#pas un
dazeofcoral · 4 months
FC dit populaires...
parfois, je prends une tête bien connue, c'est rare mais ça m'arrive. et tout de suite on me fait regretter mon choix. parce que les demandes de liens, surtout les plans c*ls et les demandes pour un lien love seulement et uniquement parce que la tête de mon personnage plaît, ça me les brise. faut aller vous faire soigner parce que fantasmer sur des acteurs/chanteurs à tel point que vous demandez des liens pareils et des rps hot, surtout ça hein, mais sans même avoir été lire la fiche du personnage ça donne vraiment pas envie de rester sympa, vous croyez qu'on se casse la tête à construire un personnage pour qu'en face ça prenne même pas la peine de lire le caractère en venant demander un p*tain de lien love ? ça fait 50 000 fois qu'on vous le fait savoir qui faut arrêter ça.
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secondbeatsongs · 1 year
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fibrefox · 1 year
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Paused King of the Hill on an interesting frame
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facts-i-just-made-up · 2 months
Magritte goes to tumblr:
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gay-impressionist · 22 days
i can't believe macron just nominated a prime minister from a party that has 8% of the seats at the national assembly. i mean i can because he's the worst but. 8%. there are three coalitions that have more seats than that.
he just. threw suprise elections then refused to nominate a PM for two months... only to appoint someone from the party who came 4th. someone who's 73yo and the most stereotypical right-wing politician you could dream of. even though the left-wing coalition got the most votes.
fucking bullshit.
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bakedbakermom · 2 months
saying ao3 needs to censor certain content is like saying a museum can't have still life art that includes strawberries because you don't like them.
these are not real strawberries. you do not have to, and in fact cannot, eat them. no one with a strawberry allergy will be harmed by looking at them. no migrant workers were exploited in the picking of these strawberries. there were no questionable farming practices or negative environmental impacts from growing or transporting them.
because - and i cannot stress this enough - they are not real strawberries.
if you don't like strawberries, you don't have to look at the paintings. in fact, you can get a map of the museum that lists what works are in what rooms and just. not go in there. if you see one by mistake, you can look away. just keep walking. there's plenty of other stuff to see.
yes, real strawberries can cause real quantifiable harm to real people.
but again. these are not real strawberries.
you may have whatever feelings you like about strawberries, and so can i. you can draw and write about whatever fruit floats your boat, and so can i, even if that happens to be strawberries. and we can hang our art side by side in the same gallery, provided you understand that my strawberries are not about you (and your kumquats are, shocker, not about me) and that - and this is true - neither are real.
and when the fascists break down the doors and grab all the strawberry paintings and heap them in the street and set them on fire, please know that they are coming for your kumquats next.
so if you want a place where you can show off your beautiful kumquat art safely, you're gonna have to tolerate having some strawberries in the next room.
and that's okay. because the strawberries aren't real.
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girafeduvexin · 3 months
You wouldn't last an hour in the asylum where they raised me
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h/t Fipi Lele
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[Image ID: A multicolored sunburst background. Exuberant block caps spell out “NOW THAT’S WHAT I CALL.” Below it is Magritte’s pipe from “The Tyranny of Images.” Beside the pipe are the cursive words “une pipe” from the same painting.]
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hedgehog-moss · 5 months
May I respectfully observe that the blueberry tart ethics agonies is a wonderful candidate for 'tell me you're French without telling me you're French' scenario? The combination of philosophical gymnastics and patisserie is just....magnifique!
😂 Trying to think of how to make this scenario more French... like if our Parliament started weirdly intense debates to legislate on this niche issue as a way to distract from more important problems and came up with a law hated by the left and the right somehow, and/or the minister of the Interior declared that anyone buying two slices of pie without a written attestation (that you must write yourself to give yourself permission to buy pie) will be arrested, and he uses a worryingly loose and inexplicably racist definition of "pie", and Parisians started burning stuff by force of habit which led Macron to try and calm things down by a) making Announcements, b) giving a 2.5 hour TV speech no one watches in which he says "Let me be very clear" 5 times and "Whether you like it or not" 10 times, c) promising to organise a Great National Debate on blueberry pie ethics which prompts newspapers to write enthusiastic headlines because they never learn, and which goes utterly nowhere
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tealviscaria · 3 months
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Je veux son vêtement
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trashlord-watson · 3 months
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ready for tomorrow 👌
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mistexpi · 3 months
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30 Juin & 7 Juillet, oubliez pas de VOTER !
✨ Tu retrouves pas ta carte électeur ? > Tu peux simplement voter en présentant ta carte d'identité !
✨ Tu sais pas dans quel bureau tu dois voter ? > Cherche "bureau de vote" sur le site service-public.fr , puis la page "Liste électorale, bureau de vote… : comment vérifier son inscription ?"
✨ Tu penses qu'on est pas à une voix près ? > Pour les législatives, chaque voix peut compter, la dernière fois ça s'était joué à quelques voix près dans certains endroits 😮
✨ Tu penses que voter ça sert à rien/que tous les politiques puent ? > En vrai, c'est quand même mieux de mettre toutes les chances de son côté plutôt que de faire le tri ? ✌️ Voter empêche pas de continuer à faire tout le reste à côté ❤️‍🔥
(et oui les politiques puent et la gauche est loin d'être parfaite et y a des bonnes têtes à claques, mais le programme est un bon début et on sera là pour leur foutre la pression 🔥 )
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pastlight · 9 months
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gay-impressionist · 22 days
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fidjiefidjie · 2 months
Quelques pas de danse ... 👌
Una giornata particolare 🎬 d'Ettore Scola avec Marcello Mastroianni et Sophia Loren
👋 Bel après-midi
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blacknarcissus · 2 months
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Greta Garbo in Camille (1936)
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