#partners can rb but no personals pls
russilton · 2 years
Not sure if I like more rb au or the omega George au wow. Rb au is very veryyy promising, and not to give out more ideas, but the edgy competitiveness would also work well with an angst au merc fic where new driver George is excited to race next to his hero, only to be initially shunned by Lewis jealousy of his talent and him being equal in quali/race pace, just to realize later it was what he'd always needed in a teammate (and maybe a partner in life too). Also, more omega snippets pretty pls?
I am awful fond of both au’s for different reasons! I think RB au lets me explore a more tense relationship than I normally would, something that has to get past a lot of George’s personal issues to work as a relationship. I am, surprisingly, a massive fuckin wuss about writing relationship angst, platonic or otherwise! I hate arguments, and as an autistic man, my whole life has been not being able to read other people's emotions! Communication is sexy.
But because RB George has so much external angst, I can still give George that pain and anger without having to make Lewis be the one to cause it. Loop holes! However this is probably why (at least for now) I’d never manage to write Merc or Lewis hating or knowingly neglecting George while he’s on the team. I can’t do it, I’m so whipped for found family dynamics. Sorry anon!
George’s relationship with Merc in RB au won’t be perfect that’s for sure, but they also give him some grace because Lewis vouches for him, and George makes sure to return that trust. I’ve said to bad before, that they’d probably be collectively shitting themselves the first time they ask George to let Lewis by, so sure he’s going to refuse. But George doesn’t, cause he knows Lewis would do it for him, and it’s what the team needs. Shockingly when you know your team aren’t looking to replace you at every turn, it feels safer to focus on a group necessity over his own. His trust is still so fragile, but he also leans into Toto’s encouraging hugs, and feels listened to by shov and James A. Lewis is there the whole time, reminding him that it’s okay for George to talk to them.
Since I am too much of a pussy to write relationship angst, and you said please, here’s another 2k of 2021 a/b/o au below the cut to make up! Set just after the last snippet ended (Saudi Arabia 2020)
A reminder that this shit ain’t edited lmao, that’s the deal you make asking for wips.
George’s scent clings to the car throughout the weekend like an invisible sheet, light but unmovable, and it’s still there when Lewis pulls the car into parc ferme and parks up behind third, drifting lazily into his nose alongside the far less pleasant brake dust and scorched rubber.
It did fade slightly, his own sweat washing away some of the more unsavoury tinges from Georges final laps, leaving Lewis with just the purest parts of the Williams drivers profile to contend with. Coffee, citrus, salad, and honeyish sweetness blended among them. As he’d struggled his way through practice, trying to redial the car into his baseline, it had washed over him in waves. At the start session it had left him feeling more out of focus than he’s ever felt before in a Mercedes’. He misses apexes he wouldn’t normally miss, breaks earlier, not trusting his own perception. Meanwhile his brain throbs dully and tries to convince him that is not an absolutely insane idea to pull the car over and explore every inch of it where scent may linger.
He tries discreet nose plugs for second practice, and though his times improve, his skin feels itchy and he can’t shake a lingering discomfort in his gut he can’t label, he ditches them again for the final practice, and he falls back to 6th again but the caffeine in his nose somehow beats away his exhaustion.
He doesn’t understand why his body is reacting this way. There’s no known history of Covid boosting scenting ability, in fact it had caused a somewhat hysterical panic among many for how to took away smell. Lewis hadnt been that alarmed, his nose had never been particularly strong anyway, even as an alpha he preferred to focus on body language over trying to read someone’s emotions through pheromones. It felt like cheating, scent giving away more than some intended to share. Going without it entirely wasn’t good either, but Lewis had been braced for that, expecting it. George’s scent however seeps through that wall of fog, becoming damn near the only thing he can smell.
After qualifying he even ends up pulling Valtteri and Bono aside to test his nose. Scenting Val doesn’t return much, even with Lewis pressed close to his neck. The alpha usually smells like a comforting blend of oats, espresso and gin, a mix Lewis has grown accustomed to. He and Lewis had always been fairly happy to scent each other for comfort, any ideas of dominance long thrown away. Now he can’t smell anything from him, and it’s more disconcerting than he wants to admit. Bono tilts his head for Lewis next, and if he really strains Lewis can just get a hint of black tea and paper, and the faintest strain from his mate James. But it’s all distant, like trying to smell someone in a shirt they haven’t worn for months. They don’t ask why he’d need to try, but he gets a sympathetic shoulder squeeze from both when he shakes his head and admits he can’t get anything.
The pack dynamic within Mercedes’ has always been complex, some bonds looser than others, a lot of the higher ups falling into a tighter, non hierarchical pack, and the mechanics and admin staff tending to group among themselves, with a general cross over when they’re all under the same roof. For Lewis it’s always been more about behaviour than scent, only the lighter scented betas are able to get away without suppressing patches anyway.
But cut off entirely now he realises how much he misses being able to smell Toto’s scotch and aftershave scent, the trace of Susie and Jack that came with him. He aches distantly for Angela’s almond notes and James faint spice blend. Most of them have been part of what Lewis would call his pack for years, but now they’re completely gone, and yet George’s scent persists.
It doesn’t make sense to him, but he tries not to think about it before the race, chalks it up to covid weirdness, or maybe George being close enough to a heat he was giving off extra scent. He feels tired enough from the lingering effects of sickness, he doesn’t need to add stress about his nose to that.
On Sunday he’d eyed his nose plugs, knowing that he’ll be able to focus better with them, but it means sacrificing the only clear scent he has left. In the end he’d left them in his driver room, unwilling to give up the comforting weight of orange and honey on his brain. It slows him down, but he finds the familiarity also catching his attention whenever exhaustion starts to tug at his sore chest, even through the thick layer of his helmet while moving 100kph. When his shoulders ache from the g-force of the car, he allows the smell of green salad leaves to distract him. Coffee keeps him pushing through to finish third, and all together they stop him from slumping over in his belts as he parks the car, levering himself out of the cockpit on exhausted arms to complete the well worn routine of podium celebrations.
When it’s all over, he wanders back to the Mercedes offices, trophy in hand. There’s not really a debrief to be had, considering it’s the last race of the season, but he’s not ready to lie alone in his hotel room, and it’s a good compromise to the instinct in him to go sit near the car again. He imagines the mechanics currently packing everything away won’t appreciate him being in their way.
He finds Bono and James sitting together on one of the common area couches. The mated couple only look over at him briefly before they’re back to talking about technical data on a shared tablet, Bono glancing back to give him a once over with a hint of concern. Lewis knows he probably looks like shit, his body is back to aching again, so he drops into the chair opposite them and lets their loving bickering wash over him. He can’t smell them, but just the cadence of their familiar voices is helping.
He ends up dozing a little, listening to the sounds of the team breaking down the building around them, already getting ready to pack up and return to Brackley. He hears distinct chatter, fond discussions among all levels of the team not quite close enough to make out. It’s not true pack time, but it’s as close as he’s going to get for now; and he soaks it up as the paddock slowly gets quieter, more and more people leaving to head back to their hotels (or to clubs. Lewis would have joined them once, but the idea of doing so in a pandemic makes him nauseous).
He’s not sure how long he’s drifted when he hears a door open and citrus hits his nose. It has his eyes snapping open, distantly registering that Mike, Valtteri, Riki and Shov have joined them, scattered across various other couches. His focus is all on the new faces entering the building. Toto is leading George over to them, both looking relaxed and jovial, Toto must be returning from a meeting at Williams, he is George’s manager after all, but that information doesn’t really matter when Lewis can barely look away from George.
He and George have crossed paths more than once, even talked a few times when George sought him out for driving advice. None of it is out of the ordinary, he’s their reserve after all, but something has changed in the lithe omega. He’s carrying himself taller, a new confidence that was missing before. Toto greets them all before telling George he’ll be back soon, something about collecting a phone, Lewis doesn’t really hear it, his eyes tracing George’s sharp jaw.
He manages to shake himself out of staring at the younger man eventually, hoping nobody saw his embarrassing lapse in mental function. He doesn’t get long to dwell on it when George turns his focus on him.
“Hey, Lewis, great drive out there today mate, I hope I left the car in good shape?” His voice is warm and genuine, and it takes Lewis a second to remember what George is talking about. George in his car, right, the catalyst to this whole weird weekend.
“Oh! She looked great, man, not a scratch on her, thank you. From what Bono told me you had a good time with it?” He doesn’t say a word for the hidden marks George left behind
“Good time doesn’t begin to cover it, that car is a rocket ship” George’s tone is laced with awe, he looks like he’s remembering the drive, and Lewis finds himself matching his grin.
“Sorry I couldn’t let you have another shot with her, I was itching to get back behind the wheel”
“No worries, I get it. Besides, I’m sure there will be more chances”
“We’ll see, George, you’ve got another year at Williams yet”
Lewis just about managed not to jump at Totos deep, amused voice cutting him off as the Austrian rejoins them. George doesn’t quite succeed in doing the same, jolting in shock before knocking Toto playfully in the side with his elbow when he claps a hand on the slim omegas shoulder.
“Better get him back to Williams before he ends up stowing away in one of the moving trucks” Bono calls out from his spot between James and Shov, making the whole group fall into easy laughter, even George.
“Good call Peter. As for the rest of you, go and get some sleep, you’ve all earned it '' Toto instructs, flipping them off when he hears a few teasing ‘yes Dads’ echoed back at him. With that they’re both heading for the door again, out into the balmy night air.
As George leaves, a distant, fuzzy memory from high school surfaces from Lewis’ subconscious.
Lewis had tried his best in school, but between financial stress from home life and what he now knows as untreated dyslexia, he’d not paid as much attention to the finer details of his science classes as he probably should have. What he does remember now though is his sharp faced year 10 biology teacher telling them about scent compatibility, stronger scents indicating compatible mates. It had all felt a bit cold and clinical to Lewis, and he chalked it up to one of those evolutionary things people didn’t really need anymore.
He gets it now, watching the glass door swing shut behind them, George’s scent staying as strong and potent in his nose as it had on Friday when he first got into his car. It’s not just about possession and power. It's addicting, the settling comfort the young omega brings just with his presence alone. The pain in Lewis ribs had eased just being near him, and now it’s already beginning to creep back with his exit. He wants to follow George, seek more. He can’t even pretend it’s just about dynamics. Bono is an omega, they’ve been friends for close to a decade and while he was comforting to be around, it’s not even close. Lewis still wants George.
When he dreamed of this moment as a child, he’d imagined something similar to what happened in the movies. Joy, excitement, a desire to reel George in and never let him go. But all he feels is a deep, throbbing ache. George is thirteen years younger than him. A junior for their team, a potential teammate, someone who looks up to him. For Lewis to make any advance on him at all… he wouldn’t ever be able to know if he was taking advantage of George.
Just as the door in his heart had opened, it slammed closed, the shock of it settling into an ache in his ribs. He shuts his eyes and leans back into the couch under him, lungs feeling heavier than ever.
He wishes he had a pack member's scent to ground him, but in a cruel sort of irony, even surrounded by them, all he has is George.
Angst (it doesn’t count as relationship angst if it’s just Lewis having guilt, my fic my rules) ! Mild soulmatism! Get it all here!
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meoow8161 · 2 years
looking 4 rp buddy!
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hi, call me cas! im 9teen, profic, and use they/them pronouns, looking for a rp partner. my discord is pwushie#8198! im semi-lit/lit (MINIMUM 2 paragraphs) and type in third person. NO MINORS PLS!!! and there must be smut!
my schedule:
i do currently have a job and am on a schedule of sorts. i will be busy from 1 PM-6 PM mon-thursday due to work, but im a night owl and typicly stay up til anywhere from 2-5 AM. another thing is, replies will be p slow on weekends as i go to my partners house every weekend and dont use my phone as much as i normally would.
things roleplay:
(open to suggestions)
age gaps
i also am open to more 'triggering topics', we can discuss more via PM
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Nice money bro 😳 what?….you want me to have it?😮….bro…if exchange for…..my art..?……….bro🥺😳
It’s me! Your local unemployed artist trying to make ends meet doing the only thing she can. If you’ve been following this blog for a while you’re prbably aware I’m struggling with mental health (specifically anxiety) which makes it very hard to leave the house or hold a job.
But I’m in therapy now and will hopefully start medication once I can afford buying them + continuing therapy at the same time. So yeah.. I’ll be doing this for a while and I really hope there are still people who are willing to work with me. 🐛💕
General ToS:
• Visual references are needed. Usually I prefer having some kind of artistic freedom regarding overall mood of the drawing, pose, etc. But if u have a specific idea that’s great too!! • Payment is required once I’m done with your commission. Cause otherwise I’m gonna feel anxious since I have a baby bitch disorder. All payments are in USD and processed through PayPal only babeyy. • The price depends on how complicated your character is and how much effort I put into the drawing?? I guess?? BUT if u have a budget IT’S GREAT TOO (o: just let me know and we’ll figure it out. I might consider discounts as well! • Portraits are human/humanoid only, sowwy ): I’m also pretty good at drawing deer due to… certain reasons… so….. • I’M FINE WITH NUDITY and blood. Unless it’s too much ok. Will NOT do offensive themes! You know what I mean. • Completion time might vary! please bear with me i have depression. • I do send out wips. • I reserve the right to decline your commission when I feel like I won’t be able to complete it! • Pls no deadlines!! • More than one person is double the price. • Make sure you understand my artistic strengths and weaknesses commissioning me. like.. really. • Should I add something else?? Idek! DM me on tumblr or email me if you have questions (:
thank you for reading! rbs are appreciated xx
CONTACT - hbkart@outlook(.)com. Me not replying instantly means all the slots I had are taken, I’ll get back to you once I can. KO-FI - hb-k
Option One (detailed portraits):
• Real people or OCs, maybe other fictional characters. • Includes simple/abstract background unless we come up with something else. • I’m sorry but these take A LOT of time and effort thus the price.. • Completion time varies, will usually take a week of actual work.
Option Two (a simple portrait):
• Real people only! It just works the best this way (: • Can be you or your friend, family member, partner, etc. • Includes a simple/abstract background. • Completion time varies, will usually take 1-3 days.
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moraltorn · 4 years
TRIGGERS & NSFW.  will tag triggering subjects by default as ( ie ) swearing tw, just ask. mun is of age, but nsfw makes her uncomfortable so please tag it. jokes of that nature won’t be happening on this blog, nor will smut -- tails is a child.
PERSONALS.  fine with personals, their asks and interactions, just don't spam-like / reblog things you shouldn't ( threads, ooc, ic, and art ). i only roleplay with rp blogs. i will hard-block if you ignore these rules.
INTERACTIONS & THREADS.  i follow for interaction. don't be offended if i don't want to write with you ( sometimes our writing styles might not click )  -- i'm sure you're amazing. follow backs usually occur after a week; if not, hit up my promo. don't rush for responses. muse can fluctuate & mun suffers from anxiety, depression and adhd. i write multi-para mostly so my responses take a while; can be slow. i prefer partners to match length but as long as you give me something to work with it’s fine, just don’t give a one-liner to a multi-para. i follow #moraltorn. make a new post for threads from asks. please don't tag me in para / novella starters without discussing something with me first. aesthetics are pretty, NOT necessary; formatting is whatever you're comfy with, i don't mind. don’t godmod, powerplay or metagame. please don't assume things about my muse. just ask!
CROSSOVERS & AUS & OCS.  crossovers are my lifeblood, please. i have to know the other franchise to have muse & understanding for interactions though. the same goes for aus and ocs -- just throw them all at me! will take a while to follow back ocs due to about pages.
SHIPPING.  the muses have to be of similar age & must have chemistry. this is a multi-ship blog; no ships will conflict with each other. i don’t do exclusives. if you no longer have interest in a ship, please let me know! friendship / rivalry / enemy / familial ships are fantastic, chase me up about them. i do not ship incestuous ships -- DO NOT FOLLOW / INTERACT IF YOU DO.
REBLOGS.  please do not use me as a meme source: trace back to the original post unless it doesn't exist anymore. occasionally reblogging musings / aesthetics is fine but don't make it a habit. slips happen, but repeatedly breaking these rules will result in a soft block. i will try to send memes whenever i see them. you can reblog & save posts that are for you if you're an rp blog.
TAILS. tails' au is one i'm both proud of and attached to, so please don't force headcanons on it. if you're uncertain how events play out in his canon, just ask. anything that happens here isn't canon to the actual au. headcanoned relationships are GUIDELINES and i'm happy to alter the rp blog canon to cater to your muse. the rest is just for context purposes.
DNI.  do not interact if you are: a trump supporter, racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, acephobic, etc. black lives matter and ACAB -- get off my blog if you think otherwise.
MISC.  keep me out of drama, however if i see callouts pertaining to problematic users, i will take it into consideration and rb it if i believe them to be harmful to the community. will be low activity. mun / = / muse. terrible with ims here and discord ( mutuals can ask for that ). either i forgot or haven't gotten around to it yet; feel free to prod me after a while. pls don't be intimidated by my minimalistic rules -- i rambled in previous versions. i'm super nice and excited to meet you!
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coolxnxblue · 5 years
de rules:
1. Themes might very with this blog. It’ll typically be SFW, but there will likely be dark themes, violence and swearing.
Things will be tagged! I’ll try my best, anyways. If you want something in particular tagged, please let me know through ask / anon / im. The format I use for tagging is, for example, tw: swearing.
I don’t have any triggers but I do ask you tag all of your NSFW content.
That said, I won’t do anything NSFW - gore is okay, though.
I’m of age.
2. I’m private, meaning I only really roleplay with people I follow. This is so things don’t get too overwhelming and for me and to cement who I want to interact with. I generally follow most people if our writing clicks, though.
If I don’t follow you and you’d like me to check out your blog, lurk in my notifs. I’ll definitely see you and make note to check you out. Same with promos, or you can just rb them to a sideblog / send an ask with its url. I can’t gurantee I’ll follow, but I’ll certainly check it out!
If it’s a crossover, I have to know the fandom and be at least a little bit confident with it. This is so I’m able to work with you, our thread and have muse for it. You’re free to ask if I know of a fandom or not! I’ll have a list at some point.
I follow the tag #coolxnxblue. If there’s anything you want me to see, like dash commentary, just tag that and x-kit will alert me of your post! I may respond to ic stuff ic stuff if I’m feeling it. 
In that sense, I’m chill with dash shenanigans with most folk, not just mutuals!
Absolutely no godmodding. It ain’t fun, fam. If you’re not sure what this term means, do look it up. This includes powerplaying, metagaming, and other things of that nature. This applies especially in fights if they happen (I’m chance-based and hope that you are too).
I can be picky with OCs. But rest assured, if you’ve followed me/interacted with my promo, I’ll always give your pages a read.
Please don’t be offended if I don’t want to interact with you (and please don’t try to guilt me into doing so!).
As for following back, I usually take a week tops to do so - but if you’ve hit up my promo, I go through that eventually.
I DON’T CARE ABOUT AESTHETICS. I just think they’re pretty. If you don’t use formatting or anything like that, or heck - even wanna’ just do iconless rp - I have no problem with it whatsoever! It’s you, your writing and your muse I care about!
3. Please don’t rush me for starters or responses.
PLEASE understand that I have blogs galore and my muse tends to fluctuate; this can mean I’m everywhere at once and can end up neglecting a blog or two. It’s nothing personal; you know how muses are! Additionally, life happens to be a thing.
Please note the mun deals with anxiety and depression, and has part time jobs which are honestly tiring - this might affect how frequently she roleplays.
Chances are, I’ve probably has seen that bit of interactivity and just haven’t gotten around to responding yet.
My roleplaying style being para/multi-para, I may take a while to respond. I hoard drafts like a dragon - it’s really just the motivation to write and ship those out.
I hoard asks, but sometimes can’t find muse or interest for all of them. If it’s been a month or two, generally assume I’m not interested / can’t find muse for it. You’re free to send another though!
I answer asks from anyone - personals, rp blogs and anons. I’ll answer non-mutual asks occaisonally but I won’t be making threads out of them
4. Shippings? Heck yeah, I ship lots with my blue son! Just make sure they’re of similar age pls.
If I don’t happen to be interested, don’t force anything on my character.
I do not ship incestuous ships. Do NOT follow/interact if you do.
The ship has to have chemistry; I’m generally shipping trash, but if they don’t click, they don’t click, sorry.
This is a multi-ship blog, meaning there will be more than one ship without them conflicting with eachother.
If you want to ship and I already have a ship of your choosing going with a duplicate, please don’t hesitate to hmu! My ships aren’t exclusive and each character/relationship portrayal is unique to me!
Relationships are eternal until you deem otherwise. If you’re not interested in a ship anymore, just let me know!
Sonic X Tails won’t be happening on this blog, sorry.
5. Whilst I am of age, I’m not aiming for sexual content on this blog (and will not be dealing with fetishes). That stuff makes me uncomfortable, and I typically don’t recommend pulling it with my character if you’re interacting with me. Nonetheless, should it arise, I will tag it appropriately as nsfw //.
6. About reblogs…
I am not a meme source, and reblogs clog up my activity. Please reblog any ask / starter memes you find on this blog from their SOURCE. The exception to this rule is if there is no source; go ahead.
I don’t feel comfortable with Personals reblogging my IC or OOC posts, so please don’t do that. If I put something in the fandom tags for whatever reason (bar promos), you’re free to, though.
This goes for my art too unless it has the tag ok to rb, but otherwise only the person I drew it for can reblog it. If you wanna’ reblog something, I DO put it on my art blog eventually!
A few times is fine, as it happens, but repeatedly breaking these rules will result in me soft blocking you.
I try to participate in reblog karma as much as I can, but always reblog from the source/a meme source.
If a post or ask is for you, you’re free to reblog it to save it though - but only if you’re an rp blog!
7. I’m a para / multi-para blog, novella if I’m adventurous and have time. Whilst I may roleplay crack threads with shorter responses, this does not apply to all threads I write. This means:
I write my replies as detailed as I can muster, and length can range from 1 paragraph to 6.
Short responses (such as one-liners) in more serious threads where I’ve written a decent deal can instantly kill my muse for that thread.
Whilst I’d prefer for partners to at least somewhat match my length, it’s entirely up to you - just try your best and make sure you give me enough to work with. ♡
If my muse happen to go nuts out of nowhere - like, overboard - don’t stress too much about matching him.
8. Threads! You can yeet asks, memes, and even starters at me if I’ve liked a call! I’ll obviously have my own you can like.
You’re free to like starter calls even if we’re not mutuals; I can check out your blog that way. I still only write starters for mutuals though.
I know pretty much most if not all Sonic media, bar Fleetway which I haven’t gotten around to reading yet. Since that’s unfamiliar territory, I’m unlikely to tread in it yet.
Starter memes are the BEST way to interact me because they just yeet a prompt at my face and really help me write starters. If you see me reblog one, send one!
If you want a certain verse, lemme’ know! Otherwise, I’ll either resort to game verse or whatever continuity your muse applies to (i.e, Sally (archie), Starline (idw), and so forth).
If you want to turn an ask into a thread, go ahead!
In that sense, I don’t recommend writing starters for me unless we’ve discussed something. I don’t like to leave anyone hanging.
Please don’t assume things about my muse. If you’re uncertain about things, ASK.
IMs are open to mutuals, if you want to do any in-depth plotting. I also have Discord if that’s more convenient for you!
9. Guidelines on mains and relationships:
If we’re mutuals and we interact a lot, you’re welcome to ask me if I’d like to be your main!
Please don’t be offended if I deny, though; I typically want to pick those I trust to be my mains as well as people I can comfortably write with.
Not limited to them! I roleplay with duplicates galore so don’t be afraid to hit me up if you want to interact!
Pre-established relationships are a-okay in my book; if you have an idea for a relationship between our muses we can work towards, hit me up! I reblog those pre-established relationship memes every so often too. Romantic relationships link back to the shipping guidelines.
Also, friendship/family/rivalry relationships are EXTREMELY valid to me - so don’t feel scared about asking for them!
10. If you have any issues, please let me know and hopefully we can resolve it!
Mun is actually super nice, so don’t be afraid to hit her up!
I am absolutely terrible with IMs and Discord. I either respond quickly or days later, depends on my mood. Social anxiety tends to interfere with this (and more recently exhaustion from work) - but honestly, if you’ve sent something, I’ve likely read it and just haven’t gotten around to it yet! It’s nothing personal; trust me!
Please leave me out of drama; I’m here to have a good time, as is everyone else, and it pains me to see people arguing.
This is a little different with callouts - if I see anything on dash pertaining to any problematic users, I will take it into consideration and rb it if I believe them to be harmful.
11. To retierate, I tend to follow those that:
Write para and whom I feel my muse would click with.
Seem chill? Tone can really intimidate me honestly.
Have rules and about pages! Knowing the boudaries of my rp partners is super important as well as their lovely muses! Sometimes rules are enough, though, if you’re going to write the about eventually.
Tag their nsfw.
Don’t have massive icons - ie, have rp icons that take up an entire text post like 500x500 or something. I don’t want to clog the dash and it’s tiring to resize them.
...also, if I follow your hub blog (provided it doesn’t double as a personal), it generally means I’m cool with any blogs that are attached to it.
12. On threads…
If you’re not interested in a thread anymore, and would like to drop it, please let me know! I’d feel terrible if we’re both not having fun with it or if partners feel overwhelmed with the amount of threads we have.
Honestly, unless I let you know, our threads have no expiry date - so no need to worry about me dropping them without telling you. I can just be quite slow sometimes.
13. Mun does not equal muse! Anything my muse might say does not reflect on how I think unless I explicitly say so.
14. Know that if I follow you, I WANT to interact with you.
I literally couldn’t care less about follower counts. I care about YOU guys and our interactions.
15. Rules may be subject to change.
Please like this post if you’ve read the rules! You don’t have to, but it’s of personal reassurance to me if you have.
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prodigaisons · 5 years
hot take time, this is kinda nsfw + pls don’t rb bc I cannot handle thin people getting pissed off when I talk about fatphobia
I think this is probably a pretty like, common thought w fat people who aren’t actively self hating, but I feel like there’s a huge difference between ‘fetishist’ and ‘thin person who happens to be attracted to/prefers fat people’, tho at the same time it can be..... a really thin line in actuality bc of the usual issue of privilege and such.
like, I think most fat ppl end up in fetish spaces at some point bc were told those are the only people who will be attracted to us. and those spaces are uh. usually full of fatphobia. a lot of those spaces are rly more feederism spaces which like, I don’t rly have an inherent problem w that kink. but I do have a problem with how thin people act
so much ‘fat fetish’ stuff tends to focus on thin ppls idea of fat ppl. the idea that we’re lazy, we don’t work out, we overeat, we only care about food, we’re dumb, etc. very rarely are there people who just find fat people attractive- usually, there’s some other kink attached to it that we’re expected to enjoy.
and like. a LOT of fat ppl in these spaces will protect these ideas bc they have bought into fatphobia ideas about themselves or they’re into some of the associated kinks and think that fat ppl criticizing their thin partners are threatening this somehow
like. I think it’s possible to be thin and express desire for fat people in a way that isn’t fatphobic. I think you can do that AND be into feederism. hell, I’d argue that gaining isn’t even that much of a kink imo either. like if we aren’t gonna call weight loss a kink then I think it’s unfair to say gaining is one lmao.
the problem is that like...... thin people do not see fat people as people. even if we’re attractive to them, they don’t realize that like. we have our own preferences and fetishes and kinks and desires. this is proved by the amount of thin fas who take it as a personal insult when fat people aren’t into them and how many of them will send fat sex workers degrading messages assuming they’re into it bc, well, they’re fat.
like. gods thin people are so insulted if I say I only date other fat people. even if they’re into fat people, it’s SHOCKING to them that I wouldn’t consider dating them. it’s shocking to them when fat people have romantic and sexual interests that don’t rely on thin partners.
and a lot of times,,,, these ppl are protected by their fat partners. their partners are so convinced of fatphobic claims that they just. take it. they assume that’s the best they can ask for.
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Boing Boing Charitable Giving Guide 2017 /Pls RT!
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Here's a guide to the charities the Boingers support in our own annual giving. Please add the causes and charities you give to in the forums!
The Tor Project The Tor anonymity and privacy tools are vital to resistance struggles around the world, a cooperative network that provides a high degree of security from scrutiny for people who have reasons to fear the powers that be. From our early hominid ancestors until about ten years ago, humans didn't leave behind an exhaust-trail of personally identifying information as they navigated the world -- Tor restores that balance. —CD
Planned Parenthood Because we deserve health care, including reproductive, gender, and sexual health care. Because access to birth control and safe abortion is a human right. Because Trump's regime wants to destroy all of this. —XJ
Software Freedom Conservancy Software Freedom Conservancy does the important, boring, esoteric work of keeping the internet from tearing itself to pieces, playing host organization to free software projects like Git, Selenium and Samba (to name just three). The Conservancy keeps these projects legally sound and gives them a scaffold to hang their institutional structures on them. Without the Conservancy, the software you love and depend on would be in dire peril
Electronic Frontier Foundation I have been proudly associated with EFF for a decade an a half now and have watched, half-awed, as it grew from a scrappy, brilliant little organization to a powerhouse of enormous scale and power. Every cause, every fight enumerated on this page and in your life and mine will be lost or won on the internet. EFF is the best hope we have of keeping that internet free, fair and open. —CD, MF
Creative Commons Creative Commons is best known as a tool for sharing-friendly artists, but that's just the tip of the iceberg. Since the beginning, and all over the world, CC has provided governments, agencies, research and scholarly institutions and NGOs with the tools to easily share across borders and the bewildering array of copyright laws. We can't beat trumpism without collaboration tools, and that includes legal tools. —CD
Wikimedia Foundation (Wikipedia) For 15 years, Wikipedia has been figuring out how to negotiate truth among diverse and even warring points of view. It's not always pretty and it's not always nice, but no one's yet found a better way to let ideas bash against each other until something everyone agrees upon emerges. It's not pretty, but compared to our democracy, it's a beauty queen. —CD
Human Rights Data Analysis Group For more than twenty-five years, the team at the [Human Rights Data Analysis Group (HRDAG)](https://hrdag.org/) has held perpetrators of mass violence accountable. They are a nonprofit, non-partisan organization that applies rigorous science to the analysis of human rights violations around the world. They provide unbiased, scientific results that contribute to accurate quantitative arguments. HRDAG's analysis brings clarity to the often confused narratives of human rights violence and support the movement for justice. One of their bigger projects for 2018 examines the growing use of machine-learning techniques in the US criminal justice system. At best, these methods reproduce existing biases in data. More often, machine learning amplifies the biases in the data and thereby exacerbates criminal justice strategies that disproportionately affect marginalized populations. Currently, they are working with partners at the San Francisco Public Defender's office and the New York Legal Aid Society to evaluate risk assessment tools being used in those cities. They are also analyzing how current bail practices may disproportionately disadvantage marginalized populations, in particular, lower-income defendants. Other ongoing HRDAG projects include research on mass violence in Syria, Colombia, Mexico, and more.
Institute for the Future There are no facts about the future, only fictions. As we've learned in this election, nothing is certain about tomorrow. But even as our attention is captured by the present, we can begin to write the story to come. A place to start is the Institute for the Future's Future for Good fellowship.  Institute for the Future, where Mark and David are researchers, is a 50-year-old nonprofit that helps the public think about the future to make better decisions in the present. The Fellowship directly supports inspiring social innovators who are working to make tomorrow a better place. You can help too. Make a donation of $100 and you’ll receive IFTF Distinguished Fellow Bob Johansen's new book "The New Leadership Literacies: Thriving in a Future of Extreme Disruption and Distributed Everything." -DP & MF
The National Wildlife Federation National Wildlife Federation is a voice for wildlife, dedicated to protecting wildlife and habitat and inspiring the future generation of conservationists. Now's the time: the shortlist for our new Secretary of the Interior is reportedly Sarah Palin and Forrest Lucas, an "advocate of trophy hunting and puppy mills ... who never met a case of animal exploitation he wouldn’t defend." — RB
The Marine Mammal Center When seals, sea lion, or many other sea going pals need help, if they get lucky, they may be taken to The Marine Mammal Center, a veterinary hospital just for them. Thousands of heartbreakingly cute, but very wild, animals are rescued, rehabilitated and released on an annual basis. I'm a volunteer. In addition to the hundreds of highly trained volunteers that make the hospital run, the center always needs cash for fish and medicine.   —JW
The Southern Poverty Law Center & the Anti-Defamation League The Southern Poverty Law Center and the Anti-Defemation League fight hate, teach tolerance, and help secure justice, and fair treatment for all. "There is no 'them' and 'us.' There is only us." --Greg Boyle —JW
Facing History and Ourselves Facing History and Ourselves is an international educational group that helps young people study issues around racism, antisemitism, and prejudice in history, from the Holocaust to today's immigrant experiences to the killing fields of Cambodia. Their aim is to teach young people "to think critically, to empathize, to recognize moral choices, to make their voices heard, we put in their hands the possibility--and the responsibility--to do the serious work demanded of us all as citizens." —DP
Free Software Foundation/Defective By Design The Free Software Foundation's principled litigation, license creation and campaigning is fierce, uncompromising and has changed the world. You interact with code that they made possible a million times a day, and they never stop working to make sure that the code stays free.  —CD
Free Software Foundation Europe Software has eaten the world, and software freedom is increasingly synonymous with human freedom. In Europe, far-right parties and authoritarians are inheriting a constellation of gadgets and devices that are "defective by design," built to allow corporations spy on and control their owners -- and those thugs are contemplating how they can use those companies' extraordinary powers to put whole populations under their thumbs. Free software in Europe, free software everywhere! —CD
The Internet Archive: In an era where the control of information has been weaponized, the Internet Archive's mission -- universal access to all human knowledge -- is a revolutionary manifesto. The Archive isn't screwing around: they're siting a copy of their data in Canada to resist trumpian grabs and spying and redecentralizing the internet to save us all from tyranny.  —CD
Open Rights Group While we were all fighting about Brexit, Theresa May's Tory government passed the most intrusive surveillance bill in the history of modern democracies. It's a longstanding joke that the gnomes of Westminster Village think that Nineteen Eighty-Four was a manual for statecraft, but the joke is getting less funny by the second. ORG is a decade old: spunky, going though a timely growth spurt, and badly needed. —CD
Amnesty International I just looked up Amnesty's founding principles and found tears rolling down my cheeks: "Only when the last prisoner of conscience has been freed, when the last torture chamber has been closed, when the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights is a reality for the world’s people, will our work be done." These values need our support more than ever. —CD
ACLU On November 9, 2016 ACLU changed its homepage to a picture of Trump superimposed with the words SEE YOU IN COURT. ACLU's deep bench of kick-ass lawyers has been lately augmented by a much-needed group of freedom-fighting technologists, welded into the fighting force we'll need for the next four years and beyond: from voter suppression to free speech, the ACLU is key to the fight.  —CD, MF
Liberty With the UK plunging into surveillance dystopia where human rights are an afterthought and racial profiling is becoming official doctrine, it needs Liberty, an organisation with 80+ years' track record fighting for human rights in many incarnations of the British project. The Tories ran on a platform of repealing the Human Rights Act: when the government is officially anti "human rights," you need someone like Liberty to take the "pro" side. —CD
826 National Born in San Francisco’s Mission District in the back room of a pirate supply store, 826 National teaches young people the art and magic of creative writing through classes, DIY publishing projects, in-school programs, and drop-in tutoring at seven centers around the US. And it’s all free for the kids. Help open more 826 locations around the country! —DP
Fight for the Future Some of the Internet's savviest, hard-working-est activists. Fight for the Future is in all the Internet fights, kicking ass on Net Neutrality -- a fight that's back on in 2017, thanks Trump -- mass surveillance and justice for Chelsea Manning. -CD
Demand Progress Aaron Swartz co-founded Demand Progress, and as you'd expect from that history, they're relentless in reinventing the activist playbook for the 21st century. -CD
MySociety Software in the public interest -- it's a damned good idea. MySociety produces software like Pledgebank ("I will risk arrest by refusing to register for a UK ID card if 100,000 other Britons will also do it") and TheyWorkForYou (every word and deed by every Member of Parliament). It's plumbing for activists and community organizers. —CD
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khgne · 6 years
Vent (i just remembered how much i hate this season and i had to let all this anger out somehow. only putting this under the ‘read more’ bc its long and not to occupy your dash or something. don’t rb pls)
The fact that those 18 months of the team returning to earth are supposed to be the time allura falls in love with lance is such bullshit. That is such lazy writing seriously. The fact that not even in the few episodes before that she showed no romantic feelings towards him and then all of a sudden blushes and is all lovey dovey?? seriously?? Even lotura had a way better romantic arc than a/l. At least with lotor and allura we could see their romantic interactions and why and how she was falling in love with him, ffs even shiro and allura had more or as much as romantic scenes than/as a/l! Are you serious?! It just goes to show how little they care about giving us a good endgame. I personally don't like a/l at all for personal reasons, also i think lance is not what allura needs in a partner (and she's not what he needs in a partner) and i strongly believe these two are way better as friends, also it would teach lance the lesson of 'not everyone will love you, its okay, it doesn't mean you're unworthy of love' but pushing that to the side, i know that with actual development and good writing, these two could have a very cute and sweet relationship but they never show us that, so how can i support them and/or like them?? I just HATE the trope of 'boy flirting to no end with girl that has always rejected him but in the end she likes him back because her ex-boyfriend hurt her and the other was always there so why not'. 
I think that the whole love triangle shit ruined their relationship even more because let’s be honest if lotor hadn't died/left asdfg allura wouldn't even bat an eye at lance. She never gave any indicator she liked him and if they really wanted to make us feel like she did, then?? why not change that scene where the mice confess to her?? She looked so sad and guilty because she knew she didn't return his feelings and didn't want to hurt him. If she really liked him, they'd have her blush on that scene or be like 'oh really?? are you sure?? maybe you heard wrong??' or just make her seem like she wanted more information or something, and now he's her second choice, her rebound. Which just sucks. They should've had a conversation about that and get some closure. Look, i didn't need klance ending together in the show, in fact, all the paladins should have been single by the end of the show because all this romance shit is ruining the show and the fact that they said he wouldn't be her rebound but then have an 18 months time skip where she eventually falls in love with him but we never see that is just such a shitty move to pull and such lazy writing. Also!! can they like, stop throwing allura to every dude's arms every season?? She needs no man and she should've definitely had some time to heal (which she apparently had we just never saw it). They never take into consideration what her character wants or feels, they just care about what lance wants, and he wants her, so they just ignore every time allura rejected him and do a 180 on her opinions and feelings and we get this. And like, they don't even try and make us like the pair?? Lance’s book was another proof of that. 30 pages, 1 talking about allura and 4 talking about keith (and the paladin handbook?? allura straight up insults him, and he and keith just keep on mentioning each other and the bonding moment. again.)...like, see what i mean?? (this is them still baiting us tho). Just...voltron sucks ass at writing romance and honestly, at this point, i’m not even sure i’d want klance being canon, and you know why?? because they'd mess it up. First, they'd probably try and kill one of them sdfhjgh and second, they'd mess up their relationship just like they did in s7. All that development in s3 went down the drain. Not all of it because yes, they have been working better but like?? it’s so frustrating to see so much stuff never being addressed. Stuff that is actually really important for the character development and the relationships arcs! I bet that they're never gonna talk about lance feeling abandoned and sad about keith leaving. Take this as romantic or not, idc, but you can’t actually say that lance wasn't hurt with keith leaving when the show has been proving that multiple times now. 
The time keith left was the time lance started pulling away and hanging out more by himself and feeling lonely (his other half left so that's normal, and i mean this as in, keith IS his other half, bc him and lance were set up as a duo from the beginning). 
He started questioning more about keith, 
kept on worrying about him pulling away, 
and even tried to go for a hug in s6. 
S7 showed us lance bringing that up again. He’s sad and angry with keith’s decision to leave, especially after both of them getting closer and after becoming friends, fuck, even when keith goes after acxa, lance looks sad, probably because he feels like keith is pulling away from the team and leaving them again. And both boys need to talk about that and get some closure, it’s necessary for their relationship (no matter how you see it, either you think of it as romantic or platonic, these two care about each other), not to mention, it’s a huge plot point in it. But going back to a/l, yeah i think they don't care about delivering a proper endgame, or worse, actually think this is how you write and develop an endgame. Lance didn't even get to have a proper confession, the freakin mice did it for him, and i know some people believe that that's because lance and allura won't end up together, but c’mon, its pretty obvious since s5 that they will. They don’t care how they get to their relationship (which shows) as longs as they do get to it. So here are some of my predictions for s8:
At this point, i’m pretty sure we'll get a scene of allura confessing her sudden feelings and lance will be surprised and either they'll get together in that moment or later in the season. I’m also sure that they'll share a kiss and that’s why they put so much emphasis on the lotura kiss, to compare them. I’m also sure that since the writers don't care about lance, that his 'emotional scene' that jeremy talked about, will be about something happening to allura (he's already on earth, his family is with him and safe, so unless it's about him snapping at the team for always thinking so little of him, which i doubt they'll ever address the way they treat him and how he feels on the show, then the only option left is allura). Haggar is now the villain and it would only make sense for allura (or shiro) to go against her like in s2 (tho shiro didn't even get to kill sendak so idk, maybe they'll have allura fight her, get hurt and then lance kills haggar and has that emotional moment which is making me sick just thinking about it). I’m sure allura will get hurt somehow and lance will cry blah blah blah she'll wake up (maybe it will even parallel ep1s6) and they'll kiss or something.
I’m also sure that the alteans will get back safe and probably live on earth, that way, they can make allura be with lance without him leaving his family.
I’m also sure that all this stuff about lance being compared to alfor, including the sword scene, only served one purpose and one purpose only, to make him be with her. In fact, i’m sure that that's how they're gonna solve his insecurities problem/arc (bc voltron just loves lazy writing, they're worse than a third grader). They'll be like 'oh so now you're with the princess of altea and you're a king or something so no more insecurities for you'. They'll probably have a coronation, and that's why they have always only been calling her princess instead of queen and lance will probably be by her side, which, let’s just take a minute and think about him with that role. Look, i love lance a lot, he's my fav character but that boy is not made to rule. Has he matured?? yes, a lot actually, and he has shown multiple times that he is great at leading the team, but being a king is way much more than that. Lance would be great at all the social stuff, no doubt, but there's all the diplomatic stuff too, and he has no interest in that. Also, being a king wouldn't solve his insecurities... it would just numb them i guess. Maybe it would bring even more insecurities bc that's a big role to fill in, and lance suddenly having to fill in alfor shoes...yeah i don't think this would be good for him. Not to mention it would be as a prize. He needs to understand that even if he can't be the leader, that doesn't mean he's not good at something or doesn't have a role. He's still needed. But i keep talking about this as if allura would suddenly rule earth when i think they're just gonna make her live there among them with no actual role of a queen and just the title idk. 
Going back to the keith and lance relationship, i’m also sure that they're gonna make keith the galra emperor, when...kolivan is right there trdyfughi. I hate that concept with my whole being and that would only damage his and lance's relationship even more instead of fixing that problem. I mean, we've been seeing lance upset about keith leaving and now keith leaves for good to be the emperor?? how would that solve anything??! I’m not saying they need to live together lmao but don't just take keith away like that and shove him in another planet, which, let’s be honest here, keith would be the worst emperor. And again, yes, keith has grown and matured a lot, and he is a great leader to the team...but it’s one thing leading a group of teenagers, which btw are your friends, and another, leading a race of violent, addicted aliens that are very small minded and thrive on violence. And sure, they could pull a move of 'keith will show them that violence isn't the answer' but still?? it’s still shitty. Not to mention, keith is great at leading in battle, but as an actual emperor that deals with diplomatic and social stuff, yeah he would suck at it. And maybe that's why they're pairing him up with acxa, to make her fill in those voids. So yeah, i’m sure they're gonna make keith the emperor (that would continue is never ending leadership arc) with acxa by his side, living far away from the team (because the writers love pointing out how keith is the loner) and probably never speaking to them again (which btw, ruins all his arc of finding a family, and not being the lone wolf anymore, of belonging somewhere) and that’s why in the gameshow ep, lance said 'so i think he's like...the future' because it foreshadows emperor keith (they could make shiro go with him, i’m sure those nasty sh/eith shippers would be over the moon, since now there's nothing holding shiro back on earth bc they just killed adam like that, and shiro does love space and does give off that energy that that's where he belongs but idk. And don’t come at me, but it makes way more sense for shiro to be ruling alongside allura, it’s what makes more sense in sense of story, plot and his character too.) 
And lastly, i’m also sure that the paladins will retire and the team on earth will be the new paladins (which to me, also sucks, voltron just be really making a bingo on the worst endings for the show)...anyway, i had to vent so yeah.
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nudibutch · 3 years
Do u have recommendations for who to talk to about discovering you might be a stone femme? And also how to talk about that with your partner who is definitely not stone? I've been avoiding thinking about it lol but I really think I might be a stone femme and idk why it makes me so nervous, I think bc a lot of ppl have negative views of stone femmes. But yeah do u have blog recs for ppl to talk to about that? I'd rlly appreciate it!!
anon 🥺 i adore stone femmes so much and love what they give to this world. i want to reiterate that you are not selfish or greedy or uncaring for being stone. stone femmes love and offer so much it's indescribable. thank you 💖
the stone femme community on here is amazing. if you're a stone femme blog please feel free to like/rb/reply to this post for anon's reference if you wish. ima give a personal shoutout to my stone femme bestie, mel, aka @loveheartfemme who has a GREAT tagged archive of all things femme. there's some posts in that archive about being stone. mel if you have a specific post where you discuss or know of a post that discusses stone femme discovery, pls feel free to add it here bestie xoxo
as far as talking to your partner about it - stone femmes, please feel free to weigh in. i know the initial perception of stone femme is a lot different than stone butch, so i'm not sure if i could offer the same advice. but as a stone butch i can relate on the fact that it's nerve-wracking and scary to even think about bringing it up to someone, so i understand why you're nervous. but what is important for your partner to know is that this is a possibility for you - that you think you're uncomfortable giving - and discussing what you'd prefer to try while exploring this identity is important for you and your comfort.
mel would probably have better insight. when i try to describe this boundary for myself, i often say that it makes me filled with dread, it makes me panic at the idea of receiving. and most people really want to respect that. i know there's a lot of negativity about stone femmes out there, but i think people are more willing to understand than the internet likes us to think. ❤️
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