#passive aggressive mcs my beloved
zedanrose · 8 months
Yuu should be guilt tripping the other dorm leaders way more often, as a little treat
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exilethegame · 11 months
if The Exile were a party system rpg-style video game, what would some of the characters voice lines in battle be? Like, if they won, or a companion went down, or a romanced Commander went down, or they got healed or something?
:))))) I had fun doing this.
For MC being down it's: platonic /romantic, and for healing it's: in need of healing/after being healed.
Vethna: MC's Down: "Ma Vysna! Hold on!" / "Tyrat'ri-- hold on, damn it! We've made it this far, haven't we?" In need of healing: "I need to heal!" / "Thank... you..." Victory: "And I thought Vygrand was violent."
Nikke: MC's Down: "Shit--! MC's down..." / "Hell no. Get back up, MC! You're not dying on me today." In need of healing: "Hey, uh, I don't think I'm supposed to be bleedin' from there. Am I supposed to be bleedin' from there?" / "Ah, yes-- the sweet satisfaction of cheating death... again." Victory: "You'd think they'd get the memo to stop trying to kill us by now, huh?"
Jost: MC's Down: "You're not supposed to take 'break a leg' literally, you know!" / "MC! You're okay-- you are okay, alright-- ? Just... stay there!" In need of healing: "I know you can see I need healing right now..." (said in the most passive aggressive manner ever) / "Ah, that feels good..." Victory: "F*ckers."
Amilia: MC's Down: "No! Stay there, MC, I'm coming!" / "No! MC!" (But it sounds like she's about to burst into tears) In need of healing: "In need of some help here. Now!" Followed by silence and then, a much quieter and polite: "... please?" / "Thanks..." (said with exhaustion) Victory: "I just love restoring harmony into the world." (Said very cheekily) OR, if the enemy is an animal: "I wish we didn't have to do that..."
Sabir: MC's Down: "MC! Get back up, damn it!" / "I'm coming, beloved. Hold on!" In need of healing: "Not to cause alarm, but I do have reason to believe I am on the brink of death." / "Ah, thank you. I'm a few steps from the precipice now, at least!" Victory: "... does anyone know how to get blood out of silk... ? ... no?"
Syfyn: MC's Down: "Stay down, MC-- I'll see it's done." / "NO!" (but screamed in the most utterly gut wrenching way ever in a mix of pure rage and utter terror) In need of healing: "We're taking too many hits here!" / "Thanks." Victory: "..." (She's cool and strong and silent. Maybe just like a small "humph" occasionally?)
Freedom: I feel like Freedom would be an RO that isn't a companion, ya know? Like you can't go out on missions with them but they're still part of the "main crew," and maybe they have a couple of special missions you tag along for. MC's Down: "That is... an inconvenience." / "Breathe, beloved. I will not let you fall so easily." In need of healing: "My body feels... weak...?" / "... odd." Victory: "Eugh-- their corpses already stink. Can we go now?"
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queenofallimagines · 8 months
Omg hello!! I just read your devotee headcanons(they were all amazing I loved them) for the brothers and I just wanted to ask if you could do one for guardian angel simeon???in my religion we believe that every person has a guardian angel so imagine how funny it would be when you come down to the devildom and simeon is like :o it's you!!
Certainly beloved!💕 I think this one might be the longest😭
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- unlike the others, notices right off the bat
- He’s been assigned to you since before birth like come on he could recognize you by just an eyelash
- Will be slightly hurt if you don’t recognize him
- “You don’t remember me?🥺 but I sing you a lullaby when you were 2”
- Sir…. Please be serious, that’s like 3 seconds of memory
- Will passive aggressively push for you to move in with him in purgatory hall
- Lucifer is exhausted because he’s always there
- “You act like you LIVE here. Go back to YOUR dorms!”
- “Bold of you to think I would leave MY precious, amazing human here will all of you unsupervised”
- He’s not about to stop being clingy neither
- Sharing old stories at student coy meetings like you have got to stop him before he gets out a photo album 😭
- Scolds you like a parent
- “I know you’re now doing what you shouldn’t be”
- Luke is your honorary baby brother
- Will ask Luke to watch you like he’s tall enough to reach the microwave
- “Luke I’ll be back in a minute make sure they don’t have any more sweets”
- Like you’re literally grown💀please tell him to back off a little or this will get worse
- When he realizes he’s falling for you in a way Guardian Angels shouldn’t. He panics
- This the same shit Lilith did
- And he got demoted for just AGREEING with Lucifer about the war
- Hides it like he’s gonna take it to the grave, especially from Luke
- You notice he starts avoiding you a little and will lie through his teeth that he’s just feeling a little under the weather
- Lucifer peeped game though, and he’s like yeah absolutely NOT
- he’s not letting anything else happen to any more of his Family
- Will lock your ass up until he gets Simeon alone to have a talk with him
- Like you now have a curfew 😭
- Listen…. He would tear apart the entire exchange program over lesson 16,,,,
- Like y know how Diavolo said Simeon is the ONE person he doesn’t want to piss off?
- Yeah it’s like inconsolable now
- In any timeline any life any dimension he will feel you’re endanger
- In like Bible canon they really can’t help unless god gives them the okay so they’re often times forced to watch the one they were bound to protect suffer
- But this is the devildom and he don’t really got eyes down here. So who’s to stop him from coming to your aid??
- Even though you’re “technically” okay he’s still like not having it
- As soon as it happens he feels a sharp cold pain throughout his entire body and drops whatever he’s holding
- Struggling to remember how to breathe all he can think about is sprinting to the house of lamentation
- Busts open the doors to see you in mammon arms, and it’s like his whole world shatters
- He hears belphie laughing, and he’s never felt rage like this before
- Lucifer is fighting for his LIFE because he’s having to balance feeling grief, shock,rage, and also try to keep his brothers from going off the deep end so he’s like frozen
- Can’t think fast enough to stop Simeon from unleashing some divine punishment on this spoiled brat
- Lucifer does snatch him up because he will literally kill him in cold blood right there if he doesn’t reason with him
- Almost snaps back on Lucifer before you show up again for the intermission
- Shaking and crying with relief
- You’re gonna make him literally faint MC please😭
- Like don’t the angels use a LOT of magic to keep their emotions in check so they don’t go crazy like demons do?
- They’re having to suppress every emotion ever and dull those
- So he’s got like a couple of eons of just raw feelings pent-up beating his ass all at once
- When you explain the reveal he’s like REALLY about to throw up
- Lucifer and everyone are like feeling relief and are glad you’re okay
- Almost wants to break mammon arms for holding you and barely letting anyone else get near you
- But he’s frozen in shock too
- Lucifer side eying Simon like,,,,, me too bro, but he has NO idea how to talk to him about that?
- Settles for holding you as tight as possible and whispering a prayer into your hair for protection
- Teaches you to use your angel powers
- But doubles down on his over protectiveness
- Helicopter angel now
- Which doesn’t really mesh well with Lucifer’s attachment anxiety
- will come pick you up at random ass times and whisk you away for no reason
- Like the exam is in a month why are you studying devildom history now???
- Causing Lucifer to freak the fuck out when he does his randomly scheduled MC room check-ups
- Doesn’t even think to text you before hyperventilating
- Luckily enough, the first time you come back with Simeon attached at the hip
- Him and Lucifer have gotten into it a few times over this
- Dia is forced to call a student council meeting without you present
- You and Luke think the meeting is tomorrow and are making snacks
- he’s like okay Simeon you can’t keep doing this
- And he goes OFF
- Like this is HIS fault for not watching and protecting you
- Like if this is supposed to be for human angels and demons to coexist you’re doing a shit job
- Almost single-handedly shuts down the program by saying he will take you home and make sure they never get near you ever again
- Lucifer feeling so much guilt he can’t breathe is trying to be in his best behavior and be rational, but Simeon is relentless
- He’s talking out the side of his neck until he snaps back on some “you’re literally following in Lilith’s footsteps! Do you not think that the celestial real won’t also deal out a punishment for MC? You falling from grace isn’t the only thing on the line here.”
- It’s suddenly crickets
- Even Barbados is like 😦🫢
- He can’t even deny those allegations so he’s just like glaring at him
- Solomon steps in bc WOW this is getting crazy
- Reasons with him that because you have a pact with all of them now they CANT hurt you and you’re training under him as a sorcerer so you’ll be fully equipped to defend yourself from anything
- Simeon relents at least sitting back down in his chair
- Explains there really nobody best as a candidate for representing the three realms than you being a part of all three of them
- (Lilith when she died wasn’t an angel or a demon but something in between so in my head MC has always been all three; human demon and angel and that’s why they’re extra immune to demon magic)
- Simeon agreeing to chill out a little bit swearing if anything else ever happens to you, he wouldn’t hesitate to target whoever’s directly responsible
- Imagine how awkward the actual meeting is tomorrow 😭
- You’re having a great morning and everyone holding they breath
- Barbados my beloved is the only one who’s got enough sense and acting skills to act like nothing happened
- When you stop lord Doavolo mid-sentence to ask what the FUCK is up with these rancid vibes
- Barbatos kindly informs you that it’s the stress from a new school event that diavolo has yet to announce
- “It happens annually (lie) and it’s usually very exhausting to put together. Perhaps you can alleviate some of that for us.”
- Everyone subtlety lets out the breath they were holding seeing you so excited to help out
- Barbatos stirring the pot a little more ALSO suggests you run the maid bunny café
- Suddenly everyone forgets what the elephant in the room was and is now talking over each other
- There was no school event btw LMAO so they just had to make one up and then take three weeks to prepare for it.
- Great way to lift the spirits though✨
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insideous-beez · 2 years
Imagine a Azul x Yuu/MC dynamic where, right out the gate, Yuu is having NONE of Azul's nitpicking on debts and repayments.
Azul insists on "fair compensation" for any little favor, every second of time that could have been spent swindling some poor unfortunate soul, and how does Yuu respond?
"No. I will not pay you back because I'm a little thief. A criminal. Your time and favors have been stolen and I am not compensating you for any of them."
Azul is flustered. Flabbergasted. Frustrated and stunned that someone dare throw a wrench in his little debt-and-payment schemes lifestyle.
What's worse is how beloved Yuu is by the other dorm leaders. Usually Azul could resort to blackmail if his little guilt trips fail. But this is the Ramshackle Prefect, monster tamer and master of Overblots. If he pushed too far, Azul would quickly become calamari.
So the best he can do is ban Yuu from the Mostro Lounge.
...which only sours his mood, for some reason.
The ban doesn't last long. Jade and Floyd actually never told Yuu about the ban, much more aware of Azul's feelings than himself.
Begrudgingly, his avoidance of the Prefect turns into an acceptance of their little criminal tendencies... with some banter. You think he'd pass off on the opportunity to get their attention toss some passive-aggressive comments their way?
"Well, if it isn't the Prefect. Here to empty my pockets again?"
"Perhaps you should turn that heap of rotting wood into a ship if you intend on being a pirate."
"Ah, if it isn't everyone's favorite felon."
And each time, Yuu smiles. Azul's cheeks go red, and he can only hope it doesn't show.
It does.
Yuu also notices how he lingers
Regardless of whether it's a subdued conversation, silent time spent in each other's company, or full-out bickering. It's like Azul is reluctant to leave.
So Yuu shoots their shot.
"I'm planning a big heist" they say to Azul one day, smile full of mischief. "Since you're the target, wanna guess what I'll be stealing?"
Azul let's out a fake sigh, as always, and feigns annoyance at Yuu's schemes.
"I'd rather you just tell me."
"Aw, you're no fun," Yuu complains. Azul's heart leaps at their pout.
"Fine. Perhaps you intend to commandeer the Mostro Lounge this time?"
"Mmm, no, something more valuable than that."
What could be more valuable than the Mostro Lounge?
"Your heart. Or hearts? If you have as many as a normal octopus does. Technically I'm going to steal all of you, though. This Saturday at ten sound good?"
The merman only had one, but if he had three, they all would have stopped. His mouth hangs open in disbelief.
"I- I-"
"Alright! I'll pick you up then, Captain Calamari!"
The Prefect was going to be the death of him.
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i freaking love my gr.(she made that in mc cuz she knows i love Ms
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and this?she drew it KWKSBHS SHE DREW IT HOLY-i love her so much we're marry now that she drew my ship no one dare so say otherwise or I'll kill them(and following are my art junk that i haven't post out because i hate my life but i love the damn ship
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(Clarify this is breaking bad neta(?is this how it's called or?anyway here some gale pops(my belove
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and some clips I'm not showing the whole video cuz I'm lazy to translate it(but good thing everybody love skips
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and something i thought about a new series but....it's too controversial and my mental health is too fragile to handle passive aggressive review so i kind of just let it be a thought
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Hello! I would like to make a request with Crowley reacting to a Father's Day gift 👀
MC are too tired of the irresponsible behavior of their guardian and the chaos that is happening in the NRC, so all they can do is passive aggression
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okay this is hilarious.
Guardian! Crowley reacts to a passive-agressive father's day gift
Characters : Crowley
Gn pronouns were used.
TW : none.
Context : It's been some time since you randomly appeared at NRC. It's principal, Crowley, had quickly grown very fond of you and decided to be your guardian.
However, as odd as it sounds, most of the time it felt like you were the one responsible for him, and not the other way around.
Everyone tells you how hard it is to get accepted there, that it's a very professional and organized institution.
Yeah, you're not buying that. Just some days after you were brought here, a dorm leader literally overblotted, and a while after, yet another one did, and so on.
This institution seems to be home for chaos but is your guardian, self proclaimed bestest father, and the one in charge of the whole place doing anything about it?
Nah, he leaves his precious non-magical kid to be (the extreme and dangerous version of) a therapist for literally everyone.
You were fed up with this, but knowing Crowley, complaining wouldn't do much.
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Today's father's day.
You had thought about not gifting Crowley anything, as a way of saying "Act more like a father and maybe next year you'll get one"
But that idea made you feel like you were still the parent of this dinamic, scolding the childish one in hopes of correcting his behavior.
Isn't that exactly what you want to stop?
anyways, what should an actual young adult do in this situation?
Yeah, being petty as hell sounds about right.
You were (again) texting your best friend about your frustrations regarding Crowley.
"hey, y/n, would you give me permission to roast your dad?"
"yeah sure."
he had. so many memes prepared for this occasion.
Most he made himself after listening to you complain about the crowdad almost daily. Yep, they were mostly inside jokes.
There was one, however, that caught your attention.
"Pfff i think I may have his father's day gift figured out"
"naaah you're not going to do that, right?"
all of a sudden this is an arts and crafts montage.
You printed the text and stuff and glued it to the thinnest piece of cardboard you could find.
You also told Idia about your idea and he let you use his 3D printer, for the sake of shitpost.
Once it was done, it looked so professional, like if you had bought it for like, 2$ at the gas station.
"5minutes b4 disaster" was the caption of an (intentionally) slightly blurry pic you posted, that showed your magnum opus.
You finally go to the principal's office.
There he is, playing some annoying mobile game that typically pops up as an ad for a relatively better game way too often.
you give him your beautifully wrapped gift.
why. does he always have to yell.
as he unwraps your gift, the smile in his faces just gets wider.
oh my god.
"YOU MADE AN ACTION FIGURE OF YOUR BELOVED DAD?? WHY! I TOTALLY DESERVE THIS!! my sweet, sweet y/n, i know see how you may feel about HAVING THE BEST DAD EVER!!"
yeah he's totally ignoring the package.
the worst part is- you're convinced he read the whole thing, but he's just delusional.
your mission has been a total failure.
The next time you go to his office, you notice the figure on his desk, next to a post-it drawing of you, looking up to the it and smiling.
there's also multiple printed pictures of you (some taken from your social media and a couple paparazzi style)
he's ... actually working on some paperwork, wow. he seems very content.
for just this time. you can let him win.
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pianocat939 · 2 years
If someone were to do a splatoon request, whats one character you're hoping they would request for?
DJ Octavi-
Idk tbh. I’m just gonna put opinions on what type of compatibility(?) they have with writing. (And assuming Yandere because this blog is basically a Yandere blog)
Callie: Energetic. I think she would be a great for the type who act all friendly and chill before suddenly snapping. For example, you’re chilling with her at like a restaurant and when the waiter asks your order she gets all passive aggressive. Next thing you know you find a dead body in her basement.
Marie: As a devoted Marie lover I have to say she’s absolutely perfect for my writing style. Her mature and mysterious vibe is 100% perfect for horror/dark themes. She’ll be calculating and precise, showing no means of weakness. Not only that, her ability to cover emotions easily makes it all the more simple for her to never be caught. You would never suspect her.
Marina: Sweet bb definitely is delusional/dependent type. She would totally cling onto you and just be a cuddly lapdog. I think right after her release from DJ Octavio her clinginess is ramped really high. She’s just so insecure with her new surroundings and is completely dependent. (You might be the first one she stumbles on at the surface and she just decides that your hers).
Pearl: Chaos. So. Much. Chaos. Girlie would blast people’s heads off with no hesitation and act like nothing’s wrong. And you can’t do anything about it either because 1. She can kill enemies easily. 2. She has a lot more power over you than you’d think. 3. She probably has a lot of connections.
Shiver (I know I’ve used she/her pronouns before but I like the JP they/them better): Manipulative 1000%. I love Shiver and all, but I think they would degrade/isolate you from everybody. They’ll make you feel self-conscious when in front of others, making you rely on them for support. They just love seeing your sad face walking up to them for affection and acceptance.
Tw: Religious themes, MC is seen as a deity’s
Frye: Worshipping. Clothes? Stolen. Friends? Given a choice of joining a cult or never be your friend again. Independence? None. She’ll do almost everything for you from cooking to buying all your clothes. She is a feral little cutie who will electrocute the living daylights out of anyone who believes you aren‘t holy.
Big man Mantarō: Bro is a huggable, innocent angel. He possibly wouldn’t do such horrible things right? Well you’re wrong. I like to name his type the end-game type. The one who will steal you away from the other at the last minute. The one who sticks by your side despite all the trouble you go through. He’s so deceiving, too pure to be considered a threat by anyone. Except one day they find their beloved MC stolen away by none other than him.
Hope this gives an insight on how I would right them.
- Celina
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utterlyinevitable · 2 years
bit of an angsty ask: how would your mc react if ethan forgot their birthday? was he planning a surprise all along or did he genuinely forget? are they hurt or are birthdays not a big deal to them? what about drake & anya? colin & pen? honestly talk to me about all your pairings and never stop please <333
E&B: Ethan Ramsey would never. The simp celebrated her birthday intern year! Tracked her down to give her a card and a kiss. If it just so happened to be Becca’s birthday and the first words out of Ethan’s mouth weren’t ‘happy birthday’ she would be a little sus. She wouldn’t make a thing out of it but Bec would definitely be over thinking that he’s up to something. And maybe he is! Or maybe he’s just messing with her! She doesn’t know and it’s driving her insane!!! Before dinner he more than makes up for it always. As much as Becca says it’s not a big deal and she doesn’t want to make her birthday a big deal it hurts when the ones you love most don’t make the effort on this particular day. Ethan knows this and always always always makes it memorable ❤️❤️❤️
E&O: once again this man would never forget his beloveds birthday. She’s his entire world anddd Odette loves her birthday. It’s always and affair that she spends months planning. Five years into their relationship she begins allowing Ethan to plan her day as a nice little treat. The only caveat is that she needs to know general idea of the plan. My girl hates not knowing things. He does try to surprise her with a day of adventure and it fails spectacularly (bc Odette will make alternate plans when she feels ignored), hence the general plan rule. It’s to keep her from herself 😂 As the years go by they begin to plan together and it becomes less of a day centered around her and a day of experiences for them.
A&D: oh poor Drake does forget her birthday - but it’s not his fault! Taking care of children and the farm is hard work! How’s he meant to remember things if she doesn’t put it on his calendar and remind him!! sweet sassy baby anya doesn’t let him get away with it. She tells him in not so many words that he’s being a dunce. Passive aggressively dropping hints in comments to the kids and staff and messaging everyone out of the group chat not to say HBD in it to mess with him further.
C&P: oh boy my heart hurts just thinking about these two ❤️‍🩹 Colin always wished Pen happy birthday on social media, as one would do with a friend person, but would never say it to her unless he physically saw her, which was only once or twice growing up. But even those messages you send acquaintances stopped with the Great Fallout. Pen never made a big deal out of her birthday because her parents never did - she was conditioned to be that way 😕 so any little acknowledgment made her feel special and meant the world (especially attention from him). As the years go by Pen’s uni mates try to make a big deal out of her birthday but the damage has already been done. And when pen and Colin begin their on/off fwb crap Colin always makes it a point to be back in her life for her birthday (he forgot about it the first yesr and so makes up for his own error every year since). Pen doesn’t want to think into it. She also prefers to shut down any and all birthday specific plans he makes for them that isn’t sex at his hotel.
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dollkichi · 2 months
HELL YEAH I CAN!! There are at least 3 or 4 MC (or at least in their own stories) Danganronpa OCs I have! Mainly for V3 cause its my favorite -w-
Roselyn Monet (Sandasu)
Ultimate Actress or Ultimate Pediatrician it depends honestly..-
Black and French, moved to Japan for business
One of the Chpt. 3 victims (found in the infirmary) (I made one appear out of thin air I'm so talented/silly)
Shes shy and jumpy, very Mikan coded pre and post-game, but in-game she's a bitch/aff!!! She's very cold and distances herself from people but if you persist enough she miight open up~ (˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ✧
Had two ships with two guys I've selfshipped with- Stage Play (Kokichi x Rose), Detective's Script/Black Rose (Shuichi x Rose) I end up using the former for videos more, but I do have quite a lot of Stage Play ones!! >w<
She actually is a part of a longgg story on her own!!
And I couldn't mention Rose without mentioning another part of her story!
Hayase Miya (Sandasu)
Lil' Ultimate Seamstress
Youngest (Has two older siblings who are twins!!)
Ultra Despair Girls!!!! Would have been a part of the WOH but I scrapped it!!
7 (But 8 now!!! Her birthday is on July 20th!!!)
While her biological family is (somewhat) alive, her adoptive ones are dead ( • ᴖ • 。)
Her adoptive parents died at her brother's hands, and she killed him out of fear and self defense technically-?
Traumatized little girl with a specialty handling needles, she's very shy and proper!!
Rose's cousin, i guess???
She miiight get adopted <3
This one isn't well known unfortunately!!!! But I still love her!!!
Sukoshi Shizukana
Ultimate Social Outcast
Specifically pops up Post-V3!!! She knows nothing and is only thrown into the loop because she's married to one of the participants tbh
Me and my platonic wife usually roleplay her and (her) Post-game Kokichi!! The married couple ever pt 1 because he loves her and she's kinda like "wtf??!?!?/pos"
They also have two sons!! Akihiko and one I haven't named yet (っ- ‸ - ς)
She's gone through...a lot.
Recovering Alcoholic and drug addict because she wants to get better for her son (her parents weren't great before they died
She's a very scared yet sweet girl underneath her rude and passive aggressive front, her talent pushes people away
She has two D.I.C.E members who are parental figures to her because she deserves it!!!! Give her good role models!!!!
And THIS is perhaps my most well-known and beloved DR OC!!!!
Ai Kegareta
Ultimate Succubus, and is a literal Succubus!!!<33
Her past, In-game and Post-game was not kind to her
Princess of the Lust Ring in hell, and the youngest of 16!!! (๑•̀ㅁ•́๑)✧
She's Kaede's half sister, but they look so alike the only things telling them apart is Ai's demonic features and her natural pink-blonde hair (ᵕ—ᴗ—)
She's a very innocent and bubbly girl!! She makes friends with everyone (or at least tries to) and believes there's good in even the worst people!!
She had a very sweet mom before she died, and was left with a shitty stepmom who hated her and abused her (¬⤙¬ ) After killing her mom since they were twins!!! (๑•̀ᗝ•́)૭
She's British this isn't important just though to drop it /silly
Ai is very shippable (my mootie and one of the lomls even selfships with her!!) But AiOuma has burrowed itself deep into my brain and nested there I cannot escape it because they're so. Fucking. Cute. But also really angsty I have way less AiOuma videos for how much this ship circles in my brain
Rantaro was also her first crush~ ♡
Ai's worst fears are losing loved ones and being replaced in any manner. So you can imagine how bad it was losing Rantaro, Kaede, Kokichi and Gonta was and having to live up to be like Kaede or up to her image (╥‸╥) Being mistaken for her sometimes also stings, she was part of the cast, yes, but she also felt like Kaede overshadowed her in a way, but never resented her for it outwardly, at least...
She's the light in any room, but the darkest shadow in her own mind.
AND THATS ALL!!!<33 Fun fact, I was listening to Kokichi x Listener ASMRs in the middle of my teacher yelling at us because Angel doesn't care about a whiny adult~ (˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶)
– 🩷🎮
THIS WAS A DELIGHTFUL READ!! Their talents are all pretty unique. I don’t think I’ve seen an ultimate pediatrician, social outcast, or succubus before. I wonder what your post game is like, definitely sounds intriguing.
What does being either the ultimate actress or ultimate pediatrician depend on? Did you just like both talents or is there another reason? Was she originally one or the other before you thought of another talent you liked? ALSO NOO RIP TO HER… making stuff appear out of thin air for ocs though is so real. Also, videos? It’s always so cool to see people creating stuff with their ocs :0
UDG OC LETS GOOO ‼️ The lil ultimate oc was such a surprise, but a good one. Poor thing, I hope she does get adopted. If no one adopts her, then I will!! (/silly)
She’s been through so much omg :(
I haven’t seen many lil ultimate ocs… probably only like three total if I count yours. People should make more lil ultimate ocs.
How did Sukoshi get the talent ultimate social outcast? Why does she only pop up Post V3?
Super curious to see how hell and demons would work in the Danganronpa universe if you ever wanna talk about that. It’s interesting how Ai is so innocent when she literally comes from hell. She’s see the worst of the worst there and yet she still thinks like that? Perhaps it’s because she’s from there that she does because she’s able to see the worst do good. I am all for the Gonta and Ai besties, Gonta deserves a friend‼️
Giggling, how did you not get in trouble for that?? Also, considering how many times that he’s been brought up in this ask, you seem to really like Kokichi. Is he one of your favorite characters?
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cantalooprat · 2 years
My Husband is Suffering from a Terminal Illness
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What I Liked
MOUSE ML there is an unlimited supply of ml compared to predatory animals but... MOUSE ML... this mr ceo qiu xing. he is such a tsundere. n also such a coward at first. he doesn't dare to openly love xie yang in the beginning bc he's gna Die n he speaks harsh words even though his heart is soft so its even sweeter later when he openly shows his heart to xie yang his yangyang hnnng sweet so sweet
xie yang op mc he's the kind of cold calculating mc whos soft to his beloved
despite the op mc n various dumb antagonists, the 175 ch actually seemed paced p well. i didn't feel particularly excited but also wasn't v bored. it was a smooth read more or less
a commenter described this as "the most passive aggressive love plot i've ever read" and like. i lowkey agree w that lmao
What I Disliked
not rly dislike, it's just that the mc is so op that the conflicts don't feel like they have stakes lmao we all know it'll get solved p easily n smoothly
romance buildup could have been smoother ig...? i feel like there was so much between the lines sort of romance between qiu xing and xie yang in the beginning n i wasn't fully sure when or how xie yang rly fell for qiu xing
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yyunari · 2 years
%% FIFTEEN - music bank (1.1k words)
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SYNOPSIS . many might recognize y/n as one of the most beloved and rounded 4th generation idols. being in aespa brought her a lot of popularity and made her really well known, especially for her looks. when y/n becomes a music bank mc along with enhypen’s sunghoon, what will happen when she meets her old high school crush from back in australia?
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when the two music bank mc’s saw each other, their grinned and did their handshake. because they spent so much time together practicing and going to meetings, they had developed a close friendship. it was especially helpful that they were the same age. y/n looked up to sunghoon as a brother figure to her, since she had grown up as an only child. likewise, sunghoon viewed her as a sister.
“did you sleep well?” sunghoon asked her, knowing full well that sleep was very far down y/n’s priority list.
“you know i didn’t, but it’s fine.” y/n responded. “i can cover my eyebags with concealer and pretend that i have 8 hours of sleep.”
sunghoon frowned at this. “i’ve told you multiple times that you need to sleep earlier…. especially since we’re going to be busy from now on.”
“my emo thoughts keep me up at night……” y/n joked, hoping that sunghoon would drop the topic.
luckily, he did. “you’re not funny.”
they both chuckled and began walking to their dressing rooms in a bit of a hurry, since they didn’t have much time to prepare. they had to get fully dressed, get in makeup, practice their lines, and block butter on the stage.
“by the way, did ningning ever apologize for the tweet?” sunghoon asked, as he gave y/n a short glance.
despite how much she loved sunghoon, she was a bit irked with how he randomly brought it up when she was already stressed about music bank. still, she couldn’t blame him for being curious and worrying about her.
“not yet….” y/n sighed. “honestly, we haven’t talked much since then. i wasn’t able to say bye to the girls before i left since i had to leave early, but yesterday she walked into my room and asked if she could use my hairbrush.”
“seriously, does she even know what she said was wrong? because if i said something like that on accident i would have caught myself and apologized.” sunghoon thoughtfully said.
y/n agreed. she didn’t understand how ningning could go about her day without apologizing unless she actually meant what she said. she didn’t want to think badly of her best friend, but at the same time ningning being rude and passive aggressive was just adding onto the stress that was already dog piled onto y/n.
“i don’t even know…. let’s just focus on what we have to do right now.” y/n sighed. “i’m going to go change, bye hoon!”
the two waved at each other and y/n entered her dressing room, all while a million thoughts ran through her head.
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“ever-evolving k-pop! the heart of the korean wave!” sunghoon started.
“with the world watching it’s….”
“music bank!”
“hello bank patrons! i’m y/n from aespa, part of the 37th music bank mc’s!”
“and i’m sunghoon from enhypen.”
“today is our first day working at music bank! today is— oh wait, i already said that.” y/n coughed, having read her line wrong. “sorry, i keep messing up….. i’m really nervous.”
y/n and sunghoon were in sunghoon’s dressing room, practicing their lines. the whole time, y/n felt her heart pounding in her chest and her breath coming out uneven. the nerves had already gotten to her, and she needed to figure out how to subside them.
sunghoon chuckled. “it’s fine, at least this is just practice. and we’ll have cue cards on stage so we’ll be fine.”
y/n nodded at that. “you’re right, i really shouldn’t be this nervous.”
“is it because you’re trying to impress someone?” sunghoon winked.
“what? of course not.” y/n defended. “i’m not sure why you would think that.”
“so you don’t have any lingering feelings for jake?”
y/n clicked her tongue and tried to hit sunghoon’s shoulder, though he was able to dodge it. “why would i? i’m mad at him right now….”
before sunghoon could ask why, she pulled up her texts with jake regarding the ‘ningning situation’. as he read the conversation, his face slowly morphed into a confused expression at what his friend had said.
“dude…. i don’t know why he’s acting like that. he literally only plays genshin with her and texts her occasionally, he’s being way too nice.” sunghoon started, then quickly retracted his statement. “actually, i think i do know why.”
“he li—”
a knock on the door interrupted what he was going to say.
before either of them could tell them not to enter, the door opened to reveal the rest of enhypen. the guys hadn’t seemed to notice her yet, as they went up to sunghoon to congratulate him and didn’t bat her an eye.
it wasn’t until y/n shuffled over to grab her phone that they finally noticed she was there.
“oh! sorry, we didn’t know you were here too.” jungwon said.
y/n shook her head. “it’s fine, we were just practicing our lines. i can leave if you guys want.”
“you don’t have to! we just came to see sunghoon for a bit before you guys started.”
y/n wanted to leave to avoid a certain someone, but she felt that it was a little rude if she just left if they told her to stay. so she forced a smile and sat on one of the couches.
oh fuck.
despite her efforts to avoid eye contact, y/n heard her name get called out by jake— even though she was still upset with him. but as aforementioned, she didn’t want to come off as rude so she mentally braced herself and smiled at jake. “hi jake, long time no see.”
jake, who couldn’t tell that she was uncomfortable with him, grinned and sat next to her on the couch.
“it’s good to see you again!” jake said and gave her a (charming) smile. “are you ready for your music bank debut?”
“uh... i guess? i’m not really sure.” y/n shortly answered, trying to avoid eye contact (which was hard because he kept looking at her).
she found it difficult when she tried to distance herself from jake because he was extremely attractive in person- both in terms of his physicality and his personality. y/n could tell that he had changed quite a bit since she had last seen him in person in australia. 
jake, on the other hand, couldn’t remember much of what y/n looked like in high school. more often than not, she was hiding behind something whether it be a book or her backpack. but at that moment, he took time to appreciate just how beautiful she had gotten. rather than the shy, quiet girl he had known back then, she had matured quite a bit.
wow, he thought, i sound like a dad.
the two were too deep into their own thoughts about each other to notice sunghoon calling y/n.
“this airhead…. y/n!”
y/n snapped herself out of her thoughts and finally paid mind to sunghoon. “oh, what is it?”
the rest of enhypen had long been gone, unbeknownst to jake and y/n. the girl let out a long sigh when she realized she had been thinking about jake.
what am i doing? i don’t like him anymore, why am i thinking about him? y/n pursed her lips. whatever, hes ugly anyways.
“we have to go to the stage now, i’ll wait for you outside.” sunghoon said, knowing she probably still wanted to say some things to jake.
once sunghoon left, y/n sharply turned to jake.
“it was nice seeing you. you look different.” jake remarked.
y/n raised her eyebrow. “good different or bad different?”
“good, of course.” jake chuckled, and gave her a pat on the head. “by the way, when will ningning be here?”
ningning… is she all you ever think about?
“oh. i’m not sure, she hasn’t contacted me since yesterday. but she should be here soon.”
y/n watched as jake bit his lip to stop himself from smiling, but was unsuccessful when he let out a wide smile. she noticed the small blush that rested on top of his cheeks. was he really that excited to see her? why did he seem so flustered?
does jake like ningning?
“i see…” jake finally put his attention back on y/n. “i should find the guys, but i’ll be watching you from the wings. see you!”
y/n waved. “goodbye.”
no, there’s no way. they’re just friends.
just like me and him.
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“do you want me to get you something from the vending machine?” sunghoon asked y/n, who rapidly nodded her head.
“get me one of the melon milks please, thank you hoonie!”
“hoonie?” sunghoon laughed, and then gabe her a blank stare. “that’s gross, don’t call me that.”
y/n raised her hand up to hit sunghoon but he left before she could. “that jerk… does he even know he’s being made fun of on tiktok right now?”
she smiled a bit when she thought of the ‘get sunghooned’ joke she saw on her private tiktok account. serves him right.
“y/n! there you are!” y/n looked behind herself to see karina, giselle, and ningning walking over.
“oh, hi guys! what took you so long?” she asked.
giselle scoffed and gave ningning a side eye. “sorry, we would have been here sooner if ningning didn’t take an hour to get ready…”
“what? i can dress up if i want to.” ningning answered. she then turned to y/n and smiled. “hi y/n! good luck today, yeah?”
look at her acting like nothing happened. is she shameless?
y/n just smiled at ningning and then turned to the group. “thank you guys for being here, it really means a lot to me!”
“of course!” karina looked at the cue cards that were in y/n’s hands. “wow, do you have to memorize all that? that’s incredible…”
“we don’t have to memorize it technically but i read it over so much that i basically know it all.” y/n giggled.
“can we se—”
y/n saw jake, followed by the rest of enhypen, as they walked up to them.
“oh hi. if you guys are here to see sunghoon, then he’s not here right now.” y/n said, avoiding eye contact with jake.
“oh, we’re actually here to wish you good luck!” jungwon said, and they all said some form of ‘good luck’ to y/n.
“ah! thank you, i’ll work hard.”
“by the way…” jungwon pulled out his copy of aespa’s recent mini album. “can you sign this y/n? you’re actually my aespa bias.”
y/n giggled at him and took his album. “how cute. of course i will!”
while y/n signed jungwon’s album, ningning walked over to jake.
“jake! i didn’t know i would see you here.” ningning shyly smiled and looked at jake. “how are you?”
karina leaned over to y/n and whispered, “we all know she knew he was going to be here.” y/n just nodded in agreement, and handed jungwon back his album.
“i’m good! sorry i wasn’t able to play genshin this morning, we had to leave the dorms early.” jake said. “do you think you’ll be able to play later tonight?”
“i don’t know….” ningning frowned. “the girls and i are planning on having dinner tonight.”
“yup! it’s a very important all girls dinner, so she has to go. sorry jake!” giselle shot jake a fake smile.
karina laughed and added on, “yeah, really important. sorry.”
“that’s alright!” jake turned to ningning. “let’s play tomorrow, okay ning?”
ning? he gave her a nickname?
“y/n! i have your drink.” sunghoon said as he approached the group. “oh, you guys all met?”
y/n, who was lost in thought about jake and ningning, sighed.
“that’s annoying.”
she took her drink from sunghoon and went to the stage.
“hm? i only gave her the drink…” sunghoon pouted, confused because he had just gotten there.
giselle patted him on the back. “you should’ve been there.”
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“good luck y/n!”
“good luck, sunghoon.”
y/n took one more glance at the wings, only to see ningning and jake still talking and laughing. she wasn’t dumb, she could tell they liked each other. the way their smiles were almost brighter than the stage lights… and ningning looked happier than she ever had before…
whatever, it’s not like i like jake or anything.
the music started, signifying that the show had started.
“ever-evolving k-pop! the heart of the korean wave!" sunghoon said.
"with the world watching it's...”
“music bank!”
"hello bank patrons! i'm y/n from aespa, part of the 37th music bank mc’s!"
"and i'm sunghoon from enhypen."
"today is our first day working at music bank!” y/n and sunghoon cheered. “i can’t believe we’re finally here, but standing up here makes it all feel real.”
“same here! i’m trying hard not to show it right now but my heart is racing.” sunghoon said.
“to ease the tension, let’s both share how we feel about becoming mc’s!”
sunghoon proceeded to share how he felt, and y/n discreetly looked at the wings once more, and saw jake and ningning still talking. it slightly hurt that they weren’t paying attention to the show, but as long as they were there to support her she supposed she didn’t mind too much.
“y/n? are you going to share how you feel?” sunghoon looked at y/n with concern when she didn’t answer.
“ah yeah! sorry, i’m still coming terms with the fact that i’m here right now.” y/n put her focus back on her job. “but i promise to make every friday a fun treat for you all!”
“yes, as music bank mc’s we promise to work extra hard.” sunghoon said. “music bank patrons,”
“we won’t let you down!”
as sunghoon introduced the lineup of artists, y/n pushed the sight of ningning and jake out of her head. it didn’t matter to her if they were dating or not. after all, ningning was her best friend. and jake was just an old acquaintance, nothing more.
i don’t like jake.
y/n wasn’t sure how many times she would have to tell herself that for it to be true.
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a/n : yassss awky irl meeting
permanent taglist : @muhwaa @hoori @yizhoutv @ja4hyvn @koakyuu @carayat @one16core @enhacolor @jangwonie @soobin-chois @moaengenesworld @en-boyz @msxflower @ohmy-fandoms @yeongwonie @sunsunu @jaeyunnsworld @yjwonz
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actualbird · 3 years
you are genuinely one of the funniest and well spoken ppl who write abt tot so firstly i thank u for that 🙏🏼 just wanna ask about your thoughts on nxx's typing/texting styles! ofc in-game they all type very prim and properly and respond immediately but i'm wondering if you had any hcs that differ from that :]
hello!!! and awww thank you so much for your kind words :DDD
i actually talked about hcs on nxx team typing habits here (or well, more of me talking about how marius and luke are fighting to have made the best autocorrect and artem types with his fingers on the homerow)!!!
buuut i still do wanna say some more. not necessarily differing from what we see in canon but just like....
my observations on canon nxx team typing/texting styles and behaviors within the nxx gc
wc: 1.1k words about words
vyn richter isnt texting, he's writing memorandums
texts like hes writing with a quill and parchment, like hes writing MISSIVES TO SEND OFF INTO THE VALLEY OF YONDER.
in terms of vocabulary (he's used the word "posthaste" and the sentence "I also lack such leisure" sounds like it came from a black and white photograph) hes slightly archaic.
and his sentence construction ("A name that rings familiar", vyn, it's a TEXT, why do you sound like a yellowed note found in a haunted house) like, vyn texts as if he's a fucking lovelorn maiden sending letters off to his lover who is fighting in the war
HE REFUSES TO USE CONTRACTIONS AND IT DRIVES ME NUTS. vyn richter says FUCK UR APOSTROPHES!!! it must be Should Not (not shouldnt) must be I Will (not i'll). apostrophes found dead in a ditch and vyn richter killed them all.
the reason why im getting "My Dearest Rose, My Most Beloved Lover, When Shall You Return To Me?" kinda shtick from vyn is because his word choice seems to be chosen for aesthetics and vibes, his sentence construction does not scream utility but instead screams DRAMA, the lack of contractions betrays the writer's desire for the reader to SAVOR EACH WORD. vyn could just text "I don't have that kind of time" or "That's familiar" but he wont because that lacks the PANACHE he so desperately maintains in almost every aspect of his gosh dang self.
(sidenote: im so sorry for his students, lol???? most profs ive encountered write rlly short and to the point emails and usually it ends with "Sent from my Ipad" because profs rarely give a fuck about looking smart in emails. but dr. vyn richter...the emails he'll be sending will be...an experience lmao)
although he HAS been noted to say "Heh" in chat. i wouldnt put it past him to type a "Hehe" if he's feeling particularly mischievous (or if he REALLY wants to unnerve others). in the nxx gc, he's not above engaging in some squabbles against the others (but in his defense, marius is always starting it, haha) but generally he's civil, tho he is VERY CAPABLE of passive aggression. vyn's Off The Shits texts would be like "Respectfully, get fucked. Best regards," in a cursive font
overall: vyn texts gracefully to the point that he sounds like he shouldnt exist in the year 2030 but instead in an old regal portrait in a musuem.
artem wing texts like there's a job to be done and (he gets that job done)
texts EXTREMELY TO THE POINT. i dont notice anything special with his vocabulary or sentence structure; he uses ordinary words and puts them all together in efficient messages and he uses contractions when it's smoother to do so. what i DO notice though is that ALL his messages in the nxx gc (his personal texts r another matter) are the following: questions, answers, observations, and MC I'm Worried About You Please Stay Safe.
artem texts as a means for no nonsense information exchange which very much fits who he is as a whole!!! the conversation needs to move forward productively but he isnt immune to using a message to compliment mc or express one (1) feeling.
additionally, that one bit in the symphony of the night event chat where vyn and marius were throwing rocks at each other through texts and artem came in like "shut up" and then steered the convo back on track n just STEAMROLLING over vyn and marius trying to continue their insult hurling like KJBSJKGSDSSD. artem is really the mom friend of this group. hes like "Is This Necessary? No? Well Then Stop Talking About It."
overall: artem texts pragmatically and clearly and for a purpose. of all the boys, he's the one i personally would enjoy communicating with the most because i value clarity a LOT.
sidenote: however, i do think that artem, in his effort to find the most efficient sentence, sometimes does not realize connotations of words/phrases. so like at themis law firm, he's definitely sent the emails pictured below (can we get a prayer for the poor intern who got these emails? they had a heart attack....)
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thankfully, marius von hagen and luke pearce are texting like normal people
im lumping these two together because theyre pretty similar on basically all strictly language fronts: vocabulary, sentence construction, contractions, punctuation (they both like using "!" and sometimes "!?", theyre so cute lol)
i do wanna note that marius does like going for the occasional onomatopoeia. "Tch", "Uh", "Ah" that kind of stuff. i like it a lot because it fits marius who is just so fucking noisy all the time HAHA.
in terms of behavior, theyre also p similar. though, marius is more likely to give in to his desire to be a bit of a shithead and go off topic. marius is also more likely to share his opinions and thoughts (and yeah theyre related to the case but compared to the rest of the boys, marius is rlly like "im sorry what, we have to go to a school??? STUDENTS R INVOLVED IN THE INTERNATIONAL CYBERCRIME????") which also fits because marius loves letting everybody know that hey! hes here! and him being here means he has STUFF TO SAY
luke is the CHILLEST PERSON in the gc, in terms of texting. he doesnt clash against the others, keeps the convo going, and is polite in a laid back way. the only time in the nxx gc i saw him experience some kind of intense emotion was when i made my mc go "but i can go to the abandoned server room on my own"
and then luke starts texting gravely as if HE AND EVERYBODY ELSE IN THE GC IS ABOUT TO FUCKING DIE. no chill on this dudes. theres either 0 stakes or ALL OF THEM to the highest degree. very much fits luke's tendency to be like "haha im having a wonderful time and im smiling and now ive spiraled into a ditch of despair and suffering and sadness"
sidenote: marius and luke's dms would be a fucking trip to read.
marius: You ever wanna talk about your feelings, Luke?
luke: No.
marius: I do.
luke: I know.
marius: I'm sad.
luke: I know.
marius, backpedaling: I'm not...actually sad, I was just saying that as a joke, haha, were you worried?
luke: You weren't though. And yeah, I am.
marius: //throws his phone across the ROOM
thank u for this ask!! character voices and thus character linguistics is a HUGE INTEREST OF MINE and so going thru the nxx gc with this framework was HUGELY FUN HAHA. i now have a handy dandy reference for myself when im writing these dudes' texting in fanfic hehe.
hope this can be useful/entertaining to others as well!!!
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Can i request some jealousy headcanons for Malleus, Azul, Leona and Lilia with a female reader who attends the NRC? What kind of things tick them off and how often do they get jealous? Thanks a lot! P.s. your rules didn't specify any character limit so if you don't mind can i request some more characters in another ask after you're done with this?
I would like to point out that my limit on characters per request is 5 (6 if you include Yuu/MC or the Reader/self insert). Feel free to send in another request so long as it adheres to the character limit and the other rules.
The ask box closes for a month or two in less than 24 hours, so I suggest that if you want any other requests to be looked at that you submit one soon.
Now, the headcanons.
Curiouser and Curiouser...
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Malleus Draconia
Oh, yes. He gets jealous. Why wouldn’t he? You are the first person in years (outside of his Diasomnia family) to show him affection--so of course he’d be upset if he saw you getting close to other men.
He’s pretty reasonable though, only getting jealous when he senses some red flags--and even when he does get jealous, he’s old and wise enough to keep his calm in most situations.
Malleus is fine if you have friends that are guys, but he’ll feel neglected/jealous if you start prioritizing spending time with other people over spending time with him.
He’ll also get jealous if you mention that you fell asleep at the movie or something because he likes having your cute sleeping face all to himself.
Malleus does not react aggressively--instead, he tends to get pouty and sulk when he’s jealous.
He doesn’t think ill of you, but he does become concerned that you might find someone “better” and leave him.
Malleus gets a little clingy and touchy-feely to get your attention focused on him again.
Azul Ashengrotto
Azul can definitely get jealous--less frequently than Malleus, but he’s also more reactive than Malleus.
Most of the time, Azul is pretty confident and self-assured so he doesn’t mind you being around other guys.
If they start getting a little too close or the topic starts veering toward “inappropriate things”, Azul might interrupt the conversation and change the subject, or he might come in smiling while throwing shade at the other guy before reminding them that it’s impolite to touch things that already belong to other people.
If he’s in a particularly bad mood, Azul will be more passive aggressive with his smile and snippier with his insults.
He’ll pull you aside and gently reprimand you for hanging around such “ruffians” later, then give you a lecture about how to keep yourself safe when he’s not around.
Azul gives you pepper spray/mace.
Leona Kingscholar
The most jealous one of them all. Every little thing pisses this overgrown feline off, including the slightest brush of the hand from a male friend on your shoulder.
He’s so used to having everything he wants taken from him that he’s very possessive of what little he does have--and that includes his girlfriend.
Leona will growl and snap at others that get too close to you.
Stop him before he starts a fight.
He tries to subtly flex his position as your boyfriend by keeping a hand around your waist or maintaining some kind of physical contact with you at all times in public.
If Leona feels like showing off even more, expect semi-rough PDA even if he is a lazy boi like kisses.
He’ll be very irritable and demand lots of kisses and cuddles from you as repayment for making him “tear out his fur” over you.
Lilia Vanrouge
Being as ancient as he is, Lilia is very patient and tends to not get jealous easily. His partner is, after all, a free spirit and able to make decisions for herself--and he trusts her to not cheat and/or intentionally go and make him jealous.
It’s when other people are harassing you that Lilia gets the most jealous since they’re actively bothering his beloved.
He’ll hang upside down from the ceiling to spook off the people bothering you, then swoop down to hug you!
The hug is partly to reassure you and make sure you’re not hurt, and partly so Lilia can reassert his place as your lover.
If someone is getting particularly handsy with you, Lilia drops his carefree pranks and gets up in the assailant’s face.
He’ll smile and show off his fangs and politely ask what’s up--but he gives off this terrifying aura, which chases the person away.
Do not mess with the great ancestor, Lilia. You will die if you try.
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arsnovacadenza · 4 years
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Jeanpoleon Ikevam Gakuen AU  for @unappreciatedotomelove​ day 25: Free Day because I want to get this out of my system:
Napo is the captain of the Kendo club and the school prince whom everybody idolizes. Of course, I can't help but imagine Jean as his vice-captain and wingman.
So Napoleon is the popular but kind-hearted prince whom everybody loves and confesses. He's even nice to the dudes he rejected. 
Meanwhile, Jean, the beautiful but seemingly cold "Prince" has unrequited feelings for him but is insecure because they're from different worlds
Outside of club activities and the times Napo approach him, Jean and Mozart are all alone and Jean kinda sighs at Napo who has many friends and beloved by many. 
Jean: "Why'd he pay attention to me over kinder girls (MC)?"
little did he know that there's a crowd of people who are secretly shipping him with Napo
and it's near graduation and Jean is suspecting that Napo is close to a girl (MC) and passive-aggressively corners her 
 they eventually talk it out and MC says she supports them both
meanwhile, Napo is already aware of it all along but doesn't really know what to do with Jean either. He also likes secretly seeing Jean tripping over and being a dumb, gay disaster 
 He confronts the Fujo group and he agrees to let the shipping thing slide if they do him a favor
Napo asks Jean to be his partner in a final sword-fighting performance and they practice together a lot. They sorta managed to explore their relationship a little further along the way (not physically tho. Not yet)
Napo already makes his feelings for Jean obvious, but Jean is still in denial, up to their nighttime performance
It started as mock sparring at first, but suddenly MC, the Kendo Club, and the shipping group (who are mostly part of Mozart's choir) come out and sing together (in my mind the song is AKB's Flying Get) 
 And Napo takes Jean's hand and they dance onstage.
Jean is flustered but really happy (cuz everybody is supporting him and Napo). everybody had a blast on the stage and so did the crowd 
More headcanons featuring spoiler characters here
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xenolithium · 5 years
HC about how the MM characters would respond to seeing their beloved MC being flirted with~
He's usually always by your side when you go out together, so the fact that someone is flirting with you means that they have the gall to do it in front of his face.
Is it because he's not intimidating enough? Is it because he's weak? He feels a multitude of insecurities, his anxiety flaring up tenfold.
He wants them to go away, they're making him uncomfortable. Can't they see, he doesn't want them here?
He tries to glare at them, but his mint eyes quickly look away each time they glance in his direction. Oh gosh, what if they get mad and hurt him?
His grip on your hand grows tighter, almost possessively.
He then watches you for a moment to see if you pay them much mind and if you reciprocate the flirting.
He hates this, stop paying attention to them instead of him!
He wants to tell them off, but what if you get upset at him? No, he shouldn't be afraid of something so silly. You said he could speak his mind. But what if you changed yours?
He becomes extremely fidgety and anxious, which eventually draws your attention.
You excuse yourself from the situation and in a private location, he discusses his insecurities.
You tell him that it's okay to speak up if he's not sure about something or if he's not happy with a situation.
He looks away with a frown, he says "I'm sorry..." In a shy whisper.
You pull him in for a kiss and laugh heartily, "you have nothing to be sorry about, just have a little more confidence in yourself."
He was distracted at first so he doesn't notice right away. Sometimes the wonders of the world just get to him, okay?
When he does, he just sort of gives the other person this weird look. A really weird look. It's so distracting to them that they keep glancing over.
He then smirks when he has their attention and winks. Why not make the show about him? Hey, he's got some funny jokes.
Wait, was the person ever flirting with you or was it with Saeyoung from the start?
He can totally understand why they would flirt with you though, he would tell you, who wouldn't?
Low-key was super annoyed by it though, you can tell through his slightly passive aggressive comments later.
You laugh, he still has a bad habit of playing the jokester and hiding his true feelings.
"You can be upset, you know?"
He's a little oblivious at first or maybe it's just denial.
Haha, they're just good friends, he's sure he saw the two of you together yesterday or something. You know...just hanging out...
Wait, stop getting so close! I want attention too! Gah!
He butts into the conversation and makes a lame excuse, something about having a lot of work to do.
He tugs at your arm and pulls you along, immediately moving to hold your hand.
See? They like me! We're holding hands!
You can't help but find his annoyed huffs and pout combo to be adorable.
"You know you're the only one for me, right?"
"Yeah - yeah, I know that! Of course!"
He blushes a bright red when you giggle at him. It's so obvious.
He trusts nobody around you so the reaction is almost instant.
"Is he bugging you princess?"
He's kind of intimidating them with an angry, possesive glare all on it's own. All men are wolves! He knew it!
"You should take a step back from the lady, you're making them uncomfortable~" his words are almost jovial but the meaning behind them has a rough bite.
They immediately back away, leaving him to lavish you in attention. He's obviously the better choice here, right? Of course.
And you know that.
He observes the two of you for a moment, as if calculating his next move. He's unsure of whether he's just overreacting, or they're truly flirting with you.
When he finally comes to the conclusion that it is indeed what is going on, he boldly pulls you into a kiss, staking his claim.
What? It's the middle of a meeting? That's fine, it shut them up and he can go about his business.
He obviously took the most logical course of action.
He later gets an earful from Jaehee after; especially when it shows up in a news report the following day.
She figured people would just assume you're close friends, even with the matching rings and constant hand holding. So it was no surprise when someone thought you were still "on the market" or so to speak.
She lets out an irritated huff and suggests leaving the mall you two were shopping in, you had retrieved everything anyway.
"Was that person flirting with me?"
"Yes, I would assume so," she's just tired and doesn't have time for that.
You can't help but laugh at the look that told you she was so done.
"Want me to make dinner when we get back?"
"That would be lovely."
You give one another a chaste kiss.
Stands there glancing between the two of you with a bored expression. At least he doesn't have to work right now, that's always nice.
Wait, what was happening? You were being flirted with?
He rolls his eyes, "if you need me, I'll be ordering my food."
"Hey, you can't just leave, get back here!"
Gives you a snide wave as he walks away, gosh dang it!
I hope I did this right? Anyway, thanks for the request anon! I hope you enjoy it~
Have a request of your own? Feel free to throw it into my ask box.
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kiederen · 6 years
Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE review
I said I would give my impressions on #FE and I neglected to do so till now, but better late than never.
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I’ll be talking about:
1. Story
The story is nothing special - I enjoyed it, but it's a fairly typical jrpg "power of friendship and bonds" deal that is only made unique in any capacity by the idol culture that frames it. It's not bad, but it's not groundbreaking either. I wish the story were a bit longer to give more of a build up into the final confrontation. The earlier stages slowly start to set things up but even just one more dedicated chapter to ease into the final arc would have probably made the ending feel less rushed. That and I just enjoyed playing it overall and would liked more content.
The distinct chapters format to the flow may have been meant to simulate FE chapters while still also representing how persona stories often have noticeable breaks between dungeon arcs. In TMS though, it felt a bit more artificial, not damningly so, but I think the plot momentum was a bit worse for it. 
The set up for each chapter break also revolves around Itsuki himself improving as an entertainer, even though he doesn’t know what direction he wants to focus on, and while it’s most emphasized early on, this aspect of Itsuki’s development himself feels almost abandoned or ignored through the mid and late game until the very end. The solution does make some sense, but some of the details that enable it to happen are a bit questionably contrived, and like the overall story, it felt a bit rushed in the final hour, based on what I remember.
Otherwise, the story did a good job of setting itself up, providing the characters with adequate motivation and means to seek the goals they set and each dungeon gave reasonable purpose for the main characters to tackle it.
The final chapter seemed to be trying to make up for the lack of build up by twisting and turning a bit more than usual, but most of its attempted twists were fairly standard fair for trying to draw out suspense and unfortunately were somewhat predictable for it. I was a little surprised at the host for the big bad, but mostly because I hadn’t been paying close enough attention so that was on me.
2. Setting/Theme
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The Tokyo idol scene setting is the most interesting aspect of the story and while I can see it being polarizing, I found it novel myself. Mechanically, it does a good job of unifying the dungeons under a common theme of "things idols do" - such as posing for photo shoots or acting on TV.
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Beyond dungeon design, the idol theme also naturally informed character designs and the multitude of costumes that appear throughout.
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You can even see this thematic flair in the way that spell casting involves a character signing their autograph as a glyph!
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If there’s one oddity that stands out to me about the aesthetics of the game, it’s that the monster designs seem to be unable to decide whether they should be FE inspired or SMT inspired or neither, but even in the latter case most don’t seem to fit in with the idol theme in any capacity.
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Even when enemies are FE inspired, they seem to have gone through a similar (if not more extreme) filter that the Mirage characters went through - becoming dramatically stylized and the only real purpose I can conceive for it is to make enemy classes that were definitely human in FE appear non-human here. For instance, the middle and right monsters above are myrmidon class enemies - unpromoted swordmasters from the FE universe.
Not to mention: Why do their out-of-combat sprites look like Organization XIII members!?
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3. Characters
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Like the story, the characters are good if nothing particularly revolutionary. Most seem built around one or two tropes but then are fleshed out beyond that which is fine. You learn more about them as you do their individual side quests (social links) and these do a good job of giving the feeling of evolving your bond with that character. The pacing of the side stories is mostly okay, though the gameplay reward for those that are plot locked to be very late doesn't always feel equal to how long you had to wait to do them. There's a bit of persona syndrome wherein all the chars get plenty of opportunities to interact with the MC, but would benefit from more time interacting with each other as well.
I liked all the characters in the end. There's a good variety between both the girls and boys, though because of join times some chars got more focused screen time than others. Again, I think a longer late game with more story side quests (instead of fetch quests) would have helped balance things out. 
If I had to be as base as to rank the girls in terms of waifu ratings: 1. Eleonora 2. Tsubasa 3. Kiria 4. Maiko 5. Mamori = Tiki Though it's worth noting that top four are all really close, and each slot only wins out over their competition by a small margin. I don’t dislike Mamori or Tiki, I just am not into the little sister appeal.
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I suppose Barry Goodman is worth mentioning as well. Barry is a foreigner who settled in Japan and behaviorally embodies the most cringe-worthy aspects of otaku culture. He’s heavy-set, roughly groomed, and somewhat aggressive/abrasive about his passions. I’m not one to judge him for the subject of his passions, but the way he interacts with them would make me uncomfortable around him had he been a real person. Ultimately he is a good person at heart, but his poor people skills are unlikely to endear him to anyone on first impressions, and the fact that he doesn’t care only exacerbates his problems.
Finally, and predictably most disappointingly, the FE chars (heroes and villains) are barely developed and could be replaced with persona or persona like motifs without changing the overall plot. The FE aspect is little more than a coat of paint that gives secondary theme to the invading 'otherworld,' and it's a real shame and waste of potential.
Aside from the Mirage characters and Tiki themselves, there are however a few unmarked references that are at least self aware enough to be welcome Easter eggs for fire emblem fans:
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Anna is your convenience store shopkeeper, and there’s even a ‘shadow anna’ who will sell you more dubious dungeon consumables that a normal convenience store wouldn’t stock.
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Ilyana works at the cafe, keeping close to her beloved food.
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Aimee runs the jewelry store as she was the item store merchant in FE9 and 10
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And Cath runs the costume shop. She’s a thief in FE6 with a distinct affinity for money, not unlike Anna, though not as extreme either. Admittedly, it’s been a while since I’ve read over her supports though.
I saw an npc employee at one of the random background shops in Shibuya central street that could also be Brady from FE Awakening, but the camera never got close enough to see him clearly enough to make a positive ID.
Finally, I found it amusing that all the playable chars' names are class puns/references 
蒼井樹 = Aoi Itsuki > Aoi means blue in reference to FE lords typically having blue hair
織部つばさ = Oribe Tsubasa > Tsubasa in reference to her peg knight class
赤城斗馬 = Akagi Touma >  赤 (Aka) gives us “red” while  馬(uma) is “horse.” Red cavalier (partnered with a green cavalier) is a reoccurring archetype in FE. The Red cav tends to be the hot-headed one.
I can break down the others if desired, but these will do for examples.
4. Gameplay
Going to break this into a few parts:
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1. General
The real reason this game is compared to Persona; gameplay mirrors a lot of persona's elements and it's almost easier to describe how it deviates from the Persona format than spend time detailing how they're the same. That said, if you like the persona formula (as I do), you'd probably enjoy TMS's gameplay flow as well.
While the lack of daily life and day limits for dungeons removes a lot of the tension of time management for them, I think it's fine since a lot of persona players rush dungeons in 1-2 days anyway and in TMS, once the dungeon is done, you don't have to worry about doing busy work to tick off the days until the plot is allowed to move forward again. The lack of social stats is an element of depth removed, but without a time cost element to activities, it makes sense and is probably a good thing for it to be absent from TMS (even if story wise it could have actually be viable as Aoi and the others grow their skills as performers).
Using the WiiU game pad as a smartphone screen to facilitate off-screen character interactions as well as display more detailed enemy information was clever if perhaps unnecessary (as persona 5 showed). Having the only map on the game pad actually made it a little disorienting to reference for me since my eyes had to leave my tv entirely, leading to me either holding my game pad up or bobbing my head up and down to compare my map with my surroundings. On the DS, the two screens are at least close by. I’d like to say there may have been a better use for the game pad, I’m not thinking of anything off the top of my head, so it may have been wise to minimize its use as a gimmick anyway.
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This is already in your phone history when you start the game, but it’s still probably my favorite moment from the text message logs:
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Replacing persona fusion is a more straightforward crafting system that is the source for your weapons and passive skills, and in turn, much like Tales of Vesperia, your weapons are the source of your skills, both active and passive. The system sounds more grindy than it is in practice though. Simply advancing through the dungeons and fighting 70-80% of the monsters you encounter naturally will provide you with enough materials to forge most weapons as they become available. In fact there were a number of times when I ran out of new weapons to forge and had to push on with already mastered weapons equipped. I liked that bosses and some savage encounters would drop mats of a higher tier than what was readily available from current monsters, and you had to spend them wisely before advancing the plot to the point where those mats became common. It let you preview the next tier of weapons and abilities for select characters but who you gave those weapons to was never overly stressful since you could get the other weapons you passed on later anyway.
Rare monsters drop unique mats that can make weapons that give unusual or otherwise off-type skills to characters and it makes catching rare monsters that flee rather than engage the player rewarding. IIRC, I encountered fewer than ten rare monsters in my entire play through though, so I did not feel it worth the time to actively hunt them unless there was some trick to make them appear more reliably (and catching them was also a bit dependent on the surroundings). Like treasure monsters in P5, they usually had some kind of gimmick where they were only weak to one thing if they had any weakness and the latter ones also came with dodge [weakness] passive and had a chance of just up and running from battle.
2. Combat
The one-more mechanic is replaced by "Sessions" which are not unlike self contained one-more combos anyway. The tag in attacking animations were pretty fun and though late game sessions can get quite long, there’s no way to speed up or skip session animations, possibly in part because of the existence of duo arts which use the session animations as a timer. They could have prohibited skipping prior to deciding on a duo art and then allow skipping or speed up after, though. Long session animations didn’t bother me, personally though, as session attack animations were varied and interesting enough that I never got tired of even the early basic ones (most of which were replaced by late game).
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Openly displayed turn order, plus some late game skills that can actually influence turn order were both welcome features as well. 
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Beyond sessions, specials, duo arts, and ad-lib performances were great at providing extra variety and changing the pace of what might otherwise be rote combat. While duo arts and ad-lib performances were rng bonuses that you mostly just take whatever you can get and be grateful, specials were more deliberate, needing a resource that builds slowly at first. Later on, with longer sessions and meter boosting passives, the sp gauge builds up much faster, but even then specials usually should be selected carefully, especially within boss battles where recovering lost sp is a bit trickier. 
That said, special skills were not created equal. Even though buffs and debuffs are powerful, some of the later buffing and debuffing specials came late, at a point where I already had normal skills that could buff or debuff at almost if not the same potency without spending SP. Similarly, as my repertoire of skills grew, my ability to hit weaknesses improved and using specials to break through resistances became less necessary, even as monsters began appearing with more resistances. 
Finally, Itsuki’s second special - “Strike A Pose,” was absurdly good and only got better as my session combos grew longer late game. The ability to give everyone twice the actions in a turn opens up so many other combos that often times, there was little reason to use offensive specials in favor of either two individual sessions or a concentrate/charge boosted session. 
Inversely, I found myself using healing specials a lot less, and perhaps it was because I used Tsubasa a lot less late game - I made Chrom a great lord which gave Itsuki healing and support which was kinda Tsubasa’s niche previously, so with Touma able to out damage Tsubasa and Elly covering flying enemies, Tsubasa just wasn’t out in combat all that often, which meant Mamori was the only one with healing specials (which were helpful on occasion) but in the end using Strike A Pose allowed me to get normal heals out in extra abundance while still enabling attackers to make a play to help clear troublesome enemies.
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The FE weapon triangle’s representation in strengths and weaknesses among weapon types (not extending to magic though) gave a welcome way to predict weaknesses for enemies I had not encountered yet. One of the frustrating things about persona had always been that weakness/strength attributes for new monsters were difficult to predict and late game could cause you to walk into a bad situation that was never really your fault. Not only did the weapon triangle help mitigate some of the arbitrary mystery, but weaknesses were frequently consistent across similar enemy types at different levels even outside of the sword/lance/axe trinity. For example mage type enemies were, with few exceptions, all weak to swords and fire. Skills that deal effective damage (i.e. horseslayer/armorslayer) were also a great addition that gave characters tools to start session combos on enemies that they might otherwise be powerless against. The player also gets other ways to work around pesky resistances, features that are both welcome and necessary because...
If I have one glaring critic of the battle system it’s that Itsuki, like persona protags is mandatory. However, unlike persona protags, Itsuki has static combat tools and extremely limited ability to influence his own strength and weakness attributes. He’s always weak to fire and lances and since you can’t remove him from the front line, you always have someone in combat weak to those elements. Fortunately this is less deal breaking for the fact that Itsuki dying in combat doesn’t immediately game over (hallelujah!). In addition, later in the game most chars get passive skills that greatly increase their avoid against elements they’re weak to, Itsuki included. Still, being able to remove Itsuki from the front line would greatly increase your party diversity and flexibility. For a while after recruiting a second sword character, I had difficulty justifying putting him in the active party because Itsuki already filled the sword role. Eventually, I promoted Itsuki to a more support role and let the other char handle offensive sword plays. 
One more minor complaint I have is the inability to swap out fallen allies. Having only three party members means that even one of them dying can be crippling, especially later on and on harder difficulties. I’ve wasted turns reviving downed allies and trying to heal back only for enemies to just repeat what killed someone in the first place and put me exactly where I was last turn with less healing items or sometimes in an even worse situation. While the boss dichotomy of easy/impossible with little in between that some persona bosses suffer from is present here, the existence of specials, ad-lib performances and duo performances that heal or revive greatly alleviate some of the comeback struggle that has a tendency to snowball in this combat system. As the only active non-rng option, specials in particular are important to the system. The severity of boss gimmicks isn’t quite as punishing in TMS compared to persona, but TMS’s smaller party size, can still cause a bad situation to cascade into unsalvageable territory.
3. Dungeons
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The dungeon design of TMS is interesting in that it departs from persona 3/4′s formula of randomly generated floors in favor of deliberately organized floor plans with usually only one correct path to the end. The linearity is sometimes broken up by treasures that you’ll have to backtrack for, but aside from that, there’s little mandatory backtracking within a dungeon. Dungeons stick around even after you clear them, allowing side stories to ask you to venture back over familiar ground for one task or another.
That said, the linear nature isn’t necessarily a bad thing. In TMS’s case, it allows the developers to give the player a learning curve for the dungeon’s mechanics and then challenge how well the player understood the earlier lessons, because the devs can guarantee that the player experienced the earlier sections before the later ones. It may sound obvious on paper, but it means that the developers can have a better awareness of the player’s competency at any given point in any dungeon, which is something that can’t be tracked when the player can go multiple routes at any given time. But I digress.
Another mechanical difference of note is how the player, Itsuki interacts with enemies pre-battle. In persona 3 and later, you could swing your weapon to hit an enemy in the field and that would start combat (at an advantage if they didn’t notice you), but in TMS, striking an opponent on the field knocks them back and stuns them, giving you the choice to then get closer and touch them to begin combat at an advantage or to avoid combat entirely. I like this greater degree of choice and it fits within the philosophy that TMS dungeons are made to be less stressful - less about meticulous resource management - than persona games. There’s still an incentive to engage in combat: you need to keep up a certain amount of level growth just to have the raw stats to beat bosses, but if you’re low on health and/or healing items or just plain short on available play time and you think or know there’s a checkpoint up ahead so you just want to make a push to reach it, you aren’t forced into battles you don’t want to engage in... with the exception of “Savage Encounters,” which are challenge monsters that seem to just exist to screw with you anyway. I think there was only one area prior to the last or second to last dungeons that had savage enemies I could actually beat albeit with great effort.
Playing TMS after Persona 5, it was also apparent that TMS’s idolaspheres were prototype palaces, from the set floor layouts and linear progression to the overarching themes of the dungeon informing its aesthetic and unique mechanics. In fact there are a number of things that TMS pinoeered for Atlus that then went on to feature in P5. You can read about some others here.
Puzzles were almost entirely navigation in nature - that is, how to use the dungeon mechanics and infrastructure to get from your start to your goal. It may be because it’s been a little over a month now, but none particularly stand out in my memory as being exceptionally good, while one or two I remember for being somewhat arduous or tiring. I’m still of the opinion that areas that the player is trying to solve puzzles in should have lower if not 0 encounter rate with random enemies, as battles, especially turn based ones that don’t tend to resolve in a single turn, can disrupt problem solving trains of thought.
Overall the dungeons are good though, and that’s important as they’re the meat of the gameplay. They are generally well paced with plenty to do and some minor stuff to find on your way to your target goal. Each dungeon’s unique mechanics fit with the dungeon theme and aside from a few exceptions the enemies are fairly distributed.
5. Conclusion
It has its flaws but I think, in the end, Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE gets more right than it gets wrong. Even though the story was standard fair for this genre, I thoroughly enjoyed it and wished it had more content to its core for me to experience. I know there’s dlc, but the nature of dlc means that it’s nothing integral to the story and I’m not sure it would scratch the itch the way I want.
The setting is unique and the game fully embraces the themes it sets up and the themes in turn inform and affect almost every aspect of the game, giving it a unified appeal.
The combat is arguably more interesting than persona. It takes the same core formula of targeting weak points for massive damage but allows players more tools and freedom to circumvent bad matchups, make carefully planned strategic plays, or simply style on enemies with flashy satisfying attacks.
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