#pencil and paper was my main art go to but i did a bit of water painting and chalk art and I still have them buried somewhere
misteria247 · 2 years
I'd just realized that it's been almost half a decade since I've like actually sat down and drawn something.
Hahahahahaha adulthood-
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blueparadis · 2 years
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+. CWs —» f!reader, switch!reader, outcast!reader, fluff, she/her pronouns, mutual pining, sexual tension, family drama, flirting, manipulation, mentions of abuse, blood, wounds & therapy, flashbacks in italics, supernatural themes ; explicit smut, s & d dynamics, bottom-dom!xavier, cowgirl position; word count-3.5k
+. PRECIS —» Xavier Thorpe has finally found the girl of his dreams after being haunted by her.
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+. NOTES —» this is for my beloved sister @zoraedits ’s brainrot contribution.she won't stop making edits on him. && I'm tagging @orchid3a cuz i luv u
you can browse more of my works here. || also available in AO(III). reblogs and comments are very much appreciated.
feel free to send in thirsts and suggestions for this show, Wednesday. This is my first time writing for shows like this; my main fandom spectrum is animanga but I do hope this was a good read for ya’all as much as I enjoyed writing it. <3.
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The table calendar was full of red inks all over, dirt sedimented on the sketchbook, and the pencils laid in the case in absolute solitude. Xavier looked at the calendar kept on his desk near his bed in all despondency and a heavy sigh escaped from his lips. It has been days since he stepped into his studio, have not touched his art accessories for almost a month. One thing was for sure, he was plagued by visions in his dreams but this time it was nothing demising. 
This time his sketchbooks were not filled by a monster, this time he was not afraid to draw rather he was drawn to it; part of him was stoked while sketching while a part of him was reluctant to draw the whole picture. He had spent countless sleepless nights before, not resorting to sleeping as he was threatened by nightmares. And now his sleep was peaceful as if entering into the realm of dreamland.
Xavier was sure that his mind was captured by a girl who came to visit him in his sleep, never showing her face, only showing herself in bits and pieces. He had spent his childhood receiving showers of praise for his talent for drawing but the origin was never happy. Of course, he enjoyed it and liked to show off his talent for art but secretly he wished his power would vanish into oblivion, for it was never pleasant.
People say that the art of someone reflects one’s persona, one’s raw feelings but Xavier always begged to differ since those memories, those incidents were never his. There always had been a wave of remorse that washed over him after he stepped out of his art studio since the praises he received never belonged to him. 
Many were astoundingly taken aback by his knack for drawing and suggested he pursue art, to be a renowned artist but he knew he would lose all the glory once he stopped having those dreams. Moreover, he did not always have such dreams so the possibility of waking up one day and being unable to paint and as a result, staring at a blank canvas scared him to death. Heck! He even considered going to Doctor Kinbott so that his sanity would not be hanging by thread.
For the last couple of weeks, he has been dreaming of odd landscapes. Xavier had never seen them in his life yet he saw how the dusky crimson hue smothered the snowy mountain ranges, how the clouds gathered before the arrival of a rainstorm, how the birds sang songs and all the owes and pangs of nature. One thing he could conclude from those dreams was that whoever it belonged to was a chaser of freedom, that is, was a soarer of the sky.
Xavier had not told anyone about his dreams, nor put them on paper to ease his mind. What would he tell? What would he draw? Last night was particularly odd concerning the regular pattern of his dreams. He dreamt of falling from a high cliff into the water and a broken wing. When he woke up, he was all soaked, even his bed, and his olfactory senses did not miss the subtle scent of stagnant water. He was breathing rashly as if he was the one who drowned as if he was the one to fall.
He closed his eyes and tried to recapitulate his dream, searching for a mark, searching for a recognizable feature, searching for something, anything, anything at all. His desperation knew no bounds when left his dorm and rushed into his studio in the middle of the night since somewhere at the corner of his hopeless heart he knew he found one, a ray of hope.
A lot of crumbled papers surrounded Xavier as he tried accumulating the pieces from his puzzled mind. Around two o’clock he left his studio on his bicycle, the paper where he drew tucked in his pocket. He was sure he had witnessed the scenery before unlike the others.  When he finally reached the top of the highland, he witnessed the view from his most recent dream. 
The only thing that engulfed his presence was the sound of the waterfall echoing through the woods. He noticed a pond nearby and an adjacent high plateau near it. It was higher from where he was standing. After looking around for a few minutes he figured that there was no way to go there unless one swam through the stream or flew toward it.
On his way back, he felt happy, he felt sane. At least he had proof of the existence of a creature that haunted him, even in his wake. Xavier showered before going to bed just to clear his head before a good night's sleep. He kept a white feather as a bookmark in his sketch pad while a smile smothered his face. He was right. He was haunted by a fairy-like creature.
“Two cappuccinos”, Xavier mumbled as he went back to the counter at Weathervane. It was another event where all the students of Nevermore set foot into the world of normies to carry on the ties between two polar opposite worlds. But no matter how much one tried, the other always tried to retaliate. Their relationship was always on a tightrope, it could snap at any moment. And it certainly did.
“And you did not bother to tell me about this. . .”, Principal Weems trailed off as she left her seat, walked past her desk, and inclined against it, “until everyone in town became aware of it.”
“I thought I was going to be called insane or bullied. Last time I told something about my dreams, I found myself behind the bars.”, he responded, keeping his eye on the ground. Principal Weems exhaled grudgingly. She had no grounds to punish this boy since he was not entirely wrong. Hence, Xavier was dismissed with mere detention. 
Xavier was forbidden from the school campus for a week. Everyone felt sorry for him, in his situation but secretly he could not be happier because he had all the time to draw, sketch, paint and think — and it was all about her, y/n. 
That day at the café, Xavier was the sole witness of a crime. It happened so quickly, so fast that all she could do was succumb to her fate. A man was standing near the corner of the kitchen with his back facing Xavier. Xavier was not supposed to be here but he had to fetch some ingredients for making pastries and cupcakes. 
As the man turned around, Xavier saw a bloodied butcher's knife in his hand. Near his feet lay a girl with a bloodied back the blood quickly spread all over her blouse. She stood motionless, like a statue. The eye contact was merely for two seconds and he immediately smashed the sugar jar on his head, distracting him, to tackle her out of the way.
The other townies turned up for help. Not all people in the world came to be cruel and heartless. All Xavier did was contact Principal Weems so that she could swiftly take care of this matter, which she had to otherwise the reputation of the Nevermore Academy would be in danger. The girl was taken to a nearby hospital. 
Y/n L/n was her name. After the untimely death of her parents, she was raised by her uncle, by a normal family. Naturally, when she began to bloom, she was forced to be normal. One would think she tried to run, tried to hide or fight but Alas! none was the case for this matter. She felt indebted to her uncle and his family, for taking care of her, aiding her upbringing, fulfilling the role of parents, and hence helping her to be normal. But Xavier's presence on that day turned her life upside down. She was now a student at Nevermore Academy, funded by Principal Weems’ study forum. 
After you recovered within a week, the first thing that dawned on you was to meet him, Xavier, the ‘ hero ’ of your life. You knocked on the door of his studio and waited for a while. There was no answer for a few minutes and when you finally made up your mind to leave, Xavier showed up. He was in his casuals with a teeth-flashing grin on his face.
“How’re you, y/n? The last time I saw you, you were in a hospital bed and now you’re here. in front of me.”, Xavier danced on his toes as he walked into his studio. You followed him and the moment you stepped into his studio you were taken all in awe. The room was filled with artboards, canvases, and sketch supplies, and everything reflected you. Indeed, y/n did not come here to be thankful for what he did since she was not. She was not happy with how her life seemed so devoid of any family. Her uncle was the last of her family and now he is gone. All because of him, Xavier.
“You look better than the last time I saw you.”, Xavier added as he felt the silence between the two of you deafening. You swallowed hard as he tried to ease the tense ambiance thinking how rude of him to remind you of the very wound he was responsible for. There was a desk with a closed sketch pad that caught your attention. 
“Your drawings are very beautiful.”, you pitched in opening it and your heart dropped at the sight of your feather that was kept safely in between those rusty pages. A short gasp escaped your lips as the whirlwind of your life hit you.
Xavier was standing behind you, close to your shivering body. “They are all about you.”, a low whisper before he extended his hand to remove the veil from the canvas. The cloth dropped at your feet revealing every bit of dreary in you that you always wanted to hide. You hated how he could see through your pangs and pathos, you hated how he could and would have eradicated all of it, even if it meant being burnt by it. You swiftly tackled out of his towering frame, feeling naked even though you were more dressed than him. 
“Stay away from me. You shouldn’t come near me.”, Surprise took Xavier in all proportions. His eyebrows became congested as you continued. “I’m grateful that you saved me but do not do that again, ever.” With that, you walked out of his studio but a firm grip on your wrist kept you from running away anymore.
“Listen, I’m being haunted by you, your pain, your emotions, and everything you feel for the past few months, and all you could say to me was to stay away from you… not even a proper thank you.”, His breath hit your lips as he drew in a sharp breath before his amber eyes landed on you, your shaky lips and pale eyes.
Embarrassment rushed into your cheeks and you pushed him lightly uttering, “Stay away” with a little glare to ward him off but when you vanished out of his sight he was not dejected, not at all. Sure, he was conflicted but the way you told him to stay away whereas your body spoke otherwise made him relish the chase that has haunted him for months now.
They say one can only save people only if one wants to be saved. You neither needed help nor saving but you could see why Xavier begged to differ, wanted to be the odd one out, and craved the crown from saving you from your only family. You always had been a rebel since your childhood, going against the flow of the stream. Somewhere in the corner of your heart, you knew you were different, you would be different. 
It was the end of June when you first felt your body ache, back arch, muscles cramping excruciatingly as if someone was poking needles in your skin. Your arms clung to your body as your back bled for the first time. The wailing of such lethal agony submerged amidst the sound of rain as two enormous wings grew with lustrous hues of carmine and amber. Your breathing became regular again, your body stopped hurting as the wings flapped open involuntarily. Every mark, scar, and wound on your body since you were a child began to heal, all by themselves. 
Everyone rejoiced when you went through the family ritual and stood in front of your clan as the last phoenix of your bloodline. It was a miracle that a phoenix had been born in the bloodline but just like with blessings it came with a massive price. You were a healer and a destroyer at the same time. Somewhere something has to die to keep you alive, again and again. Every time you were wounded or hurt, your mother had to lose some of her life until she became lifeless, forever. But the family oracle told your father that it is a part of the process, part of a phoenix's journey that every one of their loved ones had to sacrifice in one way or another. 
Your father just had a miraculous idea to save you and himself from the bottomless pit of despondency and mutual hatred lurking in his heart because of you. He volunteered to sacrifice himself even if that was against his will. The oracle seemed to be unsure about the idea, saying that the cycle might shorten but not cease. But your father was right, the cycle did cease and you became aware of it when your uncle tried to chop off your wings, uprooting the evil once and for all, and no one in your family was harmed. Still, unfortunately, you were under the radar of an outcast, Xavier Thorpe. ‘What would happen if someone not from your bloodline were to sacrifice? What would happen to your mate if they were not an outcast? What would. . . thoughts would not cease to bombard your mind until a knock disrupted your trail of thoughts.
You lifted your eyes for a glance only to find Xavier inclining against the bookshelf with a saccharine smile on his face. Your stomach turned at the sight of him. ‘How can a person be so forgiving?’ but it seems that he is rather forgetful than forgiving. He picked up a random book from the shelf and sat in front of you.
“You’re hurt. . .”, you murmured to which he responded, “more than you think . . .” while turning the pages of the book and occasionally stealing glances from you. You rolled your eyes and leaned towards the table eyeing his hands that had a lot of scratches. It was probably from a silly fight with other boys, maybe the normies; for him, it was just a scratch yet for you it was an opportunity to apologize for the other day. 
“Give me your hand.” As you extended yours, Xavier's reflexively recoiled under the desk. “I’ve no intention of harming you.”, you uttered touching the palm of his other hand that was still on the desk. “Besides, I’m just clearing my debts.”
You inhaled sharply before you flapped those lustrous enormous wings to heal with him, his wounds. Your wings glowed for almost a minute and the hand that was hurt was healed which he was hiding under the desk. It is impressive how Xavier hurt the very hand that can create masterpieces. What a clutz!  He interlaces his fingers with yours as he murmured, “A touch . . . is all you need.”
You begrudgingly pulled your hand away standing up and yelling whisperingly, “stop it. stop this. . . and don’t come near me.” With that, you grabbed your book and went towards the exit of the library. Xavier sat like a child who would mourn for the broken toy rather than demand anew.
“Wait.”, Xavier followed you. He kept yelling in the middle of the corridor, “Y/n. wait.”
“Your wings.”, you finally turned your head but not without letting out a sigh of annoyance. “You’re hurt. . .bleeding” and that is when fear crawled underneath the skin. 
“I never bleed.”, you retorted.
“And, I never lie.”
If it were someone else, you would have shooed them away. But this was Xavier, who saved you from an inevitable, to whom you owed nothing but the truth. Even though you tried to heal yourself you could not, perhaps because you healed someone and that too for the first time. 
Xavier might be persistent but he was not dull. It didn't take him long to connect the dots and hence you had to do the very thing you wanted to avert from the first place. His room was not tidy but not neat and clean either. With Rowan gone he has the room all to himself. You wanted to go to the infirmary, but there wasn't anyone available. Besides, with all the mess you are in you didn't want to risk it.
“I promise I'll behave.”, he said, swinging his hands up in the air in a form of surrender. That made you smile a little as you turned around so that he could tend to the wound. He unzipped your dress and carefully tucked it along your waistline without harming the feathers. Even though you had your camisole on, you still felt naked. His fingers brushed against your skin. It was ice cold. You had to hold your breath as he dressed the wound. 
Xavier noticed how your shoulder blades had been marked. He grazed his fingers over the part from where your wings grew that made you instantly shriek and move away from him. 
“Are you done?”, you asked, surprise and embarrassment coursing through your skin. Your upper body was barely clad, nothing but an unhooked bra. 
“No.”, and within a blink, his lips were already on yours. You could taste the longing and desperation with each suck. Your hands curled around his nape as his hands got rid of the minimal clothing from your upper body. “First time?”, he asked as he moved away leaving you breathless yet craving for more.
“Why? You care?”, you blurted out stepping out of your dress. Xavier eyed you from up and down. You did not flinch but rather smiled as you noticed his astonished face. You had nothing on but just the underwear. 
“I do.”, one of his eyebrows jumped as he knelt near you. “I don’t wanna hurt you.”, he murmured grabbing your calf muscles and kissing your femininity over the cloth. He took a glance before tucking the hem of the panty in between his fingers and undid it. Your hand reflexively went over his head as he kissed your entrance, lapping over your pussy lips that made you suck in a sharp breath. He sucked on your skin, followed by a feeble bite into your inner thighs. 
“AH!”, you winced pausing his ministrations. “Don’t you taste divine?”, he whispered kissing your lips, wetting them with the blend of his saliva and your slick. He was too dressed. You cocked an eyebrow at him and he took the hint. You co-operated as he became almost naked, and was back up even though you wanted him to continue.
“You won’t hurt me. worry for yourself.”, you said as you felt his hands palming your cheeks a little too long than they should. His hands traveled back to your entrance and you moaned under his slight touch.
“What? Never played with yourself?”, he added that surely turning the cogs in your head. You pushed him onto the bed, sitting on him struggling to take his cock in and he was not even helping. All he did was watch you let out whimpers of frustration as you lazily glided on his cock. He rested himself on his elbows saying, “Look at me.” And as you did, his fingers dig into your plush ass cheeks slowly adjusting you at a proper angle and stretching you. You kissed him so break the eye contact that made you feel naked, even though you were. Both of you jolted as you could feel his cock inside you.
His hands clamped around your waist as you bobbed on him, with greater force and broader strokes but slow. With each sloppy hit you felt his cock twitch inside you; your hands desperately roamed all over your body, heat bubbling as you could feel your body tensing, picking up the pace he was setting you in, and the orgasm lurking underneath. You can tell; a few more strokes and you would cum so easily. 
He can feel it too. Xavier winced as he felt you clenching around his cock. His legs folded to support your back while your hands flew to his shoulder blades, his knuckles turning white, his grip growing stronger around your waist and you came right away, back arching and your wings flapping open involuntarily, eyes rolling white relishing the high as your thighs squeezed in.
With your breathing rash and heavy, you felt all mushy in the head and so was he. Xavier could have sworn that he has not seen anything more beautiful than this, than you sitting on him with his cock buried inside you; your skin glistening in sweat with your gorgeous wings at the display. 
As soon as Xavier’s breath relaxed a bit he pulled you into his embrace for a kiss. He could not help it, you were too beautiful to look at. Besides, he was not done, not yet.
by @blueparadis
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ramblingoak · 4 months
Jam Day
Mushy May in Lucifer's Hollow: Day 15 - Jam Session
Mountain x Rain (using a bonus prompt today but interpreting it a bit differently hehe)
This fic is set in an alternate universe in a town called Lucifer's Hollow. It's sort of like a Satanic version of a Hallmark town. For Mushy May I'll be using the prompts to post little snippets of life for the humans and ghouls that live there 💙 Thank you to @forlorn-crows for putting Mushy May together!
~ In Lucifer's Hollow Mountain has a little farm and sells flowers at the local farmer's market. Rain meets him there while selling his art. ~
Warnings: a bit smutty at the end, nsfw 18+ only, 800 words (thank you @ghuleh-recs for the dividers!)
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Rain had fallen in love with Mountain’s farm immediately.
As an artist, the sheer amount of inspiration everywhere was overwhelming.  Beyond the flowers, fruit and vegetables Mountain grew and the handful of animals he kept the area around the farm was beautiful.  The thick woods, pond and rolling hills were a painter’s dream.  Rain’s fingers were constantly twitching, wanting to grab a pencil or a brush to start recreating the natural world around him.
Of course Mountain was inspirational in his own right.
After he had moved in, Rain had insisted on helping out around the farm.  He had learned that Mountain did more than throw some feed out for his hens every morning.  Each morning they would check over the fencing around the coup and the coup itself.  Apparently there had been an incident with a hellhound a few years ago and Mountain still felt guilty.  So when it came to his “Golden Girls” as he called them he was extremely protective.
The two goats that Mountain had adopted, Penny and Pepper, were a bit of a sore spot for Rain.  For one, if they were roaming around when he was out sketching or painting the little bastards were known to grab onto his paper or his brushes.  Basically anything they could get their little mouths around they would take off with.  Mountain and Rain had a standing date each week to visit Mary Goore at GraveYarns and replace whatever the two goats had taken.   
The rest of the farm involved the greenhouses that Mountain kept his flowers in, the main way he made money.  He spent many long days and nights getting his bouquets ready each week during market season.  When the market wasn’t going on he still sold them, mainly relying on anyone that lived in Lucifer’s Hollow that needed flowers for whatever reason.  But he also gave them as gifts, something Rain was very familiar with.
Mountain also grew a large selection of fruits and vegetables.  He sporadically sold them at the market with his flowers but he mostly used them in his own cooking, as gifts or gave them away to some of the local food banks in the area.  Rain’s boyfriend was amazing in the kitchen and that led to the water ghoul’s current dilemma: Jam Day.
Jam Day, as Rain had dubbed it, happened once a month in the summer.  As long as there were ripe fruits Mountain would take a day to make homemade jam, filling dozens of small glass jars with the treat.  The house always smelled amazing during and after, the sweet scent of the fruit permeating the air for days.  Even better, Mountain would smell like the jam as well.  Rain had soon found it impossible to resist him when this happened.
“Did you just lick me?”
“No.”  Rain flicked his tongue against Mountain’s neck again while he clung to the earth ghoul.  “Doesn’t sound like something I’d do.”
“If you’re hungry I could make you something.”
“I’m fine, I’m fine.”  Another lick, this time he dragged his tongue across Mountain’s pulse.  “I can wait.  Focus on the jam.”
“It’s kind of hard when my boyfriend is licking me.”  
“Mmm, speaking of hard,”  Rain pulled away enough so he could sneak a hand in between them and cup Mountain’s cock through his pants. “What’s going on here?”
“It’s very interested in the licking.”
Rain grinned and began to massage his cock, pleased to feel it hardening more under his touch.  His mouth was watering just thinking about it and he was torn between dropping to his knees right there or attempting to drag Mountain to their bedroom.  His boyfriend seemed to decide for him, sliding his strong arms around Rain’s waist and hauling him out of the kitchen and down the hallway to their room.  
“Wait, what about the jam?”
“The jam is fine, duckweed.”  Rain giggled when he got dumped onto the bed, rolling over just in time to catch an armful of earth ghoul.  “You are so distracting.”  
“I’m sorry, I can’t help it.”
Rain’s retort disappeared into Mountain’s mouth.  Their tongues tangled with each other as one of Rain’s hands grabbed onto a horn, the other tangling in Mountain’s hair.  The earth ghoul’s hands were busy elsewhere, tugging at the drawstring of Rain’s pants and shoving them down far enough so his cock sprang free.  Rain broke away from the kiss with a gasp when a strong hand wrapped around him. 
“M-Mountain, fuck yes.”  
“It should be a crime to interrupt Jam Day.”  A disbelieving laugh bubbled up in Rain’s throat and he tugged at Mountain’s horns so he could kiss him again.  His boyfriend allowed it, grinning as he got closer.  “I’ll have to think of a suitable punishment.”  
“Plea—ah, yes—please.”
He pouted when Mountain pulled away, another ‘please’ on the tip of his tongue but when Mountain scooted down the bed and took Rain’s cock in his mouth the rest of it died in his throat.  
Fuck, he loved Jam Day.
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If you'd like to be added/removed from the tag list (or if I accidentally left your name off) of this fic or any of my others please leave a comment or send me a dm! Thank you 💙
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akai-anna · 5 months
Rambling post about The Art TM
Firstly, a special thank you to @livmadart who fuelled my motivation with her lovely tags on my art to finish making this post as soon as I could (life just likes to get in my way). You are such an amazing person and artist (by the way, everyone should totally check out Liv's BDay piece for our favourite little menace BECAUSE IT'S GORGEOUS), and your words always mean a lot to me (even if I'm not the best at communication, for which I apologize, still love and adore you, despite the awkwardness and sporadic talks).
The Idea
My art was inspired by the amazing @detshin's piece. Ever since I've seen it, I felt the urge to make a companion piece for it; I adore the composition and the symbolism in it to bits.
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The Concept
I also wanted to take my own spin on the piece. From the start I wanted:
Conan's eyes not being covered (because he can see)
Conan looking at the viewer like he is looking straight into your soul. No thoughts, head empty why, it just felt right.
His mouth to be the one that is covered in some way. The sheer symbolism of his mouth being obstructed (but cannot speak) just made my heart ache so badly.
Changing the outfit based on this musing of mine.
As for the rest, it came about when sketching around, and waiting for that CLICK in my brain. And the forget-me-nots covering his mouth was that CLICK: SYMBOLISM IS MY LIFEBLOOD.
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The Materials
I had 2 techniques in mind: watercolours and soft pastels. Ultimately I decided on soft pastels because
I haven't worked with pastels in YEARS, yet I adore the technique
I haven't used these pastels since I got them from an attic cleaning that we did for an old lady last year-ish (they would have been thrown away, after YEARS OF DISUSE and my heart couldn't take it, SUCH BEAUTIFUL MATERIALS TO WASTE AWAY)
I felt that what the material has to offer suited this particular piece: the vibrant colours offering a certain contrast to the original piece, and a certain feel (especially on the right paper) to the texture.
After some testing, I decided that going with a dark background works better: it made the colours more vibrant, and the slight texture of the paper did its magic. + Dark VS Light background colour was another nice contrast between the two pieces.
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The Making
At first I didn't know what to use to sketch with, so I tested a couple things, and ultimately went with a white pencil: easy enough to erase if needed but also visible enough to see on this particular paper I had.
Looking up and studying tons of reference pictures for various things (sometimes with more, sometimes with less luck): the pose, facial features, the flowers... I have a whole folder of 'em LMAO
Actually drawing that sketch LOL
Then came the colours, which I tested on a separate piece of paper, to see which ones I want to use... After that I added the main blocks of colours.
And when I liked it, proceeding with the actual colouring: mixing all the different colours and layering them. In some places I used 4-6 colours (or more, depending how you look at it), while I used only 2, but mostly 3 in others.
Lastly: I used hairspray as a fixative, which slightly changed the quality and texture of the pastels and colours. (See below.)
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The Feelings
As mentioned above, it has been years (I think around a decade actually, what the fck) since I used soft pastels, so it was a bit of a challenge to get back into using the material (and I'm not as experimental and confident I want to be yet, and likely fried my brain a little in the process). Also tons of fun, though! I forgot how much fun is there in the process of creation, and this piece brought that back into my life.
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blufox234isadumbname · 11 months
How do you texture your art?
(I’m sorry if you’ve answered this before, but every time I see it, it blows me away. It always looks so pretty! <33)
it' just comes down to brush choice and then slapping on an texture set layer effect to "overlay" then hoping it looks good when you look away
I use CSP and i get my paper texutres from default materials here, i dont have a particualr default one i use i jsut search up any paper textures
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these just default in there so you can go stupid go crazy, what i do sometimes is that i put one texture clipped to the main foreground character and one texture for background, it jsut helsp make it feel popped out yknow
another thing is jsut brushes, i use SU cream pencil for litterally anything from lineart to shading, i make it really big and it works so well
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this are the base underpainting i did with jsut SU Cream pencil and its great, when doing light strokes its litterally so fuckign good. other brushes i use is litterally just the default CSP goache, the main thing is jsut using light pressure and making the brush as big as you need it to make sure the textures are seen, you really want to minimise making blurry blending and more grainy blending
just use whatever grainy brushes you can find, and even some grainy blenders too, just find something that has a lot of grainyness in it when you make the brush big
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another weird texture thing i do and i only learned to do this recently, if you want some vibrancy, litterally get any brush (i use the csp goache brush) and if you have the option; set the brush to randomize colour per stroke and set hue to like big (or however you see fit it jsut depends on what you wanna do)
jsut start doing strokes of random colours and blend a litte bit and set the layer effect to anyhting liek any dodge effect or even overlay
it gets you weird splothes of colour that makes it more vibrant in a sense i feel it lends to the texture:
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thats all i really got, its a whole lot of experimentation and finding preferences, you really have to train yourself sometimes to stop making blurry blends and jsut maintaint he texture
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ryemackerel · 10 months
any tips for starting on digital art? I've got a little wacom tablet and downloaded krita and I'm having fun but it feels like theres some kind of barrier that isnt letting me transfer traditional skills I've learnt over to digital
hey!! so i used to be exactly like this a ton of years back. my first time really getting serious with digital was around 2015, but i definitely remember how difficult it was transferring my traditional art skills to digital. here’s some advice :]
at first, although it will be difficult to get over that barrier, LOTS of practice will help you get into the groove of things again. going to digital art after being solely traditional changed my style a lot to begin with. with new mediums/programs, your art style is *bound* to change a little bit. at first i didn’t really like how my digital style looked, but i started to realize the more i drew, the more my art skills started to shine through. switching up mediums (ex: from traditional to digital) might even help you acquire a new art style that you might like :D
another thing! before i used a tablet for the first time back in 2022, i used to love just drawing with my finger on my phone and use pencil + paper. as soon as i started using a wacom tablet, the feeling was incredibly weird? though, i always liked to treat my tablet as its own pencil and paper.
trying to visualize this helped me immensely with traditional to digital. since you did traditional beforehand, i think starting off with a pen and tablet is a great gateway to starting digital art. pen+paper vs pen+tablet is almost identical to each other, the only thing being that the pen+tablet is more digital.
and! with digital, there is absolutely *no limits* to what you can put on your canvas. i highly implore you to experiment with as many brushes as you like, edit your art with effects, add textures, and go crazy with the shading and lighting. :) eventually you will definitely find a brush you’ll love, and from there things will feel much more comfortable to figure out.
again!! this takes a lot of practice and effort to really make your art skills shine through, and it will take a while to finally get used to it and make a piece you’re going to like. but eventually you might find yourself enjoying digital art, and i hope this advice guides you along that journey <3
(somewhat related but my switch from wacom tablet to ipad was SO rocky. it took ages for me to try and transfer my tablet skills to my ipad, and procreate felt uncomfortable for me to use. however, eventually i got over that barrier and now i use procreate and ipad as my main sources :] hopefully this helps inspire you)
(left: november-december 2022 vs right: november-december 2023!! one full year of using procreate!)
(the old ones had duller colors and less defined sharpness/lines. they look cool but i wasn’t proud of how dull they were. in the new ones, i feel like ive started gaining a mastery of the program and my art is now super vibrant again :] )
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goron-king-darunia · 8 months
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Funguary #1 Mycena Subcyanocephala
Very casually dropping in an entry I did as a warm up. My brain is all fuzzy lately and I took a break from a bigger project for a week to take care of my sack of meat body IRL because my hormones are shit and I fell off the face of the earth for, like, a week, and then I couldn't get started on my larger project again. So I smashed my brain with a stick until art fell out so I could prove to myself that I still have art muscles. Coincidentally enough, I also pulverized the part of my brain that forgot how to draw humanoids until it remembered how to do that again. Percussive maintenance, if you will. (I am not actually injuring myself IRL, this is hyperbole, I promise.) So yeah, I'm probably going to be doing this super casually and probably outside of February since I have more IRL meatspace obligations that I am juggling. I may try to do one entry for each of the 4 themes to start or I may take it extra slow and do all of them at some point or other as warmups and do all the different mushrooms with their themes as I feel like it. Not officially back online yet, but I am browsing around Tumblr when I have time, so... Yeah! Cherub-inspired character to fit the theme of celestial for the mushroom Mycena Subcyanocephala. All the references I looked at showed this TINY mushroom with a singe fruiting body in the frame so I drew a cherubic sort of cyclops fairy/angel/cherub creature. Selected the mushroom because it was the first on the list so why not? The colors in the reference photos were nice enough so I figured why not? Might just draw the mushroom itself at some other time! Speedpaint here, so I can remember how I did it if I ever have to stop making art again for another 10 years. XD
I drew some concepts on notebook paper, and honestly the lips/lipstick I doodled out was a big main design element from the start, which is unfortunate because they're small in the grand scheme of the piece. The sort of digitigrade, faun-like legs were a whim, and I had my heart set on puffy pants to match that fat stem body on the mushroom, so I think a different pose might have been better because once the actual color and rendering goes down, you don't see much, if any, of the initial shape I set down. Maybe slightly more distinct colors between the skin and clothes too since that hand disappears into the pants a bit. But for something I smacked out in a couple hours, it's not bad. Especially for my first real attempt at drawing humanoids from imagination in a good, long while. (Clip Studio Paint, Gouache Brush, Airbrush, Gouache Blender, and Pencil Brush. 2 ish hours.)
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scholarhect · 5 months
one fun story i have that i didn’t tell at the time for privacy reasons is how i lived like half a block from whitechapel gallery & on one sunday (i had one week left at my job & then i was flying out of london wednesday) i was having a weirdish day but i knew i wanted to see whatever was there before i left so i walked in an hour & a half before they closed. i didn’t know what the exhibition was, i just knew the one i’d seen when i went over the summer ended in october & there would be a new one. last time i’d gone the main doors to the start of the exhibition had been wide open but this time they were closed & there was a table in front of it with a woman sitting at it with a laptop. i wasn’t at all in the mood to talk to anybody and i wasn’t sure what the vibe was there so i hovered around the books they sell in the front for a bit & then went straight for the doors, like you do when you walk past somebody who might want to talk to you. i figured i’d stop if anybody told me to stop, but nobody did. so i got inside and there was a big tall wall with lots of medium-sized works that were mostly pencil on paper or had very limited color palettes, like just black & white & red, what i mean is low contrast, so basically it was hard to make out details at a distance, so i take a look & try to parse what i’m looking at & i realize i’m seeing a lot of naked women. lots of sex and orgies and women cutting men’s dicks off. turns out the exhibition theme is straight up just the works of one person, it’s all nicole eisenman who is a badass & funny butch(?) lesbian. it’s organized sort of chronologically but also by theme, the first book is all drawings & paintings with a certain sense of humor and it’s mostly about identity and lesbians and stuff. then past that it’s a lot of big paintings with people in places, then some really touching sort of slice of life/romantic ish paintings, then some cool sculptures (like, big heads, with water running through them & shit), then most recently these huge wall-sized political paintings. about trump & stuff. obviously i can’t sum up the whole thing, whatever. i spent like over an hour in there. then i get to the end of that series of rooms & to the area with some chairs & a little exhibition from students in the area it’s cool whatever then i go to leave the area & when i close the door behind me there’s a sign on it that’s like “DO NOT ENTER this is a paid exhibition & you have to enter through the front.” oops. past that there was a little room with this cool huge moving sculpture and another big painting, as like a free section of the exhibition. then i walked out. nobody stopped me. i didn’t actually realize it was supposed to be paid, like sure i guess based on context clues i should’ve realized, but like seriously it didn’t cost money over the summer so i didn’t know ! but either way the gallery was about to close so i just walked out. then i didn’t want to go home because it was like 6 so i walked down brick lane (i miss brick lane…) & got some food but i wasn’t huge on it… i also listened to chappell roan. that was my evening. i love this story i feel like walking into that room and getting slapped in the face with funny sexy sarcastic LESBIANISM is exactly what i deserved that day. also i think i deserved to see it for free. the universe said i deserved it. i still don’t know how much they were charging for it. in conclusion i didn’t take any pictures but that night i went & found one of the paintings i’d seen online. here’s the picture of it i found exactly where it was hung at the gallery
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crazy. but i have to say the picture doesn’t do it justice, this thing was huge, you could walk up close to it and read the names on the file folders. you really just have to see it. it’s kind of weird to know i could go back but this wouldn’t be there, and i just probably will never see it again. which isn’t something i think about when i go to art places & see art. but i liked this one
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varikvamp · 2 years
Again here I go, writing a thing xD part three of the Licht x Slightly Oblivious MC. You may notice this one is a bit different. I decided to just stick with the writing style I like, and also it's longer. Well, I was scared of making them to long, now I say fuck that ○~○ So, let's get on with it hehe~
Licht did spend a bit on that plan he made and as he did he remembered everything that's happened. Not just the fights, but the days spent just talking and hanging out. He had realized early on that you seemed to be the affectionate type. But he still didn't get this slight Oblivious nature you had. You were clearly capable of flirting, making sly remarks and the like. Hell, you had done so with him a few times. So, while the main goal was to get you to see your own Oblivious actions, he also wanted to know the reason.
So, with a minor adjustment to his classes he stood and left a note on his desk. Fortunately Melusine had been out tending to her own guild duties he assigned to her. As he walked out, he got this feeling in his gut. He would really need to be convincing if he didn't want you to catch on that he was up to no good. But he also suddenly felt self conscious. This was practically like a date at this point. How could he not get nervous. With a shake of his head Licht pulled himself together and started walking to where the two of you had agreed to meet up. Bringing out his phone he went to send a message but then he stopped himself. You had sent a message saying you were on your way, so that meant you were already there.
With a grin he decided to leave it a surprise when he showed up. It would only benefit him in the end. Or so he thought.
You, on the other hand, were by small shoppe, one that had seats out front. That's where you sat, phone beside a sketch book you had open and some new pencils out. There were plenty of things you wanted to draw. All of them being things that were important to you. People say that a photo lasts forever, so you had started taking pictures of those around you, people you care about. Your talent for sneakily taking photos when no one was looking was unmatched by now. And one of your favorite people to take photos of was Licht. How he sometimes got lost in thought only made it that much easier to snap a photo or two.
You were currently working on drawing a recent photo you took, one of Licht deep in thought, that evil glint in his eye that said he had an Idea. You had been confronted before about the way you acted, but you couldn't help it. Everyone was so important to you. All of them people you needed to know how much they meant to you. And yes, that sometimes caused you to be a bit.. over affectionate.
Overall though, you were excited with how this was coming out. That is until a hand was placed on your shoulder and you heard Lichts voice from behind you. You had no idea why, but you ended up slamming the book shut and holding it protectively agenst your chest.
Licht, who had only just arrived, didn't even get a glimpse of what was on the paper. But now his interest was piqued. "I didn't mean to startle you." He said and took a seat in front of you. Then he noticed the.... Sketch pencils? Is that a sketch book? You looked like a deer in headlights again, it was really cute to say the least. He couldn't help but enjoy the slight upper hand he had at the moment. "You didn't say anything about having an Art interest." He said and you huffed only to quickly recover and grin with that playful nature he knew well. "Should have been easy to figure out, you did catch me at the art gallery after all."
He took the hit to his pride. Yes indeed. He should have been able to to put that together. His brow twitched and he looked to the sketchbook. "What were you drawing?" He asked, not hiding the curiosity in his voice.
"I can't tell you all my secrets~ besides its not done yet..." You still had that characteristic grin with that signature playfulness to it. You were teasing him now. He didn't know how to take it. Already everything was unraveling. He never accounted for the idea you had an interest on Art. So he was a bit thrown for a loop, again. But he could make this work... he just had to beat you at your own game.
There was his own grin. He took into account how you used his own words against him. "So if I answer your question earlier, you'll answer mine?"
Your eyes narrowed. You knew that look. It meant trouble. "Fine. You first though." You said and set down the book. Licht nodded and took a second to look away, letting a hand run through his hair. His cheeks went pink before he finally looked back at you. "I was thinking about you when I painted it." He said that bashful look on his face again. You froze, now it was your turn to stop functioning for a moment. The information took a few seconds to process and for some reason you felt embarrassed.
"Your turn." He said and all of a sudden you grew very self conscious of the sketch. But without verbally answering him you opened the pad and let him see what was there. His face went from pink to red and the he looked back at you. The sudden tension between the two of you could be cut with a butter knife at this point. "W....why-"
"Because I want to draw things that are special to me..."
He couldn't tell if you were still oblivious or not. It didn't seem like it but... he needed a different approach. This wasn't working. It was just getting awkward. He stood and moved to sit next to you. "Do you understand why I used you as a muse?" He said and it was like his attitude changed. For once you were flustered, you had no comment, no remark. Licht sighed and put a hand to fix his glasses. In truth, he was mostly just fed up. After realizing everything how could he not get a bit frustrated? "It's because i..I..." He couldn't say it so instead he grabbed your shirt collar and pulled you close, your lips meeting his.
It was brief, and you started to get it. But how could you miss it? You started thinking back, all the memories going by in seconds. You had been captivated by his paintings at first, then when he helped you for the first time... you had always been attracted to him. You just couldn't see that he was also attracted to you. And you also realized that you didn't really hide your attraction to him. Hugging him from behind, holding onto his arms, feeling excited whenever you saw him.
Before Licht could pull away completely you grabbed a hold of him. That boldness you always had coming back. The playful nature, the sly look on your face. Licht gulped.
Perhaps he shouldn't have provoked you...
Next part will be the last one for this! And I think you know where this is going~
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dayfalwastaken · 1 year
-Chomps on your fanfic-
-FancyGhost anon
Bon appetit! Hope you are feeling better ^^!
I'm running a little late(well, more than a little) behind schedule with the next chapter, but it's not gonna take much longer. Thank you for your patience.
Here's a little preview:
With that, the boy headed for the counter, wanting to waste no time earning his tickets. Evan however decided right then and there to jumpscare the boy by passing in front of him, appearing dead-set on doing… something. Matthew raised a brow at the piece of paper in his hands. Noticing that he’d stopped, the Afton whipped around to apologize.
“Oh, sorry! I didn’t mean to startle you.” Matt brushed it off, motioning to the paper instead.
“I’m good. What’s that?”
Evan rubbed his elbow at the question, trying to hide the blush that was creeping on his cheeks.
“Um… it’s just a little drawing I did for- here!” gaining courage out of nowhere, the little boy thrust the paper into Matthew’s hands, looking up at him expectantly. Matt smiled for a moment at the cute sight, before checking out said drawing.
A colored sketch of Mari greeted him, who coming out of its box while hanging from a marionette’s cross, present in hand. The box itself was a proper cube, Mari’s face shape was that cheeky circle he’d grown accustomed to, the pose wasn’t butchered, and even the stripe count was right. And the whole thing was heavily stylized as well, to Matt’s pleasure. He wouldn’t have thought Evan to take after his brother and have an artistic inclination, but he more than impressed with the young boy. There were a couple of erased lines here and there, but besides that the sketch was clear, as was the line art. Technically Mari’s first ever fanart, and an awesome one to boot- oh, he just knew the Puppet would love it. How amazing was it that Evan had been the one to draw this, and that he’d done such a good job? The kid was so precious Matthew was sure he’d melt on the spot. Though, thanks to the mask he wasn’t far from it, as his clear mind enable him to better appreciate the drawing. Part of it had been colored with markers- Mari’s main body- while crayons and pencils had been used for the box, makeup and cross. It also seemed like Evan had been inspired by the Puppet statues they’d seen the previous day on the shelves, which… To draw that from memory with no reference... Wow. Matthew was more than a little envious. Ready to geek out, he handed the fanart back and proudly patted Evan’s shoulder.
“Dude, dude, this is so very well made, and I’m not just saying that! Like I’m genuinely shocked- I didn’t know you were so good at this type of stuff! I- I don’t even know what to say, it’s just- uh, props to you, man. If you keep practicing, you’re gonna be able to do some jaw dropping art.” Evan’s blush intensified at his words, unused to the praise. The boy glanced to the side before biting his lips and speaking in a hushed tone.
“A- Actually, Mikey helped with the lines and the er- the po- position. I did the colors and… yeah. It was mostly him.” oh. Matt deflated a bit hearing that, but he still gave the Afton a thumbs up. It was nice to hear Michael was being decent to his sibling. That was the least he could do.
“Hey, don’t sell yourself short. I stand by what I said, this is awesome. The fact that you didn’t go over the outline and that you weren’t afraid to mix things up is great. Good on Mike for lending you a hand, but I’m guessing you were the one with the idea to draw this, right?” the other nodded. “See? What counts is the intent. This’ll make Mari’s day if you plan on showing him, trust me.” He assured kindly.
From the look on his face Matthew got the impression Ev wished to refute the praise, but he opted otherwise, choosing to flash him a small smile. He hugged the paper to his chest.
“I wanted to make something for Mr. Marionette since he gave me my torch. It’s been helping me with my dreams and mum said that when someone’s nice to you, you have to be nice to them too.” Behind his mask the older boy made an ‘aww’ sound.
“Don’t let me stop you then. Go on.”
Wish you a great day, and sorry again for the wait!
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14. 🍋 and 🐝
Question 14 of the artist asks (Im sorry ive been sitting on this one for so long aaa): How has your art changed over the years?
My art hasnt changed much honestly! i've gotten better at watercolor painting, and acrylic paints, and i'm getting the hang of digital too! - 🍋
🐝 - ...Oh boy, another long history lesson today, Strap in. To keep things a little easier on me to keep condensed, I'm only going over my traditional pony art and NOT digital art. (Im not sure how much of the digital art i could even recover anymore)
TL;DR I've gone through many phases in my art, both pony and otherwise. I started out drawing ponies in 3rd of 4th grade in a very cartoon style, then trying to copy the show style, then with anime eyes to varying success, and finally to where i am now.
Alright so long ass history lesson:
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This is my earliest attempt at making my own ponysona; i was really into applejack and wanted my pony to be in the apple family! This oc didnt really go anywhere though, and i dont think i drew her again. This was also early on, before i started following tutorials for drawing ponies.
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A bit later, after drawing ponies while following tutorials for a while, I started trying to draw them in my own style. At the time, I was mostly trying to draw in an anime style with my humanoid drawings, and so the big eyes transferred over. During this time, most of my drawings were in blue ballpoint pen on notebook paper or printer paper. I was drawing a lot during my (online) classes and I would fill out pages and pages like this.
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While i wasnt using tutorials as often anymore, i still watched a LOT of pony drawing content. At some point, i discovered some videos that inspired me to expand how i drew even more, and i started adding more graphite and colored pencil into final drawings.
Videos in question:
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A bit later, i also got into creepypasta drawings for mlp and some of the songs (specifically for rainbow factory), but i didnt ever read or listen to MLP creepypastas on their own until much much later. I did however, write my own two page creepypasta comic for pinkie that i never kept up. I think i intended to but after 24 hrs i forgot and dropped the project. Ironically, I tried to redraw it a few years ago as a humanoid comic, stretching it out into i think...10 pages? until my hand got tired and I never actually got to the creepypasta part of the original first comic page. (If you'd like to see, let me know! I still have them, but there would be too many images to post in this already really long post)
Oddly enough, i noticed that around this time i was also mostly drawing either creepypasta, psychotic ponies, or drawing ponies sad and crying. Just a weird little note.
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I had a short phase where i drew ponies with more boxy muzzles too, but most notable here is that i finally remade a ponysona! I would keep this sona until I would stop engaging with MLP content and go through my "Ew, mlp weird" phase.
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This was also from my time of boxy nosed ponies, and I think the first image was inspired off of a drawing that came up on a google search but i dont remember. I redrew it a while later, after practicing with colored pencils more. The redraw happened sometime during my "Ew mlp" phase.
And now we enter more current stuff. all these drawings are still old but are more in line with what i draw now, and were while i was starting to come out of my "Ew mlp" phase.
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First image, you can see this is one of the first times I drew Lucious as a pony. At the time, in the main rp he's from he was still just straight up a demon. And in the second image is a sketch dump of the mlp characters, where i was jut getting more comfortable drawing them again. Still held onto those boxy noses though.
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No style change here, but there was a time in my humanoid art where i would draw my and Mocha's characters as royalty. Then i went and drew them as ponies in those outfits! the first image you can see Cinna as an alicorn, and an early version of Lemon was just a unicorn. In the second image, was one of my first attempts to draw Jaysir! I guess its not too far off.
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Last is just this pencil drawing of Lemon when their name was still Lemon Sugar-Moon! After this point, i think i took another break from drawing ponies until we come to current day where my style of drawing ponies has less boxy noses, and more pointy, less realistic and just a bit more fun for me personally :D
Who knows where my pony art will go next! Thank you for your ask and I'm sorry again that this has taken so long for me to finally just sit down and type out lol
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wishful-seeker · 2 years
Okay. I'm going to try and make sure this is the only other post I make about AI art because it's just a load of drama and fuck that, but as an artist who's practiced art all her life there are some things I need some AI artists to know.
I have used almost every one of the main hands on artistic mediums you can think of for many years: drawing, sculpting, building, carving, painting, I've dabbled a little bit in digital art, and I've even used AI to make pictures.
As an artist
With over 10 years of experience
I can tell you with 100% certainty, AI generated photos are not art and they aren't YOURS.
"But it can't generate the art without my input so I made it!"
My boyfriend told me to paint our snake as a dragon one year for Christmas and I did. Does that make him the artist or me?
He didn't make it. He didn't learn the skill. I did.
If anything you have taught computers how to be artists, you are not an artist.
Here some things that define art as art:
1. You made it with your own two hands
2. It's an expression of human thought and emotion.
AI doesn't have either.
An artist is someone who has refined their artistic skill and knows how art works.
A child drawing a stick figure is more of an artist than someone who only generates photos with AI.
Let's say you have a very specific image in your head that you want to turn into art. So you tell the AI generator what you want and try to be a specific as possible. It will probably have to go through thousands of photos before you get anything close to what you are thinking of and even then it will never be the same as what your idea was. Because it is not you. It is not your emotion and expression.
Next, AI photos would not exist without other artists.
If I see a mug sitting on my desk I can take out a pencil and paper and draw it. If you want AI to do the exact same thing it first has to find multiple photos of an artist who has already painted or drawn that. None of the pictures it has to do that with were taken with consent. Almost every single photo in their database has been taken without consent.
One of the most famous instances of this was someone trying to replicate Kim Jung Gi's art through AI shortly after he passed away. This man who probably spent most of his life, like most artists, refining his skill, telling stories and expressing his emotions through art, in a style that's completely unique to him, was stolen. Now his family who has known this art as being his art only, a family that grew up with this man learning how to draw around them, now have to suffer and watch as people try to rip his style off with a fucking computer. That art, was HUMAN, it was HIS. There's nothing you could tell me to make me feel like what happened to that was okay and not completely unethical. Absolutely nothing. And every artist I know would say the exact same thing. Because WE have spent ALL OF OUR LIVES creating our unique style that represents who we are. And lazy bitches on the internet want attention without putting In hard work so they steal it. They either claim it's THEIRS, or that its not even AI generated and they made it themselves.
I want you to think about this long and hard, either imagine you or imagine one of your close family members spending the majority of their life learning a skill, any skill. Let's say cooking. Let's say you're a mother or your father or any of your grandparents have amazing cooking skills, and they have made so many wonderful tasty recipes from scratch. You identify them with their wonderful food. How would you feel if a big company like Publix stole your family's recipes and started claiming them as their own, and sold them in premade frozen packages, never giving your family credit and completely belittling the time and effort they spent on their food. That's completely legal but is it right? Would you not feel sad for your family if that happened to them?
How would you feel if one of your family members worked at a factory that eventually became fully automated and put them out of work? Would that not make you feel bad for them?
Because that's happening too. People are barely putting in any effort whatsoever into making AI generated photos and then selling them for profit. They are trying to automate art. Not only is it shitty to try to get people to pay for something anyone can do, and that requires absolutely no effort, but the art is stolen and it's putting real people out of work.
But it's not all bad. Or it doesn't have to be. If we could find ethical ways to use AI generated photos it can be a wonderful tool for many people. AI generated photos can be used to make perfect references so people can be inspired by it to make real art. I personally have some AI generated photos saved of dresses that look like moss and mushrooms because I want to make my own dress that looks like that one day. It CAN be ethical. Especially if we start asking artists for consent before feeding they're art into a computer.
Anyone can be an artist, but not when a computer is doing all the work for you. Not when you're stealing other people's work.
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hbelcherarts246-01 · 8 months
Process & Reflection (Week 3)
Text Reflection
This week, we read chapter 2 of our textbook, which is titled “The Anatomy of Typography”.
Right off the bat, I knew this was going to be a really interesting and enjoyable chapter to read (at least for me). I say this because I’m inexplicably obsessed with typographic anatomy and abstraction, which has been well-documented in many of my older blog posts. I honestly don’t know why I love it so much, it’s like a switch flipped when I was introduced to the topic in ARTS 102.
The chapter’s introductory “blurb” contained a really beautiful sentence, where it likened writing and typography to “thoughts made visible” and “frozen sounds”. It sounds dramatic, but reading it gave me chills and now I can’t stop thinking about it.
Moving on to the chapter’s main content, I found the section about the historical evolution of typography really thought-provoking. I always assumed that modern typography evolved from early handwriting, but I’d never thought about how the limitations of historical writing technology affected the development and evolution of letterforms. It's interesting to think about what our modern alphabet might have looked like if the technology back then had been different.
Lastly, I really appreciate the level of detail and organization of the chapter overall. Last semester, in Typographic Design 1, the course textbook covered a good amount of information on typographic anatomy, but it wasn’t super detailed and it felt less organized, which made it difficult for me to absorb what I read. This textbook is much easier to understand, as it provides plenty of helpful figures (like diagrams, side by side comparisons of different typefaces, etc). These figures helped me visualize and understand the concepts I was reading about. Overall, it was a really enjoyable and informative chapter, and it’ll be a helpful resource for the new project.
This new project reminds me a bit of the “Sports Team Redesign” project, which was the final project in my Typographic Design 1 class last semester. This is mainly because we’re designing a logotype and merchandise, which we did as part of the final project. However, this new projects ks obviously very different in all other aspects. The 2 words I ended up with were “sparkling” and “whiskey”.
I'll be honest, my heart kind of dropped when I pulled my adjective, “sparkling”, and it just dropped even further when I drew my noun, “whiskey”. I don't feel comfortable with the idea of creating an alcohol-centered brand or promoting the use of alcohol through my designs, even if they aren’t going to be used for a real music festival. Luckily, Professor Wanco said she wanted us to stay away from explicit depictions of substances or substance use, which was a relief to hear.
I had a little bit of a hard time word mapping, specifically with the word “whiskey”. At first, I couldn't think of a single way, or a single synonym for whiskey that wasn't alcohol-related. I had a kind of “lightbulb moment” when I eventually thought of the word “spirits”. It technically relates to whiskey, but it's also a word for ghosts, which I felt I could work with. I ended up going with “Shimmering Spirits Music Festival” and started brainstorming logotypes.
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When I started sketching, I got a little carried away with the “logo” part of the logotype, which you can see from the above picture (depicts some my sketches). So, I'm working on finding ways to incorporate typography into the logos I’ve sketched.
I’m also working on developing a layout for the poster. I was initially using hand-drawn (I used a graphite pencil and a ruler) grids for my poster layout sketches, but I soon realized that drawing grids by hand is pretty tedious. Additionally, I needed to be able to freely rework the layouts, which meant I needed to be able to erase parts of the sketches without erasing the grids. So, when I got home, I printed some custom-sized graphing paper and started sketching again.
I’m looking forward to making mood boards this weekend!
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Would You Believe I've Never Had a Lesson? V. Fifth Movement - Resistance
It was the dead of night, and Piper couldn’t sleep.
On their desk had once sat a plethora of pamphlets, each detailing the merits of their particular magic institutions. Piper had no idea there were so many arcane academies when they’d started sorting through Mr. Duke’s stack, and for the past few hours, they’d busied themself with dismissing most of them. Some were based on climate (they’d melt if made to study in the Sunset Savanna or the Scalding Sands), some on missing qualifications (one academy in the Rose Kingdom required applicants to have “strict timedness and exemplary directitude,” and Piper had no idea what that meant), and some just based on a gut feeling (not only did they assume schools like Night Raven College and Royal Sword Academy were out of their league, but something about going to an all-boys school made them feel uncomfortable in an indescribable way). Now, they’d finally narrowed them down to two application-worthy institutes: Noble Bell College, and Magpie Academy.
Both had been easy diamonds to find in the rough. They were already highly familiar with Noble Bell, having walked through its Main Street many times, and they knew the school had a rich history and a love for the arts. Magpie Academy, on the other hand, wasn’t nearly as old or as close to home, but it boasted a rigorous and robust academic program, with plenty of modern-day amenities and extra-curricular activities. Piper knew they’d have no complaints if they were accepted into either school.
They just didn’t know if they should apply.
Piper groaned, staring up at the ceiling. This should be an easy decision, and the answer should be to do it. Yet, there was still an annoying, nagging little voice in their brain telling them that they shouldn’t even try. Magic shmagic, Piper. Who cares if it now intrigues you? You’ve acquired the ability to use it so late in the game, that even if you go to a school for it, you’ll fall behind. You’ll fail. You’ll have abandoned the only reason anyone bothers to care about you, and for what? To pursue a new, stupid fancy of yours. Better to stay by your organ where you know you’re wanted, and not risk being thrown away. 
Piper lifted up their glasses, rubbing the sleep out of their eyes with a groan. 
They had to shut the voice up.
Piper didn’t write to their parents often, mostly because their parents often didn’t write back. They never liked any form of correspondence-- Piper only wrote because they’d been instructed not to call, and even then, the few letters their parents sent back were always rather curt. Still, they were the first and best persons Piper could think to ask when making a decision like this. They got out their best pen and a sheet of their best paper, and began to write.
Dear Mother and Father,
I hope this letter finds you in good humor.
A bit of a cliché opening, but Piper didn’t think their parents would particularly care. They continued,
As for myself, I am quite well. I will be performing again at Madame Bonfamille’s Winter Benefit Soirée on the 15th of December. I’ve prepared an original composition to perform, and have been hard at work rehearsing it. If your schedules permit, I would be pleased if you attended the concert this year.
Piper knew they likely wouldn’t come. Their parents had only attended once when they were ten, and had spent the entire night bragging about Piper's performance. The only time they’d spoken to Piper was to ask them to refill their drinks.
Having said that, there is another matter I need to inquire about, as it is the primary reason for my correspondence.
Here is where Piper hesitated. How exactly should they word this? They needed to be tactful, but tact wasn’t easily manifested on the first draft.
Not wanting to ruin their paper, Piper dug out a pencil and one of their drafting journals. After skipping past pages of their embarrassing impromptu poetry to find a clean sheet, they started to brainstorm.
During auditions for the Winter Soiree…
No. That might imply something went wrong. Try again.
Last week…
No, it would likely be longer than that by the time their parents received the letter. What about…
Recently (perfect), I discovered that I may actually possess the ability to perform magic. 
Yes, that sounded best. It was better to be vague on the details. Not only did their parents prefer brevity, but they might find a description of their power frightening.
And that’s when a little thought spoke up in their brain.
Would anyone at their hypothetical new magic academy be alarmed by said power?
This was something that Piper had not considered before. They themself had been alarmed when it first manifested. Come to think of it, their peers had seemed the slightest bit more weary of them as of late, and even their teachers appeared to tip-toe around them. There were more whispers, more strange looks. Even Reed had seemed startled by them the last time they spoke--
Oh Seven.
That’s what it really was, wasn’t it? Why they were trying to send them away: They were scared of them. It was no secret the school’s population was almost entirely non-mage, so the thought of having one in their midst, especially one that could put large swaths of them into a trance on a mere whim--
This whole time. This whole time, they’d been trying to keep their purpose from shattering. 
But they’d already broken it.
Piper let out an anguished cry, throwing themself on their desk. Why, out of everyone in the world, did they have to acquire magic? Were there not thousands of others begging for it? Were there not countless non-mages who dreamed of having it, who wanted those powers more than life itself? Why, when there were so many others who’d do anything for just a taste of magic, did fate decide to gift it to someone who was not only content to do without it, but whose life would be actively ruined by its "present"?!
Piper didn’t know how long they spent sobbing, but it felt like ages. The sudden grief they’d been struck with was too much. Here they were, trying to resist having their old life yanked out of their fingers, when it had been stolen from them the moment they gave that audition. Their fate was already determined. If they stayed here, they’d be thrown out with the rest of the garbage. 
But if they left…
Piper picked their head back up, finding a tissue to wipe their foggy glasses clean. They looked between the two pamphlets, at first blurry in their poor and watery vision, and then clear. The question entered their mind again: would they be afraid?
Mages could do any number of awe-inspiring, horrifying things. They could produce objects out of thin air, control the forces of nature, use their powers to alter the minds and bodies of those around them. To outsiders, they could reasonably be seen as monsters.
But to each other, they simply were.
Piper pushed aside their journal, placing their unfinished letter back in front of them. 
Having said that, there is another matter I need to inquire about, as it is the primary reason for my correspondence. May I ask for some madol for my 15th birthday? I wish to purchase a coat I found in a local shop as my birthday gift this year. I have about 2000 madol saved for it, and would need about 1000 more to purchase it. I would be most grateful if you were able to grant me this wish.
I will be staying at Madame Bonfamille’s as usual for the winter holiday, so do not worry about accommodating me.
There. That was a good enough alternative question, as they had wanted that coat. They would send this letter out in the morning with the others.
Readying their pen once more, they got out another good sheet of paper, and began to write.
To the Admissions Office at Magpie Academy,
I would like to humbly offer my application to attend your arcane academy…
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littlewalken · 2 years
Feb 2
Today's ear worm- She's Like the Wind by Patrick Swayze mixed with a bit of Here You Come Again by Dolly Parton. Don't ask how it happens, it just does.
Someone find out if any of the Ghoulettes from Ghost have heard the original Pandora's Box version of It's All Coming Back to Me because I can definitely see Cumulus doing it.
Hastag look up the original versions of songs Celine Dion covered because they're fucking fantastic start with Jennifer Rush.
And it's not like The Cure of Dave Gahan covering Lover Will Tear Us Apart Again, they both know how to sing it, it's more of a Every Breath You Take is not a wedding song you stupid bitch those of us who remember hearing the original Power of Love know what I'm talking about.
And it's confirmed Perry Bamonte and Vince Clarke saw The Cure in 1980 shortly after Mathieu and Simon joined so there is a very high probability at least once Perry pretended to be Simon playing A Forest and he's known how to play the bass line for 40+ years.
Did play around with oil pastels and turpentine.
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First off I haven't oil painted since the first Obama administration, and when I was oil painting it wasn't something I did all that often, I never saw myself using it as a main medium, and long story short I am reminded why. Still I'm going to mess around, I bought a pack of small canvases I can alway cover with acrylic pour paint.
Second off if you want a less messy way to oil paint by all means try this. You need a set of oil pastels, canvas or at least canvas paper (or something you can put oil pastels on), a couple of brushes, and turpentine. Color directly on the surface, use the turpentine to blend. Be sparing with the turpentine because it will thin the crap out of the oil.
It does dry faster than traditional oils, the coating is far thinner, but behaves just enough to give you an idea of how they behave.
And I am thinking this could be very similar to how a decent gouache might work but I currently don't have any as my last batch was cheap and shitty. Being a water medium I want to invest in a decent set.
Come get y'all's Spectrum Noir pencils and King Art Studio kit they both became redundant in the 'I just have too many pencils I'm not using' way.
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Making the cut
When joining the MA online illustration course, in the practice 1 module we were tasked to do an introductory project of sorts, a way to get to know us if you will. The task was to create artwork out of paper; however, we are unable to draw or paint on the paper, but I could be any colour. We were given 2 weeks to complete the project, so I decided to get to work. 
I had heard of art being created out of paper in the past, more specifically the term known as ‘psaligraphy’ which is the art of cutting silhouettes, typically out of paper (Collins, 2022). I had come across this after seeing examples of Karen Bit Vejle work, as well as the more widely known art of paper folding known as ‘origami’ originating from Japan, the word Origami literally translating to: folded paper (Megahed, 2017).
The art of paper cutting is believed to have originated from China as that is where paper was invented, although it has played such as role in Chinas history, due to the lack of the newer generation carrying on this traditionit has been included in the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage Lists (ANON, n.d.), giving us an idea to the importance of this tradition in China. Paper cutting seems to have made a presence in many places in the world ever since the invention of paper, such examples being papel picado in Mexico and Scherenschnitte in Germany. Paper is not only being used for art but for emergency shelters by architect Shigeru Ban (Saval, 2018) who has made several shelters out of paper tubes (Emergency Shelters Made From Paper, 2013), showing papers versatility.
The use of paper as the main medium was foreign territory for me as I am so used to creating art on paper, not with paper, but I was more excited than anything and began looking at several paper artists for inspiration in order make this project a lot less intimidating. I found many artists to look at such as Malin Koort who creates fun and interesting characters with paper and Margaret Scrinkl who’s work I found quite enjoyable to look at and found that when looking at the way she uses paper made me more inclined to cut paper without fearing of making a mistake 
I found Scrinkl’s work to be the most intriguing, their way to be able to make an almost humble and everyday material such as paper look exciting and fresh intrigued me. Her work is easily digestible to view and process to anyone looking at it, but it isn’t boring. I decided to take inspiration from her work and apply to my own attempt. I chose to take much inspiration from Scrinkl’s method of working as she uses paper in many of her works, particularly her non-animated flat works were quite approachable and simple for a total beginner. So I set out to work.
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Trick or Treat (Scrinkl 2022)
Due to the project being set in October I decided to go with a Halloween themed work of ghosts floating in a cemetery. I would say for a first attempt I was unusually pleased with myself and believe that maybe because I created this with my mindset of learning rather than wanting to create the best piece in the world and I found myself in a better and happier mindset after finishing the project. Drake and her colleagues found in their study that not only did creating works of art to distract improve mood but their participants found that after consistent days of drawing their score on a life satisfaction scale was higher than before they began the experiment (Drake, et al., 2016). 
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Ghost Party (Brown 2022)
When I first began my journey to become an illustrator I believed that the only way to create art was to take paint, pen or pencil to paper, however the longer I continue this journey the more I am exposed to the world of art as a whole and how diverse it is and the ways and mediums artist decided to use to show their creativity.
Through the project I have realised that I am capable of showing my creativity in other mediums other than pen, although paper cutting is quite tedious and time consuming I do believe it helps me think outside of the box as I do have a tendency to live in my sketchbook.
This type of art has sparked my interest and I do believe I will continue to apply it to my practice especially when I find myself stuck for ideas. 
Collins. (2022) Collins Dictionary. [Online] Available at: https://www.collinsdictionary.com [Accessed: 1st November 2022]. 
Megahed, A. N. (2017). 'Origami Folding and its Potential for Architecture Students.' The Design Journal. [Online] 20 (2). pp. 279-297. Available from: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/14606925.2017.1270511. [Accessed: 1st November 2022].
ANON, (n.d.) Chinese Paper-cut. [Online] Available from: https://ich.unesco.org/en/RL/chinese-paper-cut-00219 [Accessed: 5th November 2022].
Saval, N. (2018). 'Why Is Japan Still So Attached to Paper?.' The New York Time Style Magazine'. November 19 [Online] Available from: https://www.nytimes.com/2018/11/19/t-magazine/japanese-paper-washi.html?searchResultPosition=1 [Accessed: 5th November 2022].
TED. (2013). Shigeru Ban: Emergency shelters made from paper. [Online Video]. August 13. Available from: https://www.ted.com/talks/shigeru_ban_emergency_shelters_made_from_paper/transcript?language=en. [Accessed: 5th November 2022].
Margaret, S. [scrinkl] (2022). [Trick or Treat]. [Instagram]. 30 October. [Accessed: 6th November 2022]. Available from: https://www.instagram.com/p/CkV-Xf2Dcwj/?igshid=MDJmNzVkMjY%3D
Drake, J. E., Hastedt, I. & James, C., (2016). 'Drawing to Distract: Examining the Psychological Benefits of Drawing Over Time'. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts [Online] 10(3), pp. 325-331. Available from: https://psycnet-apa-org.ezproxy.herts.ac.uk/fulltext/2016-30739-001.html
Brown, Z., (2022). Ghost Party. Unpublished personal work.
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