dumbspiderboy · 2 years
Well, I basically got friend-dumped. It was the guy I previously ranted about but uh he basically said it hurts too much to just be friends. But then also said he doesn't want to stop being friends. Which basically leads to him needing space, so whatever level of contact we have is apparently up to me cause he needs to step back. The part I hated though is us arguing back and forth about the fact that he is so in love with me, and was sure I had to have developed feelings for him since the last time he asked me out apparently. I've known him for maybe 4 1/2 months. It took me 4 years to fall in love with my best friend in high school. And I haven't had any feelings like that since then. And yet he was sure that I had to have some feelings for him after knowing him for 4 1/2 months. He was also sure I hadn't moved on from said friend. Despite me saying I have cause I know how it feels to have my heart hurt just thinking about them, and seeing them interact with others, and it doesn't anymore. And to him, it's insane that I would continue to be friends with someone who broke my heart. But they didn't do it on purpose. I told them how I felt and they didn't reciprocate, it happens, and I moved on. But apparently, that's stupid. Oh and don't even get me started on how a couple days prior he was upset at me for saying I was busy this week when he wanted to hang out. He took that to mean I don't want to hang out with him ever and am making excuses not to. He also admitted that he was holding onto the expectations that we should be hanging out every day because that is definitely what friends do. And proceeded to make me feel like a shitty friend for not wanting to because; I dont have the social battery for that, I work 5 days a week 40 hours, and sometimes I have stuff after work so I can be busy, sometimes I just lose all motivation to want to do anything let alone hang out, and sometimes I'm just in a lot of pain with my joints. But god forbid I have free time that I'm not spending with him. So overall he doesn't want to be friends but wants to be friends so it's low contact I guess. We'll see if this goes like the first 'I need space' time where he literally did nothing to change his actions and proceeded to be mildly affectionate and wanting to hang out all the time.
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lesharl-eclair · 5 months
the fic masterlist
that 10 people asked for.
possibly my magnum opus. bit of a labour of love (300+ fics with links authors titles ratings pairings) but i think it's worth sharing these amazing fics with the world
i KNOW i missed many many groundbreaking fics but dw this list will be updated alw! so check back to see once in a whilee. this is also quite obviously just my own niche tastes - 1 year in fandom's baarely enough to scrape the tip of the iceberg in terms of just how much insane stuff there is out there!! so js a small cozy corner i'd like to share
and thank you so so much to all the authors who've created these wonderful words + universes :)) tagging y'all under the cut (SORRY IF I MISSED SO MANY PEOPLE In my defense it's 5 am + sorry if iwasn't supposed to tag oooops)
love you and keep creating. <3
@sunshineyoujustwait @altisssimozucca @ultrasofts @sunday-driving @antimonyandthyme @astronomical-light @wewentcarracing @outofbodyinjury @waddlingpenguin @shih-coulda-had-it @boldlettered @boxboxbrioche @butonsilyo @damixnpriest @boxboxlewis formerly @ayceeofspades @red-flagging @janinaduszejko @americangrandprix @lyonsbutton @traincoded @cagoldenpapi @eiffelover @whatdidwejustdo @outbrake @milflewis @sebchalex @blorbocedes @flawlessassholes @rosyjuly @fractalkiss @georgierre @grandprix-ao3 @hungerpunch @hurricane-heatt @ignismai @mediumtires @alpaine @seb-the-bees @undignifiedpopemobile @grideon @kritischetheologie @hakkisen @lafaerie @ocontraire @legendofthefireemblem @zweizimtsterne @lewishamil10n @lewisshamilton @likelylarks @lilcrickee @lil-shiro @monacotrophywife @drivestraight @meova101 @weegreenbean @formulatrash @mclarenracing @liamlawsonlesbian @misonikomi @deathonthe @nyoomfruits @ohmygasly @juergenklopp @readingbythestreetlights @mundanememory @redpaint @retro-parkerr @rivalism @2316 @georgierre @saintsideways @sashajwolf @seafoampearlygirl @second-lifetime @sionisjaune @sebchal @softstarter @shanghaichicane @movieboyfriend @streetlightsky @fourmula1 formerly @tsuchansworld @sweetpeapoppy @thereisstillalifetolive @theianitor @wormeo-and-juliette @twizlurv @valmontheights @vicsy @vlieger-fic @vvettell @mysticalbread @whitewolfcraft @thelittlebirdthatkeptsomanywarm @wolfhalls @xiaoluclair @estiebestieban @powertrains
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parkitaco · 16 days
PARKERR oh my god happy birthday i hope u have the best day ever <33 mwah!!!!🥳🥳
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Punching the air excitedly
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rozugold · 2 months
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peteslegoss · 2 months
HAPPY BIRTHDAY PETEE PARKERR !! Hope you get all the legos you want today !!
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shipperisi · 2 months
perimde perim sayfa cok cool durdu btw
ayy aodnspdmal evet sayendee cok sağ ol parkerr😌😌
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stephanieinge · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: SOUTH PARK: The Complete Second Season NEW SEALED.
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iceeericeee · 1 year
incorrect quotes of my OC’s: pt. 3
Annabel: *drunk af* heyyyy Parkerr, if you were in a room full of dicks,…. how many would you choke on?
Parker: wh- f- what the hell? None!
Annabel: wwOOAAH, damn P-dog, what kind of talents have you been hiding all this time!
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sunb0rn · 2 years
Thank you Charm 🤭
Sana naka pag chocolate ka dyan hahaha 😂
Shoutout Kay Parker 🫡
de bukas na yon wala ako makukuhanan chocolate ngayon. hahahha.
hi daw sabi ni Parkerr na hindi ko nabisita ngayong long weekend HAHAAHHA
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dumbspiderboy · 2 years
Haven't been on Tumblr in 3 nearly 4 years but here I am cause I got a long fucking rant I need to let out.
So this motherfucker that I work with, if he wasn't an actual person I enjoyed hanging out with most of the time I would have dropped him so fast cause of all the red flags. Like I honestly should drop him at this point. So I met him cause he started working at the same place I did back in May. Now we got along great, but I started to notice the way he acted might imply that he had a crush on me cause he was heavily asking about me being asexual, which is not something I hide. But he thought being ace was the same as being aro until I finally explained the difference to him which made me think he was gonna ask me out. And I was not fucking wrong. He asked me out, and at the time I was under the impression he was 39, while I'm 22 so I immediately was like nah dude the age gap makes me hella uncomfortable and he understood. He continue to act the same though which was a little eh. I should also preface that the way he asked me out was a bit weird. It was a series of questions the first being if I was dating my roommate at the time, if I was polyamorous, which yikes at the implications, and if I wanted to go out with him. So fast forward maybe like a little less than a month and come to find out he was not 39, but either 28 or 29. He tries asking me out again when he realizes. I cite that I still am not interested for a multitude reasons, the biggest being I don't have those kinds of feelings for him because I also lean heavily on the demiromantic spectrum quite possibly aromantic because in my lifetime I have been in love/had a crush on someone once. It was in high school, it took me nearly 4 years to actually fall in love with them, but I knew I was. And while I identify as pan, I don't find myself attracted to people who identify as male often, mostly I am into women. And I gave him these reasons. Continued to act the same. Now about another almost month later, tries once again to ask me a date, citing "so what if we said screw responsibilities and see where it goes?" Now at this point, I'm more than mildly uncomfortable and I make a point of stating it was never about responsibilities, reciting the reasons I gave before. He is a little woe is me, that he's in love with me and he won't be able to move on easily. So you know I'm trying to be nice and offer some distance which he accepts. We later talk in person about this whole thing and set a few boundaries because we are both feeling weird. Me over him being overly touchy and affectionate, leaning against me when we sit by each other when hanging out, spontaneous hugs (which I hate), and trying to buy me things I don't want and have stated such, he tried to get me a new phone cause mine kind of sucks at times and I very actively was uncomfortable with. All of which I set and he promptly ignores less than a week later. I try to pull back on my behavior cause according to him it was more than friendly and seemingly flirty to him and leading him on, but it's how I act with all my friends, not one ever told me it was like that. Now we are at a point where he gets incredibly jealous over everyone and slightly pissy about it. For example, a coworker, let's call W, has been attempting to get me to go out to a bar with him because I said I've never been to one, all in a friendly way that doesn't make me uncomfortable. My friend, who let's now call E, suddenly gets pissy and sad when I tell him, and goes "well I hope you have fun." I had never stated I was going to go just that W was asking. And at least once a week E gets upset over having feelings for me and depresses himself with me not liking him. He also gets upset when I don't always want to hang out with him, he asks almost every day to hang out. I work 5 days a week 6am-2pm usually. Within those, I had DnD twice a week Monday and Tuesday, and every other week had game night Wednesday (which he is a part of). Now he has mainly closing shifts between Thursday to Sunday. This means he is not available to hang out often when I get out of work. And days off I like to relax but also do chores and things that need to be done.
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mischiefmuses · 2 years
starter for @rainbowmuses (Parker & Eddie)
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“Giving someone powers then taking them away I think might be more cruel than any monster or life threatening situation...” Parker mumbled, looking at her hot chocolate in her hands then up at Eddie. “Gives you that taste of power, of what you could be and then just whoosh gone...”
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lover-25 · 4 years
Eva: I need advice 
 Izzy: *swirling chocolate milk in her whiskey glass* Well you came to the right place 
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marvelgbt-posts · 5 years
you’ve changed
i thought the song goes well with the scene (sw: peter cries) where peter cries so if you wanna play it there, you can :)
Request: Hi I hope your having a good day or night depends on the time your reading this. How about a Peter Parker x Male chubby reader were they dated before thanos snapped his finger and the reader didn't get snapped away and spent the next 5 years living out his life and when peter comes back he finds the reader but their in their 20's and divorced with a kid. Then they try to work things out. It could have angst but have fluffy ending. Maybe the reader waits till peter is olderand ask him to marry
i absolutely l o v e this idea, ty for requesting ^^ it's somewhere after homecoming, but mj already knows about peter, in the first part. The second one would be uh after endgame lol
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You weren’t popular amongst your peers. Hell, no one really knew you or your friend group of four. You didn't mind, nothing like that really bothered you all. Michelle was currently using Ned as a reference for another one of her art pieces that would bring some sort of “revelation” to those who viewed it, like the ones you see when browsing your Instagram feed about global warming or species endangerment.
Peter, on the other hand, was working on his new suit upgrades. Behind Mr. Stark’s back, he wanted to make his suit more powerful, especially since his parental lock was taken off - also behind Stark’s back, but he didn't have to know (though, of course, he already did). You were working on school assignments since there was nothing better for you to do anyways. Both you and Peter worked on the floor while MJ had Ned sat on the bed in a position where he looked as if he were murdered.
You glanced over at Peter; he peeked over at you simultaneously, the two of you smiling as a bit of pink made it to both your cheeks. You went back to your respective work, as did Peter.
“Peter?” you whispered, careful not to wake MJ and Ned up; MJ next to you on the ground and Ned, snoring on the top mattress of Peter’s bunk bed with an arm and a leg slung over the edge. “Yeah?” he whispered back, equally as cautious. You sat up a little, “I can’t sleep…”
“Yeah, me neither..” he responded.
“Can I, um.. Sleep next to you? Maybe?” you asked shyly, before shaking your head, “nevermind.. That sounds stupid, just forget it.”
“No!” Peter winced, looking up to Ned dangling over the edge of the bunk, before lowering his voice, “No, it’s fine. You can come up here, I don’t mind.”
You carefully slipped out of the blankets you shared with MJ and hopped into bed next to Peter. He was at least a head taller than you, if not half. He awkwardly shifted to the wall, and you felt like cringing. You were always a bit.. soft.. You weren't obese; oh no, you were the average healthy weight, and you could complete the mile somewhere in its required time. It wasn’t like you were unhealthily big, it was just your body shape. You had big thighs and a tummy that would show through shirts that were too tight (for your liking, anyway). Compared to Peter’s secretly toned body, you were like a marshmallow, and you disliked it very, very much.
However, Peter loved it, though he’d never admit it. Sure, you took up a little over half the space, but Peter honestly could care less. You felt him nudge your side, moving to come a bit closer. He was just in boxers and a t-shirt. You had pants and a hoodie, and Peter could just barely feel your body warmth. He looked at you, and you could just barely make out the shape of his eyes, how they looked; begging, big, puppy-like eyes. You bit your lip, suppressing a giggle, “Careful Parker, that’s pretty gay..!” you joked silently. He let out a breathy laugh, “Nothing’s gay about cuddling with your best friend..!” You chuckled, opening your arms for him to come into. He rested his chin on top of your head, wrapping his arms around your upper body while you wrapped your arms around his slim waist.
Like magic, you both found the sleep you’ve been craving so much.
You watched in fear as half of the people around you began to vanish in clouds of dust. You looked over to MJ, who was accompanying you to a bookshop that had just opened a few days ago. She looked down to her feet, which began to slowly fade away, before looking up at you in fear, “y/n, i–” but she was gone. You tried to grab her hand, her shirt, anything, thinking it would somehow stop what was happening. But you couldn't, if anything it sped up the process. You cried, trying desperately to grasp some of the ashes of one of your best friends before she was gone– to no avail.
Crying there in the streets of New York, watching as people screamed for their loved ones, you curled up into a fetal position, tears streaming down your cheeks. You knew Peter had skipped a school field trip to join Iron man and the other well-known Avengers in whatever was causing this, but you had no idea where Ned was, if he was alright... And, well, you already knew MJ was long gone.
What about your parents? Were they disappearing as well? Quickly, you ran back in the direction of your small Queens apartment, praying to whatever gods were out there that they were safe and unharmed.
The hallways of Midtown high school were crowded as those who had disappeared from the ‘Snap’ reunited with their friends. No one realized that, for five years, they had all gone missing. Sure, they remembered the process, but for them, it was like taking a five-minute nap rather than a five-year-long one. Peter was almost breathless as he saw MJ and Ned on campus, a wide smile on his face as he jogged up to them, surprising the both of his friends as they all had a moment, hugging, shaking hands, glad that everyone was safe.
Almost everyone.
“W-Where’s y/n?” Peter asked, looking around to try and find your small and round frame that he missed since he’d left Earth. MJ and Ned shared a look, and Ned bit his lip. “He-... he’s not here..”
Peter choked on his breath, “He died?!”
“What? No, no,” MJ was quick to confirm, waving her arms almost frantically, “He wasn’t uh, what do you call it? Snapped? He stayed here, he grew up.. He’s like, twenty now.”
Peter couldn't believe it. You would’ve been way older than him now! “Tell me you’re kidding, is this a prank?”
MJ shook her head, as well as Ned. No. No, no, no, that can't be true. If it was, were you lost from them? Did you know where they were? He was scared for you, imagining your chubby, short form frightened and worried for everyone's sake. He looked desperately at his two remaining friends, “Do we.. Do you know where he is? His location?”
Ned beamed, “I’m your guy in the chair, of course I know where he is!”
Peter was hesitant to knock at your door, knuckles moving towards and then away from the wooden surface. He had to admit, your place was nice, on the outside at least. He could judge the inside once.. If… you answered the door. Once Peter got the courage to finally make his presence known, a few seconds later a child peered through the window. He was surprised, but smiled and waved to the kid. She smiled and waved back, before looking behind her. Peter assumed that was, hopefully, you. The door opened, and Peter had to look up, like, wayyy up. You had gotten taller, and slimmer. Peter noticed you were more built, and he had to stop himself from lowering his gaze and letting his mind melt into the gutter. “Peter..?” you asked, almost dumbfounded at the sight of your high school crush. The little girl from before wrapped her arms around your leg, looking up at Peter with wide eyes, “Daddy, who’s this?”
“Daddy?!” Peter blurted out without thinking. This was all happening so fast. “y/n?” he looked up at your face again, and you nodded. While much had changed about you, he was glad your smile remained the same. Soft and bright and infectious.
“Yep, this is my daughter, say hi honey,” you looked down at your daughter, who shyly waved and grinned at Peter. She has your smile, Peter thought to himself.
Wait, if this was your kid, that meant.. You were married? He couldn't imagine it, the thought of it. The life he imagined so many times over and over in his head, about what life would be like with you in the future, ruined because of some giant purple alien with a lack of brain cells and the face of an avocado’s backside, and a woman he didn’t know of.
“Peter, would you like to come in? I bet you have questions..?” you asked, and Peter shook his head to get out of his thoughts, before nodding, “Yes, please.” Here you two were, speaking formally as if you were business partners. You invited him inside, and your daughter moved to the couch, taking a small, pink, fluffy bunny into her arms as she sat down. “Emily,” you said sternly, making Peter flinch, “What did we say about shoes on the couch?”
The girl, Emily, promptly removed her velcro slip-on shoes before looking to her father, who smiled in approval, “Good girl!” She smiled, and Peter giggled as he sat himself on the couch. You sat on the opposite side of him, your daughter moving from next to Peter, to your lap. You sat her on your knee as she played quietly with her bunny stuffed toy.
“So, you, uhh, grew up?” Peter asked awkwardly, and you chuckled bitterly, “yeah, haha.”
“You’ve changed,”
“Five years does that to you, I guess,”
“This your daughter?”
“Yep. Emily. She’s three.”
‘That means you had her around, what, junior year? y/n, I didn’t know you had it in you…!’ Peter joked to himself in his mind. But there was a burning feeling in his stomach. This domestic lifestyle; a quiet house, a child, and later on he found out you had a german shepherd named Skittles (Emily had named him). He wanted this life for so long, ever since he realized his feelings for you, with you. But you had lived a life without him, not that he blamed it on you.
After an hour or two of recalling the last five years of your life to Peter, including meeting Amanda, your ex-wife, and having Emily, it was time for him to leave.
“It was nice talking to you again, Peter,” you said shyly, another thing that hadn’t changed, thankfully. He bit his lip, lingering on your porch a bit, “Uh, hey.. y/n..?”
“So.. you aren’t with your ex-wife anymore, right?”
“Yep, no contact, nothing,” you were holding Emily in your arms, resting her on your hip. You could see conflict in Peter’s eyes, so you let her down and shooed her off playfully to go entertain herself with toys. She obeyed, and you turned to Peter, who looked up at you with glossed eyes. You felt your breath hitch, “Peter.. What- are you okay?”
He nodded, biting his lip, before shaking his head, “no, no I’m not okay! You grew up, you have a life now.. I didn’t even get the chance to be a part of it.. You– I loved you! I still do..” he cried, wiping his tears as he sobbed. You looked down at him, and you couldn’t help but sigh. He was still a child, of course. He hadn’t matured at all, since he’d basically been frozen in time. He was still the same childish teenager you knew five years ago. “Peter..” you whispered soothingly, wrapping your arms around him. It was now your turn to rest your chin on his head like he would do all those nights in freshman year. You held him in a protective embrace, and he just held onto your back, gripping at the fabrics of your t-shirt. You shushed him, “Peter, it's okay, I’m here..”
“But you’ve outgrown me! You’ve lived your life, you have a daughter, you got married, all without me! I wanted to be the person you could count on, the one you would go to sleep and wake up to at night, someone you loved, but instead.. I-.. you…” he didn’t know how to finish his sentence, instead crying into your shoulder. “Peter, I understand..” You whispered, “I loved you, too, I still do.. It’s just.. Our age gap now, I don’t think we can make it work now..”
Petr let out a shaky breath, nodding, “Yeah… I’m sorry,” he said, and you shook your head, “You don't have to apologize, none of this is your fault…”
Peter looked to your chest, still holding tightly onto you, before he perked up, looking up at your eyes, “Wait, y/n, I think.. Could you… What if I graduated? Wait no, that didn’t come out right.”
You chuckled. Peter shook his head, “no, listen to me. I know I’m five years younger than you now, but.. If I came back after graduating high school, when I’m older, would you be willing to, I dunno, make it work?” You thought for a minute, biting your lip, “Maybe… it would give us enough time to.. Catch up, fully…” the look on Peter’s face, it made you melt.
Ever since that day, Peter had been visiting you and Emily almost every day. Emily became used to him a few weeks in, now looking forward to her favorite visitor to knock on the door. She would open it and squeal, “Uncle Petey!” and Peter would always carry her when he walked in, without ail, and lift her up and make her giggle. The fact that Peter was treating your young like one of his own, it made you fall even more in love.
One day, you and Emily were in the kitchen, finishing up homework for her first-grade class. She huffed, “This English stuff sucks! I’d rather do math, and be super brain smart like Uncle Peter,” she said, crossing her arms. You sighed, and a giggle came from the doorway of the kitchen. You looked behind you to see Peter leaning on the doorframe, arms crossed, “English is important too, kid,” he said, sitting next to Emily, across from you. He was eighteen now and on his way to a promising college. He had a lot of responsibilities already, with his senior grades coming to an end and taking up half of Stark Industries with Pepper. You were proud of him, to say the least.
“In order to be super smart,” you said, “you have to be well-rounded. That includes English, young lady. Come on, it can’t be that hard,” you took a look at her paper, “Oh shit, wait this is hard.”
Peter and Emily gasped, “Language!” they said at the same time, making the three of you giggle. “y/n, I have something to ask you,” Peter said, glancing at Emily, “privately.”
Emily sighed, exasperated, “What?! Why can’t I know?!” she whined, kicking her legs a little. You chuckled, ruffling her hair a bit, “Get to finishing that homework, kid, we’ll be right back.” Emily pouted but got to work regardless.
“What is it Peter?” you asked once the two of you made it to the living room. Peeter looked into your eyes, he had grown taller, almost as tall as you now. “So, uh, I talked with Mrs. Stark, about things… I uh, I think I’m gonna move into the Stark Tower, focus on my studies there, help Pepper with running the Industry and prepare Morgan. She’s seven now, you know, just a year younger than Emily... They’d be great friends.. Emily likes math, Morgan is a science buff, like her dad.. Uh,”
“Peter, what are you getting at?” you asked, a small grin forming on your lips. He rubbed the back of his neck, “I’m getting at- uh, what I’m trying to say, what I’m asking is if, you and Emily would like to stay with me in the Tower? It would be easier for us to see each other.. And Morgan would love Skittles, and Emily, she wouldn’t be lonely when she comes home. Morgan is homeschooled at the moment, they could both be homeschooled together so they aren’t lonely, you know? A-And–”
“Peter,” you cut him off as he began rambling. He looked up at you, clearly shaken and desperately awaiting your response. You smiled, “Of course, I'd be happy to move in with you. But I might reconsider the whole ‘homeschool’ thing. I want Emily to be raised normally. She’s smart, sure, but she still needs school. Homeschool, we can think about when she’s older.”
Peter grinned, hugging you, “Of course! We can do that!” he giggled, and you heard a cheer come from behind the two of you. You turned around, a scowl on your face as you saw Emily, not doing homework. “Emily! Why aren't you finishing your English homework?”
She blushed, “The kitchen and the living room are right next to each other! How could I not overhear..?” she paused a moment before speaking up, “Are we really gonna live at Stark Tower..?” You sent Peter a look, and he smiled and nodded, “Mhm! Right next door to Uncle Pete!” Emily was ecstatic, and that was an understatement.
An eleven-year-old Morgan and ten-year-old Emily were playing Wii Sports in the lounge, Morgan purposefully losing to Emily since she had been winning too easily the last few rounds. She was treating Emily exactly like a younger sister, and it warmed your heart as much as the coffee you held warmed your hands. Emily cheered, having won another Tennis match. Morgan faked sighed, “Huff, that doesn’t make sense, you’re cheating!” she playfully shoved Emily, and they both giggled. Eventually, Pepper came into the room, “Morgan,” she called sweetly, and both daughters looked up, “it’s time for you and Emily to head to bed.” The girls groaned but nonetheless followed directions.
You nodded over to Pepper, “I’m gonna head to my room now, got some work to do,” to which Pepper responded with a nice, “alright, sweet dreams y/n.” You waved goodbye and made your way to your room.
You were covered in your bedsheets, warm and on the verge of falling asleep when a knock came from your door. You sat up, a groggy and sort of annoyed “Come in,” emitting from the depths of your throat. Peter came in, a little embarrassed, you could tell, that he had disturbed you at this hour, “y-y/n, can I come in? I.. can’t sleep,” he admitted, looking at his bare feet. You yawned, not being able to stay mad at him, and nodded, patting the space next to you. No longer had you filled up more than half the space in the bed like you had 5 years ago, Peter noticed, beginning to miss those times when you did and feeling a little bitter that he had missed so much time with you.
You took initiative and wrapped your arms around Peter’s shoulders, bringing him into your now toned chest. Peter went red; you could feel the heat of his face against your skin. Peter wrapped his arms shyly around your waist. He was twenty-two now, and you were twenty-seven. It didn’t seem like much of an age gap now as it had seven years ago. He bit his lip, should he ask now?
After a few minutes of conflict, Peter opened his mouth to speak, until he realized you had… already fallen asleep.
‘Great,’ Peter sighed, ‘The one time I manage to muster up the courage to ask, and he’s asleep.’
Another few months had passed. You were in the kitchen, going through your phone while making another cup of coffee for yourself, before you felt Peter wrap his arms around you from behind, resting his head in between your shoulder blades. “Good morning, handsome~” you teased, to which earned a groan in response. You had been dating for around four or five months, but it honestly felt like longer. Well, of course you were dating before making it official, you yourselves just didn’t know it yet, but pepper sure knew, as well as morgan, Emily, May, Happy, and everyone else you knew.
‘Today is the day,’ you thought to yourself, handing Peter a cup of coffee as he opened up his tablet to begin working on lab assignments. He thanked you and you kissed his cheek, before leaving the kitchen to the lounge, sitting on the couch while waiting for Peter to join you. ‘Today’s the day,’ you repeated the thought, ‘I’m going to ask him, today’s the day.’ Peter eventually joined you and you cuddled for the whole day, Peter finishing his assignments all the while.
You checked your watch, sighing, “Pete, I gotta go pick up Emily,” you said, kissing his cheek and nudging him off you. He whined, “If we homeschooled Emily, you wouldn’t have to worry about picking her up!” he whined, and you had to hold back a laugh. Peter had picked up Emily’s habit of whining. You swore she was becoming more like Peter’s child every day.
Peter began sleeping with you since you two began dating. It helped Peter with stress from work and his recurring nightmares of Tony’s death. It also helped you, since you had trouble sleeping as well. One night, however, as you both were staying up late talking and kissing, a hesitant knock came at your door. You looked to each other before Peter sat up to allow whoever was knocking to come in. It was Emily and Morgan. “Hey girls,” you sat up, voice calm and soothing, “What’s wrong?”
Morgan spoke up, “Mom’s out of the tower right now and the storm outside is scaring us,” she admitted, and Emily nodded her head. You cooed, and Peter opened his arms for the two children to come into. They climbed into bed, sleeping in between you and Peter. Emily had her head against your chest, listening to your heartbeat as she hugged you. Morgan had her back against Peter, who was sleeping on his side, petting her hair gently. The two of you were shirtless, but warm from the blanket, and the girls loved it.
A loud crack of thunder scared them both, and Emily clung onto you. You looked at Peter, who had the same look of sympathy as you. You sighed softly and began humming a tune from a song you’d heard once, calming the kids down until their eyes began to droop closed. Eventually, they were sound asleep against the two of you. You smiled, seeing as Peter was beginning to look a bit tired as well. “Pete,” you whispered, careful not to wake the girls, “Mh?” he responded tiredly. You played with Emily’s hair lovingly, running your hands through her h/c locks, the ones she inherited from you. “Emily really loves you, y’know?” Peter smiled, “That’s good to hear,” he said with a yawn.
“Yeah, she really looks up to you, kinda makes me jealous,” you admitted. Peter leaned forward, not wanting to crush Morgan. “Hm? Yeah.. I can tell she wants to follow in my footsteps, but it’s scary. If I mess up, she might too, you know what I mean?” Peter looked down at Emily, “I don't wanna be the villain in her storybook.”
You brushed Emily’s bangs out of her face, nodding, “Welcome to my life. It’s been hard ever since I divorced her mother. I don’t recall ever telling you this, but her mother was an alcoholic, which is why I left her and took Emily with me. She was never physical, but yelled at Emily a lot, even though she was only two years old.” Peter nodded in understanding, “That.. I’m sorry about that,” he said, looking up at you. You shook your head, “Don’t be. It’s in the past, and Emily hardly remembers any of it now… but, her looking up to you, reminds me of how she’d normally look up to a parent..”
Peter flushed red, “But, I’m just her uncle…”
“You don’t have to be,” you said immediately after, and Peter looked as if he would cry, “y/n, don't tell me y-you’re..”
“Peter, I think... I think I want to marry you, have the life Emily and I never got to have with Amanda. I know it won't be exactly the same, seeing as we’re both men. But I know Emily won't mind, and honestly, that’s all that I think should matter..” you looked up at Peter to see him crying, “Oh, god, no Peter don't cry..!” you said but he just shook his head, before biting his lip and nodding, “If you’re asking what I think you’re asking, then yes,” he said, a little choked.
The next morning, you broke the news to Pepper, who was a little more than excited. You then told May, who threatened you with your life, going on about how if you ever broke Peter’s heart she’d blah blah blah. You laughed at Peter's embarrassed face. Happy could have cared less, mumbling an “It’s about time, jeez”. Then, you told Emily, who took a second to process it before she jumped up and hugged you both, kicking and jumping around and just being a happy little ray of sunshine. You and Peter could say– without a doubt– her reaction, her happiness, that was what was most important, what made it all worth it. Time really has changed you and Peter both, and it was safe to assume you both wanted to keep it that way.
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stephanieinge · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: SOUTH PARK: The Complete Second Season NEW SEALED.
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juergenklopp · 4 years
i realise this is quite random but once again dropping in to say i love ur gifs 😳😳😳
FRIENDO... you just made my entire day, gosh, you’re way too kind <3 Thank you, thank you. Long may this revived career last...
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