#passionate rant
bimbusbobus · 8 months
I can see on your profile about things you like one of them is Deltarune chapter 1 but what about chapter 2?
Deltarune chapter 1 is an incredible, beautiful, and really cozy game that I have an extremely deep emotional connection with. It’s a wonderful story that just ticks every single box in my head, and I always get a nice warm feeling when I think about it. It has my favorite music. It has my favorite characters. It has Susie and Ralsei’s near-perfect chemistry (they work so well off of each other). It has SUSIE’S FREAKIN’ CHARACTER ARC. It has the freakin’ “Field of Hopes and Dreams” song, my favorite music track out of anything ever. Its story is something I constantly think back to, something that left me as a changed person by the end. Something that I will never forget for as long as I live. There’s so much more than that, and honestly, there’s just no contest. I know no one else in the world feels this way, but… Deltarune chapter 1 is my favorite thing ever.
Deltarune chapter 2 is a phenomenal game that I do not feel emotional about at all. It’s hilarious. It’s got Spamton, the Queen, Noelle, you name it. But none of these characters, nor the areas, nor the music, really made me FEEL as much as chapter 1 did.
That’s all I have to say about that, though. It’s pretty tough for me to ramble about stuff I’m not passionate about. Plus, if I talked any more it’d just be a bunch of half-hearted nitpicks, so…
Deltarune chapter 1 is love, Deltarune chapter 1 is life.
🎵Don’t forget… I’m with you in the dark.
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verosvault · 1 year
My Love for D&D
‼️‼️LONG POST‼️‼️
I first got into D&D in the year 2020. I got into it through an online friend of mine who told me about "Critical Role".
I was obsessed with "Critical Role" for some time, and my obsession with the show unfortunately kinda- died out because I just simply ran out of time to even watch the show. Considering the length of the episodes and just of the campaigns in general. I really loved it though!
But I went back to consuming TV show content. The stuff I was really familiar with. You know, I was watching my favorites..."Criminal Minds", "Supernatural", "The Vampire Diaries", "Locke & Key", "Stranger Things", etc... The list goes on an on...
But in September of 2022, my love for D&D resurfaced and came to hit me TWICE as hard with the show "Dimension20"!
Now I'm telling you right now. I have now been into Dimension20 for a little bit more than a year, and I've BARELY gone back to watch my REGULAR TV shows. It's-...Dimension20 CHANGED me and the way that I view TV. Dimension20 really is like NO OTHER....just D&D live-play shows in general just HIT a spot that normal TV just...DOESN'T????
I honestly don't even FULLY know how to explain it!
I'd be watching Dimension20 and then try to go to watch "Supernatural" and I'd just make a gross face because "Supernatural"...as MUCH as I LOVE IT and IT'S ONE OF MY ALL-TIME FAVORITE SHOWS! It's NOT COMPLETELY IMPROVISED!!!
I know that the main thing that really got me excited and giddy when it came to regular cinema and TV was being able to find and spot all the improvised moments from the actors that WEREN'T scripted!! Watching those scenes made me SO HAPPY and EXCITED because it's like- these people were REALLY IN-CHARACTER and were able to say something off-the-cuff that got accepted into the final cut because of how GOOD it was!
BUT! I NEVER IMAGINED that there was a type of show where THE ENTIRE THING was just FULLY IMPROVISED AND OFF-THE-CUFF! I think THAT'S what REALLY makes me GLISTEN EVERY TIME I watch a D&D show! There are SO MANY GOOD, RAW MOMENTS that feel SO FREAKING REAL!! But IT'S FULLY IMPROVISED! They didn't DO 20 DIFFERENT TAKES of ONE SCENE! They weren't reading from a script or a teleprompter! They were just...BEING THEIR character that they HAD MADE! And of course no one else could...RePLace(?) them because...they're the one that MADE the character! There's NO other person that could play a character that they had made other than...themSELF?!
Like...in normal TV, You have people getting replaced CONSTANTLY! 1 Example being like...Willy Wonka having like- 3 different actors. Riz Gukgak from "Fantasy High". Only Murph could TRULY play him because he MADE that character! Riz IS Murph to an EXTENT! You know what I mean??
Anyways...that whole idea of the improvisation that happens at a D&D table is...it's something that REALLY makes me PERSONALLY believe that D&D Live-Play shows are the best shows to ever exist. XD Again...that's just my VERY BIASED opinion! LOL!
But it's just-...The FACT that you can STILL get the REAL, RAW, TRUE emotion that you get from watching scripted TV in an UNSCRIPTED D&D Game where people are ROLLING DICE is CRAZY TO ME! But it's---
Another thing is like...you are PRESENT with the PLAYERS?!!! Like- when the Players are scared, YOU'RE scared. When the Players are sad, YOU'RE sad. When the Players are happy, YOU'RE happy! It's- It's a WHOLE OTHER experience! I feel like I don't get that with normal TV. Usually the actor isn't worried about the character before the scene happens because they USUALLY know how the scene will play out BEFOREHAND! They're not FULLY IN the moment? If that makes any sense? Like I know that sometimes the directors and stuff will keep stuff away from the actors but ya know- The actors gotta know at some point...ya know...BEFORE the scene gets filmed! They gotta know what they do before the action happens ya know? That's how TV works
But with D&D...Players DON'T know what's going to happen. They're at the SAME wavelength AS their character! They truly have no clue. They're playing a character and they might know what their characters will do in CERTAIN MOMENTS...but like- They fully don't know what's happening in each scene UNTIL it happens! That's what Improv is basically...
Like...When I was watching Dimension20 "A Crown of Candy"- like- no spoilers but- when the INTENSE moments were happening, I COULD FEEL it in my ROOM! I wasn't even in the SAME ROOM AS the players! But I could feel that intensity IN MY ROOM as it was happening and going down! I was TRULY SWEATING! XD
Because NOT ONLY do the players NOT KNOW what's going to happen...NEITHER does the DM!!! LOL! It's like a Director plotting a whole movie, but he doesn't know what's going to happen fully! That's how I see it! It's just- IT'S SO COOL TO WATCH D&D just HAPPEN!!
And that's the thing is like- Another example. "Fantasy High Sophomore Year". Again...no spoilers but that whole season is ALL THEATER OF THE MIND! It's all just WORDS BEING EXCHANGED AT A TABLE BETWEEN 7 PEOPLE! THAT'S LITERALLY ALL IT IS! But I LITERALLY HAVE MOMENTS IN MY BRAIN THAT I LITERALLY FEEL LIKE I SAW HAPPEN DURING THAT SEASON! Like...It's ALMOST like my BRAIN ANIMATED FANTASY HIGH FOR ME! In a way! Like it's- It's legit like a MOVIE getting MADE INSIDE MY MIND!! It's CRAZY! It's BONKERS! Bananas! I truly get shocked at what my brain does whenever I'm watching D&D! It feels like a fever dream tbh for real! And I just thought that my brain was doing that because we were seeing the battle sets but NO! It happens ESPECIALLY WHEN THERE ARE NO BATTLE SETS TO SEE AT ALL! It's KINDA SCARY! NGL! XD LOL! It be like an audio book except the author and the characters have NO CLUE what's about to happen! Agh! I LOVE IT SO MUCH! TRULY THE ONLY FORM OF MEDIA THAT CAN HAVE ME ON THE EDGE OF MY SEAT THE WHOLE FREAKING TIME! I'll be on the EDGE of my SEAT ONE SECOND, AND THEN CRYING FROM EMOTIONS IN THE NEXT! It's- AHHHHHH!!! My LOVE for this GAME! IT'S SO HARD TO PUT INTO WORDS!!!
Ever since I was a kid, I've ALWAYS wanted a game where I could do ANYTHING I wanted to! I was always NEVER able to find it...until I did...and it's CRAZY how long it has EXISTED for that I DIDN'T know about it! Lol! It's-
I got no words left...I'm in awe- I can't even speak-
I LOVE this game TOO MUCH!
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mysteriouspenguin29 · 2 years
in the trash that where he belong
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this is what they should of done through him in the nearest trash bin
if you can’t read it says where roach Jaskier: here
where Yennefer Jaskier: here
where gerlat
Jaskier: where he fucking belongs
as you can see he in the trash
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norbookish · 2 months
I accidentally got a bit too passionate when I was doing a uquiz and here’s what I wrote :
“I find death beautiful and I live for all the things I love. To me, love doesn't stop at people. I love to feel the sun and breeze on my skin, I love making things and I love interacting with strangers even though I'm not very good at it. I love my friends and am sad I can never see some of them face to face, but I love them nonetheless. Death and life are truly the same side of the coin and both are heartstoppingly beautiful. I am all my love and decay made flesh. Thank you.”
…the question was “who are you?”
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liesandnights · 1 year
Stop shaming people for being passionate about the things that they love. Stop mocking people for having unusual interests. Like, honestly, I’m so tired of feeling embarrassed for being "too much". If being too much means having deep interests that fill my life with romanticism and excitement, then let me be!! I’d much rather listen to anyone ranting about their latest obsession with 16th century swords than have a boring ordinary conversation with those who shame passionate people.
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my-darling-boy · 2 months
A professional in their field: we have found a very new piece of information that challenges what we knew previously about this particular subject. Evidence may suggest this new thing is possible, but it is still being investigated as it may be an incredibly multifaceted discovery and cannot be implemented into mainstream knowledge at this time until more is known
Some content creator who found out about this 5 seconds ago: DID YOU KNOW ABOUT THIS ABSOLUTE FACT???? This massively researched thing we have known about for a hundred years???? This thing YOU should know about and implement into irrevocable truth immediately??? This incredibly complex thing I stopped reading about after two sentences and thought sounded sooooo cool for a 60 second video???? PLEASE go around telling people about this in an even more watered down, one dimensional way than I am doing!!! I IMPLORE you to accept this information without any analysis whatsoever!!!!!!
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kingofwinter283 · 1 year
i actually hate talisa maegyr. i think her whole plot with robb was so stupid. like in the books robb’s marriage with jeyne is this tragic situation that’s really a culmination of the stress and grief that robb has been going through and unable to truly process because he is a child trying to lead his people in a war. he gets injured and then learns that his former best friend has just betrayed him, captured his home, and killed both of his younger brothers which adds to growing list of loss in his life. his father got executed, his sisters are being held hostage, his best friend betrayed him, and now his brothers are dead. so while he’s injured and kind of being consumed by his grief, jeyne westerling is there to comfort him and they do the deed and this only makes things worse because of how robb was raised and instilled with his father’s honor, as well as seeing how jon was raised, robb feels compelled to marry jeyne to preserve HER honor which ends up being his downfall. but nooooo in the show robb falls in love with foreign beauty talisa maegyr and dies because he’s an idiot and couldn’t keep it in his pants. like don’t get me wrong i love robb’s scenes in the show richard madden call me i just think the story could have been so much better and been true to the tragedy that it is in the books.
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bibliophilliqueee · 1 year
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keytomind · 2 months
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The passion in my head is too much at times. My senses become aroused as I get turned on by some of the simplest things. It can be the morning sunrise, or a happy dog walking past my front door, or the perfect dress as it falls flat and hugs the curves of the most beautiful female body. It can be a lovely couple, lost in the noise and alive in each other’s presence. It can be the smile of a harmless elderly man or woman who just wants to be seen. It can be the way a horse gallops across the farmland with the sun shining on its immaculate coat. It can be a child smiling at the color of a crayon. I swear it is too much at times.
The passion in my head would suffocate many of the people in my life. It is too much for the average person who chooses to harmlessly “go with the flow” without a fucking care in this world. Where they see nothing, I see beauty, honor, grace, humility, intelligence, confidence - I see a palate of emotions that have the ability to overwhelm me at any given moment. I cry at a meaningless scene in some Netflix-produced garbage that might make others laugh, at most. I become philosophical to meaningless questions that don’t even graze the surface of another’s ethos. I question the questions because I know that roots run deep and most are afraid to dig because they are afraid of what they might discover, and I yearn to get my hands dirty. I swear it is too much at times.
The passion in my head makes me believe that my talents are going to waste. I was meant to be a husband, a lover, a father, a good man, and I am sadly none of these things with the exception of the latter. I wish to be a protector to a beautiful woman who is as mad for me as I am for her. I wish to romance her in ways that she thought men were no longer capable of. I wish to give her the family that she never thought that she could have or that she deserves. I wish to teach her things about herself that she never knew or believed. Some women think that they need to be broken, but I only wish to set her free. There is nothing to break except for my heart. I swear it is too much at times.
The passion in my head is incredibly difficult for me to put into words. How does one explain what a simple glance from an attractive woman can do to me? A smile can inspire me to burn cities to the ground if it means to keep her safe and to call her mine. A touch… a touch can make my life flash before my eyes and leave me asking myself if this is who I have been waiting for all this time. Just her attention alone that makes me think that I am the only man in the world that she adores could inspire me to do anything required to earn her love. I want to read to her and make up voices for each character. I want to cook for her and feed her from my fork and spoon. I want to smack her and bite her ass every time she is making a cup of tea in her underwear because the sight of her flesh makes me as hungry as a starving fat kid. I want to wash, brush, and untangle her hair as I hug her waist from behind and randomly pepper her neck with soft kisses because I can’t fucking get enough of her. It is too fucking much at times.
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The passion in my head might kill me some day, but is there any better way to live? It sounds like a glorious death if you ask me. It can be exhausting to go through life this way, but I am blessed to feel something rather than to feel nothing at all. I want life to matter and I want to give a damn, no matter how many times I may say otherwise. I want to give her the life that she has convinced herself that she doesn’t deserve. Passion is the fuel of life, and I wouldn’t have any it any other way. I can handle it. 🖤🖤
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canthandlethishit · 6 months
prompt: spiderman x batfam au
peter has been residing in gotham for a while now, he managed to gather up materials to make a spidersuit and started his vigilantism a couple months ago. for 3 reasons: 1. the bats try their best but with Gotham’s insane amount of crime happening at all times they’d need the aid, 2. peter missed this, he missed the drops and swings, the bubbly feeling inside every time he’d managed to help someone, 3. peter could use the extra cash from selling spiderman’s pictures to the Daily Bungle
he’d started attending Gotham’s university and got recruited into the photography club, met Tim Drake, started hanging out and discussing the angles and lighting, the art of taking action shots, the morality and legality of vigilantism—huh
Tim found out peter was the one photographing Spiderman, he thought he finally found someone like him, someone who’s invested in vigilantes and photographing (stalking) them, he’s over the moon for it, they share photography (stalking, on Tim’s part) tips
Peter thought his friend was really passionated (obsessed) with vigilantes, a fanboy, he teases Tim about it, and sputtered when Tim retaliated with his Spiderman obsession. Tim’s a Gothamite, its normal to be obsessed with the Bats.
[space for you to go with & or / with their relationship]
*the reveal*
Peter: I’m sorry I kept it from you I—
Peter: I— wait…what?
Peter: yk I thought you’d be more hung up on me being a vigilante than the pictures
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I miss people using non-medicalized terms for other people's passions
like. well and good to talk about "hyperfixations," "special interests [in the context of an autistic person's favorite subject]," or "infodumping" if you have ADD/ADHD or autism, or are talking about someone who is, but...that's not everyone who feels strongly about something, obsesses, or loves talking about their interests. those words mean specific things, associated with specific forms of neurodivergence
don't assume everyone is comfortable with that language
"rambling" is a word; so is "ranting." "obsession" is a word. "passion" is a word. learn them and use them
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arthursfuckinghat · 5 months
Arthur has had a lot of bad close encounters, like Sonny, but sometimes I think we don't talk enough about the whole Edmund Lowry Jr thing.
Arthur was stalked by an absolutely terrifying sadistic serial killer and led to his hideout via multiple mutilated bodies and cryptic clues placed across high traffic areas on the map.
If you choose to find Lowry in his hideout, you will see a gruesome display of many body parts and carcasses strung up like christmas decorations all over the place. Arthur will get knocked out by Lowry after venturing in further and tied to the ground, he will then threaten and taunt Arthur with a knife once he wakes up.
This all happens in the span of like five minutes, and how did Arthur escape? He had to throw a severed head that was on the ground next to him at Lowry. And if being stalked, knocked out, kidnapped, threatened, exposed to a gross display of mutilated bodies, tied up and examined like a piece of meat wasn't enough, Arthur had to save Sheriff Malloy from getting his face bitten off by that sick freak too.
I mean, holy fuck right?
The only justice was being able to shoot Lowry, but he had killed so many people and he took pride in that, shooting wasn't enough. Sadistic is honestly an understatement, it's shown through newspaper clippings in the hideout that he enjoyed toying with his victims for long periods of time before murdering them. An article by the missing poster for a woman named Eliza Bloom in his basement stated that he enjoys his victims like 'trophies' - And Arthur was scarily close to becoming another one of them.
Unsurprisingly, he didn't write about the encounter in much detail.
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"Found the murderer, man named Edmund Lowry. Took him into the sheriff in Valentine after he nearly killed me. He jumped the sheriff. I killed him. Nasty bastard he was."
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looney-mooney-studio · 2 months
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I know Lezah is dead. I KNOW. But her last name is Sllew and she SLAYS. I want to give her apple juice and trail mix with extra raisins in it as a snack break from breaking convention regulations
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mysteriouspenguin29 · 2 years
my  favorite sponge-bob episode
i love spongebob it my favorite show i watched in pretty religiously when we had cable yes i notice the drop in quality you can go on and on how sponge-bob is not good anymore  but i really don’t give a crap i will always love him.
i heard people talk about their favorite it mostly band geek which is great but it not my favorite. it been a while since i seen my favorite so i can’t remember the name but it was just fucked with my mind as kid watching it, it became my favorite.
the episode is where bikini bottom is so fucking windy, that it causing problem. jelly fish are  terrifying sponge-bob cause he make such  a pleasant sound  to the point where he has to hid in a cave, he make these stone statue of him to make the jelly fish leave him and once he do he goes back to the krusty krab. the big fucking twist the krusty krab is gone buried in sand from the windy I’m guessing Spongebob just ask how long was i gone? it just cut to some-else.
now you  may be asking why is it my favorite when i saw i had so many damn question  i saw no one asking how long was spongebob gone, is everyone he ever dead or did they move somewhere else it just never explained. the horror of sponge-bob to realize he been gone for so long that everything he ever knew is gone, the people sponge-bob knew are dead mostly likely  it just so dark of ending just to cut to some else
no one realize how dark this ending was? some say the one where he hide a body is dark it is, the are you happy is just dark but it meant to be taken as a joke. one course meal was dark too but i can’t say no of them is this kind of dark. really think about it for a moment sponge-bob is in this cave alone, it kind implied he going crazy from self isolation for a long time. he figure the problem out only to go back to see the krusty krab it covered in sand, it never said what happened to everyone for we know their fucking dead. Bikini bottom is gone too probably though never said but if the krusty krab is gone then it too is gone too. it so fucking dark i love it
you can say oh it just mean and cruel which yeah i guess, but i see episode that are fucking mean and crueler then this the one were squidward reads sponge-bob diary and torment  him with his weird fear to have no justice in the end of sponge-bob, do we remember how cruel one course meal was!? dear god worst episode by far i seen. then there are you happy which make a fucking suicide joke dear god another one i hate. i know people feel sorry for squidward the  most cause he suffer with sponge-bob annoying behavior, but he has done some really awful thing to him like the april fool one and the diary one while squid-ward has probably suffered the most sponge-bob suffer as equally
what i’m trying to get at there be much crueler thing then this one. it doesn’t really come off as joke to me as some of the other do. it kind of to me at lest to be horrifying and shocking like sponge-bob did i just really like it it one my favorites
i also like the one where sponge-bob become “normal” then the ending to be squid-ward become the normal one was fucking hilarious though i do have some problem i see Spongebob as coded to autistic i see some of my autistic treat in him that maybe why i like him so much i saw me in him. i didn’t even know until i was 18 that i was on this spectrum i had to live without knowing that long.  Spongebob will be autistic to me  cause he has some my traits. to be told to be”normal” is something i often people say about other autistic people when their acting “weird” or the often say “what wrong with you?” is said to thankfully i never heard that toward me cause i guess i hide so much or mask i think it called. anyway for Spongebob who i see is Autistic to be told  be normal for once
it kind hurt me to hear that at the time and i didn’t know why, that when i didn’t know about my Autism. 
anyway wasn’t this suppose to be about my favorite sponge-bob episode? not how autistic people are treated like crap
i love sponge-bob honestly i just have found memory from getting back from school mental excused from being bullied to watch this silly little man do wacky stuff with his friend. just kind of forgetting what happen to me almost
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spiderpawzsys · 2 months
WHY do people hate the ninjago movie like it's the bane of their existence?? "They ruined the characters and their arcs!" "it caused babyfication of Jay!" "The characters are way too different!" "they completely ignored the story of the sho-"
BECAUSE IT'S A FUCKING AU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
LISTEN to me very CLOSELY for what I'm about to tell you. You see the words AU?? ALTERNATE. UNIVERSE. IT MEANS the WORLD and the PEOPLE in it are DIFFERENT because it's an ALTERNATE UNIVERSE. Jay wouldn't have gotten his arcs from s6 BECAUSE S6 NEVER HAPPENED HERE. I agree they didn't need to dumb him down to 1 of his character traits, but it's clear he's not a softie uwu baby like PEOPLE claim he is. He goes deeper than that. In fact I'll say he's one of the bravest fucking characters in the movie.
and then the fact that they ignored the story of the SHOW. Sure, I get that some people would have preferred a movie abt the show verse, I expected that too when I was in the theatre's, but how is 9 year old me gonna handle the fact that they did something different with a different world better than some of the adults in the Fandom? Ya'll fucking LOVE aus and making them until the Canon tries it because you didn't get your little dream movie. Appreciate it for what it is and what it tried to do, because if this AU was fan-made ik a ton more people would've ate that shit up
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xia0ming56 · 9 months
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Hated that last episode so i drew this to convince myself i liked it
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