#pavel wont shut up about this and i understand
yeolsen · 5 years
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dawnquafam · 4 years
Spyota+ "Jim, the are doing it again!" Please. I loved Ur last spuhura post and thought it was rlly cute❤️
A/N: Thank you so much!! I hope you enjoy this too
Set in my We Could Not Stay verse, but only because I wanted to write mom!Nyota, so you don’t have to read it to understand this
Inspired by a post I saw the other day about Spirk’s bond, but I didn’t reblog it so I have no hope of finding it to add a link whoops
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Nyota prided herself on being professional. She allowed herself moments of play and romance – this crew was her family, after all, and she loved them more than anyone except her daughters – but her mother had always taught her that a professional woman was a successful woman, and overall, she preferred to adhere to that.
However, running on a mere hour of sleep snatched from various catnaps whilst spending most of the night trying to console a feverish three-month-old didn’t exactly leave her in the best position to focus on the dreadfully dull, first thing in the morning weekly meeting of the command crew. She could hardly bring herself to pay attention to Scotty’s ramblings about the engine’s status on her best days, and the tantalizing smell of the coffee that she desperately needed but couldn’t drink wasn’t helping matters one bit.
Spock’s voice echoed in her mind, a little telepathic nudge to wakefulness, and she hurried to refocus on the meeting, straightening her slouching posture. He sat beside her, hands resting on the table in front of him, head tilted ever so slightly to look at her sympathetically. He had lost his own fair share of sleep due to Amanda’s illness over the last week, though his Vulcan heritage had given him a decidedly unfair advantage in being able to overcome it.
Jim would not begrudge you a day off, he pointed out, not for the first time. But as much as she had loved the guaranteed abundance of quality time with her daughters, having none of her Starfleet work to do during maternity leave had soon left her feeling bored, not to mention occasionally helpless during the instances when Spock and the others were stranded off the ship. Given that she had only returned to work two weeks ago, she was reluctant to give up her job again so soon, so as the topic shifted from Scotty’s engine reports to Hikaru detailing their various course deviations and potential obstacles on the route ahead, she touched her fingertips lightly to Spock’s arm to reassure him that step wasn’t necessary.
He rested his hand beside hers, their fingers brushing, and gave her a dubious look. I know you are worried about her.
I am, she admitted, lowering her gaze. But Len says she’ll be fine. She’s just being fussy.
And yet, emotions often deny the logic of such reassurances.
It shouldn’t have been a terribly amusing thing to hear, but between the sleep deprivation and the faint tinge of his resigned dryness echoing across their bond, she had to work quickly to hide a laugh, ducking her head and pretending to cough into her elbow.
Unfortunately, that drew everyone’s attention to her. “Are you all right, Lieutenant?” Jim asked.
She cleared her throat, lifting her head and trying not to look at Spock. “I’m fine, sir.”
Len’s eyes were narrowed, flicking between her and Spock. “Jim, they’re doing it again.”
Spock tilted his head innocently. “We are doing what again, Doctor?”
He gestured between them. “Your telepathy thing.”
“We are not,” Spock denied. Not anymore, he added silently.
She nearly lost it again at the little caveat, and while his expression didn’t betray it, she felt his amusement as well as Len began to protest. “But you two were looking at each other, and touching each other-”
“As married couples are wont to do,” Spock pointed out, perfectly maintaining his air of innocence.
“Well, yeah, but-” Len huffed in frustration “-but not you, hobgoblin.”
Spock’s eyebrow rose. “Are you saying I do not look at my wife?”
“That is not what I was saying and you know it.”
Nyota now had her hand over her mouth to hide her grin, very nearly holding her breath to contain her laughter, and everyone else around the table was undergoing a similar struggle – save Pavel, who had given up and was just chuckling behind his hand. “Bones, you sound like a crazy person,” Jim said, just barely managing to sound like a concerned friend over his mirth. “They weren’t doing anything.”
Len spluttered. “But you saw how they were looking at each other! They only do it like that-” he waved a hand at his head “-when they’re doing their Vulcan voodoo.”
“You seem quite perturbed by this aspect of our marriage,” Spock observed. “Are you jealous, perhaps?”
The heat in Len’s glare could’ve lit Earth’s polar ice caps on fire. “I’m not jealous, Spock.”
“Paranoid, then.”
“Look, it’s creepy that you two can have entire secret conversations right in front of people.”
Nyota finally regained enough control to speak. “We don’t need our bond to do that, Len. You, for example, only speak English and Spanish, whereas we could converse easily in Vulcan, Swahili, Hebrew, Russian, Romulan, Andorian, Klingon-”
“Ok, stop showing off,” Len interrupted. He looked around the table. “It’s creepy, right? Those little moments they have?”
“Those little moments have saved our lives occasionally,” Jim reminded him.
Len threw up his hands. “I’m so alone.”
“On the contrary, Doctor, you are in a room with-”
“Shut up, Spock.”
Pavel’s half-suppressed chuckles turned into full-blown laughter, and that was all everyone else needed to burst out laughing as well, Len glaring at each and every one of them.
With everyone distracted, Spock reached out to take Nyota’s hand, twining their fingers together. “Are you feeling better?” he asked quietly.
She looked up at him, her amused grin fading to a soft smile. “Much better,” she answered, just as quietly, leaning in to kiss his cheek. “Thank you, my love.”
He squeezed her hand, returning her thank you with a gentle cheek kiss of his own. “You are welcome, Nyota.”
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