#peedee x reader
icansoiwill · 4 years
Summary: (Y/N) and Chandler have been best friends since they could remember and not that High school has ended, they must part ways
Pairing: Chandler Hallow x Reader
Word Count: 826
Warnings: None
I've graduated from high school... Finally after 4 years of ridiculous friends, teachers, and drama. Being accepted to college was one of the best days of my life. The first? You wonder well... it was meeting Chandler. I didn't realize when my thoughts went from 'your my best friend' to 'I want you', but it evidently happened.
"Why did you have to go to Berkeley in California. We live in Greenville, North Carolina home of the mighty PeeDee Pirate. Plus, it means we could still see each other all the time." Chandler begged.
"Did you just hear yourself?" I  laugh. "Plus, I did apply there. In reality, though Chandler, I'd still see all the people I went to high school with. I want to branch out and become my own person" I say.
"Your right. I'm just really going to miss you" he says giving me a hug. "Hey, do you think I could fit in a box or suitcase and just travel with you there?" I just shake my head. ----- A while later, Chandler and I are in my room and he's helping me pack some of my things. All of the sudden I hear, "your staying I don't care what you've said!" I can hear a crack in his voice
"I can come to visit you a lot" I try to reason.
"Its hundreds of miles, I'm going to cry like a baby when you're not here." He says calming down.
"I know, I know, I know and I still love you," I tell him and I lessen the distance between us.
"You'll always love me." He tells me. Closing the distance between us. "It's me and you."
"Chandler?" I want to tell him, I want to kiss him. It wouldn't be fair though.
"Yes?" He says searching my eyes.
"I'm gonna miss you" was all the courage I had to tell him.
"I will too, now let's get back fo work. You leave in a week and this needs to get done." He tells me pointing at the mess sprawled out all over the hardwood floors. ‐----- We got tired and decided to watch a movie in the living room. Of course, chandler being Chandler, he fell asleep. His head in my lap. Face facing my tummy. I took in all of his facial features. His bushy little eyebrows, his soft skin, the way his hair fell... Then all of a sudden I could recall when the exact moment was that I realized I had a crush on him.
It was my sophomore year, he was a junior, and we were on our way to the volleyball game. He was driving, changing songs that didn't fit the mood. All of a sudden I hear Hollaback Girl by Gwen Stefani blast through the speakers and Chandler's screaming "Uh-huh, That's My Shit. FEW TIMES BEEN AROUND THAT TRACK SO IT NOT GONNA HAPPEN JUST LIKE THAT, CAUSE I ANI’T NO HOLLABACK GIRL!" I laughed as hard as ever that day. I saw a side of Chandler I hadn't seen yet, he was so unbelievably funny. That was the most adorable thing about him.
As the credits start to roll through I realize how long I had actually been looking at him. He was perfect looking. Almost like a real-life face tune. But it was all him and I couldn't get enough. --------- The next morning I wake up and don't understand where I am. Oh, the living room. But there's another body... Oh My God! Its Chandler! We were cuddling. I could feel him start to wake up so out of panic, I pretend to be asleep. A yawn comes from his mouth as he realizes where he is. But he doesn't freak out. With an unexpected kiss to my temple and him putting his head in the crook of my neck, butterflies start to erupt in my stomach and my heart starts to fasten. He has to feel the same way then. I start to "wake up" and he moves his head from my neck. "Good morning, I'm sorry I didn't know we fell asleep like this. I'll get up." He states as he is about to move.
"No, it's okay I like it," I tell him out of a vote of confidence.
"Okay," he says with a big smile on his face. "Can I tell you something?" He asks.
"Of course."
"You know I've liked you for a while and I never knew if you felt the same so I never said anything." He tells me.
"I've felt the same for a while. I was going to tell you yesterday. I got scared though." I blush
As I finish my sentence I feel to fingers at the bottom of my chin turn my head. "I love you." He says to me. He gives me the most passionate kiss. Lime it was something he's needed for months. I never thought this day would come, but here we are.
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crystalgemimagines · 7 years
Mod Lapis can you do some more lapis x reader they're too good!
MY CALLING CARD. This is just a very chill ficlet. Not much happens but hanging with your girlfriend, the lovely Lapis Lazuli of course. -Mod Lapis
Walking down the street on a warm early Summer day, pinkie finger laced together with your girlfriend’s, you feel a cool breeze of air hit your face. You smile, looking out at the docks towards the ocean. Feeling eyes on you, you turn to look at Lapis. She was staring at you, but looked away when you noticed. 
“You alright?” you asked, squeezing her pinkie with yours a bit. “Oh, yeah. Just a little tired I guess.” she shrugged. “You wanna.. sit down?” you questioned in response, she nodded, the two of you walking the same direction towards the docks to take a seat. She pulled the back of her skirt towards her knees to sit down, you wiped some grains of dirt off the dock before plopping down beside her.
The ocean calming splashed beneath the two of you, the sun still rising behind you, Lapis’ dress blew daintily with the light breezes that passed. Looking down at the water below, you noticed Lapis was already looking at your reflection, you looked up at her- her cheeks flushed a bit and she smiled, moving her hand on top of yours and leaning her head on your shoulder. You gently put your head atop hers and the two of you stayed like that until an abrupt “HOOOOONK” from a nearby boat startled you.
Letting out a long yawn, you felt a little kiss on your shoulder. “You tired too?” she rose her brow, you nodded, but told her you couldn’t just go nap with her. “Plans later today and all” as you put it, “wanna go get some coffiene? Caffee?” she asked.
“You mean coffee?” you asked, stifling at little laugh.
“Yeah, that. It wakes you up right?” she waved her hand in a ‘whatever’ sort of way. 
“Mhm. Or some water.” you stood as you spoke, offering her a hand to help her up. She took it, and kept holding it as the two of you walked off. 
“You thirsty.” she nudged your side a bit with her arm, giggling to herself. 
“OoOooo hydrate me baby!” you laughed, nudging her back, then realized you said that a bit louder than you should’ve, earning a weird look from Peedee as you walked by. You quickly turned your attention back to Lapis who had let out a cute little snort while she was laughing at your awful retort. She opened her eyes to look at you again, she looked like she was going to say something before bursting out laughing again. 
You smiled and laughed with her, rubbing your thumb on hers as you walked together, the peaceful and happy silence returning soon after. 
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