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I’m so soft for him.
(quote by @selfshipquotes.)
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So yeah. Parker selfships time.
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“Being in the snow with my lover like this immerses me in a special feeling. I like it.”
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9 for that AU ask with all your Romantic F/Os? Sounds interesting!
thanks so much for the ask!!! :)! <3!
9. If you have multiple f/os (romantic, platonic, anything), imagine them making or joining a Discord server or a group chat about you or your source. Who gushes, who shares art and fics, who analyses everything, who sends memes?
aslgjkhgkj this is kinda a long one, but this was really fun to do askdjlgjhg.
Arthur: mostly lurks. doesn’t really know how Discord works, so he just kinda reads what everyone else has to say, and ignores the hundreds of notifications that pile up.
Saeran: the guy that draws godlike fanart in like 10 minutes. most of it is of me. also sometimes will just talk about how cool he finds the designs. tends to be kinda friendly in the chat, but doesn’t talk much.
Miku: has done covers of both the op and the ed, loves to talk about how much she loves me and how I’m her favorite character. has a bunch of stickers of me that she sticks everywhere and then enthusiastically posts pictures of. she also likes to put heart stickers with them, or get stickers of me with hearts.
the rest under the cut! :)! <3!
Akko: super enthusiastic. gushing like 24/7 about how much she loves me and stuff. she just openly links her selfship blog and tells everyone else it would mean a lot to her if they followed. she likes sending internet hugs and comforting anyone when they’re down.
Yuri: lurks, but knows exactly how Discord works. occasionally sends a meme to the memes channel. feels very proud of himself when people keyboard smash in response.
Knives: the wholesome sweet one. like always tells everyone else how great their stuff is, uses a bunch of smiley faces and hearts, and more. she also sometimes draws things and happily shows them off to everyone.
Sharpay: loves to be the center of attention. talks every time that she can. has made an English cover of the op and ed. drags Ryan into a lot of things, since he’s a little nervous to just join out of nowhere.
Lio: joined, dropped his intro, didn’t talk for like a year, when he talked, just gave the most out there excuse for why he was silent. it turned out his excuse was true.
Teru: a helper on the server and has to say “hey guys! can we take it down a notch? we wanna keep everything friendly haha.” quite a lot. gets along pretty well with everyone. has a link in promos to his academia Tumblr.
Kai: the owner of the server. practically like a father figure to everyone. asks if people finished their homework, offers life advice, and more. also politely posts screenshots of me in the screenies channel and tells everyone how pleasant, soothing, and therapeutic he finds the anime.
Keiji: literally owns the memes channel. like makes shitposts 24/7. links to his YouTube in promos. his YouTube is like 99% just shitposts about the show, and 1% speedpaints.
Sou: “haha everyone go check out my essay on why Parker’s a queer-coded character. I know it’s 5000 words. it’s on my main Tumblr. everyone go check it out.”, has made so many theories. when I got confirmed queer he literally screamed about it for like ever.
Arisa: I just watch it for the magical boys! I don’t like... like any of the characters or anything. super privative about everything relating to her affection to me. has used the “oh Parker we’re really in it now” meme so many times.
Alex: liked the anime so much that he made his grandparents watch it, too. pretty upbeat. likes to tell everyone about how his grandparents reacted to scenes. “I’m so glad to have this server because literally no-one I know irl knows about this show.”
Kent: lurks. just lurks. like has probably posted his intro and that’s about it. sometimes reacts with hearts to pictures of me and messages that he likes.
Geordo: his parents buy him like every piece of merch and he shows them off to everyone once he gets them. in the merch channel, he is king. if anyone wants to know whether something off of any of the merch lines looks good or is good quality or how big it is, they check in with Geordo, because he always owns it.
Light: gives everyone homework help, talks about how important of a character I am, goes on like rants about his theories in the theories channel.
Misa: the other wholesome sweet one. became super good friends with Knives. sends a bunch of supportive wholesome memes in the memes channel.
Hayasaka: “please @ me in every image of Parker sent. I’ll look at them on my lunch break.” like severely overworked, and everyone’s like “aren’t you,,,,, not on your lunch break right now?” and he’s like “shhh don’t tell my boss.” has a coffee mug with a picture of me on it that he shows off every chance he gets.
Ryan: gets dragged into talking by Sharpay. has ALSO made covers of the op and ed. knows the entire dance routine in the ending theme by heart. does a lot of cosplays.
Victor: likes things other people made and shows off things he made. loves using the pets channel to show off his dog, Wick. everyone oohs and ahs over him.
Mikoto: “let’s get along, everyone! :D!”. uses a bunch of exclamation points and smiley faces and hearts. makes a lot of theories about me and likes to talk to the theory makers about like what they think comes next and what they think my character’s like. super positive and likes to make sure everyone’s okay.
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💖💕+💝(yeah this last one is platonic so you can pick two f/os ig sggdghfgj) for anyone you wanna talk about :3 - [lovinggreeniehours]
thanks so much for the ask!!!!! :)! <3! I’ll actually do all three of these for different people ADKGLJSHG.
First up is Kai!
💖- do you and/or your f/o believe in love at first sight? soulmates? the red string of fate? or any other fate driven forms of love/finding love?
We both have similar beliefs about this kind of thing. that there are people who you’ll just naturally and perfectly click with because of shared circumstances or shared personality traits or similar backgrounds or just because you fit each other well, but that it’ll take time and work to really develop a romance or a friendship out of those things.
Next we got Sou!
💕- free gush pass! let those feels fly lose in anyway you know how and gush about any and all f/os you have! what makes you like them so much? why them out of anyone or anything else?
HE’S SO CUTE AND GOOD AND I LOVE HIM SO MUCH AKGDSHLG. like listen,,,,, he just????? I love him. he’s so like good. and smoochable. and like he just is so lovely. and I love him so much. at first I just thought he was very cute. I’m pretty sure playing Your Time To Shine was what really got me into him. like his fondness events made me even more sweet on him. like listen he’s just so good and sweet and I love him so much.
And I’ll do this one for little bro Joe!
💝- what's a sweet gift (martial or not) that a platonic/familal f/o gave you? A real from the heart gift that took them a while to find but they just had to get it for you?
okay so Joe was just kinda mindlessly scrolling, until he saw a pair of socks that he decided that I needed to have. but the issue is that they were sold out. so he looked everywhere. like EVERYWHERE. but couldn’t find them. so he went out and bought fuzzy socks and dyed them to make them for me. and I love them so much!!!!! they’re super cute and fuzzy and soft. 
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3, 7, and 8 with an F/O of your choice >:} - OMEN
thank you so much for the ask, @gentle-horrors​!!!!! I’ll do this one with Sou, because ~im love him~.
okay I’m actually really tempted to ALSO answer this one with Kai, so I’m gonna do that AKSJFHLGG.
3. Tell us a favorite quote from your f/o!
“Hey, why’d you try to befriend me, exactly? You sure are strange.”
also, honorable mention to “But at this moment, we’re a good match.” because that literally made me so happy that I couldn’t stop grinning for a WHILE asdklgjhgklkg. it was the first time I ever beat hard mode, and Sou was saying nice things to me. it was SO GOOD.
“It is no small feat to win me over. That Kai, they say, he is as slippery as an eel. Without even thinking, I find myself smiling. I would treat you to whatever meals you like anytime.”
I have so much <3_<3 for him. and I just,,,,, this one was also hard for me to get because I had to adjust who I had do what at what times, but I love him so much. and it was 10000000% worth it.
7. What aesthetics do you associate with your f/o? Do you have a moodboard you can show us?
I’m gonna make moodboards for both of them. they’re just not done yet AKGJDHSGL, so I’ll just describe their aesthetics for now.
sweets (especially gummies and like blue gummy stars I think would fit his aesthetic really well and lollipops), teal, night and the night sky, cuddles, unexpected but very welcome affection, hand-holding, heads leaning on shoulders, being warm.
a kitchen and like the warm feeling of getting a homemade meal, books and the smell of them, red and black but in a soft and homey way, gently sitting in someone’s lap lying with your back resting against them, the feeling when someone can just sense that you need some help and they offer.
8. Describe your f/o with only the pictures you have on hand!
I’ll put this one under the cut asdkjahglkahlg.
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The eyes ask for any two f/os of your choice
thanks so much for the ask, @anarchytheselfshipper!!!!! :)! <3! I’ll do this for Kai and Geordo.
1) Describe your f/o’s eyes.
Kai: he has beautiful eyes. long eyelashes and very dark eyes. looking into his eyes is like looking into a portal. absolutely hypnotizing and lovely. his eyes are mostly half-lidded and they’re peaceful somehow. like looking into his eyes is relaxing, and it makes me feel safe.
Geordo: light blue eyes. very passionate. he also keeps his eyes mostly half-lidded, but they’re so different. Geordo’s eyes are like revitalizing, challenging, almost daring. I can look into them and just know him.
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I’m too lazy to draw parkkai ice cream date right now,,,,, but just know that it’s constantly on my brain. like it has not left my mind since that dream. I’m about to write ice cream date headcanons.
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🥺👀😌😎 for a f/o of your choice
I’ll do these for Kai because I love him so much.
🥺 = What’s something that you were nervous or self-conscious about that they thought was adorable?
I tend to talk a lot (especially when I’m nervous) and then I get even more nervous because I’m worried that I’m talking a lot, but he really likes it, because sometimes he doesn’t feel like talking, and he likes that I fill in the silence.
😎 = Are they more cool and suave or nervous and blushy, when it comes to you?
He’s more stoic than either, really. At least in front of me. He gets all nervous and blushy when he thinks about it later. Sometimes he’ll let out a gentle smile when I say something nice to him, and all of a sudden, I’M the flustered one.
👀 = What’s the cutest thing you’ve ever caught them doing?
One time I walked in on him just staring at a picture of us together. He had a look of fondness on his face. It was really nice.
😌 = What’s something dorky that you two like to do together?
We binge tv shows together, then talk about who our favorite characters are and stuff. It’s really fun.
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5, 8, 9, 10, and 12 with Kai? >:} - omen
thanks so much for the ask!!!!! :)! <3! @gentle-horrors.
5) what’s the dumbest thing you’ve heard about your f/o, either on the internet or irl?
one time I saw a thing that was like “oh he’s useless and was just there to die,” AND IT’S LIKE HELLO?????. he literally advanced the plot even after he passed away. he SINGLEHANDEDLY carried the rest of the survivors, even after he was gone. he is a real one.
8) do you even like the source your f/o comes from or do you only watch it for them & nothing else?
I really do love the source asdkjalgh. it’s super fun.
9) do you distance yourself from other fans of your f/o or their source?
Not really. The more Kai, the better, in my opinion.
10) how did you feel when you realized “oh of course i had to like That Character”?
at first, I was gonna respond to this like “oh yeah I felt great! Kai’s amazing!” and then I remembered the Unfortunate(TM) things that happened to him. </3. still felt great, and then that hit and I was like :O. SOMETIMES I ACTUALLY FORGET WHAT HAPPENED TO HIM IN CANON AGKLJHSDG.
12) aren’t you tired of being nice? this is an excuse to rant.
LISTEN. he deserved better. he is Kai, my beloved. he really did deserve so much better than he got, and he’s getting it with me.
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okay but I love how Kai likes to deadpan jokes in canon, and no-one in the games gets them. I, however, am an icon and incredibly cool, and do get them.
so like parkkai. and he loves to make jokes to me, and everyone will be kinda like “why is parker laughing??? did kai do something?”, but it’s because we’re just joking around.
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okay so I literally started your time to die and decided “oh wow Keiji’s my bf now!” and now I’m like “well..... Kai is also my bf. Sou.......... might be my bf, too.”, and I don’t think that most of these guys could bear to date the same guy, so *sighs* three your turn to die s/i’s, I guess.
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rock, ice, and dragon for anyone you want :3
thanks so much for the ask!!! :)! I’ll do these for Kai Satou, himself.
Rock: Is there something your S/I or F/O rebels against? How dedicated is their rebellion?
S/I: He’d say he’s not necessarily a rebel as much as an activist. But on the other hand, he’s not a very big fan of following rules that he thinks are dumb, so there’s that.
Kai: His parents aren’t very good, so he’s chosen to dip and find a whole new family. So that counts as rebellion. Plus, he rebels against the game if we’re talking canonverse.
Ice: Was there an expectation your S/I or F/O had for the other that turned out differently than expected? How'd they handle that?
Honestly, neither of them had like. the hugest expectations that the other couldn’t meet. My S/I just kinda asks Kai to make him things sometimes, and Kai’s pretty happy to do so. Kai also doesn’t expect huge things of my S/I, either, just very much enjoying his presence.
Dragon: How does your S/I or F/O handle failure? What sort of comfort/support would they give each other, or want from each other?
S/I: Not very well at all. Openly looks down on himself. He also dislikes comforting that he feels like is patronizing, so Kai just tends to do things for him or get things for him. And also my S/I enjoys cuddling, so there’s always that.
Kai: Kinda beats himself up over it on the inside, but stays composed and polite on the outside. But he’s been with my S/I for so long that he notices these things. My S/I will offer him a break, tell him that it’s okay and he’s still wonderful, and offer him a bunch of hugs and cuddles.
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fibbage, word spud and monster seeking monster + anyone you’d like!! :) -aya (softskiesahead)
thanks so much for the ask, @softskiesahead!!! :)! <3! I’ll do these for Kai!
fibbage - is your f/o a good liar?
Yeah. He tends to say things stoically, so people typically take even his jokes as serious. He could probably pull that same energy with lies.
word spud - how do you feel about the fandom’s general opinion on your f/o?
honestly, he’s generally well liked, and treated well. and everyone thinks he’s cool. so I agree.
monster seeking monster - free gush pass!
AGDSKJSDHGGS KAI KAI KAI. I love him so much. my sweet fiancé. he is a dear. he holds my hand. he helps calm me down when I’m nervous. he means so much to me. *kisses him a lot*. yeah I just. love him. <3_<3.
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Kai! Kai! What kind of food do you like to cook for Parker? Does he have a favorite meal of yours? :0 - omen
“Hello Omen. Thank you dearly for the question. My favorite dish to make is Eggs Benedict, which Parker always enjoys, but I’ve learned to cook chicken tenders, since he has quite a taste for them. He also enjoys sweet things, so I make sure to bake something nice for him when I get the chance.
And hmmm. He seems to be rather impartial when it comes to favorites. He insists that everything I make is, in his own words, ‘super delicious!’, which is nice. I’m glad he enjoys it.”
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(3/3) and then all the pet shop asks w/ an f/o of yr choice 😎
thanks so much for all of the asks, @gentle-horrors!!!!! I’ll do these for Kai, because I am in a Kai mood right now.
dog: what’s your favorite outdoor activity to do with your f/o? tennis, maybe? or soccer? how about a nice walk in the park?
We like to go out in the rain and walk together as we listen to the pitter-patter of it on the umbrella he holds over us. There’s just something so special about the rain. We also sometimes go out to shows and stuff.
cat: the reverse-how do you like to spend time at home? with a nice book, or watching your favorite show, perhaps?
We like to sit together and read. and snuggle up close. and relax together at the end of a long day. he also really enjoys cooking, so he just cooks while I watch sometimes.
parrot: can your f/o speak any other languages? have they taught you any words in those languages? do they have petnames for you?
He speaks Japanese, but usually speaks English with me because that’s my first language and he likes to improve his. I speak a little bit of Japanese, but not enough to do much with. He also taught me how to say things like boyfriend and a few other little things like that. Plus I only know romaji, so AGKJSLDHGDG. and occasionally if I ask for an affectionate nickname or something, he’ll call me Park-chan.
hamster: does your f/o like small, cutesy things? or are they more tough? are you the one who likes sweet stuff?
I am the small cutesy thing that he likes. but asdkgjlhsg for real, he enjoys hair clips and little figurines and plushes and stuff. and I really love cute things, so that’s fun.
guinea pig: what do you consider to be your f/o’s greatest achievement?
The fact that he went through a lot and came out of it better and happier. King!!!!!
mouse: have you ever kept a secret from them? how did it turn out?
Nope. I’m not the secret type, and he always has an ability to find things out. Even when it’s supposed to be a surprise for his birthday or something.
turtle: has there ever been a time your f/o has coaxed you into doing something you were hesitant about? how did it turn out?
He cares a lot about my comfort, and doesn’t do much that would force me out of my comfort zone. The most that happens in that realm is like,,,,, him asking me if I’d like to try something new he’s prepared.
rabbit: does your f/o keep a tight schedule? or are they more laid back about dates and times?
He has like planners and schedules and stuff. Which is very good, since I do not askjghlagk.
chameleon: does your f/o behave differently around you than they do in public? how? and how do you feel about it?
Yeah. Huge yeah for this one. He’s much more open around me versus more reserved in public. I’m perfectly happy with it.
fish: does your f/o like the water? are they a beach person or do they prefer pools? lakes?
He enjoys the beach. He likes the sand and the tropical weather and stuff. Plus, he does like to swim. It’s just a leisure activity for him. He also likes wading through the water.
fishbowl: does your f/o like decorating? what are some staples of their home (or your home if you live together)? how do your tastes differ? how are they the same?
He does! He likes interior decorating, and sometimes just buys house accessories and hangs them up. He likes blankets on the couch and comfortable but sleek things.
petfood: are they a good cook? is there a meal you associate with them?
Yeah. The best. And Eggs Benedict, since it’s his favorite dish to cook. literally now I just eat Eggs Benedict and think about Kai asdklgjsahjgk.
chew toy: have they ever been injured and needed you to care for them? or perhaps the other way round? are they a worried caretaker, or do they chastise you for being reckless?
both ways. one time he accidentally cut himself while chopping carrots, and his expression when I washed his finger up and gave him a band-aid. like please. he deserves to be taken care of and I’m happy to do it. and as for me, I accidentally get injured a LOT. he’s always pleasant and helps me to feel better as soon as possible. he’s like very caring. and he likes to make sure that I really heal up before I try anything too difficult again.
catnip: what sort of things get them really excited? how do they act when excited (rambling, gesturing, etc…)?
he’s super excited whenever he finds new recipes, finds comfy clothes, or like just is talking about something he really enjoys. he rambles, and gets pretty expressive when he gets excited. then he gets flustered and tries to compose himself. but I’m always just like “!!!!! no babe talk about whatever you want. mwah. I love you so much!!!!!” and that always seems to make him feel better about it.
collar: do they care about fashion? what sort of clothing do they normally wear?
he’s not like the most fashion-forward person, but he likes looking presentable. he also really likes comfort. he gets extra dressed up when we go out, but when he’s at home, he usually just wears a t-shirt and some sweatpants or shorts or something. sometimes he’ll stay in his pajamas all day. he also has a tendency to wear his apron, even when he’s not cooking.
treat: free space! gush about your f/os. what are your favorite things about them? what do they do that make you smile?
ADJGKLSHLGLHJKGSDHJKHJGLIIHJLDGSHJIL HE IS JUST SO GOOD AND I LOVE HIM SO MUCH. Kai, sir, you own my heart. and like wooooo. when he does literally anything!!!!! or when he does nothing!!!!! go king! :)! <3! he just,,,,, very good. husband. I love him. like when he talks,,,,, hee hee hee. or really just like anything. yeah. just love.
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