#pc 2005 hungary
iceman7raikkonen · 1 year
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terrierbyteit · 5 years
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Evening folks another busy day but lots got done which is excellent. So It's Trivia time so let's find out what happened on 6th June. . 1984 Tetris is Born, Alexey Pajitnov first releases the game Tetris in the USSR. Tetris will become one of the most popular puzzle video games of all time. Originally programmed for a Soviet-built Elektronika 60 computer, the game was soon ported to the IBM PC, where it spread quickly throughout Moscow and the rest of the USSR. Eventually making its way to Hungary, from there the game was discovered and questionable attempts to license it for sale by various software companies were made. By 1989, half a dozen different companies claimed rights to create and distribute the Tetris software for home computers, game consoles, and handheld systems.  . 2005 The Mac Gets Intel Inside, In a keynote address at Apple’s Worldwide Developers Conference, Steve Jobs announces that Macintosh computers will transition from PowerPC to Intel processors and demonstrates Mac OS X running on a computer with an Intel Pentium 4 processor.  . 2009 Palm Pre Released, Palm, Inc. releases the Palm Presmartphone through Sprint in an attempt to regain marketshare, after their Treo line of smartphones is dwarfed by Apple’s iPhone.  . Catch me tomorrow guys when we will have yet another trivia post. Please don't forget pop along to wifeidge.uk an stock up on those beauty & skincare products. Look out for the epic 4D!! Tell Wifeidge I sent yah 😉👍. . Thats All For Today Thanks for reading. . TerrierByteIT, Keeping You Connected!!. . ☎️ telephone:️ 07759 552599 . 📧 e-mail: [email protected] . 🕸️ web:️ www.terrierbyteit.uk . 🌝📚 www.facebook.com/TerrierByteIT . . . . #TerrierByteIT #Wifeidge #wifeidge.uk #Younique #computerhistory #computer #technology #history #computerscience #tech #computerhistorymuseum #computers #retro #vintage #retrotech #trivia #oldtechnology #techhistory #technologyhistory #computinghistory #oldcomputer #oldschool #informationtechnology #thisdayinhistory #internethistory #historyoftechnology #retrocomputer #oldtech #museum #vintagecomputer https://www.instagram.com/p/ByYgVUGpgcb/?igshid=10n2hcq1aavl6
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Tuesday, 28th May 2019 – The Luggage Room, London; Hide, London
Having had a relatively quite few months to start 2019 it’s all kicking off now with theatres and restaurants and films and literature and food festivals to attend, and parties coming at us from all sides. In addition, there seem to be lots of foodie events all vying for our attention. This, a Hardens Invites event, was too good to resist, with dinner at the relatively new – and very swanky – Hide on offer. This was to celebrate the restaurant being 1 year old, and thus in addition to the usual crowd who had responded to the invitation by buying a couple of tickets, there were some of the regulars including the delightful couple we found ourselves seated next to, Dame Rosalyn Higgins (Rosalyn C. Higgins, Baroness Higgins, GBE, QC, former President of the International Court of Justice) and her husband, Terrence Higgins (Terence Langley Higgins, Baron Higgins, KBE, DL, PC, a former Conservative MP, Commonwealth Games silver medalist winner for and Olympian). I’m not one to be impressed by titles, and I’m not exactly a Conservative politically (quite the opposite in fact), but they were terrific company and utterly fascinating people.
Anyway, to return to the subject of dinner. The tickets were £150 each and included a drinks reception, and a five course tasting menu (six if you included the canapés) and matching wines (which they were very generous with). Given that a normal night would see you pay £115 for 7 courses, and that before you’d so much as touched a glass of wine, it seemed like a not unreasonable deal to me.
Lynne and I had arranged to meet up in advance across town in The Luggage Room, the very pleasant cocktail bar hidden away in a corner of the Marriott Hotel on Grosvenor Square, where we were served an interesting selection of drinks by what seemed to be some of London’s most charming bar staff. I arrived first and so whiled away the time reading, scrolling through my Twitter feed, and drinking The Bramble, made so the list tells me, to a recipe from 1984, invented by Dick Bradsell, and containing Fords gin, lime, and blackberry. I can only tolerate gin in cocktails, not on its own, and this was a fine if light concoction. It also contained a vast single ice cube, which is apparently a thing too!
By the time Lynne arrived I was ready for a second drink and so decided I would try the rather luridly named Midsummer’s Wet Dream, a mixture of Absolut Elyx vodka, Swedish Punsch, peach, lingonberry, malic acid and  bitters. It was a pale pink and tasted beautifully of the lingonberries, which was what I was hoping for!
Lynne chose a Penicillin (Chivas 12 year whisky, Laphroaig Quarter Cask whisky, ginger, honey, lemon) which was aptly named and slightly medicinal in taste – mind you, given it seems to mostly contain the ingredients you’d put in a hot toddy if you had a bad cold, this is nor especially surprising. The recipe comes from Sam Ross’s time at the now-defunct New York branch of Milk & Honey, more specifically in 2005.
For her second drink she went for a rather more conventional Snow White (Green Spot whiskey, Perrier-Jouët Grand Brut Champagne, apple) on the reasoning that she would be best staying with whisky and not changing spirits mid-session. She was probably right!
I settled for a glass of Perrier-Jouët Grand Brut NV, to keep it simple.
Once we were ready to head to the restaurant, the concierge very efficiently found us a taxi and we were soon inside the building which I must have passed numerous times while running, but which I’ve never noticed before, so discreet it is. We were invited in and shown up the fabulous staircase, which feels very organic, very hobitty almost. I didn’t get a photo – there were too many people moving around – so I nabbed this one from their website instead.
We were greeted at the top of the stairs by waiting staff with trays of Gusbourne Blanc de Blancs 2014, from Kent, a very popular wine at these sort of events, and apparently served at the 2012 London Olympics opening party and at Buckingham Palace for visiting heads of state. It’s around £12-16 a glass on many wine lists, and seems to be hard to find outside restaurant wine lists and Liz II’s gaff, or at £59 a bottle from the makers! It’s also very good, biscuity in the same way the best Champagnes are, with a massive citrus hit and a hint of apple. With it we were served canapés, most specifically an excellent tempura softshell crab with a marigold and green peppercorn dressing. We made our way to our table in one of the private dining rooms at the back of the room to eat these because napkins or no they were not something you could attempt standing up with a glass in your other hand!
Of the warm Spenwood cheese gougères, I can say nothing, because we never did see any. I think this was a bit of a shame, and suggested that the staff are not especially au fait with trying to serve a roomful of people who will keep milling around, rather than having a captive audience seated at the tables. They were sweetly apologetic about it, but we never did get the gougères!
We stayed with the Blanc de Blancs for the first “course”, the staff enthusiastically topping up our glasses, something that doesn’t always happen in the grander and more expensive restaurants.
Baskets of fresh bread arrived (bread and broth), along with some whipped butter, and everyone tucked in happily, first tackling the refreshing strawberry gazpacho as per the instructions of our waiter.
We were also served “vegetables” which included lightly pickled radish, beetroot and yellow courgettes, fresh peas and some lettuce to dip into a camomile dressing. They recommended we get as messy as we wanted!
Finally we had “flesh & bone” with home-cured meats wrapped around a licorice root (saddleback pork with oregano & fennel seed) or a goose feather (goose with sage & fenugreek). It was a substantial start, as well as very good. The pescetarian next to me was losing out though, as he wasn’t given any sort of substitute for the flesh and bone.
Our next course was a delicately cooked portion of alliums, served in a chilled pine infusion that looked good when it first hit the table.
It looked even better when the infusion was added. The flavours were mild and sweet and the petals of the onions still had a good crunch to them. A further upside was that it was a small dish after the starters, and the bread I had left mopped up the sauce perfectly. With it we drank a 2015 Trimbach Riesling Cuvée M Grand Cru, a gorgeous example of an Alsace Riesling, with that rich fruitiness you often get, but in a fresher, lighter style than some. It can be bought at £39.80 a bottle, which strikes me as not unreasonable, given the quality of the wine.
The next course saw a return (in a small way) to the yellow courgettes, this time thinly sliced and covered with a perfectly-executed piece of steamed turbot, served sitting on a pool of crushed nasturtium broth. There were a couple of peppery nasturtium leaves to add a punch to the dish, and a nasturtium flower or two as well and it was nicely balanced without in any way scaring the horses. It was intelligent, classical use of ingredients, and my only regret was that there wasn’t a bigger piece of fish. You don’t mess with turbot, and they hadn’t, keeping it simple and letting it speak for itself.
Wine-wise we were now in Spain, with a lighter Encina del Ingles Blanco La Melonera 2016, which felt a little thin after the Riesling. It was pleasant enough but I wasn’t that excited about it compared to the previous wine.
The next dish up was the last of the savoury courses, a pinkly barbequed piece of roast Herdwick lamb, with charred runner beans and a savoury pine nut praline. The meat was too pink for our companions, but Lynne and I both loved it. The runner beans, not so much, but then I’m not a fan of things that are charred in the main (or as I call them, burnt). The nut praline was a stroke of genius though, delicious, savoury, with a softness that coated the lamb perfectly. As for the lamb, as I say, we both loved it. It was just the right shade of pink, still tender but not bloody.
The wine with it was a Portuguese wine, and as such a relatively light wine in colour terms, though it packed quite a hefty wallop of flavour. It was a Quinta do Crasti Vinhas Velhas 2015, Douro, Portugal and I would be more than happy to drink it regularly. We’re off to Porto in a month’s time and I may have to try and buy from them while we’re there, especially as a day trip to the vineyard looks like a possibility.
And so to dessert, which ironically was the heaviest dish of the meal. It was a mousse of avocado, pistachio and white chocolate, and it was very dense and sticky, with an almost bread-like texture in places. I liked it very much, though I struggled to finish it.
The final wine was a triumph, a Tokaj Classic Late Harvest 2009, Tokaji, Hungary, which was described elsewhere as “botrytis agogo”, for a wine that is made in the same style as a Sauternes, rather than in the way Tokaji wines are usually made. With an extended aging process as well, the result was superb!
That just left coffee, tea and petit fours! We both declined the caffeinated drinks (I don’t touch coffee after lunch, not if I want to sleep anyway) but the petit fours were mighty fine, with marshmallows on sticks, and tiny Portuguese custard tarts. They were very cute, and delicious, with great pastry. They were also the final straw, as it were, and neither of us could have eaten another thing.
We legged it to the station, struggling to stay away during the journey and made it home around 1 in the morning, full of food and having had a great evening.
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Food 2019 – The Luggage Room, London; Hide, London Tuesday, 28th May 2019 - The Luggage Room, London; Hide, London Having had a relatively quite few months to start 2019 it's all kicking off now with theatres and restaurants and films and literature and food festivals to attend, and parties coming at us from all sides.
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Dune, Epic Games Store & Quantum Tunneling
In this latest episode we start with news that Dune is set to start shooting soon and the central cast is listed. It appears it is not a remake but a complete reimagining of the story, with promise it is going to be close to the book. At least it does not have Dwayne “the Rock” in it like some many other dismal remakes over the last few years. Also it is not a Disney remake or a Marvel movie so it should be completely different and fun. Next up we discuss how Epic is possibly “stealing” personal data from Steam and the possible implications involved. That’s right, Bill Gates has warned of the arrogance of software developers/studios etc catching the attention of governments and here is a prime example. This is right on the heels of Google being fined by the European Union again. We also hear about a possible link between Epic and the Chinese government from the Professor; who also raises the question of who is stealing the data. Last topic of the week is the break-through in Quantum Physics that will see a need for new textbooks to be printed. The best part about it is that some of the people involved are from Brisbane. That’s right folks, roll up and admire the great minds delving into physics and shaking the world from Brisbane. Remember to take care of each other and stay hydrated, till next time, stay Nerdy.
Dune Movie - https://comicbook.com/movies/2019/03/18/dune-reboot-synopsis-production-begins-frank-herbert/
Steam vs Epic - https://www.pcgamer.com/valve-doesnt-sound-too-happy-about-the-epic-store-copying-steam-data/
Quantum Tunnelling - https://www.brisbanetimes.com.au/national/queensland/this-will-go-into-textbooks-queensland-scientists-clock-quantum-tunnelling-20190318-p51592.html?fbclid=IwAR0HWaRlMa2TunPtabCvYWq1lGeQ3TrhPu2V_fOWifpQ8iorI_R91rjanqQ
Games currently playing
– Tetris 99 - https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/tetris-99-switch
– Apex Legends - https://www.ea.com/games/apex-legends
– Game of thrones by GT Arcade - https://got.gtarcade.com/
Other topics Discussed
Philippines church bombings
- https://edition.cnn.com/2019/01/27/asia/philippines-church-explosion/index.html
Dune (1984 movie)
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dune_(1984_film)
Dune (Frank Herbert novel)
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dune_(novel)
Dune: The Musical
- https://www.timeout.com/edinburgh/theatre/dune-the-musical
Sony pictures hack
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sony_Pictures_hack
Google loses antitrust lawsuit and fined $1.7 billion
- https://www.ibtimes.com/google-loses-antitrust-lawsuit-fined-17b-blocking-rivals-ads-2777873
Bill Gate’s warning to tech companies
- https://www.theverge.com/2018/2/13/17009146/bill-gates-big-tech-companies-apple-inviting-government-regulation
Everybody wants to be a cat (That’s not canon productions podcast)
- https://thatsnotcanon.com/ewtbacpodcast
Justin Trudeau explains quantum computing
- https://insidetheperimeter.ca/canadian-prime-minister-justin-trudeau-explains-quantum-computing/
Crysis melts fast gaming computers 10 years on
- https://www.eurogamer.net/articles/digitalfoundry-2018-why-crysis-still-melts-the-fastest-gaming-pcs-10-years-later
Scientist from China defends human embryo gene editing
- https://www.theguardian.com/science/2018/nov/28/scientist-in-china-defends-human-embryo-gene-editing
Sydney united to build a Quantum harbour city
- https://sydney.edu.au/news-opinion/news/2019/03/12/sydney-united-to-build-a-quantum-harbour-city.html
Apex Legend News
- Season 1 battle pass - https://www.pcgamer.com/au/apex-legends-first-battle-pass-shows-how-badly-it-needs-better-cosmetics/
- New hero : Octane - https://au.ign.com/wikis/apex-legends/Octane
Game of thrones characters
- Robb Stark - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robb_Stark
- Tyrion Lannister - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tyrion_Lannister
Johann Sebastian Bach’s bio
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Johann_Sebastian_Bach
Supermoon 2019
- https://www.theguardian.com/science/2019/mar/20/rare-super-worm-moon-will-loom-large-as-it-coincides-with-equinox
- https://www.news.com.au/technology/science/space/best-time-and-place-in-australia-to-see-tonights-spectacular-supermoon/news-story/a71bde874e489251ae1099ba1f60d705
19 Mar 1953 - The Academy Awards were televised for the first time. “The Greatest Show on Earth” was named best picture. Gary Cooper won the best actor award for “High Noon.” Shirley Booth won best actress for her role in “Come Back, Little Sheba.” - https://wtax.com/news/030030-today-in-entertainment-history-march-19/
19 Mar 1965 - The wreck of the SS Georgiana, valued at over $50,000,000, said to have been most powerful Confederate cruiser, discovered by then teenage diver and pioneer underwater archaeologist E. Lee Spence exactly 102 years after its destruction. - https://www.onthisday.com/day/march/19
20 Mar 2003 – Invasion of Iraq, was the first stage of the Iraq War (also called Operation Iraqi Freedom). The invasion phase began on 19 March 2003 and lasted just over one month, including 21 days of major combat operations, in which a combined force of troops from the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia and Poland invaded Iraq. - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2003_invasion_of_Iraq
15 Mar 2019 - The Christchurch mosque shootings were two consecutive terroristmass shootings at the Al Noor Mosque and the Linwood Islamic Centre in Christchurch, New Zealand, during Friday Prayer on 15 March 2019. Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern referred to the attacks as "one of New Zealand's darkest days". - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christchurch_mosque_shootings
15 Mar 2019 - Larry DiTillio, American film and TV series writer. He is famous for his works such as the original He-Man and the Masters of the Universe series. He wrote the most episodes throughout both seasons, totalling 17 episodes as well as directing one. In 1985, he wrote the feature-length film He-Man and She-Ra: Secret of the Sword. He was responsible for the original bible of the spinoff show, She-Ra: Princess of Power, and came up with most of the character names. DiTillio is known for his role as executive story editor of the science-fiction series Babylon 5 and for writing or co-writing most of the episodes in the animated series Beast Wars. He was also a writer for the updated 2002 He-Man and the Masters of the Universe series. He died of Parkinson’s disease at 71 - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Larry_DiTillio
19 Mar 2005 – John Delorean, American engineer, inventor and executive in the U.S. automobile industry, widely known for his work at General Motors and as founder of the DeLorean Motor Company. DeLorean managed development of a number of vehicles throughout his career, including the Pontiac GTOmuscle car, the Pontiac Firebird, Pontiac Grand Prix, Chevrolet Cosworth Vega, and the DeLoreansports car, which was later featured (in modified form) in the 1985 film Back to the Future. He died of a stroke at 80 in Summit, New Jersey - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_DeLorean
Famous Birthdays
19 Mar 1848 – Wyatt Earp, American Old West lawman and gambler in Cochise County, Arizona Territory, and a deputy marshal in Tombstone. He worked in a wide variety of trades throughout his life and took part in the famous Gunfight at the O.K. Corral, during which lawmen killed three outlaw Cochise County Cowboys. He is often erroneously regarded as the central figure in the shootout, although his brother Virgil was Tombstone city marshal and deputy U.S. marshal that day and had far more experience as a sheriff, constable, marshal, and soldier in combat, born in Monmouth, Illinois - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wyatt_Earp
19 Mar 1955 – Bruce Willis, American actor, producer, and singer. He has since appeared in over 70 films and is widely regarded as an "action hero", due to his portrayal of John McClane in the Die Hard franchise (1988–2013), and other such roles. His credits also include Pulp Fiction (1994), 12 Monkeys (1995), The Fifth Element (1997), Armageddon (1998), The Sixth Sense (1999), Sin City (2005), Red (2010), The Expendables 2 (2012), Looper (2012), and as David Dunn in the Unbreakable film series: Unbreakable (2000), Split (2016) and Glass (2019). He was born in Idar-Oberstein, Rhineland-Palatinate - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bruce_Willis
22 Mar 1947 - James Patterson, American author and philanthropist. Among his works are the Alex Cross, Michael Bennett, Women's Murder Club, Maximum Ride,Daniel X,NYPD Red, Witch and Wizard, and Private series, as well as many stand-alone thrillers, non-fiction and romance novels. His books have sold more than 300 million copies and he was the first person to sell 1 million e-books. In 2016, Patterson topped Forbes's list of highest-paid authors for the third consecutive year, with an income of $95 million. His total income over a decade is estimated at $700 million. Born in Newburgh, New York - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Patterson
23 Mar 1912 - Wernher von Braun, German rocket scientist, He was one of the leading figures in the development of rocket technology in Germany during World War II and, subsequently, in the United States. He is credited as being the "Father of Rocket Science". He was born in Wirsitz, Germany (now Wyrzysk, Poland) - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wernher_von_Braun
24 Mar 1874 – Harry Houdini, Hungarian-born American illusionist and stunt performer, as a magician Houdini started out by performing card tricks before moving on to escape acts. He began first to escape from handcuffs, challenging local police to cuff him first. He moved on to an act escaping from a locked water filled milk can, straitjackets and then most famously a Chinese water torture cell where Houdini had to hold his breath for 3 minutes. He became the most famous vaudeville act in America, often filming his escapes. Born in Budapest, Austria-Hungary - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harry_Houdini
Events of Interest
19 Mar 1932 – Sydney Harbour Bridge opens, a heritage-listed steel through arch bridge across Sydney Harbour that carries rail, vehicular, bicycle, and pedestrian traffic between the Sydney central business district (CBD) and the North Shore. The dramatic view of the bridge, the harbour, and the nearby Sydney Opera House is an iconic image of Sydney, and Australia itself. - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sydney_Harbour_Bridge
19 Mar 2008 – GRB 080319B: A cosmic burst that is the farthest object visible to the naked eye is briefly observed. - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GRB_080319B
20 Mar 2015 - A Solar Eclipse, Equinox, and a Super moon all occur on the same day - https://news.nationalgeographic.com/2015/03/150318-total-solar-eclipse-equinox-supermoon-astronomy-spring/
Artist – Goblins from Mars
Song Title – Super Mario - Overworld Theme (GFM Trap Remix)
Song Link - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-GNMe6kF0j0&index=4&list=PLHmTsVREU3Ar1AJWkimkl6Pux3R5PB-QJ
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RSS - http://www.thatsnotcanonproductions.com/topshelfnerdspodcast?format=rss
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game-refraction · 7 years
Bigben to publish the console versions of Warhammer 40,000: Inquisitor – Martyr
NeocoreGames and Bigben are pleased to announce that they will be working together on the publishing and worldwide distribution of Warhammer 40,000: Inquisitor – Martyr on Xbox One and Playstation 4.
“Playing as an Inquisitor in a supercharged Action-RPG developed by one of the most talented studios in the genre is a dream come true for all fans of Warhammer 40K! The success of the early access on Steam has confirmed the quality of the game, and we are delighted to give console players the chance to discover this landmark title” – Benoît Clerc, Head of Publishing at Bigben.
“We are huge fans of the world of Warhammer 40,000 so we will take care of this game with passion. This world is intense, brutal and visceral: it’s a perfect material for an Action RPG” – Zoltán Pozsonyi, producer at NeocoreGames.
Warhammer 40,000 Inquisitor – Martyr, the action-RPG developed by NeocoreGames, is currently available on Steam Early Access for €49.99 and has received positive reviews from the press and the community. Warhammer 40,000: Inquisitor – Martyr will be available in Q1 of 2018 on PC, Playstation 4 and Xbox One.
About Neocore Games
NeocoreGames is an independent video game development company founded in 2005 with its headquarters located in Budapest, Hungary. Best known for The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing series and Deathtrap and currently working on Warhammer 40,000: Inquisitor – Martyr, the very first Action RPG set in the Warhammer 40,000 universe. NeocoreGames also developed Crusaders: Thy Kingdom Come, The Kings’ Crusade and the King Arthur: The Role-playing Wargame series.
About BigBen
Bigben is a major player in video game publishing, in the design and distribution of smartphone and gaming accessories as well as furnishing customized audio products. Known for its innovation and creativity, the company group aims to become a leader in each of its industries.
  Bigben to publish the console versions of Warhammer 40,000: Inquisitor – Martyr was originally published on Game-Refraction
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inhandnetworks-blog · 7 years
Magyar Telekom offers HSPA+, planning LTE Inhand Networks
Hungarian telecommunications service provider Magyar Telekom is in process of a large scale modernisation of its mobile network with Ericsson. Initially operator plans to offer fast broadband services in this summer using HSPA+, offering 21 Mbps speed. This service will be available in many parts of Budapest as well as in several locations in the countryside, via 200 new HSPA+ stations. HSPA+ will be available to close to 100% of Hungary by 2013.
Magyar Telekom will also be ready even in 2011 to start to offer LTE services to its customers through the new LTE (4G)-capable technology provided by Ericsson - once the necessary frequencies are available.
"It was important for us to make sure that the selected supplier is capable of building a network that can serve the capacity of the current network many times over and also that we can be ready for the new generation LTE (4G) technology. We are practically ready to introduce LTE (4G) in 2011 once the necessary frequencies become available. By selecting Ericsson as our partner, this will enable us to deliver excellent technology, ensuring reliable and safe operations, whilst also allowing us to meet our cost efficiency and 50% energy saving goals," said István Maradi, Chief IT and Technology Officer of Magyar Telekom.
As part of the network modernisation, Ericsson will replace the current 2G and 3G wireless base stations to multi-standard RBS 6000 equipments developed for GSM/EDGE, WCDMA/HSPA Evolution and LTE technologies. This new step of network development will mean that Magyar Telekom's investments in Hungary since 2005 will have surpassed the HUF 500bn mark.
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