etherealstarr · 10 months
@particlexxdealer: x
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“Puppies aren’t dumb!” Ava smacked his arm; her metaphor had been completely lost on him. “I was trying to say that you’re always learning something new! You’re adaptable! Jeez, what a way to shoot down my compliment.” She wasn’t going to say anything about the fact that he appeared practically ageless, looking at some of the older photos of him from decades ago. “You’d prefer I call you a cat? A shit-in-a-box-of-sand cat?”
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mistrdctr · 6 months
@particlexxdealer ♥'ed this
[Text - 🐜Man] Hey! It's Strange. [Text - 🐜Man] Uhm, not that kind of strange, I meant me, my name. Doctor Strange. Literally me, the sorcerer. Hi there. [Text - 🐜Man] I am aware we never exchanged numbers so don't ask where I got yours from. [Text - 🐜Man] Anyways. I need to ask you something. It's important. [Text - 🐜Man] Like, really important. [Text - 🐜Man] Can you do me a favor? A small one? [Text - 🐜Man] ... Quite literally small.
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quakesx · 9 months
@particlexxdealer pressed the ♥
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"You know, I feel like, as someone who generally wants to see the little guy succeed--" and yes, she was well aware of the irony in that statement. "--I'm allowed to ask... why did you write the book?"
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feleshero · 6 months
&.  social media meme ―― IG Stories
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One forty likes in four minutes, nine DMs with varying crying emojis, 'girl what!?' and eye emojis. She doesn't tag @particlexxdealer. She doesn't feel as if she has to. He knows what he's done.
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parainvestigate · 6 months
📏 + 5’10” (normal size)
Send me 📏 (ruler) + your muses height and I'll compare them to mine!
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neonsoundbite · 9 months
Closed Starter for @particlexxdealer
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Lucille walked downstairs into Pym's basement lab, delivering whatever piece of tech she was tasked to take back this time. Just as she reached over the workbench, she felt her legs start to buckle and knew that she just hit her limit. Since she came home from her recovery, it wasn't always easy getting back into her routine.
She practically collapsed into a nearby chair, quietly groaning. Most times, Lucille was able to complete her mission and get back home, but her body wouldn't just cooperate tonight. After a short moment of relaxation, she looked up at the door as she heard someone approach. She stood up a little straighter, more put together, to prepare for whoever was coming in.
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aapothic · 1 year
@particlexxdealer​: x
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“You’re her father, but you weren’t there. Which means you owe me.” Shiori laced her fingers and placed her fists on the table in front of her. “And what you owe me is the chance to be her friend. I don’t care if you don’t like me, she can be both our responsibility.” She nodded her head towards the sleeping Cassie, her gaze not breaking from Scott’s. It was admirable how much he stood up for his daughter and just let her be instead of trying to shape her into something he wanted.
“You can’t speak for her while she’s unconscious. How about you let her decide whether she wants me to stick around or not?”
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spinxeret · 1 year
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+ @particlexxdealer asked: “You’re Struggling To Have Everything You Want While The World Tries To Make You Choose.”
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+ " ... " Mary Jane HATED how accurate it all sounded . Here she was, trying her absolute BEST to make ... well ... EVERYTHING work . Modelling, acting, trying to make sure those in her LIFE didn't fall by the wayside either . It was a JUGGLING ACT , and despite her best efforts, things weren't all SUNSHINE AND ROSES . Some of the more HARSHER words she'd heard lately still rang out in her mind , morphing and TWISTING until she swore she could hear those same words in the form of the PHILIP WATSON'S voice .
" That's how the WORLD works though, isn't it ? " She asked with a SHRUG of her shoulders . " Doesn't make any EXCEPTIONS . "
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wxspish · 7 months
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@particlexxdealer said: “ I have the butterflies. ”
"Scott- that's food poisoning- what do you think happens normally when you eat 40 McNuggets?"
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madeofmarblex · 9 months
@particlexxdealer continued from here
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The ringing phone had woken her from the first real sleep that she had gotten in days. Finally being off duty from any Avenger duties meant that she should have been able to sleep in... should being the keyword. A glance at the phone told her that it was an unknown number and for the smallest of moments she considered letting it ring to voicemail but something told her to answer the phone. Call it intuition, and Natasha had a habit of trusting hers. "Romanoff."
A frantic teenager wasn't what she had planned for her day off and yet, as quickly as the voice started speaking she was out of bed. Rushing to get to Cassie Lang where she waited at the quaint home Natasha had been to a hand few of times. The details of her father's kidnapping were shared several times before a plan could be made. Natasha reminded her that no detail was too small before ending with the promise she'd find him.
She was really good at finding people.
That was how she'd ended up in a warehouse, beating down the door to get to Scott Lang, who apparently couldn't go twenty-four hours without being a pain in her ass. "You know, this is all very damsel in distress of you." Her voice melodic as she dodged the bullet flying her way knowing that he could hear the air of frustration in her tone, hands working on the binds on his wrists.
"Want to tell me what you did to piss them off?"
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esoterium · 10 months
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@particlexxdealer || blizzard prompts || accepting!
[ SHELTER ]: sender hastily guides the receiver to a nearby shelter for them to wait out the storm together safely. (steve)
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gray skies only became darker, the clouds thicker and puffier the closer the storm got. steve could feel the crisp cold in the air. reminded him of the weather back home in brooklyn. right when the worst of the winter would come crawling through the city and seep through brick and mortar to chill even the fireplace with it's barely there flames flickering and fighting to do their best to ward off the coldest nights. they'd keep it going. no matter the cost. him and buck and his mom. never once letting her feel the depth of the winter's bite. even if the windows rattled against blankets pinned in front of them. they kept warm.
if only because the three of them knew what it might mean of steve would catch a fever. or a cold. or...worse. there could always be worse with him then.
he was standing outside scott's cabin. head back as the snow began to fall steadily. thick, chunky flakes that settled in blond hair and in his blue scarf. against his cable knit sweater. his coat forgotten inside. they had plenty of wood. plenty of food. unlike all those years ago? they'd weather this fine. if for no other reason than they were prepared and had the means to be. unlike those years ago.
his mind's trailing off. his heart going with it. back to that time. back to his mother's face and how small she was. how they were practically the same size and how he'd see her now. he can damn near picture her in the twisting flurry of flakes that begin to pour. unaware of just how much has settled on him until scott's hand's on his shoulder drawing him out of where his thoughts've trailed off to. a brow lifts as he's ushered inside.
"yeah. sorry. got to thinking. bad habit.. you comfortable?" the snow's still sticking til he starts to swat it out of his hair with a brush of his hand at the top of his head. "need anything...?"
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etherealstarr · 1 year
@particlexxdealer: Send 😴 to fall asleep on my muse (hide tiny Scotty in your hood!)
Ava tried her best not to move, not wanting to disturb the sleeping Scott inside her hood. It was understandable, his exhaustion. Running two lives at once and not hiding either from the other. She never understood how he did it. Right in the middle of getting tacos too. She broke off the smallest piece of her chicken quesadilla and waved it under his nose to try and wake him up.
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mistrdctr · 6 months
@particlexxdealer cont. [x]
As a former neurosurgeon, Stephen knows a thing or two about brains - what they do or don't do, for example, or how incredibly fragile the organ is, for the matter - and yet the thing remains a mystery in a lot of ways, with mankind not really having figured out many of the 'why's' regarding what appears to be the most important part of their entire conscience.
But if he does know one thing regarding all of that, it's that brains thoroughly enjoy it to fuck one up, in many different ways; Scott is very much right with that, prompting a hum of agreement to escape the sorcerer as he waits for the barista to finish his Matcha Frappuccino with extra cream and a dash of vanilla syrup.
Seven fucking dollars he's going to pay for that. But it's worth it, he knows.
Could he, in theory, have conjured himself the very exact drink out of seemingly thin air? Yes, definitely. But coffee being made by a real barista just... tastes different.
"Oh, you know - this and that.", he hums, brows arching, bright eyes flicking over to the man he's met within this coffee shop mere seconds ago; A coincidence. Looks like Ant Man likes to treat himself with the occasional cup of coffee. "Memories you don't want to think about are suddenly there again, the dream you had last night was about some drama bullshit you wished you could ignore, the newspaper guy threw said newspaper into a puddle right in front of your door instead of putting it into the designated mailbox, and... the realization that you're responsible for the safety of the reality you live in suddenly haunting you in the middle of the day. Yeah... ---all of that, you know. The usual."
Just some casual smalltalk between colleagues, right? Superhero stuff.
"...So, how about you? What's your brain doing to you on this wonderful day?" Oh yes, so wonderful; It's raining cats and dogs outside, fucking cold on top of that...
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redheadarcher · 10 months
“wow, mr. lang, you've got to see this !” scarlett's voice held more enthusiasm than she intended, with a hint of concern shadowing her excitement because, well, that could mean bad news to them. positioned by one of the large windows, she peered through the falling snow. “it's really snowing a lot now.” she casted a quick glance at him before continue to watch the snow. “looks like we might be stuck here for a while.”
@particlexxdealer // // liked for a winter themed starter !
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feleshero · 8 months
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❝ On a scale of... y'know, sensible chuckle to absolute fury, how upset would you be if Cassie tagged along on one of my surveillance runs? ❞ It was not her fault, that needed to be expressly noted!
She was @particlexxdealer's daughter, if anything, it was his fault she was good enough to sneak her way into Felicia's business.
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writteninscarlet · 11 months
❝  i’m not expecting anything,  i just,  thought it’d be nice to keep you company tonight. ❞ ;; @particlexxdealer
staying the night ;; accepting
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Wanda paused at his words, trying not to laugh over the expectations comment. She hadn't looked far into his offer of staying the night, and as he said it would be nice to have company.
"You're right, Scott. I really would like the company for tonight," she responded, sending him a warm smile. She had no plans, for one thing. For another, Wanda would find it hard to refuse an offer to just relax and hang out with someone she appreciated as much as Scott. There was nothing major happening, no big problem to solve. So why not just take the night?
"You're welcome to stay," she added, still smiling as she gave a small shrug. Now that it had been suggested, Wanda would be disappointed if he had to leave. "It would be nice to have you stick around. I can't promise the most exciting night ever - but I'm sure we'll have fun, right?"
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