#peepy travel
pics-of-my-peepy · 2 years
Happy New Year!
What's your New Year resolution? Leave a note!
Peepy's is to do more crime and zero time.
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kobold-travels · 3 months
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June 2, 2024 - Mapping it out! ~
Excitement is building as I prepare everything for my Study Abroad trip to Italy! I leave early July and come back in early August. I created this Tumblr blog so that I could document my journey and give my family and friends a place to read my updates.
I have so many thoughts buzzing around in my head for this trip. What are my expectations? What do I need to do to get ready? What are some things I am looking forward to? What are some concerns I might have? I am going to cover all those things in today’s blog post!
What are my expectations?
I am expecting a cool, fun, and unique new experience for myself. This trip will be fun, but I know that parts of it will be challenging. Living in a new place for a month is going to be quite the unforgettable experience. I am expecting to see and experience several inspirational things. This includes Artwork, Friends (including an overseas one), Architecture, and especially Textiles!
What do I need to do to get ready?
I have looked over and reviewed my classes and materials that I need. I have already bought all my school supplies, ranging from textbooks, sketchbooks, embroidery floss, and a few other things. I still need to get adapters and converters for European outlets, I need to finish making my packing list, and I need to buy a few other small things. Luckily, I bought my plane ticket and finished all my preparatory work the school needs from me.
What are some of the things I am looking forward to?
I am looking forward to all of the wonderful museums and rich history of the places we will be in. As a Textiles student and a Weaver, I am incredibly excited to go to the weaving studio my Fabrics of Italy class is having a field trip for. I am also so thrilled to meet my friend! We have known each other for a long time, but I am so excited to see her in person.
What are some concerns I might have?
I am concerned about being in new places and not always having a guaranteed means of contacting my family due to lack of internet access. I am also very concerned about money. There are so many things I want to do and experience, but I will need to be very careful about spending while abroad. I recently returned home from a trip to Hawaii, and it did take me longer than predicted to recover from my jetlag. Hopefully I will have an easy time adjusting. I plan to slowly shift my sleep schedule leading up to the trip so that I am closer to local time when we land.
There you have it! These are some of my thoughts as I prepare for my Study Abroad. I am very excited to experience so many cool and new things. I hope reading my blog ramblings will be fun for some, and cool for me to go back and read over in the future.
Thanks for reading!
~ kobold-travels
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estelleoakland · 6 months
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Another Peepy Adventure (aka Mistakepy goes to Maryland)
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rczc · 2 years
Ur so cute omg I actually can’t 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
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keep being sweet to me and see what happens >:((
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thegoldendoorknob · 3 months
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Oops random oc tracklist time again what's going to get lost now
Beautiful Ruin
Explorer / Nuclear Fusion
Traveling Sage
Quiet Water
The Dark Truth
Reason Boss
Dancing Crazy Murder
Sunshine Airport
Babylon Garden
Royal Academy of Katamari (Forever)
Strawberry Crisis!! / Fate of Sixty Years / Memories of Phantasm 3
Clanker's Cavern
Feed The Birds
Snow Halation
Artificial Children
Bad Apple
Phantasmagoria Mystical Expectation
Komm Süsser Tod
Peepy's Secret
The Extreme / Remix
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bonefall · 1 year
Clanmew translations of some ocs
Petalsnow: Pfefiurch (Fluff petal-snow)
Snow prefix is supposed to mean snowfall
Hawkstep/star: Yi'issappa/Yi'ishai (Sparrowhawk-padding/star)
Not sure on the suffix
Rookstorm: Mraawbahahao (Crow-haster)
Doesn't seem to be a word for rook, went for haster because this man is a violent storm apparently
Willowmoon: Sawashowosha (Gray willow-moon halo)
Combined "shom" and "wosha" for the prefix, was very tempted to name them pussywillow but gray willow won in the end
Runningflame: Gabrllfyn (Crackling-cooking fire)
Sounds like a honor title tbh, this man can cook
Stoneclaw: Bponbkach (Boulder-claw)
She's a big woman, so big stone word it is
Monkeyfoot: Kossachungpwyyarr (Tree monster-foot)
Combination of "kossa" and "kichung" for the prefix, meant to be the generic term for certain animals. He'd likely have a honor title like Monkeyscar
Thundershine: Krrakashemimi (Thunder-has shined)
Meant to symbolize that lightning has hit and thunder will come soon
Splinterstripe: Karkseek (Chip-long stripe)
Couldn't find splinter so chip it is, neither of the stripe words really fit them but I went with seek because it sounds better
Piperleap/star: Krekekluara/Krekekshai (Gray heron-has jumped/star)
Piper wasn't on the lexicon so I just went for a bird word that began with K to match with their siblings. The leap part of their name symbolizes their shift from cleric training to becoming a warrior
Tinybounce: Eebpipip (Small-bouncing) or Peskepipip (small cluster of flowers-bouncing)
Little guy, so smol. Second translation was literally made because it fits with zir family's names so well (such as petal and rose)
Runningflame/Crackling-Cookingfire/Gabrilfyn is absolutely my favorite, TOTALLY sounds like an honor title, 100% excellent
Here's some more words for you! While I'm at it, I'll fill out the missing corvids;
Rook (Corvus frugilegus) = Naahg
Jackdaw (Corvus monedula) = Niw
Hooded Crow (Corvus cornix) = Aai
Red-billed Chough (Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax) = Hraor
This, with Nyok for Raven, Rawk for Carrion Crow, Ke'ek for Magpie, and Mraaw for Corvids as a generic term, completes the entire family!
Next is a few wood-related terms that are missing;
Splinter = Koa
Wood (General) = Okok
Pith (The spongy inner wood of plants, usually in reference to flax or soft rush) = Sowa
And lastly... on pipers.
Pipers are a rare bird for Clan cats to see. They're mostly shorebirds that come in-land to nest. There's well over a dozen fat, thin-billed, long-legged little waterbirds (called Waders) they see on a regular basis, but the two piper species they'd know about would be very rare.
So here's a generic term for you, and a couple of the most common ones. I found a good way to give you a K-term while most of this family has peepy-type calls;
Wader (Generic) = Kikaboo From Fang + Beak + Fat. Includes rails, coots, pipers, dunlins, etc. Birds with long legs, long little beaks like a tooth, and round bodies, found near water.
Beak (of a bird) = Kaba
Moorhen = Ia The most common wader in the territory. The closest thing to a chicken the Clan cats have.
Curlew (Numenius arquata) = Urloop An interesting little bird that nests close to kestrel nests, in spite of the danger. Featured in a Clanmew saying, "Curlew in the shadow of a kestrel," roughly means, "Choosing danger for the sake of safety"
Little Ringed Plover (Charadrius dubius) = Bieew A symbol of peace between RiverClan and WindClan in the Lake territory. The southern delta is mostly gravel and stony, the exact place that a Bieew likes to nest. Both Clans have an interest in protecting these pretty little birds, which can bring them together for negotiation.
Common Sandpiper (Actitis hypoleucos) = Peepapi A rare shore-dwelling bird that occasionally comes in-land to nest; not discovered until the Clan cats returned to the Lake. When used as a name, has a connotation of traveling or going on a salt patrol.
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random-iz-stuff · 1 year
Invader Zim Deathmatch:
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The rules are as follows:
1. We’re assuming that both participants actively want and are willing to kill each other unless actively specified otherwise (for example: Chammy Wamboo).
2. The fight must be one on one so no outside help is allowed, but prep time is allowed.
3. The rule for prep time is that if one contestant gets prep time, the other contestant gets an equal amount of prep time as well.
Information about both contestants (who they are, powers and abilities, etc) can be found under the cut.
Contestant Stats:
“Oh yeah Ultra-Peepi”
Ultra-Peepi appears in the episode “Hamstergeddon”
Powers and abilities:
Gargantuan size (Ultra-Peepi is larger than most buildings. Most of their strength comes from this extreme size and weight)
Extreme durability (due to their size and several cybernetic implants, Ultra-Peepi is extremely durable, being able to withstand the weaponry of an Irken ship. However, they’re not invincible, and were successfully killed by Zim using an extremely large explosion)
Energy breath (Ultra-Peepi can fire massive blasts of energy from their mouth)
[Weakness] Animal intelligence (Ultra-Peepi is an animal and as such, has the intelligence of an animal. They’re easily distracted by anything that resembles food and generally aren’t very smart, making it very easy to trick and outsmart them)
Fun Fact:
Peepi was originally named “Mr Boodles” in episode concepts before it was changed to Peepi.
Professor Membrane:
“S C I E N C E”
Professor Membrane appears all over the place in the series, so I won’t list them all. He has a big role in the Movie though
Powers and abilities:
Intelligence (Membrane is Earth’s smartest scientist, being incredibly intelligent by human standards. However, this intelligence is limited to more Earthly and grounded regions of science, with Membrane unable to figure out things like hyperdrives and time travel and all that sci-fi-esque stuff and writing it off as completely impossible and theoretical. The most advanced thing we ever see him create is a perpetual energy machine the size of a building, and aliens were able to create a much more compact version of that themselves (the infinite energy producing machine from The Trial).
Fighting Skills (Membrane is shown to have somewhat decent fighting skills. It’s not on par with something like a soldier, but it’s more than the average person)
Bionics: (Membrane’s arms and possibly legs are mechanical, giving Professor Membrane the following abilities):
Flight (using his bionics, Membrane can fly and hover)
Energy Blasts (using his bionic arms, Membrane can fire blasts of energy from his hands)
BIG Energy Blast (by using both Bionic Arms at once, Professor Membrane can basically preform a dragon ball Kamehameha large enough to destroy a massive area in front of him. However: Given how he only preforms this move once and every other energy blast he fires afterwards is considerably weaker, it’s very likely that he can on preform this move once per fight (most likely for reasons related to power or overheating given how his arms need to take a moment to cool down after preforming the Kamehameha). It’s also very possible for him to miss as the move only shoots straight forwards (albeit with a very wide beam))
[Unusable] Meteor (when Membrane first appears to fight in ETF, he falls from the sky and creates a massive explosion that wipes out the entire area around him. HOWEVER, this explosion was most likely caused by Membrane falling from orbit and hitting the ground extremely hard and not any of his bionics or abilities, just gravity and possibly Membrane attempting to use his Bionics to break the fall, so it won’t be counted as an ability or power. It’s just has too specific requirements for him to use in a fight, even with Prep Time)
[Weakness] Glass Cannon (Membrane can hit extremely hard, but his human body is just as weak as a regular, untrained human, with Zim managing to knock Membrane out cold with one hit. He’s strong, but only as durable in a fight as a regular human, making him a serious glass cannon)
Fun Fact:
Membrane doesn’t believe aliens don’t exist like many fans portray him. He believes in extraterrestrial life, but doesn’t believe that said life would ever be able to communicate with or come to earth due to the vast distance between stars and the fact that while aliens are fully possible in his mind, FTL travel and communication is simply science fiction.
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grazer-razor · 2 months
anyway. continuing.
when i left off, i was explaining how KH and AT could be viable subs for homestuck in terms of story. kingdom hearts' story(that, like homestuck's, is semi-atmospheric and somewhat complicated) basically has several kids growing in both age and power as they battle mob-like enemies and try to stop a 2-sides conflict(if you don't believe me on the power part, remember when sora basically sliced a building in half near the end of KH2? yeah, he has homestuck's god tier powers at this point)
as for adventure time, it's plot entails the characters growing up over time, and is also somewhat serious at times. there are also ridiculous plot elements, like the time the lich's arm got teleported to many different dimensions(yeah, that's straight up homestuck). to me, homestuck gives me more kingdom hearts vibes than adventure time vibes(because i don't recall there being anything like the why-wolves in homestuck...).
oh yeah, i almost forgot. chrono trigger has an intricate time traveling plot and character-exclusive powers(similar to homestuck's god tier).
the funny thing is that one of my friends likes kingdom hearts, adventure time, invader zim, and chrono trigger. so homestuck might be the perfect storm for him. too bad it's rife with sexually explicit references. yikes.
and i WOULD bring up all of invader zim and homestuck's similarities... but i'm too lazy for that. so have copy-pasted documents.
Theming similarities -random, occasionally food-based sense of humor -goofy, cynical, mildly gloomy atmosphere -bathroom humor(and in Homestuck’s case, certain anatomical jokes(which might be a more “grown-up” version of bathroom humor.)
Design similarities -squashed in, eccentric, and geometric design(Homestuck relies on rounded shapes, IZ relies on edges) -most environments are monochrome in color -occasionally depicts more realistic imagery(for invader zim, this only happens into the florpus… i think)
Trope similarities -bug-like aliens with decent worldbuilding, as well as robots. There is an emphasis on unusual technology, as well. -all adults are sort of shady(also, you can’t see most of their faces) -most characters’ personalities are exaggerated -most of the main characters are children(or at least some equivalent to children) -most of the characters have similar naming patterns related to the number of letters in their names -THE APOCALYPSE (again, this only happens in the into the florpus movie) -the aliens have weak points that play off of concepts familiar to humans(water for IZ’s irkens, buckets for homestuck’s trolls) -crazy stuff in the plots(for invader zim, examples include room with a moose, planets fighting each other, ultra peepi, and “that one time Dib got a crap ton of techno-biological advancements because Zim kept throwing rubber piggies at his past self” -Alf, my discord friend who is a fan of IZ) -there’s a 2nd alien race with only a handful of characters(vortians and cherubs)
Character similarities -cutesy character that goes around doing random stuff with various objects and items (GIR/WV) -shady parental authority figure that’s a bit of a goofball, but is also badass at times (membrane/dad egbert) -mildly edgy, brooding character that emanates feelings of antagonism, power and authority (tallest red & purple/jack) -sullen, gloomy-ish girl (gaz/rose) -the protagonist is a nerdy kid with glasses and a ghost on his shirt (dib/john) -the main alien character is a ill-tempered alien who is an outcast from the rest of his society because of his abnormal characteristics(zim/karkat)
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pearlescent-princess · 6 months
Dream goes here today. It was an odd one. I'll do my best to summarize. I'm gonna say it was the pain meds and my brain finally getting sleep to sort things out because it was deep enough.
For whatever reason I hosted a group of occultists, people I knew of (or had interacted with) in passing. It was strange to have them all here near me. But I played a good host and madd sure everyone got along. I made rules for what was allowed and what was not. No magic, no summoming, only discussion and talk.
One of the guests arrived on the tail end of a storm. Their storm? I do not know. I do know that I offered a hand for them to take before they crossed the threshold into my home (domain?). I welcomed them and made a small comment about how I hoped Lev and they found it comfortable. It was different.
Further on in the dream, the group traveled together. I think through a portal, or something like it. We ended up in.. a place like New Asgard, but it was wrong. I asked the group, but the group expressed the worries. Someone familiar said they could not smell the reindeers. I asked the other with the "L" spirit about the trees and surroundings. They said it felt wrong.
I turned the time and realm around us. I asked if this was the right place. I heard confirmation it was. I followed a path illuminated as I looked that no one else saw. It brought forth a red glowing ring like a giant hoola hoop. It was releasing something, a binding or related. I grasped onto the entity's ring and squished it, but it did little. The sea spilled into the scene. It filled all up and now we bobbed in its waves.
A ship to my left. But two familiar names on horses (or were horses). Bewitched by magic. A spell broken. I spoke to a member of the group about the currents. But I lose the trail here. I just remember being an old woman scolding a young child. The loss of some legacy and greed of it. It was unusual. It moved to exchanging an earring with the person with the L entity. I was given a silver metal designed like rain drops, and they were given an oak tree design.
Immediately after I was myself but elsewhere. It was familiar in the way that was like dragon age inquisition. But I was me. I found a place to go quietly sit upon in old elven ruins. I was going to meditate and perch there for a while. There was a group below causing a ruckus about Solas being gone. I went down there to find out.
I followed a blue, glowing coin (like a shard from the game) that kept vanishing as I got near it. I knew it was guiding me somewhere. Someone had gone ahead of me to scout if it was safe. It went further into the ruins. At the heart of it, there was Solas. He looked.. ragged and worn out. [I never played Trespasser but it gave me betrayed vibes.] He spoke to me, maddened, and said "it would be fixed by his coming", some 3rd party. He opened a Dread Wolf door and left through it. I did not follow even though he left it open.
I went back. I came across a beach and walked on it. Only mused at the fact that the storyline did break my heart. The sand was soft and white. I remember seeing a crab design (in a coral swirl style) and commented about how it was a tessellation. I continued on the beach and came to a small offering temple in ruins. There was a peepy gundam, it was weird.
It ended with me meeting a chef / minstrel. She looked like Isabella, but was different. Somethint about her was familiar, and it may have been one of mine. It seemed like that at least.
No more after that though.
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waffletallest · 2 years
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I posted 1,398 times in 2022
That's 714 more posts than 2021!
37 posts created (3%)
1,361 posts reblogged (97%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,078 of my posts in 2022
Only 23% of my posts had no tags
#bcs - 303 posts
#p - 146 posts
#au - 137 posts
#dracula - 131 posts
#dracula daily - 130 posts
#video - 85 posts
#lovely - 62 posts
#meta - 49 posts
#mp100 - 48 posts
#brba - 46 posts
Longest Tag: 137 characters
#‘solicitor’s clerk’ was enough to instill fear and then for him to say ‘wait that’s right i’m an actual solicitor now’ nooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!
My Top Posts in 2022:
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Roy. [alt. text included]
59 notes - Posted June 19, 2022
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Celestial Sphere
[alt. text included]
75 notes - Posted June 2, 2022
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See the full post
100 notes - Posted April 14, 2022
868 notes - Posted September 12, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
A collab I did with my friend Conner (doodleconner on Instagram!) They did the storyboards/rough animation/FX/editing, and I did the backgrounds/cleanup animation/coloring/lighting!
[ID: A short, full-color, two-shot animation of ZIM from Invader ZIM. Behind him is a flaming cityscape at sunset. He dramatically cries (with audio from the original show), "Peepy! Obey me!" It cuts to an itemlabel Peepy on the ground in the light of a streetlamp, broken car parts around it. ZIM cries "Peepy!" as the camera zooms in on the Peepy, flames dimly flickering in its eyes. End ID.]
2,553 notes - Posted June 10, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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the-dukes-travels · 2 years
Went to Nevada to see my cousins.
Peepy seems to like it here :)
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This is there backyard btw
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pics-of-my-peepy · 2 years
Peepy is HANGRY
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greekbros · 3 years
(soooooo I own some itemlable peepies and ouiouis. Aaaaand they have some wild personalities)
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-ancient evil that predates Egypt
-has committed crimes of a time traveling nature
-has connections with the Greek underworld for absolutely no reason
-used to be friends with a resident of Tartarus but no longer holds allegiance.
-is out to get a certain pair of individuals.
-has repeatedly mooched off all the bier in the fridge, you nasty nasty little bastard.
-has put Trulog and Plushimaru on a wild goose chase to find "He born of bronze and raised in battle"
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-has only committed crimes associated with pillaging a village.
-favorite hobbies include having cold, winter walks.
-surprisingly rather calm for someone who knows how to use duel axes and a spiked shield.
-favorite food is pickled herring and lingonberries.
-loves poetry.
-has gained a fondness for Demosthenes, reminding her of her long since departed husband.
-is actually older than Demosthenes by 2,000 years.
-has seen mega fauna die off, she terribly misses her pet Mastodon.
-An innocent bean
- Cottagecore life forever
- strawberry everything
-a sweethearted soul.
-Loves making new friends.
-she just to vibe and have a good time.
-addicted to sugar.
- she's :3c and >:3c
-Acts 20 years old but he's close to Eper's age.
-Has committed his fair share of war crimes, including infiltrating the American platoon during the Vietnam war for reasons unknown (according to him it's because a soldier owed him $10 and a bag of LSD but he could be exaggerating) single-handedly sabotaging Napoleon's invasion of Russia by haphazardly drawing on their maps.
-broken every single rule in a close communities pool, that's no longer capable of entering that area.
-has a openly and hostile mutual roommate relationship with 'Plushimaru'.
-has accidentally been thrusted into an epic quest to find Demosthenes.
(oh yah here's my sibling's ouioui's)
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(not only do they get to have names, but my sibling has yet to properly name them. So I've decided to dub the, "Scraper" because he looks like he seen some shit and "Hydrox", after the chocolate cream cookie that came before Oreos.)
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wanderfan2000 · 2 years
Wander Over Yonder: Fears Deep Within You. (Originally written and uploaded by PuellaMagiAlexMagica. Reuploaded by WanderFan2000)
Ihide, that name of this planet alone will send a shiver to one's spine.
There's said to be a power that is far much great residing in the said forest, or as the riddle seem to suggest. Simple enough to just go in the forest and obtain it, but of course they'll have to do it as carefully and dillegently as much as possible.
As our four travelers will get find out soon enough, they would've done it much quicker if it wasn't for one of them scared out of their wits. The orange nomad was shaking really badly, it's telling he is scared. He's hiding behind the skeletal overlord's cloak as he heard his friends reading the riddle, Hater and Peepers scoffed at the paper.
"This has got to be the most dumbest riddle I've ever heard!"
"Would you stop that? If you think about it, We'll just go sneak in and get that power and that's that!" The commander told his boss.
'Of course we'll use this power to do good deeds much faster than them' Peepers thought as he stared at Wander who is behind Hater, shaking and scared.
"Uh, what's wrong with him?"
Hater noticed Wander behind him and grabbed him in one swoop. The skeleton stared at the scared nomad in the eye and strangely it soothed the nomad down.
"Would you quit it with that shaking? It's just a stupid forest! What's gotten you all scared?"
"Oh it's that I uh, never been here before! It's like I always say, every day's an adventure right? I just..have a bad feeling.."
"Bad feeling? Like as if someone is going to get you that kind bad feeling?" Hater asked.
"Yeah it's very much like that. Sorry if I bother you with me scared and all, Hatey.." Wander felt really bad about being a bother to the overlord. Since they were technically friends now, he has been a lot careful since his new pal gets mad easy. Same old Hater, that's what best about having him as his friend.
"No no, it's alright...kinda.."
"Should we head in or something? I'm getting rather impatient" Peepers tapped his foot.
"Whatever you say, optic nerd, but first..." Sylvia turned to see Wander, who is clinging onto Hater's cloak real hard. Poor guy, she never seen him this scared before.
He usually just goes in and just do things he does best but not this time. She gently walk to him and has Wander let go of Hater's cloak.
"It's okay, there is nothing to be afraid of. Your friends here and I won't let anything happen to you, okay Wander?" She gently assured her buddy to just sooth him from being scared.
Wander drew in a breath to calm himself down. "Okay Syl, I'll try to."
"Finally..." Hater whisper under his breath.
"Okay then, we'll just go head in and find this so called power and get out of here!" Peepers cheerfully chimed.
The four friends slowly enter the forest, Wander just cling onto Sylvia's neck, whimpering softly and Hater and Peepers both look a little..frightened? Odd, they're almost never afraid of anything! Why is this place making them uneasy now?
"Sir, this forest is making my stomach act odd..."
"Is it because you have to use the bathroom or something?" Hater asked with sarcasm.
"NO! This is way different. It felt like...something bad is gonna happen soon enough sir"
"Awww, is Peepy being a little baby~?"
"I'm not a little baby! You know I'm brave like you!"
"Nope you're just being a little peeping chicken!" Hater blows a rasberry at Peepers, the poor Watchdog just steamed red.
"You are SO gonna get it when we get out, sir..."
"Will you two knock it off and just focus on walking? I know we're all feeling uneasy right now. Just. Focus." Sylvia sternly told the immature overlord and his commander best friend.
"Yes Sylvia..." Both of them said in a defeated tone.
Minutes pass by, not even close to their destination. They're still in the forest, tensions rising between Hater and Peepers even more. The four decided to stop and just camp out here for the night. Just what they all needed...sleep in a cuddle pile. At least they're all safe and sound.
Just then, an ominous accordion began to play. Peepers slowly open his eye and try to figure out where this music is coming from.
"What...is that awful music playing?" He yawned and get up from the pile and listened more.
"I know Hater never brought his music with him. But is this music from somewhere? I have to find out.."
"Hey C. Peeps..."
"Dah! Wander! Why are you up? You were scared enough as it is" He whispered sternly towards Wander, who is waking up.
"You said you hear the music playing too? I thought I was the only one"
"Yeah I keep hearing it even in my dreams.."
"Well we have got to find out where this racket comes from. Even if something is out there watching us"
Wander took in a breath as if he is about to ask.
"Yes Wander, you can come with. But just don't cling onto-"
Wander clings onto Peepers jacket, shivering. The Watchdog commander has an unamused face.
Wander and Peepers both wandered into the foggy forest, listening to the music, trying to find out where is it coming from. Of course they found nothing and they both sat down and sighed.
"Well we looked and looked and there is nothing...I think my mind is playing tricks on me. You know how stressful I am 24%! So it may be possible"
"Yeah, you're always stressed but it's alright. It's okay to feel that way"
"Thanks Wander, come on, we have got to return to Hater and Sylvia before they find out"
"Yeah, we don't want them worried."
Just as the nomad and the watchdog commander return to where their friends are, Wander couldn't help but look around with his eyes. Something caught his eye, he gasped lightly. It's a ghostly slightly buff mime with long hair, with a creepy smile with nothing in it's eyes, just pure blankness. It's bouncing up and down as if it's dancing to the beat of the accordion that kept playing.
"C-c-c. Peeps?" Wander just hugged Peepers tighter.
"What is it Wander?"
"Did you see that..?"
'There!" He pointed to where the mime is supposed to be, but it's not there.
"I don't see anything Wander"
"Peeps, I saw it it's there.."
"I think it must be your own mind playing games with you. You seem to be scared a lot so it could be it."
Wander sighed. "Maybe you're right Peeps. It's just part of my head. It's not real"
"Good, now let's keep going back"
The two then walked again. The accordion sounded again and Wander kept hugging Peepers tight, scared out of his wits. He spotted the mime again but it's not alone,
there's another one just like it. And there is more and more and more.
The nomad's fur turned pale and try to held back a scream not to frighten Peepers but those things keep showing up out of nowhere. He resorted to whimpering instead.
Peepers stopped in his tracks and sighed.
"Wander, we're almost there to them. It's gonna be alright. It's not like Hater is going to kill us for going missing right, Wander?” He turned around to see the spooky faces of the mimes. His heart dropped and his stomach acted weird again. The faces are everywhere Wander and Peepers are, the commander try to breathe to calm himself down but to no avail.
“Holy garbage spill! You're right Wander, we have GOT to find Hater and Sylvia FAST! But we have got to return to them calmly okay?"
Minute later, they were clinging onto each other, running away. Peepers ran as fast as he can, carrying Wander in his arms, both of them screaming their little hearts out. The faces disappeared in the darkness of the forest.
They both bumped into Hater and Sylvia, who were both happened to be awake. They turned around to see Wander and Peepers, scared out of their minds still clinging to each other in fear.
"What the grop just happened to the both of you? We just awoke to hear screaming and you're both gone!"
"I-i'm sorry s-sir, we k-kept hearing an accordion playing and Wander and I try to find where it came from and Wander kept clinging onto me. H-he said that he spotted a m-mime. I dismissed it as n-nothing so I turned around and they were there, Wander was right so we run back to where you both are!"
Peepers then return to clinging Wander in fear, crying out his famous high pitched cries.
"Peepers, I-i have no idea...but I don't see any mimes here so I don't know why both of you are crying"
"Hater, stop. It's obvious they're scared by something here but I don't see it either. You don't hear me dismissing it like you right?" Sylvia pulled Wander and Peepers into a hug.
"Groood, no Sylvia. I don't hear it"
"C-can we sleep it off? I want to forget about it"
"Okay Peepers, we'll do just that"
The cuddle pile resumed, Hater just sighed and joined into the pile, he has no idea what got Wander and Peepers so worked up. He just shrugged it off and fell asleep. Nothing else happened after that nightmare.
He opened his eye and is surrounded by soft pink fluffy clouds. He walked around, trying to see if there is anything rather than just him.
"Zbornak? Sir? Wander? Where are you?"
He spotted someone, Hater, his boss and best friend! For some reason his back is turned to the Watchdog
"Sir! Sir I'm so glad I get to see you again si-"
"You are utterly useless"
Peepers' eye just shrunk in fear. Useless? This boss never acted like that, not even that so many years ago he got fired.
"Don't call me sir, You're so weak. I can't believe I could count on you for anything. You're just like them, Peepers. Useless and weak..."
"Si-sir, Hater...I can do anything you saw me ri-"
"I don't care, you're fired Peepers and don't ever come back..."
"Sir! You can't fire me, turn around so we can talk about this! Sir! Sir!"
He pulled Hater's cloak to turn him around and instead of an angry face of Hater's, It's the mime's face instead which is glowing.
Peepers heart began to race from fear. He ran away and bumped into Sylvia.
"She" turned around and like Hater's, it's the mime's face too, the accordion was getting more distorted and creepy.
Peepers screamed his little heart out, crying as he run away from "Hater" and "Sylvia", those are not them. Those mimes are following him everywhere even in his dreams. He bumped into Wander, his back also turned to him.
"Wander! Oh thank grop I'm so glad to see you! Hater and Sylvia both have those mime's faces and we have to help them! Wander? Wander?"
He turned the nomad around, he too has the mime's face. Peepers eye shrinks down to nothing but a small dot.
Peepers tried to get away from his "friends", accordion playing got even worse. Panting from so much fear as the mime friends drew closer to him, he can't handle it anymore and just braced for the worse, but not before he let out a scream so loud that he woke up.
~End dream~
Panting from screaming, Peepers looked around to see his friends still there, cuddling each other and him. Peepers drew in a deep breath in relief but was frozen from fear.
"AH! what what? Wander? Wander is that you?"
"Yeah it's me, I heard you- huh?"
Peepers just pinches Wander's cheeks to see no mime is playing cruel trick on him. There's no way those mimes would impersonate his friends. He breathed a sigh of relief but then bursting into tears, hugging Wander.
"Peeps? What's wrong?" The nomad was confused but gladly hugged him back.
"Oh, it was a nightmare! I saw Hater but he said I'm fired but he turned out to be those mimes we saw and you and Sylvia were them too. I got so scared I woke up and I'm so glad you're all okay..." He resumed crying and hugging Wander.
In spite of his fears, Wander can't leave a friend in need like that in pain and terrified.
"It's okay Peeps, we have Hater and Sylvia with us still"
"Yeah I know, but-" The commander sniffed. "It felt so real.."
"I know, to be honest I had a dream like that too"
"You had?"
"Yeah and I kept waking up over and over. It's me losing you three of my dear friends over and over..."
"My grop I'm so sorry...that must be really hard to sleep with those dreams keep tormenting you."
"It's okay, I was getting used to them anyways because those are just dreams. Syl told me that"
Peepers thought for a moment, the nomad had been though a lot since like a long time. From losing his friends to the deal with this creepy forest. They have to get this so called power and fast now before they were scared even farther.
"As long as we're altogether, nothing can get us, okay Wander?"
Suddenly, thunder roared and pitch black flashed for a second. Wander and Peepers are both alone now and they both gasped. Those mimes appeared again as fear built the both of them. Both of them turn to each other in fear wondering what to do.
"Okay on second thought, LET'S RUN!"
Both of them grabbed the fire sticks, screamed and ran off together. The mimes disappeared again in the darkness. Hater and Sylvia both returned to where Wander and Peepers were, both holding apples and sticks. Even if Hater doesn't like apples, it's his only bet for food.
"Thanks Sylvia, I was getting kinda hungry though"
"Not a problem, we can still keep the fire going right?"
"Right! Hey wait, something's off..."
Indeed something was off, Hater and Sylvia both look around, nether Wander nor Peepers are nowhere to be seen.
Sylvia's fear is building up but Hater's heart is filled with a familiar feeling in him, terror? Of what happened to his pal? No, he doesn't show it often, he tried to hide it but it just got worse. It's been a long time since he felt this kind of fear.
"C. Peeps? Where are you buddy?"
Then, the mime's face appeared in the darkness. Both Hater and Sylvia both eyed each other and then this face that just appeared. Hater lighted the place thanks to his lightning powers since the fire is about to die off. The accordion played again and this time they can hear it too, Peepers was telling the truth all along! Hater and Sylvia both froze in place from fear.
"What...is that...thing?" The skeleton hid behind the zbornak, scared out of their wits.
She grabbed a stick that is on fire for light and run off and Hater went in after her, both of them screaming.
Wander and Peepers were separated as they run inside the forest, poor Wander is frozen from fear. He has to keep reminding himself that his pals will find him and get out of here and they'll be safe.
"They'll find me...they'll find me...they always do..."
The mimes appeared again and he saw them.
He ran off again into the darkness, scared so much in his life. "Peepers! Sylvia! Hater! Where are you?"
Peepers run and run as fast as he could, he panted from so much running in the darkness. "Wander? Sir? Sylvia? WHERE ARE YOU? I KNEW IT'S A BAD IDEA COMING HERE!"
Hater and Sylvia with panicked looks on their faces, both screaming and running together to find their pals, unaware that the four of them were heading the same area of the forest. All of them scream and crying out each other's names until they all bump into each other. The four were now surrounded by those mimes, disappearing and reappearing as if dreading closer.
"SIR!" Peepers glomps Hater's head. "I'm really am glad to see you!"
"Peepers, DON'T RUN OFF LIKE THAT AGAIN, NOT ON MY WATCH!" Hater yelled as tensions rise again.
"I'm so glad you're okay!" Wander cried, hugging Sylvia as tight as he could.
"Me too buddy!"
The mimes keep coming closer and closer, the four were scared out of their minds and doesn't even know what to do. They could orbble out of here it's much quicker that way. It's better than nothing at all and getting presumably attacked by those things.
"At least we know we can get out of here quick!"
They dug out orbble juice out of Wander's hat and blew one, the four of them try to run off in their orbble but too little too late, they didn't noticed the sharp pointy tree branches and it popped their orbble, the four fell and landed back to where they came from. The mimes grabbed this opportunity to scare them by disappearing and reappearing closer to them. The four hug each other bracing for what is about to happen.
"Stop...bouncing you creeps..." Sylvia and Peepers said together.
And just like that, the mimes stop bouncing and the accordion comes to an immediate stop as well. They just stare at those mimes that were just terrorizing them. Not even moving an inch, just as Sylvia and Peepers commanded them to.
"This...is real creepy there..."
Hater is actually shivering in fear, Wander hugged Sylvia again and Peepers kept looking at the ghostly mimes more close, trying to figure something out.
"C-c. Peeps. If this is the end, then I'm so sorry for taunting you much earlier! I should've been good to you Peepers because you mean as much to me like Wander and Sylvia. Forgive me Peepers, If we don't make it back, tell the Watchdogs to keep their eyes on my Tim Tim for me..." He started bawling at the thought of never being with his beloved pet ever again. Peepers felt really bad for his boss. Wander was about to cry too from fear and feeling bad for Hater.
"If it's really the end then..." His grip on his hug never loosen. Sylvia and Peepers then growled, they can't stand to see their pals in distress like that. The two face the mimes bravely and with determined looks.
"Listen you ghouly weirdos! If you go near my boss or any of our friends like that, I won't let you!" Peepers warned.
"You're gonna have to go through me too to go near them!" Sylvia chimed in too.
Wander watched as the two of them stand there, protecting him and Hater. He now knows what he must do. He is about to approach the ghosts until Hater tugged his neckerchief carefully.
"Wander what are you doing?" Hater asked him in a scared whisper.
"They're defending us, so I'm gonna help protect you"
"Are you out of your mind? You're gonna get us killed!"
"Shhh, Hatey it's gonna be okay. Let me handle this as well. We'll all be fine. Stay here" He hugged Hater to tell him he won't anything go near him or any of their friends. He let go and marched on forward in front of Sylvia and Peepers.
"I won't let you go near them. If you intend to, you're gonna have to go through me too"
Then, the mimes disappeared one by one. Wander, Sylvia and Peepers keep defending one another as Hater watched in amazement. The mimes are disappearing until they're gone except some of them.
"Huh? They're not disappearing!"
"They should, it seems to be working but not this time! Why?"
"Waaaah, what are we gonna do now Peepers?" Wander hugged Peepers again, who hugged him back. Sylvia then took the two in her arms ready to protect them even if she's a bit scared.
Hater seemed a bit touched by this display of love the three show each other, but the mimes are fast approaching.
No, he won't let the mimes get his friends, so he got up and marched towards Sylvia, Wander and Peepers and the mimes that are coming much closer. The three of them closed their eyes, bracing for impact until Sylvia felt a gloved hand took her and pulled towards Hater, Wander and Peepers felt an arm wrapped close to them too. Hater activated his lightning power and made an orbble shaped forcefield. He is glaring at the ghouly mimes, protectively and determined.
"Listen you stupid ghouls. I may be scared now but I'm not scared of you anymore. You lay one finger on my friends like that, you WILL be in a world of hurt and pain. So be gone FOREVER YOU CREEPY CREEPS!"
Hater held onto his friends tightly to protect them, all of their eyes shut. Sure enough the mimes disappeared too and the four are all alone with blue light shining on them. They all opened their eyes and Hater never let them go even if the forcefield is slowly going away.
"Hater? You...you protected us..."
"Huh? I did but wait, are you crying Wander?"
"That is the most sweetest thing I've ever seen that came out of you, Hater. I knew you care about us so much!" Wander sobbed happily.
"What? EWWWW! Shut up, you're ruining the moment!" Hater let the three go and crossed his arms.
"Well I gotta say, Hater. You are really brave even for a coward like you" Sylvia joked. "You could say it really send a shiver...up our spines!"
She laughed a lot, which earned a groan from her friends.
"You take that back zbornak..." Hater growled at her.
"Geez, I'm just playing! But really, thanks for saving us out there"
"Yeah sir! Even if you're scared, you still saved us from whatever those things are.."
The Watchdog thought again, putting the pieces together and he got it.
"Wait, I now know. I couldn't remember the name of those things"
"What are those things anyway?"
"Those are called Phantomimes, They only appear if you felt fear. Here, I'll show you. Sylvia look!" Peepers pointed somewhere and she turned, taking Wander and quickly ran off.
"Wander? Wander?"
The mimes appeared again, Hater watched as it all makes sense now to him. They only appear if you're scared which is creepy to begin with but he never saw anything like this before, not even during his former planet conquering days.
"Here we are Syl! Don't worry!"
Wander and Peepers both returned and Peepers put Wander down, the mimes disappeared.
"See? It works like that! Now you try sir!"
"Okay um, Peepers ,we need to have a serious talk..." Hater got serious in his tone.
"Um what is it sir?" Peepers felt fear, the mimes appeared again.
Hater saw the mimes and smirked.
"No no, never mind. There's nothing wrong!"
"Wheew!" The mimes disappeared.
"But what if there's SOMETHING?" Hater grinned evilly at Peepers, who's afraid.
"AH! NO NO!" Peepers yelled, The mimes appeared again.
As Hater keeps scaring Peepers, this give Wander an idea. He smiles and runs off.
"Wander? Wander?"
The mimes appeared the same time as Hater keeps scaring Peepers.
"Right here!" Wander called out.
"There isss something I do need to speak to you about" Hater smirking a lot more, having fun with this.
"Syl, look!" Wander run off again.
"Wander? Where are you?"
"Howdy doo to you-"
Peepers grabbed Hater's face and Sylvia grabbed Wander, both of them very angry.
"WILL YOU STOP IT?" Sylvia and Peepers yelled at the same time.
Wander and Hater both felt bad and they all look at one another. They all hugged each other in a cuddle pile, happy and content that they're all alright and they're all safe and happy. Hater started crying again and hugged his friends very tightly.
"Sir? You okay?" Peepers asked him as he hugged Hater.
"Don't worry about it Peeps, just don't worry for me. I'm fine"
Hater closes his eyes and hug his precious friends close to him. He may seem very mean to them, but he cares very deeply about them so much. He was very very very very happy that his friends are alright and that they can leave the other side of the forest, which they all did so. No longer dreary and scary, everything is sunny and cheerful again. Hater then turned to the forest glaring at it.
'I won't forgive you stupid forest for tormenting my pals like that. Ever...'
At least they are all out of this crazy jam for another days right? As long at they're together protecting one another that everything will truly be alright even if those Phantomimes give them a real hard time lately, no more nightmares for a long time. As their long day is over, they went to a new planet and found a perfect sleeping spot. All of them went their separate sleeping spots. For some reason, Hater has a hard time sleeping.
"Grop, I should've been asleep by now but I couldn't. Why is that?"
He sighed. Staring at the night sky not even the stars helped. He stared at this friends sleeping peacefully. Maybe that's it, it's the warmth of his friends love and protecting him that help him sleep at night, especially after what they had been through.
How can he ask them to cuddle him without looking like an idiot? He could ask Wander since this guy LOVES to cuddle, since he's a cuddle-fanatic. This could work, so he quietly tapped Wander, who slowly awaken.
"Huh? Hater? What's the matter? Why are you up still?" He asked in concern.
"Why you care? It's clearly something else..." Hater turns from him, his lightning antennae dropping slightly.
"I couldn't sleep, I couldn't ever since what happened at that stupid forest...I felt all alone without my pals with me very close and protecting me, There I said it! Now feel free to tease me about it..." Hater blurted out quietly to Wander.
"I won't Hater."
"It is understandable that you felt that way after what we just experienced. Why didn't you ask us before we sleep?"
"I don't know, you know how Sylvia and Peepers are. They would just reject my offer" He pouted at the thought, sniffling.
"Awwww, don't think that way. They would love to and you know I would too!"
"Of course you do, you love to cuddle everybody and I mean everybody.."
"Oh just come here Hatey, I'll cuddle you if that would help you sleep"
"Alright then" Hater wasn't so sure at first but it's what he wanted after all. Those are the same friends he protected back at that forest from those Phantomimes!
Wander got off of Sylvia's back and jump up to hug Hater. He nuzzled the skeleton man and Hater just hugged him back, feeling the warmth he wanted of being loved and protected but that wasn't enough.
Sylvia and Peepers both woke up to see why Wander and Hater are both up, they saw them happy hugging and cuddling.
"Sir? Is something wrong? Why you cuddling Wander?" Peepers asked.
"Um um! Nothing! Nothing wrong C. Peeps! I just need a plush buddy or something! Haha, silly me! I must've forgotten mine back at the ship, really funny huh?" Hater grinned, but Peepers knows when he lies, he is not buying it.
"I know you're lying Hater. There is something wrong."
"Of course there is! I couldn't sleep for grop knows why! It's the fact that I need my friends closer to me where I'll always protect them since that Phantom-whatever those-things-are incident! I just care about them so much! There, are you happy now Peepers? Go tease me!"
Hater is then welling up with tears in his eyes. Wander nuzzles him softly to calm him down.
"Sir...I didn't know that incident really messed you up..." Peepers actually feel bad for his boss.
"Yes, I'm just very lonely is all..."
"We're here to fix that because we're your friends. You are scared of losing us right?"
There's no hiding it anymore, the overlord sighed. "Yes I am, Peepers. Wander and Sylvia always believed that we'll turn good and they never stopped. I never felt...
this happy of having friends with me who love and cherish me a lot...I love you guys so much! You're too precious for me to lose..!" He then started crying a lot.
Peepers then jumped in the other arm of Hater's since Hater's holding Wander in one. Peepers then hugged his boss and his best pal.
Hater then slowly calmed from his crying. Sylvia then hugged him too. "We care about you too Bonehead, so don't feel too bad alright?"
The four then all snuggle each other into a cuddle pile. Hater holding them close the same way he held them when he protected them from the Phantomimes. Wander and Sylvia's head resting on side of Hater's head and Peepers rest close to his chest since Sylvia's holding him.
"You rest well okay sir? We'll be here when you wake up so you won't feel scared again."
Hater then closes his eyes. "Okay C. Peeps. Just don't run away from me again..."
Wander cuddled close, sleepily. "We won't Hatey"
Sylvia cuddled close to the other side. "Never ever, Bonehead"
With that, Wander and Sylvia both kissed Hater's cheeks goodnight (if he has any) and they both fell asleep. Peepers fell asleep too, never letting go in his hug. Hater couldn't be awake much longer since those goodnight cheek kisses lulled him to sleep. He felt something in his heart that is warm and fuzzy. Is it love he has for his pals that he risked protecting? Wander maybe right about him after all, he does want friends and his fear of rejection is maybe why he was scared back at that forest. The solution to the riddle is defeating your worst enemy which is fear itself and the four passed the test, especially Hater. It felt real good being with his pals by his side, he doesn't really need something to be better than his pals, even if he'll tend to forget that a lot. The fire slowly die down as if it's about to sleep too and the four were all lying there, holding each other, happily and protectively. Hater was smiling happily and for the first time, he stayed smiling as he was sleeping before he woke up hours later. He has his greatest wish of them all and he got it, three pals that will never give up on him and who will love him and cherish him forever given all of them are immortal. Hater and his dear friends all couldn't be much happier to travel together always as a family.
~The End~
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shadowofthelamp · 4 years
A list of Zim’s Schemes
This is mostly for my own use to figure out a ‘pattern’ of sorts so I can come up with ideas for Zim to be planning to feel authentic my own fics. Some were more implied as they’re mentioned offhandedly. I cut the ones that aren’t really ‘plottish’ relating to invading like Germs. I threw a couple of personal observations at the end. (Sorry to mobile people if the readmore doesn’t work)
-Infiltrating a human school
-Using a human as a ‘friend’ to blend in
-Something to do with laser weasels
-Entering Dib’s body via mini-ship to mess with it and force Dib to get rid of evidence of him being an alien 
-Using the robo-parents as his ‘real parents’ to blend in
-Consuming human organs to be ‘more human’ and blend in
-Attempting to retrieve his ship from humans who had captured it- notable for having complete control of a crowd of humans that he didn’t brainwash and being uncomfortable with it
-Dropping a giant water balloon on Dib in retaliation for being basically tortured by water earlier in the episode
-Trying to figure out how to control the world’s population via fast food. (Considering his species seems really attached to junk food, not an unreasonable assumption)
-Saving the planet from Planet Jackers because it’s his to conquer/destroy.
-Something to do with shooting chickens into space after spinning them around
-Hypnotizing his schoolmates and using said hypnosis to force Dib to give him information about a weak spot in his security.
-Using time travel to erase Dib from existence
-Using a wormhole and moose to get rid of his bullying classmates, especially Dib
-Mutating a hamster to massive sizes, with the intent to make humans bow to him because they can’t resist its cuteness
-Tries to interrogate a baby, then dispatches with the Na’gok via stupidity ray
-Captures Dib who snuck into the base with the intent of performing horrible experiments on him
-Sell candy for a fundraiser to get the ‘mystery prize’
-Return movie to avoid suspicion by the FBI
-Turn Dib into bologna for setting off his allergies
-Find use for Mars, and then, use it to squish out all life on Earth
-Try to make Dib look bad on TV
-Sabotage the PEG to blow up the planet, after using a Dib robot to walk past security. (Probably one of his more elaborate plans. Why did he have a Dib robot, though? I can’t imagine he made it in the span of like... two hours.)
-Not Earth-related but go through extra training to get weapons
-While doing time field experiments on Dib, has to deal with the slow explosion
-Gets a giant stealth mech, immediately attempts to kill Dib with it
-Pumping cows full of sewage to taint the food supply
-Attempts to put GIR into defensive mode to make him more useful, changes a guy’s brain who sees him with a squid’s
-Puts Dib in some kind of virtual life simulator to make him admit he threw a muffin at him
-Stop Tak
-Controlling the Massive to get the Tallests to watch his plan about unleashing a brain-eating parasite on the humans
-Infecting the city with genetically enhanced vermin
-We never found out in Zim Eats Waffles, but he’s got a happiness-inducing brain probe (possibly for human slaves to make them more docile?) and a demon mutant cyborg squid, so that’s something
-Messes with Dibship and tries to get it to get rid of Dib
-Wants weapons from the ‘Plakoosians’, gets them. Also something to do with a globe stuffed in a fishbowl- maybe making the fish giant like Peepi, or shrinking the planet?
-Uses the skool election to try and gain power
-Packed Gir full of monkey explosives
-Pretends to be Santa to make humans obey him and build a teleporter to be beamed to the Tallests as slaves.
-Sit in a toilet for like a year to get Dib out of shape and even more obsessive than usual, then bring Earth to where the Tallests can’t ignore it.
-Of these, three/four (depending on if you count Mysterious Mysteries where he tries to discredit Dib) were pretty much for the sole purpose of ‘blending in/appearing more human’. 
-Nine involve animals (ten if you count rubber piggies, I guess, eleven if you count the brain-eating parasite)
-Megadoomer, Bolognius, Dib’s WLOD, and objectively Mysterious Mysteries are all super petty.
-I was originally going to say The Wettening was petty too, but nah, he earned that. I still hold to my theory that that episode was a reworking of the pilot (the plot to both is ‘Zim discovers an allergy to an earth thing and Dib immediately tries to exploit it, leading to them both building machines to trying and get back at each other using the allergy thing) and it’s Dib at his most sadistic.
-One thing from the show bible that sticks with me is that a lot of plots could be derived from him taking what he hears other students/humans saying seriously, like someone mentioning cooties and him demanding more information on this strange disease. This is where Door to Door/Career Day/sort of FBI Warning especially come in.
-Utilizing gaps in his knowledge about humans (like babies being not a threat) can be used in tandem with that ^^^
-Zim is pretty competent when it comes to actually building things, he just doesn’t really think beyond whatever the next step of his plan is. IE: With Peepi, the idea of increasing the size of an Earth animal that seems to immobilize humans isn’t a bad one, but he didn’t think to brainwash said animal to listen to him. Or making an energy-absorbing blob, again without some kind of failsafe built in. 
-He also seems to enjoy experimenting on Earth animals, although that’s probably because it’s fun to play with alien stereotypes.
-He’s somewhat protective of Earth, in a possessive ‘only I get to destroy it’ way. He wants to impress the Tallest with this planet, and that means it needs to be in one piece long enough to get them here. He’s still totally willing to demolish parts of it if need be, though, see the Wettening or Hampstergeddon or Battle of the Planets.
-Oftentimes, his plans are prompted by something Dib did to either annoy or try to expose him.
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gingerpop42 · 7 years
get to know me tag
Thanks for tagging me @anelementofsurprise <3 
Nicknames Gingerpop, Bee, Beezus Christ, Romeshrangabeeface (genuinely, this is what I have been called), beeface, beeshape...I could go on (my last name is Bee so basically people just make up anything with Bee in it).Peter also calls me Smelly Ellie Jelly Bee (middle name is Eleanor).  Gender Female Star sign Gemini/Taurus. Some say one, some say the other.  Height 5’2’’ Sexuality I’m a sort of asexual pansexual. I find everyone attractive but I also don’t want them anywhere near me.  Hogwarts house Ravenclaw. I am desperate to be in Hufflepuff but I am accepting it now.  Favourite animal I love little peepy peep peeps (ducklings, and all other small birds). Also dogs and red pandas and all the little bugs you find on the ground.  Average hours spent sleeping 4-5  Dogs or cats The little woofs please!  Number of blankets At least one. I have one at work too.  Dream trip I guess visiting Oxford with all you guys! I’m a hermit so I don’t appreciate travelling as much as I feel I should.  Dream job Something that allows me to stay at home and eat crisps in my pyjamas. Is that a job? Crisp tester!  When I made this account Oh I don’t know...  Why I made this account Because I don’t know many people IRL (they all went off to uni and never came back and I didn’t go - I should say I’m 26, so ancient compared to all you young spring chickies) and I don’t know ANY detective fans. So I guess to interact with people that understand me.  Followers Oh I don’t know, how does one find these things out. ✨
Tagging my one and only @hamishmacbeths <3 
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