#people would try to court him cause hes pretty and also has lots of influence
writerfae · 11 months
There's several possibilities for why Cyprian didn't marry before he got to the Willow Court but by far the funniest option would be that he was too caught up in his work as the Alderking's guard to actively find a wife and every time someone showed interest in courting the Alderking turned them down cause none of them were good enough for his Rian
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ferrousseat · 1 year
Andrew Tate BBC interview (pt 1?)
Andrew Tate fans have been telling everyone to see the full BBC interview, so I'm trying to transcribe it so you can without giving him extra views
except transcription takes forever when you're a perfectionist especially a perfectionist with an offline life, so I probably won't actually finish until long after the investigation is complete.
BBC: We are doing an interview with you because you're facing some very serious allegations-
AT: Correct
BBC: -rape, human trafficking-
AT: Yep
BBC: -and also because there's a great deal of concern about the things you say and the impacts that they have on young people or women
AT: I don't think the concern's about the things I say, I think the concern is for the level of influence I have and the reach I have. I would argue that a lot of the things that are already out there inside of the "legacy media", "the matrix" as a whole are far more damaging than the things I say
Those who don't know Tate probably will find his word choice odd without not thinking much into it. His followers are going to see this as a cleverly subtle callout, possibly attributing this to a greater plan to use the interview as bait to trap the BBC into proving whatever claims Tate has made about the media, while everyone else will see this statement as a deflective tu quoque.
From this, he's already setting a combative tone, which also helps frame this for his followers as a debate where the interviewer needs to score points to win, not an interview where Tate needs to answer questions.
BBC: Concern about the influence you have being a harmful influence, but let's start with the allegation
Here Williamson acknowledges his initial objection but redirects him back to the allegations.
AT: Not necessarily a harmful influence, the fact that I have, I am massively influential over the youth, and I understand that, but it's my influence as a whole which people are afraid of, not necessarily the things I've said.
He completely ignores the allegations and emphasizes his influence, claiming that it extends beyond youth and is powerful enough to cause fear. I would speculate that he's trying to demonstrate the whole capable-of-violence thing and assert dominance or something. To his community, this is a flex. To regular folks, inspiring misogynistic harassment and violence is not a flex, it's incriminating.
Now Williamson starts to use prompts to get him back on topic.
BBC: Let's start with the allegations. Have you raped anybody?
AT: Absolutely not.
BBC: Have you trafficked anybody?
AT: Absolutely not.
BBC: Exploited any women-
AT: Absolutely not
BBC: -for money?
BBC: But you HAVE admitted using emotional manipulation to get women to work in the webcam industry for you.
AT: No.
Archived copy of his website
AT: Firstly, let's- let's begin at the- Let's start at the beginning. I'm facing charges—the one- the first one you mentioned, the rape one's already thrown out by a judge because of no evidence.
The closest I could get were allegations from 2015 that blame police for mishandling the investigation resulting in the failure to gather sufficient for a case. There's no mention of the case making it far enough into the court process for a judge to throw it out, only that the investigation was delayed and abandoned. This doesn't prove his innocence. Mishandling of rape investigations is pretty common.
AT: Secondly, it's very difficult for me to sit here in a very frank and honest conversation with you while we're in the territory of Romania about a legal case that's going on within Romania. I have to protect myself. I've agreed to do an interview with you, and I want to be as honest with you as possible, but I can't incriminate myself in any way, I have to be very careful what I talk about.
BBC: There are no charges yet
AT: Correct, there are no charges
BBC: A judge has said-
AT: There are no charges
BBC: -that more evidence m(?)-
At: and I've- and I've agreed to speak to you, but I have to be as honest and frank as I can while also protecting myself, AND following my legal counsel.
BBC: So let's talk about what you've said yourself, then. You have said, on the website for your ORIGINAL website for the Hustlers University, that you emotionally manipulated women to fall in love with you, so that you could get them working in the sex industry for your financial gain.
Reminder, archived copy linked above.
AT: As I said, I have to be very careful what I say, but let's put it this way: no women are coming out against me and accusing me of doing it.
BBC: Yes they are,
AT: No they're not,
BBC: Yes they are,
AT: No they're not. Who?
BBC is likely referring to the victims identified by anti-organized crime agency DIICOT.
BBC: This testimony from the current investigation-
AT: The current investigation which I cannot discuss
BBC: -there are other women (?)-
AT: which I know intimately and you don't, I can tell you right now that the la- the women who are in this case file, there are two American women who have been caught already admitting they're lying, and then nobody else is accusing me of anything.
BBC: To begin with, it's very common in cases like this that the alleged victims do not always see themselves as victims.
Referring to Beatrice and Iasmina, who also bear tattoos declaring themselves the property of Tate. BBC could've clarified that declaring yourself not a victim doesn't count because there's Stockholm syndrome / destructive cultism disorder, there's brainwashing, but the most common issue is that most people have a narrow idea of victims as weak, passive people, and have difficulty thinking of the survivor who fought back or continued to function "normally" (on trauma drive) as a victim. The cognitive dissonance between victimhood and one's pride and self-image can cause the brain to reject the victimhood and fill in the gaps with concepts like "I wanted this": this does not erase the trauma, however, because the body keeps the score.
The prosecutors seem to have reason to believe that Tate's messages, even ones exchanged with Beatrice and Iasmina, will speak for themselves so take that how you will, too.
AT /s: Well that's very interesting. It's actually going to be interesting, because if I was… a "matrix"-controlled… organization, my goal was to slander somebody and try to destroy their name, you're telling me that they've chosen a crime which 1) is heinous, of course, because it damages the person's credibility and 2) you're saying that even if everyone else involved, if you have five people and everyone's sitting there saying, "No, nobody's hurt anybody, we like Andrew, we've all worked together, we're friends, etc."-
Only two victims have spoken positively about Tate. I want to note that in the Larry Ray case, the deprogramming of the victims didn't happen overnight, so I don't think he's saying anything particularly gamechanging here.
This is his second attempt at the tu quoque to insinuate the BBC is out to get him. Your impression relies entirely on whether you believe he poses a threat to the news industry. It should be noted that broadcasting opinions in response to news is not the same thing as reporting news.
This is also the point when Williamson starts to interrupt him back (I know she has ignored his interruptions to continue to finish speaking but I don't consider that interrupting). I'm guessing this, and the yes-no-yes-no exchange, is what his fans wanted people to see when they were chanting, "watch the full video," in the comments. I would concede that he got a rise out of her, but also… he didn't exasperate her by being the good guy here exactly.
AT: I'm- No-
BBC: That's not what anybody's saying
BBC: Let me read you some of the testimony from the current investigation (?)-
AT: Can I finish my- Can I finish, please?
BBC: -one of the witnesses said-
AT: Can- Can I finish, please?
BBC: You're not answering the questions I've asked you. You're not answering the question-
AT: I am answering the question. You're saying-
BBC: Let me read you the testimony of one of the witnesses
AT: Y- You're saying- You're saying the people who are involved in this, even if they say they're not victims, that they're still gonna try and attack me, pretending they're victims.
BBC: They are treated as victims by the case, that's ongoing, (let?) and not all of them are saying that. One of the witnesses says-
BBC staff: Lucy, we can't discuss that
AT: We can't- We can't go into the case. The case is open and active.
BBC: Well let's just be clear that not ALL of the witnesses in the case are behaving in the way you describe and even those that are, it doesn't bar them from being treated as victims by the prosecution, by the case.
AT: We have an open criminal investigation. I am absolutely utterly sure I'll be found innocent. I know the case better than you. I know intimately and you don't. I have seen all the criminal files and the evidence against me and you haven't. I know the truth of what happened and you don't. And I'm telling you absolutely and utterly I've never hurt anybody, that the case that's been put against me is completely and utterly fabricated. And I'm never gonna be found guilty of anything. And it's very difficult for me to answer your in-depth questions because we're sitting here inside of the territory of Romania, I'm beholden to the Romanian legal system, and I'm not going to incriminate myself because you're trying to probe me. You are wrong, and we're going to have to accept that for now and ask- and talk about something else.
Here he's claiming innocence but also saying that he has to claim innocence. People may interpret this either, "he must be innocent if he's willing to say all that,' or, "liars usually talk too much or too little and he's talking a lot," it's just how it is.
Either way, the source is basically Trust Me Bro. Journalists are held to certain ethical standards and legally liable for disinformation, and their only iron in this fire is public interest and safety. Tate is under house arrest and is legally liable for self-incrimination. He has to lie if the truth makes him look bad. So we're back to square 1.
BBC: Let me read you then what YOU have said about-
AT: Sure
BBC: -what you have done.
AT: Sure
BBC: YOU have said, "My job was to meet a girl, go on a few dates, sleep with her, get her to fall in love with me to the point where she'd do anything I say, and then get her on webcam, so we could become rich together."
AT: I don't think that's what I personally said, I think that's -
BBC: That's exactly what you said (?)
AT: No, that's- that's- that's- No, I've never said that, that's something that you FOUND on the internet, doesn't mean I've said it, and-
Well, even if someone else physically typed up the words on the archived snapshot of his website, he OK'd it, for one.
I don't have time to comb through podcasts, Reddit, TikTok, YouTube, etc. looking for what he may or may not have deleted that can link him physically to saying these things with his own mouth, but for me, the website's enough to make it believable that video/audio proof exists or existed.
BBC: (?)
AT: -AND AND again, once again, if any female on the planet has a problem with me, I strongly recommend her to go to the police and try and pursue me for criminal charges. It's actually very interesting that me, one of the most famous people in the world who's been vilified by the "legacy media" in places all over the internet, while everyone's attacked me from every single angle, while federal agencies from multiple countries have called over 2000 women who know me, we stand here with zero new accusations simce my arrest, ZERO. If you took any famous person, any man of substantial wealth, and you call 2000 women who knew him, they'd find an ex-girlfriend who's upset, somebody wants money who's upset, they called 2000 people who knew me and could not find a single woman to make a new complaint-
Well, these are "2000" people outside of the 2 British women and up to 4 victims that aren't B&I. So "upset girlfriends" have already turned up. Also, narcissists are on good behavior with the majority of people in their network and direct their abuse to select scapegoats under their control (or that they're trying to control), so him not sexually abusing other women and harassing women no more than is socially acceptable doesn't mean anything.
BBC: You're being (?)
AT: The only com- The only complaints they have against me are the initial complaints, which we can prove are lies, AND that's where it stands. So I d- I'm not gonna sit here and allow you to pretend that I'm some kind of evil predator when actually I'd argue the fact- I'D ARGUE the fact that people who've been investigated to the level I've been investigated to, if you take the average man on the street and investigate his entire life for 14 months, call everyone who's ever known him, and vilify him in the media, and encourage people to come forward for money, and you try to contact every ex-girlfriend-
BBC: You think somebody-
AT: -he has ever had
BBC: would come forward and accuse those people of rape, and accuse those people-
BBC: -of manipulation
AT: I THINK THAT YOU WOULD HAVE A LOT MORE FLAK THAN I'VE GOT, I'm actually such a nice person that I've never-
Aand now he's attacking the interviewer while claiming to be nicer than her. I don't think they even included this clip on BBC, at least not on the tiktok version.
BBC: The BBC has spoken to somebody-
AT: -had anyone come at me
BBC: -since your arrest, who says exactly those things, that with you, it's all manipulation, there's an ulterior motive-
AT: Is this Sophie?
BBC: -to everything you've done-
AT /s: Is this "Sophie"? [air quotes]-
BBC: [nodding]
AT /s: -Oh, Sophie, the- the-the fake name, no face, no (?)…
BBC: "I was so intent on wanting-"
AT /s: -STORY that was invented
BBC: "-to please him and wanting him to be happy, that I was just kind of, 'Yeah, OK, do whatever you want.'"
AT: And what is she accus-
BBC: -(?)
AT /s: Has she accused me of a crime, this imaginary Sophie?
BBC: She's making the point that there is-
AT: Has she accused me of a crime.
BBC: -emotional or psychological manipulation-
AT: I'VE ASKED YOU A QUESTION, and I've allowed you into my house-
BBC: I'm asking YOU a question.
AT: CORRECT, BUT YOU'RE NOT THE BOSS HERE. Because I've allowed you into my house-
BBC: I'm asking you the questions.
AT: Correctly, and I'm telling you.
BBC: You get to decide the answers.
AT: No! We are equal here, I've allowed you into my house. You don't come here with a position of authority. I'm doing you the favor as "legacy media" giving you relevance by speaking to you.
Tate is under house arrest. This is an interview of Tate by BBC, so it would be a bit irregular for Tate to be asking questions, especially, as he claimed, he is more intimate with the details of the case. Interviewers don't usually provide information that's new to the interviewee. When they state information or claims, it's to give the interviewee a heads up so they know exactly what is being asked, and to provide the listeners with some context. The interviewer isn't even saying that the statement is true or not (even if it is true), they're just saying, "this is the assertion/situation that my question pertains to, that I will be asking you to address." So it's asinine to try to reverse interrogate a news reporter who's just conducting an interview or accuse them of bossing you around. This is standard operating procedure for interviews.
A couple more thoughts.
Tate keeps talking about "allowing" to posture for his followers. The "relevance" line is part of this, too. I don't think I need to explain why it's delusional to claim that the BBC needs Tate for relevance. Personally, before this week, I only heard him name-dropped once in a blue moon, even while being fairly active on social media. I think I even had him confused with Joe Rogan before this week. But the BBC, I know. They're considered a fairly factual source of current news and are also known for educational documentaries. The comparison is not even close.
They say that to the privileged, equality seems like oppression. A woman telling him how interviews are supposed to work is "bossing him around".
AT: And I'm telling you now. This Sophie which the BBC has invented, which has no face of, nobody knows who she is-
BBC: The BBC did not invent
AT /s: Of course not. And she, because you never invent anything, and she is not fi- she has not filed criminal charges against me, what are we talking about here?
It shouldn't need to be said that anonymization is standard practice with victims of violent crime, especially female victims who traditionally get criticized more heavily than the perpetrators.
I'm actually super tired and have a number of more productive things that need doing so I'm not sure I'll finish transcribing, if I do it will probably be a whiiiile and the case may be long resolved by then LOL but you know what, I tried.
I think I missed a line during one of the parts where they were overlapping each other, where there's 2 BBC lines in a row, but I don't think he really said more than a few words, so if I'm gonna correct it, it'll have to be later.
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emma-what-son · 2 years
I know a little about the “cult” Emma is supposed to have joined (according to Deuxmoi).
So, JZ Knight, who runs the Ramtha School of Enlightenment in Washington State, is a pretty prolific best-selling author. Knight claims that she can channel a warrior named Ramtha, who is over 3,000 yrs old or something. She essentially is a new age medium of sorts and claims to be clairvoyant and have ESP and a whole hist of psychic abilities. She has been around since the 1970s I think and has been on many talk shows over the years etc. She has a lot of followers who seem to be interested in her new age, spiritual practices and mediumship. People looking to get answers to “higher” questions and closer to “enlightenment.” The Ramtha School of Enlightenment is supposed to help students learn how to channel their past selves and learn what their true purpose is and how to focus their lives in that direction. Knight talks about learning the “tools to unlock the mind.” Supposedly.
Now, take all of this with a grain of salt! This is info I’ve gained from some pretty basic research I did on JZ Knight a few years back and glancing through some of her books. To me, she reads very much like other authors you’d find in the New Age section of most book stores. Well, except for the channeling of Ramtha…. That is her big claim to fame.
However, she has been successful in turning heads of the right sort of people with her teachings…meaning people with money and influence, like celebrities. I’ve also heard people say she appeals to “baby boomer soccer moms.” Knight herself comes across as someone who likes the spotlight and celebrity. She’s made rounds on many talk shows over the years and turns up in the news from time to time, usually not for anything positive though.
About a decade ago, I remember some scandal over former students claiming they were abused at Ramtha School, physically and with gaslighting. And there was a case with an ex-husband in court, where he claimed that all her teachings were lies etc. and she kept him from getting medical treatment for his HIV I think it was?
This is all just public knowledge that has been reported…I don’t know what is true or lies and haven’t looked into it enough to say much more.
After the last US presidential election, Knight did cause some uproar. According to newspapers, she was posting on social media that Trump was the rightful winner and the election was unfair and calling for a coup of the government! (Similar to the Jan 6 rioters in opinion. Basically trying to incite rioting…)
Previously though, Knight had supported Democratic candidates (she’s quite wealthy). But she seemed to be VERY publicly supportive of Trump most recently.
I’ve taken an interest in this in the past because I had a friend who grew up nearby in Washington and I spent time in the area. I got the impression from my friend that locally, they considered Knight to be a rich self-help lady that would give talks and donate money to things.
Basically, I think that there are different levels of involvement with JZ Knight and the Ramtha School of Enlightenment. I think she’s kind of a “brand” that some people dabble in. Others seem to be more devotees and attend the school.
Regardless of if her spiritual claims are true or it’s all a racket, JZ has had some very serious accusations surrounding her and her treatment of people and her judgement, so I’d personally tread carefully if I were in the public eye. Even if you just have curiosity towards her mediumship, as many do, it might not do your career/image any favors associating with her.
Thanks for the info. Imo it's usually better to stay away from people like JZ Knight. There are people who might want to give her the benefit of the doubt, but these people usually do the things they do to help themselves. And as far as the accusations go, there's usually no smoke without fire. I wouldn't trust her at all.
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realcube · 3 years
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characters ♡ oikawa, tendou & sakusa
tw ♡ children, cursing & mentions of arson
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♡ he is pretty much a professional babysitter, or so he thought
♡ which is why he accepted when you asked if he could help you take care of your nieces/nephews for the weekend
♡ i mean, he takes care of his nephew all the time so how hard could babysitting possibly be? it was basically a free pass to spend the day with you 
♡ however, he began to regret his decision as he sat on your couch and realised that he wouldn’t be able to get even somewhat intimate with you when there was constantly an annoying little boy clinging to his arm, asking him if he had any games on his phone
♡ “sorry, kid.” oikawa smiled, clenching his jaw to hide the rage but it wasn’t very effective, “i’ve not got any games. maybe you could go play with your toys or something.” 
♡ he let out a sigh, making the mistake of thinking that would be the end of their interaction
♡ “can’t you just download some?” the boy retaliated
♡ you snickered, watching as the energy visibly drained from oikawa, yet he still wore his frighteningly bright grin
♡ “i’ve not got any storage.” 
♡ “then delete some of your apps or photos.” the boy said with a shrug, then proceeded to point at oikawa’s home screen, which happened to be a picture of him and you in front of an ethereal sunset, “start with that one. you both look like dorks.”
♡ you and oikawa’s unified gasps of offence were enough to show the boy that he was able to do exactly what he intended; piss y’all off
♡ hence, with a final mischievous snicker, he dashed off
♡ “i hate kids.” oikawa muttered, inspecting his homescreen to see if he really did look like a ‘dork’, “what is his problem?”
♡ “what if our kids turn out like that?” you joked 
♡ his eyes widened momentarily, turning to look at you with an uncharacteristically sheepish expression, “our w--”
♡ “mr kawa!” a cry could be heard from the kitchen so without hesitation, you both hopped to your feet and rushed over there as quick as you could 
♡ once you both reached the area the yell came from, you were fortunately not greeted by anything gruesome 
♡ instead, you both got to behold two children trying to reach the top shelf with the power on friendship; the taller boy was standing on a chair, while the toddler held it still 
♡ however, his grip on the jar of the Nutella must’ve loosened at some point as it now lay dejectedly on the ground, half spilled across the tiles and the other half drenching the toddler, not that they seemed to mind though 
♡ in fact, it looked like they were having the time of their — albeit, short — life
♡ the container was only plastic, hence you didn’t have to worry about shards when you darted over to the poor, chocolate-covered baby and scooped them up into your arms, “are you guys, okay?!”
♡ “yeah.” the boy chuckled, noticing that holding the toddler was transferring the chocolate onto you too
♡ “if you wanted nutella, you could’ve just asked.” oikawa sighed, helping the boy get down safely from the chair before putting the object back at it’s intended spot at the dinner table 
♡ “you could have gotten seriously hurt! i thought you would know better than to do something like this.” you scolded, becoming even more furious as the baby continued to playfully slap your face with their grimy hands, “please don’t do that again.”
♡ before they boy got the chance to do anything besides murmur a vague apology, oikawa interjected, “they won’t get the chance.”
♡ and he was right
♡ after cleaning everything up (including the child, which took forever), you didn’t let either of the rascals out of your sight until your duties as babysitters were complete 
♡ “i think we handled that pretty well.” oikawa mused, gathering his stuff along with you as you both got ready to leave
♡ “yeah, maybe we should do this again sometime.” you suggested, but it was followed by a few second was complete silence
♡ until you both burst out laughing 
♡ “yeah, never again.” you agreed
♡ “the kids can take care of themselves.” oikawa said with shrug, offering his hand to you, before you both strutted out of the disaster house
♡ ever since then, it was a common inside joke between you to, when in the vicinity of a kid causing mayhem or being a nuisance, whisper to each or exchange a look that says, ‘it’s a great day to not be babysitting.’  
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♡ at first, you thought that asking tendou for help babysitting would be a bad idea bc he is just as hyperactive as the damn kids sometimes so he’d probably not be the best influence 
♡ and you knew this bc one time you happened to run into him while out in the park with the kids and you asked him to watch them for literally a minute so you could run to the bathroom but when you came back all you almost had a heart attack because tendou was teaching them fkn tricks on the monkey bars 
♡ however, you then realised that if the kids were busy committing arson with uncle tendou, then they wouldn’t be bothering you 
♡ so here you are, playing monopoly with your boyfriend, a seven year-old and a one year-old
♡ well, it was less like monopoly and more like debate class since none of you could agree on the rules
♡ “well, uncle ten,” the older sibling began, in a very matter-of-factly tone, “if i burn your property down, then i  don’t have to pay you for landing on it.”
♡ “but then you also go to jail.” you pointed out
♡ “not if the police don’t catch me.”
♡ you burst out laughing, meanwhile tendou kept his business face on, “good point, but watch this.” tendou spoke as he rolled the dice, though no matter what if he got a number between four and seven, he would end up landing on somebody’s property
♡ he got a four
♡ picking up his piece, he moved it across each square individually and once he was due to land on your property, he knocked his piece over
♡ “whoops, i slipped.” he chuckled, though his friendly aura immediately dropped as he looked you dead in the eye and said, “i’m suing.”
♡ “you can’t sue me because you tripped!” you yelled 
♡ “i guess i just fell for you.” he said, resulting in the kids both making gagging noises before he stuck out his hand, “100 monopoly dollars, please.”
♡ “like i said,” you tried your best to stay strong and not laugh at his shitting pickup line, “i’m not giving you any money, you fell!”
♡ “i guess we’ll have to take this matter to court then.” tendou said, tapping the shoulder of the one year-old who was currently chewing on a 500 bill which you quickly had to confiscate 
♡ “judge, do you think (y/n) owes me 100 monopoly dollars for poor health and safety conduct?”
♡ “yes.”
♡ “that is the only word they know how to say!” you cried, begrudgingly handing over the money 
♡ “thank you, angel.” tendou cooed, adding your singular bill to the pile he had already stored up; the winner of the game had already been decided 
♡ and although you and the seven year-old kid both cried later after getting your asses kicked in monopoly (the one year-old cried too but they were just hungry), you all went out to get food and actually had a pretty good time
♡ it became a routine for tendou to help you babysit whenever he got the chance and y’all would always play table top games
♡ also when tendou got accepted into culinary school, he’d teach/show the kids what dishes he has learned to prepare and let them help by stirring the pot, adding spices etc etc
♡ and even when he moved to Paris, on special occasions, a box of chocolates would suddenly appear at the kids’ door and all the little pieces would be shaped and moulded into some of their favourite characters or made out of their favourite flavours 
♡ and at one point the kids even insisted that you teach them how to make chocolates so they can send some back to uncle tendou <33
♡ they weren’t the best, but when tendou received the misshapen, slightly stale chocolates at his apartment, addressed from you and the children, he cried
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♡ his first response when you asked if he could help you babysit was ofc ‘ew no 🤢’
♡ needless to say it took a lot mansplain manipulate malewifing to convince him to come over 
♡ but once he did, obviously he was in his full protective gear; there was no way in hell he was going to catch whatever germs the little goblins have
♡ honestly he almost sprayed a chid in the face with hand sanitizer when they came running up to him with open arms, trying to give him a hug 
♡ which was unusual because the kids don’t tend to be overly friendly with new people, but you just brushed it off and figured that sakusa must’ve been an exception
♡ during his time babysitting, sakusa spend most of his energy trying to avoid the children at all costs that it basically became a game of tag, with you helping the child try to reach sakusa, and him hiding
♡ but honestly you couldn’t complain since the whole time the child was playing, they were safe with you rather than playing with fire 
♡ until later you were reminded of their odd fondness for sakusa when they insisted that sakusa carry them to their bedroom when it was their nap time
♡ and as you were shifting through the books, looking for a story to read, it hit you why they seemed to be so familiar with sakusa
♡ it’s because he looked exactly like the prince in one of their favourite story books; same hair, both tall and they even had similar moles to each other
♡ upon noticing this, you immediately showed sakusa and was quite amused
♡ in fact, he found it so cute that he gave both you and the toddler a lil’ kiss on the cheek, as a parting gift — mask off and everything
♡ he ended up reading the story and the kid fell into deep slumber by the time he reached the second page
♡ letting out a sigh of relief, sakusa slumped onto the ground, allowing his own eyes to flutter shut for a moment, “what a day.”
♡ you shuffled over to you could lay down beside him, “indeed it was, prince sakusa.”
♡ “shut up.” he teased, poking your rib slightly before absently intertwining his fingers with your own
♡ next thing you knew, you were both awakened by the sound of a grumpy toddler...
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demonslayedher · 3 years
I'm glad you reactivated the questions, here are some flowers for you: 💐 Seriously speaking I'm sorry that because of a question I asked you a few weeks ago you watched a series of videos of psychopaths 🥲It made me laugh at first but then I felt guilty 💔 it's all Muzan's fault for leaving us all with curiosity (imagine his parents' reaction once they realized there was something wrong with him even as a human)
Yay, flowers (which I shall kill with my black thumb)! And no, no, it’s fine, I had hoped it came off funny! I like listening to stuff like that while I draw anyway because I’m a nerd anyway and I found it very interesting.
Speaking of being a nerd, you have innocuously unlocked the following essay about Heian period nobility and wisteria flowers: There is nothing to state so in canon, but I find it highly reasonable to say Muzan might had been of the very powerful Fujiwara clan. Step inside my office, Anon.
Okay. So. The Heian period, simply put, was a time of cultural flourishing and beautiful pastimes, the origins of a lot of Japanese style aesthetics, and a romantic courtly like of romancing everybody else in the court. This is assuming, of course, that you were at the very, very, very, very top of society. Otherwise, the vast majority of people were poor and sick and starving and ew, in young Muzan’s world, we do not wish to associate with that. In the Heian court, Kyoto basically is the whole cultural world. Even though there were other cities that could rival Kyoto, the emperor was there, so it was essentially the cultural center of the country. The nobles who lived there got money from owning land in far-flung provinces, but actually having to live in those provinces? What a drag! Having to live away from Kyoto for work, even if it wasn’t an official banishment, often felt like a punishment to the nobles and their families who were used to the social scene at court. And, like affluent courts around the world throughout history, understanding all the intricacies of style and “Heian Rumors” was key to having social clout, and popularity was power. And yeah, nobles would be vicious to each other. While clan dynamics and history are complex and not something I’m getting into here (I don’t consider myself well-versed in it enough), the Fujiwara clan is a BIG DEAL.  Basically, in Heian times, children were typically raised in their mother’s home, thereby heavily influenced by their mother’s clan, so besides a young man’s parents, his in-laws also would had been hugely influential in his life, as they will have a long-felt influence on his progeny. The Emperors typically married Fujiwara daughters. This, in addition to other positions of influence of the Fujiwara clan members usually held with influence over the Emperor, means that politically, there was no messing with them. Now, just because I say Muzan might had been a Fujiwara clan member, I don’t necessarily mean a member of the main branch of the family. Often, due to inheritance management, different branches of various noble clans might be given different surnames. The Fujiwara clan does have different branches, some of which did go one to have close ties with the imperial family even after the fall of their power at the end of the Heian period and all the way through the Taisho, and some branches carry some impressive family legacies but otherwise live like normal or high-class common folk in modern-day. (I know one such Ojousama from a renamed Fujiwara branch; she’s a sweetheart and never brings it up herself but every time I hear other people say things about her family, I’m like, dang.) We can venture from Muzan’s likely expensive medical treatment, multiple marriages (meaning other clans sought to be connected with his family even by marrying their daughters to a sick man), and even preparation for cremation as a baby that he was of a very, very high status. 
Being the sick son of a prominent family may have warped his personality in multiple ways: first, he was probably already used to a culture of popularity equated political power. We see in Muzan’s dealings with humans in the Taisho period that he can be exceedingly charming to get what he wants (a psychopath trait, haha), so he was probably pretty aware of the complex ways of socialites in the court. But, even being aware of that, it probably frustrated him to no end that he was too sick to take part in the social pastimes where he’d gain clout. It’s also possible that he was a bit of a bargain husband for his wives’ families who were seeking to a make ties with his family, as they must not had been politically useful enough to be married off to other powerful matches. This may be some of why he was so ruthless to them, for he never saw them as useful to him in the first place. This probably got a bit worse once he became a demon. Now to be lewd, but he probably got more vigorous in his pursuit of more powerful lovers, and knew how to slay the women’s hearts as he liked (you know, popular Heian pastime, everybody had lots of lovers, it was the norm, though political marriages and legitimate children were still important). That new sense of power probably went to his head. But, ultimately, he must had been limited in clout since he couldn’t take part in any daytime activities, thereby limiting his access to more powerful spheres of influence. His reputation from having grown up sickly must had followed him too. It’s anyone’s guess how much affection his parents had for him and how happy they were about his health at first, and if and when they might had noticed his changes. He was a full-fledged adult by the time he turned into a demon, so who knows how closely they even associated with him. They likely had healthier children who they devoted more care and attention to, and invested more family resources in while assuming Muzan would probably die young.
Who knows what the final straw was in Muzan leaving court? Was it frustration at not being able to walk in daylight that made him flee to the Kanto area in pursuit of the blue spider lily (from near where the doctor lived) long before Kanto became politically affluent? Or was it the rumors at court about how he didn’t age, and that he was eating people?
Of note, a lot of the early legends of demons in Japanese culture take place in the Heian period.
In his book “Japanese History of Demon Slayers,” retired Shizuoka University professor Tetsuo Owada capitalized on the success of Kimetsu no Yaiba to dive into a lot of ties between the series and what it may pay homage to throughout Japanese history and culture. While this was published last September and a handful of his theories have been disproven by the second fanbook published last February, and while I think a lot of his theories are stretching a little too far to make strong connections, it’s still deeply, deeply interesting stuff. He goes into some specific comparisons of demons, like Minamoto-no-Raiko and his posse of four big bad warriors taking on the Tsuchigumo (giant spider demon) terrorizing the mountains north of Kyoto harkening to the case of Rui’s family (and, ding ding ding, this was the primary focus of the official Kabuki/Kimetsu crossover last November), as well as takes little questions left in canon and dives into them a bit deeper. One such question is, why were wisteria lethal to demons? According to Prof. Owada’s research, there is no historical basis for this. Some of the talk online is that: 1. Wisteria are in fact poisonous, and consuming too much of them would cause vomiting and diarrhea (though I’ve also seen people make jam out of them because of the fragrance, so, like???) 2. Beans are thrown around at Setsubun to ward off demons (like so, Feat. Muzan and Kimetsu Beans), and wisteria are of the bean family 3. Wisteria like sunlight, so perhaps like Nichirin, they soak up some of the sun’s properties that are lethal to demons 4. In the language of flowers (Hanakotoba), wisteria symbolize kindness, welcomeness, refusing to leave someone’s side, being drunk with love, being straightforward and truthful, not losing the humanity in one’s heart, thereby containing a lot of meaning contrary to the conduct of demons Interesting, but some of its kind of a stretch. While still finding it a stretch to apply it to wisteria being poisonous to demons, Prof. Owada goes on to say that since ancient times, while the wisteria has some negative connotations of how it was sometimes written with characters meaning “doesn’t heal” (不治) and growing downward with smaller and smaller flowers like symbolize the slow downfall of a family line, it conversely also carries positive connotations of longevity and flourishing family due to the fact that its vines grow upward.
Now, you might picked up at some point that the Japanese word for wisteria is “fuji.” Not to be confused with Mt. Fuji (that’s written differently), it IS the same fuji as in “Fujiwara”: 藤.
Prof. Owada goes on to explore the association with the use of Wisteria crests in Kimetsu no Yaiba, especially on the houses of supporters of the Demon Slayer Corp. His recurring thesis is that the pandemic is partly responsible for Kimetsu no Yaiba’s popularity since demon legends have long since had origins in epidemics, and he supposes the Wisteria crest has a protective effect on the houses, similar to a talisman used in a lot of real life rituals for warding off illness and then often displays in or on the entries of houses to protect the family every year (I have one such item gifted to me, it stays by my doorway, along with a couple sticks of charcoal (but the culture of charcoal is a post for some other day)). The talisman is in reference to a god of Hindu/Chinese origins being treated with hospitality by the So clan, so although other families perished in disaster/disease, he promised to always protect the So clan descendants, so the talisman says “Descendants of the So Clan” so that any household may try to claim that divine protection. The gratitude-exchange of hospitality and protection and sure sounds familiar! Prof. Owada isn’t done yet. While the crest design used in Kimetsu no Yaiba isn’t an actual family crest in in real life, there are lots and lots and lots of family crests that use a wisteria design and have the character for “wisteria” in the name. Any time you hear “—tou”, like Satou, Saitou, or even Gotou, you can typically assume it’s 藤. It’s very common nowadays, but the first family to be granted the use of this name was the Fujiwara clan, when one of the pre-Heian and very powerful emperors granted their clan head this surname, which was a major honor, and it marked the start of the Fujiwara clan’s political dominance (there was already influence leading up to this, but meh, we like clear-cut stuff to simply centuries of history, don’t we?). Furthermore, although we often think of the Fujiwara clan for their influence at court, and we might think of the Minamoto clan for warrior heroes who fought demons, Prof. Owada concludes his argument of wisteria’s protective influence by pointed out a long list of Heian period Fujiwara warriors who also were the heroes of demon slaying legends, stating that their name has also long been tied with demon slayer culture. SO!!! Let me go on with my theory here. Muzan is from the same family line as Ubuyashiki. At some point (I assume after Muzan is long gone from Kyoto), the family is told while their children keep dying, and they accept their mission to bring an end to Kibutsuji Muzan and clear this curse on their family line. My thought is that their ancestor was a full blood sibling of Muzan, one whom was more invested in than sickly Muzan. While perhaps already an off-shoot of the Fujiwara Clan and thereby not entitled to the same sorts of inheritance, they probably maintained close ties with them. But, as it was already not direct by that time, the other Fujiwara clan branches were not affected by this curse. To further spare the clan the effects of this curse, this was probably when that sickly branch took the name Ubuyashiki. (And yes, I have things to say about this name and its possible mythological origins which I find a highly, highly interesting connection. Prof. Owada supposes it is tied with Izumo Taisha Grand Shrine and that is why there are nine pillars, but as much as I love Izumo Taisha and its giant pillars I base my argument in separate Shinto (but also Izumo!) mythology and accept that there are not always supposed to be nine Pillars specifically and Gotouge simply chose that number based on the number of strokes in the kanji for ‘Hashira’ (柱) BUT I DIGRESS). So, the Ubuyashiki Clan is it’s own thing, but is sort of like a cousin to the other Fujiwara branches and thereby continues to enjoy Fujiwara support throughout the Heian period, like some of the Fujiwara warriors going out there and slaying some of Muzan’s early demon experiments, and using their influence to bring in other warriors to the demon slaying cause (pet
theory: Genpei War warrior Kumagai Naozane was a member of the proto-Corp and using Kasugai-garasu was in practice since at least late Heian period). While the Ubuyashiki Clan probably already their own inherited land (and funds that came from it), throughout their history, their cousin clans might also have provided financial support to the Ubuyashiki Clan. But, they probably distanced themselves from the clan due to the curse and not wanting to be tainted. When you bring back in the wisteria associations this puts the contrary associations with a flourishing and dying family line in a new light. Furthermore, the “not healing” way of writing “fuji” also means a lot more in the context of Muzan’s, and later the Ubuyashiki clan’s illness.
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wildfey · 3 years
Anon from yesterday back again! About the set-up, a post on twitter explained the theory much better and I gotta look up the name. The gist is that Phoenix could've proved that he was set up. He did not have the time to have a forgery done since he got the job for defending Zak only the day before. Plus the money. Instead, there is no evidence at all he even tried. Why? Because he'd seen the courts' corruption before and decided it didn't matter anymore, plus too dangerous.
(continued) You could even point at his reply to the Judge's words and wonder if Phoenix has nothing to say because he knows it's useless to argue. Hidden powers have already decided that they will attack him and try to drag him down.
okay, okay, hello again anon, good to see you back with another excellent ask.
I always think that there are two ways to look at Phoenix's disbarment:
a) that the problem was straight-up with bringing forged evidence into court, no matter what the circumstances were.
b) that the problem was that Phoenix was assumed to have created the forged evidence and bought it into court intentionally.
Ace Attorney really flips around on which of these is true in universe (it's a plot point to some extent in 1-5, 3-3, 4-1, and 4-4) but considering that Phoenix gets his badge back almost immediately after it's proved that the second wasn't the case, I'm going to assume that presenting forged evidence accidentally is either not an issue or less of an issue. This tends to be the fanon majority stance too. (It's worth noting that Edgeworth is implied to have pulled some strings irt getting Phoenix's badge back. Ymmv and so on.)
With our framework safely in place, the question arises: If Phoenix could have avoided punishment, or at least public shaming, by revealing the set-up, why wouldn't he? As you point out, the forgery doesn't make sense once you start to look into it and we know that Phoenix did put a lot of these pieces together. Hell, he could have made these arguments when Misham testified during the Gramarye trial. But he doesn't. (Warning: this is a more headcanon-y meta than my last one, because the 7yg is... a gap and we have very little concrete info on what the fuck Phoenix was up to. He got a kid, worked on jury trials, played good poker + bad piano, and had some sort of frenemyship with Kristoph. That's pretty much all we've got).
Firstly: Corruption. The AA court system is ridiculously corrupt, and at the point that Phoenix is disbarred, he becomes emblematic of this - he's a man with a history of revealing injustice - notably Von Karma & Gant, but even without them he still won some high profile cases - and once he's disbarred, it's implied that the narrative is flipped, turning him into a figurehead for that which he fought against (dark age of the law, etc). The obvious conclusion is that his disbarment was a convenient way to discredit him - powerful and corrupt figures (and in AA there are many) don't need to fear Phoenix Wright if he isn't a lawyer and his reputation is ruined. The counter argument is that Phoenix... has always done some questionable things with evidence (1-5, 2-4, and 3-3 stand out to me). But no more so than anyone else in this fucked-up universe. Either way, Phoenix has always worked in a system stacked against him, and it's very possible that he suspected there to be manoevering behind the scenes (and there was! We know Kristoph existed and was purposefully working against Phoenix.) HOWEVER, I don't believe that any of this would stop him on it's own, because it's been long established that Phoenix Wright does not give a shit about bad odds.
So, what would make him accept it? Anon, you mention danger in your ask, and I do see that as partially true - Phoenix isn't concerned about danger to himself, but he has a kid to care for. I would say, however, that especially when we come to Kristoph, as much of a bastard as he is, Phoenix had no evidence that he could be violent to the point of murder until 4-1. Before that, his influence was long-distance life ruining, rather than active threat (though long-distance life ruining is pretty scary on its own when you're raising a small child with low funds). I do see that as a cause, but one of many, and this is the point where I'd like to go back to the conversation on motivation.
I am going to make the argument here, as I did in the other answer, that Phoenix, in the 7yg and possibly elsewhere, is depressed, and that one symptom of that is a loss of motivation. It's implied by the game itself, and makes more sense than most of the alternatives.
Tumblr media
(I won't get too personal, but the years of my life where I dressed like this... not good years lol)
My headcanon has always been that by the point that Phoenix had sorted out his guardianship of Trucy and got himself out of that initial low that came from having his life ruined, it was too late to fix his disbarment and he had to change tracks, and that's when he became interested in MASON. (Not to self-promote, but I'm realising that a lot of what I've said here is rephrased ideas from The Path Once So Clear, so if you want 15,000-ish words on the subject, it's there). Of course, when talking about Phoenix's 7yg depression, I think it's also important to mention that Phoenix in AA4 is very much implied to be putting on an act (which is pretty common in AA4 in general. Most characters in that game have both a public and private face). Being 'Beanix' - eg. the piano/poker player with no prospects who works in a shitty restaurant and takes nothing seriously - is a convenient cover while he works on the things that he doesn't want to be targeted for (and here we come back to the corruption angle).
As to how far the depression helps that act... well, that could be a whole conversation on its own. Once again, I'm very much coming into headcanon here, but I'm reminded of the phenomenon where someone with depression will deliberately exacerbate it, either as a form of self-harm or as some attempt to fit a role (artists are especially prone, due to the 'depressed artist' stereotype. I see it most in the emo scene). Beanix has always seemed to me as someone who is deliberately messing up his own life - he repeatedly provokes Apollo, essentially sabotaging their relationship, he puts himself into dangerous situations for no real reason (this is a general Phoenix trait), and despite the fact that we KNOW Maya and Edgeworth were supportive of him during this period, we never actually see them around, presumably because he's keeping them at a distance. How much of this is for the act, and how much is real?
Again, we've come very much off topic (whoops) but I see a lot of this as another aspect of Phoenix's low self worth - is there a difference between the image he projects of a man who has given up due to being disbarred, and the real Phoenix who is still actively working behind the scenes but is very obviously not doing well because he can't 'save people' - the thing which so much of his identity relies upon? I think there is, but I also think the image too often becomes the reality, and AA4 does carry this underlying theme of how wearing these masks of a public persona can affect your 'true self'.
As always, I genuinely love to see other people's takes on this, either in the tags, in reblogs, or via asks. This one is very headcanon-y, and I know there some entirely different perspectives out there, some of which I really like. (Also this one got to be heavy. Look after yourselves guys.)
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wolf-zer0 · 4 years
Ya want some WORLD-BUILDING????
Have some world-building!
*REMINDER* This is based on characters, not real people.  I’m not going to be writing any shipping/smut content, especially involving minors.  Please be respectful of content creators’ boundaries!
The Crystallos Empire (AKA the Antarctic Empire)
Largest the countries (takes up most of the southern half of the map) but agreed to stop expansion after a bloody battle with Valeriana 
Centered on a large snowy mountain in the middle of the tundra 
Mostly stays out of other countries’ business, but will step in as a last resort 
Has some of the most well-known citizens in the world because… they’re pure chaos 
Attack at your own peril 
Has vast deposits of ores and gemstones, and the metalwork from Crystallos (mainly weaponry, armor, and jewelry) is highly sought after 
The only known food export is potatoes.  Wonder why… 
Associated Colors: Royal blue, light blue, crimson, gold 
Aesthetic/Vibes: gothic vibes, white stone and large stain glass windows, not particularly opulent or extravagant but still impressively royal looking, think catholic cathedral but brighter and with less Jesus (can you tell I’m a recovering catholic yet?), spires shooting into the sky that’s visible even during a blizzard, cavernous halls full of sunlight and echoes, snow that can comfort and kill in equal measure
Notable Members:
Philza Minecraft:
Visible wings look like a harpy eagle
Probably the most powerful person in the world
Didn’t mean to start an empire it kinda just happened
Also didn’t mean to adopt kids but his Dadza alarm went off
Usually kind but will not hesitate to use violence when necessary
Is pig.  
With braid.  
At least 8 feet all
Extremely adept fighter, skilled in almost every form of combat.  
Not a people pig, prefers his potato farm to being a prince
Hella protective of his family but will not hesitate to bully when given the opportunity
Wilbur Soot: 
Muse who can influence people through song
Can’t totally control people (yet) but can subtly push them in a certain direction
The public face of the imperial family
Would rather insult than fight but can and will cut a bitch if he needs to
Because inspiration is fickle he’ll have some … strange episodes (see: the Sand Incident)
Tommy Innit: 
Chaos incarnate.
Is he human?  Is he not?  No one’s sure yet.  
But he’s a gremlin and a hellion and willing to throw down at any moment.  
Has a surprisingly caring side, but no one outside his immediate circle has ever really seen it.  
The Kingdom of Valeriana (aka Dream SMP)
Oldest of the countries 
Located in the middle of a massive forest at the center of the main continent 
Home of the Fae Courts
Ruled by a single king who is chosen by a tournament held every 100 years 
Known for causing chaos in other countries, but after an Incident with Crystallos they have kept their meddling to annoyances rather than outright declarations of war 
Considered the most magical of all the countries, and traditional enchantments almost all come from Valeriana 
Associated Colors: neon green (duh), bright yellow, forest green, light brown, blood red (more saturated than Crystallos), rose gold 
Aesthetic/Vibes: spooky art nouveau (idk what else to call it), lots of plants and nature but with an edge of danger, poison gardens and carnivorous plants, hedge mazes that lead everywhere and nowhere, laughter deep in the forest, deer with eyes just a hair too human, Alice in Wonderland on steroids 
Notable Members: 
Current king of the Fae
As long as he’s touching the ground, he knows where everything and everyone is
Can terraform
Unlimited in the boundaries of his kingdom
Much more limited outside of his realm
No one has ever seen what he really looks like, even before he took the throne
Since people outside the kingdom don’t know who he is, he’ll wander the outside world and challenge random people to fights
Never says what happens to the losers
Only one person has ever beaten him: Technoblade
He might have a lil obsession around Techno, but it’s fine.  
A little competition is healthy.
High Lord of the Summer Court
Dream’s right hand man
Likes fire a little too much probably
Human that Dream took a liking too and yoinked from the mortal world
Dream and Sapnap made him immortal but he hasn’t realized it yet.  
Changeling who started growing diamond-like scales across his body
Is vaguely allied with Dream simply because he’s Fae, but is more loyal to BBH
Like a lot of other Fae, likes to make challenges but he makes them less deadly.  Not totally safe, just less deadly.
Demon who was kicked out of hell because he was too nice
Found Skeppy in the Overworld and the rest is history
Cursed by the Demon King that the moment he says a swear word, the entire world would end, but can never tell anyone that he is cursed
The Merchant’s Guild
Not quite a country, more of a international power 
Oversees the largest and most important businesses in the world 
Makes sure that no laws are broken between different countries and everyone gets a fair shake 
Has a very large reach, so some members have dabbled in espionage for various groups 
From the outside it looks like the whole thing is kept together with duct tape and hope, but its actually pretty functional
The main members are just… a lot. 
More concerned with keeping things working than influencing other nations (although there are still jokes about it) 
The most valuable thing they trade in is information
They have a lot of fingers in a lot of pots, but are trusted with their information 
Associated Colors: dark blue, teal, deep yellow, burnt orange, copper
Aesthetic/Vibes: art deco babie, angles and lines, very modern and streamlined, sleek suits instead of armor or robes, whiskey in a crystal glass, wars won by words not weapons, knowing when someone’s lying without them saying a word
Notable Members:
Ram-man with a plan
Not that bad of a dude, but is in a position where he is constantly in possession of highly sensitive information and that does things to someone’s mental state
Drinks pretty regularly but not a full blown alcoholic
Trying his best
Can be a snarky asshole sometimes
Lucky duck.  literally.  
Duck man with an uncanny ability to absorb good luck from people (typically Fundy) and apply it to himself
No one knows when or why he joined the guild, but now he’s there
Pretty damn smart, but hides it behind humor
Trying his goddamn best but life (and Quackity) make it very difficult
Usually is stuck with the shit end of the stick when getting jobs/contracts/etc. 
Wilbur being his dad is an inside joke that’s gotten a life of its own.  
(No Fishfuckers Allowed!!!)
Badass sheep lady who captains a ship and commands her own armada
Schlatt’s sister
Also part of Storm’s Landing’s council and acts as the main liaison between them 
Do not fuck with her she will kick your ass.
Storm’s Landing
Port city that became a country after becoming a safe-haven for seafarers
Led by a council of important people, with the head of the council known as the Admiral 
Closest ties to Crystallos and the Merchant’s guild because: 
1) Clingy supremacy!!!!
2) it’s a good idea for a guild to have good ties with a large sea power
3) all the dads for Tubbo
Associated Colors: navy blue, scarlet, white, brass 
Aesthetic/Vibes: Nautical (obviously) with heavy “Age of Exploration” vibes, barnacles crusted on treasure chests, think tall ships and pirates and shit, respecting the ocean because holy shit she’s gonna smash your boat to pieces on a whim because she can, has an edge of darkness because when you go deep enough who knows what you’ll find down there (maybe mermaids???) 
Notable Members:
elected to Admiral after the previous Admiral went missing on a routine voyage 
(idk who it used to be, I just wanted to make him new at leading)
not 100% sure about the whole thing, but handling it pretty okay
still answers to “Captain” instead of “Admiral”.  
If Storm’s Landing had a queen, would be it unquestionably
Never gets robbed even though there’s a well known “underbelly” in town
Could probably end wars with her croissants
Has a significant history of empathic abilities in her family, so she can tell how people are feeling at all times
Owns a magic store in town that really only shows itself to people who need it.  
Having a bad mental health day?  
He’s got a warm blanket and a cup of your favorite warm beverage waiting.  
She’s got the perfect outfit and affirming words already prepared.  
Trying to find that specific book but can’t remember the title or plot, only vaguely know the color of the cover?  
They’ve got it.  
Not sure why he decided to move to a seaside city when he’s not chill with water, but now he’s here and he’s too anxious to leave
Known for teleporting around town randomly when nervous, and the people who find him are always willing to let a hand if he gets lost
This boi!  Has so many dads!  
Epitome of “Kindness does not equal weakness.”  
While a lot of people underestimate him, he’s not some fragile little flower
He hasn’t fully grown into his ability to speak to animals (he can only understand bees right now)
He’s just as much of a shit stirrer as Tommy.  
When they meet up, look out.  Something’s getting destroyed.
The Astral Academy
An independent university focused on advancing knowledge in the arcane arts and engineering 
Not a country, but has the political power of one due to their vast resources and building prowess 
People can’t enter unless they are invited or have been given entry as a student 
There are a bunch of potential doors scattered around the continent that could lead to the Academy, but no one is sure where the real entrance is 
Associated Colors: royal purple, lilac, sepia, sky blue, silver, bronze Aesthetic/Vibes: bright academia, massive libraries with bookshelves stuffed to bursting, workshop benches covered in scrap and prototypes, open air observatories, runes waiting to be translated, the crackling energy that comes from successful collaboration, falling down a research rabbit hole, bursting with pride after a project is a success
Notable Members: 
Jack Manifold
I don’t know much about these characters, so if you have any ideas please let me know!
Zero’s OC Land - The North Haven
Smallest and newest country 
Recently gained independence from under a cruel dictator (not schlatt lol)
Located in a pine forest at the base of a huge mountain range 
Has pretty good relations with the other countries, but outsiders don’t know much about them 
Main exports are wood carvings and leather goods 
Associated Colors: Maroon, dark brown, black, pewter 
Aesthetic/Vibes: medieval but with a modern twist, dark wood lit by a roaring fireplace, snow-covered woods without a living soul in sight, half timber houses and detailed wood carving, no outrageous ornamentation or extravagance 
Notable Members:
Lord of the North Haven
trying to keep his people safe and protected
one of the few remaining Spirits (higher in power than the Fae, but lower than angels)
Spirit of Justice
lost a hand in the war for North Haven’s independence
didn’t want to become the leader but does a pretty good job at it
Adopted 5 kids and is trying his best
Heir Apparent
24 year old human
can influence the world by speaking (not singing) but has to be careful about which words he uses
has a book full of phrases that have proven effects (a spellbook of sorts)
has a friendly rivalry with Wilbur
actually the oldest but abdicated because she feels she’s not the right person to lead a country
age unknown because she’s the last known [REDACTED] (it’ll be revealed, but I wanna build suspense)
has gyrfalcon wings and heightened senses
chronic insomniac
Official Librarian
20 years old
hybrid with an unknown entity
has black fingers with sharp claws
always wears gloves to hide them
can create portals to places he’s been or to people he knows (the second is much riskier, but not impossible)
knowledge sponge
wants to join the Astral Academy but is too nervous to apply
Older Twin
The “Sensible One”
17 years old
Has an uncanny sense of direction
Can’t get lost no matter what
Can manipulate magnetic fields
Younger Twin
The “Hot Headed One”
17 years old
can manipulate fire
idolizes his older siblings, particularly Freya
The Institute
Creeping around in the background
Up to bad things
Something’s going on in the world, but no one’s noticed yet
They will though… soon
Aesthetic/Vibes: minimalism (the worst kind of vibes imo), think laboratories or empty hospitals, harsh artificial lights and cold floors, labyrinths of monotonous hallways with no doors
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hammeredalcoholic · 4 years
Hey I can requests hc for Josuke, Kakyoin, Jotaro having a s/o who plays volleyball and is very good at it. Who is pretty dummy thicc and has thighs that can crush a mans skull. (also I love your writing, it got me into jojo so thank you) -(^_−)-☆
I GOT YOU INTO JOJO????? AH FUCK,,, lmao thats awesome!! i fucking love it tbh, and im glad i served as such a good influence. i’m debating on making a discord chat for my fellow jojo fans that follow this blog to talk to me,,, anyways! love this ask because i also played volleyball, and i like to think im dummy thicc (many people have told me so)
rated: slight nsfw
Josuke Higashikata
Josuke would be at every single match. He would support your love for the sport and be there at the sidelines the whole time. He would also bring along Okuyasu and Koichi every so often. 
He is also pretty obsessed with your figure. He loves to sneak glances at your lower half whenever you’re playing-- those spandex shorts were a gift sent from god. 
On more than one occasion, he has said that he would love for you to crush his head with your thighs. It’s one of his guilty pleasure thoughts. You’re sitting on his face, thighs on each side of his head, and his hands full of your ass. 
Noriaki Kakyoin 
He’s so happy that you love volleyball! He may be well built, but he doesn’t necessarily have a sport that he’s absolutely in love with. He would support you more than Josuke, and even try his hand at practicing with you. 
Noriaki is also very pleased with your figure. He’s always been more of an ass man, and when you walk on the court, he has to stop himself from getting too aroused. 
Soon enough tho, Nori will ask you if you’re willing to wear the spandex when you’re intimate. You do so, and this ensues a lot of heated make outs and rushed grinding until completion. 
Jotaro Kujo
Jotaro will never admit that he’s proud of how good you are at volleyball. But deep down, that’s basically all he feels. He thinks that you’re amazing when you play, quick to action, and easily intimidating. It kinda reminds him of Star Platinum. 
He comes to most of your games, sitting in the back, trying to avoid a majority of the crowd. But with his outfit, it’s not hard to spot him, and you always try to give him a big smile before you hit that spike. It hits him the heart every time. 
Sometimes he decides that he could try to play with you, to get some practice in. His change in outfit, a basic shirt and athletic shorts, sorta set you off in the beginning. Soon after volleying a few times, it was obvious both of your intentions were else where. 
Jotaro’s eyes were glued to your spandex, and seeing him in such a revealing outfit caused the both of you to fumble back into your bedroom.
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goodguydotmp3 · 4 years
two questions: why don’t you like harry and do you really think harry villanized the weed video or do you think that was the people attempting to court him (azoffs)
Whew, this is a long one folx!
Why don’t you like Harry [Styles]?
Let me preface this response by saying that I’m a pretty new “fan” if one can still call me that. I got into the One Direction fandom in the summer of last year, and much of my opinions of the boys where shaped by fan reactions. After gathering more and more information however, I realized that the fandom and I were wrong about some things, and over hyping others. 
Still, it wasn’t until this year that I actually broke out of the Harry-centric bubble to realize that the shady goings on where much worse than I originally thought. Add to this my realization that Harry’s music really doesn’t withstand the test of time, and that his persona is pretty Stagnant, and I’ve come to feel rather bamboozled.
Of course I know that the entire point of his PR team is to sway public opinion of him one way, and if I ate it up that was part of the plan. That doesn’t mean I have to like it. It also doesn’t mean I feel any less hurt about it. It also doesn’t mean that I like when other people fawn over him, as quite a lot of what I’m going to say has been public knowledge, and some of it before I was even a fan.
A. Music
 Actually getting to a big part of the problem here, his music isn’t good. Well, not long term like I said in the preface. He doesn’t really have much of a vocal range despite being a singer for more than ten years. He does not care and acts like he does, often leading to him sounding like he’s screaming instead of singing. He’s lyrics are boring and flat, and his melodies are fine, they just don’t make up for his unmemorable lyrics. I personally think that the cause is him more heavily relying on song writers to fill in more in more, but that’s mostly because I don’t want to believe that the same person who wrote Happily and Olivia also wrote At the Dining Table and Treat People With Kindness, because that would just mean he’s getting worse or putting forth less effort. 
Of course one could argue that I’m not a professional, I don’t have the necessary Jargon to correctly critique, and I’m no longer a singer so I can’t even do what he does. But to that I say fuck off. I know what sounds good! I know what I like! 
Even more than that though, If you bought a product (non food), and you could only use that product for the first two weeks you bought it, you’d say it was a shit product! You’d scream from the rooftops that no one should ever buy this product because it’s crap! Well guess what? I pre-ordered Fine Line just to listen for two weeks and never pick it up again except for golden, she’s a funky tune every couple months. 
Besides the test of time, there is still the subject of actual talent/listenability if you will. I feel there’s four main categories when I listen to music that makes it worth listening to
1.Amazing voice
2.Awesome lyrics
3.Funky/ cool ass melody/Beat
4.Catchy as hell
Now, a song doesn’t need to be all four, however the more they have the more likely I am to like the song. Also, I’ve said “main categories” because I’ve definitely had songs were I just through the beat drop was cool, or maybe the bridge was sick as hell, or maybe I just liked the pacing or the way the singer/singers stressed a note. Alternatively there is a sweet spot for me of super depressing lyrics but a melody/ that makes you want to dance. See: most of After Laughter by Paramore, Lola By Mika. But in general, those four usually make me love a song long term.
If it’s an album, it usually Just has to sound like it belongs on the same album/ tell a story. Like I really don’t like albums that sound like it’s just a playlist of songs personally. I should be able to listen to a song and go “oh yeah, that’s off --- album” or I didn’t like the album as a whole. An album is a bit like an outfit to me. It’s not going to be all tops, nor does it need to be monochromatic, but it does need to go together
For Example, I love Four as an album. I thought it was amazing. I still hate Spaces and Illusion. I hate both of their melodies, I don’t like the Illusion intro, I’m not to keen on those lyrics, and they’re definitely not catchy, I skip every time. 
So taking that logic to Harry’s music, I think HS1 works very well as an album, almost all of the songs sound like they’re supposed to be there. And I hate every song but Kiwi. The lyrics are boring/don’t make a ton of sense, the melodies definitely don’t make up for that, he doesn’t have the range, and none of them are catchy! And then you get to Kiwi and she’s got that vibe you know? She’s a pop punk bop and I cannot fucking believe that Harry has one pop punk bop among unmemorable pop rock album.
Going to Fine line, It’s not as great as an album. There are some songs that don’t really feel like they fit? Like just going through the album, cherry doesn’t have any business being there? Like the lyrics fit sure, but what is that weird intro and outro? It probably would have been fine If the song didn’t have those two, but having them there upset the pace a bit I felt. And then there was Treat People With Kindness, which was really Jarring and doesn’t feel like it belongs on the album at all? It  actually feels like it’s trying to be Kiwi - it’s loud and garish, and the lyrics are trying to be carefree, but! It just doesn’t work! TPWK sounds like Hippie music! Kiwi sounds like Brendon Urie could sing it and people would be like “good ol Panic!”. And then the album goes back down into Fine line the song, which again is Jarring because you’ve had this TPWK monstrosity right before it.
Then, looking at the overarching theme of his music, It’s whiny piss baby music He hates to take responsibility for his actions! It’s all in his lyrics! And don’t get me wrong, I love Honest lyrics, but not if the person is an asshole! LIke I fucking hate confessions by Usher specifically becasue he’s talking about how much he’s a piece of shit in the most whiny and piss baby way, making it all about him and no the people he hurt. I also really hate that one song that Zayn did with Usher and Chris Brown, because you have these awful men completely misunderstanding what it means to write a love song, and then you have Zayn at the very end all like “actually I really am in love tho…” Esp Chris browns verse! It boils down to “Hey I know I was a asshole seven billion times but I miss you tho :(“ GIRL BYE! 
Harry sounds the exact same though, Except he can’t even blame himself for his own mistakes, and just wades through self pity about how the object of his affection won’t love him even though he didn’t even do anything except it wasn’t his fault and why are you still mad it wasn’t even his fault and he was young and reckless and drunk and horny. Like??? WRITE A NEW SONG TAYLOR SWIFT 2.0! There’s only so much you can repackage the same narrative before it becomes stale no Cinderella does not count keep that shit coming. And It really jumps out in his writing, even through 1d, although I will say there were some catchy beats, and awesome lines to keep him afloat back then. Although wtf was Walking in the Wind??? Choke!
Then there are the melodies I’m talking post wondee here which often give this 70’s pop rock vibe. Which fine I guess, it’s his brand, but that doesn’t make it interesting. Or new. Or fresh. Or an interesting take. 
Now I completely understand relying on nostalgia to boost people’s opinion, but you could at leas have the decency to actually have good music. For Example, Miss you by Louis Tomlinson has a very distinctive pop rock feel, but it’s also an amazing song. Great lyrics, amazing voice, catchy liddle diddy that happens to be reminiscent of that 2005- 2010 punk pop/emo pop feel. Sour diesel has that like,,,basey 90s pop feel, and it fucking works with the lyrics, and of course his voice is beautiful. When Walls dropped and Lou put out that playlist of songs that were an inspiration, you can hear the influences when you listen to the album, but they’re also really good songs in their own right, with amazing lyrics, and Louis’ distinctive voice. Comparing that to Harry, it seems like he’s mostly relying on people’s nostalgia rather than actually good music.
Okay so this last point I’m making on music is a little petty but it’s been like a week and I’m still pissed about it so I’m saying it now. Someone said that Harry Styles is the best pop rock artist right now???? Just admit that you don’t listen to pop rock tf. Louis Tomlinson is right there. Brendon Urie is right there. Mika is right there. Haley Williams is right there. Janell Monae is right there. I don’t listen to a lot of pop rock lol but i feel my point has been made
B. Public Persona
He get’s so much clout! SO MUCH CLOUT! For doing the bare minimum (this is not specifically about the fandom, that’s for later)! People will write all these glowing reviews of him for him??? Being polite??? Like okay and? Just because a person is polite doesn’t mean they’re fucking Jesus??? There’s a million and one stories so i’m not fucking looking them up but there’s the pizza story and the fish story and the plane story and the snl story and the Stormzy story and the WS story on and on and on! Stop giving this man brownie points for basic human decency. “I didn’t expect him to be like that!” okay is that because of their perception of what a rock star is supposed to be like? Because in that case we need to start holding people accountable for being assholes. Or is it because he seems like an asshole. Cause valid.
I also don’t like him leaning so heavily on the queer image thing. Like! If that’s how he likes to express himself, Fine, But so much of it is just...so manufactured! And I Know I’ve heard people say oh well he wore the one rainbow on his lapel that one time or he wore the shirt or he wore the Keith Harring.
1. That Rainbow pin is sus as hell I don’t care what ya’ll say It absolutely screams set up, if he wanted to not be seen he would have not been seen 
2. That goes for literally every other time. I can’t believe it’s not a set up to push a queer image. (that he profits from!)
3. If he actually did his homework on Keith Harring he’d know that the man was a predator, and he wouldn’t have worn those shirts. It seems so performative! To add to that, does he know now? If so, why isn’t he using his platform to correct his mistake? Why didn’t he come out and let people know not to buy Harring’s stuff??? He knows the pull he has! He absolutely could have been like “I’ve made a mistake, if you are looking for queer artists to support, here’s some” But he fucking doesn’t
4. To add on to that last part, It is actually sus that he gets to profit off of this queer image, and yet the only queer voices that he’s propping up are white gays. And then not even directly? Not a “queer artists, esp queer artists of color are important and need their voices boosted because they are the back bone of society” but this wink nod type of deal, where again, he mainly boosts white gays.like??? One queer black woman that doesn’t work for the Azoffs, and then a bunch of white gays. Like?? That’s not racist to anyone else???????Just me? okay.
Now from a professional point of view, it’s even worse. I’m not saying that artists can’t be campy or blurr gender lines, or imply that they ‘re queer subtly. But I think it’s fucking disrespectful to play both ends. Like, he profits off of using the queer image, all while Dancing around the subject, but then on the back end he never says that Homophobes/Transphobes aren’t allowed in his fandom. He gives this empty ass tpwk and then washes his hands of it. 
Don’t get me wrong, I am always upset when people who have lots of queerphobes in their fandom bullying and harassing the actual queer people never say anything to let queerphobes know they’re unwelcome (clearly money is better than morals) but for me it’s an extra kick to the gut for it to literally profit Harry to seem queer. Look at that time that  gay company sold out shirts in less than an hour,because harry was wearing it and tell me people aren’t throwing money at him because they feel he’s queer. 
C. Fashion
This one is a really rough one for me because this is partially what drew me into Harry in the first place. But he’s really not all that in terms of fashion. He’s expensive certainly, but sometimes, the things that are more expensive are worse. Even When He’s not looking like a grandparent out on the town, his style is very dated, and yet he gets paraded around like he’s the freshest new thing?? Like who is his team paying of for him to get that many articles about how he’s fashion’s biggest star. And the thing is, his style is even dated for the mainstream. There’s already a post about how he copies prominent pop/pop rock stars of the 70s, which means that his style is 50 years old for the mainstream. Now don’t get me wrong, I think it’s totally fine if you’re addicted to seventies wear. I don’t think he should be heralded as this huge fashion star if his wardrobe is this dated
Even more than that. Gucci???? The Gucci with a history of Racism?? The Gucci with the child labor??? The Gucci with the 14 hour days Gucci??? Ugly ass Gucci????? Soulja Boy don’t even fuck with Gucci no more and he fuck with Gucci since like 2007. (although that was because of the racism, not cause it’s ugly)
I think that bothers me the most though. Like it’s not enough to exploit people, you also have to be tacky ugly and expensive???? For what??? @Gucci cease to exist please.
If Harry wants to be tacky ugly and expensive, that’s of course his rights to do so! But don’t act like he’s at the very pinnacle of fashion every time he does. 
I’m actually always very conflicted about that. I personally prefer a style that’s very loud and campy and avant garde but like,,,,that ain’t it. Maybe it’s something you got it or ya don’t??? Like for example Billy Porter could wear a trashbag and make it work. The expensive sweaters and the slacks? The suits? Not a good look on one Harry Styles. Maybe it’s because they’re expensive sweaters and slacks and expensive suits. What are you, Ted from accounting??? Grow up.
D. Treat People With Kindness
Ugh this is the thing that pisses me off like the second to most. This phrase is so fucking empty. You could not have made up a more corporate mandated phrase if you fucking tried. It stands for nothing! Just like him!
Let’s break it down. “Treat people with kindness” is, at face value, a call to action. It’s asking you to do something. But it doesn’t actually tell you what to do!! So it’s pretty inoffensive! You don’t actually have to change your behavior in anyway for two main reasons:
1. What the hell is Kindness??? This phrase never actually says what it is??? It’s just this short little punchy thing that assumes you know what kindness is! What if you didn’t actually know? What if you have differing ideals of what is considered kindness? I mean to my mother, Misgendering me is kindness, but I don’t think that’s kindness. To my father, not letting his children have autonomy is kindness, but I don’t find that kind. And yet they could both use that phrase and feel confident that they go around treating people with kindness. After all they cooked dinner didn’t they? They smiled at Janice from public relations didn’t they? That’s kindness right?
2. It also assumes you know what “people” are. Queer people are people. Queerphobes don’t consider queer people, people. Racists aren’t going to consider some people, people. So they can continue their harassment and dehumanization of them and still be treating people with kindness, because they never harmed actual people (to them)
E. Harry bots
Bitch?? Corporate spies?? Tf ??? That’s not weird to ya’ll ?? I think the thing that shocked me more than someone from Colombia records admitting that he manufactures the hype around people signed to Colombia, is the fact that the Fandom been knew!!!! Ya’ll been knew and ya’ll wasn’t gon tell me???????? I just found out last week wtf????????
Another thing I don’t like about them Harry bots, is it’s one thing to hype up Harry, but why tf do they need to shit on the other boys??? Is it because they’re more talented, good looking, and charming??? How about you get good!!!! I esp hate that it’s usually Louis. What is Corporate’s obsession with putting Louis down like? What a bunch of fucking weirdos?? It’s not enough to be a Harry fan and live up his ass, I gotta hate Louis too?? You lost yo damn mind. If you reading this and you a spy? Die.
F. Capitalism
Honestly that should be the end of it but here the fuck we go I guess. Now I get that there is going to be some capitalism involved when you get music, especially mainstream music, there are tones of articles out there with people who used to be in the industry telling you about how fucking awful it is, all in the pursuit of money. (Which isn’t fucking real by the way! We made it up! People out here getting traumatized! Belittled! Bullied! Married off! So some corporation can make all the money! The Imaginary Credits! That we made up! I hate it here!) 
But it’s another fucking thing to participate in a capitalist system? He invested into that one sleep app, even going to do one of the voice sessions (So you could have Harry Styles themed sleep paralysis) and you pay for that! He makes money off that! It’s not enough that you buy his mediocre music or his ugly ass merch, you also have to give him money through the sleep paralysis app. 
Then there was that Google Camp for Rich People Only! I don’t even want to fucking hear that it was on Climate Change oh wow all the rich people took helicopters and Yachts to a resort with manicured lawns??? To talk about how they treat the environment? That’s not at all Counter intuitive! Not at all for show! Fucking disgusting.
Oh and the Covid Shirt! Really bitch??? You need to Profit off a deadly pandemic? Are you profiting off of AIDS next you fucking bastard. And he can of course get a tax write of for his “ charitable donation” fuck off.
G. Racism
This! This is the thing that gets me the most! YA’LL CAN EXCUSE RACISM???
No, I’m not talking about the Native American Headdress thing, that was plenty despicable on it’s own, No I’m talking about the on going racism. The whole, using black people for clout and then dropping them and never returning the favor when they sing his praises thing. Specifically I’m thinking of Sis the activist, Stormzy, and Lizzo. 
The Lizzo thing pisses me off the most actually. I think it’s very fucking convenient that Harry started taking interest in Lizzo after there was uproar from black fans noting his hypocrisy of performing for Pepsi (Notoriously racist) and Having BLM sticker on his guitar. So he shows up at one of her concerts dressed like a senior citizen that got lost on the way to the retirement home bathroom. She looked fucking amazing and he couldn’t put forth the effort to at least not look senile. Then there was the covering of her songs, and then there was the cuddling up with her at the awards show. Funny how I haven’t seen any interaction after the fact! And Of course everyone forgot about the Pepsi concert! Fuck all the way off!!
Also! Are we just never going to talk about the fact that he didn’t comment on the blm protests earlier this year until his team could gauge whether or not it would be profitable to do so by DATA MINING HIS FAN BASE???? And then when he actually did he got the most praise for it, truly fucking hate it here. Also when he marched with those protesters he made sure we knew it was him. There were posts flouting around everywhere on how to best cover up to make yourself completely unrecognizable should you wind up on camera or fucking worse, get attacked by the police. Funny how Close Sprouse could follow the advice and not Harry? Also supper funny how he got the hell out of dodge before things got super bad and I have not heard anything on the matter since. Guess what Harry??? We’re still out here fighting for the rights to exist! Still wanna have a photo op while our own government tries to squash us with force????? This is like that Jenner Pepsi ad but with sunglasses and a pandemic.
H. Fandom
I think I would hate him less if I didn’t have to hear about him every hour of everyday. Stop Hyping this man so much. Even after unfollowing and blocking a bunch of Harries and Larries he’s all across my dash. And twitter. And insta. KURTIS CONNER FUCKING LIKES HIM I JUST WANTED CRACK CONTENT AND NOW LOOK. 
I. Conclusion.
After writing all this I think the running theme is that Harry Styles isn’t even a person, he’s a brand. I do not like or trust brands! And I definitely don’t like being advertised to! Just like It’s fake as fuck when Absolut is all about queer rights, it’s fake as fuck when Harry does it too. Just like I know Target doesn’t actually care about Black lives, I know Harry doesn’t either. People are always like “oh he’s so nice!” no! He’s polite! There’s a difference. Zayn Is a truly kind person. Liam is a truly kind person. Louis is a truly kind person. It shines though so brightly all the time, and yet people are really out here worshiping the Brand Harry Styles. 
Do I think It was Harry or The Azoffs throwing Zouis under the bus. 
Truly doesn’t matter! Whichever one did it, Harry was totally fine with it! Which tells me that he doesn’t give a shit about anyone but himself. He’ll go along with anything as long as it gets him to the top, and that’s fucked up on one million and one levels
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bamfdaddio · 3 years
X-Men Abridged: 1981 - Bonus: Avengers Annual 10/What If? 27
The X-Men, those Claremontian mutants that have sworn to protect a world that hates and fears them, are a cultural juggernaut with a long, tangled history. Want to unravel this tapestry? Then read the Abridged X-Men! [more here]
(Avengers Annual 10 & What If? 27) - by Chris Claremont and Mary Jo Duffy, Michael Golden and Jerry Bingham
Avengers? You’re not here for Avengers! Let me make the following counterpoint:
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Holy eye shadow, Rogue!
See, Avengers Annual 10 is less about the Avengers and more about three other things:
The rehabilitation of Carol Danvers who, after this, has had her fill of the Avengers and becomes an honorary member of the X-Men;
Spider-Woman and the X-Men trying to figure out what has happened to Ms. Marvel;
Mystique trying to spring her Brotherhood from prison, using a secret weapon: Rogue.
Depending on my mood that day, I might name Rogue as my favourite-ever X-Man, so I really could not skip her debut issue. Instantly iconic, all of this:
Her streak;
Her signature green outfit with hoodie;
Her accent.
I love how Claremont once again almost effortlessly introduces a strong female character, one that single-handedly takes down three of the strongest Avengers. Also note how free Rogue still is with her powers: fun, flirty, without the tragic can’t-touch-anyone-angle that will define her for the next three decades.
I’m sorry, am I getting ahead of myself?
This story begins as a whodunit: who pushed an amnesiac Carol Danvers off the Golden Gate Bridge and stole her mind? For that matter, where did she came from? Wasn’t she happily married and pregnant in some alternative dimension last time the readers saw her? Spider-Woman rescues her from the choppy water and calls Professor Xavier to help out. He manages to retrieve the Jane Doe’s identity and knows who attacked her: a woman named Rogue.
Rogue, meanwhile, skulks about the Avengers Mansion, first taking out Captain America and then attacking Thor.
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Considering what this comic is about, I don’t believe Hawkeye’s throwaway mysognism is accidental here.
Rogue’s powers work as follows: through touch, she can steal other people’s powers and memories. The longer she touches someone, the longer she’ll have them - with the looming threat of the theft becoming permanent.
After absorbing Thor, Rogue is faced with three Avengers who’s powers she can’t absorb - Spider-Woman (covered in a suit); Vision (robot) and Wonder Man (being of pure energy? Idk, I’m not really familiar with him other than his bromance with Beast). Hoping the three powers she has in her arsenal - Ms. Marvel’s, Thor’s and Cap’s - will be enough, Rogue flees.
Mystique, meanwhile, has duped Iron Man by pretending to be the Wasp and has paralysed Tony Stark in his suit with some sort of device. She picks up the powered-up Rogue and their plan becomes clear:
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Rogue immediately earns her place in my heart by using billionaire Tony Stark the way the Coyote uses anvils. (Also note the odd way of spelling ‘sugah’.)
I love how both the Brotherhood and the X-Men continually pull focus from the Avengers: for an Avengers-comic, it's surprising how much they're pushed to the background. Again, this makes sense if you know what this issue really is about, but that won’t become clear until the epilogue. I don’t mind, it means we get a ton of great moments, like the Blob calling Mystique ‘Misty’:
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My God, this era’s Destiny/Mystique is even more obvious than 90’s Rictor/Shatterstar.
A battle erupts. One funny moment is actually seeing Destiny fight. I’ve never really read comics about this incarnation of the Brotherhood and my collection mostly takes off after Legion Quest, so I mostly know Destiny posthumously. I always figured that, as a villain, she stood somewhere off on the side, delivering cryptic messages. I never realized she was the one to almost shoot Senator Kelly, nor that her powers are this practical.
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X-Men drinking game rule 11: Drink anytime someone fatshames the Blob.
The fight is pretty evenly matched until Spider-Woman releases Iron Man from Mystique’s little trap. Soon, the Avengers overwhelm the Brotherhood. While Mystique and Rogue manage to flee, Destiny, Avalanche, Pyro and the Blob are detained again.
With the main antagonists sorted, we return to the actual storyline: the rehabilitation of Ms. Marvel. Professor X has managed to tease her out of her catatonic state and offers her therapy to restore her missing memories and powers. (The ones stolen by Rogue.) The Avengers, not fully understanding why Carol won’t ask them for help, eventually come by for a house call.
Carol asks the X-Men to leave while the Avengers gingerly confront her. It’s very awkward.
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“Fuck the Avengers. Taking my beer.” - Wolverine, probably.
See, what all this refers to is the rape of Ms. Marvel. I haven’t read the particular comic in which this happens (Avengers 200), so if you want all the details, I’ll refer you to this article. Before I get into the details, it’s important to note that Claremont was the writer for Carol Danvers in her solo-series, giving her agency and turning Ms. Marvel into a three-dimensional character. The title was then cancelled and Carol was shuffled off to the Avengers. (Rogue was, in fact, planned to make her debut in that the solo-Ms. Marvel series, as one of Ms. Marvel’s new antagonists. Presumably, Rogue would steal her powers there, too. We all know Claremont loves to strip his heroes and heroines of their powers to show they’re even more badass without them.)
As an Avenger, Carol was wooed by some other-dimensional dude/entity named Marcus. He courted her by giving her flowers, worshipping the ground she stepped on and, oh yeah, ‘subtly’ influencing her mind to make her fall in love with him and consequently impregnating her.
Now, Claremont is no stranger to putting his characters through their paces and he gleefully makes use of the whole mental manipulation-trope. In fact, telepathically coercing someone to fall in love with you is absolutely what Mastermind did to Jean Grey: he probably violated her just as much as Marcus did Carol. The difference is how it’s treated in the narrative: Mastermind’s actions are never laughed away or apologized for and are the direct cause for his downfall. They help trigger Jean’s transformation to the Dark Phoenix, whose first deed is taking out her fury on ‘Jason Wyngarde’.
That’s… not what happened with Ms. Marvel. There, the narrative condones Marcus’ actions by framing it as ‘her happy ending’ (married and pregnant, yay!), something which is celebrated by the Avengers.
This is where Carol calls them out for their bullshit.
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We call this ‘The Reason You Suck’-Speech. It’s a thing of beauty.
The Avengers depart, tail between their legs, and Carol hangs out with the cool X-kids from now on. For now, at least.
So, this issue is not only a landmark because it’s where Rogue debuts, but you can also see Chris Claremont going to bat for one of characters: he (presumably reluctantly) gave back the character of Carol Danvers when her solo was cancelled, proceeded to see how terribly they massacred his girl and then claimed that ownership right back.
Good for you, Claremont.
The “What If… the Phoenix Had Not Died”-issue is kind of boring, because it’s basically a rehash of the Phoenix Saga. Why am I paying attention to it? Because of the (mild) gore (and because the Avengers Annual wouldn’t fill a whole post). Anyway, it’s like watching a Final Destination-movie: it’s silly, light on plot and never a particularly thought-provoking movie, but it’s still fun to see all those people inventively but haplessly die.
Plot! Instead of committing suicide on the moon, the Shi’ar strip Jean of her powers after her trial. Jean is trapped in a barren mental state, almost feeling like she's a veggie. But Jean's powers refuse to remain dormant: slowly, her telepathy returns.
When Galactus threatens the Shi’ar homestead, Lilandra summons the X-Men as her champions. Jean embraces her Phoenix-side and defeats Galactus. Everyone is grateful and super-convinced Jean can handle the Phoenix this time! Yay!
And, because that battle with Galactus took a lot out of her, Jean decides she can have a little asteroid. As a treat. She keeps slipping up on her diet, supping on the occasional meteor and lonely planet to keep her power levels up. It turns out to be a slippery slope: finally, she consumes another star (in an uninhabited system! And a small one! How dare you judge her!), but when she returns to the mansion…
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The absolute worst moment to forget you have powers, Kitty.
Xavier attempts to bind the Phoenix, but last time, Jean helped him fight from within. This time, there's not much Jean left. Without breaking a sweat, the Phoenix wipes his brain. But she doesn’t stop there. Maybe the Phoenix remembers that, last time, she was undone by the principles of “friendship is magic”. This time, she’s determined to not let it get so far.
It’s absolutely bone-chilling.
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And the stars blinked As they watched her carefully Jealous of the way she shone - Atticus
I wonder if there’s a rhyme or reason to the way Jean murders her friends: is it random? Does she go for the ones she loves the most first? Does she save Cyclops for last, knowing killing him might trigger Jean to respond?
The narration mentions that the three remaining X-Men are the most powerful ones: Polaris, Havok and Cyclops. (I would’ve swapped in Storm for Cyclops, but whatever.) They have formulated a quick plan: Polaris pulls focus while Havok and Cyclops shift into position. Phoenix disintegrates Polaris while Havok and Scott try and blast Phoenix to smithereens.
But at the last moment, Scott can’t. Havok’s blast alone is not enough. Phoenix shoots him through the heart and then, finally, kills Cyclops. That’s when Jean resurfaces, realizing what she’s done. She can’t take it - she’s in the mood to dissolve in the sky, as per Virginia Woolf - and she lets the Phoenix take over.
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Phoenix finally lives up to her potential: The End of All That Is.
It's a mediocre plot with a lame ramp-up to a terrifying conclusion. In the regular universe, the thing that triggers the Phoenix is the utter violation of Jean’s body and mind; here, it’s being confronted by Kitty. One is the proverbial red cloth in front of the bull, the other is being assaulted by an ineffective wet cloth. The Phoenix Saga is iconic because all the pieces were carefully put in place; this just feels rushed an unearned.
Also, the Watcher is full of shit. You can’t say you don’t pass judgment whilst simultaneously comparing the merits of one tragedy to the other. Shut up, Uatu.
Check back next week for your regularly scheduled X-Men Abridged! It’s time for 1982 and the brood saga!
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comrade-meow · 4 years
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This is a transcript of a speech by developmental biologist Dr Emma Hilton delivered on 29 November 2020 for the ‘Feminist Academics Talk Back!’ meeting. This talk was originally published by womentalkback.org
Sex denialists have captured existing journals We are dealing with a new religion
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Thank you for the invitation to speak today, as a feminist academic fighting back.
As ever, let’s begin with a story. And, trust me, by the end of this talk, you’re going to know a lot more about creationism that you expected:
1. In the 1920s, in concert with many other American states, the Tennessee House of Representatives passed the Butler Act, making it illegal for state public schools to: “teach any theory that denies the Story of the Divine Creation of man as taught in the Bible.” In other words, banning schools from teaching the theory of evolution.
Three months later, Tennessee science teacher John Scopes was on trial, charged with teaching the theory of evolution, a crime he was ultimately found guilty of. He was fined £71 – about £1064 in today’s money – so it could have been an expensive affair for him, had he not got off on a really boring administrative technicality.
Yet, despite the evidence against him and his own confession, he was an innocent man. Scopes was not guilty of teaching the theory of evolution. He admitted to a crime he had not committed. He even coached his students in their testimonies against him. So why would he admit to this wrongdoing of which he was entirely innocent? Why would he contrive apparent guilt? In protest. In protest against a law he viewed as fundamentally incompatible with the pursuit of scientific truth.
2. The history of creationism and education laws in the US is turbulent and often opaquely legalese, especially for those of us unfamiliar with US law. Some of the methods of the wider creationist movement, however, will be immediately recognisable as they are employed by a new movement, one which seeks to erase another scientific truth, the fact of sex.
Method 1. The framing of human classifications, whether it’s species or sex, as “arbitrary”. This leads to the premise that such phenomena are “social constructs” that need not exist if we chose to reject them. That truth must be relative and consensual. Never mind that these “arbitrary” classifications appear to be surprisingly similar classifications across all cultures and civilisations.
It also necessarily spotlights tricky boundary cases – not really a personal problem for the long-dead evolutionary missing links, but a very real problem in the modern world for people whose sex is atypical and who are constantly invoked, even fetishized, as “not males” or “not females” to prove sex classification is somehow no more than human whimsy.
People with DSDs have complex and often traumatic medical histories, perhaps struggling to understand their bodies, and they deserve more respect than to be casually and thoughtlessly used as a postemodernist “gotcha” by the very people so horribly triggered by a pronoun.
Method 2. The distortion of science and the development of sciencey language to create a veneer of academic rigour. Creationists invented “irreducible complexity” and “specified complexity” while Sex denialists try to beat people over the head with their dazzling arrays of “bimodal distributions arranged in n-dimensional space”.
Creationists, unable to publish in mainstream science journals because they weren’t producing, well, science, established their own journals. “Journals”. Sex denialists have captured existing journals – albeit limited to more newsy ones and to occasional editorials and blogs about gender (which is not sex), about how developmental biology is soooo complicated (which does not mean sex is complicated – I mean, the internal combustion engine is complicated but cars still fundamentally go forwards or backwards), about how discussing the biology of sex is mean (OK, good luck with that at your doctor’s surgery). Many such blogs and articles are written by scientists who simultaneously deny sex to their social media audience while writing academic papers about how female fruitflies make shells for their eggs (no matter how queer they are), about the development of ovaries or testes in fish and about how males make sperm.
The current editor-in-chief at Nature, the first female to hold this position, studied sex determination in worms for her PhD, and she now presides over a journal with an editorial policy to insert disclaimers about the binary nature of sex into spotlight features about research on, for example, different death rates in male and female cystic fibrosis patients.
The authors of the studies are not prevaricating or handwaving about sex, but the editorial team is “bending the knee”. I used to research a genetic disorder that was male-lethal – that is, male human babies died early in gestation. I’d love to know if this disclaimer would be applied there.
Method 3. Debate strategies like The Gish Gallop. This method is named for Duane Gish, who is a prominent creationist. What it boils down to is: throw any old argument, regardless of its validity, in quick succession at your opponent and then claim any dismissal or missed response or even hesitation in response as a score for your side. In Twitter parlance, we know this as “sealioning”, in political propaganda as the “firehose of falsehood”, although Wikipedia also suggests that it is covered by the term “bullshit”. So, what about intersex people? what about this article? what about an XY person with a uterus? what about the fa’afafine? what about that article? look at this pretty picture. what about what about whataboutery what about clownfish? The aim is not to discuss or debate, it is to force submission from frustration or exhaustion.
Method 4. The reification of humans as separate from not just monkeys but the rest of the living world. The special pleading for special descriptions that frame humans as the chosen ones, such that the same process of making new individuals, common to humans and asparagus, an observation I chose because it seems superficially silly – it could have been spinach – requires its own description, one that accounts for gender identity.
3. In the Scopes trial, which saw discussion of whether Eve was actually created from Adam’s rib and ruminations on where Cain got his wife, Scopes was defended by a legal group who had begun scouting for a test case subject as soon as the Tennessee ban was enacted. This legal group claimed to advocate for:
“Freedom of speech for ideas from the most extreme left such as anarchists and socialists, to the most extreme right including the Ku Klux Klan, Henry Ford, and others who would now be considered more toward the Fascist end of the spectrum.”
The legal group so keen to defend the right to speak the truth, in this case a fundamental, observable scientific truth? The American Civil Liberties Union, a group whose modern day social media presence promotes nonsense like:
“The notion of biological sex was developed for the exclusive purpose of being weaponized against people.”
“Sex and gender are different words for the same thing [that is] a set of politically and socially contingent notions of embodied and expressed identity.”
and shares articles asserting that biological sex is rooted in white supremacy.
Since the Scopes case, the ACLU have fought against many US laws preventing, or at least compromising, the teaching of evolution. I cannot process the irony of a group of people historically and consistently prepared to robustly defend the truth of evolution while now denying one of the most important biological foundations of evolution.
4. How do we fight this current craze of sex denialism? A major blow for creationism teaching was delivered in 1986 while the US Supreme Court were considering a Louisiana state law requiring creationism to be taught alongside evolution. The Louisiana law was struck down, in part influenced by the expert opinions, submitted to the court, of scientists who put aside their individual and, as one of them has since described “often violent” differences on Theory X and Experiment Y, to present a unified defence of scientific truth over religious belief. 76 Nobel laureates, 17 state academies of science and a handful of scientific organisations all got behind this single cause, and made a very real change.
Support for creationism has slowly ebbed away and the US is in a much more sensible position these days, although I still meet the occasional student from a Southern state who didn’t learn about evolution until college.
Sadly, one of the Nobel laureates has highlighted how unusual this collective response was and that he could not imagine any other issue that would receive the same groundswell of community support. Although he forged his career listening out for the Big Bang, so maybe I need to go through the list and find the biologists.
Part of the problem petitioning biologists to speak out is not necessarily fear of being cancelled or whatever, but simple lack of awareness of the issue, or incredulity that it is being taken remotely seriously. I’ve been working on a legal document and was discussing with a colleague about my efforts to find a citation for the statement, “there are two sexes, male and female”. He laughed at the idea that this would require a citation, told me to check a textbook, then realised that this statement is so simple that it would not even be included in a textbook.
And he’s right. I can find chapters in textbooks and hundreds of academic papers dedicated to how males and females are made, how they develop, how they differ, yet very few that feel the need to preface any of this with the statement “There are two sexes, male and female”. It is apparently something that biologists do not think needs to be said.
But of course, I think they are wrong, and that we live in a time where it does need to be said, where some aspects of society are being restructured around a scientific untruth, and where females will suffer.
Without recognition of and language to describe our anatomy, and the experiences that stem from that anatomy, mostly uninvited, we can neither detect nor measure things like rates of violence against women, the medical experiences, the social experiences of women and girls.
And, as for creationism, the reality of sex perhaps needs to be said by those with scientific authority, in unambiguous terms. Otherwise, we are living in a society that tolerates nonsense like there is no such thing as male or female, that differences evident to our own eyes are not real, that anatomies readily observable and existing in monkey and man alike do not actually exist. I’m sure this last assertion has the full support of the creationist community. And perhaps, as for creationism, a true tipping point will be tested when it is our children being taught these scientific untruths, or worse, when it is illegal to say different.
5. At the end of his trial, the only words Scopes uttered in court were these:
“Your honor, I feel that I have been convicted of violating an unjust statute. I will continue in the future, as I have in the past, to oppose this law in any way I can. Any other action would be in violation of my ideal of academic freedom—that is, to teach the truth as guaranteed in our constitution, of personal and religious freedom.”
I do not exaggerate when I say we are dealing with a new type of religion, a new form of creationism and a new assault on scientific truth. I also do not exaggerate when I say it may take a high profile court case to rebalance the public discourse around sex. There is only so far letters and opinion articles can go.
Two things I predict: 1. It will not be defended by the ACLU, and 2. With the recent proposals on hate speech law, it will probably involve a Scottish John Scopes, who finds themself in front of a judge for the seditious crime of discussing the sex life of asparagus at their dinner table.
Dr Emma Hilton is a developmental biologist studying aspects of human genetic diseases, and her current research focuses on a congenital motor neurone disease affecting the genitourinary tract, and on respiratory dysfunction in cystic fibrosis. She teaches reproduction, genes, inheritance and genetic disorders. Emma has a special interest in fairness in female sports. A strong advocate for women and girls, Emma tweets as @FondofBeetles.
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anony-mouse-writer · 4 years
well if netflix is allowed to give us a crappy washed out edgelord version of winx, then im allowed to post my weird worldbuilding takes on winx club that ive been making for the last year and a half since i rewatched the show. (also i watched the 4kids version so apologies about the names)
general worldbuilding: the three schools of magix are there to train the defenders of the realms.
red fountain trains paladins and knights to protect the kingdoms and their people.
alfea trains magic users to protect the magic of the realms with a concentration on personal transformation and growth.
cloud tower trains magic users to protect the realms themsleves with a concentration on study and magical artificery. because of the rogue witches who tried to steal the dragonfire, there has been a certain amount of tension between the witches and everyone else for a few decades.
bloom: is slightly... odd growing up. sometimes her eyes glow and her base temp is a few degrees higher than is strictly healthy and she is drawn to warm spaces like lizards or cats. her mom invests in a greenhouse extension for her flowershop and no one comments on the hammock bloom strings up to sleep in. she says she’s never picked any major or job in the future because she’s okay where she is at the flower shop, but really its because she feels like shes missing something important and can’t figure it out. it doesn’t go away completely when she gets alfea either, but when she finally gets to sparks/domino, she realizes its because she is carrying the embodiment of an entire realm’s magic in her and that kinda messes up your magic a bit.
stella: solaria has several branches of royalty, but they are mainly split into the three solar courts and the lunar and stellar courts. her father is the king of the first solar courts and her mother is the queen of the lunar court. after their divorce, stella spent far more time dealing with courtly intrigue than she did practicing magic and she ends up getting held back a year at alfea due to missing several fundamental lessons. she tends to be more concerned with official standing and presentation than power or magics, but her alfea/red fountain friends are helping to teach her how normal non-manipulative friendships work.
shes sort of friends with prince skye and squire brandon and when they were kids they came up with a half-cocked plan where she married skye and dated brandon in secret and skye could fall in love with whoever he wanted and then they would be stella’s attendent so it was all covert. it was not a great plan, but it did involve several awkward third-wheeling dates on skye’s behalf and he has so much friendly blackmail in the two of them.
tecna: tecna comes from a planet where instinctual magic is a dying art. if anything, most magic users end up at cloud tower to study artificery, but tecna is determined to learn about raw magic and its applications in magi-tech. magi-tech is different from artificery because artifacts are meant to be used by magic users usually for magical or combative purposes whereas magi-tech is mean to be used by anyone for everyday applications (ie scanners, holograms, etc)
tecna’s species dosn’t have innate genders, but instead pick their gender presentations as they grow older (if at all). tecna picks female so she can attend alfea, but eventually realizes that female feels right and starts to wear less androgynous outfits on ocassion.
musa: musa’s mom used classical instruments (chinese classical, not western) and her dad used a lot more contemporary styles and tools, but together, they produced beautiful music. when her mom died, her dad grew to resent the classical instruments that reminded him of her and musa grew up with only contemporary influences. musa meets galitea (the other fairy from harmonix) in her second year of school and they have long discussions (and eventually jam sessions about musa’s inexperience with any classical or traditional instruments. musa starts to learn the flute and a few of the instruments her mom left her in secret and only tells her dad about it during the concert where she performs with them for the first time. she goes on to make fusion classical/contemporary music.
musa still has an arc with riven, but after season 1 when they break up, she spends season 2 out of any romantic relationships and season 3 realizes she has feelings for galitea. im still not sure if i want her coming to terms with her bisexuality to be tied to her coming to terms with classical music or not.
flora: floras people can talk to plants. this makes eating plants awkward. ergo, floras people are obligate carnivores who also gain energy via photosynthesis. flora is a scientist first and foremost. she studies and wants to develop new ways for plants to thrive in foreign environments without becoming invasive species and is working with both magi-tech and pure magic to find ways for people to get the most out of plants for various medicinal and magical purposes without causing any harm to the plants.
she also works on humanoid-floral communications and spends a lot of time with pumpkin-mytra and later human-myrta learning to break curses which was not her original plan but it was Very Important and so she learned it and ten it was kinda fun so she stuck with it.
layla/aisha: her parents traditional views and ideas are important to them and to ruling tides. aisha has little choice but to accept them and has no outlet for her true self for a long time, leading to some heavy suppression and anxiety. when she gets to meet the pixies, she makes friends for the first time and they teach her a bit about being herself. she still has struggles with expressing her true feelings and swings between respecting her kingdom’s traditions and resenting them for making her be someone she’s not for so long. as she develops as a person and a fairy, she learns eventually to reconcile the two in a way that might not please her parents entirely, but allows for growth and tradition both. she gets along weirdly well with stella who helps her on this journey a lot.
aisha also spends time with fairies and red fountainers (and later possibly even some witches) coming up with better communication lines and various protections for magical creatures who don’t necessarily have specific realms (ie the pixies) since they lack any kind of protection from larger threats besides their own.
other characters:
daphne is a from the fairy school of magic so her job was to protect the magic of sparks/domino when the rogue witches attacked, so she stuffed it (aka the dragonfire) into the crown princess and hid her on a null planet so the coven couldnt find it.
myrta not only moves from the witches school of magics to the fairy school of magics, but she is trans. she gets an arc where flora and later helia help her to figure out her powers and also how to be comfortable as her own person outside of her friendships with lucy or even flora.
riven is a good fighter but a better mage. he wants to best his peers in fighting, and hates that he feels he call of magic pretty strongly. darcy takes advantage of this and encourages him to abandon his magic while draining him of his power. when he is chased from cloud tower and falls, he uses his skills in tandem with a bit of magic to survive. he remains wary of his powers, but eventually learns to accept them and learns to be a mage and a fighter which is Simply Not Done, but honestly at this point riven is done listening to everyone else so he does what he wants and becomes great at both.
the trix spend season one pretending to be regular witches. they play up the ‘mean girls’ routine and spend a lot of time stirring chaos and malcontent at cloud tower. when they finally give up the pretense and try to take the dragon fire for real, they lose a bit of the mean girls vibe and work towards the rogue witch coven’s goal of stealing the magic of various realms. their work in cloud tower does not dissapear and there is a time where a lot of witches have to unlearn a lot of toxic behavior and it sucks a lot.
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besanii · 4 years
shattered mirrors 54
Wangxian ; 1586 words
   “You know, I didn’t think banquets in Gusu could get this lively,” Wei Wuxian comments, pouring himself another cup of wine. “All the ones I’ve attended before have been quite…well, quiet.”
He throws back the contents up his newly-refilled cup in one swallow and sighs gustily. The Gusu Lan Imperial Court may be stuffier than Yunmeng, but they sure knew how to make wine—Emperor’s Smile may be the finest he’s ever tasted, and he’s always tried to make a study of wine tasting on top of his other cultural pursuits. If Jiang Cheng were here, he’d scoff at this claim and insist that Yunmeng’s lotus wine is better, but Wei Wuxian knows there is nothing quite like the soft sweetness of Emperor’s Smile.
Beside him, Nie Huaisang nods in agreement as he sets his own cup on the table.
“It’s only ever like this when they’re entertaining important guests from other states,” he says sagely. “You know…diplomats, royalty—important people.”
Wei Wuxian bristles.
“Aren’t I considered a foreign diplomat?” he asks, affronted. “I don’t recall there being a banquet like this for me!”
“You, Wei-xiong?” Nie Huaisang laughs. “You’re more like a foreign student than a diplomat. You don’t attend court, or participate in state affairs, or have any influence over the politics between Yunmeng and Gusu. Of course they wouldn’t look twice at you!”
“I take offence to that statement, Nie-xiong,” Wei Wuxian says with mock anger and a waggling finger. “I have a lot of sway in Yunmeng!”
He punctuates this with a jovial laugh and washes it down with another cup of wine. His eyes stray towards the head table at the highest level of the dais that sits conspicuously empty, the unoccupied throne more of a figurehead than anything else now, with the Emperor in seclusion due to poor health. One level below, Lan Wangji sits at a table of his own, with his uncle beside him and his brother and sister-in-law across the aisle. He does not touch the wine, and barely spares a second glance at the revelry below, until a young woman dressed in pale yellow robes and bearing a vermilion mark between her brows approaches his table.
“Who’s that?” Wei Wuxian whispers to Nie Huaisang, immediately wary.
“Jin-wang’s eldest daughter,” Nie Huaisang whisper back, holding his fan up to obscure his mouth. “Jin Yantong.”
It takes him a moment to place the name. His eyes widen.
“Isn’t she the one who he sent as a marriage candidate for Taizi-dianxia a couple of years ago?” His brow furrows in confusion. “What’s she doing back here?”
Nie Huaisang taps his fan against his lips thoughtfully.
“Well, since she didn’t become Taizi-fei, I guess she’s here to try for the next best thing,” he says. The look he sends Wei Wuxian out of the corner of his eye is weighted with meaning. “Or, at least, her father is.”
“Can you even do that?” he asks with a shaky laugh, hiding his discomfort behind his wine cup. “Put forward the same candidate for two princes?”
“There’s no law that expressly forbids it,” Nie Huaisang replies, shrugging. “Though I suppose the bigger issue is whether the young maiden in question would willingly submit herself to the potential for ridicule.”
Wei Wuxian hums, although he’s not sure if it’s out of sympathy or something else. He would not put it past Jin Guangshan to put forth his daughter as a candidate repeatedly until she is finally selected as consort; even if Jin Yantong does not succeed, Jin Guangshan has children to spare—he could very well keep putting forth all of his eligible children until one of them helps him get a foothold in Gusu. Three years ago, Lan Xichen had selected Nie Qiongyue as his primary consort and refused to take a concubine; now that Lan Wangji is of marriageable age, Jin Guangshan undoubtedly has him in mind for his daughter.
His stomach clenches as he watches Lan Wangji rise to greet her with a polite bow; she returns the greeting with a dip of the knee, bowing her head gracefully, her hands clasped by her hip. She offers him a sweet smile as she rises, her mouth forming words Wei Wuxian cannot make out from the angle at which he’s observing them. What he does see, however, is the slight softening of Lan Wangji’s mouth as he listens to her, and the softness in his eyes as he responds.
He slams the cup down on the table with more force than necessary, startling Nie Huaisang. Across the hall, Lan Wangji is also watching him with concern, although he makes no move to leave his seat.
“Sorry, sorry,” he mutters, averting his eyes.
Jin Yantong is truly a beautiful young woman, he thinks. Intelligent, accomplished, well-connected. And capable of bearing sons. He coughs as the wine slides down the wrong way, tears springing to his eyes; a few of the surrounding courtiers glance his way with a mixture of annoyance and curiosity, but he is too preoccupied getting his breathing under control to pay them any mind.
Where had that thought come from?
He clears his throat a few more times and pounds on his chest with a fist in an attempt to alleviate the burning pain.
“Wei Ying.”
A hand under his elbow brings him out of his thoughts and he looks up to find Lan Wangji kneeling by his side, looking concerned.
“L-Lan Z—” he clears his throat again, embarrassed. “Er-dianxia.”
The corner of Lan Wangji’s eye twitches at the title, but he does not mention it. Instead, he moves his hand from beneath Wei Wuxian’s elbow to his shoulder, his other hand taking a cup from the tray being offered by an attendant, pressing it into Wei Wuxian’s hands.
“Drink,” he tells him. “Slowly.”
Wei Wuxian looks down at the tea, tendrils of steam curling up from its hot surface, his face flushed. All around them, people are starting to notice—Nie Huaisang has returned to his seat, his eyes lowered respectfully, only chancing the occasional glance in their direction—even the occupants of the dais are watching them, although their faces betray no outward emotion. He sees Jin Yantong across the hall where Lan Wangji had left her, watching them both with an inscrutable expression in her dark eyes, and a stiff set to her pretty lips.
Lan Wangji’s attention is fixed on him.
Wei Wuxian’s heart does a strange little flip.
“Thank you, Er-dianxia, for your concern,” he says with an embarrassed laugh. “I must have had too much to drink. I apologise for causing trouble.”
He goes to set the cup down onto the table, but his wrist is caught in a tight grip as Lan Wangji presses it towards him more insistently.
“Wei Ying,” he says again. “Drink.”
He can really find a reason to refuse, so he obediently raises the cup to his lips and takes a sip. The spiciness of the tea takes him by surprise—how had Lan Wangji known to prepare sobering tea?—he takes another, longer sip, savouring the pleasantly sweet aftertaste. The grip around his wrist loosens and falls away once Lan Wangji is satisfied he is following instructions; when the cup is finally empty, he takes it from him and hands it back to the attendant without a word.
Wei Wuxian sits up, his head already feeling clearer as the tea takes effect, and offers Lan Wangji a sheepish smile.
“Thank you, Er-dianxia,” he says again. “I apologise for causing trouble. I will excuse myself to clear my head.”
Lan Wangji rises to his feet—both Wei Wuxian and Nie Huaisang immediately follow suit as per protocol—and shakes out his sleeves.
“Wei-gongzi should not feel the need to apologise,” he says, letting his voice carry around the hall and to the ears of their spectators. “No harm was done. If you wish for fresh air, allow me to accompany you outside.”
He raises his arm in a sweeping gesture towards the doorway with an expectant look in his direction. Wei Wuxian hesitates, painfully aware of everyone’s eyes on them, before he sinks into a bow with his hands clasped before him.
“Please do not let me take you away from the festivities, Er-dianxia,” he says, with all the formality of a courtier to his prince. “I am already much recovered and will be fine on my own. There is no need to worry Er-dianxia.”
Lan Wangji opens his mouth as if to protest, but a soft cough interrupts him before he can speak. Nie Huaisang catches his eye and tilts his head pointedly towards the dais, where Lan Qiren looks on disapprovingly.
Lan Wangji sighs heavily through his nose.
“Very well,” he says, sounding none too pleased to be saying so. “Take care, Wei-gongzi.”
Wei Wuxian bows again at the dismissal and hurries from the hall without a backward glance. Once he is far enough from the entrance and certain he is not being followed, he allows his shoulders to slump. His heart is racing, the heat still high on his cheeks despite the sobering tea—and the expression on Lan Wangji’s face looking down at Jin Yantong is still vivid in his mind, causing his stomach to twist uncomfortably.
He looks down at his wrist, where Lan Wangji had held him.
Oh, he thinks faintly. I see.
Taizi-fei (太子妃) - Consort to the Crown Prince
Jin Guangshan is king/lord/wang (王) of the state of Lanling Jin, and Jin Yantong (金燕彤) is his eldest daughter by a concubine. And yes, Jin Zixuan does exist.
Set early on in the Wei Ying arc, just after LWJ’s birthday ficlet (#33).
Master Post and ko-fi link on my sidebar!
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seoafin · 4 years
tbh,, i havent read the raws of the interview yet, only the translated ver from fan-translator and b4 i start, i think that this will be just me talking in circle and in no particular order AND a real mess (my brain does weird things after exams) but uhh here we go
gojou collects talented people, and by doing so he finds the people he can most probably relate to, except that he can't, not really, because something in the universe shifted when he was born. and it makes me think of how he's always known it, that he is special, and he's proven it, time and time again— he wants to take in talented ppl and he does, but there rly isn't much he can do for them. for they are talented, more talented than the world can understand,,
but they aren't gojou satoru
gojou took in megumi, bc he knew megumi was strong, and would grow up to be someone even stronger, but gojou can't facilitate or encourage his growth, bc for all they're similar, they are so fundamentally different. ALSO,, while geto was in his life, gojou rly judged everything according to his understanding of geto’s moral compass. gojou wears a human suit and geto is how he learnt to wear it well 🏃
the dragonfly analogy regarding to geto’s response to gojo, who was shown wearing a dragonfly patterned yukata in HI arc,, i’m trying to not think abt the fact that dragonfly symbolized victory in jpn....pain. i quoted from a web here for more explanation : In Japan the dragonfly is known as the "victory insect", or kachimushi, because of its hunting prowess and also because it is known to never retreat. Dragonflies are agile and fast fliers and can even hover, but never fly backwards
and bringing this up again, matricide and patricide are 2 of the 5 worst act to commit in buddhism, and it was said that if u commit one of those act u’re going to spend a real long time in the deepest pit of hell before continuing the samsaric cycle (higher chances to be born as an animal after that probs)— this might be geto’s divine retribution. held no power over his own body and could be considered that he’s the same as those “monkeys” 💀
ALSO the fact that sukuna's interest is "eating" rly drives home his hedonistic philosophy of seeking pleasure for himself. and he’s a cannibal...makes me think if he’ll just chomp on ppl with the mouth on his stomach
randomly, to date i think he hasn't really called himself a human, shaman, or a curse, and has held himself apart from all 3, and we've also the intro of the cursed wombs so i wonder if he’s trying to become, or is, a different entity altogether
so onmyoji got mentioned in the interview and what they practice is called onmyodo and abe no seimei and kano no yasunori were the notable practitioners,, and the kamo in jjk is the same as irl who served the imperial court back then
maybe i was right when i said that the relation between the govt. and jujutsu elders are similar to how the shogunate and imperial court work (ie, the former holds the actual power) but... lets see later,,
and i cant believe that i actually nailed it on the analogy of jujutsu practices by religion,,, so mahayana buddhism, shintoism, and taoism is present in jjk along with their respective jujutsu practices...but between the 3, it shld (?) be taoism > shintoism > mahayana buddhism (which could took a path to pure land buddhism)
it’s weird that the number of curses are supposedly higher in jpn comparable to other countries when taoism was brought from china....tengen sus
so the zenin family tree is sth like :
brothers: [toji's dad] ; naobito ; ougi
so toji, naoya, and maki & mai are cousins of the same generation
[toji's dad] → jinichi (probs) ; toji → megumi
naobito → other brothers, naoya
ougi → maki, mai
but yea i’d call anyone who’s within/close or below my age range as cousins and others above 30 as uncles/ aunts LMFAO,, i dont rly memorize my own family tree 😭😭 especially since most call the other by honorifics instead of names : aunt, uncles etc or attaching said honorifics at the end of a name for an older sibling figure/ older cousins [but like ppl in my country also call the other who are older with sibling honorific even if we’re strangers,,, rly similar to korea’s hyung/oppa—eonnie(unnie)/noona but some uses more genderless honorific] (1)
tw // topic of incest, mentions of abuse
if anyone got the wrong idea when reading this : i am not glorifying/ romanticising incest(uous themes),, i’m looking at this with absolutely no lenses of bias even tho im rly against it
初恋 = literally : first love, or puppy love
恋 = romantic love/ deep longing
i literally don't know how else to put this...🧍and with language barrier...using a western interpretation of the eng word "love" to explain a jpnese term is not quite that simple, unfortunately
that thread omg,, i rly do understand how exactly someone could associated kindness with love bc of my upbringing, it was when i was slightly older that i was just...oh so its not like that orz,,, so the most plausible explanation would be that
but the problem is that,, akutami never specify when exactly she had a crush on them,, and when megumi answered todo’s question she had a “♡” reaction 😶,, uhmmm there’s rly no way to look past this if its this way or be in denial
i’ve seen some of "why wouldn't mai react that way after hearing megumi say he'd like someone who's compassionate when she's surrounded by men like naoya",, well I MEAN,,, that, but also mai probs admires that megumi grew up so well out of the clan, regardless of the fact that he had the foundation (10 shadows) to do so. imo she seems happy for him the way she can't be for maki, bc maki ultimately had to leave her behind
hate to say it but yea,, the 3 clans most likely still practice inbreeding in order to preserve their power and presumably their wealth too 😀
i had an idle thought abt it at first but i filed it deep in the back of my mind asap,, bc i ont wanna jump to conclusion abt this out of all things too early. it’s probably not even in jjk, but all those elite clans in other ani/mangas that produce powerful heirs and whatnot also do the same,,, but this way of (my personal) thinking was influenced when i first got into tsukihime (type-moon),,, i read abt the nanaya family background and found out that they practice that in order to keep their bloodline “pure” (to keep it short : they have an optical power),, and i had this kind of assumption ever since so there’s that
i’m,, convinced the zenins' inbreeding made it more difficult for them to get powerful shamans bc they got 2 jujutsu technique-less children with heavenly restrictions in the same generation: toji & maki
even more convinced that maki might be a bit stronger than toji bc toji could see curses without aid while maki can't so the pay-off must be higher,,, SJJASN IDK ,,, plus naoya sort of implies his older brothers are nothing compared to him, and idk if we should take that as his arrogance or that his older brothers rly are weak/powerless. it would make sense as to why naobito had a lot of sons, ig, as head of clan
i feel so bad that if one of the factors that can caused heavenly restriction is inbreeding,, toji and maki and mai had no say in how they wanted to be born but are scorned for it,, typical asian families projecting their traumas and ideals onto their kids but get mad when they realize that those ideals are ugly...😁😁😁
since the zenin are conservative,, i wonder if they still hold onto old jpnese dining traditions. where in ancient jpn, hierarchical relationships were made readily apparent even within families. a dining table where everybody sat down and ate as equals would be unheard of. rather, each individual is given their own table that indicates their status,,, someone who is not considered “strong” according to the zenin’s views most likely have no place at the table, and probs eat when those who are “strong” finished/ serve them when they are eating
if toji was tossed into a swarm of curses,, i dont think abuse during said time is below them,,,
the zenin clan was already great, but they further amassed power and strength by, what i assume to be, marrying and adopting powerful individuals into the clan 🤔 ,,, i imagine they're like the hiiragi but without doing what they did to shinya (ons reference)
BUT after all that, i like to think that since akutami’s a big horror fan, jjk might be an outlet to explore said topics or even darker ones, so i wouldnt be that surpised abt it. given that there’s more than enough “red flags” before this was dropped : a reference to “tale of hikaru genji” when a grown woman asked for gojou’s number in HI arc (out of all things); granny who transformed into the man’s daughter, sat on his lap and man just touched her waist; mei mei and ui ui ; and...this (incestous theme is in the novel btw)
lets not start with whatever the fuck in kubo’s head in the interview otherwise i’m writing paragraphs with every curse words possible,, those big 3 mangakas are so— UGH,, a planet w out (cis) men like him sounds real good rn 😌 if one of yall out there decide to do it,, pls hmu rly cant do this shit anymore
akutami said i like my men pretty and i like women who will step on my neck and spit in my face (I REMEMBERED TATSUKI FUJIMOTO’S INTERVIEW WHEN HE WAS ASKED ABT MAKIMA AND IT WAS SO 😭😭😭😭) but ykw,, love that for both of them <3
when i said 3 : one piece, bleach, naruto. aside from the blatant depiction/ characterize of women in those 3,, idk if some ppl arent aware yet but oda is friends with two (2) convicted pedos,, man...the major disappointment and disgust when i first find out abt it
anyways this is just my 2 cents (which i think rightfully belong to the trash can) so pls just take this w a lil to no grain of salt - 🐱
honestly i wouldn’t be surprised if the three clans practiced inbreeding. but ik people are going to be  😡😡😡😡😡 about it when the queen of fucking england is literally married to her (something) cousin. i’m not justifying it but like....love the double standards, just as always with the west 😍
DON’T EVEN GET ME STARTED ON THAT FUCKING PED* LIST THEY SHOULD ALL BE IN JAIL. JAILLLLL. it’s all so gross. that’s why i fucking hate when people look towards manga for positive representation because the chances of that are super slim to zero, especially since the industry is saturated with misogyny and ped******* and a lot of other gross stuff.
i think ppl forget jjk is a horror manga LOL so obviously it’s going to confront darker themes. the question is whether it’s going to be done tastefully or not......
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Bridgerton & Selective Justification: A Rant
With a Particular Aside in Which This Author Questions if There Isn't a Double Standard at Play in Televised Historical Fiction.
Ok so the other day i posted complaining about how ludicrous the "Will Daphne marry Prince Friedrich?!" Plotline is to me and i referred to Daphne as a "commoner". I got two comments on that post of people saying Daphne *isn't* a commoner because she's a Viscount's daughter. I did respond but I'd like to go a little more in depth into it my thoughts on why this plotline verges on abject silliness to me, based on my (i will freely admit) *limited* knowledge of British aristocracy and the source material itself.
So if anyone reading this has a more detailed knowledge of the Peerage and how it relates to Bridgerton please correct me I'm eager to know more.
So to start out my understanding of the pecking order goes like this:
DUKE/DUCHESS = Highest ranking title in the peerage. Often bestowed on important members of the Royal family not in direct line for the throne. Worth noting is the fact that a Duke in British peerage is different than a Continental Duke. On the European Continent title Duke/Grand Duke can be associated with sovereign rule of an independent state, which has never been the case in England. Dukes and Duchesses are addressed as "Your Grace"
MARQUESS/MARCHIONESS = English equivalent of Marquis/Marquise. Very high ranking in the peerage, closely related to Earldom, but more important  since it has it's roots as the title of border (marcher) lords instrumental in a country's defense.  
EARL/COUNTESS = Referred to as a "count" everywhere else. The difference is the heavy germano-scandinavian influence on early medieval England. "Earl" is derived from the Nordic term for what could be considered a chieftan. Earls being only slightly lower in rank than a Marquess could be very rich and very important. The Earldom of Northumberland was one of the richest in 16th century England.
Now at this point we start to get into the lower peerage.
VISCOUNT/VISCOUNTESS = Addressed as "The Right Honourable". Viscountsies in England tend to almost exclusively be secondary titles held by Marequesses and Earls and passed down to their sons. Any son of a Marquess or Earl is a Viscount. The oldest son inherits the title of Earl plus all subsequent lands estates and incomes. The younger sons could also be viscounts wherever there are titles enough.
BARON/BARONESS = lowest rank of the peerage.
BARONET/BARONETESS = The only British title that doesn't land you in the peerage, the rank of baronet is (as I have heard it described) the barnacle on the bottom of the British aristocracy. It's basically a weird limbo between a Lord and a Knight that was invented by King James I in 1611 primarily as a way to jack up taxes so tbh its kind of a joke.
So Daphne's brother Anthony is a Viscount. He inherited this title from his father which likely means that their father was a second son. As you can see from this ranking list I just did, in marrying Simon, Daph married up. Way up. Not unsusual, given that her family has money and is well regarded.
Now clearly Bridgerton works differently than ACTUAL Regency England. Here, APPARENTLY if you just make a good impression on the Queen she takes a VERY PERSONAL interest in your life and she will marry you off to whatever Foreign prince she's related to who happens to be visiting. But here's where it's a bit wooly for me because there are two different contexts for the term "commoner" in England.  I think we all pretty well know how the European Royal marriage market  worked up through the 19th century, since we all like to make fun of them being inbred. Because there's a bit of a hang up not just about "Royal blood" but also Diplomatic marriage.
In the context of people with titles or peerages being nobles/aristocrats and any one without being a commoner then of course, Daphne is a noble. HOWEVER the context in which I used it in my previous post was ROYALS vs NOT ROYALS. It's perfectly acceptable to refer to someone not of Royal Blood as a commoner. In my replies I used Elizabeth Woodville as an example of a commoner. Now she DID marry a royal (Edward IV) and of course this was a few hundred years before Bridgerton would be BUT EVERYONE thought Edward was crazy for marrying her and she was not well liked because she was seen as at worst a gold-digger and at best an upstart. It was not only an uneven match but a purely domestic one which cut of England from potentially politically critical strategic foreign marriages. This is how royalty worked.
Naturally the strategic aspect of marriages was *slightly* diminished in the nineteenth century, but not really and it was still considered extremely important. Usually a young royal looking to get married was doing so at their family's behest and had a pre-determined pool they more or less HAD to choose from. Marriage to commoners of course  DID happen. It was called "Morganatic Marriage". Prince Augustus of Prussia had a morganatic marriage to a Polish aristocrat. One of Charlotte's own sons, Augustus Fredrick, had TWO morganatic marriages which kept him away from court because his wife could not be recognised due to their having married in defiance of the Royal Marriages Act of 1772, which requires all members of the  British Royal family to obtain the monarch's consent before marrying.
So I posed the very realistic question of "how would this choice to marry Daphne affect the Prince?" I don't know how morganatic marriages were looked on based on Prussian law but it seems likely, especially since Prince Friedrich is the direct heir that this marriage would have caused problems and i find it doubtful that Daphne would ever find herself addressed as "Princess".
I know that Bridgerton is fiction and that in being fiction it is pardoned  for not following courses that would be realistic in actual history. But at what point does "it's fiction" become an excuse for sloppy execution of world building?
The show takes the time to explain to the viewer (in one of the precious few moments of actual exposition) why there are black aristocrats [because the king married a black woman and things changed - which JUST IN CASE anyone is wondering, no Charlotte of Mecklenburg-Strelitz was not in any meaningful way "bi-racial" irl, based on the research I've done.] With this kind of deviation from history in a Drama that does, without any official caveats in the marketing, claim to be set in England in 1813, the writers recognised that this needed to be qualified. And in qualifying it, they justify it. They take it beyond fiction into fantasy, but it is justified.
The reason they recognised it had to be justified is because they know that most of the viewers know this is not how it went in history and would hold them to account. So why isn't more care taken to qualify the Liberties taken with the REST of Recency Society?
They talk repeatedly about "Coming Out" into society, particularly regarding Eloise. And Eloise wears her hair down and wears shorter skirts because she's still considered a child because she isn't out. But the IMPORTANT, PRACTICAL parts of not being "Out" are COMPLETELY IGNORED. She and her younger siblings are OUT at SOCIETY EVENTS. CONSTANTLY. Eloise speaks when not spoken to. She speaks DIRECTLY TO THE FOPPING QUEEN (TO WHOM SHE'S NEVER BEEN PRESENTED, BUT I GUESS IF YOU'RE DaPhNe BRiDgErToN's sister you can do whatever you want). There are BABIES at BALLS in this show. For a story that's trying to sell you on the Strrrrrrictures of RRRegency Societeh they're TOTALLY NOT INCLUDING MOST OF THOSE STRICTURES except when the plot demands it.
Why, I ask, is this? Perhaps it is pure ignorance on the writers part. They don't qualify it because they don't know rules like this existed. In which case its just bad, sloppy writing.
They do know about it and ignore it and don't bother to qualify it with a "Oh Daphne a match with Prince Friedrich is so advantageous how marvellous Prussia has recently accepted Morganatic Marriage ahahaha" because they think we a) don't know or b) don't care and ITS STILL SLOPPY WRITING. Which hey, most Bridgerton fans who swallow any swill where hot people catch feelings probably don't care, but that doesn't mean its not careless writing and it doesn't make it NOT condescending. Never write DOWN to your audience.
This show approaches (but by a hair's breadth doesn't reach) REIGN levels of bad in terms of historicity. And the writers of Reign, like the writers of Bridgerton never claimed to be making an authentic representation of history. But perhaps it's because BTon only has 2 actual historical figures (one of whom is SO UNRECOGNIZABLE from her historical counterpart in countenance and personality that they might as well have just made a composite character - "How much can you change a thing before it isn't that thing anymore?") Or perhaps it's the inclusivity shield  but it seems like Bridgerton is getting a lot more leniency than Reign did.
The pass I see given to Bridgerton is "its frothy fun" (and yeah okay these costumes are worlds more realistic to the claimed period than Reign was even with the jacked up, flat bustlines) BUT. SO. WAS. REIGN.
I don't even like Reign but I do think there's a double standard here and I would like to know why.
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somelazyassartist · 3 years
Is there a single leader, multiple, or are decisions made by the people? If the former, how are the leaders chosen? If the latter, how are decisions made?
Okay okay okay look okay this. This is probably the thing I worked on most so far so I'm. VERY excited. But also I wrote half of this when I was like half-asleep and the other half right after I woke up so if it doesn't make any sense, feel free to ask for clarification and I can elaborate. Also I'm gonna name drop like a LOT of characters so if you wanna hear more about any of them feel free to ask. Okay okay okay.
So basically, most Fey follow an Archfey of sorts, but they still have their own civilizations and kingdoms with rulers- they just are always one rank below the Faerie Queens. But yeah yeah yeah, okay there are definitely some places in the Feywild where decisions are made by the people, but we're specifically talking about "The Three Kingdoms" so like. They're kingdoms lmao.
Okay so first of all, you need some backstory,,, The Three Kingdoms used to be one Kingdom, ruled by Zacria Xulaphani. Zacria is a LeShay, a powerful and immortal Elf-Like Fey creature of extraordinary power. Back thousands of years ago, the Forces of Darkness (I haven't come up with a better name for it yet that's just a placeholder, but it's an army of evil Fey, demons, Fomorians, and other such things that were trying to make a second(?) attempt at taking over the Feywild) banded together to try to take down one of the most prominent kingdoms within the Feywild to show their power and to scare other smaller rulers to just give in, because if Zacria's army couldn't stop them then nobody could. Zacria was vastly outnumbered, so she sent recruiters out to the Material Plane to try to see if anyone would volunteer to help with their plight (which is when Evalur and Keanan came to the Feywild, they willingly volunteered when they were only kids not understanding how serious it really was), and split the Kingdom into three separate ones so that she could have ⅔ more time to focus on fighting the war. She took over the section she called Shylha Dorthore, appointed the head of her royal guard, Briarloch Von Birus III, as the King of Arran Thalas, and appointed her royal advisor, Morsandoral Telloxia, as the Ruler of Maethveserine.
Long, long, VERY long story short, Zacria and her armies won and drove back their attackers into the Feydark, but it was a pretty close call, and Zacria didn't get out of the fight unscathed. During a confrontation with one of the more powerful demons they were up against, she was cursed (though she never told the public what exactly the details of said curse were to try to avoid causing a panic). When the war ended she decided to step down from ruling altogether, though the people weren't happy with that for a number of reasons, so she came up with a compromise of sorts. She'd still step down from being Queen, and somebody else would take her place to rule, but she set up a system to make sure there was extra protection put in place to keep the people safe from if there ever was an attack against the kingdom again. She set up a court of mages, twelve extremely powerful individuals with a rank only below that of their ruler themselves, who would each guard one of the twelve factions of Shylha Dorthore. The members have changed many times over the thousands of years it's been since it was established (only Zacria can remember who her original eleven partners were, it's been so long even Evalur can't remember them fully), but it always stays in the same pattern: 3 Bards, 2 Clerics, 1 Druid, 1 Paladin, 3 Sorcerers, and 2 Wizards. Zacria still has some power over one of the factions, as she is one of the three Bards in the court, but she is no longer a Queen and has much less influence than she did during the war.
Okay okay so that's like. The history of how Sylha Dorthore, Arran Thalas, and Maethveserine came to be. I already had a lot of stuff written down in a Google Doc so here's just a copy and paste of how the court of mages functions:
"Shylha Dorthore's court of mages are a group of twelve extremely powerful magic users, always consisting of 3 Bards, 2 Clerics, 1 Druid, 1 Paladin, 3 Sorcerers, and 2 Wizards, regardless of how often the individual members change. They act as advisors to the rulers, and help with any magic-related issues in the Kingdom. Each one lives in and protects one of the twelve factions of Shylha Dorthore, though all answer to the ruler and must be willing to drop everything to go to the castle at a moments notice if the need arises. They answer only to the ruler and each other, and to the common folk they may as well be rulers themselves. While some more corrupt individuals may try to get this title to abuse its power, the other members can step in and stop them if they truly must, and if the people don't like the current mage in charge they're more likely to try to replace them with someone else, so corrupt individuals never seem to stick around for long. The members can all be individually replaced whenever someone proves that they are more powerful than them by beating them in a magic duel; however the new person trying to get the role must be the same class as the current member they are fighting, to keep order. However, trials aren't too common as long as the people like the mage protecting them, and the current twelve members have never lost a fight to anyone outside their own court and may arguably be the most powerful magic users (that are not Archfey) within any of The Three Kingdoms. The current mages that are present today are: Fensira Rosebrush (Bard), Zacria Xulaphani (Bard), Falias Crimsoncrest (Bard), Tavmendi Dawnheart (Cleric), Quicksilver Dazzledance (Cleric), Dos'run Oakenpelt (Druid), Araquiel (Paladin), Stargazer Bluebeauty (Sorcerer), Urirel Starbrook (Sorcerer), Perlamin Wosantavir (Sorcerer), Enrona Eysiith (Wizard), and Xichikh Reetshe (Wizard)"
And here's a copy and paste of how determining new rulers works:
"Arran Thalas, Maethveserine, and Shylha Dorthore all have very different ways of determining new rulers when one is no longer fit. In Arran Thalas, the title is passed down by the current ruler to somebody they see fit, regardless of whether or not they have a familial connection (though it can often be their own family members if that's who they truly see fit to rule), and they start preparing as soon as they are coronated in case anything happens to them, and it's normal for the chosen person to change many times (the one currently listed at the time of the current ruler's death is the one that takes over). Maethveserine has a very similar way of doing things as Arran Thalas, but assassinations are a lot more common so rulers change incredibly frequently, though some do manage to rule for quite a while. In Shylha Dorthore, if a ruler is dying of old age, the title will go to the strongest in their guard so that they can protect their Kingdom if need be- but that is fairly rare; a ruler will be forced to step down on the 100 year anniversary of their coronation and will celebrate with a public viewing of the fight for the new ruler; the court of mages that the ruler has will all battle each other with wondrous feats of magic, and the winner (or possibly only survivor, if the others are so desperate for the throne they resort to murder, though typically the games are treated more like a friendly sparring match. The smaller fights that happen when a new commonfolk tries to overthrow a single member of the order to take their place are far more likely to end in bloodshed) will inherit the throne until it's time for the next ruler to be crowned. Any mages that do not wish to rule/risk their life for the chance may step aside before the games even start and let the others fight for the title, though it is usually very rare for them to do so and more likely that they will be forced to step aside mid-fight if they realize they will lose or if they become too tired/injured to keep fighting. If the other members survive they will be healed, but anyone who dies during these trials will not be resurrected as necromancy is heavily frowned upon within the kingdom due to old superstitions left from the war."
I haven't quite come up with all the details for Maethveserine's current Queen, but the current King of Arran Thalas should be Evalur Braveheart (I'm pretty sure the timeline works out? I have to double check but as far as I can tell he's still ruling after all those thousands of years. Only Zacria knows he's cursed/a Warlock, and she helps him cover it up by having convinced the people that he's descended from LeShay so his long lifespan just comes from that- instead of the truth that he gets it from his Warlock patron). The current ruler of Sylha Dorthore is a very very young Fey Eladrin named Kaivara Ravennight.
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