altschmerzes · 11 months
Gav I need you to know I think about this segment "Roy forces one of his leaden hands to move. He takes a step, a single step farther into Jamie’s space, and he doesn’t flinch. His boy doesn’t flinch back from him, even though Roy had just knocked him away. There aren’t words for what’s happening in Roy’s mind as he reaches out and takes a gentle hold of the back of Jamie’s neck, hooking an arm around him as soon as he’s close enough and tugging him close into his chest." Every. damn. day. of. my. life! HIS BOY
It haunts me like an affectionate ghost
I THINK ABOUT IT ALL THE TIME TOO........ it's so like. there is so much going on there. the fact that jamie didn't flinch being as significant - maybe even more - than if he had. roy's panic at realizing he'd just pushed jamie away without meaning to. the 'his boy' of it all bc it means we've crossed the point where roy is acting as a parent to this kid and also the point where he's realized that and admitted it to himself directly - bc those things did not happen at the same time, or even really close to the same time. the hug. SO much going on. i'm so excited to get to that sequence and all the stuff surrounding and leading to it.
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sighonaraa · 1 year
Halloween costumes AND bedtime cuteness??? SID you are FEEDING me today!!! I am obsessed with Roy and Keeley whiteboarding the whole situation, and can actually picture Roy's oh face when he realises yeah just put Jamie in your bed for sleepy cuddles. Oh Royo you're trying bless ya Please feel free to share any and all the bedtime thoughts forever and ever because it is giving me LIFE
the roy and keeley whiteboarding the situation is. so funny to me i am overjoyed that you love it too. they would! They Would!!! roy's oh face is so much it's. surprised pikachu dot png. literally. and i have...... a wippet from the nightmare bedtime scene, in fact!
He’s not expecting the fuck-muppet to lunge forward almost immediately, small arms latching around Roy’s neck and clinging tight, face tucked into the curve of Roy’s shoulder. He relinquishes his grip on Blankie and adjusts so that it’s given to Jamie instead, one hand splayed across Jamie’s back and the other tangled in Jamie’s hair, cupping the fragile arc of his skull. He clutches at Jamie the way he used to clutch at Blankie, when he was a kid and the world was dark, when the only thing that made sense was the solid presence of his arms holding something real and true. “You’re safe, Jamie,” Roy whispers, tucking his nose into Jamie’s curls and pressing a kiss to the crown of his head. It’s not something he’s done before; he’s been afraid to for so long, terrified that it would serve too much as a confession of this aching, open wound that he’s got no fucking clue how to protect. As if by acknowledging it the world would know it existed, and try to take it away. But Roy’s not going to let the world take it. He refuses. So he allows himself to plant another kiss on Jamie’s brow, dry the tears with the pad of his thumb, cradle Jamie’s face in his hands and tuck their foreheads together. “You’re safe, I fucking promise. I’m here. I’m here.” Jamie’s fingers latch clumsily onto Roy’s t-shirt, and he spills into Roy’s lap sprawl-legged and exhausted. There’s snot dried on his upper lip that Roy cleans with the hem of his shirt. “Me Da’s angry,” Jamie says, real hushed, as if afraid the man’s listening through the wall. Tears well up again in his eyes and spill, silent. “But m’not sure what I doed wrong, Roy. I promise I weren’t tryin’ to be bad.”
OH MAN!!!!!!
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asteria-argo · 7 months
🌹🌹🌹 For you my lovely!
My love!! for you I have some Jamie and Beard, which is a dynamic that kind of came out of nowhere in the next chapter of TATBP! Which fun fact, I think might be finished today!
“I’m checking in on the classes.” Beard says, and Jamie sighs, gesturing around to his empty classroom. “Well you’re a bit late mate,” he points out “Sam’s gone down to the staff room for lunch if you’re looking for him.” “I wasn’t.” Beard says bluntly. Man of few words he was. Jamie had to admit he appreciated the straight forwardness of it all, especially compared to Ted “I was looking for you.”
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cmbookendquotes · 10 years
Matthew Gray Gubler has said that the scenes where he is wearing glasses they are his, not the characters, that one the days he's wearing glasses his eyes were sore and he couldn't wear his contacts :)
Alright, better answer. I was primarily thinking in terms of character, not actor. (See what a long shift at work can do? 😣
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the-threebroomsticks · 13 years
I feel totally daft but do you know how to do the pottermore thing? I've been looking at it but I just haven't a clue what I'm doing! cheers xo
That should explain it better than I could. 
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sighonaraa · 1 year
🌹 can I be so bold as to not only request football kiddos au but specifically a Roy and Jamie snippet? Pretty please?
YOU MAY ABSOFRUITLEY BE SO BOLD. apologies for how long this took, i finally reached the roy pov of chapter 3 and. Oh Boy. OH BOY.
“But Roy,” says Jamie. “Why?” “Because,” says Roy. “I don’t trust you not to choke yourself to death on them. Quit moving, you muppet.” “But Roy,” says Jamie. “M’not gonna choke! M’gonna be extra super nice to my pom-poms. My pom-poms won’t choke me if I’m extra super nice to them.” Roy wraps his fingers around Jamie’s ankle and holds it still. Then, with his opposite hand, he levers open the tongue of the trainer and shoves Jamie’s foot inside. “That’s not how it fucking works,” he says, tucking his knee up beneath Jamie’s shoe to give himself a platform to tie the laces. “Pom-poms don’t have friends. They’ll pretend to like you and then choke you to death in your sleep anyway. Besides, what d’you need pom-poms for?” “Ms. Keeley’s got pom-poms,” Jamie says, pouting. “I wanna be like Ms. Keeley!”
baby jamie my absolute BELOVEDEST. he wants to be just like keeley when he grows up and i think that's very valid of him.
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sighonaraa · 1 year
🌹🌹🌹 since your doing football kids angst could we have some Roy Jamie family angst too pleeeease
one thing about me is i LOVE angst and i will ALWAYS be willing to provide. always.
Roy’s nails carve crescents into his palms. He doesn’t notice he’s clenching his jaw until he feels the scrape of tooth on tooth, and all at once the taut pull of the muscle is almost painful in its prominence. He measures an exhale through his nose. Waits for the red-hot flare of anger in his chest to cool so that it doesn’t burn Jamie, because it’s not fucking meant for Jamie. It’s meant for a man who’s no longer here but whose presence remains a ghost that haunts every last one of Jamie’s flinches. “Of course you do,” he says, level. “You get a sweet no matter what.” “Really?” Jamie says, as if he can’t hardly believe it. “Really,” says Roy, and he means it as a vow.
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sighonaraa · 1 year
Ohmygoodnesss Sid football babies as Percy Jackson characters is beyond adorable I absolutely need to know who they'd all dress up as??!
(This is gives me a image of Jamie insisting Roy needs to hand make his costume and Roy does his bestTM) but it involes a lot of swearing)
*cracks knuckles* GATHER ROUND CHILDREN.
sam: annabeth. of course.
isaac: zeus. he likes being able to say that he's in charge and also throw lightning bolts at colin.
jan maas: refuses to participate. he holds isaac's lightning bolts and hands them to him whenever isaac demands one.
richard: aphrodite. "her hair is not as beautiful as mine but it is close enough."
colin: hephaestus, because he delighted in humiliating aphrodite and colin delights in humiliating richard.
dani: hermes! if i was not human, i would have wings on my feet too because that is how fast i am!
moe: a tree. when asked, he says he's thalia.
jamie: percy. everybody assumes it's because percy is the main character and jamie is very much the Main Character Kiddo, but later at night while roy's tucking him in, he asks, and jamie tells him it's 'cause percy loves annabeth more than anybody in the whole wide world just like me and sam! roy has to cry about it later.
and YES. roy absolutely is guilted into making jamie's costume via puppy dog eyes. he pricks his fingers one bajillion times and ted can hear him swearing through the walls. it ends up a bit lopsided and patched-together, but jamie adores it more than anything in the world. the cherry on top is roy wrapping blankie around a stick and telling jamie it's riptide.
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sighonaraa · 1 year
Oh so of Roy’s 22 in football kiddos and Jamie’s 5 Roy would’ve been 17 when Jamie was born, I know we’ve established that Roy hasn’t really been around Jamie much but was he still at home when Jamie was born?
I’m probably thinking too deeply on this 😂😂 but I am OBSESSED
listen. it is lovely to know you’re invested in this story and you are NOT thinking too deeply on this because. you are exactly correct.
in fact! roy never even knew jamie existed until just a couple weeks prior to the start of this fic. he left home at seventeen due to Big Sad Reasons and didn’t look back (he never stopped looking back). the first he heard of jamie was when he received a call from the hospital telling him georgie had died, and he’d been given custody of his five year old half-brother.
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sighonaraa · 1 year
So since you asked and I have nobody to scream about my ideas with haha So I'm super obsessed with the idea of there being a crack in the confident façade jamie has after man city, like our boy has an ego and we love that for him but up until now everyone's just rolled their eyes and been like yeah yeah thats jamie for you. EXCEPT after man city they they've seen this other side, and my plan is to explore that a little they've seen behind the mask now and its something that cant be unseen, so im think like a series of moments where jamies putting on a brave face, or he's turning up the prickness a bit and Roy, or ted or sam or whoever grabs him and is like I see you, and i know you're not okay, and its okay to not be okay. I don't know if you've heard this amazing song by a guy called Sam Fender called Seventeen going under but it is SO jamie coded its not funny and there's a line in it 'God the kids looks so sad' and like thats everyone's internal monologue when looking at jamie in whatever moment. and yeah hahah that was a lot but thank you so much for letting me spew my brain rot at you! <3
OHHHHH MY???? GOD?????? i will cry if you write this. please write this. i love it. i want it injected directly into my bloodstream this very moment thanks.
i HAVE heard of seventeen going under! in fact it keeps haunting me. i will never be able to listen to that song without thinking of jamie tartt ever again. and that line. THAT LINE!!! ough. man oh man. that being everybody's internal monologue when looking at jamie....... OUGH.
i would. like i am not kidding i would tattoo this fic to my very skin. i also think that tying this concept into the whole "forgive <3" bs that was forced onto jamie, as well as grappling with the reaching out to his dad in rehab and how that is most assuredly NOT the best course of action would be. fascinating. and i would EAT IT UP WITH A SPOON.
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sighonaraa · 10 months
Sid! I’m already obsessed with your 17 year old Jamie goes to Richmond fic! Does it have a name?
ash! i am so happy to hear you’re already obsessed with the 17 year old jamie goes to richmond fic! it’s one of the gift fics for @asteria-argo bc once many moons ago the two of us tossed a brain cell back and forth about the ripe potentiality of such an au (also inspired by @altschmerzes’s absolutely stunning “wriggle up on dry land”) and i’ve simply been chomping at the bit to write it for eternities since.
it does NOT have a name yet i am sorry to report :(
HOWEVER. it may end up being saw something they can’t take away from taylor swift’s “you’re on your own, kid” if only because that one particular song makes my heart hurty in the most jamie specific way.
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altschmerzes · 1 year
'Two steps back' as the next chapter title is like mark me down as Excited and Afraid  😬 😭 
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sighonaraa · 1 year
Yessss!!! In fact I would like to request 1000000000000000 more football babies please 😉😁😁😇
as you wish!!! from the hopefully-soon-to-be-posted chapter 3!
“Ummmmm,” Jamie says. He tilts his head to the side. Pokes his tongue out between the tiny gap in his front teeth. “You like to know!” “What,” says Roy. “You like to know!” “Fucking—” Roy rubs at the bridge of his nose. There’s a headache blooming there, like ink spilled on paper and spreading, a dark rot that’ll consume everything in its path. “Yes, Jamie. I’d like to know where the ball is.” Jamie stares at him and says, again, “You like to know!” This is going absolutely fucking nowhere, and Roy can sense his patience unraveling fast. He reels it in; forces a measured exhale. Deposits Jamie on the floor and casts his gaze across the room, searching. But there’s no football, not so far as he can see. He’d scrounged an old, deflated one out of the last of the duct-taped storage boxes yesterday, pumped it full of air and given it to Jamie as a holdover until they made it to the park. There’d been grass stains fading against the peeling black and white checkers. Roy’s fingers had traced the frayed seams without his permission, the sutured feel of them recalling memories he’d thought he’d done away with.
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sighonaraa · 1 year
So just in case you're interested I've posted the first chap of my God the kid looks so sad series on AO3
owo? OWO?? i AM interested and i AM currently running to ao3 to bookmark this to read over the weekend.
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sighonaraa · 6 months
Happy birthday! 🥳 🎂
thank you so much my beloved ash!!! MWAH <3
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asteria-argo · 1 year
"It was a bit strange sometimes, that her two ex boyfriends had gone and unionized, made themselves a little family that loved and cared about each other right under her nose" I love this line!! Its got real lilo and stitch it may be small and broken but still good vibes
Yess exactly! As you can probably tell from the everything about me I love Found Family so much and I especially love found family you would not ever in a million years expect to find each other and go "yes this is my family" which is exactly what Roy and Jamie are To ME!
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