#paypal scam
redbuddi · 3 months
This morning I woke up to this email
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Scary right? It looks as though all of a sudden I owe over a thousand dollars to some studio I've never heard of. This would be enough to make anyone jump to correct the situation. But if you get this email or ones like it, stay calm, do not call the number, and do not click ANY of the links.
This email is fake. I logged into paypal through normal means and there was no such invoice sent to me. While obviously I didn't call the number or click the links to check for sure, this is most likely a classic phishing scheme. Essentially if you click any of the links or call the number, you will be asked for your login information in a way that looks legitimate, but once they confirm your login they will disconnect you, change your password, and have complete access to your paypal.
tl;dr, If you get the email pictured above or anything similar, delete it immediately. Do NOT call the number it provides. Do NOT click on any of the links it contains.
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fandomwonderer · 4 months
Hello sorry for tagging. I am very sick, my asthma is at its maximum level, my nose freezes, I have no medicine or food. I am in bad shape financially, I am a black disabled, who uses multiple medications, I pay for my food and lodging
Unfortunately I do not have all the resources to keep me safe, that is why I need your help, whatever you can contribute to me will be of great help.
Hi! So I’ve actually done some research on this before in a previous post of mine! That can be found right here. You’re a horrible person for committing such a scam when thousands of other people are actually suffering! Rot in hell, you piece of shit.
And remember y’all- if anyone ever goes directly to your inbox and requests something chances are it’s a scam or a bot. Please please PLEASE always remember to look up their username first and see their interactions with other users. @kyra45 always has wonderful examples of current scams going around the website to look out for.
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tittyinfinity · 2 years
If you use PayPal, please watch out for this scam
So I looked up the PayPal customer support number, and there are SEVERAL phone numbers listed through Google, a couple of them on the actual website itself.
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The one at the bottom was the first number google spit out at me. I call it, and it starts ringing like a regular phone.
A man picks up, saying that he's paypal customer service. He asks me some regular questions that seem legit. I'm calling about an email I got *from the official PP website* saying that I have a new debit card on the way. He tells me to check the expiration date of my old card, and lo and behold, he was right, my old card expired. So I said thank you, that solves everything.
But then he goes on to say "well we need to pull your information up. Are you using an apple device or an android device?"
At this point, I feel a little sus about it, because my issue was already solved.
I reluctantly tell him I'm using an android, so he tells me to go into the playstore, and look up "autodesk."
I look it up and I notice that it's a remote desktop app. So I'm thinking....a paypal customer support person shouldn't have to actually look at your phone's screen. This isn't right.
I ask him, "what is this for?" And he says
"This is so that we can go ahead and pre-activate your new card so you don't have to call back again to do it."
"How can I activate the new card when I don't have it yet?"
"We just need to open your account information to make sure your address, phone number, and everything else is up to date."
I tell him that the app is taking forever to download while I do a Google search for "paypal autodesk" where I find many threads/articles of people calling this number just to be scammed.
He wanted me to mirror my device to his computer so that he could take over my account.
The second to last number is the one they tried calling me back on when I hung up on them.
The 888 number, which is *supposedly* the real one, goes to a busy signal. This is the number that came up directly on PP's website when I clicked "call us".
The other ones rang like regular phones, no "this is paypal, press 1 for this, 2 for this, yadda yadda."
Anyway, if you call customer support for a huge business, and it doesn't immediately take you to an automated line before connecting you with someone, DO NOT TRUST IT.
Do NOT screenshare/mirror your device to someone's computer. CUSTOMER SUPPORT DOES NOT EVER HAVE TO DO THAT.
This has been a PSA
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icedcoffeeanxiety · 10 days
So this scammer was a little more advanced than most I've come across, but still an easy catch because I know exactly what to look for 😤😤
Be safe out there folks! Go through emails and such *carefully* and if it seems too good to be true, it probably is!
@andy-rose24680 for your blocking pleasure
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jemwolf · 2 years
Hey guys! I'm spreading word about this since it almost got me. If you receive a text like this, do not click the link! It's a scam. Take a screenshot of it and send it to phishing @ paypal. com (without the spaces, of course)
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I had already started filling stuff out when I realized; and I'm always super careful about phishing and scams, so be careful out there! (For the record, my phone did not mark it as spam until after I'd already clicked the link 🙄)
I caught it because I realized it was weird I'd only gotten a text so I checked both my actual PayPal account and my email and had no notifications in either. Any notifications should go to one of those places (but be careful with emails too! Through the PayPal website or app directly is the best way to see if a notification is real!) Also a red flag is the 24 hour time limit.
Please share! Reblogs are very appreciated!
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artfartt · 2 months
MIllicah Nyaachi, @massivegalaxytragedy, is a documented scammer profiting off of the war in Gaza btw! the user that “vetted” them does not exist, and their “gofundme” is a paypal link but is paypal even accessible from Palestine? don't think so! please be careful about who you boost!
I feel kinda stupid bc even after I did some research and even SAW the PayPal account I gave them the benefit of the doubt since everything I saw looked real. But thank you for telling me I will take the post down
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sunnywalnut · 5 months
If PayPal ever sends both you AND the dude you're doing business with an email saying that you have to send $200 EXTRA DOLLARS to their account to "expand it" RUN THE OTHER WAY. That shit is a scam.
I tried to warn this dude trying to comm me that this email looked fishy as hell but brother put his trust in me and I feel AWFUL. Dudes a stand up guy and just wanted a drawing for who I'm ASSUMING is a father figure. That being said, I'm of course, doing the comm anyways. Bc I was never really in it for the money. And if he's gonna be out of some hard cash, he might as well get something for it. What the fuck.
I'm literally gonna cry. Bro fr got scammed. I feel awful.
My first fuckin commission in over a year. I open up a PayPal account JUST FOR THIS GUY and he gets scammed.
Horrible. Straight up horrible
What kinda world do we live in.
$500 down the drain. Just cause bro wanted me to draw two important people in his life.
Fuck that shit.
Fuck that all the way.
I'm livid.
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emdoddles · 1 year
Scams that are affecting people who use PayPal
Recently, someone tried to scam me out of money but I was able to catch them quickly. I’m making this post to help teach others who use PayPal or any money transfer apps to help them understand how to spot them.
Email address, shortly after I gave my “client” my PayPal to send me money I receive this email.
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You can see that this email is from “PayPal services” however this isn’t what a PayPal email address looks like. Looking closer you can see how different it is.
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I immediately contact PayPal and was confirm that this was fake.
2) Don’t not leave your original pay site at all! If there are any issues with your account it will be fix once you notify the site services. The “client” tried to get me pay with PayPal this 300 dollar amount via bitcoin. Even if PayPal has bitcoin DO NOT MOVE FROM YOUR ORIGINAL PAYMENT, if you do fall for any part of the scam and lose money PayPal can at least trace it and hopefully get some of it back for you.
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3) Stay calm and clear head, take a break if you need to because you need to be sharp with this guys. The “client” said PayPal won’t let me send and receive any money because it was “locked until I send the 300” please find someone you trust to send money to you a small amount even to prove that your account is working if the sites services are too slow to your liking.
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And lastly, if you think they are scamming you and your unsure please talk to someone you trust to get fresh eyes on it.
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staticespace · 4 months
If you receive an ask or see a post for medical assistance by Tumblr user lucymkiraa, it is Highly Likely a Scam
Notice. They have admitted to having more than one account, so you may see their PayPal link in more than one place. Report the account in the image below to PayPal:
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I became aware of them after they sent me an ask (I unfortunately don't have the image because I believe they've blocked me, removing it before I took a screenshot). In it, they claimed to be Black and disabled, unable to breathe properly, and needing money for medical attention.
When I looked at their account, I saw the following pinned message:
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I reverse image searched their profile picture, which produced no duplicate results. However, I still felt unsettled.
Since I received their ask in my inbox, I began messaging them privately. I will note my personal red flags as we go along.
(this gets long, so please keep reading to view more)
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🚩Excessive use of "dear"
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Please note, as you see in the pinned message I've shared up above, that they have listed their income goal and the amount they presumably have. This information is completely based on their own metrics and you have no third-party method of knowing how much they actually have.
🚩"Trust me, bro, I will tell you how much I have."
🚩Constant misspelling/misunderstanding of English
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Note: they do actually have the update on the account they've messaged me with, even if they have multiple accounts. Regardless, my question still stands, as any of these "other accounts" they have could list any other number or no number at all.
🚩No list of accounts they are using to raise money
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Before I could continue, they quickly sent another message.
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🚩🚩🚩Lying to agree with me + continued excessive use of "dear"
I intended to say "Moving on" after my message conceding that they did actually have the amounts listed on their account. However, for whatever reason, they agreed with me that they didn't actually say the information I just said they did, indeed, have. Why lie about something so easy to disprove?
At this point, I'm sure I'm working with a scammer, but I also have a tendency to not trust myself. After all, what if their fingers are too stiff to type properly? What if that really is just the way they speak? It's the heat of the moment, and I know I can be gullible and a bit too quick to act.
So, I make one last attempt. After all, it's true that I couldn't find their icon image via a reverse search. But what if they used some sort of overlay I can't see with the naked eye to prevent it from matching with the original?
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🚩An excuse instead of an answer
Note: At the time I sent my initial message requesting an answer within two minutes, it was 11:45 PM in Sacramento County, California. In three hours, it would be 2:45 AM.
As noted, two minutes passed without an answer.
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🚩Continued misuse/misunderstanding/misspelling of English
Although, I accidentally wrote "be" instead of "been," so that's part of the reason why I didn't immediately consider it a red flag. Continued misuse, etc., is more of a red flag than occasional or one-time issues. Also, since I have put them on a time crunch, their misspellings and such have increased. Ah, also--
🚩🚩🚩Still haven't told me any sort of time
Even if they weren't sure what it would be in three hours, why not tell me what time it is now?
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🚩🚩🚩Told me an incorrect time
🚩🚩🚩Continued to tell me an incorrect time, but switched to military/international/24-hour clock
By the time of these messages, it was around 11:53 PM in Sacramento County, CA. The times they told me, as noted, were that it would be 3:44 AM in three hours (it would be 2:53 AM), then they told me it will be 8:53 PM (which is three hours in reverse despite referring to the future).
By this point, I am acting as though it is a scam and reporting their PayPal account. They continue to message me.
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🚩🚩🚩Still telling me the wrong time (2 PM when it's almost midnight)
🚩🚩🚩Increased desperation
🚩🚩🚩Continued misuse/misspelling of English despite claiming to be a Black American from Sacramento County, CA (before someone says it, AAVE use would not be a "misuse" of English btw, it's a dialect)
🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩Continued excessive use of "dear"
Unfortunately for them, I hate being called "dear".
I won't bother you with the extra images, but I switched gears and said I would donate to them, and they, continuing to call me "dear," expressed thankfulness. They were so thankful that, when I asked them for the email address they used for their PayPal account, they gave it to me.
As I sent my report to PayPal, they said they hadn't received the money yet, and I said I was heading to the bank. They said okay and gave me their blessings.
Thankfully, for you to send a report to PayPal, all you'll need is their link URL, this very post to show how they've acted suspicious, and their PayPal username, which is Lucymkira.
Their PayPal URL is https://www.paypal.com/donate?hosted_button_id=9R2PJZYZXPG4E.
Remember, Do Not Donate To Them.
I attempted to send a warning not long after our conversation, but I had a feeling that they would block me before I could share it fully.
Here is where I had started:
They appear to have blocked me before I could continue reblogging with more information, so I made this separate post.
Do not donate any medical expense money to user Lucymkira. Due to various red flags, I firmly believe it is a scam. Do not donate any medical expense money to anyone linking to the PayPal page with the URL "https://www.paypal.com/donate?hosted_button_id=9R2PJZYZXPG4E".
If you click on their link, you can scroll to the bottom to "Report Inappropriate Content" or click the link here, which goes to the same page. Use their username, "Lucymkira", and a link to this post to report your findings to PayPal on their inappropriate behavior and use of their services.
Be careful of medical expense scams on Tumblr, but do not lose your giving heart. Double and triple-check whoever solicits you for help online. Ensure you have enough evidence to believe them trustworthy before giving them anything.
And if they aren't, report them to the necessary authorities so others do not get scammed.
Please reblog this post to spread the word.
Many thanks for your time.
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Yay first scammer on tumblr!!! I fucking hate all of you if you don’t have a real profile picture you’re being blocked! I trust no one! I just want real people to listen to my rants and buy my art.
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xythlia · 1 year
because that scam blog reached out to me again (dumb move) here are screenshots from @kyra45 detailing that @michellaivee is a scammer + any blog asking for donations using the paypal mriggs859 is fraudulent
in their latest stolen donation post they didn't even bother making sure the name of the cat was correct through the entire post. Literally starting it calling the cat Amara yet the bottom sentence says Poppy. Plus running two concurrent scam blogs with the same copy pasted story yet each one uses different pictures of different cats (a real cat named Amara & a real cat named Molly whose pics were stolen off gofundme). In total it seems they've scammed approximately $400 USD. If you see that paypal link in a donation post YOU ARE BEING DUPED. none of that money is going to any cat no matter what copy pasted sob story this person is using & always search the username in the tags to see if there are scam warnings for that blog before you rb or hype their post
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birdmomblogs · 1 year
if you use paypal or other electronic money services for commissions, please read this information on a new type of scam.
note: keep yourself safe by sending invoices instead of giving out your personal information
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fandomwonderer · 6 months
I got an inbox message from the user @pyschiccandycollectioanye the message goes as is:
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When checking out their account you will soon come to realize their donation link simply leads to a PayPal link and not a gofundme. Here is the link to prove so:
And here is the name attached to the PayPal:
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This name is not mentioned or used anywhere on the account. However, I did find a linktree with a similar name and pfp:
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Here is the PFP they are using. I have added a filter to avoid being flagged.
From my research I’ve also found a Twitter asking for donations with the same pfp and a different name: https://x.com/askafarao?s=21&t=9OTxKxiJszMSiWbQSpCxEw
The Twitter also links to a PayPal with the name of: Shadrack Muchuka
This person is a known scammer and in the past has used the scam of being a Palestinian citizen to garner monetary donations. Please look into any accounts that send anything to your inbox with the request of donations of any kind.
The best you can do about this situation is to report them and their account and their PayPal and not interact if possible. For more information I recommend user (@)kyra45 ‘s posts about the situation.
Please be safe and have a good day
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theartistaslisalee · 1 year
Beware Art Commission Scams
So last week I got a DM from a lady who wanted to commission me four paintings of her son's puppy, and offered $500 for it. Since i've never had any offers for commission before, and I had been floating plans to start an art commission business I thought this would be great opportunity to get a start on it. I spent a week on the paintings, would periodically send her progress reports on it, then came time to deliver it via email and take the payment. At first I emailed only two of the paintings and then asked for the payment before I would send the rest. She sent the $500 via Paypal, and then I started getting emails from Paypal that the payment has been put on hold because I had exceeded the limit on my account and was not verified as Business User. They said I need to contact the lady to send additional payment to my account in order to expand my limit, and then I was to refund that amount back to her afterwards. I didn't think too deep into this, so I did as told. A day later I received an email confirming that I have been upgraded to Business User status and to send them receipt of the refund I had made to them in order to fully process the transaction. As I did I get yet another email telling me now that I had to pay an additional $550 for an Insurance Activation Fee that they apparently took from the sender's account and I would have to refund it back to her, in order to receive payment. This was when i started getting suspicious; on top of that the lady who had commissioned me was DM'ing me pretty non-stop about the status of the payment and refund, so I went and did some digging. I logged into my Paypal account to inquire about that Business User Status and I did not find anything about it, nor was there any notification about a hold on my account. I contacted Customer service and sent them screenshots of the emails I had received and they confirmed that this was not theirs and that I needed to report these emails for Phishing.
So now I'm sitting here zapped of my spirits and letting it sink in that I've just been a victim of yet another scam and that I've wasted a good week and energy on those paintings that will now just sit in the closet rotting away. I've lost $400 over that account limit thing, but I hope to dispute it with my bank, thank goodness at least I did not send that additional $500+ for that insurance fee. Don't know what will happen now, but I think I need to get this out and let you all know of such scam. I learned this is nothing new and there has been many art commission scams not just on Instagram but on other social media platforms as well, but it seems this particular one I just experienced is not well known as I had yet to find any stories about it. So please take precaution when taking art commissions, if you ever get an email from Paypal that looks like anything I had described here DO NOT fall for it, report it ASAP.
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gludgenbell · 7 months
Hey lovelies, just a heads up
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This is a scam
If it's from "[email protected]" it's a scam
Just a little heads up
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My resources are
r/scams, I do have a level of trust in what they're saying
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But please, feel free to do your own research
Just be careful ❤️
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toffeechad · 6 months
🇵🇸 I FOUND ANOTHER SCAMMER TO BLOCK!! THIS TIME IT'S @noisybasementkitten! 🇵🇸
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