lunalovvvess · 5 years
Driving Me Crazy (teaser)
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A/N: Hello everyone! I’m not dead and I wanted to give you guys a sneak peak of what I’ve been working on!! This is part of my (super late) entry to @uglypastels 1K challenge (congrats!!)!!! Let me know what you guys think!!!
Warnings: swearing and mild violence
Peter Parker was your nemesis. He beat you out for the Stark internship, had a gpa one point above you, and was the poster boy for your major. Everything you did, he seemed to do quicker, smarter, and better.
He drove you crazy.
What made you even more pissed off is that he didn’t even notice. Peter didn’t even give you the courtesy of acknowledging your rivalry. It’s like he didn’t even see you as a threat!
You’re sitting at a bar near campus, your friends giving you space to stew over your latest exam results. You placed second in class, again, and you know the person that scored above you. You don’t even realize you’re glaring into your drink until you hear a voice next to you.
“What did that cocktail do to make you look at it like that?”
Speak of the devil.
Peter Parker. Your nemesis. The bane of your existence. Unfairly attractive , your buzzed brain added unhelpfully. You turn to face Peter fully, taking a long sip from your drink.
“Parker. I didn’t know you existed outside of the science building.”
He gives you a boyish grin and shrugs, shoving his hands into his pockets.
“Guess even us lab rats got to get air sometime. Nice to see you out of a lab coat and goggles.”
You smirk around your straw, looking at him from beneath your lashes.
“Are you hitting on me Parker?”
Peter turns red, much to your amusement, stuttering and fidgeting with something in his pocket. You gleefully watch him flail for a few moments before you take mercy.
“I’m kidding. Chill out dude.”
Turning back to the bar, you take the last, watery sip of your drink, scanning for a bartender. Peter seems to take your silence as an invitation to sit. You side-eye him for a second before returning to your search.
One finally strolls over, a peppy blonde with a high ponytail. You perk up, mouth already open to order, but she zeroes in on Peter.
“Hi sugar, can I get you something?”
You roll your eyes as Peter unhelpfully holds up his still-full pint.
“I’m good, thanks.”
“You sure you don’t me to top that off for you?”
You huff, irritated that she apparently couldn’t see you (not because she was obviously hitting on Peter), and you just wanted a drink.
Standing from the stool, you make sure you have all your shit before heading over to the other end of the bar. There was another bartender there, a woman who looks she’d know how to make you a strong drink. You plop down in front of her and rest your head onto the bar with a groan. She throws you a concerned glance, setting the glass that she was cleaning down.
“You good?”
Sighing, you lift your head.
“Life, you know?”
The bartender chuckles.
“Yeah, I know. Want a drink for your troubles?”
You smiled brightly.
“I thought you would never ask.”
You’re three (four) drinks in, and cackling as you tell the story of how accidentally walked into the wrong dorm room. Your new friend, the bartender (call me Chavez), is laughing right with you.
“So you didn’t even notice you were in the wrong room?”
You shake your head.
“No! I tripped over a rug on my way in. I don’t even have a rug!”
Chavez throws her head back, her curls shaking as she howls with laughter.
You laugh with her, slurping the last of your drink. The ice rattles obnoxiously, and you set the empty glass on the bar. Another customer had grabbed Chavez’s attention, and the bar was starting to mellow out.
You glance around the room, spotting your friends chatting at a table. They smile at you when they see you looking, and you blow them a kiss. You’re about to turn back to the bar when a familiar mop of brown hair catches your eye. He hadn’t noticed you yet, laughing with a group of people you recognized as his friends. The girl beside him was obviously teasing him, and you watched in interest as a blush traveled up his neck. Peter looks up and catches your eye, smiling. You whip around to face the bar again, hands shaking. When he smiled at you, you could have sworn your heart... beat faster. Like you liked him or something!
Wrapped up in your thoughts, you didn’t notice the person next to you until they spoke up.
“Hey, are you in my History class?”
You glance at the guy from the corner of your eye.
“No. I’m not taking any history classes.”
“I recognize you from somewhere. How about English? You taking any English courses?”
He pressed on, beginning to lean into your personal space. Huffing in annoyance, you scooted back.
“Listen dude, I don’t know you. I don’t want to get to know you. Leave me alone.”
His eyes narrows and his hand grabbed your arm, quicker than you could react.
“I was just tryna be friendly. You don’t need to act like such a bitch.”
You hissed in discomfort as his grip grew tighter.
“What the fuck are you doing, let me go!”
He didn’t, squeezing your arm to the point of bruising.
“You should learn so damn manners.”
You could see the people at the bar taking notice, and a couple people making their way over. But your arm really hurt, so your (not entirely sober) brain thought of a quick solution to fix that. You punched him in the face. Hard. His shout of pain was pretty loud over the music, and he fell off his stool. Unfortunately, he still hadn’t let go of your arm, so you were dragged down with him. Bystanders quickly separated the two of you, and you feel a hand at your elbow helping you up. Straightening your clothes, you turn to thank the person, only to be surprised by a serious-faced Peter. Jaw-clenched, he was glaring over your shoulder at the guy who grabbed you. Clearing your throat to get his attention, you watched his eyes soften when they landed on you.
“Are you alright?”
You shrugged.
“My hand’s probably going to be sore, but that’s the worst of it. Thanks for the help up.”
You’re only able to see him nod before your surrounded by a swarm of your friends. Their worried voices wash over you, and you lean your head on one of their shoulders tiredly. You can hear your friend Kate in the background, her voice dropping to a threatening hiss as she leans towards the guy that grabbed you. The rest of the group steers you towards the exit, only stopping to pay off the tab for the night.
As you step out of the bar, the air hits your face in a rush. It’s late, and the stillness of night is soothing compared to inside.
Sun shines through your window, and you bury yourself deeper under your covers. You don’t remember getting home. You remember the feel of your friend’s hands in yours, the sound of cars going by, lights passing through a window, but you don’t remember how you got into your dorm. Apparently you were able to do your nighttime routine, because your face feels clean and you definitely brushed your teeth. Your roommate moves quietly in the background. Everything is still.
Monday rolls around and nothing has changed much. Well, one thing has changed. Peter Parker is everywhere.
When you’re grabbing food from the café on campus? Peter just happens to be there, and walks with you to class afterwards.
Studying in the library? What a coincidence! Peter was just about to start studying for the chem test, and wanted your help on the bonus question.
Late night convenience store run? Well Peter happened to be visiting a friend in your dorm, but now that you mention it, he was feeling a bit hungry. Then he carried your bags.
He was driving you crazy. But, you were into it. Not because you liked him or anything! Peter’s constant presence meant that you could study with him, and your grades never looked better.
Still, you needed a break. You had been attached at the hip to Peter for almost 2 weeks now, and you needed space to breath. So when your friend texts you about house party nearby, you jump at the chance.
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A Different Kind of Heartbreak
This is for @uglypastels 1k writing challenge. Congrats babes you deserve it and so so much more. The prompt/AU I picked was Teen Wolf and I based it (extremely) loosely around the episode Insatiable. I don’t know how I feel about this, but I tried really hard, so enjoy!
Warnings - Pretty much the entire fic is angst, so get rekt bitches ;)
Word Count - 1280ish
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It wasn’t supposed to happen the way it did. The date you’d scheduled with Harrison was turning sour at every chance it could. You were both getting frustrated and it was starting to show. Harrison’s shirt was still damp from the wine the waiter had spilled on him earlier, making it sticky and unpleasant while your baby hairs were blowing in the breeze, tickling your forehead and ears. You could barely get a brush through it earlier, much less do anything with it, so you’d decided on a simple, but not very nice looking updo. Tension at the table was high and you both were starting to feel uncomfortable with blatantly ignoring the elephant in the room.
Things had changed between the two of you, and neither of you was sure when it could have happened. You didn’t look into Harrison’s eyes with love and adoration like you used to, instead, you looked at him with emptiness. You didn’t want it to happen, in fact, you were still trying to fight it, but you had grown tired of going through the motions with your boyfriend of almost a year. You wanted something new or at the very least, exciting, but the more time that you stayed, the more you resented Harrison. You knew it wasn’t fair to him to just leave, and deep down you did still love him so much, so you stayed.
“I know you aren’t happy anymore-” Harrison mumbled. His gaze was stuck to his food, which you noticed for the first time that he hadn’t touched. Instead of eating, he was pushing it around on his plate. Trailing your eyes upwards, you noticed that his hands were trembling. It made your heart ache with regret and guilt. “-and I’m trying so hard to make you happy again so that I don’t lose you, but I don’t know what else to do.”
Your heart ached dully in your chest. You weren’t ready to have this conversation yet, nor watch as he hopelessly tried to keep his chin from trembling. You dared to look into his eyes, seeing tears pool in the bottom of them, a couple slipping out and sliding agonizingly slowly down his cheeks. Yes, you still had love for Harrison. That much was obvious by the way your chest hurt at seeing him so miserable. It hurt, even more, to know that you were the reason for his angst. But, as guilty as you felt, you knew there came a time in everyone’s life where you have to decide to put yourself first. You knew what you had to do, but you refused to do it here.
“Come with me.” You mumbled, putting some cash on the table before leading him outside. He dragged his feet as he followed you, feeling an urge to pull you back to the table and just sit down for a while. The closer he got to the door, the more he felt like you should both be sitting at the table, but he knew it was just because he was about to walk into the end of his relationship with you.
“Y/N, please. I’ll do better.” He begged, pulling your hand into his, and at the sight of his trembling lips, you let him.
You were about to respond when you heard shuffling behind you. Dread began to sink into Harrison as he watched a man point a gun at your head. He realized then that the overwhelming need to sit back down at the table wasn’t because he was afraid of having his heart broken, it was because somehow he knew something terrible was going to happen. With a speed that Harrison never could have stopped on his own, the gunman aimed towards your chest. He screamed out your name to warn you, but it was far too late. The trigger had been pulled and you looked at Harrison with a helpless and frightened look in your eyes as blood began to seep through the hole in your back, making your shirt stick to you. Everything was happening so fast.
He didn’t know it, but you were studying his face. You couldn’t explain it, but somehow you knew that it would be the last time you ever looked at it. His eyes were a gorgeous light blue, currently filled with tears as you stumbled forward and into his arms. He caught you easily while you coughed a little, blood landing on your lips and if Harrison’s chin was shaking before, it was vibrating now. He was the most beautiful soul you had ever known, and now you could feel your own preparing to leave your body. You were running out of time, and you hated it because you still had so much to say to the lovely but broken boy before you. Your eyelids were beginning to feel heavy and your breathing became labored, but you were at peace when you realized that you weren’t in pain. But, you couldn’t go yet. You had to tell him.
“No, please no. Don’t fall asleep. No, open your eyes, come on, look at me-” Harrison begged, tears now soaking his cheeks and falling off his chin onto your face. You had to tell him. He wrapped his arms around you, trying desperately to keep you alive until help came, but you knew you weren’t going to make it. You could feel yourself getting undeniably weaker by the second, and you were sure that soon you wouldn’t even be able to speak. You had to say it now.
“I…” You began and he pressed his finger to your lips.
“Don’t say anything. You’re going to be fine. Don’t you dare quit on me.” He choked out through the tears. He knew there was no use in denying it anymore.
“I...still...love...you,” You finally managed to wheeze out, causing a broken sob to pass through his lips before he leaned down to kiss you softly.
“I will always love you, Y/N. Always.” He cried back as your eyelids slowly became too heavy to fight any longer. Harrison wailed in distraught as the love of his life died in his arms.
Months passed, and they caught the monster who had taken your life too soon. Harrison, of course, testified against him, hoping that he could help put the bastard behind bars for the rest of his miserable life. But, the thing that bothered Harrison the most was that the asshole had no real reason for taking you away from him. It was purely a case of ‘wrong place, wrong time’ and unfortunately, that offered little to no closure for the boy who had to bury you.
He liked to visit you often and he made sure you got a beautiful spot beneath an oak tree at the top of a hill. You always did like to have a view. Sometimes he would talk about a date he’d been on recently, though that usually made him feel guilty. But most of the time, he just liked to sit with you in silence, watching the sun rise or set and remembering the wonderful times he had with you without thinking too much about what could have been. Sure you were about to break up with him that night, but Harrison had never planned to ever give up on you.
“I wish you could’ve just broken my heart the normal way.” He sucked in a deep breath as he stood from the grass he’d been sitting on. Hunching over, he pressed his fingers onto your tombstone before placing a gentle kiss on the top of it, imagining it was your head and not a stone cold slab. “At least then you’d be alive.”
I would apologize for that, but... nah
Permanant Tag List is open!
@lovelyspidey // @thelazypangolin // @hazsterfield // @sleepwalkingdragon // @broadwayshtuff // @hellomadamebutterfly // @silencinq // @moon-390 // @spideyyypeter // @awkwardfangirl2014 // @uglypastels // @sweetlysilent // @mellifluous-tom // @livingincompletesilence // @xofwildflowersx // @tominhoodies // @hollandsosterfield //
Harrison Tag List
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xuxibelle · 6 years
The New Girl (Part 1)
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Pairing: Harrison Osterfield x Reader
Word count: 4,884
Warnings: Swearing, angst, fluff, mentions of past abuse
Requested: No, but this is for @uglypastels’ writing challenge. My prompt was for my story to be based on the TV show Teen Wolf. I hope this does it justice lol Also, it came out so long that I decided to make it into a 2 part story
Summary: Y/N is new in town and can tell something is different in Beacon Hills. Will she find out what it is? Is it something bad? Or is it something good?
This was new to you, this town. You knew something was different here in Beacon Hills but you couldn’t quite put your finger on it just yet. You had just moved here a week ago and you were still adjusting to your new life and new job as the receptionist at the Sheriff's station. You had heard some strange calls come in and hadn’t really heard plausible explanations for them, but you just shrugged it off and figured if it was that important then it would be taken care of, so you left things alone. Today, two girls walk in looking for the Sheriff who had went out on one of those calls. You informed the girls of this and they asked who you were seeing as they didn’t know you.
“I’m Y/N. I just moved here last week,” you said shyly as you sat at your desk looking back and forth between the strawberry blonde haired girl and the light brown haired girl.
“Oh, okay. That explains why I don’t know you,” the strawberry blonde smiles.
“She knows everyone,” the light brown haired girl says with a roll of her eyes.
“Shut up, Malia. I can’t help I was popular in high school. Besides, it’s good to know a lot of people… It can help you out someday. I’m Lydia and this is Malia. Welcome to Beacon Hills,” Lydia says as she holds out her hand to you. You hesitantly reach out and shake her hand. “Don’t mind Malia,” Lydia laughs. “She has... a way with words. You should come to my party tomorrow, meet some people and hang out,” she offers.
“I… don’t know about that,” you hesitate.
“I insist,” Lydia comments with a stern face.
“Okay then,” you say with a tight smile.
“Great,” Lydia says as a huge smile breaks out on her face. “Saturday night. Party is at 8 but people usually come early around 6:30-7. See you there.” You breathe a sigh of relief as they turn and walk out the door leaving you in peace. You felt a slight urge to panic but you fought against it. Maybe Lydia’s party wouldn’t be so bad and maybe you could make some new friends. You took a deep breath. Once your shift was over you went home and searched through your closet for the perfect outfit for the party. After looking through your clothes a few times you decide on a simple bright blue sundress since it’s still hot outside at night. The next night, your nerves are getting the better of you so you decide to have a drink while you get ready to help calm you. Once you found your hair and makeup to be to your liking you slipped your dress and shoes on and headed to Lydia’s. Ringing the doorbell, it wasn’t long before she answered the door. “Y/N! You made it! Come in!” she said happily with a smile as she ushered you in the door. You followed her through to the kitchen where she got you a drink. “Here you go. My specialty, of course. You know Malia, but this is Stiles, Scott, Kira, Liam, Isaac, Mason, and Brett. Guys this is Y/N. She just moved here a week ago and she’s working at the Sheriff’s station,” Lydia introduces you to everyone there. They all welcome you warmly giving you the feeling that you might actually have made the right decision in moving here.
“Anything you need just come to one of us,” Scott tells you with a smile before he walks off with Kira.
“Thank you,” you say with a shy smile.
“Hey, loosen up,” Stiles says as he slings an arm around your shoulders. “You can’t be all shy and awkward around us for long. We’ll bring you out of that shell,” he winks at you as he walks of as well. You take a long sip of your drink before you turn to Lydia.
“Don’t worry,” she laughs. “He’s an idiot.” You nod your head and giggle at her response. You start to loosen up a bit when you start your second cup of Lydia’s concoction. As you’re dancing with a random guy in the middle of the living room, you can feel a pair of eyes on you and you glance around to see if you can find them. At first you don’t see them and you give up, but a few minutes later you feel it again and you look up to meet a pair of ice blue eyes stuck on you from across the room. When they realize you caught them, they jump and turn away making you bite your lip to hold in a laugh. After you look away, the guy walks over to Lydia and nudges her shoulder making her look up at him.
“Who... is that?” the guy asks her as he turns his gaze back to you. She knew he meant you because she knows that he knew pretty much everyone there.
“See something you like, do ya?” she teases and receives a glare. “That, Harrison, is my new friend Y/N. She just moved here last week. I met her yesterday and invited her so she could meet some new people,” Lydia smiled at him before she grabbed his hand. “Come on,” she said as she pulled him along behind her.
“No, Lydia, please,” he begged, but it was no use. Lydia reached you on the dance floor and tapped you on the shoulder.
“I don’t mean to interrupt, but can I steal you for a minute?” she says sweetly before you nod with a shy smile and follow her away from where everyone was dancing. “Y/N, this is Harrison another one of our friends. Harrison, Y/N,” Lydia introduced you. He reaches out his hand and you shake it as you smile at him. “Now that you’ve been introduced, you can stop looking at each other from across the room and actually talk,” she said before she walked off leaving you both blushing and looking at the floor.
“Is she always that blunt?” you ask as you slowly look up at Harrison.
“Lydia? Oh yea. Sometimes more so,” he laughs. “You wanna go outside where it’s less loud?”
“Sure,” you smile at him before you follow him out the back doors onto the patio. There were a handful of people out there, but nowhere near as many as inside. You found a seat against a wall of the garage opposite the house and faced Harrison.
“So… what brings you to Beacon Hills,” he asks you. You scrunch you face as you look up at him and laugh.
“I knew that would be your first question. Honestly... I needed a fresh start. There were too many bad memories where I was. My parents were killed about 6 months ago in the place I was living and I had to get out. I just didn’t want to stay where it happened anymore. There are also people there that I needed to get away from,” you explain as you see his expression change as he listens to your story.
“Y/N… I am so sorry. I didn’t… I didn’t mean,” he begins as you hold your hand up to stop him.
“It’s okay, Harrison. I promise. I’m okay with everything. I’ve done my grieving. Yea, it still hurts that they’re gone and I can’t change that, but you couldn’t have known and it doesn’t hurt me to talk about it,” you say as you give him a shy smile.
“Can I ask you something?” he asks you.
“What did I mean about getting away from people?” you ask him. He laughs as he nods his head. “My ex,” you tell him as you look at the ground.
“Was he… abusive?” he asked hesitantly before he sees you nod your head. You shiver as you remember the things that he used to do to you. Taking a breath, you slowly raise your head to look at Harrison.
“It didn’t start out that way… He was the sweetest guy I’d ever met, that’s why I stayed with him. I thought maybe it was just a phase and he’d go back to the guy I knew… but he never did. It was like living with Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde… If I did one thing slightly wrong he’d go off…”you told him.
“How’d you get away?” he asked curiously.
“With some friends’ help. If it wasn’t for them, I would honestly probably be six feet under by now... I remember one particularly bad time where all I did was not wash clothes that day. I ran out of time and I was going to do them first thing the next morning. He… he shoved me against the wall first and yelled at me. I don’t remember what he said exactly, something about me being too stupid to remember to do things. I shouldn’t have said anything cause I knew it would make him even more mad but I was trying to reason with him and explain that I ran out of time. He grabbed my arms and slung me across the room and I fell on the coffee table which had a glass top so naturally I fell through it… my arms and back had cuts everywhere. I was lucky I didn’t have a concussion that time. He’s given me 2 of those. He did end up breaking 2 of my fingers that day when I fell though. I’ve also had broken ribs, my left arm, right wrist, left ankle and broken bones in my right foot from him… That day, he stormed out of our place just after I fell and I called a friend who came and took me to the hospital. While we were there, one of my friends stayed with me while the others went and got my things while he was gone,” you confessed. Harrison stared at you wide eyed. “What,” you half laughed.
“And this guy is still alive… Your friends didn’t do anything?” Harrison asked. You shook your head and smiled.
“I told them not to. I begged them,” you explained.
“What?! Why would you do that??” he exclaimed. “After all that… all the things he’s done to you?”
“I thought that the guy I knew was still in there somewhere,” you told him. “That was before I realized who he really was. He came after me when I left. I have a restraining order now. He can’t come within 50 feet of me.”
“Well, that’s good. Thankfully you have that, but that still might not stop him. I mean, If he really wanted to, you know,” Harrison said as he looked at you sympathetically.
“Yea, I know,” you nodded as you took a breath. “That’s part of why I moved here. I’m across the country and no one knows where I moved. I told my friends and family I was moving but I didn’t say where.”
“That was smart. Maybe you can tell them later,” he smiles at you.
“Yea,” you smile back.
“Listen, if Lydia invited you to her party you’re officially in our friend group, and even if you weren’t, I want you to know that you could ask me to help with anything and I would be there. I know you don’t know anyone here and I know what that’s like. I was in the same position a couple years ago and Scott took me in no questions asked. You seem like a great girl and I would hate for anything to happen to you,” he confesses as you see a slight tint come to his face. You bite your lip as you look up at him.
“Thank you, Harrison. That means a lot, really. I… just feel lost sometimes, you know?” you tell him before he nods.
“I do,” he laughs. “Here, let me see your phone.” he tells you. You hand him your phone and he hands you his. “We’ll exchange numbers and if you need anything or even if you just want to chat, you have it,” he smiles at you. You just smile at him as you gaze up at his eyes.
“How are you so nice?” you ask making him laugh.
“Most people here are,” he tells you.
“I hope so cause I’m really tired of jerks,” you giggle as you give him a smile. You spend the rest of the night at the party with Harrison, whether it's talking outside, dancing, or standing in the kitchen talking with the other friends when you went to get a drink. By the end of the night, you had exchanged numbers with the entire friends group. When it was time to leave, you thanked Lydia for inviting you and told her you had a wonderful time. There were very few people left so Harrison offered to walk you to your car before he left as well. You pressed the unlock button before he reached for the door handle to open the car door. “Thank you,” you say as you turn to look up at him.
“For what? I haven’t done anything that requires a thank you,” he laughs.
“Yes, you did… You’ve been so incredibly nice,” you tell him making him laugh. “I’m serious, like nicer than anyone I’ve met. So, thank you for making me feel welcome and for talking and for walking me to my car and opening my door,” you laugh. “Where I’m from, people don’t do that. You really are the nicest guy I’ve ever met.”
“Just somethings I wanted to do,” he smiles as he shrugs his shoulders. “Drive safe and I’ll talk to you later, yea?”
“Yea,” you smile up at him as you get in your car and he closes the door. As you make your turn off of Lydia’s road, you could have sworn you saw a pair of glowing yellow eyes in the trees to the right of you, but when you look back there was nothing there. You figure your mind was just playing tricks on you either from the late hour or from bringing up all those memories when you were talking to Harrison, so you just shrugged it off and continued your drive. Once you were safely in your apartment, you shut and locked your door before you texted Harrison and let him know you were home like he asked you to.
Y/N: Made it home in one piece :p
Harrison: Good lol Thank you for letting me know. I know it’s late. Get some rest and we’ll talk later :)
You smiled at his fast reply, not expecting it, not expecting one at all. He was right, it was late. It was after 1am already and you did need to rest. You had to be at work by 7 tomorrow, but you told yourself it was worth it after tonight. You laid in bed trying to fall asleep, which proved to be difficult tonight. Your mind kept going back to Harrison. You thought you could see yourself really liking him. After your ex last year, you had stayed out of the dating scene completely, but this one was different. Normally you wouldn’t tell anyone the things you told Harrison tonight until you’d known them at least 3-6 months, but here you were on the first night you met telling him everything about your past. What was it about him that made it so easy for you to talk to him? There was just something about him that made you feel at ease, calm… safe even. You’ve never felt that with anyone, and you liked it. You got up to get a glass of water from the kitchen. On your way back, you stopped and looked out the patio doors. It was so beautiful here compared to where you used to live. You loved the change. Again, you could swear you could see a pair of glowing yellow eyes just across the way in the trees, watching you, but when you looked again they were gone. You shrugged it off again and went back to bed. Finally you drifted off into a dreamless sleep only to hear your alarm clock blaring what felt like minutes later. You groan as you get out of bed to take your shower and start your day. You get a text from Harrison around 9:30 after you get back from a break.
Harrison: Hey, you awake yet
Y/N: yes lol some of us have to work
Harrison: Shit you’re at work. I’m sorry, I’ll leave you alone.
Y/N: it’s fine. lol It’s a slow day
Harrison: You sure? You won’t get in trouble?
Y/N: nah, they said as long as it’s slow, and there’s nothing to be done, it’s ok
Harrison: In that case… What time do you go to lunch?
Y/N: 11:30. Why?
Harrison: I’m coming to take you :)
Y/N: You don’t have to do that
Harrison: You don’t want me to?
Y/N: I didn’t say that… I just… don’t want to be ...a bother. I don’t want you to waste your time, you know
Harrison: Y/N… I’m not wasting my time. I’ll see you at 11:30
You smiled at your phone as you bit your lip trying to calm your nerves and steady your thoughts. ‘Maybe he’s just doing this to be friendly. I am new in town’ you thought to yourself. You hoped it was for another reason but you were determined not to let that show. He showed up 10 minutes early and distracted you from boredom until it was time for you to leave before he took you to lunch at the cafe just down the street. Sitting outside on the warm summer day was beautiful. You and Harrison talked more through your lunch and while he drove you back to work.
“I have to ask… why did you take me to lunch today?” you ask curiously as you glance over at Harrison before you get out of his car.
“I wanted to get to know you better,” he tells you with a smile. Damn him for giving you an answer that could go either way. “Don’t worry, Y/N. No ulterior motives here. Scouts honor,” he laughs making you laugh.
“Well, I had a nice time and thank you for lunch,” you say with a smile as you jump out of his SUV. “I’ll text you later,” you tell him before you close the door and wave as you walk backwards towards the door of the Sheriff’s station. He waves back before he backs out of the parking lot and drives off. You and Harrison start texting and hanging out more and more over the next week. On Thursday, you get a text from Lydia telling you about another party, promising to be smaller.
Lydia: Party. Friday night. 6pm. My place. I know you’re off. I asked the Sheriff who is a close, personal friend. Just our group. I promise.
You sigh as your anxiety rises hoping she’s not just telling you that to get you to come. You should have known she knew the Sheriff when she introduce you to Stiles at the last party but it didn’t click in your mind because of your nerves being up.
Y/N: I’ll be there :)
Lydia: Great ;) Wear something… nice. Not trying to sound rude. I’m telling everyone the same thing lol I want this to be like a dinner party.
Y/N: it’s ok lol I’ll be prepared
At home that night, you couldn’t decide what to wear for the dinner party. You had three dresses picked out: one was black, one was maroon, and one was dark blue.
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Finally making the decision to wear the maroon, you put the others back in the closet and hung the maroon dress on the bathroom door for the next day. You got ready a little early and had a glass of wine to calm your nerves while you waited. You didn’t want to show up too early, so you texted Lydia.
Y/N: Hey, my anxiety was up and I got ready to early lol is anyone else there yet?
Lydia: That’s totally okay. Happens to the best of us sometimes, sweetie. Yea, Stiles just got here. You can come on over if you want :)
Y/N: Thank you
You left your house with your nerves a little less frazzled and made your way to Lydia’s where you stood waiting patiently to be let in after knocking on the door.
“Y/N! Good to see you! Come on in,” Stiles welcomes you as he opens the door. “Lydia just went down to the wine cellar.” You shrugged your jacket off and hung it in her coat closet near the door. “Don’t you look nice.”
“Thanks, so do you,” you blush at his words. “I’m not used to things like this.”
“Don’t worry. It’s just friends getting together for dinner wearing fancy clothes. Lydia just likes to make us dress up sometimes,” he laughs as he speaks the last sentence.
“As you should, you bum,” you hear Lydia say as she walks around the corner. “Y/N! You look amazing!! Hope he didn’t bore you to death while I was gone,” she jokes.
“Of course not,” you laugh.
“Let’s go. We’ll be in here tonight,” she says as she motions to follow her. You all walk down the hallway and into a large dining room. “Some of us couldn’t make it tonight, so we’re only waiting on five more people,” she tells you both as you walk in the room.
“And that would be…” Stiles asks.
“Scott, Kira, Brett, Malia, and Harrison,” she confirms.
“What happened to everyone else?” you ask.
“Not exactly sure. They just said they had something come up,” she says as she shrugs her shoulders. “So, Y/N… I hear Harrison came to the Sheriff’s station and took you to lunch last week.” Your face burned as you felt it turn red.
“U-uhm, yea, h-he did,” you stammered out making Lydia giggle.
“No reason to be nervous sweetie. He’s a nice guy. You should go for it,” she tells you. You look between her and Stiles. He gives you a confirmation nod and a smile before you look back at Lydia.
“I-i don’t know… I mean… yea, he’s really nice, but after my last relationship I’m sort of scared of dating,” you confess.
“Am I allowed to ask why?” Lydia asks you. You nod and take a breath. You feel like you can trust these people so why not go ahead and tell them. You told Harrison and nothing has happened.
“He was very abusive,” you admit to them. “To the point I had to get a restraining order. Also one of the reasons I moved here.”
“Oh Y/N… I’m so sorry, sweetie,” Lydia said before she walked over and wrapped you in a hug.
“So am I. No one should be treated like that, least of all someone as nice as you,” Stiles said making you smile.
“Thank you,” you smiled back at him. “Normally I don’t talk about it so quickly but I feel safe around you guys for some reason,” you laugh.
“Because you are. Always. With any of us,” Stiles tells you. There was something in your head telling you that something was off about what he just said but you couldn’t process it right, couldn’t figure it out.
“Weird thing is… I told Harrison that night at your party. First night I met him,” you said as you looked over at Lydia. “I’ve never told anyone that fast.”
“You really told him that night?” she asked before you nodded your head.
“How soon?” Stiles asked.
“It was like the second or third thing we talked about. Why?” you asked in confusion.
“Don’t you think that says something about him and you?” Stiles asked as there was a knock at the door and Lydia goes to answer it. You shrugged your shoulders and looked at Stiles.
“I don’t know. I’m not good at this stuff, look where my last relationship got me,” you tell him.
“It’s okay,” he laughs. “I think it says that you two are really comfortable with each other. Comfortable enough to tell things to each other that you wouldn’t tell anyone else. I also think it says you trust each other without you actually realizing it.” You just stare at him wide eyed and he laughs again. “You’re really out of the dating loop aren’t you?” You nod your head as you look to the floor. He walks over and puts his arm around you as Brett, Malia, Scott, and Kira walk in the dining room. “Don’t worry. We’ve got your back. You’re golden,” he says as he smiles at you.
“Whatever he’s talking about right now, don’t listen. Whenever he says ‘you’re golden,’ something terrible happens,” Lydia says as she walks back in the room making everyone laugh.
“I happen to be talking about the situation we were talking about before,” Stiles informs her.
“Oh, well in this case he is actually right. You are actually golden,” she smiles at you as there is another knock at the door as she and Stiles smile at you and you blush as you all know it’s Harrison.
“Please don’t embarrass me,” you whisper to Stiles before he runs to open the door. Once he returns with Harrison, Lydia smiles and motions for everyone to take their seats at the table. She had made place cards and picked where everyone would would sit so naturally she put you next to Harrison when she heard that he came to the Sheriff’s station to take you to lunch. Your eyes shot up at her when you saw this and she just smiled at you.
“Thank you all for coming tonight. I have to say, everyone looks absolutely beautiful,” Lydia says as she takes her seat. Everyone commented on what everyone else was wearing, especially your dress. You felt your face flush. You weren’t used to so many compliments. Suddenly there were two servers walking around behind you placing items in front of everyone. “I hired a catering company to do this one so I could sit in and not miss anything this time, especially since we have Y/N who is new to the group, so everyone this is Jeff and Sam. They will be our servers this evening. There are also Carlos and Ben in the kitchen. Thank you guys,” she says as she smiles at them before they walk away. You all sat there immersed in conversation, enjoying the meal and each other’s company through each of the courses Lydia had planned before the servers returned to collect the dishes from the last course and bring out wine and other drinks for you all. You were about halfway through your second glass of wine when you excused yourself to use the restroom. On your way back you could have sworn you heard something from one of the other rooms down the hall. You assumed it was one of the other guys so you brushed it off and made your way back to the room. It didn’t even click in your brain that everyone was in the room still. Just as you took your seat beside Harrison, all the lights in the house seemed to go out. You drew in a sharp breath and gripped hard onto the chair you were sitting in. You hadn’t told anyone you were afraid of the dark so you weren’t sure what to do. You tried to take some breaths to calm yourself down but it wasn’t working. You tried to distract yourself by focusing your listening on everyone else. You could hear their voices and movements.
“Is everyone okay?” Lydia asked. Everyone responds in confirmation. “Okay, we just need to figure out what happened.” She turns and looks out a window. “It’s not a power outage because the neighbors still have their power, so this was either a fuse blowing or might have been intentional. Stiles, come with me to check the box, everyone else stay here.” Once they are gone, you hear movement behind you.
“You can’t have checked the box that fast. You literally just left,” you say as you face the noise. You get no response sending a shiver up your spine. “Lydia?” you say with a waiver in your voice. “Harrison, uhm, I’m scared of the dark… where are you?” you ask.
“I’m over here,” he tells you and you walk towards his voice. There’s a commotion as you make your way to him.
“Am I close?” you ask nervously.
“Almost there,” he tells you just before you feel his hands reach out for yours and you breathe a sigh of relief.
“Thank-ugh,” you strangle out as you clutch onto Harrison’s arms and suck in a sharp breath.
“Y/N… what’s wrong?” he asks you ignoring the footsteps running away in the background. “What’s happened?” He wraps his arms around your waist and holds you up. “Scott!”
“What? What’s going on?” Scott asks as he walks over.
“I don’t know. I was guiding her to me. She had just found me then she just went rigid. I think someone was here. I’m pretty sure I heard footsteps,” Harrison tells him.
@nerdraging4point0 @summernykole @sunshine112 @sleepwalkingdragon
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xuxibelle · 6 years
The New Girl (Part 2)
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Pairing: Harrison Osterfield x Reader
Word count: 3,539
Warnings: Swearing, angst, fluff, mentions of past abuse
Requested: No, but this is for @uglypastels’ writing challenge. My prompt was for my story to be based on the TV show Teen Wolf. I hope this does it justice lol
Summary: Y/N is new in town and can tell something is different in Beacon Hills. Will she find out what it is? Is it something bad? Or is it something good?
“Harrison, uhm, I’m scared of the dark… where are you?” you ask.
“I’m over here,” he tells you and you walk towards his voice. There’s a commotion as you make your way to him.
“Am I close?” you ask nervously.
“Almost there,” he tells you just before you feel his hands reach out for yours and you breathe a sigh of relief.
“Thank-ugh,” you strangle out as you clutch onto Harrison’s arms and suck in a sharp breath.
“Y/N… what’s wrong?” he asks you ignoring the footsteps running away in the background. “What’s happened?” He wraps his arms around your waist and holds you up. “Scott!”
“What? What’s going on?” Scott asks as he walks over.
“I don’t know. I was guiding her to me. She had just found me then she just went rigid. I think someone was here. I’m pretty sure I heard footsteps,” Harrison tells him.
“Malia, Brett, go check the house,” Scott tells them. A minute later the lights come on and whoever is left in the room is shocked at the sight. Harrison is clutching you to him, passed out with a dagger in your back. “Oh god, okay, uh, lay her on her stomach,” Scott instructs him. Harrison gently lays you on the floor as he and Scott kneel beside you. “Don’t touch anything. I have to call Deaton.” As he stands up to make the call, Malia and Brett return.
“Nothing left behind, but someone was here. We could smell them,” Brett tells Harrison.
“Do you know who it was?” he asks as he looks between them.
“Hunter for sure. Not sure who,” Malia said. Harrison nodded.
“Well they were obviously after me. I was the only on on that side of the room,” he says as he looks down at you. Stiles and Lydia return to the room to see the scene.
“We leave you for five minutes and you kill Y/N?” Stiles jokes trying to lighten the mood, earning a glare from Harrison. “Geez, sorry. Can’t take a joke.”
“What the hell happened?” Lydia asked. Harrison proceeded to tell her what happened as Scott came back over.
“Deaton’s on his way. He said not to move her and definitely not to touch anything, especially the dagger if it was meant for one of us,” Scott explains. Harrison leans down to you.
“I’m so sorry you got pulled into this. I never meant for this to happen. I thought I could protect you from this,” he whispered to you before he kissed the top of your head. “You’re gonna be okay. Deaton will know what to do.” A few minutes later the front door opens and Deaton walks in. He knows no one will care because it’s an emergency.
“Scott,” Deaton calls out.
“In here,” Scott calls back as he sticks his head out the door way. He walks down the hall and into the room where you are, making his way over to you.
“Okay, let’s see what’s going on,” Deaton says as he kneels next to you. He looks around you and doesn’t see anything suspicious. He moves his attention to the dagger. “Lydia, I’m going to need some towels, please.” She exits the room to find towels as he examines the area around the dagger. “It was poisoned,” he states.
“Poisoned?” Scott asks.
“Yes, quite a strong one too from the looks of it,” he comments as he reaches for his bag and pulls out a canister with a greyish powder inside. He grabs a pinch in his fingers and sprinkles it over the area where the dagger is, watching as is sparks and sizzles, not hurting you, just giving a reaction to the poison.
“That’s not hurting her, is it?” Harrison asks just as Lydia returns with the towels.
“Of course not. Just testing the poison to see what it is,” Deaton explains. He pulls out another canister and does the same thing, and another, and another, until he gets the reaction he was looking for: green flames.
“That either, right?” Harrison asks. Deaton pulls the dagger from your back and places a towel over the wound.
“Right, just a test. And I’m afraid this is a very, very rare poison. If it was meant for one of you, it definitely would have killed you straight away. It takes longer in humans for some reason. We haven’t quite figured that out yet, but the good news is there is a way to save her. The bad news is that I can’t do it,” Deaton tells them as he cleans around the wound. He wraps the dagger in a towel and puts it in his bag to get rid of later.
“What?! Why can’t you do it? You’re the emissary!” Harrison exclaims.
“I know I am. That’s why I am here, but I’m not a werewolf, nor am I an Alpha,” he explains.
“She has to be bitten…?” Scott asks.
“Yes, unfortunately, or fortunately, however you decide to look at it, if Y/N is to be saved, she will have to be bitten,” Deaton tells him. “If you don’t need anything else, I have some sick animals at the vet.”
“Yea, yea, we’re good,” Scott tells him. “Thank you.”
“How long?” Harrison says before Deaton leaves.
“I’m sorry?” Deaton asks.
“How long do we have before it’s too late?” Harrison clarifies. Deaton looks down at the wound and back up at Harrison.
“From right now, I would say probably about an hour,” Deaton tells him as he watches his face fall. “I’m sorry. I wish I could do more.”
“It’s okay. Thank you for coming,” Harrison tells him before he kneels beside you again.
“So, what do we do?” Malia asks. “Double-edged sword, right? On one hand she dies, the other she has to be turned.”
“Guys, can we just give Harrison a minute, please,” Stiles asks as he motions for everyone to move to the other end of the room. “We can all talk quietly down here.”
“Lydia, you know her best. Do you think she would want to be turned?” Scott asks.
“Actually Harrison knows her best. I know her second best, but I don’t think she would mind. I know she knows something is up in this town. She doesn’t know what exactly, but she can tell things are different here, and it doesn’t scare her,” Lydia tells him. After a few minutes, Harrison stands and nods at Scott, silently asking him to walk over.
“You okay?” Scott asks.
“Honestly no. This was meant for me. All she wanted was a hand to hold because she was afraid of the dark, now look where I got her,” Harrison told him.
“Dude chill. It’s gonna be okay. She’s gonna be fine,” Scott told him.
“You’re gonna turn her?” Harrison asked.
“I can’t let her die. She’s our friend and it’s the only way to save her,” Scott tells him.
“Thank you,” he tells Scott as he feels a tear come to his eye. “I don’t know why but I feel a strong connection to her. I’ve felt pulled to her since that first night at the party.”
“Maybe she’s your mate,” Scott tells him.
“Mate? Like friend, mate?” Harrison asked making Scott laugh.
“No, look, we’re wasting time. I’ll explain later. Let’s do this and get her through this,” Scott tells him. “Deaton said to leave her there and not to touch anywhere near the wound.” Scott grabs her arm and brings it to his mouth. He shifts to his wolf form, red eyes glowing, bares his teeth and bites down on her forearm making her gasp out in her sleep.
“How long will it take?” Harrison asked.
“No idea, but someone should stay with her and keep an eye on both wounds,” Scott tells him. They get the group together and tell them the plan. They agree to take shifts and everyone just stay at Lydia’s until it’s done. Lydia takes the first shift while Scott and Harrison finish their talk. “Okay, so what I was talking about before. Wolves have mates. They’re like the person you’re meant to be with, destiny. You get what I’m saying?” Scott explains.
“Yea, kinda, but you’re telling me that this new girl who we just turned because I got her into this mess could be my mate?” Harrison asked with a laugh.
“Absolutely! It could be fate that she was meant to be here at this time, in this place, to be stabbed by that poisoned dagger, so that she would be turned, so she could be your mate,” Scott tells him.
“What if she wants nothing to do with me after this?” Harrison asks him.
“Won’t happen,” Scott tells him.
“How are you so sure?” Harrison questions.
“One, if she’s your mate she won’t care. Two, I can see that she likes you, and if she really likes you, again she won’t care. Three, Lydia said Y/N can tell something is off in Beacon Hills but she doesn’t know exactly what but it doesn’t scare her, so she won’t care,” Scott explains.
“I trust you,” Harrison tells him. “But how can I tell if she is, like is there a way to tell?”
“Good. I’m glad you trust me, because I know everything is going to be alright. And yes, there is a way. You both have to be shifted into your wolf forms, that’s it. You’ll know when you see her then,” Scott tells you. “Now go get some rest. I know it’ll be difficult for you but please try.” Harrison headed upstairs to a spare bedroom close to where they had moved you to try and get some rest until it was his turn to watch over you. Scott was right, it was difficult for him to fall asleep but he eventually did. Stiles took the second watch so they didn’t have to wake Harrison and he could rest. Stiles noticed the bite and the wound were healing. He checked the time (close to 9am)  before he grabbed his phone and texted Scott, who was just down the hall, not wanting to leave you alone in case anything happened.
Stiles: bite and would starting to heal
Scott: Great! It’s working! Let Harrison rest some more before you tell him
Stiles: I was gonna…
Scott: sometimes you don’t think ahead lol
Stiles: Shut up
Half an hour later there was a knock at the door where you were. Stiles opened it to see Harrison.
“Can I come in?” Harrison asked.
“Sure,” Stiles said as he opened the door. He walked back over and sat beside you.
“How is she?” Harrison asked worriedly as he walked towards the bed.
“Good actually. The wounds are healing,” Stiles tells him with hope in his voice.
“Really?” Harrison asked with relief.
“Yea, come look,” Stiles offered before Harrison walked over and looked at your wounds. He smiled down at you.
“Can I take over now?” Harrison asks.
“Of course,” Stiles smiles at him. “I assumed that’s why you were here. Scott’s across the hall if anything ‘wolfy’ happens and you don’t know what to do.” Harrison sat with you for a couple hours keeping an eye on your wounds, watching them as they continues to heal. They were nearly healed when you started moving around.
“Y/N? You ok?” Harrison asked softly. No response. He kept watching you to see what was going on. Another half an hour later and the wounds were gone. He texted Scott and told him, making him come in the room.
“This is good,” Scott tells him. “Anything happen?”
“She moved around a little but nothing else so far,” Harrison tells him. Just as he finishes talking you sit up in the bed with wide eyes glowing yellow, taking a huge, deep breath.
“It’s okay, Y/N, just breathe,” Scott tells you. “Breathe.” You do as he says and take breaths deep and slow until your breathing returns to normal. “Feel better?” Scott asks when he thinks you’re okay. You nod your head slowly.
“I think so… What happened?” you ask. “I feel...different” Scott and Harrison exchange glances before returning their eyes to you.
“What do you remember?” Harrison asks you.
“Last thing I remember is finding you in the dark,” you confess.
“Nothing after?” he asks before you shake your head. “Someone cut the power on purpose. They were here for one of us, but they got you instead. They were here for me and I’m so, so sorry for all of this.”
“Stop,” you tell him. “Don’t apologize. Look, after I moved here, I could tell something was different. I still don’t know what, but I don’t care. You saved me, that’s what matters.”
“Actually, Scott saved you,” Harrison tells you.
“That’s a technicality. He never left your side until I made him go rest when he could do nothing else,” Scott informed you.
“Can you tell me what really happened?” you ask. Harrison looks to Scott for permission and he nods.
“Well… there was a hunter that was after me. I don’t know who or why, but he had a poisoned dagger. That’s what he got you with, in the back. Scott called Deaton to help. He said if it had gotten me, I would be dead. The poison that was used works much slower in humans,” Harrison explains.
“Hunter? Deaton? The vet? Humans?” you ask.
“Yea, sorry. I’m not good at this,” he laughs. “Deaton is like an advisor to us. We’re werewolves. Not all of us. Stiles is human. Malia is a werecoyote. Lydia is a Banshee. Mason is a genetic chimera and I won’t get into explaining that right now, but yea, that’s us. Everyone else in our group is a werewolf. And we are hunted by hunters. They are normally human, sometimes not.”
“So what did Deaton tell you when he got here?” you ask.
“He uhm… he couldn’t do anything himself,” Harrison tells you.
“Who did then?” you ask watching as Harrison looked at Scott then back to you. “Scott?” Harrison nodded his head. “What did Scott do that Deaton couldn’t?”
“He uhm… he sort of… bit you…” he says hesitantly as he watches your eyes go wide and he holds his breath.
“S-so…” you say as you swallow thickly. “I’m a w-werewolf now?” Harrison nods his head.
“It was the only way to save you. Deaton said it was bite you or watch you die within the hour,” Harrison explains in a rush before you hold your hand up.
“I’m not upset. I just… need a minute to process everything. Is that okay?” you ask. Harrison and Scott nod their heads and leave you in peace for awhile. You sit on the bed and think about all that’s happened since you moved here. You knew something was up with this town, now you’re part of it. You stood in front of the mirror hanging on the closet door and turned where you could see your back. There was no scar, no wound, no evidence of you ever being stabbed. This was insane you thought to yourself. You see a change clothes lying at the foot of the bed with a note from Lydia telling you she left them for you. You change into them, thankful to finally get out of that dress before you walk downstairs.
“Feeling better?” Stiles asked as he saw you walk into the living room.
“Much,” you say with a smile as you notice everyone turn to look at you. “So I guess you all know then, huh?” Everyone else nods. “Okay then, awkward. So what happens next?”
“Well, we’ll give you the rundown on how things work and I’ll work with you on how to control things for awhile. Harrison could even help with that if I have to work or something,” Scott tells you as you nod your head.
“When do we start?” you ask.
“We can right now if you want. Do you feel rested enough?” Scott asks you.
“Yea, I feel great,” you tell him.
“Okay, lets go outside. Harrison you can come with,” Scott tells you both before you three walk outside. Scott walks you far enough away that the others can’t listen in or see you. He wants you to have some privacy. He goes over some basic guidelines with you first  before he shows you how to shift. “Sometimes when you shift it’s hard to control after. You have to find an anchor, whether it’s a person, or an emotion. Find what works for you,” he explains before he shows you how he shifts into and out of his wolf form and your expression goes to one of fascination and awe.
“You can do that too…?” you ask as you look at Harrison.
“I can,” he tells you with a smile.
“Can I see?” you ask. He looks at Scott for permission and he nods. Harrison shifts into his wolf form and you can’t believe what you see in front of you. The beautiful guy that you met at the party a week or so ago just changed into a werewolf in front of your eyes. He keeps his eyes on you and you watch him as he blinks. You raise your hand to his face, trailing your fingers down his cheek as you watch his glowing yellow eyes flutter shut. Glowing yellow eyes…. Suddenly you remembered seeing those eyes two times before.
“You okay?” Scott asks you.
“Yea, I’m just… I’ve seen you before…” you say, nearly a whisper. Harrison shifts back to his human form and you gaze up at him. He bites his lip as he looks from you to Scott and back to you.
“Yea… you have,” he says with a small smile, hoping it doesn’t scare you that he followed you in his wolf form. “I had to be sure you were safe,” he explains.
“Thank you…” you say with your voice wavering. He wraps you in a hug.
“You wanna give it try?” Scott asks.
“I wouldn’t know how,” you tell him.
“Just, focus on an emotion. Do you have a lot of one emotion right now?” he asks before you nod. “Is it anger?” you nod again. “Good, focus on that. Take all of that and try to push it out,” he tells you. You close your eyes and breathe as you try to focus on the anger inside you. The anger pointed at the people that killed your parents, at your ex, at the hunter that came after Harrison but got you instead. You focused on all of that and imagined you were pushing it out into the world. Suddenly you felt a million times better. “Perfect! I’ve never seen someone get it so quickly!”
“I did it?” you asked as you held your hands out in front of you to see long claws where your nails were and you raised your hands to feel the fangs in your mouth. You smiled widely. “How do I go back?” Scott nodded at Harrison who shifted again and looked at you. You both gasped at the same time at the sensation in your chest, a feeling of tingling warmth spreading over you. You felt something you’d never felt before. You were home, completely safe.
“I knew it,” Scott said quietly. “Okay, watch Harrison.” You watched as he closed his eyes and took a deep breath, letting it out slowly as his wolf form disappeared and he returned to his human form. “You just take a breath a let it go,” he explains before you nod your head. You take a breath as you close your eyes nervously. Letting the breath out slowly, you imagine yourself returning to your human form and when you reach the end of the breath, you open your eyes to see them smiling at you. You raise your hands to see your normal nails and feel your teeth to feel no fangs. “I’m very impressed, Y/N. I’ve never seen someone pick this up so fast. You’re a natural.”
“Thanks,” you say with a slight blush. “I was always a fast learner, but what did you mean when said ‘I knew it’?”
“You heard that, huh?” Scott asks with a laugh before he gives you the same explanation he gave Harrison.
“Oh… okay… so that’s what that feeling was?” you asked as he nodded his head. You felt your eyes line with tears.
“Are you okay?” Harrison asked.
“Yea, I’m okay” you smile at him. “I just.... I knew there was something about you that night at the party,” you confess. “Cause I don’t just come out and tell someone I just met about all that stuff.” He wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you into a hug as you throw your arms around his neck.
“You’ll never have to worry about anything like that again,” he whispers to you as he squeezes you tighter. You feel a tear fall down your cheek before he pulls back to look at you. He cups your face in his hands, brushing his thumbs across your cheeks to wipe away the tears. He leans down and presses his lips to yours in a soft kiss. “I promise, never again.”
@nerdraging4point0 @summernykole @sunshine112 @sleepwalkingdragon
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uglypastels · 6 years
Hi! For your writing challenge, could I please get B99 (Halloween heist being the main theme) with Peter and Tony (platonic ofc) - I'll be posting it on @imbrium-barnes Emoji: 🌵
🌵 just realized I forgot to say congrats I'm so sorry ❤️❤️ congrats!!!(no worries darling thank you)
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wow. woooow 
I am shook. 
This already sounds fricking amazing!!! I can’t wait to read it!!! 
> Join my 1k writing challenge 🌵
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uglypastels · 6 years
fam faM FAM, for your 1k writing challnge, can I pleaseeee do the "occupied" moment from B99 with tom if it's not taken ??? - @popculture-parker
yes!! go all for it!! 😂
> Join my 1k writing challenge 🐶
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uglypastels · 6 years
heyyy!! congrats on the 1k you deserve it! i was wondering if i could please have the friends au it kind of sparked something lmao anyways it would be with peter parker and an oc. and for the emoji 🍿
oooh yay!! that sounds super interesting
> Join my 1k writing challenge 🍿
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uglypastels · 6 years
hey hey hey bean CONGRATS EEK!! of everyone this is something yoy deserve so so much. your writing is incredible and ceaselessly amazing. also could i join the writing challenge with a peter parker x reader and the office au?🍭 thanks so much bub and congrats again!!!
asdfghjk omfg sami thank youuuu 😭 I love you so freaking much 
peter parker and the office? yes hell to the yes! can’t wait 😂
> Join my 1k writing challenge 🍭 
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uglypastels · 6 years
CONGRATS BABE!!!!!!!!!!!!! can I have Night Like This with Harrison? ⭐️
thank you!!!!! 
yes, of course, you can!!!!!!
> Join my 1k writing challenge ⭐️
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uglypastels · 6 years
Hey, lovely! As you know, your challenges gives me life so, if I may, participate in this new one? I would like to write for you with Steve again, and with Valentine, by 5 seconds of summer. Lots of love, sweetie.
Andddd, I forgot the emoji. Silly me. One of my favourite emojis is actually the maple leaf 🍁 I found it cute. So now I’m leaving. Lots of love, lovely.
Of course you may. thank you! 
and that’s such a cute emoji! wow, super underrated. 
> Join my 1k writing challenge 🍁
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uglypastels · 6 years
I wasn't gonna join because I didn't feel confident about any of them, but for your 1k Writing Challenge can you do the Supernatural AU? And my emoji can be 💗 and if that's taken I'll use 💕
aww bub, don’t worry about it. be confident in your work! I’m sure it will be great!!! 
> Join my Writing Challenge! 💗
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uglypastels · 6 years
Is there a deadline on your 1k writing challenge? Did I miss it?
nope, I decided not to include a deadline. The challenge is ongoing until who-knows-when. 
I don’t like deadlines myself, they’re too stressful and I don’t want writing to be stressful so yeah, no deadline 
> Join my 1k writing challenge!
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uglypastels · 6 years
hey bubb! congrats on 1k💓💓 can i have kiwi with peter parker please
thank you hun!! 
and yes of course you can!!
> Join my 1k writing challenge  💓
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uglypastels · 6 years
Congrats on 1k, hun 💕 I could write something with 25. (Somebody to Love by Queen), character to write for: Peter Parker, emoji: 🐼
Thank you hunny 💓💓
have fun writing 😊
> Join my 1k writing challenge 🐼
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uglypastels · 6 years
Congrats on 1K!! 💙💙 can I do Teen Wolf with Harrison 💙
you can! thank you for joining
> Join my 1k writing challenge 💙
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uglypastels · 6 years
Okay my love, after reading and rereading about your writing challenge, I would like to take the Teen Wolf AU with Harrison please? Also this writing challenge is super unique and I love it!
aaah sorry if it got a bit confusing. if something isn’t clear or you need any clarifications pls feel free to message me or send an ask. 
and thank you!! I thought long and hard about how to make this challenge  a bit different so I’m glad it paid of❤
> Join my 1k writing challenge 😱
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