#park sungjin imagines
multiphandomunnies · 6 months
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s.o has a piercing/tattoo
crush is a cancer
crush is a pisces
child’s first word is “appa”
crush is a leo
crush is an aries
s.o is in a band
s.o has a big family
s.o writes poetry
gf is sensitive around her time of the month
gf is a solo artist
gf is a capricorn
buying a ring too small
it wasn’t bad at all
the best news
giggles and candy canes
you’re an angel
young k
cotton candy kisses
i’m not sure
didn’t expect this
not as planned
you never knew
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there you'll be || day6 [psj]
Warnings: major character death, heavy angst(?)
I won't control you, but MINORS DO NOT INTERACT. This is not for you, please.
Pairings: Park Sungjin/(F) Reader, implied past Yoon Dowoon/(F) Reader
Plot: What if you only have today to say goodbye?
Genre: Established Relationship
I keep a part of you with me,
And everywhere I am, there you'll be
This was written 8-9ish years ago, and re-written and posted on ao3 3 years ago.
This concept came from my sister's dream, and she asked me to write it, and probably the main reason why i decided to have an ao3 account lmao
This was originally written with a different fandom and pairing and was supposed to be a part of this fic universe i wrote (but didn't finish). Re-written so it can be better, I guess (hope)??? but the concept is still the same with some major changes tho
Reposted here because there is a tragic lack of day6/reader fics uwu
anyway, all readers are appreciated! luvluv
6:00 – 7:00 a.m.
Y/N woke up to an irritating sound. It was this shrill beeping sound that made her want to hurl the object at the wall.
When she opened her eyes, she reached for the alarm clock and turned it off. "Shut up," she said, exhausted, and looked at the time. 6:00 am.
For an ordinary Saturday morning, six am is way too early. After dropping out of the university from her second course and running away with Sungjin, Y/N's life has changed; from the simplest things like her sleeping pattern to the biggest ones like missing her family. She wouldn't say she regrets it, she just wishes the situation was different.
Her usual weekends start at nine, and she always wakes up before Sungjin does. She would often be the one to go down to make breakfast for the two of them.
Sometimes though, when struck with an ahem inspiration, she would wake him with a lazy hand job—or a blowie, whichever she prefers—until he slightly shifts position and fist the bed covers. Slowly peppering his hips with kisses until Sungjin groans in annoyance to whichever is rousing him from his beloved, peaceful sleep. Y/N has to stifle her laughter because she knows just how grumpy he is when woken up 'too early', but how he won't be able to stay mad at her. He'd smile down at her and say in that sexy just-woke-up voice of his that he'd go back to sleep so Y/N can go ahead with what shennanigans she was trying to do.
Today though, that was not the case. She has to get up early because the local high school she volunteers at made a weekend program for writing and music. Every second Saturday, she would be facilitating two classes; a writing workshop in the morning, and the music sessions in the afternoon. Sometimes, she would take Sungjin with her, and he would teach the students how to play the guitar.
After switching the alarm off, Y/N got up and stretched her legs and arms, loving the way her joints popped as sleep from her muscles fade.
It's also during this time of the day, however, that she can't help but think of her life before this.
It has been five years. Y/N is sure her children doesn't recognize her anymore. After running away with the boyfriend of her ex-husband's twin brother, she's sure Dowoon would never let her be a part of their children's lives anymore, no matter how much he used to love her. Betrayal would definitely kill people.
Y/N padded sleepily to the bathroom to take a quick shower.
After getting ready for the day, she went down to cook some breakfast for them. Before leaving the house, she decides to check on Sungjin and wake him up early for his doctor's appointment. He sleeps through the alarm, and might miss his appointment.
She opens the door to their room quietly and see Sungjin's still sleeping form on the bed. She gently shakes him, just enough to wake him up.
"Sungjin?" She shakes him again when he doesn't respond. "Babe? Wake up."
Sungjin hums, cracking an eye open. "I'd be going," she says with a soft smile.
"Hmf... don't you want me to go with you?" He asks sleepily as he rubs his eyes. Y/N shakes her head, running her fingers through his hair.
"It's fine. You have your appointment today with Dr. Park, remember? Wouldn't wanna miss that." Sungjin pouts, and she smiles. "I'll bring home that Kimchi stew you like."
"Yeah?" He smiles at her hopefully through bleary eyes.
"Yes. So get your lazy ass up now, or you'll have to rush again." She slaps his bum and kisses his lips before she stands up. "I'll be home early. Get up now, 'kay? Love you." She shuts the door to the bedroom just in time to hear the faint and almost muffled love you too from Sungjin.
She leaves the house minutes later, not helping the smile on her face. She thinks that at the end of the day, after all the heartbreaks and challenges they had to face, running away with him is always worth it.
9:40 am
Y/N gives the students their second writing exercise for the day. She walks around the room and smiles down at Charlie, one of her favorite students in the writing program. The kid is really talented in writing.
Y/N wonders fleetingly about her twins. She wonders if they will inherit their father's love for music books, or her love for long novels? She puts her arm around the other and smiles to herself. She wants to see her children badly and maybe, just maybe, have some with Sungjin in the future.
10:30 am
Y/N was just about to tell her students to take a 15-minute break when she heard a commotion outside. One of the teachers ran up to her classroom with panic in her eyes. Y/N immediately knew something was wrong.
"What is it?" she asked.
"There's someone with a gun!" It took Y/N a minute to fully get that. "He's in the building. Send your students out."
She didn't need to be told twice. "Class, I need you to leave everything behind and quickly exit the room." She tried to keep her voice even so as not to alarm them. She didn't want them panicking, even though she felt like throwing up.
"Now!" She hoped her students can forgive her for raising her voice (she never does), but now's not the right time to think about that. Both teachers looked out while the students filed out of the room hurriedly.
"Did someone call 911?" she asked as the last student got out of the room. The other teacher's answer was cut short by the sound of gunfire, followed by screaming.
"Go, go, go!" Y/N yelled at the students as they all ran towards the direction of the stairs.
Y/N was nearing the stairs when pain blooms in her shoulder. She didn't dare look back as a second one hits her back, then her leg. That's when she lost her balance, and crumple to the ground face down. She heard more screaming as students ran for their lives before she felt the bullet to her neck, and she's—
12:00 pm
Y/N raises her head from the table with a gasp.
Disoriented, she looks around and blinks. She doesn't know she had been snoozing. Had she been snoozing? It feels like she had only blinked.
She looks at the clock; 12:00 pm.
She hears the chatter of the students outside as she sees the essay exercises on her table. When she looks up, however, the classroom is a mess. The students' things are everywhere, and the chairs are all askew.
She remembers the panic and running, but nothing else. What happened after that?
She tries to recall as she flexes her head, pressing lightly at the pain in her neck. Not being able to come up with anything from her bizarre dream(?), she starts to clean up the mess.
1:08 pm
Y/N had successfully cleaned up the messy classroom by herself. She didn't notice that there were no students on the floor anymore. She slung her bag to her back and locked up the classroom.
It wasn't until she reached the second floor that she saw another soul. It was, however, a police officer.
What the...?
She walked towards the man, and called out to him.
"Excuse me?" He didn't seem to notice her. She called out to him again to no avail, the police turning his back on her.
"What the fuck?" Bothered, she continued down to the ground floor, where she saw more police officers.
She tried to talk to another police officer, but she was still ignored. She was getting frustrated and weirded out with each passing second. It's like they cannot see her. She didn't understand what's happening and felt her head spin, eyes prickling with tears of confusion.
She looked around, and finally, one person seemed to see her. The lady was looking straight at her. Relieved, Y/N walked towards her; she didn't know why, but she felt compelled to talk to her.
When she was close to the lady, she tripped a little on her own feet. She looked down and when she looked back up, the lady vanished.
"Looking for me?"
Y/N spun around to reveal the lady that had been staring at her.
"Yes..." Y/N said, torn between feeling embarrassed and confused. "But, you're there before. How...?"
The lady smiled at her. "You have more important questions to be answered, don't you think?" Y/N, who was dumbfounded, had just managed to nod.
"Come with me," the lady said. She turned around and started walking away, not waiting for Y/N to respond.
1:45 pm
Y/N cannot believe her eyes. She, or more accurately, her body, has been lying on a body bag in the quadrangle.
"B-but... h-how...?" She can only stammer in confusion.
This is just not possible. Y/N tries to breathe in and out to stop the spinning of her head, clutching her hands in each other.
She finally turns to the lady beside her, who is still staring at her lifeless body.
"You got killed," she answers Y/N's unspoken obvious question. "You're one of the last people he'd managed to kill before he was taken down by the police."
When the lady points at the bullet hole on her neck, a picture flashes through her mind.
Y/N remembers the pain through her shoulder, then her back and leg. Lastly, she remembers the blinding pain on her neck after falling to the ground.
After long minutes of disbelief, Y/N finds it in her to finally speak, her voice hoarse from the brimming emotions in her eyes. "I'm dreaming, aren't I?"
She badly wants to believe that maybe she was really just dreaming. Maybe this is all just a practical joke. By whom, she doesn't know.
"I'm sorry, Y/N." Her companion just shakes her head. "I'm so sorry."
That was the last straw for Y/N. Tears pour from her eyes as her world comes crashing down and her dreams shatter. She falls to her knees as she sobs her heart out.
She isn't ready to die yet.
Maybe this is payback for everything she did, for everyone she killed.
How is he supposed to move on? How is she supposed to move on?
"Sungjin." She sniffs. "Don't I even have the chance to say goodbye? I wanna say goodbye to him."
"You only have until before midnight," the lady says.
"Thank you," Y/N replies.
The lady just smiles at her sadly, her eyes telling her that she understands how she feels. She wonders briefly if they had been in the same situation. The lady vanishes right before her eyes, leaving Y/N with a broken heart.
2:50 pm
She looks for Sungjin at the clinic, but he was not there. She goes home and he was there, sleeping soundly on the sofa. His arm has a band-aid, for his tetanus jab.
Sungjin hates getting shots the most. Y/N knows he hates hospitals and injections, and has a big mistrust with the institution, and it makes her chest swell with love for him.
It makes her heart shatter, though. It's so hard to leave and say goodbye to someone you had forsaken your world for, especially when you're starting to think that everything is turning out fine. She was just starting to build her world with him, planning their future and thinking of having kids.
Sungjin looks so peaceful and beautiful, having no care in the world that Y/N just wants to frame this moment. She knows she can't, so she'll just watch over him for as long as she can. Maybe it will last longer than taking a picture, or maybe it can stop the time. If not, then she can at least keep this picture embedded in her mind before she disappears forever.
3:38 pm
Sungjin shifts from his position, rubbing his eyes and yawning on his hands. Y/N wipes her eyes with the back of her hand so he won't see the tears that had been steadily streaming down her face for the past hour. His eyes find her, and smiles that beautiful smile she fell in love with.
It sends her heart skidding on the floor, and to splinter a little more at the thought of leaving him. She bites her lip to keep the tears from falling further, and smiles back at him.
"Hey," she says, barely keeping her voice steady.
"Hey," Sungjin smiles at hear again, but his smile crumples when he takes in her bloodshot eyes and runny nose. He shoots up and engulfs her in a tight hug.
It was the wrong thing to do as Y/N loses it again, tears escaping down her cheeks. He rubs her back soothingly.
"What's wrong?" he asks. "Are you okay?"
"I love you. Please never ever forget that," is all she can say.
"And I love you more." Sungjin pulls away and cups her face into his hands. "Now tell me what's wrong—and don't you try to lie. I know you so well."
She debates telling him because he deserves the truth, but she can't find the right words to say. "I'm fine," she sniffs and shakes her head. "I'm okay."
"You're definitely not okay." He pulls away and holds her arms. He frowns when he notices her body's dropped temperature. "Where have you been? You're awfully cold!"
"I'm fine. School's let out early." Y/N sits up straight and smiles, wiping at her tears. "Did you—have you seen the news?"
Y/N is nervous to ask that, but she has to know. She knows he would be shattered when he knows that he's talking to a ghost. Technically, Sungjin can still touch her, but she's already a ghost.
She also can't forgive herself for breaking their promise of forever.
"Not yet," Sungjin says. "I was so tired and sleepy so I had to go straight home. But we can turn on the TV anyw—"
"No!" Y/N grips his hand, cutting him short of turning on the TV. She looks close to tears again that he raises his eyebrows in surprise.
"No." Y/N composes herself with a fake smile to appease the surprised features on his face. "I'm just asking. I'm sorry for yelling."
"You're acting weird," Sungjin says.
Y/N puts on her best I'm-okay face and smiles at him. "I'm okay. I just had a snooze at work and I had a bad dream."
I wish this was all just a bad dream.
"I just want to make sure you don't forget I love you, you know? Despite everything that happened to us." She looks down and smiles sadly. "I'm sorry I made you worry for nothing."
Sungjin pouts, but pulls her into another hug. "It's fine, babe. I just love you more and more every second because you're the only person who loved me truly, and never left me."
Y/N's heart can't get any more broken.
5:55 pm
For the past few hours, Y/N and Sungjin were just curled up on the loveseat. They were watching a sappy romcom that seemed to mock her in the face as it was about leaving a loved one behind and coming back for them. On the other hand, it's a good reason for her to cry her eyes out without raising suspicion, safe and snug under Sungjin's arms.
Too bad, the peace doesn't last forever.
7:40 pm
Y/N is currently waiting for Sungjin to come back. She originally opposed to the idea because she has a bad feeling about it, but he said that he needs to get some food (since Y/N forgot to bring home some). It has already been an hour since he went out, and the store was only a 15-minute walk—five if you use a car.
What is taking him so long?
8:20 pm - 9:45 pm
Y/N was just about to go looking for Sungjin when the front door opens and shuts with a slam. Next came the heavy footsteps that sounded urgent and almost running.
Y/N stands up and was about to see if it was him (who else would it be?), when he comes running into the living room. He was panting and has a disheveled appearance, eyes puffy with the evident tear-stained tracks in his face.
"Sungjin...?" Y/N steps forward, but Sungjin steps backwards. "Babe...?"
"Who are you?" he asks as he tilts his head to the side, an incredulous, almost crazed look in his eyes.
"What?" she asks, knowing fully well what is going on. "It's me, Y/N! What kind of stupid sh—"
"You're NOT Y/N!" Sungjin almost yells. He walks towards her and shakes her by her shoulders. "Who are you? What did you do to her?"
"Babe, it's me!"
"No!" He lets go of her and walks to the other side of the room, his back against her. He turns around, and he has tears in his eyes. "You're not her."
"I am!" she cries out, but he refuses to listen. His mouth is curled in an angry sneer. "I know it sounds absurd, but I came back for you... to say goodbye."
"How can I believe that, huh?" he laughs, but there is no humor in his voice. "Ghosts are not real, whoever you are."
"How can you expect me to believe what you were saying?" he asks, but she can't give him an answer. "Answer me!" he screams when she stays silent.
Y/N suddenly feels tired. Heartbroken.
"I love you," she says instead. She looks down at her hands, and see that she is starting to fade as time passes by.
Sungjin laughs a ruthless laugh, not noticing the change in her, and it breaks her heart even more. She can't find it in herself to cry, mainly because she's already cried out as heck, and it's not like it will change anything.
"Just stay away from me," Sungjin says, face taut with anger. "Get the fuck out of my house."
Y/N can only nod. She debates reaching out to touch him, but backs out at the last second. She leaves her coat by the door, and gets out into the cold night.
She's already cold, anyway.
11:15 pm
Y/N begins to think about how her life has been and thinks how far she'd come. She's pretty proud of herself for coming this far.
She would want to say goodbye to her kids and to Dowoon as well, but it's not like that's in the cards right now.
She looks at her wristwatch, the one Sungjin gifted her for her birthday.
11:15 pm.
Right, 45 minutes left.
It's funny how she can't cry anymore, probably because she's past the sixth stage of grief. She thinks she had already accepted that she will be gone by midnight, and crying makes no sense at this point. It's not like it'll bring her back, or bring Sungjin back.
Speaking of which, she looks to her left and there Sungjin is at the other side of the park. She's pretty sure he hasn't seen her yet, so she stands up and keep her head down.
She walks toward a more secluded part of the park, not risking a glance back at him. She doesn't want to fight with him again. She'd rather go quietly without an affair, than have a big blow up with Sungjin. After all, this what she's good at; running away.
Ah, shit.
Y/N tries to walk faster without seeming like she was running away from him. If she runs away, he'll know she heard him. Y/N walks on, chanting a nopenopenope in her head.
Nope, indeed.
Nearly there.
"Y/N, please," Sungjin says, sounding out of breath and too near. "Wait."
Just keep yourself together.
"Y/N!" Sungjin grabs her wrist, spinning her around.
Her gaze lands on her wrist, and she sees that she was fading away fast. She pulls her hand back to her fast, careful not to draw attention to it. Too late though, because Sungjin's eyes are drawn to it.
She pulls the sweater's sleeve to cover her wrist and clear her throat. "Yeah." She laughs awkwardly. "Sorry 'bout that."
"It's true, then." Sungjin's face crumple. He looks younger, almost like a kid. "I was hoping it was just delirium from the shots."
She laughs quietly. "You don't get delirious from shots."
Y/N takes a deep breath, and smiles like her heart's not on fire. "I'll be going."
"Where?" he asks in a small voice.
She shrugs. "Hell, maybe?"
That turns out to be the wrong thing to say, because Sungjin bursts into tears a few moments later.
No, no, no.
"I'm sorry," she says as she takes a step towards him. She suddenly stops, him asking her to stay away still ringing in her ears.
"I'm sorry," even though she doesn't know if she's saying sorry for the joke or for ruining his life. "Sorry."
"I was hoping—" he says as he hiccups, wiping at his tears. "I was hoping this was all just a practical joke."
Y/N smiles sadly, still keeping her distance. She badly wants to pull him into a hug, but she can't.
"Do you regret it?" she asks him after a minute of silence. He looks at her and it breaks her heart, but she just can't bear not knowing before leaving. "Do you regret choosing me?"
"No," he insists, shaking his head. "Never."
She nods with a small smile. Me, too.
"Thank you," she says. "That's all I need to know."
She turns toward the other side of the park, but he walks in front of her and blocks her way.
"Don't go," he begs almost desperately. He kneels in front of her and hugs her legs, still crying like a kid. "Please just take me with you."
"Please," he cries harder. "Please please please."
Y/N unwraps his arms around her legs, and kneels with him, pulling him into a tight hug.
"Please don't leave me," he cries on her sweater. "You're all I have."
11:55 pm
Five minutes.
They spent the last almost-hour talking and crying. They reminisced about everything, and Y/N apologized, mostly. Everything she failed to say, and failed to make him feel. She spared nothing.
She looks at her wristwatch. 11:55 pm.
Her hands are almost transparent at this point.
"I'm sorry if I wasn't able to keep my promise" she says, taking Sungjin's hand in hers. "I mean it when I said I love you, and I want you to be happy—"
"—I can't be," Sungjin replies. At least he had stopped crying, but it looks like he was about to again.
Three minutes.
"Close your eyes, babe." He does, and she kisses his lips one last time.
"I'm gonna miss you," she says. "I'll wait for you, okay?"
"I won't take long." Sungjin's voice is quivering.
One minute.
"I love you." Her skin starts to glow while she was speaking, her body flowing like ashes in the wind and drifting upwards.
"I love you, too," Sungjin says.
When he opens his eyes, he was alone on the park bench.
He stays there for a long time, wishing she heard him.
She did, and she carried his love with her to the dark skies.
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rommwnpl13 · 6 months
i love him he's so cute i need to hug him 😖
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jazziwritesthings · 22 days
Mooties and non-mooties can you please send the accounts that currently/actively write for DAY6??? I can't seem to get the right tags to see really anything and I NEED IT
Please and Thank you
Also love you ❤️❤️❤️❤️
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jayflrt · 2 months
okay time to do my actual job. this is from part 43. so why does hoon have plans.. no i mean what plans does he have and why is he not concerned ? as in why arent trying his 100% to at least talk to his dad ??? what happened he suddenly acting not even half of what he was before ? i never suspected hoon, i just he was a product asshole + daddy issues. no im so surprised that he didnt act like how i imagined he would, like what happened ? fight back ? you cant lose your girl and the company you have been working for your whole life at the same time !!!!!!! heeseung can shut the fuck up or idk trip and fall i hate him so much. acting all that, do not bring jay? oh you feel inferior to him? or is it actually because hoon dad opinion on ? biggest hoon and heeseung hater here ngl. it is sad to see how rest of them is not that supportive? im not sure if thats the right option but questioning why day care more?? idk if its because rich people thing but i just hoped they were a bit more accepting. i mean yes yn is supposed to inherit pharmacy but still.. the whole tossing the coin is so funny to me. lets go hot jay summer hehehe
theory anon
hoon's been veryy vocal about how he feels about sungjin inheriting park pharmaceuticals so it's definitely unusual for him to be so quiet 🤨 maybe he has something planned?? or he's just giving up entirely 🤧 i guess losing your girl and the company you've been dedicating your whole life toward does that to a mf 🚶
heeseung's an interesting case too 😩 definitely going to share more about him before we close this arc. also yeah jay seems to be the only one who wholeheartedly supports mc's dream :/ it's "underwhelming" compared to what everyone want her to choose
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day6source · 1 year
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Overcoming the light green Chroma Key background Pure dandy cutie, handsome, and lovely beauty Park Sungjin's visual form is crazy..★ (➕ When you imagine it, it's so cute After BANG-D, I ate more Tanghulu. 🍡)
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kwanisms · 2 years
profiles: 01 || 02
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add your name to the taglist
summary: Moon Byeoli lives in Busan with her best friend Jamie Park and works at the aquarium. Their next door neighbor is Park Sungjin. Growing up, Byeoli has never really believed in the supernatural always finding a logical explanation for things that go bump in the night. Her life is about to be thrown out of control when new neighbors move in across the hall. What will happen when Byeoli befriends them and learns they aren’t exactly… human.
ch 29 - not what I’d call camping
wc: 656 (it's shorter than the other parts but not a lot needed to be said this time around I guess lol)
pairing: sungjin x oc x hyunjin
warnings: foul language, weird shenanigans going on here
updates every weekday @ 7PM CST
a/n: times and dates DO NOT matter!!
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taglist: @yoonguurt @x-woozi @lachinitaaaaa
Sungjin slipped his phone in his pocket and carefully peered around the corner as Jisung tugged on the padlock keeping the storage unit closed and mumbled something to himself as he pocketed the key. Sungjin narrowed his eyes, whispering an expletive to himself.
He noticed how Jisung stiffened and turned around to scan the immediate area. Sungjin withdrew, hoping he hadn’t been spotted and held his breath. It was so silent that Sungjin could have sworn even if Jisung hadn’t seen him, he could definitely hear his heart pounding in his chest.
After a few more moments of silence, Sungjin chanced a peek around the corner and felt immense relief when he saw the hallway empty.
He’d been coming to this storage unit for years. Preferring it over some of the other ones in the area because of the distance from the ocean, the staff, and the price. Sure it was out of the way and not many people knew about its existence, but Sungjin preferred it that way.
He never imagined he’d see his neighbors here when he pulled up. He was confused as Changbin, who looked sicker than Sungjin had ever seen anyone, looked around anxiously. Jisung was speaking to the owner in a quiet but rushed tone. Sungjin could have sworn he saw his neighbor then pass what looked suspiciously like a large roll of cash to the owner who simply nodded.
Sungjin, forgetting why he came here in the first place, waited until the two disappeared inside the complex before getting out of his car and sneaking after them. He followed them through the maze of long buildings, stopping to peek around every corner until he saw them stop. Han unlocked one of the smaller units, removing the padlock and grabbed the handle of the shutter door, pulling it up and Sungjin’s eyes widened as he saw what was inside.
A sort of cell, complete with iron bars, spaced far enough for a hand to pass through but behind that was some sort of fencing, fixed to the bars so as to keep whatever was supposed to be in there behind the bars and in the cell. The door was held in place by a thick chain, wrapped several times around the bars, keeping it shut. Jisung unlocked the large silver padlock holding the chain together and Sungjin watched in a mixture of shock and confusion as Changbin walked inside the cell, carrying a large duffel bag, sleeping bag, and a small cooler. Inside the makeshift cell was a single metal chair that looked as if it had been thrown around a little and bent back in shape.
‘What the fuck?’ He thought to himself. Jisung and Changbin were speaking as Jisung leaned against the iron bars while Changbin made himself at home. Jisung said something else before exiting the cell and closing the door. He wrapped the chain tightly around the bars, securing it in place with the padlock before shaking the door a few times to make sure it wasn’t going anywhere.
Jisung had then stepped out of the unit and grabbed the handle, and Sungjin faintly heard him say “see you in a few days, bro,” before pulling the shutter door down and then sliding the padlock in place.
That led Sungjin to where he was now. He carefully got to his feet and tiptoed over towards the unit. He glanced around, making sure Jisung was nowhere to be found. He carefully approached the unit and stopped, pressing his ear against the shutter door. He wasn’t sure what he expected to hear but the sounds of a video game and Changbin mumbling to himself was at the bottom of the list. 
Sungjin pulled back, staring at the door and wondering just what the hell Changbin was that he needed to be locked inside a storage unit for a few days. He had to get to the bottom of this.
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skyofstorms · 2 years
Tag Drop Part IV
Park Sungjin
Thundering crimson ☆ Sungjin
Ryuu Kyousuke
Dragon’s heartfire ☆ Kyo
Tony Stark
I love you 3000 ☆ Tony
Sun Kyujin
Cute and nice but just as dangerous ☆ Kyujin
Sun Seoyun
From my darkness there is light ☆ Seoyun
Yoo Daeshim
Imagination comes to life on a page ☆ Daeshim
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thepixelelf · 3 years
5444/2800 word february
[bear with me] “Sungjin, I need you to look at me, okay? Look at me.” You brace both hands atop Sungjin’s shoulders as his brows furrow. “You’re not allowed to freak out.”
“I wasn’t planning on it, but now I’m not so sure,” he says, shrugging your hands off him. “What are you hiding?”
You shake your head frantically, jumping between him and the front door to your shared bungalow, arms splayed. “Technically, it’s not hiding if you haven’t been home yet.
“You’re not helping your case here.”
“Promise me, Sungjin.”
Sighing out, Sungjin sends you an insincere smile. “I promise. Now can I please enter my own house?”
You click your tongue at his clear lie, but you know you can’t exactly stop him, so you move aside.
Only for Sungjin to open the front door to an eight foot tall grizzly bear.
He shuts the door, blinks, and looks at you. Your lips are pursed as you whistle, your eyes avoiding him as he stands there with his hand still on the doorknob. Even when he whispers your name, you don’t look at him.
“Is that…” He takes a second to breathe in and out. “Is that the fucking man-eating bear from the zoo?”
“He’s not a man-eater!” you protest, your arms crossing defiantly. “He was framed!”
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onyourzeus · 4 years
• the answer | psj
ykcyj ➝ arskyh
title: the answer pairing: park sungjin (of day6) & you genre: FLUFF, non-idol!au words: 2.7k
author’s note: requested by this anon for a pregnant s/o headcanon with sungjin. 
truthfully, this prompt is very new to me and at first, i thought i wouldn’t be able to write something. but i think i tried? i hope it is still enjoyable! (i have been binging sungjin compilation vids recently... i am in deep)
any requests? check my pinned post if i’m accepting any at the moment, thanks!
sungjin is the most animated husband to a pregnant partner you’ve ever seen
and you have a handful of your friends who have gone through the “journey”
way before you did, so seeing the way their significant others react 
to the baby bumps and sudden emotional breakdowns during double dates 
it’s quite a show, really. they’re either so stunned, so careful due to their partner being more “fragile” than normal 
and others who look calm and collected, seeming to have read every book on pregnancy and child bearing they can get from the local library 
and of course, their partner admires the dedication and earnest reactions they all have towards this new beginning for the both of them: a life, growing inside their belly. how exciting
(and terrifying. absolutely terrifying)
so when you finally used one (that turned out to be five, just to be sure) pregnancy test you kept hidden in one of the bathroom cabinets
the rush of emotions start falling out: disbelief, pure bubbling joy, adrenaline rush of excitement, and then a few heavy pounds of anxiety
“baby you’re taking too long in the…” you hear sungjin’s concerned voice coming closer to you, and it trails off when the two of you meet eyes for the first time that night
that you realize you’re pregnant
“how many did you take?” is his first question, tone void of anything that you’re suddenly scared he didn’t want this yet 
“five,” you reply quietly, sitting on the edge of the bathtub while holding onto the tests strips
“should you take one more just in case?” he asks again, eyes wide and mouth hanging way too open for your liking
whining to him you say, “we might as well go to my doctor to make sure at this point because i think five is overkill already.”
a pregnant pause
you’re getting just a tiny bit annoyed at sungjin’s non-response at this point. he just looks like a fish out of water, and if you just didn’t find out you’re pregnant and are currently registering your own emotions, you’d have slapped him silly right there
but that’s just how sungjin reacts, especially with how important this all is to the trajectory of your shared life
“come here,” he tells you, arms spread out. face still nonchalant, but you swear you heard a hint of joy in that tone
you give in, though, because it’s sungjin and he’s suddenly getting teary eyed and you don’t want him to wait any longer—
“what do you think?” you whisper against his ear, folding into his embrace as he tightens his grip around your waist. the doubts that filled your mind about him not wanting this for any reason disappeared right when his warmth embraced you
“i think you’re gonna be the best parent ever,” he says but the way he’s squeezing you so hard causes you to audibly squirm
he lets go in a flash, apologizing back and forth 
“sungjin it’s okay!!” you laugh, tears of joy welling up in your eyes because sungjin is already panicking about hurting the baby in some form due to him hugging you too much “i think the baby will be fine for now!!”
“let’s go,” he states, his hands holding onto yours and his eyes determined 
“to where?” you laugh incredulously. sungjin’s switching of emotions in two seconds flat is hilarious to you, but you humor him for a moment
“to the doctor, so we know you’re healthy and the baby is healthy and what else we need to prepare for so that you can—”
it’s 9pm
ok it’s time to shut him up now
kissing his lips softly, you rest your forehead against his and the two of you share the peaceful silence inside your bathroom, in your own house, where your family soon will bloom
“too soon, sungjin,” you remark, smiling as you feel him blush inches away from you
he nods briefly, taking his time to kiss both of your cheeks and you indulge in his genuine love and care
“i’m so happy to do this with you,” he says, “to build our family together” 
“i am too” 
“should we start planning on the nursery room?” and there he is again, back to going on overdrive it makes you the less crazy one
you calm him down and remind him that it was grocery shopping day tomorrow then you can set up the appointment for your gynecologist. it seems to bring sungjin’s excitement down
by the end of the day, all the scrambling emotions you had accumulated once learning about your pregnancy has dwindled down to the most important one you have: gratefulness for sungjin
so that was just the beginning, right 
in the following weeks that you have been confirmed to be pregnant yes, congratulations, a lot of things have changed in the household 
from your newly bought maternity clothes, to less hours spent at work, and the empty room in your house finally being given the opportunity to bring it to life 
it wasn’t only you doing the renovating, actually sungjin doesn’t want you near any tools or paint brushes at all 
he wants the baby safe as well as your physical body 
he is overreacting. you are only a month in
“you tell me the color of the walls, where the crib should be, and the paintings you want hung. i’ll do the work. deal?”
“no take backsies?” it sounds like a plan too good to be true
sungjin chuckles at your suspicion, but nods firmly
there was definitely a change in atmosphere in your relationship, however. it suddenly became a bit more… intuitive? it boggles your mind because sungjin has always been the perfect husband for you since day 1
but each passing day, he’s becoming so much more careful, gentle, and all-knowing with you
for example the one morning that you just felt the urge to throw up everything you ate the day prior among other things
sungjin had already prepared the bathroom with extra paper towels, a glass of water to gargle with
and even brought awaiting breakfast in bed, just a few fruits maybe an oatmeal and brewed tea (just the way you like it)
he doesn’t take too much time in the bathroom when he showers (and sings loudly) before a gyne appt or just when the two of you were supposed to bond that night
this is kind of a given but grocery shopping is more of a competition than cooperation months before
who brings the most bags and gets to the car the fastest (without spilling anything) will not cook food that day 
now, sungjin doesn’t hesitate but almost force you to stand by the entrance of the place, and make you wait there until he finished putting the stuff in the car and drive where you were 
“i need exercise too, sungjin” you’d poke him on the side while on the drive home, and sungjin just half-smiles
those days he’d try and order take out instead because, well, sometimes he just doesn’t want to cook
and you’re prepared for this, at least he lets you continue your hobby of being the master chef in the kitchen
it’s a nice way to bond with the baby and your husband. as sungjin plays music in the living room through a speaker or by singing himself
you enjoy trying new healthy recipes
the baby bump is forming shape now, your clothes definitely give out a hint. it’s been a complicated ride of what to feel about it
excited, thrilled, of course, sungjin takes a moment in the morning to really look at you
and his child that you bear so beautifully, and with so much grace
the sun shines somewhat through the curtains, and sunjin wonders how you sleep so amazingly well 
his eyes never tire of tearing up with incoming thoughts of the next few months, years with you and your little boy or girl. he doesn’t even have an inch of doubt that you’re going to raise them well, and raise them kindly
on the other hand, as sungjin thumbs over your cheek, admiring your presence in front of him...
synchronized breathing
sungjin is afraid if he will not be enough for his child. there’s so many things that can go wrong in the first three years, let alone the moment they’ll come to this world
what if he gets cold feet? what if he cannot financially support the two of you anymore? what if you become disappointed at how he’s presenting himself as a good father? 
it pains sungjin to realize all of these what-ifs. with a few more minutes to spare before he has to go to another day at work, sungjin makes sure to feel the curve of your belly, and transfer over his warmth to you 
he closes his eyes, immersing himself with the beat of his heart, knowing that it’s for you and your family
if you’re lucky, you wake up to the whispers of sungjin about the many different things he loves about you, his forever partner, the future super parent of your child
resisting to open your eyes and see his embarrassed face is almost harder than not drinking coffee nowadays
but you get used to it, just barely seeing how shiny his eyes get, how relaxed his features become and how much love leaves his lips
saying your name, singing to the baby a little good morning jingle, telling you both
“i love you so much, more than you can know in this lifetime” 
and when sungjin is busy at work, half relegating tasks to his employees and the other burying down the anxiety about leaving you at home all day alone
you do your part to ease his worries, sending him cute texts throughout the day 
sometimes he even asks about the belly more than about you
“hows the baby?? can i see?? does it feel different today?? did you feel a kick? do you think it will be twins??”
(god you hope not)
“sungjin you are at work and i can hear your colleagues laughing at your excitement, quiet down!”
he’s so proud, so so proud of you. getting those texts and short calls from you while he’s away does more assurance than you think
he readied himself by asking his family members about parenting, asking his friends about their opinions, and reading so much online that he’d forget to do his share of the workload in the office
being 100% prepared is his mission, and he thinks you’re not taking it seriously. you say it comes with intuition for you because, well, you’re carrying the baby. but there’s one thing the both of you just cannot explain to each other which confuses sungjin all the more
your cravings
it was fairly normal in the beginning, maybe you wanted cheese on everything one day, and then you just had to add peanut butter on your garlic bread… okay, at least sungjin didn’t have to eat it with you
but the times that you didn’t have the ingredients you were specifically asking for, sungjin was at a loss for words
“sungjin…” you whine on the bed with him, sitting up as best as you can with the bump and pushing his shoulders so he gets up. he was lying down but had his back facing you, as he he had tried multiple times to convince you to go back to bed already
it wasn’t successful
“babe it’s too late to go out,” he’d murmur, hugging the pillow close to him as if to block out your voice. this offends you, a little over the top than normal, so you continue shaking him up
“but i neeeed it. the baby neeeeeeds it. you want the best for baby, right? anything baby wants, baby gets, right?” you say with a pout, although futile as he couldn’t see you
sungjin groans lightly, understanding that cravings aren’t even explainable on your end but there must be something in the house that can, well, emulate what your tastebuds desired— or, sorry, the baby
“we have leftover vanilla ice cream in the fridge, sweetheart, will that be okay for now? we’ll get the other flavor tomorrow morning,” sungjin calms you down, turning over to see your face soaked with fresh tears
this gets him to sit up, cuddle mode on, but you refuse
“baby, i’m sorry—”
“no i’m sorry sungjin, i just wanted to eat because i can’t sleep if i don’t but you’re upset and now i feel so lumpy and gross and—”
“hey hey no,” he scolds you softly, never liking the way he hears you call yourself such a word. his arms embrace your from behind, hands secured on your bump as he peppers you with tender kisses on the side of your face, kissing the tears away
“sungjin i don’t look cute right now,” you pout, somehow knowing what you’re saying is ridiculous to a point and irrational, but also the way you’re thinking isn’t logical right now
“that’s a lie,” sungjin tells you. “don’t ever believe that.” 
you find his hands caressing your bump, and intertwine them together. sungjin lets you breathe in and out for a minute, as he finds it the best way to help you out when emotions start to overwhelm you
no words, no distractions, just the feel of him and his security
“do you really want strawberry cheesecake ice cream right now, babe?” he finally asks as the tension from your body dissipates. you nod and crane your neck to the side just enough to meet his lips with yours
one kiss, two kisses
sungjin looks at you brightly, smiles and nods once
“okay, i’ll get it for you, you just stay here and rest. okay?” 
exhausted from the emotions but still hungry from your cravings, you follow his words. after, he tucks you back in bed, gives your bump a quick peck and goes out the door
“don’t forget the potato chips :c” you text him 5 mins later
“of course love, pickle-dill and strawberry ice cream ready for you soon ;)”
when he came back, he didn’t think to spend the next 20 minutes watching you put the potato chips as a sort of topping for your ice cream
suffice to say, it was a strange night that ended in laughs, you trying to get him to take a bite (which you succeeded), reminiscing on old times, and falling asleep with him fitting right by your side perfectly
it were these moments that you feel more and more in love with sungjin because he doesn’t just care for you
he cares with all of his being, and you make sure he knows how much he’s appreciated with the little things he does, and the big things he shows off to you
the nursery room gets done earlier than expected, and surprisingly enough sungjin let you paint a patch or two of the wall. you spend time off decorating the whole place with pictures of the two of you way back then, pictures of your child’s (favorite) uncles, paintings you have finished that embodied the love you have for your future family, everything that reminded you of home with sungjin
“you think our baby will like it?” sungjin asks you right after hes finished with the last picture frame. it was empty, undecorated, but hung right next to the crib. 
“absolutely, appa made it with love.”
“and sweat”
and he holds you right there, the fresh scent of furniture and a new beginning amidst the air
he holds you and your blossoming family in his careful, gentle hands. and you whisk yourself away in the moment and how perfect it was, how grateful you are to live this through with sungjin
a slight kick reverberates within your bump, and sungjin glances at you immediately
another bump, and the two of you slowly form the widest grins
“i guess you got your answer, sungjin.”
his answer has already been in front of him
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With You~ Park Sungjin
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WARNINGS: Smut, Virgin!Reader, Some Praise, Fluff. (I’m probably forgetting something)
A/N: Lowkey may rewrite this in the future I got this request in my inbox a while back and I apologize for your wait! When it came to my writer’s block, smut was my enemy, it was like i had never written smut before. Nonetheless, I hope you like it! 
My body trembled as Sungjin kissed my collarbone, he moved my top so he could trail his lips on my shoulder. 
This was really happening, I’m about to have sex for the first time, and my first time will be with Sungjin. 
”Are you absolutely sure you want this?” my boyfriend asks, he searched my eyes for any hesitation but found nothing. 
My lips curled in a soft smile and I reassured him, our bodies leaned into each other as we kissed and Sungjin was soon hovering over me. Our clothes dropped from our bodies so effortlessly until we were just in our underwear, Sungjin’s fingers wandering my body as he stared in awe. 
”Your body is so perfect, You are so perfect.” 
My cheeks burn red from his compliments, he presses small kisses down my body until he is at the hem of my panties. He looks up at me for permission and I eagerly nod, propping myself up on my elbows.
The slow pull on my panties has me almost impatient, the heat spreading through my core has become extremely intense. After tossing my panties to the side, he spreads my legs and lets out a slight groan, ”Baby, you're so wet.” 
A shy smile appears before I gasp, he started rubbing my clit slowly,  I close my eyes and bite my lip as he pushes a finger inside of me while his thumb works my clit. ”Sungjin, that feels so good,” I whimper out. 
He smiles at my form before replacing his thumb with his lips on my clit, I let out a moan and throw my head back, my elbows soon giving out which has me laying on the bed once again.
He starts off slow, his pace picking up ever so slightly, and soon I feel my body shake against his mouth. As I feel his fingers curl inside me, I reach for his hand that rests on my thigh and he gladly laces our fingers together. 
”Sungjin, I-I think I'm g-gonna cum,” I moan out. His pace suddenly gets faster and before I know it, I feel a knot tighten in my stomach and then release, my legs shake vigorously as I choke out moans. 
Sungjin presses kisses all over my thighs, ”How was that?” he asks me. The high of it all has me giggly, I open my mouth to say something but I could only smile and giggle, he saw this as a good sign and started chuckling at me. 
”I’m glad it was good for you then,” he says before kissing me. 
He reaches around and unclasps my bra, I'm left naked while he still has his underwear on, I slightly tug on them and whine a bit. ”So eager,” he smirks. Our bare bodies rest against each other’s, my heart feels like it’ll burst out of my chest any second now. 
”Sungjin,” I whisper. 
”Yes, baby?” 
”I love you.” 
Pure joy flickered through his eyes when those words left my mouth, a smile erupted as he replied, ”I love you too.” He smashes his lips against mine and deeply kisses me, he positions himself at my entrance and pulls from the kiss. 
”Tell me if it's too much, okay?”
”Okay, I will.”
I felt a small sting as he pushed into me, brushing the hair back from my face as he waited for me to adjust to his size. ”Please move,” I softly plead, wanting to feel more. His thrusts are slow, I grip onto his arms and whimper in pleasure under him. 
”Sungjin, this feels-” I'm cut off by my own moan, the feeling started getting more intense and I slowly felt a knot form in my stomach. Sungjin holds my face in his palm, his eyes held love and lust in them, ”Does it feel good?” 
I nod my head, forming a ”Yes” through my moans. 
”Are you gonna cum?” 
I nod more furiously this time as the knot tightened even more. 
Sungjin reached his hand down and started rubbing my clit, his thrusts had picked up their pace tremendously at this point, I scratched down his arms in pleasure before finally coming undone. 
My body convulsed and his name fell from my lips repeatedly, ecstasy washed over my body such as a wave. Sungjin moaned out a few profanities, he slipped his hands under my body and held me close to him, I wrapped my arms around him as he buried his head into my neck. 
We rode out our high together and collapsed on the bed, our skin gleaming from sweat, our lips kiss swollen, and our cheeks a shade of red.
”That was amazing, thank you,” I told Sungjin, laying my head on his chest and listening to his heartbeat. 
”No baby, thank you for letting me be the one to experience it with you.” 
His hands lightly massaged my thighs, I turned my head to kiss him one last time before we both drifted off.
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When The Silence Grows Heavy
Trigger Warning: This story, while poetic, deals with depression and mental illness. Reader discretion is advised. 
Before we begin, I want you all to know I think you’re spectacular and you are worthy of all the love and happiness you want. 
Master List
Silence. That thing once sweet thing. That thing that once left you in warmth. That thing that once gave you relief. That thing which now left you shivering on your bed. It’s frozen fingers clinging to your bones, cementing you in place. Your once sweet solitude now hangs heavily on you, crushing you into your own brain. Your reflection stares back at you from broken shards on the floor, the mirror in your mind has shattered from the impact of the storm. 
Days it feels you had spent in one place, crescent mooned spine and locked knees, moulding you into an almost fetal position in your now small world. This queen sized bed, your place of love, had become a kingdom of despair, ruled by a dragon of anguish that would not be easy to defeat.  Sobs had long since vanished, instead leaving tears to soak into the pillow of their own accord. They still made your body ache, or maybe that was the weight of your own guilt wearing on your muscles as though you were still trying to carry the world. 
“Babe?” You want to sit up, even look at him, but you can’t move your eyes from where they remain, gazing at the storm cloud walls of your shared bedroom. “Are you okay?” Part of you longed for the days when his honeyed voice, a song in of itself, would make clouds part and bathe you in a warm light, but that part of you clings to the walls of this ever filling well of shadow, unable to swim.  
You can’t respond. Even if you wanted to, you couldn’t breathe enough to be heard. He’s never seen this version of you, this corpse of a lover decomposing on his bed. You want to scream, tell him to go, save himself from your storm, but clouds fill your mouth, and not even a whisper could escape. 
His face fills your vision, smile soft and dark eyes full of worry. You force your mouth open in an attempt to greet him, but no sound slips past them. He still smiles anyway, and a miniscule ray of light breaks through the clouds for just a second. 
“Let me get changed baby, I’ll be right back.” His lips sear a kiss to your cheek, burning hot love that settles on your skin. When he returns, he says nothing, only crawls into bed behind you, his arms wrapping around you, pulling you against his chest. You can feel his heartbeat in your shoulder blade, each dull thud a hammer at the ice encasing you. “I love you, and I’m here for you”  
Park Sungjin is warm. His arms, soft but strong, wrap you in a warmth that does its best to heat you up. His calloused fingers trail over the skin on your arm, blazing patterns into the frosted skin. Silence envelops you again, its bitter wind lessened by the man surrounding you. With his shoulders against yours, the weight of the world crushes you less. 
The mirror is still broken, the storm still raging, but you can finally bring yourself to collect the pieces, to seek shelter. 
Maybe, just maybe, with his arms around you, grounding you, you’ll be okay.
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punksungjin · 4 years
why won’t you touch me? [park sungjin]
a/n: as a sungjin stan i resonate with him too much on the i-hate-physical-contact area but then again..... i still like some hugs occasionally...... and so this fic was born
summary: it’s cuddle night and sungjin’s girlfriend has been a little too cautious of physical contact.
pairing: park sungjin x reader 
470 words | fluff, boyfriend!sungjin
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“Why won’t you touch me?”
Sungjin looks so confused, you want to pat him on the head and put him in your pocket. More than hurt, he looks genuinely puzzled—and maybe rightly so, because you’d been withholding touch from him lately.
“Ah, sorry, I sounded mad,” he murmurs, running a hand through his hair. Sungjin offers you a sheepish smile. “I don’t really mind. I’m just wondering if I, er, did something to make you uncomfortable.”
You shift closer to him. He’s sitting next to you on the couch and slowly, you place your hand on top of his. Gingerly, like he’s an experiment you can’t afford to mess up.
He glances at your hand. His finger, under yours, twitches. “You don’t have to, it’s alright, I was just asking.”
“Sorry, Sungjin,” you say, not taking your hand off his. “I...thought you didn’t like it when I touched you.”
“Me?” He has to draw back and look at you incredulously. “No, I like it—why would you think that?”
You bite the inside of your cheek. Under Sungjin’s intense stare—he doesn’t even have to try, his eyes simply pin you down like that—it’s like you’re being placed under a spotlight. “Um, because I know you don’t really like being touched and I thought maybe you were just putting up with me,” you say. “Sorry.”
“Ah, baby, don’t say sorry...” Sungjin then does something he doesn’t do often: he snakes his arm around you and pulls you closer to his side. “I like you, so I like your touch. Even if I don’t show it.”
You smile at him. “Really?”
��Yes, really,” he says. When you’re this close to him, you can feel his chest rumble as he talks, and it’s a nice feeling. You press a quick kiss to his cheek. He blushes immediately. “That’s—”
“Oh, sorry!” you squeak, trying to scoot away from him to give him a little space. “Was that too much?”
Sungjin, seemingly recovered from the kiss, gives you an amused look. “Y/N, I’m your boyfriend. Kissing me isn’t too much,” he says evenly. “I was going to say that was nice. It’s okay, you don’t have to shy away.”
Aw. You shimmy closer to him, removing all space between the two of you, nearly burying himself into him. You’re grateful he’s allowed you to cuddle him, because his body is just so large and soft it’s like being protected by a big blanket. 
“Then, can I kiss you?” He smiles, and pecks your nose before you can even move, leaving you cross-eyed. Sungjin lets out a boyish giggle. The one you can’t get enough of. "You’re cute when you’re like that.”
“You’re cuter,” you hum, hovering closer. His freckles are like stars across his cheeks.��“Kiss me more.”
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submissivekpop · 5 years
how well would day6 clean up after eating out their partner? like, whose the messiest, i guess is what im trying to ask?
The cleanest of them all. Doesn't really like having anything sticky on his face - he'd much rather clean it up with his tongue and get to taste you.
Likes things to be a bit messy, but pretends to hate it. Dramatically sighs whenever he's done with it, but you can see in his eyes how much he loves it.
Young K
Loves when you sit on his face, because it almost always ends with his face covered in your cum, and there's nothing better than that - he claims it makes him feel like you've just marked him as yours.
Doesn't really mind how clean or messy it gets, as long as it makes you happy. Gladly lets you smear all of it across his face, if that's what you like, and smiles at you the whole time.
Loves having your juices completely covering his lips and chin, but gets easily flustered whenever you say something about it - especially if you tell him he looks pretty.
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xxdreaminadream · 5 years
a/n: hi baby! i can do both if you want i don’t mind ;) but yes omg im surprised no one has thirsted over sungjin yet like. y’all good? y’all sleeping on sungjin like this?? smh bad energy.
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doggy style: i was thinking yk, what would be his lowkey dom side. and i think doggy style is something he’d enjoy when he feels more dom. i can see him pulling your hair or grasping your hips roughly while doing so tbh....
riding: this goes w subbing. he likes it when you’re on top of him, because you’re setting up the pace, and because he thinks you look so pretty getting so worked up on him....
subbing: yeah ok i’m sorry for the ones with a daddy kink, but i feel like he likes being led. i mean, he has a whole group of 4 idiots. i understand why the man doesn’t want to have much to do in the bedroom LMAOOO
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dong-hyucks · 7 years
Elysian ; Sungjin
Prompt: 25. “I love you.” Characters: Park Sungjin / Reader Genre: Soft fluff Word Count: 1.2k+ (a bit short, sorry akhfk) Admin: Jade
Masterlists || Christmas Special Prompt List || TDC/CNY Masterlist
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throughout the year, sungjin was constantly busy due to Every Day6
as his s/o, you were one of the first to hear about the year-long project, so you were prepared for his tight schedule
but even though you 100% understood, you couldn’t help but worry for him
often times, he’d come back to your shared home past three am only to leave again at seven
whenever you confronted him about it, he would just send you that beautiful smile of his and tell you, “it’s okay; i’m okay. don’t worry.”
but how could you not?
despite the fact that you absolutely adored every song day6 released during the year, you couldn’t help but be thankful that it was over
the boys would finally be able to rest
that night, sungjin called you, saying that he’d be home a little late -- the boys wanted to hold somewhat of a celebration party in honour of ED6
you didn’t mind, a feeling of pride coursing through the phone
“just don’t stay up too long, alright? it’s about time you get more than three hours of sleep.”
sungjin would laugh at this, his laughter making you feel at ease
so, that night you tried to stay up
tried being the keyword
initially, you lied down and messed about on your phone
which worked, for the most part --
until it ran out of battery
pulling yourself out of bed, you plugged the device in before returning to your spot and lying back
‘i’ll just close my eyes for a second...’
seconds turned to minutes, but right before you succumbed to the grasp of sleep, you sat up
you really did want to wait for sungjin to come home, something that used to be common routine
so you busied yourself; making the bed, tidying up your desk, etc.
but after the clock struck one (am) you found yourself lying back again
this time, you couldn’t help it and fell into sleep’s hands
sungjin finally came home (at two am, but hey-- better than three), bidding the guys ‘good night’ before almost skipping up to the door
he was beyond excited to finally sleep next to you without having to worry about waking up a few hours later
after opening the door, he quietly closed and locked it, not wanting to wake you up
after shedding his jacket and dropping his case by the door quietly he tip-toed to your shared bedroom
his breath caught the moment he opened the door
he froze in the doorway, his eyes glued on your sleeping form
the window was slightly open, the curtains pulled back
the sight of you, with the moonlight shining upon your skin, was enough to get his heart racing
he couldn’t help but feel blessed, that he was with such an ethereal person
moving over to the window, he closed it (wincing when it shut with a thud) not wanting you to catch a cold from the frigid winter air
slowly, he crept over to the bed before kneeling beside it
a small smile bloomed over his face, his hand, slightly shaking, moved to brush back stray strands of hair
despite the minimal touch, your eyes slowly fluttered open, sleepy and glazed over
a chuckle escaped sungjin, his warm hand cupping your cheek, his thumb brushing over your skin ever so gently
“did i wake you?” he asked in a low voice, complete adoration shining in his eyes
you shook your head, still dazed from just waking up
“did you just get home?” you asked, your voice slow and slurred
he nodded, leaning over to lay a kiss upon your temple
“i’m going to get changed. get comfy under the covers, love.”
you just nodded, too tired to utter a reply as you wiggled under the covers
sungjin laughed quietly, finding the sight of your half-asleep self struggling to even go under the blanket adorable
after he got changed (and brushed his teeth of course) he moved back to the bed and crawled under the warm blanket
at first, he kept his distance, staying a few inches away from you as he turned on his side
his sudden weight on the bed made you open your eyes
“come here,” you mumbled, closing your eyes again
sungjin didn’t move, his subtle way of teasing you, but when you stretched out your arms he couldn’t resist and inched over
skinship was never something that came naturally to him, but with you it felt normal; and it was odd when he went long without your touch.
he pulled you close to him, his sudden warmth greatly contrasting against the still cold room
you buried your face in his neck, the familiar smell of his -- now worn out -- cologne making you smile
sungjin let out a sigh, relishing in your proximity
he missed this.
now, as you lay in his arms, you couldn’t hear anything other than his calm heartbeat and his slowing breaths
the feeling of his palm against the small of your back, holding you flush against his torso, his legs tangled among yours, they all brought you on a high only he could take you to
you missed this.
“how was the party?” you asked, your voice muffled due to sungjin’s shoulder
a small smile etched itself onto his face, giddiness flowing through his veins from just how much he loved you; with your tired voice and sluggish actions
“it was fun,” he mumbled, his forefinger tracing random shapes atop your thin shirt “but i couldn’t wait to get home.”
you hummed, pulling away from his shoulder slightly to look him in the eyes
you bore into his stunning yet fuscous eyes, a tired smile playing your lips like a violin
“how come?’ you questioned, moving to play with strands of his russet hair
“because i missed you.”
his casual (yet sleepy) tone made your cheeks warm up and your heartbeat picked up speed
no matter how long you were with him, sungjin never failed to make you flustered
(something he often used to his advantage he loves your reactions so much)
moving even closer, you smiled gently, “i missed you too.”
sungjin ducked his head, pressing his lips against yours for only a second before pulling away
almost an hour passed in silence, and as much as you wanted to sleep, sungjin’s presence had your heart racing
you shifted to look at him, his expression still and calm as he slept, slow breaths escaping his mouth
“are you still awake?” he suddenly asked, his voice low and raspy
you nodded, wrapping your arms around his torso
he smiled against your hair, rubbing up and down your back
“do you want me to sing for you?”
you just nodded, smiling ever so slightly
you absolutely adored his voice, something he knew very well due to your constant gushing about it and he’s sung you to sleep numerous times before
after a few seconds of sungjin humming, he began to sing a song you easily recognized
“in life, there aren’t many days...*”
soon enough, you began to drift off to the sound of his heavenly voice serenading you
“hey, sungjin?”
“i love you.”
sungjin’s eyes widened, his heart rate speeding up slightly
before he could even reply, you had fallen asleep
sungjin lay there, awake as he pulled you close
that night, he fell asleep with a smile for the first time in a while
after all, he had you in his arms.
“i love you too, [Y/N].”
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