promo post time!!!!!
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Welcome to my blog! I hope you enjoy the stay.
I’m Parker!!!!! He/him. I’m here to have a fun time.
I’ll be your mutual who’s into a lot of things and in love with a lot of f/o’s!
Currently hyperfixating on yttd, so most of my main f/o’s are from there. But also, I have a bunch of others. Feel free to talk to me if we ship with characters from the same source!!! or even if we don’t!!!!! Friends are awesome. :)! <3!
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carrd || f/o list
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9 for that AU ask with all your Romantic F/Os? Sounds interesting!
thanks so much for the ask!!! :)! <3!
9. If you have multiple f/os (romantic, platonic, anything), imagine them making or joining a Discord server or a group chat about you or your source. Who gushes, who shares art and fics, who analyses everything, who sends memes?
aslgjkhgkj this is kinda a long one, but this was really fun to do askdjlgjhg.
Arthur: mostly lurks. doesn’t really know how Discord works, so he just kinda reads what everyone else has to say, and ignores the hundreds of notifications that pile up.
Saeran: the guy that draws godlike fanart in like 10 minutes. most of it is of me. also sometimes will just talk about how cool he finds the designs. tends to be kinda friendly in the chat, but doesn’t talk much.
Miku: has done covers of both the op and the ed, loves to talk about how much she loves me and how I’m her favorite character. has a bunch of stickers of me that she sticks everywhere and then enthusiastically posts pictures of. she also likes to put heart stickers with them, or get stickers of me with hearts.
the rest under the cut! :)! <3!
Akko: super enthusiastic. gushing like 24/7 about how much she loves me and stuff. she just openly links her selfship blog and tells everyone else it would mean a lot to her if they followed. she likes sending internet hugs and comforting anyone when they’re down.
Yuri: lurks, but knows exactly how Discord works. occasionally sends a meme to the memes channel. feels very proud of himself when people keyboard smash in response.
Knives: the wholesome sweet one. like always tells everyone else how great their stuff is, uses a bunch of smiley faces and hearts, and more. she also sometimes draws things and happily shows them off to everyone.
Sharpay: loves to be the center of attention. talks every time that she can. has made an English cover of the op and ed. drags Ryan into a lot of things, since he’s a little nervous to just join out of nowhere.
Lio: joined, dropped his intro, didn’t talk for like a year, when he talked, just gave the most out there excuse for why he was silent. it turned out his excuse was true.
Teru: a helper on the server and has to say “hey guys! can we take it down a notch? we wanna keep everything friendly haha.” quite a lot. gets along pretty well with everyone. has a link in promos to his academia Tumblr.
Kai: the owner of the server. practically like a father figure to everyone. asks if people finished their homework, offers life advice, and more. also politely posts screenshots of me in the screenies channel and tells everyone how pleasant, soothing, and therapeutic he finds the anime.
Keiji: literally owns the memes channel. like makes shitposts 24/7. links to his YouTube in promos. his YouTube is like 99% just shitposts about the show, and 1% speedpaints.
Sou: “haha everyone go check out my essay on why Parker’s a queer-coded character. I know it’s 5000 words. it’s on my main Tumblr. everyone go check it out.”, has made so many theories. when I got confirmed queer he literally screamed about it for like ever.
Arisa: I just watch it for the magical boys! I don’t like... like any of the characters or anything. super privative about everything relating to her affection to me. has used the “oh Parker we’re really in it now” meme so many times.
Alex: liked the anime so much that he made his grandparents watch it, too. pretty upbeat. likes to tell everyone about how his grandparents reacted to scenes. “I’m so glad to have this server because literally no-one I know irl knows about this show.”
Kent: lurks. just lurks. like has probably posted his intro and that’s about it. sometimes reacts with hearts to pictures of me and messages that he likes.
Geordo: his parents buy him like every piece of merch and he shows them off to everyone once he gets them. in the merch channel, he is king. if anyone wants to know whether something off of any of the merch lines looks good or is good quality or how big it is, they check in with Geordo, because he always owns it.
Light: gives everyone homework help, talks about how important of a character I am, goes on like rants about his theories in the theories channel.
Misa: the other wholesome sweet one. became super good friends with Knives. sends a bunch of supportive wholesome memes in the memes channel.
Hayasaka: “please @ me in every image of Parker sent. I’ll look at them on my lunch break.” like severely overworked, and everyone’s like “aren’t you,,,,, not on your lunch break right now?” and he’s like “shhh don’t tell my boss.” has a coffee mug with a picture of me on it that he shows off every chance he gets.
Ryan: gets dragged into talking by Sharpay. has ALSO made covers of the op and ed. knows the entire dance routine in the ending theme by heart. does a lot of cosplays.
Victor: likes things other people made and shows off things he made. loves using the pets channel to show off his dog, Wick. everyone oohs and ahs over him.
Mikoto: “let’s get along, everyone! :D!”. uses a bunch of exclamation points and smiley faces and hearts. makes a lot of theories about me and likes to talk to the theory makers about like what they think comes next and what they think my character’s like. super positive and likes to make sure everyone’s okay.
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Wait, you self ship with Miku??
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You and miku YOU AND MIKU CUTE!!!!!
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🖊 Hatsune Miku- before a concert
I sat backstage, talking with my girlfriend while she got ready for her show. It was far from her first concert, but she still got the jitters beforehand. I’d always secretly found it cute. And she was always calm while she was onstage. Her confidence never wavered. But backstage was still a whole different story.
“Does my hair look good like this?” She asked, running a brush through her hair- which was in one side ponytail instead of her usual two.
“Your hair looks great!” I gave her a kiss on the cheek.
“And what about my outfit? I don’t usually dress like this while I’m performing.”
“You’re gonna do so great, as always.”
And as the time for her show to start neared, and the roaring that always came with an audience built, I gave her a hug.
“You’re gonna do great out there. And if you don’t, then I’ll buy you dinner.” I buried my face in her shoulder.
“I love you, too,” she replied with a laugh.
And her smile was back. The one that I’d always loved.
And as I snuck out from backstage to take my seat near the front, she stepped out onto the stage, radiant as always.
And I knew that- despite the fact that I’d probably try to do it anyways- I would definitely not need to buy dinner that night.
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so y’all, I got the f/os and s/i Hogwarts houses:
Parker: Slytherin (I took the quiz twice because I was shook at being a Slytherin, but it said Slytherin both times haha.)
Romantic F/Os:
Arthur: Slytherin
Saeran: Slytherin
Miku: Hufflepuff
Yuri: Slytherin or Ravenclaw (I haven’t decided yet.)
Knives: Gryffindor
Familial F/O:
Tolys: Ravenclaw
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Hello friend!! How’d you meet Hatsune Miku? (soulnottainted- for PV!!!)
kinda a meet cute. we met at the grocery store reaching for the last container of marshmallow fluff. I gave it to her, but she insisted that we share. so we bought some peanut butter and bread, then went to a nearby restaurant, loitered, and made sandwiches together. we got kicked out of the restaurant, so I gave her my number and the rest was history.
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Hello Parker! I hope you’ve been doing well as of late. I just wanted to remind you that you mean the world and more to me, and nothing will ever change that! So please, if you ever feel down, I’ll always be here for you. I love you so much, not even my songs can describe how much I do. Forever yours, Hatsune Miku
Aaa!!! I love you too! If I’m your world, then the world really is yours. I’ll be sure to lean on you if I need to.
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“Seeing as we’ve taken over Parker’s blog for the weekend, we get to send asks to others!” -Miku
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hey miku! i really like the idea of an ask game for f/o takeovers that parker had, so here's some questions for you! 💖✨🎶
💖 - What’s one really cute/cool thing that (Y/N) does?
He rambles a lot, but it’s really not annoying rambling. I think it’s very nice to hear him talk on and on about things, because it really shows how much he cares about the thing. And he always sounds so excited about it. His excitement is really infectious. He also talks a lot with his hands, so it’s enjoyable to watch.
✨ - What’s one of (Y/N)’s talents that you’ve noticed?
He can play a lot of instruments! He plays the trumpet, trombone, baritone horn, and guitar. He likes to play along while I sing.
🎶 - What’s their voice like?
His voice has a slight Boston accent when he says certain words. Like me, he loves to sing. His voice is very nice to hear.
Thank you very much for the asks, anon! ^-^
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Everything from that playlist ask game with Miku >:0c
thanks so much for the ask, @rainclouds-and-selfships!!! :)! <3! I think this ask game is very fitting, since Miku <3 singer gf asdgklgh.
Tempo: What's your go-to song for daydreaming about your f/o?
listen there are a lot of songs for her AGJKSDGHL. but I’ll specifically call out The Cure by Lady Gaga.
Alto: Do you and your f/o have a song?
AGNKDJSGJKSGKJGKJHDGSJHKL WE. SHE. WE. Cinderella Romance by Hatsune Miku, herself.
Rhythm: What music does your f/o listen to?
she listens to all kinds of things!!! she really likes pretty much every genre. she has a soft spot for love songs, and old hard rock.
Arrangement: Have you ever made a playlist for you and your f/o?
I have!!! I don’t think I can link it asdkgjhlag, but I made it a while back.
rest under the cut!!!
Cadence: What song reminds your f/o of you?
she’s made some songs for me, and she likes to sing them or listen to them and think about me. it’s very cute, and I like it a whole lot.
Duet: Do you sing together? What song?
yeah!!! sometimes, we do sing together. a lot of times I’ll just sing along to whatever she’s singing and she’ll be like “!!!!! omg you have such a nice voice I love you so much yeah keep singing!!!” and that always gets me to smile.
Stretto: What's a song that represents the beginning of your relationship?
not exactly the beginning of our relationship, but probably something like Haven’t Met You Yet in that we’re both major romantics.
Tenor: What's a song that represents your relationship as a whole?
hm. I had to think a little bit about this. but I’m feeling a little bit of She’s Not Afraid for us.
Dynamics: Are there any musicians that remind you of your f/o?
other than her herself, for some reason, Poppy reminds me of her. I can’t really put my finger on why askgljha.
Contralto: Do you have a headcanon singing voice for your f/o? Tell us what it's like or drop a link!
she has her canon singing voice. mwah. love it, and love her. I’ll link her version of Ievan Polkka here because it slaps.
Ostinato: Is there a certain song you two want to dance to at your wedding?
I haven’t really thought that far ahead. She probably has some thoughts about it, but I don’t think I’ve asked her.
Syncopation: Do you and your f/o share the same music taste?
We’re both into a bunch of different types of music!!! it’s super fun because one of us can just put our music on shuffle, and we’ll both enjoy it.
Ossia: Do you two to go concerts together?
HECK YEAH!!!!! we’ll pick a band that we both like and we’ll get tickets. and she makes sure I always get backstage passes to her concerts. it’s all super fun.
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💅 + miku? ;3€
OKAY, so we got
Me and my singer girlfriend. She always gives me backstage passes to her shows and I give her kisses before her shows for good luck.
Our dynamic is like cute famous girl and her just everyday normal guy boyfriend, and honestly that’s a lovely dynamic in my opinion.
and I’ll tell her how cute she is and how much she’s charmed me, and she’ll say that she’s more starstruck by me than anyone ever has been by her and I’ll be like *tears up* “T-Thanks”. not only that, but also, we like to go on ice cream dates and stuff. we do a lot of at home dates, but she also likes to let me dress her up and put her in cute disguises if she doesn’t wanna be recognized when she goes out.
she ALSO likes to dye all the many feet of her hair with me, and sometimes we go matching. and that’s VERY CUTE.
plus, she likes to go shopping with me and eagerly ask me about every outfit and I always tell her that she looks lovely (because she does), and her face always lights up at that and she gives me kisses all over my face.
VERY CUTE SHIP. very good. you should 100% ship it.
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❤️ for sou!!! and also miku!!! - omen
thanks so much for the ask, @gentle-horrors!!!!! :)! <3!
send me a ❤️ and one of my f/o’s and I’ll hit you with an affectionate hc I have for them.
Sou: pretty bf. on his college’s swim team. I come to all of his meets and cheer him on from the stands. his best stroke is breaststroke, and he likes to impress me with his awards. I give him kisses all over his face when he finishes swimming.
Miku: likes to go on fun dates, and grab me by the hand and pull me around when she gets excited. she also loves to dance with me, and loves everything from waltzes to swinging me around to a fast song.
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thank you so much for the ask, @rainclouds-and-selfships!!!!! :)! <3!
send me a ❤️ and one of my f/o’s and I’ll hit you with an affectionate hc I have for them.
she likes to sing to me. like lullabies when I can’t sleep, we sing sea shanties together, and so much more. plus, she likes to take my head in her hands and rest it on her. she also likes to braid my hair while I rest my head on her. and she always likes to show off new outfits to me, and she gets really super excited when I say I like them.
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