adastrvs · 4 years
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                    alessandra was still trying to learn all her neighbors’ names. she was about to greet jo, but the papers she was carrying in her hands slipped and they all fell to the ground. the girl let out a frustrated groan, then knelt to pick them up. she spent about two hours  sorting out all the poems she wrote and now she had to do it all over again.    ❛    god, i’m so clumsy. i wanted to say hello, but i ended up dropping all these.    ❜    (  @pcper-fcntcsy​  )
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musicalhqs · 4 years
⌞ʾ⁎ ⊰ david castañeda, cis male, he/him ⊱ i think i just saw ALEXANDER HAMILTON walk across trafalgar square, singing to THIS IS WHY WE FIGHT ( THE DECEMBERISTS ). you know, the 30 year old HISTORIAN / PROFESSOR ? people claim that they are just like ALEXANDER HAMILTON from HAMILTON. it must be because they are SCRAPPY and IMPULSIVE as well… though i could be wrong. all i know for sure is that they live at SANTA FE apartment.⌝
⌞ʾ⁎ 𝕒𝕟𝕠𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕣 𝕕𝕒𝕪, 𝕒𝕟𝕠𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕣 𝕕𝕖𝕤𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕪┆congratulations LORI, and welcome to musicalhqs ! we cannot wait to see what ALEXANDER HAMILTON will bring to london. you have 48 HOURS to send in your account and read through our CHECKLIST. have fun, dear friend ! DAVID CASTAÑEDA is now taken ! xoxo
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heresmyrightfinger · 4 years
Faux fur + glitter!
faux fur: describe your wardrobe.
“Alternative, Vaguely punk. Flannels, tank tops leather Jackets, ripped jeans converse. With most of it covered in paint or some sort of art thing”
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glitter: describe someone special to you.
“She’s a complete nerd, fantastic at math. Wonderful with animals, Always helps me keep a level head when I want to fly off the handle. I would kill for her in a heartbeat. She’s my best friend, a complete werido.”
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Mentioned: @stxpidwithlove
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ourkingofshades · 4 years
Night life + slumber!
Slumber has been answered! 
night light:who/what makes you feel safe? 
“When Cerberus is by my side.”
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thelastmidnight · 4 years
Reminder + 11-11!
reminder:who is someone you will never forget? 
“My mother, she taught me everything I know” 
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11-11:what's something you want, but feel like you will never have?
“There’s this really rare plant, that I would like but alas will likely never have the resources to get”
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mirrorbluemelchior · 4 years
Look (for chrissa) + "You needed a hug." (from claude!)
[ look ] for your muse to catch mine staring ( melchior x chrissa )
Typing away at this keyboard, Melchior pinched his thumb and index on the bridge of his nose, this contract for this client was giving him a downright headache. Most days, his job was so satisfying, and others it stressed him out to headaches upon headaches. Today was the latter of the two, and he sighed as he closed his laptop, only to see Chrissa staring at him. It was hard to read their expression, concern or admiration, maybe a mixture of the two as he pushed up onto his feet, “I’m fine, I promise.” He murmured, padding across the floor of his spacious apartment to where they were perched on his couch, offering a small smile even if it didn’t light up his whole face while he crawled onto the spot beside them. “You don’t need to worry, I’ll be alright.” Melchior murmured, head falling into their lap, comfortable and safe as he glanced up to them, “Want to watch a movie...or something?” His brow raised a bit as he brushed his hand along their arm absentmindedly.
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"You needed a hug." ( melchior x claude )
It had been a rather hectic day, apparently, there were still some boxes to unpack of his father’s when he went over to his mother’s place, found in the back of her garage. Anything to do with his father had him a bit on edge, and frankly just drained him of all energy, so as he met up with Claude afterwards to just get some air and maybe get a little bit blazed...it was like the boy knew right away that his day was less than stellar. As arms wrapped around him, Melchior pressed closer and held him there a little longer than normal, happy the boy didn’t move until he let go. “Yeah, I did....it’s been an interesting day.” Pausing, he sighed as he squeezed Claude’s arm with a small smile, “But being with you makes it better.”
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walkingmxuth · 4 years
waning for grover, cosmos for johnny!
waning:what is your biggest regret?
Definitely the crash. Maybe if I’d paid a little more attention, maybe if I hadn’t been behind the wheel in the first place... But maybe doesn’t let me go back and save her. Maybe doesn’t make it alright.
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cosmos:what's one thing you wish you could say to someone you are no longer friends with?
Something like, “Hey, man, whatever happened, I’m sorry. I’d like to hope it was some big misunderstanding but I don’t remember. More importantly, I’m sorry I keep trying to talk to you. I forget things now, because my jeep flipped three times-- three times, you know.” But, I dunno, is there someone I’m no longer friends with?
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Another day and too much time watching his brother making a fool of himself. Though really that was on the daily, and he would be doing the world a favour once he did de-throne the man. Though soon enough he was reminded of another mistake that his brother had made. He wasn’t quite expecting to see the man on the streets, though he had kept his own tabs on the kid, wanting to ensure he had full control of it all. Alright, his information hadn’t told him that he was in London, but close enough. So he went for the very classy act of accidently knocking his coffee onto him. “Well... sorry about that. Didn’t see you there”.
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of-ncverlands · 4 years
                                                                                   / closed starter for @pcper-fcntcsy​ /
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               HE CAN’T SLEEP. It’s still so early, not even midnight yet, but he felt weird all through the day and decided to go to bed a little earlier. But it’s been forty-five minutes and he’s rolling in bed, feeling the anger growing inside him. The young boy groans, grinding his teeth back and forward. It’s the first time he feels like this since he moved. He can’t stay there. Jumping out the bed, the boy quickly slips into his jeans and hoodie, places in his pocket a pack of cigarettes he keeps hidden and around his neck, the soldier tag necklace with his name and blood type -  their friends gave him when they decided to enlist together. Silently, Michael peeks outside, to make sure he’s the only one awake in the apartment. He doesn’t want Wendy to get worried – at least not more than she usually is. Quietly, the boy crosses the living room and leaves the apartment. Once out, his feet don’t stop - he doesn’t remember walking out of the emerald building or which streets he took, until he finds himself at an alley.  When he comes to his senses again, he’s taking his anger out by punching and kicking the old metal garbage bin, ignoring the pain spreading through his fingers. A movement in the corner of his eye makes him stop and turn around, panting,  to see another man there. “ Huh… Hi. ”
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❈ Awkward Scenario Prompt  --
[ dance ] -  your muse catches mine dancing like no one is watching.  ( judah & meghan ) @pcper-fcntcsy​
        she liked these nights. alone in her room, she just finished a whole bottle of cheap wine and her head is spinning. bad choices, of course-- she should have eaten earlier. she’ll regret in the morning, but right now, as the alcohol embraces her body and her thoughts are quiet, she’s happy. the radio is on and she recognizes the first chords of a song before she hears herself speaking, the voice loud and squeaky “ oh my music ! ” turning up the volume, her body starts to move without a second thought. as a ballerina her moves are usually very certain, but right now? she doesn’t care. she just moves as she feels like it and it’s-- almost liberator in its on way. she’s feeling the song. that’s why she doesn’t realize there’s someone. meg startles as she sees the silhouette at the door and then sighs as she recognizes the figure there. “ oh. of course it’s you ” the girl rolls her eyes as she walks to the radio and lowers the volume. her voice is a bit slurred “ cause all i needed right now is to give you more reason to make fun of me. ” 
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hxwboutadance · 4 years
So, she’d quit. It was glorious. It was everything she’d hoped it would be...for about five seconds. But as Annabeth had walked out of the toxic work environment, panic started to set it. Holy shit, she’d just quit her job. Well, fate must have been smiling down on her that day because that was also the fateful day she’d met Adam Maitland: the world’s coolest boss. At least, in his opinion. Annabeth had to admit, as far as bosses went, he was actually pretty good. A little dorky, but he was smart. He knew his shit and Annabeth could respect that. So when Mr. Maitland had asked her to come work for him, Annabeth was hardly in a position to say no. Her first morning had been more or less clerical work, signing forms and getting her name badge...but once everything was done, when she was set up in her little cubical, Annabeth rapped on Mr. Maitland’s office door, looking for her next task. “Mr. Maitland?” She asked, her voice even and professional. “I’ve finished with HR and I’m ready to start whatever you need me for.”
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adastrvs · 4 years
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                    ❛     hello ?    ❜    her greeting came out like a question. she invited herself inside the newspaper headquarters and stopped the first person she laid her eyes on.    ❛    my name is alessandra olsson and i’m an aspiring author. um, i have some short poems i wrote and i was wondering if i had any chance to publish them here ?  i can pay for this, if that’s what you want !    ❜     (  @pcper-fcntcsy​  )
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musicalhqs · 4 years
⌞ʾ⁎ ⊰ freddy carter, he/him, cis male⊱ i think i just saw JUDAH KENNEDY walk across trafalgar square, singing to PERFECT ( SIMPLE PLAN ). you know, the 26 year old SONGWRITER? people claim that they are just like JOHNNY from AMERICAN IDIOT. it must be because they are PASSIONATE and VOLATILE as well… though i could be wrong. all i know for sure is that they live at BUDAPEST apartment.⌝
⌞ʾ⁎ 𝕒𝕟𝕠𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕣 𝕕𝕒𝕪, 𝕒𝕟𝕠𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕣 𝕕𝕖𝕤𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕪┆congratulations LORI, and welcome to musicalhqs ! we cannot wait to see JUDAH KENNEDY will bring to london. you have 48 HOURS to send in your account and read through our CHECKLIST. have fun, dear friend ! FREDDY CARTER is now taken ! xoxo
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kingofnxwyxrk · 4 years
𝓶𝓮𝓶𝓮 𝓭𝓪𝔂 : send 🌺 to hear what my muse likes about yours ( all muses )
mentioned: @childofthcwilderness​ @freczeyourbrain​ @defyingrcvity​ @pcper-fcntcsy​ @indaylghts​
&& elle  ❝ there’s something about her ... confidence? her determination? really just how she holds herself. oh, and how she refuses to forfeit her femininity to be taken seriously. i really have to admire that.  ❞
&& evelyn  ❝ she really cares for her clients. like, it’s obvious she isn’t a lawyer for the money, or for the status.  she just really cares in general ... i can’t say i meet all that many types like her, who take time out of their busy, successful lives to volunteer like evelyn does. ❞
&& claude ❝ he truly gets how to stick it to the man. he doesn’t seem like the type to just give in ! he stands up, vocalizes the injustice and his thoughts. plus, it’s nice to work with someone who doesn’t have a stick up their ass all the time ... ❞
&& jack  ❝ ... i can’t exactly lie and say i don’t like the guy anymore, huh? well ... i admire how he doesn’t back down, how he stands his ground, even if it’s just his instincts or whatever. he ... has a real passion. i always like that about people ... and i guess i like his face too, but don’t tell him that.   ❞
&& mark  ❝ mark understands the struggle, the climb ; the being stuck doing some stupid job that you hate, just because it’s a stepping stone to where you really wanna be. i feel like we just get each other, on that level. ❞
&& jd  ❝ um, have you seen him ??? he’s HOT !! plus, he’s like ... the pinnacle of the who my brother and mom would hate for me to hang out with, and isn’t that a thrill in itself ???  ❞
&& john  ❝ oh, that boy is just so nice ... i love him so much, and his entire family is just the sweetest !! truly, i don’t think that boy could do no wrong. plus, he’s so tall, and doesn’t that just make anyone want to climb him ??? ❞
&& meghan  ❝ we just get each other, on like every level. she’s a dancer, i’m a singer. we both have a touch of that good crazy energy. truly, we are a dangerous duo, and i couldn’t ask for someone better. ❞
&& wendy ❝ what is there not to like about wendy ??? she’s literally such a joy. she’s so smart, holds herself so well, so nice, and is pretty on top of it all ??? she literally has it all. the only flaw i can think of is her choice in karaoke songs ... kidding !!! ❞
&& gabriella  ❝ i love literally everything about her: her smile, her laugh, just how smart she is. how nervous she gets before getting on stage. the way she slowly warms up on stage, and just steals the spotlight somehow. i love seeing her mind at work, watching her brain tick, doing her thing ...  i just love everything about her. ❞
&& tony ❝ i’m so used to other guys, like, making fun of me for being so whipped, but ... i feel like tony gets it. he gets the grind of love. he knows it’s worth fighting for, and he’s even willing to help join the fight !! he’s just a great dude, ya know ??? ❞
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rcinatorrcs · 4 years
❧ CLOSED STARTER | @pcper-fcntcsy (for whomever)
If you didn’t know what was in the bags (or Reina at all) you would probably assume that she was but a mere tourist wandering around London’s streets with way too many souvenirs. She had near bought out a local bakery so that she could try and remake the sweet treats at home which also meant that she needed to mass buy baking supplies in order to do so. Which was how she found herself struggling down the street as she tried to grab her phone to view her checklist, failing to reach it she took to asking the members of the general public for help, which was to no avail. She huffed as she saw someone else approaching, “Excuse me, hi - hello! I know you’re probably busy and you don’t know me and you’ve got places to be, people to see but please can you help me?”
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wundcrlust · 4 years
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“YOU REALLY CAME out in public like that, darling?” a manicured finger pointed at the man, walking across the room to him. “this is not going to work. you are far too good looking to dress like that.” piercing blue eyes stared up at the man, a sweet smile quickly resting on her cheeks. “i’m cher, and i’m here to help if you’ll have it? no strings, no nothing. i just can’t have someone who looks so designer dress so...drab.” @pcper-fcntcsy​
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