#patoto mine
8-soullessinfi-8 · 1 year
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they like to be photographed
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eirian · 7 months
I want to know more about the Lovely Lesbian Grannies couple that strolling through my dash sometime. :O oh oh and Potato too
u mean loretta and priscilla? xD loretta (the pink one) is mine and priscilla (dark hair) is @lesbianvillain's!! theyre our pokemon ocs ^^
i actually talked abt loretta here!! :3 u can ask eden abt priscilla!
as for patoto, there's two! mainverse and villainverse! theyre the same saiyan from two different timlines/universes :D
mainverse patoto is a bubbly farmer woman who loves chickens and grew up on earth when her mom settled there (she has two moms, one is a human step-mom)! villainverse patoto is the more "traditional saiyan" version of patoto in that she's a tough soldier with some baggage lol
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justdyingslowly · 6 years
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Lil present thing for @phantomtype :) Patoto is so cute, he gives me life and happiness.
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steoxthiles · 5 years
@theoraeken asked me to write post based on this AU I made
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So here is a Steo spy AU 🖋
“What a surprise to see you here.”
Stiles barely holds back his eyeroll, not bothering to turn from the open bar in front of him. He takes a sip of his champain as Theo takes his place standing next to him. He orders a drink and then turns to Stiles with a cocky smirk.
“Really?” Stiles asks, straigtening his tie, keeping his voice cool and calm, knowing he can’t draw attention to himself. “Because I’m not at all surprised to see you.”
The bartender gives Theo his drink and Stiles finally glances over at him as he sips it. He’s in a tight fitted, black suit and tie. Stiles hates how fucking good it makes him look, especially since his intentions tonight are anything but good.
“What?” Theo asks in an amused tone, placing his wine down, “Not happy to see me?”
Stiles narrows his eyes before he thinks better of it and looks away, this time towards the party going on behind them. Full of foreign, well dressed rich people, not a care in the world, classical music playing throughout the luxiurious ballroom. Stiles focuses his eyes on his target, one Mr. F as his superiors informed him.
“Is anybody ever happy to see you?” He asks, despite knowing very well that he doesn’t need distractions right now, and Theo is certainly a... distraction.
Theo’s grin only grows. “I thought you might be.” He shrugs, taking another casual sip of his drink. “Seeing as we’re most definitely here for the same reason.”
Stiles turns back to look at him and his stupid, perfectly styled hair. “I don’t think so. I’m here to stop a weapons deal, but I’m sure you’re here to steal said weapons.” He knows very well about Theo’s line of work and who exactly he works for. An organization that’s the exact opposite of what Stiles’ stands for. And he’s run into him just a few too many times on missions to see him in action.
There’s not even a hint of denial in Theo’s face as he shrugs again, still casual as ever. “Potato patoto. It’s still killing two birds with one stone.”
Stiles glances back at the target, at him shaking hands with another well dressed man. Stiles knows what he should do. He should shoot Theo with a tranq dart that Lydia had cooked up for the mission, leave him in a coat closet, and get on with the mission.
The deal turned out to be in some tunnels under the party; typical, and frankly, not very creative. The two men had quite a few guards with them as they attempted to exchange a metal briefcase filled with undoubtedly something sinister. It wasn’t too hard to take them all out as Stiles stands among the carnage. He presses a hidden button on his watch and speaks into it, “This is agent S, the targets have been taken out, the deal has been terminated.”
“Good work, agent,” his director’s voice comes from the device, sounding only slightly distorted, “Secure the weapons and report to the jet at sunrise.”
“Yeah, agent,“ a mocking voice says from behind him as Stiles shuts his watch off, “Good work. Well, besides the part where you almost got yourself killed.”
As much as Stiles hates to admit it, he did have some help.
Stiles turns around to glare at Theo, just in time to see him straigtening his suit jacket and taking out a hankerchief to wipe blood splatters off his face.
“Oh I’m sorry, did you mean the part where I saved your sorry ass from getting shot? Or the part where you were more focused on a goddamn briefcase then staying alive?”
Theo shoots him a snark-filled smirk. “Devil’s in the details, babe.” He starts walking towards said case, now laying carelessly on the concrete, “You have your mission, I have mine.”
Just as he goes to pick up the case Stiles is stepping towards him, asking, “What the hell do you think you’re doing?”
Theo picks the case up anyways, challenge in his eyes, “My job. I came here for one thing,” he looks over Stiles like prey, “But, it is always a treat to see you too.” He takes a meaningful step forward, “It’s been too long. Do you remember Milan?”
If Stiles wasn’t trained to hide his emotions he’d probably be blushing at that comment. Still, he takes another step towards him and says, “You know I’m not letting you leave here with that case, right?”
Theo laughs breathily. “Yeah? Come and get me.”
The sheets underneath them are almost as high quality as the champain sitting on ice a few feet away. Stiles pants slightly, glancing over at Theo in bed next to him. Their overly expensive suits are strewn across the hotel floor, thrown carelessly in their rush.
Once again Stiles hates to admit what just happened. He never will; admit this, that is. No one needs to know about what happens when he runs into Theo, no one but the two of them. Although, sometimes he wishes Theo would forget and not be so smug everytime their paths cross.
“Fuck.” Theo says in a deep voice, cigarette between his fingers. He offers it out to Stiles and he obliges, taking a puff before returning it.
Fuck is right. Despite how he will never speak about these times, they certainly are spectacular. Even though they’re with Theo of all people.
Stiles sits up ain bed nd glances at the large bedroom window of Theo’s hotel room, at the illuminated streets of Paris below them. Theo runs his hand through his hair, putting out his cigarette in the ashtrey on the nightstand. He turns to Stiles, resting his head in his hand. “We need to do this more often.”
Stiles rolls his eyes. “We do this more than often enough,” he starts to pull on his forgotten clothes, “Do you have any idea what would happen if I were caught in bed with the literal enemy?”
Theo only smirks. “We make a good team,” he says, sitting up and leaning in closer, “And I think you’d make a fantastic recruit to my side.”
Stiles narrows his eyes as he begins to button his shirt. “Pretty sure that’s called treason.”
Theo shrugs, glancing down at Stiles’ lips. “Never bothered me.”
He finally leans all the way in and pulls Stiles into a deep kiss. Stiles complies, deepening the intense kiss as he climbs to straddle Theo’s waist. One of Theo’s hands tightens on his now clothed hip and Stiles takes the other one, pinning it on the matress near the headboard.
The kiss goes on for a while before Stiles finally pulls away, but only enough so that they’re faces are still almost touching. “I have a plane to catch.” He says before pulling away completely.
Theo groans as Stiles stands, grabbing his tie from the floor. “Going so soon-“ he begins as he sits up, only cut off by the sound of metal clattering as he pulls the cuff Stiles just secured around his wrist and the headboard.
He looks confused for only a moment as he pulls uselessly at the restraint, before he looks back at Stiles and asks, “What the hell?”
Stiles offers a shrug of his own, walking over to the dresser and grabbing the metal briefcase sitting on it. “Sorry, Theo. You know how to it goes, two birds with one stone.”
Theo’s confused anger quickly turns into amused annoyance. “You little-“
“It’s my job.” He throws the words said earlier back at him, not able to hide his smirk. “Till we meet again.”
As he starts walking out of the hotel room he can hear laughter ringing out behind him.
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eirian · 1 year
So patoto is potato, kinpa is pumpkin, turnis is turnip.. What about calabris and etro? (and another obscure oc etymology if you want, especially saiyan, cause I honestly run out of vegetables when naming mine..)
calabris is calabrese (the broccoli looking thing), and etro is beetroot!
i use the huge list of vegetables on wikipedia for my purposes lol
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eirian · 2 years
oh ok ramble time
so its kind of a dream of mine to create a really really cool yet self-indulgent story that has everything i love in it, including but not limited to aliens, angels, demons, gods, transformations, romance, etc.! i kind of had this with mirrors/facets, but i feel sort of discouraged with mirrors and facets bc they were based directly off dragon ball (if you remember they were originally fanstories) and to make them completely original would kind of take away what makes them how they are (the gods/multiverse/races were kind of intrinsic to the plot and i dont want to change it too much) so i feel like despite mirrors and facets being basically everything i wanted in a universe it was kind of a missed opportunity that i dont know how to recover u_u
villain + school is another story i feel very attached to and i love it to death but i feel like while it has things i really really want and enjoy (strong relationships, heroes/villains, fun designs and characters) it is also missing a lot that i COULD have (such as the aliens, angels/demons/gods, more mature themes b/c its centered around children) so i feel like its kind of a partial miss as well
i love shows like inazuma eleven and dragon ball and i kinda wanna incorporate things from them into a new story. im so torn about it though for a few reasons: 1) i am so attached to and in love with patoto and the rest of the mirrors cast that idk if i can top them 2) same issue i had with mirrors where i used all my ideas in that universe but it was too attached to dragon ball to really separate it at this point 3) i am STRUGGLING to create a new universe that even comes close to matching the vibes/enjoyment of mirrors lol
so idk what to do really. do i just bite the bullet and accept mirrorsverse for its similarities to dragon ball? if i do that it wouldnt offer much in terms of New Characters And Stories like im kinda itching to do, but it would allow me to use all the ideas i already loved. do i dive in and try to do the impossibe and create a NEW universe aside from mirrorsverse? how would i even go about that without just making mirrorsverse again..?
forgive the long ramble lol. if anybody actually took the time to read all this and has advice or suggestions id LOVE to hear from you!
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eirian · 4 years
Vv Patoto: Kinpa, I accidently drank from your coffee instead of mine, how long do I still have to live? Vv Kinpa: 10. Patoto: Um, days? Kinpa not looking up from his tablet: 9.
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eirian · 4 years
Hi, I know that people talking about hc was a few days ago but I would still like to share mine. I really like to think that vv Kinpa tells Patoto "Come with me, I wanna show you something.", then he takes him in the sky above clouds when it's sunset or moonlight or aurora borealis or somewhere with a meteor rain/shooting stars and they spent the entire time watching it. And Patoto's like "Holy shit...".
aw ;o; this is rly sweet
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eirian · 6 years
Do you have any tips when it comes to world building for stories and stuff? I've been wanting to actually do stuff with my ocs, but I have no idea how to world build ajdhdk
daydream a lot sjklfdjkl just think about situations in which your ocs could interact and try building off of them
i dont actually think about this a lot like, as a process??? so im really bad at explaining it sdkljfj i just Do It yknow ?? like with patoto’s story and world i based it off dragon ball’s preset world so i had smth to go off of but i added my own twists and turns to it and just added things that i liked until i made it mine
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eirian · 8 years
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its the saiyan squad
patoto (big boy) is mine, brock (left) belongs to @switzcore, cale (right) belongs to @gothetta
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eirian · 7 years
So I found a doodle I did yesterday morning (which I have no memory of) where Patoto and an oc of mine just. Fuckin screamin... Pat's just "whatcha doin?" And my ocs like "fuck if I know but it feels nice." And they. Just FUckin SCREM. And I giggled cuz my style is horrible I haven't drawn in ages. (According to my signature I drew it around 3am...)
they Scream..together
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