzel, who was drawing his sword, and she could see something dangerous in his eyes. Under other circumstances, Tiana might have told him to go, that he wasn’t in his right mind, that he shouldn’t do something he might regret. But Tiana had no mercy left. Not after the horrors she had just seen Nuka commit. “Rot in hell.”
She exchanged a look with Marzel and then charged forward, her sword raised. 
Marzel truly had no emotion on his face, the anger seeped just below the surface bubbling, his rage was palpable. He was empty, his purpose in life was to protect his future Queen and he had failed. Just like he failed to protect his late fiance, just like he failed to protect his home.
There was nothing quite like the rage of a siren scorned. And this time it was toward a vampire and thankfully not a human. 
Nuka didn’t notice nor care about this journey on Marzel’s face, but Aurora did. She watched the waves of anger roll off of him and she never knew an instance she had seen a reagent that dark and suffocating. It was only matched when Nuka glanced up and watched his mother fall to the ground and his rage surrounded him.
Suddenly the vines he had been able to dodge along with Tiana and Marzel’s sword weren’t what he was focused on. 
Nuka screamed about killing him while he battled the two knights but as soon as Aurora could surround him she grabbed him tightly with all the vines even as her head swung.
“I can’t hold onto him much longer!” Aurora yelled out.
This was probably some of Tiana’s best work when it came to fighting, which wasn’t saying much, considering her inexperience and her ankle injury, but it was saying something. She managed to hold Nuka off, anyway, even if the few hits she managed to get in barely seemed to faze him. The vines helped. But Tiana didn’t want Aurora to use all of her energy. 
“Aurora, it’s okay! We’ve got it! Save your energy!” Tiana called over her shoulder. She wasn’t so sure about that, but if Aurora fell unconscious, it would be another person down. And another person the Blackwells could try to use for their scheme— although, as Zira fell in the distance, Tiana gained more hope that the Knights might actually be able to stop them. 
No time to think about that, though. She kept trying to pin Nuka against the wall, but he was too fast, too strong. At the very least, though, the vines kept him from escaping. 
It occurred to Tiana, as she and Marzel surrounded Nuka, that if he slipped up even slightly, they could beat him. And then— what were they going to do? Turn him in to the Sheriff? Make him beg for mercy? Kill him? Tiana had never in her life wanted to kill someone before. She wasn’t sure she did now, even. But there was a determined glint in Marzel’s eye. And after seeing what Nuka had done to Marisa… Tiana made a decision.
If Marzel tried to kill Nuka, Tiana wasn’t going to stop him.
She slashed at Nuka, slowing him down, and shot Marzel a meaningful glance. One that said, Do it. 
Marzel didn’t know what was up with Aurora and Tiana, why she couldn’t hold her magic. But he did know he didn’t need her to hold him. Even now as he struggled against the vines, hissing and ripping them apart. 
Aurora stumbled even with the call of Tiana. She needed to conserve her energy and even without Lolly she knew she was using too much of her magic. With Willa and Ella behind her they couldn’t take a chance.
But there was a moment that Nuka stopped fighting, a calm surrounding him and Aurora watched Marzel’s lips moving singing him into a stupor. Slowing him down enough and reaching out for Tiana. The last blow would be his.
This wasn’t the first time that Marzel had killed someone and it wasn’t going to be the last, there was no hesitation nor was there any regret. Not for Nuka of all people. Marzel wished he could make it more painful.
That’s why at the last second he stopped his song, waited until the recognition flooded his face and then Marzel sliced through his neck his head falling off his body and he stabbed his sword through his body.
“How do we make sure he’s dead?” Marzel questioned. Glancing back at the girls.”
“Fire?” Aurora supplied weakly, all her resolve to do anything to protect Willa and Ella, Tiana now that she had jumped into a fight escaped her as she her vines got coated in blood. She had participated in that.
It all happened so fast. And Tiana thought she had prepared herself, but how did you prepare for a murder happening right in front of you? Even if it was one you had aided in, of a person you despised more than anyone else…
A wave of nausea came over Tiana. But she had to focus. Nuka was a vampire, which meant it would be difficult to tell whether he was dead for good-- Tiana tried to remember what she knew about killing vampires. Not very much. Maybe she should have studied this more… but it was too late at this point. 
“Sure. Yes. Fire,” Tiana said, trying to get her bearings. One thing at a time. Having a next step to focus on helped. Zooming out too much and thinking about how insane all of this was did not. She realized she was shaking all over. Tiana took a deep breath and tried to focus on the task at hand. “B-but I don’t want anyone else getting hurt… maybe we ought to go outside? Or we could find a Magick who could do it…” 
In the distance, other fighting continued, but Tiana tried to block it out, Otherwise, she was going to completely lose it. One thing at a time.
“I’ll just burn his head. He can’t survive that.” Marzel stated simply. Perhaps he would feed his body to a shark or something. Of course that would be hard to do but Marzel didn’t care. Nuka deserved to die in the most painful way possible.
Gaining a lighter from somewhere Marzel arranged Aurora’s vines in a way to burn them and eventually Nuka’s head. It was Simba’s voice that brough Marzel’s attention away and he glanced to Arthur.
“I’ll finish up here. Go to Arthur.” Marzel would be right behind, his eyes trailing to his sister’s dead body and focusing back on disposing on Nuka.
Tiana didn’t have to be told twice. She wanted to get away from this scene as quickly as possible. The image of Nuka killing Marisa would haunt her forever, she knew, and the less time she spent here around all this death, the better. But there was one more thing to do.
Tiana glanced at Aurora to make sure she was still conscious (she looked a little ill, but still okay) and then turned her gaze to Marisa. Her coworker. Her friend, even, lately. Tiana burned with regret that she hadn’t gotten to know her better. But all she had was this moment.
“Just… one second,” Tiana said, and knelt down beside Marisa’s body. If only she had gotten here sooner— if only she had been strong or fast or brave enough to take Nuka down before he had the chance to harm Marisa. She couldn’t change the past, but she could at least do her best now to say goodbye. She took off her tuxedo jacket and laid it on Marisa like a blanket, like she could be sleeping, covering the massive gash on her arm and the bruising on her throat. 
“I’m so sorry,” she whispered, her eyes welling up with tears again. It was so uncharacteristic of Tiana, to be emotional and sentimental like this. But everything felt wrong. Everything felt off. This was the only thing that felt right. She imagined this was the kind of thing her mother would do if an innocent person was killed, and that was the thought that she clung to. Compassion and kindness and gentleness. Things Tiana didn’t always think she was capable of. So she channeled Eudora. 
She pressed a gentle kiss to Marisa’s forehead and then stood up, rolling up the sleeves of her dress shirt. “Alright. Let’s go find Arthur.” 
Nuka’s head burned and there was no relief from the pain. The anger and grief, he had killed and nothing felt better. Of course Marzel knew it wouldn’t solve anything, he killed and killed and none of the lives of his pod had been returned. This would never heal Marzel, nothing ever could.
He was a broken man before his sister died and he was nothing of one now that she had.
Marzel barely appreciated Tiana’s sentiment, he couldn’t. He just didn’t have it in him.
Stumbling to his sister Marzel ran his fingers over her hair before picking her up and setting her away from the fray. She wouldn’t be hurt anymore tonight. And this night wasn’t close to being finished, even as Aurora and Tiana moved to speak to Arthur, Marzel knew it wasn’t over, the night was just beginning.
Eventually Marzel stood, placing a kiss on Marisa’s hair. “I’ll be back soon. You would want me to protect the people here wouldn’t you? To love and appreciate humans. I may never to the extent that you did. But I will protect them for you. That I promise.” Marzel stated softly before moving to join the other knights around their king.
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muhammadhazby · 3 years
Webtoon, Website Komik Online Yang Tengah Digemari.
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Sebagian besar dari kalian pasti sudah tahu apa itu Webtoon. Webtoon (global) atau Naver Webtoon (Korea Selatan) adalah platform dan website komik yang didirikan oleh Kim Jun-Koo pada tahun 2004 di Korea Selatan dan dikembangkan oleh Naver, kemudian dikembangkan lagi oleh Line dalam versi global pada tahun 2014. Para seniman/komikus dunia juga dapat mengirimkan karya mereka melalui website resmi Line Webtoon. Webtoon dapat diatur ditujuh server berbeda tanpa menggunakan VPN, yaitu Inggris, China, Thailand, Indonesia, Spanyol, Prancis, dan Belanda.
Webtoon yang Telah Diadaptasi Ke Series/Film.
Ternyata banyak lho Webtoon yang telah dibuatkan Series/Film nya. Diantaranya adalah, Strangers From Hell, Sweet Home, True Beauty, Cheese in The Trap, Extraordinary You, Love Alarm 1&2, My ID Is Gangnam Beauty, What's Wrong With Secretary Kim, The God Of High School, dan masih banyak lagi. Tapi saya hanya menampilkan sebagian saja.
Strangers From Hell/Hell Is The Other People
Strangers From Hell/Hell Is The Other People adalah drama Korea yang diadaptasi dari Webtoon dengan judul yang sama karya Kim Yongki. Diperankan oleh Im Si-wan sebagai pemeran utamanya. Drama ini menceritakan tentang seorang pemuda yang sedang mencari tempat tinggal si Seoul, tempat ia bekerja. Namun malah mendapatkan apartemen murah tapi hidup berdampingan bersama dengan geng pembunuh berantai. Kalian dapat menonton drama ini di aplikasi Netflik. Webtoon nya sendiri sudah tamat dengan 88 episode dan 6 episode spesial.
True Beauty
True Beauty adalah drama Korea yang diadaptasi dari Webtoon dengan judul yang sama karya Yaongyi. Diperankan oleh Moon Ga Young, Cha Eun Woo, dan Hwang In Yeop sebagai pemeran utamanya. Menceritakan tentang Im Ju-gyeong, siswa SMA yang dibully karena penampilannya, dan akhirnya ia mempelajari make up dan pindah sekolah. Siapa sangka ada 2 laki-laki yang jatuh hati kepadanya, mereka adalah Lee Su Ho dan Park Seo Joon. Kalian dapat menonton drama ini di aplikasi VIU. Webtoon nya sendiri belum tamat, saat ini sudah episode 181 (versi Indonesia).
The God Of High School
The God Of High School adalah anime yang diadaptasi dari Webtoon dengan judul yang sama karya Park Yong Je. Meskipun dari Korea, namun anime ini berbahasa Jepang. Diisi suara oleh Tatsumasu Tachibana sebagai pemeran utama. Anime ini menceritakan tentang pertandingan yang mempertemukan siswa-siswi yang pandai bertarung di seluruh penjuru Korea yang bernama The God Of High School. Kalian dapat menonton anime ini di aplikasi IQIYI atau di akun YouTube resmi Webtoon Indonesia. Webtoon nya sendiri belum tamat, saat ini sudah episode 526 episode (versi Indonesia).
Sweet Home
Sweet Home adalah drama Korea yang diadaptasi dari Webtoon dengan judul yang sama karya Kim Carnby dan Hwang Young Chan. Diperankan oleh Song Kang sebagai pemeran utamanya. Menceritakan tentang siswa SMA yang "No Life", suatu saat orang tua dan adik nya kecelakaan, dan mengharuskan ia untuk pindah ke apartemen lain. Namun, muncul wabah monster yang akan mengubah manusia menjadi monster. Kalian dapat menonton ini di aplikasi Netflik. Webtoon nya sendiri sudah tamat dengan 140 episode.
Rekomendasi Webtoon Seru Untuk Kalian
Untuk kalian yang bingung ingin membaca komik apa di waktu senggang, saya akan merekomendasikan nya.
Genre Romantis:
Pasutri Gaje, Rumor Has It, My Roommate Is a Gumiho, Wonderwall, Be My Soulmate, Play Pli, Hello Mr. Blue, Shine On You, Half Ghost,
Genre Drama:
Mistake, Who's Mister President, The Secret Of Angle, Sarimin, Girl's World, Kosan 95!, The Girl 180, Money and the Power, Love Revolution, Trickster.
Genre Aksi:
The Real Lessons, Study Group, How To Fight, Lookism, High School Soldier, Daddy Goes To School, Girl's Of The Wild, The Boxer, Loser Life, Hallim Gym.
Genre Fantasi:
Tower Of God, The God Of High School, Jungle Juice, Ticket Hero, White Blood, Nano Mashin, 3cm Hunter, Noblesse, 7 Wonder, Virgo and the Sparkling.
Genre Horor:
Creep In, Gloomy Sunday, The Smell Of Evil, 10 PM, Cinema Of Darkness, Bloody Gaze, Kemala, Mangsa, The Call, 2020 Total Nightmare.
Genre Thriller:
PigPen, Bastard, Sweet Home, Stranger Fron Hell, Diary Of Disire, Shotgun Boy, The End Of Relationship, Human Forest, Dead Life, Killstragram.
Genre Komedi:
Just Friends, Terlalu Tampan, Bad Guy, Terlalu Cantik, Hantu +62, Muros, Sepulang Sekolah, Tahilalats, Si Juki Series.
Genre Slice Of Life:
WiraDelima, Dulu Gwe(n) Pernah, Ngopi, Yuk!, Si Ocong, Pupus Putus Sekolah, Next Door Country, CAO, Warung, Smas'D, Webtoon Ramadhan Series.
Dikutip dari: wikipedia
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