#parents marvey
halfthebrain · 11 months
pls pls pls give me more Papa!Harvey and BrooklynDad!Mike. They’d totally trade in that bachelor pad for a nice brownstone home. Mike would bat his eyelashes twice and Harvey would cave.
I mean Harvey is still Harvey and the house is stupid expensive with an underground parking garage somehow that he can access through their backyard entrance. He doesn’t want to rely on Ray too much anymore because he likes to pick up their little daughter himself.
Maybe they have two kids, maybe one. Who knows. During summer break they actually go on vacation together. Both make a point to work less.
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cosmicghafa · 5 months
thinking about post season 9 domestic darvey who would meet with mike and rachel to have sunday barbeques.
thinking of mike and rachel having a baby and harvey and donna spoiling that kid like it's their own and being the best “cool aunt” and “cool uncle” in existence.
thinking of darvey having a baby one day too and their kids growing up best friends.
thinking about mike and rachels kid growing up and falling in love w donna and harvey's kid. crying so bad i love and miss them sm :’)
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lawrussoauto · 8 months
all of us strangers marvey au oh im going to be sick
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katherinewinchester13 · 3 months
Lyrical smile, indigo eyes, hand on my thigh
We can follow the sparks, I'll drive
Lyrical smile, indigo eyes, hand on my thigh
We can follow the sparks, I'll drive
"So where we gonna go?"
I whisper in the dark
"Where we gonna go?"
I think he knows
He got my heartbeat (Heartbeat)
Skipping down 16th Avenue (Baby)
Got that, oh, I mean (I mean)
Wanna see what's under that attitude like (Yeah)
I want you, bless my soul
And I ain't gotta tell him, I think he knows
I think he knows
Complete 💯
🚨 Trigger Warnings 🚨
Words: 242k+
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Ships 🩷
Mike Ross/Harvey Specter
━━━━━━ ◦ ❖ ◦ ━━━━━━━━ ◦ ❖ ◦ ━━━━━━
What if when his parents died Mike wasn't taken in by his grandmother? But instead he was taken in by Jessica Pearson? Becoming Mike Pearson-Ross a year later. How would this change things? How would it change Mike, the person he is? And most importantly how will it change his relationship with Harvey? EVENTAUL MARVEY.
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moody4world · 2 years
Got my twin with me like the parent trap (pt.1)
A/N: This is the first part of the series im writing based off of the movie, parent trap!! I’ve had this idea for months now and i’m so excited to finally have the first part done. its longer than anything i’ve written and i’m very proud of it so i hope you guys enjoy it too!🤍 if you guys have any questions feel free to send them in and i will gladly answer.
A big shout out to the anon that sent me the link for the movie🫶🏾
The reader will have a british accent in the fic for the sake of the storyline but no ethnicity or physical feature is really described except for maybe curly hair but everyone can read this.
Andy is Andre’s nickname
y/ln= your last name
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You never thought that you’d be having the wedding of your dreams with the love of your life at the young age of 23. You had met Urban since very young and the two of you have been inseparable since. Your wedding was huge, beautiful decorations all over the cruise ship’s ball room. Yes cruise ship. You were never one to brag but you could admit that you came from a quite rich family. Every expense of your huge beautiful wedding was courtesy of your generous parents who always supported your relationship. Everything was wonderful but as they say. Everything must come to an end. And so it did.
16 years later
The loud chatter of young boys fills the camp ground as parents drop their kids off for summer camp. Big yellow school busses full of loud teenage boys. Hayden walked towards where the baggages have all been piled. He tries to pull his out but has no luck when more baggages are dumped on top. A shorter guy with dark brown short hair approaches him and tries to help but still no luck. “First year?” He asks Hayden. “How could you tell?” “You’re dressed different than most of us.” “Oh..i always dress like this. Kinda get it from my dad.” “Its cool. i like the hat by the way“ “Thanks” As they’re talking, a chubby guy about the same height as Hayden walks over and easily pulls his own handbag out of the tall pile. Hayden decides to call him over for some help and he gets his baggage as well. “Attention campers! Hayden Wyatt, Ivan Torres and Mikey Wu, the bear cabin.” “Oh that’s me.” Hayden says. To his surprise the two boys were in the same cabin as him. They took off to their assigned cabin for the next eight weeks ready to settle in.
“Oh come on Martin don’t cry, it’s only eight weeks i’ll be back home before we know it.” “You’re right, it’s just that i’ll miss you dearly. Remember if you wan’t to come home i’m only a phone call away.” “I know Martin, don’t worry i’ll miss you guys too.” The two of them do their special handshake and give each other a goodbye hug. Andrew sighs as he watches Martin gets back into the limo. “Chauffeur, to the airport!”
“Oh come on Martin don’t cry, it’s only eight weeks i’ll be back home before we know it.” “You’re right, it’s just that i’ll miss you dearly. Remember if you wan’t to come home i’m only a phone call away.” “I know Martin, don’t worry i’ll miss you guys too.” The two of them do their special handshake and give each other a goodbye hug. Andrew sighs as he watches Martin gets back into the limo. “Chauffeur, to the airport!”
Lunch time rolls around and the cafeteria is full of loud chatters from the boys. Hayden is standing at the right side of the fruit buffet table meanwhile Andre is on the left. In between them stood mr. Marvey, the head counselor of the camp. He was putting some orange slices on his plate and he turns to Hayden offering him some. “Would you like some orange slices buddy?” to which Hayden replies “Oh no thanks Marvey i’m allergic” “Oh okay.” Marvey decides to ask the boy on his left while still looking down. “How about you, would you like some orange slices?” Andre answers “Oh no thanks Marvey i’m allergic.” “Oh i know you just told-“ Marvey looks up noticing that the boy he just spoke to was now on his left. “me over here…how did you get on this side so fast? you know what, excuse your old man, its been alot of years working at this camp” Andre gives him an awkward smile and walks away.
After lunch the boys were quickly allowed to go participate in whichever one of the activities they wished. Hayden was doing very well at fencing. He was winning round after round. “Looks like we have our remaining champion, Hayden Wyatt!!” the counselor announces. “Anybody else wanna test their luck?” he asks. Andre and his friends had just came from their intense game of tennis and he decided why not give it a go. “I’ll take a whack at it.” He says. “Okay! looks like we’ve got ourselves a challenger.” The two boys put their masks on while facing away from each other. Once their masks are on they take position and salute each other.
The counselor blows his whistle and yells “Allez!” indicating the start of the match. It’s intense and everyone watching was invested. At one point Hayden almost got Andre but he was quick enough to dodge it smoothly. The clinging of the épéés against each other was fast and constant until Andre has Hayden cornered on a small balcony of a nearby cabin with nowhere to go. Hayden takes a step back when Andre tries to touch him with the point of his épéé causing him to fall backwards into a tub of water. Andre immediately sticks his hand out offering Hayden his help. “Oh shoot, here, let me help you.” “No, let me help YOU.” Hayden grabs his hand and pulls him into the the large water tub with him.
They step out keeping their backs faced towards eachother. “Alright everyone looks like we have a new winner, Andre Y/ln!!” the counselor announces.“Come on guys, make up. It was a fair and square game.” They both sigh in annoyance and turn around. The two boys let out a synchronized gasp when they finally face each other. Hayden feels like he’s looking into a mirror and vice versa. This boy who he has never met before happens to look exactly like him. Same eyes, same nose, same lips. Different haircut and accessories. They shake hands confusingly and let go immediately. The group of campers dispersed but Andy’s friends come stand next to him hurriedly.
“Why is everyone staring?” Hayden asks. “Dont you see it?” “See what?” he says again acting clueless. “The resemblance between us!” “The resemblance? between you and me?” Andy nods “Hmm i don’t really see it, your eyes seem closer together than mine and..your ears..well i hope you can still grow into them.” “Who do you think you are?” One of Andys friends asks. “No its fine, clearly i was raised with manners and good sportsmanship unlike this guy.” Hayden steps up to Andy getting defensive and Andy puffs his chest out ready to fight back. “Woah woah woah boys break it up, come on. Hayden, Andy. I mean Andy. Hayden. I mean Andy? Oh jesus” the counselor could not tell the two apart.
Later that night, Andy’s group cabin was packed. Everyone surrounded the small table watching him beat everyone that went up against him in a game of cards. Hayden and his group walks in and decides to challenge him. “I’ll take a whack at it” he says imitating Andre.
“Loser has to jump in the lake.” Hayden proposes.
“Fine by me.” “Actually no, skinny dip in the lake.” “Also fine by me because im gonna win.” Andre says. He’s confident until he sees Haydens smirk once he put his cards down first. He had lost and now he had to skinny dip in the freezing cold lake. He’s never done something like this before. He strips and walks quickly across the deck to get to the lake. He takes a deep breath to prepare himself and takes a dive. Once he comes back up all he could see was the last few of the boys running away. And by the time he got out all that was left of his clothes were his sneakers. his underwear, his t-shirt, his pajama pants, all gone. He takes a deep breath to calm his nerves. “Fine. Two can play this game. Hayden wyatt.” He says while his teeth were chattering from the cold.
The next morning Hayden and his friends are walking back to their cabin after playing some football. “Bro that match was so good their keeper was ass. We scored so easy on them.” “Yeah but honestly you’re a beast at football man you gotta teach me that one trick you did.” “Sure man i’ll teach you but i’m so tired right now i’m gonna take a nap till lunch time.” Mikey stops abruptly in shock causing hayden and Ivan to stop as well. They look at him confused and he goes “I dont think thats possible man.” Hayden looks at Mikey questioningly “Why not?” He points at their cabin and Hayden is more than surprised to see all three of their beds, night tables and bags on the roof. And to top it all off a british flag flapping in the wind. All that Hayden could say was “No way”
That same night Hayden and his two friends were ready to get revenge. They took their flashlights and a bags full of the materials necessary to carry out their prank perfectly. Multiple strings connected all throughout the cabin, whipped cream painted over one of Andre’s friends with a ginger bread man design. The other friend they covered in honey and Andy himself had a bunch of honey on the floor near his bed and balloons filled with water ready to drop on him as soon as he stepped on a string near his bed.
The next morning Andy wakes up in confusion and alarmed. He sits up immediately in bed, careful not to touch anything. “What the fuck” his roommates however were not able to be as calm as him and both screamed much louder “Bro what the hell is this shit” said the one covered in sticky honey. “Who the hell did this?” asks the one covered in whipped cream. Andy tries to step out of bed carefully but because he was trying to avoid stepping in honey he stepped on the forbidden string. Three small water filled balloons drop down but he manages to dodge each one. “Ha! missed me dumbass.”
Or so he thought… less than 5 seconds later a giant water balloon comes straight down onto him. Wetting his pajamas and everything close to him. He was so frustrated and annoyed. But most importantly he was ready to get back at Hayden more than ever.
Meanwhile Andy and his roommates’ bloods were boiling. Hayden and his friends were watching through the window trying to laugh as quietly as possible as their prank played out exactly how they wanted. Right as their high-fiving each other the head counselor walks by with his giant microphone. “Goodmorning boys.” “Goodmorning Marvey” they reply in unison until realization hits them like a brick. “MARVEY?!” they say all scared. Mr. Marvey raises his microphone and announces that they will be doing a surprise inspection on all cabins.
And just for Haydens luck, the pranked cabin was up first. He runs to the door blocking it from Marvey’s view. “Marvey i don’t think you should go in there sir. One of the guys got sick and it’s reaally and i mean really disgusting in there, trust me.” he tries to say as convincing as possible. “Oh well if one of the guys are sick then i should definitely go in there and check on him Hayden.” “No you can’t. He’s really really contagious.” Andre watches amusingly through the window as Hayden is struggling to change mr Marvey’s mind. So ofcourse he decides to help Hayden out. Not.
“Actually mr Marvey we’re all perfectly fine in here. Unless Hayden Wyatt knows something we dont. Open the door and come see for yourself Marvey.” And that he does. Marvey tells Hayden to step aside and he opens the cabin door. Before he was able to set one foot in the cabin a bucket full of chocolate came pouring down straight onto him. He yells in disgust and shock. The younger counselor tries to push him out of the way but this only made it worse. He slipped into the cabin, sliding through the honey and the web of strings until the opposite end of the room and the younger counselor was quick to meet the same predicament. The counselor was trying to regain his footing but the floor was too slippery. He had the brilliant idea to hold on to a doll that was hanging on one of the strings.
This causes Hayden to scream “NO” but it was much too late. The fan starts to spin and a bunch of white feathers come flowing down. Sticking everywhere and i mean everywhere. Hayden felt extremely nervous about the consequences he would have to deal with. “I told you it was a mess in here” he says nervously as the counselors look at him. Andy looks over to the counselors angrily saying “He should know, he did it”
Mr. Marvey angrily points at the two boys “YOU and YOU pack your bags right now!”
After three hours of constant cleaning every camper was told to march along to the isolation cabins. By now everyone had heard about what happened in the cabin. During the march all you could hear were the synchronized stomps and chatters. Once they reached the cabins, Marvey once again picked up his microphone. “The rest of you, get back to your activities.” All the boys cheered and wooed and wasted no time getting back to what they were previously up to. Once the cheering calmed down Marvey turned to the two boys. “The two of you, the isolation cabin.”
The boys stood there looking at Marvey expecting him to say something else. “NOW” he says unexpectedly and both the boys and the younger counselor flinch in surprise while Andre and Hayden hurry to the cabin.
Hayden and Andre make a deal to simply stay out of each other’s way. Later that night Hayden was having a hard time falling asleep because the lights were on. Why doesn’t he just turn them off, you ask? Well Andre was journaling and there was no bedside lamp for him to use. Hayden was fed up and flipped the light switch on his side of the room, causing the cabin to go completely dark. Andre immediately flips the switch on his side turning the light back on. They go back and forth with the light until Hayden gives up, pushing his cover over his head and tries to fall asleep.
The next morning Andre was playing with his deck of cards while Hayden was sticking up posters of his favorite designers’ pieces, dogs he found cute and his favorite football players. A huge gust of wind unexpectedly rose causing a bunch of his posters and photos to fly off of the wall and onto the cabin floor. He rushes to close the window but quickly notices that he needs help. Andre runs to the window helping him and together they manage to close it.
They sit down together collecting the photos and posters off of the floor. Until a few photos caught Andres attention. The first photo had a beautiful white building with teal green ceilings, it almost looked like a castle of some sort. Andre had never seen it before. “What is this place?” He turns the picture to Hayden when he asks. “Oh thats churchill downs. Its where the annual kentucky derby takes place.” “What exactly is the kentucky derby? i’ve never been there before.” Hayden looks at Andre in shock. “I don’t know if i should be offended right now or honored that i get to explain this to you. But the derby is basically a horse race that people bet money on. And kentucky is where i grew up.” He looks over and coincidentally finds a photo of the house he grew up in. “Oh here’s a photo of the house actually. Pretty cool huh?”
Andre really does find the house pretty cool. It wasn’t bigger than his ,not that it mattered but it seemed nice and homey. The other one that caught his attention was a photo of a man with long hair photographing some type of artist during a performance with a very large crowd. “Who’s this?” “Oh thats my dad taking a photo of my uncle while he’s performing. He didn’t know i was taking his picture until after the show” Hayden says with a proud smile on his face “They’re like my best friend, we do everything together.” Hayden grabs another photo, this one was taken by his dad.
“Oh look at this one, its me eating a mcchicken but with barbecue sauce.” He was laughing at his face in the photo and Andre found it hard not to laugh as well. “Thats so weird, i do that too!” He says to Hayden. “Thats so strange, most people think it’s disgusting but i learned it from my dad and now its the only way i eat it.” Andre smiles at the fact that they have that preference in common but he cant help but feel some type of way about the topic. Hayden notices this and tries to include him a bit more. “So uh what’s your dad like? Is he one of those chill ones you can talk about everything to or is he strict and lame? I hate those type of dads.”
Andre looks at him and goes “I don’t have a dad.” He laughs a little and continues “Well obviously i had one at some point but my mom got divorced a long time ago and she never even mentions him at all. Its like he disappeared into thin air.” He shrugs as if it was any other normal conversation. “Scary how nobody stays together anymore.” Hayden says while shaking his head. Andre nods along saying “Tell me about it.” Out of curiosity Hayden decides to ask Andre for his age.
“How old are you by the way?” Andre replies “I’ll be seventeen on october eleventh” This caught Hayden by surprise causing him to choke on his own spit leading him into a coughing fit. He bumps his fist to his chest regaining his breath and replies excitingly “So do I.” to which Andre adds “Really? your birthday is on october eleventh? how weird is that?” and Hayden says “Extremely.”
A small silence reigns in the cabin for a short time before Andre asks Another question. “Hayden?” “Yeah?” “What’s your mother like?” “I haven’t met her, her and my dad split up when i was a baby or maybe even before that. But i do know for sure that she was very pretty.” “How do you know that?” “Well my dad used to have this photo of her in his drawer and he looked at it all the time until he gave it to me to keep.” A lightbulb goes on in Andre’s brain but Hayden seems as clueless as always. “Hayden do you not realize what’s going on?” “No? What’s going on?” “I mean think about it. I only have a Mother and you only have a father.” “You know you can just say mom and dad right?” “Let me finish my sentence please.” “My bad.” “As i was saying. You only have a..dad and I only have a mum.” Hayden rolls his eyes at Andre’s british pronunciation. “You’ve never seen your mum and i’ve never seen my dad.
You have one old picture of your mum and i have one old picture of my dad. But at least yours is probably a whole picture. Mine’s a pathetic ripped half of a photo.Right down the middle too-” Andre’s last sentences makes Hayden’s eyebrows go up and he rushes to his baggage and starts rummaging through it. “What are you digging in there for?” Hayden find the photo of his mom and holds it to his chest. Andre looks at him confused and asks “What is that?” “It’s the photo of my mom… mine is ripped too.” “Right down the middle?” Hayden nods. “Right down the middle.” At that very moment Andre rushes to his drawer grabbing his half of a photo and holds it to his chest like Hayden did.
They stand facing each other. Both holding their half of a picture to their chest. They each take a deep breath and decide to turn the photos towards each other at the count of three. “One” Andre says, taking a step closer towards Hayden. “Two” Hayden continues the countdown taking a step closer towards Andre. “Three” they say in unison turning the photos towards each other. Just as expected they were a perfect match. Neither of them could contain their shock yet also excitement. “Thats my dad.” Hayden says while still in shock. Meanwhile Andre is much more on the excited end of the spectrum. “That’s my mum!” Hayden felt himself tearing up from the huge wave of emotions. He wipes his eyes and points at Andre. “So if your mom is my mom. And my dad is your dad and we’re both born on october eleventh then you and i are like…brothers.” At this point he was smiling so hard he could feel his cheeks starting to hurt. “Like brothers? Hayden we’re twins!”
Andre jumps up and down in excitement, causing a small locket to fall from his pocket. He quickly picks it up holding it tight. “What are you holding?” Hayden asks him. “Its a locket. I’ve had it since i was born. It has an A on it.” “I have the exact same one except mine has an H on it.” They both laugh in disbelief. “Oh my god i’m not an only child, i’m a twin!” Hayden says. “And there’s two of me. I mean us! Its like-“ “Mind boggling.” Andre adds. “Totally!” “Completely!” “Oh my god.” “Oh my god!” They say as they pull each other in for a hug.
They spend that entire night telling each other about their parents. “So tell me, what’s mom like?” “Well she’s a wedding gown designer.” “Really?” “She’s becoming quite famous actually, a princess in Greece just bought one of her gowns.” Andre tells him. “Wow” “You know what’s interesting? Neither of our parents ever got married again. Has dad ever gotten close to marrying?” to which Hayden snorts and says “Never. He always says bitches come and go.” They both laugh a little at that. “Yeah mum has never gotten close either.” The room falls silent as the both of them get comfortable in their bed ready to sleep. That is until Hayden jumps up with a face thats says ‘i am an absolute genius’ and he goes “I have the brilliant most brilliant idea! i’m a total genius!”
He turns to look at his brother. “You want to know dad right?” to which Andre sits up and replies “ Right.” “And i’m dying to know mom. So what i’m thinking is.. don’t freak out okay?” Andre nods. “I think we should switch places!” Andres eyes widen at his brother’s crazy idea but Hayden just keeps going. “When camp is over i’ll go back to London as you and you’ll go back to Louisville as me!” “WHAT?!” “Andre we can pull it off, we’re twins aren’t we?” “Hayden, we’re totally and completely one hundred percent different.” “So? what’s the problem? You can teach me how to be you and i’ll teach you how to be me. Look I can be you already.” Hayden says pulling his long curly hair in a ponytail to make it seem shorter like Hayden’s and says in his best british accent “No it’s fine, clearly i was raised with manners and good sportsmanship unlike this guy.” Andre wouldn’t admit it but that was a quite good impression of him.
“Come on Andy, i gotta meet my ma.” Hayden begs him with a pout trying to win him over. “Okay…the problem is you know, if we switch…sooner or later they’ll have to unswitch us.” To which Hayden adds “And if they do they’ll have to meet again…face to face!” And Andre continues, “After all these years..” He says excitingly. Hayden laughs, proud of his brilliant plan. “Thank you.” He says smugly as they both lay back down in their bed. “Told you i was a total genius.”
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liverpool-enjoyer · 1 year
completely agree about the mike/harvey thing! I am no fan of this ship I wish people wrote about the deep respect and care they have without it being romantic.
I am a staunch jessica/harvey shipper on the other hand, so maybe I’m just bitter that marvey gets more love
hakdjsldj you read my mind anon cause i was literally JUS thinking abt their potential for a SWEET FOUND FAMILY RELATIONSHIP that will inevitably be misinterpreted by shippers
im always a SUCKER for the reluctant father figure/mentor trope n the potential is SO THERE. like the way harvey got so defensive when louis was tryna set mike tf up??? n the way he talks to mike sometimes literally reminds me a my parents (yeah im only on episode two shhhh)
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gregoftom · 1 year
I don't know if you've watched it but if you ever did need something else that has tomgreg vibes…I would thrust Suits upon you. the quality is gonna be a dip from succession, but. marvey. mike and harvey. they.
it's the semi-reluctant but love-stupid mentorship. it's one of them kind of being a fuck-up (and getting high) and the other being high-flying, from the bottom to the top, teaching them how to be rich.
it's the teasing. it's mike trying to get harvey to admit he cares about him -- and as the seasons go on, harvey's care for him worn on every single one of his sleeves, can't contain it. it's the way their humour just clicks and they enjoy each other so much.
it's the heated "good boy" (in the second fucking episode!!!!). the way harvey gets such secret pleasure after mike teasingly telling him "aye aye, captain".
it's the devotion. "he goes, I go." "I'm not giving them you." it's the way whenever mike's love life with a woman progresses harvey's immediate response is lashing out in frustration, and by the end of the episodes he's collected himself to be happy for mike's happiness, because caring about mike is his number 1 above all else. it's the possessivenessss. it's harvey not knowing a single other associate's name, other than "mike ross."
it's harvey imagining mike in drag??? it's the Looks between them. it's their surprise when they're witness to how much the other cares about them. it's them existing in each other's space. it's the outright fucking flirting. it's the heartache.
it's other characters calling them on their shit ("you boys have a nice date?" and harvey, defensive, like why is that funny "couldn't be better. he even paid") (and "I need to know if the prom king and his boy wonder are still an item […] Did Mike and Harvey break up break up, or did they take a time-out and, like, say to each other, 'hey, let's see other people'"). it's "my date just got here" as mike enters.
it's mike turning up to harvey's parent's funeral and being the one person harvey most needed to have there for him.
it's the puppy motif!!!! and calling him with fucking hand gestures!!
it's harvey not even wanting an associate and then being like This One so fast. it's the way they push each other. it's the actor and his wife shipping them! it's "the one person who has the right to treat me like his associate, but treats me like his partner anyway."
it's it's it's.
they're like, otp of all time, imprinted on my heart. and I think why tomgreg is attacking me so badly is because there are a Lot of similarities in the dynamic it's soooooo. anyway I miss them. and any tomgreggers might like em.
(also I adore all your talk about tomgreg, and chewing through all the show has given us. it's not ooc at all and it's so fun and it's such a nice community enjoying itself and you're providing joy and connection and it's great. that anon's just having a sad day and lashing out. have a good one, love you for being here <3)
oh my god?! THAT SOUNDS AMAZING and soooo tg core omfg i NEED to check that out, holy shit. i just read the summary too and!!! omg. omg. YES
and!! thank you so much! that's great to hear, i'm so glad! <333 love to hear it, and i love being here too! <3333
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graytaloty · 2 years
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I got inspired by @lazyvoyager to come up with ideas of what my Arcana OCs kids would look like with their chosen romances. Fun character design exercise honestly.
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andthetardis · 7 years
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To build a Home ♦ Mike Ross
“Mike, you know you don't have to do this, right? If you really feel like it's too much. You don't have to do it just because she wanted you to.”
Mike looks at him. “Yes, I do,” he says, and there is no hesitation in the statement, only conviction, like it's a simple truth that can't be altered. And Harvey supposes that's right. Because Mike wouldn't be Mike without his bleeding heart.
read on ao3!
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glowingspence · 2 years
Why "SOUR" by Olivia Rodrigo is actually a Marvey love songs playlist:
"Brutal" : Mike spending his youth grieving the childhood he did not get with his parents - he continues to spend his years as a young adult as if they are his youth - trying to catch up. He gets so caught up without Harvey's helping hand, he would have never gotten out of that circle.
"Traitor" :What Harvey was thinking after Mike got together with Rachel
"Drivers license": Mike working past his trauma to be able to drive on roadtrips with Harvey - they never get to it
"1 step forward, 3 steps back" : The whole Sidwell thing - a nightmare for Marvey stans
"Deja vu"/ "happier"/ "good 4 u" : Harvey thinking about Mike in Seattle
"Enough for you" : Earlier Seasons Mike always looking for approval from Harvey but it always ends in trouble
"Jealousy, jealousy" : Mike's view on Harvey's life in the earlier seasons when he is still battling with money problems
"Favorit crime" : No words needed.
"Hope ur ok" : Not Marvey but Donna looking at them. She always wanted whats best for them.
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halfthebrain · 5 months
Sometimes Mike “forgets” that his Grammy has passed away. In the spur of the moment he thinks about wanting to call her, tell her something funny or talk about a tough work day. He misses her so much.
Luckily, nowadays he can call Harvey instead if he’s not around. Or he quietly sidles up to his partner and wordlessly asks for a hug.
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acxsmist-inc · 3 years
Marvey Playlist 4
1. I'm so tired.. by Lauv and Troye Sivan
2. Fools by lauren Aquilina
3. always, i'll care by Jeremy Zucker
4. Paris in the Rain by Lauv
5. Here's Your Perfect by Jamie Miller
6. Snow by Ricky Montgomery
7. Start of Time by Gabrielle Aplin
8. Letting you Go by Gabrielle Aplin
9. Stay with me by NO
10. Retrograde by James Blake
11. Waves by Dean Lewis
12. Parent song by Jeremy Zucker
13. Remember That Night? by Sara kays
14. The Last Time by Taylor Swift
15. The heart wants what it wants by Selena Gomez
16. All we know by The Chainsmokers
17. Turing Page by Sleeping at last
18. Anyway by Noah Kahan
19. Please don't say you love me by Gabriella Aplin
20. October By Alessia Cara
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AHHHH!!! The playlists are back!!!
Feel free to add more in the comments for all the other Marvey fans to see. I hope this one is just as good as the others I have made!!!
- Connor (dead-daydreamer-jpg)
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getnight · 3 years
So, hi, here is the part of my big fic about sons of Mike&Rachel and Harvey&Donna. It's just a little piece. Actually, Chris and Tyler (their sons) are my Original characters, but... I like them) And, yeah, we haven't Marvey at Canon, so i did their children in love. They are cute, I think🌚 Soooo... Maybe you'll be interested. Yeah.
Christopher caught up with Tyler in a few seconds, yanking off his hood and grabbing him lightly by the neck with his forearm. The boy flinched, leaned back and tried to pull his arm away, and when he failed, he tried to fall with his attacker to the side of the road. At that moment, Chris let go.
— Hey, Tyle, take it easy. This is me, — He steadied Tyler from falling and stood beside him, brushing him off.
— You... why did you do that? — Tyler frowned, pulling the headphones out of his ears and pinching a lollipop to his cheek.
— Why are you so cute? You're a formidable genius, but you love lollipops and you frown like you're five instead of fifteen.
— I'm not cute, keep your high energy endorphins with yourself, — Tyler pulled up his hood, turned around, and was about to continue walking when Chris literally dived in front of him, blocking the way.
They faced each other. Chris was literally a centimeter taller, but he had rather broad shoulders, which made him look much bigger than Tyler.
— Hey,— Christopher whispered.
— What? — Tyler replied.
Chris smiled fondly as he pulled back his hood.
— That's better. I love your hair, — he hesitated for a second, then gently took Tyler's hand, the other gently pulling the candy out of Ross' mouth and tugging at his wrist, pulling him into a soft, chaste kiss that Tyler happily responded to. Christopher's other hand went to the back of the boy's head, and he felt long fingers on his waist. When they finally parted, Chris said:
— Good morning, Tyle, — and he smiled sincerely, expecting something like that in return: "Don't call me that”.
— Good morning, Topha, — and the kind of smile that only Tyler Harvey Ross could give. Sincere and pure. The one that no one but those closest to her had ever seen. The one that opened the veil of a brilliant, sullen guy.
The nickname "Topha" seemed strange to Chris. It was indeed a derivative of his name, Christopher, but how Tyler came up with it... no one ever found out. Parents said that as a child, baby Ross could not pronounce Chris ' full name and called him "Topha". And so it turned out. Since then, Tyler only calls his boyfriend that when no one is looking.
Tyler pulled the hood up again. His clothes were no different from what he always wore. Black ripped jeans, a huge black hoodie, and... something had changed that day.
— I'm not going to ask about the paint stain, or what wall you painted on the way here, but do I really see your badge? — Chris stared at the rainbow-colored iron circle attached to the left side of Tyler's chest.
— Exactly one year, three hundred and sixty five days, eight thousand seven hundred and sixty-six hours, five million two hundred and fifty-six thousand minutes ago, I first realized that I was in love with you, — Tyler said calmly.
Christopher choked and blushed. No, no, no, no. Damn, why is he so bad with emotions?
— I'm sorry, I… — Specter whispered, and suddenly felt a warm hand on his cheek.
Tyler looked at him, not affectionately, not solicitously, just calmly.
— It's all right. I know we'll be working on your emotional range, — he said.
— God, — Chris suddenly smiled, — How do you do that? How can you so easily talk about your feelings and understand them, but absolutely not be able to communicate with people? — he abruptly hoisted the thin Tyler onto his shoulder, running ahead of him down the road.
At first there were attempts to resist and shouts that they would be seen, but then the guy just hung on Chris ' back.
— You took my lollipop, by the way, — he mumbled.
— Is that the only thing that bothers you? Christopher laughed.
— No, the fact that you laugh for some reason means that you experience joy, happiness, euphoria, fun or…
The schoolhouse loomed up ahead, and Chris lowered his boyfriend to the ground.
— Here, just shut up, highactivity sociopath, — he said, handing Tyler a lollipop he'd taken from his backpack. Yes, he always had such a supply. It was the most important thing in his things. What Chris checked every day before he left for school. Ever since he had the pocket money. That is, from the age of nine.
Tyler's face lit up with a childlike smile, and he took the candy, opened it, put it in his mouth, and said through it:
— You can't blame my love of Sherlock.
— I'm not blameing.
Tyler's entire room was covered with posters, quote sheets, DVD boxes taped to tape, and other decorations. By the way, the love of watching movies on DVD was instilled in Tyler by Chris ' father.
Christopher never disapproved of posters and things like that, no. Conversely. He thought it was extremely cute. In his room, despite the fact that he had both favorite movies and favorite bands, there was not a single poster. Somehow, he had never been attracted to such a way of designing a room.
A couple in love walked towards the school, holding hands. Tyler, who was always more open with Chris, chatted about how he'd tried to curl his hair again over the weekend, which he did often, and he liked it. Chris, always a sociable bully-athlete in front of everyone and a little modest, relaxed and allowing himself to revel in his mind, not strength, and the mind of the person he talks to, in front of Tyler, listened carefully to his boyfriend, once saying that he wanted to make Tyler's curls himself one day.
Closer to the school, they uncoupled their hands. At school, they are just childhood best friends, close brothers. There may be rumors that will quickly reach the teachers, and from them to the parents. Both Chris and Tyler agreed to hide it from the families at all costs. They didn't know what the reaction and consequences would be, so the longer their relationship was kept secret, the better.
— I have literature, — Tyler said, pulling his hood up again and searching for something in his backpack.
— Math, — Chris said.
— Here. I drew it yesterday. Will you watch it? Tyler waved his hand, closed his backpack, and walked away, putting in his headphones.
Christopher hated painting, drawing, and galleries. But there was one exception. The exception who bore the name was Tyler Harvey Ross. His boyfriend was an incredible artist, he drew a lot of different sketches, gradually a whole pile formed in his desk drawer. These drawings were never shown to anyone other than Chris. Moreover, Specter suspected that even he did not know all of Tyler's works.
— Chris! — a voice called out.
Christopher turned.
— Let's go to class, buddy — said the guy who flew up.
— Where are you going in such a hurry, Jim? Christopher chuckled.
Jim was one of the guys on the football team.
Jim ruffled Chris ' red hair.
— Come on.
They entered the classroom,where there were already quite a few people. Christopher walked past a girl who was eating grapes and brazenly stole one of the berries.
—Thank you, — he chuckled.
The girl said nothing. Everyone is used to it. Chris Specter is a real badass.
The teacher appeared and the bell rang.
When everyone had calmed down, and the rowdy teammates and friends were deep in math, a topic that he and Tyler had gone through with Uncle Mike a year ago, Chris pulled out a drawing, unfolding it.
It was their portrait. Him and Tyler. Just a sketch, not even painted, but Christopher just couldn't look away. The two of them were standing on the pavement of New York City, high-rise buildings behind them, and a car was driving in the foreground. Chris was hanging up the Topha Coffee sign on the stairs. The building he hung it on says "Open," and there are all kinds of cakes and other desserts in the windows. Inside, there are a couple of tables and a counter. On the sides of the picture are depicted tree branches with birds. Tylee himself was standing a little apart from his boyfriend, his index finger outstretched, apparently instructing him on how to hang up the sign. Tyler's self-portrait was perfect. It was the coal-black hair with the little curls, the ice-blue eyes (the eyes of both of them were the only color spots in the drawing), the thick eyebrows, the lean body hidden under a large apron that Chris found charming, wide nose and sharp cheekbones.
Christopher seemed to be busy with the sign, and Tyler was busy with putting it up, but their eyes were only on each other. And there was life in those eyes, real life. Frozen, yes. But it's real. Perhaps such a picture was their dream. Chris wanted to move to New York, and Tyler wanted to open his own cozy little coffee shop with his paintings hanging on the walls.
A couple of times Specter asked his boyfriend if his genius mind would not be bored in such a routine. Tiley just smiled and shook his head. Then Chris realized that the teenager himself did not know. He wants a simple quiet happiness, but at the same time not to lose his mind and genius. He's afraid of society, shuns it, finds it boring and disturbing, but he wants to see people smile when they drink his freshly made coffee or try a piece of that apple pie that Edith Ross, Tyler's great-grandmother, then Uncle Mike, and now Tyler himself, baked. He rushes around, not knowing where to put himself and what to do.
Maybe they should just finish school first and enjoy their youth. And then… Then they will definitely come up with how it will be. They will tell their parents about their relationship, go to university, and who knows what will happen next. We'll see. That was Chris ' opinion.
The bell rang in the hallway, dismissing all the students for recess. Christopher carefully folded the drawing and put it in his pocket. They'll meet at dinner, they always do. And this day will be no exception.
That's what Christopher thought as he walked out of the math room with his friends in his arms. But perhaps this day will be something that will soon change their entire lives and views on her, their family and each other.
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ladyrakuen-design · 4 years
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Nome da Autora: marveIs Nome da Fanfic: Dystopia Sinopse: “Distopia ou antiutopia é qualquer representação ou descrição organizacional cujo valor representa a antítese da utopia ou promove a vivência em uma "utopia negativa". O termo também pode referir-se a um lugar ou estado imaginário em que se vive sob condições de extrema opressão, desespero ou privação.” Akira pensava que seus piores momentos haviam ficado em parte de sua adolescência. Agora lutando para conseguir a independência de sua família e criar uma imagem que seja de sua autoria, saindo da linha de fama de seu pai adotivo, Akira conseguia se sentir uma marionete presa a expectativas que todos criavam por conhecerem sua tão falada família de criação. Seus parentes a olhavam como a nova cabeça das indústrias que sequer estava interessada e a mídia a via apenas como uma bilionária polêmica. Ao ter um encontro desagradável com o deus da mentira antes da guerra de Nova York, a jovem estava convencida de que Loki deixou apenas algumas mentiras sussurradas, porém quando o acaso ocorre, ela desconfia que as palavras envenenadas do príncipe talvez possam ser verdades. Loki não esperava que houvesse um contragolpe em suas palavras, Akira secretamente possuía uma alma gêmea, alguém na qual ela sempre foi destinada a encontrar. Porém com despertar de uma profecia, tudo reluzia esperança se tornava como um gatilho para acordar o então lado sombrio que todos temiam, e com ele, o fim da luz que sobrevoava o universo. - E no meu leito de morte, tudo o que eu vejo é você. Gênero: Ação, Aventura, Comédia, Drama / Tragédia, Famí­lia, Fantasia, LGBT, Luta, Magia, Mistério, Misticismo, Romântico / Shoujo, Sobrenatural, Suspense, Universo Alternativo, Violência Categoria: Homem de Ferro (Iron Man), Os Vingadores (The Avengers), Thor   Aviso: Bissexualidade, Heterossexualidade, Insinuação de sexo, Linguagem Imprópria, Nudez, Sexo, Tortura, Violência Classificação: +18 Interativa: Não Finalizada: Não Hospedada: Spiritfanfiction
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statusquoergo · 5 years
A while back you mentioned you might consider prompts. I really enjoyed reading your thoughts on Harvey and his dad (what about s02e10 though). As I was reading the post I thought I’d love to see you turn it into a fic. I think you would write something really nuanced (rather than Gordon just being there as a catalyst for Marvey), because you allow characters to be flawed (and antagonists to have positive qualities) and things to unfold more smoothly with more of an emotional progression. Gordon in Harvey’s life or estranged, either could be interesting. Would Gordon recognise how Harvey feels about Mike before Harvey or would Harvey have to convince him? Would Gordon see/point out the problems with Harvey being Mike’s boss? Do we know how Gordon felt about Donna? Because that could add another layer to explore too. You’re such a good writer you could make it work as an obstacle (Gordon: Darvey-shipper) or a positive influence (Marvey-shipper) without being too harsh/sappy. I’m also wondering what M and G would think of each other? I keep thinking about the boxing camp and if it says something about the qualities G admires/dislikes. Or how M feels about him doing that to his son? More akin to how I think M might feel about Lily? Wanting to like them, but not immediately chummy (I’m looking at you Donna)? How would H react if one/both of his parents didn’t like M and/or vice versa? In general, how would Harvey’s new (not so much improved) issues affect Marvey?
Hospitals don’t usually make Harvey this—fidgety.
Well, that’s not so outrageous, is it? Lots of people don’t like hospitals, lots of people would prefer to leave them as soon as they have to go in. Who likes being injured? Yes, masochists, fine, but in terms of just regular people, it— It’s not—
What the fuck is taking so long?
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daisugababy · 5 years
The decade is ending, what has changed for you in these past ten years? I was tagged by @thisisandysblog and @glassesandkim so i guess i gotta do it now lol. thanks for tagging me tho!!
1. Have you moved? 
Yep. First to the city of my uni, then to Dublin for a 5-month internship. back again to my uni city and then back to my parents last year. Although I hope that I can move out very soon again cause damn i need my solitude.
2. Have you graduated? 
High school, yes. Uni.. err not yet lmao.  3. Has your marital status changed?
Nope. 4. Has your parental status changed?
No and hopefully that never will, lol. 5. Has your hair color changed?
HAHA. I basically went throught the whole rainbow. I had blue year for 4 full years and after that I’ve been switching hair colors constantly. But it always was color x, blue, color y, blue. Then I let my hair grow out cause it was dead from bleaching it myself and rn I’m blondish after going to a salon for the first time to get my hair bleached professionally. 6. Has your job changed?
Yep. I worked at McDonalds (where i learned to despise people even more lmao) when I was 18 til i started studying. Then I got my internship in translation and rn I’m working in logistics. 7. Has your OTP changed? 
Oh yes. My first and biggest OTP ever was Tiva aka Tony and Ziva from NCIS. After Cote left the show I had many OTP until I discovered Marvey (Mike and Harvey from Suits). And then Malec came along. Then Patrick left Suits and Shadowhunters enden, but thankfully Schmico got me. And also Lucy and Tim from The Rookie. (check out my sideblog about them if you want @lucybradford) 8. Has your pet status changed? 
Yes :( I went from two budgies to zero. :( Charly got 11 years old. And Berta just recently died at age 14. I still miss both of them :(
9. What new places did you visit?
Oof many. I went to Dublin, Paris, the UK, Barcelona. And many cities in Germany that I got to explore. 10. What is an accomplishment you are proud of?
Probably reaching the point where I don’t let people tell me anymore how to live my life or how to think. Which resulted in my dad not talking to me for 6 weeks now lol, but oh well. (Well, technically we’re on week 7 now)
I’m an adult and don’t let anyone disrespect me, just cause I don’t want to cause a scene/argument. Arguments suck and the silent treatment wasn’t the goal either, but tbh I’d rather have this than make myself small to be the good lil girl.
Oh and also improving my language skills. I’d call myself fluent in English and I’m also working on my French, Spanish and Korean. :)
I tag: everyone who wants to do it :)
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