#people forget they backed the saudi-emirati genocide in yemen
irhabiya · 9 months
gotta say the us and uk teaming up to bomb yemen to defend israel and their precious cargo ships also didnt help their defense
don't think it affects their defense that much tbf that's business as usual for the us
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genuinelyshallow · 9 months
The KSA and the UAE are as much to blame as US and UK
To forget to boycott and talk about Saudi Arabia and Emirates part of this genocide on Gaza and attack on Yemen
As an Arab, I know that Arabs and Muslims bare unforgettable shame right now as we're unable to help Palestinians, Sudanese, and Yemenis.
And by 'We' I mean the people. The leaders are something else that I hope will burn in hell.
Arabic countries are among some of the worst dictatorships. We can scream and shout all we want, but no one will listen, and yet, I do feel unbearable guilt every day. But the guilt should not be distributed equally
Egypt has the border with Palestine and barely opens it. But Egypt is already on the verge of economic collapse and is billions of dollars in debt. The government can not move without the approval of the US. Not to say that they're right for not opening the borders, not at all. Yemen is even poorer than Egypt, and they had more courage than the entire world to stop Israeli ships! But I am saying that while Egypt is to blame, it's already in deep shit and more economic punishment will affect its people decades before it affects its dictators.
But Saudi Arabia and Emirates are two of the richest countries in the world! With enough oil that they have the US throat in their hands, and they're giving it a soothing massage.
And what did they do? Nothing. No, worse than nothing. The rockets that attacked Yemen flew over Emirates by their permission.
And with evidence from history we know they can single handedly stop this genocide.
In 1973, in the war between Egypt and Israel, USA tried to back Israel - like today - and King Faisal, the king of Saudi Arabia, basically told the USA,"Take one step towards Egypt and you will not see a drop of oil"
And he kept his promise.
Arab members of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (Opec), led by King Faisal, announced an embargo on oil sales to America, Britain, Canada, Japan and the Netherlands in retaliation for their support of Israel.These cuts nearly quadrupled the price of oil from $2.90 a barrel before the embargo to $11.65 a barrel in January 1974.
And the US backed off. In a full-blown war. Not just one-sided genocide.
The UAE products are boycotted in Egypt under the knowledge that "Emirates are as much Zionists as The US"
And again and again, Arabs are not their leaders! Saudi and Emirati citizens are not their leaders, just like not all Americans are Biden or Trump.
But two insanely rich countries that can stop this genocide and don't? Their products should be boycotted, and their names should be dragged through the mud, just like the US and UK
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