#payday 2 bonnie
artistnamedlg · 10 months
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Woman ❣️
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mirroredmasquerader · 10 months
God, I love women
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velathetanager · 2 years
Player AU Lore: Kay’s thoughts on the heisters
Houston: Loves him. He’s her vessel and... maybe not friends, but they certainly get along, and he can get her to use her “power” to do all sorts of things.
Chains: Thinks he’s alright. As long as he doesn’t treat Hous badly, she’ll leave him alone.
Wolf: Thinks he’s crazy. Is honestly scared of him and hopes for his kids’ sake that he doesn’t get to see them, but doesn’t outright hate him.
Hoxton: Hates him for being a dick to Houston. Houston doesn’t want the two to talk because of how vicious she would be to him. She would put him back in his prison outfit if Hous would let her.
Dallas: Do not get her started. She does not think highly of him because of how he lets Hoxton treat Houston (his brother), and Houston doesn’t let them talk much, either.
John Wick: Wants to mod a heist where a bunch of his enemies try to kill him because an escort mission for literal John Wick would be fun.
Clover: Is aware of Houston’s crush on her and keeps putting him in situations where the two interact hoping that he’ll confess. Thinks they’d be adorable together.
Dragan: Not much of an opinion. She does love his pager line, though.
Jacket: Thinks he’s creepy. Would very much like it if he stayed away from Houston, and to this end she’s working on a coding modification to him that makes him unable to get within 6 feet of him.
Bonnie: Thinks she’s cool. Would like to add stuff to the gambling room, but won’t push her luck for now. Most of the Gang is scared enough of her as it is.
Sokol: Thinks he’s funny. Mimics his accent a lot, and she’s worryingly good at it. Hous likes him, so he’s safe, and she sometimes gives him stuff.
Jiro: Doesn’t understand a word he says, but she does say the katana is cool.
Bodhi: Thinks he’s fun and is making a custom-heist so he can get his adrenaline fix.
Jimmy: He found out about her once, but she dropped a flour sack full of coke in front of him, and he got a bit too... invested in it, resulting in him forgetting. She sometimes feels bad for that.
Sydney: Thinks she’s a weirdo, but she doesn’t start anything with Houston, so she’s safe.
Rust: Dislikes him somewhat. One, he sold out his old group (so she doesn’t want him around Hous). Two, he keeps stealing Houston’s wrench. She’s got a surprise for him next time he touches said wrench.
Scarface: She doesn’t care for him, but she doesn’t hate him. Generally ambivalent. Sometimes she jokes that his name should go to Hoxton, though.
Sangres: She wishes he had more content/info about him.
Duke: She likes him and all, but she’d love to make a mod where the more times you use the Flask, the more distorted your vision gets (because drunk). She is aware that this would negatively impact him.
Joy: Finds a kindred spirit in her because of their shared computer knowledge and gaming hobby. If Kay didn’t control Hous, she’d control Joy.
Bain: She knows she makes him nervous, but she makes it clear that if she wanted to kill him, she has his model and all manner of painful deaths she could inflict on him.
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biframes · 1 year
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Girls’ night
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saateco · 10 months
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im gonna post my old pd2 art at this point
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motherfucker-unlimited · 11 months
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itspaydayfellas · 1 month
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Payday oc x cannon and friends favs keychains were made, I need to shut up so they don't find out
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manekinoodle · 1 year
There are many reasons why Dallas has to be the one talking to contacts, despite the danger it can bring to his person.
Rather than listing them here, let's look at the reasons almost nobody else is allowed to do it. (1/?)
Chains: Made a contact piss themselves in fear because he couldn't turn down his intimidating glare. Is now relegated to looking intimidating behind Dallas.
Hoxton: Lost his temper and slapped a contact for taking their tea with milk but no sugar. Is now relegated to being Dallas's backup or a sniper.
Wolf: Got distracted by a dance floor and got dragged off by Hoxton. Now requires supervision outside.
Houston: So invisible a contact couldn't see him. Now causes "coincidences" and "accidents" if needed ;)
Clover: Surprisingly okay, actually. Except when someone thinks she's English or Scottish. She steals things while Dallas is doing the talking now.
Bonnie: Keeps trying to gamble when negotiating or drinks on the job. Is now just allowed to do what she wants while Dallas gets business done.
Jacket: No. Is there to look intimidating if he has to be there now.
Jimmy: Are you really asking? A great decoy, but he's usually kept on a tight leash.
Sydney: Apparently her accent is incomprehensible to some people (us Aussies speak fast and slur our words). She also has the same temper problems as Hoxton. She's there doing her own thing to serve as backup if the deal goes south.
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what-yadoking-likes · 9 months
The Payday gang need the slightest whisper of an excuse to throw a party these days. How could they not? They had more money than any of them could reasonably burn through in several lifetimes, let alone the one they actually had - so throwing lavish parties for themselves and their CrimeNet associates was a no-brainer.
The countdown to midnight began. Jiro, Joy and Gao Fong dutifully raised their glasses, more observers than real participants - their new year would come later according to the lunar cycle, and was always more enjoyable anyway. Wolf and Hoxton clung to each other, eyes carefully watching the seconds tick down so they could kiss at exactly midnight. Sokol, Duke, Jimmy and Bonnie had pint glasses filled with - something - that they planned to down as soon as the clock struck midnight, with a fierce bet between them on who would down their drink fastest (they had roped Aldstone into being the timekeeper for this dubious event).
Nobody expected it to be Vlad that caused the most chaos. As soon as the clock struck twelve - and a chorus of Happy New Year went up from the TV and the heisters who weren't lip-locked or drinking furiously - there was a fierce gasp and strain of Ukrainian swears from Vlad.
The contractor hurried across the Safehouse to where Locke was standing, sipping champagne from a delicate flute. He grabbed the mercenary's face in both hands, and pulled him down for a kiss. Locke mmmph'd and struggled and spluttered until Vlad ended it, pulling back with an exaggerated "MWAH!" that had the Safehouse falling into expectant, surprised silence.
Locke was beet red, blinking as if to check whether that had really happened. Vlad was smiling broadly, teeth on show as he slung an arm around Locke's shoulders.
"Happy New Year, everyone!"
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Payday 2 fans, a quick question/poll, I wanna see something
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saltyspitoonz · 1 year
Sorry ladies I'm a Sydney × Bonnie lover
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Payday characters as quotes from my discord
Inspired by @scrungly-seraph (thanks man)
Jimmy: it’s got a sexy arch
Houston: im not you hoxton I can’t just seduce my problems away
Wolf: im going to tickle your asshole with the barrel of my shot gun if you don’t back the fuck up!
Houston: I use to be a Disney adult larva
Bonnie: what did we learn from this? America and trans rights
Dallas: stop feeding me lemons in my sleep!
Jimmy: call me a car in street fighter cause im about to DENT THIS SHIT!
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think about heisters that you haven’t really written for. and THEN think about reader losing them and havign to deal with that >:)
I’m thinking Dragan, Bodhi, Bonnie and clover maybe
Clover, Bonnie, Bodhi + Dragan grieving their s/o
- Definitely drank and/or smoked a little too much
- Outside of heists she'd be seen either outside smoking, inside her room/area looking at a photo of you or at the kitchen looking for drinks in the fridge
- She can't go to the bar downstairs because the bartender was told by Hoxton not to give her anything
- Would snap at people more often
- If you so much as asked her how she was feeling, she'd just bark at you and storm off
- 'Oh, piss off! You don't know how it feels...!'
- She would spend ages just in her room, looking at a photo of you and her
- No words came out, not even tears anymore
- She'd just stare. And stare.
- If you died because of a heist, her heart would ache so much
- She could've saved you if she was just... better
- She wouldn't go on any long heists, she could just about handle short, simple bank heists
- I think one day she threw a bottle at someone's head (it missed and hit the wall behind) at the safehouse and stormed out
- Hoxton decided he'd go out and talk to her about everything
- Something just clicked, and she'd start handling herself a bit more
- She would stop drinking/smoking as much, and she'd slowly be able to go on more heists
- She dedicated every heist to you, kissing the photo of you before leaving for the heist
- Same with Clover, she'd smoke and drink much more
- Days would go by where'd she just sit and drink in her own area
- She'd wake up the next day, passed out on the floor
- The splitting headaches didn't cover the pain in her heart
- Everything made her think of you
- She's never been this sad over a lover
- It's such a new and painful experience
- She once drunkenly made a vow to Dallas that she'd never love again (so she wouldn't ever feel like this)
- 'I.... will... NEVER.... do this... again...!'
- 'I... I don't want to...'
- During heists, she'd drunkenly take down many cops, slurring insults at any cop she fired at
- She was much more brutal, especially if you died during a heist
- In the van (on the way back), the heisters would try their best to keep the alcohol away from her
- But they'd just be met with shoves and swears
- As soon as they arrived at the safehouse, she'd immediately go back to her seat and drink again, until she either passed out or was put on another heist
- Eventually, Dallas had to talk to her
- She was getting too violent with everyone and wasn't giving 100% in her heists anymore
- Lots of shouting would be heard, but eventually, Bonnie decided to do better
- She started actually confronting her trauma, which worked really well actually
- She's much more at peace with it, talking to you at your grave with smiles and so on
- Much angrier and defensive than before
- Would stay in his room most of the time, just waxing the same surfboard
- If anyone interrupted him for anything other than a heist, he'd just shout at them
- 'Leave me the fuck alone!'
- They'd leave, and he'd just sit down and cry
- 'I can't do this anymore... not without you...'
- He had so many things he wanted to do with you! How could he have let you die?
- He'd just sit and cry for a while, holding and staring at your photo/your jewellery
- During heists, he'd be much less caring to civilians
- He wouldn't kill one, but he'd be much more sour to them
- If you died due to a heist, double that sourness
- He'd overall be way more standoffish to everyone
- Glares at practically everyone no matter what they did
- Might even get into a physical fight with one of the other heisters
- Dallas would probably break it up and talk to both of them about it
- When he talked to Bodhi, he would just nod passive aggressively and pretend to listen
- But once he mentioned you, Bodhi was just about to fight Dallas
- 'Hey, shut the fuck up! Don't mention (Y/n)!'
- Dallas would keep pushing on, and eventually got through to him
- All of those places he was gonna take you... maybe he could just go there himself and spread your ashes there? Yeah, that sounded good
- No passive aggressiveness here, he'd just shout at everyone
- He'd tell the other heisters on how they're doing worse or something, even if they did fine
- He'd just pick everyone apart
- 'Hey, why didn't you get that extra bag?'
- 'I would've died if I went back Dragan???'
- 'How pathetic of you. You should've got it. (Y/n) would've, why can't you, huh?!'
- No one liked him
- He'd just constantly berate the others and storm off
- He'd probably also work out to an unhealthy amount?
- If you died during a heist, he's exercising way more
- He feels like it's his way of proving he could've saved you in a way?
- During heists, he'd probably be much less professional and stuff, shooting cops when they're running away, shouting and shoving civs
- He sees you everywhere by the way
- Absolutely everywhere
- Any reflection has you standing behind him
- He doesn't cry, at least not in public
- He just... puts on an apathic face and moves on
- But deep down, it's really tearing deep in his soul
- It's kind of difficult to talk to him at all without him shouting at you to back off
- But Dallas manages to get a few words in
- After talking to him, he probably walked into the bathroom and cried
- It did feel better letting it all out, but it did hurt
- I think after a while he stops being as standoffish but would shout at others if they even mentioned you in any way
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biframes · 1 year
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hoxooster · 2 years
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This DLC has been out for a few days, now. (Apologies for being late with this post.) But, I have news for those of you who may not know that this extra stuff is going on!
To celebrate the release of the newest heist, OVERKILL has enabled drops for a new mask, gloves, and suit to drop after an hour of Twitch watch-time on participating streams.
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So, make sure to link your Starbreeze/Nebula account to your Twitch account and watch any of these streams that have drops enabled to get your hands on these items. You have until March 1st!
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Organizations/Groups I think the Payday heisters would be in.
Duke would definitely be a Kingsman agent. Im listing this first cause its what inspired the whole post. Dallas and Houston would be Statesman agents. Hoxton would be considered for Kingsman because of Aldstone, but whether or not he makes it in is up in the air.
Jacket would be buddies with the Unholy Trinity from GTA or part of the Creeps from RUINER.
This isn't like. An official group but I think Wolf and Joy would be survivors in Generation Zero.
Wick would be a Dark Brotherhood assassin when the Brotherhood was in its prime (Oblivion Era)
Jimmy is a citizen of the New Sheoth in Shivering Isles on the side of Mania.
I could see Bonnie as a crewmember aboard the Black Pearl.
More to come, feel free to add on :0
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