019. hold onto this lullaby even when the musics gone.
It had been weeks since she and Drew had made that drive to see his mother and she hadn’t brought it up since. She wanted to forget everything that wretched woman had said. Kennedy wished that she could erase the trauma from that entire encounter, but unfortunately, they were both stuck with it. The only good that came from it was knowing that their relationship was stronger than ever; Drew had pushed back when his mother had been quick to judge and Kennedy hadn’t even had to put her foot down to make him do it. He had done it on his own.
But this particular morning, Kennedy had been woken far earlier than usual and the voice on the other end of the phone was shaky as she slipped into the living room of Drew’s apartment.
“Mom?” “Honey...it’s Grandma.”
Kennedy knew what had happened, in short, without any further detail. Grandma Mae was 96; well, she had been. Three different types of cancer, dementia, and type 2 diabetes. It was a miracle she had made it this far. Grandma Mae had helped raise the Marshall clan and had taught Kennedy so many things, she couldn’t even name them all. This was a long time coming but it hit Kennedy out of no where.
“It happened about an hour ago. We took her to the hospital...and...” “And you didn’t call me then?”
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There was silence on the other end of the line for thirty seconds, at least. “Thanks, Mom.” Sarcasm was her only defense when she was blind sided like this. “Honey...” “We’ll be there on the next flight.” “We?”
Kennedy took a quick breath and exhaled; the ‘we’ had sort of just slipped out. “Yes, we.” And then, she hung up. 
The thoughts swirled; her breathing slowed, though she had to truly concentrate to keep from breathing too fast. A few short steps and she was back in Drew’s bedroom. It was so familiar, climbing back into bed with him, that she didn’t even have to think as she did it. She curled her body into him and nuzzled his arm a bit more roughly than she usually did. “Drew? Please, for once in your life, be easy to wake up...” If anything, just because she needed to hear his voice. To make sure he was okay.
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cobierogers-blog1 · 8 years
WHO: Cobie Rogers & Kenzi Harrington.
WHAT: Cobie goes to talk to Kenzi after finding out about the severity of her ADHD.
WHERE: Kenzi’s room.
WHEN:  Tuesday 21st June 2016.
Kenzi wasn't really sure how long she had been sitting inside her wardrobe, her back against the side and the shut door leaving her in darkness. It could have been hours for all she knew, but she didn't want to check her phone. Ever since her mother had admitted she had told Cobie everything there was to know about the severity of her ADHD and left the house, Kenzi was afraid to check and see any messages or missed calls. It was no secret to Cobie that she was terrified to fail at being a parent and mess it all up, but now she had what was basically evidence that it would probably happen. That Kenzi had never been fit to work or function by herself, let alone be a mother. Sniffing quietly, Kenzi wiped away the wetness around her eyes. It had been a long, hard and emotionally draining week. Now, with this, the daredevil was just too tired.
Cobie really didn't know how things had gotten to this point. One minute everything was fine, and then Kenzi was spiraling, becoming more depressed and sad each day. It was hard to see someone that you love so much so down on themselves, and Cobie was at a complete loss about what to do. It was the feeling of uselessness that prompted her to talk to the person who knew Kenzi best - Estela. Their conversation had taken a rather deep turn, and she ended up learning more about her fiancée than she bargained for. There was stuff that made her heart ache for the girl she loved, and stuff that worried her. After having so much information thrown at her at once, Cobie had to excuse herself for a couple of hours, heading to her beloved shed to think. It was there that she realized that no matter what was wrong with Kenzi, and no matter how hard things might become in the future with her ADHD, that Cobie loved her unconditionally. That nothing could ruin that. Their love was pure, and rare, and there was no way she was going to ruin that because her favorite person in the world had a problem. Cobie herself had problems, she had anxiety and depression, so what kind of person would she be to walk away from someone who also suffered from mental health problems? Now she was standing outside Kenzi's bedroom door, her teeth biting into her lower lip as she pushed down the handle and stepped inside. She knew exactly where her girl was, which was ironically in the closet. With a small sigh, Cobie opened the door and stepped inside, taking a seat next to Kenzi. "Hi, baby."
Kenzi almost jumped out of her skin when the closet door swung open, filling the space with harsh light. It took just a second to recognise the familiar frame, and although it send Kenzi’s heart thumping in her chest, she couldn’t help but turn her gaze away, both with shame and feeling apprehensive. As she felt Cobie sit down beside her, Kenzi wasn’t really sure what she expected, but it wasn’t the soft voice she heard. Cobie should have been angry, or hurt.. Or something. Something that wasn’t so nice, because she didn’t deserve it. “Hi..” She replied, voice thick from the crying that had since stopped. Cobie coming back had to be a good thing.. At least, that’s what she hoped. “I thought I was hiding away real good. I used to play hide and seek with myself and always won,” Kenzi shrugged, finally turning her head to face Cobie with puffy, sad eyes. Puppy eyes always worked on Cobie, no matter what, but this was perhaps the first time she actually hadn’t pulled them on purpose. She felt awful, so the kicked puppy thing must just have been her life now. “My mom told you,” She stated, lowering her eyes to stare at her hands, needing something to focus on that wouldn’t make her crack. “I wanted to tell you.. I just didn’t know how. Not with the babies and everyone else.. There’s a lot of.. Stuff right now.”
Cobie could tell that Kenzi had been crying. The way her voice had changed was a telltale sign, and it made Cobie's heart ache in her chest. "I would never have found you, if your mom didn't tell me you were in here. It's a really good hiding place," she replied with a soft smile. The sadness on Kenzi's face as she looked at her was enough to make her want to be swallowed whole by the ground. It killed her seeing the person she loved the most so sad. Reaching for Kenzi's hand, she took it in her own, intertwining their fingers. "It's okay, I'm not mad," Cobie's voice was soft and full of love, and she shuffled as close to her fiancée as she possibly could in such a small space. "I know there's a lot of stuff, and I don't blame you for getting down about everything that's happening. I now know why you're being so hard on yourself, too. I just wanna say that even now I know what I know, nothing has changed. My feelings for you haven't changed. I still love you as much as I did this morning, if not more. You're so strong, baby. You've overcome so much shit with school, and people being jerks to you. You really are the bravest person I know. You try so hard for me, and for the babies, even though it must be so hard sometimes. Everything I've learned tonight just makes me view you as an even more beautiful and wonderful person, if that's possible." Resting her fingers beneath Kenzi's chin, Cobie tilted her head upwards so that she was looking at her again. "I love you. All of you. I love your good, your bad, your sad, your crazy. Your crazy matches my crazy big time, and I dig that a lot." Leaning in, she pressed her lips to the girl's forehead.
Kenzi opened her mouth to reply with something as soon as Cobie announced she wasn’t mad. Kenzi could never stop herself from interrupting, but here she was - mouth hanging open slightly as her words were taken from her. Cobie always said the right things. She did it every day, and to everybody, but not like this. Now it were as though the whole week of hardships and foul thinking and fear was just washed away like a high tide. The bad and the fear was still there, but Cobie tilting her chin, telling her she loved her and accepted her crazy.. That they fit together flaws and all - it was covering it all up like a soothing bandaid. “I love you too,” Kenzi all but whispered as soft lips fell against her forehead. Her heart felt fuller than it had all week, even when she was laying with Cobie at night with her hand against her fiancée’s growing stomach. Not being able to contain herself after a week of simply just moving too slowly and feeling too low, Kenzi shot up, throwing her leg over Cobie’s legs to sit in her lap. Letting out a low breath, she grasped a surprised face, capturing lips with her own. She had kissed Cobie since she had been in her funk, but not like this. Not with the passion and the love she felt whenever they were together. “Thank you.. I thought you’d change your mind about me.. Or think everyone else is right. I just wanna try really hard for you and be good. I might not be able to be good all the time but I’d never do it on purpose. I love you.. And I never wanna keep anything from you again.” Kenzi sighed, pressing their foreheads together as she lowered her weight carefully into Cobie’s lap. “We’re gonna be some crazy-ass parents,” Kenzi shook her head with a low chuckle, a bright smile creeping onto her face for the first time in days.
Cobie was more than a little shocked when suddenly Kenzi ended up in her lap. She'd been so sad for like a week, and not wanting to really engage in anything more than soft cuddling, and sweet kissing. Not that Cobie would ever complain about having a beautiful woman sitting on top of her. Grasping the back of Kenzi's neck, she deepened the kiss, her free arm wrapping around her slim waist to pull her closer. It felt like it had been forever since their lips touched like this, since there was something more than a sad vibe between them. "Never," she whispered as they pulled apart enough to speak. "I could never change my mind about you. Everyone else is wrong. You're perfect for me, and you're perfect for the babies. I know that you're going to try your hardest, and that's all that matters to me. Hiccups along the way can be overcome. I love you, and I want you. Nobody else. I want your everything. I don't care if our lives won't be perfect like those ones you see in movies. I don't care if sometimes you have bad days and just want to lay in bed with me. As long as we're together, that's all that matters to me. Just you, me, and the twins. I love you more than anything in the world. And I know you didn't purposely keep this from me, so don't worry about it. I'm just really glad I know now, so that I know how to help more when you're feeling sad." Cobie brushed her nose against Kenzi's, her hands sliding beneath the hem of her shirt to run them up the length of her back. Chuckling, she nodded in agreement. "Of course we are, but everyone needs a lil' crazy, right?" she grinned. It was so amazing to see Kenzi returning to her normal self, and Cobie felt like a huge weight had been lifted off her chest. "Besides, we'd never wanna be boring and normal. Where's the fun in that? We'd have to have super vanilla sex, and watch Downtown Abbey. No fucking thank you. I like the way we are just fine, even if people judge us."
Kenzi felt her whole body shiver as Cobie’s hands tickled against her back. It had been so long since she had really been accepting contact, and she missed it so much. She missed the closeness, but was just feeling too down to realize it. Perhaps it would have gotten her out of her funk faster. Cobie’s words washed over her like a warm breeze, and Kenzi couldn’t dampen her smile. “I don’t wanna ever be that boring.. Even when we’re old with grandkids and stuff, I wanna still have kinky sex and grope you in public.. And check you out like a fourteen year old boy because you’re super hot,” Kenzi grinned, brushing her thumbs lightly across Cobie’s cheeks. “I missed you. When I was sad and stuff. I missed being this close without my head being so busy yelling at me about telling you things. It sucked.. Because I just wanna be happy with you, and with the babies, but I wasn’t letting myself. It seems real dumb now.” Kenzi shook her head softly, pressing a kiss to Cobie’s forehead. “You kept saying we’d get through stuff and work it out. I just don’t listen sometimes. I don’t know why I was hiding it from you. I hate secrets. I hate secrets from you even more,” Kenzi sighed before sending Cobie a coy smirk through the dark. “I wanna show you something,” She suggested, moving to her feet and holding her hands out to help Cobie up off the closet floor. Pushing the door open, Kenzi laced their fingers together as she led them out of her bedroom, and towards the office. Keeping their hands tightly clasped, Kenzi made a beeline for a filing cabinet, fishing through for just a moment before pulling out a thick file, only then dropping Cobie’s hand. “All my stuff is in here. You should have a look. It ain’t bad or nothing.. You just told me a lot about you and I just don’t know… What to say about most of this.”
Cobie smirked and shook her head at Kenzi's words. At least she was getting back to her old self. She'd missed her more than she even realized. "We won't be. We'll be having so much kinky sex when we're old that we'll pop our hips, and end up in hospital. All the other oldies will complain about how in love we are, because they'll totally be jealous. We're always gonna have this thing between us, babe. The whole not being able to keep away from each other." Cobie nuzzled into Kenzi's touch, and a soft smile tugged at the corners of her lips. "I missed you too, baby. I hated seeing you so down and sad, and I just wish I could have made it better sooner. I wish that I could make the loudness stop for you. You can be happy with me, you just have to remember that you can tell me anything and everything," she said softly, her eyes fluttering closed as she felt soft and familiar lips against her forehead. "It doesn't matter now. It's out in the open, and I know everything. We will always come out on top, because that's what soulmates do. They pull each other back up when one falls down." Cobie's eyebrow quirked upwards as Kenzi told her she wanted to show her something, and she took her hands and allowed herself to be lead towards the office. Her thumb brushed over the back of Kenzi's hand soothingly as they walked. When they entered the room and the other girl began rummaging through the filing cabinet, Cobie's brow furrowed in confusion. When a file was placed in her hands, her confusion only grew. At least until Kenzi explained what it was. "Oh, really? Are you sure?" she asked, taking a seat on the desk and opening it up. She was warmed that her girl trusted her so much, and that she wanted her to know absolutely everything. Pulling out a scan, she studied it with curious eyes. "Is this your brain?" she asked, smiling up at Kenzi. "It looks really cool. I mean, like, it's kinda beautiful? Like art."
Kenzi would have never guessed she would love the term soulmate as much as she did. She had spent so long absolutely sure that the whole idea of it was utter bullshit, but now she knew what all of the poems and fairytales were talking about. It was finding that one person that fit with you like a puzzle piece, that loved you for all of your flaws, unconditionally. Perhaps she had forgotten that for just a moment, when she had been afraid to tell Cobie about her conditions. Now she had remembered that she knew Cobie would love her regardless, like she would herself, her heart was full again. She was lucky to have what she had, and she knew it. “Yeah, totally sure. I love you, and you’re smart and stuff.. It might make sense to you. Only my parents, doctors and therapists have seen this stuff, and you’re my most important person,” Kenzi nodded as Cobie took a seat and started pulling out papers. Standing behind the chair, Kenzi placed her hands on Cobie’s shoulders as she watched, leaning down to press a kiss to her cheek. “Yep! I had to sit still so they could take the picture in the weird machine,” She grinned, overjoyed to see Cobie’s smile. The idea that it was like art caused a twinge in the daredevil chest. Her heart was thumping hard. Only her fiancée would think of it like that, and it was an amazing way to look at it. “I bet your brain is the most beautiful out of all of them,” Kenzi grinned widely, eyes shining back at Cobie. “This is where it works the most different than normal, they think,” Kenzi explained as she pointed to part of the scan. “There’s a lot of different parts all over the brain but that’s the part I have pills for. It keeps me calmer and helps with my concentration.” She continued before shrugging. “They’ll never fix it, but the stuff they can do does help.”
Cobie felt a surge of warmth spread through her body as Kenzi told her just how important she was. She'd never meant this much to someone, and sometimes it felt a little overwhelming. But knowing that someone wanted her to know so much about them, and that they wanted her to be able to understand them the best out of everyone was an amazing feeling. Unbeatable, even. The fact that Kenzi wanted her to be the only one besides her parents to know her this well was an honor. Her cheek flushed red when she felt lips against it, and she didn't even try to stop the contented sigh that left her lips. "My brain is probably all scrambled, and most of it is probably dead from all the weed," she teased. "Nowhere near as awesome as yours." She watched carefully as Kenzi pointed out the different part of her brain, and she studied it carefully. "So, like, it affects the frontal region?" Cobie asked, biting down on her lower lip in concentration, as she tried to make out what everything was. She'd paid attention in science and biology class, so it wasn't like she was completely clueless, but it did all look confusing without a diagram to help her out. "Yeah. The pills increase the dopamine, right? I learned about that before from a book." Reaching behind her, Cobie cupped Kenzi's cheek, then tilted her head back to kiss her sweetly. "It doesn't need to be fixed. You're perfect the way you are," she replied softly. "I'm glad that the pills help, though. I just wish I coulda helped you more when you were sad, y'know? Like, I didn't know that ADHD can give you downers like that. If I'd have known, I wouldn't have like, kept pushing so hard to make you happy again? It's not like... I didn't wanna force you to be happy. I just really hate seeing you sad, because you don't deserve to be. I'd like... I mean, of course I'd still try and cheer you up, but I wouldn't have made you get outta bed if you just wanted to cuddle... I dunno. I guess I'm just sorry if I've ever done anything that makes you feel worse? I have a lot to learn."
Kenzi couldn't stop her smile as Cobie seemed to understand, not only the brain aspect, but about her medication. She was so smart, it was mindblowing that anyone simply thought she was just a blowout stoner with no common sense. She was incredibly bright, in both a street smart and a book smart way, and Kenzi was always driven to complete heart eyes whenever she had the chance to show it. "Yep! I always forget what it's called, so I'm glad you remember that." Kenzi smiled, subconsciously moving her cheek into Cobie's soft hand as she reached back to touch her. Her fiancée was so gentle and kind with her words, and unneeded apologies, Kenzi's heart soared higher and higher as she relaxed into her touch. "You ain't gotta say sorry for that. I like it when you try to make me feel better, and try to get me to do stuff. I love it.. And it makes me know you love me so much even when I'm being sad and boring. Even if I just wanna hide away, you still lay with me and make me feel like the best person you know." Kenzi reassured, leaning in further to brush her own cheek against Cobie's, closing her eyes. "You didn't even know about most of this stuff, or how bad it was, but you've still been the best, I promise,"
Cobie let out a soft sigh of relief when Kenzi told her that she didn't need to apologize. She'd been worrying that she'd perhaps been pushing her too much, and hearing that she hadn't was like a weight had been lifted off her shoulders. The last thing she'd ever want to do to another person was make them feel like they had to shove their feelings to the side to please her. "You ​are​ the best person I know. And the person I love the most in the entire world. Your sad and boring is just you being a sad and cuddly puppy to me, and I could lay there and hold you all day. I want all sides of you, like I said before. If you're ever that sad again, I'm just gonna lay on top of you like a protective starfish. Maybe kiss you a little, too," she grinned. Getting up from the desk, Cobie walked around it to move and stand behind Kenzi, wrapping her arms around her waist and crouching slightly to rest her chin on her shoulder. "Your mom told me about school. I just wanna let you know that, if you still remember the names of the kids who were mean to you, I will track them down and flaunt how hot I am in their faces before kicking them and telling them you're the smartest, and that I'm gonna marry you, and also have babies with you." Cobie pressed her lips to Kenzi's neck, letting them linger their for a moment as she inhaled the scent of what could only be described as 'home'. "You always smell so good," she mumbled against warm skin, finally pulling her her back to speak. "Anything you wanna know about me?" Cobie asked. "Seeing as like, you've revealed so much of yourself to me tonight. It's only fair you get to ask something, if there's anything you can think of."
Kenzi let out a soft breath as Cobie stood to walk around her, wrapping slender arms around her waist to hold her close. Feeling her body relax, Kenzi's hands covered Cobie's on her stomach, leaning back into her fiancée's touch. "I added them all back on Facebook so they could see how badass Mystery Inc is, and how freaking beautiful you are. So they can all suck my imaginary dick. I'm happy and they still suck," Kenzi grinned, head tilting to the side to give Cobie the space to kiss her neck. They had been close over the past week, almost always touching one another when they were together, but it finally felt clear again. Without the guilty thoughts and secrets standing inbetween them, Kenzi shivered, finally feeling the closeness she craved from Cobie. It was her home, and the sweet relief of the emotions flooding in quenched a thirst she had kept hidden. "I can rub it off on you, if you want," Kenzi smirked, closing her eyes as she felt Cobie's breath on her neck. She could have been content to stand there, pressed against Cobie's front for hours. As long as they were together, and happy, that was all she wanted. With Cobie moving back, Kenzi's attention was dragged back at the chance to ask a question. Turning around in Cobie's arms, Kenzi gripped at the front of her fiancée's shirt and she shuffled back to settle on the edge of the bed, pulling Cobie between her legs. "In school.. Were people mean to you about your depression or anxiety?" Kenzi asked, letting her arms wrap around Cobie's waist, "I hate that you were two grades above me. We could have been great school pals,"
Cobie rolled her eyes playfully at Kenzi's comment, glad that she felt back to herself enough to make a dirty comment. "Maybe later, gorgeous." She watched with eyes full of love as the girl moved to sit on the edge of the desk, her stomach swarming with butterflies as she was pulled to stand between strong, toned legs. Being so close to Kenzi always made her heart feel like it was going to burst right out of her chest, and she was surprised that the fast thumping couldn't be heard by everyone in the house. She crinkled her nose and shrugged as she was asked if people were mean. "Yeah... Kind of. I was quiet. Like, really quiet. I didn't talk to anyone, and I started smoking weed at sixteen. So, like, I was just kinda known as the loner pothead? I preferred it that way, though. I got a girlfriend that I met when I stayed behind to do more art after school one day. Things got a little worse when that happened, but also a little better? I dunno. It was hard. It wasn't like I didn't wanna be friends with anyone, but my anxiety held me back. I met Ofelia just as school ended, so that kinda sucked. I didn't even have her. I was okay, though. I got mean comments made toward me for a lot of stuff, including knowing shit. It's why I find it easier to act like I know nothing. People prefer it when you don't, y'know? It gives them a power over you, because then they feel like they can tell you shit, and order you around, even if you have an IQ of 137. I dunno. Yeah. People were mean, but it's whatever. They suck." With a smile, Cobie leaned into Kenzi's touch before pressing their lips together. "You're right. And I probably woulda dated you and been happier sooner. But at least we have each other now, and really, the mean shit just made us stronger, you know?"
Kenzi furrowed her brows as Cobie started to explain her school life. The idea of her fiancée in high school, although adorable, hurt her heart thinking that she was so quiet and passive. Cobie was bright and friendly, loving and caring for pretty much everybody, and it sucked to know that she didn't have many friends or anyone who stood by her.. Apart from the girlfriend, but that didn't settle so nicely in Kenzi's stomach well. She had never had any reason to be a jealous person before, but Cobie brought it out of her. As Cobie continued and started mentioning dulling herself down, and her IQ score, Kenzi's hands slithered their way under Cobie's shirt as her head cocked inquisitively, her mind working quickly to pull up some knowledge. Kenzi knew IQ scores, having had to have herself testes a few times. That was really high.. Gifted levels of high and on the exact opposite end of the spectrum than Kenzi - making her chest swell with pride. "I always knew you were a genius!" Kenzi grinned, pulling Cobie closer against her, "You're legit the smartest person I know, and it ain't just me being biased because I love you." When lips brushed against her own, Kenzi couldn't stop the small smile as they kissed lightly, chasing Cobie's mouth when they pulled apart. She could never really get enough. "If we dated in high school, we probably wouldn't be having babies either, and I love that," Kenzi smiled, eyes flickering down to the growing bump between them. She definitely didn't want to give that part up. "Besides, I would have had to beat up this other girl," Kenzi stated, hands lowering down Cobie's back for her fingers to dip under the hem of her pants. "I would have stolen you away.. And been better in bed than her... Right?" Kenzi asked with an impish grin, grazing her lips against the underside of Cobie's jaw. "I'm younger.. But I got heart and skills.. And you're mine,"
Cobie felt her cheeks burn hot when Kenzi called her a genius. It wasn't like she ever thought of herself that way. To her, IQ's didn't really mean anything in the real world. It was just a score on a piece of paper, and your life wasn't measured by how much you knew. For her, life was about achieving things, no matter if they were big or small. A number on a piece of paper didn't mean you could or couldn't do something better than another person, because everyone had different skill sets. "Thank you, baby. I love you back. Please don't tell anyone, though. I don't want anyone thinking this makes me different. They'd probably all pass out over the fact I have more than intelligent thought a week." When Kenzi's eyes flickered to her bump, Cobie's followed, and a proud smile formed on her lips. "You're right. We wouldn't. I love it, too. I'd never wanna give these little aliens back now I have 'em." Her hand rubbed over her bump tenderly, and she felt her heart warm at the thought of them finally being a family at the beginning of the following year. When Kenzi mentioned her ex, Cobie's smile quickly turned into a smirk. "Oh yeah? You think you coulda taken her?" she asked, goosebumps covering her skin as she felt Kenzi's hands moving lower. "You're better in bed than anyone I've been with. Nobody makes me ​come​ harder than you," she replied, her voice dropping lower for the last part. The feeling of plump lips against her jaw was sending pleasant shivers down Cobie's spine. It felt like it had been forever since they'd had any real contact like this, when in reality it had been days. Reaching back, she wrapped wrapped her fingers around Kenzi's wrists, moving her hands even lower, until they were on her ass. "I'm all yours. Plus, you being younger makes me a cougar," she teased, nipping at the tip of her fiancée's nose. "Your heart is my favorite. And your skills are... Well, you're very talented," she grinned, bringing her hands up to cup Kenzi's cheeks. "You're smart, beautiful, loving, charming, thoughtful, and even more. Better than anyone else I have dated. Infinitely better."
Kenzi was never really that good at keeping secrets, usually accident my spilling things when she didn't mean to, but she always tried her best for Cobie. She had done with their engagement, and no one but close family and Danny knew still. "I can keep it quiet if you want me to," Kenzi nodded, filled with joy that Cobie trusted her with something she definitely wanted to keep secret. She wanted to keep her high performance hidden just like Kenzi wanted to keep her own low performance hidden. As she watched her fiancée gently touch her stomach, Kenzi felt filled with a joy she had only ever felt when she thought about the babies. They really were a precious miracle that Kenzi never knew she wanted, but would never wish away for anything in the world. She might not have been biologically related, but they were her babies too. She felt it in her heart and that was where it mattered the most. With Cobie's voice lowering an octave, Kenzi was suddenly feeling more than hyper aware that it had been days since she had even so much as thought about sex, and with her mood getting dragged out of its low point, she could really tell now. When her hands were pushed into Cobie's ass, Kenzi didn't even take a second before she squeezed, pulling Cobie harder between her legs, sucking her lower lip between her teeth. "Yeah you are," Kenzi stated with almost a growl-like claim, ankles hooking behind Cobie's thighs. Though her eye line had suddenly become aware of Cobie's chest, her attention was snatched away by soft hands on her cheeks, just in time for the list of sweet compliments from her fiancée. With each word, Kenzi's chest puffed just that little bit larger, the whole past few days of self loathing and doubt completely forgotten in a pit of her mind. "I'm your soulmate... She ain't got nothing on me, and she didn't deserve you. You're gorgeous, the smartest, nicest, gentlest, super sexiest, most skilled person there is... No one deserves you. So I stole you because we fit together like heart necklaces that split in two. And no one else can steal you away from me because I'm hardcore," Kenzi smirked, eyes almost sparking as she moved to nuzzle their noses together, fingers digging harder into Cobie's body as she tried to pull her impossibly closer. "I'll fight them all, especially your ex. I mean it.. I'd strut my stuff, kick her ass and then kiss you in front of her so she has to watch," Kenzi continued with a quirk of her brow, "She can suck it too. Her and all the assholes at school,"
Cobie had never really gotten to see Kenzi's possessive side before. Normally it was always her who got ridiculously jealous over exes, and wanting to make sure that everyone knew that Kenzi was hers, and hers alone. But now the tables had turned, and Cobie was more than enjoying it. As she felt ankles digging into the backs of her thighs, she was pretty sure she felt her knees go weak. Suddenly it felt like it had been years since her and Kenzi had been remotely sexual, and the desire to have her hands all over the girl in front of her was overwhelming. But she had to hold back. They had the stupid truth thing happening at midnight, and there was no guarantee that they'd finish what they started by then. It was no secret that they could go for hours. Luckily Kenzi's words were dragging her away from her more than unpure thoughts, and turning them into sweeter ones. "You're right. Nobody could ever steal me away. I love you too much, and soulmates can never be broken up. She sucked in bed anyway. All she ever wanted to do was finger stuff," Cobie said with a shrug. "As for me being the super sexiest? I think you got us mixed up. You are the most hardcore and super sexiest, non jealous person ever," she teased, a soft gasp leaving her lips as she was pulled closer by the fingers digging into her flesh. "Maybe we should get her and Sophie in the same room and give them a show. Make them super jealous, then just leave." Grinning, Cobie leaned in and pressed a sweet kiss behind Kenzi's ear. "I thought you only liked it when I suck it?" It came out as a sultry whisper before pulling her head back, her eyes fixed on her fiancée's. "But you're right. They are assholes. We're happy and shit, and they're all probably miserable. So, like, in the grand scheme of things... We won. That's the biggest fuck you to them ever."
Kenzi had definitely not pegged herself as the possessive one in their relationship - especially since Cobie has always been the one to flaunt it. Not that Kenzi would ever complain, because she loved that possessive side of her fiancée. It always led to some wild sex, not to mention the major heart swells from feeling so needed and loved by someone who would literally fight to keep her. "That's way too boring vanilla," Kenzi agreed with a crinkle of her nose, thoughts of Cobie's ex definitely not a threat anymore.. And especially not even on her radar when Cobie's lips tickled at the skin behind her ear. A low gasp of air left her lungs as her eyes fluttered shut, feeling intoxicated by their intimacy. "They'd be so fucking jealous.. And they should be. We're freaking hot as hell... And we won. The whole damn jackpot," Kenzi smiled, neck rolling to let Cobie's closer to her exposed skin. Taken by surprise by her fiancées silky, sultry voice, Kenzi's lips parted with a soft moan. "That ain't fair," Kenzi groaned, hands sliding from Cobie's ass to the front of her pants, gripping tightly at the hem. "You're making me wanna do real unpure things to you on my dad's desk.." Kenzi almost pouted. The truth thing sounded fun at first, as she really never had anything to hide, but now it was kind of just getting in the way. Especially after finally feeling like herself again. "We got the best deal, bonita. Fuck everyone else... But the people we like and stuff. But fuck them too sometimes," Kenzi smiled before leaning to kiss Cobie's softly on the mouth, grip on the front of her pants loosening to a less desperate grasp. "We should probably go tell my mom we ain't lost in Narnia. Once I hid out in my closet for a whole day and it wasn't pretty,"
Cobie couldn't stop the impish grin that made it's way onto her face as Kenzi voiced her frustration. Her hands moved to rest on top of the ones gripping at the hem of her pants, making sure they didn't start wandering. "Well, once truth day is over, you can do as many unpure things as you want to me on it. But like, only if your dad isn't around. I don't want him to see us doing it. Your mom has accidentally witnessed it enough for the both of them. I'm kinda starting to feel bad about it..." The amount of time Estela had walked in on them in compromising positions within the past few months was ridiculous, and Cobie was pretty sure that the woman must have been at least slightly traumatized from seeing her daughter in such...less than vanilla acts of intimacy. "Definitely fuck the people we like sometimes. Our friends can be the biggest assholes. Like, they hurt me the more than the kids at school did sometimes. So yeah, fuck the school people, and also fuck our friends when they deserve it." Cobie smiled against Kenzi's lips, her hands moving up to tangle in soft, cinnamon scented locks. "Mm, we probably should. But I like hiding away from everyone with you," she mumbled as she pressed a kiss to the corner of Kenzi's mouth. "She probably is really worried, though. But like, I think she knew there was no chance of me leaving you. She told me she'd see me later when I left to think for awhile. I think she's our biggest fan," Cobie chuckled, tugging at Kenzi's hair gently to expose her throat, her lips peppering kisses over it. "Alright, let's go, 'cause the longer we stay here, the more our lips and hands are gonna wander. We should go get Taco Bell after we tell your mom you're okay. I'm like, starving... And I bet you are now you're a happy future mama bear again."
Kenzi smirked when Cobie mentioned how many times her mom had walked in on them. It had gotten to the point where it was past embarrassment and kind of just a thing that happened way too often. She had seen Kenzi in some very compromising positions that she couldn't even try to deny. Luckily, she didn't tease her or really say much.. At least in front of Kenzi. "Fuck anyone who isn't you.. Well, you can be fucked in a nice way. Not in a punch in the face, kick up the ass way." Letting out a soft, satisfied hum, Kenzi relaxed into the feeling of gentle hands tangling in her hair, feeling almost in her most serene sense of calm. It was such a relief to finally feel in that state again after her recent unrest. Cobie just had that effect on her, when she had finally given her the chance. "My mom loves you. She'd be as heartbroken as me if you left. You're definitely part of the family now.. I heard her talking about having my Abuela visit this summer to meet you." Kenzi knew her mom had been telling her grandmother from Chile all about how she was getting married and her fiancée was pregnant with twins. Kenzi did love her grandmother, but she was a grouchy (at least with Kenzi) racist who would probably have one or two things to say about Cobie not being Hispanic.. And would more than likely spent her whole visit ordering Kenzi to run around and do things for everyone.. And try to force her in a dress. Again. "I would totally say fuck the truth thing and let me get you naked... But you said Taco Bell," Kenzi groaned, giving Cobie access to her neck. "And this future mama bear wants to get the babies all fed and happy so they can grow up nice and normal little human sized," Kenzi grinned, letting her hands lift to Cobie's stomach, tenderly holding against the curve of the tiny bump. "I love them so much, and I love you," she smiled, pressing a kiss to Cobie's lips before sliding off the deck and taking her fiancée's hand to lead her back out - a whole word happier than she had been when she woke up that morning.
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