#peng rants
penguineatscarrots · 9 months
Thinking bout that post about knowing the birthdays of people you no longer speak to or seeing things that remind you of them but knowing you'll never be able to tell them
What's done is done but man if I'm not mourning the loss of it all
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I think everyone needs to come together and congratulate DBK (and the rest of the Demon Bull family) for being the only ones to just give up. They DID quit while they were ahead. It's the only reason they're still alive.
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icekingofhope · 10 months
wanna know what made me mad about the final battle in the s4 special
is how like the lmk gang so easily defeated the lion camel ridge trio when it shown last time how they easily kicked their ass (don’t say how MK managed to punch azure multiple times in the celestial realm he caught azure off gaurd )
And I know they had a training montage but one there is like THREE of azure peng and yellowtusk wukong was the only one who was training macaque and nezha were just chilling like they were fucking playing chess
THERE IS ALSO YELLOWTUSK ALSO BEING A BODYGAURD (I know he is a steed in the OG book but this is lmk were it showed them being deities and shit) of bodhisattva Samantabhadra!
SAME GOES TO AZURE he was the bodygaurd of bodhisattva Manjusri
MEANING these guys are really powerful
ALSO in the book azure had tried to overthrown the jade emperor guards tried to stop him he goes to his huge form (yes he could always do that-) AND GOBBLE THEM UP LIKE THEY WERE SNACKS JUST SLURPED THEM UP LIKE NOODLES
and don’t give me the “well azure was trying to hold the world together he was probably weaker-“ MY FRIEND HE STILL KICKED ASS DURING THE FINAL BATTLE it just MK did some corny you made me mad so I’m gonna go super saiyain mood and kick your ass for eye candy and to move the plot to a different direction
azure had also the scrolls! (Cause I know for sure he didn’t have lost all of them AND CANT TELL ME he didn’t go to the underworld himself to collect more just in case! Keep in mind he is the ruler of the three realms now he can have anything his heart desired!)
I know I maybe repeat some info over and over I’m just baffled cause I have a list of reason and there is logic of why azure peng and yellowtusk should have won!
the show and creators (COUGH COUGH AND THE FANS COUGH COUGH) did the lion camel ridge trio so dirty they had so much potential and I hate it cause they are my favorite
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let-hyjinx-ensue · 9 months
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I find it kinda hilarious that no one knowledges how the lion camel trio should have won in the special
Especially when peng is on their side since he is king Garuda king of the birds and also basically like a bodygaurd to the Buddha himself and is probably the most powerful out of the two (besides azure that is)
this is also making me think peng holds back some of his strength fighting macaque cause from what we saw in episode 10 of season 4 the lion camel trio were wrecking everyone’s shit but we even saw peng basically beating the shit out of Nezha (and probably did the same with redson in episode 9) but then we see him not doing the same with macaque
Cause I did acknowledge (in my old account) peng clearly does care he just more insensitive and doesn’t share his feelings and is abit less empathetic then the others and it maybe due to trauma in his backstory when he became king Garuda since his mother was enslaved by his aunt and he had to free her and such
Honestly if you look into his backstory he is a sad character overall (just the special didn’t hold onto the ball and show more of peng true self who does care and want to help people himself )
Anyways that’s all I have to say
And If you all curious what I meant here is the link on king Garuda
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puppy-the-mask · 1 year
I was about to sleep and then got assaulted by the fact that Peng is my lmk equivalent of Mutt in that I hate them both and so think about them a lot and damnit they’re pretty to look at and I’m mad about it. I hate that I like them so much
And then immediately after I got bombed so hard I had to write this because Peng and Rant are the same fucking character- send help my precious best boy has the same personality as this dumb bird bitch. I find solace in the fact that my boy has depth, redeeming qualities, and an actual character arc. Yet I lament that they’re both sassy drama queens who would sell you out, not for a corn chip, but to see what happens when they do because they’re bored and think it’ll be funny.
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itsabouttimex2 · 2 months
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MK and Mei’s Friendship
Wukong and Macaque’s Fallout
Mei isn’t the next “warrior”, and she would 100% beat your ass for implying she’s like Macaque
I’m going to preface this for anyone who might want to leave early- I personally dislike this theory!
Because to me, it isn’t a theory- it’s just wrong.
And usually it’s so wrong that it shatters the reality of MK’s and Mei’s character for the sake of forcing them into little “Sun Wukong” and “Macaque” shaped balls.
And so often it starts with demonizing MK/Wukong.
I see, so often, this portrayed in two ways:
1. MK loses his mind and becomes a vicious monster that must be collared and restrained for the good of all around him.
2. MK becomes obsessed with power and fighting, thus driving Mei away.
And both of these are done in an attempt to “link” the kids with the monkeys.
MK-Wukong and Mei-Macaque
We don’t really need to talk about the first two- most of the show is about MK interacting with the Monkey King and learned to handle his legacy and foes- we’d be here all day.
But, what sort of interactions do Mei and Macaque share? Well, for Mei, it’s:
1. Being a victim of his violent and murderous actions
2. Being extremely close to his other frequent victims
3. Bafflingly having no negative opinions on the man who led an assault on her people’s palace, tried to murder her friends, and forced Tang to unleash the Samadhi Fire, nearly killing her in the process.
4. Being a weaker character for her lack of hostile dynamic with someone who has hurt her again and again and again
5. Having a worthless “team-up” with Macaque without the show ever having her address what he’s done to her and her loved ones
6. Weaken her character by taking away characteristics like “willing to call people out” and “gets violent when people try to hurt the ones she loves” for the sake of a boring and short “team-up”.
…yeah, thats not a great list.
Already, Mei’s non-violent interactions with Macaque leave a lot to be desired- and don’t hint to anything even close to her being a “successor” to his story like MK is to Wukong.
Back to those two first bullet points, now, right under the read more.
Sun Wukong and MK are not; and never have been, “mindless monsters”, in spite of MK’s destructiveness in his monkey form- it is explicitly made clear that he’s in control of himself.
“There’s nothing “mindless” about this.”
And he was right. MK is completely awake and aware in his monkey form, with full mental faculties. He’s verbally capable of shredding Azure and decrying his crimes in an efficient fashion, all while kicking him around.
MK wasn’t “going insane”- he was having fun.
(That’s a rant for another day, though)
Nor did Sun Wukong solely drive Macaque away.
The crux of Wukong and Macaque’s fallout is clearly displayed in the show, in the fourth season of Monkie Kid- it started from a single fucking argument.
Now, I’d like to preface again: this is the first point that I see many, oh so many theorizers, artists, writers, etc- get wrong.
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Sun Wukong is trapped. For attempting to overthrow the Jade Emperor, he is sentenced to FIVE HUNDRED YEARS trapped under a mountain.
Let me elaborate for anyone who doesn’t sympathize.
For the next five hundred years, Sun Wukong will be 75% immobile and alone under a nearly lightless mountain. There will be no noise, no stimulation, and no company. He will suffer in silence, and he will suffer alone.
But you know who ISN’T being punished for an attempt to overthrow the Jade Emperor?
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Now, this is funny. Wukong leads a six strong band of brothers against the forces of the Celestial Realm, but only ONE of them faces consequences for the rebellion- himself.
Even five hundred years later when Wukong is set free and traveling with his fellow pilgrims…
No one else has faced consequences for the rebellion. All five of Wukong’s “brothers” (Azure Lion, Peng, Demon Bull King, Yellowtusk, and yes, Macaque) get away scot-free to continue their plans and schemes.
I would be pissed. You would be pissed. There is not ONE SINGLE PERSON in this world that would NOT be pissed about how blatantly unfair this is.
Especially not after spending five hundred years nearly immobile under a dark and lonely mountain.
So, even before all, here and now, under that mountain, before five long and lonely centuries have passed, faced with the current injustice of his predicament-
Wukong lashes out and blames Macaque.
No. Fucking. Shit.
All of us (none of us are saints, do not try to say otherwise) would have snapped in anger.
All of us would have been angry. Each and every last one.
Mostly immobile and imprisoned alone to take the blame of six guilty men, Wukong lashes out at the nearest person.
And what does Macaque do, when blamed one single time for something that is mutually the fault of six men, including himself?
He lies and runs away.
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No the fuck you didn’t.
Macaque nudges the idea. He implies the idea. He hints, quietly and softly.
“You’re really going through with this?” Is not him shutting down the idea of fighting the Celestial Realm.
It’s him being a coward and trying to dance around the issue without a direct confrontation.
Not even once does Macaque say: “We shouldn’t fight the Jade Emperor.”
Macaque directly LIES to present himself as being the better person during this fight.
(But because it’s their ‘pewfect pwecious Maccy’, the fandom blindly ate this blatant dogshit lie up and took it at face value. Y’all don’t deserve unreliable narrators and mature themes go watch cocomelon/s)
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The moment something goes wrong, what do these two do?
Blame each other to absolve themselves of sin, and then one runs away and chooses to never come back.
This was fucked up and toxic from the start- Macaque was a cowardly little bitch, and Wukong was a power-hungry idiot.
And both of these dumbasses have ZERO communication skills.
You know who doesn’t fall into those categories? OUR KIDDOS.
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Mei and MK fight too- as soon as the first season.
And what does Mei do when her best friend accidentally wrecks her bike and nearly costs her a race that was EXTREMELY important to her?
She forgives him almost the moment he apologizes, and he immediately works on making it up to her.
Well, hold on a minute! That doesn’t sound like, I don’t know…
Lying to make yourself look better, throwing the blame around instead of accepting it, and running away for five entire centuries?
Huh. It’s almost like, maybe, instead of being built on one-sided adoration and tenuous “brotherhood”, Mei and MK see each other as, of all things-!
Equals. Friends. Partners.
Mei will NEVER abandon her best friend. Nothing could make her. Even when facing down lethal odds, her first response will ALWAYS be to run to him.
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Even if she has to be forcibly dragged away, screaming and in tears, Mei will always fight to stay by MK’s side.
Nothing in the world could tear them apart. Not a petty fight. Not a presumed death. Not demons or celestials. Not an inky scroll of eternity inscribed with the past.
There is ONE circumstance in which she runs away from him-
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When she’s overwhelmed by the Samadhi Fire and terrified of hurting the person she loves most with a
then, and only then… does Mei run.
That is what it takes to drive her and MK apart. Not an argument. Not a game of flinging blame. Not a mishap or a tumble.
But fear for his life.
She runs away because, even if she wants to stay- Mei loves him.
And she loves him too much to think of putting her own life and desires before his.
Mei and MK are not the “hero and the warrior”.
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This is not MK and Mei. And it never will be.
This is Macaque and Wukong, two people driven apart by boldness that was brashness and cleverness that was cowardice. This is a tale of adoration and anger and heartbreak and betrayal.
This is not MK and Mei. And it never will be.
Because they love each other too much to ever be “the hero and the warrior”.
And they’re all the better for it.
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katsumiiii · 1 year
hobie brown x fem! reader
i feel like hobie is such an unjealous person (which technically isn’t a word but idrc!). like he’s so secure within himself and his partner to where he knows and that he’s as good as it gets. and usually when someone says that it’s such a turn off, but with hobie it’s a subtle cockiness, like a “leave and see what you’ll get” type thing which is irritating and attractive at the same time.
like if someone were to flirt with you I can’t see him getting riled up and starting something. I feel like if anything he’d agree with them ?? and you’re always like wtf bc he’s sitting there chatting with someone who wants to take you away from him, literally urging them to keep ranting about your character.
the only reason he’d get pissed is if they try to touch you. one thing hobie values is personal space, and in his opinion, he’s the only one whose allowed to breach your bubble (he’d always back off if you wanted him too ofc, he’s big on consent!).
soo imagine this, hobie and you Vinyl shopping, searching through the stacks of product for nothing specific, but itching to find a gem among the various piles. hobie had noticed a scrawny guy peaking glances at your figure more often than not and chuckled at the sight.
“‘s guy on your left, been makin’ eyes at ya.” hobie muttered, placing his chin on your shoulder blade.
“mhm really?” you patted the side of his cheek, fingers still sifting through the records below you.
“yeah, prolly thinks you’re cute huh? lil peng ting.” he tickled the sides of your hips, nibbling at the back of your ear.
“shut up hobie, help me find this vinyl. I swear I saw it somewhere….”
“e-excuse me!” a meek voice made both your heads turn, eyes settling on a short male to the left of you.
“yes?” you replied, patting the tops of hobie’s ringed fingers with your own.
“I just wanted to say that you’re very beautiful! and..” he trailed off, fiddling with the dirt underneath his fingernails.
“eh? beautiful!“ hobie left the comfort of your figure to circle around the poor man, clasping his hands on his shoulders, softly shaking them, “she’s fit ain’t she?”
“yeah…” the male shuffled.
“oh ‘m sorry mate, didn’t mean to cut ya off. go on and tell her what you’re thinking, hm?” hobie chuckled, urging the man to continue.
“bee, let’s just go.” you sighed, gently shaking your head.
“wha’, don’t wanna be rude love. let ‘im finish.”
“nevermind, I’ll just get going…” the man awkwardly shuffled away at the sight of your bickering.
“why do you have to be such an asshole?”
“jus’ thought you should accept the man’s compliment.”
“oh fuck off.”
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nalza73 · 1 year
Hati Lina hanya tinggal sebahagian sahaja. Ada orang yang tidak pernah memulangkannya, walaupun Lina hanya pinjamkan sekejap. Ada yang pulangkan dengan penuh kelukaan. Ada yang sudi berikan sebahagian hatinya pula sebagai ganti. Dan jika nak tahu, setiap hati manusia ada nilai yang tersendiri.
Sekali hati terluka, kadangkala sukar untuk mengubati-nya. Ada kalanya, mengambil masa yang lama. Bila tiba sesuatu yang tidak diingini, mungkin pemilik hati itu akan menyendiri sehingga hatinya pulih semula. Hati yang diberi ini bukan untuk suka-suka. Ianya lahir atas satu kepercayaan. Dari situ, wujudlah rasa kasih sayang. Jika hilang rasa percaya itu, maka sukarlah untuk hati itu kem-bali indah.
Namanya Haslina, nama glamour Lina je, sudah berumah-tangga hampir 5 tahun. Anak gadis sebuah kampong dari Utara tanahair. SRppun tak sempat ambil sebab sudah dikahwinkan dengan suaminya, Talib (22 tahun ketika itu) seorang anggota tentera. Lina nikah di usia 16 tahun. Kini usianya sudah 21 tahun dan suaminya 27 tahun.
Dulu Lina kolot sikit baik pemikiran ataupun sikap, tapi setelah berkahwin dan bercampur dalam masyarakat sojar Lina jadi open minded kata orang very liberallah. Cuma Lina masih belum dikurniakan cahayamata. Tambah suaminya jarang mengauli disebabkan tugas askarnya dan kekurangannya.
Selalunya kami bertemu secara secret dan discreet. Tidak di dalam kem. Bahaya. Lina berani sebab dia yang ajak aku keluar dan libur-libur sebab dia bosan. Boring dengan ketiadaan suaminya. Terkejut juga aku ketika membayar gaji untuk para isteri yang dibuat potongan gaji oleh suami masing-masing, Lina menghadiahkan aku sekotak rokok marlboro. Aku terima juga dan terkejut bila kudapati terselit nota kecil mengajak aku keluar tengok wayang. Aku memberanikan diri dan setuju bertemu.
Aku duduk di sisi Lina sehingga bahu bersentuhan. Lina tunduk. Rambutnya yang hitam menutupi muka. Angin berlari-lari di padang memaksa dedaun pohon meliuk-liuk menari. Aroma tubuhnya menusuk hidung segar rasanya. Lina kelihatan ayu berbaju kurung moden.
“Lina, cuba lihat burung itu,” kata N.
Lina mendongak pada seekor burung kecil yang bertenggek di atas sebatang kayu reput di pinggir tasik.
“Tadi mereka sama-sama terbang, tapi suatu ketika mereka akan berpisah dan membawa halatuju masing-masing,” kata N penuh makna.
Sebatang ranting kecil pohon cemara tempat mereka berteduh jatuh di hujung kasutnya. Tangan kasarnya pantas mencapai, mematah-matahkan ranting kecil itu dan mengeluh perlahan.
Lina memang pandai berbual dan cara dia membuat aku hilang kekok dan juga gementar. Banyak perkara yang diperbincangkan oleh Lina. Seharusnya Lina memang nampak seorang yang berpengetahuan. Banyak topik yang boleh dikupasnya. N mengagumi Lina, isteri Lans Koperal Talib yang kini bertugas dalam hutan selama tiga bulan dalam satu operasi mencari dan memusnah peng-ganas kominis. Walaupun tidak berpelajararn tinggi namun dia suka membaca.
Wanita moden sering mengadu terhadap layanan suami keatasnya. Pada suatu hari Lina menceritakan bahawa suaminya tidak lagi mengajaknya makan di kedai. Mementingkan diri dan bila bersetubuh suaminya hendak buat cepat-cepat. Tidak romantik dan tidak mencumbu rayu. Boring kata Lina. Malah banyak waktunya Lina tidak klimaks dan puas bersama suaminya. Bila sikap suami begini hati Lina rasa luka. Jiwanya kosong. Dia mengorak langkah dan menumpu-kan perhatian kepada pegawai-pegawai muda dalam batalion dan cuba mengoda mereka. Aku tergoda..
Dalam mess di sebuah bilik yang memandang ke laut.. Lina kususupkan masuk ke bilikku.. Kalau aku kena kantoi hilang senioriti.. Silap-silap kena buang kerja. Namun aku gamble dan Lina juga gamble..
“Cepatlah N..” pinta Lina sudah tidak sabar lagi. “Cepat apa?” N saja mendera Lina sambil tersenyum. “Masuk cepat N, nak ni! Nak batang you tu..” rayu Lina lagi.
Lina merasai dinding vaginanya mula berdenyut-denyut bagaikan meminta-minta batang N. Sebelum masuk, N menyuakan batangnya ke mulut Lina untuk diku-lum. Sempat Lina memain kepala kote N denganlidahnya. Kemudian menjilat batang dan mengigit manja kepala kote N sehingga ke takut. Di samping itu Lina emngulum buah pelir N dan menyonyotnya. Mencepak bagai kepedasan makan gulai lemak cili api.
N melebarkan kangkangku dan mula menggesel perlahan batangnya betul-betul tepat dilubang puki Lina.
“Aarrgghh, sedapnya Nn..” Lina merenggek dan merintih perlahan menerima tusukan nikmat butuh N yang besar, panjang keras dan tegang itu.
N membenamkan kotenya hingga ke pangkal dan nikmat-nya tak dapat digambarkan.. Terasa penuh seluruh lubang burit Lina dihuni dan direndam Dik batang N.
“Huhh.. Haa.. Sedap nn.. Mak oi.. Abah oi.. Sedapnya dikongkek begini.. N kongkek kuat-kuat..” jerit Lina mengerutkan mukanya sambil dia menerima seluruh batang N dalam vaginanya.
N berbisik perlahan sambil menjilat dan mengigit cuping telinga Lina apabila seluruh batangnya telah memenuhi lubang pussy Lina.
“Hhmm.. Sedapnya batang you N.. O sedapp,” raung Lina penuh nikmat. Dia mendesah-desah dan merenggek-renggek. “Shsshh.. Huu.. Ketatnya lubang puki Lina nie.. Kemut Lina.. Kemut kuat-kuat..” balas N menambah dan merangsang ghairah Lina. “N.. Henjutlah.. Henjut kuat-kuat. Henjut laju-laju. Senakk ni N. Panjang kote N nie” rayu dan renggek Lina sambil mengelinting tubuhnya dan dia memalingkan mukanya ek kiri dan ke kanan sambil tangannya mencakar-cakar belakang N. Lina mengerang kuat dan keras.
N menyorong tarik batangnya perlahan-lahan sambil meramas-ramas punggung Lina yang mengancam itu. Lina merintih kesedapan sambil sesekali punggungnya terangkat-angkat mambalas tujahan nikmat butuh N.. Memberikan Lina seribu kenikmatan.
“Ohh.. Nikmatnya N.. Jangan berhenti N.. Kuat kongkek aku N. Henjut kuat-kuat,” rayuku sambil mengigit dada N dan memegang punggungnya kemas rapat ke tundunku. “Eemm, I rasa.. Kemut kuat lagi Lina.. Kemutt..” balas N membuatkan Lina tambah bersemangat.
Aku terus memasukkan batangku hingga ke pangkal tundun Lina lalu aku membiarkan keadaan itu tanpa bergerak. Kemutan dinding vagina Lina mencengkam ke batangku. Nikmatnya tidak dapat kubayangkan.
“Aduhh.. Mak aii panasnya lubang puki you Linaa..”
N meramas buah dada Lina dan menyuruh Lina mengubah kedudukan. Lina diminta menonggeng. N mula ‘fuck’ Lina secara doggie. Kedudukan yang amat disukai oleh Lina kerana dengan cara itu, butuhr N dapat masuk lebih dalam dan buah pelirnya melanyak biji kelentit Lina. Tak lama selepas itu, Lina melepaskan nikmat klimaks dan N tanpa henti-henti terus-menerus menghentak pukinya.
Lina baring telentang semula. Aku menyorong tarik batangku di puki Lina. N merapatkan kedua-dua belah kaki Lina dan terus ‘fuck’. Dengan cara ini, N dapat merasakan batangnya dikemut dengan kuat. Sekejapan akibat geselan batangku dan dinding vagina Lina, dia meraung dan menjerit-jerit mahu klimaks. N memberi isyarat kepada Lina yang dia akan ‘cum’. N memantaskan henjutannya dan Lina menerima hentakan yang kuat kat cipapnya.
Lina telah menjerit kesedapan.. “Kuat N.. Sedap N.. Laju-laju N.” Itu sahaja kata-kata yang keluar dari mulut Lina. Tiba-tiba Lina terdiam dan mengejangkan tubuhnya. Lina telah sampai klimaxnya.
Lina memberitahu N yang dia sedang subur dan memintanya jangan melepaskan air maninya ke dalam farajnya. Aku mencabut zakarku serta-merta lalu Lina mengulum batangku. Dia memuntahkan air maniku. Setelah memastikan zakarku sudah bersih, aku membelai rambut Lina dan mengusap pipinya sambil mengucapkan terima kasih atas hadiahnya tadi. Aku juga mengucup bibirnya sambil tanganku mengusap dan meramas buah dada Lina.
“Sayang, Lina mintak maaf kerana tak membenarkan N pancut dalam. Lina takut ngandung nanti” kata Lina sambil mengusap dadaku sambil mengucup bibir dan mukaku. “Apa salahnya Lina mengandung? Kan dulu Lina sendiri kata yang Lina mahu rasa mengandung soalnya.” “Itu betul tapi Lina takut suami tahu?” “Ok.. Kita tunggu suami you pulang dari operasi. Masa tu dia ada dan setubuh you. Dalam pada tu kita meetlah dan make love. Kalau Lina sangkutpun masa tu tak hal, suami tak sangka dan tak tahu.” “Baiklah. Lina setuju kita cuba. Nanti bila melahirkan muka bayi tak ada iras suami?” “Uiks.. Jangan bimbang. Kalau muka bayi yang bakal lahir tu mirip Lina.. Kan selamat. Kalau wajah N pun takkan suami Lina nak mempertikaikan.”
Lina sengih sambil aku menyonyot puting susu Lina yang pinkish itu. Kulitnya halus. Pukinya ketat dan dia pandai mengemut batangku.
Setelah kami dapat bersetubuh beberapakali di belakang suaminya dan aku memancutkan air maniku dalam lubang puki Lina. Di bulan kedua, Lina dan suaminya dapat bersama setelah suaminya balik dari operasi, barulah Lina disahkan mengandung.
Tidak dapat dibayangkan betapa gembiranya Lina dan suaminya tambah pula N. N berasa bangga dapat mewanita dan mengandungkan Lina yang mana suaminya tidak berkemampuan berbuat demikian walaupun mereka bersenggama. Tanpa pengetahuan suami Lina, N masih mengongkek Lina bila peluang ada. Biarpun Lina sudah besar perutnya, N masih lagi merodok lubang puki Lina semau-mau dengan batangnya.
Dunia begitu gila!! Alangkah anehnya perubahan dunia yang begitu pesat dalam tempoh kurang dari setengah abad!! Tetapi ini hanya merupakan perbedaan di antara kereta kuda dan kapal terbang jet sahaja. N dan Lina masih ingin mendengar tapak kaki kuda di jalan raya. Ini bukan pula bererti kami mengajak supaya kembali kepada keluhuran zaman lampau dan nilai-nilainya yang ideal, malah Lina menyeru agar setiap golongan wanita sentiasa ingat bahawa dia ialah seorang wanita dan selamanya tetap tinggal sebagai wanita baik tidak semesti tempatnya di syurga manakala jahat belum tentu neraka rumahnya. Yang gila itu manusia sendiri.
Rahasia kandungan Lina tetap dipegang oleh Lina dan N. Hanya mereka berdua sahaja yang tahu. Suami Lina tidak namun dia berbangga yang Lina mengandung juga akhirnya. Hehehe!!
Lina tetap mendapat bekalannya dari N. Tambah N suka menyetubuhi Lina waktu perutnya membesar. Bagai menyiram benihnya segar bugar.
Keseronokan.. Dimiliki oleh insan yang benar-benar berusaha untuk memilikinya tapi sayang sekian lama aku mencarinya.. Kutemui di sini.. Lina yang mengandungkan anakku sedang suaminya yang terhegeh-hegeh mendapat nama.
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distant-screaming · 4 months
your top 5 nlmg moments <3
what the HELL archer............. worst sleepover ever I'm being made to choose? from nlmg????? >:( I had 22 scenes shortlisted, and I with great pain cut it down to 5 + 3 bonus ones. also this took me really long to answer because I can't shut up. anyway. I will try to keep this as short as possible and not go into full explanations because then we'd be here forever 🎀
so, my favorite nlmg scenes, in no particular order:
palm gets shot
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is this surprising? at all? no I didn't think so. palmnueng are so insane about each other and this entire scene is such a good demonstration of that - palm, actively bleeding out from a gunshot wound, tells nueng not to sign anything over, and nueng does so anyway. and then palm gets shot and just - the acting is so wonderful from everyone in that scene and it's such a good demonstration of their characters! I also especially ADORE the next bit, where nueng is outside the operation room and he's just so grief stricken it makes my stomach hurt. and I just love this whole section a lot okay!! (fun fact: my first time watching the show, I wasn't able to watch the scene fully - I had to skim it and go ahead to the part where palm was Alive. once I realized he was, I went back to watch it properly djfkfj)
waltz scene(s)
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I'm cheating a little but it's fine - all three of palmnueng's waltz scenes live in my head rent FREE. the first one (the dream sequence) is just so very 'I have a crush on this guy' core and it's so soft and sweet and yearn-y <3 I don't remember where I talked about this, but in the dream sequence nueng keeps track of the rhythm by tapping his finger on palm's shoulder - the same thing he did in real life. this means palm was so focused on him during the irl dance that he even noticed that. and that just. it makes me sick okay. second dance sequence is in the motel room after mam dies, and this one is so different from the first because it's much more centered in comfort and relief rather than romance. the whole scene is an absolute masterpiece - the way it's shot with the blurred backgrounds and close ups and the colors - and man I just. I love it so much. it's so intimate. and finally the waltz at the restaurant before nueng gets snatched by kit... literally no one does it like them they're so!! it's a very scary scene to watch because you can tell something's about to go really wrong really fast, but my GOD is it good. me and who literally........the tenderness, the trust, the way they look at each other with absolute stars in their eyes (and the way that the camera focuses on nueng more this time, and how in love he is because we've seen palm but nueng is just as insane). insane. deranged.
first kiss on the island
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rooftop hug
while watching this, I had to pause the episode and physically stand up to do laps around the room. it's sooo good and pondphuwin are amazing at intimacy and it's just like, they really do kiss like they're desperate for each other which is exactly what palmnueng are. also the significance of it being after david + wu's wedding is a whole different rant I will spare you from but ajfkskfkdjfkdjfkfjfjfjv!!!! absolutely amazing first kiss, especially contrasted with their first kiss on the rooftop. no notes.
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speaking of rooftops! man. the whole ben + coming out part really hurts me every time I watch it and this scene is no exception. nueng is so desperate and heartbroken and he keeps lashing out but palm just holds him close and doesn't say anything and eventually nueng hugs him back and just cries in his arms and he just. he just wanted a friend. he just wanted to be loved. that's all. GOD.
peng(2) you(3)
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world's most insane guys flirt, leave me dead. like. this is episode 2. nueng still has some like vague pretend animosity towards palm. and yet. 'oh yeah let me just - here touch my neck and I'll gaze into your eyes and say peng you (friend)' HELLO?? I mean. sure why not. palm's clearly enjoying it (read: having a gay induced mental breakdown). generally I love scenes that have flirting with pining oblivious guys and this is the perfect fit. also, the fact that palm is slightly higher than nueng here the CONNOTATIONS guys the THEMES. the [I am shot and dragged away]
nueng barging into palm's room
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sir...... just. all of this. no words. he's such a bratty teenager. I love him
palm opening shot
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this one is on here solely because this is the exact moment I feel utterly and deeply in love with pond. hello there gorgeous standing there all by yourself??? why is he so <3
every time palm is annoyed by ben existing
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I ADORE this dynamic. they're this 👌 close to killing each other in every frame they're together. the fingers are touching btw. hashtag gay on gay hostility. I love it.
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imminent-danger-came · 5 months
Really love Tang and Macaque parallels
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icekingofhope · 5 months
small rant but has anyone notice that in the lmk fandom when people make human Peng they kinda whitewashed him
(if you don’t know Peng was a Hindu god and Hinduism is from india making Peng Indian and making him a person of color)
I just find it jarring you know at this point I just think lmk fans just hate researching about cultures or the characters who originated from myths stories
like I get it not everyone wants to read over thousand pages but you can search up were Peng comes from and such to make sure your not doing anything
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fluffypotatey · 11 months
I was about to ask what if macaque said he didnt care about wukong, but this man is not subtle about the fact wukong is the center of his universe
you mean the very same simian who spent his episode in s1 wanting to kill Sun Wukong and was pissed off when he saw Wukong’s hesitation to hurt a fake MK? the same guy who spent his episode of s2 presenting a play all centered on his relationship with Wukong and how it fell apart? the same Macky who spent like 5 minutes (of episode time) ranting to Tang about how trusting people is not worth it because it leads to you not looking out for yourself because others won’t do that for you (oh gee i wonder who that is)? the same Macky that willingly offered to enter the scroll with MK despite MK expecting to go alone (because he’s the guy out of the main cast who’s the closest to the monkey king)? the same dude who Peng asked “is there anything Wukong can do that would break his hold over you?” the same Macky who chose to sit next to Wukong at the beach and present his concerns of what’s to come?
that Macky?
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confused-rat · 2 months
it is a blessing that lily stopped watching lego monkie kid after s2 cause her takes on azure lion (a morally grey character) would have been so bad
that and she'd probably bend over backwards to say a nonbinary character introduced in s4 doesn't count as rep since they're also referred to with masculine terms
Anon, please don’t jinx us—I don’t think I could handle it if Lily tried covering LMK. 😭
(I thought only Mikaila watched it and had videos, let me live in blissful ignorance if this information is wrong.)
Also, bold of you to assume she’d even mention Peng, they’re not the main antagonist or a main character—so she’d probably ignore their existence entirely and instead rant about how Wukong is actually the worst person ever and how the Brotherhood should have been the good guys. -shudders-
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rlmartian · 10 months
I’m still not over just how much they nerfed Nezha. I’ve accepted I will die mad about it. Lil rant don’t mind me
Like okay, first he lasts barely any time at all when fighting wukong so we’re already off to an awful start (it’s Literally been established that Nezha can hold his own for an impressive amount of time against wukong HES LITERALLY A GOD OF WAR WHAT THE FU-).
Then he somehow gets weaker to fight the brotherhood and I know for a fact that he would’ve absolutely SMACKED peng out the damn sky
And then the one brief scene where he fights Ao Bing. WHY IS HE STRUGGLING IN THAT SCENE?! His most famous win and they nerfed him there too.
So many things just Wouldn’t Have Happened if he was allowed to be powerful. (Not to mention it doesn’t really make sense for wukong, who’s been doing a whole ton of nothing for centuries, to beat Nezha, who probably trains for fun, so easily). Also it would’ve been good for mk to see that yes, there are beings other than Buddha and the jade emperor that can hold their own against wukong. (Wukong NEEDS to be humbled and Nezha would’ve been perfect for that).
this is legit facts tho. They need to humble wu kongs ass. And nezha. My sweet child. People keep interpreting him badly nerfing him and overall doing him so dirty. As much as I love wukong he’s an absolute bum when it comes to training and nezha should have pummeled his ass into the ground or at the very least should have been almost equal to him. This is why we make up hc’s tho. If cannon screws it up us fans can always find an excuse.
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ebonystarfall · 3 months
Azure Lion and Peng oneshot (nothing romantic I saw your rules, just Peng getting some shenanigans and Azure having to put their antics to a rest because they are drunk BEYOND imagination)
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Drunken Shenanigans
Azure Lion + Golden-Winged Peng
Created by: Starlight (Owner 2)
Type of content: Oneshot
Pov: Third
Word Count: 703
TW: Peng is drunk as hell, Macaque is still getting bullied even if he’s mentioned, probably super not canon, mentions of insects and bugs like snails and centipedes (not in detail), and certainly not proofread or whatever. This has been stuck in the drafts for two days.
A/N: Drunk Peng makes me giggle. Thank you anon for requesting this lovely thing 💜. Oh by the way me and Starbeam do ship these two, but we don’t plan on writing it because…you know, we made it a rule not to do canon x canon. 🐁
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The evening among the Brotherhood was, in its entirety, filled with merriment and light. Indeed, for a considerable span, the air was filled with raucous laughter; petty disputes arose but were swiftly ended by jokes and jests, and all seemed right and well. Azure Lion busied himself with clearing the plates of the feast while the others went to their respective quarters, the lingering sound of their drunken and goofy clamor trailing softly behind him. Yet, during his tidying, he noticed a certain figure indulging in yet another goblet of wine. It was no surprise to find his feathered companion savoring another amount of wine…
“Peng, old friend, is that not your fifth cup?” he inquired.
The avian demon responded with a dismissive snort, their fuchsia eyes half-lidded in a tipsy gaze. “Ah, dear Azure, don’t worry! It’s just a few drinks; what harm lies in that?”
The Azure Lion sighed and took the cup away from Peng, leaving the bird demon looking pouty. They grumbled and reached out for the drink again, nearly stumbling and falling face-first to the ground. Fortunately, Azure caught them just in time, still holding the goblet out of reach.
“Peng, you’re drunk.”
“What, and you aren’t?”
“I’m much more sober then you, that’s a guarantee.”
The bird demon wanted to glare at Azure, but instead, they snickered and snuggled up to him. With a sneaky and silly expression, they whispered, “Mmm..I was planning on putting snails in Macaque’s bed… but now I want to do it to everyone… especially you, Azure. Should I give you centipedes instead? I’m sure you’d love that...”
Azure Lion let out a soft sigh, placing the goblet on the table before lifting Peng completely off the ground. He looked at the bird demon and held them tightly to prevent any further attempts to reach for the wine. Peng's struggles were half-hearted and lazy, and they quickly gave up, choosing instead to let Azure carry them. “I don't think anyone would appreciate that, my friend,” Azure said gently. “You'd end up with more karma than entertainment.”
“Oh, I hate the fact that you're right...” Peng grumbled irritably, crossing their arms in annoyance. Their feathers ruffled as they glanced back up at Azure. “But you have to admit, it was a hilarious plan, wasn't it?” they added, a mischievous glint returning to their eyes.
“We can agree to disagree on that one.”
“Fine with me. Now hurry up and get me back to my room…you’ll carry me there, won’t you?”
Azure glanced at the plates on the table, considering washing them before dismissing the thought. Right now, there was someone far more entertaining to attend to. With a resigned sigh, he nodded to himself and gently held the intoxicated bird demon in his arms, guiding them towards their room.
As they walked, Peng rambled drunkenly about Macaque being boring and comparing him to a flea, along with other petty grievances about their Brotherhood comrades. Azure had grown adept at tuning out these rants, as such episodes were all too familiar. Finally reaching Peng’s room, he carefully set them down on the bed and sat beside them.
“Yes, yes, all of us are nothing compared to you…” he said with a lighthearted sarcasm, nudging them with a little smile.
“Of course! But…I can certainly tolerate you and Yellowtusk more than the others. I wouldn’t mind being your right hand if you plan to become the Jade Emperor..”
Azure looked at his friend in surprise. “We’re still on that topic? It’s been a while since it’s been brought up..”
Peng hushed him and wrapped their dear friend in a golden wing. “Hush, you know you'd look great on that throne, don't deny it,” they insisted warmly. Azure's gaze softened as he gently ruffled the feathers on Peng's head, drawing them closer with a smile. “Perhaps you're right... and do you need to throw up? That was quite a lot of alcohol,” he added with concern, noticing Peng's state.
“This is nothing compared to the drinking competition I had with that damned Bull King…”
“Peng, don’t bring that up again….the mess was horrible.”
Peng merely shrugged. “Eh, very well then, I’ll spare you the trouble of remembering.”
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