#penpals chapter 18
jasperxkuromi · 3 months
Play ideas for chronically ill, disabled, or otherwise bed bound/low energy littles
Hi all! I am chronically ill. I am not comfortable sharing my specific diagnosis, but I am more than okay with talking about disability in general. Everything below is based on my own personal experiences and activities I like to do while stuck in bed. Everyone's body and experiences are different. I may list some things that just aren't an option for you, and that's okay. You are more than welcome to add on to this post with activities you do too!
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🐛 Open the curtains and cloud watch! I like to look for clouds that remind me of animals or characters and day dream a story about them. If the weather is nice, consider opening your window a little bit and letting some fresh air into your room.
🐦 Bird watch! I have a bird feeder outside my window that I painted myself from a kid's kit. There are also bird feeders that have suction cups that can be stuck right on your window. You can also make your own seed ornaments. You could pick yourself up a kids book or two on learning to identify birds.
🌷 Get a window planter. You may need someone's help to set one up, but once they are in place they are fairly easy to care for. I like pansies and marigolds because they remind me of childhood, and they are low maintenance and do well in containers.
📖 Audiobooks are great for middles who want to read chapter books. If you have a library card you can borrow tons of audiobook, ebooks, and comics through hoopla and Libby for free. There are some audiobooks for younger kiddo books, but honestly I think YouTube is better for that.
🖼️ Scrapbooks and journals! Being penpals with another little is also an option, but I do recommend using basic internet safety and common sense. (I don't think you should do this if you are under 18). You could always scan/take pictures of your letter and send it digitally to your penpal instead.
🛏️ If you spend a lot of time in bed, and have the money to do so, I really recommend getting items to make your time in bed more comfortable. Extra pillows, or even a reading pillow can be helpful. Lap desks or bed tables can give you space to color or set up play scenes with small toys.
🌟 You can also decorate the area around your bed to make it more child like! Fairy lights, glow in the dark stars, bed canopies, posters, and the like.
🪑 I have a floor chair I use for times I am playing outside of my bed. Being close to the floor helps me feel small, but not having back support hurts after a short while. I have an adjustable one that I can lay flat on the floor as a sleeping mat. Very helpful for the times when I need a quick nap after playtime.
🎨 Check the seasonal and kids sections at dollar stores and Five Below. I usually find fun craft kits that can keep me occupied for a bit for really cheap.
🧶 Do your own crafts! I like the knit and crochet. Some people can do them in bed, but I find it difficult to find a comfortable way to do that. However making friendship bracelets in bed works out pretty well. They make great gifts, even for non little friends. Or you could make matching ones for you and your CG or favorite plushie!
🪀 Make your own sensory bin! You can find tons of tutorials and ideas online. Bonus is you can get most of the items you would use at the dollar store. There are tons of other DIY sensory toys you can make as well if you look around. Glitter/shaker bottles are pretty popular too.
🐇 Cuddle with your stuffed animals. Tell them stories. Play pretend. Read to them. They will appreciate all of it.
🎮 If you have an old 3DS stuffed away in a drawer somewhere, pull it back out. 3DS are fairly easy to install homebrew and there are toooons of kiddo friendly games you could get (check 3ds.hacks.guide for this, do not follow tutorials on YouTube or random websites as they very well could be outdated)
💊 Decorate your medicine organizers with stickers. If you use mobility aids you can decorate them as well! Fake flowers are great for decorating mobility aids and there are tons of ideas you can find online.
🍼 I have stomach problems that makes it hard for me to eat enough. I often drink Ensure to make sure I am getting enough calories/nutrients. I get the strawberry flavor and sometimes put it in my sippy cup and pretend it is strawberry milk 😋
😴 If you need rest, rest! You deserve to get as much sleep as your body needs. Babies and toddlers take naps all the time! Trying to just exist with chronic health issues is difficult enough. You don't need to push yourself.
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Still A Sunbeam
Summary: As a child, Elain Archeron is pushed into a pond by the heir to the Day Courts throne, Lucien Spell-Cleaver, and vows she'll never forgive him for it. But as an adult, Elain finds that if she wants out of an arranged marriage to a Spring Court prince, she will need Day Court's help. More is at stake than a decades-old rivalry, and when their home is threatened, Elain and Lucien will have to set aside old differences and work together
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 | Chapter 13 | Chapter 14 | Chapter 15 | Chapter 16 | Chapter 17 | Chapter 18 | Chapter 19 | Read on AO3
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Cadmus returned a few hours after he’d left her, appearing in the door she hadn’t bothered to close. Ever immaculate, the second born son smiled that wolfish grin as he stepped into the room.
“Sister,” he crooned, crossing his arms against his chest. 
“Don’t say that so loudly,” she warned, all but bouncing off the bed. Elain was bored. It had taken her ten minutes to unpack her things and Arina had never returned from wherever she’d gone with Eris. Elain knew she shouldn’t be frustrated but she was. Stupidly, she’d believed she and Arina were in this together.
But Elain was on her own, at least when it came to navigating Autumn. And clearly Cadmus was going to be her unofficial guide through it all, smirking like his older brother—like his younger brother, too. It must be a genetic thing, she decided, because she knew she’d seen that arrogant look on Lucien’s face more than once. 
Elain sighed. She missed Lucien which made her feel a little pathetic. She was certain he’d found ways to entertain himself and by the time she returned would have a whole host of stories for her. Elain didn’t believe for a second he was pining the way she was.
“Ashamed?” Cadmus asked, leaning casually against the frame of the door. She bet the ladies of Autumn went wild when they saw that. He was handsome in an aristocratic sort of way, with elegant, sharp features that could slice as easily as any knife. He was the only one of the Vanserra’s to have hair that was more brown than red, still coppery but in a darker, warmer sort of way. His features skewed toward his fathers and she wondered how that made him feel when he looked in the mirror.
She liked him, though. Liked him much more than she was sure to like the High Lord, at any rate. 
“No, I’m not ashamed,” Elain replied loftily, poking him in his broad chest when she reached him. “I don’t need you broadcasting what I told you all over the palace.”
Cadmus arched one elegantly groomed brow. “And when you return?”
“Would you like to be penpals?” Elain asked him with syrupy sweetness.
Cadmus’s expression shifted for a moment. “I’d like to see my mother more often.”
Ah. Elain mouthed a wordless oh, because she understood what he was asking—would she use her influence on Lucien so his half-brothers could visit without so much animosity. Elain’s heart ached at the thought of how little they must have gotten to see her and what it was like knowing she was happy without being able to see it for themselves. 
“I’ll talk to him,” Elain murmured softly. Anyone who stumbled on the scene at hand would think something intimate was happening between them which was better and safer than the truth. Killain would be irate but he was always angry when another male was in her vicinity. 
Cadmus exhaled a breath Elain hadn’t realized he’d been holding. His shoulders slumped for only a moment before he straightened himself back out and offered her that same arrogant smile.
“Yes,” she lied. Elain wanted to meet everyone who’d come and get a sense of what she’d be doing. Lucien had given her a rundown on the rather boring piece of policy Beron wanted to debate.
Which was shattered the moment Cadmus casually said, “Atticus is trying to rally the seasonal courts into strong arming the Night Court into war. They’ll see you as an ally.”
“Is she a prisoner?” Elain asked, certain there was no one and nothing that could keep Feyre if she didn’t truly want to be there. Not even the fearsome North and their Daemati powers were enough. 
Cadmus shrugged casually, falling into step with Elain. His smoke gray pants and navy blue jacket were a rather lovely combination against his complexion, and made him seem more naughty prince than anything. “No one knows. There is a rumor Feyre sent a letter, but no one has seen it so whether that's true or lies from Night Court, well…you’ll have to take Atticus at his word.”
“Atticus is…” A liar, though she didn’t dare say that. Not when Cadmus likely was, too. And she knew too well that these males often pulled rank and protected each other, regardless of the circumstances or female wishes. If Feyre was saying no, but Atticus was saying yes, Cadmus and Tarquin and maybe Lucien, too, was likely to fall in line. After all, if one female said no and they were forced to honor it, what stopped the rest of them from saying no, too?
Cadmus raised both brows. “I’m interested in your reaction specifically, princess.”
Elain narrowed her eyes, though she supposed princess was better than sister. “Is Tarquin here?”
“Yes,” Cadmus murmured, fingers brushing her back as he led her down a flight of stairs. “Viviane, too.”
Viviane felt like a dream to Elain. Had she once been jealous of Lucien dancing with the Winter princess…or…whatever she was? General to the High Lord who’d been unable to drag his eyes off her, at any rate. Elain wondered if Viviane would be an ally or if she’d side with the males. 
Reaching between them, Elain grabbed Cadmus’s hand. “Don’t let Atticus take me out of here.”
Cadmus paused. “Are you asking for sanctuary?”
“No, I—”
No. She couldn’t get stuck in Autumn and didn’t think the High Lord would ever let her leave. She’d become leverage in his silent war against Helion, made worse when he realized he had the prince's mate. 
“I’m asking you not to let Atticus take me out of Autumn.”
“I can’t stop him if he’s your prince,” Cadmus reminded her. Elain loathed all these rules that bound females unfairly to males and their territory. She hadn’t claimed Lucien and he hadn’t claimed her, hadn’t renounced her home in Spring. Cadmus’s steps slowed, his eyes burning the skin of her cheek. “Is he?”
“So I say you are—”
“You say my brother is,” Cadmus murmured, his voice so soft she felt like he was speaking directly in her mind. “And force me to honor our blood.”
Lucien would kill her for this. She knew he wanted his brothers to learn about his bond at the same time everyone else did. Was she foolish to trust the Vanserra’s when conventional wisdom told her not to? No one in their right mind would entrust the second born Vanserra to a secret of this magnitude.
“Lucien is my mate,” she breathed. Cadmus’s eyes widened for only a moment, bright with wonder. 
“I ought to spend more time in Day,” he finally said, rubbing his hand against the back of his neck. “No one knows?”
“Eris does,” she said, grateful he’d kept that secret when it might have served him better to tell his family. Cadmus didn’t seem surprised to hear that. “And Lucien, of course.”
“He hasn’t claimed you—”
“He can’t,” she hissed, forgetting that in Autumn, males owned their mates. If Lucien had been born in Autumn, he could have declared it before court and culturally, the expectation would be that Elain would accept. Spring was the exact same way, but Day, like the other solar courts, allowed females to decide whether they accepted the bond. She could see Cadmus chewing on this knowledge. He knew it in theory—but he was watching it play out in practice and it clearly confused him.
“Are you?” he finally asked, his face a strange mix of wonder and vulnerablity. 
“Maybe,” she replied, poking him in the ribs. “Feeling sorry for Lucien, are you?”
Cadmus scowled. “No.”
“That’s good to hear,” Elain said with a smile, gripping Cadmus’s arm once again. “I promise he is not suffering.”
A cruel smile spread over Cadmus’s face—the sort that told her he was about to ask her something wildly inappropriate. She was spared by Atticus, who rounded the same corner they were coming down only to nearly crash into Cadmus. She’d forgotten how tall and imposing the future High Lord was. He halted, his severe, tan face eyeing them both with distaste. He knew, now. And there was no doubt in Elain’s mind that Killian would be informed at some point. 
Those pine green eyes landed on her, lip curling with distaste. “What are you doing here?” he asked roughly, the demand clanging through her.
“She’s Day Court’s emissary,” Cadmus snapped, speaking when Elain’s mouth opened silently. Heart thudding, she didn’t think she could speak to Atticus. Not without making herself look small and foolish.
Atticus smiled, then, his whole face lighting up as though Cadmus had told a particularly funny joke. “Of course she is. Just as you and I are newly crowned High Lords. My brother is looking for you.”
“He knows how to find me,” Elain said, but the waver in her voice betrayed her. Atticus’s smile was undimmed.
And then he was gone, swanning past the pair of them like they were little more than an annoyance to him. Cadmus watched, fingers clenched to fists at his sides. “Don’t know where he thinks he’s fucking going,” Cadmus grumbled, placing one callused hand against her back. “Dining room is this fucking way.”
“He’s going to call Killian—” 
“So?” Cadmus interrupted impatiently. “You knew that.”
But knowing it and being confronted with seeing Killian, who was going to try and drag her home, were two entirely different things. And Elain didn’t know how to navigate this situation. Grabbing Cadmus roughly, she pulled her toward a shadowy corner just outside the twin doors carved with the image of a long-dead dragon. 
“I kissed him, once,” she said. Had she told anyone that? Maybe Arina—definitely not Lucien. Cadmus’s brows furrowed, struggling to understand why it mattered. “Killian has been kissing females his whole life. Surely—”
“But he wants to be married, and he’s…you know….how they think about these things.”
“Are you suggesting I think every female I kiss belongs to me?” he asked archly.
“No,” she snapped in response. “You only think they belong to you if you want them for longer than a night or two!”
Cadmus smiled. “You’ve got me there. This is a serious gathering Elain and not an engagement party. Killian still needs the permission of the High Lord to attend and father famously hates everyone. He’s not letting the second Spring son into his home when he didn’t want the first one.”
“Are you sure?”
Cadmus shrugged. “No. Father does things for his own reasons more often than I can count. But I would bet he’s not half as interested in your personal life as Killian is, and he’ll want everyone out just as soon as he can manage.”
And for some reason, that made Elain feel a little better. Everything felt as though it revolved around her and hearing Cadmus say no one was half as interested in her as she was felt reassuring, if nothing else.
With that in mind, Cadmus tugged her toward the doors that would take the pair of them to dinner. With every new step, Cadmus seemed to fade into a male she didn’t recognize. Straight spine, bored expression, and an almost lazy gait. He was every inch one of the Autumn bastards then, leading her into the high ceilinged dining room as though she were of no consequence to him. 
Eris was already there, sitting at a high table at the far end of the room just beside his father. Arina sat beside Viviane, her back to the Autumn prince a few feet away. The two blondes were smiling brightly, ignoring a table of nearby Autumn court males watching them with wolfish expressions. 
From behind them, Tarquin shoulder checked Cadmus. “Excuse me,” the handsome Summer prince murmured, winking once at Elain before making his way toward Viviane. Slipping away her arm, Elain did the same, taking the last chair at the little table already laden with food. Cadmus sauntered off, seemingly unbothered. He didn’t so much as look at her, even when Elain stared him down. He merely joined his brothers away from the high table where his brother and father sat, eating and making rude gestures at a table of nearby giggling females.
“What are you two talking about?” Elain asked, turning back to Viviane and Arina. 
“The Hybern General,” Viviane said, blue eyes crinkled at the edges. She was, if Elain recalled correctly, one of the Winter High Lords most trusted soldiers. A General in her own right, not that she appeared so in her soft, wintergreen dress. “She’s in Spring right now.”
“Atticus is here, though,” Elain said with surprise. She’d seen him in the hall—surely he’d want to stay with his father if a foreign dignitary was joining.
“He was forced here to deal with the Feyre Archeron situation,” Viviane said blithely, forgetting that Feyre was related to Elain by blood. “And I suspect the High Lord doesn’t want an audience to his meeting with her.”
“Or he’s showing her the wall,” Tarquin said casually, picking at a strawberry from a bowl. “Rumors swirl, princess, that Hybern is after more territory.”
“He’d have to be short sighted and stupid,” Arina chimed in, watching Tarquin with an unreadable expression. “Where does he think Hybern will turn once he’s slaughtered the humans?”
“Maybe he hopes to work out some deal. Make himself regent–”
“The High Lord of Spring would never rule under someone else,” Elain interrupted, thinking of that proud, haughty male. “He’d be aiming for High King.”
“He’ll die, just last,” Viviane whispered as Atticus stomped back in, his face twisted with anger. “But not before damning us all to a war on two fronts.”
“Three,” Tarquin replied, popping a grape into his mouth. “He’s been looking for a fight with the High Lord of Night for centuries. He’s finally found it. Just something to think about as we decide Feyre Archeron’s fate.”
“Lucien Spell-Cleaver is doing that already, is he not?” Viviane asked, eyes turning to Elain. Elain had no idea what Lucien was doing while she was away, and thought it was a trap to admit she had any interest in his coming and goings. She shrugged, taking a page from Tarquin’s playbook. Arina, of course, knew better—she knew better than any of them what Lucien might be doing.
She said nothing, drumming her fingers against the table.
“So the seasonal courts agree Night has stolen a Spring Court princess and…what? We force her back—”
“And put the prince on trial,” Tarquin murmured, leaning forward on his elbows. “Draw out his father from his mountain court where he’s much easier to assassinate. Kill the son, see the power transfer to someone more…aggreeable. Like the High Lord’s brother, for instance.”
“A stupid plan,” Arina hissed softly. “Stupider if he thinks someone like Beron would ever bend the knee for him.”
“One thing at a time,” Viviane said cooly, reaching for her fork. “Feyre Archeron today, Prythian’s politics tomorrow. How are you planning to vote?”
“I’ll be waiting to hear what Lucien Spell-Cleaver has to say,” Tarquin replied, glancing at Elain. “He’s honorable—and if she’s been forced, he won’t pretend otherwise, Solar Court alliance or not.”
Tarquin’s gaze slid to her, and Elain knew he was thinking about the night on that pleasure barge when Lucien by rights could have taken her. She’d been throwing herself at him. Begging him, even. And Lucien had locked her up, had put her to bed, and hadn’t touched her any more than was required to keep her safe. She wondered if that was what kept Tarquin from saying anything else. Lucien had mentioned Tarquin suspected what was happening between them when he’d warned her who might be in Autumn. 
Elain was grateful for his silence. 
“I heard she wrote a letter renouncing her home in Spring,” Viviane said, looking once again at Elain. “And if that’s true, I won’t be calling to bring her back, and neither will Kallias.”
“Very progressive of you,” Tarquin said with a slick smile. Viviane’s answering smile was just as vicious, lethal in its beauty. Like she knew some secret about the prince none of the rest of them did—a secret she, too, was choosing not to divulge, at least for now. Elain didn’t care. Sitting at that table, Elain could only think of Feyre.
What trouble have you gotten yourself in this time?
“What are you painting?” he began, well aware she’d been working on a portrait of Rhysand. That didn’t seem to bode well for the Spring Court princess—was her mind consumed with him? And if it was, had Rhysand been the cause of that. He could scent nothing unusual about her. Not even sex, which he would have assumed would be present had Rhysand so much as touched her. That’s what Tamlin was alleging, at least partly. Feyre’s compliance was all forced. 
Scanning her form, Lucien couldn’t detect a spell bound around her. A bargain shimmered against her forearm, but that was hardly a secret given the swirling, black-inked tattoo was visible to anyone with a working pair of eyes. 
“Nothing,” she said, cheeks dark with embarrassment. Lucien was tempted to look behind him and see if Rhysand was still watching and didn’t think he’d like what he’d see. Feyre Archeron rose from her chair, fair skin splattered with multi-colored dots of paint. Planting her hands on her hips, she demanded, “Are you taking me back to Spring?”
“I could take you to Day Court, if you’re looking for sanctuary,” Lucien replied evenly. Feyre considered this for a moment, clearly not expecting him to offer an alternative. 
“With Elain?”
“Yes,” he agreed, picking up a dry paintbrush on a little stand by her easel. “I’m sure she’d be very happy to see you.”
Feyre snorted. “Annoyed, more like it. Nesta is here—no one is trying to drag her back.”
“I suppose they assume she plans to return at some point.”
“Well, that’s stupid considering she’s training with—”
“Feyre!” Rhysand interrupted, his smooth voice sharper than usual. “Manners, darling.”
Lucien did turn, then, sighing with exasperation. “You don’t have to watch, you know.”
Rhysands expression shifted, eyes wholly focused on Feyre. He said nothing for a period so long Lucien had began to wonder if he wasn’t going insane. Turning, he saw Feyre’s grinning back at him and— 
“Oh, Cauldron boil me! You’re doing very little to convince me she isn’t under your control, you know.”
“I’m not,” Feyre said with a sullen expression. “You don’t need to know everything.”
Lucien caught how Rhysand flinched at Feyre’s declaration Lucien didn’t need to know everything. Lucien raised his brows and decided to play a little harder. “Alright. Take me back, then—”
“She means about my territory,” Rhysand said smoothly, pushing off the door frame he was leaned again. “Not about her stay here. Isn’t that right, darling?”
“Oh, but of course,” she bit back sarcastically. “As I’m just a silly female, it makes total sense that the only way I’d be able to make my own decision was if another male was controlling my mind.”
Rhysand smothered his grin. “Play nice.”
Feyre rounded on him, arms crossed over her chest. “How is my sister? Do you boss her around, too?”
Lucien sighed. “Hardly.”
Feyre didn’t bother to hide her smile. “Good. I hope she’s giving you hell. She hates you, you know.”
“Yes, I am well aware of Elain’s feelings toward me,” Lucien replied dryly. He didn’t mention that those feelings had shifted because this wasn’t about him or Elain, but preventing an absurd civil war over one female Lucien was relatively certain had come of her own accord. “Why Night Court, Feyre?”
She chewed the inside of her cheek, turning toward the window looking over the mountains. “Nesta was here and I thought…Elain is practically engaged, and I think she’s content with that. I worried if I came to her, she’d urge me to go back. I snuck in–”
“How did you manage that?” Lucien asked, genuinely curious. Feyre glanced at Rhysand, something silent spoken between them. Lucien caught Rhysand subtly shake his head no.
“Their mind control doesn’t work on me,” Feyre told him, defiance flashing in those silvery blue eyes. “I’m daemati, too.”
Lucien blinked. A seer and a daemati in the same family. “Does Spring know—”
“No,” she said quickly, defiance replaced with panic. “And they can’t. This is between us, Spell-Cleaver.”
He inclined his head. “So, you can’t be manipulated. You sneak into Night. What then?”
“Rhysand picked me up at the border and brought me here.”
Lucien very much doubted that was the entirety of the story. He’d seen the city below, though, and guessed the prince was keeping far more secrets than one beautiful city. That was fine—Lucien was, too. All the courts jealously guarded their territories, hiding it from others who might try and take it if they knew it better. Night was hardly any different. 
“I’m not going back and I’m not marrying him. I wrote him a letter saying as much,” Feyre finished, her voice icy steel. “I know Atticus is convening in Autumn to try and whip the seasonal courts into a frenzy.”
Lucien sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. “Well, your sister is there on behalf of Day, so I suspect she’ll side with you.”
“You suspect, or you know?”
“I can’t predict Elain’s actions with accuracy,” Lucien replied in his most level tone. Rhysand rolled his eyes. “I don’t think she wants you to go back to Spring.”
“Why don’t you stay for the night?” Rhysand finally said, sliding his hands into his pockets. “Give it the illusion of fairness.”
That was the last thing Lucien wanted. He had to remind himself that going home wouldn’t bring Elain back to him any quicker and would only make him more restless. At least here he could pester Rhysand about Night and get to know Feyre a little better. He knew so little about her life before she’d come to him, though he knew the stories. Of course he knew of Feyre, but he didn’t know her well.
It was cynical, but maybe if he got in good with Feyre, Elain wouldn’t be so afraid to accept the mating bond—
“Mating bond?!” Feyre’s surprised gasp pulled Lucien from his thoughts. Even Rhysand’s eyes went wide, surprised by the news. “You and Elain are mates?”
Rhysand began laughing, pulling his hands from his pockets to cross them over his chest. “Oh, how funny, Spell-Cleaver.”
Lucien was tempted to divulge Rhysand’s secret right then and there. Careful with his thoughts, Lucien snarled, “My head isn’t an open play ground for you.”
“Forgive me for not trusting you,” she replied dismissively. “You were practically screaming them at me, besides.”
“We talked about this,” Rhysand murmured reproachfully. 
“Is he your teacher?”
“She has to earn her keep somehow,” Rhysand said smoothly. “Just like Elain does.”
“I asked him to,” Feyre said, defensive all over again. “You don’t know what it’s like to know everyones thoughts all the time.”
Lucien couldn’t imagine—didn’t want to imagine. That seemed like a particular kind of hell, hearing what everyone thought of you as they were thinking it, even as they smiled to your face and lied. He wondered if that didn’t play a part in why Feyre was so desperate to get away from Tamlin. She knew exactly what he thought of her—what he wanted, what he expected, even if his lips said something different. 
“It’s quiet here,” she told him with a slump of her shoulders. “I feel like I can breathe.”
Lucien tucked a lock of hair behind his ear. “How about lunch?”
Feyre’s eyes perked up. “Can I take him to—”
“Yes,” Rhysand interrupted smoothly, eyes twinkling like a thousand stars. “Don’t give it away. Lucien likes surprises. You two enjoy yourselves. I have to meet my mother at the border—mind what you tell the fox, hm, darling?”
Feyre’s smile was razon sharp. “As you say, princeling.”
Oh, Lucien liked her, even of Rhysand was wrong. Lucien liked nothing of the sort—at least, not the kind Rhysand found amusing. Still, he found himself charmed by Feyre Archeron and her easy, unguarded emotions. He sympathized with her.
And if she wanted to take him to lunch, well. Lucien was happy to tag along.
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darlingvernon · 2 years
You’ve Got Mail! || Master list
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Author: darlingvernon (prev nonrevblr)
Pairing: Chwe Hansol x Fem Reader
Genre: strangers to lovers, college au, penpal au
Rating: 18+
Status: In Progress
Description: The concept of Equivalent Exchange is not foreign to you, and since you need Jeonghan to participate in a Social Experiment for your Psych Thesis, you inevitably have to participate in his too. It isn't the walk in the park you thought it would be, especially when your penpal Vernon keeps knocking down the walls that you've built; scratching an itch you couldn't reach.
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i. thesis
ii. ice cream
iii. passion
iv. highlight
v. fear
vi. leisure
vii. future
viii. the 1
ix. blind date
x. it’s you
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© darlingvernon
pls do not copy/repost my work
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1lostsoul0fishbowl · 1 year
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Hi! I’m Losty. 👋
A few things about me:
My username is a play on the line “we’re just two lost souls swimming in a fishbowl, year after year” from Pink Floyd’s Wish You Were Here. Chronic illness has kept me isolated and lonely and that somehow seemed to express the feeling.
I started writing the kind of comfort and fluff I needed in my own life. I started sharing my writing in case anyone else needed some comfort too.
If you ever want to talk, feel free to send me a message or an ask.
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My Writing
I’m currently fixated on Stranger Things, and most of my stories take place in a post-s4 alternate universe where Vecna was defeated and everyone (from s4) survived… especially my beloved Chrissy and Eddie, who inspired me to start writing again in the first place.
Work(s) In Progress:
~ losty’s on hiatus y’all ~
***Check out some fun bookcovers I made for some of my fics!***
Completed Works:
📬 Since I Found You (18 chapters; 30k wc) No-UD AU. After an amicable breakup with Mike, El forges a bond with her new penpal Gareth.
🏀 Vecna Can Wait (one-shot; 5k wc) No-UD AU. Eddie postpones The Cult of Vecna, and the Hellfire Club goes to the championship game.
👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨 GreatMage: The Series
🪽 Next Time I Fall (24 chapters; 83k wc) The story of how El “Weirdo Girl” Hopper and Gareth “Junior Freak” Emerson went from just friends to something more.
🎶 Next Time I Fall chapter title playlist
🕸️ Lost and Found and Turned Around (7 chapters; 31k wc) In the winter of 1988, El reunites at last with her long lost sister Kali.
🪻 With a Little Help From My Friends (84 chapters; 207k wc)
Covering two years after spring break ‘86, this collection of stories intertwines into a (long) tale of found family, love, support, overcoming challenges, forgiveness, and the power of friendship.
🪷 Father of Mine: The Series
Why Should I Cry For You (one-shot; 3k wc) Eddie’s father briefly reappears in his life. It doesn’t go well.
Bereaved (two-shot; 4k wc) Eddie, helped by his friends, deals with the death of his father.
Into the Shining Sun / Breathing (9 chapters; 21k wc) in Shining Sun, Eddie meets some estranged family he never knew he had. Breathing is a short postscript to chapter 5 of Shining Sun.
Gone Away (8 chapters; 14k wc) a love letter to uncle Wayne, as he takes little Eddie in and learns to care for him.
🌺 55 Fiction Collection
55 stories of 55 words each.
🌸 The Stone (one-shot; 1.5k wc)
Max Mayfield isn’t afraid of anything, except maybe being vulnerable.
🪴 Signed, Sealed, Delivered (one-shot; 2k wc)
A collection of letters written back and forth between Eddie and Chrissy while she’s away at school.
🍁 Darkness Before the Dawn (one-shot; 3k wc)
Hawkins may be right side up again, but Eddie is still upside down. His friends are there to help him through some of his darkest days.
🌴 Tattoos and Trash Talk (one-shot; 1k wc)
Eddie and El bond over being weirdos.
🌼 Not-so-iron Maiden (one-shot; 1k wc)
Max finally has the big brother she’s always wanted.
🌻 the shield and the shepherd (one-shot; 2k wc)
In this no-Vecna AU, Chrissy learns first to stand and then to fly.
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Silly Corroded Coffin and Other Assorted Headcanons:
Use the tag below “losty headcanons” to read the collection! 😜
Commissioned Artworks:
Use the tags below “little help: artwork” - “eleverson artwork” - or “stali artwork” to see the collection!
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The Phoenix and The Rocket
Chapter 7/8
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Emily Prentiss, at the insistent of her therapist, signs up for a trauma ‘dumping’ site. She never expected that her Dump would connect her back to her old boss and the man she’s been in love with for over ten years.
Also the man who she is absolutely furious at for leaving
Ya’ll this is 5k words.
Since publishing the first 5 chapters, I have been made aware that the term ‘Trauma Bonding’ is actually an abuse tactic and doesn’t mean ‘bonding over shared trauma’. Would like to make it clear that was a very strong mistake on my part and I apologise deeply for any offence. Moving forward, PenPal will be used in place of Trauma Buddy, with only the website being titled a such. Thank you for understanding.
Warning : Smut, 18+, Unprotected sex.
Never written smut before and I don’t think I ever will again so don’t bully me too hard okay I really tried.
Read below the cut
Jack stares at his father as he sits at the table, ever present scowl back on his face. "Dad?" He questions. "You've been quiet all day, since you met up with E-Phoenix" He almost slips up and winces but Aaron doesn't notice.
"Have I?"
Aaron sighs and looks up from his pasta to look at his son, spying the blue eyes of his ex wife staring daggers into him. Jack tilts his head, his expression all Haley, and waits patiently. "Jack this is a grown-"
"Don't give me that" Jack interrupts, looking like Haley but sounding like him. Aaron rolls his eyes and points his finger at him.
"Stop." He says. "First and final warning."
Jack sighs and leans against the wall of the dining room. "Sorry" He mumbles. Aaron's sat at the table, eating takeout pasta that he put on a plate to feel better about himself. Jack didn't want anything so he's just ventured out of his room to see if Aaron was in a better mood. "Did something happen with Phoenix?" He asked.
Aaron takes a big gulp of water and sighs. "It..turns out that I already know her." He tells Jack in a mumble. "And I didn't realise who."
Jack blinks.
It's not Emily?
He glares out the window at his mom, the wind doesn't blow, and shrugs.
"Who was it?" He asks, casually.
Aaron looks up at him again and shrugs. Jack sits next to him, concerned. "Nobody-"
"Dad you can tell me" Jack prods. Then he lights up. "Is it Beth? It's gotta be Beth-" Beth was nice, she made him happy. He could live with that. Not the brunette woman he thought (or wanted) but it's liveable.
"It's Emily." Aaron tells him, almost breathlessly. "The woman...Phoenix. It's Emily."
Jack stares at his father, unblinking.
He's kidding. Right?
Aaron didn't know what to expect with Jack's reaction but silence wasn't one of them.
Finally, he talks.
"Yeah" Jack says. "I guessed that." He speaks slowly, confused. Aaron opens his mouth but no sound comes out. "Her name is PhoenixPren" Jack tells him, shocked. "Dad, seriously? She's got half her name in her user."
Aaron blanches at that, shocked at himself.
"She rose from the dead like a phoenix" Jack carries on. "..There's no way you didn't know!" He practically begs, almost laughing. Aaron just sits still, staring. "Jesus, Dad!" Jack exclaims, standing up. "You told me she works cases"  He continues, full of disbelief.
"I thought she was a lawyer" Aaron says, more to himself than his son, with furrowed brows.
"Oh my God" Jack shakes his head,
"I- uh i wasn't thinking about Prentiss at the time" Aaron mumbles, trying to save himself.
Jack shoots him a coy look. "Dad, you always think about her" He says pointedly. He smiles and pats his fathers shoulder. "I'm glad you've found her again."
Jack nods. "Mom's been dead for over ten years dad" He tells him. "You've had one serious girlfriend in that time. And she looked a hell of a lot like Emily did." He's quiet now, the mention of Haley bringing a somber tone.
"Beth did not-"
"She wore the exact same blue shawl to Jj's wedding" Jack rolls his eyes. "I'm going to meet Auntie Jess for dinner." He tells him, moving to the front door. He pauses though, and turns to his father. "You've missed her a lot dad. I think you should invite her over for dinner or something."
Aaron chuckles though it's bitter and pained. "It doesn't work like that, son." He replies. "She's furious at me. I've missed my chance."
Jack actually laughs this time, a whole hearted belly laugh. "Yeah, Somehow I doubt that" He shakes his head. "Call her dad. Don't give up."
Aaron smiles at his teenager, shaking his head. He stands and walks over to Jack to hug him tightly. The boy is almost as tall as him now and that fact pains him. "Thanks buddy. Enjoy dinner"
Jack pushes him off with a false grimace. "Gross" He mumbles. "Call her" He orders. "And then call Uncle Dave."
"Uncle Dave-"
"Oh we both know you miss him too" Jack rolls his eyes before disappearing into the evening. Aaron watches as he waits on the curb until a blue car rolls up and Jess hops out. She waves at her ex brother in law happily before wrapping her nephew in a long hug. Her husband pops out from the drivers side with a smile, giving a side hug to Jack.
Jess smiles at her husband, laying a hand on her round stomach. Aaron's chest tightens as he kisses her forehead and a little brunette girl rolls down the window of the car, yelling impatiently that she was hungry. Jess waves at Aaron again, smiling before they all pile in and the car drives off.
He can't get the image of Jess' daughter out of his head as her face morphs into a near identical one to the woman he can't stop thinking about either.
It was too late for that in life, he realises with a lang of bitterness. Emily was turning 53 in March and he was on the ugly side of 60 already.
Just another chance they've missed out on.
With that aggressive thought he picks up his mobile forcefully. As he's punching in a well remembered number, he pauses and realises that it's been almost three years since he last called her. He may not even have the same number.
A horrible noise emits from his throat as he reset his phone. Aaron rubs at his forehead, utterly stressed before switching tactics and dialling a new number, one he knows hasn't changed.
"Hello?" A coy voice answers. "To what do I owe the pleasure?"
"Hey Dave" Aaron smiles despite himself. "I need your help."
"What do you want?" Emily snaps a few days later, feeling the presence of someone standing behind her. She slams the spoon on the counter and whirls to find Dave standing there behind her. They're doing over time in the office, Linda Barnes was intent on torturing them as much as possible and as such the bullpen was half empty, only their team and a few others mulling about. Didn’t help that she had drunk herself half blind (again. Don’t worry she’s sworn off alcohol for the time being) the previous night and was feeling dead on her feet.
"Coffee." Dave shrugs and moves around. "Thats all."
Emily hums in suspicion before plucking up her own. She eyes Dave as he sings a tune to himself while moving around the Kitchenette.
"You drank the last of it" Dave states, not even attempting to act innocent as he pours the fresh coffee pot down the drain.
"Dave!" Emily protests, trying to stop him. "What are you-"
"You're gonna have to make a coffee run" Dave tells her, shaking the pot so it empties. "You know the office rules, Prentiss."
She huffs at him, putting down her mug. He shrugs.
"PRENTISS DRANK THE LAST OF THE COFFEE" Dave suddenly yells loudly. Tara throws her head back and groans while JJ whirls in her seat to glare at their boss. Spencer was in the process of walking up to make his own and he stops and pouts in the middle of the bullpen.
"No I didn't!" Emily has the urge to stomp her foot. "Dave, I'm really not in the mood for your shit today." She groans, picking her coffee up again.
"Look, See!" Dave points at the china. "Proof,"
"Dammit Emily." JJ curses.
"I-" Emily tries to process. "Fine." She concedes and slams the mug back down. "This is the second time you've done that to me." She hisses at him, feeling the urge to throw a punch at his smug smirk and marches off. She orders JJ to text her everyone's coffee order over her shoulder as she stalks out angrily.
"Okay" Dave claps his hands together. "Everyone go home." He waves his hands in a dismissive motion
Penelope, who entered just as Emily left while cursing in Italian, laughed a little. "What?" She giggles. "But Prentiss just-"
"She won't be getting coffee" Dave tells them nonchalantly.
Spencer narrows his eyes. "What did you do?" He asks. Dave shrugs.
"What about Barnes?" Luke asks, fiddling with a pen.
Penelope flicks his ear, rolling her eyes at his loud exclaim. "Linda left two hours ago." She tells him as if he's stupid. "Stupid." There you go.
Tara is still staring at Rossi. "What did you do, man?" She asks, suspicion coating her.
Rossi rolls his eyes. "Does it matter?" He asks, ignoring the way the girls look at each other. "Look, Prentiss has been stressed out lately, more than usual right?" He prods gently. "I may have stumbled across a solution and fixed that. Can we drop it."
"You got Prentiss laid?" Tara responds, making Penelope giggle and Spencer scoff in disgust. "It better not be Mendoza" She warns, standing up.
"Like it'll be that fuckhead." Rossi tells her seriously, almost mad at the mere suggestion.
"Good" JJ stretches in her chair. Her phone pings and she flips it to check, smirking at the username. "She's hounding me for the order, what shall I say?"
"Make excuses for everyone leaving, I don't care." Dave shrugs before leaving them to fend for themselves.
CheetoBreath : Don't kill me.
Blackbird : Fuck off. What happened?
CheetoBreath : Well, Michael got sick so Will called me I'm halfway out the door, Luke's dog sitter has to leave Roxy so he followed you out. Tara's ex husband is kicking up a fuss with the lawyers and Penelope has a meeting with some tech kids. Morgan called Spencer because Sav has taken Hank to her parents for a visit so they're having a guys night. Dunno what Dave's doing.
Blackbird : ALL of you are leaving? After sending me out on a GODDAM COFFEE RUN??
Cheetobreath ; Yes. I'm so sorry.
Emily launches her phone onto the passenger seat of her car, yelling profanities in a multitude of different languages. She groans loudly when she's done swearing and lays her head on the steering wheel.
Knock Knock
Emily jumps in her seat and fumbles for her gun in the glovebox on instinct. She turns her head to the passenger window to find certain Aaron Hotchner standing out there, two mugs of coffee in his hand and a sheepish smile on his face.
Emily narrows her eyes.
Fuckin' Dave.
She curses the man as she rolls down the window.
"Don't kill Dave." Aaron quips, suppressing a sigh when she just glared at him. "I put him up to it. Here" He holds out one of the takeaway cups. "Peace offering. A Caramel Latte, Decaf. No sugar, one packet of Splenda." He rattles off her usual order and unknowingly disarms her.
She can't tell whether that makes her angrier or sadder.
"You remember?" She says softly. When Aaron nods, looking up at her with wide hopeful eyes she sighs. "Get in." She orders, unlocking her car.
"In. The. Car." Emily orders him again, grabbing the peace offering. He smirks in victory as he yanks open the door while she takes a delicate sip. "Thanks for the coffee." She says, clearing her throat. "Did you drive here?"
"Took a cab" He replies, tensely. "Jack's got the car, he's gone to visit his old friends."
Emily pauses as she reaches for the ignition. "Jack's driving?" She asks quietly, awed. The image of the small boy, dressed far to somber for a kid his age blowing a kiss to his mothers coffin rudely enters her mind.
The passage of time is just so cruel.
Theyre sat silent for a while as Emily pulls away from the curb she parked on to text JJ.
"Why am I getting the sense that you're mad that Rocket was me?" Aaron begins as soon as they pull away. He means it as an icebreaker, a joke, but it serves the opposite effect.
Emily's focus is on driving and her knuckles are white with the force of her grip on the wheel. Her jaw is clenched just as firmly and her eyes are locked in front of her. "Huh" She replies, sarcastically. "Guess retirement has made you a little rusty." She quips, yanking the gear stick back with more force than needed.
"Prentiss." He shoots back, familiar authority rising in his chest without permission. An order.
Emily rolls her eyes. "You're not my boss anymore" She sasses. "And you haven't been for 7 years, you can call me Emily."
"I'm not mad" She interrupts him before he can sass her back. "At the fact that you're Rocket." She practically spits out.
To be fair, that's sort of the truth. Emily feels a twisted sense of relief that she hasn't unloaded all her baggage on a complete stranger. It's confusing and hurtful but relief covers her that her PenPal is the only man in the whole world that actually can understand her.
They drive around aimlessly for a while in tense silence, willing the other to speak before Emily decides she's had enough of driving.
They pull up to her apartment building and he winces when she clambers out, slamming the door. He follows after her quickly, vaguely wondering why she's brought him home, and quietly.
Emily storms off to her apartment and forces open the door, slamming it when he gingerly steps in behind her. Aaron watches, awkwardly, as his ex employee hurls her purse across the room to the couch with a huff.
"Why are we here?" Aaron asks, taking in the apartment. It doesn't look lived in, more like a show room with immaculate couch cushions, spotless counter tops and stark white carpets. The only real homely attributes are the magazines laying haphazardly on the counter and the cat items thrown about.
She's still not settled, even after two years, and that fact only cuts him deeply and hurts even more. She really had put her own life on hold to help him.
How could he ever thank her?
Emily shrugs. "Needed a private place to have a talk" She mumbles.
A black tuff of fur runs out from her bedroom, yowling. He beelines straight for the man, hissing and glaring. Emily catches him as if she expected that.
"Serg, it's just Hotch" She mumbles as the man's name made him hiss more. She calmly puts Sergio in his crate and moves him back into her bedroom.
"Did you know?" She asks quietly as she comes back. "That it was me you were talking to?" She whirls around on Aaron, narrowing her eyes.
"How would I have known?" Aaron's so confused. "You lied in half your dumps!" He accuses her.
Now that he knows the truth about Phoenix, he can't help but feel annoyed at the fact she lied to him. She was willingly lying while he was opening up.
Emily clenched her jaw and wonders off to the kitchen, not really wanting anything but busying herself with finding a snack. "Technically it wasn't a lie, just wasn't the full truth." She retorts. Aaron perches himself at the other side of the kitchen, against the counter. She settles for a kitkat and distracts herself with fidgeting with the foil.
He folds his arms. "Did you know?" He asks her, suspicious now. "That it was me? Did Garcia put you up to it?"
"Excuse me?" Emily laughs at his ridiculous question, barely looking up from her chocolate. "No, I didn't know it was you at first."
"At first?"
"I spoke to Dave about it" She tells him honestly. "He said something that had me realising it was you. I figured it out 3 days ago." She states, slamming her chocolate on the counter and changing lanes, making up a glass of water.
"So you did know it was me?" He asks.
"Then I'm so confused, Emily." He emphasised her name and she pauses because her stomach bounces with butterflies at the sound. She can count on one hand how many times he's used her first time to refer to her. "You're angry at me because of what exactly?"
She snaps.
"BECAUSE YOU LEFT." She hollers, slamming her cabinet door shut. Aaron stares at her as she gets off on a roll. "YOU LEFT THE TEAM AND ME." Emily's too far gone in her anger to think about the words coming out of her mouth. "AND YOU GOT ME TO OPEN UP AGAIN AND HOW?? HOW ARE YOU ALWAYS THE ONE?!" She finishes with a deep breath, throwing stuff around. She turns away from him as her words began to register in her head and she cringes.
"Okay, first of all YOU left." Aaron boils over too, her yelling accusatory and hypocritical things does him in. "Multiple times!" He adds, louder.
Emily sighs and drops her shoulders. She closes her eyes and shakes her head. "I know..." She replies, softer. "I know. I'm sorry."
Emily can't tell whether she apologises because she yelled, because she's being a hypocrite or because she left.
Aaron doesn't know what to say to that. 'You left me'  echoes around his head in the quiet. They're silent for a long, tension filled, while
"In your dump.." Emily begins in the silence, eyes narrowed. She turns around again and walks forward, standing in the middle of her kitchen.  "You said you lost the love of your life when she-"
His hardened stare makes her voice trail off. "I lost her when she died and came back a hollow shell. She couldn't handle being a ghost and she left."
Her heart pounds in her chest while he talks. His hands are shaking.
"I lost you."
Emily's glass clatters to the ground when he steps towards her. He keeps moving until she's backed up against her kitchen counter. Aaron isn't thinking rationally anymore, not when he pins her against the marble by gripping her hips. He stares down at her like a lion with prey but she's strong and stubborn so her gaze is as equally dark. Filled with lust, heat and heartbreak.
Aaron comes to his senses when there's no reply apart from heavy breaths. He releases her as if her skin burned him. "Shit. Em I'm-"
She cuts off his apology by gripping the sleeves of his shirt and bringing his head down to her. She pushes their lips together like he was water and she had been in the desert for days. He's still, shocked, just for a second, until his brain kicks in to high gear and he's responding just as passionately. He pushes back against her furiously, again pinning her to the counter. They're connected until their lungs are burning and their eyes are dripping with tears.
Emily pulls away first with a loud sigh. He chases her and their foreheads stay merged. They're breathing heavily in the silence, Aaron's hands on her hips and hers on his biceps. Both of their grips are almost painful, as if the other would be swept away in a moments notice.
"Me?" Emily asks quietly, taking him off guard.
Aaron swallows and removes one of his hands to cup her chin. The sight of her reddening, unsure eyes makes his heart break. "You, Emily." He confirms, voice thick with his own emotion. "Since before Viper." He adds, smiling a little at his ridiculousness. "Me?" He asks, now insecure.
Emily's breath comes out in a laugh. "You" She replies before going in again. "Since Foyet." She mumbles against his lips.
"God we're such idiots" He laughs, making her break too. "How the hell didn't we realise this sooner?"
"How the hell didn't we realise that we were each others PenPal?" Emily replies, pressing another kiss to the corner of his lips. He silences her by reconnecting them fully.
They barely part for air this time before they're back together. Soon, the kiss becomes more heated and their hands start wandering. Emily unexpectedly moans into it and Aaron's no longer powered by his brain. The sound is delicious and he wants more of it. He disconnects their lips, smirking at her whine, before planting them on her neck. Her whine turns into a low groan as he instantly finds her pulse point and sucks hard.
"Hotch" She gasps out, impulsively arching her hips.
Aaron pulls back and stares into her eyes. "Aaron." He corrects, seriously.
Emily's flushed under his gaze and she nods. "Aaron" She corrects herself, licking her lips.
He trails the action and literally growls. She would've made fun of him for it, if he didn't follow the action with hoisting her up onto the counter with strength you wouldn't know he has.  He kisses her again and she's helpless against it.
"Mhm" She makes a sound as she pulls back from him. "Not here."
They're too old, too tired to be fucking against the kitchen counter. Aaron looks seconds away from protesting but her heated gaze makes him nod. He doesn't wait for her to jump and instead simply picks her back up and carries her into the room where she stuck her cat. Emily pushes Sergio out, rolling her eyes when he hisses at her again. She turns back to him only to be smothered by another furious kiss.
Their clothes are removed in a desperate frenzy and she finds herself with her back against the pillows with him hovering above her. This part is slower, awkward, as they finally take each other in.
"Fuck you're so stunning" Aaron states, raking his eyes over her. He's thought about her before - what man in proximity to her hasn't? - but nothing he's imagined has ever come close to the real thing.
Emily licks her lips as she looks over him. "You too" She breathes, resisting the urge to roll her eyes at his proud smirk.
Aaron gazes at her with something that can be only described as love and it catches her off guard, makes her breath stick in her throat. He ignores her scars, except the branding from Doyle she kept as a token of survival. He glares at it as if he could will it away before suddenly clamping his lips over it. Emily bucks off the bed in surprise as Aaron uncaringly sucks a bruise over the raised skin, claiming her as his. He trails his tongue over the pattern twice before releasing her. He moves over to the other breast and does the same, his hand toyed and pulled at the neglected nipple each time.
Then his hand takes her by surprise again and cups her vagina unexpectedly. She gasps in surprise, throwing her head back, and exposing her throat. He takes the opportunity to reattach his lips to her neck.
"Someone's excited" He chuckles against her flesh, making her swat the back of his head.
He tries to go further down, dropping a kiss on the scar of her torso but she stops him and tugs him back up. "Next time" She sighs, staring up at him. "Want you" Emily mumbles. She hates how pathetic she's sounding and hates him (not really) for how he's made her like that.
Aaron can't help the ecstatic grin on his face at her words. Next Time. She arches her hips against him in response, a raised eyebrow, and that grin falls. He groans in her ear and the sound nearly makes Emily fall over the edge.
Their gazes are locked when he finally enters her for the first time. Emily gasps at the intrusion and lifts her hips in response, tensing up. He hisses at the way she's clenched and reluctantly stills to give her time to adjust. He already knows he's not going to last very long, so while he's still, his hand comes up to press down on the small bud of nerves between them.
Emily moans out and nods her head, reconnecting their eyes. She's completely under his mercy. Aaron begins a slow, experimental pace but soon speeds up, encouraged by her cries. He grunts in pleasure as he leans down to reconnect their lips again. They move in tandem, chasing their highs, finally feeling each other.
"I've thought about this." He admits as he thrusts into her. "For years."
Emily cant even reply, her senses overtaken. She worms and wriggles underneath him, moaning loudly. Finally she gets out a weak "Me too." She confesses, staring at him. "Years."
"Sometimes I'd wonder what you'd look like, bent over my desk at work" He teases her, his hand coming back to toy with her clit. Emily's moans got louder in response and shes clenched impossibly harder. He told her some more of his sinful thoughts that starred her over the years and it's not long until she's falling over the edge, his name on the tip of her tongue. "Fuck Emily" He grits out as she slumps down, knowing he was going to follow. He pumps a few more times before pulling out just in time, spurting all over her stomach.
He collapses next to her, utterly exhausted, chest heaving. Emily opens her eyes weakly to look at him.
"Didn't have you down for a talker" She says first breathlessly.
Aaron laughs in response and nods, not verbally replying, ironically. Emily looks at him properly, lying in her bed and satisfied, and her eyes start burning at the image.
He was here. He was in her bed and He was in love with her.
He leaves to the kitchen during her thoughts, coming back with wipes and a drink of water. Emily watches through half open, teary eyes as he thoughtfully cleans himself off her stomach and makes her drink the water.
Aaron's emotional himself, looking over the figure of her. Hair tousled, lips swollen with her neck and chest covered in love bites and bruises. He winces at the roughness of her chest, the clover glowing red where his mouth had been. He reaches out and brushes his fingertips over it as he lies back down.
Emily breaks then. She begins sobbing under his gaze, even harder when he simply pulls her into his arms.
"I just" She tries to get out an excuse for her crying but Aaron just shushes her and hold onto her while she shakes. His hand rests on her back, her face in his chest and tucked under his chin. They curl together as she cries, not saying a word and instead just holding onto each other. When she finally calms down, still crying but not profusely, she pulls away and looks up at him. "I love you" Emily says. Her smile is fake and watery when he glances down in shock.
She's worried she's scared him, admitting that so soon after everything, paranoid that he's going to take off again.
On some level, she has to agree saying that then and there is fucking insane. But she had to get it out. Had to see that through. The universe, so far, hasn't been on their side so Emily figured she better get ahead of it this time.
So no, she's not taking it back.
"I love you." Aaron repeats it back to her, softly. She breaks again, crying in relief this time, and goes back to hiding in his chest. He keeps her there, soothing her tears and repeating that he loves her too. She's never normally this emotional about anything (Derek once called her a sociopath) so this crying shocks them both. Emily would later consider that this outburst was the climax of everything over the years, all the heart ache and pain her own stubbornness put her through.
Eventually, she tires herself out and falls asleep pressed against him.
The Rocket allows himself to break then, knowing she couldn't see him. Though he'd been overly vulnerable with her over the past 6 months it's different now.
Phoenix was a stranger. Prentiss was certainly not.
Emily had always been the one to know him more intimately. She was there for him after Foyet, the one who sought him out after the bomb, the one who was his fucking pen pal before he knew what that even entailed.
Aaron cries in the stillness of the darkening room, holding onto the woman he loves as she slept. All the emotions came back to him at once like a freight train and he loses it in the safety of her arms.
He doesn't realise that she's awake and moved to hold him instead until after he's done crying. She runs her fingers through his salt and pepper hair and shushes him softly.
"I've got you" Emily muttered in his hair. "I've got you." He pulls back to look at her fully.
"I'm in this." He tells her. "I'm staying. It's your turn to run." He reminds her softly.
Emily bites her lip and shakes her head slowly. "I'm staying." She practically whispers. "I'm not running."
They make love again, slowly this time less desperate with the confirmations that neither were willing to go, as the moon rises. They whisper all the words they wished they could have said years ago in each other's ear, urging the other to let go.
Afterwards, Their phones ring and make them jolt apart. Emily has a case in Florida and Jack's calling out of concern when Aaron wasn't home when he came back.
They reluctantly pull themselves away to get dressed. Aaron notices with a twisted sense of pride that she's limping and there's a hickey on her neck that has to be covered up.
"We'll talk when I get back?" Emily asks, almost hesitantly, after she locks her door. She reaches out for him but drops her hand before she touches him. "Please?" She hates how insecure and small she sounds but it melts away when he smiles at her.
Aaron pulls her by her off centre belt to him, smirking. "Yeah" He agrees, stamping a kiss on her lips that leaves her wanting more. "We'll talk." He pauses and fixes her collar nonchalantly. "Wheels up." He states.
Emily laughs at him, noting that his words don't fill her with bitterness like they usually do , and bends down to pick up Sergio's crate. "I love you." She tells the man softly.
Aaron smiles. "I love you." It's hard not to get choked up at the words. It was only the disbelief that she actually said them to him that stopped his emotions coming though.
"C'mon you" Emily huffs, putting Sergio in her trunk. "Off to Penny's"
He watches as she drives off, taking his heart with him. Aaron's smiling though, grinning like a crazed man in the moonlit as he journeys home.
Taglist : @lonelychicagos @84hotpockets @serqueljisbon @loriprentiss @velvetblackness @castielryan
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limetimo · 7 months
RAB fics i read (Feb 24)
you do it naturally (move me, baby) by Anonymous James/Reglus/BArty smut (kinky)
At The Library(english version) - (Bartylus Oneshot) ABO by Fanfiqueiro__00 Bartylus ABO smut (sweet)
i must sin by Anonymous james/regulus/barty smut (vampire barty)
Heart of the Lion by PhantomGrimalkin Remus/regulus, plot and smut, trans regulus, v nice
Pavane for a Dead Prince by redsuit Regulus died when he was 9 and then again when he was 18. I'm assuming his debt to Death will be paid when he destroys horcruxes? Bartylus but im suspecting Jegulus endgame (no, i did not look at the tags too closely). we stan Pandora
PS. I Hate You by SnarkyMagpie ♥♥♥ the best friend' brother trope we know and love, beautiful execution
Mortal Once More by SheOfTheBookAndSong regulus takes snape's place in the narrative
So Determined to Drag Him Back by KrisKikstorky part of Regulus/Voldemort ABO series, Regulus isn't in this one chapter but im screaming none the less. smut
Pillow Talk by cywscross soft post-war regulus with owen from fast and furious
The Wolf and the Woodsman by PhantomGrimalkin little red rding hood retelling with Prince!Regulus and werewolf/woodsman remus
Harry Potter and the Year That Should Have Been Normal by 3andaHalfGayWizardsinaTrenchcoat in 1995 harry died by voldemort as per mysterious penpal's instructions and got his godfather back from the veil thank to the mysterious RAB panpal
Stop Worrying And Hold Me Again by adore_via0 soft bartylus sleepover
Best Part of Waking Up by starling011, TemieTem remus/sirius/ragulus smut with plot
The Campaign by Wouldntyouliketoknowweatherboy04 This is super interesting! In bull-headed attempt at proving his parents wrond about him, Sirius is running for the Mayor of London. Regulus somehow ended up disowned and living with his boyfriend James, James' ex gf Lily and their son Harry, Lily's gf Mary, and their friend Remus and Remus' son Teddy. When Sirius gets cornered by the papparazzis in front of the polycule's house it somehow leads to the 7 scroundels moving into Sirius' house for publicity. Will the forced proximity help the brothers recconect? Will Sirius heed Snape's advice and date Remus for clout? really excited for this one
Blue Bird (bluebird) by LoonyHarr1son jegulus with good slytherins, the gryffindors forget about james' b-day
Crazy Ex-Boyfriend by AmethystHeart2421 This was really good! Remus stalks his long-time crush Sirius (and ends up sleeping with the little brother instead)
the golden king by maladaptivewriting needs no itroduction, regulus dies then goes to school with golden trio and then and then and then
Past Zero Hour by anonymsly !!!! ♥♥♥♥♥ !!!!!
all I want by Zazzander Regulus is an alpha with a bg heart and a bigger pack
Twisting Fate by Anonymous time travellig sirius
unremarkable days. by sadgorl sirius si fighting custody battle for regulus and falling apart at the seams
Why You Should Run Away To Brazil (A “Guide?” By James Potter) by Charliemaraudersfan86 james finds out he's bipolar and doesn't handle it really well. but its ok his boyfriends are willing to wait
More than Magic by Hometown_Nerd squib-ified regulus takes custody of harry ect very good very nice
Gods Under Broken Skies by IndigoIrisis regulus dies and goes back in time with no fucks to give
Contractual Courtship by Killaurey I'M HYPED regulus/lily
White lies take all of the color from you by strawberrywinedrunk regulus got preggo, lived, and now his daughter is causing mischief at hogwarts and voldemort is back and oh well. Very good
The ache of knowing everything was gonna change by strawberrywinedrunk carna accidentally time travels to marauders era and accidentally pulls her dad along. oh well they'll just kick voldy's ass sooner
Don't go Icarus, don't forget your father by White_marigold unlce barty explains to harry that he can't be adopted because nobody would give a baby to a transitioning teenage single mother already struggling with one baby
Pegasus and chai by White_marigold james finds out he's a dad... to twins....
If We Have Each Other by aithusarosekiller Regulus has a bad day and a bit of a public meltdown and outs his secret relationship with james to sirius
Thinking Of You by aithusarosekiller remus/regulus, cute
The Ice Feels Colder Without You by FlowerLikeLotus teenage regulus faceplants on ice, gets disowned, moves in with his also disowned brother, dates teh brother's best friend, goes back to ice skating
i love to wake up next to you (i love to hold you close) by CanYouHearMyFear jegulus smut (watersports)
on behalf of the good dark by FiresFromOurHearts the series where draco is reincarnated regulus
Fated to Fall by ouzell soulmates jegulus au
Darker than Black by mariesanasz
Little Stars Server Birthday & Holiday Fics smut on top of smut on top of smut ft black bros incest
so give me all you've got (i can take it) by JohnnysLittleMonster, Sagiko_AKA_RegulusBlackKinnieBITFW james survived voldemort, regulus and pandora took care of teh horcruxes
‘Cause Boy We’re Gold by Disco_serpant fare dating bartylus
Late by cassiopeiablack1994 way too late sirisu and james realise that they're totally in romantic and sexual love with each other, hurting their spouses in the process. future regulily
Creamy Italian by starling011 bartylus smut
Hot for Teacher by starling011, TemieTem regulus has a really bad divorce, moves to wales colose with his brother, and starts falling in love with the local adorable teacher james
Death is an Art - I am an Artist by Narratiuncula regulus dies but death thinks he was cool doing it, and sends him to another universe to be reborn as a child of Hades. Regulus is now a diAngelo, the older brother to Nico and Bianca (PJO)
When the sun sets by northernnovel regulus and james fake date so that james would notice regulus§
I Wish You Would by earthmoonstars musicians au fake dating to real dating regulus
How to live (when you've long been dead) by DisorganizedKitten Danny Fenton crossover (regulus adopts danny)
Seven Months Away by DisorganizedKitten for AnOceanOfQuietThoughts It'd be nice if Regulus could just kill Voldemort and go home to his (doubtiously aquired) children instead of sitting in endless meetings... Barty is here to make sure that Voldemort never stands between a Regulus and a baby.
you flower, you feast. by Salviaqueer T4T regulily smut
Uncharted by bonafake Reg and lily meet on the way to prongsfoot wedding
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ao3feed-tedlasso · 5 months
The Dick Pic Penpal Story
https://ift.tt/YuCpDd0 by bookqueen101 Trent never intended to become a dick pic penpal to Coach Lasso, he really didn’t. Words: 3697, Chapters: 1/3, Language: English Fandoms: Ted Lasso (TV) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Trent Crimm, Ted Lasso, Colin Hughes Relationships: Trent Crimm/Ted Lasso, Trent Crimm & Colin Hughes Additional Tags: Bantr AU, Dick Pics, Masturbation source https://archiveofourown.org/works/55280614 April 18, 2024 at 03:55AM
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tapedsleeves · 2 years
Do you have any good hrpf fic recs? I ran through one pairing already and would like more lmao
Hi Anon! Sorry this took so long, I hope you didn't forget about it, or think I forgot about you :) I have been mulling this over, because wow. what a question.
HRPF is a wide, wide expanse, and it's also kind of like an insular neighborhood.
That being said, what I'd recommend really really depends on what you're looking for. I’m assuming you’re over 18, however, if you’re not I’ve put ratings on these fics. I’m not responsible for the media content you consume, but please be aware that some of these fics will have adult content that may be inappropriate for you. In addition, please pay attention to tags and trigger warnings. Stay safe! 
I’m reccing just a couple of fics for each pairing, but feel free to do a deeper dive for each one, for most of these pairings… most of the fic is good, y’all. Hockey fic is just such a wealth of well written fic. 
These are in 3 general categories: older pairings with men who are over 30 now, though they might not be in the fic, the 2015 draft class (and associated pairings, lol) and what I've lovingly dubbed "the kids." Please understand that anyone under the age of 26 is basically a kid to me, so I'm sorry if they're older than what you'd consider a "kid."
So you want to read about some old men, huh? 
Sidney Crosby /Evgeni Malkin
And Never Been Kissed - https://archiveofourown.org/works/2676086 by thehoyden (rated E)
Very sweet 1st season fic but they were penpals first (and then roommates)
If you’re into kidfic: Some Other Beginning’s End -  https://archiveofourown.org/works/2018019 by turningterrific (rated E)
Some political stuff happened in 2014 that caused Geno to pretend that he had a canadian fiance (Sid) and also, surprise! He has a daughter. Very good kidfic, if that’s your thing. 
Danny Briere / Claude Giroux
Friday Night Arrives without a Suitcase - https://archiveofourown.org/works/534247 - marycontraire ((unrated, i’d put it at T) 
Set during the 2012 pause in which Danny and Claude (irl! They really did) move to Berlin together. 
A perpetual feeling - https://archiveofourown.org/works/8990164 - oops_ohdear (Rated T)
Soulbond fic! Claude pretends he and Danny are bonded so that Danny won’t get traded. 
Nicklas Backstrom / Alexander Ovechkin
What Will Survive of Us - https://archiveofourown.org/works/13152198 - by Ferritin4 (rated M)
Soulbond fic where Nicke & Ovi have.. Just wildly different bond communication styles.
The Dog Days are Over - https://archiveofourown.org/works/7876327 - by xihale (rated T)
Alex pretends that Nicke is his fiance so that the caps will be able to draft him. The problem is… they don’t actually know each other. 
Everyone was obsessed with the 2015 draft class, ok?
Leon Draisaitl / Connor McDavid (I know Leon was the 2014 draft class, don’t touch me)
Practice Makes Perfect - https://archiveofourown.org/works/12704733 by crispierchip - (Rated E)
Connor & Leon are together, but Leon keeps deflecting when Connor tries to kiss him. 
All In - https://archiveofourown.org/works/34990777 - by marmolita  (rated E)
Connor decides to see a professional Dom, but surprise - it’s Leon! 
Source Four - https://archiveofourown.org/works/36908593 - by hannah_baker (rated E)
Oh man. Connor is a horror author (leans into the horror novel in the BEST way) and he and Leon live in the same building. This fic was delightful up and down. I don’t normally read WIPs, but the premise was so good I couldn’t resist. I waited for each chapter and was *so excited* when they were released now. (it’s finished now lol)
Leon Draisaitl / Matthew Tkachuk (ok even worse, I KNOW Matthew wasn’t part of the 2015 draft class either, but 2016 & 2014 AVERAGE to 2015.. ey??) 
but please (don’t) bite - https://archiveofourown.org/works/24085693 - (rated M)
Seattle Draft fic! Leon & Matthew are both taken by Seattle in the draft
The Lockout ‘Verse - https://archiveofourown.org/series/1970524 - by blaahaj (rated E & T, respectively) 
2022-2023 didn’t happen because of a lockout, so Matthew takes a contract to play in Cologne. So does Leon. 
Jack Eichel / Connor McDavid
Out of the blue - https://archiveofourown.org/works/10540947 - by idday (rated E) 
Jack keeps hooking up with Connor McDavid. He may also be developing feelings for this guy on twitter.
To make a destination - https://archiveofourown.org/works/4955893 -  by ohtempora (rated E)
Jack keeps having visions of his future with Connor McDavid. He’s understandably grumpy about it. 
Mitch Marner / Auston Matthews
A Heartbeat Not Mine - https://archiveofourown.org/works/12355878 - by linsky - (rated M)
You know the story where the dude’s roommate comes out & the dude is fine with it until he starts hooking up with other people. This is that. Mitch is jealous. 
(the weight of) the ring on your finger - https://archiveofourown.org/works/20204284 - by venvephe - (rated M)
a/b/o where management makes Mitch get married. Auston offers. 
Marner_93 is offline series - https://archiveofourown.org/series/2189442  - by nationalhorribleleague (rated T - E) 
Mitch is a twitch streamer. Auston is one of his followers (still in the NHL). 
Dylan Strome / Connor McDavid
I think i wanna marry you - https://archiveofourown.org/works/7355578 - bluejayys (rated T)
Someone asks Connor if he’s married. He isn’t, but his first thought is about Dylan. 
I hope we stay thick as thieves https://archiveofourown.org/works/3782557 - electrumqueen (rated M)
Dylan and Connor get married so that they can get drafted together. 
Dylan Strome / Mitch Marner
It’s alright and it’s coming along - https://archiveofourown.org/works/16679959 - by leafsmealone - (rated T)
Dylan is the person inside the mascot for the leafs. Hugging Mitch after every home win is… hard. 
Travis Konecny / Nolan Patrick
How the Future knew - https://archiveofourown.org/works/25667404 - by canary (rated E)
Nolan starts an OnlyFans to start earning extra money. He starts talking to Travis. 
The kids are alright 
Trevor Zegras / Jamie Drysdale
Love, or a bird i heard in the night - https://archiveofourown.org/works/30333861 - by leavethebes (rated T)
Trevor’s ex invites him to her wedding. Jamie pretends to be his boyfriend. 
Nico Hischeir /Jack Hughes
I swear (is there a line that we could just go cross) - https://archiveofourown.org/works/31178273 - fuzzyeldritchhorror - (rated E)
Jack & Nico play in switzerland in a fake lockout, and Jack complains on reddit about how he’s in love with his roommate. 
For better or worse - https://archiveofourown.org/works/42587817 - by greenteam (rated E)
Prince of Switzerland Nico marries First Son Jack for political reasons. Maybe they fall in love. 
If you’re  down, i’ll fly you to the moon - https://archiveofourown.org/works/40015902 - overturnedgoal (rated E)
Jack makes 3 resolutions for the new season. Only one of them is about getting over his feelings for Nico. 
Connor Dewar / Brandon Duhaime
November - https://archiveofourown.org/works/42935793 - the_Orange_one - (Rated T)
Connor wants his air fryer back. 
I’d Die For You https://archiveofourown.org/works/43189395 - strangecharlie (Rated T)
Brandon fights for Connor after a bad hit. Very sweet. 
Tim Stutzle / Brady Tkachuk
How lovely are thy branches - https://archiveofourown.org/works/43324765 - anonymous - Rated M
There’s just something about the Tkachuk siblings and German Boyfriends
Because i want it all - https://archiveofourown.org/works/41727045 - by bropunzeling - Rated E
Brady is always doing stuff for Tim. Tim always wants more, but isn’t sure if it’s for Tim, or because Brady is Brady. 
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livingmeatloaf · 1 year
(for the fic writer asks! 💕)
3. What are some tropes or details that you think are very characteristic of your fics?
37. Promote one of your own “deep cut” fics (an underrated one, or one that never got as much traction as you think it deserves!). What do you like about it?
Questions for fic writers
3. Hmm! This one is always very hard for me! Self-reflecting on my own works is hard. I tend to write fluff, i think, and get very into the emotions of things. I know I use light to convey importance and mood. Also, 99% of my fics have the characters in bed or asleep at some point lol. I'll throw this back to my readers: any tropes/details you notice in my works a lot? Please let me know in the comments or reblogs, I'd love to learn of my patterns!
37. Bamboo Branch in the Northern Desert! My Mobei-Jun/Zhuzhi-Lang rarepair fic. I really like it, and you should too! (not you, alex, i know you like it lol) I like playing with worldbuilding, always, and exploring both a younger MBJ and ZZL and how they could have interacted. Also, Aro4Aro relationships are so rare, I just had to write one and I'm so happy how it turned out! Marriage of convenience was made for A4A relationships of every kind.
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[image ID: title block for Bamboo Branch in the Northern Desert on AO3. Rated M, m/m, complete, no archive warnings apply. Tags: Zhuzhi-Lang/Mobei-Jun, Zhúzhī-láng, Mòběi-jūn, Tiānláng-jūn, Shàng Qīnghuá, (briefly), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Aromantic Characters, Childhood Friends to Lovers, Aro4Aro relationship, Marriage of Convenience, Getting Together, Canon-Typical Violence, Canon-Typical Discussions of Demon Diets, Snakes, Minor Sū Xīyán/Tiānláng-jūn, penpals, Queerplatonic Relationships, svsssrpweek2023.
Summary: Two of the most eligible bachelors in the entirety of the demon realm, heirs to the North and South, begin their friendship with an act of kindness at a gala. During the tumultuous adult years, they take a big move to secure their place in each others' lives (and get their uncles off their backs about at least this one thing).
Part 1 of Scum Villain Rare Pair Week 2023 series
Language: English, Words: 5,888, Chapters: 1/1, Collections: 1, Comments: 18, Kudos: 55, Bookmarks: 11, Hits: 298. End ID.]
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makiyagarrett-blog · 9 months
PenPal Dathan Auerbach
First of all.... this damn book gave me nightmares, the writer talks about how he was stalked from 6 years old to 18. Yall this book made me so fucking uncomfortable, each chapter is a different memory from his childhood up until hes older. The time line goes back and forth a little bit but it helps build the suspense throughout the book. Ive honestly never felt such an ominous feeling when finishing each chapter. This is by far the darkest book i've read.
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z-h-i-e · 9 months
New Year's Fanfic Asks - 4&5/5
The final installment for my good friend Anonymous...
16. Do you have that one fanfic that you wrote a ton for, ages ago, but never posted? Will this be the year, come hell or high water, that it WILL get finished and posted?
Oh, Unforgettable. You are basically done.  Someone just has to get my ass in gear and get it all put together and posted.  Probably me. But peer pressure helps, too.
17. Do you typically answer all comments/reviews individually? Do you plan to change the way you interact with your readers this year?
>.> This is something I am terrible at on AO3, but great at in emails and on Discord.  If you connect with me on Discord and show an interest in wanting to discuss what I’ve written, chances are we will end up in a voice chat where I will tell you stories that may never get written down and will wish you sweet elfy dreams when we part. Emails, there’s a good chance I’ll answer back and we’ll become email penpals and start writing fic together.  On Tumblr, I am likely to answer back.  On AO3, I have an embarrassing amount of unanswered comments (maybe someday we’ll play guess a number); I used to take one Friday a month, take myself to lunch at Panera, specifically one that I used as the basis for Salgant’s home, and answer AO3 comments. Then pandemic. So I need to get a routine going again.  But until then – I’m .zhie. on Discord, and I can be poked there. Or here. Here is good, too.
18. Do you typically post multi-chapters as you write, or finish it all and then start posting? Would you like to change your posting method? 
I am chaos. Both. Either. And I’ve even written and posted chapters out of order. I’ve posted them so out of order I’ve posted endings before the middle has been figured out. 
19. Would you consider non-fandom writing events, like NaNoWriMo or writing contests? 
Oh.  Oh, you have no idea.  I spent about 12 years as a NaNoWriMo ML, I run a state-wide writing Discord for the state I’m in, and I do in fact enter writing contests.  I was published as a poet when I was in high school, placed in a playwriting contest as well, had three different plays I wrote produced in a community theater type setting (I got to direct two of the three – two were comedies [those I directed] and one was a drama), and three times in five years been chosen for a local short works contest to be in their chosen ten for writing, and one of the years was a chosen photographer for the same contest (ten or less photos are chosen, and ten or less written works, and then they are read in public at an event night), and I perform at open mics on the regular, so locally, in person, not just online, a fair number of people know me as Zhie as well. (And at some of the public open mics, I do sometimes read fanfiction. The first one I read was back in 2005 or 2006, and it was a story about Celegorm, and then there’s been various stories since then, the latest one I recall was about Celebrimbor and Feanor reuniting in Valinor.  I read these while on a stage or in the middle of a room filled with people drinking fancy coffee drinks and eating pastries and there’s a couple of IRL fans who have recorded some of the readings, so they’re probably out there somewhere.) And I do all of those how to write sessions and events – at one of the writing groups I regularly attend (I’m a regular member of two in-person writing groups at local libraries) a member gave me the title ‘The Book Doctor’ and I kind of like it. 
20. Any plans to work on original fiction this year?
Yes. Fingers crossed. I need this fantasy horror story out of my head and on paper. 
21. Will you try writing software, like Scrivener or those programs that won’t let you stop writing?
I have used some of those in the past, but I don’t really have much of a need for them anymore.  I do still enjoy a good session of written? kitten! from time to time, and I’ll use Fighter’s Block during nano or any time I need to write much faster. (It’s the only reason I managed to write 50K words in 10 days during NaNo a few years ago.) 
22. Do you plan to take writing classes this year?
I’m kind of at the point where I give writing classes. I enjoy going to the two in-person writing groups because I think it’s important to interact with other writers outside of one’s normal genre, and I have a lot of different people I interact with.  One of the groups leans more nonfiction, and the other is more fiction.  So there’s a guy who writes these nonfiction essays about dead people (basically, famous people, but they have to be dead, I think so that he can have a definitive end, but he’s recently started writing a book about banned books), a WWII vet who writes poetry about the war, someone who professionally is a blogger, someone who writes social psychology pieces, someone who writes these one-page anecdotes that relate back to a Bible passage, someone who writes anecdotes about Jewish life in the 1960s/70s, someone who writes blogs about libraries and books, someone who writes about economics. Then there’s someone who is a children’s author (3 books published), someone who writes YA fiction, someone who is an illustrator, another who is writing a theatrical play for a specific band’s music, someone who writes those nostalgic books full of postcards, someone who is writing her family stories down for her grandchildren to read later when they’re grown up in case she’s not around when they start asking about family history, a scifi writer, a romance writer, a fantasy writer, a songwriter. And me. Those live writing groups are better than any writing class. I get exposed to so many ideas and levels of writing and things I would never write but analyzing them gets me thinking about other things, and all in all, makes me a better writer. 
23. Would you like to go on a writing retreat?
I would like to host one.  I’ve done college-level coursework in convention and meeting planning, and I’ve done a lot of convention and event planning.  However, at this point, one of the above mentioned people in one of the groups does run a writing retreat, and she has two of the events of that retreat open to the public, so I went to one of the events this past November, and I enjoyed it.  So maybe I’d consider going to her retreat, especially since I wouldn’t have to majorly travel to get there. 
24. By the end of this year, you want your fandom to think of you as “that author who _______.”
I don’t need to wait until the end of the year.  In the back of a dresser somewhere there’s a shirt that has a big purple rabbit on the front and on the back, it says something to the effect of “I’m the author that brought your fandom cheesecake and flamingos and purple bunnies”, and that’s pretty much what I do and what I’ve been doing.  I brought a little chaos, as a treat, and people seemed to like it, so I just keep doing weird shit, like licking virtual couches in Yahoo!Groups or running an event called Screw Yule just because I could. I bounce around, from the fanfic and fanart groups, into the crafting groups, over to the gaming groups, around to the bookclub groups, sliding into the scholarly groups, and I’m always just a little quirky and a little unexpected and very authentically me–I’m just tiggering my way around, and like tiggers, the wonderful thing about zhies is that I’m the only one. 
25. If you answered questions from this list last year, find your answers and compare your goals to your results. How’d you do?
I did not answer these last year, but now that I have a full slate, perhaps I’ll have to revisit next year.
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girl8890 · 2 years
Penpals | Chapter 18
Idol!Kim Tae-hyung / V x Fem!Reader
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Summary: You weren’t big on social media. Hell, you didn’t even care much for trends. So when you get a notification one day on Instagram from a person claiming to be a global sensation, you can’t believe it. Months later, you still can’t believe your penpals with BTS’s good boy - Kim Taehyung himself.
Warnings: Smut, Vaginal sex, Emotional sex, Unprotected sex (wrap it up, kids!)
Notes: The events that are in this story can definitely happen in real life, BUT this is just fanfiction and I don’t think these events will actually happen/are occurring.
BTS ML | Index | CH 19
*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*
They say there’s such a thing as positive stress. That even exciting things can make you jitter and squirm in your seat as you go through something exciting. For me, at this moment, and every moment before now, I have been shaking. Shaking with amazement about what this visit from a friend - no - not just a friend… Kim Taehyung. V from BTS is in my house, and not just because he wants to know what it looks like inside.
Opening the door, to having him enter my home and take off his shoes, to him standing in the middle of my living room, I haven’t taken my eyes off of him. This isn’t just a casual come-over and chill type of visit either, but it’s also not exactly a booty call, either.
“Nice place,” Taehyung takes you out of your train of thoughts with his compliment on your flat. It’s nothing much, honestly. Just a one bedroom, one small bath home. Enough room for your things, but nothing special at all.
“T-thanks.” You curse yourself inside your mind for stuttering. Because that’s definitely not sexy at all. What is very much sexy is how Taehyung turns his head and looks at you.
You know this look. The longing, lusty look his eyes are casting towards you makes your head spin. It makes you swallow nothing but spit, and dig your toes into the floorboards. Wanting to skip the formalities and just get to what you have been craving. To what you both have been craving.
This is crazy…
“You live here long?”
“Kinda. I moved out of my parents house a couple years ago.”
“Ah... Are you and your parents close?”
That’s always been difficult for you to answer. You know he’s just trying to fill the awkward silence you both are a part of, but how exactly do you explain your relationship with your parents? It’s not like you hate them; it’s just - they're just there. They haven't been a part of your life since you were 18. Only making sure you survive and then letting you survive when they're not there. You get the happy holiday calls, and they never miss a birthday, but you also never see or talk to them past that.
“I-I’m sorry.” You blink, confused by his apology. “I know it was a stupid question, and - I’m honestly just really nervous right now.”
You crack a smile at his confession. Then whisper, “Me too.” And he smiles at you in return. You then glance around, trying to think of something else to say or even do to keep the conversation going. “Oh!" you blurt out. "I just realized, I’m so rude. Let me give you the tour.”
You start walking towards the kitchen, trying to calm your body down from the obviously exciting vibrations it’s creating. You hear a short laugh behind you from Taehyung, and try your best not to smile at how cute his laugh sounds in your ears at that moment.
“So, this is the kitchen. Nothing at all like the one you got at the dorm, but it works.”
Taehyung glances around, pokes at a knob on the stove, and then looks back at you… and smirks.
God fucking dammit.
You back up a little, his sexy ass smirk catching you off guard, but luckily you bump into the counter before falling on the floor in a sexually frustrating mess!
“Nice kitchen.”
“Yeah… it is,” Your voice becomes quiet now. The tension is scattering and scattering all over the two of you.
You hold your breath as Taehyung begins stepping towards you. Inching closer and closer until he’s right in front of you, nose to nose. You can hear your heart in your ears, and hope he doesn’t hear it too.
Taehyung then licks his lips. His eyes move around and land on all different points on your face until they land on your own eyes again. “Y/n, can I… kiss you?”
You smile nervously.
“Why would I ever say no to that?”
Which is an actual question. Who would ever say no to a kiss more Taehyung?
The kiss, though, wasn’t gentle. It was a breath-taking, teeth-clattering kiss. One of heist and smashing of lips. One you didn't realize until he did it that you wanted it. It wants quick either, as in, it never stopped. Your hands are now in his hair, and he pulls your hips closer to his own. Outlining his body with yours and making it hard to breathe. It doesn’t help that his lips on yours already make you breathless, but now you're getting pushed against the counter. Taehyung wants to keep you close to him by gripping your hips tighter as he grinds against you.
“V-v-“ You try to mumble against his lips, but his mouth traveling down your neck has your words getting stuck in your throat. His stage name isn't what you should be saying anyway. Not at this moment. When he nibbles and licks at a certain point on your neck, you close your lips so tight as to not moan like an oversensitive teenager. Instead, whimpering and making Taehyung smile against your skin.
His hands go under your shirt, holding your bare hips in his strong hands. You want his hands to be all over your naked skin. You want to feel him touch you in every place possible and make your body feel the tingles you get by just talking to him. You want to feel him… everywhere.
“T-Tae, I-…” He bites your collarbone. “Bedroom…?”
Your eyes widen when you scratch out the word. Hearing the pathetic way your voice sounded so needy, and Taheyung stopping his travels around your neck area. His lips stay against your skin for a few seconds, and then he pulls back to look at your desperate eyes.
Although, you are not the only one with eyes of desperation for the other person. Taehyung’s pupils are dilated, and his lids are half closed. He has a slight blush on the tops of his cheeks, and the type of breathing he’s doing copies your own. Quick and uneven.
For a smidgen of a second, you thought you fucked up by wanting to rush this forward, but by the way Taehyung is looking at you now, you ask with complete confidence, “Do you want to move to the bedroom?”
He bites his lip, the blush on his cheeks rising, and that alone brings a smile to your lips.
“I-if you want to,” Taehyung stutters out in a nervous tone. His voice lowering an octave.
Your smile then turns into a smirk, feeling a little devious. You repeat your words from earlier, but this time your voice is full of a breathless lust, “Why would I ever say no to that?”
Taehyung smashes your lips together again, holding the back of your neck and deepening the kiss by angling your head up to him. You moan against his lips, not caring about how it sounds because of how you feel what’s in his pants hardening against you. Knowing now, he loves your sounds, just like he did last time, and wanting to make him feel good in every way possible. Before you both end up fucking on the counter, you push against his chest, stopping the kiss there and smiling when you see his little pout.
Giggling, you grab onto his hand and lead the way to your bedroom. The place where all the magic is about to happen…
。・°°・°°・。 。・°°・°°・。 。・°°・°°・。
The second you both enter your room, you pull him by his shirt until your lips reconnect. Already missing the feeling of his against yours. They just feel so good, and you want to taste every crevice of him.
Taehyung then wraps his arms around your middle, squishing your arms, still holding onto his shirt in between the two of you. You think he’s probably going to do that thing in all the movies, where you back up and fall against the bed in a pile of limbs, but instead, he hoists you up by your waist. Making you scramble to wrap your arms around his neck and legs around his waist.
You look down at him, bewildered. While he looks up at you with the most adorable boxy smile in the world. He walks the two of you over to your bed and slowly lays you down underneath him on top of the comforter.
Looking up at Taehyung feels like a dream. Knowing this is just part one of the processes for what is going to happen, and the part of your stomach that relays this knowledge is already tingling.
“Your so beautiful, angel,” Taehyung says before - more gently this time - capturing your lips with his. Everything happened so fast after that…
Kiss, kiss, remove clothes. Kiss, kiss, remove more clothes.
The kisses are driving you crazy. Making the removal of each of your clothes and his just an inconvenience because you hate being away from the sweet taste of him. His lips drive you crazier and crazier each time they touch your own.
It’s when he’s down to just his underwear, and you just your bra and panties, that you both freeze while holding each other. Nervousness hitting you both in the stomachs. Taehyung swallows thickly, and you watch his Addams apple bob in his throat.
This will be the first time for him in a long time. It’s going to be the first time for you, too, in a long time, but unlike you, Taehyung hasn’t had anyone since he joined BigHit company. You, on the other hand, it has only been a few months. Although very close to a year.
This has you both excited and jittery. The pressing of each other's half-naked bodies to one another for the first time and knowing it doesn't end her. Were both excited because you are the special someone he’s allowing himself to be with. Jittery because you are worried about how good you’ll be. You're in no way an expert, and experience is kinda lacking since you’ve only had one other person before. So, you swallowing thickly too.
“Um… are you sure your okay with this?“ Taehyung asks you.
It’s not a question of if you're okay with this, but if you're ready for this. Whether you both realize this or not, this will change everything.
Everything between the two of you. Yes, you’ve been close like this once before and have texted each other enough to be more than just friends, but sex… makes everything different.
Are you ready for that step with him?
Kiss, kiss, remove clothes. Kiss, kiss, gasps!
You both did that when you felt your naked bodies touch together for the first time. Not going all the way but just touching.
Truthfully, it felt beautiful. Like you both just wafted a breath of ecstasy, and you haven't even got that far yet. You stroke his back, and he rubs your cheek with his thumb. Both of you love the feel of each other's soft skins so much.
He then kisses you all over your face, and you love the feel of his lips on your exposed skin. He gives all your exposed skin loving kisses, giving the valley between your breasts a lot of his attention at the moment and making you hum in satisfaction. When you look down at him, he's staring up at you. Slowly, he moves his lips across your skin until he captures a nipple in his mouth. You bite your lip - hard. Your buds are always so sensitive, and just the sucking of his lips on you is making you close to being ready to explode. Especially when he starts flicking the other, making you arch your back and moan out in euphoria.
After a few nibbles and tugs at your nipples, Taehyung removes his lips from you, licking his lips. You're breathless now, and the satisfied smile gracing his face now has you biting your bottom lip until you taste blood. You stop that as soon as it starts, not wanting any weird divests in your skin, so you swallow even though your throat is dry.
Tahyung moves down further on your body, not taking his eyes off of you. He rests his head on your stomach, looking up at you like you are a goddess to him. It’s like he belongs in his current spot. Rubbing his cheek against your stomach and gliding his fingers down your sides. He’s loving it so much, so you think he will agree. You two belong here. Belong in each other's arms, staring at each other always longingly even though you are right in front of each other.
“Taehyung, I-…” You know what you wanted to say, but looking down at Taehyung makes it seem like you don’t need to.
Will saying it make it too real? This step is already moving your relationship so forward. Taehyung’s eyes agree, at least to you, that the words don't need to be said. He pulls his face away from your stomach, then. Coming back up to be nose-to-nose with you and cages you with his arms on either side of your head against the mattress.
Then, he nods. You don’t know what that nod means, but you're sure by the look in his eyes he understands why you stopped talking. Stopping yourself from saying anything to forward like you have done countless times before, but the crease in his eyebrows makes you think he wanted you to say it.
Instead of thinking too much on this dizzying subject, you peck him on the lips, remove what you were about to say out of your mind, then whisper different words that announce some of your feelings, at least. “I want you, Taehyung.”
Taehyung rapidly nods, still nervous about being with you for the first time. “Yeah, okay, me too. I just-“ Moment of silence. “I just want to be good… for you, you know?”
He chuckles his last words, but he’s in no way joking. The bite he makes in the corner of his lip shows this much. You cup both of his cheeks in his hands and rub your nose across his. Enacting a little smile from him and making butterflies flutter around in your stomach.
“I know you will be,” You quietly say like someone else besides Taehyung can hear you.
That’s the last thing said before he aligns his length to your entrance. The tip of him rubbing against your slit when he moves and making your toes curl. You don’t miss the little gasp from him, either. The two of you are ready for the next step but also sensitive to it. Sensitive to each other's touch and even more sensitive to what a push of the hips means for your relationship.
He glances at your eyes and down in the middle of the two of you so many times as he starts sinking into you. You hold onto his shoulders as each inch of him fills you, digging your nails into his skin. When he finally bottoms out, your eyes meet again.
His eyes are hooded, and his mouth gapes. It’s honestly so sweet how he’s waiting for me to adjust all while he’s, by the look on his face, feeling so good. Being filled by him is feeling so good too.
No... so incredible!
You want more already. Fuck adjusting.
“Please move, Tae. I want you. I need you, baby.”
Your words are enough for him to start moving inside of you. It gradually gets deeper and faster in pace. Your eyes are locked on each other, and the only noise you can hear is the bed creaking and skins slapping against each other for the first few moments.
You wrap your legs around his back, wanting him to be even deeper than he is now, and he scrunches his eyes closed. Being even deeper inside of you makes his back tense and your pussy clench. He buries his face in your shoulder, and you see in the corner of your eye his fists gather the sheets in his hands. Bunching the fabric between his fingers.
His length continues to stretch and pleasure you with each thrust. Your breathing is rapid the whole time, but as he pushes himself deep enough inside, hitting the spot you wanted him to, you arch your back as you moan out his name.
“Oh my g- Taehyung!”
He grunts against your shoulder, loving his name on your lips in that way so much. His thrusting gets faster, the wet slaps get louder, and your nails dig into his skin far enough to make him hiss but not stop thrusting into you. You feel him open mouth kiss your shoulder all over the skin. It’s not aimed but wild. Almost like he can’t compute what his lips want to do, but he knows he wants to kiss you somewhere.
“You feel so good, Taehyung,” You moan out when his thrusts start to get wild too. He moans against your shoulder this time, and your moans get louder because of it.
Even the breathing he’s doing against your shoulder is so pleasurable to your ears, but when you hear him whisper your name in your ear, forget about it. You clench around him, push your heels into his back, and beg, “I’m so close, please… faster!”
“God, me too- me too.”
You knew he was close from the very start. It’s only natural for this all to be too much for him, but the words and the sound of his deep voice as he says the words have you tipping over the edge. His voice always gets to you, and right now, it makes breathing hard as you run over the cliff of pleasure. You arch your back, pressing your breasts to his chest, and throw your head back as your orgasm rips through you. You scrunch your eyes tightly shut, and a moan mixed with a whimper leaves your lips.
Luckily, Taehyung being a little smarter than you because you didn't think about this beforehand, takes himself out of you as he cums on your stomach. Screaming out in equal pleasure as you are feeling right now, “Ah - Y/n - Fuck, shit…!”
You watch him cum on your stomach with hooded eyes. He’s cumming for you. You both just experienced something so intense and felt the weight of that fast as you watched him. As he jerks himself off and continues the pleasurable feeling of your essence that’s currently dripping from his cock.
You bite your bottom lip, looking up and seeing Taehyung is already staring down at you. Your face heats up, embarrassed from getting caught watching him cum for you, but Taehyung looks anything but disgusted at you right now. He’s out of breath, and when he lets go of himself and clicks your foreheads together, you can hear the words you wanted to say earlier echoing in your head. They're true now more than ever.
You wish you could transfer the exact words from your mind to his. If you could do that, then it would be easier to say them. You want to say the words out loud, but it's just too hard. Looking up at Taehyung's eyes right now, though, has you thinking, just for a second, that Taehyung wants to say them too.
I love you, my everything.
CH 19
Tags: @qween-of-trash @happyhrsme @simpsscentral​ @elliott-calls
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fkinavocado · 3 years
Tumblr media
*this is an alternate masterlist, in which i will be linking all my works by post date (starting with the most recent)
*for the multichapter fics i will only be linking the most recent updates, erasing previous updates from the list so that it doesn't get too crowded
*everything else can be read as standalone, including excerpts or requests that are part of multichapter fic verses
*all of my works contain 18+ content; minors please DNI
🦋follow me on wattpad to get notified whenever i post something new/update!🦋
last updated: August 23rd 2024
-home (extra, one-shot, daddy!harry, dilf!harry )
-pretty like yours- part two ( one-shot, subrry, lhh )
-don't worry darling- part one ( miniseries, jack chambers, dwd )
-piccolo amore (extra, one-shot, daddy!harry, dilf!harry )
-loved, heard, seen - part three ( miniseries, swingrry! )
-put a price on emotion- chapter 1 ( multichapter, vampire!harry, judge!harry)
-neighborly welcome ( blurb, elevatorry, lhh )
-lupus noctis- chapter 11 (multichapter, wolffry, werewolf!harry, lhh)
-harry never left holmes chapel (blurb, reallife!harry)
-greedy bunny (one-shot/ mini-series, penpal!harry, photographer!harry, lhh)
-daddy issues- chapter 25 ( multichapter, daddy!harry, dilf!harry )
-facial (extra, blurb, daddy!harry, dilf!harry)
-maybe (extra, one-shot, daddy!harry, dilf!harry)
-no kink shaming in this house (extra, blurb, daddy!harry, dilf!harry)
-harry is only wearing a towel turban and wants you to wear your glasses in bed for him (blurb, lhh)
-spanking for good measure ( extra, blurb, daddy!harry, dilf!harry)
-it's us (extra, one-shot, daddy!harry, dilf!harry)
-intimate (extra, one-shot, daddy!harry, dilf!harry)
-hard candy- part 3 (multichapter, candyman!harry, dark!harry)
-ready to go home? (blurb, husband!harry)
-nighttime routine (blurb, reallife!harry)
-never resist an impulse, sabrina- excerpt (one-shot, reallife!harry)
-a moment of silence ( extra, one-shot, daddy!harry, dilf!harry)
-sneaky link harry (blurb)
-primal tendencies (one-shot/ mini-series, recordstore!harry, lhh)
-valentine's day special ( extra, one-shot, daddy!harry, dilf!harry)
-through the viewfinder (one-shot/ mini-series, penpal!harry, photographer!harry, lhh)
- property of harry edward styles (one-shot/ mini-series, recordstore!harry, lhh)
- insufferable (one-shot/ mini-series, recordstore!harry, lhh)
- harry has a breeding kink (extra, one-shot, daddy!harry, dilf!harry)
- cockwarming harry ( extra, blurb, daddy!harry, dilf!harry)
- i don't have a hat (one-shot, karaoke!harry, lhh)
- harry cheated (blurb, reallife!harry)
- clear my schedule (one-shot, CEO!harry, meanDom!harry, lhh)
- you go see what all the fuss is about the candyshop owner (blurb, candyman!harry)
- watermelon sugar candy (blurb, candyman!harry)
- only good girls get hard candy (blurb, candyman!harry)
- oral fixation (blurb, candyman!harry)
- a wish come true (one-shot/ mini-series, penpal!harry, photographer!harry, lhh)
- record store romance (one-shot/ mini-series, recordstore!harry, lhh)
- one good reason (one-shot, daddy!harry, lhh)
- quarantining with a view (one-shot, quarantine!harry, lhh)
All my works listed by category
goes without saying, but please do not repost (translate, etc). not to be mistaken with reblogging which i of course encourage! also goes without saying, but obviously i am only using Harry (and any other public figure mentioned) as a character in my stories and everything written here is entirely fictional!
always remember that feedback and reblogs are the equivalent to milk and cookies for Santa 💕 *insert further cheesy analogies*
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cerona10 · 2 years
WIP game thing. looked fun!
i was tagged by @lucysfault
“Rules : post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have wips. (please repost, don’t reblog) This isn’t just for writing either. Sketch titles? Comics? DnD campaigns? If you have an unfinished project, it counts!”
Now here's the thing... I don't actually have a lot of WIPs? I have ideas swirling around my head and sometimes I put them down to paper, but when I sit down to work on a fic I have a tendency to just focus on that one only and forget everything else? (This has probably led to a lot of ideas that's been lost but we keep going).
That being said, here are a few that has been swirling around my head quite a bit and maybe see the light of day someday? Most of these are only at the synopsis/plotting stage right now.
knight!verse: Chapter 18, Bon Appetit Part 1
knight!verse side story: Carlando post-Spain
knight!verse side story: Martian backstory, raven of the all-father
knight!verse side story: Piarles backstory
Canadian Fest (?): The man behind the puppet
Kaizo Ningen Pierre
Piarles Angsty Penpals
Charles/Pierre/Ilies: Jealousy and his Two Halves
FGO Crossover: Master Pierre and Servant Charles (Rider Ferrari)
I post this just as I'm about to go to sleep so please bear with me for a few hours.
Now I haven't kept track of whose done this already so feel free to ignore this. I tag @hourcat @effervescentdragon @dm3rv @singsweetmelodies @welightitup @acrossbrazenskies @saltandpepperbox. I wish to take a peek into your brains ehe.
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ao3feed-iwaoi · 2 years
where estranged hearts entwine
Read this masterpiece on AO3 at https://ift.tt/nFplsDQ
by What_about_TrumpxBiden
They looked familiar through the stained-glass panes. He closed his eyes, allowing the sound of the city to wash over him. Besides him, Aiko tittered on about her new sadudana recipe, which she had crafted oh-so-carefully for Hajime's arrival.
Hajime shifted uneasily on the leather seat, his shoulders weighing down with fatigue. He was jaded from the extensive day long journey, but he gave Oikawa's mom a grateful smile nevertheless.
As he turned his head to look at the dark streets once again, his eyes met with Oikawa's in the rear-view window.
Oikawa smiled, soft and healthy.
"Welcome Home, Iwa-chan"
Iwaizumi Hajime (18) had no clue what's coming his way when his overbearing mother sends him on an impromptu, solo trip to Mumbai, India.
Oikawa Tooru (17) might have some answers.
Or where the Oikawa's absconded to Mumbai a liftetime (read: six years) ago, Hajime reconciles with ex-bestie Tooru and falling in love surely wasn't on the itinerary.
Words: 11052, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Haikyuu!!
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Iwaizumi Hajime, Oikawa Tooru, Iwaizumi Hajime's Mother, Oikawa Tooru's Mother
Relationships: Iwaizumi Hajime/Oikawa Tooru, Minor or Background Relationship(s), Miya Atsumu/Sakusa Kiyoomi
Additional Tags: Fluff, Fluff and Angst, Romantic Comedy, Light Angst, Friends to Lovers, no besties to penpals to strangers to besties to lovers, Bottom Oikawa Tooru, Top Iwaizumi Hajime
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/nFplsDQ
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fictropes · 4 years
oh boy i sure did write many words in 2020
Hi! I am copying people due to i want to.  This is a lil (well... 63) round up of all the fics I wrote this year! Cos i’m very evil @ myself and writing fic and think i’m either not doing enough, or not doing it good enough, so i wanna full list of what I actually did so I can see my own accomplishments and can maybe... clap 4 myself for once. And honestly writing has helped MASSIVELY with my depression so.. that’s a bonus. 
ALSO. this is a big huge thankyou to everyone! I only joined here + started writing in august and you’ve all been so so nice and welcoming and supportive  <333 ;_; and I know they say write for yourself... but honestly peoples comments and excitement about my stuff has just been really, really lovely and I would never have written this much without all of you cheering me on<3. 
so here is a list of everything i’ve written, organised by length and everything, so if you find yourself bored over the holidays... have a lil browse. (Sorry if u are on mobile and this doesn’t show as a read more) 
Can we try again? series (M) Complete - 35k  - “Yeah, Phil. I’ll see you tomorrow.” Dan answers, softer than he’d wanted because he already knows what he’s about to do next.(or Dan doesn't turn up in 2009 and bumps into Phil 11 years later at a youtube convention 2. I like cupcakes, especially the gay variety (M) Complete - 30k - Firstly, Dan was 29. How was that a mature student?Secondly, his actual book was on the university fucking syllabus.(or the one in which Dan tries university again in a desperate attempt to prolong his procrastination, and his lecturer Phil is apparently something of a fan) 3. 7 Letters series (M) Complete - 9k - Your penpal can be the person you live with, actually. 4. There's Beans in Here (T) Complete - 2k - Phil has his wisdom teeth removed; Phil says many questionable things. 5. Roadtrip (E) Complete - 8k - “Exactly. I am right, as always.”“As always.” Dan agrees.Series 6. night shift, please (E) Wip - 27k I PROMISE THIS WILL COME BACK IN 2021 - Ten years and he’ll never get over how early he has to get up sometimes. In all honesty he prefers the night shift. 7. Still Not Calling it Fate (M) Wip - 14k - It’s become a bit of a thing, a bit of a thing that everyone he crosses paths with takes the piss out of him for 8. when i met you, a blue rush began (M) Complete - 5k - They end up in a small restaurant overlooking the sea, everything here is so blue. The sky, the sea, Phil’s eyes, the shirt he’s wearing buttoned up all the way to the top. 9. Luggage Tags (E) Complete - 2.5k - Just because it looks like your suitcase, it doesn't necessarily mean that it is. 10. Demon in the sack (E) Complete - 2.5k - Dan’s leg jiggles beneath his desk, knee hitting the table as he tries to force himself to hang up and ring the number he was supposed to ring— he doesn’t, he can’t. Long ( for me) oneshots (3k+) 11. Electronics and the Phil's who break them (M) Complete - 9k - The first time’s an accident, a proper accident— a Phil forgot how to hold his cup and now he’s watching his coffee seep into his keyboard type accident. 12. A Letter of Specifics (T) Complete - 4k - You'll know it's your soulmate because no one else on earth could be doing what they're doing. 13. The Benefits of A Weak Floor (M) Complete - 4k - He quite literally falls through Dan’s ceiling. 14. 10:35 on a Thursday (E) Complete -  3.7k - He’s tapping his pen against the paper, acting as though he isn’t asking Phil to take a sex quiz at 10:35am on a Thursday morning. 15. 2009, catboys (T) Complete - 3.2k - “You have your own ears, can’t have four.”“Why?” 16. Wrong Room (T) Complete - 3k - “Congratulations!’’ And he was expecting to hear a cry, or at least his mother telling him to be quiet because a certain baby was sleeping. Instead he heard the deep clear of a throat, a rustling of sheets. 2k-3k oneshots 17. Dinner with a stranger (T) Complete - 2.5k - @amazingphl hi! second year of doing this, sooo if anyone has nowhere to go for Christmas dinner I am once again offering..my flat (and by extension me) ;oSeries 18. Easy Lover (M) Complete - 2.4k - ''Yeah. We're always fine.'' It was always fine. It was always easy, despite always behind hard. 19. Cold Season (M) Complete - 2k - Dan is ill, insatiable and another word beginning with I. 1k-2k oneshots 20. Morose men on rooftops (T) Complete - 1.9k - “Dunno, maybe chatting up morose men on roofs is my thing.” He laughs, and it’s a nice noise. 21. Love with tongues of fire (T) Complete - 1.7k - So when Dan waltzed into the room, declaring his hunger Phil thought nothing of it. Just another night for another takeaway. 22. Your Rocks are my Rocks (T) Complete - 1.7k - Phil wants a new rock for Norman, Dan wants a peaceful life. 23. Joint Content (M) Complete - 1.6k - It started of a as a joke— a Joint Content joke. 24. 24/7 Fantasies (M) Complete - 1.5k - He thinks about Dan 24/7, constantly in two separate fantasies 25. A Conversation in Multiple Hallways (T) Complete - 1.5k - You're still here then? 26. Sharing Space (T) Complete - 1.5k - It's 2010 and dan has had a day. 27. The Obvious (T) Complete - 1.5k - "Can I use that?” He doesn’t wait for an answer, already scrawling it beneath the only three words he currently has— I love you. 28. I'm Thinking of Ending Things (T) Complete - 1.5k - Dan hears half a conversation, jumps to one whole conclusion. 29. Love Language of the Tactile (T) Complete - 1.4k - “I’m just— that’s a hypothetical.” Dan leans in this time, takes the touches that Phil always so freely gives away. “Can’t kiss in secret rooms if I leave.” 30. Don't Let the Self-Doubt Ruin You (T) Complete - 1.3k - “I’m here.” “Yeah, you’re here.” 31. Conflict Resolution (T) Complete - 1.3k - Following recent events we’ve decided it best we take a combative approach to your current workplace issues, we have booked you into a conflict resolution class this Thursday afternoon - we will not be paying you to attend. 32. when it comes to love (i want a slow hand) (E) Complete - 1.2k - And there it is, the refusal of anything in return. This is just for Dan and it always will be. 33. You're Still The one (T) Complete - 1.1k - “What’re you thinking about?” “You.” 34. Teach Me, Dad. (T) Complete - 1k - "Do you think I could be the next Mozart?” 35. The Logistics of a Clone (M) Complete - 1k - “I don’t think that’s a clone, though, like maybe more of a Doppelgänger.” Dan doesn’t know why they’re delving so deep into this, why he’s so damn bothered about being right. “It’s just literally you.” 36. All's fair in Love and Monopoly (T) Complete - 1k - Phil does not play by the rules, Dan lets him win anyway. Under 1k oneshots 37. Hide out in your heart (E)  Complete - 0.9k - The second time Dan comes to visit it’s different. 38. Oh, there you are. (G) Complete - 0.9k - So after all this, after everything, he doesn’t think anything of it when someone else slips into his dms. 39. The Boy has Attitude (T) Complete - 0.9k - “You didn’t tell me you looked like this.”“Like what?”“This!” Phil’s waving a physical copy of the magazine in his face— so that’s where he’d been. 40. Hairties (and how not to use them) (M) Complete - 0.8k - “Why would you do that? Let us settle in, nice and slow and— gently does it.” 41. The Second Apartment. (T) Complete - 0.8k - It’s a stop-gap apartment, a we’re going to get our forever home after this. 42. Japan, 2019. (G) Complete - 0.8k - NO summary, just an obviously I was going to write this after phil's post 43. Doting Man (T) Complete - 0.7k - They’re both drunk, Phil more so— definitely more so.Series 44.  Imposter (T) Complete - 0.7k - Among us is.. a bastard. 45. Ratemyprofessors.com (M) Complete - 0.7k - ‘Maybe if that Phil bloke from the English dep he’s always staring at fucked him he’d stop being so uptight’ 46. Failed Attempts (T) Complete - 0.7k - Dan enlists the help of Phil for his latest Instagram. 47. Bonus Prize (M) Complete - 0.7k - Phil Trash Number One 48. Feels like home (G) Complete - 0.7k - Home is where the Phil is. 49. We can make Forever work (T) Complete - 0.7k - It’s a moment of realising forever may sound too much to people, but we’ll get through everything together— we don’t have any other choice. 50. Scene in the Kitchen (T) Complete - 0.7k - New place 51. 4'11 (T) Complete - 0.6k - Dan is baby 52. Pillow Imprints (T) Complete - 0.6k - Dan is a menace, and Phil loves him anyway. 53. Parachute Jacket (T) Complete - 0.5k - Dan thinks Phil is obsessed with them Those few times I thougt I was goddamn Ri**ard S*ken 54. Home (G) Complete - 0.7k - It’s their forever home, because their actual forever lives inside of it. 55. secrets spoken in empty rooms (T) Complete - 1k - So he wants to be the same, but he wants Dan more. 56. Separately Together  (T) Complete - 0.9k - Phil’s soft hands and even softer words. It gets harder to leave. Gets to the point where Dan turns off an alarm just so he misses the train. 57. It's not hard to fall (T) Complete - 0.7k - Still a little bit of your words I long to hear Some more Epistolary (apart from 7 letters)  58. A Play in One Act (T) Complete - 1.1k - [Manchester Piccadilly train-station, midday, October 19th, 2009.] 59. R/AITA (T) Complete - 0.8k - AM I THE ASSHOLE FOR MAKING MY BOYFRIEND BE A WORM?Series 60. Lonely Hearts (T) Complete - 1.8k - I will not say you were crying on the tube (out of politeness) 61. Conversations of the Lazy Kind (T) Complete - 1k - eggs? wot? Smells like eggs
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