#peace love and freedom
undergroundrockpress · 9 months
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John Lennon & Yoko Ono in 1969. Photo : Claire Henze.
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holistichealingg · 11 months
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saddayfordemocracy · 1 year
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Barbara Kruger, Untitled (flag), 2020,
Screenprint in colours on cotton, created for Artists Band Together, published by Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Sheet: 55 x 55 cm (unframed).
Courtesy: Roseberys
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killieweegie · 6 months
At peace ✌️
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thelasthippie · 3 months
We need hippies more than ever
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The fact is that lot of the old hippies who lived those days have passed away. Time is strongest than ideas, world is changing in a bad direction and they are turning into past shadows...
But we still preaching their ideas. Trying to enhace and share them ..
Someday will be usefull to the world..
I hope..
To our future.
A psychedelic legacy
Peace,love and wisdom ☮️❤️✌️
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awesomecooperlove · 10 months
Every recipient is on Epstein’s flight log … including Barack Obama.
Was this some sort of back door sicko “Island participation” award?
⬇️Follow me on Telegram ⬇️
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nullians · 4 months
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Growing Gracideas
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clownsuu · 1 year
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Small detour of what I usually post, but I absolutely wish (other) clown the best of luck during these confusing and almost hopeless times- nobody knows how to deal with such amount of attention in such short amount of time- a blessing and a curse to behold
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secondchances31 · 1 month
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intotheelliwoods · 4 months
Here to announce that I for one love the future design for donnie in the comic ✋🥺
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Re: Flavian’s outburst to Christopher about how he (Christopher) has been an unfeeling, stuck-up brat—Flavian’s not exactly right or wrong here. I think Jones is demonstrating that Christopher is so caught up in his (very real) powerlessness to control his situation, he doesn’t realize that he DOES have the power to really and truly hurt others. He’s so caught up in his own misery that he (selfishly) forgets that others might be miserable too.
This is part of growing up! Christopher hasn’t really been taught empathy, and he hasn’t really had it modeled for him either, outside of Tacroy caring for him, but that doesn’t excuse his behavior. He’s so focused on how the people at the castle aren’t caring for his conscious wants that he entirely ignores the ways they ARE intentionally and deliberately attempting to care for him (I think at least a little classism privilege is at play in him ignoring the maids—he’s only ever known his parents’ mistreatment of servants, but presumably he should have been paying attention to how the castle folk treat the maids differently)
However, I think the adults at Chrestomanci Castle are guilty of the exact same kind of blindness and self-focus as Christopher. They HAVEN’T been meeting his needs emotionally (which has led to their inability to physically protect him either), and whatever their intentions throughout his stay, they did not try to get to know or understand Christopher as a person at his arrival, and they’re paying for that first impression. He’s a CHILD. a child from an unloving and neglectful home, who’s just been ripped away from his friends and his home at school, a child’s just DIED for the second time, and he’s a child with hopes and dreams and self-will, all of which have just been casually, thoughtlessly stripped from him. The castle folk are so focused on their OWN need of a successor for Gabriel that they treat Christopher as an object to be formed to meet their needs instead of a person with needs of his own. They’re so focused on their search for the Wraith and the hell he’s wreaking on others that they miss the very real hell they’re imposing on Christopher. All of their attempts at care are based solely on their perception of what he SHOULD need and want because! They never! Ask him! What he needs or wants!!!!!
What’s that post about how some people act like “if you don’t give me the respect I think I deserve as an authority figure, I won’t give you the respect you deserve as a person”? I think that’s basically how the otherwise decent and well-meaning adults of Chrestomanci Castle treat little Christopher Chant. Confident in their own virtue, they presume that of course this boy who doesn’t know them will trust them immediately. Confident in their work for the greater good, they are indifferent to the suffering of the individual before them. It’s clear that they care about him and his well-being, but without treating him like a real person at all, and it’s never more obvious than in the scene where Gabriel takes his spare life away. They are taking tangible, drastic steps to protect him because they are very worried on his behalf, but throughout the whole process they have no real knowledge of the horror and terror he is experiencing because they are too busy making choices for him to ask him why he’s making the choices he does (and again, Christopher doesn’t TRUST them. But they never empathize with him enough to realize that.) Another example is how Miss Rosalie and the others keep chasing Throgmorton away from Christopher when he’s laid up. They’re so focused on how uncomfortable Throgmorton makes them feel that they don’t care at all they’re isolating Christopher and depriving him of his only companionship.
But none of their bad conduct exonerates Christopher of Flavian’s charges of being rude and unfeeling towards them, even though Flavian is STILL presuming to know and understand Christopher’s motivations and choices despite being completely in the dark about them. The very personhood Christopher wants the others to acknowledge in him is the reason that Christopher is responsible for his own actions towards the castle folk.
And that’s the tea on human responsibility in The Lives of Christopher Chant. (thanks for coming to my ted talk)
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howloopyisthat · 8 months
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From 248miguy248
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holistichealingg · 10 months
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yeesiine · 9 months
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The secret of happiness is freedom, the secret of freedom is courage.
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lallelol · 1 year
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This song entered my bubble of a world and i just went “🫵 vash the stampede”
Background is an animation style breakdown done by @staticwither !! Im learning to draw vash from this one, will steal that wolfwood too
Have a lovely day ✌️
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thelasthippie · 8 days
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Be a light.
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