#paraphrased xdd
st4rry-fruitz · 1 year
bbh: "you said forever gave up romance right? well i think romance is like an integral part of the human experience... so i think he should reconsider"
Y'all i dont think it was the hair.........
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theworstcreature · 4 months
Staying awake at night pondering wether I actually could never do empathy in the first place, or if my dad saw a little autistic kid who just didnt really develop it yet, get upset that I didn’t have emotional intelligence at age nerdy ass little kid with barely any real friends to learn to emote towards, and then proceed to fixate on that and drill it into my skull that im like a fucking robot who doesn’t know how to give a shit about anyone or the way others feel (me not giving a shit in general is also a popular theme with him especially more recently but I don’t feel like rambling about that rn <3)
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fivelasanctum · 26 days
Sexy side of Fivela
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It's been stated that Five is dealing with the side effect of being in a younger body again for multiple seasons. Klaus said, "You must be horny as hell!" Five became drunk and said he was going through puberty twice and then the above scene with his hormones raging. The showrunner mentioned that he wasn't the type to just go out and date. According to David Castaneda, showrunner said it would be impossible to not get with that 'hot cake'. Regarding Five and lila getting together. I'm paraphrasing but that was the jist of it lol Lyla has always been a rather sexual woman. Even in passing conversations having innuendo such as 'enough foreplay!' to five and mentioning doggystyle whats-it to describe a move in ice skating. Nevermind her sexual exploits with Diego in the past. Given they went years without touch. Five even longer after they lost their powers and had the 6 year time skip. Think once they kissed and made their relationship official...suffice to say I believe they made up for lost time even though their time together like that was just for a year or 6 months. They must have went at it like rabbits xDD (No distractions like kids, work...life obligations in the way. In between companionship in each others company and finding what they needed to survive with.) Do wish we had more charged banter between them once they became lovers but I am grateful we saw the banter before the subway trip, friendship and respect as former assassins via the Jerome/Nancy scenes and of course the deep love bond between them that was positively sweet and eventually angst filled.
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daily-clace · 2 years
Don't you just love it when you read about Clace as side characters and they're just being a cute couple?
I've been reading TDA, The Tales from Shadowhunters Academy and the extras and just enjoying seeing Clace from the other characters pov, just them being "Jace's expression softened looking Clary" or "Clary and Jace are weirdly good together" etc, "Jace sleeping on Clary's lap" or "I've never seen anyone else in love like them (....)" or "Jace and Clary can always be persuaded to go together" or when Jace says "where Clary go I go" in TFTSA
I'm paraphrasing obviously cuz i can't remember the exact quotes but yeah 💖💖💖
And I've also noticed how they're actually quite a playful couple--outside of their own books, cuz when we're reading from Clary's and Jace's perspectives, they seem quite serious sometimes since we're reading their thoughts basically
But i love how to other characters, they're portrayed as still acting like teens and early adults later on. I just--Cassandra Clare *chefs kiss*
Closest example i remember rn since I've just finished TFTSA is when Sizzy and Clace had this double date and Clace is just playing footsie under the table (and Jace may have accidentally rubbed his leg against Simon's) xDD
They're just---Clary and Jace are so cute individually and also in love i just 🥺🥺🥺💖
This is not an ask or anything but i just needed to write this down somewhere cuz I have all these new feelings about them from rereading xD (I read TMI years ago but only just started the other series now)
I'm sorry for the long 'ask' and thank you for your daily Clace quotes! 💖🦆
Hi, love! :D
I'm so sorry for taking so long to answer!! But my life was chaotic this week and I didn't have a lot of time on tumblr and I didn't want to give you a lame answer of three words or something like that 🫣But it's finally saturday and it looks like my life it's back under control, well mostly anyways, so I got some time to fangirl now 😌
Yes!!! I totally do!! I mean, I love TMI of course, but my kids suffered a LOT on those books, so reading about Clace from different characters' perspective on other books it's so refreshing! I love it 🤩🥰
Like how they notice the way Clary touches Jace or how Jace looks at Clary, the way some people is even jealous of their relationship or think they would never fit with someone else the way Jace and Clary do, how in love they are, I'm all here for it!!! 🤩🤩💕
And yes! The playful part 😂😂 I agree, they seem a lot more serious with each other on their books. I love their dynamic in CoB because they got more into each other nerves in that book 😂 But I can't blame them, I mean, CoA and most of CoG was pure hell for them. CoFA wasn't much better. CoLS wasn't really Jace and CoHF (my favorite btw) they were a little more playful in that one. Point is, they were facing some serious problems in TMI, I understand Cassie didn't portrayed them more playful with each other on those books 🫠 So I'm so happy to see them in the other books, happy and confident in their relationship 🥰🥺 I mean, it’s also canon that they are playful with each other even during sexy times 😂😏🔥
And bestie, how they seem to be able to have sex on almost every place? Like on the floor in faerie? They can. On the floor in the greenhouse? They can. Let's not even start talking about caves in Hell. They have no chill 😂😂😂
Also Clary smacking Jace every now and then is so funny to me, they're that kind of couple 😂😭😂
BESTIE NEVER APOLOGIZE FOR A LONG ASK ON MY BOX. I love to receive asks!!! Especially about some fangirling about Clace 😌😌✨
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slashingdisneypasta · 2 years
(I'm paraphrasing(?) an actual quote from the show)
Kai Parker (to Freddy, after he siphoned his powers): Isn't it gonna be funny when I kill you using your own powers🙂...?!
Also imagine Freddy having no idea Kai could do that and being like *insert face of someone who realised they are f***ed* (like that face he makes in 'Freddy vs Jason' after being pulled into real world 🤣)
(Remember that post? It's been a while XD)
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THIS FACE. His eyeballs legit look like they're about to pop out of his face like a Looney Tune facing down certain DEATH.
And ohhh, I remember that part with Kai!! XD He said that, and then was like 'Or would that be sad?? I get those two messed up' or something XDD
That would be too funny XDD Freddy's like whoops bye- and makes a run for it XD
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Imagine Kai does THIS with powerless Freddy. Freddy, of course, is planning to stab Kai literally in the back as soon as Kai gives him back the glove, which of course he has tried on XDD
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Okay o.o Ava fest slay :D
We're now watching a kitchen drama y'all xD
Oop o.o
Hi Mr. Johnson :D
Oop the drama o.o
Slfkghdls xDD poor guys lol
Hi Janine :DD!
Aww my lovelies 🥰
Lol sorry bro xD
AYY go off Janine :D
Aww :'( ❤️ :')
Honeyy <33
Slfkjs all of them guessing the f xD
Ah yeah free of course lol
AYY party :D
Aww Janine <3
Slfjdh condo??
Honey :'// <33
Hi Melissa :))!
Hi Ava :D!!
Hi Gregory 🥰
Hi Jacob 🥰!!
Hi Barbara :)!!
Ah yeah of course Ava Fest xd
Lol yeah just chill and don't raise expectations to high
Ay girl nice :D
Oof Ava xdd
"Have you ever considered being hinged" SLFKDJS me at myself xD
Ayy go off Gregory :D!!
LOL all giving him stuff xD
AWW Jacob 😭❤️🥰🥰🥺
XDD "I'll paraphrase" xD
Ayy hey this person again :))
Slfjdhsk getting more specific xD
LOL mood me fr
"Do you have an imagination" xD
Canva XDD
LOL Jacob xD
Nahh he's gonna actually show up isn't he xDD
XD I'm glad they're all so excited though :))
Janiiine honeyy
Nahh it's Gregory lol
Yep xD
Aww hey guys :'))
"I used to be" OAUGAH 😭😭😭😭💔🥺❤️❤️
Sorry not over that xdd 😭
Yeah it will go through :)
It better anyway lol
Awww y'all :'))
Aww letter <33
AWW SLFKDS the mop strand :'DD xD
That is so considerate <33
Something Melissa gave I got distracted by the mop xD <33
AWWW my loveliesss 😭😭😭❤️
STOPPP I love them so much :'DD 😭😭💔❤️❤️🥺🥺 <33
AUGH right the lanyard 😭 :'((
I'm wondering is that gonna extend it?-
Or wait does she still have it lol, and is about to like take it out of her desk xD
That's so really slgjdkhs but I feel bad for her xd xDD
It went with the outfits xDD 😭❤️ lol
Awww honeyy 😭😭❤️🥺🥰🥰
GOSHHH it's so sad :'(( D': <33
Aww my lovelies :')) :'D
The dirt versus plant xD
Awww honeys :'))
I love them so much <333
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coralsgrimes · 3 years
Loving Danielle's comment, she's a theater kid who quotes Shakespeare! Or, well, she makes word plays on his work😁
Ehehehehe would appreciated if she was not a Trinity kid ;ccc and ye know, perfect quote lil snacc for Benny cuz boy is an English literature scholar right?
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falconemuses · 3 years
Disclaimer: Everything below is just my own personal experience, it in no way invalidates anyone else’s experiences or identities, you are all valid, please don’t mind a random idiot wondering aloud into the internet. Have a good day.
sometimes i wonder if i’m trans.
such a weird thing to wonder about, i know. a lot of people seem to already know since they were little. and even the ones that don’t, from what i can gather on the net, it’s like, because they grew up in a super conservative society and once they got onto the internet they had an epiphany moment. i’m.....still /mimes floating/.
i just saw a tumblr post about some lady having watched birds of prey and feeling super empowered and hyped up and then being mad about the fact that men get to feel like this all the time because most stories are made for them. and that she had a discussion with her boyfriend and he was like “eh...it’s alright but it wasn’t made for (someone like) me so it’s difficult to enjoy it” and she was like yeah that’s how (she) feels all the time because most media is made by and for men and she (and many other women) have learnt how to see the world through a man’s eyes in order to like, partake in stories and shit. i’m not paraphrasing it very well, here’s the link. and....yes of course it’s a very valid take except.....why......do i completely sympathise with the bf. x_x even though i’m ostensibly a “woman”. like all the shows she listed, made by women, starring women, for women, i just - have that feeling of - what she said, “it wasn’t made for (people like) me”. but i do like a lot of shows/stories made by guys for guys starring guys! and guy characters! and i don’t think it’s a lack of well-written ladies, like, all the shows that are praised - not by media conglomerates, by actual women - for having good female leads, i’m like, ehhh, can’t relate. and i somehow enjoy mediocre guy-centric shows and guy characters??? like potc, and merlin oh my god. (gawain is super cool) and my PoE duellist. such a showy arrogant asshole. omg.
and there’s other pointers, too. like i first started contemplating the possibility when my friend complimented my boobs while trying on dresses, and then i had a BSOD and ended up crying in the dressing room, which is not a normal reaction to people complimenting your body. and then she was like, maybe you’re trans. and i was like, am i?? :O and then there’s the fact that i, as a child, for some reason thought i would magically become a MAN at puberty. this doesn’t even make sense but yeah, i just thought, somehow, the sheer force of my personality would bend nature to my agenda, or something, because people’s looks always match their personalities in fiction. imagine my disappointment. xDD but then i thought this was a thing like all women wanted to be men at some point because of patriarchal society and “manliness” is a thing to be aspired towards.....this sounds so much like i’m digging myself into a hole, doesn’t it.
BUT THEN!! i don’t want to transition. okay, this is mostly like, a monetary and practicality and just me being shallow problem. like, hormones and surgery is expensive as hell. i can’t even get a decent counsellor, LOL. and then there’s the whole - how the fuck am i going to find a job when all my educational transcripts have <feminine name>  on them, and then i show up like..??? will anyone even HIRE me?! and the last thing, which is honestly just me being shallow - i think i look okay as a girl. i don’t think i would look okay as a guy. i think i would probably look below average. for one i am short. for another i have attempted all those face-changing apps and oh my god. i mean if somehow magic happened and i could pick my ideal body without the pain and cost of surgery then yes i would become a cute guy immediately but since magic is NOT happening, then - if i don’t want it enough to at least work towards it, then.....can i really be so considered?? and like, i probably present even more feminine than most of my actual cis female friends, who nearly to a one chopped their hair off in university. i on the other hand am attempting to grow it to my waist. and i like skirts and jewelry. so....it’s more convenient to just continue being a girl, right?!?!! 
ughhh. i’m CONFUSED. i feel like a traitor for not liking the Stronk Women shows. but on the other hand. ?????? 
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9and9only · 5 years
Memories from the Panel (the majority of the quotes are 99% paraphrased because my memory sucks)
Standing ovation as he came out on stage through the TARDIS
tried to watch DW with his kids and they responded with things like "Why do you look so much younger?" "Is that really you, Daddy?" And "You weren't so fat back then, were you?" XDD
Talking about "The Empty Child / The Doctor Dances": "I knew I couldnt show that the Doctor was afraid of them, because if the Doctor was afraid, then the kids watching the show would also be afraid. So when they were chasing me and I had to look back, I put in a little dash of glee. [Paraphrase] *that's sort of instinct in how I play the Doctor, knowing how to play him.* [...] I've seen kids dressed round here as them! I know I'll be terrified when I wake up at 3am with jet lag and I know ill see them..." Also "I had half a bottle of wine in my trailer, cos I didnt really have a lot of dialogue, I just did a lot of running around... Big mistake. Maybe that's why I never went back 😂"
Upon the interviewer mentioning that people like to rank the Doctors: "Yeah, I know, I got so many people saying I was their first, and every time someone said that to me, I got a little speech bubble over my head and I thought, Yeah, that means I wasn't your favorite! So to everyone who said I was their first, *the V gesture*" And then pretending to talk to someone off stage: "That's not what you said at 2 o'clock this afternoon. And I hated your costume! ...That doesnt even LOOK like a Slitheen! ...What were you using, Play-Doh??" Then mentions a Dalek "The Dalek? You mean the tin of beans?" Podcaster: Did you see the little remote control Dalek going around? Chris: Did I see it, I videoed it!
Dropped into an American accent when he wasnt sure how to pronounce "mall" and we all said it
"There were so many Matt Smiths and David Tennants up at the minibar, then they'd disappear... what is going to happen here?? How many children are going to be conceived here?? ...How does that work anyway, all the costumes in the way... How does it work between a Dalek and a Slitheen? Slitheen in the elevator trying to look for their room keys!"
On "Parting of the Ways": "I can't really remember what it was like filming that one, not as clear as my memories of others... and then you all got introduced to my replacement, who's much better looking than me.." *crowd goes noooo* "Hey!! You're not supposed to say "oohhhh," you're supposed to say no!!"
On why Fathers Day was his favorite
"I took out my anger on the Dalek." On filming Dalek when his father had dementia and then esophageal cancer and had to get a gastrectomy and he and his mother were caring for him and he was off for two weeks and then came back to film the episode. "I was angry, and upset, as most people are when loved ones are blighted..." They ran over when filming something and then he and Billie got to the read through of Dalek at 9pm and they didnt know Nicholas Briggs was doing the voice, "and Billie and I nearly jumped through the ceiling. That's when I made that first connection to the series."
On Billie Piper: "She was so nervous... , and then the camera rolls and she just shone. Everyone's eyes are always on her. I was a big black hole standing behind her!"
Also horrendously mentions the BBC backstabbing and politics and how because of this quote they issued from him that wasnt from him, he had journalists that were only interested in why he left and why he DIDN'T do more instead of what he DID do and also they were trying to interview his dad who had dementia. The entire room just collectively went OOF.
If i recall more I will post them :)
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crystu-cii · 4 years
It really issss-- yeah if I'm comfortable with someone we'll just vibe in comfortable silence sometimes XDD
Yeah qwq
YEAH ESSAYS ARE THE WORSTTT-- I'm just good at making my words sound pretty and bsing it XD copying, pasting, then paraphrasing is key XD
Oh my goodness-- good luck XD if you're the one who shows her your grade you could use the inspect key to change the grade-- jus sayin 👀
Yeah dkfj if I talked about how much school sucked it would mostly just be "I'm weirdly good at math and English class makes me want to die" XD gets very repetitive very fast--
Also I'm such a good student so I don't want my teacher to go "so why didnt you do the essay" bc my only response is "well my grade could tank the hit and I don't like essays so"
MANN- for me writing an essay is just writing whatever comes into your mind and then tURN IT RI G H T I N- I'll cringe when I read my own essay- so ima leave the teacher to do that XDD
and OOO man- i never tried to use the inspect thingy- ironic since like three of my classes are all about computers and yet i barely know computers at all- xD
AND HOLY LOWKEY SAME LIKE- i wanna be a good student in school (which id say im doing a good job- for now-) but at the same time, if school were a person- i would be it's bully XDDD
like oh gee- i feel teensy bit bad about this but as much as i appreciate my teachers- behind the screen im all like "TAKE A LOAD OF THIS IDIOT-" xDD
whenever the class would end- i would always tell the teacher to have a nice day! and then the second i leave the meeting i would mutter or curse something- WHEEZE
and i should possibly note- for my school- we dont even need to put our cams and mics on- we have the ability to go through a whole school day without saying a word- so most of the time our classes are boring and soooo quiet its crazy (not that im bothered anyway- i hate talking so badd)
OKAY AT THIS POINT- im kinda not even learning- i would just get good grades and boom- people would assume i would have a successful life- which i DONT EVEN KNOW- i dont even have a clue what my future holds ;0; BUT PFTIHA like- i would also not do assignment cause i would tell myself "NAH MY GRADE CAN SURVIVE THE DAMAGE-" its almost as if school is one whole strategy game and we just gotta suffer with it for months xDDD
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st4rry-fruitz · 1 year
etoiles: i accidentally broke my waypoint after going 50k blocks out T-T im so dumb im so dumb
bbh: aw its okay you're not dumb etoiles...... youre VERY dumb HOW COULD YOU DO THAT 50 THOUSAND HOLY MUFFIN IMAGINE THE WALK BACK–
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laufire · 4 years
what is your absolute favorite ship? BUT ALSO - since it's you - (one of your) favorite ship TYPES.
ASDFLAKSDF. “Since it’s you”. You, I like you xDD
I’ve thought a lot about shipping and its patterns (lately and in general lol), and I guess regarding my Favourite Ship Type, it all comes down to... there’s that quote, paraphrasing, that goes “some people bring out the best in you, some people bring out the worst. And there are some people that bring out the most.”
At the end of the day... I think that’s it. There are plenty of ships that I’d agree could fit that description, but I don’t like for a variety of reasons (I don’t like one or more of the characters, I stan another who is in its way, etc.), but if I stan a character, or if it *clicks*, or if the moon aligns just right... It’s magical xD.
It’s those ships where you feel, these people have meant everything to each other. This is not a normal bond, it goes beyond anything else around them. It’s grand and intense and everlasting, inside and outside the story. Sometimes this manifests in an explicitly romantic way, others not; sometimes they’re That Couple; sometimes they become enemies; sometimes they destroy each other; sometimes they go back and forth; sometimes one is the other’s origin story; sometimes they’re each other’s salvation; sometimes they’re that “almost”; sometimes...
The point is, it might take different forms, but it boils down to... it feels like MORE.
Some examples, Because: Aang/Zuko, Amanita/Nomi, Andy/Quynh, Brigan/Fire (Seven Kingdoms Trilogy), Bruce/Selina, Carmilla/Laura (novella, I never finished the show), Caroline/Klaus, Chiron/Kevin (Moonlight), Emori/Murphy, Flint/Silver, Gabrielle/Xena, Isabelle/Raphael, Jennifer/Needy (Jennifer’s Body), Kyle/Sarah (Terminator), Lyra/Will, Priya/Tony (Dollhouse), Root/Shaw/The Machine.
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justbakura · 6 years
(paraphrased) ‘Headcanoning a canonically cis character as trans is less close-minded’
Ahahahahaha bitch WHAT someone please kill me already xDD
News flash, you can actually be the biggest bigot on earth and hc characters as trans for various reasons, usually because of gender conforming bs that you probably try so hard to erase.
Listen, I have no problems with trans hc even though it’s not my cup of tea but please don’t pretend to be woke for having such hc. For some reason people like you always act as if someone just stepped on their toes for voicing an opinion that doesn’t fit their agenda.
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reijiakabutt · 7 years
lilias-amell replied to your post: So today i found out that somehow my sister, who...
Me: “wait when did you watch brans?”Her: “ idk i was curious so i watched it”Me: okay how was itHer: the animation is so awful and stiff and it was boringMe: lol which ep did u watchHer: the one where he duels the white suit spiky hair guyTo paraphrase a conversation we had >_>
pfffffft, oh my gosh xDD if the show with the smaller budget has better animation, that's actually kinda funny ngl
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crystu-cii · 4 years
XDD I never know what I'm talking about so I just string sentences together with paraphrased sentences and pretty words--
Oh wow XD I only know about it cause my friends did it a lot cause strict parents- mine don't really care so long as my grades are good-
Oms XD
Oh my goodness XD what a mood--
Yeahh like I'm a wiz at math n stuff but Idk what imma do with my life- HOPEFULLY whatever I do I can still do art ;w; my family suggested IT and computer science n stuff like that since apparently you can work from home more and set your own hours more so 👀👀
Gotta say it'd at least be a little better if I could come out as enby and change my name in the school system and stuff (I say, even tho I can't stick to one name ;w;) like if I could not use my deadname on stuff that'd be so much better for my mental health and view on school XD
aww man your parents are so nice- then here is my mom banging my door and was like "so w hy is y o ur g r a d e a B-" XDDD
AND LITERALLY HECK YEAHH SAME LIKE- SCREW SCHOOL- i would be scrolling through tumblr and shit and its awesome- but then i would zone back at the wrong time like for example i would hear my teacher "okay so we are going to have a quiz coming up" and i would be like "WAITWIAITIWIAIT WHAT-" and FREAK OUT- (but luckily it all ends up good xD- hopefully it stays that way)
in fact right now i am literally writing this post while i am in class HAAA-
AND BROOOOO WTHHHDUFJOA MY PARENTS ALSO SUGGESTED IT FOR ME and im like "oh AIGHT COMPUTERS HUH? COOL i can hack-" ahha aww man the poor truth of reality hits me like a truck- right now i am just "what the fuck is ram-" LIKE GUAJJFOAKB how am i having a good grade yet i am LITERALLY not deciding to leaRN ANYTHING WUEUFIAJGLAPughHHH
mostly i think i bought into my parents suggesting for IT because i heard you can get a crap ton of money and i was like 👁👁 but no damn WONDER you can get money for it cause there can liTeRaLLy BE A CHANCE OF DYING WHEN TOUCHING THE PARTS AND STUUFABjwhfjakll ugj
oh gosh i sound more insane on weekdays than i do on weekends and it shows by THIS post- xDD
and awww i wish people can change from their deadnames to their actual names in schools like golly that would be SO MUCH BETTERRRR like screw deadnamess >;0
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laufire · 3 years
blog tag.
tagged by @chiara-mastroianni (ty!)
1. Why did you choose your url? – “lau” from Laura and “fire” for Lady Fire from the Seven Kingdoms series. It’s our portmanteau xD
2. Any side blogs? – My writeblr in @laufire-writes and fan sideblogs for @fyeahrositabustillos @fythesevenkingdoms @fyeahjordanandmaia @rizzydaily @shadowhuntersrarepairnetwork @careforbesdaily
3. How long have you been on Tumblr? – from late 2016, I think?
4. Do you have a queue tag? – “i don’t care about sex; i care about queue”; a paraphrased quote of Isabelle to Raphael in Shadowhunters, my first main fandom here.
5. Why did you start your blog in the first place? – I wanted to start posting some meta and stories to get out of my writers block, learn to edit in photoshop, and make some friends here ^-^
6. Why did you choose your icon/pfp? – it’s Kali and Gabriel from Supernatural lol. I wanted an icon that reflected my current fixation without being like... one of those spn icons you see over and over, tyvm.
7. Why did you choose your header? – I have an edit I made of Max from Black Sails as a header, and an icon of Jennifer from Jennifer’s Body as a sidebar (all linked in my bio). Basically I go for my favourite things for my icons, one way or another.
8. What’s your post with the most notes? – this Lucas Sinclair from Stranger Things gifset.
9. How many mutuals do you have? – over a hundred? 120-ish? Around that.
10. How many followers do you have? – 917.
11. How many people do you follow? – 163.
12. Have you ever made a shitpost? – Have I xDD
13. How often do you use Tumblr each day? – actively around once if I have time, a few times a week, to make posts etc. My activity/messages more often when I’m bored in the public transport lol.
14. Did you have a fight/argument with another blog once? – a few times, yeah.
15. How do you feel about “you need to reblog this” posts? – It will make me NOT reblog it because it triggers my pettiness lol.
16. Do you like tag games? – Love them xD
17. Do you like ask games? – Even more.
18. Which of your mutuals do you think is Tumblr famous? – I have no idea of how to measure this lmao. But I have seen a lot of post from @marzipanandminutiae circling around and getting notes in other circles, so her xD
19. Do you have a crush on a mutual? – not in the romantical sense. Although I think a lot of you are very cool and great writers/artists/media analysis in this way that I both admire and get very jealous of :-*
tagging: @nectargrapes @grapecase @demcter @bombshellsandbluebells @boomheda @eizagonzalezs @equusgirl and whoever else is up for it or I’ve already mentioned in the post, if they want ^-^
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