#paraplegic Eddie Munson
sleepyeye17 · 2 years
Disabled!Eddie Drabble
In which Eddie gets tired. (This was therapeutic to write.)
Words: 300
Warnings: none
Eddie was halfway across the bars when his elbows locked and he fell. Steve caught him fast, his arms tight around Eddie’s chest.
“I gotchu. There we go. You want a rest?”
Steve carried Eddie over to the chair and set him down. It wasn’t until he stepped back that Steve noticed the tears coursing down Eddie’s cheeks.
“Eddie, baby, are you hurt?”
Eddie shook his head.
“No. No, just a cramp.”
“You need the roller?”
Eddie had been doing physical therapy every day for two years now, so Steve knew the drill. Monday Wednesday Friday they did standard muscle building. Tuesday and Thursday Eddie did walking lessons.
Eddie just shook his head.
“I’m okay.”
“Tell me what you need.”
“I’m just… I’m so tired of trying, Stevie.”
“I know.” Steve brushed Eddie’s hair out of his face. I know.”
“I think I might… I might be done.”
“Okay. Let’s take a break. Ice cream?”
“I mean done for good.”
Steve went very still.
“Done with what, exactly?”
“Done with trying to walk. I think… I might just never do it.” Eddie’s chin crumpled and tears filled his eyes. “I’m sorry, I want to, but it’s just— I’m tired.”
Steve cupped Eddie’s face in his hands.
“If that’s what you want, I support you.”
“Would you— would you still love me— if I was in a wheelchair forever?”
“Yes.” Steve’s answer was fast and certain. “Yes, of course.”
“Would you love me if I could never walk with you, or go up or down stairs, or use regular public toilets?”
“You wouldn’t… resent me for quitting?”
“Eddie. I love you. And I will always love you. If you keep going, great. But I see the pain you’re in.” He kissed Eddie gently. “You’re always going to be my hero.”
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panickedpenguin · 1 year
I am having thoughts about a Jason Carver who survived the being cut in half bit and is now paraplegic from the waist down with horrendous scarring across his midsection.
I am having thoughts about an Eddie Munson who escaped the upside-down and got as far away from Hawkins as he could, where he went to school to become a physical therapist.
I am now having thoughts of Eddie going back to Hawkins to take care of Uncle Wayne in his old age, where he gets a part time job at the local hospital and inevitably runs into Jason. There's a lot of bitter retorts and hazy confusion and so, so much sympathy. Jason can hide his scars under clothes and roll out at any time, while Eddie's scars are all up his arms and neck and into his cheek and temple, and he feels stuck. Unable to roll anywhere. And this is the first time that Eddie and Jason actually See Eachother.
So they're both blushing and fumbling and bringing up old hurts until someone agrees to dinner.
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sleepyeye17 · 2 years
Another Disabled!Eddie drabble
Warnings: Some legal stuff, some ableism
Words: 117
After the hearing, Steve grabbed burgers to go from a nearby diner, and he and Eddie ate in the car. Eddie didn’t like eating in restaurants anymore. Even when the restaurant had a wheelchair accessible table, Eddie felt like people were watching him, speculating on his level of disability, wondering if he could understand them or if he would cause problems. People expected Steve to order for him, and were surprised when he spoke. It was easier overall for them to eat out.
They ate in silence, both reflecting on the hearing. Eddie’s lawyer had been passionate, which was good. It seemed like there was a solid chance of a hefty payout. The judge seemed sympathetic.
“Your lawyer seems… intense,” Steve said.
“Yeah.”  Eddie fidgeted with his fries. “He was the right choice. He’ll get us the compensation.”
Steve bit his lip.
“He’s wrong, though.”
Eddie looked up.
“He’s effective. But he’s full of shit.”
Eddie just blinked in confusion, and Steve went on.
“All that stuff about how you were destroyed in the Upside-Down, and how your life has been ruined by the Lab, and how you used to have potential but now you don’t? That’s bullshit.”
Eddie managed half a smile.
“You think so?”
“I know so. I mean, if it gets you guys the money you need, fine. But don’t you believe it for a second.”
“I think most people would agree that being a paraplegic is pretty shitty.”
“Obviously it’s shitty. But you’re paralyzed, not dead. You weren’t destroyed, you weren’t ruined, you’re right in front of me, being fucking gorgeous and talented and–”
“Being what now?” Eddie was grinning. Steve blushed, but didn’t look away. He took Eddie’s hand in his, and felt the pulse racing in Eddie’s wrist.
“And amazing. Fucking– God, so amazing.”
Eddie somehow managed to look cocky even with tears in his eyes. He beamed, so bright it hurt Steve’s eyes.
“Damn right I am.” He kissed Steve’s knuckles. “Love you.”
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